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Everything posted by Cyriel
[size=1][color=darkred]What a good movie! Although yeah, the end was just...[i]wow[/i]. Totally blew my mind, but throughout the entire movie the adrenaline wouldn't stop dumping into my bloodstream. And then at the end, when you try to stand up, your legs are so shaky...^_^ Haha, I love that feeling. Although, I really really hated Jack Nicholson's character. I just found him to be so...annoying? I'm not really sure. It just seems to me that he always plays characters that I never find appealing...but is that his intention? Not really sure... But wow, I was so impressed by LeodiCaprio's performance! I thought he was finished w/ Titanic, but then he's come back with good movies (this one, Blood Diamond), so it's really changed my view of him as an actor. I heard rumors that they're going to make a second movie for this, although I'm not really sure how, since [spoiler]everyone basically died[/spoiler]. Does anyone know about this?[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=indigo][b]Temari and Kankuro should have already reached Konohagakure by now,"[/b] Gaara said quietly, as he led the small group of shinobi through the trees of Hidden Leaf country. [b]"Gaara-sama, there are shinobi approaching,"[/b] Zakuro said beside him. At the words, the others in their group looked around cautiously, and they began to pick up their speed. The girl's eyes were deep crimson, and kept a careful watch on the surroundings that they passed. The Kazekage nodded, taking a quick glance back at the rest of the band, [b]"We've been in Leaf territory for some time now. I'm surprised we weren't met sooner."[/b] His eyes were tired, dull from exhaustion and combat, and...grief. Zakuro knew his guilt weighed on him like an anchor - there wasn't a passing moment when her new lord wasn't thinking of their village, of Sunagakure...and his failure to keep it safe. She knew he was in pain, even though he never gave even a hint of it. Still, she didn't understand why they were here, in this land so green, the foliage masking the signs of destruction. [i]We should be in Sunagakure - we should defend it to the end. Our sands are there, our blood is there...and no doubt, our enemies will return, and then follow us to this place and destroy it as well.[/i] Suddenly Zakuro was aware that the presences she had sensed earlier had drawn much closer, and she drew her whorled mask down to cover her face, as their small group continued to leap through the tree-tops. Hand lightly resting on a bone shuriken, she leapt in front of Gaara, who nodded in acknowledgement. They continued through the trees, Zakuro noting the position of each approaching foreign presence, and then silently passing the information along in the form of hand signals. Out of no where, masked shinobi dropped from the leafy canopy above them, surrounding them. However, as soon as the strangers revealed themselves, the members of the Hidden Sand had already drawn their weapons, ready to attack if need be. Zakuro stood in front of the Kazekage, carefully shielding Gaara with her body. Her mask hid her features, but her garnet eyes darkened in an evident threat. Her voice came out flat and calm, but her tone gave them fair warning [b]"Identify yourselves."[/b] One of the masked shinobi stepped forward, showing the insignia on his forehead protector, [b]We are ANBU of Hidden Leaf. The Hokage-sama sent us to escort the rest of your group to Konohagakure. We passed Temari-sama and Kankuro-sama on our way here, and they directed us to your exact location."[/b] Gaara touched her lightly on the shoulder, and Zakuro nodded in compliance. She gestured to some of the figures in the group, [b]"We have injured with us, as well as a few children. Is it much farther to go?"[/b] [b]"No, we are quite close to the village. We will oversee you until there, where medical-nin are waiting,"[/b] the ANBU member said, and then he and the others of his group disappeared into the treetops again. Zakuro followed their paths for a moment, her hand never leaving the shuriken, and then Gaara touched her shoulder again. She pushed her mask up to rest on her pale hair again, and then began forward, the rest following. The vast gates of Konohagakure soon appeared, and as said, there were shinobi already waiting to receive them. Kankuro and Temari were also waiting, already surrounded by a large gaggle of curious youngsters. As they walked through the gates, Kankuro and Temari started speaking with Gaara and Zakuro, all agreeing to meet later on after Gaara had met with Tsunade-sama. He left to oversee the treatment of the wounded shinobi in their group, while Kankuro and Temari also went off to their own business. An ANBU member approached her immediately as soon as she was alone on one of the streets, [b]"Zakuro-sama, is there anything we can help you with?"[/b] She was a bit surprised that they already knew of her, but didn't mention it, only saying, [b]"No, thank you. I will only be making myself familiar with the lay-out of Konoha."[/b] Then the ANBU member was gone, and as she walked, a gaggle of whispering children began to follow her. It was a little odd, seeing how daily life seemed to progress normally here, as if war had not yet touched here yet. She could not help but think of the ashes and ruins that they had left in the desert. [i]So, this is Konoha...[/i][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=indigo]Yes! It's up! ^__^ Happiness... But to confirm info from your post, only a small group from Sunagakure are left, correct? Are Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro going to present with me in Konoha as well for the duration of this, or just for a small time?[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkred]Are we still waiting on people to awaken? And if not...what's next? It would be a pity for this to die before anyone even got to use their powers.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=indigo]Just wondering, but if the promotion from Genin to Chuunin breaks cells, then couldn't Ijizawa Mai [Kitty] just be inducted into one of the cells that has lost a member already (2,3, or 4)? Or are the cells no longer functioning at this time because of the circumstances in Konohagakure? Also on a more personal character note, did you want Zakuro to already have been in Hidden Leaf for a little bit, or did you want her to be just arriving? Can't wait 'til this gets started ^__^. Oh, and do you have length limits for posts, or are we free to do as we will? And not to be picky and annoying already, but since there are so many people involved in this RP, can I request that we all read each other's posts thoroughly? I find myself extremely annoyed when it's obvious that others just scan through, and things don't add up.[/color][/size]
[SIZE=1][b]This was not the first time.[/b] [color=darkred]The feeling was familiar, this sinking feeling in the middle of her chest, the nausea that washed over her, and the dread that built in waves. Ana watched as other students started to fall to the ground; it was as if invisible forces had suddenly appeared and taken control. And then the recognizable black tendrils suddenly began to appear around her. She kept perfectly still, waiting for the inevitable. [i]Bathory madness?[/i]she thought to herself, as she closed her eyes to try and make it go away.[/color] [b]?It?s futile, girl.?[/b] [color=darkred]Ana?s eyes snapped open at the voice, the voice that felt like a ribbon of silk sliding across her throat. She looked up to find herself staring at coal-black eyes. She wanted to disappear, to become invisible to those eyes, but instead she only bowed her head to the entity that had appeared, whispering a greeting to the dreaded figure, [b]??Lady.?[/b][/color] [b]?You dare not say my name, I see,?[/b] [color=darkred]the figure replied, smiling cruelly. It was a slender figure of female form, with skin so pale it was almost translucent, and eyes and lips and nails that were like black shadows. Everything about the being was shadowy, wavering, sending black tendrils around Ana in gentle but threatening caresses. Midnight tresses of hair were cut sharply in an arcing line down towards the lady?s slender chin, and soot-black ribbons were twisted carefully around her neck ? she kept playing with a deep black thread in her hands, constantly weaving and winding it into different patterns and designs, as if she were plucking the strings of an instrument. [b]??Why are you here??[/b] Ana asked, her voice barely making a sound. The figure circled, [/color][b]?Do you still have the quills I gave you last time we met??[/b] [color=darkred]Ana nodded, pressing her lips together tightly. She could feel the shadows running through her hair, fingering the white linen of her clothes.[/color] [b]?Still afraid, are we??[/b] [color=darkred]the lady asked again. Her dark eyes showed nothing, but instead seemed to draw in and neutralize any light whatsoever. [/color][b]?Why it is you of all people, I do not know. Your father, your brother, your sister?any of them would have been a better choice, a better vessel. But for some reason?fate seems to favor the weak, in your case. What a cowardly girl? Julia would have been perfect for me ? so?mercurial, so fierce; but no, it?s you instead. Only you seem to be able to see me, to feel me?so I have no choice.?[/b] [color=darkred]Ana eyed her book-bag on the ground beside her, thinking of the carefully rolled quills that were encased inside. Shadows streamed out, opening the bag and unrolling the soft leather case. The quills floated in rows before her, and the lady ran her hands over them, touching each one. Then she looked up at Ana, [/color][b]?You haven?t used them yet. What are you waiting for??[/b] [color=darkred][b]?I?can?t,?[/b] Ana breathed. Her lips were cold. The lady took one of the quills in her pale hands, twirling it skillfully in her fingers, [/color][b]?This isn?t a choice you can make. It is not your choice to accept or deny ? [i]you are not allowed to refuse[/i].?[/b] [color=darkred]Ana clenched her fists, [b]?It is only madness. It is only the Bathory madness that my father warned me of??[/b] The figure laughed; it was jolting and eery,[/color] [b]?Is that what you think? That tale of the Blood Countess Bathory, your ancestor?is that what you believe? Oh Ana, you naïve little child ? this is no tale or dream. This is not something you can make disappear. I am real, and I?m not going anywhere.?[/b] [color=darkred]The girl could only look down, closing her fiery eyes again, [b]??It is only madness.?[/b] [i]Oh, if only it were so,[/i] she thought. She prayed, but deep inside, she knew?[/color] [b]?Shall I prove it to you, then??[/b] [color=darkred]The words made Ana?s eyes snap open a second time, and she saw the pale, slender figure begin to walk towards one of the tables, a quill in her hand. Dark eyes smiled mercilessly at her, [/color][b]?Come girl, come Ana, do you need proof? It?s what you want, isn?t it??[/b] [color=darkred]The shadows moved closer to the boy on the table, Jonas? Ana waited, her breath frozen inside her. The lady moved closer, and then the quill was poised above him, Jonas? Black eyes looked back at Ana one last time, and then the slender form of shadows struck the quill down towards Jonas?s throat with lightning speed ? [/color][/size] [size=2][color=darkred][b][i]?Erzsebet!?[/i][/b][/color][/size][size=1] [color=darkred]Ana?s voice ripped out of her. The shadows disappeared as if they had never been there, and then the quill appeared beside her, as did the rest of Erzsebet. The lady could only smile, dark eyes shadowed with satisfaction, [/color][b]?Ana?if you wait so long next time, someone could get hurt.?[/b] [color=darkred]Ana?s eyes were moist, but not with fear or sadness; it was anger that had replaced her hesitancy, [b]?Erzsebet?you will [i]never[/i] do that again.?[/b] The lady nodded, and then bowed deeply, [/color][b]?As you will, Mistress Sanglante.?[/b] [color=darkred]Pale fingers tipped with black nails wrapped all of the quills carefully back into the folds of the soft leather casing, tying the red ribbon tightly around it to secure it closed. [/color][b]?But Ana?you find that boy too similar to Janos, your brother. If you continue to do so, it may hinder you.?[/b] [color=darkred][b]?Do not trouble yourself ? I no longer see him in that way, thanks to you. But that was probably your purpose all along, wasn?t it??[/b] Ana asked as she took back the leather case back from the slender woman. Her voice was hard, still angry at the threat that Erzsebet had presumed to make; but the dark being had been put back into her place?for the time being. Erzsebet bowed, her dark hair waving in an invisible wind, [/color][b]?Then I shall retreat for the time being, if you would allow.?[/b] [color=darkred]Dark eyes met dangerous red ones, as if daring Ana to challenge her. But Ana only said, [b]?I will keep Sarvar well.?[/b][/color] [b]?Thank you, Mistress,?[/b] [color=darkred]and the shadows dissipated, leaving only the chill of the evening. She found that she clutched the case of quills so tightly that her knuckles were white; and her knees felt weak now that the danger was gone. Ana took deep breaths, watching the other students go through their awakenings. [i]Let them have spirits from heaven?instead of shadows from hell. Let them have blessings instead of darkness.[/i] But inside she still felt dread curling around her heart.[/color] OOC: If you didn't figure it out, Ana has already been awakened before this, but she thought that it was a manifestation of a genetic disease that has been passed down in her family. [/SIZE]
[size=1][color=darkred]Finally! Prologue is almost done! I'm so looking forward to actually being able to do stuff now... Do they actually have to complete the fight, or can we all just be interrupted?[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=green][b]?Ready to go??[/b] Summer asked brightly.[/color] [color=darkslateblue]Ana nodded, and then noticed the light blush that seemed to have spread across the girl?s face, [b]??Did something happen??[/b][/color] [color=green]Summer looked back at her, startled, [b]?What? No, of course not! Everything?s just same old??[/b][/color][color=darkslateblue] But the girl couldn?t stop another one of those smiles from peeking from the corner of her lips, and Ana watched as her new guide took another quick look at a certain boy who was leaving the school grounds? Ana couldn?t help but smile to herself: [i]I see, so something good did happen.[/i] But she didn?t say anything more, only waiting for Summer to lead the way. Suddenly, she saw the familiar car appear in the gateway of the school, [b]?Oh shoot!?[/b] Grabbing Summer?s arm, Ana pulled her behind some of the shrubs by the side of the building.[/color] [color=green][b]?What?s wrong??[/b] Summer immediately asked.[/color] [color=darkslateblue]Ana let out her breath in a hiss, [b]?That?s what I was talking about?those people I was trying to avoid.?[/b][/color] [color=green][b]?You mean it wasn?t Jonas you were trying to steer clear of??[/b][/color] [color=darkslateblue][b]?Oh, well?I don?t really know about him,?[/b] Ana said, brushing back a fiery strand of hair. Peeking around the bushes again at her driver and the bodyguard that had just gotten out of the car, she tugged lightly on Summer?s sleeve again, [b]?Can we get away??[/b][/color] [color=green]Summer smiled confidently, [b]?Ana, you don?t have to worry about a thing.?[/b][/color][color=darkslateblue] The two girls slunk away, Ana following the younger girl?s lead? [center]__________________________________[/center] As they walked along the sidewalks, cars passing by busily, Ana couldn?t help but look curiously around at everything.[/color][color=green] Summer noticed the girl?s wide eyes taking everything in, and asked, [b]?I?m guessing you?ve never been to Boston-Two before??[/b][/color] [color=darkslateblue][b]?Actually?I was born here.?[/b] [/color][color=green][b]?Really??[/b][/color] [color=darkslateblue]Ana nodded, [b]?Yes, but then I moved back to the European continent. This is the first time since then that I?ve been back here.?[/b][/color] [color=green][b]?Mmm?I see. Do you like it here??[/b][/color] [color=darkslateblue]Ana turned, looking to see if Summer was sincere. She expected to see something like a sarcastic smirk on the other girl?s face, something like Janos?s?but there wasn?t ? Summer?s eyes were honest and open. It surprised her a little, so she turned her flame-like eyes to her feet, [b]?Boston-Two is?different.?[/b][/color] [color=green][b]?You?re right about that,?[/b] Summer agreed, smiling as she looked towards the gray sky.[/color][color=darkslateblue] Ana followed her gaze, trying to gauge what the younger girl smiled at, but didn?t find anything. Despite her being older, she felt as if Summer were older in spirit, more wise and more tempered than she. She held far more confidence as well. [i]I wish I was like that?[/i]Ana thought to herself as they continued walking. [center]__________________________________[/center] Later in the evening Summer led her to the gardens. They walked around for a bit, and the orange light streaked the sky as the sun started its descent. As they traversed along the walking paths they didn?t see anything out of the ordinary, but as they passed by some hedges and tall trees, they heard the sound of scuffling. Peeking through from behind the long branches of some trees, Ana saw the figures of the two boys facing each other, and gestured to Summer to take a look. Suddenly Ezekiel and Zedidiah leapt at each other, and Ana drew in a quick breath. She looked over at the other girl, and saw that Summer couldn?t seem to take her eyes off of Ezekiel. The two boys both took quick swipes at each other, and then began to circle each other as they attacked. Ana was intrigued at first ? she had never seen anyone fight before, not even a little schoolyard brawl, and watching these two come to blows was novel to her. Suddenly Ezekiel knocked Zed to the ground; Summer let out a sigh of relief as it seemed that Ezekiel had gained the upper hand?for a moment. Ana couldn?t stop from wincing as hits landed; violence was painful to her, ironic as it may be. She fingered the quills in the bag that was slung across her chest, and then rubbed her arms. The evening brought coolness to the air, another thing that was foreign to her, and she hadn?t brought a jacket. Her light shorts and blouse did nothing for warmth, and a chill ran through her body as she and Summer continued to watch. [b]?Summer, can?t we do anything??[/b] she asked suddenly, guilt digging into her.[/color] [color=green]The girl only bit her lip, [b]?It?s better to let them finish ? otherwise they?ll just keep at each other.?[/b][/color] [color=darkslateblue]Ana stood up suddenly. Her guilt and worry overrode her fear and insecurity, and she started to walk quickly towards the two boys. She had absolutely no idea what she was planning on doing, but she felt worse just sitting and watching the two younger boys go at each other. That?s when she saw another set of eyes watching, recognizing Jonas?s dark hair and eyes. She tripped as soon as she saw him, surprise flooding into her, and then she felt grass beneath her cheek. He turned at the sound, but she was hidden by some shrubs. Watching him, Ana now saw him turn and watch a figure that was approaching him.[/color] [color=green]Behind her, Summer called out in a whisper, [b]?Psst! Ana! Are you all right??[/b][/color] [color=darkslateblue]Ana quickly scrambled up into a crouch, a blush spreading in embarrassment, [b]?Yes, I?m fine. Are you going to wait there??[/b][/color][/size]
[SIZE=1][color=indigo][B]Name:[/B] Zakuro ([i]meaning 'Pomegranate'[/i]) [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/zakuro-sorano.jpg][b]Zakuro & Sorano[/b][/url] [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/zakuro-kumo.jpg][b]Young Zakuro & Kumo[/b][/url] While performing hunting missions, Zakuro will wear a formal whorled mask, as well as a dark tunic uniform. However, her usual garb is a beautiful patterned kimono of light colors, the hem ending at mid-thigh. She binds these with a variety of silken cords and knots, on which she also strings her bone shurikens and pouches. Her Sliver of the Moon she also loops around herself, the blade secure in the small of her back, easily accessible for combat. [B]Alliance:[/B] Sand [b]Rank:[/b] Jounin [ANBU; Hunter-nin] [B]Personality:[/B] Somewhat haughty and uptight, Zakuro is one who does not take things lightly, and has close to no sense of humor. It is rare for a smile to cross her face; usually her expression is blank of any emotion, unless of distaste. On the inside, Zakuro is constantly mapping and noting the actions and emotions of others, tucking them away in a vast library of memories, until there comes a time when she can use the pieces of information to accomplish her mission. Up until now life really has given her no real enjoyment. Zakuro has a tendency to lean towards cruelty or apathy in her treatment of other individuals, unless they have had a significant impact upon her ? up until now, the only people that she has any respect or fondness for are her adoptive sand siblings: Gaara, Temari, and Kankurou. She is fiercely loyal to these three, with utmost dedication especially to Gaara. Feelings of guilt, shame, or remorse are often missing from her spectrum of emotions. Her temper is still somewhat difficult to rein in ? she is easily annoyed by stupidity or lack of ability, and finds no reason to mask her disdain of others. She assumes for most people to be hopelessly below her level of intelligence and skill, and does nothing to hide it. In fact, there are usually only two ways to gain her attention: (1) anger her; or (2) surpass her. There is in fact a third way that she is not entirely aware of, and that is to save or help her when she is in desperate need ? Zakuro is a complete stranger to the feeling of being indebted or beholden to someone, and it will most likely drive her insane until she has repaid the debt, somewhat like a love/hate relationship, in which she hates the feeling, but at the same time knows she can?t help but be thankful. While Zakuro herself is apathetic towards Konohagakure, because her three sand siblings are so concerned with the well-being of their ally, she will unquestioningly sacrifice her life for the sake of Hidden Leaf. She is also curious about finally meeting Konoha-nin, in particular Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, both of whom she has heard about from her three older siblings. Most shinobi are also experts in hiding or masking their emotions, Zakuro seems unaware of the value of this. While in normal life she usually betrays no feelings whatsoever (if she even has them), in combat Zakuro becomes so focused and absorbed in the battle that it is easy to pick her out just by the aura of violent intent that surrounds her person. [b]Equipment:[/b] Zakuro's main weapon is what she calls a [b]Sliver of the Moon[/b], which consists of a slender but deadly scythe-like edge attached to a length of long, flat ribbon. The blade is a rare, fused mixture of metal and bone; the ribbon is made from a compressed mixture of dragon-hide, scale, shark skin, and bone, composing a long, razor-thin ribbon that can also be used as a lethal weapon. The Sliver is not only deadly, but can carry hypnotic abilities as well, swinging back and forth around the victim as Zakuro wishes. She also carries a sequence of small, [b]draw-string pouches[/b] that contain various powdered substances, most of which affect bodily functions (blood flow, hormones, etc), and can be used in battle or for medical aid. A series of [b]bone shurikens[/b] are strung on one of the silk cords around her waist. These shuriken are less deadly but more painful and damaging, as the bones splinter on impact, acting as shrapnel to the body. [B]Main Weapon/Techniques:[/B] [list][u]Chishio: Michikake [i](Blood Tide: Wax and Wane)[/i][/u] ? A somewhat atypical form of taijutsu, this technique requires hand seals to be used. Once activated, this method attaches a sort of magnetism to the blade of Zakuro?s Sliver, making it capable of manipulating blood flow in her opponent or herself. This move, if used correctly, can become quite lethal to Zakuro?s opponent; she has perfected two sequences of moves [i](Wax, Wane)[/i] in which her Sliver is skillfully utilized to push or pull the blood in her opponent?s veins and arteries. ?[b]Wax[/b]? is most efficient when the opponent has open wounds, because Zakuro will use her Sliver?s magnetism to draw out her enemy?s blood in a continuous flow. ?[b]Wane[/b]? is useful in the fact that this can be used to cause such a powerful, uncharacteristic blood flow that can lead to rupturing in the circulatory system.[/list][list][u]Hanmougan [i](?Eyes of Disruption?)[/i][/u] ? Meaning ?half-blind eyes?, this formerly unknown [i]kekkei genkai[/i] (blood inheritance limit) has garnered the nickname ?Eyes of Disruption.? The jutsu neutralizes or damages the ability of other blood inheritance limits that are optically associated, or are projected from the eyes. It also allows Zakuro to look through most methods of genjutsu, with only very powerful users having any success at all.[/list][list][u]Kuchiyose no Jutsu [i](Summoning Technique)[/i][/u] ? Summons [b]Sorano[/b], a great, pearly, desert dragon; Sorano meaning ?from the sky.?[/list][list][u]Gekkou no Ira [i](Splinters of Moonlight)[/i][/u] ? A ninjutsu technique that can be used only under moonlight, this causes hundreds of razor-sharp, white, obsidian-like shards to rain down from the night sky onto the area around the opponent. When used in concurrence with Sorano, the shards are magnified in size and number, producing a lethal maelstrom.[/list][list]While her other techniques are powerful as well, Zakuro favors the use of taijutsu, of which she is an expert of, combined with her perfection in using her deadly scythe. Being used to the hot desert sands, she is an expert in taijutsu, and is well-suited for it, as her muscles and stamina have been built up from the harsh training conditions. Also as a result of this environment, she is an expert in conserving energy and chakra, and has no wasteful movements. Zakuro has only practiced her Hanmougan, since she has yet to meet another powerful optical bloodline limit. Thus, she has only so far used her inheritance limit to easily deconstruct genjutsu attacks, but has never fought against the likes of the Sharingan or Byakugan. Perhaps not as powerful as masters like Rock Lee or Gai-sensei, Zakuro has no problem matching any ninja?s speed or quickness. Flexible as a snake, her body is a weapon in itself, and one that attacks unexpectedly and in the most astonishing places. Her reflexive timing is so sharp that many times it seems as if she could see actions beforehand, and she has the ability to contort her body into strange and odd positions. Highly original and innovative, her style of combat is something most shinobi have never seen, since Zakuro was forced to develop her skills on her own. Never hesitating, she has an unusual assurance of herself in battle, despite her tender years. She is no stranger to death, as are few of Sunagakure, and can take life easily and without a second thought. [/list] [B]Biography/Writing Sample:[/B][/color] [color=darkorchid][center][i]My first memory begins with a scent, a simple perfume. All I remember is a sweet darkness, shadows filled with an aromatic scent?something so familiar, and yet something that will always remain a mystery to me. My past is just that, something shrouded in the obscurity of an infant too young to remember. Still, I am able to cling to the one thing that I was born of, and that is all I need for proof of my existence.[/i][/center][/color] [color=navy][b]?Zakuro-chan, what are you thinking of??[/b] Temari had unfolded another fan, readying it to be decorated by her skilled hand. [b]??Onee-san, do you remember when you were leaving for the Chuunin exam? It was night, and I didn?t want to go to sleep, because I knew you wouldn?t be there in the morning.?[/b] The older girl nodded her blond head, smiling a little, [b]?Yes, you kept begging me to tell you another story, to try to get me to stay with you. We got off to such a late start; Gaara and Kankurou were so upset!?[/b] [b]?But it worked ? you did stay for a little longer, because you told me another story??[/b] the voice trailed off, asking silently for an encore of that childhood night. Temari sighed now, and looked up at the younger girl that sat and watched her. [b]?Zakuro-chan, there?s nothing to be worried about. You?re no stranger to combat.?[/b] The girl nodded, but stayed silent. [b]?Oh, alright, I?ll tell you a story??[/b] [center][i]And that was my second memory, the one where the scent was explained to me, that night so long ago, before my older sister Temari, and my older brothers Gaara and Kankurou, all left for the Chuunin exam. In her low, vibrant voice, she told me of a basket filled with ruby-red fruit, smelling of wine and citrus and a sticky sweetness, and one that when they broke the splitting skin, they found crimson jewels falling to their feet, and juice the color of blood: [b]??And just when we were about to eat the last one, poof! Kankurou cracked it open, and there you were, inside of the fruit! You were hidden in that basket, in the guise of one of the pomegranates??[/b] I fell asleep to that story, comforted, and the next morning I awoke to find my three siblings absent, gone to take the Chuunin exam. My life began in a basket, beside crimson globes that were grown far from the desert. Somehow that basket found its way into the middle of the vast sands, where the contents were all eaten?all except for one. I remember none of this. Only that distinct scent stays with me, a familiar stranger, and one that I will never meet, because the ruby fruit does not grow in these golden sands.[/color] [color=teal]I have just one other memory to myself, the last of the three that tell of my existence. Temari and Kankurou I remember somewhat in my childhood, but Gaara? Well, very few knew Gaara back then. And I always wondered why and how everyone could feel such fear towards so small a boy?[/i][/center] The cries and screams receded into the distance, as the others ran away? [b]?Here.?[/b] She looked up, finding herself staring into turquoise eyes lined with deep black shadows, and a red character that she couldn?t read. The boy looked apathetically at her, and then placed the reptile she had been playing with back into her hands. She looked down at the small, white sand dragon, an albino that had been close to death before she found and nursed back to health. [b]?Don?t let them do that,?[/b] the boy said. He looked away now, in the direction where the children had fled. She followed his gaze, but saw no one, [b]??But they?re right.?[/b] He glanced at her, still disinterested. She took a lock of her pale hair, [b]?See? I?m the color of this white lizard. I?m the color of a dead person, ready to be buried in the sand.?[/b] The boy stared with his hard eyes for a minute or two: [b]?You?re right ? you and the lizard are the same.?[/b] She swallowed hard, biting back tears she didn?t know would come. His eyes narrowed, [b]?Don?t cry.?[/b] She immediately stopped, and he nodded. Then he took his hand, and pointed up, [b]?Look.?[/b] Following his direction, Zakuro found herself looking up into the sky. Usually the bright sun burned down, turning everything shades of rich gold and brown. But today the sky was a stony gray, with heavy clouds signaling the passage of rainfall. [b]?Do you see that??[/b] he asked, watching her to make sure she was paying attention. She nodded. The boy took a few steps closer, and then bent down; his finger traced the pattern of scales on the sand dragon?s body, and then looked heavenward again, [b]?You and this one, you?re both the color of clouds.?[/b] He paused, and then stared at her face blankly. Then he crossed his arms, [b]?And only stupid people would think you were dead. Dead people don?t have blood in their bodies; it?s all on the ground around them. So unless you see your blood around you, you aren?t dead yet. You are not like a dead person. Your eyes are the color of blood?you can be sure that you?re alive.?[/b] [center][i]I have since then learned of the reasons people had for fearing Gaara, but I still refuse to understand their dread, their ridicule, or their persecution, of that small boy. These three memories are the skeleton of my existence, as are the three siblings of my childhood. Kankurou, with those clever fingers of his, gave me my birth, uncovering me from the flesh of the pomegranate. Temari, lulling me to sleep with lullabies and stories on the wind, helped me to grow, chasing away my fear and loneliness. And Gaara? I encountered him only a few times in my youth, but I believe that he is the reason I live. Telling me I was a floating cloud with two scarlet specks of blood - it was proof that I was alive, and that I had as much right as anyone to view the world from the sky? Gaara gave me life.[/i][/center][/color] [color=indigo][list]The early details of Zakuro?s life, such as her lineage and origins, are unknown. Members of the Hidden Sand ran across a basket of pomegranates, in which an infant was found to be completely enclosed in one of the fruit. With eyes that mirrored the ruby-red seeds of the pomegranate, the girl was named Zakuro. She had a few encounters in her childhood with the sand siblings Kankurou, Temari, and Gaara, and was very attached to them; but was for the most part pleasantly neglected by them and the village. However, it is from one of her encounters with Gaara (above) that Zakuro gained one of her special desert companions, a runt albino sand dragon that she named [b]Kumo[/b], meaning ?[i]cloud[/i].? Being raised in the Hidden Sand could only generate a skillful and deadly shinobi, and it wasn?t long before Zakuro began to discover and perfect her talents for combat. For the most part, Zakuro trained largely on her own because no one else in the village had seen her kind of abilities; as a result, much of Zakuro?s training techniques remain a mystery. After her dramatic improvement and growth, she garnered a much closer relationship with her three adoptive sand siblings. In the middle of her seventeenth year, Zakuro was recruited into ANBU, and was one of the youngest ninja ever to be initiated into the membership. Because of her detached nature and brutal abilities, she soon specialized and perfected her skills as a [b]hunter-nin[/b], tracking down rogue shinobi of the Sand.[/list] [b]Extra Notes:[/b] [list]After successfully closing a hunting mission near Konoha, the new Kazekage Gaara ordered Zakuro to stay and lend her skills to the Hidden Leaf Village.[/list][list]Somewhat apprehensive of meeting Konoha-nin, especially Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto, despite her three sand siblings' admiration of the two.[/list][list]Young children make her feel awkward very easily, as she feels she will taint their innocence.[/list] [Pending sign-ups][/color][/SIZE]
[size=1][color=darkred]Haha, [b]Engel[/b] and [b]Kitty[/b], you guys totally made my day... I [i]adore[/i] high school drama...gotta love the hormones, neh? More hormones! More hormones! But lets not OD... Action is so much better...like beating up baddies...meheheh. Also, I was wondering about the Bostonian accents...did you want us to use those in our posts for like NPC's and stuff? Or is that just for our own information...?[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkred]I understand that we should all make a little bit of contact and whatnot with each other, but are we actually going to go through the entire school day? I have to say that it's a little bit of a drag...and there are only so many things you can write about classes. Any chance that we can speed things up to the end of the day? Of course, if everyone else wishes to continue like this, I have no problem - I just want to make sure that people won't drop out of boredom or something.[/color][/size]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]She looked up at the clock for the fiftieth time, relieved to see that there were now only about ten minutes of class left. [i]I?m almost through, almost out of here?[/i] Then she could run for cover, and hopefully by the next day everyone would have forgotten about her embarrassing incident. Suddenly, Ms. Kerry clapped her hands at the front of the classroom to get everyone?s attention, [b]?Alright everyone, I?d like you all now to get into groups of three. For the last ten minutes you should get to know each other and exchange contact information, because tomorrow I will assign each group a section of ?[i]The Crucible[/i]? to analyze and discuss. Come on now, get moving!?[/b] [i]What? Groups?[/i] Ana felt miserable ? groups on the first day?she was hesitant to move, not knowing anyone. However, she saw Jonas and his friend coming towards her, and the color left her face again. Before she knew it, she had jumped up from her seat, the chair making a loud screech against the floor. Mumbling a quick excuse about the bathroom to Ms. Kerry, Ana left the room without waiting for a response from the surprised teacher. As soon as she closed the classroom door, she broke into a run down the hall, her steps echoing loudly on the tile, and she didn?t stop until she reached the girls? bathroom. Catching her breath, she leaned her head back against the stall door, staring up at the water-stained ceiling. [b]?Oh jeez, I panicked again,?[/b] Ana said out loud to herself. The echo spoke back to her, and she closed her eyes against the sound. [i]Ana, it?s not him. It?s not him, so stop panicking, and go back. Stop being afraid.[/i] She waited another few minutes, taking deep breaths to calm herself. She heard the sound of someone else enter the bathroom and go into the stall next to her. Ana waited a moment before unlocking her own stall, and then went to the sink to wash her hands. The other girl also came out, and turned the water on in the sink next to her. Glancing out of the corner of her eye, Ana noticed that it was the girl that she had seen earlier, [b]??Oh, you were with that white-haired boy?right??[/b][/color] [color=darkgreen]The girl looked up, sweeping back her long hair, [b]?You mean Ezekiel? Yes, I was.?[/b] She held out her hand, [b]?The name is Summer Calurra.?[/b][/color] [color=darkslateblue][b]?Oh, I?m sorry, I didn?t introduce myself. I?m Ana Sanglante Nadasdy?but most people just call me Ana,?[/b] she said as she tentatively shook the girl?s hand.[/color] [color=darkgreen][b]?Nice to meet you, Ana. How do you know Ezekiel?[/b][/color] [color=darkslateblue]Ana shook her head, ?Oh, I don?t really. He sits in front of me in one of my classes, and I just saw him and that other boy talking??[/color] [color=darkgreen]Summer nodded, sighing in frustration, [b]?You mean Zedidiah Kiefers. That kid is like a terrorist, I swear. ?Zeke and Kiefers are both too stubborn and proud to back down? Guys can be such idiots sometimes.?[/b][/color] [color=darkslateblue][b]?You?re talking about at the Boston Public Gardens tonight, right??[/b][/color] [color=darkgreen]Summer looked at Ana out of the corner of her eye, [b]?How do [i]you[/i] know about that??[/b][/color] [color=darkslateblue][b]?Well??[/b] Ana then related the entire story to summer, explaining why she thought that she was partly to blame. [b]?Could you show me where the Gardens are after school??[/b][/color] [color=darkgreen][b]?You?re not actually thinking of going, are you? I mean, no offense, but you don?t really look like the type to get involved in a fight??[/b][/color] [color=darkslateblue]Ana looked down, [b]?I don?t know if I can really do anything, but I also don?t want anyone getting hurt because of me.?[/b][/color] [color=darkgreen]Summer shook her head, [b]?It isn?t really your fault. I?m sure that sooner or later they would have bumped up against each other. But if you really want to go, then I?ll show you where it is. Just meet me out front after school.?[/b][/color] [color=darkslateblue][b]?Oh! Can we meet somewhere else??[/b][/color] [color=darkgreen][b]?Why??[/b][/color] [color=darkslateblue]Ana fidgeted, [b]?Let?s just say?I?m trying to avoid some people.?[/b][/color] [color=darkgreen]Summer?s eyes sparkled, [b]?Oh, I see? Don?t worry ? I?m an expert in things like this.?[/b][/color] [color=darkslateblue]The younger girl then began to lay out the details of their escape plan after school, until they were interrupted by the school bell. Both girls then ran out of the bathroom, each heading off to their respective classrooms. Ana ran back through the rush of students in the hall. Upon reaching Ms. Kerry?s classroom again, she peeked in slowly. The classroom looked empty. Her bag was still sitting on her desk, so she slipped silently inside to grab it as quickly as possible.[/COLOR] OOC: I thought I'd leave details of the escape to you, Kitty. Hope you don't mind ^__^;;[/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]When the small wad of paper had hit her head, she barely even noticed the light pressure, but was suddenly quite aware that the classroom was full, and the teacher speaking monotonously. Inside, she cringed. [i]Did I really sleep for so long?[/i] It was absolutely unbelievable ? what an embarrassing start to her first day. Slowly, Ana raised her head, only to find a young man with shockingly white hair looking at her. He smiled, saying quietly, [b]??Ey?Ana, put your head back down. Yeh look tired. ?E?s just talkin? about his bikes again. Mr. Terrell always does this.?[/b] It was surprising to her, that he knew her name, but she didn?t know what else to do, so she nodded slightly and slowly put her head down again. However, she was now wide awake, and faced the window so that she wouldn?t show that she was listening to the scritch-scratch of the pen that she now heard. Quietly, unnoticed, she observed their passing note, back and forth, and then kept listening to the dull tone of Mr. Terry as he droned? After the note had passed, one of the other boys started to laugh, and she tried to catch a better glimpse of his face, but found that he was hidden from her view by the student sitting between them. Again she found herself lulled by monotony of the teacher?s voice. The bell jolted Ana out of her dreamy state, and she almost jumped out of her desk. The students stood to leave the classroom en masse, Mr. Terry trying to fit in a last word, and she quickly followed, grabbing her book-bag off of her desk. It was when she was leaving the classroom that she noticed the white-haired boy speaking with another boy from class, one with icy, bright-blue eyes. They stood by the lockers, talking to one another, and it didn?t look friendly at all. [b]?What do you want, freak??[/b] the boy with inky blue hair responded to something the white-haired boy said. She recognized his voice as the one that had suddenly burst out laughing, and realized that he was also the one that probably had thrown the wad of paper at her. She waited, listening to the rest of their exchange. [i]Boston Public Gardens? Where is that?[/i] She watched the two students go their separate ways, one of them besieged by a girl who was obviously upset, and then started to leave as well, curious, and slightly worried. However, just as she passed the classroom door again, she saw the wad of paper at the top of the trashcan. Without even a thought, she quickly took it, and in her next classroom flattened the sheet out on her desk. Reading it, her brow furrowed. [i]Oh no?this is because of me! What if someone gets hurt? I can?t let this happen?I can?t let this be my fault.[/i] She crumpled up the note again, anxiety clearly written on her face. [i]But what am I supposed to do? I?m going to have enough of a time getting away from the driver, let alone find these gardens on my own? What am I going to do?[/i] She bit her lip, thinking. Perhaps that girl who had been scolding the white-haired boy could help her? The bell rang again to signal the beginning of class, but the teacher had not arrived yet. Suddenly Ana?s heart stopped as a last student walked into the door of the classroom. [i]Janos? It can?t be![/i] Then she saw his features more clearly, and it was only then that she realized she had been holding her breath. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to clear her head, and then swallowed. ?Jonas! You?re here! Dude, we thought you weren?t coming,? some male students greeted the young man, and he walked over to them. Ana couldn?t stop making comparisons: [i]Janos and Jonas?they both look so much the same, and even their names are similar. I know it?s just a coincidence, but?[/i] She shook her head again, and then tried to concentrate her attention elsewhere as the teacher finally entered the classroom. Still, Ana couldn?t get rid of the uneasy feeling, and kept glancing over at him. [b]?Miss Nadasdy, if you would be so kind as to rejoin the lesson, instead of gawking at Jonas??[/b] the teacher suddenly called out. The students turned to stare, and giggling and whispering as well. Ana flushed, moisture gathering in her eyes, and she murmured an apology. [i]You deserved that one,[/i] she thought to herself. This first day definitely could not get any worse? [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [size=1]OOC: [b]1[/b] - Why is everyone trying to kill each other...? ahaha..ha.. ^__^;;; [b]2[/b] - Kain, they obviously weren't duking it out...definitely [b]not[/b] what was written.[/size]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]The door opened suddenly, without even a knock to warn her. Ana immediately stood back from the standing mirror, where she had been checking her appearance one last time. She had been up since 5:00 that morning, her nervousness waking her from an already restless sleep. The contents of her backpack had been checked over eight times, and she had ironed her white linen skirt and blouse twice over. Her hair she had tied back into a simple ponytail with a white ribbon. Now she watched as her door opened slowly, and then a perfectly polished black shoe appeared from behind it. Janos emerged into the doorway, tapping his shoe on the floor as he stepped into her room. She bit her lips unconsciously, as a soft smile came to his. He folded his arms, [b]?So?all ready for school, are we??[/b] Ana only nodded slowly, and she reminded herself to keep breathing. He shook his head, [b]?Really, you don?t have to be so nervous, Ana. After all, we?re family now. I still can?t seem to figure out how in the world you convinced Father to let you attend a public school??[/b] She waited a moment, watching him cautiously, [b]??Probably my likeness to my whore of a mother.?[/b] [b]?Well, you actually speak now,?[/b] he said, letting out a small chuckle; but Ana saw the small glint that appeared in his eyes, and wished immediately that she hadn?t said anything. Janos began to slowly circle the room, playing with the few trinkets that she had brought along. His movements reminded her of a shark on the scent of blood, except that he was following the trail of her fear; and the closer he came the more she wanted to scream. He stopped then, his hand tapping the surface of her reflection in the mirror, [b]?What can we do to make you feel more welcome? It must be difficult coming to live here, after meeting us only once at your mother?s funeral three years ago.?[/b] When he at her again, the glint had disappeared. Was he being sincere? She couldn?t the dark-haired young man at all, [b]??Yes, it is a little awkward.?[/b] Janos nodded as if he understood, [b]?Can I tell you a secret??[/b] Ana didn?t know what to say, but Janos didn?t wait for her answer. [b]?Julia and I didn?t even know you existed until that funeral. Father tried so hard to make it seem as if he was just looking after you as a favor to a dear friend of his?and Julia actually bought it for a while. But she?s a girl, softhearted ? men are different. You were no daughter of a friend. No?you were Father?s daughter, a child on the side.?[/b] She could only maintain her silence, nothing more. His next words pierced her heart: [b]?I saw your mother.?[/b] [b]??The ceremony was a closed-coffin,?[/b] Ana said; it was a mechanical response. Janos nodded, [b]?I know. I took a peek after everyone left ? after all, I had to see what kind of woman my father was keeping unbeknownst to my own mother.?[/b] He watched to see if she would respond, but she felt as if she were frozen inside. [i]He opened my mother?s coffin?[/i] She felt like she had turned to stone, so heavy was her anger. He went on, [b]?Your hair, your face, and especially your eyes?you look so much like her. Even though she was dead, your mother is still one of the most entrancing women I?ve ever seen. It?s no surprise to me that Father is so fond of you ? he?s still enamored by the memory of your mother.?[/b] Ana suddenly grabbed her bag off of the chair, [b]?I?m sorry, I need to go to school ? ?[/b] He grabbed her wrist, slamming her up against the mantle of the marble fireplace, his arm tightly against her thin neck, [b]?You can?t run away, Ana. Know that, Ana. Agreeing to come here was a mistake on your part ? you should have run when you had the chance. But you?re here now, so know that you will never be able to leave unless I choose to let you go. I?m not like Father ? your mother?s beauty has no effect on me.?[/b] Her eyes stared up at him, and she was unable to hide her fear any longer; her breath came out in shallow, tearing gasps, and her lips trembled. Janos let his eyes slide down, and then he looked up again when she whimpered. His smile was cold now, and he didn?t bother to hide his malice, [b]?Please, don?t flatter yourself ? I?d never bother to touch something like [i]you[/i].?[/b][/size][/color] [center][b]_________________________[/b][/center] [color=darkslateblue][SIZE=1]The car was heated when she entered. When she sat back, and the driver closed the door, she felt as if she had been encased in a warm cocoon. It was only there, with the dark wall between her and the driver, that Ana allowed herself a few small tears to silently escape. When they arrived at Dr. G. Pakely High School, Ana?s face was clean of any unwanted emotions, and she felt nervous excitement settle in her stomach. Forgetting her emotional exhaustion, she looked at the buildings surrounding her. [b]?Miss Ana, the car will be here to pick you up at the end of the day,?[/b] the driver said, as he handed her her backpack. [b]?Thank you,?[/b] she said quietly, before she passed through the school gates. Once more she double-checked the contents of her bag, assurance rushing through her whenever she touched the carefully rolled case that held her collection of quills. Then checking her copy of the school map, she walked to her first class, arriving first to the classroom. Choosing a seat by a window in the back corner, she checked her wristwatch. Still 35 minutes until school starts, she thought to herself. The classroom remained empty, although she could hear laughter echoing outside in the hall. Peeking out the door into the hallway, she found herself watching a girl with pink hair advance upon a much bigger student. Ana was surprised when the older student was easily beaten by the pink-haired girl, and got a little frightened so she closed the door again as quietly as she could. Sitting down at the desk again, she rested her head on her hands, looking out the window and watching other students begin to arrive. Ana closed her eyes for a moment, and before she knew it, the echoes of laughter lulled her into a light sleep. [/SIZE][/COLOR] [size=1]OOC: Wow, it's a lot longer than I anticipated, and most of it doesn't happen at school...^__^;; Sorry, I'll edit length next time I post.[/size]
Writing Book research: Can it help? [PG13 related material]
Cyriel replied to Aberinkula's topic in Creative Works
[size=1][color=teal]Reading more books will definitely change your writing. The more you read, the more you are familiarized not only with different writing styles, but also with grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and literary techniques. Seriously, reading is just like practicing and learning, except...it's enjoyable! ^__^ I'd also suggest keeping a little book/notebook that you can just use for writing. Anytime any idea comes into your head, or you liked a particular passage you read, you can jot it down, and then later it's like a chest full of little ideas for you to use or brainstorm from. You can mark your progress as well. Also make sure to read all different types of books, not just the ones that you like - it's important to get a wide range of knowledge. [/color][/size] -
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][b]Name[/b]: [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/Girl2_by_Athena_chan.jpg][b]Ana Sanglante Nadasdy[/b][/url] [b]Age/DOB[/b]: 17 / February 7, 1993 [Senior] [b]Persona[/b]: [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/161.jpg][b]Erzsebet[/b][/url] [b]Blood Weapon[/b]: [b]Sarvar[/b] [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/quillpens.jpg][b]1[/b][/url] [url=http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c135/Minneymin/quillpen.jpg][b]2[/b][/url] [b]Snippet[/b]: The sky was so different here. Cloudy, dark, gray?she couldn?t even feel any warmth when a few rays of sunlight managed to shine through her window. At home, the skies had been a soft blue, with wispy clouds gently cradling the golden beams of the sun. At dusk a whispering breeze would make the long grasses billow as the sky sighed in its sleepiness, and finally bid her goodnight. [b]?Miss Ana, we?ve arrived,?[/b] the driver said, and the car slowed to a stop by the curb of a busy street. She waited, looking up through the window at the glassy skyscrapers that towered up into the bleak sky. To her, it seemed as if all the buildings were huddled around each other, trying to keep together for safety or warmth, both of which were blatantly absent. Her driver opened the door, and she allowed him to help her step out of the car. It was only a gray, nondescript vehicle, another thing that had changed since coming back to Boston. At home the cars had all been sleek and polished, their family crest displayed on the plates and hood to tell the world exactly who was riding in those beautiful black automobiles. As she stepped out onto the gray sidewalk, she looked around herself, waiting as the driver collected her luggage from the trunk. There were so many people walking past, all in a hurried, shuffling manner. No one looked up to meet her eyes; everyone was centered on themselves or their destinations. It was as if every single person was leading their own separate existence, completely isolated and unaware of the things around them. Still, she tried to keep her face from showing her disappointment, focusing instead on the enormous skyscraper she was standing in front of. Large, gold letters decorated the front of the building, and the entrance had pillars of green marble. She was used to being bowed in, and here it was no different ? the door was opened for her, and she entered the grand lobby, her shoes clicking on the brightly polished floors. The bellhop followed her now with her luggage, and a lady in a black uniform curtsied to her, [b]?Miss Ana, your mother sent me to greet you. Your father is also currently in a meeting, but said that he welcomes you to your new home, and says that at dinner he will be able to greet you. If you would please allow me to lead you???[/b] Ana gave a small smile, [b]?Of course, thank you.?[/b] She followed the lady into the elevator that took them up to the 113th floor. The doors opened to a large, elegant, and luxurious penthouse apartment that occupied the entire floor. [b]?Miss Ana, this is your new residence. Your luggage will be seen to. If we can do anything further to assist ? ?[/b] [b]?I believe that will be all,?[/b] a voice cut in. Ana turned to find a slender young man situated on a grand, white curved staircase, his hand on the pale marble railing. Her smile immediately vanished, but his only seemed to grow wider. The lady bowed, [b]?Of course, Master Janos.?[/b] She left immediately along with the manservant, the elevator doors sliding close behind them. Ana continued to watch as the young man slowly continued his way down the stairs. [b][u]Janos Fekete Nadasdy[/u][/b], her father?s first child, and the cherished heir of the family. Even though there was only a two year age difference between them, every time she encountered Janos, Ana felt as if she was a mere child. His quiet confidence was more frightening to her than any gun or weapon, and now as he advanced on her, she felt her feet rooted to the spot. He smiled gently at her, a soft look that usually charmed whoever he was with, [b]?Ana, Ana, Ana?my, it?s been a long time, hasn?t it? At least five years I think, since the last time we met?and that was at your mother?s funeral, if I remember correctly. How have you been since then??[/b] Brushing his dark bangs away, he looked down at her with his clear gaze, one eye an emerald green, the other an Aegean blue. She could only barely manage to look away to fix her eyes on a random painting, but was unable to walk away from his chilling presence. Out of the corner of her eye Ana saw him smile again as he shook his head. He sighed, and his hand started to reach up, [b]?Oh, dear Ana, dear?[i]sister[/i], I begin to understand why our father has such a morbid fascination with you.?[/b] He leaned in closer, letting her feel his breath beside her ear intentionally as he stroked a lock of her fiery hair in his slender fingers. [b]?You really do look so much like that whore of a mother of yours??[/b] [b]?Jan! Jan, where are you??[/b] a younger voice called out, and somewhere inside the vast living area a door slammed, echoing off all of the stone. [b]?Jan, that idiot maid Elia just told me that ? ?[/b] another girl came around the corner, stopping as soon as she saw Ana. Ana swallowed in relief, but knew that her respite would be quite short. It was Janos?s sister, younger than Ana by only eleven days: [b][u]Julia Zichy Nadasdy[/u][/b]. Julia was, in one word, [i]breathtaking[/i]. Like her brother she had inherited a slender and regal height from their father, and shining dark hair fell in waves to her waist. Her eyes, usually a lucid shade of pale green, were now clouded with obvious emotion. Julia?s face was that of innocence, and her features were built with a perfect delicacy, giving her an ethereal loveliness. [b]?Julia, why don?t you greet your older sister??[/b] Janos said, stepping back. The expression on the girl?s face wavered, but then she ran forward, delivering a forceful slap that propelled Ana to the ground. Ana did nothing, only putting a hand on her throbbing cheek as she glanced up towards Julia. Julia?s eyes sparkled with anger; she was both beautiful and terrible in the breath, [b]?Why did you come here? [i]Why are you here[/i]??[/b] [b]?I?I came because Papa asked me to. Julia, please ? ?[/b] Ana tried quietly, her voice breaking. [b]?Don?t speak! Don?t speak to me, you disgusting? Get out. I want you to get out! Do you hear me? [i]Why aren?t you moving[/i]??[/b] she slapped Ana again, and then again as Ana remained silent and still on the floor. Behind Ana, Janos sighed, [b]?Julia darling, this is very distasteful of you. Please stop immediately.?[/b] Julia did as Janos asked, breathing with heavy emotion as she remained standing over Ana. [b]?Ana, stand up,?[/b] Janos said abruptly. Ana obeyed, standing shakily to her knees, keeping her face hidden. Janos walked to Julia, taking her into a gentle embrace as he stroked her hair. [b]?Come now Julia, you know that Father told Ana to come here. If it?s his desire for her to live with us, then we?ll respect him and obey his wishes. After all, even Mother has agreed to it.?[/b] Julia tried to break away, and a few light tears escaped to run down the perfect curve of her cheek, [b]?He?s not her father! [i]We[/i] are his children, not her! Not that?just not her. Why did Father bring her here? Why did Father???[/b] [b]?Why did I what??[/b] a voice interrupted, familiar in tone and depth. The three turned to face the man that had just come through the elevator doors. His husky voice matched his impressive stature, and he was dressed impeccably in a simple but expensive suit. [b]?Father,?[/b] Janos said, bowing in greeting. Julia also curtsied, [b]?Father.?[/b] The man nodded to both of them, before finally turning towards Ana. A powerful man, statuesque, with a cloud of dark hair, and deep green eyes; he was a man that she barely remembered, but could never forget: [b][u]Ferenc Lauretum Nadasdy[/u][/b]?her father. [b]?Papa,?[/b] Ana whispered, and then hesitantly curtsied. He stepped to her, calm and unhurried, and then carefully and gently tilted her face towards the light. She knew that he could see the swelling that had already started, but he said nothing to his other two children. Instead, he sighed, and then knelt enough to bring his gaze level with her own. Gently, he kissed Ana?s forehead, and then smiled at her, grasping her hands in his warm, large palms. [b]?Welcome home,?[/b] he whispered.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]This movie I absolutely adore. Ofelia is so adorable...^__^ Although I was just wondering, [spoiler]was Ofelia's brother born just for the purpose of testing her then? And why was the baby in the Underworld as well, when he didn't die?[/spoiler] I thought that the sets were gorgeous, especially the [spoiler]fig tree at the end[/spoiler]. Another question: [spoiler]did Ofelia's mother marry the Captain only because she was pregnant, or did she really love him?[/spoiler] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[size=1][color=teal]I don't know for sure if this is what you're looking for, but doesn't [b]Hot Topic[/b] have things similar to the gothic lolita style type of stuff? Probably not as crazy as some of the outfits can get in Japan, but from what I saw, they have kind of similar things going on in there...[/color][/size]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]Let me just say that [I]I am impressed[/I]. In the places where I've lived, the communities seemed to have very specific expectations for each gender, and that mind-set extended to which sports were made available to males and females. I've never actually been to a wrestling match, but all the schools I attended only had boys' wrestling teams. To know that you're not only a girl participating in this sport, but that you also stuck with it for the time you did, despite all the injuries you suffered, can only be applauded. [QUOTE]Some may not think that's much. But try telling that to my Mother.-.-"[/QUOTE] Haha, I can totally understand where you're coming from. Everytime I became involved in a sport, if I got hurt even once she would tell me stop, because she didn't want to see me getting hurt. The one and only time she came to one of my cross-country races, she started crying and told me to stop running [I]in the middle of the race[/I], because she couldn't bear to imagine how hard I was pushing myself (Of course I didn't stop running ^__^ and I still tease her about it). For me, my mother worrying about my 'injuries' isn't much - she's just worrying about my well-being. For you it might be different, because your injuries that you've accumulated seem to be much more serious. I know that in such physical sports those kinds of things are to be expected, but you should still consider the long-term effects. Also keep her feelings in mind; she may not openly support you in this particular sport, but that doesn't mean that she wants you to fail. She just doesn't want to see get hurt, both physically and mentally. [QUOTE]I quit because I would've been kicked off the team due to fighting cause of the harassment I was receiving from my so-called "teammates" and the coach was doing nothing about it. [/QUOTE] Are there particular reasons why you're getting picked on/harrassed? Why are your teammates isolating you? Taking the high road is admirable of course, and speaks about your character, but there are also times when you shouldn't keep quiet. If it's necessary, you really should get the necessary officials or school administration involved - it's not about being 'honorable,' it's about a right to having a suitable environment to practice and compete in in school. As for your coach, have you actually spoken with him/her about your specific problems? Don't assume that they will know everything that's going on, because oftentimes they won't. Humans are psychics. [QUOTE]People ask me why I give so much into somethign that really doesn't give me anything back. I tell them, if you aren't a wrestler you wouldn't understand.[/QUOTE] Have you thought that you might possibly be isolating yourself? Telling other people that they can't understand just because they're not in the same sport as you doesn't exactly open other people up to understand what you're dealing with. Perhaps people like your mother 'don't understand' because you could just be shutting yourself off, or because they really don't know what they're supposed to do to help you out and support you. Also, it's not weird to hate crying. Since you're a wrestler, I assume that you pride yourself in having the strength and determination to pull yourself through everything, and you say that you're the type that likes to prove everyone wrong as well. It's easy to understand that you'd hate crying in front of others - after all, it's showing your vulnerability to others, and making your weaknesses real. However, you shouldn't beat yourself up about it. Crying is an emotional outlet that is sometimes necessary - bottling everything up isn't healthy, and while you may feel like not crying makes you stronger, really all you're doing is storing up all the muck inside, instead of letting it go. [QUOTE]I'm starting Tae Kwon Do, but it doesn't give me the same thrill as wrestling. Maybe it will replace it, I don't know. I doubt it.[/QUOTE] I was going to suggest that you try another sport that could take the place of wrestling, but it seems you're already doing that. It's good that you're attempting this too, because in the process you might find something else that you like. However, I encourage you to go into it with an open mind; if you've already decided that you're not going to like it, you probably won't. As for wrestling, if you're really that committed to it, then don't let others stop you from doing what you have a passion for. If the environment is such that you really can't stand doing it in school, you might want to look for different places where you can compete, like leagues or clubs or something (I don't really know what's available to you).[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]I'm very impressed by your work so far - everything is so beautiful to look at, and so peaceful. So far your [I]Rain on Fern[/I] is probably my favorite, because they don't look like the same picture in different sizes. They have different images (or different parts of the image) in them, so they don't look identical. I love all the details that you're able to see in all of the pictures, and the water provides a refreshing quality to the natural feel of all your sets. Of course, on your first set you could do something to fix the border...as it's pretty thick and blunt - changing it to something similar to your other sets would probably suit it better. I haven't seen these kinds of sets on OB yet, so it's nice to see something fresh. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][quote name='2007DigitalBoy']me sternly replying, 'no one.' and her thinking she's smart and knowing better, and me wishing a comet would fall on me. The end.[/quote]Haha, how funnn... [quote name='Panda][cheese] Plus every single day is Valentine's Day for me! *bats eyes at husband* [/cheese'] Eegads, if I ever get that way someone better smack me on the side of the head.[/quote]Will do. ^__~;; I once tried to bat my eyes, and got a twitch in my eyelid instead. ^__^;; [quote name='Desbreko']I think we should follow Japanese tradition for Valentine's Day. As such, all you girls around here should give me chocolate come the 14th.[/quote]Heh, as long as you're going to send us all something in return on [I]White Day[/I]. One beautiful word for Valentine's Day: [B]chocolate[/B]. Not that you can't get chocolate on any other day of the year, but eating it on Valentine's Day makes it taste better ^__^, and you don't need an excuse to eat it.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=BookAntiqua][COLOR=DarkRed]"Humans are amphibians - half spirit and half animal."[/COLOR] [SIZE=1]~C.S. Lewis, [i]The Screwtape Letters[/i][/SIZE] [COLOR=Navy]"True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever the cost."[/COLOR] [SIZE=1]~Arthur Ashe[/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkRed]"You are a man of extreme passion, a hungry man not quite sure where his appetite lies, a deeply frustrated man striving to project his individuality against a backdrop of rigid conformity. You exist in a half-world suspended between two superstructures, one self-expression and the other self-destruction. You are strong, but there is a flaw in your strength, and unless you learn to control it the flaw will prove stronger than your strength and defeat you."[/COLOR] [SIZE=1] ~Truman Capote, [i]In Cold Blood[/i][/SIZE] [COLOR=Navy]"The trick [is] to live here without hating yourself because all around you [is] hatred. The trick [is] to refuse to allow your pain to prevent you from living honorably. ...To persevere [is] always a reflection of the state of one's inner life, one's philosophy, and one's perspective."[/COLOR] [SIZE=1]~David Guterson, [i]Snow Falling on Cedars[/i][/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=1]It's not only about the pressure of schooling, but as was mentioned before, the whole Japanese culture places a lot of expectations on the members of their society. Many of the hikikomori initially shut themselves away because they feel that they have failed at succeeding or fulfilling those expectations. Especially in Japan, where there is a strict norm of society that people are supposed to follow, divergence = failure. I can understand because it's similar to the culture of Korea, but Korea is a little bit more lenient, and they have adapted many Western influences as well. [quote name='DeadSeraphim']It's a cultural thing. If they admitted the kid had a problem and brought in a psychiatrist or something, it'd bring shame upon their family, and dishonour, and that's not a good thing in Japanese society. It may be the wrong approach to take from a Western perspective, but this isn't a Western country or a Western problem, and they deal with it the only way they can to save face.[/quote] I'd have to agree completely, because in Japanese culture this is how it is. By being found out to be a hikikomori, you can ruin your future chances of landing a job or being hired, and it can even affect the chances of your relatives as well. Businesses and those companies hiring in this extremely competitive market put prospective employees under a microscope, and if you have something shady or even a little bit off in your history or family, you won't be hired. After reading the Wikipedia article, I thought that it was a bit sparse, so here's another that I found about a year ago. It addresses the matters of culture and pressure in a different manner, so it might be easier to understand from a Western point of view: [URL=http://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/15/magazine/15japanese.html?ei=5088&en=7b1fdacbeb794332&ex=1294981200&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss&pagewanted=all][b]Shutting Themselves In[/b][/URL] It really is a serious problem, and I believe it still has some sort of stigma attached to it. However, it's becoming more publicized now, and people are trying to help. There are also humorous adaptations sprouting from the idea of the hikikomori, like several anime and manga.[QUOTE]Yeah... i heard that they contact other hermit children and exchange information. It's actually a conspiracy of a secret company, they leave after their 20s cuz that's when they're offically allowed into the group. [/QUOTE]But this sounds kind of absurd... It is obviously not some sort of 'conspiracy,' but a serious social and cultural problem that is developing. This sounds like you read the synopsis for [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welcome_to_the_NHK!][i][b]Welcome to the NHK![/b][/i][/URL][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkRed][size=1]I remember you ^__^ I was wondering where you had gone off to... [b]Energy V1[/b] - I like the font for 'Rising Sun,' although the placement of it I'm not so sure of. It just gets a bit difficult to see when it gets to the right edge, and kind of annoys me. I like the words in white (they're quite clever ^_^), although the font could be more interesting, but simplicity works there too. I'm really not a fan of the complete white in the corner, although I do understand the effect that you're trying to portray - still, I'm not sure if it had to be that drastic...kind of blinding (but it may just be my monitor). However, the colors are done nicely. [b]Energy V2[/b] - Not really a fan of this one, even though it's very similar to the first one. The colors just don't stand out to me on this one, and there's this thick column of...paleness? running down through the picture that doesn't match up - it just makes odd lines with everything else. The bottom right corner doesn't really appeal to me either, since...it wouldn't really make sense, with your sun right above it. [b]Woman - Evangeline Lilly[/b] - I've only seen one episode of Lost, so I can't really say much about the character. I really like the background of the right side of the piece (reminds of a bag I have), although I think you could have made the left side more interesting - not necessarily making it identical, but perhaps something that matches more (just so it doesn't seem so broken), like perhaps having the right side extend and fade, if you wanted that simpler space for the large words. I'm not quite sure what my opinion is on your sig yet...although the box seems just a little random to me. Also, the letters don't look the same yellowish color as the other block, so it sets it off a bit. But I do like how you arranged the letters. [b]Broken Boy Soldiers[/b] - A very interesting image. It reminds me of something out of [i]Black Hawk Down[/i], but that's just because I watched it again last night. Overall, it's a very good piece, and I like it very much. Everything being so muted, it's like you mixed modern war with an old acrylic painting - the effect is very...well, it makes me reminiscent, and I applaud your title. I think the only thing that is odd to me is the smaller soldier, because he looks like he's either floating, or as if he's some kind of small doll that the other soldier is holding. Very nice piece, though. Glad you're back. It's always a pleasure seeing your pieces.[/size][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][list][b]Preschool[/b]: [i]First Year[/i] - It's good to know English if you're going to school in an English-speaking country. [i]Second Year[/i] - Books are awesome.[/list] [list][b]Kindergarten[/b]: Being Queen of the Animal Cracker kingdom does not entitle you to interrupt Storytime.[/list] [list][b]1st/2nd Grade[/b] [i](attended in the same school year)[/i]: The shortest kids are the fastest, so hurrah for being the shortest. ^__^[/list] [list][b]3rd Grade[/b]: You're not actually supposed to [i]say[/i] swear words. Everyone just knows what they are.[/list] [list][b]4th Grade[/b]: Boys can actually be your friends - they're not [i]all[/i] uncivilized, cootie infested, card-carrying barbarians.[/list] [list][b]5th Grade[/b]: It's a very satisfying feeling to know that you're better than most of the boys on your male-dominated soccer team (and league, for that matter).[/list] [list][b]6th Grade[/b]: Imagination is the equivalent of magic.[/list] [list][b]7th Grade[/b]: Cutting your hair short is not going to kill you - in fact, it lightens your head immensely.[/list] [list][b]8th Grade[/b]: If you match-make all your friends, be prepared for vengeance; but don't ever lose hope, because life will get better.[/list] [list][b]9th Grade[/b]: When the neighborhood is like family, every night (even school nights) is a memory made.[/list] [list][b]10th Grade[/b]: Get going and stop sulking! Life moves you for a [i]reason[/i], so suck it up and deal.[/list] [list][b]11th Grade[/b]: Friends are the greatest gifts. After all, when you're still the shortest, the youngest, and license-less, friends are the only ones who will drive you around just for the heck of it.[/list] [list][b]12th Grade[/b]: Most diseases are unwelcome and quickly taken care of - senioritis is not one of them. Live it up! Because this is quite possibly one of the best years in the history of life.[/list] [list][b]College Freshman[/b]: A good roommate is a blessing; and those AP classes in high school were actually worth it.[/list][/SIZE][/COLOR]