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Everything posted by Cyriel

  1. Another soft knock on the door, barely heard. But it was heard by both of the men in the room. Gen's hand immediately went to his weapon, and the tension in his face showed that he was strung as taut as a bowstring, ready to unleash his skill upon any enemy who dared interrupt. Taro, on the other hand, motioned to Gen, winking with his one good eye, "It's a woman's touch." Making true Taro's predictment, Ayami walked silently into the room, her posture perfect with her delicate grace. Not even looking at who occupied the room, she bowed, her eyes low to the floor in respect. Turning to each, she inclined her head, "Sukazuma...Shinjuku...I hope that my presence is not a problem." Her tone, although polite, gave no question that she meant to stay. "No, no problem at all, Mistress Zeng, " Taro answered, a humored expression on his face. Gen, on the other hand, was irritated again, and restrained himself from drumming his fingers in impatience. Turning again to Gen, Ayami started to speak, "Sir Sukazuma - " Gen's patience snapped, and he waved his hand sharply. She fell to silence immediately, absolutely obedient. It still annoyed him, this pretense of servility on her part. But he took a breath, and made the first step at being actually civil; he figured that in this case, they had to be more than just reluctant allies. "Please, Mistress Zeng, no title. Gen will do fine." She bowed her head again, her expression unchanging, although she was mildly surprised on the inside. "...as you wish...Gen." That being done, Gen could breathe a little easier; he didn't feel so guilty about being slightly...hostile towards his employer's daughter. However, he noticed that Ayami didn't invite him to drop her title also. Instead, she merely continued, her voice maintaining its quiet, lady-like volume, "Gen, as you are the head of my father's defense, and the appointed captain of the castle guard, I am under your command. I humbly beg that my undeserving person is allowed to accompany your noble selves in the defense of the Shogun." Ayami bowed her head again, and waited, unmoving. Gen clenched his teeth; there was that pretended obedience again, when in truth, everyone knew that Ayami Zeng was able to do almost anything she pleased. He was getting a headache from all of this veiled discomfort. Sighing, he bid her to rise, and she did, her eyes still lowered in respect. He almost wanted to refuse her permission, but knew that at this time, he could not afford to make mistakes due to personal conflicts. "Mistress Zeng, I will permit your presence. Please serve with honor." Making to leave the room, he was stopped again by Ayami's quiet, but commanding, voice. "Suza -...Gen.... I apologize, but...due to concern for my being, my father has ordered that I should not leave your presence." Her eyes flickered, showing that she didn't like the arrangement any better than he. "But...should your battles lead you elsewhere... Well, no one can tell where blood and blades will lead us..." How obvious she made the clue was quite laughable; in the midst of battle, it was quite easy to lose track of one another... Taro almost laughed. OOC: The changes are fine Hatake.
  2. The meeting room was empty, already deserted by the inhabitants. She slid the door silently closed again, wondering where the fighter had gone. There was a strange scent in the air; it pricked her nose, and Ayami waved her hand, trying to waft it away. It irritated her, invading her quiet peace with its promise of chaos and turmoil. [I]Alcohol. Expensive sake. Cheap women.[/I] She abhorred them all, but she knew it was necessary in some cases. However, it made her wonder what kind of hired fighter this was, who had already consumed such large amounts of sake by midmorning. She hoped that her father was thinking clearly, and then admonished herself silently for questioning her parent. [I]A presence.[/I] She continued walking down the quiet corridor, giving no sign that she had detected the foe that silently stalked her now. In the assassin's eyes, she was helpless; no weapons, no guards, and most of all, a mere woman. The enemy swooped down from the ceiling, a dark bird of prey, two blades ready to take her blood. Immediately she fell back, surprising her opponent by falling underneath him, but he quickly recovered, swiftly cutting down towards her open body. Unknown to him, he was caught in her trap; the only way he would leave was by death. Twisting a blade out of his hand with her feet, Ayami gracefully twisted her body around his, striking sensitive pressure points. She flipped his stolen blade into her hand, gazing at his covered face. Her voice was calm, her words uttered with no emotion, "Who sent you?" The assassin didn't answer, merely narrowing his eyes and taking another stance. He was [I]fast[/I], rushing to meet her with blazing fury. But he stopped, his eyes growing wide... Slowly, a thin line appeared on his forehead; it quickly lengthened, and blood spurted out, distorting his departed features. His head slowly parted into two halves, his body falling to the ground. The crimson blood darkened his clothes, going on to stain the wood floor. Ayami stood, looking at the scene quietly, and then dropped the assassin's blade onto his body. [I]The bloodstain will be hard to get out of the floor[/I], she thought indifferently. Suddenly, there was a crashing noise from above; she followed the sounds, swiftly ascending the steps to a few floors above. The unmistakable smell of sake and perfume reached her nose; the metallic scent of blood soon followed, coupled with injured groans. A serious expression on her face, she tried not to scowl at the damage in the hall. The screen doors lay torn and shattered, splinters littering the expensive wooden floor; there was a gigantic hole torn in the wall to the adjoining room; and another pool of blood stained the floor. Avoiding the broken doors, she entered the room silently, taking in the scene. Gen and Taro froze, stopping their interrogation of the would-be assassin. Ayami bowed respectfully; after all, she was a "mere" woman, and she would not shame her father by being rude. Gen bowed in return, his face hiding his own discomfort. She had met Gen Sukazuma before, when she had arrived in the castle. She also knew that he slightly disapproved of her mother; the feeling carried on to her, and Ayami knew that she was only just tolerated by Gen. Her voice was calm as she greeted the two, "Sukazuma, my humblest apologies for interrupting." Even though his rank was higher, she afforded him no extra respect; theirs was an uncomfortable but forced alliance. She motioned to Taro, "And may I ask who our most honorable guest is?" Gen answered stiffly, "He is one of the men here to protect Master Ishiguro. His name is Shinjuku. Taro Shinjuku." She bowed again, keeping her eyes low to the floor. Looking around, she noted with distaste the geisha that appropriated the room. Gen noticed her silent contempt; with a little angry blush, he dismissed the geisha with a sharp gesture. They left, a sharp jangle of colored kimonos and covered laughter at the strange new woman. Taro, feeling no need to hold back, laughed, shaking his head. "Gen, she calls you Sukazuma?" He hadn't heard anyone call his friend that for quite a while, except in stiff, formal occassions. "Well, you can introduce me to her, as the other women are gone." Gen went stiff again, and turned to Ayami, who waited. "This is Mistress Zeng, Ayami. Daughter of Master Oda Ishiguro."
  3. A pair of cranes rose from the green fields of rice below. In the early morning, the mist still overshadowed some of the landscape, veiling the majesty of the distant mountains. The mist billowed over her, sprinkling her skin lightly with the dew. The gray mass swirled with the slight air currents that ran through its length, and the first rays of the sun showered gold with the silver. Looking up, Ayami quietly watched as the magnificent light of the sun banished the silver mists of the morning, striking everything touched with brilliant color. "Mistress Zeng," one of the servants quietly murmured, bowing low with respect. She was modestly clothed, and did nothing to offend, so Ayami inclined her head. The servant quietly moved off, leading Ayami down a path. The trees were just budding, the leaves peeking out in clusters of light green. The sunlight filtered in, warming her chilled back, playing through the fingers of her hands. Brushing a branch lightly with her hand, water drops flickered down, dropping lightly on her scarlet kimono. As they neared the steps of the modest shrine, she motioned the servant away, going up the alone. The hem of her kimono brushed the stone as she stepped up, and the familiar scent of sandalwood greeted her, its scent lingering in the air. A monk greeted her, garbed in plain robes of gray, and bowed. She also lowered her head, imparting respect to the caretaker of the shrine. Ayami then stepped inside, the dust wafting as she disturbed the air currents. Her sandals she left outside by the door, and her bare feet glided across the chilly floor. Bowing deep before the statues, she noted that her father had not decorated the shrine with gold and jewels, in consideration for his daughter. He knew that Ayami was distasteful of gaudy embellishments, and had kept the interior modest, the only fanciful items shown through the perfect skill of the carvers, artists, and stone masons. She bowed again, and silently murmured a blessing upon her father. Lighting a stick of incense, the delicate smoke swirled up towards the ceiling, embedding its intricate designs in the air. It moved with her breath, as she murmured sutras. Kneeling, she did not use a cushion, her legs already trained from years in a temple. She needed no comfort; the presence of the gods were enough. She bowed, her forehead to the floor, lying prostrate with her hands palm up in reverence. Completing her morning prayers, she stayed still a bit longer, asking for blessing in her new duties. Standing up, she backed out of the shrine, and the monk bowed. A servant was waiting at the steps, and Ayami nodded again. The servant bowed, "Mistress Zeng, the first of the fighters has arrived. He is with Master Ishiguro now." Ayami looked through the trees, seeing the black tiles of the main building. "Has my father asked for me?" "Yes, Mistress." The servant led her away from the temple, and she followed, ready to meet the first man who had come to protect her father.
  4. [B]Name:[/B] Sariyel [B]Age:[/B] 20,321 human years [B]Race:[/B] Archangel [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Cause:[/B] Justice, freedom, humanity [B]Alliance:[/B] Bad (in a way) [B]Persona:[/B] Sariyel embodies that which all angels should be. Magnificent, noble, humble, bright, courageous, and fair, she radiates a white and holy light. All mortals who see her are awed by her glory. She has a solemn presence, one which is divine, and imparts wisdom and fortune on those that are in need. She is absolutely intractable on her sense of justice and honor; absolutely firm in her beliefs, she can tolerate only so much infringement until she will rise to strike down the foe. She reflects the sun and the moon; strong, courageous, bright and radiant, but at the same time merciful, gentle, peaceful and delicate. Although rarely becoming bitter, recent events have caused her to question her beliefs and strength; still, she fights for her sense of justice and honor, knowing that what she believes in will hold true. She is indeed like the goddess of justice, imparting forgiveness, while punishing without mercy those who act with malice for their own benefit. She never loses faith, even in the darkest hours. [B]Appearance:[/B] Because of her beautiful yet sorrowful figure, many who see her mistake her to be the Angel of Death. Smooth, ivory skin seems luminescent and heavenly. She has dark, wavy hair that cascades down to below her feet, and it is luxurious and silky, smelling of the perfect scent of spikenard. Her features are perfect; a slim, lithe figure; dark, magnetic eyes that seem to encompass the universe; delicate nose and mouth; graceful fingers; and a dancer's feet. However, her delicate features do not signify weakness; it is apparent to all that Sariyel is a being of power and might, with strength and courage that cannot be overcome by any small means. Her wings are marvelous to behold when unfurled; a wingspan of about eighteen feet only emphasizes the magnificent, snow white feathers which seem to glow with radiant light. They can encompass her delicate form completely, and all who are included in the holy light are blessed with courageous and determination. Her pure light banishes darkness and evil. When cloaked to others, Sariyel wears flowing, ebony robes and hood, which seem to swallow up light, and make her barely visible against the dark shades of night. If heading into battle, she wears a brilliant scarlet tunic, which is embroidered and embossed, stiff with gold embellishments. Her armor is that of a radiant, white gold, which gleams brightly with her heavenly light. It has on it her symbol and crest, a magnificent lion of old, the sign of majesty, honor, and courage. Her helm is of the same white gold, with two crests that parallel her wings. The lion is again mirrored there as well, transforming her into a fierce, majestic persona, one that even her foes must stare at in wonder. However, when not in battle, Sariyel reflects not the sun, but the gentle light of the moon. A silver jewel adorns her perfect brow, and her robes are of a light material which seem to float about her, following her graceful movements, and emphasizing her delicate figure. She radiates a gentle aura, one of peace and hope. [B]Weapon(s):[/B] [I][B]Nyke:[/B][/I] The bright, blazing sword of Victory, its pure blade of light is wreathed in the fiery wrath of the divine. It is a weapon of Heaven, forged by pure, immortal souls from the spirit of distant stars. It glows in the light of battle, emblazening its wielder with magnificent, holy light, and shaming those of darkness to cringe from their corruptness. Nyke is the swift, beautiful sword of death, dispatching foes with swiftness and severity. It is the sword that Sariyel most often takes into battle, and matches her glory, blazing with white gold and brilliant rubies. [I][B]Dykei:[/B][/I] The divine blade of Justice, its crystal blade is no less than its sister's, Nyke, even though its light is less bright. With a clear blade that is able to capture and scatter rays of light, this slender sword reflects the gentler side of Sariyel's being. However, Dykei is just as swift to deliver its sentence on those who are corrupt, bringing pestilence to the greedy, unforgiving, and evil of the population. The gentle light is a blessing to the poor and hungry, merciful to those who are in need. It judges the soul, imparting the wisdom of the heavens, and bringing the justice of the divine to the world. A clear jewel adorns the silver hommel, and it has a gentle, pure radiance. [B]Biography:[/B] A radiant and powerful Archangel, Sariyel was well-known and well-respected. Her power and intensity drew others around her like a magnet; her presence was solemn and graceful. Never falling back in battle, she awed even the winged ones around her; those around her were never in want of courage, fortified by her own bravery and faith. However, times soon changed... Heaven, as Earth, became corrupted. Angels distorted the rules of God, and soon, even He gave up trying to return them to the order that they once had. In all, angels became...like the humans that they were supposed to guide. Although some were punished, in all the state of Heaven fell more, although it was still extremely better than the Earth. It seemed that God merely turned his eyes away, ignoring it until it was urgent. This was infuriating to Sariyel. Sickened by the state that Heaven was falling into, she left, forsaking the shadow of the golden gates forever, until it was renewed by God. However, her faith in Him failed; He did not act, or even answer her prayer. Stunned beyond belief, and questioning her own, she left Heaven, exiling herself because she was ashamed and angered. She fights now for the salvation of Heaven in her view. Although some angels followed her into exile, leaving Heaven behind, they are still small in numbers. Sariyel not only longs for a new order for Earth, but also for Heaven, and is solemn in her silent vow that she will return the sweet, holy light and order to that bright kingdom. Torn between leaving God, or keeping faith with her sense of justice and purpose, she feels extreme guilt for leading other angels away, but knows that that is what she must do to stop the chaos in Heaven from enlargening. She now searches to enlarge her forces to start an assault on Heaven, and wipe clean their corruptness. [B]Extra Info:[/B] Her affiliation is 'bad' because she wishes for a new order, and is revolting against Heaven. However, this does not mean that her character is evil; indeed, she is one of the purest of heavenly beings that exists. Instead, she has turned against Heaven because she feels that is has been corrupted, and that angels no longer hold up the holy views. She feels that she must do something to restore the order and faith, even if she must fight against God Himself.
  5. The sunset blazed across the sky, seemingly setting the desert on fire with its bright conflagration. As Edana looked back, she felt her spirit rise, and couldn't help but smile. Brushing her finger over the tattoo under her eye, she turned back to see the others on the trail up ahead of her. Remembering the cactuars, she laughed quietly to herself, stopping when Cael glanced over at her with a skeptical look. But when he looked away again, the smile returned to her face. She couldn't help it - the atmosphere was just so...full of hope to her. Despite the dangers of various monsters in the mountains, Edana couldn't get rid of the feeling that she wanted to leap and shout in happiness. Leading her horse down the pathway scattered with shade, she breathed in the clear mountain air. It was wonderful, fresh with the scents of nature. Running her hand over the soft nose of her horse, she felt an unfamiliar wave of homesickness. Edana rarely thought of home, but now memories rose clearly before her, and it was with a melancholy happiness that she ran the memories through her life. The familiar scent of horses rose up to greet her, and she could remember helping her father train them on their farm... It hadn't been a bad life...but she had tired of it, and left. She hadn't seen her family since. [I]I wonder how they're all doing...[/I] She was broken out of her peaceful trance at Cael's quiet call to make camp. Quickly hobbling her horse, she spread out with the others to search and scout the area. It was a small shallow, blocked from the fiercer winds, and farely quiet. Quickly shinnying up a tree, Edana was greeted again with the breathtaking view, and she stilled as the last warm rays of the sun lit upon her face. She closed her eyes, breathing deeply the last air of daylight, and felt night breathing upon her skin. A voice below interrupted her, "Hey, ever think of wearing a skirt?" Edana bit her lip, a blush spreading across her face. [I]Not him again.[/I] Looking down through the leaves, she spotted Hayden's familiar face near the trunk of the tree. "Don't you have something better to do? Like seducing some poor mountain goat?" He laughed, and she bit her lip again, suppressing the urge to shout some embittered curses. "Seduce is a good word! For an innocent, I suppose. What, you don't like the more graphic ones? I can think of some, if you'd like." Edana merely held her words back, the blush spreading. She grew frustrated; why the h*** did she blush so easily? She wanted to get out of the tree and away from him, but... [I]If I go down there, I'll probably try to kill him. Cael probably wouldn't like that, and then we'd have to waste time digging a grave. Better to stay up here....[/I] Sighing, she tried to ignore him, and climbed up higher in the leafy branches to lose sight of him. "Perv," she muttered under her breath. [I]Hopefully, someone will come get us soon. Or if I'm really lucky, then some monster will chomp his balls off before he can escape.[/I]
  6. Sare cried into her knees, sobbing silently, her chest heaving as she tried to suppress the urge to start screaming again. But slowly...she looked up. Her eyes cleared; she no longer saw the dark images hovering around her vision...the blood melted away, the screams faded into the background of night sounds, and the bodies melded into the carpet. She was here again, in Ralience's home. Wiping her tears away, she looked around, and saw Ralience... She was weeping. Only a few tears escaped, but the lamplight lit them up like silver, and Sare's breath caught in her throat. [I]She looks so...sad.[/I] Going over immediately, she took Ralience's hands, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry, I just...I just...I hate remembering. Please...please don't cry. It makes me cry when people are sad. Please don't be sad. I'm sorry I hurt you." She handed a tissue to Ralience, who took it quietly. Ralience attempted a smile through her tears, and banished her memories of Akona. "No, Princess, I apologize. And you have not hurt me in any way... I just have memories that are painful as well. I apologize that I brought back dark memories for you. But...it was time for you to know, Princess." Sare looked down, biting her lip, "Why...why do you call me Princess?" Ralience sighed, closing her eyes. It was so...difficult, telling all this. Even she could barely keep in check the emotions that threatened to overflow with the memories. "Princess...you are a Princess. The Princess of Earth, you came to our world, the Kingdom of Lowne. And..." But Ralience stopped, wondering if she should continue. "And what? What is it?" Sare looked at her with worried puzzlement. Ralience smiled, and shook her head. "Nevermind, Princess. All of that can be saved for the time being. For now, please rest. You've...suffered harm today, and your body needs to recuperate. Tomorrow I can tell you more." She stood up, and Sare followed her to the guest bedroom, where Ralience gave her pajamas and a towel. Then she left her there, retreating to the kitchen. Sare sat down on the bed, holding the towel in her hands. She clutched it tightly, her knuckles turning white as she thought about Ralience's words. [I]I am the Princess of Earth. Even I can feel it...I think I knew even before...from the dreams. But...I don't want this. Not at all. I am not...I will not go back to that place of darkness and despair. If I see it a second time, I shall die.[/I] She felt the heavy burden of guilt and responsibility holding her spirit down...but got up, and went to the bathroom. The bath was already filled with steaming water, and Sare slowly immersed herself in it, hissing as her body emerged covered with bruises. The purple and green laced over her body, and she gingerly washed her face, letting the blood rub away in the water. Sighing deeply, she let the dark thoughts drift away, just content to relax for the moment, as her body untangled itself from the hurts of the day. [I]I will not go back...not now, not ever.[/I] It was her last thought before she slowly drifted to sleep...
  7. Nari swore under her breath, and the man wisely retreated a small distance. [I]So, the spy's been caught. Vittorio's quicker than I thought...[/I] Standing up from the table in the small cafe, one of the last left, she straightened her collar, and walked out, putting her sunglasses on. Three men followed, one paying at the cashier quickly before following her. Taking a cell phone out of her pocket, her fingers brushed the familiar curve of her guns, giving her small comfort. Pressing a button, she barely heard the other line ring before someone picked up. "Yes, Kye?" She spoke quietly and quickly, as she walked smoothly by people on the busy sidewalks. "Min, the fox is dead. The information was received from one of Vendetti's. He's still alive; take care of it. I don't need any loose ends; Vittorio's still too dangerous - we don't need him to find us." "Understood, Kye." The line immediately went dead, and she flipped the phone back into her pocket. Motioning to one of her men, he immediately handed her another phone, which she held gently to her ear. "..hello? Who is this?" Nari smiled, "An-yung, Lina. Nah-dah. (Hi Lina. It's me.)" Lina's voice was emotionless, "Kye." "Yes, Lina, it's Kye. I hope you don't mind; I'm dropping in for a bit." She hung up quickly, before Lina answered, and handed the phone back. As she walked to Lina's club, Nari thought of the spy... Vittorio hopefully didn't know that the spy was not only connected to Vendetti, but also to the Yang...and if Min did her job, it would stay that way. She walked into the doorway, her three men following close behind. Taking off her shades, she waited to see Lina.
  8. [B]Name:[/B] Cortiga Arvalis [B]Occupation:[/B] Student [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] see attachment [B]Weapon(s): [/B] She only carries around a small chain. Other than that, weapons are anything that can come to hand (pieces of pipe, garbage cans, other people's heads...). She also has an amazing wit, and her tongue can throw verbal barbs that can seriously deflate someone's ego. Cortiga is also able to manipulate human emotions quite well with her words. [B]Personality:[/B] She's extremely intelligent, and can be very charming when the situation calls for it. However, usually she's kind of contemptuous of other people. One can never tell if she's being serious, or if she's being sarcastic and insulting you. Her insults and contempt is so well-veiled, that usually people don't notice that she's making fun of them. Because of her odd nature and unpredictable moods, most tend to stay away from her, and she's naturally a loner. But if you get on her nerves, she can be vicious and brutal. She has no patience for those who think themselves superior, and is quick to beat them down into submission if she must. [B]Bio:[/B] Originally a student from the U.S., she moved here recently because of her mother. Cortiga is half-Japanese; her father was German, and her mother was Japanese. Her parents divorced when she was a child, and she was frequently shuttled back and forth. Thus, she speaks fluent German, Japanese, and English. However, while living in the states with her father, she became involved with a shady group...which turned out to be a cult. Unbeknownst to her parents, she was involved in many delinquent activities, and many street/gang fights. This only made her more unbreakable, determined, and almost impossible to beat. An expert at manipulating human emotions, she would always anger her opponents to the brink of rage, and then merely sidestep their clumsy attacks. However, one day she was caught with other members of her group, and they were hauled off to jail. Her father came to pick her up, and then her mother forced her to move to Japan. There are already many rumors going about her at school, but she pays no attention, and shrugs if you ask her about them. Her mother moved her here because the schools are supposedly very rigorous and tiring, and she wanted to keep Cortiga out of any more trouble. Cortiga, on the other hand, does what she wants...although she's less wild now. As soon as the killings started to happen, she was immediately interested, because she had seen many deaths on the fights she had been in. Although she had never killed someone, there had been times when it had been close... She merely investigates the murders because they are a cure to her boredom, although otherwise she could be completely apathetic to them.
  9. Ingrid walked home slowly from basketball practice. She sighed...tired as always, but...there was something more this time. Everything seemed to bore her...the world was becoming tiring, merely something that she had to take on everyday. She wanted to go out and do something, feel like she was really needed, or really accomplishing something. Instead, she was here, surrounded by idiots who had no thoughts except to get good grades and graduate. [I]Life isn't about that!![/I] It was surprising that Ingrid felt that way; she was one of the top students in the school, and her grades were perfect. But, she didn't put any effort into it; it just seemed to come naturally. She kept walking, watching as the sky darkened and then burst into color, the sunset a bright mix in the deepening evening. [I]Why am I here? Why am I even alive?[/I] She felt like she had no purpose, no real reason for living or being here. And...she felt that she didn't care anymore. She wanted to leave. [I]Dead or alive, I want to get away from this place. I'm so tired...of doing nothing; of being nothing.[/I] Reaching her house, she didn't even bother going inside the house. Her parents would already be finished with dinner, and watching TV. She hardly even spoke to them anymore; they weren't needed as parents, and they knew that. But that didn't make it any easier, watching them draw away from her, leave her on her own more and more. Maybe if they cared...but it didn't matter. No matter what she did, they just seemed to turn away more, shamed by their own failure to be needed by her. She wanted to scream. Instead, she climbed up onto her roof, setting herself against the thick, brick chimney. The bricks were warm from the sun, and she started to relax. Gazing at the sunset, she felt an immense sense of relief...and despair. She fell asleep.
  10. As Sare listened to Ralience's words, her face changed immediately. Her expression became fearful, and her complexion began to pale until you could see her blue veins spiderwebbing her skin. She whispered, "Stop it." "Princess?" Sare stood up, her eyes dark. "Stop it. Stop it stop it stop it stop it STOP IT [I]STOP IT[/I]!!!" She started keening, her voice rising above Ralience's comforting one. Pushing against Ralience, Sare backed away until she hit a wall, falling to her knees. She started holding her ears, trying to blot out Ralience's voice, and tears started streaming down her face. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to shut out the images that ran past her mind. For in all her dreams and broken memories, the only things she saw were blood...darkness...death... [I]The kingdom...was gone. Decimated, razed to the ground. Bodies lay on the ground, carpeting the once beautiful landscape with a horrific vision of broken limbs, blood, and death. The sound to her ears was eerie and haunting; there was cruel laughter, and the torturous screams of those still living. Looking down, her pale hands were spotted with blood. And then [B]she[/B] came, and the pain...the pain was overwhelming, excrucciating, inflaming every fiber of her being until all she could wish for was the peace of death...[/I] Sare stayed by her wall, crouching as she tried to blot out the darkness that was quickly overwhelming her soul. [I]Please...no more...no more...[/I] But no one could save her; no one could fly her away from the memories and dreams that had plagued her almost every night after her sixteenth birthday. All she could remember was darkness. She didn't [I]want [/I] to remember. And in a luxurious house a little bit away, Lucifer woke. He calmed his breathing as his eyes adjusted to the dark bedroom. His body was covered in a cold sweat, and he tried to banish the dream. As it was, it was the same dream that Sare was now remembering. He shook himself, and washed his face. But he could still hear someone screaming....
  11. CRASH! One of the basketballs flew through the window, shattering the glass as it escaped the gym. Ingrid watched its flight with minor interest; on the other hand, one of the boys was getting screamed at by the coach. [I]God, the idiotic show-offs. [/I] She walked outside the gym, the sweat steaming off of her body. Unfortunately, she could still hear the coach's megaphone voice bellowing remonstrations. Lars had been quietly eating his bread, when a loud crash surprised him out of his bush. As soon as he stood up, a basketball had hit him on the head, and then bounced into his hands, knocking away the bread. Mr. Jakens was looking in the direction of the gym, but quickly noticed Lars. "Lars! Stay there! I need to speak to you young man..." Lars was debating on whether to take his chances on running and surviving, or just staying and hearing the lecture for the fortieth time. Suddenly a girl walked over. Spotting the ball, she immediately called to Lars, "Hey! Over here!" Motioning with her arm, she waited for the ball to be passed to her. And it wasn't. Lars stared at her, and then back to Mr. Jakens. Ingrid shook her head with annoyance; [I]dumb students[/I]. She walked over, and then saw that the boy was getting a lecture from one of her least favorite teachers: Mr. Jakens. She put on a charming smile, and immediately jumped into the conversation. "Mr. Jakens! What are you doing here? I haven't seen you for a while!" Mr. Jakens had been one of her teachers last year, and she hadn't exactly relished on meeting him more than was necessary. Mr. Jakens in turn relaxed into a smile at the seeing of one of his star students, "Oh, well, Ingrid, how are you?" The conversation continued, and Lars looked back and forth at them as he was completely forgotten and ignored. Finally, Ingrid turned to Lars, "Oh, and I see you got our ball back. Well, Mr. Jakens, we'd better get going - Coach is going to wonder where we are." Mr. Jakens looked at Lars, "Lars is on the basketball team? I don't remember seeing him in practice." Ingrid shrugged and put on a cool smile, "Oh, well not exactly on the team. [I]Lars[/I] is one of the managers for us, and does a wonderful job of it. Bye Mr. Jakens!" With that, she steered Lars in the direction of the gym, and didn't stop until they were out of sight. "Hey, ball please." She took it from his deadened fingers, and walked back inside the gym, not even glancing to see where Lars went. As for saving him from Mr. Jakens, she figured that those younger students needed all the help they could get.
  12. "Draken! You idiot! Get back in here!" Idgie cried, as she furiously mixed a bowl of pottage. Draken reentered the kitchen, his face stormy. Idgie sighed. "Jeez, you know Van can take care of it perfectly well out there. No need to show off your 'skills.' Besides, you're letting the scones burn; hurry up and take them out of the oven!" He didn't say a word, but his face was still angry as he opened the oven door. Steam poured out, filling the kitchen with the delicious scent of berries and bread. Whipping honey into some glaze, Idgie immediately started to brush it onto the piping-hot scones. She muttered to herself, glancing at the stove out of the corner of her eye. The numerous pots kept whistling merrily, and none boiled over, so she kept brushing the glaze on the scones. She tossed a bowl of assorted berries to Draken, and he started to garnish the scones. Going over to the scones, Idgie searched her cupboards madly, banging the doors and making quite a racket. She scratched her head, "...where did I put that pepper...?"
  13. BAM! One of her teammates slammed the ball down in frustration. "Hey! Cool it!" Ingrid called. "It's just practice! You'll get it this time." Passing her the basketball once more, they spread out for another scrimmage. The coach watched; it was one of the days when the girls coached themselves. Besides, he was having more trouble with the boys, who were doing some weight conditioning today. Not that they were really conditioning; watching the girls' bball team was much more interesting to them. "Ingrid! Go!" At the call, Ingrid shot off like a bullet, taking a wide arc around her opposing teammates. They followed in surprise, and she quickly changed directions, looking for the pass. It came, and not well. [I]D***, too high[/I], she thought, but still ran to receive it. Jumping high, she grasped the ball barely with her fingertips, and then took off dribbling. Another fake, and she called to the girl she was concentrating on at the moment, "Annie!" The girl was ready, and took the pass, paused, and then twisted around one of her opponents. [I]Shoot, she waited too long[/I], Ingrid thought, and then opened up for another pass. "Drop to me!" The ball followed her words, and she dribbled once more, waiting for her teammate to get in a better position once more. "Annie! Go go!" Ingrid's words spurred the other girl on, and without a pause, she shot the ball. [I]Perfect[/I], Ingrid thought, watching its arc through the air. The ball swished the net. Their side of the team erupted in cheers; the coach blew the whistle; Annie blew a kiss to her boyfriend who was watching; and the girls switched around the scrimmage teams. Ingrid sighed, retying her ponytail. It was all so...[I]boring[/I].
  14. OOC: -_-;; blech, little perv...and I didn't know that Edana was that...hysterical. IC: Edana raced off, keeping up on her bike with Cael, Tylan, and Acacia, while Hayden raced to catch up. Her face was burning red; never had she been so humiliated in her life! She kept her eyes on the road ahead, willing her blush to die down quickly, before any of the others really noticed. Of course, everyone [I]had[/I] noticed, but wisely kept it to themselves. As Hayden caught up, Edana quickly maneuvered as far away as possible from him, keeping to the outside of Acacia. [I]I can't believe what a screwball that guy is[/I], she thought bitterly, as she kept Acacia and the others between her line of view of Hayden. He, too, wisely kept away...for now. [I]Why why why why why did I lose my ********** temper?? Argh, why the h*** did I do that???[/I] Edana wanted to scream again. [I]Oh, stop throwing a tantrum like a little kid! Get a hold of yourself. Jeez, by this time, that perv will probably be dead, the mission failed, and I held to be a completely hysterical moron just because I can't keep control of myself. D*** it![/I] She had been unconsciously revving up her bike the entire time, and found herself a little ahead of the group. Her face growing a bit red again, she muttered to herself as she dropped back to match their pace. She must admit, though, that racing on the bike was making her feel much better. Glancing over quickly, she saw Acacia brush her eyes over her. Edana bit her lip. [I]Acacia still hasn't spoken to me either. She probably never will now, as I've shown that I'm completely incompetent to hold my temper even in missions. D***.[/I] She looked ahead again, just concentrating on not blushing and not thinking about "the incident." [I]D***, I really want to kill him.[/I]
  15. [B]Name:[/B] Ingrid Ortega [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Crest:[/B] Crest of the Mind [B]Personality:[/B] Extreme smarts! Sometimes she acts arrogant; she is contemptuous of those who are not as intelligent as she is. If you can't keep up with her wit, you don't have a chance, so back off and don't even try. She has NEVER lost in verbal sparring, and she can become quite caustic and biting. She can manipulate with words to every extent, which in turn causes emotional turmoil to erupt in the feelings of her "victims" (the people who are less intelligent.) Ingrid does not give respect to anyone who cannot match wits with her. However, in serious situations, she is very directed and to the point, and fulfills her role to the fullest. A dependable teammate once the situation arises. Otherwise, keep away if you want to keep your dignity in check. [B]Appearance:[/B] Although most would expect her to look like a nerd, she's actually quite sophisticated. Sleek black hair falls to her chin, and her dark eyes are magnetic, with intelligence sparkling from within the mysterious depths. An odd, sarcastic smile barely touches her face, and she always looks like she has a secret to tell. Wears khakis and a blouse on any given day, with a dark jacket as well. [B]Basic Info:[/B] An absolute star at school, she's the president of many clubs, and the very much doted on favorite of all teachers. However, she even treats the teachers with contempt behind their backs. Many at school think that she is two-faced, as she will use any and everything to her advantage. However, no one can pull her down because when she boasts, it's quite well-backed; she excels in almost everything she attempts. She spends massive amounts of time in the libraries, teaching herself languages and other subjects. At the moment, she's using heightened diction in her usual speech, making her sound even more arrogant than she really is. Friends? She befriends college students and professors; no time for "regular" classmates, whom she almost considers lesser beings.
  16. [I]Jeez, why the h*** did I come so early?[/I] Edana shifted uncomfortably; she had been there for almost an hour in that sweltering room, and the others hadn't come until now. Her foot was falling asleep, and the pinpricks were running up and down her leg. She resisted the urge to hop madly up and down to get rid of the needle-feeling. But as she kept shifting her position, some of the others were looking with slight annoyance at her. [I]Well, at least they're acknowledging that I exist. It's better than being completely invisible.[/I] Most of the other teams she had been with hadn't even looked at her. They had ignored her existence until she had proven herself to them, and even then it was reluctantly given, if at all. She held in an impatient sigh, and then continued to shift. Her back started popping, and Tylan glanced at her with the slightly annoyed expression. Acacia didn't even glance her way, but from her eyes Edana could tell that she too could hear the bones in her back popping back into place. Obviously she had been standing too long. [I]Well, if they hadn't been so late, they wouldn't have to put up with all my cricks.[/I] Another bad thought. The door flung open again, and she stopped her breath from hissing as she usually did. Since she was so young, it didn't help when she betrayed nervousness; others thought that only meant for inexperience. [I]I'm no newbie.[/I] Hayden walked in with a confident stride, wiping the light sweat off of his face, "What? Do I have something on my face? Well, let's get on with things I'm looking for some action." Edana couldn't keep in her annoyance any longer, and her impatience overflowed. She couldn't resist the urge to throw a vocal barb, "Yes, actually, you do have something on your face, now that you've deemed to arrive. Your mouth seems to have swelled with your ego." As soon as the words left her mouth, she wanted desperately to snatch them back and swallow them. [I]Crap, this is just the perfect first impression that I gave them; an annoying teenager who's also a smart-a**.[/I] But she merely shifted again, placing herself comfortably against one of the walls.
  17. Battou style and Satoshi Saito? I think someone was watching a little too much Rurouni Kenshin. :p
  18. [B]Name:[/B] Ayami Zeng (Ishiguro) [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] see 1st attachment [B]Side:[/B] Fighter [B]Origin:[/B] Japan [B]Fighting Style:[/B] Wushu, ancient Taoist temple training, ninjutsu, kungfu (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) [B]Weapon:[/B] Katana, wakizashi, tanto, dual pikes (see 2nd attachment), sunais, machete (see 3rd attachment), sword (see 4th attachment).. Lot of weapons? Well, it's not like she uses them all at once, but she can be successful in combat with any of these. They are the weapons that she prefers. [B]Personality:[/B] Quiet and calm, she rarely shows the bright cheerfulness of her childhood. But being raised for the majority of your life in a temple will do that to you. Ayami has sort of an aura of calm around her, and her expression is one that is gently neutral, although sometimes expressions of unrest and melancholy will flicker across her face. She is very loyal to both her parents, even though she doesn't agree with some of their more atrocious acts, and she wishes to be an obedient, filial daughter who fulfills her duty. She is usually quite gentle, hiding her strength beneath the facade of a young woman, but if you hit one of her sore spots, Ayami will turn on you without mercy. In combat, she is swift and unforgiving, cold and hard as she dispatches her foes to the afterlife. But even in combat, her honor and duty are very important to her. She does not attack the helpless, and will not use underhand motives to achieve her victory. Ayami, surprisingly, seeks peace from the troubles that are in her own heart and soul. Although she has almost everything anyone could wish for, she still yearns for something...although she doesn't know what it is. So she is dutiful, honorable, gentle, and searching for a path that will lead her to enlightenment and understanding. She wants happiness. All this shows through, and enables to her give off that aura of inborn grace. [B]Bio:[/B] Ayami is the daughter of Oda Ishiguro and one of his concubines. Her mother (Ishiguro's concubine) originated from China. She was a gift to Ishiguro by a Chinese official, and he favored her very much. However, the concubine could not become Oda's wife because he was already married to Enishi's mother, and she was the head wife. Ayami was born a few years after her mother came into Oda's household. She took her mother's maiden name because as the mere daughter of a concubine, she could not take Oda's family name. However, this did nothing to decrease Oda's affection for her or her mother. She was Oda's favorite child, and remained in his affections. However, this made her the victim of jealousy and envy from other children and concubines, and she was alone for much of her childhood. The exception to this was Enishi, who befriended her even though he detested Oda Ishiguro. She looked to him as a sort of older brother and protector, always looking up to him. But she was totally unaware of how abusive Oda was towards Enishi. Oda increasingly became tired and annoyed about Enishi's mother, and so killed her. Because of the horrible way in which his wife had been gotten rid of, Oda could not raise Ayami's mother up to the first wife position, as it would cause too much scandal. However, she became first wife in everything but name, and is the power of the household. With Enishi gone, Ayami became subject to even more jealousy, which sometimes resorted to violence. Oda, worried for his favorite child, sent her to China soon after, where she resided in a temple and was trained in numerous martial arts. Slowly, she forgot about her childhood, and Enishi was only a distant memory. Her father would visit her from time to time, to check her progress. Surprisingly for one of the shogunate, he was very liberal with his daughter, encouraging her interest in combat and weapons. He, of all people, knew best that Ayami would be in constant danger because she was openly his favorite child. And knowing that he wouldn't always be able to protect her, ordered her well-studied in protecting herself. Ayami slowly mastered the arts, and became very accompished in other fields as well, being well-read and knowledgeable not only in combat, but the arts. Ayami only recently returned to Japan and Oda's household. There is still bitterness towards her father's favoritism towards her, but no one bothers her because of her education. No longer the scared young child, she has grown into a graceful, able-bodied woman who is far from being helpless. She had an uncomfortable reunion with her mother, because she never agreed with her mother rising to her power through the murder of Enishi's mother. However, she is a filial daughter, and respects both her parents. She returned to Japan because of her father's trouble with assassins, and being higly skilled in the arts of combat, returned to protect him, her duty to her father. Wow, I hope that's not too long.
  19. Serisay looked up. Gale's eyes were still on her, an inquiring expression on his face. She was almost surprised to see how sincere he looked. He waited, silent, and she couldn't help but bite her lip. Unable to keep his gaze, she looked away. The golden trinkets chimed. [I]How can this be? Why have I not already destroyed them? My purpose is to...finish Sade's work. They all know my face - they can pick me out and recognize me. I have my mission, and they threaten the carrying out of it. Why have I not already drawn my weapons against them?[/I] Seeing that Serisay was troubled in her deep thoughts, Gale turned away. He walked slowly on, not looking back, but keeping his ears open to any soft steps that might alert him. Serisay watched him go. She studied the group that was ahead of her. [I]They don't belong together. And yet...they have all united... They stand together, protect each other. Why? And why...do I not kill them? Such a rag-tag, disorganized group. I could kill them easily. But why...why do I stay my hand?[/I] She looked down at her feet again, studying the dust. She put her hand in her pocket, and felt the delicate rice paper. Taking it out, she unfolded it to reveal the character once more. [I]Duty. I must serve my duty. And my duty belongs to the wishes of the Emperor... Oh, Child of the Gods, why did you send me from your side? It was so easy then, because I knew full well my purpose. I protected you from those who wished you harm. My life was...is devoted to you. But now...I am here, alone, without your young, wise words. And my purpose, and my duty, grow hazy before me. I know not what to do. Why did you send me from your side?[/I] She suppressed a sob, her breath coming out in silent, painful heaves. She closed her eyes tightly, still able to picture the child emperor with his back turned, asking her what she wished for the most in life. [I]Heavenly Child...I have sworn my loyalty to you. I will follow your commands. But...I will do this following my own path. I cannot walk on the ground that you set out for me...I am not ready. Forgive me.[/I] Serisay clutched the rice paper tightly in her fist, her heart heavy. Turning, she saw the others rounding the bend of the corner, and hurried to follow. Her steps were silent; only the chime of her hair trinkets gave her away to Gale. A smile flickered across his face, but he kept his eyes on the others. She didn't notice, still deep in thought. And her heart was still tearing inside of her. [I]Duty...I must keep my duty. I must fulfill what I set out to do. But...I couldn't kill them then. Can I kill them if I must?[/I]
  20. Sare's eyes went wide in shock. [I]What is this? What's happening?[/I] The girl she had met briefly at the school had shown up at her house and....transformed... She watched as Shikaku knocked her father to the floor, anger burning in her eyes. Sare tried to stand up, but her legs wouldn't support her, and she fell back down to the floor, leaning against the wall. Her head was pounding, and she was starting to feel nauseated. She gazed blankly as Shikaku continued to beat her father. She noticed that Shikaku was doing the exact things that her father had done to her, punishing him for every blow he had laid upon Sare. Shikaku was angry. More than angry. Her fury was about to overflow her being and turn into the river of hell. She wanted to hurt this man, this mere human that had hurt her princess. [I]Her father? How could she end up with a father like this on Earth?[/I] She backhanded him, sending him flying into the table. It collapsed beneath his weight, and he didn't get up. He was unconscious, badly bruised, bleeding a little. Shikaku turned back to Sare, who was still sitting by the wall, breathing raggedly. She held out her hand. Sare looked at the outstretched hand of the stranger, the protector who had appeared. She glanced up fearfully at the dark eyes, but found nothing that would harm her; only strength and determination were in them. Her memory...was trying to recall who this figure was. She was so familiar... Sare could identify the emotion that came more than the exact memory. [I]Protection. I feel protected. I'm safe with her.[/I] She looked at Shikaku's outstretched hand again, and then grasped it with her own, gripping tightly as if afraid that Shikaku would suddenly disappear. Sare almost smiled, but then...it all became too much for her, and she fainted, slumping against the wall. OOC: I hope you don't mind I finished the little fight, but I didn't want Shikaku to kill him or anything.
  21. "Re-occurring dreams?" Sare's face became pale, and she only gave a slight nod. Her eyes seemed to get deeper and darker as she stared at something that wasn't there. She was completely enveloped in her thoughts. [I]Yes...I have dreams...[/I] Sare said nothing more to Lucifer. She didn't tell him of her dreams, which she had been getting more frequently now. And she didn't tell him that her dreams...terrified her. It was not unusual for her to jolt awake almost every night, covered in a cold sweat, trembling, and gasping for breath. Over time, she had learned to silence her screams...but her tears still came. The dreams...they terrified her. From the look on Sare's face, Lucifer didn't pursue the subject any further, just keeping silent as Sare dwelled on her thoughts. He studied her face in one of the side mirrors, trying to get a clue as to what she was thinking of, but could only sense that she was intensely worried, and uncomfortable. Suddenly, she motioned with her hand, directing him to her house. She lived in a nice, quiet neighborhood. The house had a dark, olive-green garage, and was a charming rambler. Sare got off, taking the helmet off and handing it back to Lucifer. She smiled faintly, "Thank you for the ride, Luke. It was...memorable." He shrugged, "No problem. Will I be seeing you around sometime?" Sare gave a slight nod, barely noticeable. "Perhaps. I'm at the ballet studio on 5th Street almost everyday, if you want to drop by. Anyway, thanks again for the ride." She watched him ride the motorcycle down the street, before she turned and faced the house. Already, she had a troubling feeling...and for some reason, Kuro had popped into her head. But she brushed it from her mind. She sat looking at the house for a bit, before sighing and heading to the front door. She slipped in quietly, taking her shoes off on the mat. "Mother? Are you here?" She called softly as she made her way to the kitchen. She stopped. Her father was sitting at the table, his face like stone. His hands were around a mug of coffee, which he was staring at, his eyes narrowed and cold. He glanced at her feet, and then stood up abruptly, towering over her. She shrank back a little, "Oh, Father, I didn't know you were home..." Her hands shook, and she hid them behind her back. He stood silent, and then reached out with one of his powerful arms. He grasped one of her shoulders, squeezing so hard that Sare couldn't help but cry out. He threw her against the wall. She slumped down, gasping for breath, holding her shoulder and her side. His voice came out, menacing and low, "You're late." She closed her eyes, her breath coming out in sobs as she hastily tried to get her words out. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be late, I just met some people I knew - " "A [I][B]boy[/B][/I]!" Her father's voice rang out, outraged and brutal. His actions reflected his words. His hand came down, striking her on her face. Tears came freely now, and her body heaved as she took the pain. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you angry, I won't do it again -" His voice was low again, and he picked her up. He shook her, emphasizing each of his words. His grip was like steel. "I saw you with that boy, in front of the house. What, got some bad biker boyfriend now? Did I ever say you could have a boyfriend???" He threw her brutally against the counter, and she felt the sharp corner dig into the side of her hip. Oh, god, the pain was overwhelming... Sare cried uncontrollably now, her breath ragged as sobs tore through her body. "...I'm sorry, I was wrong, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I won't do it again I'm sorry...." She prayed for the pain to end, but the beating went on... And in a school parking lot, Ralience woke from her unconscious state. She almost thought she was going crazy, seeing the vines attacking, but then saw the Prince battling them. She was just about to join in and help, when she suddenly felt a slight twinge of foreboding... Wariness snaked through her being, and for some reason she found herself searching for the Princess's aura. And then the full-blow hit her, so hard that she found herself gasping for breath. Her mind screamed warning: [I]The Princess is in danger![/I] She honed in on the aura.
  22. Sora had been attracted to the spot by the voices she heard. She hid behind some of the trees when she heard one of the men roaring, and when she peeked out from behind the tree, she saw two men transforming, rippling as fur sprouted from thickening muscles. She held her breath as they faced each other, speaking quietly. Then, one of the men walked off. The one that Sora knew to be named Gazelle seemed to shrink back into a human-looking form, in which he stood quietly for a minute. That is, until she shifted a little, and he swiftly turned, his eyes narrowed, his form showing that he was entirely ready to rip the intruder apart. He didn't relax when he saw it was her, but he shifted so that he wasn't so evidently hostile. She swallowed, "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt - " He shook his head, stopping her shaky words. Finally, Gazelle sighed, and looked gruffly at her. She swallowed again, her palms sweaty from nervousness and a slight fear. The knowledge of knowing that he could transform at any moment and snap her like a twig didn't help comfort her. As having been with Magneto for only a week or two, and with the X-men for only a few days, she still wasn't used to being at such a close proximity with other mutants. "Do - do you want me to leave?" Her voice was still shaky, and could barely be heard.
  23. Name: Edana Age: 19 Bios: She is one of the younger members of the party. She was rather young when the Coup took place and doesn?t remember the fact that her father was killed in the fighting. Her family lives at lake Mi?hel on a small farm raising horses for riding lessons and they also raise some small crops also. Edana grew weary of the farm life and headed to Lake Thyala where she joined Axerion?s elite military services (this is because of her sharp shooting skills). So far she has risen to the rank of colonel Weapon of Choice: Horse Whip and Hand Gun Picture: [url=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=12]Edana[/url] Personality: Perky, light-hearted, and always good natured. She?s always the one to help cheer people up when feeling bad. *There's a new pic!*
  24. OOC: Wow Kitty, don't get arrested lol. IC: Sare bit her lip, trying not to tremble and show her slight fear. Nevertheless, Logan felt her hands grip even more tightly onto his jacket, and when he glanced down, he saw that her knuckles were white. Her eyes were glued to the road, watching tensely as cars passed them, looking for pedestrians, checking the signal lights. Yeah, he could completely tell that she was a bit worried, tense... The light turned green, and he started off again. Sare gasped a little, surprised by the sudden start, her heart jumping in her throat. They weren't even going that quickly, and she was already showing signs of her nervous tension. Obviously, she had never been on a motorcycle before. When Lucifer asked for the directions to her house, she muttered back quietly, still worried. Finally, she couldn't stop her trembling anymore, and leaned closer to him to feel more secure. She tapped him on the shoulder, and he turned his head to listen to her, while not taking his eyes off the road. She talked loudly to be heard over the motor, "Umm...could you go a little slower?" "Slower? Why do you want to go slower?"
  25. Sare turned, realizing that Lucifer had started to drive off. "Oh, wait Luke!" He turned, and started to drive back, and she turned back to Ralience and Kuro. She smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry, but he offered me a ride home...and I don't want to be rude." Turning to Ralience, she beckoned to Kuro. "I'm sure that Kuro can take you to the mall - he knows where it is I'm sure. Unless...that isn't too much trouble, is it?" Kuro's heart sank, and he glanced at Lucifer again, but couldn't see his eyes through the visor. "Well...yeah, I can take her to the mall...." Lucifer interrupted, "Hey, Sare, if you want to go with them, it's fine." He was curt, and his voice was a little rough. Sare turned, biting her lip, "What? Oh, no, it's ok. Unless you don't want me to come..." Her face looked worried and puzzled, and Lucifer only beckoned to her with his hand. She smiled, and took the helmet that he offered her again. Putting it on, she apologized again to the other two. "I'm sorry, I really need to get going. Oh, but Kuro, I'm sure I'll see you sometime again. My company's going to come dance again here in about a week or two. We're performing Swan Lake, if you want to come. You'll probably see it posted in the announcements." She flipped the visor down, and got on the motorcycle behind Lucifer, who took off, leaving Kuro and Ralience beside the tree. Looking back once or twice, she racked her brain, feeling as if she had seen the other girl before... But nothing came to mind. And she couldn't believe that she had met Kuro again - she had never expected that to happen, and barely even remembered the incident with the rose. Sare looked down at the ground rushing by, and barely tightened her hands on Lucifer's jacket, a little afraid that she might fall off. OOC: totally from Sailor Moon! I've even seen that episode with the rose! :)
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