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Everything posted by Cyriel
Voices woke her. She sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "What time is it...?" Looking over at the clock again, Sare saw that it was past 10:00. "Wow...I slept too long." The after-effects of the dream still brushed her with unease, but looking around at the bright room, she forced the feeling away. Instead, she went out onto the balcony, where the warm air welcomed her along with the scent of morning blossoms. She saw Kyirii walking down the street away from Lucifer's home. [I]I...wonder who that is...[/I] His figure seemed...familiar, and she felt a slight discomfort at seeing him. Going inside, she went into the bathroom, washing her face and brushing her teeth. [I]Why...do I feel like I know these people? I've never even met some of them before, and now...[/I] She shook her head again, letting the cold water rush over her hands. Turning off the water, she left the bathroom, and found that while she had been in, breakfast had been laid out beside her bed on the small table by George. A silver tray gleamed, and utensils were place delicately on a silk napkin. Lifting the cover, she found an abundance of rich foods, which scented her room. Sare smiled, and took a croissant, pouring herself a cup of milk in the process. Looking regretfully at the other food, she only ate a bit of fruit as well - she had never been one to eat much breakfast, but today was the first time she was sorry about it. It all looked so good...but she didn't have the stomach for it. Instead, she put the silver cover back over the rest of the food, and stood. She opened the door cautiously, silently, and looked out. The hall was quite empty, and she couldn't hear anything. [I]It reminds me of a hotel. A very expensive hotel.[/I] She walked out, closing the door quietly behind her. Continuing to walk down the hall, she recognized the stairs leading to Lucifer's room, but tried to find her way down. Somehow she found her way, and walked into the front foyer, where Lucifer and Arika had been just minutes ago. "This house is so big...but it's so empty," she unconsciously said out loud. "Yes, it's a bit too large for two people, if I may say so myself." She turned, to see George smiling behind her. "Oh, George, good morning. Where is everyone? Doesn't anyone else live here?" She looked at the high ceiling again. He shrugged, and she followed him to the kitchen, where she recognized the silver trays at once. "Oh, well, Miss Sare, Master Lucifer is not really the one to live socially. The house is quite empty, except occassionally, when the maids do run about." He continued to lay food onto the tray, and she watched. Sare voiced her question, "So...Luke lives alone? Why?" George smiled again, "Well...it's just his way, I suppose. Come now, you seem to have a visitor as well." Picking up the tray, he led the way out to the garden, where Lucifer and Ralience were still having their animated discussion. Upon seeing Sare, though, both stopped, waiting for George and Sare to join them. "So, you're up now?" Lucifer asked, looking at her. Ralience clenched her teeth, but it passed unnoticed. Sare nodded, smiling brightly, "Yes, I'm up. I'm sorry I slept so late. Did you sleep well?" Lucifer just faintly smiled, but Sare didn't notice the grimness in his eyes. She turned, "Ralience! When did you get here? Is everything alright?" Ralience smiled, hiding her distaste of Lucifer for Sare, "Oh, yes, everything's fine. I just thought that I would check up on you, Prin - er, Sare." The smile on Sare's face faltered, but she regained her composure after a few minutes. "Thank you, Ralience. As you can see, I'm fine. Did you two have breakfast yet? George brought it out." She lifted the tray cover for them, and passed it to them. Neither of them touched the tray, but Sare didn't seem to notice. "Oh, by the way, if you two don't mind, I...think I'll be leaving." "Leaving?" Lucifer asked, as he swirled the water in his glass. "Yes, I have a ballet rehearsal. It's at 11:00, so I have to be leaving. Thank you for letting me stay, though." She turned to Ralience. "Are you staying here? I didn't mean to interrupt your conversation, Ralience, so I guess I'll see you later too. Bye then." Without another word, Sare turned and left, leaving them with the tray of food between them.
She waited, breath coming out in slight puffs in the chill, damp atmosphere of the shrine. Her hands were cold as they gripped her wakizashi. Both hands were holding the blade - her failing strength forced her to. In her mind, she cursed the strange assassin who she was no longer able to see. "Come out! Come out and meet my blade! Perhaps then, you can die with a sliver of honor to your name, you low dog," she said angrily. No answer, except for a muffled, quiet laugh that was barely audible in the constant rainfall. Ayami seethed inside, but also kept up her guard, cautiously making her way around the small shrine. Her body was still covered in blood, but this time, hers was also there. Dozens of slashes, not deep, had been inflicted on her body, and they bled, trickling and pooling, leaving their mark in her bare footsteps. Her blade was tinged with blood, but only the slightest, smallest line possible. Her one lucky blow. To his dozen or so. [I]Can I last much longer?[/I] Ayami grimaced at the thought, and then silently berated herself. [I]I must last. I cannot let some low-life such as he to kill my father. Not for money. Not for... Not for anything.[/I] But the question remained: how long could she continue? She was injured, not badly, but enough, and if even her wakizashi was growing heavy for her to hold, then she was becoming continally exhausted. Her body kept changing in feeling, first growing overly warm, and then chilled to the bone - she guessed fever, or the continuing after-effects of the poison. Add on top of that that this strange assassin was...making her very worried. His skill with the blade surpassed hers, she knew. He was using techniques that she could not interpret, understand, and had only barely blocked them. His blade had left its mark on her already, and the shallow incisions were still running with watery blood. She coughed, and then again, her breath catching in her throat. [I]No...why is this happening to me now? Not now... Must the gods always be against me? Do they always side with my opponents? Even this poison I have not overcome yet![/I] Her frustration and anger overcame her - she slashed out with her blade, severing the heads of several of the statues. They fell to the floor, her blade rushing in a mad fury at those things in life which had failed her. She was crying openly now, sobbing her frustration as even then, the eyes of the gods seemed to watch her with a mocking solemnity, an open contempt. She turned, surveying the damage, clenching her teeth. "D*** you! Come out! Come out and fight me if you have a shred of decency at all!" she cried, lashing out at yet another statue. Then she stilled, chest heaving with emotion, as she tried to find Maboroshi. [I]How am I going to find him? How am I going to defeat him?[/I] She knew...she knew now she couldn't trust herself. Her emotions were at fever-pitch, and only distracted her in combat. Her eyes already deceived her, the fever affecting her sight, confusing her awareness. Too much of her blood had been drawn; it smothered her sense of smell, and only added to the cold feeling of death that was overcoming her. Her body was failing her, and she feared that her mind was going as well. [I]I...I... I must beat him. I cannot let him pass me[/I]. "D*** you dog! Show yourself to me!" Her eyes blazed, and the hot tears burned her cheeks as they coursed down. She screamed in frustration, venting on the remains of the statues that now littered the small shrine. She no longer even looked to see if he was coming at all - her mind was quickly retreating into its depths, trying to protect itself from the blood and death that covered her. The shadows hid her opponent, who watched with interest, and slight amusement. His hand lightly touched his wound - a small scratch that had scathed his body, drawing only a thin, barely visible line of blood. His own blade was more heavily tainted. But now as he watched her, he wondered to himself, musing over the possibilities. [I]Should I just end this creature's suffering?[/I] And then her glittering, fevered eyes fell on him, whether out of pure hallucination or some sort of half-demented instinct. Her foot instantly hit the floor, and she hurdled towards him, propelled by her crazed emotions, and desperate soul. She whispered something - he read it off the shape of her mouth as she swept back with her blade - "Die."
She jumped, aware that he was watching her yawn. "Oh, yeah, sorry. I didn't realize how late it was. Umm...." Sare blushed, looking down at her feet. Lucifer waited for her to continue, but when it was evident she wasn't going to say anything, broke the silence. "Yes? Do you need anything?" "Uh - umm - well, I don't know...where I'm supposed to go," she answered quietly, still looking at her feet. "Oh! Yes, sorry about that. George should have your room ready by now. Come on, I'll show it to you." He motioned for her to follow, which she did with relief. Making their way down the stairs, he showed her down another hallway, and to a door where George was just coming out of. He held the door open for her, "Here, this is your room. Is it alright?" Sare walked in, and then looked around, her eyes wide. "Oh...wow..." Her voice said it all, expressing the awe she felt. She turned back, "Oh, thank you. I mean, I really didn't need all this..." Lucifer shrugged. "Don't mention it. Then...I'll see you in the morning. Good night." He left, closing the door quietly behind him. Sare turned when he had left, filling her eyes with the contents of the room once more. Compared to his room, this guest room was amazing. A chandelier molded in the crystal, twined shape of vines delicately lit the room with a silver glow. The carpet was rich and thick, and there was a small fireplace against one of the walls. The bed was large, with a fine, heavy canopy and embroidered silk sheets. A small table graced the side of the bed, and there was an arrangement of small blossoms on it, along with a kit of perfumes and scented oils. Going over to the large windows, Sare discovered a small, quiet balcony that led out of the room, and she could see the light from Lucifer's bedroom as well. She closed the doors again, the chill from the night air getting to her. Drawing the curtains, she didn't bother to change into the monogrammed silk pajamas that were left on a chair for her. Instead, she fell straight onto the bed, falling asleep as she hit the covers. Dreamless, peaceful... _______________________________________ She jumped awake, a small gasp escaping as she sat up. Cold sweat covered her chill body, and she had to suppress a scream. Looking wildly around herself, it took a few moments to recognize where she was. She quickly turned on a few of the glowing lights, trying to dispel the fear that invaded her calm. Sitting in one of the chairs, she rubbed her arms, and then tears started falling. [I]Why won't these dreams leave me alone?[/I] She hugged her knees, curling up in the chair. The clock said 5:23, and she looked up when a small warmth hit her face. The sun was barely lighting the sky, but she immediately felt a sense of relief that the day was coming. The night...haunted her. But as more pink and gold touched the sky, Sare's eyes grew heavy, and she grew more calm. Her breathing slowed, and she fell into a light sleep, no dreams to pull her from rest. A few tears still trailed down her cheeks, tinging her light skin with silver, but they soon stopped, leaving only their trails. She slept on, her breathing light, exhausted, but in rest. When Lucifer knocked on her door at 9:00, there was no answer. Looking inquiringly at George, his butler merely shrugged, showing he didn't know any better than his employer.
Edana greeted Bedros as well, smiling in turn and shaking his hand. Then she turned to Cid, "Who's Vela?" She didn't notice Bedros's gaze on her as she mentioned the name. Cid answered, "Vela? Oh, well, she's someone who I highly recommend joining this group of yours. She'd fit right in, but don't worry, hopefully you'll meet her soon enough." Edana nodded, taking his answer and not prodding - she was still wondering how to ask Prynn and Reese to teach her summoning. But then, her interest was caught by the two large birds that still stood in the courtyard. Walking slowly towards them, she cautiously held out her hand, and tentatively touched some of the feathers. When they showed no signs of aggression, she moved closer, and started to stroke them. They acted quite friendly, and pretty soon she was smiling brightly. Scratching one of them under the chin, she laughed quietly as the chocobo crooned with pleasure. "So, you like them eh?" Cid's voice interrupted her out of her revery. "Oh! Yes, well, I've never seen them before. I mean, we heard about them at the farm and everything but..." Her voice trailed off with a nervous laugh, and she stroked the fine, thick feathers once more. Cid handed her a couple vegetables, which she offered to the birds. The chocobos ate them carefully, nudging gently with their beaks as not to hurt her hands. It only made her laugh quietly again. His attention caught, Cael turned to watch Edana in her friendly exchange with the birds. He couldn't help seeing how...young she looked. [I]Just like a kid...a regular kid[/I]. A slight feeling of guilt touched him, but he brushed it away. Cid caught his eye, and his glance told Cael that Cid also understood how he was feeling. But then Cid turned back to Edana with a patronly expression, as he explained more to her about the birds. She spoke back animatedly, her hands speaking along with her voice with the happy expression on her face. Cael then noticed that Acacia was also watching, and she locked eyes with him. Her look told him that she also understood, and then she turned and spoke quietly to Tylan, who also watched for a few seconds. But Cael forced his attention back to the conversation that the others were having. Edana suddenly stopped talking, and looked nervously at Cid. "Umm...could I - could I ride one of them?" "What? One of the chocobos?" he asked, his eyebrows raised in mock surprise. She nodded eagerly. "Well," he said, looking her form up and down, "do you think a little lady as yourself could handle such a large creature?" "Handle them? That won't be a problem at all - I've had to handle worse creatures than the chocobos before," she answered, shooting a glance at Hayden. Cid roared with laughter, and then turned to the others. "Alright everyone, while we're waiting for Vela, Miss Edana here will be taking a ride on one of the chocobos. Is anyone else up for a ride?"
I watched the first episode recently, and was very impressed by...everything! The art was completely to my liking, and I thought that the voices fit quite well with each of the characters. [QUOTE]The occasional shifting between the human and wolf forms durning the fight scenes really added to the whole effect of the show.[/QUOTE] Completely agree. Also, I thought the music was amazing - it not only set up the tone for each scene, but emphasized the mood and heightened the effect of every movement. In all, I'm really looking forward to the next episode.
Arabella's head shot up as she looked at the storm clouds - the wind was already whipping her face. Her crew dashed around, scurrying madly to reattach the new sails in place of the old. [I]Oh...a mistake on my part[/I], she thought to herself. She had whistled a little wind for them...and it had propelled the storm. [I]I should have looked more closely at the sky before I did that.[/I] Her face was set in a grim expression, and she hurriedly tied down a few things. The ship sank quickly, and the storm blew over them - she could hear the docks splintering apart as the winds ripped into the city. And suddenly, her eye was caught by something falling out of the sky...directly towards her ship. "Arabella!" a crew member shouted, pointing at the object. She nodded, her gaze enraptured by the free fall...until it landed squarely on her deck. She rushed forward, ignoring the whipping winds around them. Her eyes widened in disbelief - [I]it's the boy, Isaac.[/I] Suddenly the storm howled over them, and she picked up his unconscious form, running to one of the cabins. "Let's get moving! First mate, steer us out of here!" she shouted over the wind. He immediately started giving orders, and the newly-made sails went up, bright and shimmering against the darkened sky. Laying Isaac on one of the bunks, she took another look at him to check he wasn't seriously injured. She bit her lip. [I]What am I going to do with him? We won't be back in Introth'Din for at least another six months...[/I] Some yelling attracted her attention back outside onto the deck, and she left, closing the door behind her. Running to the wheel, she took over, shouting orders left and right. The crew followed her perfectly - so much experience together allowed them to expect each other's actions, and they worked as equal counterparts. Soon, Introth'Din was distant, and they were blowing at full speed, the power of the storm's wind behind them. Arabella took one glance back, and then whooped in excitement, the crew following her victorious shouts.
Usually I'm absolutely horrible at writing poetry. However, recently I got some inspiration from reading the book of Psalm in the bible, and I kind of wrote something with a similar style. Please post any comments! I would love some constructive criticism, and if anyone else feels like posting their own, please do. [COLOR=Indigo][B]A Psalm of Children[/B] [I]My soul sings these words as the full circle of sunlight engulfs me. Golden warmth! enthrall me with your richness, Your flowing life I trace with my fingertips I follow the bright path of life. Forsake the shadowy traces of bitterness Dark dreams stalk you in the night Despair can chill the bones, Close the doors of hope forever. Awaken! O bright child, Daughter and Son of the stars, Forever is yet awhile off. Do not condemn yourself to a life of sorrow! For hope is yours! For will not the Sun always rise? Will not the dew of life return with morning? Will not light cast away the shadows? And the webs that catch you will fall away, For they are defeated. Rise! Rise and come Follow the bright path. Dispel your sorrow, Let your spirit surge to the sky! For if you allow yourself to fly free, To play and rejoice in golden beams Your laughter is precious - the riches of the human heart. Open your heart's door to Hope! O bright child, forever is yours the light of life.[/I][/COLOR]
OOC: Aren't there three chocobos left? Serene, Donkey, and Bianca, or am I mistaken? [I]Is this Gale seriously the son of the Queen?[/I] Glancing sideways at him, Serisay bit her lip in puzzlement, dropping her gaze when he noticed she was looking at him. He said nothing, though, but she could see a slight blush creep up his face. [I]It's almost...disappointing, I think. I was expecting more. Perhaps I'm being too critical of him - after all, he wasn't raised as a Prince, I suppose. Still...if I chose to complete my given task, they would be no challenge to defeat, except perhaps the machine.[/I] Gale still sat in the hay, his breath slowly returning to its normal pace. Again puzzlement came to Serisay's expression. [I]Why would he be appointed to guard Beatricia? After all, he failed at guarding his mother against my sister - he would have been condemned to death in the Arcane. He can't even keep up with me - it's no surprise he failed at defeating Sade... But why did she not kill him? I wonder...is she losing her skill?[/I] Suddenly, the sound of laughter and machinery became evident to her, "...Gale, I believe that some of your comrades are returning." He stood just as Kaeli, Biggs, and Wedge came into sight, leading the now-docile Willow. Chap burst out to greet them, tears running down his face, "Oh, my poor chocobo! What have they done to you? Your feathers - !" Kaeli squirmed, and Serisay noticed that there were still a few green feathers in her hair. Biggs was almost unrecognizable under the huge amount of dust and dirt he had accumulated; only Wedge looked perfectly normal, but she didn't really know how much his appearance would vary. Chap kept running his hands over the chocobo, sobbing anew as he thought of the prospect of selling his precious "babies." She tried to bite her tongue, but her irritation got to her. "Rancher, collect yourself. The bird will live without a few feathers," she said shortly, before she could stop herself. Chap froze in shock at her curt words. The others looked warily at her, aware of her shifting mood. Sensing their unease, she abruptly left without saying anything, leaving them staring at her in surprise. Sighing, she brushed her fingers through her hair, the gentle chime soothing her annoyance. [I]Why am I acting like this? Even though he is just a commoner, the rancher deserves my thanks - not my contempt. Why am I letting my emotions dictate my actions?[/I] Her frustration heightened, and her fingers flexed, itching to find some purpose to fulfill. Her patience was already on edge, and was fraying more with each minute passing, and she had never had a tolerance for whining. Her stride was quick and staccato, matching the turmoil she felt at the moment. Suddenly she came upon Logan and Cortez, both of whom were a bit disheveled. Taking in their appearances, she rightly guessed that they were having a bit of difficulty in catching a chocobo. "Are you having trouble with the birds?" she asked. Without giving either of them the chance to answer, she strode purposefully past them, "I will aid you. Hurry." Her tone really left no room for argument, and they had bewildered expressions on their faces before they cautiously followed her.
[I]Heaven...is fading. Faith is dying, and prayer falls on deaf ears[/I]. She opened her eyes, dark lashes gently brushing her smooth cheek. [I]I must... I must resurrect the faith of the old. Heaven itself has fallen to the gathering dark. I...cannot let it fall. I will not let it fall. I will not let mankind face this darkness alone. And if God will not help them...then I will.[/I] "Sariyel, we are assembled." The angel was bowed, fair hair covering his face. Sariyel stood, her long robes pooling around her like gathering light. The silver jewel on her brow seemed to glimmer with light, shadowing her with its silver tones. Dark hair cascaded richly down her back, and it gave off the light scent of spikenard. Her voice was quiet, inflected perfectly as sound reached her lips. "Karliel." He rose, golden locks following his movement. "Yes, Sariyel?" She looked at him for a moment. [I]He is one that has never seen battle... He has never before been troubled with the faithless and the doubtful... And he has never seen a demon of hell. How will he fare in this?[/I] Karliel was solemn under Sariyel's constant gaze. He met her eyes - something she had admired. But now...she regretted. [I]How long will he last? Can he survive in this holy war?[/I] She closed her eyes in quick pain, sorrow closing her heart. And with her lasted the soft guilt, the gentle apology to all that had followed her into exile. They had followed her...and now she led them into battle, war, revolution. For their faith and loyalty, she gave them wounds, blood, condemnation. [I]Let the light of the faithful be with them in this...[/I] "Lady Sariyel?" Karliel's voice interrupted, a gentle nudge to remind her of the present at hand. She opened her eyes once more, taking in his form as he stood before her. The others were waiting as well, and she knew that she would lead them. "Karliel...dost thou fear?" She walked to him, and touched his cheek, the slightest caress. He closed his eyes; he looked so young. And then he took her hand, alighting a soft kiss upon it as he knelt again. "Lady Sariyel, fear has no place in this heart of faith. Faith leads you as well - and we follow your light. Please...lead us." He looked up into her eyes, and the others joined them, circling around. Their presence, their sweet light, all radiating with hers. Sariyel drew herself up, the jewel brightening and glowing, a holy warmth that left no fear or doubt. She looked around, their eyes all meeting hers squarely. "...then come. We depart - and let nothing stand in your paths. We fight...in the place of Heaven. Let faith guide you." And with that, she swept her hand over her face, and closed her eyes. A dark cloak formed, swathing her in its black depths, and the others followed suit. Night could not have been darker - light seemingly absorbed into the wraiths of shadow. And they fell. As one, they hurdled, their cloaks hiding them from mortal sight, as they dived down to the earth. To the mortal realm. And to the city that demons had already descended upon. The clear, crisp air flowed over her smooth cheek as they dropped through the clouds. She could see green, and she could smell...the faint, lingering scent of sulfur. [I]Demons... Fear me, spawn of Hell, for I will banish you to the Lake of Fire. I, Sariyel, will not let you overtake these mortal souls. I will not leave them to fight alone. For I have heard their prayers, and their faith is not in vain...[/I] And they continued to hurdle, united as one, towards the city...
It was amazing. Such power, such grace, such enormity... How was something of this magnitude even possible? Summoning... It was real. Edana felt her breath catch as the disbelief slowly faded and turned into shock. And...there was something else. Something that she felt - it was as if seeing the summoning had opened up a door for her. [I]This is it - this is the answer to my...restlessness[/I]. Never before had she felt that way; her emotions were in turmoil, threatening to over-run her body. But deep down, the excitement and conviction grew. [I]This...this is what I want to do. I want to summon.[/I] And as soon as the thought grew complete in her mind, Edana felt no question of it. She knew it was what she had to do. Nothing before had ever made such an effusion threaten to overflow from her being - already she was shouting in amazement in her mind. And, when Prynn and Reese had summoned, she had felt the power. She had [I]felt[/I] it. It had rushed around her heart, her body, making her hair stand on end. It had transported her to another state - complete awe, complete conviction, complete amazement, complete...everything. Completeness. It was so enriching that she almost wanted to cry, and she closed her eyes to stop the tears. But when she opened them again, she was smiling. [I]I'm going to do it. I'll ask Prynn if I can learn. I have to learn. I have to summon[/I]. Still smiling, she joined the others as they crowded around the two summoners, questions and wonderment ringing together in the morning. Prynn laughed, holding up his hands to ward off the onslaught of questions, "Wait, wait. There is plenty of time to answer all your questions, but even summoners don't work well on empty stomachs. Breakfast is waiting." He led the way to a table that had been set up outside on the verandah; the spread was impressive. Seated, Edana dug in with an appetite, matching the rest. And she listened closely to the conversation...
Sare's voice was heard by Ralience once more: [Ralience...please don't call me Princess...] She could feel Sare's unease with the title before the connection faded away. Out farther up the street, Sare felt the mental connection lessen, and then focused her attention once again on Luke. He was still waiting for her answer, and was looking at her. She blushed, and then looked down. "Oh, wait, sorry. What was your question?" His eyebrow raised a bit, but he calmly restated his question without embarrassing her furhter. "Well...I asked if you needed a place to stay, unless you're staying with a friend of yours?" He nodded to Ralience's home, and Sare followed his gaze. She was almost about to answer, but then bit her lip. [I]I...already told Ralience that I was going with Luke.... [/I] "Oh, well, I am - no - I was - but -" Lucifer held up his hand, silencing her, "Hey, it's just a question. No need to answer if you don't want to." Sare didn't know what to say - everytime she started to speak it seemed to turn out all wrong. She stayed silent, and they started to walk slowly, aimlessly, Lucifer guiding his motorcycle by the handles. After about fifteen minutes, he got back on the bike, "Well, I better get going." Sare watched him prepare to depart, and he started the engine again. Looking down, she waited for him to leave. Instead, she found herself starting at another helmet - she looked up, and found Lucifer holding out the extra helmet to her. "Coming?" She paused two seconds, looking back at Ralience's house, and then took the helmet in her hands. It was answer enough, and now that her decision was made, she found herself smiling. Lucifer helped her onto the motorcycle behind him, and she placed her hands lightly on his jacket. As they started, she felt her hair being picked up by the breeze. And with the increasing speed, Sare felt her smile grow and her spirit lighten - excitement surged forward. Lucifer had told the truth - his house really wasn't that far away, and in less that fifteen minutes they had arrived. Breathless, Sare got off the motorcycle, removing the helmet as she stared in awe at Lucifer's home. "This... This is your house?" OOC: Back in yours. :) Oh, and Arika, a bit of mystery, eh? ;) Can't wait to find out what it is.
Veil just shrugged, smiling again at Mya. She liked the girl - reminded her of a niece of hers: young, bright, and spunky. The wind blew, and Veil looked over where Hentaro was sitting, his face still hidden by the shadow of the pole. Kilik was still looking a bit guilty, and Sinahiro was no where in sight. [I]Preparing our next training session, no doubt.[/I] Once again, she felt some unrest. Everything was so peaceful...and yet, not everything was right. [I]Will it ever be right?[/I] A sad smile came to her face, and she found herself watching the tall grasses rustle in the breeze. The silence was everywhere, adorned only be the whistling wind and voices of the trees around them. She stood, walking to Hentaro, and took a seat next to him. "...Hentaro, are you alright?" "I'm fine," came the short answer. His voice was muffled; he was still looking down at the ground. She sighed, leaning back, and then let her gaze fall on her feet. "...Hentaro...what makes you so determined? Why are you so...determined to succeed?" Her voice was a bit regretful; there was a note of apology in it as she spoke. Hentaro looked at her, watching the sad smile flicker across her face as she paused to look at the sky. He thought, and then answered. "I suppose...that it's Sensei. He makes me want to be...better. He forces me to challenge myself - I push my boundaries because of this." Veil nodded, her eyes following a pair of birds as they perched on the poles. "Yes...I suppose so. But...why? Why does he make you feel like that?"
[I]Two in the morning...I can't believe that I'm still awake. I'm so tired...but I can't get to sleep.[/I] Sare stared at the ceiling, her form unmoving on the bed. Listening closely, she could hear the crickets outside the window, chirping quietly their songs of the night. Her hair was still a bit damp from the bath she had taken earlier, and the refreshing night breeze caressed her skin. Listening closely, she tried to hear if Ralience was still awake, but heard nothing. Sare was still in Ralience's home, spending the night in the extra bedroom. She didn't want to think about what would happen when she returned home.... [I]If[/I] she returned home. [I]Should I go back? But...how can I? If I'm lucky, I'll live.... But if I'm not... I still can't believe that she rescued me. I'm so lucky. I just wish she had been there before...[/I] Sare closed her eyes, wincing as she stopped the memory as it came. [I]No use thinking of bad things...[/I] Opening them again, she got up out of the bed. She looked out the window, putting her arms on the sill, and leaning out to look at the street. Everything was so quiet, peaceful, and the streetlights dimly lit the sidewalks. A cat was walking some ways away, but other than that, everything was still. "Oh jeez, I can't sleep anyway. And I'm sure Ralience won't mind if I take a small walk." Leaving the room, she tiptoed out the front door, closing it silently behind her. Years of practice had taught her how to move without making a sound - living with her father had forced her to learn. She breathed in, a smile flickering on her face. It was so peaceful at night - it was her favorite time. Looking up, she drew in her breath at seeing the thousands of stars that covered the sky. "It's so...beautiful," she whispered, sighing at the same time. And suddenly, she looked over down the street. There was a light, and she could hear a faint sound... [I]It sounds like a motorcycyle[/I], she thought to herself. "But who would be riding a motorcycle at this time?" And then it occurred to her - she had heard a motorcycle engine while she had been taking a bath that evening as well. [I]Then...is it Luke?[/I] She stood, waiting in the middle of the street, watching as the one headlight drew closer...
The shadow seemed to turn, hand laid gently upon his weapon. His voice was so gentle, so polite as he spoke to her. So how was it that despite his quiet presence, she felt so...uneasy? She breathed slowly, trying to calm herself. Her fingers curled and uncurled, an effort to dispel the slight chill that invaded her limbs. She felt slow, sluggish, and yet...her blood was burning. She was covered in a light, cold sweat as she stood, watching Maboroshi's unexistent movements. The mud on the kimono cracked as she straightened her form - some of it had fallen off in soggy chunks as she had thrown the silent shurikens. Her wakizashi was already up, drawn in a loud cacophany that disturbed the gentle sounds of rain. Ayami winced; why did it sound so raucous in her ears? A headache was already forming; she could feel the blood pulsing in her temples, and trying to keep her vision focused on the graceful form of her opponent was an effort. As she took a few steps, feeling the floor with her bare feet, her arm started to feel sore, the wound tightening as the blood tried to congeal and stop the flow. Her skin was cold, her fingers felt dead, but her blood was so warm, and her head felt like it was rushing with the mad, hot rage she had felt when she threw the shuriken. But she gripped the wakizashi only more tightly; her knuckles were white from the effort, and she unconsciously bit her lip in determination. [I]That...dog. How dare he come to me, in this place, asking me where to find my father? How...dare he...[/I] She felt the pulsing rage draw up beneath her again, and her limbs warmed at the silent call for blood. His blood. [I]I will take his blood; he will die here.[/I] But even as she made the first move, her steps balanced at a wary pace, her uneasiness grew... And it made her angry. [I]Who is he, that can cause my body to feel...uncertainty?[/I] Her anger made her fly; she leapt into attack, watching the statues of gods rush past her drawn blade through the corner of her eye.
BAM! The car raced past, swerving slightly as the horn let out a continuous raucous sound. Keitaro found herself on the sidewalk, skinned from the concrete, someone lying on top of her. Immediately the person got up, yanking Keitaro up from the ground, slapped her, and shook her furiously. "What the h*** is your problem??" Cortiga's familiar voice was furious, laced with anger. She shook Keitaro again, holding her in a steely grip. She had been trying to sneak her way into the police station, when she had seen Keitaro leave. Noticing her desperate expression, Cortiga had merely followed Keitaro. When Keitaro had stared unseeing at the passing cars, Cortiga had had a slight uneasiness, and had gotten a bit closer. And then the girl had stepped out into the road, and Cortiga had unconsciously sped into action, throwing them both onto the sidewalk before she had time to think. And now she was faced with a girl that had just tried to commit suicide, and was asking what her problem was. Absolutely ingenious. Life got more exciting by the minute.
Arabella looked at the boy with a flicker of a smile on her face. "Hmm...perhaps; that would depend on who was asking." "Oh, I'm Isaac," he answered, trying to get a better look at the stranger. However, his blurred vision didn't allow him to pick up the features of her face, and sat down on one of the piles across from her. She laughed quietly, "Just Isaac? A bit short, isn't it?" He blushed a bit, then recovered. "Sorry, full name's Isaac Telanthos. And your name...?" Sitting back again, she looked amusedly at him, "Hmm...Isaac Telanthos eh? Well, I suppose you can call me...'Bella." "Just 'Bella? A bit short, isn't it?" was Isaac's quick reply. Arabella laughed; [I]he's a sharp one[/I]. "Yes, just 'Bella. Can't really give you a last name on my part; sorry." Leaning forward, she studied Isaac more closely. "...so, what are you needin' Corin for? Need somethin' mended, perhaps?" Isaac took off the piece of cloth from his eyes, and handed it to her. "Mr. Corin made this for me, but it got a bit ripped, so I was hoping that he could fix it..." "Ah, Corin made this y'say?" She fingered the cloth a bit, and then stood up, rifling through some of Corin's supplies at the counter. "Well, perhaps you don't need to wait for Corin here. He still might be awhile, so how 'bout if I just patch it up for you now?" Taking another bone needle, this one with intricate designs of silver laid into it, Arabella began to stitch the cloth together. It seemed to answer the gentle tugging of her fingers and the needle; the cloth seemed to mend itself flawlessly. Reading the worried expression on his face, Arabella answered the question on his mind, "Oh, not to worry Mr. Isaac Telanthos, Corin won't mind a bit here. There now, all mended for your esteemed self." She handed the cloth back to him, and he felt it with his fingertips, amazed that he could find no seam. It was as good as new. Suddenly, from a noise in the back, Arabella went outside and gave a low whistle, one that could barely be heard. But someone did hear it; four men came immediately to the door and entered the shop. Corin bustled out a few moments later, giving directions, and the four men, all dressed accordingly like Arabella, picked up the bundles of sails. They had been disguised and rolled up into carpets - it would look as if an ordinary crew was loading carpets onto a ship. Arabella smiled, thanked Corwin silently, left a clinking bag on the counter, and left with the men. She called back, "Farewell, Mr. Isaac Telanthos. Thanks again, Corwin." Isaac put the cloth back over his eyes just to see Arabella walk out the door, a rolled "carpet" on her shoulder, her wide hat hiding her features.
As Hayden's name was once again mentioned, Edana had that irrepressible sense of guilt again. For some reason she felt so...responsible. And she couldn't even hide it from herself; she was worried - seriously worried this time. Oh, she knew everyone had their bad days, but Hayden's seemed to be going from bad to hell in the course of an evening. Feeling that she somehow had to keep up his image in his absence, Edana piped up, "Oh, Hayden? I wouldn' t worry about him. If he doesn't find his way here, no doubt he'll find one that fits his comfort somewhere else in the village. In either case, we'll be sure to see him in the morning." Acacia rolled her eyes, and Cael had to hide a smile. Even so, at their lightheartedness, Edana felt absolutely miserable. [I]I can't believe I just said that... I made him sound like such a ... I don't know.[/I] Still following Prynn, she couldn't keep focused, and almost walked into a door. Prynn obviously noticed, and beckoned to her kindly. "...you look a bit tired. How about if I just show you to your room right now? And you can just rest for tonight. The others might stay up a bit, but you look like you're a bit too..." He didn't have to continue, as Edana nodded quickly. Opening a door for her, Edana walked in quickly, and Prynn shut it quietly. Locking it behind her, Edana didn't even notice the comforts of the room, the finery in the furniture, or the delicate blossoms that adorned the vase on the delicate table. Instead, she walked over immediately to the window, throwing open the drapes and heaving open the shutters. The cool evening air rushed in, as well as the accompanying scent of gentle cherry blossoms. Edana took a deep breath, feeling the melancholy slowly slip away in the tranquil twilight. She could hear the others continue further down the hall, and felt slightly guilty for not accompanying them, but then brushed it away. [I]I wouldn't be very good company right now anyway[/I]. Looking out, she couldn't believe the utter peacefulness of the setting. And once again...felt restless. She paced the room, making a path in the lush carpet, and then finally tossed herself onto the bed. The cushy mattress bounced, making her laugh, but soon she fell back into thought. [I]Is...he alright, I wonder...[/I] And then, she felt her pocket. The torn bit of paper came to her fingers, and she took out the picture that Hayden had left in the forest. Even crumpled and old as it was, the face was still clear, undamaged by the bullets that Hayden had so furiously shot at it. She smoothed it out gently, laying it on the blanket, and looked at it closely. [I]...She's pretty...no, she's absolutely beautiful. No wonder Hayden keeps it with him.[/I] But at the thought of Hayden, Edana's brow wrinkled in worry and thought again. [I]...I wonder...if he gave her a second chance.[/I]
OOC: Trowa_fan, you might want to keep straight your location. Isaac and Damario aren't even in the same city. Which city are you in? Pathegari or Introth'Din? IC: A drab figure sat in the dim tavern, sipping the last of their drink. The room was dusty, lightly lit by the windows that faced the public street. Inside, most of the tables were empty; it was a bit too early for the normal crowd to be there yet, and not many people associated in a bar in the nice afternoon. The bartender wiped some of the last glasses, opening a window to get some airflow going, refreshing the musty air. Tonight the room would once again become hazy, filled with the smoke of pipes, tall tales, and the bouts of drinking and socializing. Standing up, Arabella put the money under the glass, and went out through the doorway. Thoroughly disguised, not a colorful bit of silk was visible. Instead, the dark traveling cloak and normal leathers that she wore let her blend in with the busy crowds perfectly. [I]Market day...[/I] It was her favorite; so many different people, and so many different things. Gossip and laughter, some rowdy bunches, and the occassional top ten of bounties being offered for pirates. [I]Wonder where I am on the list today[/I], she thought to herself, a smile flickering on her face. But she didn't hang around the colorful stalls long; she had business to attend to. Making her way over to a quiet shop, she stood in front of it for a moment, her gaze lingering on the familiar door. [I]It hasn't changed much...[/I] Arabella stepped into the quiet shop, letting the deep smells of fine linens and cloths seep into her skin. Taking a deep breath, she opened her eyes, and found herself under the scrutiny of a wisened old man, stooped with age, but eyes still bright with mischief and knowledge. "Can I help you?" he asked gruffly, his fingers stopping in midair. He held a bone needle in his weathered hands, and he seemed to be mending something. Arabella could only smile, "Ah now Corin, don't tell me you don't recognize this old friend of yours? I only come here to Introth'Din to see you, you know." She winked, taking off her wide hat. The old man's eyes widened in recognition, and he broke out in a smile, "'Bella!" He grinned mischieviously, looking much younger than his age. "You pretender you, dressin' up to be a common folk. Well now, how's business been gettin' along wit ya?" He winked as well, clapping Arabella on the back. She nodded, sitting on some random pile of cloth. "Well, it's all goin' fine. I bet you heard a bunch 'bout my crew recently, as we were the ones who raided Ordney." Corin went back to his mending, looking occassionally out the window. "Aye, the whole city's heard 'bout that, as well as half the sky, I suppose. Makin' quite a name for yourself, you are. Heard them callin' you the "Pastel Bandit" or some sort. But I suppose that's not why you're here. So, what can old Corin do for you?" She smiled, shaking her head. "Well...while we were raiding Ordney, we got some damage on one o' the sails. I was wondering if I could get a replacement. They're all worn out anyway - it's time I got some new ones. Fresh wings for the good ol' [I]Angeles[/I]." Spreading out some parchment on the counter, she let Corin look them over. He squinted, muttering to himself, and then nodded. "Ah yes, old Corin can get his wrinkled hands to work now. At least now it's somethin' interestin', stead of some old hemming." He went off to the back. Arabella sat to relax; even though he was the fastest sailmaker she knew of, it would still probably take a few hours...
"My goodness, do all you Japanese girls cringe like that? Seriously, I'm surprised you don't all get some early wrinkles or something." Cortiga rolled her eyes, and then slid into a seat next to Amy and Kisho. Both looked warily at the tall girl, but she only slouched and looked bored, running her pencil around the edge of the desk. The teacher entered, sighed upon seeing Cortiga, and then continued to the front of the room. "Ahem, excuse me please. Today's study hall will be the same; stick to rules - you should know them all by now." He sat down at his desk, adjusting his glasses and getting some work out. Immediatly, Cortiga slipped in her earphones, playing her mp3. The cords were hidden by the dark ringlets of her hair, and the teacher had stopped noticing her long ago, since nothing could really be done about her behavior.
For once, Ayami felt a sense of relief. The assassin was gone... The assassin...she knew him. From somewhere. But...she couldn't quite remember; all that she knew was that she recognized him. Somehow. And he knew her. But how? She shook her head, following Taro back with Gen, but then stopped. The metallic scent of blood seemed to rush down with the light rain. She stopped, and then walked back slowly to the open door... And stepped outside. She looked at her pale skin for a moment, almost unable to believe what she was seeing.... It was raining. Raining [I]blood[/I]. Dust clouded the air, and disfigured any movement that she thoughts she might see. "Merciful gods...who has the power to turn water to blood?" Suddenly, shouting cut into the clouds of dust, and Ayami immediately ran towards the sound, her bare feet sloshing through the bloody mud. Her kimono became soaked again, weighing down on her body. Some of the dirt cleared, and she saw a carriage appear. Next to it was a man and a woman. She quickly identified the man as a servant; she had seen him before, silent, quick to obey. He looked at her with terrified eyes, and then looked down at the body of the woman that lay on his lap. Her breath caught in her throat. She stood, still as stone for a moment. [I]Mother?[/I] The woman's identity was unmistakable - the fine kimono, the expensive makeup washing off in the rain, the hands of a courtesan. The pale shadow of death had already claimed her, and blood pooled under her, mixing slowly with the wet dirt and water. Ayami fell to the ground, her hands hovering over her mother's body. Her voice forced itself out, harsh, "How - how -" The servant answered, rushed and confused, "Someone - there was an assassin - an arrow -" Looking, Ayami found the arrow, deep in her mother's side. Gently pulling it out, it relinquished the body of flesh with a soft cascade of blood. She looked at the tip, and then her mother. [I]Poison-tipped. But...what was my mother doing out here? What...?[/I] Suddenly, the painful realization hit her - her mother had been fleeing, in secret. Leaving Ishiguro and Ayami here. Ayami bowed her head... [I]And...an assassin?[/I] Her head snapped up, her eyes wide. [I]...Enishi.[/I] She thought of the body still laying inside the castle, the one that he had called Taka. [I]So...I took Taka from you...and you in turn took my mother. Fine, it's just. But...next time we meet, your head is mine, Enishi.[/I] She broke the arrow in half, throwing the pieces away from her. Blood still rained down, and suddenly she felt wild, dangerous. She threw herself up and away from the servant who was still holding her dead mother, her sodden kimono almost tripping her. She ran, more mud splattering onto the cloth. Blood ran down her arm; her wakizashi, in its sheath, banged into her thigh as she raced away. Back down the familiar path, through the familiar trees which she had passed every morning here.... To the shrine. The monk was nowhere in sight; she threw open the doors, not caring that muddy water and blood splashed the floor as she stepped in, her chest heaving from her half-sobs and tortured breath. She threw herself down on the chilled floor, the statues looking down on her with unseeing eyes. She moaned into the floor, her voice muffled as she held out her arms, palms upturned. "What is it you want? Why...why can you not just let me go? Let my spirit go free...let me find enlightenment. What have I done to deserve this? Blood! Everywhere! My life is covered in blood...I'm so tired... Please, let me go. Do not hold me in this tortured life any longer - I will do anything else in my next life! But don't hold me here... " Ayami choked out her sobs, trying to keep them silent. She tore away the hem of her heavy kimono, until it came down to her knees. The cloth was saturated with bloody mud, stiff with it, and it stained the floor of the shrine. She threw it at the statues' feet. "Do you see?? This is what my life is! This is it! Please...please...do not do this to me anymore... I cannot take it..." She bowed her head to the floor again, her eyes closed as tears tried to flow out, her chest heaving in silent sobs. And then...she turned, hair flying out behind her. Her wakizashi was already drawn, its blade gleaming in her hand. A dark figure stood in the doorway of the shrine, the profile outlined by the light rain and dusk. Ayami's eyes narrowed... "...who are you?" OOC: I know that I made some mistakes of info, such as Enishi didn't kill the lady; it was actually Suzaku. HOwever, Ayami doesn't know that... ;) And who is the mysterious, shadowy figure? We'll find out...in the next post! wheee! :wigout:
As Edana watched Hayden get his due from Reese, she couldn't stop from bursting out with laughter. [I]That guy is so...dense.[/I] Oh, it wasn't a bad thing - he made her laugh time and time again, and kept everything lighthearted. Of course, she always had to watch where he was, and keep track of his activities, but in the long run, she thought it was a good trade. Not knowing what they were going against, she thought they could use some humor. [I]Not to mention...underneath, he's....ok.... I guess.... I mean, he apologized and everything, so I suppose he has some sense of decency... Too bad he converts right back to being a jack*** afterwards. Otherwise, maybe I could actually like him.[/I] Edana shook her head, amazed, and smacked herself on the forehead. [I]What am I thinking? Jeez, get a grip, I'm acting like stupid little kid stuck in the middle of puberty.[/I] She smacked herself again, and started walking the other direction after Acacia. Cael, who had watched her, laughed. "What, not satisfied beating on Hayden anymore, so you gotta hit yourself?" She looked up, and seeing Cael, only smiled and laughed. "What? No... As for Hayden, he'll probably get way more beatings from that girl Reese than me. I wouldn't go near her; she's lethal with that spatula." She winked. Walking on again, she found herself...bored. It was surprising - here they were in a peaceful village, safe and rested, with so many people to meet, along with some nice hosts.... Edana let out a great sigh; this was precisely why she had left her farm - to get away from this sort of setting. It was too... She didn't know what it felt like, but it always made her restless. She couldn't sit peacefully long, knowing that there was so much more out there to find and discover and do. Her feet seemed to find their own path, and led her past the little huts and cozy houses, out to where they had first come into the village. Looking out, she saw the desert again in the distance, and nearer, some of the mountain peaks rising up beside her. Taking a deep breath, she looked on, a melancholy feeling settling on her heart. [I]Why do I feel so...tied down? Everywhere I go, I can't seem to get rid of it... I always feel trapped.[/I] Closing her eyes, she imagined herself on the edge of a great cliff, surrounded by the beauty of the mountains. Then...she turned...and leapt off, spreading her arms. She felt the uprushing of air, and excitement rising in her stomach - excitement and... [I]freedom[/I]. Her eyes opened to reality, and looking back, she could see that the others were gathering for dinner. The figures were small. [I]I should hurry and get back - they're already finished cooking.[/I] And then...she heard something. Sounds in the underbrush, and then quick gunshots rang out. It dawned on her; Hayden was out here too. She looked around, and then saw some birds rise up in the air, disturbed by a being under the trees. She bit her lip; should she go get him? After all, he might not know that dinner was being served... And again, she didn't know if she should bother him - he had looked pretty upset when he walked off. Suddenly she felt guilty for laughing at him. Turning away, she stopped, and turned back. She smacked herself again; [I]oh jeez, why do I always make myself feel so guilty about these things? It's going to get me killed...or even worse, molested. Da****...[/I] Sighing heavily again, she walked towards the sounds of shooting, where Hayden was sure to be, taking out his frustration on some poor log or another.
Is there room for another? [B]Name:[/B] Arabella ("Pastel Bandit") [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] Tall and slender, she has a lithe, graceful body that's obviously seen its share of conflict. She has typical dark hair wound in a ponytail, and gray, stormy eyes. Her muscles are lightly toned, accenting her slim form, and her expression is languid. She usually wears light, supple clothes in pale colors, matching her light skin. They're usually made of expensive materials, like rich, watered silk, or shimmering satin, which flutter colorfully in the clear skies. [B]Personality:[/B] Very laid-back and easy-going, she has a good sense of humor. Arabella can be quite sarcastic sometimes, but is usually polite. Her expression is one of calm confidence; one doesn't bother her unless they're either very stupid, or extremely skilled. Her easy-going manner and comfortable air make her a skilled captain, and she's well-liked by her crew, whom she handpicked. However, if you challenge her and are defeated, she will treat you with complete contempt. Her pet peeve is people who think they are superior, and she enjoys bursting egos that have swelled to large. [B]Magic:[/B] She has the ability to start a light breeze, which propels her ship immediately away. However, this is only very slight, just enough to get her ahead of following crafts, and it soon dies after. She also can feel her own navigation, meaning she doesn't need a compass to tell her the direction. [B]Bio:[/B] The early years of her life are much unknown. She made her first appearance when she was 18, raiding a small sky village. She instantly gained the name the "Pastel Bandit," because of her light-colored clothing. For a pirate, she's an odd one, as she does not terrorize, but politely takes things when she raids. People don't really fear her, but more are curious or confused about her. She's quite a favorite item for stories for little girls. Even though she's a pirate, she's also known for her manners, noble character, and generosity. People in need will find their houses untouched when her ship passes through. Her crew is handpicked, and all follow her with much loyalty. There are a few openings, but nothing major, and you must impress her to even be considered. She now is searching for "Cloud Nine," wanting to make her name a legend in the skies. She captains the ship called [I]Angeles[/I], a light ship that is one of the swiftest in the skies. She loves a challenge, and races many fleets. [B]Weapons/epuipment:[/B] She carries a light scimitar, a dagger, and a white whip. [B]Other:[/B] She always carries a deck of cards, as she's a fan of many card games. *cough*poker*cough*
Suddenly, someone cuffed Keitaro on the ear. She whirled around, shocked at being so roughly treated, and then looked up. The girl was tall, with luminescent eyes and dark hair in large ringlets. Her heart stopped; it was the new transfer student... Rumors were running around everywhere about her; how she had killed someone in the U.S., how she brutalized students... Keitaro had seen the effects herself; the recently feared school bully had been found in an ally, broken, and had had to be sent to the hospital. Keitaro swallowed, still staring, and finally spoke bravely, "Yeah? What do you want?" The student smiled cynically, sliding into the seat next to Keitaro. She tossed over a sandwich to Keitaro, "I could hear your stomach growling from two classrooms away. Eat something; it's getting on my nerves." Her eyes bright, she opened a granola bar, eating while she watched other students pass by, and the lunch room become more crowded. The sandwich still in her hands, Keitaro looked over at the student, "...Umm..thanks...but I have my own lunch. You can have this back." She waved it away, "No, keep it anyway. I don't eat meat." Looking at the sandwich, Keitaro saw that there was turkey in it. "By the way, who are you? And why do you always eat alone?" She looked over at Keitaro, who looked down quickly, biting her lip. "...Umm..well, I don't know. I just do, I guess. And my name is Keitaro. Fujima, Keitaro." The girl laughed quietly, twisting one of her ringlets around her finger, "Well, Fuji, I'm Cortiga Arvalis, and if you make up a nickname for me like I just did for you, I'll slaughter you." She winked, but Keitaro wasn't totally sure that she was joking. Cortiga was... Well, she didn't know what to think of her. Suddenly, Cortiga's foot shot out, tripping another student. The girl shrieked, falling over, and quickly stood up, her face red and angry. "What the h*** was that for?? Oh...you! Cortiga, you're going to get it this time." Cortiga shrugged, and stood up, her eyes bright. "What, me? I was merely thanking you for the rat I found in my locker this morning. I must say...the sight was quite interesting, and the way you smeared the blood everywhere showed such great skill. But...I think your taste is off. Because I think it'd look so much better if it was stuffed down you throat." Her pose was languid, almost lazy, and her confidence shone through. It was almost arrogant, but Keitaro knew that from what she had heard, Cortiga could back up everything she said. The student, however, was not thinking quite as clearly, and immediately screamed, lunging for Cortiga, her fingers outstretched to try to rip into Cortiga's skin. Cortiga deftly dodged the flying hands, catching the girl's arm and twisting it back, the bone popping in a disgusting sound. The girl started screaming; Cortiga rammed her head into a trashcan. Then leaving her on the floor, she deftly flipped the trashcan up and over, dumping the contents on the girl's moaning body. Shoving her back as she tried to get up, Cortiga finally took out a small, gray, bloodied mass of fur. A dead rat. A couple of the watching students shrieked; Cortiga just smiled. Taking the bundle in her hand, she opened the girl's mouth, and shoved it in. The girl coughed, turning over in the trash, and the rat fell out. Cortiga just smiled, stood up, and dusted off her hands. She winked at Keitaro again, and started to walk out of the lunchroom, a path clearing immediately.
[QUOTE]Second (Usually ends up being first cause they can't kill the hero) is the actual plan.[/QUOTE] Going off on that tangent, has there ever been a villain that you've liked (or hated) well enough, that you wished they actually succeeded? Personally, I don't really remember a time where the antagonist actually won, or the good guy died. The only thing I can think of is [spoiler]Braveheart[/spoiler]... Any others? And, why did you like them? What made them so successful in your eyes?
You know, thinking about it, in real life is there a true villain? I mean, I know that there are figures in history that are called evil and inhuman, such as Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, and Hitler... However, if you think about it, are they just following their beliefs? So if you were them, would you consider yourself a villain? After all, they're just following what they believe in, right? I mean, I suppose that their ideas are a bit more violent than all of ours, but do you ever wonder what it looks like from their point of view? And do you know of true villains in real life? Why do you consider them villains? Is it their minds, or their actions? Oh, and Sara, I think I'm going to try to find that book. It sounds awesome.