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Everything posted by Sakura
[COLOR=Navy]Sakura was approaching the area where Kyo's chamber was when she heard the shuffling of feet on cobblestones and looked up to see medics carrying Kyo away on a stretcher, from what she could tell he was unconscious. [B]"Wait! ...Kyo~...."[/B] she cried softly, eyelids drooping. Instructor Cavalier made a quick decision and scooped Sakura into his arms, hurrying after the stretcher, making sure her arm wasn't being bumped. [B]"I-Instructor?"[/B] she asked weakly. [B]"Don't argue, I'm just taking you to the Infirmary."[/B] he answered. She smiled slightly, whispering, [B]"Thankyou..."[/B] The man nodded, quickly catching up to the medics with Kyo. He fell into step beside them, letting Sakura look at the damaged Kyo. She bit her lip at how fragile he looked, she wondered what it was he had had to go through during his trial. They entered into the Infirmary and Kyo was set onto one of the beds, Sakura put down beside him. The healers got to work on Kyo's wounds while Nurse Mallon came to Sakura, checking her for wounds. Her main one was her shoulder, so magic was cast and then Nurse Mallon bandaged it to stop it from moving, and Sakura was instructed not to use it if she wanted it to heal quickly. When she was done, she watched Kyosuke's bed as healing was caused. Sakura hoped that he would be alright. She couldn't help it as the thought of Ayame causing the damage jumped into her head, just like what she had done during her Trial. She didn't know if she'd be able to look at Ayame properly anymore. Sakura lay back on the bed, sighing, before she knew it she had fallen into a light sleep. Even though her mind was resting, her ears were alert for any sounds that would tell her that Kyo had awoken.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]I'm just guessing #9 is [strike][B]Lady Katana[/B][/strike]....Ok, um, I thought about it, and my guess is the group titled [B]SOAP[/B] *shrug*[/COLOR]
[CENTER][B]Sakura's Trial[/B][/CENTER] [color=navy][size=1]Sakura was on her hands and knees, staring in horror as Ayame delivered a brutal kick to Kyo's chest as he tried to push himself off the ground. He groaned and fell back to the dirt, and she knew that he now had broken ribs. Ayame grabbed his hair and lifted him up painfully, a sinister smile made her usual lovely face, evil. [B]"What do you want me to do with him?"[/B] Ayame questioned, shaking Kyo, her grip on his hair tight, making him wince. [B]"Let go."[/B] Ayame obeyed Kari and Sakura's mother snapped her fingers, making Kyo disappear, before re-appearing a far way down the field on a large contraption. He was tied by his arms to a large wooden cross, not too different from the one in Sakura's hand, and piled up around the base was fuel covered wood, with an olden day torch hovering over Kyo. [B]"What are you going to do to him?"[/B] Sakura climbed to her feet. [B]"You have 20 minutes to defeat the both of us."[/B] Kari smirked. [B]"As soon as 20 minutes ticks by...if we're not dead, say goodbye to him."[/B] [B]"Why'd you take Kyo? I don't like him that much."[/B] she lied. Kari cackled, [B]"Don't try to lie to me, daughter. I can read your mind like an open book."[/B] [B]"Get out of my head!"[/B] she cried as her mother pulled out memories, flashing them before her eyes. Sakura stared as she watched the hug she had shared with Kyo when he had apologised after getting wounded. She swallowed thickly, looking at Ayame who snickered as Kari brought up the scene of Kyo leaving to go get Ayame to get to the assembly. [B]"Stop it! Stop it!"[/B] she gripped her head as more memories were brought forward. [B]"Go, Ayame!"[/B] Kari called, flourishing a sharp crimson nail at Sakura. Ayame dashed immediately forward, wielding her warhammer over her shoulder. Sakura composed herself, looping the cross around her neck and lifting her gunblade swiftly, parrying a powerful down swing. She backflipped fluidly, kicking Ayame in the chin as she lifted her legs, sending her stumbling. Sakura quickly turned on the timer on her clock, watching the seconds begin to tick. She took on an offensive position, running up to Ayame and doing a butterfly cut across her front before bringing it up in the opposite direction, making a mirror image of her first, leaving deep wounds on her front, but at the same time, Ayame had brought up her hammer and brought it down with all her muscles, hitting Sakura on her left shoulder as she finished her second cut. Sakura bit her lip, grunting in pain, taking deep breaths as she evaded a couple more attacks. She now had no feeling in her left shoulder and it was rendered useless. She found herself on the defensive as Ayame swung wildly at her, she could tell she was aiming for her vital spots, taking a couple of shots at her ribs, collarbone and head. Sakura struggled to keep up with the attacks, getting a couple more blows on her shoulder, seriously injuring it. She jumped over a low swing, landing on the hammer and holding it beneath her feet as she slashed a cross into the front of her chest viciously, hating her for what she had done to Kyo. Sakura lunged in for a stab but Ayame rolled to the side, seemingly unphased by the injuries on her body. [B]"Serpent!"[/B] Ayame called, a large serpent appeared, hissing dangerously in front of her. Sakura tensed, she knew that it was quick from having seen it in Summoning class, it was very dangerous, and venomous. Sakura let out a sharp whistle and prayed that Sideria would arrive before the serpent decided to strike. The dragon swooped from the clouds where he had been dueling with Dryoga, sweeping past again to rescue her from the reach of the snake. Sakura sighed with relief as Sideria released a barrage of fireballs on the serpent, making it disappear. Sakura asked to be let down, Sideria questioned her but respected her decision, setting her back down on the ground to continue her face-off against Ayame. She tried to move her left arm but winced at the pain, the sinews were heavily bruised and a purple bloom was forming on the skin of her shoulder. Sakura had to finish this, there wasn't much time left before Kyo was killed painfully. She had trouble with making a tornado with one arm useless and decided to use her silver ring for help, concentrating an amount of magi into her ring, and using pushing out that concentrated energy into a powerful tornado. Sakura guided it straight toward Ayame, she tried to get out of the way but it was futile, the tornado caught her and trapped her by holding her in the eerily calm eye. Ayame looked for an easy exit, but found none. In the mean time, Sakura made the spiral thinner, leaving no room for movement. She rushed up close, moving swiftly and half allowing herself to be pulled in. She got right next to it and twirled her gunblade, stabbing it through the centre, having memorised Ayame's height and approximating where her throat was. The tornado died out revealing Ayame standing there, eyes wide with Sakura's gunblade plunged into her throat, the girl gurgled blood coming from her mouth. Sakura narrowed her eyes, lifting her left foot and propping next to Ayame's torso and pushed, tugging her blade out at the same time. The other girl dropped to the ground, becoming the second corpse on the field, dripping blood onto the grass. Sakura wiped sweat from her forehead with her arm, glaring at where Kari stood, clapping her hands, chortling with laughter. [B]"Well done, but time is running out for your friend."[/B] Kari laughed. Sakura glanced across the field to Kyo, the torch had lowered from where it had originally been hovering. She had to hurry, the time really was running out rapidly, it had taken her 10 minutes to dispose of Ayame. She flicked up her gunblade, annoyed at the arm that waved loosely at her side. Sakura watched Kari carefully, she was playing with her katana but didn't look like she'd be making the first move, after all, she wasn't the one that had something to lose. Sakura growled and kneeled, setting her gunblade on the ground and tearing a strip of cloth from her uniform and quickly making a sling so her arm didn't just flay wildly. It would do, and Kari had just watched the entire time, not moving a single step. Sakura picked up her weapon, getting up quickly. She glanced at the corpse behind her one last time, and ran forward, roaring as she charged Kari. Her mother smiled, her lips had been coloured a blood red and the lips parted, revealing white teeth with sharp canines. Sakura narrowed her eyes, frantically slicing. She couldn't lose, losing wasn't an option, especially when Kyo's life was at stake. [B]"I'll kill you. I'll kill you for everything you did to us!!!"[/B] Sakura cried. [B]"Good, re-live the past."[/B] Kari grinned, pulling up more memories, from her childhood this time, times when she was forced to watch her mother attack her father, times when she herself was abused, and was forced to miss weeks of school because of the wounds. [B]"I HATE YOU!"[/B] she roared, falling into the anger and hatred that she thought she had gotten rid of. Her feelings from her childhood were resurfacing, and she couldn't control them. Sakura fell to all fours, gasping for air as memories and feelings whirled through her head. Who was she? Was she the calm, smart, popular girl that everyone at the Argo Arx Arcanum Academy saw? Or was she a weak, pathetic, abused child that was hiding behind a facade? Tears rolled down her cheeks as she trembled, having a mental breakdown. Kari hovered over her, tapping her katana against her right shoulder. Sakura's chest heaved with broken sobs, her gunblade was centimetres away from her fingers as her right hand formed a fist, pounding the ground periodically. [B]"Yes, that's the way...Come into the darkness. Forget this thing about being a risk breaker. Come with me...use your anger and hatred to fuel you."[/B] Sakura closed her eyes, the bad memories continually repeated themselves in her head, including the latest additions like the death of her father and killing Ayame, throwing in a future picture of Kyo being scorched alive. [B]"N-no."[/B] she whispered, reaching out to take a hold of her gunblade. [B]"What was that? I couldn't hear you?"[/B] Kari smiled, coming right up close. [B]"NO!"[/B] Sakura rocked up onto her knees and drove her gunblade into Kari's chest. The woman looked at Sakura, not very surprised. [B]"How? I thought I had you."[/B] she rasped, lungs starting to shut down. [B]"I thought of the good memories. There's been plenty since I came to Argo Arx Arcanum. Like having fun with Kyo, especially memories with Kyo."[/B] she explained, memories like her birthday flowed through her mind, and days that the two had shared together, training, or just lounging around and talking. Kari smiled before her eyes closed as her body shut down. Sakura twisted the blade before pulling it out, satisfied at the squelch as it came free. She heard the beat of wings and looked up in time to see Dryoga crash to the ground, burn marks and scratches all over it. It twitched a little before disappearing, it and its mistress had been defeated. Sideria came down through the clouds too, landing, he had frost marks on himself and plenty of scratches and bite marks. His breathing was heavier than normal. [B]"Are you ok, Sideria?"[/B] she questioned her old friend. [I][B]"I'm fine, let's get you to Kyo."[/B][/I] Sakura nodded and the dragon flew them over to the cross. Kyo was groaning in pain, his arms aching and the weight of his body stretching the rib wounds. Sakura sliced the cross apart, catching Kyo as best as she could, looping his cross back over his neck. She noticed the dead torch lying beside the wood. [B]"It's over Kyo..."[/B] she whispered, tears forming at the corners of her eyes. [B]"Congratulations Sakura Clyne. You have passed your Trial."[/B] Sakura gasped as, Kyo disappeared and the brightness of the field was absorbed by the darkness, returning to the form of a plain chamber. The door was open, allowing light in. Sideria congratulated her and faded away as she weakly got up, walking out into the light. Sakura stumbled out, Instructor Cavalier was standing in front of her with a smile on his face, which was very rarely seen. [B]"Congratulations Sakura, it's over."[/B] he said, warmly shaking her good hand. [B]"Now let's get you to Nurse Mallon to fix that arm."[/B] [B]"No...I have to be there when Kyo emerges."[/B] Sakura walked past him, swaying as she walked into the hall, leaning against the hall walls as she stumbled toward Kyosuke's chamber. An arm wrapped around her waist and a hand lifted her good arm to rest on broad shoulders. [B]"I know how close you and Orias are. I'm guessing there was something to do with him. Anyway, can't have you hurting yourself more than you need to."[/B] Instructor Cavalier told her as she looked at him with confusion on her face. Sakura smiled and thanked him as they made their way to where Kyosuke was having his Trial.[/color] [B]OOC:[/B] Done! Hope that's ok and stuff ^^[/size]
[CENTER][B]Sakura's Trial[/B][/CENTER] [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Sakura breathed deeply as she stood centimetres from the heavy iron doors that held her fate. She nervously reached up to her neck, feeling comfort at the coolness she felt as she touched the silver pendant there. She glanced to Instructor Cavalier who looked as neutral as he always did. Sakura closed her eyes, focussing her thoughts on steeling herself for whatever it was she would see. The chambers picked up on their greatest fears and weaknesses, trying to use them against the participants. She knew she had to pass this, because she knew Kyosuke would, and she had promised him that she'd make it, she always kept her promises to people, especially Kyo. [B]"I'm ready."[/B] she whispered, hoping deep inside that she truly [I]was[/I] ready. Her instructor nodded and she placed a hand on the cold iron, it sent a chill through her body because it was radiating power. She took one last deep breath before shoving her weight against the door, once it got going, the door swung easily, admitting her entrance. Sakura walked into the darkness, only noticing that the door had gradually closed behind her when she fell into utter darkness. There was silence in the room for what felt like forever as Sakura clenched and unclenched her fists. Darkness didn't scare her at all, but it was the thought that something was lurking and at any time could strike out and kill her without her being able to defend herself. Trying to calm her nerves, Sakura drew her gunblade and held it in front of her, slowly turning herself, keeping her ears open for any type of sound. She heard several breathing sounds that weren't hers. [B]"Who's there?"[/B] she shouted into the darkness. Cold laughter was her only reply, and the sound alone chilled her to the bone, she knew who that was... Suddenly the room flooded with light, and she wasn't indoors anymore so it seemed. Her surrounding was now an open field, there was nothing in sight, green surrounded her. Sakura swallowed as she saw the source of laughter in front of her, a cruel grin on her face. A vision of beauty she was, with long purlish hair like Sakura's and violet eyes. She wore a crimson dress that billowed freely with the wind. [B]"Mother..."[/B] she frowned, she hated her with the greatest of passions. [B]"Ah, I'm so glad you haven't forgotten me."[/B] she smiled. [B]"I wish I could, more than anything."[/B] [B]"Tsk, now now, don't be like that."[/B] her mother pouted. Sakura's grip on her gunblade tightened, her knuckles going white. [B]"Mm, so, you're wondering why it is I'm here. Well, I thought I'd be so kind as to let you see your father, one last time."[/B] Her eyes widened considerably as she noticed her father lying on the ground, gagged and tied up. [B]"Father! Don't touch him!"[/B] she yelled, charging forward, bringing her gunblade up and taking aim quickly to release a quick bullet. [B]"Sakura, no!"[/B] she heard her father call. Kari picked up her husband and dodged the bullet, pulling out a dagger from her dress and watching Sakura as she slit his throat deeply. Sakura felt the hot stinging pain of tears as she watched her father gurgle and fall lifelessly to the ground, dying the emerald blades beneath him crimson. Her eyes narrowed as she watched her mother cackle loudly, bringing the tainted dagger up and licking the blade. [B]"I hate you."[/B] [B]"I'm sorry dear but you really must speak louder."[/B] [B]"I HATE YOU!"[/B] Sakura roared, swinging her gunblade powerfully as she sped forward, all sense had evaded her, all she cared about now was killing her mother. [B]"Good. Release your anger, Sakura."[/B] Kari sneered, dodging the attacks easily, she clicked her fingers and a katana formed in her hands as she spun it around. Sakura felt tears escape and roll down her cheeks as she attacked furiously, she didn't even think about the possibility that the whole thing was an illusion, it was too real, especially the searing hot pain in her right bicep where Kari had just sliced her. She didn't worry about the hand motions as she forcefully created a gale force tornado, not caring as it tugged at her hair and clothes. She shouted as she released it, guiding it with her mind as it headed toward Kari. The spiral ripped through the ground powerfully, it was a direct representation of Sakura's feelings of anger and fury. Her mother smiled with glinting teeth as she didn't fight the tornado, allowing it to pick her up, getting sucked in and spinning up through the spout, ejected from the top with cuts all over herself. Kari let out a shrill whistle and a serpent type dragon appeared, different to Sakura's. But Sakura did know who it was, it was Dryoga, her mother's summon. Dryoga reared his head, throwing it forward to release a torrent of ice breath. Sakura rolled out of the way swiftly, taking shots at Kari, but Dryoga was good, flying swiftly in all types of fancy movements, with Kari having no problems of holding on. [B]"Sideria!"[/B] Sakura called, summoning her dragon that appeared immediately, flying by and wrapping his tail around her, lifting her to his back. Sideria didn't ask her anything, just took off after Dryoga rapidly, energy building in his jaws, ready to release at any moment. He saw the chance and fired several white hot fireballs at Dryoga's back, aiming for Kari. He started to spiral himself so the fireballs hit him instead of his rider, though it did dislodge Kari, making her plummet to the ground. Sakura leaped from Sideria unexpectedly, fire burning in her eyes as she landed in a soft crouch, no damage done to herself. Sakura used her magic to make her faster and tackled Kari, pinning her to the ground and holding her gunblade to her throat. [B]"Hahaha, very good Sakura. But if you kill me, you'll never see this one again."[/B] she clicked her fingers again, the vile smile still plastered on her face. Sakura kept the pressure on Kari's throat but turned to look as a figure in a black cloak appeared dragging someone who had a black bag over their head, chained well. The cloaked person pulled off the bag to reveal Kyo, a gag wedged between his teeth. [B]"It's an illusion!"[/B] Sakura yelled. The cloaked figure removed his cross from around his neck and threw it so Sakura could reach it. She picked up the heirloom, running her fingers over it. It was real, so very real. [B]"How did you get him?! He's in a trial!"[/B] Sakura yelled. [B]"He finished, and my companion was waiting for him."[/B] [B]"That's crazy! They don't just let anyone watch you liar!"[/B] Sakura thought she had won, then she wouldn't have to worry. [B]"Ah, but she's not just anyone."[/B] she smirked. The cloaked figure lifted a hand and pulled off the hood that concealed their identity, a sinister smile on their face. [B]"You! Why?"[/B] Sakura asked in shock as Kari easily pushed her over, getting up. Sakura's eyes were wide as she watched Kari walk to the newly revealed person, congratulating them on a job well done. She gripped Kyo's cross tightly, trembling as she kept her eyes on the traitor. [B]"Ayame....why?"[/B] she whispered.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][B]Edit:[/B] Done, sorry it's kinda short. Really tired at the moment. Let me know for changes. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Sora Narumi [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Ethnicity:[/B] Japanese [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/5099/girls836vv.jpg]Here[/URL] Sora is 5'6" and weighs about 100 lbs, though a woman never really reveals her true weight to the exact number. When at the office she's always seen wearing a female business suit, usually blackish, blackish grey, or navy blue in colour with faint pinstripes on the jacket and pants, with a crisp white button down shirt inside. [B]Personality:[/B] Sora is the office's coffee addict. Some of her co-workers may protest, saying that they are, but all untrue. She needs a caffeine hit every hour or she literally becomes useless, turning into a trembling form who sits in her chair, staring into nothing. Sora is one of the most upset of all the people in the office at the state of the coffee machine, now she always brings some source of caffeine with her to work for when she needs it. But once she's all juiced up she has no problems with getting to work, in fact being quite professional with everything she does. Sora knows a lot about technology and at her station is usually seen staring at the monitor, typing something, with an incredible type speed. Outside of the office she's quite introverted, preferring to spend a quiet night at home over going out and partying wildly. [B]Family:[/B] Sora lives alone in an apartment, her parents are still living in Japan but she remains in contact with them, and she's not social enough to have a boyfriend. [B]Information:[/B] Sora lives in a little apartment by herself in the city, not too far from work. Everyone in the office recognises her as the obsessive caffeine drinker because of attacks she's had, so she always has a morning coffee to wake her up, and one at night to help her sleep. Her family are of middle class, owning their own business with doing electronics. Sora decided as a child that she didn't want to follow after her parents, and that she wanted to travel. She raised the money in her final years of school, with help from her parents, and she flew across to America, going to University to study a Computing degree and now she works at the Office. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[B]OOC:[/B] My post at last. >
[SIZE=1][B]OOC:[/B] Finally finished! A couple of hours work >.> Let me know for edits, Mike. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Julia Kimura [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 70, appears to be around 21 still [B]Race:[/B] Crossbreed [B]Alliance:[/B] Guild of Supernatural Defense [B]Physical Description:[/B] [URL=http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/1310/girls992fr9.jpg]Here[/URL] [B]Weapons:[/B] Well, you may or may not consider them weapons, but she has two fowl friends as her weapons. An [URL=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0f/OspreyNASA.jpg/800px-OspreyNASA.jpg]Osprey[/URL] named Sora, and a [URL=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/b/bd/GoldenEagle2.jpg/800px-GoldenEagle2.jpg]Golden Eagle[/URL] by the name of Yama. They're tame to her alone, and will only obey her, unless she specifies that they obey someone else. Besides the two birds, she carries a small [URL=http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/8436/horussill1cc.jpg]Dagger[/URL] in a hilt on her waist. [B]Abilities:[/B] Julia is good at hand-to-hand combat, knowing a variety of different types of martial arts, being Japanese in her human genes and can fend for herself without her birds. She's quite adept at being able to use any weapons that she can find. Her vampire genes have given her the uncontrollable ability of healing when she's wounded, immediately knitting together the skin and reforming more blood cells from the ones she lost. She also has the ability to hypnotise and affect other people's thoughts, but to do that she has to have direct eye contact with them. [B]Personality:[/B] Julia is a bit of a mixed bag, being quiet sometimes and loud at other times, though usually she does like to talk to others because it's the best way to get to know people, and when working in a team, it is essential to know all the members. She does feel a little remorseful knowing she will live for centuries looking youthful as she watches close friends die; having already outlived her mother. She's an animal lover, especially having a spot for birds which is why she has two of them as pets, also serving as weapons. The distressing thing is having to replace them so often because of their lifespan compared to hers. Sora and Yama are chicks from the past birds she had, and Julia expects that her next birds will be their offspring. Her bond with the birds are very close because she fed them since they were babies and hand raised them, training them as soon as they could fly. In battle Julia acts as she normally is, sometimes being silent or chatty, whatever she's doing, the aim is to unnerve her opponents. She's a rational thinker and considers herself to be exteremly observant, she prefers to look at the big picture and plan things out over rushing in, though of course there are moments when she will. Julia's loyal to her group and will fight with everything she has for their ideals or any of the members. During her off work hours she often spends time with her fellow GSD agent and lover, David Sumerlakis. They've had a steady relationship for quite a long time, yet know that the relationship may never interfere with their work, though they do look out for each other closely when they are working together. [B]Biography:[/B] Julia was born in 1940, in Tokyo, Japan. At the time, her mother was a happy 26 year old but Julia grew up realising that she didn't have a father for one reason or another. The older she got, the more observant she became, noticing that when her mother talked to her or looked at her, there was always a sadness in her eyes, she'd try to cover it, but it was visible to her. Julia started questioning her mother about it when she was 11 because it never went away, but her mother always just brushed her off saying it was nothing. When she had been going through school, the other students and teachers were always curious about her odd hair and eye colour, often questioning whether she had dyed her hair or wore coloured lenses. Julia always had to tell them that it was natural for her, but she didn't know why. As she aged, Julia didn't understand why she still remained looking a lot younger than all her friends, even though her years were ticking at the exact same time as them. On Julia's 17th birthday, her mother finally told her what was going on, having a breakdown. Julia listened carefully as the truth was revealed. She was told that her mother had one day met with a vampire who was dying, he seemed so kind that her mother took him in, but realised he wouldn't last without blood, offering hers to keep him alive. They fell in love and he got her pregnant, then he died because he was hunted down by the Lowendove Brotherhood while feeding one night. The child was born, and Julia was the child, she had inherited many things from her father; his hair and eyes, his lifespan, her automatic healing, and her ability of hypnosis. When Julia was 20, they moved to London, England. She worked as a harrier, training birds because it was what she had knack for, she felt a connection to birds that she felt with no other. Her first pet birds were the same species as her current ones, but were named Kumo and Akatsuki. And they went with her everywhere, if there was any place they weren't allowed to enter, they'd wheel above the place or find a perch closeby. When Julia was 40, her mother died, before she died she'd told Julia that she had been weakened in the time when she had met her father because his feeding took a lot out of her that couldn't be replaced. After the funeral Julia decided to join the Guild of Supernatural Defense because she wanted to be of use in the "war" but was ruled out of AVC because she was a pureblooded vampire, and she didn't want to join the Lowendove because they killed her father, but they wouldn't have let her in anyway being half vampire, so the GSD was her only option. When she joined she was quickly partnered up with an enhanced human named David Sumerkalis, they worked well together, and with the rest of their team and the two became lovers, the relationship lasting around 2 decades so far. She doesn't really care who it is she kills, she just wants to help, and seek revenge for her father, he had been innocent from what she had heard, but the Lowendove had killed him anyway, he didn't even kill when he fed, taking some from several people. Julia promised to keep the memory of her parents alive, and to make them proud.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=Navy]Andrea clenched her fists tightly, squinting her eyes as she watched Quell closely. She was now in a dangerous position, on a rooftop, without weapons, with dust blowing in her eyes, and her enemy with a large metal pole in his grip. She almost had to laugh, they looked as if they were in the Old West, having a stand-off without guns, and they were on a roof... Quell smiled and dashed forward, bringing the pole back over his shoulder, Andrea jumped up, springing off the pole and into the air, soaring with her arms out as she allowed her body to flip itself over before curling into a ball, rolling as she hit the dusty ground. She quickly got up, coughing from the dispersed particles, running toward her embedded rings not too far away. Andrea glanced back to see Quell on his way toward her, using his jetpack to get to the ground before cutting it and running, pole in hand. Shilandrea gasped as she dived, grabbing them from the sand, lying on her back and hurling her wheel powerfully, bringing her other arm across herself and throwing it too, watching as the wheels swirled through the air, grinning as they sliced through the pole powerfully, cutting a couple of inches from the top and bottom as they whisked back to her. Quell looked at his pole, now a lot shorter than it had been previously. [B]"Well, can't say I wasn't expectin' that."[/B] Quell said with a chuckle. Andrea sprung to her feet, looking at her dusty clothes with a frown. [B]"This is my favourite dress."[/B] she pouted, the tear in her dress hadn't upset her much, but now there was dust all over it, and Dendwennian dust practically never came out in the wash. [B]"Awww, whut an awful shame."[/B] he grinned, no hint of remorse in his voice. Andrea rolled her eyes. [B]"Well, it's no fun fighting you when you don't have a good weapon on your person."[/B] she flicked her Fire wheel across to him, he knew it wasn't an attack of because of how slow she threw it. He caught it, looking at it, raising his eyebrow. [B]"Whut's this for?"[/B] [B]"Ya stupid or something? Fight with it. Though...I may just take it back...Keep your eyes open Mr. Danjer. And you'll have to figure out the secrets of it on your own."[/B] Andrea grinned and ran off to the side, she just wanted to make it even, since there wasn't any point in fighting someone that didn't have a chance, though he still didn't have a chance, it had taken her years to master these wheels, the exact angle needed for certain tricks. This would be a test to see how fast of a learner he was. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Sorry I haven't posted, haven't had much time lately though I'll hopefully do one soon before the next day or whatever it's moving onto. I really like the site too, but I have a feeling all the words at the top are supposed to be in the bar provided, not below it? I'll try to do one of those analysis thingos too. Awww, the FFS site was uber, as is this one. I like it when RPs have websites, they're fun.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]I don't mind who ends up in my classes, it'd be good for there to be a group so at least we can have a circuit happening. Along with how many classes, [I]what[/I] classes do we have exactly? Like, do we still have everything from the previous years? Including politics, history, etc?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Hm, that's something we should clear too. How many lessons are there in a day? I guess we await Doublehex to come and explain. And thanks Kitty ^^[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Yeah, I'm all for the clock idea, and the collection of teachers was handy too, so now we can all try to have the same names revolving >< Well I may post of a dream Sakura has, other than that, I await for the new day. Let us all in when it starts. Maybe we can start implementing the clock now? All I know is it's currently sometime in the early hours of the morning. [B]EDIT:[/B] And another thing, I've noticed that everyone's doing their elemental magic classes by Element right? But it's not necessary, right Dh? I'm hoping that if anyone hasn't posted about Elemental class, if they'd be with me >< Because I'm a very lonely person if it's just by Element unless I have a bundle of NPCs...[/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][B]OOC:[/B] Yaaaay~, I'm glad you decided to redo this, 'Zeke. Hope you don't mind I used mostly my old sign up with a few changes. Let me know if you wish for anything to be altered. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Azalea "Azel" Clyne ([I]Ah-zay-lee-ah "Ah-zell" Klein[/I]) [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race:[/B] Malroy [B]Occupation:[/B] None [B]Position:[/B] Female Mage [B]Weapon:[/B] [URL=http://www.conqueronline.com/guide/images/tr.jpg]Glaive[/URL], a handy weapon because it can be used for physical attacks and for amplifying her magic. [B]Spells:[/B] [I][B]Fire Spin:[/B][/I] Creates a stream of flame that quickly wraps itself around the enemy like a large fire tornado, used for trapping, interrogation or just normal attack. She can make the flames get closer by squeezing her open hand slightly, when she closes it completely around the enemy, her hand will be a fist. [I][B]Flame Shield:[/B][/I] For protection she'll call on her fire powers which will surround her and/or her allies, and it will incinerate or melt anything or anyone that touches it. [I][B]Fire Storm:[/B][/I] Azalea's most powerful attack, the sky becomes covered in clouds and it rains fire, then several Fire Spins will appear and will attack anything or anyone in its path. This attack causes the most damage but Azalea only uses it sometimes, mainly in desperate times, because it uses a lot of energy and she becomes exhausted after casting it. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.clear-rain.net/mei/gallery/wizardf.jpg]Here[/URL], but her hair is much longer, reaching down to her waist. [B]Personality:[/B] Azalea is a quiet person and enjoys reading, usually a spell book. She has one in particular that she keeps with her always in a pocket in her cloak. It's full of particularly strong fire attacks that she's trying to learn. She's a friendly kind of person and likes to be with the other mages that belong to Malroy. She enjoys to spend time with the General because s/he's kind, and teaches her. Azalea doesn't usually become angry, unless its against the Merams, who she shows no tolerance to. [B]Excerpt of Character:[/B] Azalea was positioned on a cliff overlooking the ocean, the cold salty breeze blew past her and billowed her cloak out behind her. Her reddish brown hair whisked about in the wind but Azel paid no heed to it. Her grey eyes focussed on something on the horizon that glittered in the light. She knew not what it was but stood entranced. Using her left hand, Azalea reached into a pocket of her cloak and retrieved a thick, tattered book. She whirled around, making her cloak fly again, she walked away, her shoes making crunching noises against the loose gravel and sand, her glaive thumping the ground like a walking stick. Azel's eyes scanned around, looking for watchers before ducking into a small tunnel that she had discovered. She held her hand palm up and a ball of fire appeared, using the light to guide her, she continued through the tunnel until she reached a cavern. She snapped her fingers and the flame divided into several smaller ones and spread across the room, lighting the candles situated around. Azalea sat in a dusty, frayed armchair heavily, causing dust to spray and disperse. She rested her glaive against the wall behind her and turned her attention to the book she carried. Azel flipped open the book gently as to make sure that the hard cover didn't detach itself. She flicked through the thick parchment like pages quickly, knowing what it was exactly that she was looking for. She had studied this tome for many years, still trying to master all of the powerful flame spells contained within. She found the page she was searching for and read it over. She frowned with distress, she had done all that it said to do and looked over at the adjoined page, which was a different spell all together. Azalea's eyebrows knitted as she brought the book closer to her face, there looked like a page had been torn from the book. She stood and searched for an eyeglass, putting it over the fold of the book she examined the pages, sure enough, there was evidence of a page being torn. Azel cursed loudly and stood, closing the book swiftly, she slipped it back into the pocket and retrieved her glaive, she stomped out of the cavern, snapping her fingers to extinguish the flames. She walked along and exited the tunnel. [B]"I'll check the library, perhaps it...fell out."[/B] she said doubtfully, a frown etched on her features. Azalea sighed into the wind as she made her way back to the building. When Azalea had arrived at the building she met with the General, mentioning that she would be in the library if anyone wanted her. The General just shrugged as s/he wasn't surprised, Azalea spent a lot of time in the library studying different spell books, wanting to become stronger and perhaps become General Mage some day. Azel pushed the large double doors open as she entered the library section of the building. She greeted the librarians on duty and walked toward the area where she usually sat. She scanned the shelves carefully, looking for any trace of her missing page. When her search was unsuccessful she let out a noise of frustration, making one of the librarians hurry over to her to see if she could be of assistance. Azalea told her of her problem and she smiled, leading her over to the counter. She went behind it and searched below, surfacing with a thick parchment-like page, the same type as her book. She showed it to her and she grabbed it with a large smile on her face, asking why she had it. She explained that when she had been in a hurry to leave, she had closed the books harshly and pulled another book she was reading out of her Flame book, taking the page too. By the time they had found it, she had left and they kept it for her. Azel thanked them and left, in a better mood than when she had entered.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Sakura walked with Kyosuke to the dorms, they talked easily about things, mainly she asked him about his plans for Alex, he told her some things, but said that she'd discover the rest in due time. It didn't take long before they had arrived, and Sakura said her goodbyes to Kyo as they parted ways. She twirled a some hair with her finger as she walked, feeling bored and tired after the day even though it hadn't been that tasking. She yawned as she opened the door to her dorm, setting her bag on the floor next to her bed and resting her gunblade on the table there, flicking the switch on on her lamp there which shone over the bed. Sakura kicked off her shoes and fell onto the bed, closing her eyes briefly as tiredness washed over her body. She groaned as she got up, slowly getting out of her uniform and dressing in casual night clothes before putting her uniform on a hanger. She brushed her long hair tenderly, flicking it over her shoulder when she was done. With a soft groan she bent down, pulling her thick Elemental Magic text book, stifling a yawn as she flipped to the chapters they had been assigned to read, her eyelids drooping as they scanned the pages. Sakura played with the silver band on her right ring finger, twisting it; she used it for magic at times if she needed a boost, or summoning, though she didn't often use it for that either since she had a close relationship with Sideria. Sakura finished up the chapters quickly, sliding the thick tome onto the table, and reached behind her to grasp her new novel, putting that on the tome too. She normally would have started it, but she was really tired today for some unknown reason. She slipped under the blankets and turned off the light, falling asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Mirichai shook her wings out and left for her assigned room, stooping beneath her bed to withdraw the bag she kept there. She took a couple of changes of clothes, plus her thick, leather tome, it looked tattered from lots of use, with the pages permanently wrinkled from being exposed to water, and the edges on the pages were yellow and torn in places. She picked it up, holding it in her hands as she sat down, back leaning against the bed. Miri opened the cover, smoothing a hand over the inside page. In cursive writing were the words: [I][B][CENTER]"The Innermost Thoughts of Mirichai Tauran"[/CENTER][/B][/I] Mirichai had been writing journals since she was a child, starting just as simple loggings of daily happenings and the constant questions of a 7 year old. She'd had to get several as time went on. Sadly she left her collection at home, she stored them all safely in a bookshelf, each in order from when she had written them. They were her memories and thoughts, and were the most important possessions to her since they closely detailed her past. Miri turned to the page after her last entry and pulled out an ink pen, writing the date at the top of the watermarked page before starting her entry: [I]"Today was utterly intriguing, with a number of new developments appearing. The most major being that Brother Malekith has finally found our missing brother; his name is Kane Aldritch, but the more important aspect of this final sibling, is that he is the Scion of Balance, the most important of all. As we were waiting for Malekith in the common room, I found myself submerged in another episode of deep thought, today's deep thinking went back to when I was first found, also when I was doubting my parentage because of my guardian features, and of the day my wings emerged. It is good that I still remember it clearly, even without having to flick back to that entry. Brother Malekith told us that we must leave tonight on a journey, I am supposed to be packing but I wished to make an entry since I don't suppose I'll have time later on as we travel. We have to find the Pillars, and travel to them, but we have also been told that the Ancients will be trying to stop us, so we must be wary and alert at all times. We must succeed, I have a feeling we will, but this is unpredictable, even for I who controls existence, and Brother Uriel who has power over Life and Death. Only time will reveal what lies before us. May we have a safe journey."[/I] Mirichai blew on the page she had written, drying the ink and testing it before closing the book and packing it into her bag. She stood up, picking up her glaive from where it stood against the wall near her bed. Miri scanned the room again, hoping she didn't forget anything important and returned to the common room, where some of the others were already standing. She propped herself on the armrest of an armchair, waiting with everyone else.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Gotcha: Yellowstone National Park > Zion National Park > Bible > Jewish Messiah > Messiah Next is: [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athrun_Zala]Athrun Zala[/URL] > [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Praxinoscope]Praxinoscope[/URL] Couldn't think of anything, and I'm pretty sure it's possible to make it in 6 moves.[/COLOR]
What skills do you have or what are you best known for?
Sakura replied to orbindo's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Geez, my friends tell me I'm known for a large number of things. Let's see... A main thing that my real life friends tell me all the time is my crazy knowledge of anime; able to explain plots and other random anime stuff to them. Another thing would be my vast knowledge of Final Fantasy games >< Not my fault >.> They're addictive! Like 'Zeke, I'm known as an English freak, always correcting people's spelling and grammar. As a result of this I'm also known for my writing; but more for creative than essays, though I am good at essay writing too. ^^ Plus I enjoy reading thick novels; known by the local librarians in the suburb because I go to the library every Thursday >< I think everyone knows I suck at drawing and graphics, which was a harsh truth to face when I was young because I really wanted to have a career in art. Oh! And I'm known for having good Japanese, not great, but fairly good. I'm very musical, as is my family; I like to sing, I played the recorder well in primary school, I can play the clarinet, and I can kinda play the piano. And the final thing I'll mention, is my utter lack of skill in maths. -__- I'll stop now...[/COLOR][/SIZE] -
[B]OOC:[/B] Kitty's right. I went to sleep, then to school, and there's more than a whole new page. =/ And what time [I]is[/I] it in this thing? Night? Day? Anyone else confused as hell? Whatever it is, my post is during the day. Not great, short of inspiration. [COLOR=Navy]Sakura raised her eyebrows, not very surprised as Carrot only addressed Rinoa, even though she was standing right beside her. Sakura was watching her eyes, noticing that she was purposefully avoiding eye contact with her. She shrugged, she knew that she had a thing against Kyosuke, and since Sakura was his friend... She couldn't hold back the giggle as Rinoa pointed out there was a Reference section in the back. Carrot stormed off furiously, Sakura frowned, she found it quite silly that people had a dislike for someone just because they were friends with someone they didn't like. She sighed and checked out the time, it was almost time for her next class which was Elemental Magic. She said goodbye to Rinoa and strolled to the building, arriving with more time to spare. This was the class where her assignment was due, about Air properties and what had to be taken into consideration when casting Air spells. She'd been asked to do it because she had missed doing an assignment similar to it a while back when she had made herself sick with a anger burst. Sakura sat at her desk and listened as she lectured the class on precedings, constantly asking them questions on all aspects of casting spells. She found herself daydreaming before someone at her side nudged her lightly. [B]"Sakura, the question's addressed to you."[/B] the girl whispered. She shot her head up, looking into the Instructor's eyes. [B]"I'm sorry, what was that?"[/B] [B]"You should pay more attention. I asked you to demonstrate the right things you must do to cast a spell."[/B] she said. Sakura nodded, rising from her seat and walking to the front of the class. She took a deep breath and concentrated, swirling her right index finger as she pulled her magi from her. The motion of twirling wasn't necessary but it helped her mind concentrate on the shape she wanted the wind to follow. Spinning her magi a small tornado started to appear in front of her, getting larger slowly. The harsh winds in the room tugged at everyone's paper, clothes and hair. The Instructor called her to stop it, and Sakura slowly lessened it, swirling slower until it was small, where she flicked at it with her fingers and it turned into a puff of air, sending a cool breeze through the room. [B]"Thankyou, Sakura."[/B] She nodded and went back to her desk, fixing her hair and clothes as the Instructor continued to lecture them.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Sakura returned to her dormitory, setting her new novel on her bedside table with a smile; Kyosuke was thoughtful like that, too bad everyone else didn't see him as she did. She picked up her bag that she had prepared earlier, slipping the folder holding her assignment into it too. With a glance at her watch, she left the dorms and returned to the courtyard where her Weapons lesson would be. She arrived there with 5 minutes to spare before the lesson begun and set her things down, just holding onto her gunblade. All the students that were there had already started stretching, since their teacher never allowed them stretching time after class began. Sakura pulled her long hair into a simple ponytail and started limbering her arms and legs for a workout. She placed her right arm across her body, pulling it against herself with her left arm as she stretched her hamstring, holding it before swapping over. She watched as Kyosuke arrived, putting his things beside hers and starting his stretching regime. Sakura finished after pulling a couple of really flexible moves, since she was naturally flexible. Kyosuke was still working on it as the teacher entered. [B]"Good morning, Class!"[/B] he boomed. [B]"Good morning, Instructor Cavalier."[/B] they responded. [B]"Today will be an informal session. It will just be sparring in pairs. Pair up! I want pairs of close range against distance. Go!"[/B] The students rushed around, trying to find a good partner. Kyosuke just continued stretching with Sakura beside him. They knew they'd be partnering up, as they usually did besides when Instructor Cavalier called for same range pairs. The instructor blew his whistle once, which was the signal to spread out around the courtyard and to make sure they had enough room to spar. He reminded them to keep an eye out because of projectiles that would be flying around the field, before blowing his whistle again, which signalled the commencement of the sparring. Sakura lifted her gunblade and rushed forward toward Kyosuke who was ready, throwing one chakram with a simple flick of his wrist, it zipped through the air with a quiet whistle, slicing at Sakura who swivelled, pointing her gunblade tip at it and squeezing the trigger. The bullet hit its target and the chakram swerved off course, missing her as she continued forward, getting closer. Kyosuke ran to the side, jumping to catch the ring, throwing his other quickly as Sakura approached. The two smiled, they enjoyed sparring with each other, it was always quite invigorating.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Hey KW~ *waves* I really like this piece, it might have to do with my love of Riku too, but.... I like the effects you've used but I'm not really liking the greenish tinge on the left half, to me it looks a bit odd. One of my favourite parts is the torn look to it at the top but it'd work better if it was transparent instead of white. I really like the 3 photo thing on the right side, but I would have had a different picture for each, since there's already a large version of it, and the other three are the same beside the fact they're in original colour and the middle one's darker. I [I]do[/I] love how you've got young Riku on the left and older Riku on the right with the transition. I must say I like the right half better and the katakana is a nice touch. Though I am having trouble reading the line above "SIMPLE AND CLEAN", all I can make out is "found in your heart". But yeah, I think it's good. I'm not much of an art critic >
[COLOR=Navy]Kazuki ran up the stairs to her room as soon as they got home. She locked the door and slipped out of the......[I]dress[/I]. She despised dresses and skirts, even though she could pull it off, she just didn't feel that it was comfortable. She slipped into a pair of navy blue cargo pants and slid her joggers onto her feet. Kazu rummaged in her closet for a couple of seconds before pulling out two articles of clothing. A royal blue spaghetti strap top that fit her figure perfectly, and slipped on a loose white button down shirt over the top, leaving it open. This was her preferred style, and she liked it just fine. She flopped onto her bed and stared at the ceiling, she was supposed to go to the wedding dinner later that night, but she didn't want to, because that meant wearing a dress again. She swung her legs over the side and hit the 'On' button on her stereo, she scanned the channels and arrived on a Japanese station, since she had modded the stereo so it could pick up channels from different languages. She loved Japanese songs and enjoyed singing to them, with her favourite artist being Utada Hikaru. "Passion" came on and she started singing, flowing with it before a loud consistent beeping interrupted the song. Her immediate thought was to go for her phone, but it wasn't that. Then she remembered the strange device and crystal that had come to her during the wedding. Kazuki picked up her dress and removed the two items from her pocket. The golden device was glowing brightly, with a strange code running through the screen. The light pulsed and suddenly she was enveloped in light. She took a breath and stared into the screen before she disappeared. [CENTER][B]~*~[/B][/CENTER] Kazuki arrived at her destination, blinking as she was in a forest with soft green grass. There was no one else around her, but she could hear that there were things around her from the soft rustlings. [B]"Where am I?"[/B] she questioned, looking around. Glancing at the sky her face became shocked, it was changing colour every few seconds; red, yellow, green, orange, violet, gray. She knew she wasn't anywhere on Earth anymore, because on Earth, the sky was just blue. [B]"Could it be?!"[/B] Kazu whirled to see a young boy with wings coming toward her. She put her hands up and backed away with wide eyes. [B]"Yes, you must be. My name is Lucemon, and I'm to be your partner. And you are?"[/B] he asked. [B]"Um....I'm Kazuki. But I don't believe in angels."[/B] she explained. [B]"I'm not just an angel. I'm a Digimon; abbreviation for Digital Monster."[/B] [B]"M-Monster? N-No, I don't believe in supernatural things. This is just a dream."[/B] she squeezed her eyes shut. [B]"This is no dream. And we're not [I]that[/I] kind of monster."[/B] Kazu just watched him. He extended a hand to her. [B]"Please. You're the only person I know I can open to. Since we're to be partners. I'll help you, Kazuki. I think there is another person that is already here. Come, we'll go find them."[/B] Lucemon sounded so sincere to her, and she nodded, walking beside him as he flew. After about 10 minutes of walking, they found the other person, a boy with spiky brown hair and goggles, standing with a weird small bearish creature. [B]"Flamon, I see you've found your partner."[/B] [B]"You too, Lucemon."[/B] [B]"Uh, hi. I'm Kazuki......do you know what's going on here?"[/B] [B]"No, I'm just as confused. My name's Tristan."[/B][/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] There ya go, Will. I posted. Tell me if I gotta change stuff.
[COLOR=Navy]Mirichai sat beside Illaria and Kannes, she was sitting in an armchair with her legs curled beneath her, and her hands folded on the left armrest with her head lying on it. It was a comfortable position for when she went into deep thought, because she could let her vision slide out of focus and just think, while not worrying about twisting and turning because of being uncomfortable. Miri thought about the time when Malekith had found her, and brought her to the safe house, where she met her brothers and sisters, people she could really relate to. [I]Growing up, she sometimes questioned her parentage. Having black hair wasn't much of a problem, both of her parents did, so it was only natural that she did too, but for eye colour, having crystal blue eyes ran no where in the family. It was strange, but everyone always dismissed it. The day she got her wings was a tough day for her. She got home and ran straight up to her room, slamming the door shut even though there was no one else at the house. She had removed her top to find two bony lumps sticking out from her shoulderblades. She felt them, they were strange and she felt feathers emerging, stretching and pulling her skin painfully. Miri bit her lip, then suddenly the skin broke, releasing her two large wings, she screamed loudly, echoing through the empty house. She sobbed on the floor, looking up to the large mirror in front of her to see the deep blue wings, blood clung to the feathers, and crimson liquid trickled down her back. She very quickly discovered she could fly with them, but afraid to be labelled as being strange, she hid them beneath her clothes.[/I] Mirichai blinked, her vision coming back into focus. Her wings flapped freely behind her on the chair. She reached up and stroked the feathers gently, they were soft and comforting. Illaria murmured about their last brother arriving, she got up and looked to the door, smiling at the final arrival with Malekith. She sat again, her hands flat on the armrests, this place was a Haven. Together, they were safe and could defend themselves as a family.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Hikari pulled up to a traffic light in her silver Porsche Carrera GT, her sunglasses veiling her eyes. She glanced over to the side, raising an eyebrow as a cocky guy in a bright red Ferrari pulled up beside her. He grinned at her and revved his car, challenging her to drag in broad daylight. Sakura never backed down from a race and nodded, revving her Porsche. The light flashed to green and Sakura shot forward, followed by the Ferrari. In a matter of seconds Sakura was past 100 kms and speeding down the stretch, leaving the Ferrari in her dust. She glanced into her rear view mirror, grinning as the guy tried to push his car. She'd known he wouldn't have beat her from the beginning, because she could tell from the sound of the engine, that it hadn't been modded well. Sakura slowed quickly, shifting down as she applied break pressure. She felt her phone vibrating in her pocket and pulled it out, flipping it open and glancing at it quickly as she stopped at another light. [CENTER][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g282/bishie_owner/SMS_2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]"Interpol huh? Still trying to get us."[/B] Sakura shook her head, a smirk on her face. She opened her Phone Book and hit 'Rei', putting it to her ear as she continued driving. [B]"Hey Sakura, what d'you need?"[/B] Rei answered. [B]"Where are you? I'll meet you and we'll talk."[/B] she said simply, making a turn with one hand smoothly. [B]"Formula-1, I'm at the bar. Katrina's here."[/B] [B]"Ah, good. See you in a few."[/B] Sakura said, hanging up. She easily got to the bar named [I]Formula-1[/I] and pulled into a parking spot right in front of the entrance. She locked away everything, knowing that her guns were in holsters in her jacket and she had a couple of butterfly knives in her pants pockets. Sakura hit the immobiliser as she exited and walked into the bar casually, lifting her shades and glancing around, easily finding Rei and spotting Katrina next to her. She walked up and took the seat on the other side of Rei. [B]"Katrina, Rei."[/B] she greeted, ordering a drink. They greeted her too as they discussed things like Interpol. [B]"Biggy?"[/B] Sakura questioned. Rei nodded, the investigation was huge. [B]"Bah, we're too fast for 'em coppers."[/B] she commented. Katrina chuckled at the comment, it was true, draggers often got away with pure speed, unless they did a surround attack, which they probably would. [B]"So, gonna race tomorrow?"[/B] Rei asked. [B]"You bet. I'm taking the Koenigsegg CCX to the streets. I haven't driven it much since I arrived in Monaco."[/B] she grinned, taking a drink. [B]"Good good, this should be interesting."[/B] Rei had a glint in her eyes, one that Sakura recognised very well as she had it too, it was the lust for a good, fast paced race. Sakura couldn't wait for it either.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Sakura woke up at five in the morning, putting the finishing touches to an assignment that was due that day. She checked over the whole thing again before deciding it was as good as it would get. She slipped it into a manila folder and left it on her table, grabbing her gunblade and sneaking out of her room quietly so as not to disturb her roommates. She made her way into the courtyard as the sun rose, shining off the morning dew. Sakura enjoyed going for morning walks because it refreshed her and was also for exercise purposes. Her weapons professor walked by. The two stopped and discussed things, the professor checked to make sure she'd been practicing the gunblade techniques he'd suggested, which she had been. They parted and Sakura finished the walk, heading back indoors as other students were starting to wake up. She started to thinking about the final exam that the last years would be facing in a couple of months. Saying it felt like it was still so far away, but Sakura knew that the time would go before she knew it and it would be do or die time. She just hoped she was ready by the time the mission arrived. Her birthday was only a week away?then it will be her turn to test herself. She took a deep breath and calmed her nerves, returning to her usual cool, collected state. But exams made her squeamish, especially since it was [I]the[/I] exam coming up. Sakura wondered what she should do since there was still time before her first class, and decided to go find Kyosuke for some advice. They were good friends for a long time, and he was always awake around this time. He always was the early bird that caught the worm.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Oops, I feel that's pointed toward me ^^; I editted that out, but left the twirling thing because I kinda like it, but if you don't want it I'll take that out too. I just have a liking to motions and incantations, makes it more fun for me >< Any how. Just for more clear up. It's Sakura for both. Username = Sakura. Character = Sakura. All good! Can't wait for this to start ^__^[/COLOR]