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Everything posted by Cyriel

  1. [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="SlateGray"]The rain had stopped a little by the time she got out of class. Hoisting her huge bag holding her canvases, Dana walked as quickly as she could towards the nearest subway station. Sidestepping puddles she finally made her way down the stairs, feeling the stale air rush up to greet her. Half an hour later she arrived at the gallery, a small out-of-the-way place called ?[i]Enchante[/i].? She quickly stepped inside with a sigh of relief, taking a bit of comfort in the familiar space. The gallery was beautifully lit and the lights looked like brilliant stars on the midnight-blue ceiling. The walls were brick, and windows with white sills were interspaced. Throughout the gallery there were various divans that looked like there were made out of thin curved branches, with plump red cushions set on top. [b]?Dana? Is that you??[/b] a frazzled looking woman came running around, red hair escaping from a loose ponytail. Dana smiled, setting down her bags, [b]?Hey Cameron. What?s going on??[/b] The girl shook here head, [b]?Oh my gosh, you won?t even believe. The [i]Smoky[/i] show got moved up to today, and we have to be ready by 6:45! The work came in an hour ago, and I?ve unpacked most of the stuff, but I need to get to a doctor?s appointment! Can you handle the rest? I?m so sorry ? .?[/b] [b]?Please Cameron, don?t worry about it. I?ve got it covered. Is the caterer okay though??[/b] [b]?Yeah I got that covered, and they should be here at 4:00 to set up. Okay, I?ll see you later tonight then! Call me if something goes horribly wrong ? oh, and Nancy will be here at 7:00,?[/b] the girl swirled around to make sure that she had everything she needed, and then waved to Dana as she finally ran out the door. Dana sat down on one of the stools for a second and took a deep breath. She took off her jacket, and then went to the storage rooms in the back of the gallery that was hidden by one of the brick walls. It was filled with thin wooden crates, some of them already open with parcels peeking through the packaging material. She got to work, prying open the rest of the crates as she thought in her head about the best possible arrangement to fit everything into the gallery. Later she turned on the radio to fill the silence; even though she didn?t necessarily make lasting bonds with anyone, Dana needed company like anyone else. The news popped on, with the weather report saying that the rain would continue for a few more days in all likelihood. Then it changed, [b]??and this just in: police reported the discovery of an undisclosed number of bodies. It is unknown if the victims are connected in any way, and the identities are being kept anonymous until the families are notified. However, witnesses from the scenes have said that some of the bodies were badly mutilated, although details are unknown at this time. Currently there are no suspects, although if you should see any suspicious activity there is a police hotline??[/b] Dana shook her head as she set up one of the smaller smoke machines. Although she loved living in this city, sometimes the psychos in it made her want to move somewhere quieter? Then again, she knew that she?d never be able to tear herself away from the beautiful lights and skyline. But just to be on the safe side, she pulled out a pencil and a pad of paper. Quickly she sketched a small stun gun and a can of mace. Looking around to make sure she was still completely alone, she gently touched her fingers to the image of the stun gun. She closed her eyes in concentration, willing herself to picture it perfectly in her mind, and then to believe that she felt the black plastic beneath her fingertips?and then it was there on top of the paper, solid and real. She turned it on and then pressed the button, and the quick snap from the electric-blue light of the stun gun was all she needed to know that she had done it perfectly. The can of mace followed quickly, and then Dana placed both of these in the desk by the gallery door. It was getting dark now, and the lights of the city were already coming out. Turning back to her work, Dana started to set up clear glass columns for the smoke to funnel through. She checked the clock on the wall; the caterers would be arriving soon. But at that moment she got a strange feeling?as if she was being watched. Turning around she looked through the glass windows to the streets, but they were all empty at the moment. She sat for a moment, and then turned her brown eyes back to the columns. [i]You?re just being paranoid, Dana,[/i] she thought to herself with a small smile, and then turned up the volume of the radio to drown out her thoughts. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [COLOR="SlateGray"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]It was drizzling again as Dana came up the stairs. Above her head a sign with the name [i]?Mizu?[/i] flickered off, signaling the end of a busy night?s work. One of the girls hadn?t shown up to take the last shift, so Dana had had to stay the entire night and through the early hours of the morning. Exhaling, she watched as her breath bloomed into the cold air, and then stepped out onto the street as she pulled her hood over her already damp hair. It had been a gray day like this the first time it had happened. Dana still remembered it perfectly, that day almost three years ago. She had been sitting at her draft table in the apartment sketching out another design, this time for a winter coat. She had been concentrating on putting the final touches to the trimmings when all of a sudden the air was filled with goose down, like an early snowfall. Dana had simply rationalized it, thinking that perhaps the down had been blown in through one of the air vents. But then it had happened again with a pair of platform heels rising out of the paper. And in class one day she had been focusing on painting ripples on the surface of a fountain pool when suddenly at her workstation was soaking. The professor and other students thought she had spilled her water-cup, but Dana double-checked later and had found it to be full. It was then that she knew she couldn?t deny it any longer ? she had [i]seen[/i] the water trickle out from the canvas right before it all came flooding out and turned everything into a colorful mess. She had come a long way from then, learning slowly and patiently on her own about this interesting talent of hers. Now as she stepped into her apartment, Dana didn?t even give a second glance around at the random practice items that filled the space. It was a large studio apartment, with a small bathroom in one corner and a kitchen area as well. A small white bed was against one wall; and drafting tables filled up the length of the other side of the room with extra lighting, jars of pencils and brushes, and other tools all neatly arranged. Other than that and a small dresser there was no other furniture, leaving the space open and extremely roomy. Shedding her wet clothes, Dana was just about to step into the shower when she stopped. Something was?off. As an artist, as well as in practicing her powers, she had developed an extraordinary sense of memory, past the point that it could be considered eidetic. Now looking around her room again Dana felt that something had been changed. She knew she was neat ? everything had a place ? but now it was too perfect. It was like someone had come in and looked around, and then made sure that everything was just in the right place so as to not arouse suspicion. But had someone else really been here? Pulling a long sweater over her head, she went to the windows that ran the length of the apartment walls, looking through the gauzy curtains down to the streets below. Nothing out of the ordinary? [b]?You?re just freaking yourself out, Dana,?[/b] she sighed to herself, and then resigned herself to getting ready for class. It was not going to be a very enjoyable day. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR="DimGray"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][b]Name:[/b] Dana Miyoko Ritter [b]Age:[/b] 19 years [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Physical Description:[/b] [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/genesis10.jpg][b]Dana[/b][/url] Despite being half-Japanese and half-German, Dana takes primarily after her mother and the Asian side of the family. She looks a little young for her age, with a height of 5’3 ½” and a slender frame. A childhood filled with ballet classes gave her a graceful build and delicate features, but she is slightly stronger than she looks. Her hair is a little longer than shoulder-length, and hangs down in loose brown waves with lighter natural highlights. Her eyes are a warm honey-brown color with flecks of green, one of the only tells of her German heritage. She is slightly underweight, and wears looser clothing to disguise the fact. Usually Dana is very casual in her dress, wearing comfortable and loose-fitting jeans and layering her shirts. She favors neutral color tones such as cool gray, or darker jewel tones to make her skin look warmer. For work in the art gallery she’ll wear dresses or skirts that are loose and flowing, while at the club she changes into form-fitting black. [b]Personality:[/b] Likeable but not memorable, Dana is unobtrusive and outwardly unexceptional. Having been raised in a solitary home environment, Dana definitely knows how to keep to herself. She is highly introverted about personal life, although in the workplace she is perfectly cordial. She maintains few to no relationships, and doesn’t keep regular company with anyone. Dana isn’t sentimental and doesn’t put value in emotion; she likes things organized and in place, and always tries to keep some measure of control over her situation. In artwork and design she is extremely talented, and her art is the only area of her life that she allows her emotions to really influence her. As an artist she notices even the slightest changes in a person's body or expression, and thus has a keen sense for reading people. More often than not she is fine being a bystander, but the one thing that irks her is when other authorities try to take control of her situation. [b]Occupation:[/b] Part-time college student taking classes in architecture and design. A couple days a week she works at an art gallery; and nights are spent moonlighting at a club as a hostess. [b]Power:[/b] Dana has the ability to bring images into reality. That is, if there is a picture of an object, Dana is capable of bringing that illustration to real life and in real form. The object will also be capable of function if it is some sort of machinery or whatnot. The larger the object (in real life) the more difficult it is to bring it out of the paper; but the more detailed the image the easier it is to bring into real life. She can only bring inanimate forms into reality, and she is also able to enlarge or shrink the object as she brings it out of the illustration. She can also add or take away functionality of the object. For example, if there was a picture of a car in a magazine, Dana is able to bring that into reality. Depending on what she needs, it could be a real car that she is able to drive, or it could be a tiny model car as well. A small model car would definitely be easier – she would have to expend much more energy to bring in a complete and functioning vehicle. As long as the image is on the paper, despite how elementary it is, Dana is able to bring it into reality. She is aware of her power and is fairly in control of it, although she is uncomfortable with it. For now she has to be in contact with the image she is focusing on bringing out, so usually she's just careful not to let her fingers rest too long on any particular picture. She has yet to bring out anything larger than a desk, and doesn't particularly want to try.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [size=1]Just wondering, but is there a specific city or area that the plot is set in? Or will the characters all eventually get together as the storyline progresses?[/size]
  5. Cyriel


    [center][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/untitled.png[/IMG][/center] [COLOR="DarkGreen"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]The first time I heard about this show I thought that my friends were talking about that cartoon, Dexter's Laboratory. This is definitely [i]not[/i] the same thing ^_^;; I recently watched the first season (only one is out so far), and the premiere of the next season is Sep. 30. Wow, although this show can get a little creepy sometimes...I absolutely cannot stop raving about it! The show is such a crazy mix of quirky humor, oddly endearing moments, the most whacked-up relationships, all with a "dark" storyline. For those of you who haven't seen it yet, Dexter is about a man named Dexter Morgan. By day he's a forensic analyst who specializes in bloodstain patterns, and works for the Miami-Dade Police along with his tomboyish (but highly attractive) adoptive sister Deborah. By night, however, Dexter is something of a serial killer with a constructive mission, only choosing targets that deserve to die (like criminals, child molesters, murderers, etc). Does anyone else watch this? The first season was amazing - any expectations for the second season?[/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [SIZE="1"]Here come the Asians! Just a few of my favorites... [/SIZE] [center][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/younha1.jpg[/IMG][/center][b]Younha[/b] [SIZE="1"]A Korean singer who got her start in Japan, she's not the typical stereotype of Korean "beauty," which I love about her. She's also extremely talented with the piano, and has an amazing voice. For you [i]Bleach[/i] fans, she's the artist of "Houki Boushi."[/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/songhyekyo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][b]Song Hye Kyo[/b] [SIZE="1"]Korean actress who I've only seen in the drama [i]Full House[/i], I can't wait to get my hands on her movie [i]Hwang Jini[/i]! She's absolutely gorgeous, and has a clean beauty.[/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/lucyliu.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][b]Lucy Liu[/b] [SIZE="1"]This girl is crazy! One of the quirkiest actresses that I've ever encountered, I love how she throws all stereotypes out the window! She is seriously phenomenal...and HOT.[/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/kimyeonah.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][b]Kim Yeon Ah[/b] [SIZE="1"]A rising star in the figure skating world, she's bringing more awareness about the sport in Korea. Already she's got extreme talent at her young age (I think 17 now?). An all-around innocent and happy image, as well as hard-working. It's nice to see how humbly she accepts her talent. [B]Enough girls - lets get some eye-candy in here ^_~[/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/kenwatanabe.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][b]Ken Watanabe[/b] [SIZE="1"]Need I say anything at all? Just dripping with manliness...I'm always drawn into his solemn, powerful image. He reeks of charisma and talent, and it just gets better with age; he's got very strong and bold features as well.[/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/kangdongwon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][b]Kang Dong Won[/b] [SIZE="1"]Another Korean actor that's a tiny bit shy of the pretty-boy side. Whatever character he plays, he's got kind of an innocent character that I can't resist...even when he's trying to play the "bad boy." I always feel like he's feeling sad though...[/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/joojihoon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][b]Joo Ji Hoon[/b] [SIZE="1"]Some of you may have seen this hottie in [i]Goong/Princess Hours/Palace Hours[/i], taking a leading role as Prince Shin. He's kind of got a stubborn image, but that just makes him more attractive. His most recent drama is [i]The Devil[/i]. As weird as it sounds, my favorite feature of his must be his shoulders and back...^_^;;[/SIZE]
  7. [size=1][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][b]Name:[/b] Merva Devaniel Ordenza [b]Age:[/b] 38 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Versilian + distant Human ancestry [b]Loyalty:[/b] Versilian Empire [b]Description:[/b] [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/060820.jpg][u][b]Merva[/b][/u][/url] © [i]rcowada[/i] Merva has pale white hair, the distinguishing characteristic of the Ordenza family line. Her eyes, while usually the typical silver color, at times seem to hide hints of the palest blue, a clue that could betray her hidden ancestry. [b]Weapons:[/b] Merva has a firm distaste regarding weaponry, and so although she has basic training in common Versilian weaponry, she will never carry weapons or firearms of any sort. Instead, she has had extensive and rigorous training in hand-to-hand combat. She is a lethal in her martial skills, and can also disarm any opponent within seconds. [b]Special Skills:[/b] As befitting of the daughter of the Ordenza family, Merva was given an extensive and rich education from early childhood. She was instructed by private tutors in a variety of subject matters, and read extensively throughout her life. Merva is fluent in over 40 different languages (some archaic) spread across the 14 sectors and more, has a mastery with various musical instruments of different cultures, is an excellent artist and performer, as well as a clever writer. She is at times considered the epitome of what a daughter of Versilian aristocracy should be, if not for her father. Merva is also a skilled scientist, and she has been studying the genetic alterations and phenotypic differences in the various races over the 14 sectors. At times, because of her expertise in different fields she has been called upon for consultation by the High Council, as well as with sensitive missions within the Versilian military. Some of her scientific and technological discoveries have been used to advance Versilian weaponry and communications, as well as in the cases leading up to the executions of several Council members. However, all of her involvement has been kept highly classified, and only a few select individuals within the Council and military know of her participation. Following the arrest and death of Hunter Orion Ordenza, Merva succeeded her father and subsequentially became the youngest member ever to be inducted to the High Council thus far. [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet and unobtrusive, Merva has a demure and gentle demeanor. She is highly intelligent and well-educated in a breadth of subject matter, and so her opinion is sought by many. Because of her family line as well as her status in Versilian society, she was selected to take her father?s place in the High Council, bypassing her elder brother. The Council is depending on her lack of skills in deception and her naivety to be able to control her, and many within the Council secretly believe that Merva is ill-suited to serve in the Council. She was inducted simply to be a puppet for the other members. Unbeknownst to the Council members however, Merva has a strict sense of right and wrong, and will not let others infringe on her ethical boundaries. While on the outside she shows the utmost respect due to others, she is quite aware of how other individuals have assessed her. Admittedly Merva knows that she is an amateur in the games of political intrigue, but at the same time she is unwilling to be submissive to the wills of others. In her own mind she finds the actions and decisions of the Council (and at times the military) to be detestable, and she is determined to bring change to the moral structure of the Versilian Empire for the betterment of its people. [b]Short Bio:[/b] [i]Merva was raised as the daughter of High Councilman Hunter Orion Ordenza and his wife Fiora Vane. However, what is not known is that her mother Fiora had an affair with another Versilian citizen who had mixed ancestry, resulting in Merva being prominently (but not purely) Versilian. Shortly after Merva?s birth Fiora separated from Councilman Ordenza, leaving with her daughter to a different estate where she raised her daughter. Councilman Ordenza raised their older son, Cerul, in the capitol; this resulted in Merva meeting her elder brother only a few times throughout her childhood and adolescence. However, the Councilman still made sure that his daughter was raised in luxury, as well as ensuring her education in the fine arts and other subjects. Merva?s mother passed away when Merva was 27, taking the secret of Merva?s true parentage to the grave. At this time Merva came to live with her father and her brother Cerul in the capitol, where she was introduced to Versilian aristocracy; she has resided here ever since with her brother after the death of her father as well.[/i] The gray sky reflected in the water, ripples extending farther than she could see. Her eyes, unbeknownst to her, flashed pale blue for a moment, but the color was gone too quickly to see clearly. Merva let out a small breath, watching the white petals drop from her hands into the water below, leaning onto the railing of the balcony. Inside, she was already beginning to feel nervous of the coming day. The same gray sky would be here this evening when she went to her formal induction to the High Council. Merva still didn?t understand fully what had happened. Her father?s death had been sudden and unexpected, but had been ruled as natural in the event that he had been 272. The years had taken their toll on him, and the attack on Sector 4 had finally been enough to scare his spirit into death. Still, it had taken less than a month for the High Council to formally offer and go through the proceedings of installing her into Hunter?s place. It was unprecedented, the speed of the Council?s action as well as her age. Not to mention, the position should have been given to Cerul? There was no law specifying detailing the specifics of succession in Versilian society, but the usual customs had definitely been bypassed in this matter. She still remembered when the communication had come from the High Council. Shock settled into her, until finally she looked over at Cerul, who had thanked the messenger and sent him on his way. When they were alone Merva had merely folded her arms, wondering if she should say something. Was this fair? She didn?t know, and the protocol was unfamiliar as well. Cerul made the first move. Suddenly he was directly in front of her, and then he lightly embraced Merva in the folds of his cloak, brushing his cheek against hers. His voice was quiet, [b]?Congratulations, little sister. Serve well.?[/b] Then he was gone, and the heavy door had swung shut to his study. After ten years?they were still complete strangers. [/COLOR][/FONT] [CENTER]_________________________________________[/CENTER] [FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"][COLOR="Navy"][b]Name:[/b] Cerul Graven Ordenza [b]Age:[/b] 187 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Versilian pureblood [b]Loyalty:[/b] Versilian Empire/? [b]Description:[/b] [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/oro_hae_00009.jpg][u][b]Cerul[/b][/u][/url] © [i]Oros[/i] Cerul, like Merva, has inherited the pale white hair of the Ordenza?s. His appearance is more wraith-like than his sister?s, and his presence can be quite disconcerting. Despite his tall stature, Cerul moves so silently that the only sound to alert you to his presence is the faint whisper of his cloak. [b]Weapons:[/b] As a member of the Elite Specialists, Cerul is well-versed in unarmed combat as well as the variety of weaponry used in the Versilian military. In his hands almost any object can become a weapon in itself. However, because of the focus of his specialty he has not handled common combative weaponry for a few years. Instead Cerul has a variety of ?kits,? in which are contained every device that could possibly be used for torture. Blades, needles, clamps, picks, chemicals, etc?all kinds of inhuman and nightmarish tools are included in these cases of his. There is sometimes special machinery and technology that he uses as well, depending upon the case, which can vary from electrical and chemical torture to more harrowing methods as provided by the vast array of Versilian technology. Many of these instruments Cerul designed himself. [b]Special Skills:[/b] Cerul is an interrogations specialist, and hand-in-hand with this job usually comes the use of torture. He is a trained medical physician, and so has a sophisticated knowledge in various anatomies and medicines, both human and Versilian. Not only this but he is also highly versed in the knowledge of psychology, and has studied the mental workings of a variety of species. In his studies he has traveled quite often outside of the 14 sectors, each time bringing back specimens, books, and more knowledge to his vast library of study. He is often regarded as one of the most skilled interrogators in the Versilian military, and thus is also one of the more feared individuals as well. Most of the general public does not know his status however, while in higher society he is sometimes avoided. Cerul pairs his medical training with his acute knowledge of the individual psyche, and this he uses in a subtle yet excruciating manner to extract the necessary information out of his subject. While most information collected from torture is unreliable, Cerul?s skill has become infamous because all of his subjects have given him only reliable and concrete information. He is extremely sensitive to the hidden intentions of individuals, and can detect a lie almost instantly. Yet due to the sensitivity his profession demands, and the classified nature of most of his missions, Cerul is unknown to keep any relations except with his only remaining family, his sister Merva. Since Cerul?s skill is so invaluable to the Versilian military, he is usually kept in Sector 1 or the capitol to ensure not only his safety, but also swift contact if a task should appear. [b]Personality:[/b] Cerul is most often quiet and somber. His voice is rarely heard except during interrogation, in which he has the odd ability to mimic almost any timbre or quality of a person?s voice after hearing it only once. While many fear and avoid Cerul, in truth he can be gentle and dignified. He is always polite to any that he meets, including his subjects. However, it is hard to judge his mood because he never shows any hint of emotion or feeling. He is like a man floating through life without a soul, and very few choose to associate with him. Cerul is highly desensitized due to the fact that he not only works on humans and other ?inferior? species, but has also had to extract information from Versilian traitors as well. While in the beginning he had some difficulty in fulfilling his military duties, Cerul has deadened the parts of him that are lithe to feel compassion, pity, or sorrow. What no one knows is that Cerul is beginning to doubt more and more the intentions and ability of the Versilian Empire. Because of his travels and own missions, Cerul has a deep understanding of the sins of his people, finding himself disconnected from the society he is part of. While he has never allowed his personal agenda or opinion to interfere with his work, before the attacks on Sector 4 and the resulting enactment of Martial Law, Cerul had been retrieving different information from his subjects. At times he did not quite divulge all information on resistance hide-outs or planned attacks to his superiors, but instead began to build his own personal directory ? if known, it would be concluded as treason. Somehow his father Hunter Orion Ordenza was implicated instead, and subsequently put under house arrest. Amidst the attack on Sector 4 and the revelation of mental alteration in the general public, his father passed away, leaving Cerul with the responsibility of his father?s disgrace and death. As a result Cerul has let guilt overtake his moral responsibilities at the moment, serving the Empire faithfully in his father?s stead. [b]Short Bio:[/b] Carefully rinsing the last bit of disinfectant off of the wickedly spiraling blade, Cerul carefully dried the metal tool with a soft cloth. He could see his own pale reflection in the cold metal, distorted with the sleek curve of the instrument. Into the case it went, sinking gently into the folds of cloth after he secured it into place. Checking that the rest of the instruments were fastened, he gently closed the case. He nodded to the soldier beside him, and the man quickly gestured to more men who quickly began to roll the cases out on a cart. Cerul walked out into the next hall, not glancing at the blood-spattered room he was leaving behind. All the crimson would be washed away, and the next time he visited ? which would be soon, he knew ? it would be spotless and gleaming, waiting to be filled with the screaming and pleading, the splinters of bone and tissue? But for now, he simply changed his boots and peeled off the layers of blood-soaked cloth. It had been particularly messy today...but it had been useful, and he had learned the target of the next attack. Steam rose from the floor as Cerul stepped into the cleaning station, and five minutes later he was in a fresh change of clothes and heading home. When Cerul entered he already found something bothering him. Merva was upstairs he knew, probably reading some foreign literature, or composing letters to gently decline various offers of engagement. Ever since she had come to live with them, the girl had been like a light in their socially gray world. But Cerul?s attention was hooked immediately as he came to the doorway of his study? It was open. He silently closed it behind him, proceeding down the spiraling stairs as quickly as he dared. [b]?Cerul.?[/b] For the first time in a very long time, he felt something odd creep into him. Not fear, but something more akin to?shame. [b]?Father,?[/b] he whispered. His father was standing in the middle of the vast room, holding a small book that Cerul instantly recognized. It was a book of Greek myths that his father had brought him from Earth, so very long ago. [b]?Father, I??[/b] [b]?Cerul, do you know what you have done? If anyone finds that you have this, or how much information you?ve been keeping from them?your life is forfeit!?[/b] [b]?No one knows! No one will find out ? how could they??[/b] His father?s face was sad all of a sudden, and very tired, [b]?They always find out. You should know that by now, my son.?[/b] Cerul swallowed. His father alone had always been against what he did for the Empire. His father alone knew the scent of blood and metal that followed Cerul from the first day that he had cut into flesh. Into one of the small heated basins the book went, followed by vials of liquid that dissolved the contents. Cerul could see the pages melting, illustrations of Apollo and Daphne disappearing, as well as the hidden glass disc suddenly gone, all turning into a bowl of clear liquid. [b]?Cerul, it?s only a matter of time. The evidence is gone, but they will still know. You must not be caught ? do you understand??[/b] He had only nodded silently. He had not understood then that his father would sacrifice himself to lead them away from him. He did not understand that until much later, when the first heavy footstep was heard, and he had been forced to lead the way of the Elite back to the Council, his father following behind in the cloth of the condemned.[/COLOR][/FONT][/size]
  8. Sorry about the sucky post...but I hope it works. Are there going to be Quidditch try-outs and all that as well?
  9. [COLOR="Navy"][size=1][b]"Thank god we're finally off that train,"[/b] Faye murmured to Mistletoe. She had been one of the first ones off, and glad to finally be out of that confining space. Everything about transferring to Hogwarts was awkward - at the station her father had escorted her to the gate, only to be besieged by screaming wizard fangirls. She hadn't even tried waiting for him; Faye knew his loyalty to his fans...more than any loyalty he had towards his daughter. So she merely climbed onto the train, knowing that her father would just send some expensive care package later by a cloud of bats or something...it was what he always did anyway. And despite his "promise" to spend that winter holiday with her, Faye knew that she would probably be spending it at Hogwarts. During the ride to Hogwarts Faye had kept entirely to herself. At first she had been alone in a compartment, but then a group of Slytherins had arrived and situated themselves. They laughed and talked, and one of the boys had attempted to include Faye...until Mistletoe snarled at him in warning. After that they left her well alone, which she didn't mind...she was used to being lonely, after all. She had spent the time just staring out the window, petting Mistletoe from time to time. And now...they were finally here. Faye couldn't see the castle yet, but she followed the mass of students towards a line of waiting carriages. Despite it being her first year at Hogwarts, Faye had already received a letter instructing which house she had been assigned without ever meeting the Sorting Hat. [i]Hufflepuff[/i]...it seemed a little strange to her, perhaps a bit too happy, and...fluffy or something. But she really wasn't expecting much - after all, it was just all another chance for her father to get more money, fame, and fans. Climbing into one of the carriages, Faye watched other groups of students pass. Some of them gave her strange looks, but she pretended not to notice... Mistletoe nudged her with his nose, and Faye smiled at him, [b]"Sorry Mistletoe. I guess maybe I'm a little envious..."[/b] She sat and waited, wondering if this was going to be how she spent the rest of the year as well... But even though she sometimes did want to be like those laughing students, Faye felt a little trepidation as well: some people were not as understanding as others about blood, even after all this time. [i]I don't think this will be like Durmstrang...[/i] she thought, trying to reassure herself. But already the strange looks... [i]God, just let me get through this year,[/i] Faye prayed. If only the carriage would just start moving, and then she could stop worrying.[/size][/COLOR]
  10. [size=1]Even with these schedules, I can't really imagine keeping track of these classes every single day. Not that I have any good suggestions really, but is there another way to simplify this even more? I'm more worried about how the students in different years are going to work in interactions with each other. If Quidditch practice/games are the only times... For the classes, there could always be some new system being implemented - when I was in grade school, they had 3 consecutive years put in the same class in order for the older students help the younger ones, or something like that. I don't know if we could do the same thing here...it's just a suggestion to get us all together more. Stop me if it sounds too stupid. Also, can I make an addition to the Hogsmeade Village? It would be cool to put in a store for Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes! ^__^ Also, if this begins in the next...oh, two days, I won't be able to post, because I'll be on a plane to Korea. After that I should be able to squeeze some in though. Cheers![/size]
  11. [size=1]Yay! Hufflepuff is finally in the game! ^__^ I oftentimes think they're misrepresented... Just wondering, but all those places that Harry and his little friends explored (such as the Chamber of Secrets, the Shrieking Shack, etc) - are they going to be open? Are students going to be able to break into those areas once again, or will Hogwarts have boarded them up? Or...are they like...wizardy tourist attractions?[/size]
  12. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Navy"][b]Name:[/b] Faye Devanie d’Eath [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 13 (Birthday - February 7) [b]Year:[/b] 3rd year transfer student (1st year at Hogwarts) [b]House:[/b] Hufflepuff [b]Wand:[/b] 11 ¾ inches, Ebony, [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minor_Harry_Potter_beasts#Demiguise][i]Demiguise [/i][/url]hair core [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/Samara_by_BlueBlack.jpg][b][u]Faye[/u][/b][/url] [i]© BlueBlack @ DeviantArt[/i] Petite stature and a slight-looking build, with sharp shoulder-blades and elbows. Hair falls around elbow-length. [b]Pets:[/b] [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/marten3.jpg][b]Mistletoe[/b][/url] - an orphaned pine marten that Faye raised. Quick, clever, and agile, when her mistress is threatened Mistletoe has a vicious countenance and can bite to the bone. About the size of a house cat. [b]Personality:[/b] Mild and soft-spoken, a usually isolated childhood led Faye to grow accompanied to being by herself. While she does not purposely isolate herself, it is a state of being which she is used to, and at times Faye does not understand what other individuals want from her. She is not completely comfortable in social situations, although is quite skilled at merging into the background. While at first glance it seems odd to place her in Hufflepuff, in truth Faye is one of the most loyal individuals a person could know, even if she may seem distant. She is not entirely sure how to express affection towards other people. However, she is extremely fond of magical creatures and non-human species, since when she was growing up these were usually her only friends and playmates. Faye becomes very fierce when one of these creatures is harmed, and her eyes become chilling and dangerous when she is angered. Faye is extremely unforgiving towards those who persecute other magical beings. She also becomes very aggressive in competitions (such as Quidditch) or in duels – anything of a competitive nature, mostly because at Durmstrang this was encouraged. However, all other times she is usually passive and quiet, keeping whatever thoughts to herself. Faye adores books, and is currently stocking her own library at her father’s home. Despite her natural skill with the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, and potions, Faye’s favorite subject remains Herbology, in which she can enjoy the solitude of tending different plants in an isolated area. She retains no natural thirst for blood, although she does like her steak rare. ^_~ [b]Bio:[/b] Faye is the only surviving child of the famous part-vampire singer Lorcan d’Eath and his wife, Deyanira d’Eath. As a result of her father’s lineage, Faye too has some [b]vampire blood[/b] running through her veins. Her mother Deyanira passed away early in Faye’s childhood, and Lorcan d’Eath was often traveling around the world on tour and in concert. As a result, Faye was raised for the most part by various nannies and servants. She spent her childhood living in her father’s castle in the mountains of Romania, and had private tutors until she reached the age of 12. She then attended [b]Durmstrang Institute of Sorcery[/b] for two years. At the end of her second year at Durmstrang, her father decided to move their home to England for the further advancement of his so far vastly successful career. Lorcan felt a little guilty about leaving his only remaining child by herself, and despite Faye’s wishes to remain at Durmstrang she was dragged along to London. She is apprehensive and unsure about her first year at Hogwarts. As a result of private tutoring, Faye is able to speak a variety of both muggle and magical languages, and is already able to read complicated ancient runes. Two years at Durmstrang has also made her extremely capable and versed in the Dark Arts and a number of aggressive charms and curses. This is also helped by her natural affinity to the Dark Arts because of her vampire ancestry; transfiguration and illusion spells also come naturally to her. She is a practiced spell-caster and duelist, and was a beater during her time at Durmstrang. Faye is also skilled at mixing potions [list][b]Classes:[/b] Herbology – her favorite class Potions – skilled at mixing due to Durmstrang education Transfiguration – naturally skilled due to ancestry Charms – adequate Defense Against the Dark Arts – this will be her first [i]defense [b]against[/b][/i] the dark arts class History of Magic – adequate Astronomy – adequate +Care of Magical Creatures – another class she enjoys +Divination – she finds this subject intriguing because of its inexact nature[/list] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][quote name='ChibiHorsewoman']many people who are anti-Abortion are also anti-birth control because of the misconception that what birthcontrol does is kill a fertilized egg when in reality what happens is birth control keeps the egg from being fertilized in the first place.[/quote]After reading some very 'interesting' posts, I think the only thing I'd agree on at the moment is that people definitely need to be educated before they make decisions about these things. There are too many assumptions and misconceptions that people have that lead to really ignorant decisions. I think that sometimes it's ridiculous when people think that any sort of sex education other than abstinence will lead directly to sex. Even though I believe in abstinence, fear is not the way to go... [quote name='Chibihorsewoman']And with that same thought in mind should male mastrubation be considered reckless abandonment since the sperm wasn't actively seeking an egg?[/quote]Would men be able to survive this if it was considered reckless abandonment? How sad for guys then, because women can kind of just do that whenever they want, lol. Wow, this sounds horrible =_=;; I'm not really an expert in the arguments for and against abortion, so I was just wondering if there's a difference between pro-choice and pro-abortion? I know that most of the time they're lumped together, but personally I think there should be a separation. I mean, isn't there a chance that someone will agree that women should have the right to decide, but not necessarily agree with abortion itself? Sorry if that's a stupid question - I just don't know too much about all of it. [QUOTE]Yet, do we call women who are menstruating murderers? Because really, they are ejecting a potential life source. Just like abortion.[/QUOTE]Between menstruation and abortion though, I think there's definitely a solid difference. Menstruation isn't something that women can control - it's a natural cycle that we go through (unless you're on regular birth control of course, which is also another decision you'd have to make). Abortion, on the other hand, is definitely something that an individual decides to carry out with an intent to kill/erase/whatever. I don't know if the two can really be compared. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. [size=1][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Well, when you say young...how young exactly? I mean, I know that I "read" a book before I learned how to read...just as I was learning how to speak English, lol. Do you guys remember that book [U]Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?[/U] My parents would read it to me, and I just memorized the words, and would "read" it by myself (just repeat the same words over and over agian...after all, only the next animal changes). Of course, sometimes I'd forget what would come next, so I'd have to sneak a look at the next animal so I could say it right. I don't remember any of this (I only remember liking the book); I saw it all on a video my mom recorded of it. Pretty fun stuff... ^_^;; [quote name='Allamorph']I think I'd read almost all of those adolescent mystery-solving deals. You know, The Bobbsey Twins, The Hardy Boys....[/quote]I so remember all of those! But I remember that I'd read [B]Nancy Drew[/B] instead because being a girl was [i]so[/i] much cooler... ^_~ [quote name='Premonition']his butt was rouge and wanted to take over the earth. While his parents were going around the world doing orchestra, he went and saved the planet from a buttocylypse.[/quote]Wow, this reminds me so much of [B]Captain Underpants[/B]... My little brother used to love those. I don't understand haha. I totally agree about [B]The Boxcar Children[/B]! The first one was so awesome, and then...whatever. Not fun anymore when you don't actually live in the boxcar. [B]The Thief Lord[/B] disappointed me though. Don't quite remember why, but I didn't really like it. [/COLOR][/size]
  15. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Ok, not with my phone cam, because it [i]sucks[/i] like...I have no idea.:animeswea [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/IMG_2443.jpg]-Brother's skateboard-[/url] [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/IMG_2403.jpg]-Hope-[/url] [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/IMG_2389.jpg]-Rock wall-[/url] [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/IMG_2465.jpg]-Tickle-me-pink underwater-[/url] [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/IMG_2334.jpg]-Korean supermarket find-[/url] And ChibiHorsewoman, your daughter is more than adorable
  16. [COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="1"]Personally I don't consider myself superstitious. Black cats, 13...haha, I can only think of the ones that were mentioned already. Oh yeah, sidewalk cracks? It's all whatever... But I think it's interesting how in different cultures they have completely different superstitions sometimes. Also, they don't have to be "Oh my gosh! Don't do it or you'll die!" kind of things... It can be little things you do, sometimes out of habit... For example, growing up my mother would never let us lay spoons upside down. They always had to be right-side up. For me, it just grew into a habit...and then I asked her about it, and she said it's a little Korean thing where a spoon placed upside down means that someone in or close to the family will die soon. I was like..."wha...?" But it's not like if we put one upside down, we're like "Shoot! Who's going to die now?" It's just...we don't do it. I feel like one of Pavlov's dogs - whenever I see a spoon upside-down, I can't help but turn it over lol. =_=;; My mom also says that I have a lucky jaw. Who knows...haha. Has anyone heard of any really weird ones?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR="DarkGreen"][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Min Sun Kim [b]Nicknames:[/b] Min, Sunny, Minnie, Min Soleil [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Physical Description:[/b] I look like two different people when the hair?s different, so here you go. [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/NewImage.jpg][b][u]Straight/Day[/u][/b][/url] [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/NewImage6.jpg][b][u]Crazy/Night[/u][/b][/url] 5'3" (finally!), 115 lbs. short, and definitely not the Asian anorexic. [b]Location:[/b] Richland, Washington, U.S.A. [b]Living Style:[/b] Upper middle class in a prominently white area. Richland is part of the Tri-cities (which also include Kennewick and Pasco). Richland is the quiet, safe, mostly white, upper middle class area where all the engineers and scientists live (since the Hanford nuclear site is near here). Kennewick is the busy and growing area, with a mixture of people. Pasco is the farmland and the slums, with a dominantly Hispanic population and many, many gangs. Attends college (junior year, senior standing); lives in apartment on campus with two roommates during school year. Lives with two parents during vacation: mother is house-wife and business owner, father is a senior systems analyst. Two younger brothers (17 and 14). One brown tabby cat Mimi. Two family vehicles (Mazda minivan, Toyota Camry). [b]Notable Possessions:[/b] -Car (?04 Toyota Corolla) named Toto (pron: toe-toe) -Tons of books on every subject/genre imaginable -Digital Camera and tons of memory cards -Samsung cell phone and charger -Sword (just a model of Frodo?s ?Sting,? but it?s still sharp and could go through someone?if you push hard) -3 air-soft guns: MP5, Sig Sauer, and 9mm Beretta -ASUS laptop -Laundromat (one of the things my mom runs) -Gas station in Umatilla, OR (the other thing my mom runs) [b]Special Skills:[/b] -Introductory knowledge of aikido. -Some architectural experience (drafting blueprints and stuff) -More than capable driver ? I am a crazy little Asian girl, and I can drive a manual. Beware. -Decent amateur wannabe psychiatrist = very good at figuring things out. -Good stamina, health, athleticism due to cross-country, soccer, swimming, and ballet. I?m pretty quick for a little girl. -Bilingual (Korean, English); know some basic Japanese, Russian, and Turkish (because of friends and visits out of the country). -Cello experience (8 years) -Amateur pick-pocketing skills? I was kind of a klepto in middle/high school?seems ?special? heheh. [b]Diary Entry:[/b] [i]Friday, July 13, 2007[/i] [i]1:11 PM[/i] Aw dang it, why did it stop raining? It?s been so hot for the last couple days, with the clouds holding all the heat in. [i]Finally[/i] it rained, and you could feel the cool air just rush in. It was pretty nice, although poor Mimi* had to stay outside because she?s still shedding everywhere. She stayed under the porch though, so she was okay. I saw her trying to catch a squirrel this morning, which was pretty funny?haha. So I thought my Histology test was this morning, and I woke up extra early to look over everything again, and then?I check the date again, and it?s not until Monday. Sigh?but I guess it?s good for me, since I didn?t really study much anyway. Oh school?that just leads all the stress to my DAT and dental application? Oh my gosh?I don?t want to think about it! Go away grades. I hate you now. Sung Min** drew on my toothbrush?it?s really weird =_=;; Even though it?s just a toothbrush, now it has a face on it?and it?s going inside my mouth. It?s like I?m eating a little person. He drew on my potato too! Poor thing?just sitting in its bowl trying to grow, and now it has a screw stuck in it with x?s on its eyes. Yeah, but it?s still growing pretty good ? I mixed in some vanilla ice cream with the milk and water this time, so we?ll see how that goes?haha. I mean, it?s got sprouts and everything, and three of them are growing pretty tall. I just wonder when exactly I?m supposed to plant it? Whatever, we?ll see. I talked to Jackie*** this morning too. She told me her parents are a little worried since L.A. is pretty close to where they live, but she doesn?t think it?s going to be anything big. I?m kind of wondering what?s going to happen though?I mean, I don?t remember anything about the L.A. riots, but Diane**** does. My mom told me that last time my aunt?s store was protected by a group of black people because she had a really good relationship with them I guess. Haha, that?s pretty cool?but I hope nothing like that happens again. We haven?t heard anything from them, so I guess it?s not that bad yet. Ugh, I knew I didn?t like California for a reason. Why in the world did I choose to go to school there? So much sun? Haha, Mom finally brought me my hand-held taser too. She sells them at the gas station. I can?t wait to try it out?maybe on Sung Min? Too mean? Maybe on one of the birds. Argh, I can't believe that Korea is in less than a month...which gives me like 3 weeks to get to less than 100lb. I'm gonna die...:animesigh [*]pet cat [**]youngest brother [***]college roommate [****]Diamond Bar cousin [/size][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][CENTER][B]Leave of Absence:[/B][/CENTER] I will be out of the country (to Turkey) [B]from today until Sunday, March 18[/B]. It is highly unlikely that I will have prolonged access to any computer or internet connection, so I will be unable to RP during this time. Please keep Ana alive for me ^__^ ; it would be greatly appreciated. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][CENTER][B]Leave of Absence:[/B][/CENTER] I will be out of the country (to Turkey) [B]from today until Sunday, March 18[/B]. It is highly unlikely that I will have prolonged access to any computer or internet connection, so I will be unable to RP during this time. Please keep Zakuro alive for me ^__^ ; it would be greatly appreciated.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [size=1][color=teal][b]What should I do to help her?[/b][quote]I do feel sorry for her, but she is very annoying and the problem just might get pushed too far that I don't I can be there for her anymore. [spoiler]Like I want to.[/spoiler][/quote]It seems pretty obvious to me that you don't really want to help her, even though you keep asking what you can do. Why even bother? Didn't' you already kind of screw her over by asking "Josh" why he was even going out with "Sam"? Did it ever occur to you that it might actually have worked eventually? [b]Do I just help or leave it to her to fix it out on her own?[/b] If you don't really want to help the girl, then don't. Stop pretending to be someone's friend if you're really not going to be. You guys are what...15? 16? It won't be the end of the world.[quote]it was out all over the school that Sam was going to get dumped by Josh[/quote]...Is she still waiting to be dumped? Isn't it already as good as over? In the end, all you can really do is support her; because it's her choice what she wants to do. [b]Just post here to see what I should and shouldn't do.[/b][quote]I ask Josh if he really liked Sam, since it didn't seem right for a skater dude to go out with a nobody.[/quote]Stop thinking like this. It's pretty lame.[/color][/size]
  21. [size=1][color=teal]Mommy! ^__^ [b]Name:[/b] (sounds like Ohm-ma) [b]Real Name:[/b] Young Soo [b]Height:[/b] 5'2" [b]Hair:[/b] Dark brown/black with a little gray now, but she dyes it so it's a brown w/ red tints. [b]Eye:[/b] Dark brown My mother is quite possibly the most amazing person I know, along with my dad. My parents are seriously the greatest people on Earth (at least to me). For occupation she's done a lot of different things: she was a kindergarten and pre-school teacher in Korea before marrying my dad, then a stay-at-home mom, she's been a business executive in Melaleuca Inc. for the Korean branch, and now she currently runs a laundromat and a gas station. She really loves working, and she always feels like she shouldn't waste any time, always finding ways to be productive all the time. Although...this sometimes has a downside (kind of humorous actually), because whenever she starts picking at my dad or something, my aunt will tell her to get a job. Too much energy, I think. She's always telling me how important it is to do my best, and to do well in my school work - this is a lot because she didn't study all that much in school, and so she really regrets it now, because she knows that she could do really great things. Her dream was to become an ambassador, but because she didn't try very hard in school, she could never achieve that. So she wants to make sure that my little brothers and I never regret something like that, and can do everything that we want. Relationship-wise, my mother and I could probably be sisters. She really is the person that I probably am closest to, and it's always a good feeling to know that someone knows and loves you so completely. She has extremely high standards for us in our behavior, and can be quite the disciplinarian, but if anyone else tries to harm us or insult us, my mother is like...a tiger, seriously. She can be one of the scariest people I know when she's angry, but she's very fair. Since I have a really close relationship with my little brothers, sometimes I'm like the messenger between them and my mom; because it's different getting advice from a mother than a sister, I guess. Since I went off to college though, it's kind of weird because my mom will call me up, and then ask me what she should do about my little brothers. Kind of like reviewing if she was fair in her discipline of them, or other things like that. She likes getting my opinion on stuff, and is a very wise lady. If you haven't noticed yet, I am totally a momma's girl. A thing that bothers me...there really isn't much I can think of. I guess I wish that I could know that she was really taking care of herself more, especially now that she's older - she keeps driving herself really hard. I also wish that she would share our financial status with me; she's always telling me that I shouldn't feel bad about my tuition and stuff, and that I should buy the things I like, and go out with my friends...and not worry about the money. She says it's because she doesn't want us to worry, but sometimes it makes me worry more, and feel guilty, because I know that both she and my dad are working so hard. I also wish that she would spend more time at home with my brothers, but I know that being a stay-at-home mom was a really big sacrifice for her. But she told me recently that she also wanted to spend more time at home with the boys, and has adjusted her schedule for that. Did I mention that she makes the greatest food [i]ever[/i]? She's amazing...and I
  22. [size=1][color=darkred]Oh, oops, I just posted... Umm, alright, two things: 1)[strike]I didn't include Cameron[/strike], but that's easily corrected. [b]EDIT 1: Cameron's in.[/b] 2) You said that you wanted all the weapons there, so I put them in... Do you want me to take them out again, so that each person can summon their own? Or should I leave it as is? If people seriously hate it, I can delete delete delete ^_^;;[/color][/size]
  23. [size=1][color=darkred]As she continued to watch different children awaken, Ana jumped as a tremendous tremor ran through the ground and up her legs. Turning around, she saw that a little ways away, a tree had somehow been ripped from the ground, and had slammed into the dirt. Looking more closely, she saw a boy that she recognized from school, although she didn?t yet know his name. He had barely managed to escape being crushed, and now was looking shocked and astonished at?a strange figure that was sitting on the trunk as if nothing had happened. From the appearance, the figure looked to be male, but his features were indiscernible because of a strange, paper sack covering his entire head. The man cocked his head oddly, and then began speaking to the startled boy; however, Ana couldn?t hear what was being said, but she could feel even from this distance the odd aura that surrounded the stranger. He had a threatening stance, and then a moment later the boy turned, and began running. She continued to watch, her feet locked to the ground, until suddenly the bizarre man abruptly disappeared. He was just?gone. [b]?There is no way this is happening??[/b] she said to herself, unable to believe. But then she remembered the threatening aura, and the fear that she had seen on the boy?s face, and she couldn?t stand still. Ana started to run as quickly as she could, for some reason shouting back at the others to follow and help her. She didn?t look back to see if they followed, only hoping that all of them were recovering, and would follow her. She had a horrible feeling in her stomach that they would need all the help they could get? Meeting a wide street, Ana stopped for a moment to see where the boy had gone. It was then that she noticed that the streets were completely empty, and there were no other people around. Looking up at the sky, she saw that it had gotten surprisingly dark? [i]When did it get this dark? It can?t be this late already?can it?[/i] She couldn?t remember what time it was anymore, but no doubt the awakening had probably warped their sense of time. Looking to her left, she saw the boy still running like a demon was after him. About to call after him, it was then that she noticed his odd gait, and then looking for a source, her eyes traveled down his arm? [i]What is that?[/i] Ana was slightly sickened at the sight: the boy?s arm looked as if it had been thrust into a furnace, with skin blistered and peeling back from a grotesquely clawed limb that protruded where his hand should have been. Then the man appeared again, cutting off the boy?s escape; his voice rang through the dark silence,[/color] [b]?You can?t go now! The fun has just begun!?[/b] [color=darkred]It was not until Ana heard the timbre of his voice that she felt the threat and enormity of the power that surged through the mysterious being. It took all of her courage to take another step closer to the boy, and then another, until she was running again towards him.[/color] [b]?Oh ho ho! You?ve come. About time I say! But where are the other eight, heh? They should be here! Oh, there they are! Let the circus begin! With a grand battle! Now!?[/b] [color=darkred]With that, from two holes in the bag, the stranger?s eyes glinted, giving off a strange color. Hearing steps behind her, Ana took a quick glance back, and saw that the others had followed her. Jonas was first after her, but was still some distance away; his eyes widened, and he yelled to the boy,[/color][color=darkslategray] [b]?Matt! Get out of the way!?[/b][/color] [color=darkred]Ana looked back towards the boy, Matt, and saw that the odd man had dropped into a strange position, with his arm outstretched at a misshapen angle. In his hand was a giant spear, the length at least two times taller than he, and ending in a beautiful and sickeningly sharp tip. Flipping open the packet of quills she still carried, one of the slender instruments came instantly into her hand, and Ana knew it was the right one; her fingers closed around it, and her fear dissipated. She only saw the threat that the man presented, the attack that was aimed at Matt. The boy put up his normal hand to defend himself ? it was reflex: he was protecting his clawed limb as if it was injured. Flinging herself towards him, Ana pushed him out of the way, [b]?Move!?[/b] The strange man?s arm came down, smashing the spear into the ground. Ana had barely managed to shove Matt out of the way, but her arm was almost impaled instead ? she felt the length of the spear burning her skin as it slid by her outstretched forearm. Grabbing onto it, she hung on for life as she found herself lifted up into the air as the man raised the spear for another attack. He laughed, looking up towards her, his eyes glinting again,[/color] [b]?So, you like to play, neh? Let?s see how far you can fly!?[/b] [color=darkred]Before he had the chance to fling her, Ana let go of the spear, letting gravity carry her straight down towards the man below her. The spear flew over her head in a circle as he swung it, but she didn?t pay attention. Instead, she circled her arms around his neck as she fell, scrabbling to keep a hold on him to break her fall. With one of her hands she plunged the quill into his back, in the small bit of skin that was showing at the base of his neck. She felt sick as she felt the sharp tip sink into his flesh, but had no more time. His hand had already reached back and grabbed her shirt, and he flung her viciously away. Landing in the street, the rough asphalt shredded her skin and ripped into her clothes. She sat up dizzily, her eyes out of focus; her head cleared when the quill was thrown after her ? it clattered gently beside her. Picking it up in her hand again, she felt the instrument pulse, blood trailing from its tip.[/color] [color=green][b]?Ana! Are you alright??[/b][/color] [color=darkred]Summer called to her. Ana only nodded in response, watching the odd man warily. He stood in between them, watching the other children that now approached. In his voice she could hear him smile,[/color] [b]?The rest have finally come! The more the merrier; we can have a grand performance now! All the little children want to play now??[/b] [color=darkred]She didn?t notice the large gashes on her legs and arms, or the small bit of blood soaking through her white linen shirt. Instead, she looked at the others, noting some of the new things that they carried. The most noticeable was the new weapon that [b]Kain[/b] carried, a slender and elaborate glaive that he carried with seemingly no effort. He supported a girl that she knew as [b]Claudia[/b], who still seemed a little bit dizzy, but who was recovering very quickly. [b]Jonas[/b] she recognized instantly; he was beside [b]Matt[/b], checking over the younger boy, and studying the clawed appendage that Matt was still clutching. [b]Ezekiel[/b] and [b]Summer[/b] were also there, Ezekiel holding onto Summer?s hand to make sure that she was with him. The white-haired boy had on a strangely tinted glove that Ana hadn?t seen before; he kept checking on Summer, who smiled to reassure him. [b]Zedidiah[/b] she recognized as well; one of his sleeves was ripped open, revealing a bit of what looked like an ornate tattoo. She thought she saw blood on his hand, but on closer examination, Ana saw that there were four dark-crimson rings on his fingers. A girl she hadn?t met before, [b]Aizen[/b], now also ran up to Matt, her eyes full of worry, and [b]Cameron[/b] followed as well, looking around to take in the new surroundings. The strange man seemed to covet their attention; he walked forward menacingly, spearhead twinkling as he swung it towards them,[/color] [b]?Come now children, all work and no play brings death, don?t you know??[/b] [color=darkred]He laughed again psychotically. Glimmers of light seemed to surround the group, and shadows of weapons appeared in their hands. A dark silhouette seemed to appear from [b]Summer?s[/b] hand, and then it solidified into a beautiful, traditional looking fan that had pale designs flowing across it?s black surface. She unfolded it gently, and then swirled it a few times, getting the feel of it in her hand. [b]Claudia[/b] drew in a sharp breath, attracting Ana?s attention. She watched as the outline of wings surrounded her wrists and ankles, although she couldn?t make it out clearly. Suddenly a pair of twin sai materialized and flew into the girl?s hands, the handles engraved with gold. Ice seemed to gather and swirl around [b]Aizen?s[/b] hands, with motes of shimmering color finally settling into the shape of a slender and gracefully curved katana. The case was a rich, deep blue, reflecting the color of the girl?s eyes, and she grasped it resolutely in her hands. In [b]Cameron's[/b] hands the glow erupted into a large and intricate scythe-like weapon. It's wicked blade seemed to flower off with other sharp tips at the end of a long, arced handle, which the strawberry-haired girl clutched instantly. While Ana didn?t notice [b]Jonas[/b] holding anything, there was a slight glow from his pocket, and could guess that he had already received his gift. The odd man now started whistling a jolly little tune that one would often hear at the circus. He cocked his head again, as he looked at the group in front of him. Ana stared at his back, watching as he slowly walked away from her. Suddenly, he leapt into the air, spear raised at the gathered children in front of him.[/color] OOC: Sorry about the mega-post... I tried to form everyone's weapons, so hopefully it's ok. If you guys seriously hate the way I did it, please tell me so I can fix it... ^_^;; EDIT 1: Cameron's in.[/size]
  24. [size=1][color=darkred]Also, I don't mind beginning the battle, but what should I do about Cameron [Sakura]? She has not posted/awakened... Should I proceed w/o her?[/color][/size]
  25. [size=1][color=darkred]Didn't everyone just receive all their blood weapons? I'm a little bit confused - do they disappear or something? Because I have mine (the quills) as physical objects that I actually carry around. Unless they're supposed to be absorbed into us or something...=_=;;[/color][/size]
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