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Everything posted by Cyriel

  1. [B]Name:[/B] Chary Tremain (SHAW-ree) [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Season:[/B] Summer [B]Powers:[/B] Summer is able to cause very heavy droughts that can last for one week to a year. Summer is able to create rain, but not flood issues or anything. Fire and drought are the main weapons. Sometimes she can use summer thunderstorms to spark a flame, by striking a tree with the random lightning. However, as this is extremely dangerous, and not always controllable, she only does this rarely. Summer is able to make billowing heat waves, which can give heat strokes. When it hits you, it feels like all the air is being sucked out of your lungs, and you feel like you're in an oven. Also, ever see the heat waves on the road in summer? She can sort of do the same thing, and it distorts your vision. [B]Special Attack:[/B] She can also concentrate the sun's rays, like a magnifying glass, to burn anything to a crisp. It's also a much easier way to create fire, and safer too. [B]Normal Appearance:[/B] see first attachment [B]Sprite Appearance:[/B] see second attachment [B]Animal Appearance:[/B] A fierce golden eagle, its feathers have a slight reddish-gold tinge, and its tail feathers are slightly lighter in color, with cream undertones. Its eyes have gold and blue flecks in the large, black irises. [B]Personality:[/B] Chary is very easy-going and laid back. She has a naturally calm appearance, but in truth is a wild and free spirit. Bright and cheerful, she rarely angers, although when she does get angry it feels like a summer thunderstorm. Although her real nature is very free, her sense of responsibility makes her clamp down on her wild character, and she's quiet most of the time. Normally she's cautious and clear-headed, and likes to be prepared. But when she's free from the world, her daring nature reveals itself, and she allows herself to relax and let life carry her where it will. [B]Bio:[/B] The first child of four children, Chary's family background is one of poverty. Her parents both work full-time, and she had to raise her siblings most of the time. Thus, she gained an immense sense of responsibility. Her parents are loving and kind, and can see her intelligence and wit. Knowing her enormous potential, they push her to strive and challenge herself. She is always pressured as the role model, knowing that she must set a good example for her brothers and sisters, and knowing that if she fulfilled the expectations of her parents, it would fufill their lifelong dream as well. Since both her parents' families were poor, they could never afford a higher education than high school. However, they worked very hard so that Chary would be able to attend college. Thus, she very much feels the pressure on her as the oldest to set the tone for her family, and also take the strain off of her parents. That is why she clamped down on her wild and free nature, and made herself quiet and responsible, cautious and very objective.
  2. Serisay was on the outer reaches of Miraclion, looking over the city from a hill. The famous river was flowing with an eery light, and she shuddered. She'd have to explore a little, and find another way in and out. She couldn't believe that there was only one way. [I]Or, if there's only one way, then I will have to make another one.[/I] Her quiet, worried thoughts were interrupted by a sound of a small explosion. She looked over quickly, the golden hair trinkets chiming with the momentum. She saw a cloud of birds take flight, and the trees were shaking. A cloud of smoke billowed just under the canopy, and spiraled out into the sky, barely visible. [I]What...what is that?[/I] [I]A battle, perhaps?[/I] There did seem to be a bit more activity in Miraclion than was usual, but she hadn't known the reason, and hadn't deemed to enter and find out. Better not to show her face, or give anyone anything to remember her by until it was necessary. Looking over the cloud of smoke that was still visible, Serisay put her hand instinctively on her twin machetes under her thick cloak. And then...she strange feeling she had became familiar to her. [I]Demon.[/I] The shiver that rippled across her skin only confirmed her suspicions; even from here she could feel the slight chill that its presence brought on the faint breeze. [I]A demon...here. Now I have no choice. Duty. It is my duty to vanquish it. To do otherwise would be to shame myself and my Emperor.[/I] Her mouth narrowed to a grim line as she ran swiftly down the hill, down into the Weeping Forest. She leapt quickly through the trees, sniffing occasionally for the scent of water and the smoke. Serisay caught a brief whiff, and corrected her direction. Even now, from the chill she was feeling, she could identify what the demon was. [I]The Lady of Beauty...with any icy glare and an icy heart.[/I] She had fought a Shiva before - combat against demons had been included in all training of the Emperor's honor guard. Suddenly, she swept out into a clearing, and was enveloped by smoke. Serisay couldn't see a thing, and immediately, silently, drew her weapons. [I]A mistake. And one that I shouldn't have made. I should not have miscalculated the distance, or been taken off guard by the smoke. Stupid mistake.[/I] Her eyes scanned the smoke, in a ready stance. She was looking for Shiva...but she heard something else. Other footsteps...many...and another voice that was faintly calling for help. The smoke cleared. Serisay found herself looking at a motley of characters, and immediately crouched in a defensive stance. She found herself studying their strange appearances, and it was only until seconds later that she remembered she was looking for a demon. But by then, recognition had dawned on the others' faces. As she looked quickly back and forth at them, the golden trinkets in her hair chimed. Beatricia gasped, "The assassin from the tunnels!"
  3. "Did you say elderberry wine?" Idgie peeked out from the kitchens once more, and then ran over to the bar, her head barely reaching the counter. She glared at Van, "You took this from the kitchen, didn't you?" He shook his head, trying to deny the accusation, but Idgie grabbed the bottle, looking closely at the lable, and then smacked him none too lightly. "Yes you did! You took it from the kitchen! Look at the label! I bought this the other day for the skilly n' duff I was going to make! And then the next thing I know, it's gone from the shelves... You should keep your hands out of my pantry!" With another light smack with the spoon she was holding, Idgie ran back into the kitchen with the bottle before Van could say a word. Draken was in the kitchen, slicing the steaming bread that had just come out of the ovens. The aroma was tantalizing and homely, and filled the kitchen with the rich scent of baking. Idgie came back into the kitchen holding her sides with laughter, and set the bottle of wine on the counter before she dropped it. "You should have seen poor Van's face. Oh well, I need this wine for the skilly n' duff, and there's none better than this." Draken shook his head and sighed.
  4. [B]Name:[/B] Lacey [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] See attachment [B]Personality:[/B] Her calm exterior hides an inner rampage of emotions and a wild spirit. A free spirit, she's laid back and easy going, content to go where life takes her. She's quite a dare-devil, and is willing to try most anything. If you can't keep up with her, don't even try, because she'll probably tease you about failing. She sets her own standards, and follows no one. Admirable for her courage and magnetivity, she's an excellent, if somewhat daring, role model. She likes some friendly competition, and can definitely keep up with anyone who thinks to challenge her. Lacey cannot stand those who are contemptuous of others, and more often than not can get involved in some brawls. She's absolutely fearless, but that doesn't mean she's stupid. She's smart enough to know when to back off, playing it cool. Due to her extreme nature, she's very athletic and agile, while still retaining a lithe grace.,
  5. *SLAM!* Sare jumped as the director's hand hit the table, glowering at her. His voice was low and angry, "You were late for your cue." She bowed her head, miserable as she answered, "Yes, I know, I'm very sorry. It won't happen again. I just couldn't get back into the auditorium..." "No excuses! This was your first performance with us, and already you almost caused a disaster! I thought I told you that there was only one chance. You assured me that yoiu could keep up with the rest of us!" His face was stony, and he was breathing hard. She bit her lip. "Yes, I'm very sorry, please, it won't happen again." "Fine. One more chance, but that's it. You're extremely talented, and you add a lot to the troupe, but I don't need a dancer I can't depend on. Do NOT let it happen again. You may leave." Sare hurried out, blinking back the tears that threatened to spill. Quickly changing into some comfortable clothes, she handed her costume to one of the workers, and left the auditorium. Some of the other dancers were watching her, sympathetic looks in their eyes, but none stopped her as she left. [I]Yes, it was my fault. I was late. But...I couldn't get back into the auditorium..[/I] When the crowd had passed through the hallway, she had found the doors back to the stage locked. Alone and lost, she had tried to find a way back in in a panicked state. She had barely made it out on the stage on time, but it was late enough that it was noticeable. Seconds was all it took for her cue to pass. She had danced the rest of the program beautifully, breathtakingly...but...she had been late. She had let the other dancers down with her mistake. She went outside of the school, putting her bag down by a tree. The rest of the students would be out in another five or ten minutes, and their hours at school would be done for the day. It was beautiful outside, with the sun warm on her back, and the breeze swaying the leaves overhead. Birds twittered in the trees, and the grass rustled. Sare sat down by her bag, under the large tree she was under. She couldn't stop the tears any longer, and they silently ran down her face, like silver jewels cutting sparkling paths. She gently sobbed, hiding her face in her knees. The bell rang, signaling the end of school.
  6. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I]"...we enter a world where appearances are paramount; where a girl's virginity is auctioned to the highest bidder; where women are trained to beguile the most powerful men; and where love is scorned as illusion... romantic, erotic, suspenseful - and completely unforgettable."[/I] ~ Arthur Golden, [I]Memoirs of a Geisha[/I] Welcome to the Gion District of Kyoto; where the nights are long and luxurious, colored by the bright parties held in famous tea houses, and where people of import all over the world come to spend their much-valued time. Welcome...to the world of the geisha. Geisha...one word holds so much meaning. Discipline, strength of will, ambition, training, beauty, grace, and intelligence. The geisha is renowned in the world of glitter and splendor. Far from the Japanese prostitutes that many mistake them to be, they are the most valued entertainers, famous for their lithe, asian grace, and foreign beauty. Valued as the most perfect of women, the geisha is a priceless piece of culture. But as to any sparkling dream, there is a darker side. Geishas hold in grief for an eternity. As women chosen to serve powerful men, they must never let a tear stain their powdered cheek, or a frown to cloud their face. Theirs is a world of bitter sorrow, all hidden by the flowering kimonos and jade hair pieces. Superficial and yet all too real, the world of the geisha is one of swirling refinement and exoticism, but at the same time vicious, bitter, and cruel. And Kyoto, the multi-cultural crossroad of Japan, and the place where famous geishas originate, is where it all begins. Welcome to the world of the geisha, and take your first step into the infamous Gion District.[/COLOR] ________________________________________ This is where it all begins. The time period will be sometime between the two World Wars, and we actually may even encounter the second one. If any of you have read Memoirs of a Geisha, much of this RPG will be based off of that. If you haven't read any materials on geishas, or know very little about them, I suggest that you get some background before you sign up. At the end of the recruiting period (I'll have to see how long I'll wait), I will pick and allow those only with *good sign-ups!* If you fail to meet my standards, I will inform you of that, and perhaps make a few suggestions. Then, if you still fail to meet my requirements, I will simply not admit you into the RPG. But first, a little background of my own. All geishas live in an [I]okiya[/I], which is run by an older woman, who is often called 'Mother.' I will play all the Mothers, unless a very good poster also wants to take the position with me. You must PM me about this position, and I will take you into consideration. I will give you permission if I find your post qualities amazingly over the top of the standard. If you are prepared to take this position, you will also be working with me very closely, and PMing will be essential to the RPG and planning. So basically, you must be a highly responsible individual who's willing to devote a lot of time to this. As set in the Gion District of Kyoto, Japan, it is a well-known gathering place for many powerful businessmen and political officers, as well as the military. I do need some people to sign up as such, because it will make things much more interesting. Teaching is also another position, for geishas will be going to their schools to become skilled in the arts of beguilement. However, teaching positions are much like Mother positions - you must PM me, and be qualified for the position. Also, there's a position called 'Auntie' which is open. It's like an assistant to the Mother, and it's not nearly as demanding. However, you must still have a decent knowledge on the geisha. And finally, the Geishas. I will be accepting some full-fledged geisha in the sign-ups, but be aware that there will not be many. Most will be nameless ones played by me only when necessary. Instead, I would rather like most players to be children, who have just been delivered to the various okiyas, and are just barely starting their training. Often referred to "cocoons," they are young geisha-in-training, and will take on many tasks on the road to become apprentice geishas, and then geishas themselves. But keep in mind that I will accept a couple geishas, and perhaps apprentice-geishas. Adversity will become a familiar face, and jealousy, envy, and revenge stalk the streets. You will be faced with all kinds of difficulties to become a geisha - I am NOT going to make this easy for anyone. And now, sign-ups: * - required by all *[B]Real Name:[/B] [B]Geisha Name:[/B] all geisha have a name that is different from their real name, which they adopt when they are bought or accepted into an okiya. *[B]Age:[/B] cocoons just coming into the okiyas will be young, most likely 5-12 years of age. *[B]Gender:[/B] *[B]Ethnicity:[/B] Most will be Japanese, but there can be other asians. Also, foreigners are always interesting, but none as geisha. [B]Okiya:[/B] there are several to choose from, and all are quite successful and known; the Shirakawa, the Nitta, and the Kotorii. *[B]Appearance/Description:[/B] describe your features, like eye color, hair color. Not all have to be typical asian, but don't make it really weird. I'll accept some lighter shades of hair too, because some asians to have slightly reddish or rustic-colored hair. Don't tell me your hair-length, because you're never going to get it cut. Tell me your body type, any birthmarks, moles, that sort of thing. Describe the features of your face, and anything unusual that you have about you. But remember that if you have deformities, you probably aren't going to be a geisha. If you're a geisha and describe your clothes, I will slap you. But you businessmen and such are fine. Pictures are ok, but if I see weird hair colors - slap! *[B]Personality:[/B] This is extremely important, and probably the most deciding factor of if you are accepted or not. Remember, you are describing a [I]person[/I]. Every nuance of their character should be described or mentioned. If I see inconsistencies in your post, you will be warned via PM, and you will be required to edit it. Please, keep this real, and leave no stone unturned. But don't worry about weird stuff, because people are very complex, and this should be too. *[B]Occupation:[/B] Geisha, apprentice-geisha, cocoon, Auntie, Mother, businessman...etc. Heck, you could be a sumo-wrestler. It'd be entertaining, and pretty cool. Add in any others that you can think of. I'm trying to create a real community. *[B]Bio:[/B] I'm not requiring a lot on this. Especially if you're a cocoon, then you probably won't have that much. Do remember though, most that go into the okiyas are from poor families that needed to pay some bills, and thus sold off their daughters. Older geishas and those in training can summarize of their life in Gion and such. Those in other occupations should also briefly describe their lives and explain why they are in Gion. For example, businessmen could be visiting Gion for a holiday, or perhaps their company is celebrating an expensive deal. *[B]Character's Motivation:[/B] This can be included in the Bio section if you want. Basically, what is the driving force behind your character? What's their ambition? Why do they do what they do? Any questions are WELCOMED! Please PM me if you need something more explained, or if you are unsure about something. Even I admit that this is complex. And if anyone thinks that I should add something, then please PM me about it too! I can always take suggestions, as I'm inexperienced at this and it's my first RPG. I'll post my character Mothers after some replies.
  7. Cyriel

    Quid pro quo

    [B]Name:[/B] Avarice [B]Age:[/B] 1745 years [B]Species:[/B] Neither; Daughter of Fate [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] see attachment [B]Weapons/Abilities:[/B] She wields a saber, which can not only be used in combat, but also acts as a medium through which her power is magnified. Avarice also has the power to see the threads of others' destinies, to see their relationships with each other, or if her mother has linked their lives together, or what their lives are enmeshed with. She can also see the other threads that have opened to them, or the pathways and choices that they are faced with. [B]Bio:[/B] Born to Fate, the identity of her father has always been ambiguous, an unnecessary fact in her life. Fate, busy with her constant weavings of destiny and lives, was ill-prepared for a child, especially one that she was not supposed to have. Customarily beings such as Fate were not really supposed to have offspring, although they had grown lax on it for a bit. However, Avarice was still an annoyance to her powerful mother. Her mother named her Avarice because of her irritation at the time. Fate, although having eternity to twist the threads of existence, was agitated by her daughter's existence. She thought that the child took up too much time, and so named her out of spite, because she was "greedy for her mother's time of day." Thus, Avarice, meaning 'greed,' was bestowed upon her daughter. Avarice, having always grown with the knowledge that she is a mere speck to Fate, never relied on her mother. Indeed, soon after her birth she was sent away to heaven, to be raised by the more caring angels. Her childhood is much shrouded over by the bitter fact that Fate didn't want Avarice. However, Avarice still flourished, and she never was troubling to heaven, or any being for that matter. Instead, she became so reclusive that most angels in heaven weren't even aware of her presence or life among them. She kept to herself, resigned to the fact that she was a mistake, an unwanted presence in her mother's eyes. The few times that Fate had deemed to see her, Fate had been cold, somewhat dismissive of her. After all, she didn't need or want a daughter. And of course Avarice had never been allowed to call her mother. So she resigned herself to the fact that her existence in this universe was unwanted and unnecessary. But she kept watching Fate, always entranced by the power that her mother held over others. With little twists of her immortal hands, Fate had the power to change the destiny of nations and other beings. And slowly, Avarice became aware that she could see this happening; she could see the paths that her mother closed and opened, in the form of "threads." Like little strings connecting one to another, Avarice could see the destinies and choices laid out for a being. Fate continued to ignore her daughter, and the rest of heaven slowly forgot her. Rarely seen or heard of, Avarice continued to live her lonely existence. Sometimes she would be slightly annoyed by her mother's plans, wondering why she would dally at all in normal lives. Avarice didn't harbor grudges, but she was distant from her, and maybe a little embittered by the fact that Fate had just tossed her away. And then...she saw the threads that would bring her out of her recluse. Avarice saw the threads of the universe change - almost every being was affected. She saw her mother approach Marcus, and grant him his angel form. Avarice was struck in shock and in bright fury. How could her mother grant that much attention to a son of Lucifer, and then act as if her daughter never existed? Indeed, most didn't even know that Fate had a daughter. But Avarice was so aggravated, and so sorrowful, that she started to hate Marcus. But...try as she might, she couldn't continue to hate the pure demon, and was slowly...entranced. She was curious, and in wonderment of his transformation. For she knew the stories, and knew the information of the bitter conflict between Marcus and Lucas. And then...one day, while far away from heaven, she saw Lucas. Lucas, in all his demonic and hellish glory, broiling with hate and dark fury. But...Avarice was also amazed by him. Not by his hideous form or twisted powers...but by the sameness of his life to hers. For his father had also ignored him, bestowing the region of hell to Marcus instead. And for some reason, Avarice felt akin to Lucas. When she returned to heaven, she saw that their threads of destiny twined them irrevocable around each other. They were connected with threads of a blinding, glorious light, which she knew could not be broken. However, she was connected with both brothers. Attracted to both, like a moth to a flame. Marcus, for his pure goodness and kindness, his soft radiance, and his battle to conquer his demonic blood. And Lucas, with his powerful magnitude, his magnetic gaze, his broiling fury that cascaded in the rivers of hell. But...Avarice, in her heart, chose Lucas. She felt irrevocably drawn to him, and his dark powers which could ensure her security. And she felt that she had been wronged. Thus, now she stays in heaven, looking for the right time to bind her loyalty to him, or to ask if he will accept her service. None know of her silent choice, and still watch in apprehension the ever-violent conflict between the two brothers. And although Avarice has made her choice in this battle...perhaps it will not be so the entire war. For Avarice still wishes for her mother's embrace, Fate's gentle touch to tell her that she is a valued immortal, good and pure, much like the wish granted to Marcus.
  8. "Lysander! What are you doing out there??? Get back in here and start crackin' those eggs!" Idgie's head peeked out of the kitchen, glaring at the waiter. "And what do you mean by I'm not here??? You better get in here quick, before I start cracking [I]your[/I] head!" Lysander looked up, startled. "What? Me, crack eggs?" "Yeah! It seems that Draken is sleeping in today, and someone needs to crack 'em! Besides, I just heard you say you could cook. Hurry up!" Idgie disappeared back into the kitchen, and could be heard preparing the early meal of the day. Van nodded at Lysander, "You better get in there. She's in one of her moods again...you can tell by the way she's clanging those pots together. Better hurry up, or she'll take your head with that axe of hers." He successfully hid his smile at Lysander's wry face. Lysander entered the kitchens cautiously, and was greeted immediately by the sizzle and smells of breakfast. All the fires were roaring, and the temperature was already kicking up. Idgie immediately came into view, and nodded when she saw him. "Ok, the eggs are over there on that counter. I need you to crack all of them, and put them in a bowl. Don't break the membranes! I don't want the yolks and whites to mix, understand?" She pushed him in the right direction, and went on to check on the baking pastries. Lysander sighed. Yup, Idgie was definitely in one of her moods. Instead of the usual sarcastic comments, she was quite grumpy this morning. He got to cracking the pile of eggs... [I]Only 289 more to go...[/I]
  9. Wow, it's like 3 Light vs. 5 Dark. Do you want me to switch? Because I could make myself to be on the Light side if you need it to be more even... And it looks like most everyone used my link lol :p
  10. [B]Name:[/B] Sora Knightly [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Code-Name:[/B] Solar, Midas [B]Mutant power/Mutation:[/B] Sora has the ability to magnify and manipulate sunshine and solar beams. She's like a solar-powered battery: when she soaks up the sun, the more powerful her abilities are. She can use her powers like a magnifying glass, concentrating the sun's rays until it burns holes in the walls. She also has the ability to manipulate gold. It seems to come alive at her touch, and she can control or manipulate it at will, but no other metals. [B]Description:[/B] see attachment [B]Side:[/B] Magneto [B]Biography:[/B] As a mutant who discovered her powers at an extremely early age, she has had the time to hone her skill at wielding her abilities. Sora has also been able to keep them hidden from others, keeping a regular life in which no one suspects that she is a mutant. She knows all too well the dangers that mutants are in - her father is a strong political activist against mutants, and is dogmatic in his belief that military action should be taken against them. Her mother is more sympathetic, but is one of those quiet, shy types that would never argue with the man of the house. Thus, Sora always kept the knowledge of her powers hidden, always keeping a pretense that she's perfectly normal. She thought that there would be no problem, and that she would keep living her life as she had been, hiding her powers. However, that was until Xavier's death. Knowing that he was a strong force in keeping the peace between humans and mutants, Sora was stunned when she read about his death in the papers. She also knew that she had to find a safeguard against people like her father, and knew also that it was only a matter of time before violence started to erupt. Having been invited to attend Xavier's school before his death, Sora kept the invitation as a back-up, just in case her powers were found. However, now that he's dead, she has found that her efforts to make any contacts are useless, as they've all gone into hiding. However, one day, while her parents were out, a knock came at the door. Magneto stood there casually, along with some of the others. They had found her attempted communications, and had come to find her. Sora welcomed them - with Xavier dead, Magneto was her best bet that she would be able to stay alive in the near future. She immediately left with them, leaving only a simple note that she had decided to leave. Thus, she traveled with Magneto's forces to meet the surviving X-Men.
  11. The curtain closed; it was intermission, as well as lunch time for the high school students. They filed out of the auditorium, and was filled with noise. The backstage was tremendously crowded, as some students came up on the stage, not stopped by the security. Sare escaped with some of the other dancers, going quietly out through another side door. They found themselves in a crowded hallway, students filing past them, laughing and talking as they headed for lunch. Suddenly, Sare found herself separated; the others were already sifting through the crowd back towards another set of doors, which would lead to the halls and dressing rooms behind the stage. Trying to reach them, Sare found her heart fluttering nervously. She wasn't any older than these students...but she had never had any real friendships with anyone. Her social skills were absolute zero, non-existent. As she tried to follow the other dancers, the crowd pushed and pulled around her, and it was almost impossible to get through the masses. They were all heading out of the building, towards their cars, and various fast food restaurants. Sare, on the other hand, was trying to go deeper into the school, back towards the stage. Some people gave her odd looks, staring at curiosity, pointing at her costume. Unlike the other performers in her company, she hated being fawned at, unable to comfortably be the center of attention. Finally, she made her way to a corner by the lockers, and waited for the masses to pass. For some reason...she found herself scanning the crowd for a familiar face...the one she had somewhat recognized during the performance...
  12. Sare went into the opening steps of the piece, extending her arms gracefully as she came onto the stage. Perfectly in sync with the other dancers, she still somehow stood out from the others. She smiled naturally, and concentrated only on her dancing, the steps coming instinctively. Every inch of her body was concentrated on executing the steps perfectly, and grace seemed to permeate from her. She had completely come to life on the stage. And then...out of the corner of her eye, she saw the auditorium doors open...and two guys enter. And one of them...was familiar to her... but she swept it out of her mind, or tried to. But even as she danced perfectly, her steps never faltering, she was trying to remember...where she had seen that boy before. Because she knew she had. She exited off to stage left, quickly moving aside for those entering. Quickly getting a drink of water, she wiped some of her perspiration with a soft towel. Peeking out again, as she waited for her next cue, she looked for the familiar face. The memory was tugging at the back of her mind, but...she couldn't quite bring up. Where had she seen him? And why couldn't she get him out of her head? Sare suddenly whipped back; it was her cue, and she went back out onto the stage, tall and graceful, sweeping over the stage, her costume shimmering behind her.
  13. Sare looked in the mirror, tucking in any stray strands of her fair hair. The changing rooms bustled with the other dancers, quickly going to and fro, and calling out to each other. Costumes were everywhere, with delicate materials piled on top of each other, and colors of every shade brightening the chaotic room. She was just touching up on her make-up, reapplying mascara when one of the stage managers poked his head into the room. He looked stressed, and in dire need of sleep. "Hey, Act I is in three minutes! Get up there! Don't be late!" He was out in a flash, and the room burst in a new bustle of activity, as girls straightened their costumes, and retied their ballet shoes. Sare took one last look in the mirror, and then smoothed her delicate costume. The pale material shimmered and floated about her when she moved, and she seemed almost ethereal. Too bad she didn't feel it... Nervous butterflies filled her stomach, and she breathed slowly to calm herself. She went up on her pointe shoes, stretching and getting comfortable, warming up her already nervous muscles. She filed along with the others, up the spiral stairs onto the backstage, where the lights were on, and where other dancers were preparing to enter. Taking a quick peek through the curtain, Sare caught her breath. The auditorium was packed. She went to find her place, her heart pounding in nervousness, but couldn't stop the smile from growing on her face. [I]This is it. My first performance with the company.[/I] Going up on pointe once more, she mentally ran over the steps in her head. As the youngest and newest member of the company, she couldn't afford to make a mistake, but for some reason, she wasn't worried about it. Now, only excitement and eagerness was in her system. The lights dimmed...the crowd quieted...and the curtains opened...
  14. Helie was frightened. Never having experienced Halloween so fully before, she was nervous to begin with. But now...she was almost terrified. [I]What the h*** is happening? What is going on?[/I] All these ...[I]things[/I] were appearing, and she didn't know what they were. So instead of running away, she walked the streets, transformed by her Robin Hood costume. She had to admit, the silver arrows made her feel safer. At least she had a weapon to defend herself with. She watched...as chaos erupted. This was really creepy. And then she tripped. [I]What the heck?[/I] Helie stopped dead in her tracks. Blood covered her feet, and she looked back slowly, nervous of seeing what she had tripped on. It was a body. A policeman, to be certain. And...no face. [I]Oh god...[/I] The lights were still flashing, and lit up the scene with an odd, nauseating aura. Helie quickly looked away, breathing slowly to calm the contents of her stomach. And looked up, a keen expression on her face. She breathed deeper, collecting the floating scents in the air. She could smell the blood, still fresh on the attacker. Her vampire instincts came to take over, and she dipped a finger in the policeman's blood, tasting it, turning over the scent and signature on her tongue. And...she could smell the blood trail in the air. She followed intently, ignoring the crazy little demon kids screaming and laughing everywhere. Crazy night...
  15. OOC: I have no idea what that is supposed to mean. And do we still have college students? Ffight for your life against Pandora, and then study in your free time hahaha. IC: Ingrid woke instantly, her eyes adjusting to the light. Her hand went instinctively to some small blades she kept close at hand. Nothing. The sounds outside were of a quiet morning, dripping water from the rain last night, with gentle sunshine touching the trees. What had woken her? [I]Wait...something's missing... No birds.[/I] There were no sounds of waking creatures. The birds, and everything else, was silent. Breathing quietly, she inched out of the sawdust, unwrapping herself from the tarp at the same time. Ingrid hardly ever slept indoors anymore, preferring to chance the dangers of the outside world. Last night, she had wrapped herself in a tarp, and burrowed into the wood chips under a slide in a deserted playground. It had been warm, if a little damp, but she had slept well, despite the loud storm. Now, she carefully and silently stretched in the daylight, working out the kinks that had knotted her muscles during the night. But...still no birds. Nothing. Only the dripping of water, reflected by the welcoming sunshine. It was going to be a beautiful day. And suddenly... [I]What is that?[/I] Ingrid turned her head... She felt something more than heard it... a deep sound, coming closer. And realized it was the steady rumble of troops. Ingrid gasped; [I]Oh *******, this is not the day for this to be happening. Of all days, not today....[/I] Quickly obliterating the signs of her night stay, she ran off with the tarp, abandoning it with other heaps of trash in a dumpster nearby. And then she ran...towards the tanks. [I]Crazy? You bet. But hey, someone's gotta get a head-count, and it might as well be me. Wait, but why me? And again...[/I] [I]Sheila will probably be pissed that I'm late for another meeting, especially this one...[/I] Ingrid smiled; yup, she was definitely going to scout out the enemy. Besides, there was nothing more fun than being late and ticking Sheila off.
  16. [B]Name:[/B] Idgie (short for Imodene) [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Hair Color:[/B] Black [B]Skin Color:[/B] White [B]Size:[/B] Short, Skinny [B]Clothing Style:[/B] Simple Top and Pants and *Apron!* [B]Shoes:[/B] Classy Shoes [B]Eye Colour:[/B] Gray [B]Weapon:[/B] Double-Headed Axe (I know...I should have a spatula...but I like the axe better. Better to chop up food with :D) [B]Life Style:[/B] Lives in Kitchens [B]Jobs:[/B] Chef [B]Personality:[/B] Continuously Bored, Sarcastic
  17. [B]Name:[/B] Ariadne [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Side:[/B] Bad [B]Organization:[/B] Pirate [B]Appearance:[/B] see attachment [B]Weapons:[/B] Slender, dual blades that have magnetic etchings that frazzle computers and electronics, and can also electrically shock a human. Mostly she fights hand to hand - she doesn't like guns so much, but she'll use them if she has to. [B]Ships Appearance:[/B] A slender black craft which seems to be invisible in space - the only way you can see it is by its outline in the stars. [B]Bio:[/B] Raised in a rich family, Ariadne was absolutely unaware that she was adopted. She found out when she was twelve, and ever since then slowly drifted away from her loving family, despite their efforts to draw her back into their loving embrace. She just found herself bored with everything...the aristocratic manners, the parties and social gatherings... Everything was dull and uninteresting, things she had seen hundreds of times. Also, she felt this inner feeling that she didn't belong, and so withdrew from them. Growing older, she became aware of the secret underhand dealings in politics, and soon was entranced by the spiderweb of deceit. Ariadne, with her quick mind, was able to subtly enmesh herself, and quickly became known because of her ruthlessness and brilliant strategies, even though she was only 16. She somehow found out secrets that had been supposedly dead and buried, and used all advantages she gained to the fullest. However, some time after her 17th birthday, she discovered a high-ranking official having an affair with an important noblewoman. The official found out she knew, and desperate to protect his position, had Ariadne kidnapped by pirates. The pirates, after brutally raping and beating her, left her untied because they thought she was too weak to do anything. It was their last mistake. Ariadne, in the night, rose and slew them all, torturing the last one horrendously. She dumped their bodies out in space, and then took their ship, the black vessel that she now commands. Months passed, and Ariadne didn't return, knowing full well that she would never be able to go back. She now covers space, wandering with no purpose. However, she was hired as a mercenary assassin to kill the princess, and hunts her now. [B]Personality:[/B] Her real nature is hidden always by the bright smile on her face. Seemingly friendly and cheerful, her real nature is cold, frosty, and hard, unfeeling and definitely unforgiving. There is no end to her patience, and she will wait as long as she must to get what she wants. She will manipulate ruthlessly those who are less intelligent than she, with her innocent and brightly charming ways. However, if she makes a promise, she will keep it till death, and holds honor to be above all else, which is almost hypocritical.
  18. [B]Name:[/B] Leonie [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Girl [B]Appearance:[/B] [url]http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=22[/url] [B]Biography:[/B] Leonie's father, Gargoloth, was actually in love with Raven's mother, but when she chose a different man (Raven's father), Gargoloth vowed to have his revenge. Biding his time, he also married, and Leonie was born in that time in which he was plotting against Raven's family. Leonie's mother died early, leaving Gargoloth to "raise" Leonie, and he taught her dogmatically in the arts of their deadly combat. Quite independent, Leonie also discovered her "talent" with metals, and quickly honed her skills with her strict discipline and constant training. Then came the time for Gargoloth's revenge. He attacked Raven's village with his dark powers, destroying Raven's family and friends. Leonie was also there, observing her father. Although she knew that killing was necessary, she didn't include herself in this massacre because it was her father's personal business, and something she didn't have to involve herself in. However, there was something that neither of them was expecting - Gargoloth's own death was included, when he overused his powers, and they turned on him, destroying his mind and then his body. Leonie was an orphan, trained in the arts of dealing death, and alone in a razed village. There, she met Raven, who had gone insane at the deaths of his family. Silently, they formed somewhat of an uneasy alliance, two adolescents alone in the world, accompanied only by their contempt for life and their awesome, destructive powers. [B]Type:[/B] Steel [B]Side:[/B] Dark [B]Weapon:[/B] Dual Blades [B]Abilities/Skills:[/B] Manipulate metals, control the temperature of metals, mercury poisoning [B]Personality:[/B] Cocky and arrogant, Leonie treats others with malicious contempt, and loves to goad people. Surprisingly, though, she rarely delivers death once she has defeated her opponents. Instead, she says that she leaves them to either take their own lives, or live in the shame of their defeat at her hand. She has a twisted sense of humor, and always has that flicker of a smile on her face.
  19. [B]Name:[/B] Sare Hitaro [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Identity on Lowne:[/B] The Princess of Earth [B]Powers:[/B] She uses the mystic, secret language known to nature and the Earth, whispering soft words to waken the deep earthquakes, or the slinking vines of the forests. Sare is in complete harmony with nature when she is in control of her powers. [B]Personality:[/B] Up close and personal, she's very nervous and timid around other people. Extremely introverted, it's almost impossible to get through her defenses and become a friend of hers - her nature just seems to be very wary. She spends most of her time watching other people and wishing that she could be just like someone else. However, she is cut off from people because of her bond with nature and the Earth. It manifests that she should look upon other people with admiration, but shrink away, wary of personal relationships. Instead, she finds her joys elsewhere, one being in ballet, which she adores. She has danced since the age of 10, her grace and beauty showing itself naturally when she performs the serene movements. She cannot bear to see anything hurt, and shrinks away from pain. Also very innocent and naive, people often are attracted to her by her gentle, friendly nature, and puzzled when she shies away. However, she is definitely not weak, and can pull her own weight when she has to. [B]Transformation:[/B] see attachment
  20. Ingrid had no idea what to make of Vincent, which was pretty much a first for her. Typically she could interpret small signals from them, subtle body language that made it hard for anyone to hide anything. [I]But this guy...jeez, all I can tell is that he keeps hiding something.[/I] It was like he was changing masks so quickly that she couldn't tell what was beneath. She didn't no if that was good or bad. [I]Well...I suppose it's good for an infiltrator... But God, I don't know whether to crack a joke, or stay on my toes. But he seems...ok...I suppose. Oh jeez, I don't know![/I] She was exasperated, but didn't let it show, only trying not to glance at him too much so he wouldn't notice she was a bit iffy. "Oh, by the way Vincent, you haven't told me who the other op is, the one we're waiting for. Unless...that's some top secret information that you can't possibly tell me, which in that case I'll have to go do my own little snooping, possibly get caught, lectured....so if you'd save me the trouble, I'd be very relieved." Her serious tone was overlaid by the wry smile on her face, completing her sarcastic words. She still walked beside Vincent, matching his quick stride, and flicking the water out of her eyes with an occassional brush of her hand. Vincent couldn't help but smile; it was nice talking to someone with a cool sense of humor.
  21. Tarique watched the bubbles rise in her water, swirling it around in her glass. The ice had melted long ago. "Interesting pieces? Well...this one, for instance." "What?" Logan downed more of his drink. "Don't tell me you've been assigned to this?" She shrugged, not smiling anymore. "Well, not really assigned... I asked for it. And you now everyone up there likes me, so... I guess I got what I wanted." "I'm guessing that you got more than what you really wanted, neh?" He studied her face, his smile turning a bit sympathetic. Tarique's hand tightened around her glass, and her eyes turned hard, her mind on the body. "Yeah, well, let's just say that it was much more than I expected. But not nearly enough. Not at all." Logan was silent for a moment, seeing the pure, frustrated anger flowing from Tarique's body. [I]Whoever did this will be lucky if I find him before Tarique does.[/I]
  22. Tarique bent over the toilet, emptying the contents of her stomach into the porcelean bowl. Silently puking up everything that she had eaten that day, the taste was wretched, and burned her throat. She wiped her mouth furiously with some toilet paper, and flushed the toilet. [I]God, I feel like *******.[/I] It wasn't surprising; Tarique had consumed a vast quantity of alcohol tonight, and the night before as well. [I]I guess that's what I get for being a ************* reporter for a ************* police department, and where I find my friend all ************ up inside a car.[/I] Tarique's anger quickly dispelled itself as she thought again of Nina's body, and tears started to run from her eyes as her grief overflowed...again. She hunched by the toilet in the dirty stall, sobs wracking her body. She remained in the stall until her tears ran dry, and then came out. Her face looked pale and guant, and there were gray shadows under her eyes. She washed her face, the cold water reviving her, and making invisible the last traces of tears. Her stomach still felt queasy, and her balance was still questionable. [I]No more to drink[/I], she thought to herself. She had too much to do, too much to think of. No more trying to drown herself in cheap beer to forget Nina's body... She walked out of the bathroom, tucking some feral strands of hair behind her ears. Taking her seat again at the bar, she shook her head when the bartender offered her another drink. Smiling, he nodded in agreement, and Tarique hid a laugh. [I]It must've really been something, to see me that drunk. I haven't done that since...forever... God, I feel like *******.[/I] She drank some carbonated water, the bubbles soothing her stomach, while the bitter taste brought her reeling senses back down to earth, until she could at least see straight. It was late, she knew, but she didn't bother to check the clock. No one was expecting her, and she hadn't had a bedtime since the 9th grade. No use in having one now, especially since she wouldn't be able to sleep. Others at the bar talked quietly, and it was soothing to her ears to hear their quiet murmuring. There was a jingle as the door opened again, but she didn't turn. Heavy steps made their way to a seat, and she heard a familiar voice as an order was quietly said. Tarique turned, glancing over a couple seats. "Logan? What are you doing here?" Logan Channing turned, and then recognized the ambitious reporter from the department. [I]Great, just my luck. This is NOT what I was hoping for.[/I] Reporters, after all, could get quite annoying. But he hid his feelings with a small smile, "Oh, Tarique! Wow, didn't expect to see you here. Are you old enough to drink?" She rolled her eyes, and he noticed the shadows underneath. "Yes, MR. Channing, I [I]am[/I] of age, and have been for five years. But we're in the same boat: I didn't expect to see [I]you[/I] here."
  23. [I]Mya is too kind to me, caring for me even when I'm older, and I should be the one guiding her...[/I] Veil's thoughts wandered further, and her memories started to become dark with shadows... She stood up, pushing them to the back of her mind. "I...think I'll go take a bath. It might be better if we concentrate on other things..." Her voice was quiet, not forceful in the least, and the others watched as she silently walked away. "Do you think she'll be all right?" Kilik asked, watching her with worry. Hentaro merely nodded, his thoughts preoccupied with his master. Mya watched her as well, and felt that she understood a little of what Veil was feeling. They waited. Veil made her way to the room where one of the baths were. Folding her clothes neatly on one of the bamboo shelves, she stepped into the hot water that had already been prepared. Steam rose, and she let out her breath as she submerged herself beneath the clear water. Gazing up at the beams of the roof, she could clearly feel the bruises on her body... She glanced down, and closed her eyes tightly - she didn't need to see the veins that traced her skin, or the dark bruises that had bloomed with Sirus's spirit. She shuddered, chilled even in the hot water. [I]Happier thoughts...stop thinking of this. Baths are supposed to comfort the soul. Stop hanging onto bad memories. They won't help you.[/I] Opening her eyes again, Veil slowly stretched out in the hot water, and proceeded to wash her hair, recently cut short by the priests that had tended to her. Slowly, her body, as well as her thoughts, began to unknot, and she could feel calm and serenity return to her mind. When she was finished, she felt refreshed, clean, and extremely tired. It was delighting to feel the fresh breeze against her skin and hair when she stepped out of the bath, and she was glad that the priest had suggested it. A clean set of clothes awaited her, still warm from being freshly laundered. The plain robes were soft to the touch, and were well-worn. Tears came to Veil's eyes as she felt the familiarity of it, and found herself surprisingly wishing for home... [I]I ran from that life...that slavery...but I found only evil in its stead. Is it time I went back? Should I go back?[/I] The troubling thoughts beset her, but she brushed them away as well. Returning to the hall outside where Sinahiro was being kept, she found that the others had also taken up the suggestion, and were gone to refresh themselves. Veil was thankful at the quiet, and relieved that she had time by herself. But then...she turned to face the door... Swallowing, she quietly but firmly slid open the door, revealing the quiet candlelight within... The face of an Elder quickly appeared, worry and reprimand on his face. "What are you doing? Sinahiro needs rest - I thought we told you that. He's not well enough to see anyone." But he stopped chiding her when he saw the look on her face. She spoke quietly, her eyes lowered, "I'm sorry...but...I need to see him. Please. [I]Please.[/I]" She raised her eyes, and they were plainfully urgent. It panged the heart to look at her... The Elder sighed, and motioned for the others to leave the room. They did so quietly, only one of the priests staying in the corner of the dimly lit room, and the door was slid shut, blocking out the night. Veil stood still for a moment, and then gazed around the room, almost timidly. She saw the priest in the corner, quietly fanning some of the smoldering herbs, and at the same time writing healing sutras in firm, graceful brushstrokes. Even though he was there, he didn't intrude at all upon her privacy. The candlelight flickered in the room, and alighted on Sinahiro's still form. When she saw him, Veil's hand went to her mouth, muffling her silent cry. She went to him immediately, kneeling carefully at his side. Her hands couldn't help themselves, hovering over his body, but not wanting to touch him in fear of causing him pain... She only outlined his form, her hands trembling visibly until she finally withdrew them and hid them in her long sleeves. Even then, Veil's eyes were on him at all times. No bruises blemished his skin, but there was still something...some malignant and spurious tinge that seemed to hover....and Veil knew instantly that it was Sirus. She shivered, and a few tears spilled silently down her cheeks. [I]No...this cannot be happening... Leave Sirus! Please...just leave...[/I] It was unbearable to watch Sinahiro, unbearable because Veil knew that if it hadn't been for him, then Sirus would still inhabit her own body. [I]Why did he do it? Why did Sinahiro use the Seal of Immortality?[/I] And then...she realized something. Veil stared at Sinahiro, aware that she had never before seen his face fully...it had always been covered partly by a mask. She felt a pang in her heart, and was afraid to identify what it was... Instead, more tears fell silently from her face, and her hands reached out again... This time, she carefully took one of Sinahiro's hands into her own, her touch featherlight, barely disturbing him. [I]Please...please Sinahiro...please come back.[/I] Finally the priests and Elders finally entered the room again, after what seemed a tremendously long amount of time. They found Veil beside Sinahiro's body, still kneeling, her forehead touching the floor, her hands barely grasping his. She was sleeping, her cheeks still sparkling with the trace of silent tears. The Elder looked at her with compassion. "Don't disturb her. Just...leave her be."
  24. Helie slowly ran her fingers through the different materials, sliding the hangers one by one. [I]Do I really have to do this?[/I] But she went on, searching through the different costumes, and keeping her eyes on the others in the small shop. She had come in the first place because the others had, and there was always something interesting going on with them. Thus, she had dutifully followed, and now was trying to look like another random loser browsing through. Of course, there were a few weird vibes that made shivers run across her skin, but Helie brushed it off as nothing, suspecting that maybe she was feeling something from the others. Her hand alighted on a Dracula costume, and a wry smile lit her face. Oh, the irony... but she passed on, watching as Tao and Fenris both purchased their costumes.. [I]Interesting choices...[/I] Finally, she narrowed it down to two costumes: Malificent, or Robin Hood. [I]Hmm...perhaps Malificent will be too noticeable? Yes, it'd probably be better with the outlaw of Sherwood...[/I] Not to mention, it was a fairly simple costume, and the bow and arrows were included. She made her purchase, putting a $5 on the counter, and the old lady smiled and thanked her. Helie smiled back, and commented on the brooch that she was wearing. "It's a beautiful brooch you have on." The lady smiled and thanked her again, her English heavily accented. Helie left, but bumped into someone before she left the store. Her face quickly flushed, and she started to apologize, "Oh, I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where - " She stopped, seeing who it was.
  25. Smokey turned to see Valerie behind him, smiling with a slightly amused expression on her face. She continued, "I mean, really, all these kids..." His eyes narrowed, "And how old are [I]you[/I]? She smiled, her expression cheerful now, and her eyes roved around the room. "I barely turned 16." She continued in a hurry when she saw the look on his ballooning face, "Relax, Smokey. I don't drink. It's detestable. Besides, you do know that before the night is up, your carpet will probably be a different color, right?" A quiet laugh escaped her, and she took a small sip from the contents of the cup she was holding. Smokey's eyes widened, and he grabbed the cup. "I thought you said you didn't drink!!!" She looked at him oddly, "I don't.. Wait a second...do you mean that that's beer? Wow, I've never had it before. It tastes ok I guess." Seeing that he was about to throw her out as well, Valerie quickly dashed away, losing herself amongst the crowd. She found herself under one of the tables, avoiding everyone's feet, and scanned the crowd for Manic. "Where is that adorable little kid anyway?"
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