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Everything posted by Cyriel

  1. [SIZE=1][color=purple][b]Name:[/b][/color] [color=darkslategray]Xia Dagmar Xalbadora [i]Birth name is unknown[/i][/color] [color=purple][b]Gender:[/b][/color] [color=darkslategray]Female[/color] [color=purple][b]Age:[/b][/color] [color=darkslategray]Approximately 876 years[/color] [color=purple][b]Race:[/b][/color] [color=darkslategray]Vampire[/color] [color=purple][b]Alliance:[/b][/color] [color=darkslategray]Alliance of Vampiric Clansmen[/color] [color=purple][b]Physical Description:[/b][/color] [color=darkslategray][url=http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l74/Minneymin_2006/dagmar1.jpg][b]Dagmar[/b][/url] She prefers soft, mellow colors, and more often than not will wear simple black. Her sense of style is impeccable, although never flashy. Instead, she prefers the quieter, classic beauty. Her one article of clothing that Dagmar never goes without are a pair of silk gloves which fit her hands perfectly, and she is never without them.[/color] [color=purple][b]Weapons:[/b][/color] [color=darkslategray][list][b]Acupuncture Needles[/b] ? Kept in a small ebony ostrich-leather pouch lined with black silk, each needle is so slender that they are barely visible to the eye, and basically impossible to see when in motion. There are about thirty needles total, with an assortment of sizes from as small as five millimeters to as large as a hand length. The smallest needles are double-tipped, while the largest are topped with polished obsidian beads. These needles, while small, delicate, and refined, can bring salvation or death for the victim, in accordance with the will and knowledge of the wielder. Oftentimes a person will not even notice that they have been pierced by these slivers of weapons, and just the briefest contact can be enough to bring fatality. These needles can be made even more deadly when tipped by the various poisons that Dagmar keeps.[/list] [list][b]Awls[/b] ? Carved and sharpened from black bone, each awl has been shaped and fire-hardened to fit Dagmar?s hand perfectly. These can be used in close combat as they are small and easily maneuverable in one?s hands, as well as fit for long distance targeting when thrown. Dagmar uses these much like throwing daggers, although the bone awls have no blades ? only diamond-hard points. They are kept threaded through a black leather cord.[/list] [list]Assorted herbs, poisons, smelling salts, organic chemicals, and various liquid draughts. An expert apothecary, botanist, and chemist, Dagmar always carries various assortments of drugs and supplements of her own making, results of decades of continuous experimentation and mastery. These she uses for her own purposes, whether to kill, to cause memory loss, to sedate, to heal? There is almost nothing that she cannot do with her collection. She carries different substances with her at different times, while the rest of her assortment are perfectly organized in a set of chests and cases.[/list][/color] [color=purple][b]Abilities:[/b][/color] [color=darkslategray][list][b]Shape-shifting[/b] ? Probably the most unique and special of her many abilities, the learned vampire has almost perfected the talent of taking on a form other than her own. She is able to physically change her anatomical appearance and features to duplicate that of another person or animal. However, there is a minimum of ten minutes for each transformation to take place; and the greater the alteration, the more energy is consumed ? the difficulty to prolong the form is also increased. [i]However[/i], there is one form that Dagmar can take instantaneously and almost indefinitely: that of a [b]bat[/b].[/list] [list][b]Flight[/b] ? In the form of a bat true flight is achievable. If in human form or another creature?s morph, it is more of a hovering or gliding. The speed of this is completely under Dagmar?s control, so that she can seemingly disappear/reappear, or move instantaneously. However, when in true flight in a bat morph, she is limited to the bat?s speed.[/list] [list][b]Hypnosis[/b] ? Dagmar is a connoisseur in matters of the psyche, both human and vampire. Her proficiency in hypnosis is that of a specialist. By simply speaking with a person, she is able to discern enough to enter undetected into a person?s mind. With vampires it is a little more difficult to penetrate unnoticed, but usually still quite easy to overpower if necessary. A human?s mind, on the other hand, she knows to be a very delicate construct, and is always very gentle in her treatment and exploration of it. With vampires she is able to use more force with, as they know how to control and manipulate their own consciousness. Dagmar disdains the term ?hypnosis? ? she prefers to say that she is merely ?making friends with the mind,? and using her powers of persuasion to coerce a being?s will to her own if need be. However, the majority of her sessions are only for the gathering of information. Continuous eye contact is unnecessary, although just one glance can be helpful.[/list][/color] [color=purple][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [color=darkslategray]Contradictory to her appearance, ability, and background, Dagmar is in fact one of the most polite and benevolent people/vampires one can ever meet. She considers it only correct behavior to be well-mannered, and to have a respectful approach towards other people and beings. Courtesy is something that she believes should never be forgotten or disregarded, even towards an enemy. Hundreds of lifetimes have given Dagmar a seemingly endless amount of patience, and it seems almost impossible to evoke real anger from her. There is very little that she fears because of her experiences and her immense power, and so she exudes a quiet but firm confidence that can be comforting. She has a surprisingly soothing presence, and can calm a person with a single touch or word. An expert in emotion, Dagmar knows exactly what kind of action will evoke a particular feeling or sensation. Despite her welcoming nature and preference to give others the benefit of the doubt, Dagmar rarely ? if ever ? forms close contacts or relationships. She prefers the solitary existence, although she is perfectly comfortable accepting help or partnership when necessary. She never professes anything more than a slight fondness for others, and does not allow further emotional elements to develop. She is clearly independent, although not prideful or arrogant. She is a seeker of knowledge and invention, and her curiosity is the one feeling that she entertains regularly. Sometimes her mischievousness shows itself as well, and she is extremely clever and wise. In all, she is a vampire that is content enjoying the simple and quiet pleasures in life. This, however, does not make her a stranger to taking life, and she is just as capable in that aspect as well.[/color] [color=purple][b]Biography:[/b][/color] [color=darkslategray]The majority of Xia Dagmar Xalbadora is a swirl of rumors and gossip. Her real (birth) name is unknown as a result of hundreds of lifetimes and name changes, as are her relations, year of birth, country of origin?etc. The only things known for sure are that she was born in the early 12th century, before or close to the formation of the Lowendove Brotherhood. It is also known that she was born somewhere in East Asia ? most believe that Dagmar was originally of Korean blood before her turning, although Dagmar herself has never confirmed her origins. How she was actually turned, and at what age, are all subjects of speculation. What [i]is[/i] known is that the vampiress currently known as Xia Dagmar Xalbadora is a legend amongst their kind. It is said that before the Brotherhood strengthened in power and number, that Dagmar was able to walk in daylight without harm. Throughout the centuries, Dagmar?s cleverness and power was the bane of the Lowendove Brotherhood. Her abilities allowed her to meld perfectly with the human race, and she is known to have masqueraded as various historical figures of importance, influencing the development of the human world. Always expanding the width and breadth of her knowledge and experience, she managed to always stay at least three steps ahead of the Brotherhood, thoroughly frustrating the order. It was only recently brought to light the extent of Dagmar?s influence in the world, as the combination of information and legend provided by the AVC, GSD, and Brotherhood have now revealed or confirmed some of the thousands of rumors and hypotheses. For example, it is now known that Dagmar lived many of her years in various royal families, taking the places of dead or diseased members, and taking authority into her own hands under human guise. The rumors and legends surrounding the possible survival of Anastasia Romanov are most likely to have been started by Dagmar?s abilities. It is also known that she spent quite a few decades studying the ancient medicines and herbal remedies of Asia, also mastering their quickness of body and mind. She is supposedly to have taken the place of a Korean queen who was assassinated ? it is said that she rescued the real queen, and took her place so that the Japanese minister responsible for ordering the execution would believe the queen to be dead. However, returning to her earlier life, the formation of the Alliance of Vampiric Clansmen confirmed Dagmar?s existence as more than just mere rumor. Despite Dagmar being a member of the AVC, she kept herself only loosely affiliated, rarely showing her face or form. Her preference to keep her distance only increased her legend amongst the vampire clans, which alerted the Brotherhood to her power. Although they attempted to hunt her, no mission was ever successful, and few ever even came near enough to be initiated in the same country as she. Eventually, Dagmar stopped taking such large human roles, although the Brotherhood never stopped trying to get rid of her. As a result, many members of the Brotherhood nurse a grudge against her. She, however, does not acknowledge this, or even the fact that many wish to take her undead life. Before 1900 she would make the rare appearance to the AVC, to show her support of their policies and goals. The GSD attempted to contact her through the AVC to ask her to join their ranks as well, but Dagmar declined their offer gracefully. Beginning from the 1910?s, she began to show herself more often, and worked more with other vampires in furthering the course of action of the AVC. Dagmar has come into contact with almost all of the vampires of the AVC in some way, shape, or form; and she is also aware and knowledgeable of most of them as well. Far older and far more learned than most, she kept it a priority to be familiar with the information and pasts of most vampires. Thus, she knows of many, even if they have never met or spoken to her. All members or ex-members of the Alliance she knows by name and face, including the members of the newly formed Blood Brood, and she knows most of the political movements between the groups, even if she does not get involved. With current members, chances are that she has had some contact with them. At the appearance of the Blood Brood in 2010, Dagmar has returned to London to cement herself to the tri-alliance and goal of eliminating the current three members of the Brood. While normally she would allow the AVC, GSD, and Brotherhood to handle things on their own, she feels that perhaps the threat the Blood Brood imposes is potentially large enough to warrant her involvement. She also feels that it is a good opportunity to smooth and bolster relationships with the Brotherhood.[/color][/SIZE]
  2. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]"Since he lied to us, we're going to help ourselves out a little bit and fuck him over." Inside she winced. Sunny had never been big on crude language, being raised to be a perfectly proper Christian girl; but living as a mercenary (which wasn?t exactly the embodiment of Christian goodness) had forced her to internalize her discomfort with such wording. But already she was beginning to feel uncomfortable at the turn of events? From the two years that she had survived so far in their world, she was aware that mercenaries played by their own rules. Employers, if they chose not to divulge certain pieces of information, did so at their own risk; because if there were two things mercenaries were good at, it was [b]getting paid[/b], and [b]getting even[/b]. Still, Sunny had yet to go back on her word to any of her employers, and she had intended to extend the same courtesy to Latigo, despite his despicable character. What she hadn?t expected was that everyone else would agree to the new objective so willingly?but then again, they had all been in the business longer than she had. As the other members of the team accepted the proposed modification to their mission, Sunny found herself feeling very out of place, small and isolated. To her, the other individuals seemed quite sure of themselves, and with the job they had come to do. Finally, she was the last to agree ? she didn?t really feel like she had a choice ? her mouth drawn into a thin line as she gave a barely visible nod. [i]Who knows ? maybe the labs will have something useful[/i], she thought to herself, but she knew she was only trying to convince herself that this was justifiable. After Cutler?s remarks, and Corey?s assurance that they could ?buy their lives back,? the silence stretched a little longer. Sunny was reluctant to speak, but felt that the team shouldn?t move on before the issue had been addressed. She found herself hesitantly raising her hand, ?Umm?sir?? ?Don?t call me that,? was the automatic response. Coreys eyed her half-raised hand curiously, and she quickly put it down at her side again, feeling very foolish. ?Yes, Doc?? he prompted now. ?Sorry Commander,? she fingered the cross hanging from her ear again, feeling nervous and irritated at the same time. She [i]hated[/i] being called ?Doc,? but it was the easiest thing for others to remember, she supposed. ?I was just wondering? Well, you [i]did[/i] mention that Latigo really isn?t the kind of man to make simple mistakes. Wouldn?t it be appropriate to assume that he?s already considered the possibility that the government might have approached us with an offer? I?m just concerned about how exactly we?re going to get evidence out of the compound without Latigo catching on, especially with the chance that he already suspects us.? Someone nodded, and she found herself looking at Michael Sumerkalis, who only met her eyes briefly before saying, ?No doubt, the guy?s probably already gotten some sort of insurance policy out on us, just in case we don?t work out the way he wants.? The response was not quite the ?don?t-worry-we?ve-got-an-expert-plan? type of deal that Sunny was looking for. She swallowed again. ??You mean?other mercs?? Michael shrugged, ?I?m just saying that the possibility exists, like you said.? Roos nodded, ?It?s a valid concern that we?re going to have to address. But at the moment, as we haven?t seen anything, shot anything, or found anything, much less any evidence to either destroy or sell to the government, I?d have to say that this is something we can effectively deal with later. We have to take this mission piece by piece ? otherwise we?ll burn out trying to keep all this shit straight and together. Does anyone have anything they?d like to add?? [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][b]Absence[/b] was the first word that entered her mind. Upon entrance of the compound, she wasn?t taken by surprise at her surroundings. She had seen enough of emptiness and solitude to feel comfortable in such a barren environment. She only wished that she didn?t feel as at ease here as she did, as if she could actually belong. Or perhaps ?belong? was the wrong word?perhaps ?owned? would be more fitting. The only things that seemed out of place were themselves, this team of eight living beings that had presumed to enter with the confidence that they would be allowed to leave just as easily. Her visor had even more readings showing than the other members of the team ? vital signs of each person focused on were constantly changing in a bewildering array of numbers and meters, but Sunny?s eyes ran them over with methodical ease and familiarity. At the same time she took in the vast expanse of ground that lay inside the compound, as well as the buildings that they were nearing, all completely devoid of seemingly even the memory of any past inhabitance. It reminded her of watching [i]Batman[/i] on Saturday mornings with her younger brothers, waiting for the Dark Knight to save Gotham City yet again from the evil plots of assorted villains. Yet even Batman had a past, and his initial motive had been?revenge, hadn?t it? [i]I can?t believe that I?m comparing us all to Batman?flawed, shadowed, pained heroes, if we really are here to save the world[/i], she thought, listening to the pop of Phil Alexander?s gum as he spoke. She listened silently to the short flow of words passing between members of the team, trying to assign voices to names and faces. They were all strangers to her, although that wasn?t much of a change. It had been a while, though, since she had worked as part of a unit, and already she felt herself caught between her conflicting emotions. Mercenaries, despite usually being solo artists, also shared a certain kind of camaraderie that Sunny couldn?t help but crave ? humans were social creatures, after all. On the other hand, she knew from her years of experience that should one of them be injured, she would have to be able to detach herself in order to work efficiently. It had always been a balancing act: to have enough compassion to want to heal, and yet to keep that feeling as minimal as possible to maximize her patients? survival rate?and to minimize her own pain. Sunny took that moment to turn her attention to her surroundings again. Thinking too much never led to anything useful; it was much easier to take action instead, to let practice, reflex, and instinct take control. So she looked around again as she kept a steady pace, hands feeling the secure weight of her weapon, and being aware of the movements of the others. Wisps and tendrils of the black fog curled around her helmet and visor. For a moment she held her breath, but then breathed, and found that it had no detectable substance at all. But she knew what it was, although it had taken her long enough to recognize it. These familiar black vapors had embraced her once before, on a night when she thought that death had finally come to claim her. She had even welcomed it, the black fog that had hugged her into itself when she had finally fallen away from consciousness and life, from the pounding hands and feet and knives? And then it had receded, and she had found herself still breathing. But there was no doubt that death had staked its claim on her; and walking now, through the similar black vapors, Sunny came to the steady realization that she was marked. Unconsciously, she brushed the small silver cross hanging from her left ear. The short exchange between Hawkins and Sumerkalis brought Sunny back from her thoughts, and she adjusted her visor, noting her distance from the diner. [i]No more now ? pay attention[/i], she told herself. [i]But if I?m marked?[/i] Assuming that the people who had been here were dead, shouldn?t there be some sort of sign?or blood? But she hadn?t seen signs of struggle yet, and no telling trail of crimson. There had been no sign of anything, really, except for the fog, and the completely hollow feeling of the place. Where had everyone gone? What kind of thing had the ability to bring about this kind of situation? "[b]Riddle me this, Batman?[/b]" she whispered to herself.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [size=1][color=teal]Gokusen is such a good series! They are really quite adorable, (not to mention the classroom full of male Japanese high school students...^_^;;), and Nakama Yukie is such a perfect Yankumi! I love all of the music as well. Hana Yori Dango is one of my favorites! The storyline is so sweet, and so funny, and the romantic scenes just make you want to steal Domyoji Tsukasa away... I believe that Hana Yori Dango is the real life version of the manga 'Boys Over Flowers' as well, but I've only read the first couple of volumes. Two other really good ones I would recommend are [B]Nobuta wa Produce[/B] and [B]Densha Otoko[/B]. Nobuta wa Produce has the same actor (and KAT-TUN member) [i]Kamenashi Kazuya[/i], who also played a main role in Gokusen II, so if you enjoy him, then I'd recommend this. It also features another great soundtrack, with a beautiful theme song entitled [i]Seishun Amigo[/i], a single performed by Kamenashi Kazuya and Yamashita Tomohisa, the two main actors. This dorama is very humorous and cute, while still maintaining really good themes about true friendship, support, and finding one's identity. It's a very coming-of-age sort of story. [b]Densha Otoko[/b] (roughly translated to [i]'Train Man[/i],' I believe) is another love story. Supposedly it's based off of a true story (practically a legend amongst otakus) of an otaku who fell in love with this woman, [spoiler]and who throughout the relationship asked for advice and things through a...sort of forum/chat. It's a very sweet story, and quite funny to watch all of the advice being given from people all over Japan. It also draws you in, because since you're watching, it almost seems like you're also one of those anonymous people giving advice or supporting the main character in his quest for love.[/spoiler] Very well done, and something I would definitely recommend everyone to watch. The main character is also quite funny - I've never seen a bigger nerd in my life; [spoiler]but it's also nice seeing love work out for the nerd for a change.[/spoiler] If you're interested in Korean dramas, then [b]Goong[/b] (Palace Hours/Princess Hours) is your basic, angsty Cinderella-type tale. Very cute, with enough drama and royal teenage angst to fill ten lifetimes...and still too addicting to stop watching. The series is based off of a manhwa, and I actually prefer it to the drama, but it's still fun to watch. I'm currently trying to get my hands on [b]Full House[/b] and [b]Ijuksa[/b] (A Love to Kill), both dramas that star [i]Bi[/i] (Rain), one of my favorite K-pop singers... I'm such a sucker for these Asian-pop boys..^_^;; Full House is a couple years old I think, and is really similar to Goong ([spoiler]two people get into a marriage they don't want...yada yada yada...LOVE![/spoiler]); and then Ijuksa broadcasted at the end of last year. It's one of those very depressing love stories where almost nothing turns out right, but I'm still hoping to watch it soon.[/color][/size]
  5. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]I was actually quite surprised on what was on the lists. For instance, alot from AJeh's list caught my eye, because I don't think I have ever met a member of the male gender that actually appreciates these things. Is it for real? [quote name='AJeh][list']Sometimes gets a little lost in her thoughts. I get so curious about what's goin on in a girl's mind when they suddenly have that daydream look on their face, lol. Having said that.I like it when girls tell you what they're thinking. Going off on a big tangent makes them so loveable lol.[/list][/quote] It's interesting, but I never thought that men even noticed this. Do they really? This is so unbelievable to me - where are all of these guys? I've always been given the impression that it's a little bit annoying when girls go off on wild tangents...it might be cute for a while, but all the time? [quote name='AJeh][list]Isn't spoilt, but likes to be spoiled. I like to randomly give things, yay! =)[/list][/QUOTE]You must be joking. Guys actually [i]like[/i] to give things to girls? Isn't this kind of a bother? Most guys I know are extremely thrifty...including with their girlfriends.[QUOTE=AJeh][list]They have to be curious. I think when girls ask questions it makes them seem a little naive or something. Definitely adds to that cuteness factor.[/list][list']A couple tiny insecurities help. I dont need someone who doesnt need me, you know?[/list][/quote] I find this most intriguing. Most of the guys I know find the naivette a bit amusing, but cute? I guess it's because I'm very much like this, but most people find it cute in a child-like way, not an attractive way. My friends commonly tease me about being akin to that of a 12-year old (I'm 18, finally), and I'm the equivalent of everyone's little sister. Please do explain this one. As for insecurities...most of my friends find them to be irritating, to say the least. [quote name='AJeh][list]Is a bit (at least) of a child at heart. If you don't have a little bit of a Peter Pan complex then there's no magic in your eyes. Boy do I like my wonderment.[/list][list']She has to have a bit of a sweet-tooth lol. I refuse to like anybody that hates chocolate or sweets. So there.[/list][/quote]These are so endearing! How sweet ^_^ I guess I'm actually surprised that most of the lists here written by the guys, are things that many girls would appreciate. But...how is it that we never meet these people? [quote name='Acheron']We all talk about the perfect person (I posted also.) and all, but do you guys know that you can't control love? Love works it out 'all by itself'.[/quote] I don't agree that love is uncontrollable. Perhaps love does work out all by itself, but it's definitely not uncontrollable. I think it's naive, and a little bit foolish to believe that love is just something that a person can't control at all. The whole '[i]falling[/i] in love' thing is such rubbish. I think that many people confuse love with attraction. [b]Attraction[/b] everyone feels - it's the hormones, the adrenaline, and all that exciting stuff. [b] Love[/b], on the other hand, is simply a [b]choice[/b]. To love someone is not just a twist of fate, or a lucky find - people must [i]choose[/i] to love each other, [i]choose[/i] to stay together through hard times, and [i]choose[/i] to stay committed to each other. Perhaps attraction wakes the possibility for love, but happy endings are not found - they are made. [quote name='Avenged666fold']-must be a virgin[/quote] Just wondering, but in general how important is a girl's virginity to a guy? As for me...no list yet. It's under development.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] "Sunny" Park [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Specialty:[/B] Medic [B]History:[/B] I always wanted to enter the medical field. As soon as I entered school, that was my one and only calling. I accelerated all of my schooling, graduating in one and a half years, and then entered medical school. Medical school was...a dream, the happiest time of my life. It was a joy to learn about the wonders of the body, the unique mechanisms in every movement, the content of every breath. At that time I also entered the military because of their scholarship program. Though I was almost a doctor, it was in training that I realized that I could use a gun as well as I could use a scalpel. It was something of a relief to me - my skill in combat training reassured me that I could protect myself from unwanted advances, my only fear. And there was another gift...of being able to protect others. To protect and to save what I could was my hope and my dream. I married my man in uniform when I was 24, and for one year it was perfect; nothing could touch us - we had a beautiful house, a comfortable living, a wonderful life. And he helped me to protect, to save. He went on missions and came back with the wounded, as well as the tools I needed to save them. He was my magician, making things appear when I needed them, somehow pulling strings so that I could get a heart for a transplant, a special laser for a delicate surgery. And then...there was an accident. He almost died, but God must have been with him, because he was able to recuperate; I was so relieved. But then...it happened again, and then again. Three accidents in a span of half a year, all when he was off-duty. It took me so long to realize that something wasn't right, that perhaps...all of the things we had acquired were tainted by something, but I didn't know what. Until one night, he didn't come home. Somehow, I knew that he wouldn't ever come back, and I was right - he was found in a meadow, his features destroyed by nine bullets. And then that night, they came for me as well, shadowed men that I'd never seen before, saying that there was a price to pay for underhanded dealing in the black market. They left me for dead that night, and it would've been better if I had been. But as it was, I was still alive, although no one else knew it. I disappeared, into the only world that I could: that of the mercenaries. It's been a year now, and I've uncovered the secrets my husband left behind - rings of black market organ dealing mostly, and debts he could never pay off in a lifetime. But he did it all for me, so that I could go on with my work, and heal my patients. I had never even thought that perhaps he needed saving as well. Then this job came. I don't take many jobs - I'm not really the one who enjoys the hunting, the preying, the shooting, the killing. I know how to survive in those situations, and protect others if I have to. Efficient is the word. But word gets around in these circles, and the rumors are true - there's no better doc in this line of work, and I've never been one to walk away from a battlefield. It's the only place I can save anyone now. [/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1]This probably isn't as brief as it was supposed to be...^_^;;[/SIZE]
  7. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]Hmm...well, I actually [I]like[/I] my siblings ^_^;; I have [B]two younger brothers, ages 16 and 13[/B], and they are both so adorable and cute. I guess I'm blessed to have younger siblings that I love to hang out with and have fun together with. Yep, my two little bro's are probably two of my closest friends, although I'm sure that I annoy them sometimes ^_^. As for computer things, I am absolutely hopeless with anything connected to a computer, and so if I have problems I [I]always[/I] get help from my brothers...because they actually know what they're doing; so it's always them checking on me to make sure that I'm actually taking care of my laptop. Of course when we were younger, like...kindergarten, we didn't all get along so well, but we only had a few bad fights. None of us ever liked arguing though, so we grew out of it by the time I reached elementary school. We grew up all playing together with all the neighbor kids, so maybe that's why we have such a close relationship to each other. Now I play the part of the older sister who acts like a little kids with them, squealing/hugging/embarrassing them to no end. I love it. :catgirl: If there is ever dissension amongst the ranks, the worst it ever comes to is a heated debate, and then going to the internet to see who's right; but most of the time we're all able to come to an agreement. Either that, or I pull rank. Mwa ha ha, I love being the oldest. [quote name='Momiji Love']Being the oldest= hardest job ever. [/quote] It is also one of the best jobs ever.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [quote name='Retribution][SIZE=1][spoiler]I'm seriously glad Brazil lost. They were terrible and acting like children trying to draw a foul within the box. I'm also glad that Italy beat Germany at home. That shot of the little girl crying over the German loss is priceless. Absolute gold.[/spoiler'][/SIZE][/quote][SIZE=1][COLOR=Teal]I can only agree...except for the little girl! How sad! And although I'm not ecstatic about [spoiler]Italy's win (I liked Germany), I can't help but be impressed at the performance of both teams...and I can't complain about Italy either, because they earned their victory fair and square.[/spoiler] Not to mention, their uniforms are beautiful. ^_^ As for the finals, I'd have to say that I'm siding with the French, because Zidane is such a sweetheart with the ball! It's amazing to watch him...so gentle and careful, and so skilled and brilliant! It's just lovely watching him play, [spoiler]and his penalty goal today was [I]perfect[/I][/spoiler]. So hopefully the French...[spoiler]even though they were completely dominated in the second half by Portugal today...but they beat Brazil,[/spoiler] so I know they can do it! Also, this is kind of odd coming from an 18-year old, but does anyone else findv Germany's coach (Juergen Klinsmann) attractive? He's so...cute ^_^, and he looked so adorable jumping up and down when they scored against...I can't remember ^_^;;. Anyhow, I'm already excited for South Africa in 2010! Hopefully Korea will do better next time. Go Korea! [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. Cyriel

    Sengoku [M-VLS]

    [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]Long robes flowing behind her, Toku-hime walked the long corridors, doors sliding open automatically upon her approach. Anyone watching would have been captivated by the sight: sunlight filtered in through the swirled glass windows, lighting up the dust motes that swirled around the delicate figure. But?anyone watching would not have known the anger that roiled beneath the composed exterior of the young woman. The day had begun like any other, but her peaceful afternoon had quickly been shattered by the entrance of her husband, Tokugawa Nobuyasu. She had been, to say the least, unpleasantly surprised by the awkward confrontation. [RIGHT][I]When did Nobuyasu begin to feel such?aggression towards me?[/I][/RIGHT] The memory of the expression on his face still irked her, and she shook her head to clear the image from her mind. The walking continued, as she tried to cool her mood. It was true that Toku-hime and Tokugawa?s son had never really had a close or romantic relationship - they had been more playmates than husband and wife, being raised together. As they had matured they had also grown apart, although for the most part had remained on civil, if not awkward, terms. This afternoon, her neglected husband had finally brought the conflict to the surface. But instead of feeling compassion as she usually did towards her husband and childhood friend, this time she felt only?irritation. [RIGHT][I]?If he has such envy towards me, then why didn?t he do anything? I surpassed him in everything, but he didn?t even try to keep his place by his father?s side! And now he feels that he has some sort of right? As if I would give in so easily to him, just because I am his ?wife.? When did he become such a petty little boy?[/I][/RIGHT] She kept walking, passing by a cluster of the glass towers that overlooked the gray city below. ?[COLOR=Black]Toku-hime,[/COLOR]? a voice called. She turned, instantly recognizing her adoptive father?s profile by the wall of the tower. Her face was already schooled to that of a perfect retainer, and she bowed, noting Hattori Hanzo was there as well. ?[COLOR=DarkRed]Father, enjoying the view?[/COLOR]? she asked pleasantly. The Half-Blood King only shook his head, ?[COLOR=Black]You can?t fool me, Toku. Tell me, what are you feeling?[/COLOR]? Toku allowed herself one crack, ?[COLOR=DarkRed]Only marital bliss, my lord.[/COLOR]? Her tone, however, was too sarcastic, and Tokugawa frowned. He knew of the trouble between the two, and in part knew that it was his fault. ?[COLOR=Black]You will [I]respect[/I] your husband, Toku-hime,[/COLOR]? he now said, looking back down upon the city. ?[COLOR=DarkRed]Father - ,[/COLOR]? she attempted, but the king held up his weathered hand, covered with scars. She bowed her head again. His back was now towards her, ?[COLOR=Black]Your manner displeases me ? I am not in a giving mood today, so forgive me, daughter.[/COLOR]? He gestured to the city below his feet, ?[COLOR=Black]Go and find Tadakatsu. Both of you need to calm your minds, and at least I will know you are safe if you are with your teacher. Go now.[/COLOR]? Toku-hime could only bow and leave. She caught Hanzo?s eye as she left the tower, and he mouthed ?bar.? She gave a small smile of gratitude, disheartened as she was by her own behavior. It wasn?t long before she found her father?s general, sitting in an elegant club with drink in hand, people gathered around but keeping their distance from the infamous right hand of the Half-Blood King. Toku only let a small smile escape; she herself was dressed inconspicuously in dark gray, a black shawl covering her head. Silently, she took a seat beside her former teacher and instructor, which only caused more murmuring in the crowd. Tadakatsu did nothing, and she could tell that he hadn?t yet recognized her, or even seen her for that matter. Signaling the bartender, she gracefully poured Tadakatsu another cup of sake. He downed it quickly, and then looked over. ?[COLOR=Sienna]I should have known it was you,[/COLOR]? he said, shaking his head. The princess shrugged, smiling, ?[COLOR=DarkRed]Yes, you should have, but I realize that you were probably hoping it was someone else.[/COLOR]? ?[COLOR=Sienna]And that would be?[/COLOR]? Taking an eggroll from his plate, she nibbled on it before replacing it in her dainty manner, ?[COLOR=DarkRed]Probably someone that you could take out your frustrations on, if I?m correct.[/COLOR]? Looking sideways at him, she knew she was right; but she felt exactly the same way. Tokugawa knew what he was doing: Tadakatsu would never let harm come to Toku-hime, and she in turn wouldn?t let him make a ruckus. As they sat, activity returned to the club, although people still murmured. Tadakatsu observed his former student, her slender fingers holding the sake cup charmingly. When he had thought that another man had sat next to him, it had almost been true ? the majority of opinion held that Toku-hime should have been Tokugawa?s son, as she surpassed that fop of a prince in every area possible. How ironic that a full-blood princess, and Nobunaga?s daughter nonetheless, had become the favorite child of Tokugawa. Toku-hime took a small sip of the sake, letting the warm sweetness flow into her body. She was still aware of people murmuring in hushed whispers, and knew it wouldn?t be long before people realized her identity as well. [I]Perhaps I should?ve worn a better disguise?[/I] It didn?t matter ? they wouldn?t be here for too much longer, since neither Hanzo nor Tadakatsu ever let her drink much outside the palace. Then, a group of men passed by, and the murmurs turned her insides to acid: ?[B]?Nobunaga?s daughter?[/B]? ?[B]Isn?t she full-blood? Why does Tokugawa let her live?[/B]? ?[B]?just a little b****, a palace whore.[/B]? Outside, she let none of her actions betray that she had heard every word. Holding the cup of sake, she wished that she was holding Kiraichi instead, smiling gently as she thought of slowly gutting the crowd like a net of fish. Tadakatsu could never read the princess ? she was too skilled in masking her emotions ? but at times that gave her away as well. He couldn?t tell at first if she had heard, but when he saw her act so perfectly serene, he was glad that she was without a weapon. Standing, the legendary spearman turned to face the group of men, who stopped in their tracks. Toku-hime still sat, ?[COLOR=DarkRed]Tadakatsu-sama, I don?t believe I should allow you to make a scene?at least, not without me.[/COLOR]? ?[COLOR=Sienna]No, you stay seated; no fun for you tonight. Princesses should not dirty their hands with such crude play as this,[/COLOR]? he said smiling. She sighed, ?[COLOR=DarkRed]?this is so unfair.[/COLOR]? But it didn't stop her from anticipating the show that was about to start.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Unexpected, this sight first unseen. What was innocent turns maniacal, and the reality fades into the unknown. Was it the wolf that stalked the little red hood? Did the boy and girl leave a trail of bread...or was it blood? Leave reason behind, and allow the truth to surface.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][URL=http://artpad.art.com/?j1njhoamdcs][U]This[/U][/URL] takes a while.. [/SIZE]
  11. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name:[/B] Zakuro (Pomegranate) [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] 1-Zakuro and Sorano; 2-young Zakuro and Kumo [B]Alliance:[/B] Sand [B]Weapons:[/B] Zakuro's main weapon is a slender but deadly [B]scythe[/B], its blade a rare, fused mixture of metal and bone. She carries a series of small, [B]draw-string pouches[/B] that contain various powdered substances, most of which affect bodily functions (blood flow, hormones, etc), and can be used in battle or for medical aid. A series of [B]bone shurikens[/B] are strung on one of the silk cords around her waist. These shuriken are less deadly but more painful and damaging, as the bones splinter on impact, acting as shrapnel to the body. [B]Personality:[/B] Somewhat haughty and uptight, Zakuro is one who does not take things lightly, and has close to no sense of humor. It is rare for a smile to cross her face; usually her expression is blank of any emotion, unless of distaste. On the inside, Zakuro is constantly mapping and noting the actions and emotions of others, tucking them away in a vast library of memories, until there comes a time when she can use the pieces of information to accomplish her mission. Up until now life really has given her no real enjoyment. Zakuro has a tendency to lean towards cruelty or apathy in her treatment of other individuals. Unless they have had a significant impact upon her, she sees no reason to waste energy in efforts to be kind or soft. Up until now, the only people that she has any respect or fondness for are her adoptive sand siblings: Gaara, Temari, and Kankurou. She is fiercely loyal to these three, with utmost dedication especially to Gaara, and will protect them at any cost. Feelings of guilt, shame, or remorse are often missing from her spectrum of emotions. Her temper is still somewhat difficult to rein in ? she is easily annoyed by stupidity or lack of ability, and finds no reason to mask her disdain of others. She assumes that most people are hopelessly below her level of intelligence and skill, and usually chooses to dissociate herself, unless they are proven equals. In fact, there are usually only two ways to gain her attention: 1) anger her; or 2) surpass her. There is in fact a third way that she is not entirely aware of, and that is to save or help her when she is in desperate need ? Zakuro is a complete stranger to the feeling of being indebted or beholden to someone, and it will most likely drive her insane until she has repaid the debt, somewhat like a love/hate relationship, in which she hates the feeling, but at the same time knows she can?t help but be thankful. While Zakuro herself is apathetic towards the fate of Konohagakure, because her three sand siblings are so concerned with the well-being of their ally, she will unquestioningly sacrifice her life for the sake of Hidden Leaf. She is also curious about finally meeting Konoha-nin, in particular Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, both of whom she has heard about from her three older siblings. She also hopes to test her strength against the famous Hyuugas.[/COLOR] [B]Biography/Character Snippet:[/B] [I][CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]* My first memory begins with a scent, a simple perfume. All I remember is a sweet darkness, shadows filled with an aromatic scent?something so familiar, and yet something that will always remain a mystery to me. My past is just that, something shrouded in the obscurity of an infant too young to remember. Still, I am able to cling to the one thing that I was born of, and that is all I need for proof of my existence. *[/COLOR][/CENTER][/I] "[COLOR=Indigo]Zakuro-chan, what are you thinking of?[/COLOR]" Temari had unfolded another fan, readying it to be decorated by her skilled hand. "[COLOR=DarkRed]?Onee-san, do you remember when you were leaving for the Chuunin exam? It was night, and I didn?t want to go to sleep, because I knew you wouldn?t be there in the morning.[/COLOR]" The older girl nodded her blond head, smiling a little," [COLOR=Indigo]Yes, you kept begging me to tell you another story, to try to get me to stay with you. We got off to such a late start; Gaara and Kankurou were so upset![/COLOR]" "[COLOR=DarkRed]But it worked ? you did stay for a little longer, because you told me another story?[/COLOR]" the voice trailed off, asking silently for an encore of that childhood night. Temari sighed now, and looked up at the younger girl that sat and watched her. "[COLOR=Indigo]Zakuro-chan, there?s nothing to be worried about. You?re no stranger to combat, and neither are the other shinobi that are going.[/COLOR]" The girl nodded, but stayed silent. "[COLOR=Indigo]Oh, alright, I?ll tell you a story?[/COLOR]" [I][CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]* And that was my second memory, the one where the scent was explained to me, that night so long ago, before my older sister Temari, and my older brothers Gaara and Kankurou, all left for the Chuunin exam. In her low, vibrant voice, she told me of a basket filled with ruby-red fruit, smelling of wine and citrus and a sticky sweetness, and one that when they broke the splitting skin, they found crimson jewels falling to their feet, and juice the color of blood: "[COLOR=Indigo]?And just when we were about to eat the last one, poof! Kankurou cracked it open, and there you were, inside of the fruit! You were hidden in that basket, in the guise of one of the pomegranates?[/COLOR]" I fell asleep to that story, comforted, and the next morning I awoke to find my three siblings absent, gone to take the Chuunin exam. My life began in a basket, beside crimson globes that were grown far from the desert. Somehow that basket found its way into the middle of the vast sands, where the contents were all eaten?all except for one. I remember none of this. Only that distinct scent stays with me, a familiar stranger, and one that I will never meet, because the ruby fruit does not grow in these golden sands. I have just one other memory to myself, the last of the three that tell of my existence. Temari and Kankurou I remember somewhat in my childhood, but Gaara? Well, very few knew Gaara back then. And I always wondered why and how everyone could feel such fear towards so small a boy? *[/COLOR][/CENTER][/I] [RIGHT]The cries and screams receded into the distance, as the others ran away?[/RIGHT] ?[COLOR=Teal]Here.[/COLOR]? [RIGHT]She looked up, finding herself staring into turquoise eyes lined with deep black shadows, and a red character that she couldn?t read. The boy looked apathetically at her, and then placed the reptile she had been playing with back into her hands. She looked down at the small, white sand dragon, an albino that had been close to death before she found and nursed back to health.[/RIGHT] ?[COLOR=Teal]Don?t let them do that,[/COLOR]? the boy said. He looked away now, in the direction where the children had fled. She followed his gaze, but saw no one. ?[COLOR=DarkRed]?But they?re right.[/COLOR]? [RIGHT]He glanced at her, still disinterested.[/RIGHT] She took a lock of her pale hair, ?[COLOR=DarkRed]See? I?m the color of this white lizard. I?m the color of a dead person, ready to be buried in the sand.[/COLOR]? The boy stared with his hard eyes for a minute or two. ?[COLOR=Teal]You?re right ? you and the lizard are the same.[/COLOR]? [RIGHT]She swallowed hard, biting back tears she didn?t know would come.[/RIGHT] His eyes narrowed, ?[B][COLOR=Teal]Don?t cry.[/COLOR][/B]? She immediately stopped, and he nodded. Then he took his hand, and pointed up, ?[COLOR=Teal][B]Look.[/B][/COLOR]? [RIGHT]Following his direction, Zakuro found herself looking up into the sky. Usually the bright sun burned down, turning everything shades of rich gold and brown. But today the sky was a stony gray, with heavy clouds signaling the passage of rainfall. ?[COLOR=Teal]Do you see that?[/COLOR]? he asked, watching her to make sure she was paying attention. She nodded. The boy took a few steps closer, and then bent down; his finger traced the pattern of scales on the sand dragon?s body, and then looked heavenward again,[/RIGHT] ?[COLOR=Teal][B]You and this one, you?re both the color of clouds.[/B][/COLOR]? He paused, and then stared at her face blankly. Then he crossed his arms, ?[COLOR=Teal]And only stupid people would think you were dead. Dead people don?t have blood in their bodies; it?s all on the ground around them. So unless you see your blood around you, you aren?t dead yet. You are not like a dead person. [B]Your eyes are the color of blood.[/B][/COLOR]? [CENTER][I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]* I have since then learned of the reasons people had for fearing Gaara, but I still refuse to understand their dread, their ridicule, or their persecution, of that small boy. These three memories are the skeleton of my existence, as are the three siblings of my childhood. Kankurou, with those clever fingers of his, gave me my birth, uncovering me from the flesh of the pomegranate. Temari, lulling me to sleep with lullabies and stories on the wind, helped me to grow, chasing away my fear and loneliness. And Gaara? I encountered him only a few times in my youth, but I believe that he is the reason I live. Telling me I was a floating cloud with two scarlet specks of blood - it was proof that I was alive, and that I had as much right as anyone to view the world from the sky? Gaara gave me [B]life.[/COLOR][/B][/I][/CENTER] [CENTER]***[/CENTER] The early details of Zakuro?s life, such as her lineage and origins, are unknown. Members of the Hidden Sand ran across a basket of pomegranates, in which an infant was found to be completely enclosed in one of the fruit. With eyes that mirrored the ruby-red seeds of the pomegranate, the girl was named Zakuro. She had a few encounters in her childhood with the sand siblings Kankurou, Temari, and Gaara, and was very attached to them; but was for the most part pleasantly neglected by them and the village. However, it is from one of her encounters with Gaara (above) that Zakuro gained one of her special desert companions, a runt albino sand dragon that she named [B]Kumo[/B], meaning ?cloud.? Kumo now travels with her everywhere, and he is one of the few living things that she has affection for. Being raised in the Hidden Sand could only generate a skillful and deadly shinobi, and it wasn?t long before Zakuro began to discover and perfect her talents for combat. For the most part, Zakuro trained largely on her own because no one else in the village had seen her kind of abilities; as a result, much of Zakuro?s training techniques remain a mystery. After her dramatic improvement and growth, she garnered a much closer relationship with her three adoptive sand siblings. She also became acquainted with Imi, whom Zakuro had known of before, but had never really approached. Temari, who had been training Imi, finally formally introduced the two girls. In the middle of her seventeenth year, Zakuro became an AnBu member, and one of the youngest ninja ever to do so. However, after the brutal attack on Konohagakure, Zakuro resigned from AnBu, instead training as part of the force to attack the Shadow. As a result of participating in training together, Zakuro and Imi coordinate well together, even though they are not yet close friends. [CENTER]***[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Techniques:[/B] [list][U]Chishio: Michikake[/U] (Blood Tide: Wax and Wane) ? A somewhat atypical form of taijutsu, this technique requires hand seals to be used. Once activated, this method attaches a sort of magnetism to the blade of Zakuro?s scythe, making it capable of manipulating blood flow in her opponent or herself. This move, if used correctly, can become quite lethal to Zakuro?s opponent; she has perfected two sequences of moves (Wax, Wane) in which her scythe is skillfully utilized to push or pull the blood in her opponent?s veins and arteries. ?Wax? is most efficient when the opponent has open wounds, because Zakuro will use her scythe?s magnetism to draw out her enemy?s blood in a continuous flow. ?Wane? is useful in the fact that this can be used to cause such a powerful, uncharacteristic blood flow that can lead to rupturing in the circulatory system.[/list] [list][U]Hanmougan[/U] (?Eyes of Disruption?) ? Meaning ?half-blind eyes?, this formerly unknown kekkei genkai (blood inheritance limit) has garnered the nickname ?Eyes of Disruption.? The jutsu neutralizes or damages the ability of other blood inheritance limits that are optically associated, or are projected from the eyes. It also allows Zakuro to look through most methods of genjutsu, with only very powerful users having any success at all.[/list] [list][U]Kuchiyose no Jutsu[/U] (Summoning Technique) ? Summons [B]Sorano[/B], a large, white, desert dragon. Sorano means ?from the sky.?[/list] [list][U]Gekkou no Ira[/U] (Splinters of Moonlight) ? A ninjutsu technique that can be used only under moonlight, this causes hundreds of razor-sharp, white, obsidian-like shards to rain down from the night sky onto the area around the opponent. When used in concurrence with Sorano, the shards are magnified in size and number, producing a lethal maelstrom.[/list] [B]Fighting style:[/B] While her other techniques are powerful as well, Zakuro favors the use of [B]taijutsu[/B], of which she is an expert of, combined with her perfection in using her deadly scythe. Being used to the hot desert sands, she is an expert in taijutsu, and is well-suited for it, as her muscles and stamina have been built up from the harsh training conditions. Also as a result of this environment, she is an expert in conserving energy and chakra, and has no wasteful movements. Zakuro has only practiced her Hanmougan, since she has yet to meet another powerful optical bloodline limit. Thus, she has only so far used her inheritance limit to easily deconstruct genjutsu attacks, but has never fought against the likes of the Sharingan or Byakugan. Perhaps not as powerful as masters like Rock Lee or Gai-sensei, Zakuro has no problem matching any ninja?s speed or quickness. Flexible as a snake, her body is a weapon in itself, and one that attacks unexpectedly and in the most astonishing places. Highly original and innovative, her style of combat is something most shinobi have never seen, since Zakuro was forced to develop her skills on her own. Never hesitating, she has an unusual assurance of herself in battle, despite her tender years. She is no stranger to death, as are few of Sunagakure, and can take life easily and without a second thought. However, while most shinobi are experts in hiding or masking their emotions, Zakuro seems unaware of this at times. While in normal life she usually betrays no feelings whatsoever (if she even has them), in combat Zakuro becomes so focused and absorbed in the battle that it is easy to pick her out just by the aura of violent intent that surrounds her person. For those that underestimate her abilities, few of them ever survive another moonlit night.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][I]...When I see God, I see a lonely child. Loneliness is a dark precipice, a parasitic void that continuously eats away at the soul... So instead of seeing an omnipotent, jealous, powerful being, I find instead a desperate, little child in need of companionship and nurturing. But instead of being consumed by darkness, He found a set of pastels. How lucky we are, since He knows how dangerous the darkness is - so instead, He gives us a baby-step, giving us white paper to start with instead of black.[/I] [URL=http://artpad.art.com/?j1k4b2micu8][B]This[/B][/URL] takes absolutely [I]forever[/I], so don't watch the whole thing...I just really couldn't make up my mind is all...and couldn't decide which buttons to use. =_=;;[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Toku-hime (Princess Toku of Oda) [B]Nickname:[/B] Dragon?s Breath, Masked Candle, Demon?s Daughter, Half-blood Whore [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Half/Full:[/B] Full-Blood [B]Appearance:[/B] see attached below: 1-Toku-hime; 2-"Demon's Daughter" [B]Weapon of Choice:[/B] [I]Kiraichi[/I] ? an elongated katana that has been modified exactly to Toku-hime?s specifications. A construction of technology provided by her father-in-law Tokugawa Ieyasu, Kiraichi is a large, oddly-shaped katana that has a series of ?capillaries? that run through the metal of the blade. These capillaries are all connected to a reservoir in the specialized handle, and run out through thousands of invisible, microscopic tips that line the edge of the blade. The reservoir holds a liquid mixture of highly-combustible materials, which run through the capillaries throughout the blade, and then penetrate and spread into the victim?s body via the circulatory system and blood each time the victim is cut. Just one little spark from clashing weapons, and the victim is engulfed in an all-consuming inferno, both internal and external. It is this horrible method of killing that has earned Toku-hime the nickname ?Dragon?s Breath.? Kiraichi can be translated to ?Hateful Blood?, or ?Hate of One Thousand.? [B]Fighting Style:[/B] Trained by both Hanzo the Shadow, and the Invincible Tadakatsu, Toku-hime has a fighting style that simply changes and adapts to her opponent with the fluidity of water, but one that is always ready to consume and engulf her enemy with explosive force. Like a violent wildfire, Toku-hime rips and cleaves through her enemies like lightning, leaving only the smoking remains of an inferno in the wide wake of her slaughter. Just like nature itself, she spares no one when in her uncontrollable state of rage, letting death feed the burning hatred of her life. One can only be fascinated by the sickening efficiency with which she uses Kiraichi. There is nothing beautiful or graceful about her dance with death ? it is always a bloodbath, filled with screams and the putrid scent of burning, bubbling flesh. However, Toku-hime herself seems to come out always unscathed; any blood or grime marring the smooth skin of the princess is always that of her smoldering victims. [B]Personality:[/B] Toku-hime is a largely troubled but extremely brilliant and talented young individual. Officially she is the daughter of Oda Nobunaga and his concubine Kitsune. However, because of the young age of Nobunaga, there was much speculation about Toku-hime?s true parentage, and rumors abounded of Nobunaga?s father, Oda Nobuhide, taking advantage of one of his son?s concubines and conceiving a last child before his death. While the rumors were publicly denied, Toku-hime had close to no contact or relation to her ?father,? Nobunaga, despite being the daughter of his favorite concubine. A very bright and sensitive child, even that small amount of neglect deeply affected her psyche, and shaped her into the individual she is today. She was married at the age of five to Tokugawa Ieyasu?s son Nobuyasu, also five at the time, in an effort to bring about a peace treaty between the Full and Half-Bloods. Transferring households at such a young age, much of her education and life was spent in the power and influence of the Tokugawa?s. Despite at first being scorned as a Full-Blood, soon her wit and charm won over the Half-Blood King, and she was eventually accepted and doted on. She was given the best of educations, and became an expert in both court politics and martial combat, surpassing her husband early on in knowledge and cunning. In fact, Toku-hime became the favored child of Tokugawa Ieyasu, and he often joked that she should have been born his son. The peace that had been tried for did not last, and Toku-hime grew very used to the constant fighting and battles between her two fathers. Despite her maturity, there was still mental strain which unconsciously affected her, and she began to separate and compartmentalize the majority of her emotions and feelings. After her first battle, in which she received Kiraichi from Tokugawa, it became evident that there were two very different sides to Toku-hime, emphasized by her Full-Blood life force. On one side of Tokuhime?s personality the graceful princess is full of brilliant charm and wisdom, with appealing charisma and magnetism as an individual. Reason and balance are fully on her side, and she is an incomparable strategist. On the other side, the princess is transformed into the dangerous and frightening ?Demon?s Daughter,? wielding Kiraichi with a deadly finesse and sickening fury. Hatred is the only light in her eyes, mirroring her enjoyment as she watches her enemies erupt in flames. There is also an obvious physical change as a result of an overflow of life force, darkening the shades of her fair complexion, hair, and eyes, as shadows of the past overtake her. In this bloody war, Toku-hime already knows that she cannot stay with the Half-Bloods, despite her childhood being spent with them. Blood is much too thick, and she realizes that eventually she will have to leave the Tokugawa?s, or risk her life. However, in no way will she return to Oda Nobunaga, the father that her hate is based upon. She does not know where to place her loyalty, although for now she resides in the court of the Half-Blood King, her haven still?but not for long.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]How long will sign-ups be open?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. [COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1]I don't think the things I want are really odd, but maybe they're not really normal for a freshman in college :animeswea The water here tastes disgusting, and I drink [I]tons[/I] (literally) of water. Thus, a couple billion times everyday I have to go and fill up my little Pur filter/pitcher thing. If only I had a [B]water-filter system[/B] in my dorm room... There's also this gargantuan lovely tree right outside my window, so I'd really like a [B]tree-house[/B] that I could get to directly, like perhaps with a little bridge? Or a [B]balcony[/B] maybe... And I really want a copy of [B]Rainbow Brite & the Star Stealer[/B]! My absolute favorite childhood movie... :animesmil [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1][B]1. If your avatar has a character, what race, age (if applicable) and gender is it?[/B] Japanese (in the picture, but really Chinese); 22?; female. [B]2. Would you say your avatar is masculine, feminine or both? Why?[/B] Feminine, because she's very...womanly? [B]3. Does it have mature or childish attributes?[/B] Mature at first glance, but then there could be childish attributes because of the way she is positioned. [B]4. What gender and race are you?[/B] Female, Korean. [B]5. When you meet someone online, unless they specify, do you feel you naturally think of them as white?[/B] When I meet someone online, usually I already know what race they are... I suppose so? [B]6. Do you roleplay? If yes, identify your roleplaying character in terms of race, history, gender and sexual preference (if applicable).[/B] Yes; usually the character is female, probably with more Asian features,, with close to no ties or relations, or a brutal past. [B]7. Have you ever been mistaken for another race or gender or have been asked due to the lack of detail in your profile?[/B] No; actually...I don't know if I've been mistaken for another race, but I've been asked. [B]8. Have you mistaken others for being of another race, age or gender? How many times (if applicable)?[/B] Yes, once. [B]9. What does your online nickname mean or how did you come up with it?[/B] It doesn't have a meaning; I just thought it sounded pretty in my head, although...I really don't know how I would pronounce it out loud. It originated from a book I read. [B]10. Do you think people online tend to correctly guess your age, race or gender most of the time without being told?[/B] I would say they could probably guess my gender...but I have no idea about the others. [B]11. Do you think people tend to correctly guess your sexual preference without being told?[/B] Yes. [B]12. Would you feel threatened if people online knew your age, gender, race or sexual preference? If so, why?[/B] Not really...but I've never had any bad experiences online as a result of people knowing those...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]Like [I]Amelia[/I], I don't think that I'll ever get a tattoo - it's never really been appealing to me. Up until this year, I've never seen a tattoo that I liked either; I thought that they were all pretty ugly, even the things like flowers, butterflies, etc... But I finally found some tattoos that haven't disgusted me this year when I went to school. A girl in one of my classes had these two tattoos, both on her feet, and they are the prettiest things I've ever seen... On one of her feet she has this little quail, and on the other foot she has a very colorful parrotfish. The quail is done in shades of purple, blue, and green; and the parrotfish is in shades of green, red, orange, yellow, and pink. They're both very pretty! ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][B][U]Name[/U]:[/B] Uroborus Other names include: Leviathan, Livyatan, Taninim, Ouroboros [B][U]Gender[/U]:[/B] Feminine [B][U]Side[/U]:[/B] Grand Admiral of Hell [B][U]Appearance[/U]:[/B] see attached ? credit to artist [B][U]Fighting Style[/U]:[/B] An ancient demon prince that has just recently been reawakened from her deep slumber, Uroborus utilizes every power and supremacy of her infinite existence. As the demon of chaos, envy, and disorder, Uroborus?s powers are extremely destructive, rivaling those of both Satan and Michael. Uroborus is the absolute mistress/master of water, liquid, and the aquatic; and overrules all other beings that might have any hold over her element. She uses the monstrous force and energy of her aquatic element to destroy those that dare to stand in her presence, but is also very aware on how to use her powers in subtle and delicate methods. Her blue eyes encompass the carnality of man, and she is the one who is said to tempt men into committing sacrilege. Infamous for her [I]?Eyelids of the Morning,?[/I] it is said that those who are gazed upon by this special curse from her eyes are wiped entirely from existence, going to neither Heaven nor Hell, but disappearing entirely from being altogether. Rumors abound as to whether this is true or not ? some say that the soul of the victim is consumed for eternity, trapped in the circle of her eyes; others say that the unlucky chosen is trapped within an eternal sphere of torture. Whatever the truth is, it is certain that the suffering is unimaginable and excruciating; and definitely none have the gall to ask her. Another special feature of Uroborus is her skin. While still attached to her body, Uroborus?s skin looks next to normal. However, it is one of her chief defenses, although it is a mystery as to why. Still, it is said that her skin is one of the most beautiful things in existence, but the beauty is only visible to the naked eye when it has been flayed off of her back, and that is definitely not something that anyone has done yet. It is not known if that is even possible? [B][U]Personality[/U]:[/B] Although her origins are unknown even to the Prince of Lies, it is said that Leviathan was the preexisting forces of chaos, an enemy of order in Creation, and that God destroyed Leviathan in order to shape Earth to His liking. Whether or not Leviathan was really destroyed is unknown (as Uroborus still exists). The name ?Leviathan? often encompasses two beings: that of a prominently masculine being, and that of a dominantly feminine being. However, time and human religion has mixed both into one, and made their own myths/beliefs of the being/beings known as Leviathan. [I]And that day will two monsters be parted, one monster, a female named Leviathan in order to dwell in the abyss of the ocean over the fountains of water; and (the other), a male called Behemoth, which holds his chest in an invisible desert whose name is Dundayin, east of the garden of Eden[/I]. - 1 Enoch 60:7-8 Genesis 1:21: [I]God created the [B]great sea monsters - Taninim.[/B][/I] ?According to legend this refers to the Leviathan and its mate. God created a male and female Leviathan, then killed the female and salted it for the righteous, for if the Leviathans were to procreate the world could not stand before them.? Leviathan was predominantly the feminine counterpart from the beginning, but in religion became masculine as according to patriarchal human society. The masculine Leviathan, who has been the active demon up until this point, has become part of the Risen, and has joined the court of Belial and Raphael in Bethlehem. The Prince of Lies, fed up as He is with the behavior of his demons, has now called upon the feminine Leviathan to bring back or wipe out the deserters, and has awakened her from her slumber. Being the third of the Four Crown Princes, and the Grand Admiral of the maritime regions of Hell, Uroborus (as she has deemed to be called for this period of time) is definitely not a force that any would even consider reckoning with. Age and existence being infinite for her, Uroborus has timeless wisdom, intelligence, and experience, and is in connection with all elements of the Earth. However, being of the ageless subsistence, Uroborus gets bored quite easily, and so can also be easily aggravated or annoyed. She is impatient with those who are unintelligent, ignorant, or invite her irritation. Because she so rarely finds things that are new or foreign to her, Uroborus thoroughly enjoys being interested or puzzled, and so discoveries are very precious to her? Thus, even with orders, she will not carry out the destruction of Bethlehem until she has explored every nuance of this uproar. In this way, she has a very childlike delight in new things, and a pure enjoyment of discovery and learning. Very secure in her power and ability, as none have been able to challenge her on equal ground for eternity, Uroborus is never threatened by anything (except perhaps by God himself), and has yet to know fear. Despite her being a demon of Hell, Uroborus also retains aspects of self-reflexivity, cyclicality, and eternal return. This gives her somewhat of a dual nature, and many do not know what to think of her; she herself is very unassuming. In this current position in time, most immortal beings do not know the recently awakened Uroborus, as for eons only the dominantly male Leviathan has been active (and who is now infamous for joining the ranks of the Risen). She is a stranger to most demons and angels, and many will not know her for what she truly is?which really should make things interesting. As for her current task, Uroborus is slightly bemused, and somewhat intrigued by Bethlehem, as well as its current inhabitants. [B][U]Writing Sample[/U]:[/B] ?[I] ?Taninim?[/I] Mistress, He calls for you? Mistress?? She was slow to rise from her slumber, and a hazy glow slowly infiltrated her ?vision? as she regained consciousness and solidity. This was irritating ? why in the world was this little imp disturbing her? Before she fully took on her form, she turned to the trembling imp, The imp cowered even more; in Hell, even [I]her[/I] voice and thoughts oozed power, and it coated the minion with her annoyance. ?[I]Please, forgive me, but the Prince of Lies asks for the Grand Admiral.[/I]? There was a pause as the imp considered his answer, and then her voice whipped out as she fully gained form, [B]?Answer me!?[/B] She was irked at being woken, and her mood had not yet composed itself; her words nearly tore off the imp?s ears. It only bowed deeper, knowing that death was certain if it should cry out in pain, ?[I]Forgive me, Mistress. Leviathan has joined the ranks of the Risen on Earth, and [B]He[/B] asks for your aid.[/I]? [B] ??So?this is what the deeps have been twittering about in my dreams?no wonder I was restless in my sleep. Fine, let us go to the Prince of Lies.?[/B] She followed the imp through the fiery depths; Hell had changed little over the ages that she had slept ? only the demons changed, cycling through the lakes of fire. Even now, there were none that she recognized, and none of them would have paid her any attention?except that each of her steps sent a new river of lava flowing into the already numerous pools of molten rock. ?[I]How shall I announce you, Mistress?[/I]? She thought for a moment, and then said, [B]?Uroborus.?[/B] Her body shaped itself around this name, and her physical form stopped metamorphosis, resting now in the body she had chosen. The imp opened the shadowy onyx doors, each a steeple of midnight crevices, an eternity of pain mirrored in their sharp surfaces, ?[I]I present Third Prince [B]Uroborus[/B]; Grand Admiral of the legions of Hell; Sovereign of Chaos, Envy, and Disorder; Lord of Water; and Lady of Eternal Return.[/I]? [B][I]She[/I] had awakened.[/B] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue]I'm sure that we could cover for Munemura, although don't wait to post if you can! ^_^ And I can't help but mention that the banner/avi sets that everyone's getting for the RP are so much fun to see![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Nariko was definitely not impressed by the mission outline, but who was she to complain? But really, babysitting children? She didn?t even know that that was in a ninja?s job outline. Clearly this was not going to be the most glamorous thing in the world? [B]?Did you find that a little?odd??[/B] Munemura asked, as Mr. Habiki rushed into the house to collect his wife. Two seconds later the Habikis were gone, and the cell ventured into the house. Looking around her, Nari could only imagine how long the floor had gone without cleaning. Strange smells emanated from unseen rooms around the house, and Nari?s step became increasingly cautious. The Habiki children, except for the twin infants that Sasuke-sensei was holding, were all seated on a low couch. Akira was the first one to break the awkward silence; Nari held her breath as he approached one of the children. It took mere seconds before Akira disappeared under a mass of brats, all who were howling what seemed like demonic battle cries. Munemura started laughing at the outrageous sight. Nari turned to Sasuke-sensei in confusion; she had never handled children before: [B]?Should we help him??[/B] [B]?Why? It?s better for them to attack him, then for them to attack all of us,?[/B] he answered nonchalantly, before walking into the kitchen with the twin infants still in his arms. Nari and Munemura stood for a few more minutes, unsure of what to do. Not to mention, they wanted to avoid the small typhoon that had engulfed Akira. It wasn?t until Nari noticed that one of the boys was eyeing them that she jumped into action, backing away towards the door to the kitchen, [B]?Umm?I think I?ll go help Sasuke-sensei??[/B] [B]?What? Where are you going? Don?t you dare leave me here!?[/B] Akira?s voice yelped out, slightly muffled under the weight of various bodies that were still pummeling him. [B]?Ouch! Why you little??[/B] At this, Nari couldn?t help but laugh a little, [B]?Be careful about your language, Kenta Akira. After all, the Hokage told us that these are young, impressionable children, remember??[/B] Akira tried to reply, but his answer was indiscernible under the shrieks of the children. [B]?I?ll leave you with him, then, if that?s okay???[/B] Nari asked Munemura hesitantly. She still didn?t know these two very well, but she knew she had to start somewhere. Munemura nodded, keeping the mass of children in his sight at all times, [B]?Yeah, I?ll call you if he stops breathing.?[/B] It drew another laugh from Nari, and she smiled openly now. [B]?Alright then; oh, and be careful about your hair ? that was Akira?s downfall, it seems,?[/B] she said, pointing to Munemura?s dark brown hair. He nodded, and Nari went into the kitchen, peering around the corner carefully before she spotted Sasuke-sensei. Sasuke-sensei beckoned to her, and she slowly proceeded to come closer. A strange smell hit her nostrils, and she almost gagged. Holding her nose, she looked around Sasuke-sensei, who had laid both infants on a mat. [B]"What in the world is that smell?"[/B] Sasuke-sensei?s face was stone, and he handed her a white cloth, [B]?Excrement.?[/B] Nari held the cloth for a second, before recognizing that it was a diaper. [I]Wait a minute?he can?t be serious. There?s no way I can change a diaper![/I] [B]?Shouldn?t these things be potty-trained??[/B] [B]?They?re still much too young. Now get started,?[/B] Sasuke replied, as he got to work. Nari looked down at the baby, who seemed like he was sleeping. Then his eyes snapped open, causing her to jump. She glanced over at Sasuke-sensei, who was watching her, eyebrows slightly raised. Gritting her teeth, Nari turned back to the baby, and started to slowly undo the diaper? Suddenly her eyes widened, and she yelped as she jumped back. [B]?Nariko! What?s wrong??[/B] Sasuke was instantly on alert. Munemura?s face appeared around the corner. [B]?There ? there? There?s a worm in the baby?s diaper!?[/B] she said, shaking as she pointed. [B]?What??[/B] Sasuke took a look, and then turned to her with disbelief. [B]?You?ve got to be kidding me? Are you telling me that you?ve never seen?a boy?s?uh?male?genitalia?umm?a guy?s private parts??[/B] Nariko shook her head, [B]?No, why would I??[/B] Munemura could barely contain his laughter, when suddenly a wooden block thrown by one of the children clocked him in the head. He disappeared again, and dozens of thumps were heard, along with Akira?s tortured cries. [B]?Well Nariko, there?s nothing to worry about. Just change the diaper,?[/B] Sasuke said, returning to his work. [B]?What??[/B] Nari?s face was incredulous. [B]?No way! I?m not looking at that thing again! It?s disgusting!?[/B] Sasuke turned to her, and then shook his head, [B]?Alright then, I?m done with this one. I?ll cover your eyes while you change the diaper, so that you don?t have to look, ok??[/B] Nariko sighed, and then gathered her courage, [B]?Fine, I?ll do it.?[/B] She waited as Sasuke sat behind her, shielding her eyes with one hand. She could still see the baby through the cracks in his fingers, but didn?t see the ?worm? again, thankfully. As she was working, the baby started to gurgle and smile. There was another series of thumps from the other room, and both Nari and Sasuke were distracted for a moment. Nari turned back, just in time to see a stream of yellow fluid aimed directly at her head. She shrieked, and ducked out of the way in the nick of time. But then she looked at Sasuke? A vein had started pulsing on his forehead. [B]??Sasuke-sensei???[/B] she asked tremulously. She had a very, very bad feeling about this mission.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1]OOC: Sorry it's so long :animeswea And I hope you don't mind the shower, Sasuke-sensei ^_~[/SIZE]
  21. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][quote name='Aaryanna']In some countries, a young woman may receive a gift of clothing from a young man. If she keeps the gift, it means she will marry him.[/quote]I was just wondering what happens if the woman doesn't want to marry the man? Does she give him the clothes back? Burn the clothes? Or give them to someone else? Dear me, bad things could result from miscommunication here. :animeswea As for Valentine's Day...it's never really been a big thing for me or my family. Just like your experience, Valentine's Day was the day that everyone in class would bring cards with candies, and pass them out to everyone. Of course, the coolest kids of the day would be the ones who handed out the best candy, or the trendiest cards at the time (Power Rangers, Cabbage Patch Kids, Pokemon, Animaniacs...) Funny thing is, I had a Valentine's Day party in my junior year of high school, and it seemed that the same cards were still "cool." Hurrah for the longevity of childhood cartoons! Of course, when reading anime, you always see bishi boys being given avalanches of chocolates by their screaming student fangirls...which makes me wonder if that really happens. Well, whatever the case, I've always wanted to try my hand at making home-made chocolates, and then giving them to some ideal boy without being crushed in the stampede. Looks and sounds exciting ^_^;;.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. When Yamanaka Ino listed off the names, Nari had barely paid attention. She knew who the two other members in her cell were, but didn?t know them personally. All she could think about was that she would finally have another teacher, and even more amounts of things to learn. She could hardly contain her excitement as she waited for the Jounin to arrive. Relishing the weight of the new forehead protector on her collarbone, Nari could only speculate on who would be their new sensei. Uzumaki Naruto came in first, leaving with Hart, Meiko, and Keiji. When Zankokusa Shogo walked into the room, Nari lost her breath as tension filled her body: was he going to be their Jounin? It was more than she could hope for, but she couldn?t stop herself from feeling let down when he left with Imi, Ginmaru, and Daisuke. Suddenly the room fell silent, and Nari heard a voice cut into the air: [B]?Kenta Akira. Hyuuga Nariko. Ii Munemura.?[/B] Nari?s confidence trembled as she recognized their Jounin, Uchiha Sasuke. [I]I don?t believe this?the Uchiha?[/I] But there was nothing she could do except to follow the two other boys and stand before him. As her new sensei?s eyes ran over them, Nari promised herself to make the best of the situation. After all, this man was not only the last of the infamous Uchiha, but also one of the best ninjas in existence. Leaving the classroom with Sasuke, the cell was led to a secluded area, where they were seated on logs. Sasuke sat directly across from them on another log, and a minute of silence passed as he inspected them further. It was then that Nari realized that the boy sitting next to her, the one named Kenta Akira, was avoiding their sensei?s gaze. Sasuke had noticed it too, and his commanding voice allowed no refusal when he told Akira to look at him. Finally Sasuke addressed the cell, [B]?My name is Uchiha Sasuke; you will address me as Sasuke-sensei? I?m pleased to see that two of the members in this cell have eye conditions, I will teach you how to fully utilize their powers??[/B] At these words, Nariko?s heart stopped, and she visibly paled. [I]Sasuke-sensei thinks?that I can use the Byakugan.[/I] She had no idea what to do; her mind was in turmoil. Of all things, she had hoped that she wouldn?t be forced to reveal her shame, but now it seemed inevitable. [I]What am I going to do? Sasuke-sensei will probably ask to see me use Byakugan?[/I] Then he would realize that Nari was a blunder, the disgrace of the proud Hyuuga clan. No doubt she would be an embarrassment to not only her sensei, but also to the two other members of her cell. What in the world was she going to do? [I]I have no choice? I have to fulfill their expectations.[/I] [B]?Let?s start with introductions; tell us your name, your specialty, your likes, your dislikes, and your ambitions.?[/B] Sasuke finished. It was quiet for a moment, and then Nariko spoke to fill in the silence; [I]better to get it over with now.[/I] [B]?My name is Nari. I like?being outside, books, colorful things, the scent of flowers, sunflowers, and training. I don?t really like?stereotypes, laziness, cruelty, or?relatives. I?m trying to find something that I lost long ago, and it?s very valuable to me. Oh, and my specialty? My specialty is -- .?[/B] She stopped, and they looked at her expectantly. [B]??is being a dependable person.?[/B] Nari bit her lip; she wondered if she should have said [I]Byakugan[/I] for her specialty, just to keep up the facade, but her conscience wouldn't let her lie to her sensei. She couldn?t help but glance up into the Uchiha?s eyes, wondering if he could see right through her to the truth.
  23. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Hyuuga Nariko ? (Nari); ?thunder peal? [B]Age:[/B] 12 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] attached. Wears shorts and a 3/4 sleeves tunic, both cobalt-blue. Bandages are wound around her arms from the elbow down, with her hands slipped into gray fingerless gloves. She also wears hidden weights around her wrists and ankles as part of her training. Her forehead protector rests on her collar. A small, yellow sunflower is embroidered on her left shoulder, as well as on a corner on the skirt of her tunic. [B]Rank:[/B] Rookie Genin [B]Personality:[/B] Although descended from the Hyuuga clan, Nariko hardly represents the silent, stoic wisdom that Hyuuga usually puts forth. Instead, Nari is much more cheerful and forward, at least towards those whom she favors. She adores things that are brilliant and colorful, namely flowers, and is mostly a very bright and happy young girl. However, just as all people, Nari also has her share of shame and disgrace, and she will try to avoid it as much as possible. She dislikes unnecessary confrontation, or anything that will force her out of her comfort zone in a public arena. Sometimes she is irritated by the fact that she cannot have the one thing that she longs for the most (explained in bio). However, challenges are not a problem for Nari ? indeed she relishes complicated situations and settings in which she is forced to reach beyond her potential and draw on hidden strengths. She is no stranger to difficulty, and relishes putting all her energy into attacking a problem to try and find a solution. In training Nari is absolutely and completely disciplined, and her determination is unmatched in reaching her goals. She is creative, intelligent, good-natured, sometimes mischievous, and yet still has something of sorrow beneath the surface. She holds something of a grudge against the Hyuuga clan, and that is the one bitter taste in her life thus far. She is also wary of people in general, knowing the emotional damage the general populace can inflict, but she secretly longs for close companionship. Most of all Nari desires to prove her worth in the world, even though she could be considered a failure of blood by some (explained in bio). Nari has yet to live up her name, ?thunder peal,? but it may be that even she holds powers still unknown to herself. [B]Equipment:[/B] A small kunai holder on her leg carries three kunais, and Nari has a small utility pouch on her belt that contains shuriken, a length of wire, bandages, and some explosive tags. [B]Main Weapon/Technique:[/B] Being of the Hyuuga clan, one would automatically think that Byakugan would be Nari?s technique of choice. Surprisingly, it is not ? Nari actually [I]never[/I] uses Byakugan, instead relying completely on her juken, that which the Hyuuga call ?Gentle Fist.? However, Nari has turned ?Gentle Fist? into something she privately calls ?Silk Hand.? Where the ?Gentle Fist? technique is able to shut off the body?s chakra flow, Nari?s ?Silk Hand? uses the juken to cut into the opponent?s chakra flow permanently, either letting the chakra run out of the body, or allowing Nari to drain and absorb the chakra. Either way, her technique can be fatal if not treated by specialists; she has yet to use this juken in public, having practiced it only in her private training, and it still must be perfected. While her chakra control is outstanding, Nari favors [I]taijutsu[/I], as it can be used in extremely effective combinations with her ?Gentle Fist? and ?Silk Hand? jukens, and paired with her exceptional speed that comes from weight training. [B]Biography/Writing Sample:[/B] Born to Hyuuga Hinabi, the Hyuuga clan was relishing the birth of a strong addition to the clan. Expectations were very high since Hinabi was such a natural master of the inherited bloodline limit, [I]Byakugan[/I]. Thus, when Nariko was born, everyone was expecting another outstanding ninja to arise to master the Byakugan, along with Junko and Daisuke. While the two young men did not disappoint the clan, Nariko was a different story. Hinabi personally started to train her daughter from the moment the girl could barely walk, rising before dawn in the mornings to set Nariko to work. Years of practice, and Hyuuga Junko still managed to exhibit signs of the Byakugan first, followed shortly after by Daisuke. Nariko?s mother was disappointed, to say the least, but still kept training with her daughter, sure that signs of Byakugan would begin to emerge soon. However, another year passed; Hinabi became worried, and so passed the training of her daughter to the head of the clan, Hiashi. Another year, and still Nariko had exhibited no hint of the Byakugan. She began to resent the whispers and stares, all reminders of her one and most important failure. Slowly but surely, the happy girl retreated from the clan, drawing away from family life, until she kept mostly to herself, and expressing thoughts only to the wilderness that she roamed. The rest of the clan soon forgot her, as she stood in the shadows of two protégés: Junko and Daisuke. Nariko was eventually taken at the age of six to see Haruno Sakura, by this time known as one of the best healing ninjas in existence. Sakura confirmed what the Hyuuga clan suspected: Hyuuga Nariko had not inherited the [I]kekkai genkai[/I], the Byakugan, for reasons largely unknown. It was the first time that this had occurred in the history of the clan, and many found it hard to believe that she was a true descendant of the Hyuuga at all. From that point on, all of Nariko?s training ceased. Hyuuga Hinabi also distanced herself from her daughter, shamed at the rumors and speculation at Nariko?s ?true? parenthood. Although she was never mistreated, and always cared for, Nariko remained in the background of clan life, and soon spent the majority of her life away from her family. She would spend weeks on end by herself, wandering the outskirts and lands of Konoha. One morning as she was waking up in a field, all around her sunflowers burst into bloom as the sun?s first rays touched their buds, surrounding her in a field of gold. It was then that Nariko started to cultivate another form of knowledge, visiting the library daily to pour over the tomes and volumes of information on plants, animals, insects?etc. Eventually Sakura once again took notice of the young girl, and visited the Hyuugas to ask them to enroll Nariko into the Ninja Academy. Thus, Nariko attended school for the first time. Starved for knowledge and training, Nariko caught up quickly to her peers, devouring all the information and techniques taught to her. Nariko trained privately at first with Sakura, who taught her everything she knew about chakra control and use. Nariko soon mastered all that Sakura showed her, and so decided to find another sensei. Soon she found herself under the tutelage of Maito Gai, who passed her on to Rock Lee. These two encouraged and helped her greatly, and soon Nariko was gaining ground. In the span of five years she had not only caught up to everyone else her age in schooling, but could also match some of them in fighting technique and skill, even without Byakugan. The combination of powerfully rendered taijutsu and perfectly controlled chakra technique soon gave birth to Nariko?s own artful form of the Hyuuga juken, which she christened ?Silk Hand,? because of the peculiar feeling that the victim felt after being hit with it, like reels of silk thread being pulled out from the wound. Despite Nariko?s success so far, she still feels no rest from the judgment of the Hyuuga clan, and will avoid any of them that she comes across, despite her direct relation to them. After five years, her resentment has turned into a grudge, although not entirely against the Hyuuga?s. Nariko unconsciously places the blame of failure upon herself; she feels that it was somehow her own fault that she did not inherit the Byakugan, and this secret fixation is the driving force behind every act in her life. Each step she takes is towards the goal of proving her legitimacy and worth to the Hyuuga clan, even though Nariko is convinced that they mean nothing to her. She has promised herself that she will never again be judged as a failure or disgrace, and goes to prove this to the world?and to herself. [B]Extra Notes:[/B] - Avoids members of Hyuuga like the plague, including Junko and Daisuke. - Admires Kagami Imi because of her skill in combat, but tends to keep away because of Junko?s presence. - Introduces herself as ?Nari? ? only members of the clan (or teachers) call her by her full name ?Nariko.? - Is in awe of Zankokusa Shogo, because she compares his blindness to her own inability. - Admires Aogiri Kaname because of her kindness. - Currently trains under Haruno Sakura, Gai-sensei, and Rock Lee. Nari has yet to make close personal contacts, although she is a familiar face to most now. *Am willing to play a jounin if need be. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed][B]The Kids Are Alright[/B] - The image you used is very good - all the colors and things make it seem like a wonderful collage - however, the quality of the image could be better. The lines behind the words reminds me of a musical staff, and I like it very much, although I wish that the small gaps in between the words were not there - it would look better if they were continuous lines. Also, the color of the text is not...the best, I don't think, but it is still able to work with the image as a whole. [B]Rael Splash[/B] - Wow, I like this very muchly! ^_^ The overall feel of the piece is very...original, I think, and very attractive as well. The font fits, and is acceptable, and the color scheme is very nicely done as well - I've always been a fan of b&w/grayscale. There are a few discrepancies that I noticed, like the little dark marks in the white space around the standing man's elbow, and there's a white spot that breaks the line of his skin around his right wrist as well. In the upper right-hand corner of the picture there seems to be a miniscule amount missing, but it's barely noticeable. And are the white lines outlining the man's pants intentional? Anyway, overall it's a very nice piece of work, and I applaud you! yay! ^__^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy][I]Sunday, July 31. 7:58 PM - Nadine City, The Dominion (Southwest District)[/I] The evening sun was still bright in the summer, and lit the sky with golden beams. However, looking out of her enormous windows, Yerdana saw the a spot of clouds beginning to form in the distance over the deep expanse of the sea. She sighed, hugging herself as a touch of wind blew through the open windows. The clear smell of the sea gave her no comfort, and her worried gaze kept sweeping over the expanse of the city below her. The maid came in, clearing the barely-touched dishes from the long table, trying not to disturb her brooding mistress. However, the maid needn't have worried - Yerdana's thoughts occupied her very deeply, and she didn't even notice when the maid knocked over one of the crystal water glasses. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Yerdana glanced at the silver clock in the corner before answering, "Enter." The maid ushered in an older woman with sleek fair hair that was beginning to lighten. Still, she could hardly be called old, and the spark in the icy-blue eyes reflected that. Yerdana dipped into a graceful curtsy, "Lady Zane." The lady nodded, "Councilwoman Tamari." "To what do I owe the honor?" Lady Zane gave a sharp laugh, taking off her light evening cloak, "Oh, please Yerdana, don't play this silly game." "And what game is that?" Yerdana's tone was cool. "Come girl, stop acting spoiled. I know you're still upset at the decision of the Council," Lady Zane smiled, her brilliant blue eyes narrowing. [RIGHT]Yerdana sighed; she and Lady Zane knew each other quite well because of the business of the Council, most primarily because of differing political opinions between Yerdana and Councilman Zane... Still, inspite of all of their political sparring, Yerdana had grown quite close to Lady Zane. She respected the woman because of her no-nonsense manner and clever mind. The Lady was very wise, and the Zanes together made a formidable team.[/RIGHT] "I know you and my husband don't always get along..." Now Yerdana turned, brows raised, "Get along? Please, usually we take opposite sides of all matters. It is a rare occassion that your husband and I actually agree. And now..." "And now [I]what[/I]?" Lady Zane sat primly in one of the finely polished chairs, looking up at Yerdana. "You act as if this will somehow cause the apocalypse - my dear, you set far too much on this." "Too much?" Yerdana was astounded. "Too much? How can it be too much? It is war! Of course my heart weighs heavily on this matter - it is our decision that means life or death for Nadine. How can you say that I set too much on this?" "Yes, it is war, but it would come to this anyway. Cadmus has always been a growing threat - we are eliminating the problem before it has time to grow and spread itself. It is for the good of Nadine - you know this already." "...Do I?" Yerdana turned back to the window, looking down upon the city. "This is [I]not[/I] the decision the Council should have come to. I fear because Arcadia has had far too much involvement in this matter - since when has the Empress cared for our little city? Not long enough. We are rushing into something that we will not be able to control..." She shook her head, and began to pace again. "Please, Yerdana, enough of this - you're giving me a headache. Enough of your sulking - it has been almost two months since the Council came to its decision!" She was angry now, or at least, quite put out. The pacing continued, Yerdana's dark locks glimmering in each turn, "Sulking...yes, perhaps I'm sulking. Perhaps I'm sulking because your husband spearheaded the campaign." Lady Zane threw up her hands, "Here we go again! When are you going to get over this? Yes, he did lead the forefront to take action against Cadmus, but it's what he believes in Yerdana! What can you do to change that? Nothing - are you going to keep bringing this up?" "You're right of course, I know... The decision has already been made, and I must make do." "I'm so glad you've come to your senses," Lady Zane said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. Yet now, the older woman became very serious, and her eyes locked with Yerdana's. "Yerdana...there is something I must tell you." Yerdana waited, somewhat apprehensive; she could sense Lady Zane's worry, and the older woman's temperature had increased dramatically for a human. She nodded for her to continue. "My husband and I would not support this war if we did not seriously believe that Cadmus is a threat to Nadine. No, please, let me continue - there is...another part to this story. Somehow Cadmus and Nadine have managed to exist side by side, even with our differences and clashes thus far. Still, we would not push so strongly for this war if we did not believe that Cadmus has already moved to take violent action against our people." There was silence, and Lady Zane looked up to Yerdana, her ice-blue eyes filled with apprehension. "Lady Zane...are you saying that Cadmus is planning to attack us?" "I...well, perhaps not necessarily immediately. But...my husband and I..." Lady Zane stopped, and then looked directly into Yerdana's eyes. "Yerdana, my husband and I believe that we have a traitor within the Council, perhaps even more than one." [I]10:20 PM[/I] Yerdana sat now in front of the window, her forehead pressed against the cool glass. The night was beautiful, with a sky of deep velvet, and the lights of the city doubling the number of stars that were reflected in the sea's gaze. She closed her eyes... [I]Oh, Father, what am I to do?[/I] [RIGHT]But there was no answer, no transcending voice to advise her, no help in this. Lady Zane's voice was still ringing in her head: [I]"We have no one else that we trust as fully as you. I cannot forgive myself for placing this burden on your shoulders, but we have no choice in this matter. You have your father's wisdom, and this city's love and trust, and...because of this, I ask you to take this risk. I am asking you to do what you can - to find the infiltrator, and make our Council safe again.[/I][/RIGHT] And now, she sat, the sky and sea empty of the answers she was looking for. No help would be given in this quarter, she knew. This time...she was on her own.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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