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Everything posted by Cyriel

  1. [B]Name:[/B] Inge [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Occupation:[/B] The cook!! Heck yeah!:D I'm the tough, trash-talkin', young, stubborn master of the kitchens!!! woot!! hahaha:D Did I mention that she has an awesome accent?:p
  2. [B]Your Name:[/B] Min-ah is my Korean name, which I prefer. But sadly, all my friends call me Minnie.. - - ;;; [B]Your Gender:[/B] Female (I would hope so) [B]Your Age:[/B] 16 (FINALLY! I can get my license! yes!!) [B]Your Appearance:[/B] 5'3" (yes, I'm short for 16 *sob*), dark brown eyes, and two feet of straight black hair. As for what I wear...? Hmm..I suppose anything that'll get me through the day. [B]Your Reason:[/B] Hmm...I've always wanted to be on one of these shows:p heehee. As for Dragon Warrior, since I have no idea who he is, well, I can't say he's sexy. Sorry. ;) But prove it to me.:)
  3. Helie, on the other hand, had not returned home. As she was living alone, she had no need to worry about her parents, or any other guardians. Instead, she was still hidden outside of town, watching the vampire coven. Twelve vampires. [I]It's pretty handy to follow slayers[/I], she thought to herself. After the slayer called Kara had left, Helie had slowly creeped closer, until she could see the caves in closer detail. These vampires, although in the wilderness and living in a cave, still lived with the usual rich style. [I]These American vampires are all so odd[/I], she thought, noting their pewter goblets. She suppressed a smile - they could fit into a horror flic perfectly. And...she recognized their smell. They had been the ones in the gym...and on the bodies. [I]So...they think they can just come into my territory? Well...I suppose for now, as I am greatly outnumbered. But...soon I'll have to evict them.[/I] For a vampire who tried to suppress her instincts, Helie still wasn't very welcoming to others of her kind. She liked to watch the humans by herself. When she saw the sky lightening, she silently crept away. Back again, for another school day, another day to walk unnoticed by humans.
  4. OOC: Hey, Gecko, it's ok. My post is fine, because Veil only [I]thinks[/I] that Hentaro is a ghost. I mean, hey, he's see-through and everything, right?:D So yeah, how would she know about his secret technique? She's only guessing...which gives Hentaro the upper hand...for the moment. :p IC: Veil could sense Sirus's presence in the forest...and there were others with him. [I]Damn, the Hokage were closer than I thought. Time to finish this, and quickly.[/I] She stepped forward towards the "ghost" of Hentaro, smiling. "Little Hentaro, you're taking far too long to give me your answer. I can't wait much longer...so I'm sorry, but I must hasten the end. Can you not give me your answer, little one?" Her mocking voice made Hentaro grind his teeth... This was [I]not[/I] the Veil that he knew. Then, he stopped...and studied her eyes again. What was happening? They kept darkening, and lightening, and the expression on her face kept flickering..constantly changing... What was this? Suddenly, Hentaro knew his answer. "Veil! I cannot fight you. No, I [I]will not[/I] fight you. But...I do not surrender either. I will not fight you, but I will not let you leave this place, either." He dug his feet into the dust, steadying his stance. Veil watched him with her changing expression...and then the hard look came back to her eyes, and she tossed her head back, laughing. "Oh, little ghost! You are brave indeed...and I enjoyed your company.. But your answer sorrows me. Are you sure that you will not let me go?" Her mocking smile was sharp, and he wanted to hit her, but he didn't let his hands shake. She watched him with her bright eyes, and saw him brutally controlling his emotions. Hentaro firmly shook his head. "No, Veil...I will not let you leave this place. Do what you will." [I]Is this...what I want? Hentaro...please...let me go... Will you not let me go? If you don't...then I will be forced to break your grasp... NO! No...will I really do that? Can I...hurt him? No, no, what am I...? Who am I? This isn't me!![/I] Veil's thoughts bombarded her, and her eyes seemed to be shadowed. Hentaro watched the change, and understood the constant change in her expression. It was much more noticeable now, and he saw that Sinahiro had also seen it. Veil...was not quite herself... someone else seemed to exist inside of her. But whoever or whatever it was, seemed to gain control once more. She stepped forward again, walking slowly towards the transparent Hentaro..with her glaive drawn out. She slide it through her hands gracefully, and cut her hand on the blade. Blood slid on the metal, silently hitting the ground. She was humming a strange tune...and everything else seemed to go silent... The dark seemed to pulse to her voice, and the power was smoldering in the air, almost suffocating. She whispered secret words of the Roxoski as she neared Hentaro's transparent form, and then spoke quietly to him, with the blood dripping from her hand. "Little Hentaro...you are very brave indeed. And...as you are dead (so she thinks), I cannot take your life. I think..that this makes you think that you are safe from me, or any harm. But...you are wrong. Your [I]soul[/I] is still there to take. And yours will be mine." Veil cruel smile was chilling, and she laid her cut hand, now red with blood, gently on his heart. Veil smiled, almost lovingly, but her eyes were dark, and the dark radiance of power completely surrounded her. Hentaro stood still, not doing anything. But then, he raised his hand, slowly, and pulled her hand away from his chest. She recoiled like a snake, shock on her eyes. "What...is this? What are you? You're not dead! What trick is this?? I will kill you!!" Her eyes darkened even more, and voice had turned into a low hiss. But suddenly, her face turned frightened, and tears gathered in her eyes. Her choked voice cried out "Hentaro --!" But was cut off in a split second, and her cold expression was masking her face once more. But Hentaro knew for certain now. Knew that Veil's true voice had come through in that mere split second...knew that inside, she was calling for help.
  5. OOC: Ok, I'm tired of sleeping - the night is so freakin long! So you're all going to Rosaria? Perfect time to kill the queen.:) IC: Serisay awoke from her light sleep a few hours before dawn. Even though the sun hadn't risen yet, the sky was already lightening, the peppered stars fading. It was her favorite time of all... when the sun was still down, hiding its face from the world, but still providing a hopeful color to the dark night. It was a time when all things joined - the night, the stars, the moon, the sun, the day, the clouds...everything met at this point. It was like the very moment of change, where the mysterious ways of the world could be observed, studied. Would she ever find the answer to the mystery? She shook her head; she didn't even know what her question was. The moment passed, and the sky was growing slowly brighter, now a dark gray. The stars had receded into their far-off galaxies, not to be visible again until the night fell. The birds were awakening, murmuring in their quiet titters. It would still be a while before they started their trilling morning songs, incessantly chattering over their breakfast foraging. [I]Time to leave[/I], Serisay thought to herself, and got up from the floor. Silently, she reassembled the blankets on the bed, and gathered her belongings. With her cloak to shield her from the morning chill and dew, Serisay silently left her room, closing the door softly behind her. Searching around downstairs, she found the money box that the innkeeper kept, and left her bill there, also leaving a note that she had gone. No need for the innkeeper to worry about if she had paid or not - that would only keep her in memory longer. No, for this...she needed stealth, the ability to come into the corners of people's lives..and not be noticed. The sooner she was forgotten here, the better. Walking out on the silent streets, Serisay breathed in the crisp air, fresh and scented with sea salt and citrus. She made no sound as she walked, and quickly made her way through the port city, the morning calling her to every possibility of the oncoming day. [I]But not yet...[/I] she thought to herself. [I]Duty first...and then, afterwards...perhaps I will be able to answer morning's quiet call.[/I] But first, to Miraclion. And the Queen. And...death. OOC: How long is it from Port Junction to Miraclion?
  6. Harlequin, I'm stupid - what's a cat. mod? [B]Name:[/B] Siegrid Banesylvia [B]Age:[/B] 22 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race:[/B] Human. [B]Appearance:[/B] I have no idea..yet. I'm pming Jokopoko 'bout this. Be patient with me.:) [B]War band/Solo:[/B] Sisters of Sigmar [B]Starting Quarter:[/B] The South-West Quarter [B]Biography:[/B] Siegrid was raised from birth by the other Sisters of Sigmar. Her home has always been The Rock, and she has lived her entire life in the abbey and in the dark ruins of Mordheim. Her mother was also a Sister of Sigmar, but she violated their strict religious codes and became pregnant. She was kept alive until Siegrid was born, and then thrown out of their abbey. However, they kept and raised Siegrid because she was an innocent babe, and their was no blame on her life. There was no reason that she should suffer because of her mother's sin. However, that stain was always upon Siegrid's life. From the very start, from before she could remember, the Sisters were always warning her of falling to sin, just like her mother had. They really emphasized it with her, always telling her of her mother's betrayal of her sacred vows, and telling her that she might at any time fall to temptation. Although they meant good, the constant reminders of her mother's sin causes chaos on Siegrid's mind. She almost drove herself crazy in the abbey, trying to follow their dogmas perfectly, almost maniacal in her devotion. Inside, her feelings of rage were brewing, almost to be unleashed. However, fortunately one of the Sisters saw Siegrid's close fall to insanity, and gave her something else to put her mind on - combating the abominations of Mordheim. Siegrid was put to training, in which she flourished. She was natural in combat, dangerous in her high and growing levels of skill. Her insanity was contained by slaying the unnatural; it was a way to channel everything out of her system. Soon, she grew to be one of the most fierce of the Sisters, frightening in her rage, and terrible to behold in her skilled dance of death. Siegrid now leaves The Rock regularly in her fight against sinners - she will unquestioningly slay any who are within her path, except for the other Sisters. However, even this brings no peace to her troubled and frenzied mind - the thought that she might fall into sin or temptation still plagues her, tainting her every thought in life. She kills to try to rid herself of this, but the nightmare instilled in her childhood is still with her. She's zealous in a crazed way, although it looks like she contains it, and she's explosive in her fury and battle against sin.
  7. OOC: aw, is Gecko jealous that Veil kissed Sirus? hahahaha, no, I'm just teasing you.;) As for Sirus being afraid...he's not really frightened, he's just cautious because Veil is changing into something unknown...she's like a changing factor, and one that is potentially dangerous. So yeah, he's just being careful. IC: Veil watched the two fight; neither of them could do lasting damage to the other. But..it was interesting... How had Hentaro been able to change so fast? [I]It seems...that we are all laying aside our disguises, and revealing our true forms...[/I] she thought to herself, completely entranced by the blows being exchanged. She didn't even notice Sinahiro, who was staring at her oddly. He wansn't dumb - he obviously knew that something about her had changed...something drastic. But what? It was like a strange aura about her...something alive..but not quite. Mya spoke quietly to him, "Sinahiro, what's wrong with Veil?" Sinahiro looked at her, and then back up. "So..you sense it too?" She snorted, "Well, it's pretty obvious. I mean, look at the way she's acting!" He nodded. "Yes, I know. But...I can't quite figure it out. I didn't hear what Veil was saying to Sirus, so I have no idea. But...it's odd. The feeling around her is like...something dead, but not quite. It's like Veil is hanging, stuck between life and death..." His words were dark and foreboding, and Mya shivered. Kilik stood, not moving as he watched the battle intently. Veil watched Sirus's eyes swing towards the trees, and followed his gaze. But she didn't have to - she could already feel their presence. "Hokage," she whispered. She saw Sinahiro smiling, and her eyes narrowed, but she stayed still. They were still a little bit off - she still had time. She strode forward, positioning herself between Hentaro and Sirus. She turned to Sirus, speaking scornfully. "Sirus! You weakling! Can you not even defeat this little ghost? Have your powers diminished so much??" He narrowed his eyes, angry at her constant interruptions. "You are being rude. Remove yourself from this fight...or I will be forced to unpleasant consequences." Veil laughed. "You would kill me? That's what you've been trying to do this whole time, and yet you couldn't even identify me correctly. And now, you cannot even defeat this dead child. [I]You[/I]...could never kill [I]me[/I]." She turned around. "So, Sirus...I've decided to help you. Just this once, because I am exhausted by your constant display of arrogant weakness." She turned to Hentaro, glaring. "Hentaro! Do you accept my challenge?" Hentaro stood, stunned. He knew that Veil had changed...but this? Who was she?? "Veil..wha..?" Veil's eyes froze him in place. "I asked you, little Hentaro, my little ghost rider, do you accept my challenge? If you do not...then surrender, and I will spare you. Once. But this is your only chance. If you stubbornly refuse to accept defeat, then I will destroy you, to put it simply. Please, answer quickly. I want my business to be finished by the time the Hokage arrive, and they are close." She smiled cruelly, and Hentaro's skin crawled. Veil, on the otherhand, was never feeling more excited. Her blood was hot, pulsing through her veins like a war drum. She turned back to Sirus. "Step aside, old friend. You, of all people, do not deserve to fight such a foe. You are not even worthy of [I]my[/I] time anymore." Ignoring him, Veil turned back to Hentaro. She smiled at him, one of her sweet, innocent, care-free smiles. Her expression didn't at all match her cold, dark words. "You answer, dear little ghost?" She was excited; her soul had waited so long for this...and now, she felt alive again. But...a little part of her...was screaming. But she brushed the odd feeling away, and stared at Hentaro, thinking of his life, his soul... [I]My turn to take souls, Sirus[/I], she thought to herself. Yes, it was her turn. Hentaro stood, unsure of what to do. He glanced at Veil, and at Sinahiro, and then to the trees. He, too, could feel the Hokage coming...but they still weren't quite close enough. On the other hand...if he fought Veil..he might kill her. What was wrong with her? Why was she doing this? What...was he going to do?
  8. OOC: Hey, Legacy, I hope you don't mind that I made my character really related to yours. Umm..if you don't want it like that, then pm me, and I'll make a new character. But..I'm really hoping you're ok with it. [B]Played By:[/B] Cyriel [B]Surname:[/B] Silvermoon [B]First Name:[/B] Ingrid [B]Species:[/B] Elven Werewolf (Dark-elf) [B]Status In Pack:[/B] Substitue Alpha for the Crimson Crescent Pack, in absence of [B]Alastor[/B]. (I know she's female, but who cares. That's what the suffrage movement was for.) [B]Age:[/B]160 [B]Appearance:[/B] [url]http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=10[/url] [B]Hair:[/B] Smoky black. [B]Eyes:[/B] Dark brown [B]Height:[/B] 5'7" [B]Choice of Clothing:[/B] Ingrid will wear dark, long-sleeve shirts with a wifebeater underneath. Small wristguards are hidden underneath, and rows of small blades are hidden under loose pants that have many pockets. [B]Abilities:[/B] [I]Clerical Clarity[/I]: She can detect lies or sense motives for a certain person's actions. [I]Awareness[/I]: Her connection to her surrounding is heightened, meaning she could tell whether or not a hand on a table leaves a heat residue or whether or not the vampire at the end of the bar has had a taste of any of that soda in front of him. [B]Personality:[/B] The air that Ingrid seems to breathe is melancholy, fraught with sorrow and hidden secrets. Hardly ever cracking a smile, Ingrid's outward appearance is always calm...and almost a little depressing. She's like a cloud that moves from place to place, blocking out the warm rays of the sun. However, the pack and others accept her because of her wisdom and clear-headedness. She will rarely go into a situation without reviewing every possibility, and is sometimes a perfectionist. Ingrid also highly values all forms of life, and never risks the members of the Crimson Crescent Pack without good reason, and never if she's not also with them. Because of this, they trust and follow her in Alastor's absence. Under her quiet demeanor, you would never guess that she holds quiet grudges, and is quite capable of causing devastation in any battle. [B]Bio:[/B] The youngest child of the three (now two) Silvermoon children, Ingrid is the youngest of Alastor's sisters. She's 29 years younger than Alastor, and Shizu was her older sister. Because there was kind of an age gap between her brother and her, Ingrid grew up mostly with Shizu, who got the two closer together in a friendly relationship. Ingrid was elated when Shizu and Alastor became mates - she could think of no other people who were more dear to her, and she knew that Shizu would be happy. Although she was usually alone in the pack, Shizu was still always very close to her, able to open up her little sister's shy, withdrawn feelings. When Shizu had Yuki, Ingrid was in awe and adoration. She loved Yuki, and would spend hours caring and playing with the little child. Yuki, a baby, wouldn't judge her, and so Ingrid lavished affection on her little niece. She was unaware of the trouble brewing with the vampires... When Alastor told her of what happened to Shizu and Yuki, Ingrid was devastated. Although she was moderately close to Alastor, it was nothing compared to her bond with Shizu and Yuki. She withdrew even deeper into herself, cutting off all others. She avoided Alastor, and anything else that might evoke memories of her dead sister and niece. However, when Alastor left, deserting the position of Alpha, Ingrid took over, seeing as the pack was left in confusion. They, although doubtful at first, quickly were calmed by her quiet confidence and order, even though she was not quite as cheerful as their former leader. She now retains the position of Alpha of the Crimson Crescent Pack, and everyone follows her without question because all fully trust her wisdom. And although the years have passed by, the hurt of Shizu and Yuki's deaths have not passed from Ingrid's heart, and the pack knows it's so. So while she leads and guides them with her careful hand, they also try to comfort her sorrow, which she never shows. Ingrid also has somewhat of a grudge against Alastor. Not only did he leave the pack, but she also considers Shizu and Yuki's deaths on his hands. He, being the Alpha, and also Shizu's husband, should have been able to protect his mate and child...but he could not. So Ingrid is disappointed, and holds a grudge against him for that, for not being able to protect the people that he loved. She quietly vowed that she would never do that, and would die before she saw her loved ones killed. She vowed that she would never be in that state of weakness. Indeed, Ingrid considers her brother Alastor to be sort of weak...not in body, but perhaps in spirit. She feels that he is not strong enough to bear the burden of his family's death. Ingrid is set against the vampires, since they killed Shizu and Yuki, but she blames Alastor for it more than they. She devotes her time now to keeping the Crimson Crescent Pack safe, but is now wanting to call Alastor back to his position as Alpha. [B]Difficulty:[/B] Medium
  9. Helie quickly peeked out from behind the bush, checking the movements of the group. She watched quietly as Fenris left. Suddenly, she saw Rannos coming straight for her! She froze, and he ran into the bushes right beside her...and then turned around, and walked back. Her heart was thumping in her chest, and she was trying not to shake. [I]That was way too close...[/I] Then, she overheard Rannos's speak to the others. "Neither of these guys can be vampires if they're walking in the sunlight..." Helie stilled, her eyes narrowing in uncertainty. [I]They still believe...that vampires need the darkness? I can't believe that they're still alive.[/I] She shook her head. [I]Well, perhaps the vampires here in the U.S. need the night...but I know that I don't. And I know that the other vampires around here walk in daylight also... After all, they were on my territory in the gym today... I'll have to get rid of them on my own soon enough, if the slayers can't find them. And if the slayers can't kill them...well, then they don't deserve to be slayers, and I'll just have to...[/I] Her thoughts continued, and she started imagining the taste of blood on her tongue again. Blood... nothing like the sweet, original, human blood. As she continued to watch the group, the craving increased. [I]I'll have to get more blood tonight...[/I]
  10. Veil stood, smiling at Sirus, her eyes cold. She wasn't the same self that the others in the group knew her as. It was like she was under Sirus's control again, but...he hadn't cast a spell on her at all. She walked forward towards Sirus, still smiling. Her blood was roaring through her veins, excitement pulsing with the adrenaline. The dark night called to her, and she heard all the whisperings and odd mutterings in the shadows. Completely ignoring Sinahiro, Hentaro, Mya, and Kilik, she stopped a couple inches in front of Sirus, who waited in silence, watching her. He was studying her eyes, looking for the familiar souls...and realized that she really was who she said she was. She stood casually, one hand on her hip, looking at the new form that the bloodwrath had shaped for him. Veil nodded, still smiling, listening to her blood speak in her veins. Hentaro's blood still stained her fingertips, and she brushed off the dried flakes. She spoke softly, speaking so only Sirus could hear her, "Well, Sirus...I take it you've been searching for me. And...I was under your nose the whole time. It's not like you to be careless, or to be so easily deceived. Have you grown weaker, old friend?" Sirus's eyes narrowed at Veil's quiet words. The quality of her voice had changed...it was insinuated with power now. Her true spirit seemed to be coming out, the souls of the Roxoski awakening in her veins. She was dangerous now...with too much power. He was going to stay silent, but then spoke. "Yes, I have been looking for you. For the longest time... I didn't realize that you had been reborn so late, that your form would be so young. But...I should have known it was you, when you revealed that you were after the Siroshima Fire. We were all after it...and even when you betrayed us, you couldn't let it go. So...I should have guessed, when your soul so conveniently went after the Siroshima Fire under the pretense of a forced marriage. Clever." Veil laughed, her lashes brushing her cheeks as she closed her eyes. As Sirus and the others watched her, she was indeed clearly changed. Every move she made was enveloped in a dangerous power, a frightening strength newly revealed. She was an entirely different being, her inherited Roxoski blood mixing with that of the Auraski. She stilled, and stared at Sirus. "Well, true, you guessed right. I suppose I couldn't let go of that Siroshima Fire...and I don't mind telling you that it will be mine, soon enough." Sirus smirked, skeptical now, but still cautious of her. "So, you would go against the mission of your friends? They have sworn to defend the Chosen One and the Siroshima Fire, especially that Sinahiro. You would fight against them?" She tossed her head, looking at the dark, velvety sky. "Sirus...I betrayed the Roxoski... What makes you think that I won't betray them? Even though I disagreed with the Roxoski, and left, doesn't mean that I have become so good that I won't sacrifice a few lives to get what I need. I'm not as soft as you were - I never was. Have you become so weak?" Sirus narrowed his eyes again, and suddenly she put her face close - [I]very[/I] close. Sinahiro's breath stopped...he couldn't believe his eyes. What the heck was Veil doing? She smiled, staring into Sirus's eyes. "Sirus...old friend...don't stand in my way. If you do...beware...I will destroy you." She kissed him, closing her eyes. Sirus was utterly surprised, but didn't pull away; he could taste the power on her lips, the threat that she presented to him. Behind her, he heard Sinahiro and the others draw in their collected breaths. Veil pulled away, and turned around. Sirus barely heard her next words. "You're right, Sirus. A kiss can be quite powerful indeed." She laughed, walking back to the shocked group.
  11. Helie shook her head, pitying the poor exchange student. Today obviously wasn't his day...and it wasn't hers either. His blood on the floor had completely thrown off her senses, and her skin tingled with excitement. She could no longer pay attention to her other vampiric instincts warning her of the other vampires in the gym; her attention was constantly distracted by Phillip's blood on the floor, and his bleeding nose. Her eyes were drawn to John Schelling as he dipped his finger into the blood, and tasted it. She unconsciously licked her own dry lips... She could almost taste the blood herself...
  12. The ship docked in the night. The harbor was peaceful and quiet, sleeping from the effects of the busy day. Port Junction had a new visitor - Serisay. Garbed in dark, plain, traveling clothes, her nondescript appearance had barely earned her a glance over the entire journey to the Troika Continent. She had attached herself to the entourage of the first ship leaving the Arch Continent, a small merchant vessel that had had room for a few passengers, and more money. Her travel costs paid in full, with bonus to the captain, Serisay had been asked no questions, and she hadn't invited any. The journey had been uneventful, but she was still relieved when her feet touched dry land. The lights in Port Junction were bright; even at this time of night, a few people were still up, and jovial laughter occassionally rang through the quiet air. Not looking back at the ship, Serisay walked down one of the paths, following the brightly-colored signs to a place for lodging. Already she could feel herself getting sleepy, relaxed by the friendly atmosphere of the sleeping port. Walking into one of the cheerful inns, she was greeted by a rosy-faced innkeeper, who gave her a small, cozy room for the night. Serisay locked the door of her room, and turned the lights off, gazing out the open window over the dark sea. She breathed in the smell of sea salt and citrus, closing her eyes as she remembered the dark outline of the palace. [I]My Emperor[/I]... Serisay's eyes opened, her eyes not seeing in front of her. Instead, she fingered the small baby-ring on the slender chain around her neck. The fine piece of rice paper lay in her pocket, folded carefully in a soft leather pouch. "Duty..." she whispered to the night. Her breath came out in a quiet sigh. She realized the Emperor's message all too well. Only after fulfilling the requirements of duty, loyalty, honor, and bravery, could you ever hope to acquire trustworthiness, truth, happiness, and love. She bowed her head in acquisence, her mind turning over new thoughts, and still somber about being sent from the child she served. A wise child indeed... Laughter from other rooms in the inn startled her. Serisay listened to the voices in the tavern below, and watched one across the street. People still lounged around, sharing their stories, and having perhaps one too many drinks. She smiled to herself, and then closed the window. [I]Time to get to sleep[/I], she thought to herself. She took the blankets of the bed, and arranged them neatly on the floor, laying down flat on her back, with her weapons close at hand. She closed her eyes, and tried to get some sleep. Tomorrow, she would be in Miraclion.
  13. OOC: Who said that Hentaro's dead? He might just be bleeding on the ground.. I'll save him for you, Gecko, since you all saved me from being butchered. :D By the way Mage15, look in my earlier post - you're surrounded by members of the Roxoski Clan. Have fun ;) IC: Veil closed her eyes as she went through the fire, feeling the hot flames brush her cheeks. When she opened her eyes again, they were in the middle of the circle, Sirus, Sinahiro, and Hentaro in front of them. Mya instantly saw Hentaro on the ground, "Hentaro! Veil, help me!" Veil ran over to his side as well, and couldn't believe her eyes. He was pale...and very cold, despite the flames raging around him. He was covered in a cold sweat...and blood was everywhere. Mya clamped her hand over his wound, and blood soaked her hand and arm. Veil's hand went to her mouth, "Oh..Mya...I don't know..." Her mouth trembled, and she clamped down on her teeth, trying not to tremble. Mya was staring at Hentaro, and her eyes were tearing up. Suddenly, her expression changed to a determined look, and she wiped her eyes angrily with her hand. Blood smeared on Mya's face, and Veil was reminded of a fierce warrior ready to defend her people. Mya...reminded Veil of herself. Mya took her hand away from Hentaro's wound, and slapped Veil. The blood stained Veil's cheek like a red flag, an imprint of a palm in dark red. Mya put her hand back on Hentaro's wound, desperately trying to stop the bleeding, "Veil! Snap out of it! I don't believe you! Are you just going to let him die??? Help me!" Veil put her hand to her cheek, touching Hentaro's blood on her face. It was still wet, warm and slick on her fingers. [I]Blood...[/I] What was this feeling? Her own blood pounded in her veins, surging and igniting like fire... yes, it was like fire in her blood... What was happening? She stared at her fingertips, wet with the dark red stain of Hentaro's life on them. They glistened in the flame, and Veil watched the motley of shapes and shadows change and transform with the light. Mya grew still, watching Veil. A visible change had come over her...she stared with eyes that didn't really seem to see... Was something wrong with Veil? Why didn't she do anything? Why wasn't she helping Hentaro? Then, Mya's attention was turned away, as Hentaro opened his eyes and started coughing horribly. "Hentaro! Hentaro, please, say something. Are you ok?" He coughed more, blood spilling out of his mouth, and he looked at Mya with wide eyes. "...Mya...? Where's...Sinahiro-sensei..." His eyes closed again, and blood dribbled out of his mouth. Mya looked up, and saw Veil's back turned to her. "Veil?" she whispered quietly, almost frightened by this new image. Veil didn't turn, keeping her back towards Mya, not even hearing her words. She still stared at the blood on her fingertips...and then...her gaze was drawn to the fight. Sinahiro and Sirus. Their shadows danced as they sped in the quick steps of their deadly fight. Their weapons screeched against one another, and the cacophany of their words bombarded her ears. She was utterly focused on their battle, her eyes drawn to the intricate, deadly pattern. Veil looked up at the sky, her eyes growing wide and her pupils huge. There was no moon, no stars...it was velvety black, the dark only interrupted by the raging inferno that they fought in. Her words came whispered, instinctively...she had never said them before, and yet, she knew them, and said them now. "[I]Two paths...divided by the setting of the moon, and the rising of the sun. Two paths...joined by fire and blood. [B]Fire[/B], strong and swift, enchanting, alluring, and deadly. [B]Blood[/B], silent, beautiful, necessary to life, and the more powerful of the two. [B]Blood[/B]...calls to that of its own. Calls me...to answer.[/I]" Sinahiro and Sirus didn't notice Veil at all, entirely concentrated on each other. They stood, glaring at each other, sweat and blood dripping off their bodies. Both radiated power and strength...but which would last longer? Veil whispered, her words silky in the darkness. Her words, however quiet, were discordant with everything around her. She stared at the two, Sinahiro and Sirus, and then, slowly began walking towards them. Fighting again, neither of them noticed her figure drawing close. Then...Veil reached for a small bomb, and detached it from the band across her chest. Carefully, she took aim...her hand shook, but she steadied it, her blood murmuring in her ears, excited and exhilarated.. The smell of blood and sweat was almost...refreshing to her... What was this feeling? Blood...she wanted...blood... She aimed. At Sinahiro. And then he saw her, ready to throw the weapon to end his life. His eyes locked on hers, and she stopped, startled by his gaze, the excitement in her blood thrown off. Then, Sirus laughed. Sinahiro turned to Sirus, and his voice was low and dangerous. "What did you do to her? What's wrong with her?" Sirus laughed again, and looked at Veil, whose expression was flickering, as if unsure... He smiled, "It's a good thing I got to her first. Isn't it amazing what a kiss can do?"
  14. Helie dodged other balls, grabbing them off the floor and firing them off in retaliation. She saw one of the slower football players go down, hit by a tall kid with blonde hair and blue eyes. Carefully she took aim, and was about to throw, when she felt a ball barely go by. Startled, she looked over, and saw the teacher looking at her. Helie lowered her eyes, and focused back on the game, but her concentration was shattered. She picked off the easy targets, pegging a cheerleader, and left the people she had seen at the cafe. [I]Someone...keeps watching me[/I]. Helie glanced around again, her skin pricking. She was uneasy...not that she was comfortable in PE, but today was odd...there was more tension in the air... And she could smell blood. Not open blood...her vampiric blood was warning her of infringements on her territory... There was another vampire in the gym with her. WHAM! Helie looked up, her eyes wide in shock. A ball had pegged the ground where she had been staring, and another flew by her nose as she looked to see where the attack was coming from. [I]That boy again[/I], she thought to herself, quickly dodging other attacks. She grabbed another ball, and took aim at Fenris. [I]Arrogant b******...[/I]
  15. OOC: Sirus undressing??? Veil actually [I]looking[/I] at him??? WHAT THE HECK???? DISGUSTING!!!!! I am so completely grossed out!!! I'm throwing up over the keyboard!! But thanks for saving me:D IC: Veil quickly slid into her clothes, a blush burning her cheeks. [I]Jeez, I'm never going to do this again...[/I] she thought. [I]Next time, I will definitely run and at least try to escape.[/I] When modestly covered, she ran over, and tripped over Kilik's unconscious body. Mya helped her up. "He's [I]still[/I] knocked out?" Veil asked, looking skeptically at his form. Mya smiled wryly, "Well, I think maybe you hit him a little harder than you meant to. After all...well, we don't need to get into that." Veil nodded her agreement, and then peered through the fire, trying to get a glimpse of Sirus, Sinahiro, and Hentaro. "You know, I appreciate you all rescuing me and everything, but next time, do you think you could get here before they have my clothes off?" Mya stared - how could Veil be so rude? But then Veil cracked a smile, "Just kidding! It's awesome to see you guys." Suddenly, though, Veil's attention was directed away from the three in the middle of the fire. The other clan members of the Roxoski seemed to have spotted them, and were circling around. And they did [I]not[/I] look too happy... "Kilik! Hurry and wake up!" Veil shook Kilik's form, and he groggily came to, blinking his eyes. "Welcome back," Veil said, "we've got our own fight on our hands." She took her glaive from Mya, and helped him stand up. They were surrounded. Mya smiled, "Well, this'll be fun!" Veil laughed. It felt so good to be free. She nodded, "Yeah, tons of fun... Lets get started!"
  16. Cyriel

    -Murder Mansion-

    OOC: Why does Sakura think Durmer Mansion is a Horror House already? IC: As soon as Audrey saw the girl pull out the laptop, she was thinking that they would [I]definitely[/I] get along. However...one of those guys she already had bad vibes towards... She could smell lawyers a million miles away. It was in their walk, the tilt of their head, the arrogant tone at which they seemed to view the world...yeah, those guys wreaked havoc on her concentration. For some reason, they didn't seem to like her any better than she liked them, no matter how nice she tried to be. There were a few exceptions, and she had to admit, not all of them were bad...some of them were quite good friends of hers. She only had one problem with the chocolate-brown haired girl. [I]Why'd she relight that guy's cig? That stuff is disgusting...and extremely bad for their health...Poor guy will probably die pretty soon from lung cancer. I wonder if I should tell him how much tar is gathering in his lungs, and how he'll soon start hacking and coughing in the morning, and how he'll need a tube in his throat to breath...[/I] She hid her laugh, stifling it with her hand, and turned away so that she wouldn't think of anymore outrageous hyperbole. She walked to the other side of the boat, taking deep breaths to calm herself down. Audrey felt guilty now - she didn't usually think satirical thoughts about people when she hadn't even been properly introduced yet. And then, she stopped...and gazed out over the water... "Hey," Audrey called to the others. "I...think I see land."
  17. Name: Helie Lee Age: 19 Gender: Female Species: Reformed Vampire Guts: 5 Strength: 4 Martial Arts: 3 Health: 2 Magic: 0 Research skill: 3 Ranged Attack: 0 Racial abilities: Technology: 2 Appearance: [url]http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery....ctuary&image=12[/url] (but take away all the funeral clothes..) Bio: Helie was born in mainland China. Part of an old vampire family, her parents were ashamed of their vampire blood, and tried to hide it from their daughter. They drank the minimum amount of blood as needed, and usually it was animal blood purchased from the local butcher. As she grew up, Helie was shielded from the truth that she was a vampire, until when she was 12, she suddenly felt the urge to drink blood. She unconsciously, more instinctively, targeted the closest, most helpless looking human, another child that was playing on the street. Luring the child away, she attacked him, and then drank his blood. However, being quite new at the fang-in-neck thing, she completely tore out his throat, killing the child in the process. She returned home trembling and afraid, with blood staining her clothes. Her parents took one look at her, saw that she had discovered her vampire heritage, and fled with her secretly out of the country, first to Korea, then to Japan. Her parents taught her to drink animal blood when needed, and Helie is now able to keep her vampire instincts under control. She moved to the U.S. recently this year to study, since information of the "other species" is much more common and easier to obtain. She's "studying" art history and literature in Otaku Lake, while at the same time looking for others of her kind. Personality: She's calm and collected; usually not much can phase her, and she's able to control her vampiric instincts. As a generally young vampire, she's still ignorant about her heritage - she hasn't really been able to find information. However, she has a scholarly nose, and is usually able to find the oddest of things in the most unexpected places. She loves books, and buries herself into all kinds of literature. Art with dark themes, and graffiti is also a favorite of hers, and she likes to randomly tag if she has nothing better to do. She speaks four languages fluently, and is also learned in many different martial arts, in which she was trained from childhood. However, she's far from mastering them, but they afford her pretty good skills. __________________________ Helie sat quietly at one of the small tables, fingering her scone (:Dlove that word), and sipping her mocha latte now and then. It was insipid now, and the taste was bad in her mouth...she had been here too long...over three hours now. [I]When did this place close?[/I] she wondered too herself, and she started randomly mixing in bags of sugar into the cold latte, wondering if she could get the mixture thick enough so that it would begin to be able to hold its own form. *BAM!* Helie jumped at the sound, looking up in alarm. She saw that it had been someone at another table slamming their hand, and her attention started to return to her thickening, cold latte, when her ears picked up their conversation... "...dead students in the high school...two red marks...we should be able to take out that new clan..." Helie's eyes widened, and she pretended to sip her latte. She almost choked on it when she tasted it - it was like coffee-flavored frosting. Quickly putting her cup down, she tried to hear more of their conversation as she discreetly studied the peoples' faces. A young boy was speaking...he didn't look older than 13..."If one of them knows that either Raven or Kara is a slayer...we hope that our high school vampire comes out." [I]Slayer? Did that kid say slayers?[/I] Helie quickly glanced over again, as the members of the group kept speaking. She couldn't believe her luck! Not only did she finally have a clue of who knew about the vampires in this place, but she also knew exactly who the slayers were! [I]I wonder...how much they know about the killings...I guess I'd better keep a low profile from now on.[/I] Helie quietly put her books into her bag, and left her money on the table. The scone was untouched, and the sugar-latte was now rock-hard in the cup; they would have a hard time cleaning that out. [I]Time for me to leave...[/I] She got up silently, almost too silently, and started quietly picking her way to the door, trying to avoid the others...
  18. OOC: I'm about to be slaughtered like a goat, and you're asking me if I like the TWISTS???? AAAAUUGGGHHH!!! Somebody help me!!! heehee :D AAAUGH! I just reread that! Why am I nude??? no no no no no!!! Sirus, you are really going to die soon. :D IC: Veil didn't resist as she was tied to the board. The ropes were rough, and cut into her skin. The board was also rough, and it scratched her too. She tried not to move against it too much - she didn't want slivers. [I]Slivers? What am I thinking? Here I am, ready to be sacrificed, and I'm thinking about slivers getting into my skin? Am I going crazy?[/I] Veil shook her head, trying to get her emotions straight. The truth, however, was that she was unconsciously in shock. How could anyone possibly try to think straight when they were about to die? To keep herself sane, her body was keeping her mind on odd, silly things that didn't matter. But that was a problem: she couldn't think of a way to save herself. Veil scanned the gathered crowd, searching the faces in the flickering torch light. Her last hope faded away; there was no one that she recognized in the crowd, no one that might be a potential savior. The others...had not come to rescue her. She looked down at the floor, and noticed her bare feet. Then, she realized that she was completely naked. But...for some reason, it didn't matter anymore. Veil felt the cool breeze on her skin, and looked up at the dark sky, not even hearing the words of the Elder who was speaking. If she was going to die, why listen to their nonsense? No..it was better to look at the sky, and see the stars, moon, and wispy clouds. Veil closed her eyes...trying not to feel the ropes on her wrist, and the rough wood against her back. She closed out the crowd of faces and eyes that were watching her... [I]Is this...what I wanted? Is this really to be my fate?[/I] Veil asked herself silently, breathing deeply to calm herself. She wanted to keep control of herself - there was no way that she would afford them the victory of watching her lose her control, and turn into a sniveling coward. [I]No way. Never.[/I] Veil opened her eyes again. And saw...the Elders. Sirus was standing also, but she felt nothing. No fear, worry, rage...she felt nothing. It was like she was already out of her body, just watching what happened. So she watched, silent, as the knife was solemnly presented to the Elder. [/I]That's a very sharp blade[I], she thought to herself.
  19. Veil was smiling calmly at her customer, who was now dressed as a Preen. Suddenly, her eyes narrowed, and she has a threatening expression. "If you get caught, what are you going to say?" She had asked this question at least five times since this particular customer had come into the store. He sighed, but answered quickly, noting her expression. "I found the clothes in a dumpster, and I have no idea who you are, because I've never met you before." It wasn't wise to brush off Veil's questions; she was known for her flightly mood swings...bipolar little b****. But..in the end, there was no one better who could effectively prepare disguises. She was, in all, a master of her work. Veil smiled again, nodding. "Yes, exactly. I'm glad you're so cooperative. " She quickly finished business with the shanty-turned-preen-in-her-shop, and ushered him out of her shop. She sighed...time to close up and go home. She locked up the tidy, inconspicuous store, and then walked the dark tunnels of the subways, the underworld of society...not that the "society" was much civilized anyway. Reaching her modest home that blended in with the surroundings, she let herself in through the back door. Gosh, what an enitrely boring, yet extremely tiring day. She went to her library, and collapsed onto one of the comfortable, squashy couches. Her books, so carefully preserved, cared for, and organized, scanned the walls, filling the shelves from floor to ceiling. Other books were piled onto some tables, spread out with pages propped open. The history of the country... Veil's research was not going in the direction she wanted. After reading everything she could on past tyrants and dictators of the past, the major battles and destructive wars, powerful weapons and the history of nations...there was still nothing. Nothing to give her any ideas of how to return the world to the flourishing, hopeful place it once was. Nothing to give her any ideas of how to defeat the ambitious lunatic, Kellan. Nothing... Veil groaned, covering her face with her hands, and promptly fell asleep.
  20. OOC: Ok, that was a really quick meet-up...and kinda unrealistic. Please keep in mind that Veil isn't here to chat amiably with others that she's never met before, even though she's young and all. Seriously, Veil's got more important stuff to talk about with Koryu and the leaders of the Unashi. And...where are they getting the stuff for the feast if they're in a middle of a war? Could I have a chance of an edit? I hope I'm not being rude - sorry if it sounds like it.
  21. OOC: WHAT THE *******??? Sirus, what the heck? ew ew ew!! hahaha, just kidding. But that was DEFINITELY not what I was expecting. And Gecko, who ever said I was with you? Who said I was ever with anybody? Back off everyone!! haha, kidding again. ;) This is getting interesting...and kinda putting me in freakin awkward positions. By the way, did anyone ever answer my question of what the Hokage are? I'm clueless. IC: Sirus moved quickly, and Veil simply sat behind him on the forebeast, silence thick between them. Ever since the incident the day before, Veil had kept her distance, or at least as much as you could when you were riding together, and Sirus did nothing to close it, letting her keep her privacy. For someone in the Roxoski Clan, she had to admit that he wasn't as horribly evil as she thought. That didn't mean she liked him, but at least she wasn't trembling from fear. Instead, she kept her cold profile, trying to show Sirus that he definitely wasn't welcome. No, she wasn't trembling at all; she was PISSED OFF. (hahaha:D) [I]What the heck is going on? I thought I was some sacrifice, and now he's ... blurgh. I really have to find some way out of here...I have to get away from him...[/I] Her mind raced through possibilities, each one crazier and more desperate than the next. Obviously her thinking wasn't exactly rational: she was with some psychopath from the Roxoski Clan that was supposed to sacrifice her, and then suddenly he was kissing her... Yes, she definitely had to get away, and soon. Then Veil's thoughts turned to another subject...Sinahiro. [I]So...it's disgraceful for Sirus to use his powers against Sinahiro...which...perhaps could give him the upper hand... I wonder where they are... [/I] But suddenly, Veil noticed Sirus glancing back at her almost imperceptibly, and tried to keep her mind blank. [I]I have got to remember not to think of them. He keeps reading my thoughts...[/I] She stared at the grass, trying to pick out the bugs to occupy her mind.
  22. Hey, sorry about my first post. I didn't have time to finish it, and I'm sorry that it looked like I was stealing someone's character. Hope this is all ok. [B]Name:[/B] Helie Lee Age: 18 Gender: Female Species: Reformed Vampire Guts: 5 Strength: 4 Martial Arts: 3 Health: 2 Magic: 0 Research skill: 3 Ranged Attack: 0 Racial abilities: Technology: 2 [B]Appearance:[/B] [url]http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=angelsanctuary&image=12[/url] (but take away all the funeral clothes..) [B]Bio:[/B] Helie was born in mainland China. Part of an old vampire family, her parents were ashamed of their vampire blood, and tried to hide it from their daughter. They drank the minimum amount of blood as needed, and usually it was animal blood purchased from the local butcher. As she grew up, Helie was shielded from the truth that she was a vampire, until when she was 12, she suddenly felt the urge to drink blood. She unconsciously, more instinctively, targeted the closest, most helpless looking human, another child that was playing on the street. Luring the child away, she attacked him, and then drank his blood. However, being quite new at the fang-in-neck thing, she completely tore out his throat, killing the child in the process. She returned home trembling and afraid, with blood staining her clothes. Her parents took one look at her, saw that she had discovered her vampire heritage, and fled with her secretly out of the country, first to Korea, then to Japan. Her parents taught her to drink animal blood when needed, and Helie is now able to keep her vampire instincts under control. She moved to the U.S. recently this year to study, since information of the "other species" is much more common and easier to obtain. She's "studying" art history and literature in Otaku Lake, while at the same time looking for others of her kind. [B]Personality:[/B] She's calm and collected; usually not much can phase her, and she's able to control her vampiric instincts. As a generally young vampire, she's still ignorant about her heritage - she hasn't really been able to find information. However, she has a scholarly nose, and is usually able to find the oddest of things in the most unexpected places. She loves books, and buries herself into all kinds of literature. Art with dark themes, and graffiti is also a favorite of hers, and she likes to randomly tag if she has nothing better to do. She speaks four languages fluently, and is also learned in many different martial arts, in which she was trained from childhood. However, she's far from mastering them, but they afford her pretty good skills.
  23. "Serisay! Don't stop! I said to continue!" The child turned back to face her, his expression annoyed. She bowed deeply, and folded her legs gracefully underneath herself as she sat. Taking a breath, she continued. "Appointed by the Gods to rule in their stead, the Chosen Emperor, Ruler and Sun of His people, fulfills the grand destiny appointed to him, each one envisioning a greater prosperity and success, to show honor to the Gods of Heaven. He does what is right for not only His people, but also for the Celestial and the Divine. This is the creed and vow of the first of the noble God-children, His Eternal Majesty Sun Ra Shen." Finished reading the creed that was read everyday to the child Emperor, Serisay continued with a word of her own, "And this vow has been fulfilled by every Child of the Gods that deems it fit to walk this earth." The child nodded, and his face grew melancholy. He seemed to retreat within himself, growing smaller in his robes that were stiff with the finest embroidery. Serisay saw the Emperor Shin Ra as the child that he was, the child that he was not allowed to be. Suddenly her heart twisted, and she wished that she could rescue him from his entrapped life, his duty that would bind him forever to the massive throne, the heavy crown, the weight of an empire. But...it was not her place. It was no one's place, and would forever be that way. This child...this small boy...had a life that no one could change. He spoke softly, gazing out one of the windows to look upon the sprawling city and expanses of the region. "Duty...loyalty...honor...bravery... These are all things that I have been taught. Words echoed and repeated by scholars and ancestors, and taken on as laws by Sons of Gods before me. But..." He left his sentence unfinished, embroiled in thought. It amazed Serisay, the intelligence of this small boy. Sighing, he continued, but his words were cautious, unsure of the footing. "But...even though I must fulfill my duties... is there something...that my being a God cannot teach me?" Serisay froze. [I]How am I to answer this question?[/I] she thought, her eyes still on the Emperor she served. Her mind raced and then froze continually, starting and stopping in a jolting confusion. The child walked back and forth tensely, as if he knew the chaos of her mind. "Serisay! Just answer. Please. Just answer this truthfully, as you will have it. The Gods forgive any misplaced words." He stopped, his small back towards her, waiting stiffly for her answer. An answer...that she did not feel she was free to give. His voice was low now, and sharp, "Serisay. Answer." She had no choice, she knew. He was her Emperor, a Child of the Gods. Where He walked, she followed, even if it meant her life. And so, she said three words. Her voice was almost silent, barely heard in the sunny room. Calm and grave, she was perfectly composed. "Trustworthiness. Happiness. Love." She bowed again, this time placing her forehead on the floor. The child was silent, unmoving. He still stared out the window, watching the sparrows leap from the turrets, and the city's expanses so far below him. Then, a quick, almost imperceptible gesture dismissed her. Serisay left silently, walking backwards and keeping her head still prostrate and low. She slid the door shut, and walked past the guards posted outside the door. [I]Did I do right? In that answer, have I set his mind to turmoil? Have I just ruined a child? I gave the only answer that was truthful to me...[/I] Her thoughts filled her head, but her outward appearance gave no clue to what her mind was dwelling upon. Going through her usual duties, there was no sign that she was worried. And again, she was always worried, in some way or another, for the small child that they called Emperor. __________________________ When Serisay was called back to the Emperor, she wondered if he was going to chide her, or instill more innocent wisdom. He had such intelligence, always seeing the beauty of things, even in his very young and tender age. She worried. And when she arrived, she found that it was a full court that she had come to. The Imperial Advisors, along with Judge Gojo, lined the floor, with other officials present as well. Of the Royal Family, only the Emperor and His mother were there. Slowly and gracefully, perfectly composed, Serisay came to bow before the child on the throne, dressed in the perfectly embroidered silks, gold decorating his hands and head. In this, they were alike, she thought as she touched her forehead to the cool marble on the ground: they both wore gold on their head, hers the decorations and trinkets woven into her hair, and His, the full symbol of power of a nation. And yet, he was so small... It was almost cruelly ironic, and she wanted to snap the arms of the God who had made it like this. But then, she was hit with a full blow. One of the Imperial Advisors came out on the floor, bowed before the Emperor, and then spoke. She was to go to the Queendom of Mertonia. Why, they did not say, but Serisay already knew; should have known when she saw the roomful of Advisors. They would not let Sade's business go unfinished. And then, the Emperor put the final twist in her heart. He nodded, not saying a word, and then stood and left, His mother by his side. Everyone bowed, until his footsteps faded away. Then the room bustled as men left, the swish of their robes like the whisper of secrecy. Judge Gojo came to her afterwards, informing her to finish what Sade had started. [I]Kill the Queen.[/I] The words still reverberated in her mind, and everything else seemed to be still, shrouded. [I]Kill the woman who dares claim that she is able to rule.[/I] But throughout the quiet preparations for her departure, one thought blocked out all others. [I]My Emperor...is sending me from His side. I am leaving a helpless child in the claws of an Empire.[/I] She found a piece of paper with her belongings, fine white race paper which smelled of cherry blossoms and crackled with richness. The thick, dark ink was heavy on the paper. On it was one character: [I]duty.[/I] Serisay bowed her head; this child still had many things to teach her. Wise beyond his years, and yet so fragile, caught in a cage. With the paper was a small ring. She instantly recognized it as a baby ring, one that was given to infants on their 100th day of life. It was of fine, white gold, and the slender designs and characters were worn by one being only: the Emperor. _____________________ When Serisay left, close to midnight, the ring was on a thin, delicate chain around her neck, hidden beneath the folds of her dark clothing. Her other trinkets in her hair clinked together, chiming their farewells. She looked behind her from the gates before passing through, engraving the dark outline of the palace into her memory. Then she turned, and passed silently through the gates. [I]To Mertonia[/I], she thought.
  24. [B]Name:[/B] Ingrid Ortega [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Description:[/B] [url]http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=angelsanctuary&image=26[/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Ingrid's parents were part of the Dire Wolves, and so she always grew up in the direct conflict. She was always aware of the danger and brutality - her parents didn't hide anything from their children. Ingrid had an older brother named Ingamar, but she doesn't know him all that well, because he's about 12 years older than she is. They keep in touch, but that's about all. Ingrid joined the ranks of the Dire Wolves when her mother died, taking her mother's place. Her father and others in the group who doted on the dark-haired beauty trained her in combat and technique, showing her the uses of quite a range of weapons. She's been in fighting with the Dire Wolves for about five years now, and is a well-known face. Her father died in the past year. Ironically, although both of her parents were embroiled in the resistance movement, they both died of natural causes, like old age and a heart attack. Ingrid is calm and calculated, witty and sardonic. She's able to keep her cool in basically any situation, since she's so used to it. Languid and laid-back, it doesn't even seem like she's in a war, much less an active fighter in a resistance group. Her easy manner is admired by many, but she doesn't let it affect her. She knows what's at stake, and what carelessness can cost. Any scars, physical or mental, she hides, always keeping her wry smile. [B]Faction:[/B] Dire Wolves [B]Role:[/B] Sniper/ Bomber [B]Weapons:[/B] For sniping, she doesn't really have a set weapon. She doesn't like carrying guns around, so she'll take whatever she finds at the moment. [I]Molatov Cocktails[/I] - She loves throwing these little alcoholic explosives. They're her favorite to make, and she's always carrying around an extra bottle or two. Other than that, she has other assortments of bombs and explosives in her pockets or jacket with her at all times. However, Ingrid doesn't necessarily need weapons. She's also quite good at hand-to-hand combat, and basically any other weapons. She's comfortable with them all, especially since she grew up around them and the Dire Wolves. [B]Other equipment:[/B] She carries a black, permanent marker. Why? Because she likes to write 'DW' on any enemies that they defeat. Yeah, I know, kinda weird... She also carries small blades.
  25. Cyriel

    Murder Mashion

    [B]Name:[/B] Audrey Christenson [B]Age:[/B] 19 - almost 20, her birthday is in about two weeks. [B]Appearance:[/B] [url]http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=angelsanctuary&image=6[/url] [B]Personality:[/B] Calm and sweet-tempered, there's not much that can phase Audrey, even though she's a girl, and even if the situation is highly alarming. Her innocent vibe makes others kind of want to shield or protect her, although she can defend herself quite ably, as she has a black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do. Even though she's sweet and innocent, she also exudes an air that says she knows what she's doing, and that she's quite capable of anything. Audrey has a calming presence, and is able to put people at ease with her warmth and friendliness. She believes that everything a person is should be up front. She detests gossip, back-stabbing, drama, lying...etc, anything in which the truth isn't totally or completely shown clearly. Very clear-headed, she's rational in her thinking, and at the same time sensitive to others' feelings. It's very comforting to have her around. Always searching for the truth, Audrey right now is a writer of political pieces, but decided to take a break from it, and so came to the Mansion. She's planning on spending some time to write some free-lance things, and in truth wants to write books in the historical fiction genre. She loves to read also, and has millions of books (which she sadly can't bring along all of them.) However, as sort of a reporter, she has had a couple of run-ins with lawyers...and is wary of them, but if they're friendly or polite, then she is completely fine with them. Having to write on political subjects, she's witty and has a quick mind. She's very intelligent, and when you pair that with her friendly nature, she often can find out anything that she needs. However, she doesn't really like taking advantage of people...even though sometimes that loses her a new piece of info. [B]Things packed:[/B] Clothes, personal items (hygiene stuff), cell phone, laptop, and a few books. Will that fit into one piece of luggage? Yes...a very big piece of luggage..:D [B]Gift and other odd things:[/B] Audrey is very quick-minded, and often can sort things out before others even know there's a mystery. She's also like a human lie-detector (as she hates lying). After seeing something once, she can almost remember it perfectly, and so is able to remember every detail and figure things out. [B]Prize:[/B] She wants a publisher who will print out her book that she is writing, and $500,000.00 hee hee, just because she's nice doesn't mean she's cheap.:D
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