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Everything posted by Cyriel

  1. Cyriel

    The Dark

    Veil immediately ran over, "Toshi! Are you alright?" She began feeling for any broken bones or lacerations. Toshi blushed and pushed her away, "I'm fine! Uh, yeah, I'm okay. Hey! Why didn't you protect me? You're supposed to be my protector!" Veil glared, standing slowly, "Well, I warned you, didn't I? I told you stealing would get you in trouble. So why didn't I protect you? Because you deserved it, and you weren't in any real danger. I knew they would hurt you seriously." She sighed, and started looking around, checking that her weapons were at hand. Evrunal was already checking around the gate they had entered through, looking for clues about why the city had been under illusion. Nothing looked strange, though. Everything seemed normal....too normal.... "BUY SOME CHICKENS! The best chickens!" Evrunal drew his sword, ready to slay any attacker, and found himself looking at a terrified man holding a cage of squawking chickens. "Evrunal! Put it away!" Veil exclaimed, pushing Evrunal's sword aside. She then bowed to the startled man, "We're very sorry, we didn't mean to startle you." The man just stared, and then rushed away. Toshi smiled wryly, "What a great start. We get welcomed into the city by fireballs being thrown at us, and now we're giving the citizens all heart-attacks. I bet next we'll be given access to the jails and stocks." Veil cuffed him lightly, "First of all, YOU were being the one attacked by fireballs, and second, Evrunal did NOT give that chicken-guy a heart-attack. So since we haven't killed anyone yet, we can't be put in the stocks. But just in case, lets keep moving so we don't frighten some other innocent people. And please, everyone keep your weapons put away!" She started through the busy streets, passing vendors and more various entrepreneurs. The others followed, filling their eyes with the sparkling sights and wares.
  2. Name: Ariyel Age: 32 Gender: Female Description: She is a slender young girl, very pale skin, black eyes flecked with gold, and short, straight black hair in a pony-tail. Sunlight never seems to touch her - it always seems darker around her. Also, when fighting against demons, her eyes will turn to pure gold. Bio: Ariyel's mother was a human with healing powers. In the war, the demons kidnapped her and took her to the Chaotic Realm, where Lord Gavriel, one of the most powerful demons, raped her. It was all according to his plan to have a child with mixed blood, in a plot to overthrow the Overlord of Chaotic Realm. Ariyel was born, and Lord Gavriel constantly trained her to be just as vicious and cold as the demons. She had to be as skilled and devious to survive in the realm. However, to make sure that she survived her weaker human side, he also had a human nurse brought in for her. This nurse, named Karla, cared and fed her, and was the substitute mother, but most importantly, showed Ariyel love and human compassion. Lord Gavriel suspected that she was becoming too attached to Karla's human ways, and had Karla killed. Ariyel then fought and fled her father, escaping through the Door to earth. Here she has been for two years, seeking vengeance against her father and all demon kin. Personality: Ariyel is very cold and isolated. People get uncomfortable when they are near her, so she's naturally a lone wolf. She values only strength, and she looks down on those who need protection. Respect she only gives to those who have no fear of death, and who can be as ruthless as she. She still finds humans strange and weak, only seeking the few demons in the human world to kill. She'll sometimes kill those who are unaware of their powers/heritage, even if they present no threat. In reality, though, she's distant because she's afraid of human love, and hurt from Karla's death. She feels that anger gives her the most power and strength, but she's always careful not to let her feelings control her. She doesn't feel anything if she kills innocents, because her mission is the only thing she cares about. But recently she's been trying not to get bystanders killed, because of Karla's effect on her human side. Species: Cross-breed (human/demon lord) Realm: Earth/Chaotic (she is able to go between, and serves only her mission of vengeanc.) Weapons: Serce: a slender, curved sword forged by the master smith in the Chaotic Realm. He gave the sword to her after watching Ariyel fight, and it was custom-made to fit her strange powers. It is a sword forged from demon shadow and fire, and dark flames flicker around it strangely. These dark flames also arise from Ariyel's body when she is fighting against those from the Chaotic Realm. The blade will stand to any demon sword, as long as the wielder doesn't lose strength. Ariyel, upon receiving Serce, blooded the blade, and now it will answer to no one but she. Ring: This ring was given to Ariyel in the realm of Earth from a strange figure in a hooded cloak. It is a band of black onyx, inset with a thin line of gold. It's powers are not yet known. Shadow: This isn't really a weapon, but more a natural part of being a demon. These shadows are always around her, but are visible when she is fighting those from the Chaotic Realm. This is just another part of her demon heritage. Some of their powers are that they enable her to 'see' emotions in others, and she can also sense other demons. She also doesn't require sleep. The shadows also enable her to move as fast as any demon, and gives her much power and strength. However, the shadows, combined with her human blood, allow her to also 'see' the demon's 'name,' and then she can hurl them back into the Chaotic Realm.
  3. Cyriel

    The Dark

    Veil almost laughed at Line's question, "Of course we don't know where Arrav went. If we did, do you think we would be this worried? Sorry, nevermind what I just said. I'm being cynical." "That's quite alright," Line answered. Veil stood, reaching to shake hands with Line, "So, what are you doing looking for Arrav? And since we're all headed in the same direction, why not travel together? Safety in numbers." Line smiled, "Sure, why not? Hey, mind if I help myself to some berries?" Evrunal silently handed her the basket, and she took a handful. Asunan paused from trying to beat Toshi into the ground, "Wait, if Arrav is gone, then where do we go?" "We don't know that Arrav is actually gone, do we? It could be an illusion," Evrunal answered. Toshi jumped up, racing off, "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go see!" Veil started after him, muttering to herself, "He's going to make us sprint the three miles there...I know it...bleh.."
  4. I was in Kingdom of Spirits too. Name: Sare Sanai Age: 16 Birthplace: Riverside Side: Good Gender: Female Job: Warrior Who Are You Guarding: Kari Sanai Weapon: Dirk, whip, hand-held bombs Character Description: Sare is 5'4", has short brown hair, and black eyes. She wears a navy blue kimono with short sleeves and which she's cut short to about mid-thigh, and has a thin gray obi. She also has gray shorts underneath that come to two inches beneath the kimono, and a long-sleeve gray shirt underneath the kimono also. Her dirk and whip are suspended on light chains connected under her obi, and the bombs (home-made) are on gray bands diagnally across her chest. Character Abilities: Shadow Dance: Sare is able to move so quickly that you can only see her shadow flitting with her. Usually she uses this attack at night, but in the day she will use this so that she can distract her enemy with the constanly flitting shadow. Berserk: This is usually only initiated when people she is closely connected to are in grave danger (usually close to death). However, she must have a very close relationship with them. She will attack any foes, and if she can't differ, which when the berserker gets worse does happen, she will attack anything that has a weapon. She doesn't stop until all foes are dead, leaving only corpses in her wake. Bio: Sare's mother died in child-birth, and thus she was raised by her father. At first he was reluctant in teaching and training her in weaponry and combat, but after she was constantly getting beat up by older children, he decided to teach her. She specializes more in hand-to-hand combat with her dirk, but for longer distances she has her whip handy. From her own experimentation she learned how to make her bombs, which explode on contact, but are strong enough to resist time and hard travel. Sare is the step-sister of Kari Sanai. After Kari turned 17 and Sare turned 15, Kari's mother and Sare's father married. At first Sare was very uncomfortable in the unfamiliar situation - she had never experienced a mother or sister before. However, soon enough the love and companionship offered by the Sanais was enough to win Sare over, and she is very attached to Kari. However, shortly after her 16th birthday, and just before Kari left for the quest, Sare's father ordered her to stop her weapons training. He wasn't even aware that she made bombs. In a rage, Sare separated all relations from her father, even changing her last name to Sanai, and not speaking at all to her father. When Kari left, Sare left with her, refusing to stay at home, and threatening to kill herself if Kari tried to hold her back. Thus, Sare travels with Kari to try to protect her as best she can. Although she knows she's not yet mastered her weapons, she can beat most opponents. Her berserker side was discovered as a child, when her father was badly beaten by some drunks. When he came home, she saw her father, and flew into a rage, running out to find the men who beat her father. Her father ran after her, stopping her before she killed someone. He was able to calm her, after she ran herself into an exhausted and fevered sleep. As for Shadow Dance, she discovered and honed this ability by herself for five years after always running and hiding from bullies. Sare has no magic abilities whatsoever.
  5. Name: Ceris Opel Age: 13 Gender: female Grade: 8th Nationality: German Ability: Ceris has the ability to change cells/cell structure. In other words, she can change slight things in living organisms, like the structure of your retina, your fingerprint, skin color.... This also gives her the ability to "heal," in which she just reconnects cells and tissues, like in broken bones, or cuts. When she does this, she can sort of "see" the part she is working on, and can feel the purpose and job of each different cell and molecule. Appearance: Ceris is slightly shorter than average, and has just hit her growth spurt. Still slim, she's often underestimated in strength. She has short, dark-brown hair that is pulled back in a ponytail. Usually a few strands escape, which she constantly brushes back behind her ears. Her skin is light and unblemished, and her eyes are usually light gray, although sometimes they have a tendency to alter in color... Personality: Ceris will never go and introduce herself to new people, unless she's saving some poor little kid on the playground. She always waits for others to initiate contact first, and only then does she allow herself to open up. So once you get to know her, she's very friendly and out-going. She also gets very hyper when she's feeling happy, and accompanies this with random sprinting...like to the water fountain...or something. She hates bullies, and likes to make them feel stupid and inferior. In all, she loves to patronize anyone she doesn't like. She also can keep grudges for a very long while, but if you ask for forgiveness, she'll usually relent. Bio: Ceris moved to New York City from Germany when she was in elementary school. She was a short little kid, who was often picked on because of her height, and her inability to speak the language, so she didn't do very well in elementary. She got into many fights in middle school, but was always at a disadvantage, until she finally started working out at a local gym. Now she goes every day to build and tone her lean muscle mass. Since she can now defend herself, she finds that she champions others who are weaker, who also get picked on. Those her underestimate her strength are in for an unpleasant surprise. And now, as she's hit her growth spurt (finally) she's growing taller mwa ha ha. Ceris discovered her powers when she got into middle school, and has been honing her skills, although she tends to try not to use them, but sometimes when her temper's on edge, a zit might appear on the face of one of her enemies.
  6. The wind heightened, bringing more of the strange scent. By this time even the wolf demons had picked it up. They both readied their weapons, and Meteo stepped in front of his sister. Suddenly, the wind stopped altogether, and the smell disappeared. The ominous silence drowned out everything. Nothing moved...CRACK! A twig had snapped, and it seemed that the normal sounds of the forest had returned. They still stood, guarded and ready. A small girl walked out of the forest, smiling and laughing at something behind her. Suddenly, she noticed the group standing in the clearing, turned, and smiled. "Oh, hello!" she said, running up to them. Her dark, wavy hair flowed behind her. She was wearing an old work kimono, and her feet were bare. Meteo showed his weapon threateningly, "Stop! Stay where you are, and don't get any closer! Who are you? And what are you doing here?" The girl stopped, and had a puzzled, hurt expression on her face, "Wha...? What are you doing? Why do you all have weapons?" Meteo shouted again, "Just answer the questions! Who are you?" The girl smiled again, "Oh, this is a game! Okay, well, my name is Fye, and I'm here because it's fun to play here. Now I'll guess who you are!" She looked carefully at the four, "Hmm...well, those two are demons...wow, you're all demons! Or at least, a little bit. And you two are twins! This is so fun! Won't you tell me how you got here?" The two wolf demons had already lost interest. "Come on," Fantra said apathetically, "this is a waste of time. It's just a psycho little kid." Mary stepped closer to Fye, and asked gently, "Fye, do you come here often?" Fye nodded, smiling, and looked behind her again, "Oh yes, because it's so fun to play here. Everything is so nice. Why are you here?" She looked behind her again. Mary was puzzled, "Fye, why do you keep looking behind you?" "What?" Fye turned rapidly towards Mary and Meteo, laughing, "Oh, it's just to see where my father is. He worries about me, and I like being able to know where he is. It's safer, you know, to have your parents with you." Meteo interrupted, "Your father? Where? Why doesn't he come out?" Fye shook her head rapidly, "No no no! Don't look for him! Because then he knows that you are looking for him, and he'll run away, and then I won't be able to play anymore! He's very shy, and he doesn't like strangers." "Fye, do you know anything about that strange smell that was here?" Fye thought..."Oh! A smell? Of course I know what that was! That smell is from my father! He's a demon, and so am I! That's how I knew that you all have demon blood." Meteo drew back, shocked, and puzzled about Fye's still-smiling face. What is this? he thought.
  7. Cyriel


    Okay, I must say that I completely disagree with you on Berserk. When I started watching it, I thought it was one of the corniest, horribly-drawn things ever. I don't know, I thought that the plot line was stereotypical and boring. I thought that Gatts was annoying, and just way too macho. I mean, really, they made him win anything and everything. Also, the animation was so...poor... I don't know if that's the way they wanted it, but when fighting sequences are just repeated..and repeated..and repeated....... You get the idea. The music was actually good. Yes, very good music. And the outtakes were funny too. I don't know, I've heard that the anime gets better as the series progresses, but I got so sick of the first couple episodes that I stopped watching it. Should I continue? Not to mention, I heard the ending was..gory? or very..not suitable for young children.
  8. Name: Veiya Mahenkovitch Age: 21 Gender: female Height: 5'7" Weight: 120 lb Animal DNA Donors: Raptor, Platypus (heehee) Special Abilities: heightened (but not super) speed and strength, staying time of up to 8 hours underwater, spurs hidden in her wrists and ankles filled with venom. Personality: She's actually quite normal around other people; generally you wouldn't know Veiya was an Evo unless someone told you. She would like to deny that she's not a normal human being. Sometimes she gets moody and sullen, which can suddenly switch to a cold, aggressiveness. She loves hunting...anything, and when set on a trail, she gets very absorbed and dangerous. Obviously more raptor than platypus. However, when she lets her animal instincts take over, she feels very guilty afterwards. Faction: Evans
  9. Cyriel

    The Dark

    Age: 15 Name: Veil Mikayo Special Characteristics: expert in combat with the glave and staff, and is able to open warpholes/portals to the Gateway. Description: short black hair, dark eyes, very pale. Background: As a child Veil was left in the care of the Elder, whom she was later apprenticed to. He trained her to control her powers, until she was able to focus them into a portal to the Gateway. When Toshi came to the Elder to receive his task, the Elder gave Veil the mission of guarding Toshi until he completed the task. Thus, Veil returned with Toshi to his city, sworn to be a part of his honor guard.
  10. I have never been in the danger of being run over while crossing the street. Where do you guys live??? Everyone's pretty nice here. And why are you guys walking? Why don't you drive?
  11. Can I still join? Can I be kind of...bad? like, sorta evil? Name: Fye Age: 12 Gender: female Bio: She is the human Onigumo's daughter, from before his accident and paralysis, and his transformation. Fye is also half-human, and has been picked up by Naraku for his evil purposes. She accepts the fact that she is his daughter, and goes out on many of his missions. In fact, many times he uses her as a puppet, and just channels his power through her. Her birthday is soon, and as soon as she becomes a teen there will be a transformation in her powers. Description: Fye has the same long, wavy black hair of Naraku. She has a delicate look about her, but more warm than her father. Usually she wears a plain, working kimono. If you haven't experienced her in battle, you probably wouldn't even know that she's evil. She's in fact very cheerful and friendly, and able to put people at ease immediately. She has no knowledge of things such as trust and loyalty to others, except to Naraku, because he commands it. She's kind of naive, but cheerfully so. So basically, if she befriended someone, and then Naraku ordered her to kill the friend, Fye would do it because she doesn't really know any better. So she's kind of an innocent evil. Fye is also really unable to feel remorse. It's always only happiness and fun to her. Weapon: If she has to, then she will use her legion of demons to carry out commands, and she also has the powers of deception like Naraku. But usually she's just a channel for Naraku to put his power through. So he's usually actually the one doing the fighting. For self-defense Fye carries a small dirk on her hip, which also has the poisonous darkness of demons.
  12. Keep going! It's very interesting to read, although it did sound like Fushigi Yugi in the first chapter, but you addressed that in the second chapter, so it sounds very original. However...how worried could Chimiri be about Mikia? After all, he's only just met her...
  13. Oh..such an ending..very good. I'm so glad that TK is ok! You should give him a girlfriend, so he can be happy.
  14. Very interesting, and fun to read. It was fun reading people's comments on cliffhangers. Keep going!
  15. This is my first poem..I've never really thought about writing poetry before, and everyone else seems like they're really pro. And I can't think of a beginning for it. Always one step behind you One breath from you Feel the hair on your neck rise As I whisper, "I love you." Your fear rises from your throat And I can taste it when I kiss your lips So softly, gently, lovingly And the fear is delicious, twisting my life around yours Your fear, so infuriating, so tempting Like your tears of hopelessness As they slide silently down your delicate cheek These are my jewels, my treasures, your hurts I can see your perfect breath Blossoming white against the sky And I count...one, two, three, four...how many should there be? And each is more perfect than the last Your whispered prayer, carried by the wind Descends by a stranger's ear But they can't hear it Your voice melts away, fading, but trying to linger It makes me weep The sorrow of my life coming out in one moment And because of love I want you to understand why I promised to kill you Kissing you once more I know that you can taste my life seeping away You can understand my life, and most of all My love I stopped counting your perfect breaths long ago My blade slides in, so softly, gently, silky sweet You don't even feel it Silence reigns And our breaths mingle Until yours becomes small, no longer blooming But instead, flowering on the ground Bright scarlet and flowing And my soul is stained forevermore Watching scarlet blossoms grow beneath your feet.
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