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About Cyriel
- Birthday 02/07/1988
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Otaku (3/6)
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="Navy"]So sweet and sincere. I could see the illustrations as if it was a childrens' book unfolding before me. Even though it's about the complications of the long-distance relationship, it has that frank tenderness of a child.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Is there a time to how long it will take for her to recover? How quickly do the injections allow the body to heal?
[center][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/morphiaavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/henryavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/ladybavariaavatar.jpg[/IMG][/center] [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="Indigo"]The stables were an absolute blaze of activity, with jockeys and hands running every which way, and chimaeras becoming increasingly nervous with the excitement and tension building in the air. Even from inside this smaller stable Morphia could clearly hear the gathering volume of the crowds outside as more people entered the already-packed stands of the Circuit. Though this was hardly the first Cup she had participated in, Morphia still couldn?t completely quell the nervousness that rose in her stomach as she peeked out the side of the door as some riders passed by. A single glimpse told her that this was probably the largest Cup that had been held thus far ? she could hardly believe how packed the stands were. ?Morphia, could I speak with you?? She turned to see Henry standing beside her. Instantly she bit her lip, but tried to put a polite expression on her face, ?Hello Henry. Actually, I was about to go check on something?? She made to walk away, but Henry hooked his hand lightly on her arm, ?Please Morphia, it?ll only take a minute.? ?Fine. What do you want?? ?Look Morphia, I wanted to apologize for the other night. I didn?t get a chance to speak with you before we departed, but I just wanted to let you know I?m sorry for being so distracted during the dinner. It was extremely generous of you to invite me as your escort, and I failed to behave appropriately. Will you forgive me?? Morphia shook her head a little, ?Really Henry, it wasn?t a big deal. I?m fine, although I do thank you for the gracious apology. Now I really must be getting back to Fervus, if there?s nothing else.? ?Wait,? he said, putting his hands on her shoulders, ?I hope, despite everything, that we?ll still be friends. After all, even if you try to avoid me, we?ll meet in the Circuit eventually.? She found herself getting a little pink, ?Whatever gave you the idea that I would try and avoid you? I?m not afraid, if that?s what you?re asking, and I have nothing to be embarrassed about.? ?Good. Oh, I owe you this from the other night,? Henry replied, and then swooped in for a quick kiss before Morphia could resist. She had no time to even register the kiss before Henry walked away, a mischievous grin on his face as he gave her a small wave and disappeared into one of the stables. [i]Oh dear[/i], was the first thought. Then getting a strange feeling down her spine, she turned quickly, only to meet Bavaria?s eyes even from so far across the Circuit. [i]Oh god, she?s going to kill me[/i], was the second thought. Even though the distance between them spanned the width of the entire track, Morphia knew immediately that Bavaria had seen the entire thing, and now she blushed furiously. She felt Bavaria?s anger in the slow smile that came to her older sister?s lips; the woman looked perfect sitting with the Dynasts, as if these past days hadn?t happened at all. But Morphia knew better ? once they returned to Thorinine the full force of her sister?s (and probably father?s) anger would crash down upon her, along with the added stress, frustration, and fatigue that the family was feeling. Added to the fact that Jack hadn't been seen by anyone since that chaotic night, tensions in the Deacons were running extremely high. Suddenly a voice boomed through the Circuit, accompanied by instruments and percussion. It was Thames Dreadnaught, about to announce the opening ceremony of the Cup. [i]For now I need to forget about everything and just concentrate[/i], Morphia thought to herself as she broke the tense gaze and rushed back into the stables. There could be no worse time to be so distracted.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[font=FranklinGothicMedium]Hope you feel well soon Shy! So I got started on the dinner at the Mirror Palace, and I just kind of ran through greetings with everyone. As for the actual dinner itself, I didn't know exactly how you wanted to proceed. I thought that they might just eat dinner in a very formal setting (long table, fifty billion courses, etc), and then retire later to another room where they can socialize a bit more? But I'm kind of brain-dead at the moment, so I hope someone can think of something better.[/font]
[center][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/morphiaavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/henryavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/ladybavariaavatar.jpg[/IMG][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][/center] [COLOR="Indigo"]As they passed through the gates of Rosengard, Morphia gave Henry a quick smile, [b]?Thank you for coming ? I know it?s a big favor to ask.? ?Not at all,?[/b] he replied chivalrously. But her smile faltered a little, [b]?Henry?is there any news yet?? ?Of Leonhart??[/b] Henry?s expression grew grim, and he shook his head. [b]?Nothing yet that I?ve heard, but everyone is doing all they can.?[/b] Morphia nodded and then looked away, trying not to dwell on the heartache that she felt. The fact that Leonhart was presumed to be dead had not even sunk in before Jack had spirited her away from Rosengard in his odd bout of anxiety. She hadn?t been allowed to step foot off the grounds of Thorinine since then, and eventually had just holed herself up in her room as she tried to deal with the barrage of grief and confusion left in the wake of Leonhart?s disappearance. Even the maids knew to stay away from their young mistress, or risk getting a vase or glass thrown at their heads. The only thing that had kept Morphia from going over the edge was Bavaria?s return. Yet how everyone managed to carry on so normally completely baffled her; when her mother had started lecturing on the upcoming social engagements?god, she had wanted to shatter ever window in the manse. But for now she would play her part as an affluent socialite perfectly. Henry?s light touch on her arm alerted her to the fact that they had arrived at their destination. Peeking out the window, Morphia saw the rest of her family already gathered as a steam-car pulled away. She turned back to Henry, [b]?So?ready to be torn apart by the jackals?? ?Remind me why you invited me again? Was it for the sole purpose of serving me up to your parents??[/b] Henry asked, seeing the familiar faces of the Deacons. [b]?Not entirely. After seeing how you handled yourself on the track, I thought you?d probably have the best chance of surviving,?[/b] she replied charmingly. [b]?How reassuring; you must be more fond of me than I thought,?[/b] came the dry response. At that the carriage halted and the door swung open, Henry getting out first before helping Morphia out as well. The chilly night air was nothing compared to the expressions of her parents; she knew instantly that she had made the right decision in bringing Henry along, [b]?Father, Mother, you remember Henry Grimalkin ? he?s been extremely generous to interrupt his busy schedule to escort me tonight, so I know you?ll be gracious.?[/b] Agron Deacon remained calm, but Morphia saw the way that Lady Odilie was pursing her lips. Still, they both greeted Henry politely?for the moment. Bavaria also smiled in turn as she let Henry kiss her hand, [b]?I hardly recognized you. You?ve grown up quite well since I last saw you, Henry.?[/b] As usual, Morphia?s sister behaved with the most perfect grace. Jack also seemed relaxed, although Morphia never really could tell with him when she brought other men around. Still, they had gotten along before, so she didn?t think it would be a problem. [b]?Well then, we mustn?t keep the Dynasts waiting,?[/b] Agron Deacon said promptly, and led the way up the steps. Jack held his arm out to Bavaria, and Henry did the same for Morphia. Despite all the years that her father had been the Dynast King?s close advisor, Morphia had never once been to the Mirror Palace, and now everything about it took her breath away. Inside she was stunned by the enormity of wealth and grandeur, and for once was glad for all the courtly training she had been forced to undergo ? otherwise, she was sure that her jaw would be on the floor. Even the smaller side entrance they had used was more splendid than anything she had seen in High Czenoble, and once inside they were quickly escorted through an impossible maze of sumptuously constructed halls and rooms, guards with the royal insignia showing up every so often. Gilt furniture, marble, moldings that dripped with an excess of gems and metals?there was no end to the prosperity, or to the power that it all represented. Finally they swept into a room hung with ornate silks and rich drapes all richly embroidered. Suddenly Agron Deacon fell to his knee. Without looking Morphia knew that they were in the presence of at least one of the Dynasts, and her training immediately took over; she knelt into a deep curtsy, knee almost touching the floor, head bowed, and skirts swept back with the graceful sweep of her hands. Everyone else had followed suit, and she could see Henry kneeling beside her. A strong masculine voice spoke, [b]?Your Majesty, Agron Deacon has arrived with his family.?[/b] Morphia let her curiosity get the better of her and let her eyes flick up to the face of the speaker. The man was tall and dressed in the colors of royalty, with defined features and hard-set eyes; she guessed that he was Primas Generous, because he was too young to be the king. [b]?Agron, come greet me. It is good that you all could come,?[/b] another voice said. This one was male as well, but far less piercing, and much older and laborious. She heard her father rise, and knew that he would be introducing each member of the party. [i]When you approach do so gracefully and humbly. Curtsy as deeply as possible, kiss the hand that is offered, and back away slowly while still slightly bowed at the knee. Always keep your eyes lowered ? to look directly into their eyes can be considered an affront?[/i] The protocol for greeting royalty ran like verses in her head, and for the second time that night Morphia was grateful for her strict schooling that she had hated so much. Her mother, then Bavaria (who was offered a welcome home), then Jack? [b]?My youngest daughter, Morphia Celios Markham,?[/b] her father said, and she went forward accordingly, dropping into her curtsy with seeming effortlessness. She found herself in an oddly surreal feeling, as if her senses had been heightened drastically. She noted the watery quality of the silk, the stiff and luxurious embroidery around the cuffs of the sleeves, the liver spots and wrinkles that lined the skin of this man, the bony knuckles and joints that protruded from his hands, even the strange dusty smell of herbs that seemed to gather itself around him?all this in the single moment that she pressed her lips to the enormous gold ring that bore the seal of the Dynasty. Morphia?s eyes rose unbidden to the aged face; this closely she saw how the features had once probably been very similar to those of Primas, but time had taken a harsh toll. Her gaze traveled over the sunken cheekbones, the veins that could be seen clearly around his neck? [i]This is our ruler? This decrepit old man?[/i] But then she met his eyes?eyes that had quite possibly the sharpest and most piercing gaze she had ever seen. Instantly she dropped her eyes and backed away as Henry came forward to take her place. Morphia went on to greet each of the three heirs, but felt as if in a trance. That single look had shaken her; she had no doubts whatsoever that that man was the Dynast King, no matter how ill or aged his body had become.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[center][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/morphiaavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/ladybavariaavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/harrison-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/victoriaann-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][/center][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="Indigo"]“So what’s the Proletariat?” asked Morphia. Jack had grown tired of standing on his feet and took Morphia with him into a local inn where they ordered drinks. “It’s another word for working class. They make up about eighty five percent of New Czenoble. Most of everyone else is middle class. The upper class lives mostly on the hill, above the pollution.” replied Jack. He took a swig of ale. He used to come to this inn all the time for drinks, and was surprised that it was still standing after all these years. “Why don’t they move up to High Czenoble then? There’s plenty of room.” “They can’t. Not only can’t they afford it, but big wigs like our brother-in-law make sure they don’t come up there. The last thing they want is to see they’re high society ruined by the filthy poor.” “Jack, it can’t be that simple, can it? You can’t just blame the prejudices of others for them not being able to do more with their lives. I’m sure if they wanted it bad enough, they could fix this.” “They would. But all of the politicians are either Aristocrats or upper middle class. They have little to no representation. Also, because we’re under a king, they can never hope to be appointed to any position of power. What king wants peasants on his court?” “Jack, that’s horrible. Someone should do something.” “Who can do anything? Unless they find it profitable, then most people in our class won’t even lift a finger for the poor. Welcome to the rest of the world.” Morphia looked down at her tankard of ale. She picked it up and sipped from it, wincing slightly from the taste. It was absolutely terrible, but so fun to drink. The two of them sat rather casually as the people around them danced to music and sang. It was all so new to Morphia, who by now was nodding her head in tune to the music. She closed her eyes and took another sip from the ale. The day looked like it would turn out rather well. Suddenly she felt a strong hand strike her to the floor and a loud boom. She opened her eyes, only to find shards of glass and splinters of wood raining down. The boom rendered her deaf, but she could see everyone screaming and rushing to get outside. Jack picked her up and dragged her outside into the crowded street as he yelled in her ear, but she couldn’t hear a thing. There was smoke and dust everywhere, and the whole incident seemed surreal. As they moved outside, the sound returned to her and she could hear the screams of the people. "Jack, what's happening?" she asked, but he didn’t hear her over all the chaos. They continued running through the street, Jack holding tightly onto Morphia's wrists, hurting her. "Jack!" Suddenly he spotted something in the midst of the confusion, and turned to her, “Morphia, stay here!” He let go of her hand before she could respond, disappearing into the crowd. "Jack! Don't leave me!" she cried, panic rising up, but she had already lost sight of him. A cold sinking feeling settled in as she turned every which way to try and find him, but to no avail. Her sight grew a little blurry, and the crowd disappeared. [INDENT][i]The cobblestone street was replaced by hardwood floors, and the sky by a vaulted ceiling. Across the vaulted ceiling hung airships, some of which actually buzzed around her head. She was 12 again, and alone, back in Jack's room. The bed was perfectly made, and the furniture dusted. Morphia sat down in a chair facing the window with a little bag hanging off of one of the arms. She had overheard his plans to leave, and was waiting for him, sure that he wouldn’t leave her behind. The windows of his room gave full views of the paths leading to and from the main estate, and she watched them in anticipation… It was getting late, and her eyes were getting heavy. She heard light steps outside of the door, and knew what it meant. The door swung open and the soft footsteps came closer. Morphia sat perfectly still until she felt a soft slender hand rest on her shoulder. She had resolved hours ago that if it came to this, she wasn't going to cry. "He's not coming, is he?" she asked quietly. "No, dearest. He's not." said a soft female voice from behind her. "I'm sorry dearest. Can I get you anything before you go to bed?" "No Bavaria, I'll be fine." Morphia stood and walked away, her eyes dry and empty.[/i][/INDENT] Suddenly Jack’s hand burst through the memory, and the streets were once again cobblestone. Images of walls and furniture became people, and he held a hand out for Morphia. She reached out for her brother, almost shocked to see him again. As his hand closed around her wrist, she suddenly became aware of her surroundings. In Jack's other hand was a young boy; Morphia recognized him instantly as the rebellious Harrison, who was doing all he could to fight off Jack’s grip. On Jack's back was a little girl, Victoria Ann, who seemed she was having the ride of her life. “You found the children! But where are Eva and Fauntleroy?” she asked immediately. Jack only shook his head and pulled her along the street. The only choice they had was to get back to the air docks.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]So Malkav and I are editing our posts so that Jack and Morphia will be more involved in the increasing chaos... The protesters are going to get a little more rowdy/violent, and we're planning on picking up the two children on our way to the airship, if that's alright with the two of them. [/FONT]
[FONT="Trebuchet MS"][b]Name:[/b] Lily Moon [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/yunjin.jpg][b][u]Lily[/u][/b][/url] [b]Role:[/b] Gadgetry and explosives, hand-to-hand combat My hometown actually sounds a lot like an English word: Seoul is pronounced the same as soul. But I left Korea almost five years ago, after my husband passed away. I was on the run, and I chose to leave everything behind; it was what I had to do to survive. It all began with the accident – no, I suppose you could say that it all began the day I was married to my high school sweetheart. I hadn’t even finished school yet, but at 17 I thought I would ride on the wings of love forever. It’s so odd how even after the dream ends, we choose to delude ourselves and hope that some of it still exists. He was so loving and attentive, the man that any girl would be lucky to have…but he was dangerous too, and nursed a smoldering anger. I don’t know what happened to him that made him harbor such rage, but I know that I was forced to wear the marks of it on my body night after night, year after year. But for some reason I never thought about walking out on him – he was my soul mate, however flawed he was. The day I finally left him was the day I shoved his body into the oven and turned on all the gas. I don’t remember much about the night he died, but once he was cold I knew there was nothing keeping me there. I left immediately, taking nothing with me, and later in a subway station I remember seeing the news report about the apartment exploding, killing the occupants. They believed I was dead as well, and it might as well have been true. After that, everything else came naturally. I had been a chemistry and technology geek, and after spending time in the underworld of Korea I came out with a new occupation. Right before I left the country I visited my younger sister. It was odd, but she wasn’t really surprised to see me; she said that somehow she knew I couldn’t have died, despite what everyone else said. She was the outcast of the family, because she had carried on an affair with a married man and then gotten pregnant; but she never seemed sad or depressed. She sent me a picture of her baby after the birth, a healthy and chubby little boy that looked nothing like her. By that time I had become a household name…well, perhaps not with your everyday household. But my contacts in Korea recently informed me that she had died from an illness, and my family was refusing to take the boy in. But she had made me promise to look after him if anything happened to her; she might have even known that she wasn’t going to live long enough to raise her son. So now somehow I have to get out of this life, and to create a new one that will ensure that my enemies will never find me or the boy. Somehow I’ll have to go back to that place…although I don’t think my soul ever stepped foot off that peninsula. In this case, only money can provide protection, and to disappear with that much money...well, sometimes the easiest targets are the ones you work with.[/FONT]
[center][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/morphiaavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG][/center] [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="Indigo"]It almost felt like the entire world had opened up to her; Jack had given her permission to go anywhere. And yet…past the initial excitement she felt nothing. Even Jack had had to return periodically to High Czenoble; he had never been completely free of their life, and Morphia knew that this was not the way to her liberation either. The only real way was power – if she had enough power then no one would be able to rule her. With a small sigh she steered the Cygnus in a different direction. “Don’t feel like being a pirate anymore?” Jack said from behind her. His voice was slightly teasing. Morphia shook her head, “I never wanted to be a pirate. All I wanted was to go with you, and all the other details didn’t matter. But you’re quite mistaken about one thing.” “Oh? What would that be?” She turned and stood with her hands on her hips, “I’m far from some little girl that needs to be taken care of. And as for a crew of men, I’m quite capable of defending myself, brother.” Jonathan laughed and shook his head, “Yes, I’m sure that the first thing men feel is terror when they see you.” “I’m perfectly serious!” Morphia said, smiling as she gave Jonathan a hard whack on the arm. “Alright, no need to get abusive. Where are we going, anyway? Wait a minute, is that New Czenoble?” he said, seeing a cityscape coming up. Morphia nodded, “Just because you didn’t take me along doesn’t mean I’ve been a good girl at home all these years.” Jack swiftly turned on his younger sister, “You mean you've been to New Czenoble before? Please tell me you didn’t go alone.” “Well…I might have, yes,” she replied tentatively. “Morphia! It’s dangerous! Especially with the atmosphere right now, what were you thinking?” Jack had to restrain his voice to keep himself from shouting. Morphia’s own temper surfaced a little, “Look, nothing happened – you can see for yourself, I’m perfectly safe!" As she remembered the experience she knew that she had probably been a little lucky. A stranger had helped her that time, a solitary man who had been wearing long robes and a cloak that hid most of his body. No one had bothered her while she has been by his side, and with that mysterious stranger she had run along the rooftops after snatching some random knick-knacks. “Morphia…” She held up her hand, “Don’t say anything! It’s too late anyway to take me back – we’re here!” With that she smiled up at Jack, who finally shook his head in ascent. “By the way, could you bring in the ship? I have absolutely no idea how to dock this thing.” Jack could only laugh as he took over, and they flew into New Czenoble. The docks were all oddly quiet, but the streets were packed with people and vehicles, all trying to reach their destination. It seemed absolutely chaotic, and eyes were instantly drawn to Morphia. Jonathan noticed this at once, and pulled her into one of the side streets where he shoved her into a drab little clothing store. “Jack, what in the world are you doing?” “There’s no way with these crowds today that you’ll be able to walk around looking like that,” he replied, gesturing to her light silk tunic. “Here, change into this.” He handed her a plain dress of coarse linen, which she took without a word behind a curtain. She came out changed, only to find another piece of cloth shoved into her hand. “What’s this for?” she asked, holding up the somewhat thick grey veil. “Your hair, obviously.” “But none of the townspeople cover their hair,” she said, draping it around herself. The veil covered most of her head and shoulders, but a few golden strands still escaped and framed her face. Jack smiled, “Yes well, none of the people here have hair that looks like pure gold – it’s an obvious giveaway. But now you look more acceptable for a regular citizen.” Handing the shopkeeper a few coins, the pair left and rejoined the people on the street. Jostled constantly in the crowd, Morphia kept a hand on Jack’s elbow so they wouldn’t be separated. A few steam-cars had been overturned, and smoke was pouring out of them. The mass of people seemed to be getting larger, all trying to get to the same area it seemed. “Look Jack! The RPG is out as well! What in the world is going on?” Morphia said, looking around. He looked around wryly, "Looks like we may have run into the rally." At that point a large mass of people came into view, with banners and signs filling the streets.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[center][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/morphiaavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG][/center] [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="Indigo"]After finishing with Fervus, Morphia changed from her jockey uniform into something more comfortable, opting for a pale blue tunic that brushed to the tops of her boots at mid-thigh. Binding her hair back, she looked towards the door again, but only a few of the hands were milling about. Morphia could feel the excitement of the crowd begin to build ? soon the jockeys would be lining up and ready for the race to begin. For now she could hear riders taking turns around the nearest warm-up ring. Trying to bury her disappointment, she wandered over to the spare riding area, taking a look at her future competitors. While some of the beasts looked intimidating enough, Morphia knew most of the riders well enough to know that they wouldn?t be able to give her too much of a contest. A creature with silken midnight fur trotted by, it?s size less than what she herself usually felt comfortable riding. However it was quite evident that it was well cared for and conditioned, lean muscles rippling beneath its coat. It definitely intrigued her ? the feline mixes that she had tried to train had always fallen short of her expectations, all turning out to be too sensitive for the Circuit. Morphia?s eyes traveled upwards to the jockey; to her mild surprise she saw Henry?s face, his expression one of intense concentration. [i]I?ll have to ask Henry about his chimaera?[/i]she thought to herself, [i]perhaps he can help me with a feline breed.[/i] She said nothing at the moment however; it would be highly unsuitable to interrupt another jockey before a qualifying race. [b]?Lady Markham,?[/b] a young messenger suddenly said quietly, [b]?a note from your father just arrived.?[/b] Morphia took the envelope the young boy handed her, breaking the blue seal immediately and opening the fine parchment. Agron Deacon?s handwriting was unmistakable: [INDENT][i]Daughter, return to the estate at once. There are family matters to be discussed, as you should be aware. By the way, your older brother has unexpectedly departed once again, shortly after you left for the Circuits. I?m sure you are not surprised. ~Your Father[/i][/INDENT] Morphia?s jaw clenched, and she crumpled the note as she began walking away from the warm-up area. [i]So he left without a word. I should have guessed?[/i] [center]~~~~~[/center] [b]?Sir, I?m afraid that we cannot let you through. Only jockeys and staff are allowed in this area,?[/b] the sentry repeated. The Circuit employed its own security to keep the masses and aristocratic public away from the dangerous beasts. Jonathan rubbed his hands together to keep from decking the guard; despite his repeated explanations they had refused to let him through. He was late enough as it was, and he was sure this would not help with his little sister?s temper. [b]?I?ve already told you who I am. Keep getting in the way and I can guarantee that it won?t be the most pleasant outcome??[/b] One of the guards laid a hand on his weapon, [b]?We?ll have to ask you to leave now. Otherwise we can have you escorted out, if you wish sir.?[/b] His unease was very evident, and already a few other sentries had gathered around from the other entrances. Jonathan smiled to himself; he hadn?t really been looking for a physical disagreement today, but it was always a welcome distraction. [b]?Jack!?[/b] Morphia called out in surprise as soon as she saw her brother. With the multiple guards gathered around his tall figure, she knew that she had come just in time. [i]Why am I not surprised?[/i] She waved the sentries back to their posts, [b]?It?s alright ? my brother should always be allowed access to any part of the Circuit.?[/b] [b]?Sorry for the trouble, sister,?[/b] Jonathan said with a crooked smile, [b]?although I think they?re more afraid of you than they were of me.?[/b] She stared at him for a minute before answering quietly, [b]?Father said that you left.? ?And you believed that old man? You know how bitter he can be." ?And you?re late,?[/b] she said, her charming mouth set in a grim line. [b]?Don?t be angry with me, Morphia,?[/b] he said, his hands on her shoulders. Relief seeped through her, despite the small flame of anger. She hadn?t realized how anxious she had been about Jack?s possible departure until she felt her knees almost buckle as he rubbed warmth back into her arms. He continued to rub her shoulders, [b]?I?m here now, aren?t I??[/b] As soon as the words left his mouth, Jack knew he had touched a nerve. Morphia instantly stepped away, her eyes giving him a grudging look, [b]??But for how long? Another day, or maybe a week this time??[/b] She brushed past him without another word, heading towards the exit. [b]?Morphia? Where are you going??[/b] Jack turned, hands in the air. [b]?Home!?[/b] she yelled back, as she stormed out of the Circuit.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[center][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/morphiaavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/henryavatar.jpg[/IMG][/center][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="Indigo"]The day was not going to be a good one. Morphia sighed as one of the servants handed her a hot cloth dampened with rosewater. She held it to her forehead, lightly wiping the dust away from her face. The day, which had dawned bright and clear, was now slightly gray as clouds began to gather. There was already too much moisture in the air, and the dampness had affected her reptilian creature in an unhelpful way, making Fervus sluggish and ill-tempered. Not only that, but Jonathan was still absent? She herself had been at the Circuit since 4 a.m. that morning, prepping herself for the races and taking care of Fervus. The two heats that she had been in had allowed her to qualify for the finals, but they definitely had not been enjoyable races. The beast had been jumpy and impetuous, almost costing her a place in one of the races. When they had crossed the finish line the stable hands had taken Fervus from her immediately, knowing her temper would be on the rise. All of the regular servants knew her moods ? taking the beast from her probably saved it from a lot of unnecessary pain. Morphia snapped at one of hands, who immediately brought her a personal kit of tools and clothes. Wiping her hands off on the cloth before tossing it away, she slowly peeled off her boots, one which had been ripped when another rider?s beast had tripped and almost taken her down with them. She took out an extra pair, made of supple brown calf-skin that slid up easily to mid-thigh. Stalking to the stall where Fervus was currently being held, she watched with contempt as the beast threw off the stable hands who were currently attempting to remove the saddle and clean the creature. [b]?Get away from him,?[/b] she said, her voice cutting through the dust. The others obeyed immediately, relieved to get away from the rowdy reptilian creature. Morphia snapped her whip, and Fervus eyed her warily in his cat-like gaze, sensing her thunderous mood. Oh, she did want to beat him so very badly?but instead she set down the whip and walked over, removing the saddle roughly and hanging it on one of the pegs on the wall. The beast drew away from her, crouching and growling in the corner. Morphia?s breathe hissed out, [b]?Fervus, come here.?[/b] Despite it being a great deal larger and very able to disembowel her with its vicious talons, Morphia held no fear of it. Instead, Fervus?s behavior was only serving to piss her off even more. Footsteps alerted her to company, [b]?Tch tch, Morphia, the poor thing is terrified of you. How do you even manage to ride such a beast??[/b] Henry said as he entered uninvited, his smile as charming as ever. Morphia sighed again, [b]?Did you just arrive, Henry? I?m afraid that all my races for the day are finished?no thanks to this ?poor thing.??[/b] The young man said nothing, only taking the oil and cloth from Morphia?s hands as he walked towards Fervus. Murmuring quietly he began to clean the beast?s scales, and slowly the growling subsided into a relaxed breathing. He offered another cloth to Morphia, [b]?See? Such a foul temper does not suit such a pretty face ? even your creature agrees with me.?[/b] Sullenly she took the cloth and followed Henry?s lead. It was the first time they had actually even spoken at the Circuit; she realized that she didn?t even know what chimaera Henry kept. Polishing Fervus?s scales, despite the work Morphia found herself looking every so often towards the entrance, looking for Jack?s familiar figure. [i]I?m sure that he told me he was coming?[/i] Unless?could it be possible that he had left again? Henry interrupted her thoughts, [b]?Waiting for someone??[/b] [b]?No, of course not,?[/b] Morphia replied a little too quickly, schooling her grim expression into one more pleasant. Still, she could not get rid of the dreadful feeling that Jack had left her? [i]No, it cannot be. He wouldn?t do such a thing?but where in the world is he?[/i] She sat silently, her emotions matching the gray clouds that gathered outside in the opening of the day. [b]"Well, I'll be off then. Do come and watch if you're not otherwise occupied,"[/b] Henry said finally as he stood. There was no jesting today - he felt her mood quite clearly. Morphia nodded, [b]"Good luck in your races."[/b] She felt a little relieved when the young man left her and Fervus, but at the same time wished he had stayed to distract her growing dread that Jack was not going to show up at all.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[quote name='Shy']Sakura: Do you mind if I borrow your character while you are away? Fauntleroy is going to have a bit of an adventure in New Czenoble, and could use the company. Anyone else is welcome to attend; perhaps a stowaway young relative of sorts..?[/quote][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]As it turns out, [b]Malkav[/b] and I are planning our own adventure of sorts as well. It could be quite exciting if they all bumped into each other in New Czenoble...although I haven't a clue as to why Fauntleroy would go there. Looking forward to the new landmarks![/FONT]
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Is Augustus physically or mentally disabled - or both? Also, I was wondering how Mideus Prosperous runs his kingdom exactly. Is he advised by a board or council of any sort, or is Agron Deacon his only close advisor? And do the three heirs play any role at the moment in running Czenovia?[/FONT]
[center][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/morphiaavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/henryavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG][/center] [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="Indigo"]The thought of the race had made Morphia a bit sullen as she remembered her unfair disqualification. That baboon Artür…even as she thought of him she felt an itch to get her hands on her whip again. Instead, she stole another glance at the young man beside her, who was still sitting and looking quite nonchalant. Morphia had heard the rumors (and speculated quite a bit herself); it had made her dislike Dame Grimalkin even more than she had before. Bavaria hadn’t exactly been overly fond of Leonhart’s old friend either. As for Henry, Morphia hadn’t really known what to think. Even if he really was Leonhart’s son, there was no way he would ever be legitimized – the family had too much at stake, and none of the younger Almagest generations would welcome yet another relative to have to share wealth and influence with. Not only this, but with Bavaria present Leonhart would never attempt something like claiming a bastard – it was an impossible thing. Still, it seemed that both Leonhart and Bavaria didn’t mind if Henry was treated as any other member of the inclusive family. [i]Bavaria is too generous. If Father ever had an illegitimate child, Mother would arrange an ‘accident’ immediately, even though they aren’t even married anymore. If fact, even if Father did marry again, I can’t say with surety that Mother wouldn’t try anything…[/i] After all, more children meant more divisions of power, and there was nothing that Odilie Markham wouldn’t do to protect the interests of her only child thus far. Indiscretions provided opportunities for weakness. Yet despite Morphia’s obviously frosty reception, Henry had been quite polite. She didn’t like him any better than the other Almagest children, and in the Circuits she had purposely avoided any of the heats that he had been listed in. As a result, even though they had both been jockeys for a number of years, they had barely had any chances to compete against each other. Still, at times she felt a bit guilty for disliking him. [i]What is it like, to be unable to claim a father?[/i] She studied his face, trying to find some clue about his character. Suddenly Henry’s eyes locked on Morphia’s own, and he smiled, [b]“Find something interesting?”[/b] It took a moment for her to register he was speaking, but then her training kicked in (thankfully). She looked away, as if bored, [b]“Hardly. I was only imagining what your expression would be if I passed you during the first lap in the circuit.”[/b] It was, of course, a horrible retort, but would have to do at the moment while she found some reason to excuse herself. How embarrassing to actually be caught staring! Luckily any blush that might have arisen was already covered by the faint heat she was still feeling from the champagne. But Henry wasn’t about to let her off that easily, and he liked her challenge, [b]“Well, I do have a race scheduled in next week, if you’re willing to change tiers…”[/b] He didn’t have to see her face; the slight stiffness in her shoulders told him that she knew she had been called out. [i]Morphia, you are an utter foo[/i]l, she thought as she chided herself. She had definitely let herself walk into that. Still, the idea was interesting, and even excited her a little. Recently she had found herself becoming more bored and irritated by her current competitors – it was definitely seemed time to stop holding back, and actually have some fun in the higher divisions. Thinking it over, she finally turned to Henry, folding her hands prettily in her lap, [b]“Fine. I shall see you in a week then.”[/b] She stood to leave, offering her hand. Henry took it like any gracious gentleman, barely brushing the tops of her knuckles with his lips. [b]“Morphia! So this is where you’ve been hiding!”[/b] Jack’s voice came echoing down the hall, and when Morphia turned she found him walking towards her in brisk strides. Morphia’s face brightened instantly, and she held out her arm to her older brother, [b]“Jack! I’m sorry, I met Leonhart out here beforehand, and I was just resting before I returned to the party.”[/b] She made no mention of Henry. Jonathan placed himself protectively at her side, his hand on her back. When Morphia had disappeared from the crowd he hadn’t been too worried, but as more time passed he had found himself becoming a little anxious. He had gone out to search for her, and as soon as he had stepped into the hall he had seen the two fair-headed individuals in a private alcove. Watching, he had waited until the young man kissed his younger sister’s hand before heading towards the pair, with all intentions of interrupting them. Now that Morphia was safely on the crook of his arm, he turned to Henry, whom he recognized but had never officially met, [b]“I’m sorry, I don’t believe we’ve been introduced.”[/b] [b]“Oh, I’m so sorry, please allow me,”[/b] Morphia said, [b]“Henry, this is my brother Jonathan Deacon. Jack, this is Henry, the son of Dame Anna.”[/b] Jonathan extended his hand, [b]“Well, Henry, it’s good to meet you.”[/b] The thoughts in his head were contrastingly different than the words leaving his mouth: [i]Did they arrange some kind of tryst? Surely not; Bavaria told me that Morphia’s rejected all romantic attentions.[/i] Realistically he was probably jumping to all kinds of wild conclusions, but this had been the first time this night when Morphia had not been delicately attached to his arm. Henry seemed perfectly at ease, and he took Jonathan’s hand quite casually. [b]“It’s a pleasure to meet you as well…Jonathan,”[/b] he said carefully. Looking up at her brother, Morphia was the only one to notice the slight strain in Jonathan’s jaw-line. [i]I wonder if this was not such a good idea to introduce them…[/i] She merely put a slight pressure on Jonathan’s arm, smiling gracefully as more words were exchanged.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]I hope I haven't used Leonhart too much in my post. Also, Shy, I hope you don't mind that I mentioned your character in passing. Tell me if you have any problems with it, and I'll fix it right away. Also, if anyone would like to have a brief conversation/meeting before returning to the main party, my character is sitting off in a side hall at the moment.[/FONT]