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Everything posted by Cyriel
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=Sienna]"[B]Shhh...[/B]" Julia held up a finger to her lips. The vampires stilled, freezing into amorphous images in the rubble. A few strands of silky brown hair escaped from the pale yelllow ribbon that bound it. They fluttered along Julia's cheek in a wilting breeze... Her eyes unseeing, Julia's head tilted slightly, cocked and listening. Her heartbeat quickened in time; she heard something on the wind that was not...entirely...decipherable. Concentrating and tuning her ear to pick up the slight notes that the wind had sent unknowingly, across such a far distance... Two minutes passed before Julia nodded. The others let go of their held breaths in unison, and she smiled. "[B]What was it?[/B]" Itzhak was the first to ask. Julia shook her head, "[B]I...heard something. But even with tuning, I couldn't understand what they said - it was too far, and too hurried. But it was...worried. Something...troubled it greatly, whatever it was. But...I smell a scent on the air...[/B]" The others sniffed as well, and Mia nodded, "[B]Yes, there's...blood I think. But it's different - it's not something familiar to me[/B]." "[B]You're right, Mia[/B]," Julia said, lying back again, "[B]and I doubt that we can catch it this time. But I believe that we've just had our first taste and confirmation of the existence of the silver-haired demon[/B]."[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=Sienna]As Julia began to follow, Leon suddenly caught up with her, pulling her back with in his iron grip. She turned swiftly, twisting out of reach in quick reflex. "[B]Yes, Leon..?[/B]" "[B]I will follow them, Lady Julia[/B]." Julia waited, but then Itzhak murmured his approval as well, so she nodded. "[B]Yes, perhaps you are right... Contact me once you find where they are passing the night. I have business I must speak of with Zuriel...[/B]" Mia came forward, "[B]Why not speak to him now? They are gathered[/B]." She watched as they started to disappear amongst the rubble. "[B]No, there are too many...others. This is a private matter, and however loyal the Gwyar and Myrkur Aniol might be to each other, this is still only for Zuriel to hear. And at the moment, he seems a bit...testy?[/B]" She smiled, and the others chuckled. Leon gave a brief bow, and disappeared into the rising dust after their quarry. [B]~~[/B] "[B]Perhaps it's not my place, but...why is it so important to speak to Zuriel? Our clan has never directly spoken with him - it has always only been through contacts. And...if we needed to eliminate a target, there are other groups that we could contract with[/B]," Pinto asked pointedly. He was still uneasy in the open. Julia didn't answer for sometime, and after a few minutes Mia took out a cloth and started to oil one of her guns. "[B]Itzhak...[/B]" Julia started, "[B]...do you remember, a very long time ago when the Founder was still with us... There was an attack in Rio de Janeiro on the main housing complex. The majority of the clan living there were killed[/B]." Mia started at this, "[B]What? When did this happen?[/B]" "[B]It was before your time, Mia. But yes, Julia, I remember this probably better than you. Fire was set to all the buildings, and our own explosives had been used against us. But...none of the survivors seemed to be able to remember who our attacker was. Indeed, I actually don't think that the perpetrator was ever found, although there were rumors...[/B]" Pinto looked to Itzhak, "[B]What kind of rumors?[/B]" Itzhak looked to Julia, who closed her eyes in thought. Finally she answered, looking at the gray sky. "[B]Rumors...of humans[/B]." "[B]What?? Humans could never do that! Wait...were they among our employees?[/B]" Julia shook her head. "[B]No, none among Labareda were involved. But yes, the attack was instigated by human hands...perhaps just one[/B]." Mia shook her head in disbelief. "[B]Where does Zuriel and the Myrkur Aniol play into this?[/B]" "[B]You've heard of their clan warfare? The existing clans have drawn sides in this War, with the Myrkur Aniol and Gwyar both against a being they call the silver-haired demon. There are of course other clans, but these are the only ones in which we need involvement with for the moment.[/B]" "[B]This...silver-haired demon - is he dangerous?[/B]" Mia asked. Julia smiled. "[B]Oh yes...[I]very[/I] dangerous. But again, this is where rumor fills in the tale. It is said that this demon fought, and [I]lost[/I]...to a human. A human of something known as The Project. This had all been speculation to us, until the disappearance of the Founder.[/B]" Pinto drew a quick, angry breath. "[B]Yes, Pinto, you have guessed it. After the disappearance of the Founder, I followed every path to pursue him and his whereabouts...but to no end. However, this rumor, this tale, led me to believe that the violent attack, as well as the death of the Founder, is to be pinned on the heads of The Project[/B]." "[B]And Zuriel? And this silver-haired demon?[/B]" Julia nodded again, "[B]From Zuriel I must find the silver-haired demon, since he doesn't seem to travel in our circles. And from the silver-haired demon, I must find the humans...The Project[/B]."[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=Sienna]The day was cloudy. Her coffee had grown cold, but the black liquid was still soothingly aromatic. Julia had stopped pacing, and now stood leaning on the thick oak railing. The wood was smooth and familiar under her fingertips, and she stood with eyes closed, breathing in the damp, salty air. The wind had picked up slightly, pushing her hair away from her face, and brushing her cheeks and lashes with light, gentle kisses. Behind her, someone quietly brought a new cup of coffee, which would be left untouched as the first cup. "[B]What time is it now?[/B]" The vampire came forward to the balcony edge, emptying the cold coffee over the side, "[B]It's ten o'clock, Lady Julia.[/B]" His eyes kept looking to the sky, checking the position of the clouds via the sun. Julia was familiar with the wary movement; all the vampires in Labareda did the same, since only she was immune; but the others only had to fear direct sunlight. Another minute passed. Julia came out of her moody silence, "[B]Rocket is dead, as are the rest of them[/B]." "[B]You are sure, Lady Julia?[/B]" "[B]In all their years of service, none of them - especially Rocket - has ever been late. They were to come before the break of dawn...and they have not. They are dead, Itzhak[/B]." Itzhak closed his eyes briefly - he and Rocket had been especially close. "[B]You're right, Julia[/B]," he whispered. "[B]I just did not want to finally admit...[/B]" Julia nodded, hugging him briefly. "[B]The Myrkur Aniol must be in more chaos than we expected, and we have heard nothing from our usual contacts. It's probable that those loyal to Zuriel have been executed[/B]." The sky looked a darker gray, and already Julia could smell the scent of the earth rising. The richness of the soil was reflected in the fresh cup of coffee Itzhak now handed her, and this time she took a sip. She smiled, savoring the earthy, bitter taste. "[B]Call Leon, Mia, and Pinto. Tell Venici to look after things while we're gone. We leave in two minutes.[/B]" It was time enough to finish her cup. [CENTER][B]~~~[/B][/CENTER] The five figures made their way through the rubble. Blood stained the ground and broken stone, pooling in mirrors of a cranberry tint. Fragments of broken bone were scattered at random, a garnish to the ghastly spread. Mia, an experienced vampire with slick blonde hair, knelt and touched one of the blood pools. She let the congealing liquid drip from her fingers, watching with glassy eyes. "[B]It's Rocket[/B]." Julia nodded, and handed her a clean white handkerchief embroidered with poppies. She could already smell the left-overs of the others as well. A hundred feet further, and their bodies came into view. Julia didn't look at them, but motioned to Leon. He nodded, tying back his pepper hair, and went to work. They moved on without him. It wasn't long before the air started to vibrate with power, and the sweet scent of angelic forms greeted Julia's nose, discordant with the metallic scent of blood. She signalled to the others: "[B]Zuriel is here, as are the Fallen. Don't die[/B]." She led the way in the pitted silence, further into the devastation, following the path that supreme power had broken before her.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1]"[B]Lady Julia[/B]," the vampire said softly as he bowed, and then stood in silence. The cool ocean breeze whispered through the loggia, a partner to the soft moonlight that bathed the rich furnishings and tropical plants in a soft, silver hue. A dark figure sat unmoving in the woven bamboo chair, face hidden by the shadows of the pillars. A soft sigh escaped. "[B]This night is so peaceful, the sky is beautiful, and the moon seems to smile when I look to its light. What is the matter Rocket? What is it that disturbs my peace?[/B]" "[B]News, Lady Julia[/B]," the vampire replied. "[B]There is news of the Myrkur Aniol, and...something else[/B]." Julia's delicate hand came into view, motioning for the vampire Rocket to come forward. "[B]Light please, Rocket[/B]." The vampire obliged, lighting the blue oil lamp on the table beside his mistress. He handed her the crisp piece of paper as well, and waited as she read it. After a few minutes, she laid the paper beside the lamp, "[B]So, Zuriel is victorious...so far. Proceed with the delegation to him then, if he allows it. He may be too busy to see us, but we shall see...[/B]" The vampire hesitated, but brought forth his question, "[B]But is there not a risk, m'lady? The Fallen are powerful as well[/B]." "[B]The Fallen are not to my liking[/B]." Her voice warned of further questions, and the young vampire acquised. Of all things, his mistress [I]detested[/I] the betrayal of trust. "[B]And what of [I]the Hyena's Den[/I], Lady Julia?[/B]" "[B]That seems to be the question, doesn't it Rocket? It seems to be the question that follows the path of the silver-haired demon... We shall see...[/B]"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1][CENTER][B]Name:[/B] Julia Ricarda Izabel La?reina Vargas [B]Nickname:[/B] n/a [B]Age:[/B] c. 450 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Species:[/B] Vampire [B]Clan:[/B] Labareda [B]Appearance:[/B] see attachment [B]Weapons:[/B] The weapons that are in the control of Julia Vargas are a hoard of assorted arms that are used, dealt, and sometimes produced by the Labareda clan. This massive stockpile ranges from small arms, charges, explosives, and munitions to artillery, secret aircraft, vessels, vehicles, and submarines. The Labareda clan also keeps a thorough collection of top-of-the-line electronics equipment, and the leader of the Labareda clan herself oversees the careful research and limited manufacture of chemical and bio-weapons. The Labareda clan also keeps accounts of all foreign equipment, and has a well-established international network that can acquire almost any type of weaponry or technology that is available when needed. Though the majority of the Labareda stock is made up of modern weaponry and armaments, there is also a thorough and detailed collection of older weapons, such as swords, bows, and the likes. [B]Powers:[/B] Julia has grown immune to sunlight, and can walk as easily in the day as in the night, although without her usual entourage. She also has the ability to manipulate the particles and waves of light, as well as the waves of sound. Vampires, as they are no longer human, are extremely sensitive to sound, and Julia can use this to her full advantage. [B]Personality:[/B] Julia is commonly mistaken for a human. She lacks the usual traits that tell of a vampire: she is not arrogant but always in control; neither is she feared but instead respected; and she never shows fear herself but is entirely and realistically confident in her abilities. In fact, Julia is very benevolent, generous, and generally well-liked. She is able to control her clan without the use of force, but also has the power to punish whom she must. She is disciplined yet approachable, and can be altogether ambiguous. However, she despises the violation of trust, and if one does so, she shows no mercy to that individual. She allows no discrimination between human and vampire when she conducts business, and indeed expects the members of the Labareda clan to act as she does, holding high standards in business and general behavior. [B]Bio:[/B] Born to a human mother and vampire father, Julia became human in the womb. She was born a human baby, not yet filled with a longing for life?s liquid. She was raised in the Labareda clan as a human as well. Her father was a trusted councilor of the head of clan Labareda who had ruled for almost 2000 years. She had a happy childhood as the human daughter of this councilor, and even the head of the clan had a fondness for her. The Labareda founder had no children or heirs, and so afterwards named her his heir in Julia?s 24th year of life. During this ceremony she was transformed into a vampire by the Labareda founder himself, and so started the second half of her life under his tutelage. Her parents both passed away, as her mother had a human lifespan, and her father was assassinated. The founder taught her and brought her up further in his ways, and she quickly gained the respect of the rest of the clan. After a time, the Labareda founder disappeared, and no one could find his whereabouts. Julia then took the leadership position, but kept her own name. The clan remains Labareda, and she has ruled it well, making it flourish under her wisdom. All members are quite loyal to her, and she even employs human workers. The clan is established in the city of Rio de Janeiro, and for the most part their presence, if noticed, is respectable and at times even helpful. She has made the clan an irreplaceable piece of the economy of Brazil, and wields great power and influence without inspiring fear or threat. She holds a careful balance in her hands, and does it perfectly.[/CENTER] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][QUOTE]Talim's my girl . I love her love her love her. You gotta love those double crescent blades.[/QUOTE]Yes! I couldn't have said it better. That game is highly addictive...as is Mario Tennis. :D Heehee, I feel the same way about Ivy as you do Raphael. [QUOTE] To cool off... I listen to music. When I'm stressed, I get as far away from the 'net as possible. Just drag my best friend downtown and have lunch/dinner together and 'explore'. If my friend's not available, blahblah, then I usually sing, play guitar, dance, (listen to music), paint, draw, go outside and take pictures... etc. [/QUOTE] You know, I'm sure that I would do this if I was able to, but usually the parents get in the way again - always saying to study! Although, with music usually I get depressed and start daydreaming... How do you focus? [QUOTE]But at the same times it sickens to see people who don't give crap about what grade they get.[/QUOTE]What really frustrates me are people who don't do anything and [I]still[/I] get good grades. Kind of like how some people are just really good test-takers, while others (me!) are not. Or those who don't even have to study, and don't do homework, and then just take the tests and ace it. ARGH! :flaming: But anyway, then in the act of relaxing, how do you convince your parents to leave you alone?? I mean, I would love to just go hang out and relieve myself of my stress the day before the big test, but my parents would probably blow. So...how do you get away in the first place? And is anyone else frustrated to tears by the seeming unfairness of it all? (work effort vs. grade outcome)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][QUOTE]I'm glad to hear you were able to just relax a bit. There are few things in this world that a pint of cookie dough ice cream won't solve Anyhow, I'm also happy you had a good talk with your mom. Looks like things might be looking up! *does happy dance for Cyriel*[/QUOTE]Thank you so much! And I'd have to agree with you on the ice cream bit - it was really yummy! :love: [QUOTE]Sure, they might be totally pissed, and your home-life may not be the best for a while, but its the same thing as if you..say... snuck out for a beach house poker night. Just take a deep breath MSK. You are going to be fine.[/QUOTE]Heehee, we actually should do that sometime - I really want to go to a beach house! And thanks for the encouragement. :) [QUOTE](Or you could always tell them when they're really busy, and they won't notice what you said. But then when they get the report card, they'll be like, "You didn't tell me about this!", and you'll be like, "Yes I did.". Ha, but really, don't do that!)[/QUOTE]Haha, actually, I did this once in eighth grade - it was the first and [I]last[/I] time that ever happened. Before that experience, I did not know the true meaning of frying an egg on one's bottom. :laugh: But I'd just have to say in general that I completely freaked out about this...only to find that it wasn't as exciting or frightful as I thought. I think my mom was expecting something like this (probably because I was acting really weird at home). Not to mention, it was getting to the point where I was on the verge of having a sob-fest everyday at school, and hallucinating at the same time about my parents throwing me out of the house. Yeah...kind of shows how high-strung I am, I guess. By the way, [B]what does everyone do to cool off?[/B] Or, just relax and forget about all the stress of the mundane everyday life? (and school) Experiences similar to me eating 1 pint of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.[/COLOR]
Awwww, that's so... heheheh, that just makes me laugh. So I'm not the only one who freaks out about these sort of things. Hmm... 1. Remember that you still have 2 1/2 months left to freak out. You can freak out later - just procrastinate now. 2. Get the cheapest tux you can find - I guarantee that we can't tell them apart....unless I'm just stupid, but I don't pay attention to these things. 3. Actually, do you even need a tux? I'd just dress up in a nice suit...but since I'm not a guy, I dunno. Well, maybe the girl will get mad, although I think I could care less... 4. You're a sophomore? When did this happen?
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][CENTER][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Dana Fairchild Pietrangelo [B]Stage Name:[/B] Fairy [B]Code Name:[/B] Black Poppy (commonly "Poppy" or "Poppyseed") [B]Age:[/B] 16 (almost 17) [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Description:[/B] see attachment [B]Personality:[/B] Dana seems to have an otherworldly aura about her, which is how she got her nick/stage name of 'Fairy,' and her personality seems to match exactly...to the untrained eye. Solely independent of others, Dana never relies on other people, preferring to depend on her own assets and abilities. She's one of those people of whom it's impossible to guess her true thoughts - never mean, but never warm. She always has an expression that is impossible to decipher, something that looks like a slight smile but you're not quite sure that it's really there... Dana is quiet for the most part, but one can never guess what is lurking beneath the smooth, unprotruding exterior. She is elusive, whimsical, arcane, and ambiguous. [B]Training:[/B] The extent of her training is unclear and hazy, but this one thing can be said: Dana is a technology [I]freak[/I]. Almost to the point of obsession, new tools, technologies, and any other little "toys" she can get her hands on are her point of interest. She enjoys fiddling with gadgets, and making new tools to help her in her work, as well as the rest of the group. She is as skilled as the other members in the forms of martial arts, and possesses a surreal grace when in combat. However, Dana does not like to be "messy," as she calls it, or in other words, she doesn't really enjoy marring/gouging/wounding/bloodiness. Instead, Dana prefers to kill quickly and silently, either from long distances, or by methods in which the victim's body is unmarred in any fashion. Thus, she usually does not carry blades, but has a small awl just in case. Guns count as tools, even though they make rather large messes. But for the most part, she enjoys being undetectable. Those among the Mini-skirt Maidens call her Poppyseed, even though her official name is Black Poppy.[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]I can't believe he's asking for $15,000. Teehee, and I love how there are no bids at all yet still.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]It's so comforting to know that I'm not the only wack with insanely strict parents, although I love them for keeping me to standards and all. [QUOTE]Or me being the manipulative one would probably cry and say something like "OMG I got a B-, I'm such a failure... I wanna die!!! I'm so sorry I'm such a failure!! Wah!!!" The key here being, you're already upset and they'll think you've punished yourself enough.. hopefully.[/QUOTE]Ahahahaha, yeah, if I could actually manipulate convincingly enough, then I'd probably do it. Unfortunately because my mom has caught me (and punished me owie) everytime I've tried, I think I lost whatever touch I had at that skill. :laugh: [QUOTE]I went into the situation expecting it to be bad. Taking it head on was much better than sitting around waiting and wondering how my parents would explode.[/QUOTE]Had that experience too in eighth grade...Let's just say it was NOT good. But yeah, I've been completely stressing myself out about this since Monday, and I think it got to me. Seriously, I started convincing myself that my mom was going to kick me out of the house. But yeah, then I told her, and it actually went not that bad. We had a good talk about expectations, and how it was a learning experience, and how it was good that I got lazy and arrogant in high school instead of college. So...yeah...whee, thank goodness I didn't get spanked!! :wigout: [QUOTE]Parents haven't accepted seniorites yet, eh?[/QUOTE]Teehee, I haven't even told them about that little thing - they'd probably give me a lecture on it. [QUOTE]My primary advice? Chill. Take an evening off from studying some day when you get your homework done in school. Completely off. The books will still be there the next day. Go take a walk, buy yourself something good to eat, and watch anime (or play games, or whatever you do to relax) till you fall asleep. It sounds to me like you need to give yourself a little down time.[/QUOTE]You know, this is actually what I did last night. I basically didn't go home until about 10:00 p.m. After school I stayed with friends, eating brown sugar pop tarts (the best kind - pure sugar), played some Soul Calibur II (fav is Talim), and hung out. Then I went to another friend's, made some pasta with pesto, and ate a pint (yes! one whole pint!) of cookie dough icecream while watching Lethal Weapon. It was awesome; I felt like Miss Congeniality for some reason. :babble: [QUOTE]I could actually manage to pass with barely doing any work.[/QUOTE]I wish I was like you.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]More often than not, I find myself stressing (ALOT) over my grades. This probably results from the pressure of my parents more than myself. So being in the not-so-good situation that I am, I was just looking for a little advice, or shared thoughts and experiences. Basically, lets assume that I've kept a perfect 4.0 for the majority of my high school...and actually entire educational history. And at the end of my first semester of my senior year...some bad things happen. Like 3 A- and a B-. So...aside from calling oneself a moron, is there a way to break this gently to your highly expectant parents? (aka asian parents ;) ) Or...is there a way to survive this catastrophic event with the least amount of injuries as possible? Thoughts, comments, and similar experiences would be highly appreciated.[/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid]The girl sits quietly, entranced, comfortable. But she stiffens - [I]What was that?[/I] Another creak?but the house returns to silence. She still waits a few moments for caution, and then relaxes. It?s another night watching movies whilst her parents sleep. The blessings of living in the basement, right next to the computer room.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][CENTER][B][U]Emergency![/U][/B][/CENTER] I felt wetness between my legs. I heard him breathe with me, panting as I did. My breath came in gasps. Then he grinned like an idiot. ?[B]Jeez, does it hurt to have a baby?[/B]? God, I wanted to throttle him. Whatever made me think that I wanted my husband with me? ?[B]Nurse![/B]?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Syva ([I]stems from Sadbh[/I]) [B]Age:[/B] 99 [B]Race:[/B] Changeling [B]Appearance:[/B] see attachment - all credit to artist [B]Personality:[/B] Different from the common changeling, Syva has a calmer persona than most of her kind. Recently she has just come out of a number of years in solitude, which she entered into for reasons unknown to the public. However, her manner is still ever-friendly and cheerful, if not a little quiet. Penetrate this shell of a delicate manner, and one will find a changeling who is not only extremely bright and intelligent, but one that can also at times be stubborn, willful, and obstinate. Yet this only makes Syva more endearing to her few friends. Syva loves to watch humans, and children especially are dear to her heart. She admires and cherishes their sweet innocence and curiosity, and loves to play with them. However, as they grow older, she grows more wary, and will eventually stop seeing them because of the danger they may present to her. She is a practiced hand at transforming into almost any shape/creature imaginable. Syva loves things that are strongly flavored, yet does not favor sweet things.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Were you going to add on the seven others? Title? Sanctuary. I dunno. But as always, you come up with such intriguing and original twists on things... Hope to see this up soon...that is, if you get off your butt. ;) bwa ha ha.
[QUOTE]Everything I say comes from the Bible and my own heart, and that is the core of Christianity that nobody recognizes. If you listen to how the Church interprets the Bible, you will not find the truth. If you look for it yourself, you will find it. The Church today is as the Jews were 2,000 years ago when they persecuted Christ.[/QUOTE]You're absolutely right on that core of Christianity - what you have is a personal relationship with God. But what I still don't understand is why you say that no one recognizes that as the core. And as for how the Church interprets the Bible, why is there no truth in that? Which Church are you speaking of? And...I'm just trying to understand here - you're saying that the Church doesn't accept Jesus Christ as dying for their sins, correct?
This is another poem that I wrote after running in the 3A Girls' Regional race for x-country. It just kind of flowed into my head, because I was just so greatful to my friend (in this poem) who got me into x-country this year. Just something to read and enjoy. I originally titled it 'Girls of a Feather.' But now I think this is better. And it's a bit lengthy... [COLOR=DimGray][CENTER][U]A Funny Thing[/U][/CENTER] [CENTER][I]There's a girl who lives in a charming blue house 2 steps away from me. -Let's run- she said. -You're crazy- I said. That girl who lives 2 steps away from me -Just once- she said. -Just once can't be hard.- [B]~[/B] Love is a funny thing - you never know Where it will hide itself away And wait, for you to brush away the wisps of shadow, So it can shine for you. [B]~[/B] -This is fun- I said, -I can make salt on my skin!- She laughed, and we ran in a flock of birds, others. [B]~[/B] Flying is a funny thing. [B]~[/B] -I can fly- I said. She smiled, putting one foot in front of the other. -Flying is a wonderful thing- she said. So I ran, thinking I was flying Until my feet failed me and I fell, but. I was not the only one. There's a girl who lives 2 steps away from me Who fell with me. She wrapped her arms around mine And I remembered the love in her heart, the funny thing I didn't know would be uncovered, setting wings on my feet She lifted me up with memories And smiled A laugh of joy hidden in that smile And whispered, -This is how you fly.-[/I][/CENTER] [/COLOR]
X-country makes me happy! Because running releases endorphins in your body that make you happy. And I'm kind of excited because this is the last week of x-country practice, and the last race at Regionals is on Saturday. And it's been the greatest seaons [I]ever[/I]! And I'm happy because I love to be happy. And because I've been in touch with friends that I haven't spoken to in a while. Yes, actually, I've been chatting with them all when I was supposed to be doing my homework...which I now have to do, and there's quite a load. But I'm still happy. :) And I'm jealous of Inari because I want snow! Hopefully they'll have to close school down like last year.
Wow, there's so much beautiful music. I really enjoy soundtracks from movies - the OST for Black Hawk Down is especially haunting. As for songs... I'd say that anything by Ben Folds is pretty awesome, especially "Still Fighiting It" and "Luckiest" from Rockin' the Suburbs. Enya has some pretty good music too, and I'd have to agree with what's been said earlier - Sarah Brightman rocks. :) Music from Princess Mononoke is amazing as well - it lifts me into the air.
[QUOTE]I haven't seen the so called Christian Church expanding in thought or deed in my lifetime. If anything, it is falling.[/QUOTE]What makes you think this? And why do you say "so-called" Christian church? Why is it falling/failing? [QUOTE]Does anyone see the hypocrisy? We are taught in church to lead a life of shining accomplishment and to help someone who has fallen below his mark. We are taught by the Bible the suffering of the past for the salvation of the future. We are taught Jesus died for the forgiveness we so sorely lacked, and that if we follow in his footsteps, we will ascend to sit at his side for all time. Yet a thief who, in the eleventh hour, asked for penance, joined angels on high? That makes no sense at all.[/QUOTE] Yes, according to our worldly thoughts and habits, we have to work for what we get. I understand you completely (well, maybe not completely, because I'm not you), and I would also say that that would be unfair to those who have followed Christ all their lives. But the thing is that God considers all of us as his children - why would he turn away any child from his side? Just as in the Bible, there's the story of the prodigal son, who goes and just spends all his money, and returns home as a failure, but still is welcomed wholeheartedly. And the elder son basically asks what you ask, and the father answers that the elder son only has to ask him, and he shall get whatever he desires. But the thing is, if you love someone, would you turn them away? If you offered them salvation, and they accepted it, even though it was last minute, would you turn them away? God and Christ love all of us, and they will rejoice when anyone comes and acknowledges them, even if it is last minute like the thief. Instead of saying they don't deserve it, why not rejoice that they've been saved? [QUOTE]I don't think it was meant to be read by an objective, scientific mind. It was supposed to be read by people searching for the truth. If you don't read it and understand it as a child would, you aren't reading it or understanding it as it was meant to be read and understood. What the commonly-accepted Christian religions have done is disregarded this completely and read the Bible in such a way that it suits their desires, and lines up with their fears.[/QUOTE]Why would you say that the Christian religions don't read/understand the Bible as it was meant to be? [QUOTE]We are told to be compassionate to all types of people. We are told to await with open arms to forgive those who are ready to apologize. So what do we do? We picket out in front of Congress and abortion clinics. We protest the use of stillborn children to help in radical medical benefits. We teach our children to never trust someone who wears a turban.[/QUOTE] I believe that people can express their beliefs in nonviolent ways. I don't believe in abortion, unless under special circumstances. However, I don't go picket because 1)too far away, and 2)it's just not how I choose to express my beliefs. But I'm not everyone, and I can't say that what they're doing is right or wrong - who am I to judge them? But I can say that if it offends you, or gives you negative views of Christians, all I can say is that I'm sorry, and that if I could do something, I would. As for never trusting someone who wears a turban, I can only say that I have friends of almost every racial and cultural background and diversity. Do they wear turbans? No, but they're girls, so I don't think that they're supposed to...but their origins are Middle Eastern, and one of them is a direct immigrant. Am I afraid of them? No. [QUOTE]We are told to uphold the Ten Commandments by priests who molest alter boys.[/QUOTE]Again, I have to say that I'm sorry. If only I could express to you that the majority of those who call themselves Christians are in direct opposition to this, and are outraged, and at the same time extremely saddened. But these incidences in which leaders' failures to uphold their beliefs, even when they preach them to other people, is like a reminder to me to uphold mine - to show that Christianity is not meant to be a hypocrisy, but a relationship with God. To show what true trust and love in God and Christ is. [QUOTE]We are told that God is always with us, but we still have to shuttle back and forth between our daily lives and church.[/QUOTE]For Christians, I think that the goal is that we establish such a relationship with God so that we no longer have to "shuttle back and forth." Instead, God becomes a [I]part[/I] of our daily lives. Going to church isn't a bad thing - it's a place and time where we can gather with other Christians in fellowship, and to worship God together. It's even said in the Bible that Christians should go to church, so that they can learn more and grow more in their faith, and that fellowship with other Christians leads to a stronger relationship with God. [QUOTE]We are told that all other religions are wrong, and that they will burn in Hell, while we are the ones who blindly follow the Bible like it is a DNA sample or a carbon-14 trace.[/QUOTE] Other religions meaning...outside of Christianity? Or those sects in Christianity? I know some people believe that only Lutherans will go to Heaven, or only Baptists, or only Presbytarians...etc. Frankly, I don't believe this. These divisions exist only due to small differences in each of them, such as the custom of baptism, like when, and how, and so on... But the core of each of these is the same - we believe and love God, and we believe and love Christ, who died to save us from sin. As for those religions outside of Christianity, like, for example, Buddhism, or Hinduism, the sad fact is that they will go to hell. Is this my choice? No. I don't like the idea any better than anyone else - why do I want people to die? But the truth is that if they don't believe and accept Christ into their lives, there's no way for them into Heaven. Even Christ says that there's only one way to God and salvation, and that's through Him. [QUOTE]As long as they keep the power of satan alive, they will keep their perverted images of whatever God/Love is. As long as they believe that hell is a resting place created for man, they will try to force their long held beliefs on the rest of the world by threats, and even murder. It's just to bad that they can't see this...that if they no longer had their devil to believe in, their image of god wouldn't be able to stand either.[/QUOTE]Why would you say this? What convinces you that we're keeping the power of Satan alive? What makes our image of God perverted? Why would Hell be the resting place for man? And what makes you say that we forcing our beliefs through threats and violence?
This is a piece that I'm submitting to a contest, and I just needed some editing and comments on it before I submit it. [CENTER][B]Memory Rests[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=Indigo]~ The off-beat of a staccato heart A death a stop a stillness every breath between life, But a prolonged rest follows after Screeching horns, flaring black lines and black smoke and black fire The air is full and discordant, entrenched in Humanity The other side Divinity An ethereal scent with the intake of eternity, But mortality is ejected, the lactic acid of life Perfection that has denatured in our veins, cracked and dried on our lips Two green lines running parallel to tempo Time signature is: forever, or less than or equal to One is presto, the other moderato - both with an absence Of encore...encore resounding with the mixed order of chaos. Disregard the shrieking emptiness of sound Left behind by a colorful, silent storm. Whispers of memory; they meld in the hollows of many hands, Careful - don't crush it - You already know what silence sounds like. ~[/COLOR][/CENTER]
[QUOTE]I think it has to do with the fact that we play violent video games and things like that.[/QUOTE] Umm, actually, I think that studies have proven that violent video games increase the tendency of violence in children and teens... How is that an effective way to release your anger? You're killing people. [QUOTE]I really think it would be easier if we would just hit the person who had it coming in the first place.[/QUOTE] Perhaps that was okay when civilization wasn't defined, or when communication didn't exist. Unless you're okay with getting into alot of trouble, I'd say that society has evolved a bit with some higher expectations than that. Not to mention, if we all lived by that standard (which is no standard at all), then the world would be in shambles. [QUOTE]if we could really controll our hate why would we need punching bags?[/QUOTE] I don't own a punching bag.
Just wait. Don't have sex just to join the bandwagon - that's no reason at all. Um, I don't know if this might sound weird, but have you tried talking to your parents about it? That might help. I mean, yes, they might blow, but just phrase it the right way. And I know the "sex talk" is supposedly very embarrassing, but I think communicating with the folks is pretty important on this subject too. As for personal opinion, I don't think that I'd have sex before marriage. It just depends on your morals and beliefs, and that's how I was raised I guess. But I would really really really really recommend to you to wait, because you don't want to regret something you did, especially not now.
Why do you think that Christianity takes away the will of young children to read and understand the Bible? And which parts do you think the Bible is misinterpreted? [QUOTE]They are afraid to question the beliefs that have been fed to them, but it's not their fault. Christianity is and always has been a religion that thrived on fear, and 2,000 years of cultivation has made it pretty damn effective.[/QUOTE] Could you perhaps provide some proof? Where are you getting the basis for this?