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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [COLOR=Navy]I think he'll be remembered by us Aussies everywhere, and even those who don't live in Australia. It was really shocking news because I saw it on a News Update this afternoon and the news swarmed rapidly. He really did do a lot for our country and the world; bringing awareness about animals, working with conservation, and he was an emblem to represent Australia worldwide, if not for what he did, by his accent and phrases alone. He'll be dearly missed for sure. A great man. Sympathies toward his widowed family. R.I.P.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Navy]The group decided they'd split up, Kazuki and Alex headed for the stairs, scaling them quickly, their two digimon flew up them swiftly, already waiting for them at the top by the time they got to the level. [B]"Hm, so we're supposed to be looking for camping stuff."[/B] Kazu said aloud, looking at all of the stores. [B]"Where do we start?"[/B] Alex questioned with a frown. [B]"Uhhhh, well....how about we just try each store and see what we find?"[/B] Kazu grinned nervously, she really didn't have any idea what they should do and that seemed logical enough. Alex smiled and nodded, the small party of four wandered into the shop closest to them and immediately sighed, it was a hair salon. They turned to exit when Kazuki thought of something, walking further in until she came to the back. Going through some drawers she found a load of combs and scissors which could come in handy. She shoved them all into a plastic bag and signalled to Alex to move on to the next shop. The next place happened to be a newsagent, they randomly grabbed books and magazines, they could come in handy for reading when bored, or for lighting fires. While there they swiped candy from the front counter, having some themselves as they traversed to the following store. They froze as they looked upon the next shop, a look of remorse crossed their face as they saw that it was an optic store. They sighed, looking at each other. [B]"Maybe we should still check it out."[/B] KoKabuterimon suggested. The humans shrugged and sauntered in. Alex went to the counter and searched through all of the drawers and Kazuki went into the back, looking for anything helpful. Minutes later she and Lucemon emerged empty handed, but Alex had decided to take some of the lint free cloths with them just in case. Finally they were relieved to see that the next shop was in fact a camping store. The four of them went wild, taking bunches of everything, as much as they could carry. Kazuki herself had a couple of plastic bags full of things from other store, plus a number of sleeping bags hanging off her arms and a pile of bug nets. Lucemon was hauling another bunch of sleeping bags and a tent kit. Looking across the store she saw Alex and KoKabuterimon with more tent kits and a bag of flashlights with packs of extra batteries. They were examining a set of pots and pans and decided to grab them in case. They couldn't carry any more and decided to leave for now, and hopefully come across some trolleys, then maybe they'd collect more stuff on their way back. Kazuki groaned under the weight of everything, but she was determined to keep going because Alex seemed unaffected, walking normally. Lucemon was flying lower than normal because he was half weighed down by everything being carried, but watched KoKabuterimon lumbering along as usual and forced himself to flap back up to his regular height. The two looked at each other with a smile, hurrying a little to keep up with the other two.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] There, now stop bugging me, Will. Sorry about the length....>
  3. [SIZE=1][strike][B]OOC:[/B] *Cries* You didn't tell me you were putting it up~! Sorry I haven't done much but I have a date with a Periodontist >
  4. [COLOR=Navy][B]Delta:[/B] Whee~, Delta. I totally love this picture because it's so bright and colourful. It looks like there's a lot going on, but there really isn't, it kinda just looks that way because of the tower =P Orihime and Tatsuki are awesome (at least I think it's them...), I especially like how you coloured them each differently and kinda gave them a messy outline. It looks good with that messy style because it fits with the rest of the random type things in the picture, and I noticed they have weird shadowy things above/below them, that's pretty neat. Heh, connecting them to the tower was pretty cool to pull everything together. The piece looks random and messy but I love it, the sign in Japanese is a nice touch, I adore the font used, and the random wave type thing in the right corner is eye catching, especially the swirly. And yeah, I see the set image played around the piece. BTW, one last thing is I'm curious to know what the writing near Tatsuki's left arm is. All I can make out is "alisaga" [B]Chikara Kokoro:[/B] I quite like the background for this piece, the shadowy type affect is interesting and the golden colour matches the text. I love the font you chose, it has a classy feel to it and immediately makes me think of gambling and stuff, not really sure why. I like the type across the centre of the piece but the colour sort of clashes with the ace in the middle. I really did like this piece but I felt it was a little plain. My final vote goes to [U][B]Delta[/B][/U].[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Navy][B]Xra:[/B] Hm, well to be honest I feel like the image is too cluttered. I think I get the idea of what you were trying to do but it just didn't work for me. The reason it seems cluttered is because the blackboard with writing on it that takes up the entire background and the picture of Einstein are overlapping, both having a lot of white and black in it which makes it look like there's a lot there. Then the lightbulb is another layer right in front of Einstein, so yeah...I felt the quote was unnecessary too, just adding to the cluttered feel. Maybe if you made things different colours instead of just black and white, because I like how you put Einstein in yellow, it makes it stand out. [B]Kitty:[/B] I love this image, it's so simple yet elegant. The background is lovely; several golden spots drawing the viewer's eye all over the image while still having the attention kept in the centre as the type cuts the image in half. I like that you put a lighting effect on the lightbulb because it stands out more. I had a little laugh at the type beneath energy, having truth and humour in it at the same time, very nice. Having the contrast of the white "energy"s with a black one in front of the bulb was great, the shadow of it is a good touch too. I really enjoyed this piece, nice how you managed to sort of discretely put "SO" in the top corner too. [B]Eclipse:[/B] I love the contrast in the background of the picture. I really love the fire effect that covers the bottom half, with graduating colours and wisps. The way you darkened the main part of the lightbulb was interesting, because it makes the filament and rims shine brightly which is good. I have to say though, I don't like the text, I thought it was too plain and too small because there's a lot of black above it of just empty space. In the end, I decided to give my vote to [U][B]Kitty[/B][/U].[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Navy]Okie dokie, time to vote even if it won't make a difference XP [B]Ezekiel:[/B] I love the colour of the background because of how it gradually gets darker from orange to red, not much to say about that but I liked it. I don't know if this is what you were trying to do, but I enjoy how it looks like the sign's burning though it's a bit hard to see because the orange sort of blends with the red, and is obscured slightly by the text. And I'm trying to figure out the purpose of the white lines in the "burning" area. The text, I like how it's semi-transparent and it's good on the right side, but I feel it doesn't really work on the left, especially the "t" because it melds with the orange. And like jigglyness, I think the border's nifty. [B]Katana:[/B] I love this piece. I do like the soft navy blue and as it gradually darkens. I think I'm most attracted to it because of the flame from the lighter, it curls upward with parts of it along the whole piece which brings the gaze upward and to the sign, also it casts shadows on the hand. I like how it's part of the sky, and there's stars, 'cept I personally think some clumps are too close together. Hard choice but I decided on [U][B]Katana[/B][/U].[/COLOR]
  7. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy][B]Original Name:[/B] Raia [B]Order Name:[/B] Xaria [B]Number:[/B] IX [B]Code Name:[/B] The Raging Torrent [B]Element:[/B] Water [B]Weapon:[/B] Xaria uses a pair of strange looking Short Sword/Dagger like weapons [URL=http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/83/energyswordcx2.jpg](Here)[/URL]. They're especially made for only her grip, since she has small hands. She's very swift when attacking with these, and part of her title "The Raging Torrent" comes from that, because she's fast to get up close to her target and releases a barrage of furious attacks against them. The blades are sharp all over; inside, outside and on the points and the symbol of the Organization is deeply engraved in the centre of her hand grip. [B]Nobody:[/B] [I]HardShells -[/I] Large tortoise like creatures with hard shells for defensive purposes. When defending they will usually be on all fours and will tuck their heads into their shells for protection, sometimes even withdrawing their limbs. They use their natural strength to attacking when standing on two legs, needing no weapon to overwhelm an adversary. When standing upright, the creatures are taller than Xaria by a full head and are bigger then Large Bodies. Their faces are contorted to an almost demonic expression, and the symbol of the Organization glows proudly in the centre of their shells. They're the opposite of Xaria herself and are infact quite slow because of their size and weight but make up in that with their sheer strength, able to overpower most other enemies. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/6004/1128715287cpinkshoessf7.jpg]Here[/URL]. Xaria wears the typical attire that announces that she's a member of Organization XIII, which is; a hooded black cloak, boots, and slacks. She's a medium sized young woman, standing at 5'5" with a lean, lithe body beneath the cloak, being small and fit is a great advantage when having weapons such as hers. Beneath her hood is a head of bright pink hair, but her most stunning features are her eyes; shifting blue, that change according to her emotions; from crystal/sky blue when happy, to icy cold when angered, and to a stormy bridging on grey when sad, when she's feeling neutral they're usually a bright blue. [B]Personality:[/B] Xaria is another of the cool, calm and collected members of the Organization; being cool, calm, rational, unmovable and taking everything in her stride like a clear lake on a summer's day. This is herself, one of the things she has retained after becoming a Nobody. Her voice has a calming tone to it which usually affects the current mood of the listener, some think that she was affected by a Siren-like creature at some point in time which gives her this ability. Her title however describes her fighting style, which on first thought appears to be opposite of her personality, but in fact is just another side of herself, where she is more aggresive. Torrents are known for being swift and powerful, which is a simple way to describe how Xaria fights, attacking quickly and surely, putting her weight behind it, and not allowing time for her enemies to attack back. It is an interesting thing to note that often she likes to make conversation with her enemies (the ones that can talk, that is) because it loosens her up, and unnerves them. Her loyalty to Onix, the Master of the Organization, is unmistakable, much like the other members. She does enjoy his company and is willing to do anything to protect or serve him. She is wholeheartedly loyal to the Organization and all the members, with no doubt in her mind that she would do anything to help them if it were for the good. Other members she seems to get along with especially well within the Organization are Xarin, Marax, Kaxkel, Aixarael, not saying she doesn't get along with the others too.[/COLOR] [strike][B]OOC:[/B] Sorry, I know I haven't done much but I'll come back and edit as soon as I can. [B]EDIT1:[/B] I'll be back to do my personality soon.[/strike] [B]EDIT2:[/B] Complete! Let me know if I need to edit anything.[/SIZE]
  8. [COLOR=Navy]I actually think the answer to [B]#2[/B] is [B]OtakuBoards Survivor: Game On![/B][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][B]OOC:[/B] Will edit it soon. [B]EDIT:[/B] Just got the Bio left to do, and I'll get on it real soon. [B]EDIT2:[/B] Done, let me know if I need to change anything. [B]Name:[/B] Clyne Parry [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/3883/gwrangerac7.jpg]Here[/URL]. Clyne is a beautiful young woman, with waves of dark brown hair framing her face and brushing her shoulders. Her face is well sculpted, set with deep emerald eyes that change shades with the emotions that she is feeling. She stands at 5'5" and has a fit lean body from constant exercise, and a slight tan from being outdoors for prolonged periods. Clyne isn't a girly girl, choosing not to wear skirts and dresses, though she does on occassion, like when going out somewhere nice. She is usually always found wearing the colours blue and white; whether it be a white top with blue pants, or a blue top with white pants. They're her favourite colours and she prefers them over everything else, but surprisingly she does own articles of clothing that are different colours, mainly shades of green. Her usual choice of attire is a white button down shirt with the first two buttons left open, and navy blue cargo pants with an embroided pattern on the right side, because that's what she feels most comfortable in and she just likes the style. [B]Personality:[/B] Because of things from her past, Clyne is a light hearted individual, always calm and serene, light and blooming like flowers in the newborn Spring, determined not to be angry and full of rage. She's so cheerful that some claim it's contagious, because when she's around, the saddest people seem to smile because of the radiating warmth from hers. She's an honest person and personally thinks she's completely open with her opinions, always voicing her thoughts even if it will get her into trouble, because that's just the kind of person she is. Clyne makes friends easily because of how she is, but also has a number of enemies that call her names for how she is, especially when she's harshly honest. Clyne is an intellectual, especially enjoying her sciences. Her love is in all things to do with nature, loving to just be out in the environment, no matter where; from a busy city, to a silent grove. Her dream is to travel around the world and do all there is to do in each country, from scaling mountains, to diving in the clear blue seas. To compare Clyne to a specific image is difficult, but she sees herself in all of nature, from the storms to the gentle blue skies. Just because she always seems happy, doesn't mean she is always, because that's impossible, everyone feels pain and sorrow. Instead of showing her sadness, she covers it with a cheerful countenance because she doesn't like people worrying over her, she sees it as her job, always feeling a motherly feeling toward others, thinking she needs to take care of others. This of course may spawn from her powers over all nature. Clyne can honestly say that she loves her powers passed down to her through her ancestors. She has powers that are wonderful; able to make beautiful flowers spring up, or call to animals and commune with them, but it is also powerful enough to destroy all things great and beautiful, to create poisons to kill. Sure, it isn't the most strong bloodline when fighting, but it is in its own way, which is why Clyne enjoys it. [B]Short Biography:[/B] Clyne grew up in a small family, the oldest of the three Parry children, having twins as her younger siblings, they're both 16 and look almost identical besides their different genders. Both of her parents were often too busy for them; her father, William Parry, an upclass lawyer, continually busy with new cases that had to be completed, and her mother, Elena Parry, keeping busy trying to protect the environment, going into protests with her group. As she grew up, Clyne ound herself practically raising her two younger siblings while trying to balance her school work as her parents didn't give heed to them, usually locked up in their studies. Even though they didn't do much together, Clyne would try to converse with them on those rare occassions when they were free, unlike the twins who didn't care. When she was 15 her life changed. She had been on her bed doing homework when there was banging and shouting. Getting up quickly she made sure the twins stayed in their rooms and creeped downstairs, peeking around the corner to see her parents standing in a face off, shouting at each other. Her dad kept going on about her mum being too busy to take care of the kids and neglecting them just for her stupid Green protests. She rebutted that [I]he[/I] was never taking care of the kids either. He said that it was a woman's job. The debate continued through the night, the neighbours listened in, the twins trembled in their room, Clyne listened from the stairs. Finally her father stomped out of the house angrily, slamming the door heavily behind him and silence fell over the Parry household. Within two hours the house got a phonecall, it was from the local hospital, it was to inform Elena and the children that she was now a widow, and the kids were fatherless. When Elena asked how, they told her that he had been speeding, it was a rainy night, and a drunken driver had swerved, colliding with his car. The two spun, William's car hit a tree, immediately bursting into flames. An ambulance was called and he was rescued, but it was too late, his neck had snapped from the whiplash, and his body was severely burned. The family mourned their loss. Elena was filled with guilt because of the fight. Clyne comforted her siblings, keeping a straight face on though she wept bitterly within. The twins bawled loudly. The children recovered, but Elena was never the same. She fell sick months after William's funeral and no less than a year later, the Parry children found themselves burying another parent. Again, Clyne had to comfort the twins who were 12, unable to show her grief while the twins openly shed their tears over the grave of their parents who now lay together forever. Clyne was forced to pick up a job even though she was already having trouble with school because she had to support her now dessimated family. This is how she gained her constant cheerful nature and her need to act motherly toward others. When she reached 18 years of age, her life changed again as she met the great Mosreal and it was revealed that she was to be one of his servants, relaying the history of the five bloodlines that were destined to serve him, generation by generation, for all of eternity. Clyne was reluctant because she still had to take care of her younger siblings but was forced to bow to Mosrael's will. Now all she can do is obey him and enjoy her powers.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Navy]Split Keyblader, in my opinion I sincerely think you should take JJ's advice since he actually [i]is[/i] a good writer, with several RPs (posts) and stories under his belt. It actually [I]wouldn't[/I] help if he put it all together because how would you know where all those corrections would be. I haven't read this properly, but just by skimming it, I have spotted out many errors, most have been found by JJ. I probably wouldn't have gone through the whole thing like he did to annotate the errors then go and write corrections/improvements for them. But really, how hard was it to understand? I see that he used common language, not as if he used huge words that no one's heard of. But honestly, looking at your posts hurts my head, and this isn't meant to be hateful. It's just a way of telling you that you really need to improve your spelling, vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, syntax and capitalisation. Because I've seen you around the RP area, and if you improve your story writing, it's guaranteed that your RPing will get better too since they're almost the exact same thing. A major point to make is: descriptions are essential! One of the most important things after the technical stuff like spelling, grammar, syntax, etc. Please try to improve, and this isn't us trying to be harsh as what Tical thinks, when you put up a story here, it means you're looking for comments, and with comments comes criticism, we call it [I]constructive[/I] criticism for a reason! It's supposed to help the author get better. [quote name='Tical Blue']...he has to fix his mistakes his own way if he wats to learn...[/quote] I'm not completely sided with you on this comment. Of course he has to learn to fix his own mistakes, but he can't do it on his own. If he [I]knew[/I] there were mistakes in it, obviously he would have editted it out himself, but no, he posted it here [I]full[/I] of errors, and these types of things need to be pointed out to people or else they'll never know, and their writing will forever remain the same. *sigh* If you have Microsoft Word or any other processing program, I beg of you. PLEASE use it! And if you don't and don't know the spelling of a word, it never hurts to look it up, could be as simple as typing it in Google, or going to [url]www.dictionary.com[/url]. As for vocabulary, read books and try to remember the variety of terms they use to describe things, and use them. Also, another option is to go to [url]www.dictionary.com[/url] again and click the Thesaurus tab and that'll spurt [I]tons[/I] of words for you to use. I truly hope to see an improvement in your writing, for your sake.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Navy]*raises hand* Question. What do we have with us? Like, do we have all our equipment? I'm asking because I want to know if I have my mech and/or plugsuit since the last version of this started differently. And another thing, how were we transported? Like...were we doing something random and there was light, then when they woke up, SURPRISE! You're in another reality! Just random questions, I'll post after I get my answers, thanks *bows*[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][B]OOC:[/B] Yup, lemme know for any changes, k? [B]EDIT[/B] Changed my pic, hope that's what you meant >.> [B]Name:[/B] Clyne Geiger [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Demon Form:[/B] Njord [B]Weapon:[/B] Urd [B]Rank:[/B] Assassin [B]Physical description:[/B] [URL=http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/1310/girls992fr9.jpg]Here[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Clyne is a generally quiet person, often cold and void of much emotion since emotional attachments are of no importance to an assassin, her loyalty was to her tribe alone; but since the light...she has a niggling feeling in the back of her mind, which we would call a conscience because of the murder she continually commits. The first time she killed after the Light, she was hit with a wave of emotion that she'd never experienced, it was so overwhelming she was brought to tears as they burned shamefully down her cheeks. After some time, she gained somewhat control as she forced her body to be unaffected, though somethings just cannot be controlled. Since the Light, she feels that she is being forced to open up herself to others, and this is new to her, making her uncertain, and this uncertainty within herself scares her more than anything else has, ever. Clyne has the natural ability of being able to move silently without making any sound which makes her a perfect assassin. She is most well known for always keeping her cool in situations. Her best personal asset is her ability to creep around silently and being able to kill swiftly in many different ways. [B]Combat Tactics:[/B] Clyne's preferred method of fighting is in fact up close because Urd's range is limited, being a sword-type weapon. At times she will throw Urd if she's sure that it will definitely find its mark in the chest of an unsuspecting opponent. From that information, it is deducted that Clyne also has good accuracy and will throw whatever she can, especially when fighting from a distance which she sometimes does. Of course, being an assassin she'll usually choose to end the fight as fast as possible, often with an attack to the throat or chest. Her moves are always swift, elegant and graceful, swooping up beside her opponents, playing with them briefly before finishing the job. [B]Skills:[/B] Her obvious skills are her stealthiness which is required in her job; able to move swiftly and silently, plus her fighting skills; control of Urd, a variety of killing techniques, and accuracy. But out of battle, surprisingly enough, she makes a good cook. [B]Phobias and Weaknesses:[/B] Clyne is most afraid of these new feelings; the guilt and sorrow that results from her constant assassination jobs, where before she could complete them without problem. [B]Pet Peeves:[/B] Clyne is easily annoyed by the younger tribe members just because of the fact that they're new yet think they know everything and always end up finding themselves in a load of trouble, which means they have to go help them, taking up more time of their already tight schedule.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][B]OOC:[/B] Yay~ I?m glad this? being redone. ^__^ Let me know if I need to make any changes. [COLOR=Navy]A young woman stood in front of the training module; her stormy blue-grey eyes evaluated the machine carefully. She flashed a smirk to Wing Commander Keiller as she easily climbed into the module as if she were made for it, falling simply into the seat of the cockpit. She flicked her long chocolate brown hair over her shoulders as she slipped the disk into the slot beside the controls. She started up the machine, watching as the screen displayed a series of projections while it booted before the instructions flashed up. [B]?Name, Clyne Geiger. Rank, Cadet. Identification number, #150289. Age, 21. Speciality, flight. Initiate module SOUL.?[/B] She relayed the words clearly, pronouncing each syllable. As she entered the information, it appeared across the screen. Clyne felt dizzy all of a sudden and her eyes drifted closed as she lost control of her body. [I][B]So cold?Where am I?[/B] She opened her eyes, blinking. She shivered and rubbed her arms, looking around to see that all around her was carpets of white, and snow fell serenely from the sky. Clyne sneezed and started running forward since her field of view was narrowed by her environment. She kept her eyes peeled though, running forward in long strides and watching her step in case there was an obstacle. She felt like she was running to no where, and fell to her knees. A loud roar reverberated around the area she was in, making her head snap up, eyes searching for a source of the sound. It sounded again?longer this time? [B]What [/i]is[i] that?[/B] Clyne got to her feet, her body was turning numb from being out in the cold, and she could feel her core body temperature slowly dropping. If she didn?t find a place to shelter and get warm soon, she might die from the cold. Her teeth chattered and her body shivered violently as she trudged along, hands shifted from rubbing her arms to her chest, trying to stimulate more blood flow from her heart and generate more heat which in return would heat the rest of her body sufficiently. Energy was sapped with every step she took, eyes feeling heavy as the icy coldness made her want to lie down and sleep. [B]No?I have to stay awake?[/B] She was losing hope, and her legs buckled, she gasped for breath, looking ahead. Shining hope filled her body as she saw a cave not too far away. She prayed it wasn?t a dream as she stumbled toward it as fast as she could, feet crunching through the snow. Clyne grinned broadly as she entered the cave, allowing her body to collapse as she got in a few metres. She just lay there, rubbing her body to try to get more heat. Suddenly a tremendous roar shook the cave, Clyne?s eyes widened; this had been the source of the roaring. Her first instinct was to run, but that was quickly dispelled, she didn?t have the energy, and there were no other shelters that she saw. Maybe her mind had been affected by the cold but she wanted to see what it was, and forced her muscles into motion, crawling on her hands and knees through the cave. The deeper she went in, the warmer it seemed to become, and there was light coming from within the tunnel. She knew the final turn was in front of her, and bravely got to her feet; walking the last few metres to stop dead in her tracks. A hand covered her mouth as she looked upon the large creature curled in the centre of the room, a fire burning in front of it. Clyne steeled herself and took a few steps into the chamber, the creature?s emerald green eyes followed her every movement but did nothing. It even allowed her all the way up next to it. She looked into his eyes, watching it in case it suddenly attacked as she lifted a hand, resting it on the scaled back. She could hardly believe it, it was a Dragon! He felt so real, his navy blue scales shone in the flickering fire light. His body was warm, being basked in the warmth of the flame. His tail swished, eyes never leaving hers. Confidently she ran her hand up along, reaching his head, stroking it gently, a low sound gurgled in his throat. [B]Who are you?[/B] The dragon just growled, lifting his head and blew a spout of smoke at her. It enshrouded her and she was having trouble breathing. She started coughing and looked up; his eerie green eyes watched her through the fog as she felt herself falling?[/I] [B]?Cadet Geiger!?[/B] Clyne sat up abruptly; a hand went to her head as she looked around. She had been taken from the training module and had been lying on the ground. [B]?What happened??[/B] she questioned, still dazed from the dream she?d just experienced. [B]?You passed out after inputting your details, you weren?t moving so the medic staff removed you but we couldn't wake you. How do you feel now??[/B] Wing Commander Keiller asked gently. [B]?I-I?m fine. I don?t know what happened to me but I?m alright now.?[/B] She nodded, getting to her feet easily, two medics stood by in case she fell. [B]?Alright then, let?s continue then.?[/B] Keiller smiled. Clyne agreed and jumped back into the training module, she felt strangely refreshed after the dream, even though it had been strange.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Navy]Damn you, Will. *glares* [quote name='Originally posted by Jokopoko']Hah, I've found a way to annoy "The Game" players[/quote] Which in itself made me think of it, so here I am again, Loss number 2.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Navy]Never heard of this and it's a weird concept, but I visited the Lounge for the first time in a while and saw the thread, being intrigued by it I was forced to click on it, thus, I Lose. O.o[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Navy]*is being forced to post* Like I said, I think it's pretty cool, and I'm quite looking forward to the rest of Chapter 1. Though I want to get to the good part already with him at Hogworts and stuff because that's the flesh of the story, well, hopefully. Apposing to Doublehex I think the official Hogworts letter was a nice touch because it gives it a real book-like feel I guess, but I wouldn't copy too many other things from the book or it'll seem repetitive, etc. etc. The main thing I like about this story is just the fact that it's a different view, and when reading the HP books I was really quite interested in knowing about James and Lilly's lives and how things were during their time, and because he grew up with magic so that wasn't a problem for him like it was for Harry. Anyway, I posted, and that's what counts ¬.¬ [/COLOR]
  17. [B]OOC:[/B] Gah! I was working on a post when my bro had to use my comp and he turned it off! BTW, I didn't mention it in my sign up but Sora's a perfectionist, so much that it's almost obsessive compulsive. [COLOR=Navy]Sora tapped her heeled foot impatiently as she stood around on the ground floor, waiting for the elevator, with a flood of people chattering around her. Her eyes briefly glanced at them, a look of distaste in her eyes. They looked rugged; with half mused hair, wrinkled clothes, and askewed accessories, such as ties. [I][B]"They look like they just rolled out of bed."[/B][/I] she thought to herself, rolling her eyes. One might argue that her herself had just rolled out of bed too, but her reasoning was that at least [i]she[/i] was dressed professionally. There was a light 'ping' as the lift finally arrived. Sora jumped into the metal box quickly, putting herself in the spot in front of the buttons. Everyone else flooded in, just fitting everyone, which meant the elevator was quite squishy. Sora pressed the number of her floor, watching the ring of light appear around it before there was a chorus of people shouting out the floors they wished to get to. She sighed, pressing each obediently with a well manicured finger. The thing at last took off, rising upward steadily. Sora rolled her eyes, hitting a guy that was trying to get closer to her than was necessary. Tucking her briefcase under her arm, she lifted the flask mug of coffee to her lips, taking a deep draught, satisfied as the warm liquid ran down her throat. By the time it got to her floor there were only a few people left. She alighted on the level, glancing at her watch as she went to her cubicle, setting down the mug and briefcase. Covering a slight yawn with her left hand, she typed deftly with her right, logging onto her computer, pulling sheets from the case and setting them in neat piles on her desk. She lifted the mug to her lips and was about to take a sip when someone poked their head around her wall. [B]"Need anything, Boris?"[/B] she asked, raising an eyebrow to him as she sipped. [B]"Haha, nope, just seeing if you were still taking your morning coffee hit as usual."[/B] he grinned. Sora glared at him, turning to her computer as he asked if she brought her usual flask iof extra coffee to keep her going through the day. He said a cheerful goodbye and headed off, presumably back to his work station. She turned on her laptop, which had been in the briefcase, and opened the document that held her report for the assignment she was set. It was half done, and would be done in no time since the rest of it was a breeze, information coming straight from sources from that point on. Sora sent it to her work computer, re-reading it for any mistakes. As she assumed, there were none, because she did everything perfectly. A young woman with olive skin came into her cubicle, Sora swivelled to face her. "Sora, I think there's something wrong with my computer, can you take a look quickly? Um, if you're not busy." she added hurriedly. [B]"Sure Kuri."[/B] she got up with a sigh, following the other woman to her cubicle. Sora was known on the floor, and others as excelling with technology since she'd gotten a degree with computing and all things to do with them. She played with the computer a little, trying to find out what was wrong with it when a pop-up message appeared, she tried to get rid of it but kept coming back. She frowned, informing Kuri she had contracted a virus, fixing it in no time with the use of her handy anti-virus checker which screened the hard drive and got rid of the virus' source. Sora returned to her cubicle, flopping into the chair, turning back to the comforting glow of her monitor.[/COLOR]
  18. [SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=Navy][B]Starting Point:[/B] The Island (KH) or Hyrule (LoZ), either way, I don't particularly mind where I end up. [B]Why?:[/B] Why I should be included? I dunno, sounds like an interesting prospect even though I know nothing about Project Gamer 1, and I feel I just want to have a part in it, and I think I can do a good job....story telling........ [B]RP Sample:[/B] Ummm, didn't really know which one to choose...in the end I decided on a post from [B]"OtakuBoards Apprentice"[/B] since I've been using it pretty often as a Sample >
  19. [COLOR=Navy]Andrea was currently taking shelter behind another building, one that looked more stable than the last one she had chosen. She examined her wheels with a frown, both were scratched, marked and dented from the battle, with a lot of gun powder residue on them. She blew them off, taking her time knowing they had reached a stand-off, with Quell and Dark waiting for her and Mask to make the first move. She looked across to her left, seeing her brother rubbing his chest where Dark had punched him last. They locked eyes and Shilandrea began a series of hand motions, silently explaining her plan, he gave two brief nods. Andrea took a breath and sprinted across the gap between her building and the next, bullets started immediately, scraping her and creating more holes in her dress. She threw her wheels quickly, diving into the next cover. The two silver weapons zigzagged swiftly through the sky, flying as if someone controlled them beause they went past the two men before swooping back in in seconds, slicing them vertically across the front since they were back to back. The two tried to grab them, yet they flew back straight and true to their owner. She looked across the row of buildings, Thilan had gone; hopefully all was working as planned. Shilandrea covered a yawn with her left hand, tossing her Thunder wheel in her right hand seemingly carelessly up and over the building. She listened carefully, grinning as Quell fired at it, hearing the resounding 'ping' as the bullets bounced off the silver alloy, pushing the wheel off it's previous course, but it had been predicted and now the wheel flew deadly fast, how Andrea had wanted it. Mask ran out from his cover, Dark saw a moment too late as Thilan grabbed his right wrist, twisting it into a painful position and threw him over his hip, kneeling with the same motion and elbowing him hard in the solar plexus, winding the man and diving to the side, already having bullet wounds from Quell since it had taken a while to get across to Dark and to attack. They had stopped paying attention to Andrea as she stormed from her cover while they were taking care of Mask. She watched with a grin as her Thunder wheel sliced through the air, turning over and cutting through Quell's left shoulder, up close to the neck before flicking up and back. She whisked her other wheel out swiftly as Quell grabbed his shoulder, watching it closely as it cut into Quell's right elbow joint of his mechanical arm, doing an arch and returning. Andrea threaded her rings onto each arm, having them around her elbows she raced toward Dark, jumping up to avoid Quell's bullets. As she came down, she sliced with her elbow at Dark, blood seeping from his new wound horizontally across his chest. Mask was now battling with Quell, trying to find some purchase but constantly hitting armour. He furiously pulled at his chest armour, tearing the clothing that covered it. Quell struggled but fired with his damaged arms, aim slightly askewed from the wounds. Mask backflipped away from the bullets, watching as he activated his jetpack. Shilandrea had been duking hand to hand with Dark, but saw movement in the sky from the corner of her eye. She threw herself to the side, giving her right arm a shake to dislodge the Thunder ring there. She grabbed it, flicking it from her arm, she rolled to the side, dodging Dark's downward punch which left a mark on the earth. She quickly pushed the button and threw it upwards toward the flying Dendwennian. It hit its mark, one point of the weapon puncturing the back of the jetpack, the overload of currents causing the mechanism to explode sending Quell to the ground. [B]"Ow, that wasn't very nice, darlin'. Not talkin' to me now, huh?"[/B] he smirked, getting up quickly. Andrea [i]had[/i] gone silent because she'd been concentrating on the plan she had told to Mask. [B]"Aww, don't think I don't love ya now."[/B] she laughed, twirling her wheels around her fingers, stepping out of the way of Dark's lunge attack, returning it with an elbow in the ribs. [B]"Good to know, twas afraid for a second."[/B] he drawled, lifting his pistols jerkily.[/COLOR]
  20. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][B]Character Name:[/B] Gohan [B]Signature Attacks:[/B] [I]Masenko:[/I] Gohan's first and most used attack. Its origins are from Piccolo who presumably taught the attack to Gohan while training together in the wilderness. He holds his hands crossed with the palms facing forward above his head, creating a yellow-coloured energy ball. Then he throws his hands forward and fires the beam, with the beam's pattern almost similar to the Kamehameha. [B]Special Abilities:[/B] [I]Kamehameha:[/I] He holds his hands near one of his sides (usually right), creating a shiny, blue energy ball. Then he throws his palms forward to fire the beam. [I]Renzoku Kikou Dan:[/I] A combination of many small ki blasts fired at a very rapid rate, which causes a machinegun like effect. Useful for quick and widespread damage, but is very draining on ones energy level. [B]Character Chronicles:[/B] ?Try not to call me, Videl? Gohan entered his study quietly, sitting at the small desk. There was a small pile of paper just lying there, with a simple pen resting on top. He popped his knuckles and picked up the writing instrument, he had decided to write his Bibliography, the Chronicles of his Life so his descendants could read about his past. He took a breath, and put ink to paper; ?My name is Gohan, born to Goku and Chi Chi. I?d always thought I was a normal child, but then again, I never met any other children when I was young. I was born to a loving, cosy family with a nice home in the quiet mountainside, I thought everything was perfectly normal, but little did I know? Growing up, mum always drilled into my head that studying was the most important thing in life. Though secretly, dad used to contradict her and we?d joke for a long time about other things that were more important, ?Like food? as he used to say. But mum forced me to constantly study; I spent most of my days doing school work from home with a private tutor. He was awful; I [I]really[/I] didn?t learn much from him, though he took all the credit because I read ahead. Still, on my days off which I rarely had, dad used to take me out and we?d go exploring, that?s how I met Icarus. I know I said I didn?t know any other children when I was young, and that?s true, because Icarus was a dragon. It may seem foolish to people who read this now, but he was my best friend growing up, and we understood each other. It was always fun going exploring on his back, but then I always got in trouble with mum when I got back dirty. Talking about what I looked like, I cringe when I look back on photos from my childhood, because the clothes my mother dressed me in at that time was just embarrassing. Mum gave me a bowl hair cut, and kept it like that for years, at least it was always covered by a bright red hat with gold trim and a cool ornament on top. I hadn?t known at the time, but that ?ornament? was the fourth of the seven dragon balls needed to summon the great Shenlong. Then for clothes I wore a bright yellow, sleeveless tunic with red hems and a kanji symbol in the centre, with a green long sleeved shirt underneath. I wish I had been smart enough to choose my own clothes at the time. But the one thing I didn?t know that other people didn?t have was my tail, marking me as a saiyan, even if I?m only half-blooded, just because it got in the way and was sensitive, I often kept it wrapped around me waist, under my clothes. As a child, I was a scaredy cat, but I still had a strong urge to protect my family and friends. People always told me I was a lot like my dad, with a noble and gentle heart; I guess that?s why I acted how I did when [B][I]they[/I][/B] arrived?? Gohan stood up, popping the vertebrae in his neck; Pan would be getting home soon and he knew she?d want to play with him, which was one of the things he loved most about being a father.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  21. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Julia had been waiting in the hallway, expecting David to walk through the door at any moment. When he did, there was a look of relief on his face before it became a smirk. [B]"Evening, babe..."[/B] he greeted smoothly. [B]"Mm, evening..."[/B] she smiled, pushing off the wall and coming forward to meet him. David shut the door behind him, stooping to drop his briefcase before embracing Julia tightly, the night had been long and tasking, the meeting had been tense between the guardians. [B]"How was it?"[/B] she whispered, enjoying the warm embrace, it had been a number of hours since they'd last seen each other. [B]"It went alright I think, but I don't want to talk about it."[/B] Julia pulled away, looping her arms around his neck and kissing him gently as he returned it, finally relaxing. She rubbed his back and led him into the kitchen, pushing him into a chair at the table, he looked tired and worn out. [B]"Have you eaten?"[/B] she questioned, glancing into the fridge. [B]"Mm, no, didn't get a chance to."[/B] he sighed, putting a hand to his forehead. [B]"What do you feel like?"[/B] [B]"I don't mind, anything light before we go to bed."[/B] Julia nodded and quickly made him a sandwich which should suffice until the morning, hours away. She set it on a plate and brought it over to him, setting it down. He looked up at her, smiling and giving his thanks before taking a bite, it was just the way he liked it, since they had been together for two decades, making them very close. [B]"Have you drank yet?"[/B] he asked, chewing thoughtfully. She glanced up at the clock, [B]"No, not yet."[/B] [B]"Don't wait too long, or you'll be sick."[/B] Julia nodded with a sigh, getting up she went to the fridge again, bending to retrieve one of the small bags full of crimson liquid from the bottom shelf. She returned to the table and looked at the bag with a sigh. Picking it up, she opened her mouth, revealing larger than normal canine teeth, she sank her canines into the plastic bag, breaking through easily and guzzled the blood slowly as it came from the bag slowly, as how it would flow from a human. Her vampire side required this feeding weekly, and if she missed one she fell sick and would become deathly pale. Her eyes glanced up as she drank, David watched her with a soft look in his eyes, a hand stretching out to stroke her hair softly, knowing that she didn't really like the thought of [i]having[/i] to drink blood to keep herself alive, only doing it when they got in the heat of the moment. She finished the packet and put it down, leaning into him sleepily, feeding made her sleepy, but Julia realised Sora and Yama hadn't returned yet, because they were usually home before that time. [B]"Go to bed, David."[/B] she said, getting up and heading to the door. [B]"Where are you going?"[/B] he jumped up and followed her. She was putting on her boots and grabbed her keys from the hall table, pulling her trenchcoat off the hook. [B]"Sora and Yama aren't back, I'm a bit worried."[/B] she told him. He frowned, he knew the birds were usually back from their night hunt earlier, he was going to offer to accompany her but she knew what he would say, just telling him to go to sleep because he needed it, both of them knew it. He reluctantly nodded and kissed her before she left, heading to the bedroom. Julia left the apartment quietly, going down the stairs quickly and leaving the complex. She knew where the birds usually hunted and headed in that direction, keeping a look out for people that would be more than willing to try and attack her. She reached the area, looking around she couldn't immediately see her fowl friends, so tried to call to them, putting fingers to her lips she let out a shrill whistle, listening carefully for an answering call. After a few moments of silence, there was a sharp piercing call that cut the night, Sora. Julia ran in the direction she heard it and Sora continued to cry out until it was abruptly stopped. She sped up and rounded a corner, vaulting a fence into a backyard where Sora was cornered by a cat that had scratches on it. Sora's left wing was damaged which was why she hadn't flown away, as was Yama's who was behind Sora. She got rid of the cat and picked up the birds carefully, there were just small scratches which would heal practically overnight, but the pain stopped them from flying for now. Julia perched them gently on her shoulder where they fluffed their wings and preened. She chuckled at them and headed back to the apartment, entering as quietly as she left and putting the birds on their nesting perch before returning to the door and hanging up her coat and dumping her keys. She covered a yawn, heading to the bedroom, pleased to see David resting peacefully. She changed into her night clothes and finally fell to the bed, snuggling against David before falling asleep.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. [B]OOC:[/B] Abel! I feel stupid for not realising your previous Usernames. Glad you decided to redo this. [B]EDIT:[/B] Complete, did a Snippet as I messaged you about. It's very Gundam-esque because.....well....because I'm piloting Strike Freedom, so the controls, visuals, way to get in and out, and the weapons are the same. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Julia Valentine [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Class/ Job:[/B] Mech Pilot [B]Weapon:[/B] Her mech; [URL=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/38/Strike_Freedom_Gundam.jpg]Dark Strike[/URL] (called just Dark or Strike), a pair of [URL=http://img426.imageshack.us/my.php?image=jericho6ic.jpg]Guns[/URL] in holsters on her waist, and her plugsuit is tough so she can fight in it, using it as armour. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/3883/gwrangerac7.jpg]Here[/URL], she wears a white, button up dress-shirt and navy blue cargo pants when she's being casual. While piloting her Mech, she wears [URL=http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/6108/newbgciu1.jpg]This[/URL] which connects her to the computer's mainframe, letting her pilot the mech and constantly watching her vitals, also helps when fighting out of her mech, the suit is mainly to constantly keep her regular, especially when up in the atmosphere where there's less oxygen. [B]Skills:[/B] Julia has Telekinesis, and can go into a Trance when piloting where her senses are enhanced greatly and her reaction speed increases greatly. [B]Genetic Variation:[/B] Julia now has power over the Elements, and can transfer this power to anything, including her guns and Strike to give them an elemental type attack. The elements are the conventional type; Earth, Nature, Fire, Air, Lightning, Water, and Ice. [B]Personality:[/B] Julia is a kind and caring person, able to get along with people easily. She's so cheerful people often say it's contagious because she can make sad people smile. She [i]does[/i] have a stubborn streak though and will work hard to get what she wants if she's determined to get it. She's very active, fit and flexible because mech pilots need to keep themselves in peak condition, she likes to endorse in a number of activities, especially gymnastics, acrobatics, weaponry, martial arts, horse riding, and programming. Julia's favourite past time is practising her activities, and particularly loves piloting Strike, just because it's an experience that not many people are actually priviledged to have. She has a unique bond with it and knows its metaframe off by heart, able to reprogram it in record speed. Strike only allows Julia to pilot it, though others are allowed to be in the cockpit or ride. Now she's out to stop Helena from destroying the world. [B]Motivation:[/B] Julia's set out to stop Helena because she's destroying the world. [B]Biography:[/B] Julia grunted lightly, forearms sweating and tensing as she raised her chin above the bar, slowly releasing to hang before repeating the action. She puffed as she sped up the tempo of her chin lifts, doing ten rapidly before slowing down again, swinging around the bar before releasing. She sighed, going over to the bench, picking up her towel to dry herself. Suddenly the plate on her bracelet started beeping, and a tinny voice emitted from it. [B]"Julia Valentine, suit up and get to Dark Strike's dock immediately."[/B] Julia nodded, and shook her right wrist, the silver plate with her name engraved on it shone in the light. Everyone at the institute received a personalised one which was a comm-bracelet, so the owner could be accessed easily since they were supposed to wear it at all times, no matter what in case of an emergency. Julia ran to her locker, pulling out a skin tight suit as she ducked into a stall, changing out of her clothes and into the suit before going to the suit section. The tech workers there checked her suit and passed it to her, aiding her into the stiff metal by opening areas to allow her to slide in. Once closed and sealed, practically disappearing, they wouldn't open unless the person in side released the locks. She held her helmet under her arm, thanking them as she quickly returned to the lockers, pulling out her guns and sliding them into the built in slots on her suit, then she ran to the bridge, her metal covered body clanking along the metal walkways. She arrived, grinning at all the mechs that were lined up, but one in particular caught her eye, and that was Dark Strike, her personal mech that only [i]she[/i] was allowed to pilot. Julia ran across the ground to the giant creation's feet. She got onto the lift that was already prepared for her, it was an open creation, with a push of the button, the joints beneath extended, slowly lifting her upward until she was at the height of the open hatch on Dark's chest. She climbed in, watching as the techies rolled the contraption out of the way. She sat in the chair comfortably, resting for a few seconds before she jammed a finger into the red button that started up the machine, the cavity flooding with light, all the cameras over the giant machine activated, allowing her to have a 180 degree view as the hatch sealed itself, she gripped the controls, there were many all around her, being a complicated machine to control, which was why most people didn't want to try to touch it, since Julia knew everything about it, and it didn't react to anyone besides Julia. [B]"All systems are go. Dark Strike and Julia Valentine, ready to go."[/B] she spoke normally, the microphone built into her helmet picking it up easily. [B]"Roger that, Julia. Prepare to launch."[/B] a voice from the main control area replied through the helmet intercom. Out of the cameras, she saw and heard the restraints that held Dark Strike move away, allowing movement. The large hatch above her opened, going straight up to the surface. [B]"Launch when ready."[/B] the voice said. [B]"Affirmative, Dark Strike, launching."[/B] Julia bent Dark's knees as she activated the boosters on its back, shooting straight up, leaving a streak behind her as they jetted up the tunnel, bursting out near the city, hatch closing behind them. Dark flew into the sky, wing like mechanisms opening, in fact, they were extra weapons, called the DRAGOON system. She looked around, hovering as she searched for the enemy she was to face. Spotting another large mech that was currently marching around the centre of the city, causing destruction with every sword swipe. Julia narrowed her eyes, diving in quickly and tackling the mech, lifting it into the air and throwing it so it was outside of the city. She flew after it swiftly, kicking in her boosters. She pulled out Dark Strike's twin light saber like weapons, turning into a spin and adding more boosters as she blazed past, flashing her blades, effectively cutting off the visual and main attack systems of the enemy mech, rendering it useless. The colour changed to red as it started to flash. Julia knew what was coming, she wasn't pleased but she couldn't stop it, all she could do was to protect the citizens of the city from the damage it would cause. She grabbed it quickly, pushing her boosters further than before, but not to maximum as she lifted it into the sky. The flashing became more rapid, meaning there was only seconds. She swung the mech around once, releasing it into the distance, watching it explode in the sky as broken parts showered from the sky into a forest. [B]"Well done, Julia. Crisis averted. Return to base."[/B] Julia confirmed that she had heard the message and flew back toward the return hatch which was just out of the city.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Navy]Kazuki had frozen as Devidramon headed toward them, her body seized up with fear, and Lucemon lying on the ground weakly. She closed her eyes, she couldn't do anything, and this is how she would meet her fate, she never thought this would be the way. [B]"Elemental Digivolution, Engage!"[/B] She opened her eyes, looking to the side to see Flamon bounding toward them, Tristan sprinting behind him, digivice and crystal in hand as he put them together. Kazuki and the others watched in awe as Flamon was surrounded by red light and slowly changed shape, being revealed as Infernodramon. Devidramon changed his course and headed toward Infernodramon instead, giving Kazuki and Lucemon a chance to escape. Kazu hauled her digimon up, and pushing him into the air. Amazingly he flapped into the air, though weakly. She grabbed his hand and ran out of the way of the duking digimon. Finally Infernodramon finished off the dark creature, reverting back to Flamon. Tristan held the exhausted cub in his arms, walking back to the others as Kazuki slowly joined them, making sure Lucemon was ok as he knelt on the ground. [B]"Thanks Tristan, Flamon, you really saved us."[/B] Kazuki said, voice full of relief. [B]"It's fine. Is everyone else ok?"[/B] he asked the group that had gathered. Looking around, all the digimon were tired and most were hurt from trying to battle Devidramon. But after a quick check with the digimon, everyone reported they were alright to keep going. [B]"Let's get out of here as fast as we can, that Devidramon might've had allies..."[/B] Stephen suggested wisely. They all agreed and continued through the light forest area, everyone had their eyes peeled. Kazuki walked beside Tristan who was still carrying Flamon. Lucemon was leaning his weight on Kazu, opting to walk instead of flying. [B]"That was amazing. How did you know what to do?"[/B] she questioned, asking about the digivolution. [B]"I really don't know, it just....came to me."[/B] he explained, smiling. [B]"That's cool, so now we know what the crystals are for."[/B] producing her own golden tinged crystal. [B]"Look, we're almost out of the forest."[/B] Ayana commented. Everyone looked ahead, the exit was right in front of them, they all wondered what other trials lay ahead of them.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Yeah, finally posted Will. Sorry about the length ><
  24. [COLOR=Navy][CENTER][I]Brrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnngggg![/I][/CENTER] Sora groaned, eyes half opening as she rolled onto her stomach, reaching over the bed to the bedside table, flicking the switch on the back of the alarm clock to stop the infernal ringing that had interrupted her rest. She was a heavy sleeper, and thus required a loud alarm clock to wake her up in the mornings, and it so happened that the old fashioned alarm clocks were the loudest, with the twin bells on top and a hammer between them. She ran a hand through her bedmused hair as she covered a yawn, reluctantly rolling from the warmth of the bed, making her bed before heading straight into the kitchen, putting on some coffee to brew. Still half asleep, Sora walked to her stereo and turned it on, cranking up the volume until the music could be heard throughout the whole apartment. Lazily she made her way to the bathroom and started up a shower, quickly getting refreshed for the day. The hot shower did wonders and she felt much better, but still required her caffeine kick. She did her hair quickly and dressed as she glanced at the time, it was almost 7:30. Sora examined herself in the mirror, satisfied at her business look, a slate grey feminine suit with faint white pinstripes, stylish grey heels and a brief case. She nodded and ran into the kitchen, pulling the pot from the machine, pouring some of it into a flask mug because she had to take it to go. She grabbed a large flask and put the rest of the brew into it to take it with her to work. Putting the flask in her briefcase, she picked up the mug and took a deep sip, releasing a satisfied "ah" as the warm liquid ran down her throat. Glancing at the time again, Sora ran out of the apartment, hurriedly locking it and running to the elevators. She impatiently pushed the down button repeatedly, sipping from her coffee. There was a "ding" as the doors opened, admitting her. Riding down to the street she hurried down the sidewalk, watching for cars as she made her way to work for the day.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Navy]Sakura was still tingling from Kyo's touch as he left. She groaned, determined to sit up she leaned on her good elbow and pushed up, ignoring the pain from her left arm as it moved. She shifted herself so she was sitting up in her bed, back resting against the pillows. She closed her eyes and thought about the tension that had just been between herself and Kyo, but she tried to supress her feelings since she knew that he liked Ayame. Sakura hated herself for feeling such jealousy, but she was still feeling hostile toward the other girl because of what had happened during the trial. Rinoa walked into the door to see Sakura leaning back against the pillows, eyes closed with a shimmer of moisture visible from beneath her eyelids. [B]"Sakura?"[/B] she asked softly. She snapped to awareness immediately, wiping the tears that had been forming. She put on a smile, looking at Rinoa, beckoning her in. Rinoa moved forward and propped on the edge of the bed, reaching out to take one of her hands. Sakura just looked at her silently. [B]"You okay, Sakura?"[/B] [B]"Yeah, I'm fine."[/B] she sounded like her normal self but Rinoa could tell something was bothering her. [B]"So, we're on the same team. Should be interesting."[/B] [B]"Yeah, I really can't wait, though I should be feeling a little scared because we don't know what the mission will be like. But I love adventure!"[/B] Sakura smiled brightly, Rinoa was so happy and cheerful that it was contagious. She was about to say something when Nurse Mallon entered the room, frowning at Sakura that she had moved, not noticing Kyo's absence until she turned to check on him. [B]"Where is Kyosuke Orias?"[/B] she demanded firmly. Rinoa was silent, she had seen Kyo leave the Infirmary earlier. [B]"He's gone to the bathroom."[/B] Sakura lied. The nurse frowned but accepted it, walking to Sakura's bed instead. Rinoa quickly got up and moved out of the way. Nurse Mallon got Sakura to sit on the side of the bed with her legs hanging off. She checked Sakura's shoulder carefully, running her hands along Sakura's arms, making her remember the episode with Kyo earlier. She shook it out of her head as she realised that she was being spoken to. [B]"I'm sorry, what did you ask?"[/B] [B]"How is your arm feeling?"[/B] [B]"Oh, it's still painful, but a lot better."[/B] [B]"Alright, we'll take it out of the sling and unbandage it then."[/B] she said, undoing the cloth that held her bandaged arm in place. Sakura slowly lowered it from the position it had been in, wincing a little as the sore muscles stretched. The nurse undid the clip of the bandage on her arm, slowly unwinding it until Nurse Mallon held the long length in her hands. [B]"Rest that arm, or it will take longer to heal, if you treat it well the arm should be ok in a week or two. Though you should know that even once the muscles feel better it won't be fully healed, your shoulder was seriously injured, I don't know if there'll be any permanent damage."[/B] she told her warily. [B]"If you see Orias coming from the toilet, make sure you tell him to get back to his bed."[/B] it was evident that the nurse knew he had left the infirmary. Sakura nodded in understanding, thanking her, feeling nervous that the nurse had seen through her lie. She felt great she was finally allowed to leave the Infirmary, it was so sterile, totally not to her liking. She got out of the bed, brushing off her uniform that was dirty, torn and wrinkled from the Trial and lying in bed and grabbed her gunblade that was beside the bed. She looked to Rinoa with a grin, the two walked out of the room, and Rinoa half dragged Sakura into Ayame's room. Carrot and Havok were both in there, they seemed to have stopped arguing. Rinoa went to Havok, leaning herself against his side. Carrot looked at Sakura, an undecided look on her face. [B]"So, we're going to have to work together."[/B] she said. Sakura nodded. [B]"Yup, that's how it's gonna go."[/B] [B]"I don't have that much of a problem with you. I'd be friendlier to you if you didn't hang out with idiots like Orias and him."[/B] she said, jerking her thumb at Havok. [B]"They're my friends. As are you. I don't have a problem with you Carrot, I just wish you wouldn't avoid me because I'm close to Kyo."[/B] Sakura sighed. She glanced at Ayame on the bed who stared at her. [B]"Anyways, I'm going. I'll see you all later."[/B] Sakura shouldered her gunblade and exited the room, leaving the infirmary, deciding to search for Kyo in case he hurt himself, he really was too injured to be wandering around campus.[/COLOR]
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