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Everything posted by Patronus

  1. [size=1][QUOTE=maladjusted][/size][color=darkslateblue][size=1] I have a problem with the 'coolness' of bisexuality.[/size] [size=1] [/size] [size=1]Trust me, I have no problem with homosexuality/bisexuality, and I am a huge supporter for the rights of gay people.[/size] [size=1] [/size] [size=1]What I have a problem with is that all of a sudden, it's 'cool' to be bisxual so all these teens just 'decide' to be bisexual because they think it will make them cool and/or rebellious or whatever. You don't [i]choose[/i] to be gay. This is so dumb.[/size][/color][size=1][/QUOTE][/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1]I agree; bisexuality is becoming a trend and you don't choose to be gay.[/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1]Half of the girls in our school are bisexual. Why? [b]Because it turns the guys on. [/b]That's not saying much for our town, but that doesn't matter, because we have a high pregnancy rate anyways. I only know one lesbian in the school, and everyone else, except myself of course (I'm gay), is bi.[/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1]As for it being unnatural, that's totally and completely coming from a religious persective. Because, if you think more logically and with proof, then it is not unnatural; it's just another thing that's encountered in life. Religion is about faith; no proof is involved.[/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1]That leads to another thing, the gay marriage topic. While I, a gay man, am not fighting eagerly for it, it'd be nice to have. I do think we should have equal rights, seeing as we're humans as well, but you shouldn't [b]have[/b] to get married to prove your love to someone.[/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1]When people connect homosexuality and beastiality, it sickens me. The two are not related, never has been, and never will be.[/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1]Oh, heh, a girl at school asked me how I know I don't like sex with a girl if I have never had sex with one, and I replied: "How do [b]you[/b] know you don't like sex with a girl if you've never had sex with a girl?" heh. Just thought I'd share that.[/size]
  2. [size=1][color=darkred]Whether you celebrate Christmas, Chanukah (think I spelled that right), Quanza, or any other similar holiday, everyone has at least one tradition. What are they?[/color][/size] [size=1][color=darkred][/color][/size] [size=1][color=darkred]Christmas morning, while unwrapping gifts, we usually listen to music. Up until my sister moved out four years ago, she picked what we listen to. Ever since then, it's my duty. *big grin* I think I'm choosing Josh Groban's [b]Closer[/b] this year, since it's calming.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=darkred][/color][/size] [size=1][color=darkred]And on Christmas Eve, we always go out and drive through several different roads of Jackson and look at the Christmas displays. They used to be spectacular when I was a kid! But now, half of the houses aren't decorated, and it really is dishearting.[/color][/size]
  3. Patronus


    [b][size=1][color=purple]-- If you're going to catch a new Pokèmon, you must state so in the post before you actually do.[/color][/size][/b] [b][size=1][color=purple]-- Ash will only be a character mentioned in the first several posts.[/color][/size][/b] [size=1][color=purple]I'm using a different beginning just so it flows well.[/color][/size] [b][size=1][color=purple]---------[/color][/size][/b] [size=1][color=purple]There was a dim light in another room, then a crash, and the sound of glass falling to the floor. Ash Ketchum jumped out of his bed and ran down his stairs.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]A tall, skinny man now, Ash had only just returned four years ago from his Pokèmon adventure. During this adventure, he made many friends, Pokèmon and human alike, and enemies just the same. [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Pokèball in hand, he crept through the living room, careful not to make any noise. Then he saw it: a broken window, shattered glass on the floor, and a black Pokèmon he recognized as Umbreon sitting outside.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?Pikachu!? Ash yelled. A yellow, mouse-like Pokèmon came running down the stairs. On the bottom step, he perked his ears up and looked at Ash, then at the Umbreon.[/color][/size] [i][size=1][color=purple]Have your partner stand down. [/color][/size][/i] [size=1][color=purple]The voice was feminine, telepathic, and was heard by both Ash and Pikachu. It took a moment for them to realize it had come from Umbreon.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?What do you want?? Ash asked.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?Pika!?[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple][i]I?ve all ready got what I want, [/i]she replied. From her side, a black ball surrounded by a golden aura floated in mid-air. It was the Control Ball.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?Pikachu, Thunder Bolt!? Ash yelled. Pikachu charged through the living room, out the window, and landed in front of Umbreon. Before the electric Pokèmon could attack, though, he was lifted into the air by the same aura that was surrounding the Control Ball.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?Pikachu! Pika!?[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Electricity sparked from the red sacks on his cheeks, but could not escape the aura. Suddenly, he was thrown across the yard and into a tree. Umbreon fled, the Control Ball going with her.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Ash just stared at the figure racing away into the night.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?She was working alone. I didn?t see a trainer anywhere.? Ash leaned against a desk in the office of Professor Oak, the leading Pokèmon expert in the world. It had been ten years since he sent Ash off with Pikachu on his adventure. His hair was grayer (if that was possible), and he had more laugh lines around his mouth.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?Be that as it may, Ash, a Pokèmon does not steal something so important on its own. Especially one as intelligent as an Umbreon.? The Professor took a swig of his coffee. Decaf. ?I wish I had seen that Umbreon, I really haven?t got to see one up close yet.?[/color][/size] [i][size=1][color=purple]?Professor.?[/color][/size][/i] [size=1][color=purple]?Sorry, sorry. But yes, this is a dire situation and it will require immediate action. I have already contacted my colleagues from Johto and Hoeen, and they are going to arrive shortly.?[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?I called Lorelei of the Pokèmon League Elite Four last night after I treated Pikachu. Misty, Brock, May, and Max are on their ways as we speak. May and Max are going to be later than the others, of course, because they?re in Johto right now.?[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Professor Oak took another drink of his coffee, and Ash walked the short distance to the window. He sighed heavily, and watched as Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Heracross, and Muk played outside.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?I should?ve stopped her,? he said suddenly. ?I?m a Pokèmon Champion, goddamnit, and I lost something really important to [i]one [/i]Pokèmon! Hell, Professor, do you know how many Pokèmon I had to fight when I defeated Team Rocket once and for all? I [i]failed[/i] this time. I [i]failed.?[/i] [/color][/size][size=1][color=purple]?True, the Control Ball is a very important object indeed. It?s power to control any Pokèmon its laser touches is something that should never have been created. But,? he walked to Ash?s side, ?it has been lost before, and it has been found before. Do not worry, Ash, we will find it.?[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Ash sighed again.[/color][/size] [center][size=1][color=purple]§[/color][/size][/center] [size=1][color=purple]?It?s so cool!?[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?Oh [i]wow! [/i]I want one!?[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?I want to go to the Safari Zone so I can get one!?[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Most of the class surrounded the girl and her Dratini, most of the class being everyone except one girl, Noelle. It wasn?t that she didn?t like Pokèmon, she just wasn?t as interested in them as the others, and she didn?t know why.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]The Dratini belonged to a fellow classmate named Nikki, who just recently returned from a trip to Lavender Town. She had visited the ghost town to see her cousin, and to celebrate her thirteenth birthday. Her cousin had taken her to the Safari Zone in Fuchsia City for her birthday, and that?s where she caught the Dratini. [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?Hey, Noelle, do you want to see my Dratini?? Nikki called over the noise of the classroom with a sweet smile on herself.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?No, that?s okay,? Noelle said politely. She was sure the Dratini was nice, but it just didn?t interest her. She avoided the disappointed look on Nikki?s face as hard as she could.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?Okay, class, time to put the nice Pokèmon away.?[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]As the teacher took her place in the front of the classroom, Noelle tried her best to pay attention, but it just wasn?t happening.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]The sun was shining brightly today, and Noelle couldn?t help but feel something wasn?t right. She apologized as she ran into a muscular, tanned man, and he smiled kindly at her.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple][/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Her house wasn?t far from the school. Her house wasn?t far from anything since she lived in Pallet, as it was a small town; everyone knew everyone, everyone liked everyone. And, Noelle thought, she was the only one who wasn?t extremely interested in Pokèmon.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]But she did have one, whom she loved with all her heart. A male Charmander that her father had rescued from an attack of Fearow and Spearow in a nearby forest. He had a scar over his left eye from the attack.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Without knocking, she entered her house, and instantly was greeted by her mother, Katherine.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?How was your day?? she asked kindly.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?It was good,? Noelle replied, putting her book bag on a rack by the door. ?Nikki Young caught a Dratini in the Safari Zone.?[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?Ah, how nice,? Katherine said, sitting down on the couch. ?So that means she?s going to start her journey here soon??[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?I guess,? Noelle said lazily. She knew what was coming.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?You know, you turned ten a while ago, you should have already left-?[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?Mom, I [i]don?t [/i]want to go.?[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?But your father and I had such a great time on ours, and I?m sure you would.?[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Noelle sighed. She knew she couldn?t win. ?Where?s Charmander? I haven?t seen him all day.?[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?He?s out back with Nidorina.?[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Nidorina was Noelle?s mom?s Pokèmon, and she was very high level. She wasn?t her only one, though, but it was her first Pokèmon, thus her closest.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]The backyard was spacious enough; it often hosted her parents? Pokèmon during the day. Charmander sat on the ground, his flamed tail wagging eagerly. Nidorina was across from him, and they were rolling a ball back and forth.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?Hey Charmander,? Noelle said sweetly. He sprang to his feet and hugged Noelle?s leg sweetly.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?Nido! Nidorina! Rina!?[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Nidorina was obviously trying to get her attention, and when she did, she pointed to the sky. Noelle?s jaw dropped at the sight; hundreds, maybe even thousands of Pokèmon from the forest were flying overhead. There were Butterfree, Beedrill, Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Spearow, Fearow, and many other flying forest dwellers. [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Noelle sprinted through the house, and Charmander followed. When she opened the front door, she was surprised once again. Large amounts of Rattata, Caterpie, and Weedle were scurrying through the streets, vandalizing anything and everything.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?Mom!? Noelle yelled back into the house. ?Mom, come look at this!?[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Katherine was there in almost no time, and her jaw dropped as well.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Then, as they two girls were surveying the incident, several Rattata turned towards them. [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?They?re going to attack!? Noelle shouted.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?Nidorina!? The Pokèmon came running through the house at her trainer?s call. ?Nidorina, use Poison Sting!? [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Nidorina opened her mouth and dozens of glowing needles apprehended the Rattata, forcing them to back off.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?Charmander, use Scratch!? Noelle yelled as several Weedle attacked. Charmander?s tiny paw began to glow, and he swiped at the bug Pokèmon.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?What?s going on?? shouted Katherine over the noise.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]---[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]OCC: Your first posts will deal with the battles/situation against the Pokèmon that have appeared; I will lead us into the beginning of the journey.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Have fun.[/color][/size]
  4. Patronus


    Okay, Quad, you're in; there's one thing, though. In your personality, you said he's watching [b]over[/b] the Control Ball, but he's not, he's searching for it with the others. I'll start the RPG tomorrow, so keep a look out.
  5. [quote name='Sword Breaker']Can't say rape is much of a factor, since they usually kill ya anyhow.[/quote] [size=1][color=purple]No they don't. [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple][/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]I disagree with abortion unless, as stated before, it's a case of rape, incest, or a life threatening case. [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple][/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]It is murder, pure and simple, and the ways they go about killing the children are disgusting. The most disgusting.[/color][/size]
  6. [size=1][color=purple]I hope I did the writing thing correctly. Anyways, I'm going to post some poems/passages of some random things I've written in the past. [b]Constructive [/b]criticism is always accepted.[/color][/size] [b][size=1][color=purple]Cross My Heart[/color][/size][/b] [size=1][color=purple]Cross my heart[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]And hope to die[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]I hope you know[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]I can see through your lie[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Pressuring me[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]To say what I feel[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Only to find out[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]That it was never real[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]A fake smile[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]A brush against my thigh[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Why do you feel[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]You had to lie?[/color][/size] [b][b][size=1][color=purple]Color Me Black[/color][/size][/b] [/b][size=1][color=purple]You color me black[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]As I ponder how I should pay[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]And you color me black[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]When they're the words you don't say[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple](I love you)[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]You color me black[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]As the tears begin to drown me[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]And you color me black[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]It won't be much long until you see[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple](My pain)[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]You color me black[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]I cut the wrists and hold my head[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]And you color me black[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]But now all I see is red[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple](Goodbye)[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple][b]Why (Do I)[/b] (a song)[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Fuck everything you say[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Fuck everything you do[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Why do you put me through[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]This never-ending story[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]This never-ending lie[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Why do I even feel these things inside?[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]I'm betting that you're happy[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]But I don't give a damn[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]No one can break a heart like you can[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Why do I cry when I see you?[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Why do I smile when you speak?[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple](screamed) WHY DON'T YOU HAVE FEELINGS FOR ME?[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Why do I put so much into this and you don't even see it?[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Why do I care so much after what you've put me through?[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]I think I know the answer...[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]I must be in fucking love with you.[/color][/size] [b][size=1][color=purple]Kill Yourself for Me[/color][/size][/b] [size=1][color=purple]Feel my lips cut your skin[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Cut the wrists and watch them bleed[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]This is what you mean to me[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]My hands touch the tender flesh[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Tearing, ripping at your heart[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]I'll give you the world[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]If you give me your life[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Feel the love pour from your veins[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]The following passage is just a random short from an English project.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]He said he knew what I was going through, and he was sorry. But did he? Had he experienced his black hole of a heart, in which anything and everything is caught and then shattered into millions of pieces? Because I had, and so had my heart, which was, indeed, shattered into millions of pieces on the ground between us. And as for him being sorry... I'm sure he is, because it was indeed treacherous for him to endure the pain of consuming my heart.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple][/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]The stinging blade of those four words he muttered ever so quietly went through my chest, my ribs, and into my heart where it proceeded to tear my world apart. I felt the surroundings tear away from reality and then it was just me and him, though I wasn't sure exactly of what he was saying.[/color][/size] [i][size=1][color=purple]I don't love you...[/color][/size][/i][size=1][color=purple] I think he was still speaking, but after he said those four words as quietly as he did, my world was gone. He was probably making excuses, yet there were none. I knew I was lost and would always be after that point. All because of those four words.[/color][/size]
  7. Patronus


    [size=1][color=purple]Kitty and Vicky are accepted; we just need Lorelei's son/daughter and we'll start.[/color][/size]
  8. Patronus


    I don't know if I'm interested in this one or not. I hope that there's more room to roam in this one; it seems that in every new game that at least one part of the world is cut off. I want to visit all three (there are three, right?) parts. I'd also like to see the storyline changed, or maybe even a job you can have after you beat the Elite Four (i.e. Elite Four member --- you get to fight other trainers who've made it, Gym Leader, etc.). But I do hope that this is one of the last games; Pokèmon is sort of getting redundant.
  9. Patronus


    [size=1][color=purple]Trouble never reached Pallet Town, and the residents were very thankful for that. They took pride in their own hero, Ash Ketchum, who had finished his Pokèmon journey only four years ago and had since settled down in his own home on the edge of town. But to stop the beginning of a war, Ash wasn?t capable, for he knew nothing of the events taking place.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple] [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Eight luminescent markings shined in the dark. Four of them were closer to the ground than the others, one was perched in the air, and three were above all the rest. If anyone had been around, they wouldn?t of known an Umbreon was in their midst. Only when she opened her red eyes was her form present, and she began to move.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple] [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]She moved swiftly as if she knew exactly where she was headed. Maybe she did. It was unknown, for people could hardly read what Pokèmon were up to [i]all[/i] the time.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple] [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]She stopped in front of a house, and sat facing the large window looking into the living room. Ash?s house was a large two story, which was only inhabited by him and his Pokèmon, but might accommodate a family sometime in the future. [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple] [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]She inhaled deeply, and the marking on her forehead began to shine brighter than the rest on her body. Suddenly, there was a loud crashing sound, and a black Pokèball-like object was summoned through the window, a golden aura guiding it. Umbreon fled, and the ball followed.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple] [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]?Pikachu??[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple] [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]The voice pierced the silence of the night, and Ash opened his front door to find only the darkness. Suddenly he knew what had happened: the Control Ball had been stolen.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple] [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]---[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple] [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]The [b]Control Ball [/b]is a black type of Pokèball who's purple laser can control any Pokèmon it touches.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple] [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]This RPG will deal with the war over the Capture Ball, and the four trainers trying to retrieve it.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple] [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]It will be mature, and very much unlike the television show.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple] [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]---[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple] [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]There will be only one preconceive character, and that is the one who is Lorelei's son/daughter who was sent to Pallet to watch over whoever goes after the Ball. [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple] [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Sign ups:[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple] [/color][/size] [b][size=1][color=purple]Name: [/color][/size][/b] [size=1][color=purple][b]Age: [/b](10-13)[/color][/size] [b][size=1][color=purple]Gender:[/color][/size][/b] [size=1][color=purple][b]Hometown: [/b](everyone is from Pallet, except Lorelei's child, who is from Saffron)[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple][b]Appearance: [/b](provide a picture or a very good description)[/color][/size] [b][size=1][color=purple]Personality: [/color][/size][/b] [size=1][color=purple][b]Background: [/b](it will be short since they are young)[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple][b]Pokèmon: [/b](maximum is three at this point; list gender; provide picture)[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple] [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]My sign up:[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple] [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple][b]Name: [/b]Noelle South[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple][b]Age: [/b]12[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple][b]Gender: [/b]Female[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple][b]Hometown: [/b]Pallet[/color][/size] [b][size=1][color=purple]Appearance: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21860&stc=1[/img][/color][/size][/b] [size=1][color=purple][b]Personality: [/b]Kind, intelligent, and quiet; sticks up for what she sees is right.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple][b]Background: [/b]For as long as she could remember, she wasn't very interested in Pokèmon. She thought they were nice, of course, but she couldn't see herself going on a journey. That's why she didn't leave two years ago like she should have.[/color][/size] [b][size=1][color=purple]Pokèmon: [/color][/size][/b][url="http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21859&stc=1"][size=1][color=purple]Charmander[/color][/size][/url][size=1][color=purple] (male; has a scar over left eye where it was attacked before Noelle found him)[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple] [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]---[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple] [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Use proper grammar, do not bunch up your paragraphs, and be descriptive. [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple] [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Gyms will not play a big part in this RPG.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple] [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]Do not have "God" Pokèmon. Meaning, do not have an all powerful Pokèmon and be reasonable when catching them.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple] [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]-Leh.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple] [/color][/size] [size=1][color=purple]P.S. Three others will sign up; if I don't feel like you can perform in this RPG, I will reject you.[/color][/size]
  10. [b]Name: [/b]Everett (last name unknown) [b]Age: [/b]10 [b]Gender: [/b]Male [b]Shadow: [/b]Blaze [b]Appearance: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21825[/img][/b] [b]Personality: [/b]Quiet, very quiet. Everett's childhood -- and his recent past -- have caused him to become such. He does talk, ocassionally, and when he does, it's usually snide or sarcastic. [b]Weapon[/b]: A steel staff. [b]Biography: [/b]Born to a couple who wanted a child like they wanted a terminal disease, Everett's life was tainted from the start. His father, who wasn't a stereotypical drunkard or wife-beater, was actually a college professor. But when he'd come home, he'd treat Everett like trash, ruthlessly beating him and torturing his emotions. And then his father began sexually abusing him when he was six. His mother wasn't much better. She'd lie in bed, call for Everett from his room, and then insult him when he would arrive. "Do you know how much I've had to go through to keep your scrawny *** alive?" she'd yell. "You're a good-for-nothing baby, and I wish you'd never been born!" Everett kept taking the abuse, both sexual and emotional, from his parents until he was nine years old. His parents had been fueling his rage like gas fueled fire. And then came their death. His parents died in a massive fire that destroyed two homes nearby as well, but killed no one else. Everett watched the back yard, with no remourse, no regret. No feelings at all. He knew from that point on that he was a firestarter, but he did not know it was the Blaze Shadow. For the next year, Everett traveled around London, jumping from relative to relative.
  11. [color=black]I have just viewed your newly-closed topic about astral projection, and while that makes me doubt your true being as a Wiccan, you may think as you will.[/color] [color=black][/color] [color=black]I'm undenominational, meaning I don't take to one religion such as Christianity, Catholicism, etc.[/color] Organized religion isn't something I'd be able to handle, because I'm what they call a left brain thinker, meaning I'm more logical than faithful. EDIT: I'm not going to make a new post just to reply to you. Saying you're not a true Wiccan, and just a new one is basically calling yourself a fraud in my eyes. *shrug* I saw something and commented on it.
  12. [quote name='"takun ' [FLCL]"']ahh ok well i have this horrible problem of approaching a girl and im really bad at it and its a girl i really like and cuz all the girls i went out with they asked me..[/quote]One suggestion: learn English grammar and learn it [b]well[/b]. And another, I don't really find it a problem that you can't approach girls. I mean, if they approach you first, what's the harm in that? Edit: Thanks for the heads up Semjaza. ;)
  13. I wouldn't be a stalker, I'm too cool for that. I'd probably be stalked by Seann William Scott or someone like that.
  14. [QUOTE=DerelictDestiny] However, for those who do wouldn't that affect it's gender traits?? I've given this about 10 seconds worth of thought and I wonder if the baby was originally, genetically a male but you change it to be a female or vice versa wouldn't that affect it's general personality? Would you end up having a slightly unusually feminine boy? Or perhaps a butch girl?[/QUOTE] Not possible. They mess with the gender genes before the gender of the baby is confirmed, which isn't as soon as conception.
  15. [QUOTE=Transtic Nerve]no one knows anything about being gay/bi unless they are. It's not about sex, only an ignorant person would think sexual orientation is about sex... its about love. Everyone experiments... probably 50% of the boys here probably experimented...[/QUOTE] I agree whole-heartedly. I find it amusing heterosexuals trying to come from a homosexual point of view. Most of the time I want to stuff a sock in their mouths.
  16. You mean cologne [b]scents[/b]? (-_-) I'm gay so I'm allowed to answer this question. I have a thing for Cool Water, which I wear. Axe is definitely good, and so is Old Spice.
  17. [size=2]Just some random poems I've written. Feedback is welcome. (Don't mind the punctuation on some of them, it's how I write sometimes.)[/size] [size=2] [/size] [size=2]A sky painted with gray[/size] [size=2]Shows no mercy for the coming day[/size] [size=2]And as the clouds roll in[/size] [size=2]I think of what we might've been[/size] [size=2] [/size] [size=2]---[/size] [size=2] [/size] [size=2]"Fading"[/size] [size=2]I am fading[/size] [size=2]Into the background, into the scene[/size] [size=2]Watching as the world passes me by[/size] [size=2]I can't move, I don't want to[/size] [size=2]Do you see me?[/size] [size=2]Can you feel my emotions?[/size] [size=2]If you can[/size] [size=2]You must be fading[/size] [size=2] [/size] [size=2]---[/size] [size=2] [/size] [size=2]Once I held my hand out for you[/size] [size=2]It was an open game[/size] [size=2]I gave you everything[/size] [size=2]And you gave me nothing[/size] [size=2]I promised you[/size] [size=2]To love, honor, and cherish[/size] [size=2]It was a mistake[/size] [size=2] [/size] [size=2]---[/size] [size=2] [/size] [size=2]a cigarette burning[/size] [size=2]next to an empty beer can[/size] [size=2]a girl in the corner[/size] [size=2]with tears of fire[/size] [size=2]running down her cheeks[/size] [size=2]bruised skin and a broken wrist[/size] [size=2]tangled hair and a pierced heart[/size] [size=2]she tried to figure out[/size] [size=2]why things had to be this way[/size] [size=2]an abusive father[/size] [size=2]a no good mother[/size] [size=2]was it a consequence?[/size] [size=2]for being a bad girl[/size] [size=2]or for sinning too much[/size] [size=2]she prayed to the Lord Almighty[/size] [size=2]to forgive her for her wrongdoings[/size] [size=2]and closed her eyes[/size] [size=2]wishing everything would go away[/size] [size=2]and when she opened them[/size] [size=2]it was all still there[/size] [size=2]and she had to face reality[/size] [size=2] [/size] [size=2]---[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]it's time to go[/size] [size=2]don't need you[/size] [size=2]don't need anyone[/size] [size=2]leave me alone[/size] [size=2]i'm sorry[/size] [size=2]it had to be this way[/size] [size=2]it was you[/size] [size=2]not me[/size] [size=2]i'm not even going to pretend[/size] [size=2]you said this[/size] [size=2]i said that[/size] [size=2]you promised that[/size] [size=2]and you broke this[/size] [size=2]now i'm pissed[/size] [size=2]you're crying[/size] [size=2]i could care less[/size] [size=2]you think i'm cold[/size] [size=2]i think i'm right[/size] [size=2]you might care for me[/size] [size=2]maybe even love me[/size] [size=2]but you don't show it[/size] [size=2]don't even try[/size] [size=2]goodbye[/size] [size=2] [/size] [size=2]---[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]i love you[/size] [size=2]the words roll right off my tongue[/size] [size=2]with no effort, with no regret[/size] [size=2]i've never experienced this before[/size] [size=2]you're my soulmate, and i am yours[/size] [size=2]the angels in heaven smile when we kiss[/size] [size=2]and the stars shine down on us[/size] [size=2]i think you're perfect[/size] [size=2]and you are[/size] [size=2] [/size] [size=2]--- [/size] [size=2]happiness is a state of mind[/size] [size=2]love is what makes you blind[/size] [size=2]all these feelings I've had[/size] [size=2]and now I made you feel bad[/size] [size=2]sorry for the mistake, I won't make it again[/size] [size=2]now I ask you to take my hand[/size] [size=2]I'll lead you into a place you've never been[/size] [size=2]you'll think it is the greatest sin[/size] [size=2]but everything you will see will be true[/size] [size=2]including when I say I love you[/size] [size=2] [/size] [size=2]---[/size] [size=2] [/size] [size=2]He often thought of it; always sad[/size] [size=2]He wanted to be different; it made him mad[/size] [size=2]Slightly imperfect; in constant sorrow[/size] [size=2]After tonight, there's no tomorrow[/size] [size=2]Sitting at his desk, writting the letter[/size] [size=2]Explaining to his parents how it will be better[/size] [size=2]'My dad, my mom, [/size] [size=2]When you read this, I will be gone[/size] [size=2]But don't you cry, no, please[/size] [size=2]It will be better if I leave[/size] [size=2]I was a burden; hard to be around[/size] [size=2]Now at twelve; the clock sounds[/size] [size=2]And I will go on to a better place[/size] [size=2]Never again wasting your space[/size] [size=2]With Love, Matt' he signed[/size] [size=2]Folding it up; clearing his mind[/size] [size=2]And he stood up; looked around once more[/size] [size=2]Taking a deep breath; heading towards the door[/size] [size=2]Out in the hallway; it was like death row[/size] [size=2]But with no guards; he's his only foe[/size] [size=2]Into his parents' room; where he used to have fun[/size] [size=2]With girls from the street; now he reached for the gun[/size] [size=2]One more glance; one more sigh[/size] [size=2]One shot to the head and his soul did fly[/size] [size=2]Two hours later; his parents arrived[/size] [size=2]To find their eldest son had apparently died[/size] [size=2]The police asked them question after question[/size] [size=2]About their son whose life had to end[/size] [size=2]Was he bad? Or did he do drugs?[/size] [size=2]No, they answered, not that they knew of[/size] [size=2]And then they found the letter; the last written words of his life[/size] [size=2]But a burden wasn't lifted; all he caused was strife.[/size] [size=2][/size]
  18. I'm not all that into stand up comedy, mainly because I find half of what the people say stupid. [b]Margaret Cho [/b]is a good one though.
  19. The world will end with a big boom. The end.
  20. This is a [b]Charmed[/b] fanfiction; set about twenty years in the future. There's no Chris or Wyatt -- please respond. [u][size=2][b]Chapter One[/b] [/u]The cursor haunted him from the screen, egging him on, picking his brain. He stared at it for a moment. Drawing his hand to the keyboard and in one swift movement, he typed ?A Story of a Kiss by Everett Dean?. He hit the ?enter? button and the cursor responded, allowing him to start his article. His first paragraph began, ?Over the past two weeks, four bodies of young women were found, dead. ? ?No violence found.? ?The victims were not raped.? ?All the women had been reported as being seen with a handsome young man, mid twenties. Now the police are asking, when does a sensual relationship go too far?? This article was easy enough, he thought. Within an hour he?d be out of the office and into the confinements of his apartment. If the past week had been normal, he might?ve gone out partying, but it hadn?t and it left him exhausted. Everett had recently been exercising his new found gift, or power if you will, of telepathy. And with each exercise came consequences, usually consisting of headaches and enragement. Whenever he opened his mind, he?d walk into any and everybody?s mind who was near him. Thus, he kept his mind closed for most of the time. He didn?t know where he had received his power from, or why. He didn?t even believe in ?powers? before a week ago. It?d take some time to get used to it, walking into others? minds wasn?t something he did everyday. He typed the last paragraph of the article almost thirty minutes later and sighed. He?d print it out and give it to his editor, then head out of the office. *** *** *** When Everett arrived at his San Francisco apartment, he saw his older sister?s car parked in front. Lydia Dean was a spitting image of her mother, Phoebe. She had light curly hair and a beautiful smile with an intellect to go along with it. Everett took his looks from his father, Jason. He was tall, dark, and handsome, with semi-long curly hair. What Everett didn?t take from his mother in looks, he took in talent. Phoebe Halliwell had once worked for the Bay Mirror, as an advice columnist, and now Everett had taken a similar job. Instead of advice, he gave his opinions. Everett hadn?t wanted her company tonight. He wanted to go in and relax, not having to worry about prying into someone?s mind. Especially his sister?s. His door was unlocked, which wasn?t a surprise as he had given her a spare key when he first moved in. ?Make yourself at home,? Everett said to his sister as he walked in and saw her on the couch. He didn?t wait for her to respond when he moved into the kitchen. ?Mom called today,? she said, following him. ?She wants us to meet her at the Manor tomorrow for a get together.? ?Alright.? He reached in the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of tea. ?Alright? Is that all you have to say?? She put one hand on the counter and another on her hip. ?What else am I supposed to say, Lydia? I said alright, which means I?m coming.? He sighed and took a sip of his tea. He wasn?t in the mood to argue or have some deep conversation. He wanted to sleep. ?What is your problem?? ?I don?t have a problem.? He left the kitchen and sat down on the couch. As before, she followed. ?You?re acting differently lately. Something?s up.? She sat down in a chair across the room. He didn?t say anything. She sighed like she had been arguing with herself and surrendered. ?I know something?s different, Everett. I feel something building inside of me, growing, wanting to escape.? Everett?s eyes were suddenly glued to his sister. Was she saying she had received something similar to his telepathy? Had she been hiding it longer than he had? Whatever the case, he wasn?t going to tell her about it. He had to sort it out for himself first. ?Well, then, I?ll see you tomorrow.? Lydia had been turned off by her brother?s silence, so she stood up and headed for the door. She turned as she opened it and said, ?Everett, I love you. Whatever you?re going through, I?ll be here every step of the way.? Although he didn?t want to, Everett wanted to know if his sister had received a power or if she was talking about an instinct that a lot of people had. He sat up, closed his eyes, and opened his mind. Suddenly, in his mind?s eyes, he was in a field of flowers. He looked around. There were many different species of flowers and they were as far as the eye could see. He looked down to see a dirt road, and followed it with his eyes. It opened up into a small circular space, and there was a figure sitting in the center. It was his sister. When she was five. He made his way to her, and quickly saw that she was crying, holding her head. Electricity was sparking from her hands. ?What?s wrong?? he asked, his voice echoing through the imagery of Lydia?s mind. ?I.. Don?t get near? I?m going to hurt somebody!? she shouted. Everett wanted to hold his young sister, but didn?t want to tamper with her mental being. ?Get away from me!? she yelled. This time, Everett was pushed out of her mind. That hadn?t happened before. And he hoped it wouldn?t happen again because he was left with a bad migraine. He laid back down and went to sleep. *** *** *** ?I don?t know what?s wrong with him,? Lydia told her mother. ?Or me. I can feel things I shouldn?t be feeling. I felt him inside me after I left - inside my mind.? Phoebe Halliwell walked through the Manor as she had done many times before when her daughter was worried about something. She?d dust here, fix a picture that was crooked. Anything to keep her daughter?s worries from getting to her. Although she knew what was going on, Phoebe wouldn?t tell. ?I?m sure you?re just imagining this,? she lied. ?How could your brother be inside your mind? And those feelings? You?re just becoming a woman.? ?Mom, I?ve done gone through puberty. I know what I?m feeling and I know what I felt.? Lydia knew what her mother was doing. She was hiding something from her. She?d done it multiple times before, but this time, she wasn?t going to let it go over. She quickly stepped in front of her mother before she could leave to another room. ?Lydia-? ?You?ve always told me everything happens for a reason. Well, help me find this reason.? Her mother simply nodded. ?You?ll know tomorrow.? Phoebe sidestepped her daughter and continued her cleaning. Lydia didn?t think her mother was lying, but she didn?t want to wait another day to find out what was wrong with her and her brother. She sighed and left the Manor. *** *** *** Phoebe Halliwell had aged gracefully. She still looked young and had the spunk that she always did have. Even after having two kids, she was able to live her life to the fullest. She had married when she was still a full-time Charmed One, to her boyfriend Jason Dean. The two had a romantic awakening after their relationship break. And then Lydia Kylie Halliwell was born. The couple soon left the Halliwell Manor, but didn?t travel far. A year after they left, Phoebe gave birth to Everett James Halliwell-Dean. Piper, on the other hand, never left the manor. She had one child, Prudence Melinda Halliwell-Wyatt, with Leo. Prudence - or better known as Prue - was just a few months older than Lydia. When Prue was five, Leo became an Elder after a savage attack that killed most of the Elders. Becoming an Elder meant he had to stay in the Heavens, not with his family. At first, he had put a spell on Piper to heal her pain, but soon her sisters broke it because of her odd behavior. The couple never reconciled and Leo never visited, partially because he didn?t age, and Piper wanted no suspicions raised. Paige and Richard broke up before they were married. For four months, Richard began to revert to his old, power-hungry self. The Charmed Ones eventually had to bind his powers for good, which slowly made him into his calmer self. The two finally got back together, and shortly gave birth to Alexander Damon Halliwell-Montana. They now reside in Richard?s inherited mansion. *** *** *** Everett woke up in the early hours of the next day. He walked into his room and changed into pajama pants, leaving his upper body naked. For someone who never worked out, he had a nice body. He crawled into bed and fell asleep. [center] [/center] When he woke up in the morning, he wasn?t as drowsy as he usually was. Possibly because he didn?t feel alone with his new discovery. He knew his sister was going through something similar to him, maybe something worse, but nonetheless, he wasn?t alone. He showed and dressed and headed for the Halliwell Manor. When he arrived, there were several cars outside, which meant the whole family had arrived. He seemed to always be the last one to arrive when the family got together, which made him think he was destined to be bickered at by his cousins. When he opened the large wooden doors, he heard laughter coming from the living room. When he rounded the corner, he saw his Aunt Piper with his cousin Prue, his mother, father and his sister, and his Aunt Paige and Uncle Richard with his cousin Alex. They all greeted him and invited him to join them. He sat back in the couch. He was struggling to keep his mind closed. He wanted to go deeper into Lydia?s mind, but if he even opened his mind a little, he?d be getting into his family members? minds, which was what he wanted to avoid. He had to talk to someone. Even if they didn?t believe him, it?d be nice to have someone else know about his oddity. ?Mom-? ?Listen, children, we need to tell you something important,? Piper said, standing up. Although she was in her early fifties, she was still beautiful. His mother, along with Paige, stood up. Jason and Richard stayed seated, but acted as if they were about to tell something important. Everett sighed. Something was coming, he knew it. Even without using his telepathy. Suddenly, an annoying ringing filled the room, and Alex took out his cell phone. ?One minute,? he said and he left the room. The three sisters looked at each other and sighed. Seeing their annoyance, Lydia and Prue followed. ?What are you doing?? Prue asked, ignoring the fact her cousin was on the phone. ?I said one minute,? Alex said, staring Prue in the eyes. The two had always been rivals, though they were a year apart. Prue grabbed the flip phone and closed it, hanging up on whoever was on the other end. ?Our mothers were trying to talk to us, and you knew it was important. They?ve done enough for our ***** to get at least a little respect. Is that too much to ask?? Alex sighed and took his cell phone back, then walked back into the living room. Lydia smiled at Prue, who now had a mischievous look on her face. When the cousins returned to the living room, the sisters had sat back down, and acted like nothing had happened. Everett was in his own world, trying to keep from opening his mind, and Lydia was trying to understand her mother and aunts. Alex was pouting; Prue was bathing in her accomplishment. As the day went on, Everett began to explore the house. He had never lived in it, but spent a lot of time in it when he was a kid. He had never been able to explore the whole house, partially because he was too small and the house had been too big, and partially because his mother and aunts wouldn?t allow the kids in the attic. Now he was twenty and the house wasn?t too big. Now he was allowed to go to the attic. *** *** *** Phoebe and Lydia sat across each other in the living room. They had been chatting about random things, but Lydia wanted to know what was happening. Piper, Phoebe, and Paige had been acting weird earlier, and made the cousins even more curious to what they didn?t tell them. ?Mom,? Lydia said, interrupting. ?Why are you afraid?? Phoebe paused and stared at her daughter. ?Lydia. I?ve been hiding this for some time. You and your cousins? are witches.? *** *** *** As Everett approached the attic door, he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around, but didn?t see anyone. He shrugged it off and put his hands on the doorknob and turned. It was locked. ?Damn,? he muttered. He backed up from the door and kicked it, but it didn?t budge. ?Goddamn door.? ?You know, that door is protected by magic.? Everett turned around and saw his Aunt Paige walking towards him. ?Oh come on, Auntie Paige,? he chuckled, although the idea wasn?t beyond his belief. ?I don?t fall for those things anymore.? Paige came to stand in front of her nephew. ?Oh, you don?t believe me? Fine then. Door in front of us that keeps us out, show us what you are hiding. We want behind you without a doubt, open without us fighting.? The door creaked open. *** *** *** Lydia stared at her mother. Witches? Yeah, right. ?Lydia, are you alright?? Phoebe asked, putting a hand on her daughter?s knee. Suddenly, Prue and Alex came hurrying into the living room, with Piper not far behind. They stopped when they were on the other end of the room and Piper was beside Phoebe. ?What the hell are you?? yelled Alex. ?What?s going on?? Phoebe asked her sister. ?I was washing dishes and one fell. They saw me freeze.? ?Oh.? Phoebe said, turning to her nephew and niece. ?Well, um, surprise?? *** *** *** Everett, Lydia, Alex, and Prue sat across from Piper, Phoebe, and Paige. Jason and Richard had gone out by a request from their wives. Prue was sitting with her face in her hands, Alex was staring at the ceiling, Lydia was tapping her finger on the arm rest, and Everett was staring at the girls. ?We?re sorry we couldn?t tell you before,? Phoebe said, ?but it was for your own protection.? ?We didn?t find out until we were in our mid twenties,? added Piper. ?And I didn?t find out until years after that,? Paige said. ?So let me get this straight,? Lydia said, leaning forward. ?Mom, Aunt Piper, and our dead Aunt Prue were the Charmed Ones? And then Prue died, and Paige came into the picture? And you all have powers?? Piper used her foot to knock off a vase that was sitting on the coffee table. Before it hit the ground, she threw up her hands, and the vase froze in mid-air. Then she threw up her hands again, and it blew up. She threw her hands up for a third and final time, and the vase reconstituted itself on the ground. The four cousins were speechless. Phoebe leaned forward and looked at the cousins individually. ?Lydia, you?re skeptical. Everett, you?re content and somewhat relieved. Alex, you?re somewhat angry. And Prue, you?re confused.? Then she stood up and lifted into the air and sat herself down. Then she rose her hands and electricity generated from her fingertips. ?I?m also clairvoyant and can call upon premonitions when I need to.? Paige suddenly disappeared in a mass of blue orbs and appeared behind the cousins, scaring them when she said ?Hello.? She orbed back to her seat, lifted her hand, and called, ?Cell phone.? Alex?s cell phone appeared in her hands in the same blue orbs. She set it down, and when she was sitting back in her seat, her appearance changed to her younger self. ?I?m part Whitelighter,? she said. ?So I can glamour and heal, as well as orb. Because the third Charmed sister has telekinesis, I do too, but a different type.? The sisters looked at each other and at the cousins. No one was saying anything. Lydia stood up and walked into the kitchen, while Prue ran upstairs to her old room. [i]?That was too much for them,? [/i]Everett said telepathically to his mother. [i]?You shouldn?t of showed us your powers until the fact that we were witches settled in.? [/i]Everett?s eyes met Phoebe?s, and she looked down in grief. ?Well, alright, so what?s my power?? asked Alex. Everyone in the room looked at him as if to say, ?shut up.? [u][b]Chapter Two[/b] [/u]Prue laid on her old bed, her eyes closed. This was too much - too bizarre for her. Her own mother and her aunts were witches. She was supposedly a witch herself, and so were her cousins. But she didn?t have a power, or at least she didn?t think she did. Her cell phone rang and she struggled to get it out of her tight pants in time to answer. She finally did and answered it in time. ?Prue Wyatt speaking.? ?Prue, babe, how ya doin?? a masculine voice came through. She sat up and smiled. It was her boyfriend, John. ?I?m alright. How you doing?? ?I?m good, on my way to your apartment as we speak.? ?Um, no good honey. I?m at my mother?s.? ?So tonight is off?? She heard disappointment in his voice. ?No, no, hon. We?re just having a get together. Meet you at P3 around 9?? Prue had taken the club from her mother, and had been running it - it?d become the most popular club in San Francisco. ?Yeah, sure. See ya tonight, love.? ?Yeah.? She hung up and sighed. She wasn?t in the mood to go on a date but she couldn?t blow him off. He was the perfect guy - handsome, smart, and a damn good kisser. *** *** *** ?I don?t know what your power is, Alexander,? said Paige, scorning her son for his immaturity. Everett stood up and walked to a window at the front of the house. Everything he had once known, everything he thought was normal -- wasn?t. But a week ago, he knew something was wrong with him. Something was different. He was a witch. ?We?re not done talking,? Paige said. ?There?s more you need to know. The Book of Shadows, demons, warlocks, Elders-? Phoebe put a hand on her sister?s thigh. ?No, no, let them get used to it.? ?They?ll never get used to it.? Everett turned to the sisters. ?I got this power - my power - a week ago. It took me a day or two to be able to block the voices from my head, to stop walking and prying in people?s minds. It still takes all my energy to keep my mind closed.? He paused. ?I?m twenty years old. I know myself by now, and I know that no matter how long I have this gift, I?ll never get used to it. Yes, I may be able to control it or learn how to use it, but I will never get used to it.? Everett turned away from the window and sat in a chair diagonal from the sisters. Alex had been quiet since he had spoken. ?You?ve got a damn fine boy there, Pheebs,? whispered Paige. *** *** *** Lydia returned from the kitchen, obviously not in a good mood, and with a cup of coffee. She sat down beside Alex and crossed her legs, not even glancing at the sisters. ?Alexander, go get Prue for me,? Piper said. ?The rest of you, follow us to the attic.? Piper, Phoebe, and Paige got up and led Everett and Lydia up the stairs and to the attic, and were soon joined by a less-than-happy Prue and a silent Alex. The sisters stood before a bookstand which held a large, leather bound book with loads of old pages. On the cover was a symbol with three ?slices? together within a circle. Piper put her hand on the symbol and said, ?This is the Book of Shadows. Our ancestor, Melinda Warren, was the first witch in our line. She held the powers of telekinesis, temporal stasis, and premonitions. She prophesized that each witch in the Warren line would grow stronger as the generations grew, eventually producing three sisters who would be the most powerful witches ever.? ?One would hold the power of telekinesis,? said Paige. ?One would have premonitions,? said Phoebe. ?And one would freeze time,? said Piper. ?When Prue died, we thought the Charmed Ones were no more,? said Phoebe. ?Then Leo told us that our mother, Patty, had an affair with her Whitelighter and had a child - Paige.? ?Wait, hold on a minute,? said Prue. ?Leo? [i]My[/i] father? What the hell is a Whitelighter?? ?A Whitelighter is a witch?s guardian angel,? Paige said. ?I?m half Whitelighter because my father was one. Prue, you are half Whitelighter also. Alexander, you are one-third Whitelighter. Although you are, you will not have all the powers I posses or your father possesses.? ?You talk like my father?s alive,? said Prue. ?Prue,? Piper said. ?He is.? *** *** *** ?Prudence Melinda Halliwell-Wyatt, you stop right now!? yelled Piper as her daughter stormed down to the first level of the Manor. Prue turned around in a rage. ?Why don?t you just freeze me? That [i]is[/i] your power, right?? ?I can?t use my power on family.? ?Well, then you?re not an all powerful witch, are you?? ?Prue! Don?t talk to your mother like that!? yelled Phoebe, coming down the stairs, followed by Paige and the cousins. ?Then I?ll do you a favor and leave,? Prue said, walking out of the Manor. ?Want me to get her?? asked Paige. Piper shook her head and walked out of the room, while Alex and Everett helped Lydia into another room. *** *** *** Prue walked into P3 in her cutest black dress. She had calmed down after the scene with her mother and was now ready for a night with John. If she was a witch, she?d deal with it later. Tonight was hers. Nothing could stop it. She looked around the crowded club for him, and it didn?t take long to find him standing by the bar. He was tall with short brown hair and green eyes. He was her dream man. When she reached him, he placed a kiss on her cheek and she smiled. ?Hey, babes, I was wondering if you wanted to go back to my place for some? quiet time.? He smiled, showing his teeth. It drove her crazy. In her sexiest voice, she said, ?Sure, sounds like a good time.? He led her out of the club by her hand, fighting his way through the crowd. She felt something was off, but thought it was just her anger at her mother from before. How could she tell her that her father was dead when he was alive? She put it in the back of her mind as they raced out of the club. *** *** *** On the damp, dark streets, the two walked hand in hand. She felt safe enough with him, but if he wasn?t there with here, she might?ve thought twice about walking the streets. This man would protect her from everything, she thought. Even her own life. Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in. He looked into her eyes. ?Well, are you going to kiss me?? she asked. ?If you?re ready to die, then yes, my dear.? His eyes began to glow a dark red and Prue realized she wasn?t in good company. She began to try to get out of his grip, but he was strong. She then brought her knee up and hit him in the gut, letting her get loose and run. She ran into a dark alley, though she had thought it a stupid move when she ducked behind a dumpster. She buried her face in her hands and felt a strange feeling inside her. Suddenly, she was in front of her mother in the Manor. Her mother, who had been as surprised at the sudden arrival of her daughter as Prue was herself, jumped in her seat. ?Astral projection,? said Paige, who had seen her niece appear as she walked out of the kitchen. ?What the hell?? Prue yelled. ?No time to explain,? said Piper. ?Where are you?? Before Prue could answer, she disappeared and returned to her body. Everett, Lydia, Alex, and Phoebe were now standing around the living room, hearing the commotion. ?Can you sense her?? Piper asked Paige. ?Yes, but we have to hurry, she?s in trouble.? Paige began to be covered in blue orbs, and she disappeared, along with her sisters. Then the cousins felt lightheaded and saw themselves turn into the same blue orbs and whisked away. *** *** *** When the cousins felt themselves on solid ground, they felt more lightheaded than before. They were now in a dark alley -- their mothers and aunt were tending to a crouched Prue. ?What the hell is this?? yelled a masculine voice. The trio turned around to see Prue?s boyfriend, John, walking towards them. Piper cut through the cousins and stood in front of them. ?I don?t know what the hell you are,? she said, referring to his red eyes. ?But leave my daughter alone!? She threw up her hands and an explosion knocked the man backwards. ?He?s an upper level demon,? said Phoebe. ?Paige, go back to the Manor and check the Book of Shadows. Come back with a spell.? Paige disappeared in blue orbs again while Piper kept trying to blow the demon up. Phoebe lifted her hand and a bolt of electricity erupted from her palm and hit the demon in the chest, knocking him into a wall. Lydia tended to Prue while Everett and Alex stood behind Phoebe and Piper. ?I thought the Charmed Ones were too old to fight demons anymore,? the demon said. Phoebe responded with another electricity bolt. The demon stood up and gathered an energy ball in his hand and threw it at the group. Suddenly, Alex stretched his arm out and a thin blue bubble surrounded him, his cousins, and aunts, blocking the energy ball from hitting anyone. ?What the hell?? Alex asked, seemingly to himself, while looking at his hands. ?Force field generation,? said Piper, turning to her nephew. ?Piper!? yelled Phoebe. Piper turned around just in time to freeze another energy ball. Just when she did, Paige orbed in beside them. ?Okay, I?ve got the info,? she said, reading a piece of paper. ?He?s a Cyssan Demon. An upper level demon who lures witches in by his good looks and charms, and then kills him with his kiss.? ?Do you have a spell?? Phoebe asked. ?Yes, but we have to read it together.? The sisters gathered, held hands, and read the spell off the paper. ?Cyssan Demon in our eyes, we can see through your disguise. Now we banish you to Hell, you will not take a Halliwell.? The demon began to scream and began to be engulfed in flames, then exploded. The Charmed Ones sighed a breath of relief and looked at the surprised cousins. *** *** *** Everett felt relieved when he walked into his apartment hours after the incident with the Cyssan Demon. Prue?s gift of astral projection had left her sick. Lydia had been overwhelmed with all the emotions between the family, but their mother had told her that since she was meant to be an empath, she?d soon be able to block everyone?s emotions. Phoebe had also explained that Aunt Prue had become an empath once, but since she was not meant to be one, she was overwhelmed and could?ve died. Alex had still been more quiet than he usually was, but when he displayed his force field generation, he had lightened up. *** *** *** But Everett had reacted differently to everyone else. All four cousins had found out that they were witches and had displayed unique powers -- which could be overwhelming to anyone -- and Prue had found out her father was alive. He was surprised on some level, he knew. But something didn?t make him want to freak out like Prue and Lydia had, or withdrawal like Alex had. He was different. Even more so than being a witch. He sat down on the couch and sighed. So many things had happened within 24 hours, he hadn?t stopped to think. And when he finally had, he realized something. The article he had written the day before -- about the mysterious murders -- finally made sense. He had been writing about the Cyssan Demon all along, which meant now he knew who the murderer was. But how could he explain? *** *** *** Phoebe and Piper Halliwell sat in a love seat that resided in the Manor attic. Paige stood over the Book of Shadows, looking through random pages. ?I don?t get it,? Phoebe said. ?We know that book like the back of our hands, and we?ve never seen the Cyssan Demon page.? ?It?s at the end, so it was the last to be added,? said Paige, turning to the back. ?But we didn?t add it.? Piper stared at the floor. She didn?t add the page and neither did her sisters. But she knew who did. She hadn?t wanted to succumb to the thought, and she didn?t want to have to call for him. She hadn?t seen him since Prue was five, which was sixteen years ago. She didn?t know whether or not she could handle seeing the love of her life again. ?Spill it,? said Phoebe, breaking the silence in the attic. ?Spill what?? Piper said, standing up and moving across the floor. ?I?m an empath Piper. I know what you?re feeling.? Piper let out a heavy sigh. ?Leo must?ve added the page.? ?Why would he do that?? Paige asked, coming out from behind the book. ?Because I told Prue he was still alive.? Piper looked out onto the street in front of the house. ?For sixteen years, his name hasn?t been mentioned in this house. Sometimes I feel his presence. I know he?s checking in, waiting for the moment I tell our daughter. I finally have, and when she needed him most, he came through.? ?Good ol? Leo,? Paige said, smiling to herself. ?You don?t think we?ll have to call Leo, do you?? asked Phoebe. ?If I know Prudence, she?ll want to see him,? Piper said. ?And I can?t tell her no.? *** *** *** Alex hadn?t felt the same since Saturday. For three days, he?d skipped his college classes and stayed in his dorm. His roommates didn?t really pay attention to him, which wasn?t abnormal. They weren?t really friends anyways. Alex had always been the laid back, fun loving member of the family. He didn?t take many things seriously because, hey, life was short, why not live it up? But he had seen the seriousness in Everett?s eyes, he had known that maybe it was time for a change. When he had learned that he had another aunt whose life had ended tragically, he knew this magic thing was to be taken seriously. He sat on his bed. It was the only place he had felt comfortable. He?d catch himself staring at his hands. When he used his power, he felt important, like he meant something. Maybe he did mean something. *** *** *** When Everett returned to his office that week, he found Lydia sitting in one of the two seats in front of his desk. She had her hair pulled back in a pony tail with a few strands hanging in her face and was wearing tight jeans and a black shirt. She had their mother?s radiance, that was for sure. She didn?t hear him enter and was surprised when he appeared behind the desk. Fact was, he was glad to have some alone time with his sister after the bombshell had been dropped. Maybe he would be able to talk to her about his calmness about the subject, and just might be able to rub off on her. ?Everett,? she said silently as he sat down. He smiled. Lydia, when with something on her mind, could easily say something with just one word. ?I know we need to talk about this, but can?t we wait? I have work to do and I?m sure you have a class to get to.? ?I took the day off,? she replied, crossing her legs. ?And I suggest you do the same.? ?I took Monday and Tuesday off sis, I can?t afford taking anymore time off.? ?Well we do need to talk.? ?About what, Lydia? We?re witches. Our mother is a witch. We have one more aunt then we had thought, and they?re witches too. We pretty much talked enough about it Saturday.? ?That doesn?t mean there?s not more. I talked to mom last night and she said there are more things we need to know, important things.? ?Then I?ll drop by the Manor after work,? Everett said, turning to his laptop, turning it on. ?Everett-? ?I?ve already told you what I?m going to do. Lydia, I love you. But I can?t drop my life and work just to go and become Mr. Witch. I?ve accepted what I am, that it?s a part of my life. It?s a part of my life that I haven?t fit into my schedule just yet.? Everett looked into his sister?s eyes. He would, if he could, drop everything and take her to the Manor. But he couldn?t and she?d just have to accept that. Sometimes he felt like she was the younger one. ?Okay Everett,? Lydia said with a sigh. ?Promise be you?ll be at the Manor tonight?? ?Promise.? [/size] [size=2][size=2] [/size][/size]
  21. One thing to do, in my opinion, is going to a [b]therapist. [/b]I've seen people over the internet try to get advice online; that's not going to help you, or it wouldn't help me. But I'm not you, am I? Why kill yourself? To end [b]your[/b] pain? That's quite selfish. In ending your life, you cause many more to feel grief - is that what you want? Do you want your parents, friends, and relatives to be in your situation -- do you want them to maybe even commit suicide themselves? Ask yourself these questions. If you're some stuck up, snobby person -- you might do it. But if you love someone, even just one person, you shouldn't. For their sake.
  22. No, I wouldn't choose the sex of my child, if I were to reproduce. I don't find it ethical in any way -- maybe for the Chinese who can only bare (bear?) females -- but in the United States, it is unneeded. Maybe in the future, if over-population is a problem, it could come into play, but I don't think it should now.
  23. The email might be going to her junk box, even if it's not listed as spam. Does mine all the time, but I use Hotmail, so it might be different.
  24. I'm from Jackson, Ohio, which is in Southeastern Ohio near Athens, if any of you know where that is. I'm a writer, first and foremost, but I'm not professional yet. I'm in the tenth grade. I'm really into music, any kind really. I like an array of artists - some that most of the people at school have never heard of. That's sad, but so are the kids at school.
  25. I really like this. It's so artistic, the strokes are very painting-like and natural. I'll give it a 9.8/10.
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