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Everything posted by Sakura
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Wow, Jay. It's so deep and emotional. I have to admit that until this very time I had never heard of the Nanking Massacre, and being someone that knows scratch about the topic, this has really informed me and given me all the required information, along with references which were nicely put in, and a link back to the novel. I truly thought this was an excellent piece, I especially loved the emotive language and strong voice behind the article, and it's good that it isn't flooded with large words to make it overly impressive. There are a few things I'd like to mention, nothing really big and you don't have to pay attention. Firstly I don't know if it's different there, but I saw you used "it's" a lot, where I have learnt we should use "its". I really don't know because it's up to the culture and how it teaches but we were taught "it's" is only used for the abbreviation of "it is" and nothing else, everything else being "its". In the third paragraph; "...there are a significant amount of people in Japan who will simply refuse to accept that Nanking ever happened..." I was thinking that maybe you'd like to use "acknowledge" over "accept"? There's a quick typo in the fourth paragraph; "To explain all that happened during the massacre would simply take too long, but ?ll try my best to summarise briefly the devastating effect the Japanese army had on the citizens of Nanking." and it obviously should be "I'll", which everyone would know. "However, by December 13, after the city had been successfully defeated and the Chinese troops pushed back, the Japanese army began their three months long destruction of the city and it?s people" I think "months" should be "month", not sure why but that's how I see it, and how most people say things like that. I think that's all I have to say. Again, you don't have to pay any attention to the comments if you don't want to. It's lovely and very informative, good luck with your studies and work in the magazine, and I hope to see other articles by you ^^. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Clyne stood with the group. After meeting with Cody as the first two people in the park she introduced herself to him alone, then everyone else arrived fairly quickly, including Jake who she knew from school; explaining the message in the clouds. She listened as first Archer, then Cody and the new girl shared what powers they had. She was nervous about revealing her abnormality but felt at ease knowing everyone else there had powers too. She clenched her fists which were still buried in her pockets as she looked at everyone else. [B]"Who's next?"[/B] Archer asked. Clyne took a breath and spoke, [B]"My name's Clara Gascoyne, but known as Clyne to all, and I live....well, 5 minutes away. Weird coincidence that we were all called here, huh? Anyway, I think my power is over Thunder, or electricity."[/B] Biting her lower lip she extracted her hands, holding her right palm out and squinting in concentration. She could feel everyone's eyes on her as lightning danced over her arms, gathering in her palm and slowly building up a ball of golden light, with strand like particles constantly spraying from it. Clyne lifted her head to look at the group, she hefted the ball and pivoted, hurling it toward a light pole not too far away. It connected and the lightbulb flickered to life, shedding light to the area even though it was still day. She turned back to the group with a shrug, [B]"Thaaaaat's about it. If I throw it at someone it's just enough to give 'em a good shock."[/B][/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Ack, sorry about the length, just wanted to get a post in.[/SIZE]
[COLOR=Navy]White gave the rest away so I might as well reply now. =P The answer is Number 3 - I don't have any canines. Reason? I've had braces and they pulled out my canine teeth to make room for the others to move into place. I actually can't play the piano properly, just with one hand. My main instrument's the clarinet. I'm really the youngest in my family, I have an older brother and sister. And yes, I'm an Asian living in Australia, so I'm not Caucasian. Go ahead, JCBaggee.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Whee, I won~ Hmm, ok here we go: 1. I play the piano 2. I'm caucasian 3. I don't have canine teeth 4. I'm the oldest in my family Yep, that should do nicely, so guess away.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Clyne watched as her missile was the only one of the three to actually hit the target, using one of the large missiles packed into the Dragon's belly. She glanced across at the other two, spinning out of formation as they broke up. Her body jerked wildly as her jets spluttered, flickering off for several seconds. Clyne shoved her engine boosters violently as they burst to life in the nick of time as the Pegasus swooped in for an attack. She barrelrolled off to the side, firing a barrage of bullets from the gattling gun that rose from the left flank of her MechAnima as the Pegasus flew past. [B]"Damnit! Rusti, Clyne, somebody tell me who's on my tail!!"[/B] Raven yelled. Clyne glanced hurriedly, [B]"It's the Sparrow!"[/B] she called, shoving her joystick to the left to avoid a sweep attack by the Pegasus. Her eyes were the colour of almost steel as she pushed her thrusters forward, giving chase to the agile Pegasus. She growled as she brought up the information on the Dragon's weapons, only needing to glance at each page as her mind captured the image and stored it into her memory. A frown formed on her face as she realised her major attacks were still offline. She closed it down and swerved another attack, watching as the Pegasus continued onward toward Rusti in the Phoenix. [B]"WATCH YOUR BACK!"[/B] she shouted, putting on a burst of speed, pulling up sharply, feeling the G-force on her body at the speed she ascended. She exhaled deeply as she pushed the control stick forward, sending her into a death spiral, gathering speed rapidly, she fought against the force as she pulled horizontal, still spinning as she fired her gattling gun, the bullets being shot forth with more force and speed in a circular pattern. She ground her teeth as her head throbbed from the g-force rotating around her but she persisted until she ran out of momentum. Clyne stopped spinning and watched with narrowed eyes as the Pegasus flew away to hunt down Rusti, she was glad though, most of her bullets had penetrated the metal shell around the body and thrusters. She groaned as she put a hand to head which throbbed tremendously. [B]"Clyne, watch yourself!!"[/B] she heard Trysten roar through the intercom, she jetted her boosters and pulled back with the control stick, making the Dragon do a somersault, slamming the button to release a barrage of small missiles from the wings at the Wyvern. Her engines began to splutter again, she swore loudly and tried to restart them as the Sparrow raced toward her, beak opening as the glow of a particle beam built up. [B]"Start, damn you!"[/B] she called, giving it a hefty shove with made it burst into life, throwing her out of the way as it flew past followed by Trysten in his Bat. [B]"Might need to keep watch for me, my engines are mucking up."[/B] she said to the others, her fingers loosening their grip on her controls.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]I'll go ahead and say that 4 is true. No real reason behind that answer besides the fact that it may not be, since I have a long list of favourite animes which don't have to do with my username. *shrugs*[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Clyne stood in the front door of her house, staring out at the sky. She sank her teeth lightly into her lower lip as she twirled a bang of shimmering silver hair with her index finger. She pulled her hand from her hair quickly as it gave her a shock, the electricity flowing through her was semi-uncontrollable but seemed to really come out when she got angry, or if she came into contact with metal. Clyne held out her hand, sighing as thunder flowed from her palm, gathering in a jagged ball of golden light in her hand, she closed her fingers around it, extinguishing the ball. Another thing she did know was that if she touched someone they always got static shocks from her. Clyne slipped on her leather gloves for protection and shut the door, locking it tightly as she looked back to the sky. She was wearing her usual navy blue pants, and a crisp white button-down shirt, the hem line drooping past her hips. Her chosen footwear was a pair of rubber-soled joggers because of the electric currents running through her veins. Something was telling her to go to Matchell Park, it was an inkling of sorts. Clyne stayed on her front step, unsure if she wanted to follow the feeling, because there was no certainty about it. She shuffled semi-nervously on her feet, with the decision before her. [B]"Grr, give me a sign!"[/B] she growled, looking up in exasperation, half hoping for a reply to appear out of thin air. Strangely a large fluffy cloud in the sky started to shift and pull apart, leaving gaps in it, when examined carefully read; "ELEMENTS GATHER AT MATCHELL PARK". Clyne stared at it, blinking as the cloud collapsed in on itself, the words disappearing. [B]"Geez, that's good enough for me."[/B] she murmered, setting off at a brisk jog down the sidewalk. She was a good runner and enjoyed doing the exercise for fitness, and for competition. The park wasn't actually too far from her house and it didn't take her too long to reach her destination at a constant speed. When she got there, there was already a boy standing there, but no one else was in sight. [B]"Hello?!"[/B] he shouted, hands cupped around his mouth. [B]"Hey! Who are you?"[/B] she called out, running over, her sapphire gaze bore into his, she slipped her gloves off and put them into a pocket in her pants, shoving her hands in too. She had them off so she'd be able to give him a slight shock if he was an enemy of any sort.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Been meaning to post here but kept forgetting. When I first saw it, the first thing that came to mind was [B]ELEPHANT[/B] with the second E crossing through Snuggle, and I'd like it in [COLOR=Purple]Purple[/COLOR].[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Hey Acheron, I don't know if you meant to put Clyne in the weapons vehicle, but I think she's supposed to be in the getaway, and Kenso should be in the weapons (see MK's and my post) So yeah...I dunno, a bit confused?[/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Clyne was left wondering about the significance of the address Elliot had called her about. He said it was nothing as he usually did, but she knew him well and he had a hunch if not something bigger. She tried to get her mind off it, yet it plagued her. She'd been walking without paying attention and realised she had already reached the entrance to the garage, swinging the door open. She saw Kenso standing and looking at the array of cars spread out in front of them, all in a variety of shades, mostly dark colours like black, dark blue, and silver. [B]"Pick a car yet?"[/B] she called, walking over to where Kenso stood. [B]"Nope. Picked a truck. Figured I'll handle the weapons vehicle. I can use it to getaway anyway."[/B] He turned to face her, a slight smirk on his face. [B]"I do hope whatever Elliot just dragged you away for was important. I'd hate to have to hurt him for spoiling my view for some nonsense thing. By the way, you might want to pick a getaway car. Make sure it'll fit all of us, just in case."[/B] Clyne laughed at his comment. Knowing that he liked her now made all these comments just as playful as before, but now with meaning added in. [B]"Yeah, it was kinda important. Just had to check something for him."[/B] she sighed, resting her weight on her left leg and resting her right on her hip casually. She looked at all the cars, she loved all of them because they were great in their own ways, but truthfully everyone knew she preferred her sports cars over utes, trucks and vans, but she [I]did[/I] drive them when she needed to. Her lips pursed thoughtfully, needing one to fit everyone comfortably knocked out practically all of her favourite sports cars which she usually used when it was just her and another person. [B]"I got it. I'll take the [URL=http://www.motorsblog.com/uploads/MitsubishiConceptSportback.jpg]Lancer EVO X[/URL]. That'll fit the four of us, plus it's a manual with a high speed."[/B] she grinned, pointing out the sleek silver car. [B]"Nice choice."[/B] Kenso grinned in approval. [B]"Hmm, that should do."[/B] Clyne glanced at her watch, realising it was already ticking into early hours of the morning. [B]"Heh, you guys should go and get some sleep. Gotta be here bright and early."[/B] [B]"And what makes you think we won't beat you here?"[/B] he smirked. [B]"Puh-lease. I could sleep in and still beat you guys here."[/B] Clyne laughed. [B]"Yeah yeah. I guess I'll head off, you coming?"[/B] he asked as he walked back to the garage entrance. [B]"Yeah, right behind you."[/B] she flicked off the lights and locked the garage door, leaving SN HQ with Kenso. [B]"Guess I'll be seeing you in a couple of hours."[/B] he smiled. [B]"Yup, seeya then."[/B] she playfully blew him a kiss before sliding into her [URL=http://www.seriouswheels.com/pics-2006/2006-Koenigsegg-CCX-Black-SA-1280x960.jpg]Koenigsegg CCX[/URL], her pride and joy. The engine roared to life as she gunned the ignition, revving the car as she shifted it into gear and took off, lights shining through the night as she waved to Kenso for the last time, heading back home. She hit the highway because she wanted some speed, making her way up to fifth gear in a matter of seconds, the wind blew through her hair from the window as she propped her elbow on the edge. She got off and took a road back in the direction she'd come from, now actually heading home, head still buzzing about the address. [B]"Man, I need a good sleep."[/B] she muttered. [COLOR=Black][I]The Next Day...[/I][/COLOR] Clyne yawned widely as she sat up in bed, beating her alarm clock by hours, only sleeping for 2 and a half hours, she didn't know why she even bothered setting it. She turned it off anyway and ran a hand through her bed-mussed hair, rolling out from beneath her warm covers. Most of the SN members knew, but she was a perfectionist when it came to most things, including making her bed, smoothing the blanket out until there wasn't a single crease in the surface. Clyne was well awake, despite it being 3am, taking a quick shower before dressing into a pair of loose leather pants and her long sleeved, black top, pushing the sleeves above her elbows out of habit. She hummed as she pulled the goggles over her head so they hung around her neck, before pulling the goggles to rest on her head, the strap under her hair. Clyne picked up holster belt, strapping it around her waist and sliding the Jerichos into them with a twirl. She added a pouch to the belt on her back left hip, filled with more magazines and cartridges. Adding Akatsuki onto her back made her weaponry complete, then she added her watch and she was done. It was now 3:30am, she walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple which would serve as her breakfast before she tugged on her black boots, tying them up tightly before heading out of the apartment, jostling her keys with one hand and holding her apple with the other as she jogged down the stairs to the garage. She just sat in the comfortable seat of her sleek, black vehicle as she finished the simple apple, tossing the core out as she turned on the ignition, having to turn on her lights since it was still dark at that time in the morning as she drove to SN HQ. As she guessed she was the first there, unlocking the doors and switching off the alarm system which automatically activated the motion sensor detectors around the building so it could trace where everyone was. She walked to main hall and started stretching her body, loosening her limbs in a series of movements as she awaited the other members of the mission. She was pumped and ready, she just couldn't wait to do some killing. Clyne thought about it with glee as she started doing flips and practising her ninjitsu, mixing it with all the other disciplines she knew to make it into a deadly art form.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Clyne and Trysten released their grip on each other's hand as they sprung from their seats, snapping into a swift salute to Air Marshall Hagan. The five of them ran through the hallways, breaths labouring as they forced their bodies through the long path. Finally they reached the destination of the hangar and met with Professor Stian. During the entire time she couldn't help but stare at the giant machines they were supposed to pilot. She patted Trysten on the shoulder, [B]"I'll trust your judgements, Squadron Leader."[/B] she whispered with a smile. Clyne was next after Artek and swallowed as she stepped forward, glancing back at Trysten. The professor smiled and held forth a navy blue chip. She plucked it from his palm and held it up, light glinting off the surface. [B]"Your assigned MechAnima is the Dragon, you may now pilot it."[/B] She stared at the large grey dragon before pulling her eyes away, running to the female locker rooms to her locker where she fumbled with opening it, her mind in a whirl and excitement and adrenaline already starting to feed into her body. She pulled up the tight jumpsuit, tugging it into place until she was satisfied. Tucking the helmet under her shoulder she ran out of the change room as quickly as she'd entered, locking eyes with Trysten again as she continued her run over to the dragon. Clyne took a moment to shove her helmet over her head, the feeling was just natural from practise as she stepped into the stirrup, yanking the cord to pull her up. She fell into the cockpit seat comfortably, playing with the controls before sliding her module SOUL into the slot and provided her ID quickly as the OS loaded, giving her vision of the outside. There was a crackling before a voice broke through in her helmet. [B]"Come in, Lieutenant Geiger."[/B] a male voice sounded through the helmet. [B]"Lieutenant Geiger, hearing you loud and clear."[/B] she responded. [B]"I'll be your statistics observer from now on, Second Lieutenant Clerval."[/B] [B]"That's cool. You can call me Clyne though."[/B] she grinned, jolting to the side as the strap lift wrapped around the MechAnima and lifted it onto the catapult cannon. [B]"Alright, then I'm just Cain."[/B] Clyne pulled out a hidden keyboard, her fingers staring at one of the LCD screens as it changed to codes and numbers. Her fingers were a flurry against the keys as she input the activation code for the skeleton, shifting the MechAnima into a launch position, a red light infront of her. [B]"Clyne, ready for launch."[/B] [B]"Roger that, you're cleared for launch."[/B] [I]Beep. Beep. Beep. Dooot.[/I] The light in front of her changed to green as the cannon shot her forward, being held to the cannon until she was ready, releasing her from its gravity hold and flinging her into space. Clyne loved to fly, she was born to fly and nothing about heights or dizziness bothered her. She could easily see two other MechAnimas in the sky, an Eagle and Phoenix, Artek and Rusti. [B]"Hey guys, let's get this show on the road."[/B] she grinned pulling near Artek which would mean she'd be on the other side of Trysten, who they would form behind. [B]"For the sake of the mission, I'm Raven."[/B] Artek said seriously. Clyne shrugged and just replied affirmatively as they awaited the others to launch.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy][COLOR=Black][I]After talking to Elliot...[/I][/COLOR] Clyne left the bar soon after Elliot did for his date with Eva. She agreed to meet with Lysander and Kenso later in the mission briefing office in an hour, sure that she'd be done with her work with Irina by then. Leaving her stool she wandered over to the table where Irina still sat with Logan. Apologising to Logan she dragged Red away and the two headed toward the SN HQ. While they walked, Clyne's hand rested on the handle of the gun in her right holster, it was habitual and also comforting. [B]"I don't think the system will be that hard to crack, I'm sure I could have done it on my own."[/B] Irina said, glancing at Clyne from the corner of her eyes. She shrugged, [B]"Still, doesn't hurt to have someone else for second opinions, help if needed, and just support."[/B] Red opted to take the elevator up to the third floor, Clyne preferred the stairs and jogged up them swiftly, humming brightly to herself. Scaling stairs was fun for her now, she enjoyed the exercise immensely and she constantly tested her skills by being as silent up them as possible but still trying to get up them as quickly as she could. Sometimes also testing her balance by walking on the handrails and swinging herself around the levels. She arrived at the third floor, entering the door and seeing Red already seating herself. Clyne hopped over and pulled a chair beside Irina's, sitting on it backwards and leaning her arms on the backrest. She watched as the newer member logged onto the database, entering the piggyback system they'd installed. The screen filled with a series of codes and numbers and plenty of jargon as they hit the security program of TPD. Clyne stared at the screen, her eyes running across the lines as Red did the same thing. There was a pen and paper beside her, she picked up the writing instrument and started to twirl it between her fingers, looking at the screen again before scribbling a bunch of things on her paper, scripts for the computer to follow in order to crack the security system. [B]"Pass me the keyboard."[/B] she asked quickly, tucking the pen behind her ear as she accepted the tool. Her fingers flew across the keys, eyes following the letters as they flowed onto the screen. Red examined the sheet she'd written on and pointed out some quick things to add that may play some importance. Typing everything the two held their breath as she hit enter, grinning as they were allowed entrance. They replaced the piggyback system to the updated one of Traydor Police Department's. [B]"Hm, I think that's it for tonight. Something new might come up tomorrow though. I guess we'll have to wait and see."[/B] Clyne stretched, sliding the keyboard back into place and putting her chair away. She put down her pen and picked up her paper, pushing it through the shredder. The scripts could be thought up again quickly, but if other people had access to the system that wasn't part of SN, that'd be bad. Red had left with a quick goodbye, which Clyne didn't really mind as she noticed it was time to meet with the guys. [COLOR=Black][I]After splitting to find info on "Mrs Fairfield"...[/i][/COLOR] Clyne sighed as she found herself back to the computer, only half an hour from when she'd been in the same spot with Red. She drummed her fingers against the table as faces and rap sheets flicked on the screen as she scanned through the TPD database for their client's [B]real[/B] identity. Finally it stopped and the screen announced that there were 12 matches to what she had searched for. Pulling the pictures up in rows she easily chose out their client, selecting it. With a grin she looked at the sheet of details all about this woman. An image of the client filled half of the page. [quote][B]Name:[/B] Savannah Morgan [B]Age:[/B] 32 [B]Family:[/B] Heise Morgan (Grandfather - Mafia), Steven Morgan (Father - Deceased), Aurora Morgan (Mother - Deceased), Julia Morgan (Younger Sister - Deceased) [B]Crimes:[/B] - Drug Trafficing - Danger to Pedestrians - Driving Infringements - Loss of License on several occassions - Second Degree Murder (4) - Theft and Assault - Grand Theft Auto[/quote] She looked at the rest of the sheet, describing her background and saying she had connections with notorious Crime Lords, the mafia, and interestingly; the Murdoch Brothers. Kenso entered at that time just as she leaned back, staring at the face of the client, there was no mention of a daughter anywhere, meaning Serena Fairfield was someone else. [B]"Find anything interesting? And, well, would you be interested in maybe going for dinner tomorrow night?"[/B] he asked, pulling over a chair. [B]"Interesting? Well, Serena Fairfield isn't her daughter, and she's connected to the Murdoch Brothers, which are suspects for the murder of Nicholas...Wait, dinner? Uh, sure...I always have time for nights off."[/B] she grinned. [B]"Hmm, that [i]is[/i] interesting. And great, I'll figure out the plans and let you know. Oh, and do you want to drive a second car, or are we just going to use me and a truck?"[/B] [B]"Um, I think I'll drive. That way if I get stuck you guys can leave."[/B] she nodded. [B]"Alright, let's go down and let Lysander know. By the way, this' for you."[/B] he indicated to the Longbow across his back. [B]"Sweet, love using the Dakota."[/B] she chuckled as the two made their way down the stairs together, Clyne playing around them as she usually did.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=Navy]I'm pretty sure there are other installments to the series, like [B]Element X[/B] and the sequels to that if I'm not mistaken? Which is how the MMORPG got the VI. And anyone can post in Underground threads even if they're not joining the RP.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]I'm going to have to apologise for this short post, but there is one thing I feel I have to add to this opinion on Authority. Even though both Ken and Alex have sort of mentioned it in a way in their opinions, I think another important trait of a leader is that they have to be respectable in all senses of the word. Respectable in their morals as per mentioned, and the people he's leading must also respect him because if not then there'll be the whole over-ruling type thing, mutinies and what-not. Yeah, but this thread is a really nifty idea.[/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][B]OOC:[/B] Whoo, another Elements installment. Let me know for edits, I might change it in time too. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Clara "Clyne" Gascoyne [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] Clara is a pretty young woman, blessed with delicate features and a lithe body. She has inherited flowing silver hair and bright sapphire eyes from her parents; hair from her mother, and eyes from her father. Her body is lean and has a slight tan from athletics and outdoor activities. Despite her beauty she doesn't often wear overly feminine articles of clothing like skirts and dresses, rather preferring the comfort of her baggy navy blue pants and a matching top from her wardrobe. [B]Element:[/B] Thunder [B]Starting Ability:[/B] Clara holds out her hand(s) and concentrate, forming a ball of electricity in her palm(s) which she will then throw at whatever she has chosen as her target. It doesn't cause much damage but is enough to shock or cause something that isn't working to work, if only for a short time. [B]Why?:[/B] Clara was chosen for the Thunder element because she [I]loves[/I] thunder storms, they excite her and sometimes she feels like it's running through her because whenever they storms are in progress, she feels energised. In a way she also shares the personality like the thunder storm; you can tell when she's about to be very angry by her appearance, like you can tell if a storm's coming from the sky, and as usual it starts with a rumbling; small spurts of anger before it really starts.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Clyne and Trysten had stayed up late in the night continuing their conversations, just learning more about each other's past. They had never actually taken the time to get to know each other well even though they had been training at Syon Base for years. They had chatted all the way into early hours of the morning, not noticing what time it was until Clyne glanced over out of curiousity. Realising it was late the two decided to turn in for the night. Clyne was very tired and comfortably sleeping when she received a surprise wake up call. The alarm blared loudly, echoing through the entire station. [B]"ALL PERSONEL TO BATTLE STATIONS! NEW MECH PILOTS TO THE STRATEGY ROOM IMMEDIATELY! I REPEAT?"[/B] It took a couple of seconds for it to register in her sleepy mind. She immediately sat up in bed, rolling out hurriedly. She wondered what the problem was, but it had to be big. Clyne looked down at her outfit, it was the same as what she had changed into after her shower. She decided to change into a pair of creamish pants, the same type as what she had worn to the party. She pulled on her joggers quickly and ran out of the room, combing through her hair with her fingers. Trysten entered the common room at the same time as her. He grinned, both looked rumpled and half asleep. He'd actually changed his entire outfit though, wearing a crimson button down shirt and black pants. [B]"Come on, let's go."[/B] Clyne jerked. The two thundered down the hall, weaving between all the other frantic people moving to their battle stations. He grabbed her hand as they moved, trying not to get lost as they headed to the Strategy Room. They finally found it and entered, panting slightly as they looked at the room, full of most of their companions. Clyne slid into a seat next to Emi, Trysten falling in beside her as they waited quietly for the other members, and for the briefing to begin.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] I know, I keep making excuses >< This was a quick post because I have to go to school >.>[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Clyne shifted her position on the bar stool, facing Trysten, resting her right elbow on the sturdy bar, playing with her bottle. She watched him carefully, he tried to slow his breathing rate like hers, she was a very active person and wasn't worn out easily, which is why she could have continued dancing if Trysten wasn't tired. [B]"So tell me your story."[/B] he asked, leaning his elbows against the bar, turning his head to look at her. [B]"What d'you mean?"[/B] she asked, taking a gulp from her bottle. The two smiled at Emi as she whisked past them, grabbing Ajack's shirt from its spot around Trysten's waist. She hadn't actually noticed it was there while they were dancing, now that she looked, she saw his own shirt was there too. [B]"I dunno, tell me about your past, anything."[/B] Trysten smiled at her. [B]"Hmmm..."[/B] she pursed her lips thoughtfully, moving the bottle to her body, running the cool glass around her neck, chest and arms since she couldn't do anything else to cool, and leather was hot. [B]"Well, I don't know, you know most of the stuff about me."[/B] [B]"But I've heard it in parts, and mostly through other people. I want to hear things from your perspective."[/B] [B]"Ok, so I'm mixed; half Japanese and half English. My mum's Japanese and I'm really connected to that half of me, I love the traditions, attitudes and the language. My dad's English, and obviously I'm connected to that half too."[/B] she shrugged. [B]"Ummm, I was born in Kyoto and we lived there for 5 years before moving to America. My dad works in a division of the military, connected to Syon Base which is kinda how I got into it."[/B] Trysten looked genuinely interested in her past, giving her all of his attention. Clyne glanced off to the side, searching the room for commotion again as she continued. [B]"Hm....in school my best subjects were always English and languages, but I hated maths with a passion, still don't like it very much. Uh, what else do you want to know?"[/B] she asked him, taking a sip quickly. [B]"How about....where you got your unique eye colour from?"[/B] he stared into her eyes. [B]"Oh, short story; my mum has blue eyes, very strange but must be a regressive line somewhere up in my ancestory, and my dad has a greyish eye colour, so combining them I guess makes mine, but some reason my eyes change with mood, I'm a bit weird."[/B] she laughed, explaining it simply with a shrug. [B]"Mmm, that's interesting. But I [I]do[/I] love your eye colour."[/B] he smiled over the rim of his drink. [B]"Say, do you want to get out of here? The music and lights are giving me a headache."[/B] she asked, jerking her head in the general direction of the exit. [B]"Yeah, let's go, I think others are slowly flooding out too."[/B] he nodded, downing the rest of his Kamikaze. Clyne swiped the bottle from the counter and took Trysten's hand with her right so they didn't get separated by the throng of moving bodies. They passed Axl and Clyne quickly told her they were heading back to the dorms. As soon as they exited the hangar, Clyne felt a lot better, the booming music was a lot less and her headache was now just a dull throb. They chatted about anything as they winded through the passages, back to their area. They saw Emi and Ajack in the common room and it looked like they were in an intimate moment. Clyne tugged on his hand and signalled into the females area, unlocking the door to her room and allowing him entrance. [B]"Take a seat on the bed or....anywhere."[/B] she shrugged with a grin, leaning on the table as she worked on removing the straps on her arms first. [B]"Here, let me help."[/B] he said, kneeling and starting on the straps around her thighs. She tingled as his fingers lightly brushed over the delicate spots on her inner thighs as he removed the leather. She calmed herself and worked the buckles, putting them in a pile beside her. She gathered all of them and put them back into an accessory bag she'd brought with her, filled with lots of other random things. [B]"Do you mind if I take a shower? I'm pretty sweaty."[/B] [B]"Oh, no. Go ahead, I might take one too actually. I'll meet you back here when I'm done."[/B] he nodded. They agreed and he departed, heading back into the male half of their new home. Clyne gathered her bathing supplies and walked to the showers, entering a stall quickly. She gathered her hair up and held it as she removed her leather top, it was disgusting to get off because the sweat had made the material stick to her body. After peeling the article of clothing off, she wriggled out of her pants, hanging them on a hook and turning on the shower. She sighed with satisfaction as the cool water refreshed her body, washing away the stickiness, and the little makeup she had on. The shower was quick and she dried off and put on a navy blue robe, gathering her things and exiting the stall. She saw the feet of someone from beneath the gap and knocked gently on the "wall" that separated them. [B]"Hello?"[/B] she asked softly. [B]"Clyne?"[/B] a voice rang back. [B]"Oh Rusti, it's you. What're you doing? Are you ok?"[/B] [B]"Yeah, I'm fine, just thinking."[/B] She got the feeling that Rusti wanted to be alone, [B]"Alright, seeya later."[/B] Clyne exited the showers and returned to her room, rubbing at her hair at the same time. She closed her door hurriedly and changed into a black top with grungy type patterns printed on it and white trackpants with a navy blue and forest green stripe running down her leg on the left side. Not soon after she changed, there was a soft knocking on the door, making her pad over and open it to reveal Trysten, his hair still looked wet like her, and he was wearing a t-shirt and pants. Clyne sat on her bed comfortably as he looked around, seemingly trying to decide where to sit. She chuckled and called him to sit beside her, he obeyed slightly nervously, glancing at her. [B]"Don't worry so much. Hm, now what should we talk about..."[/B][/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Another sleepy post. May not be posting much because Shadow's not around so I can't continue by asking him about Trysten's past >< Besides this week's full of tests and stuff for me. Apologies.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Clyne smiled at Trysten as he joined the two girls at the bar. She sipped her Schnapps slowly, as her eyes continued to scan the room. She wasn't sure why it was, but since she was young she'd always been known for being watchful wherever she was, catching every detail and practically having a photographic memory. [B]"How's your night been?"[/B] he asked lightly after greeting them. [B]"Eh, not too bad myself."[/B] Clyne responded, eyes sliding across to Axl who shrugged with the same reply. [B]"So, would either of you like to dance?"[/B] he asked, a barely audible tinge of nervousness in his voice. Clyne glanced over at Axl who didn't look at all willing to accept the offer. They connected eyes and she was telling Clyne to go if she wanted. With a nod and a small smile she rested the slim bottle on the counter beside Axl. [B]"Sure, let's go."[/B] Trysten brightened and he took her hand, leading her back into the throng of bodies. Clyne naturally fell into rhythm with the music as they found space to move, swaying her hips with the music, lowering and raising herself along Trysten's body. He held her hips gently, guiding her and bringing them closer together. She looked into his eyes, they were so unique, his right eye being crimson, while his left was a bright blue, lighter than her stormy blues. Their dance was interrupted with yells and sounds of fights. Clyne broke their gaze and looked over to where the commotion was coming from, a clear voice rang through the crowd crying Ajack's name. The pair looked at each other and quickly pushed through the crowd, trying to get through to Emi. By the time they had gotten there, several men were on the ground and practically anyone was being pulled in. Trysten watched as Clyne's eyes changed from a stormy blue to an almost steel like colour as she charged into the fray, he followed behind her, seizing an officer that had a grip on someone that clearly looked terrified and didn't want to be involved in the fight. Clyne didn't care, she shoved people out of her way, getting over to where she saw Ajack, now without the pink shirt, grappling with a group of officers as he tried to make his way to Emi. She growled and struck, delivering a spinning back kick to the sternum of an officer that had one of Ajack's arms in a tight and painful lock before making a swift uppercut to his chin which sent him to the ground and making him release his grip on Ajack. [B]"Are you ok?"[/B] she questioned, eyes scanning for any sign of someone about to attack her. Someone jumped at her from the back, she saw them in her peripheral vision and grabbed the onslaughter's right arm, using his momentum to throw him over her shoulder, crashing him to the ground on his back furiously, kneeling to send her elbow into his solar plexus. [B]"I'm fine. Emi..."[/B] he growled and lashed out, kneeing someone that tried to grab him from the front in the gut. She risked a glance across to see that Trysten was now close to her and was watching the crowd. Now it seemed most people were reluctant to attack them. [B]"Thanks, but I can take them."[/B] Ajack said as he surged forward. Clyne and Trysten stopped and watched him move on bravely, striving to rescue Emi. They knew he was a great fighter and trusted that he'd be able to do it, besides they didn't want to intrude. She felt tendrils of hair around her and realised her ponytail had come loose. With a shrug she joggled her hair, running her fingers through it to return it to its straight form after being tied. [B]"Hm, what an interruption."[/B] Trysten frowned, looking at the officers that littered the section of the dance floor. [B]"Let's continue."[/B] Clyne suggested, taking his hand and leading him away from the fight scene. Trysten took the lead and spun Clyne stylishly, dipping and swaying her with the music before pulling her up against his chest. She reached up and touched his hair, his hair was special too, because it was half wavy and brown, and half straight and white. [B]"What happened?"[/B] she asked softly, not wanting to seem she was forcing him to answer. [B]"It's the result from an explosion some time ago."[/B] he said, looking to the side. [B]"I like it, it's special."[/B] she smiled, running her left hand through his hair. They grinded together as a heavy beated song boomed over the speakers, the ground vibrating with the bass. Trysten looked at her eyes, they were looking a deep blue now, not stormy as they normally were, they appeared to be....less cloudy. He smiled at her and played with some of the straps on her arms, running fingers over the cool silver buckles as they danced closely.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Let me know if you want anything changed anyone (Shadow or Kairi mainly).[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Ah sweet boredom, resulting in random posts in random threads... Anywho. Yeah, my banner and avi don't really say much about me besides how much I absolutely love Delta, I rotate my sets pretty often but they're always done by her. This set currently is of Rukia from Bleach, this one in particular is one of my very favourites and is used often, it was also one of the first I asked from Delta. For the rest of my sig, just listing who I'm officially fangirls of. I'm Delta's #1 Fan as you may have already guessed and my sig used to say that....before I became a fangirl of other people. Joko has a whole line because that's how much it takes >< I was his muse first, then became a fangirl, but then he changed the title to Angel...soooo yah. KW and The Boss are awesome and my friends, so they're down there too. Yeah, I'm a member of SIS too because a long time ago I heard of it from Rev, and the red print is really because I have exams coming in a couple of weeks >
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Clyne checked her outfit for the night; she wore a pair of slightly baggy navy blue pants and a tight, leather, sleeveless shirt with a deep V-neck plunge with some leather straps wrapped around her biceps, thighs and calves. She consulted her full length mirror and made an undecisive face before smiling with a nod, her attire looked simple, but that was her style and she wasn't gonna change it for anyone...besides her commanding officers when asking her to wear uniform (which included skirt). Clyne wasn't much of a person for make-up, but settled with putting on some lipgloss and a touch of mascara. The last thing she did was to do her hair; parting it down the center before pulling the trailing length into a low ponytail with bangs still hanging in front of her face. At last she was satisfied with her appearance and left her room which was closest to the door leading out of the girls' dorms. Clyne looked around as she walked through the hallways, this space station was their new home, and looked pretty flash, she wouldn't mind living here. As she got closer to the room she could hear the heavy bass thrumming through the metal corridors. With a smile she entered and was drenched in the loud music and heavy bass that she could feel in her core. Taking a look around she quickly found a lot of her companions that she had come with from Syon Military Base; Ajack and Emi were dancing on the floor, Rusti was at the bar, Chase was at a food table, and Artek was flirting with a girl. She didn't notice when her head started bobbing with the music, as she watched light bounce off the disco ball to shower the floor in an array of colours. Examining the room she could see it would have taken a team a number of hours to get the hangar set up for this welcoming party, and she felt honoured, not only because she'd been invited to join ANGEL Wire, but that this party was partly for her, and her friends. She hummed lightly as she walked over to the bar, passing Chase with a quick greeting. Clyne leaned across and ordered a Smirnoff, taking a sip and resting against the wood as she continued to search around the room, mainly looking to see if Axl had arrived yet. [I][B]"What's happening here?"[/B][/I] she heard a familiar voice ask. Turning her head slighty she spotted the transparent dragon sitting on the bar space to her right. She rolled her eyes, giving him the obvious answer that she was at a party, covering her words with a sip even though the music easily drowned it out. [I][B]"Pah, wasting time."[/B][/I] he muttered indignantly, disappearing again. Clyne shrugged and pushed off from the bar, walking toward the food area since she was feeling a little peckish. After a bit of thought she decided to take some sushi; teriyaki chicken and avocado was her favourite. She saw some pizza swirls and bit into one, taking another one for later. Her hands were full, so she leaned against the wall beside her, beginning her meal of delectables. She made sounds of satisfaction as she ate, not noticing a man come up beside her. [B]"Nice outfit."[/B] She snapped out of her daydream, grinning as she replied, [B]"I think so."[/B] He flashed a toothy grin in return. Her eyes neatly scanned him over; spiky brown hair with truthful blue eyes, taller than her, lean, and well built. [B]"Matius, or just Matt."[/B] he smiled, extending a hand. She nodded, taking a hold and shaking it, [B]"Clyne."[/B] [B]"Interesting party, huh?"[/B] [B]"Yeah, I think I'll have a lot of fun here."[/B] [b]"Oh, you're a new arrival?"[/b] Matt asked, seemingly surprised. [b]"Yep, didn't you wonder why you've never seen me before?"[/b] she winked. [b]"Indeed, I doubt I would have missed seeing you around, even [i]if[/i] this place is huge."[/b] The two chatted for a while, with a bit of flirtation happening as well, but Clyne knew she wasn't going to do anything with him. After a while he asked her to dance. She shrugged and finished off her Smirnoff, leaving it on the table as they made their way into the sea of bodies. On their travels inwards they bumped into Ajack and Emi, saying a quick 'hi' they continued until there was space. The two gyrated their hips with the heavy beat, her left hand went up into his mess of soft brown spikes as her right was wrapped under his left arm and gripped his shoulder for support, while his left was across her shoulders, and her right draped around her hips. They danced, switching positions every now and then. Clyne was getting a bit tired of the dancing and excused herself, wading out, back to the bar to grab a Schnapps. Her face lit up as she saw Axl, having not noticed when she'd entered the party she made her way over. [B]"Hey Ax, since when'd you come in?"[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][B]OOC:[/B] Sorry about the post, I'm really tired but wanted to get a post in.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Clyne tore along the streets in her Koenigsegg CCX, this was her last stop to get the equipment and supplies she needed. She shifted gears smoothly, the wind ruffled her hair wildly, only tamed by the goggles a top her head. A quick signal, a mirror and shoulder check later, she pulled into a barely visible alley and dimmed the headlights. She pulled up to the entrance of a dingy little store and parked, entering quickly. Clyne smiled and shook hands with the shop owner. [B]"Hey Drew, got the stuff?"[/B] she asked the man behind the counter. Drew was quite handsome if you disregarded the dirt marks and grease stains on his skin, plus his wrinkled grimy overalls. He had dirty blonde hair that fell into his eyes and a pair of hazel eyes. [B]"Of course. Got the green stuff?"[/B] he grinned, reaching under the dirty counter and lifting a cardboard box onto the table. [B]"Yeah, yeah."[/B] she laughed, sorting through the box and checking that everything was there that she ordered. He slid the receipt across the counter, she raised an eyebrow, scanning the sheet quickly before giving it a definitive nod and reaching into a pocket to retrieve a thick wad of bills. She fished out a small pile and handed them over, hefting the box under her arm as Drew counted. [B]"Alright, everything's good. Come back soon, won't ya?"[/B] he winked. [B]"Heh, I'll try not to, your prices hurt."[/B] [B]"Pfft, you try gettin' this top quality kit for a good price."[/B] Clyne smirked, [B]"I'm sure I know how to be very convincing."[/B] Drew laughed at that and watched her leave, jumping back into the car and shoving the box into the space at the foot of the driver's side passenger seat. She looked at the time and saw it was late, she felt a yawn coming and covered it quickly as she drove slower back towards HQ. She pulled around the building and into her personal spot that she always took, picking up the large box and bringing it with her into Heaven's Gate. Just as she entered she spotted Eva heading in her direction, looking like she was about to leave the bar. Eva saw her too and slowed down, a smile appearing on her features. [B]"Hey Clyne, what's in the box?"[/B] [B]"Hm? Ah, just supplies and all that for HQ. Elliot got me doing gathering work again."[/B] she said, rolling her eyes. [B]"Heading off are ya?"[/B] [B]"Yeah, going off to do some clubbing."[/B] she grinned. [B]"Heh, alright, enjoy yourself."[/B] Clyne continued on her path as Eva headed out the door. She saw Elliot and a group of the guys from SN at the bar and shifted direction slightly since she'd been heading for the bar anyway. She wasn't afraid to push people out of the way if they got too close or in her pathway. On her way she saw Irina and Logan too, stopping to chat briefly about what they'd been up to, which didn't seem to be much. Finally she arrived at the bar and put down the large box she'd been lugging. [B]"Hey fellas, what's with this little convention we got going on here?"[/B] she asked with a grin. [B]"There's an assassination mission. Want in?"[/B] Elliot asked her. [B]"Hm, depends on the details."[/B] Clyne leaned her right hip against the bar as she leaned over to order a drink from Jerry, she didn't miss Jack's wandering eyes from her peripheral vision. [B]"A Mrs Natalie Fairfield is hiring us to dispose of her daughter and as many other members of the organisation she's in."[/B] Lysander detailed. Clyne's eyes hardened slightly as she took a sip from her Smirnoff. [B]"Her daughter?"[/B] [B]"That's what [I]we[/I] thought."[/B] The men chimed. [B]"But, the price is right, so...."[/B] Kenso shrugged. [B]"Hm, yeah, count me in. I've been itching for a good assassination mission anyway. Killing spree anyone?"[/B] A malicious grin formed on her otherwise angelic looking features. The guys all nodded, and Virgil slid a stool out for her, which she perched on gladly with a small thanks. Some of the guys went back to looking at something on Kenso's pocket PC so Clyne took the chance to tap Elliot on the shoulder and nod her head toward the box that sat on the bar between them. He raised an eyebrow and lifted the flaps, glancing in then nodding with a smile. [B]"What're you guys looking at anyway?"[/B] she asked out of curiosity.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry about the post, pretty tired right now. Hope everything's ok and all.[/SIZE]
[COLOR=Navy][I]#7 Unlike other Mario enemies, this fellow will attack you whether you're expecting it or not.[/I] Umm, this is kinda a random stab....but I'm gonna say [B]Boo[/B] *shrugs*.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Hm, that's interesting and I noticed that some other people are displaying that as well. I don't know if this is relevant but on the day that OB was fritzing, during one of the on periods I looked at a post of mine and saw a red X. I just re-uploaded the avatar and everything's been fine. But yeah, that's interesting ^^;.[/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]She watched as Axl went across the stage, she smirked to see that her eyes were usually pinned on the announcer's head, watching to see if the toupee was going to fall while she was up there. She congratulated her good friend as she returned, snickering as she said that she was disappointed the toupee didn't fall. Clyne calmly waited for her turn, scowling slightly as she looked down at her uniform. She hated skirts with a passion and wished she had the choice of wearing pants. She heard her name being announced and stood, smiling at Axl before walking slowly toward the stage, looking at all the people whose eyes followed her figure. [B]"Our next graduate is Lieutenant Clyne Geiger. She's the top of her class in the fields of manoeuvrability, high classed fire power, speed, and physical strength in flight combat. Congratulations on your grades and now we are pleased to be able to extend to you an invitation for you to join ANGEL Wire. Do you accept?"[/B] Clyne smiled and nodded, [B]"Yes, I'd be more than happy to accept your invitation."[/B] she spoke formally, accepting the diploma and file of papers. The announcer nodded at her, he nodded too far over and his toupee finally slid off, slapping onto the stage. His eyes widened and he grabbed at his head quickly. The crowd started laughing, and Clyne glanced out, looking at her friends with a grin on her face as she scurried across, picking up the hair piece and plopping it back a top of the bald head where it belonged. She smiled at him and turned back to the Air Chief, saluting him crisply, the two breaking at the same time. There was a burst of applause from the audience, which died down as quickly as it had appeared, spurts of laughter still existing. The Air Chief Marshall nodded to her with a pleasant smile as she made her way off stage, heading back toward her seat. She felt a lingering presence beside her before she heard a soft growl beside her, turning to see her transparent partner, a very miniature version of him, looking like a small navy blue lizard with wings and stunning emerald eyes. [I][B]"Congratulations."[/B][/I] It called somewhat reluctantly, flapping and resting on top of her head. She smiled and whispered, [B]"Couldn't have done it without you, friend."[/B] [I][B]"You still haven't given me a proper name, you just call me friend or partner."[/B][/I] the dragon creature grumbled. [B]"I have too. Your name is Aibou, which means Partner in Japanese, which is what you are to me."[/B] [I][B]"Hmph. I guess I can live with that."[/B][/I] he glared half playfully before flapping his wings and disappearing. Clyne chuckled a little as she sat, staring at the piece of paper and folder in her hands, and the red stripes on her sleeve. It was surreal and unbelievable, she couldn't believe it was happening to her and her friends. Axl hit her lightly with a grin and she looked up to see the whole group looking at her with smiles. [B]"Too bad you didn't put in a bet, eh?"[/B] [B]"No regrets."[/B] she laughed lightly, shrugging. [B]"Didn't expect it to actually happen though."[/B] Emi snorted. The crowd finally hushed as the next name was announced loudly.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Xaria continued past Marax, winding through the pathways until she reached a large brown door with iron braces on it. She held up a hand to signal for the HadShells to guard as she slipped through the door, closing it tightly behind her. She glanced at the area within the door, it was a strange room, with only a couple of metres of tile around the huge chamber. In the centre was a large, deep pit, taking up most of the room, and it was full of water. Xaria walked over to the corner where there was a refridgerator looking device, and from it she removed a large piece of meat. With a grimace she walked to the edge and tossed it into the pit, watching as bubbles were released from somewhere beneath the surface. A large serpent rose, rearing its large head and snapping up the meat. It eyed Xaria before bowing its head. She nodded and stroked the top softly before it started to sink beneath the surface once again, falling into another slumber. It was a leviathan that had served as somewhat of a pet for many years. It had originally terrorised the seas of a world before she captured it and encased it in the pit, the chamber having many spells stopping it from escaping. Now it doesn't fight to escape, having finally submitted to Xaria's dominance. All it does is sleep unless called on or when expecting a feeding, which is at the exact same time every day, three times a day. Now that she had handled her business it was time to get to the meeting. She exited the large door, and walked back into the hall where her two HardShells stood. She nodded to them and walked with them flanking her, keeping pace with her easily with large strides and a satisfactory speed, their steps echoing through the quiet passage. She stopped, the two guards halted in their steps behind her as a Dusk materialised before them. The three looked at the small creature. [B]"What is it?"[/B] she questioned in her cool voice. [I][B]This is a reminder that your presence is requested in the Chamber of Dying Echoes[/B][/I] [B]"I'm on my way, if you'll excuse me, you're holding me up from reaching said destination."[/B] she waved, not waiting for a reply as she began walking forward. The dusk swiftly moved out of the way, staying against the wall as the woman and her large guards continued on their path. [I][B]I wish you'd allow us to destroy the messengers, Mistress.[/B][/I] One of the HardShells growled. [B]"You know that's not how I like to do things."[/B] she replied simply, following the straightforward corridors. [B][I]We wish you were more brash, Mistress.[/I][/B] The other commented. Xaria smiled, she knew that they all hoped she would be more abusive like some of the other Organization members, but never the less they still respect her and obey her as much as they would to someone else. She's actually glad that they're opinionated because she can have conversations with them when she's bored. She arrived at the large doors of the Chamber of Dying Echoes and the HardShells swung open the doors for her, allowing her entrance. Xaria nodded and walked through, one followed behind her while the other closed the door and stood guard outside. The one that followed her waited just on the inside with the other nobodies that were there. [B]"Apologies for the delay of my arrival. The leviathan had to be fed."[/B] she bowed to Onix who sat at the head of the table. [B]"Understood. Welcome Xaria."[/B] he nodded easily. Xaria walked over to her chair which was between Marax and Necrox. She slid into it and sat quietly, having brief conversation with Marax while the group waited for the last three members to arrive.[/SIZE][/COLOR]