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Everything posted by Cyriel

  1. Cyriel

    OB Nomic [G]

    Cyriel Is there a certain format for the wording of proposals? EDIT: Sorry, I guess I didn't really make my intentions known. I've never played, but I'm willing to try. :catgirl:
  2. [SIZE=1][CENTER][COLOR=Purple][B]Name:[/B] Marie Tanaka [B]Age:[/B] 9 (yeah, she skipped a couple grades) [B]Appearance:[/B] see attachment [B]Biography:[/B] The daughter of wealthy parents, Marie Tanaka was raised in an elegant and pampered lifestyle. She was given whatever her little heart desired - delicate sweets and confections, silken dresses and robes, richly accessorized dolls and toys... Despite this spoiled and extravagant lifestyle, Marie remained a quiet, introverted child - one who was never prone to outbursts or tantrums. She had (and still retains) perfect manners. Marie's real father hired the best tutors for her, and so she was given the best and highest of educations. She is currently fluent in four languages not including English: Japanese, Latin, Greek, and German; and she is studying Spanish and Chinese. She excelled in all of her studies, especially in the arts and literature, and devoured the books and novellas that were bought by her father. When her father died, Marie was devastated, and retreated to her room. However, after the funeral (which she didn't attend), she returned to life as if her father was still alive. She did not acknowledge (or just ignored the fact) that her father was dead. Her mother had never paid much attention to her, and this time it was the same. Her mother married another man within a year, and Marie had to adjust to her stepfather on her own. Due to accordances in the will of her real father, Marie was to be the sole inheritor of the entire estates of both the father and mother, despite her mother marrying her stepfather. Thus, her stepfather decided to get rid of Marie, because then the vast fortune would be available to him. However, not everything went as planned, and so Marie lives in the guardianship of Joshua Christensen, changing the lives of everyone around her... [B]Weapons:[/B] Since she's a 9-year old, Marie really doesn't use weapons... However, she does keep a [B]dart gun[/B] (with tranq darts) and an [B]air-soft gun[/B], which Joshua gave to her to amuse herself with. In the small bits and pieces of knowledge that Joshua has given her about combat and weaponry, Marie has become extremely comfortable with, and picks it up quickly and easily at an almost frightening pace. [/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]OOC: :animestun Was I wrong when I assumed that we were supposed to be enemies? Instead of fireballs and such, it's like Cupid's arrows are flying around instead... :animesigh IC: [COLOR=SeaGreen][CENTER][I]Well, isn't this getting interesting...[/I][/CENTER] Every footstep on every building was made known to her - each grain in each fiber of wood was a connection to her soul. [RIGHT]It was almost unbelievable how quickly these Satanics fell prey to their own emotions - no, hormones would be more correct. Helie wanted to laugh, but suppressed the urge. For example, T'kure, one of the more violent ones, had already fallen to the first pretty face that had been willing to make the first move.[/RIGHT] [CENTER][I]Her name is...Racheal? I'll keep that in mind...[/I][/CENTER] But it was unimportant at the moment. She was too busy keeping track of the others: there was Jason, who was already wrapped up in his ecstatic violence; Kelwin remained unfound; and Talan was...getting nearer, she believed. [RIGHT]Suddenly, she felt a puff of air on her cheek. Turning, all Helie had time to see was Kyle's satisfied expression as he blasted her with the full force of his wind power. She was slammed against a building, and gasped as she fell to the ground.[/RIGHT] The hair on the back of her neck stood on end, signalling the gather of electricity in the area surrounding her. With a flick of her fingers, a wooden column burst out of its ties and flew through the air, barely cutting off the lightning bolt that had been headed her way. [CENTER]Crack! The column exploded, and splinters rained down...[/CENTER] Helie stood, watching as Kyle and Kiana closed in. [RIGHT][I]So...the Celestials and Earthians have already allied themselves. This might be more difficult than expected...especially as some of our Satanics have already fallen due to their emotions.[/I][/RIGHT] Bending down, she laid a palm onto the dead grass beneath her...and she began to [I]sing[/I] in her soft voice: [CENTER][I][B][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2]Come, crawl quickly you fingers of the Earth, Answer a prayer for this child For this daughter calls on wild boundaries She needs the dark protection of your binds Be her growing savior, you hands that hold this Earth.[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/I][/CENTER] Then silence, and after a split-second, Helie looked up, her gaze clear as death to Kyle and Kiana. They had no time to react as hundreds of dead tree roots exploded from the ground, outstretched to catch their prey...Helie's enemies...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]OOC: Hold up w/ the physical there, Aura_Star - I'm nobody's girl yet. :animeswea And I'm not Jason's sister either - only partner in crime. IC: [COLOR=SeaGreen]Helie watched as Talan disappeared into the dark, and then turned back to the others who were waiting. She sighed... [RIGHT][I]Well, it was probably better for him to leave, poor kid...[/I][/RIGHT] She didn't know if he would've been able to handle what was to come, especially with Jason and T'kure along. As for their close physicality, she really didn't care - she wasn't interested in Talan, but she didn't mind giving him the comfort he seemed to need. Hugs didn't cost her anything. [/COLOR] [RIGHT][COLOR=DarkRed][B]"Well, Miss Halcyon?"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen]Jason smirked.[/RIGHT] She knew that he was annoyed with her - he only called her by her nickname when he was aggravated with her. Helie smiled and bowed slightly. [B]"Am I to understand that you wish to begin?"[/B] she asked, completely polite in every manner. [/COLOR] [RIGHT][COLOR=Purple][B]"Stop with this b*tching,"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen]T'kure snarled, interrupting.[/RIGHT] Kelwin only smiled his agreement, slightly amused in his own cynical manner. She nodded again, [B]"Fine then. Where shall we start? Does anyone have a particular group to hit first?"[/B][/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SeaGreen]Goodness, Jason was irritable today... [B]"Perhaps you're right, Jason; perhaps the Earthians have no chance against us, but I would rather be sure of that,"[/B] Helie said quietly. [RIGHT]She watched the sparks flow from his hands into the black earth.[/RIGHT] [RIGHT]He had a cruel smile on his face.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=DarkRed]"Are you afraid of them?"[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=SeaGreen]His hands clenched and unclenched in turn, as if itching to cause terror once more.[/RIGHT] Helie looked away. [B]"No, not afraid - just wary, that's all. Not to mention, not even all of the Celestials are dead yet. If we failed to wipe them out completely, how can we even think that we are secure in our victory? Everything poses a threat at this moment - even the Earthians."[/B] She looked over at Talan to see his reaction, but he wouldn't meet her gaze. [CENTER]Sighing, she turned back to Jason, who was torturing a wounded bird he had found. [B]"And Kelwin seems to have disappeared again - I can't find him. Him and T'kure both."[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] OOC: I'm just trying to get everyone involved, aka the Satanics together so we can start a rampage or something of that nature...:animeswea[/SIZE]
  6. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1][RIGHT]Talan was always too compassionate for his own good. The poor kid was going to get seriously hurt if he kept going like this...and not by her. He had to be given a warning.[/RIGHT] [B]"I hate your attitude Talan. Lighten up - we won, and it's over, so stop being a baby."[/B] Helie's voice was cold, and much harsher than she meant. [RIGHT]Still, the words were already out of her mouth, and the damage was already done - she could see it in his eyes. It was odd - Helie felt so much older than Talan, even though in reality he was three years her senior.[/RIGHT] She walked over some of the rubble beside him, and knelt down. There was old blood among the rubble, and broken toys scattered throughout. Papers fluttered everywhere, blown about by the hard wind that had descended, as if the breath of death in the war. [CENTER]Yes, they had won.[/CENTER] [B]"Talan?"[/B] Helie whispered. Sometimes she felt so...[I]old[/I]. As if she had already lived for centuries... He looked over at her. [B]"Yes?"[/B] [B]"...nevermind. Do you know where Jason is? He was supposed to be here..."[/B] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Esau rolled her eyes. [I]What is this - a sympathy run?[/I] After hearing Sara and Mase talk, she felt nauseous: she could almost see the self-pity that was rolling off their tongues as they spoke. This was so...[I]dumb[/I]. [RIGHT][I]So...this guy has an anger problem?[/I] She smirked inwardly. [/RIGHT] [CENTER][B]"Wow, you're a smart one, aren't you?"[/B] she commented directly to Mase from across the circle.[/CENTER] He said nothing, only watching her with narrowed eyes. Talk about shooting daggers... [CENTER][B]"Yeah, you're a real genius. 'Oh, this kid is annoying me because he seems to be talking about my brother in a derogatory fashion. Instead of thinking of a different way to deal with this, and knowing that I already have an anger problem, I think I'm going to stab the kid with a pencil and get slapped with charges of assault. Not that this could possibly be the wrong way to go or anything, since my mother already can't deal with me at home.' Yeah, I'd have to applaud your deductive reasoning there - your path of action is absolutely laudatory. Pure genius."[/B][/CENTER] Her smile was cold.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1][CENTER][B]Name:[/B] Helie Lee [B]Nick Name:[/B] *Halcyon [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Power:[/B] Wood [B]Group:[/B] Satanic [B]Personality:[/B] Helie is the calmer, cooler counterpart to the violent Jason Lee. Not related to him in any way, they are familiar partners in crime; he the loud and fiery attack, while she being the younger, more balanced support. She is much valued in the Satanic group because of her skill in observation and critique, as well as valuable strategizing. She is the calculating observer, but is still fatally deadly in combat as well. She is unfazed by pain - hers, or others - and has no feelings of guilt or remorse. Intelligent as she is deadly, either way she will find a way to bury you. [B]Appearance:[/B] see attachment; credit to artist [I]*Her nickname is derived from the Greek myth of Alcyone, and stands for the calm, untroubled days on the sea before storms, or during the winter solstice.[/I][/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed][I]A good time, eh?[/I] She smiled to herself as she stood from her seat. Her leg was already falling asleep; it tingled as the blood rushed back through. [CENTER]"[B]Hello Jacob, and fellow people. My name is Esau, and recently I had a little spat with my brother Jacob, in which I really wanted to kill him. Hobbies? I suppose I enjoy the occassional murdering of kin, hunting desert deer with antiquated weapons, and making love to my numerous wives. In my spare time, I like to follow in Hitler's footsteps and institute ethnic cleansing amongst the population of ants that inhabit my family mausoleum. Thank you for your time.[/B]" [/CENTER] She sat before a word could be said. She didn't even [I]have[/I] a family crypt... [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Teal][I]These children...these poor children. They really don't have a clue[/I], she thought disparagingly. Even though she was the same age as most of them, give or take a few years, Miya felt ages older and wiser. They were all so innocent... [I]Too innocent[/I]. She smiled. Most of them were on the ground, injured and bleeding. They had put up a good fight, but would no doubt die if the beast had its way, which it was planning on no doubt. However, this one made her [I]angry[/I]...or annoyed to say the least. As if she didn't already know the Master's plans, but this thing presumed to pass judgement on her. It even presumed to be [B]familiar[/B] with her, calling her by name. [I]My [B]name[/B] passed over that filthy creature's tongue.[/I] Her grip on her blade tightened. Oh yes, she was [I]very[/I] annoyed. "Do you know me, monster?" she asked, her voice contemptuous. It watched her, digging in its feet for better grounding, readying for its next attack. "[COLOR=DarkRed]You betray us, then?[/COLOR]" it hissed, barely understandable. Suddenly, two figures brushed past her, charging for the dark beast. Miya watched as Lai and Shin attacked the monster, their blades pointed. And her skin tingled once more, feeling their power alive in the air. Her own blood livened in answer, feeling the call of the silver that surrounded her in the form of these children. But the thing was fast, and it [I]moved[/I]. But Miya was right there with it.[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Teal]This was [I][B]insanity[/B][/I] - pure, unrivaled, bloody insanity...[B]but she [I]liked[/I] it[/B]. [RIGHT]Miya approached slowly, watching as the group of students fought an indescribeable beast. Blood ran everywhere, and she couldn't tell whose was whose. She could [I]feel[/I] it, though.[/RIGHT] Silver ran in their blood...and it was not difficult to find, now that it had been revealed, awoken, uncovered. [RIGHT]Miya knew that eventually, this group would have to die. The Brotherhood was fated to die at the hand of the Dark Silver.[/RIGHT] [I]But is now the time?[/I] she wondered to herself, as the monster screeched and howled in pain. [RIGHT]She walked faster, picking up speed, and as she neared the haggard figures, she could feel the tingle of their magic on her skin, confirming her suspicions. Silver was out in full force, or so it would seem.[/RIGHT] [RIGHT]Now running, she pulled out her blade, releasing it from its binds beneath her uniform. The hilt was warm and smooth, reassuring her with its silence. She leapt over the broken ground, literally flying over the girl Lai. Shin was still struggling to hold the monster, but he loosened his hold in surprise as he saw Miya leaping through the air like another demonic figure.[/RIGHT] The moment of confusion was all the beast needed; it twisted, throwing Shin away from it. The monster started to advance on all four limbs, Shin directly in its sights. Miya sighed as she landed on the creature's back, feeling the rough texture of leathery skin. Her blade felt no difference - it sunk it with a [I]whisper[/I], as smoothly as silk. [CENTER][B]The creature didn't even seem to notice.[/B][/CENTER] [RIGHT]At least, not until Miya [I]twisted[/I] and [I]yanked[/I] the blade out, [B]completely severing[/B] the monster's left arm in an effusion of blood, bone, and chunks of flesh. It screamed, blood gurgling in its throat, and Miya hastened to get out of its reach. She sliced open the other eye as she leapt from its back, and retreated until she was behind Toji and Shin.[/RIGHT] She waited to find the next opening...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  12. [COLOR=Navy]I'm happy to say that I, luckily enough, have never had to experience a flooded toilet at school...although I think that would be hilarious (while horribly disgusting @ the same time).[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][quote name='Baron Samedi']you can't actually catch AIDS from a toilet seat. You can all rest a little easier now.[/quote]Yes, that makes me so much more comfortable with toilet seats. ^_~ [quote name='MissWem']I've seen turds on the toilet seat. It wasn't once either; honestly I have no idea what would possess any girl to want to plant one on the toilet seat and not into the bowl.[/quote]That's flat-out disgusting.:animestun And I completely agree with you. So ladies, [I][B]do not hover[/B][/I]! [/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Has anyone been in a public restroom (for example the park) where there are stalls...but the stall doors all seem to have disappeared? What happened to them? Why have they gone? And why in the world would you steal a stall door? :animeswea And I just thought I'd include this little story from my friend's xanga: (names have been changed to "protect the innocent" :D ) Basics first though: They're at a restaurant eating. 'Bruce' is my friend, while 'Matt' is his friend. Let the bathroom adventures commence! [QUOTE]Now it is the fun STORY TIME: after finishing eating and having a good time, Matt went to the bathroom to take a piss. I followed almost immediately 'cause I had to take a dump pretty badly. So when I went into the bathroom, I noticed it was only Matt in there. Time to make my move! While I was getting ready to sit down in the stall right next to the urinal he was peeing at, I said "Hey Matt, check this out!" and quickly undid my pants and sat down. After that, I let out the biggest explosion of crap you'll ever hear. I used every ounce of muscle in my body to make that crap come out fast and furious. I mean, this was a disgusting sound thanks to my crap being in small chunks and flying out in a random machine gun style which 'caused the most unique and awesome sound you'll ever hear. Oh man, I could just hear Matt, who was standing right next to me, just groaning and trying to piss extra fast to get out of that. So while I was sitting in my stall laughing like a maniac, he exited the bathroom, and according to Sam and the other guys, yelled all the way across the resturant "HEY GUYS! YOU GUYS HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I JUST HEARD! BRUCE JUST LET OUT THE BIGGEST FART EVER!" Hahahahaha, I heard everybody just stared at him for a bit and he just stared back with his jaw open in disbelief of what just happened. So while Matt was screaming how loud my fart was across a public building, I was thinking that Matt was waiting for me to come out of my stall before hitting me with wet papertowels as revenge. The reason I thought this, is because he already threw a wet one over before leaving, plus I saw a pair of shoes waiting around when I peeked under the stalls. So to get ready for retaliation, I kept one of my poop covered toiletpaper folds read in hand as I flushed and opened the stall door, only to see an old, white, overweight, middle aged man standing there waiting for me to get out of the stall so he could use it. Haha, I had to turn back into the stall, put the poop covered toiletpaper back into the toilet and flush it again. Very awkward moment. But the whole situtation was hilarious. You had to have been there.[/QUOTE][/COLOR]
  13. [SIZE=1][CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name:[/B] Esau Yaerin Kim [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Description:[/B] A shorter-than-average height of 5'3", Esau has short, reddish-brown hair, brown almond-shaped eyes, and a slim, slightly tomboyish figure that hasn't yet filled out in puberty. [B]Personality:[/B] Usually the observer, she's keen on picking out emotions, secrets, and incongruities. She has the tendency to be slightly caustic in her sarcastic comments, and one gets the feeling she is slightly condescending, although you can't be quite sure with her. One can never be sure with her.[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE]
  14. [COLOR=Navy][CENTER]We all know the risks of walking into a public restroom - especially the ones in our public schools. There's the sour scent of urine that has permeated itself into every crevice of the bathroom, and seems to radiate out of the walls. The stalls themselves are of a nondescript coloring, with paint chipping, as well as years of scribbled messages of love, labor, and everything else one can think of, with the generous servings of obscenities and mature language. Ah, the education one can receive from reading the mysterious messages left in bathroom stalls.[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][B]But here's my question:[/B] if you walk into a restroom and there are four stalls, which one do you choose, and why? In your school, is there one that you [I]always[/I] use? What are some of the interesting things you've read while relieving yourself? Any other bathroom stories that can entertain?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I, for one, usually use the second or third stall, and I have no idea why. Maybe the thought of being in the middle is more comforting...? :animeswea One day I walked into the bathroom stall, and I happened to find a banana peel in the little open container for feminine napkins...:animestun What the schmack was that doing there? Why in the world would you eat in the bathroom? It's disgusting![/COLOR]
  15. Is it possible to play more than one character? Because although I have already posted one, I do have other ideas in mind.
  16. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][B]Name:[/B] Xirae Ixetir [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race:[/B] Yarou [B]Occupation:[/B] Soldier [B]Position:[/B] Yarou soldier assigned to serve under Luc Fallan, General of the Meram Army. [B]Weapon:[/B] [I][U]Lupe[/U][/I] ? a sword made out of the vertebrae from the spinal cord of a Teakch, with a horn of the Teakch attached at both the end of the blade, as well as the handle. Every single small edge is glisteningly sharp, and every little piece of protruding bone acts like a hook as it tears and rips into flesh. It is an excruciating way to die. This sword has been constructed in such a way that each vertebrae in the sword locks together into an unbreakable blade; however, if gripped differently, the vertebrae will latch together in a different manner that lengthens the reach of [I]Lupe[/I], as well as making it extremely flexible ? in short, it can be transformed into a bone whip. Xirae has mastered [I]Lupe[/I], and uses it with a devastating and fatal effect. [B]Appearance:[/B] 1st attachment: Xirae in the Realm of the Dead; 2nd: Xirae in the Realm of the Living [B]Personality:[/B] Quite the elitist, Xirae has an unhidden distaste and contempt for those of the Realm of the Living. She has no qualms on the field of battle, for she knows already what lies beyond in the Realm of the Dead. Wielding her uniquely lethal weapon, [I]Lupe[/I], she inspires fear and dread in the hearts of mortals and demons alike. In fact, Xirae reminds one of Nemesis, the angel of death, as she seemingly flies through the gore and blood, with a look of pure bliss on her face as the spirits of Teakchs shred skin and bone with her [I]Lupe[/I]. Xirae mirrors that exactly: she has the ability to exude that same raw power as the dragons she commanded in the Realm of the Dead. She has somewhat of a forced, grudging respect for Luc Fallan, as General Ambika has ordered Xirae to remain under his command in the campaign to defeat the Malroy.[/CENTER][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][B]Excerpt:[/B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] The air was quiet. Not stagnant, but quiet. Except for the buzzing of insects that drifted over the muddy waters, nothing else could be heard. The heat was oppressive, and it was then that Xirae realized that she despised the necessity to breathe. The heavy, humid air made her lungs feel as if they were collecting water, drop by drop suffocating her necessary air channels. Yes, it was aggravating ? no, it was [I]demeaning[/I] ? to be here. In this swamp, where she was not only required to breathe again, but also sweat, toil, and feel the weaknesses of her body become apparent. It had been a long time since she had felt these things. It had been a long time since she had forgotten these things, and now she had been forced to remember them again. [I]Had it been like this?[/I] Yes, she [I]remembered[/I]. The heat, and the water pooling around her calves and ankles, with mud squelching between her toes. She had struggled through the swamp, her clothes caked with the foul-smelling mud, her face unrecognizable under the layers of dirt and sweat. And somewhere, in the middle of it all, she had come to a small oasis, a little island of dry land. She had collapsed under a stunted tree, her tears dried by the merciless sun that burned her blistered skin. And there, alone, in the middle of a mortal hell, she heaved and panted, her swollen belly aching with contractions and lightning strikes of pain. Yes, it was in a place like this that she had given birth. The baby was blackened and rotten, long dead within her wounded womb. She was glad that it had died; she didn?t want it, and felt nothing for it. It stank to high heaven, but still, the pitiful sight brought tears to her eyes. She hated the pain of it, of looking at it, and had tossed it into the muddy waters, where it had sank and disappeared. But still?the pain would not go away. It was not until she had allowed her hate to well up, to coil around her and fester and burn away the pain. And she had blissfully forgotten?or at least allowed herself to think that. Now that she was here, Xirae remembered it. This place was not the same place; this swamp was not the same swamp; this time was not the same time; and this woman was not the same girl. But it was the same dark memory that came to the surface. Too many memories, and too many other dark things that lay under the waters, rotting in the mud, being eaten alive by the parasites and bacteria and other rank things that somehow existed in this putrid place. It was time to leave. Two hours passed, and it was then that she reached higher ground. As she started up the hills that led to the rolling plains, Xirae turned to look back. Up here, it was not visible what lay under the gray and the dusty green. As she turned away, puffs of a breeze slowly lifted strands of her hair, erasing the threads of sweat and dust. But here, there was no difference. She still [B]hated[/B] to breathe.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Apologies for the delay; I was delayed by my astounding abilities of laziness and writer's block...=_=;; Hopefully no one's interest has been assuaged because of that... As of now, the only participating members of Silk Brocade (including myself) are as follows: Cyriel Starrstruck JJRiddler Raid3r Sage Neuvoxetere[/SIZE] [CENTER]_________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]一個 [U]First Meetings[/U][/CENTER][/B] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen]The expected knock came two hours too early. Lian?s eyes narrowed, but she quickly retained her look of perfect grace and welcoming appearance. The servants had all gone ? she had sent them away earlier ? so Lian slid open the door herself, her head bowed in respect and suppliance as the visitor entered. She recognized the shoes: they were small, delicate slippers of heavy jade silk, richly embroidered with an imperial phoenix design. Lian closed her eyes and bowed even lower, her forehead brushing the smooth bamboo floor. [RIGHT]?[B][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Rise,[/COLOR][/B]? came the quiet command. The voice was barely audible, but Lian obeyed immediately. [/RIGHT] Standing to her full height, Lian met the eyes of her visitor, and stood unflinching. It was the youngest of the imperial princesses, Zhen Juan. She was the youngest sister of the Emperor, and almost thirty years his junior. She was dressed in layers of a soft-green silk, heavily embroidered with the royal crest and other auspicious designs. Raven-black hair was bound up with intricate trinkets and pins of gold and jade, while jewels bedecked her slender fingers and neck. The face of the princess was a soft oval, with high cheek bones and flawless skin. There was a light dusting of powder to lighten the already pale skin, and her lips were like a small spring blossom. In all, Lian would have dismissed the girl as another princess of the Forbidden City: royal and spoiled, ignored and forgotten, as sedate as if she had taken a potion of poppy. At least if she had not looked into Zhen Juan?s eyes. They were dark globes that smoldered with a determination that overcame her obvious worry. She was solemn and silent, but as she saw that Lian was inspecting her, the princess had an almost defiant look about her. [RIGHT]?[B][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]You are Lady Peony?[/COLOR][/B]? Her voice was clearer this time, strengthened by whatever goal was in mind. [/RIGHT] Lian nodded imperceptibly, ?[B]Yes, your Highness.[/B]? She held out a slender hand, pointing the princess to the cushion beside the grand silk screen in her room. The princess sat, and Lian followed, kneeling down across from the royal persona. [RIGHT]?[B][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]I have heard?that you are a woman willing to risk things that others are not. And I have heard that you are willing to keep secrets for even those of our lowly estate. I have a secret, and must share it with someone. Would you be willing to be the messenger?[/COLOR][/B]?[/RIGHT] Lian smiled ? she like the girl?s directness ? ?[B]That would depend on the nature of the secret.[/B]? [RIGHT]Princess Zhen Juan drew a deep breath, and then looked directly into Lian?s eyes. ?[B][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]When you go today to the Garden of Awakening Orchids Teahouse, I want you to take me with you. It?s?of uttermost importance.[/COLOR][/B]? [/RIGHT] The answer was swift in return, but brought surprise to the princess, ?[B]No, your Highness. That I cannot do.[/B]? [RIGHT]?[B][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]What do you mean? You dare to lie to me? I know that it is possible for you ? you have done it before! I am commanding you as your princess![/COLOR][/B]? Fire began to blossom on Zhen Juan?s cheeks. [/RIGHT] Lian?s eyes were coolly calculating. ?[B]Your Highness is correct in saying that it is within my abilities to do such a thing. Let me rephrase my response, then: I refuse to do it.[/B]? [RIGHT]?[B][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Do you know what you are saying, Lady Peony? You are defying a royal command![/COLOR][/B]? The princess?s chest was heaving with emotion. [/RIGHT] Bowing her head to the smooth floor again, Lian kept her voice detached. ?[B]Your Highness has?a lover, perhaps?[/B]? [RIGHT]The princess stopped. The dark orbs of her eyes looked frightened. ?[B][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]?You?you dare to imply ? [/COLOR][/B]?[/RIGHT] ?[B]- That you would be dishonorable in your duty to the Emperor? Yes, your Highness, I do imply.[/B]? Lian continued to lock eyes. [RIGHT]The princess was the first to look away, and then closed her eyes. ?[B][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]This?this humble being is to be married within the month. She is betrothed, when her heart has already been possessed by another. Her hope was to?escape a fate dictated by obedience, for once in this dutiful life to the Emperor.[/COLOR][/B]? When the girl opened her eyes again, a writing brush and paper had been laid out onto the lacquered table. [/RIGHT] ?[B]Write this today. We shall speak again later, your Highness.[/B]? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A fresh, bright yellow chrysanthemum graced the dark coils of her hair, and sea-blue robes billowed around her, giving the image of an oceanic goddess, as beautiful as she was powerful. In her touch, there was the promise of a storm. Lian slipped out of the divan, her escorts standing by in a resolute stillness. She went through the back entrance of the tea house, the serving girls bowing in respect and familiarity ? her visits usually came every couple of weeks. The eerie notes of a Chinese violin came accompanied by samisen and a multitude of chimes and gongs ? they must be performing a dance. Lian made her way towards the largest hall, and joined into the multitude of women in their graceful steps. She swayed with the music, but her eyes were scanning the audience of men. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted Ebony, who smiled and gave a slight nod. [I]So?the messenger is here?[/I] But Lian saw no one.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER]______________________________________________________[/CENTER] [SIZE=1]This is the official first chapter of Silk Brocade, in which you will meet one other member of the RPG. I have already made the decision on who each player will be meeting, and it goes as follows: Neuvoxetere - JJRiddler Cyriel - Sage Starrstruck - Raid3r In this chapter, you will [B]make contact with your assigned partner[/B]. Each member is given [B]two posts each[/B], which can be used at any time. Postings do not have to follow an exact order, so post at will. :animesmil I tried to base the decision on the likelihood of meeting, such as house or occupation. Please have your first post up within the next week. Also, it might not be such a bad idea to talk to your partner outside of the RPG. [/SIZE]
  18. [COLOR=Teal]She hadn't gone to class as she was supposed to. Instead, she had taken the office note and tossed it into the trash. Why did she even bother to come today? She should have stayed home and slept, or trained. [RIGHT]The sound of the bell broke Miya out of her dark mood; she knew that it was safe to come out into the hall now, as it was lunchtime. Opening the door of the janitor's closet, Miya slipped into the stream of students heading towards the cafeteria, but didn't join them. Instead, she slipped outside into the school yard, and leaned against one of the trees.[/RIGHT] She froze. [I]A...figure...?[/I] [RIGHT]She had felt this once before, one time in a different school, in a different country, when she had been much younger... But that had been the start. The feeling was familiar, and yet still held the mystery and excitement of the unknown. Miya couldn't help but look to the roof, but it was already empty, and showed no sign of anyone ever having been there. That was expected, after all. Still, she could still feel the slight tingle of electricity under her skin, an effect of the whisper of power that she was bound to.[/RIGHT] Miya smiled, almost in relief. It had been so long, and she had missed it. She had waited, never expecting to experience it again. She had lived only on the memory of that night, that second in which she had tasted the blood that had been drawn from her skin, the cool silver blade etching across her pale skin. [RIGHT]That night, her fate had been sealed by that silver blade. Under her skirt, her own blade felt warm against her skin. Miya smiled again, tasting the name upon her lips, the one that had been etched in the blood she had shed as she had sworn... [I]Dark Silver...[/I][/RIGHT] Which must mean...that those of the Brotherhood were here as well...[/COLOR]
  19. OOC: Apologies for my tardiness - I was unaware that this had begun. IC: [COLOR=SeaGreen]The ringing of the phone woke her from her dream. She allowed her eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight that was streaming through the open window. Sitting up, she waited as the phone sounded obnoxiously for the fifth time. "Moshimoshi," she spoke into the receiver. "Miya? Is that you?" The voice was familiar to her; she closed her eyes briefly, "[I]Oui Pere[/I], it's me." "Oh, [I]bonjour mon cherie[/I]!" her father exclaimed. Her face didn't change - he sounded far too happy, and it had been almost two months since his last phone call. What did he want? "You didn't forget, did you? Your first day of school!" Miya checked her cruel smile, even though no one could see her. Her father still treated her like a child of five... She had forgotten his annual call on this day, as on her birthday, and the day of her mother's death. Three times a year. She was three hours late for school. She gave the proper responses to her father's light conversation, but her eyes narrowed as she heard something in the background of her father's voice. It was...a female voice...murmuring. And then that of a subservient. Miya clenched her teeth. [I]He's calling me while he's just finished in bed with his mistress...that salope[/I]. The conversation was over in two minutes. That done, Miya hung up the phone. Five minutes later she was on her way to school.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]To those members who have posted, I thank you for your quick replies. For the rest of the members who have been accepted into Silk Brocade, please post within three days from now. I will be going out of town for the weekend, and so will check the thread on Easter Sunday, March 27. If you have not posted by then, I will take that as your resignation from Silk Brocade. -Cyriel[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]Silk Brocade has now officially been opened in the Square. Please begin as soon as you are able, and I hope you enjoy. [U]Accepted:[/U] Neuvoxetere/ Xiao Heng Ran Cahoots34/ Chen Jie-Ling JJRiddler/ Hirada Naoto Raid3r/ Tzu Sun Sage/ Trang Ten Unborn Lord Xion/ Zhou Tao Starrstruck/ Ke Na Saishi/ Be Xiang[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [CENTER][U][B]Prologue: Culled[/B][/U][/CENTER] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]The soldiers were not expected that day. They came marching over the grassy knoll, trampling the budding shoots and dry meadow hay, a dark, ordered clump of dark green. Their helmets stood like brown horse manes, curved and sleek over grim faces. Spears glinted in the morning light, tinted pearly pink by the early dawn. It softened the color of the crimson plumes that looked so much like blood, already waving beside the spearheads. The girl woke in the hut, hearing the approaching footsteps. A smile lit her tired face; she was expecting her mother who had been gone again, this time for almost two weeks. Her twin brother lay sleeping still under a heavy quilt, but he stirred as well. The two locked glances and smiled ? they both stood and made their way to the doorway of the hut, letting in the fresh morning air, biting their teeth at the way the cool mist chilled their feet. They were two figures in white, surrounded by swirling fog. They saw the soldiers. ~~~ The girl woke and shook her head. The place was unfamiliar to her ? there were so many people ? there - She began to scream, and her voice grew in volume and pitch until it reached an unimaginable shriek. She saw shining spears again, this time from inside the bars of the wooden cage that held her captive. Blood was so clear in her mind, that beautiful, hateful, crimson liquid that was spilled so easily. The guards paid no mind, only joking sometimes as they waited. The crowd gathered, attracted by the platform, the prisoner, the whispers, and the gossip. They were Pearls of Winter, or so it was said. The marketplace was packed in wait of the promised execution. [/COLOR] [B][CENTER]__________________[/CENTER][/B] [COLOR=DarkGreen]She sipped her tea, careful not to burn her tongue. The cup was bone-thin, with a delicate design gracing its ivory sides. She motioned for the servant to continue. The servant refilled the teacup. ?[B][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]The other prisoners were brought out ? three women and one man. They came out silently, and were unflinching, even in the face of the guards. Not even the screams of the girl seemed to affect them. Well, except for one of the women. The woman with the scar on her face, she saw the girl, and she started to struggle then. She fought the guards, and the others helped her. They used their ropes to strangle one of the policemen as well.[/COLOR][/B]? A perfect brow rose in expected surprise. ?[B]They managed to kill one of the police?[/B]? A nod followed her question; the servant was feeling quite important at the attention: ?[B][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Yes, until finally fifteen or so guards had to come and try to regain control of the prisoners. The man was killed in the fight ? he was impaled on a spear. The three other women were knocked out, and then noosed on the platforms. Water was splashed on their faces to wake them, and as soon as they knew where they were, they were hung.[/COLOR][/B]? ?[B]And the girl? What happened to the girl in the cart?[/B]? The servant nodded, ?[B][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Oh yes, the girl was screaming the entire time. She kept screaming ?Mother! Mother!?? The servant clucked her tongue. ?Yes, and then when the women were hung, the little thing just stopped. But you could hear her gasping for breath, and her eyes were so big, like big mirrors?big and clear...[/COLOR][/B]? ?[B]But what happened to her?[/B]? ?[B][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]This one does not know,? the servant answered, shaking her wizened head. ?They took the cart away afterwards, with the girl still inside the cage.[/COLOR][/B]? Lian nodded, and then turned to look out of the pagoda. The sky was clear, matching the lake in hue. The white lotus flowers paralleled the graceful clouds in the sky. The servant, seeing the mood of the mistress, quietly slipped away?[/COLOR] ~~~ [COLOR=DarkGreen]?A message, Lady Peony,? the messenger slipped her a small piece of paper. Lian took the message and rewarded the boy, who left quickly, excited by the clink of silver in his hand. She read the note in the candlelight by her sleeping mat. A trembling sigh escaped ? she was unable to stop its short life in the relative stillness of her room. She tucked the paper under her pillow, and then blew out the candle. She closed her eyes, trying to slip into sleep, as if to go unnoticed by nightmares and bad dreams. But behind her closed lids, she could see a girl. A girl in a white dress? [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I]Lady Peony, May your life within the Emperor?s walls be blessed. I am esteemed that one so honored as you would still correspond with me. I know of the executions, and of the girl you ask of. It is to my knowledge that they were willing to spare the girl. However, there was no one willing to claim her - the risk was too great, as she was rumored to have been the child of one of the members of the Pearls of Winter. They tied the girl to a stake in the middle of a pen, and then released a pack of wild dogs into it. Those watching said that she never made a sound. Her white dress was torn to shreds. May the gods be generous to you as you continue your glorious life under the Great Dragon. ~Ebony of the Garden of Awakening Orchids[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER]_________________________________________________[/CENTER] [SIZE=1]Silk Brocade has now officially begun. Only those members who have been accepted are allowed to participate. The first chapter of this is actually the Prologue. Each member will post [B]one piece of writing[/B] which will establish the current place, age, and doings of the character. At this time you may only post once, and you [B]may not come into contact[/B] with another player. For this Prologue chapter, please give a fitting title to your post. The order of posts is not important. Please keep the level and skill in writing that I saw in the sign-ups; otherwise, I may ask you to leave. You may begin - I hope you enjoy it.[/SIZE]
  23. [RIGHT][COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Kurokami, Miya [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Role:[/B] Bound to the Dark Silver [B]Appearance:[/B] attached [B]Personality:[/B] Miya is like a multi-faceted jewel; she has many faces, and can wear each with mastery and perfection. However, nothing is an act. Despite what people say about ?being true to oneself,? it is an undeniable truth that one acts differently in different situations, and around different people. Thus, Miya has various ?true selves,? which at times can seem like entirely different people. And thus, no one ever knows the one true Miya, because there is none. She is entirely ambiguous unto herself, hidden and yet obvious. However, she is clear in all her goals, has a perfect eidetic (photographic) memory, and sensitivity to finite details. Her mind is an infinite expanse of secrecy in complete openness. She is also honest to the extreme ? if you ask ? and she expects the same from others. Otherwise?she has no mercy or patience towards you. Miya does not accept lies or half-truths in the least. [B]Bio:[/B] Born in Champagne, France, Miya grew up in the rich valley dining on fine spirits and rich foods. Her father was a rich French banker, and had met her Japanese mother on a business trip to Tokyo. They married and moved to France, where he bought her a fine chateau in the Champagne valley. Miya was born three years later, and was their only child. She had private tutors until the age of thirteen. By the age of eleven she had mastered six languages other than French: English, Japanese, German, Spanish, Chinese, and Latin. Her mother employed several masters of various martial arts, and Miya learned quickly and eagerly. She mastered them as quickly as she plowed through her educational studies. At the age of thirteen, Miya was sent to a private finishing school run by alums of the famed Oxford University. It is not exactly known, but it is estimated that it was around this time that Miya first came in contact with the forces of Dark Silver, as well as the Brotherhood. The circumstances of this are unknown, but she became bound to that of the Dark Silver. When she returned home a year later, she had dramatically changed. The death of her mother only worsened her reclusive and hostile condition. Finally, her father sent Miya to Japan, where she was enrolled at Ginsato High School. Her father remains in France, but sends her a generous monthly allowance, while also employing her housing staff at her own personal residence. She has been in Japan for two years, watching and waiting. However, even now more than ever, her relationship to that of the Dark Silver is unclear. Perhaps the wait is finally over?or perhaps the hunt is just beginning? [/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
  24. [SIZE=1]There's been a bit of confusion I believe about this, so I will clarify. The time setting of this RPG is not in the modern day - [I]not even close[/I]. It is still set in the time where China was still ruled by its emperors in ancient dynasties. If I had to name one, I'd say that this will be held closest to the Tang Dynasty, but it's not going to be strictly there. Stylistically, just think of the movies [I]Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon[/I] or [I]Hero[/I]. (I know it's not the right dynasty, but that's kind of what you should be thinking of when writing). Please make corrections to your sign-ups if it is necessary. Also at this time, let me say that I am very picky about posts, and that they have to be up to par. I [B]do[/B] look at grammar, spelling, punctuation...etc, so please check them over. You may edit your sign-up at any time until the closing date (which still hasn't been specified). I'd also prefer to have a few more male characters in this story, (maybe gov. based?) so if you know anyone who would be willing, please encourage them to sign up. You may also sign up more than one character, so if that interests you, please do so; although I can't guarantee that all of them will be used.[/SIZE] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue][CENTER][B]Name:[/B] Hua Lian [B]Sobriquet:[/B] Peony (the "King of Flowers") [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance/Description:[/B] attached [B]Affiliation:[/B] Pearls of Winter [B]Brocade:[/B] Garden of Frozen Chrysanthemum She leaves a piece of light blue silk with two, pale yellow chrysanthemums embroidered on it, with a peony seed folded inside. [B]Weapon(s):[/B] Includes a variety of poisoned darts and needles, as well as seemingly innocent accessories, such as: hair pins, brooches, jewelry, and perfumes. The main constant is the poison that she applies carefully to each. [B]Circumstances:[/B] Born in the brothels of a nameless city, her mother died soon afterwards, too weak to go on. Lian was raised by the other women and whores in the brothel, until she was old enough to sell her own body. They sent Lian to work, but during the first night she was "working," she became frightened and refused to cooperate. She was violently raped and beaten. The next morning Lian was no where to be found. She fled, still wounded, into the mountains, where she was found and treated by the Pearls of Winter. She joined their ranks a year later as a member of the Garden of Frozen Chrysanthemum, and has lived and worked with them since then. She has vowed to never again be so weak and unable to defend herself as on that night when her innocence was taken. Lian is one of the few members of Chrysanthemum that are willing to take on assassination missions and undercover roles. Currently she has been cloistered among the aristocrats and royal family as an entertainer and courtesan inside the walls of the Forbidden City. [/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=2][B]Introduction:[/B] The candlelight flickered, barely lighting the dim room. A slender hand held a thin, silver needle into the flame, and smoke hissed and curled into the air, dissipating in a silky fashion. The door slid open silently, a dark figure waiting in the night air, "[B]Ready?[/B]" She nodded, and slid the needle into the bamboo tube that she held in her other hand. She stood, dark robes falling into place; just another shadow running alongside the hour of midnight. A bad dream, perhaps... "[B]Let's go[/B]." The four others led the way, and it was not long before they arrived at their destination. It looked deserted: the well was empty, and the bucket was hanging by a few strands of rotten rope. The windows were open invitations, the rice paper long gone, and no doors or shutters remained. It was perfect. The five figures silently slid inside, and lay in wait. They heard the distant horse hooves, and hands tightened on weapons. Their prey was approaching... [CENTER]~~~[/CENTER] "[B]...these are so boring, Father! I want Peony![/B]" The face of the son was twisted into a scowl as he whined - it was not a pretty face for the son of one of the provincial governors. But at this point, Governor Chen didn't really care. All he wanted was for his son Haobo to stop in his constant nit-picking over which courtesan would accompany him to the evening meal. The governor waved his hand, and one of the servants bowed low, and went to fetch his son's favorite. She was not long in coming. "[B]Master Chen..?[/B]" a voice called, silvery and perfect in depth and tone. The figure stepped through the lacquered doorway, the hangings held aside by the servants. "[B]Peony! Oh, now I will really be able to be entertained! These ninnies can do nothing but flap their arms around while they pretend to dance, and their voices hurt my ears! Please, oh please play something for me! I already have your instrument here![/B]" Haobo clung to her hand, pleading persistently. Governor Chen wanted to leave, but didn't. His son was... Well, let's just say that he was a lusty young man, and had to be supervised around beautiful young girls. Patiently, 'Peony' allowed herself to be led to the silk cushion by the wall-screen. Seating herself gracefully, the folds of her fine gown of yellow silk settled itself around her in a pleasing array of soothing color. As always, two bright yellow chrysanthemums decorated her dark tresses. In all aspects, her name suited her perfectly, for she was indeed the royal flower among all the other beauties at the palace. The samisen was placed into her hands, and she held it gently. The thin, polished wood was inviting to her fingers, and she plucked a note. The room fell silent, and she took a breath. Then, her slender hands started to move across the strings, dancing as she played a haunting melody in time to her pulse and breath. And then she started to sing... She closed her eyes as her voice moved in harmony with the notes she was playing. Before her audience, Peony was a beautiful flower, the brightest and most graceful in the field. Her voice was like a siren's, bewitching, calming, perfect. But behind her delicate face, her soft lashes, her closed lids, lay the images and memories of dark nights, silent footsteps, and the silken voice of death. She truly was Peony, the royal flower that grew among a frozen garden.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1][CENTER]A secret story has been passed down for generations? Mothers sing gently to their small daughters, whispering words of a tale that is a secret hope. In a land and age where daughters were worthless, and sold off into cruel marriages, there seemed to be only one unhappy fate. But then?word started to snake through the villages. Somewhere in the high valleys, in a small village between two hills, came a new story to sing. And mothers could sing to their small daughters a sweet secret? [I]?In a hut built for outcasts Live women who combed up their hair. Independent spinsters strong as mountain pines, Capable women merciful as Gwoon Yum. Talk to them and you will know That for daughters with courage and vision, Old laws can be swept aside, New laws can be made.?[/I] ~The Moon Pearl [/CENTER] For years China has sentenced daughters to the cruel fate of arranged marriages, to be exiled from their families, and to be happy only through luck. For generations women have had no more use than to produce a son, a male heir to carry on the family name. But long ago, three women took vows of spinsterhood, swearing to never marry, but to live independently, free to decide their own fates. They challenged the very base of their culture, shaking the roots of masculinity. Eventually more young girls joined, taking the oath as well. However, they were forced into isolation and hiding, for families feared that more daughters would join these free thinkers. The village drove out the spinsters, and the girls retreated high into the mountains? But now, many years later, whispers again are being heard, sung by the small streams that pass the villages. Mothers again can sing to their daughters, and daughters have another hope? [CENTER][B]~~~~~[/B][/CENTER] It is said that when the first three spinsters took their vows, they made their living by embroidering fine patterns onto silk cloth from the villages. Their work was rich and perfect, the finest ever seen, and each had their own signature. The three were first the [B]pine[/B], the [B]bamboo[/B], and the [B]plum[/B], otherwise known to the Chinese as the Three Friends of Winter. Other symbols were added as more girls joined: the [B]chrysanthemum[/B] and the [B]wintersweet[/B]. Over the years the spinsterhood has now evolved and grown into secret organizations for women, sheltering those who would choose a different path than marriage or nunnery. Along with rich embroidery, they have also started to emerge as an underground group well-educated in martial arts. Skill with the needle is parallel with their skill with the sword. The aristocratic government of China sees these groups as rebels, and has ordered that all members be captured and executed. Thus, the [B]Pearls of Winter[/B], as they have come to be known, have now turned into enemies of the government, and are fighting a vicious guerilla war to defend themselves, and revolutionize the entire country itself. For even in the deepest cold of men?s hearts, the Pearls of Winter still bloom in defiance of the frost. [CENTER][B]~~~~~[/B][/CENTER] The Pearls of Winter are organized into five sub-groups, or houses, referring to followers of the different women who originally took the vows of spinsterhood: [COLOR=Navy][U][I]Winter Pine Pagoda[/I][/U] - It is the most secretive of all of the members of the Pearls of Winter, but it is because they guard the most wisdom. Having derived its entirely own style and art form of fighting techniques, the style of combat used by members of the Pearls of Winter all originated from the Winter Pine Pagoda. They have in their keeping all forms and manuals of their martial arts, as well as stolen manuals that tell the secrets of other techniques. Thus, the Pearls of Winter are well-versed in almost any style of combat. Winter Pine members are especially adaptable to various forms of combat, and interchange almost unnoticeably. All weapons used by the Winter Pine are made out of pine wood, usually black pine. They have uncovered a secret fire technique that can make the wood harder and sharper than metal, and it is characterized by the ash streaks it leaves behind after hitting something. The Winter Pine Pagoda also produces all explosives that are used by the Pearls of Winter, and seem to work easily with fire and the forge. They are also manufacturers of firecrackers, and send these bright, colorful creations to the Snow of Plum Blossom to sell. The members wear robes of white, with a black pine print outlined in gold embroidery.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][U][I]White Bamboo Forest[/I][/U] ? Members of the White Bamboo Forest are swift and subtle in their movements, hardly noticeable. They have a reputation for disappearing and reappearing out of thin air, and seem to easily camouflage themselves in almost any surrounding. Of all the Pearls of Winter, those of White Bamboo Forest are the most difficult to catch, and are the easiest to lose track of. White Bamboo Forest is also very skilled in picking locks and getting out of binds; there are numerous times where their members have escaped out of locked cells when the guard was absent for a single moment. Combat with the staff is particularly excellent among these members, as well as spear, javelin, and other long-distance weaponry. They are comfortable carrying heavier weapons as well, and this doesn?t seem to hinder their agility and ease in movement. White Bamboo Forest also contains the largest number of male members compared to the other groups of the Pearls of Winter, and White Bamboo also has the swiftest messengers. The members wear robes of a mossy green, which are embroidered at the sleeves and collar in a coppery, rich brown.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][U][I]Snow of Plum Blossom[/I][/U] ? The specialty of this house is the production of tea. Of all the groups, Snow of Plum Blossom is the money-maker and economic supplier of the Pearls of Winter. Snow of Plum Blossom produces a rare and sought-after tea, called ?Snow Drop,? with a secret recipe that is kept under guard by the Winter Pine Pagoda. Because the tea has been outlawed by the Chinese government, Snow of Plum Blossom makes even more money because of the inflated price on the black market. Snow of Plum Blossom also makes secret exports to Japan, cementing its financial security. Even nobles in the aristocracy of China secretly buy snow drop tea, because of its refined taste and perfect blend of the palate. Snow of Plum Blossom has opened many teahouses under different names, and serves many high government officials. Here the Pearls of Winter can gather information and needed services. Other than tea, Snow of Plum Blossom also produces the most embroidered work and silk. Bolts of cloth bought from Snow of Plum Blossom carry the richest and fanciest designs, and no two are the same. This makes cloth from Snow of Plum Blossom extremely popular among the rich citizenry, who then never have to worry of the richness of their dress. Snow of Plum Blossom gathers a large following amongst nobles who visit their teahouses, and is the most valuable of the Pearls of Winter. Members wear robes that are a deep, dark violet, which almost looks black. They are embroidered with silver and pale pink threads.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][U][I]Garden of Frozen Chrysanthemum[/I][/U] ? The healers of the Pearls of Winter reside with the Garden of Frozen Chrysanthemum. Herbal remedies and traditional medicines are all kept with the Garden of Frozen Chrysanthemum, and they continually discover new medicinal properties. The most liked of all the houses, in the presence of a member the scent of chrysanthemum will pervade and calm the senses. Of all the houses, they are the most alert, and are quick to be aware of threat or danger. As most are knowledgeable in the art of healing and dressing wounds, the Garden of Frozen Chrysanthemum are often the most reluctant to kill, but will do so if it is necessary by the Pearls of Winter. Not only this, but Frozen Chrysanthemum also supplies some economic support, by giving medicines and tonics to Snow of Plum Blossom to sell. Their medicines can always be counted on, and always heal in some way. Of the houses, Frozen Chrysanthemum is also the most spiritual, and members seem to have a special bond with nature and the wilderness. But along with the production of medicine, Garden of Frozen Chrysanthemum also harbors the knowledge of secret poisons, the remedies of which are only known to them. All recipes, as with Snow of Plum Blossom, are kept with the Winter Pine Pagoda. They are gentle and loving in nature, but at the same time can be deadly with their skill. Thus, their members are almost perfect for infiltration and assassination, but most are unwilling to do so, except in most important circumstances. The members will wear robes of a pale, delicate yellow. Their robes usually show no sign of decoration or embroidery, although sometimes individual members will change it to their liking.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][U][I]Wintersweet Pavilion[/I][/U] ? Often called the ?sister of plum,? the Wintersweet Pavilion is the least well-known of the houses. However, they work the closest with the Snow of Plum Blossom, sending beautiful, mysterious members into the teahouses, and - more often than not - undercover into various government positions. The number and majority of members of this house are not known to the other Pearls of Winter, but only to the Elder of the Pearls of Winter. They are immersed in covert operations, and the majority of their members are involved in planting moles in the government and other positions. Usually the only way to get into contact with the Wintersweet Pavilion is to go through contacts among the Snow of Plum Blossom or the Winter Pine Pagoda. Indeed, Plum Blossom acts much like a shield that veils the Wintersweet Pavilion so that they are able to carry out their goals effectively and quickly. Those of the Wintersweet Pavilion are skilled in the art of disguise and imagery, and most are very skilled in acting and deception. Some may even pose as members of the other Pearls of Winter. Because of their ambiguity, those of Wintersweet have no uniform robe - they are usually immersed in disguises. However, when they do wish to congregate safely and with other Pearls, members will tuck sprigs of the wintersweet blossom in a visible place on their personage.[/COLOR] ~~~ Each of the Pearls of Winter will uniformly wear robes that have the crest of their designated house embroidered somewhere, unless it jeopardizes their position. Thus, the wearing of the robes is not very common unless one is with the Winter Pine Pagoda. Otherwise, they are too much in contact with the public. Not only this, but at any scene of their doing, the Pearls of Winter will always leave a calling card: a piece of rich silk brocade, embroidered with the symbols of each of the five Pearls. Thus, the government has come to fear the once honored symbols of pine, bamboo, plum blossom, chrysanthemum, and wintersweet. Also, all Pearls of Winter are connected universally. Upon acceptance into the Pearls of Winter, one will be given a string of seed pearls; all members have these. [B]- Sign-up -[/B] [B]Name:[/B] (surname first) [B]Sobriquet:[/B] (Like a pen-name; it is what you are known as to the public, or a formal nickname). This is not required, and can also be made later. [B]Age:[/B] [B]Gender:[/B] (There can be males among the Pearls of Winter ? it is quite common now). [B]Appearance/Description:[/B] A picture or general description. [B]Affiliation:[/B] This can be almost anything that can be concocted among that time and culture. One does not have to be with the Pearls of Winter; you can be a soldier of the government, in the law enforcement, a sympathizer, a member of royalty or nobility? The list goes on. Be creative, and make your character interesting and original. [B]Brocade:[/B] (only for those among the Pearls of Winter) ? this designates which house/sub-group of the Pearls of Winter that you are included in. In this, please also describe the piece of silk brocade that you leave behind as your calling card. [B]Weapon(s):[/B] (Please don't over-do this... I am not setting a limit, but please remember that the Pearls act more through subtlety than force). [B]Circumstances:[/B] This is like the biography. Please tell me why and how your character came to be wherever they are at the moment. This really doesn?t have to be all that long ? just a brief summary will do. More of your character?s background will be fleshed out in the rpg itself. [B]Introduction:[/B] A trial posting in which you can exhibit your style of writing and sense of character. This is probably the area I will look most critically at, so please make it your best effort. I do not have an area to describe personality because that usually integrates itself well into the circumstances and the introductory post. However, if you wish to do so, you may include a personality line. ~~~ This RPG will progress in a hybrid form of the chapter system and freestyle posting. At every chapter I will either designate the order and characters of the chapter. However, in some instances in which I feel there need to be more openings, or perhaps the going is a bit slow, I will announce the characters, and will allow them to post willy-nilly. There are also other times in which I will be PMing characters on how to proceed, so please remember to check those. At this point, sign-ups are open indefinitely[/SIZE].
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