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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [COLOR=Navy]Sora was the first to run forward and envelop his best friend in an embrace after he defeated Xemnas, it was a great feat, he grinned knowing that he shouldn't have doubted Riku. They all heard a disembodied voice and searched for the source right before sharp, blinding light appeared. Sora squeezed his eyes shut and covered them with his hands, but they had all seen it at first, and that was enough, causing everyone to fall into a deep sleep. Sora felt his eyelids drooping and couldn't fight the sleepiness that was enveloping his brain. He let out a yawn and fell backwards, hitting the sand bank, the keyblade in his grip disappearing. [CENTER][B]~*~[/B][/CENTER] Sora groaned, he felt the ground he was lying on, it wasn't right. He remembered falling on the sand and going to sleep, but the ground he was on, was hard. Like....pavement. He sat up and opened his eyes. It [I]was[/I] pavement. He looked around and realised exactly where he was, he was in Twilight Town! Sora saw Riku, Kairi and Seth still asleep, with blood still flowing from Seth's shoulder gash. He knelt down beside his friends, shaking Riku and Kairi before carefully waking Seth. Riku and Kairi got up and took a look around the area. Seth sat on the ground, holding his injured shoulder. [B]"Twilight Town? Why are we here? And [I]how[/I] did we get here?"[/B] Riku asked. [B]"I don't know guys. I'm thinking it had to do with the sleep and that bright light."[/B] Kairi thought aloud. Sora tapped his chin and nodded, taking in the information. Then he remembered Seth. [B]"Kairi! Can you heal him?"[/B] he said, kneeling beside their new friend. [B]"Oh, yeah! Of course, sorry...Seth was it?"[/B] He nodded and watched Kairi wearily as she kneeled beside him too. Sora gave him a reassuring pat on the back as Kairi stretched out her left hand, having it centimetres from the wound. [B]"Curaga."[/B] she spoke lightly. A healthy green glow surrounded the wound and closed it up in a matter of seconds, healing other wounded parts of his body too. He got up with a jump, feeling much better. [B]"Thanks a lot, Kairi!"[/B] [B]"That's ok. But don't stress it too much, it was a deep wound and for a couple of days it may still be tender."[/B] she smiled, being helped up by Sora. [B]"So, what should we do?"[/B] Sora questioned. [B]"How about we wander around town and try to gather information, or find others. Then we'll see where we go from there."[/B] Riku reasoned. The group agreed since there was nothing else to do and they weren't sure why they had been transported to Twilight Town of all places. They set off down the pavement, hoping to get some clues as to what it was they were supposed to be doing.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Sakura Clyne [B]Age:[/B] 17, 18 in a week. [B]Student Template:[/B] [Free spot] The calm, responsible, level headed one. [B]Weapon:[/B] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/Doublehex/RP/CiAlFo/weapons/Gunblade-Hyperion.jpg]Gunblade[/URL] [B]School of Magic:[/B] Summoning Magic [B]Minored School of Magic:[/B] Elemental Magic [Air] [B]Abilities/Spells:[/B] [I][B]Summon - Sideria:[/B][/I] Sakura summons a large, powerful dragon. She uses him for attacking, defence, or for fast transportation. When attacking, his greatest attack releases a series of searing hot fireballs on the enemies. [I][B]Tornado:[/B][/I] Sakura points down with her right pointer finger and starts swirling it, focussing her magic outwards as a tornado builds up in front of her. When she's ready she holds her hands out in front of her with thumbs touching at the tips and the spiral of wind races forward. It is capable of causing great damage to enemies on it's own, or can be used as a trapping device, and to use to lift people into the air. Sometimes she uses it to launch herself into the air. [B]Personality:[/B] If you asked someone to describe Sakura in a few words, you would mostly always find the words; kind, patient, cool, calm and collected being mentioned, because that is pretty much Sakura's personality in a tiny little nutshell. She's one of the more popular students in the school, with her good looks, high grades, and patient personality. Sakura enjoys that she emits the feeling that people can approach her easily without being afraid because she's kind and always willing to help people. Since no one's perfect, every so often she has a period where she is quite cranky, these times are usually when she's very tired after a long day and when people are consistently bugging her about things. She's been known to blow a fuse, and at times it makes her literally sick, making her come down with a fever for a number of days where her senses are sensitive and she's very irritable during that time. She is most often sought out for her wise decision making, unmatched by others. Sometimes it may take some deliberation before she reaches a conclusion, but when she does, it is 90% the right choice. This also comes in handy during class where teachers often like to test the students by having them make a quick and rational decision while facing a rapidly oncoming peril, where the wrong decision could cost them their life. In hot-headed moments and fights, Sakura is often one to step in with her calm reasoning, acting as the peacekeeper since she herself dislikes arguing and loud noises. But even though she usually likes to settle things with words, she isn't a delicate flower as everyone knows, wielding the gunblade with unadulterated power. She chose the weapon because of her mixed skills, loving blade arts, yet having an exellent shot, so the weapon obvious for her to choose was a hybrid of the two; the Gunblade. The one she carries with her is custom made for her only, the grip is molded to how she holds it, and the trigger set to exactly how she likes it. [B]Physical Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/1310/girls992fr9.jpg]Sakura[/URL] [B]Background:[/B] Sakura grew up in an abusive family; her mother was a warrior, and her father was a philosopher. For reasons unknown to her, her mother was always violent toward the family, and her parents were always at it, if not physically; verbally, and sometimes her mother even turned on her for no reason at all. Sakura would often close herself in a room and cover her ears, squeezing her eyes shut to try to drown out the fighting, imagining that she lived in a perfect family, the type of family she desperately wished for. Despite these circumstances, she grew up to be completely different. Sakura came to Argo Arx Arcanum at the age of 9, the transfer from her original school was suggested by her teachers there, saying they felt that was where she belonged, as all children were suggested by the teachers on where the students should go for further learning. Her parents had had mixed emotions from each, her mother wanted to get rid of her and just waved her off, while her father wanted her to leave so she could get away from her mother, but he would miss her tremendously, promising her that he'd remain strong against her mother. Sakura said her goodbyes to friends and family; most of her friends were envious but were still sad to see her go, and Sakura promised she'd find a way somehow to still keep in touch with her father, and she did, mostly through letters. When she arrived at the school they went through the basics of magic and weaponry where they learned everything; like which element it was they were connected to, and how to use all types of different weapons, from projectiles, to blades, to staffs. She discovered her chosen element was Air when she could conjure a small tornado in her palm. At 12, it was the year where the students were allowed to pick which weapon it was they really wanted to commit themselves to. And after a little deliberation, the choice fell on the Gunblade, the wonderful creation that was a cross between a gun and a sword. When she was 13, she chose the schools of magic she wanted to participate in. Her first choice was Summoning because it seemed very interesting to her, even though there was a warning saying that trying to summon when weak could get you killed, she wanted the thrill of it and put it as her major. For minor, like many people, she picked up Elemental Magic. She found Beginners Summoning quite easy, which just started with calling animals to aid from the surroundings, then summoning small creatures, and then greater summoning started in the later years. She found her partner in the dragon; Sideria. And from there it was history, Sakura practised whenever she had free time until it was easy for her. And now she's almost 18, and she feels that she's ready for the examinations, but only time and testing will tell...One day she hopes to return home and help her father in the fight against her mother, hoping that he will still be alive by that time.[/COLOR] [B]Edit7:[/B] Lucky Number 7! This is [B]IT[/B]!
  3. [B]OOC:[/B] Eh, gomen gomen ^^; Haven't had time to post lately, plus no ideas u.u This isn't a good post by me, and I apologise for that too. I'm really quite tired at the moment but I wanted to get one in so it can continue. Hopefully I'll feel better for the next post. [COLOR=Navy]Sora rocked backwards, doing a backward tumble and getting to his feet, he groaned as his body throbbed from the beating Riku had given him while his body had been frozen. He eyed his best friend and charged, twirling his keyblades stylishly as he moved in for a good striking opportunity. Riku just smirked and waited until Sora was metres away, then he disappeared much to Sora's annoyment. He let out a frustrated sound and started running again. He used his "sixth sense" trying to predict Riku's next move. Sora dove off to the right hurriedly, rolling and jumping to his feet. He'd just dodged an aerial attack by Riku, who had tried to get him unaware. [B]"Good job, Sora. Your senses are better than I predicted."[/B] he grinned. [B]"Just fight like a man, Riku!"[/B] he taunted. [B]"Stop using dirty tricks like disappearing and flying."[/B] [B]"You consider that cheating do you?"[/B] he asked, raising a delicate eyebrow. [B]"Uh huh."[/B] he nodded, narrowing his eyes. [B]"Fine, I won't use my flying or disappearing. Will that please you?"[/B] he did a sweeping boy, bring his right hand across his middle. [B]"Yes, very."[/B] Sora smirked in return, this would make it an even playing field. The two boys ran toward each other, Sora took deep breaths, making sure he had enough air getting into his lungs so it could circulate his body and provide the energy to his muscles that he desperately required at the time. Sora noticed Riku's biceps tense as he prepared to wind up for a combo move. [B]"Aerial Sweep!"[/B] [B]"Aero!!"[/B] The two called out their attacks simultaeneously. Luckily for Sora the wind barrier swirled around him immediately, protecting him from Riku's attack just in time as he hacked at it, releasing the combo. Sora clenched his fists tight, gripping the handles of his keyblades powerfully as he worked to keep the shield going. When Riku finished the combo, Sora knew it was the time to strike. His shield fell as he moved forward. [B]"Arcanum!!!"[/B] he roared, rushing forward to his friend and unleashing his energy, slashing wildly with both keyblades, aiming for his open spots as he tried to block with his keyblades. [B]"Bash!"[/B] He also started using his feet, kicking him hard enough in the stomach to wind him. [B]"Impact Finish!!"[/B] He yelled his fury as he slashed downward in front of himself with both keyblades, hitting Riku heavily, but also unleashing several streams of lasers that circled before repeatedly hitting Riku. He cried out in pain and when the sand cleared, he was curled face forward on the ground, one hand grasping at the white grains of sand. [B]"Aww, c'mon Riku, get up. I know you can still fight."[/B] Sora mocked him, spinning Oblivion on his left pointer finger while Ultima rested gently on his shoulder. Emerald eyes glared up at him as the older teen wobbled to his feet, calling [B]"Cure."[/B] once again. Sora grinned, he was hoping that he would use up all his strength with magic and abilities, which would leave him at Sora's mercy.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Navy]Oh yeah, feel free to get rid of me ¬_¬ Nah, it's good, and I like it. And Kitty, don't worry. I care. I have to care. I have the crest of Love, which involuntarily means I have to be....loving. Lol, and good job, you're better than that narrator XD If you notice, in the later seasons, the narrator at the end is always a character from the previous series most of the time.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Navy]Sora glared up at the man that had hit him, wiping his left hand across the bottom of his lip, wiping away the blood that sat at the corner of his mouth. He allowed Riku to help him up, his grip on the Millenium Keyblade tight and his eyes never leaving the man. Sora looked off to his side, remembering that he saw someone wash up on the shore. [B]"Riku!! You take care of that bastard!! I'll see who this is over here!"[/B] he told his best friend as he ran toward the waves. He jogged through the sand easily from a lot of practise, his keyblade swung with his arm as he ran, going down the slight hill that lead to the water's edge. He approached the figure lying on the sand, his eyes closed. [B]"Hey, are you ok?"[/B] Sora called, bending down and resting his hands on his knees as he looked over the boy. The boy snapped open his eyes, looking into Sora's deep blue pools. He sat up and tried to stand, slipping on a pile of seaweed and hitting the sand again, bumping his head. Sora hissed, he'd done that too many times. [B]"Here, I'll help you up."[/B] the Millenium disappeared in glitters and Sora extended his hand, the boy didn't seem that bad. Sora pulled him up by his left hand, before seeing the keyblade glimmering in his right. He recognised it immediately as the One Winged Angel. Sora grabbed his right hand and brought it up, looking at the weapon. The boy just looked at him strangely, lowering his hand as Sora released it. [B]"Uh sorry."[/B] he grinned and rubbed the back of his head. [B]"My name's Sora, nice to meet you....?"[/B] he extended his right hand again for a shake. [B]"Seth, my name's Seth."[/B] he said, the One Winged Angel disappeared and he took the extended hand, shaking it firmly. Sora remembered his best friend and quickly glanced over, realising he and Kairi were in trouble. He let go of Seth's hand and frantically sprinted toward the two, seeing Xemnas standing above them. As he ran, Millenium materialised in his hand. Faintly he heard the shuffling of sand as Seth followed behind him, he had a feeling that he had materialised his keyblade too. Sora roared as he lunged at Xemnas. Standing in front of his friends protectively, a frown on his face and keyblade held tightly.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry it's kinda short and vague. Didn't have much to go on. Never described Seth because he hasn't changed his sign up. My posts'll get better (hopefully)
  6. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Mirichai "Miri" Tauran [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/6523/redkitsunecqb7.jpg]Reference Pic[/URL] Mirichai is 5'6" with long, jet black hair that reaches a few centimetres short of her waist. She's quite a pale woman, with only a very slight tan to provide some colour. Her hands and fingers are very supple and delicate from obvious care and a lack of heavy labour. Miri has crystal blue eyes, in contrast to her dark hair colour, her true emotions can always be seen through them. She has a lithe figure and looks delicate, but in reality she can stand the wear and tear of life, being actually quite athletic, especially in the gymnastics area. Bursted from her shoulderblades are a pair of large deep blue wings, to hide them, she folds them flat again her back and wears her clothes over the top; as soon as she wants to use them, she is able to release them. As for attire, she usually likes to wear a white, casual, light button down blouse and a pair of slightly baggy pants, usually navy blue or dark green. [B]Personality:[/B] Mirichai is a very thoughtful person, who thinks everything through before she does anything, weighing out the good and bad, and taking into account possible consequences. She's one of the more quieter Guardians and always talks with a calm and decisive tone in her voice, even when situations are rough. Some people come to her in times when they have trouble making a choice, since as a controller of existing things, everyone knows she has a good sense of judgement. Sadly to say that most people are always rushing about, and always want hurried answers, which result in mistakes a lot of the time; when people talk to Miri, they often think that she isn't paying attention to them because she is always looking in another direction, staring off blankly and not showing any response, while in reality she is planning things out as she's being told things because a good decision is always one that takes time. Not very often, but it does happen, Mirichai will walk away saying she has to think more about it before replying with a straight decision. But even so, she enjoys any type of environment, whether it's in the middle of a busy street at rush hour, or in a serene grove up in the mountains. In her free time she meditates in order to release her mind, which in turn helps her with making what she feels is the right decisions. The company of fellow Guardians beats all in her opinion, since she can be herself around them, while other folk are always so critical of others, judging people by appearances alone. If she truly needs to get away, sometimes she will go off to another dimension or universe. [B]Weapons:[/B] Miri's weapon of choice is a [URL=http://www.conqueronline.com/guide/images/tr.jpg]Glaive[/URL]. [B]Pillar:[/B] The Guardian of Dimension, aka The Planer - this Guardian controls existence. They can judge whether things exist or otherwise, and put these things right. They are also able to step through the barriers holding dimensions apart at will, stepping from one universe to the next.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] I hope that's ok, Blayze. Let me know if there's any changes to be made.[/SIZE]
  7. [COLOR=Navy]Aww, that's so cool! I wonder how it's gonna work out though. Is this just mixing OB members into the original Digimon story? Anyways, it's a good idea and I wanna see how they deal. I like my character, she's kinda cool, besides being old~. I think I figured out who everyone's supposed to represent from the original. And I remember Kitty's real name! She told me ages ago, but I remembered because it's so cool, and I want it....>.> Yes.... Anyway, continue![/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Navy]Yeah, I'm seriously confused here. It kinda seems that people have ignored KW's first post which talks about them meeting an unidentified foe at [B]NIGHT TIME[/B]. Then in [B]Split Keyblader's[/B] post Sora and Riku are sparring for some unknown reason. And then there are the things that [B]Acheron[/B] pointed out in his post. Seriously people, not to be cruel, but please pay attention to all previous posts so that yours follow, or else it just ends up to be really confusing. And another thing, [I]do[/I] run your things through a Word Processor if you know your spelling and grammar aren't up to par. The thing that I get annoyed with everyone spelling wrong is [B]"Wielder"[/B], no matter if you're talking about the user Keyblade Wielder, or using it in it's wide form, it is [I][B]"ie"[/B][/I] not [I][B]"ei"[/B][/I] as I see typed so very often. Remember the golden rule people, "I before E except after C". Thus ends my rant....I shall post when things have.....cleared up >
  9. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Kazuki "Kazu" Clyne [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/1746/50nup4nt.jpg]Here[/URL]. She's about 5'5" and weighs 115 lbs, which is about average compared to her height. Kazuki actually usually leaves her hair down, and it reaches to the upper part of her back. Being a complete tomboy, she normally wears baggy jeans, joggers and a top of some sort, whatever she feels like on that day, often a spaghetti strap tanktop, a light button down shirt, or just a t-shirt with a decal. [B]Elemental:[/B] Spirit [B]Elemental Crest:[/B] Faith [B]D-Elemental Colour:[/B] Sparkling Gold [B]Digimon:[/B] [URL=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/15/Lucemon.jpg/270px-Lucemon.jpg]Lucemon[/URL] Lucemon is one of the more serious digimon out of the other Elementals as a result of the trials and ridicule he has faced because of ChaosLucemon's betrayal. He is incredibly loyal and rarely leaves Kazuki's side unless he absolutely has to. She is the only person that Lucemon reveals his complete self to. As a sign to show that he isn't as strong as the past Lucemon, he only has one pair of wings on his entire body, but they're still big enough to make him airborne. [B]Digivolution Line:[/B] [B]Baby[/B] - [URL=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/48/Puttomon.jpg]Puttomon[/URL] [B][I]Angel Dust:[/I][/B] Puttomon fills his lungs, before exhaling heavily, releasing a large amount of glittery dust that paralyses the enemy. [B]In Training[/B] - [URL=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/06/Cupimon.jpg]Cupimon[/URL] [B][I]Angel Ring:[/I][/B] He creates a circular sphere that traps his opponents in a ring of light,and can't get out unless Cupimon touches it. [B]Rookie[/B] - [URL=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/15/Lucemon.jpg/270px-Lucemon.jpg]Lucemon[/URL] [B][I]Grand Cross:[/I][/B] Lucemon creates a facsimile of the solar system in its grand cross alignment and fires it at an enemy. [B][I]Divine Feet:[/I][/B] Lucemon's feet glow as he launches himself at an enemy, as his feet make contact, small orbs of light grow from the place of impact, dealing Holy damage. [B]Champion[/B] - [URL=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/59/Angemon2.jpg]Angemon[/URL] [B][I]Hand of Fate:[/I][/B] Fires sacred energy from his fist. [B][I]Angel Rod/Angel Staff:[/I][/B] Strikes with his staff. [B][I]God Typhoon:[/I][/B] Spins his staff, creating a glowing wave of energy. [B]Ultimate[/B] - [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied5/images/LordHolyAngemon.jpg]LordHolyAngemon[/URL] [B][I]Heaven's Gate:[/I][/B] Creates a large gate that sucks all evil Digimon in it. Alternatively, LordHolyAngemon stands behind it to unleash an aurora beam. [B][I]Excalibur:[/I][/B] Attacks enemies with his sword, Excalibur. [B][I]Soul Banish:[/I][/B] LordHolyAngemon takes Excalibur and throws it at the enemy. The blade goes through the foe, taking the Digimon's soul with it. [B]Perfect[/B] - [URL=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/c/cf/Untitleddominminmon.JPG/270px-Untitleddominminmon.JPG]Dominimon[/URL] [B][I]Seven Heavens:[/I][/B] Dominimon fires seven energy orbs at his target. [B][I]Testament:[/I][/B] Grabs his opponent and shocks him with electricity-like energy [B][I]Hallowed Knuckle:[/I][/B] Fires an electrical ball of crackling lightning from his fist. [B][I]Hallowed Ascension:[/I][/B] Calls down a powerful bolt of lightning. [B][I]Knee Kick:[/I][/B] Attacks with his knee extended. [B][I]Slam Down:[/I][/B] He clasps his hands together and brings them down heavily on his enemy, slamming them down into the ground. [B]Elemental[/B] - [URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y181/Cybernator/Meelemon2.jpg]Meleemon[/URL] (Zantetsuken in his right hand, Masamune in his left) [B][I]Holy Constellation:[/I][/B] An attack similar to Grand Cross, though he draws a constellation, or a series of them to cause damage or effects to his opponents. Some of them cause direct damage, some inflict statuses, and some cause damaging dealing statuses. [B][I]Zantetsuken:[/I][/B] Soars up high into the sky before falling into a death spiral, pulling out at the height of his foes and blazes toward them, flashing the blade around to slice at all the enemies. Usually does it in a straight line because it's easier but can weave, but doing that means he's slightly slower. [B][I]Masamune:[/I][/B] He brandishes the blade and it imits a strong golden glow, he swings the blade and the glow leaves it like a phantom blade, cutting through the air and causing damage to anyone or anything it hits. He can do it several times in a matter of seconds without tiring. [B][I]Holy:[/I][/B] Meleemon closes his eyes and does a series of hand movements, muttering words of an ancient language as he glows brightly. Suddenly he stops and snaps open his eyes, holding his hands in front of himself touching at the thumbs as pure, white light blasts from his palms, inflicting an enormous amount of pain on the enemy, even worse if they're evil/dark type digimon. But since this is his ultimate attack, using it causes him to revert to Lucemon. [B]Personality:[/B] Kazuki is a realist and doesn't believe in things of the supernatural or paranormal, and is a straight agnostic. She is strongly opinionated and loves debating as long as she believes in what it is she's debating about. She comes from a religious family, but personally she doesn't believe in a greater being who is all knowing, all present and all controlling, instead her beliefs are in things that have been scientifically proven. She's very up to date with everything happening around her, always knowing what the latest current affairs are, and information circling the school. People often label her as a joker because she likes to pull pranks on people. Kazuki always tries to be optimistic and to seem as if nothing in the world bothers her, but under the persona is an attitude like Lucemon; being serious, full of loyalty, and having a soft compassionate side that's hidden beneath everything else. To everyone she looks like the cool, controlled, confident person, but underneath she's as weak as everyone else, having her own skeletons. She only feels confident opening herself to Lucemon and her best friend. [B]Back-story:[/B] Kazuki was born in Japan of mixed descent, being half Japanese and half English. It may not be completely obvious through her name, but her father is the Englishman, which is how she has a surname of "Clyne", yet her mother wanted to have some Japanese influence so she remebered her other heritage, and gave her the name "Kazuki". Her father is quite religious, and by some means, Kazu doesn't know how, but he had gotten her mother to be Christian too. When Kazuki was 2, the family of three moved back to her father's property in England. She went to church with her parents then, because it wasn't like she had a choice anyway. But when she got to age 11 she fought against it, and finally her parents were forced to give up because Kazuki just didn't believe, and there was no point trying to force someone to have faith. She told her parents that she'd start believing if she got a sign from above of some sort, and since that never happened, Kazuki never converted. Her masked personality developed when she was 11 too as she felt she should guard her true feelings. After watching many people she realised that the best cover would be to always look on the bright side, to be an optimistic. It took her a couple of days but she adapted her life to that of a happy, respectful, trustworthy, and fun person. She had these underneath of course, but they weren't so blatantly obvious. And it seemed to work because she quickly became popular and well known, and the mask began feeling natural to her, and it became part of her. Kazuki's Elemental Crystal and Digivice appeared to her when she was at the church for a family friend's wedding. She was staring at the large cross nailed to the front of the room when it started to glow unbelievably. Her eyes widened and she looked around at everyone else frantically, but it seemed only she could see the glow because everyone else was focussed on the ceremony. Suddenly it became blinding, that she had to cover her eyes. It dimmed as quickly as it had appeared and she felt a weight in her pocket. Kazuki frowned and pulled the objects out, finding the Crystal, and her Digivice, a shimmering gold that reflected light. From that moment, she started believing in another being, because she took this as a sign. But she hasn't been totally convinced yet, this is just the tip of the iceberg. The Spirit Element chose Kazuki because of her utter lack of Faith, and have used this as a chance to change her beliefs, and because they sense a great power that is yet to be harnassed, she has potential if she could just tap into it. Her Faith is building, but has yet to shine.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Navy]Sora sat up and coughed as the dislodged sand whirled around him, carried by the wind. He covered his nose and mouth, spluttering at the gritty taste. The sand was beginning to fall back to the ground due to gravity. He then only realised that his hands were empty, meaning his keyblades were lying on the beach somewhere. He rubbed grit from his eyes and ruffled his hair, quickly getting up and starting to run, using the sand as cover while it lasted. He squinted and saw Oblivion sticking up in the sand, with Ultima Weapon a few metres away. He was almost at Oblivion when his sand cover disappeared, leaving him in the open. Sora took a glance behind him to see Riku launch himself off the coconut tree he was perched on and disappear. He swore as he knew Riku was headed toward him, and right he was as the platinum haired teen re-appeared right beside him, swiping at him with his keyblades. Sora jumped and ducked the swings, rolling the last metre to Oblivion, pulling it from the sand roughly, spraying sand about and using it to block Riku's swing with a grunt. Riku grinned at him and crossed Soul Eater over the top of Way to Dawn, pushing all his weight down on Sora as he fell to the ground, lying on his back and pushing upwards with both hands on Oblivion, sweat forming on his brow from the stress. Sora let Riku push him down a bit before lunging, heaving up and pressing a sharp kick to Riku's abdomen, sending the teen stumbling a few steps backwards. He took the chance and sprinted for Ultima Weapon, picking it up and swinging it around himself before brandishing both in the air. [B]"Strike!"[/B] he roared, throwing Ultima Weapon at his best friend, as the keyblade reflected to return, Sora sent Oblivion right after it, catching Ultima as it returned. [B]"Raid!"[/B] his hands and keyblades became a flurry as they flew to and from his grip, as he twirled them around his body for more momentum. Finally he finished the attack, [B]"Judgement!!!!"[/B] he yelled, flinging the two keyblades forward simultaeneously, hitting Riku in the chest along with an orb of light that expanded, adding more damage. Sora caught the keyblades and wiped the sweat that had gathered on his brow as the disrupted sand blocked his view of his best friend. He held his weapons at guard and whirled as he heard the sound of air displacement behind him, swiping at the spot as Riku appeared, catching him in the side. Riku grimaced and attacked back, the two keybladers flipped around each other, swinging and twirling their weapons magnificently, showing their true and utter control of the blades. Riku suddenly spoke the word [B]"Data!"[/B] as his body was lifted into the air and he changed to be lying horizontal on his stomach, speeding toward him. Sora blocked as many of the attacks from the onslaught as he could, springing back and forth flexibly as he dodged them. He finished with [B]"Blitz!"[/B] and [B]"Rage!"[/B], swinging down on him heavily. Sora blocked Rage, grunting again as he pushed against his friend's downward force, letting do and tumbling to the side. He was panting from exhaustion now. Riku disappeared, retreating a few metres away, the two were standing as how they had started the battle, but now they had a look of weariness about them, sweat rolling off their faces as they battled in the heat of the day. A cool breeze washed over the beach, lifting Riku's hair up behind him and sending Sora's shirt billowing forward. Riku straightened and disappeared. Sora growled and sprinted to his right, heading into the water until he was wading waist deep in it. Riku appeared, sending ripples through the water around them. Sora caught both attacks and lunged an attack with Ultima Weapon, stabbing him successfully in the solar plexus, hard. Riku gasped as breath left his body, doubling over. Sora grinned at the chance, leaping into the air and holding Oblivion pointed straight up. [B]"Thunder!!"[/B] he cried, as golden lightning lanced from above, striking the lone figure in the water, the water conducted the current, adding to the damage it caused to Riku. Sora glided back for the surface, leaving Riku, knowing he'd be coming after him soon enough. While he had the chance he uttered the word [B]"Cure."[/B] and a healthy green glow surrounded his body, replenishing the whittled strength from his body, as he prepared for the rest of the battle.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Navy]Hm, interesting idea. I've been watching this thread for a bit. Anyways, it's intriguing and I'm willing to help in whatever way I can, which will more than likely be to do with language (spelling, grammar, structure, etc.) than anything else, seeing as I don't know how to do graphics.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Navy][CENTER]Based in Squaresoft's [B]Kingdom Hearts[/B]. [B]Number of Posts Each:[/B] 5 [B]Judge:[/B] Jokopoko[/CENTER] [B]~*~[/B] Sora was jogging leisurely along the beach, his breathing was going in and out shortly as he legs propelled himself along the sand, sinking slightly with each step, adding resistance. He released a large breath and flopped onto his beach towel. Sora looked at the pure white sand and the clear blue ocean that made Destiny Islands so inviting, finally he couldn't resist after the run, he quickly unbuttoned his white shirt and kicked off his socks and shoes, running into the refreshing, cool spray like a child, diving not so gracefully beneath the surface, emerging moments later, his spikes were limp from the water. He swam for a bit before starting to head back to shore. Sora grinned as he saw Riku standing at the beach and quickly ran in to meet him, drying himself with the towel. [B]"Hey Riku."[/B] he smiled, shrugging on his shirt and redoing the buttons. [B]"Sora. Lounging about as usual?"[/B] he smirked, putting on his pair of sunglasses. [B]"Aww come on! It's a weekend!"[/B] Riku laid out a towel and the two just sat and talked as Sora dried off. He started to draw in the sand with his finger in boredom, stifling a yawn with his other hand. [B]"Riku~, I'm boooooored."[/B] he whined, grasping handfuls of sand only to have the grains trickle through the gaps in his fingers. Riku dipped his shades and shot him a glance. [B]"What do you want me to do about it?"[/B] [B]"Make me unbored!"[/B] he exclaimed as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. [B]"How exactly am I supposed to make you unbored?"[/B] he rolled his eyes, elegantly pulling the sunglasses from his eyes, folding them. [B]"Well I don't know, think of something."[/B] Sora pouted. [B]"Fine!"[/B] Riku stood and tapped the sunglasses against his chin in thought. [B]"How about a spar?"[/B] [B]"It'll do!"[/B] Sora jumped to his feet in excitement. Riku smiled, it'd been a while since they'd had a casual spar. Sora and Riku stood opposite each other, a few metres apart. They locked gazes and nodded, their keyblades magically appearing in their hands in showers of sparkles. The Ultima Weapon landed in Sora's right hand in gold glitter, along with the Oblivion in her left, while the Way to Dawn and the Soul Eater appeared in Riku's hands with silver sparkles. [B]"All over the Islands?"[/B] Sora asked. [B]"Yep, as usual. No civilians involved."[/B] [B]"Of course."[/B] Sora grinned. [B]"You're not gonna beat me Sora, like how you couldn't beat me when we were younger."[/B] [B]"That was then, and this is now. I've gotten a lot stronger since travelling."[/B] They sensed when each other were ready, and as the current waves hit the shore, the two teens raced forward toward each other, keyblades brandished, clashing brightly. [B]~*~[/B][/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] That's the introduction, I'll leave the beginning of the real battle to you KW. Sorry it isn't that great but I'm a bit tired ^^; Hope this will be a good spar.
  13. [COLOR=Navy]Andrea hurriedly tossed her wheels and rolled, dodging the bolt aimed for her, not caring about the cloth around her front that was sagging and revealing due to the missing sleeve. She watched with a smirk as the rings crossed over, slicing the crossbow neatly into thirds before spinning back to her. Quell quickly ducked behind the cover of what was left of the bar from the fire she had started earlier and dropped the broken pieces he still held in his hands. He pulled out another two pistols and cocked them at the ready. Andrea was about to attack when she heard a crash. She and Quell looked to the now broken window. She realised Quell was aiming to fire and started to move again, hearing the tables splinter around her as she ran, hoping that he'd run out of ammo. She turned her body and swung her right hand back, about to throw it powerfully at Quell, but at the peak of her swing backwards, Quell shot at her hand, hitting the metal of the ring and scraped part of her fingers, making her let go and sending the weapon flying through the window behind her. Andrea looked at him and made the decision, flipping elegantly backwards, sailing out of the window and landing on her hands to do a handspring and stopping in a crouch. She pressed the button and threw her Fire Wheel, it circled the building, setting it on fire before returning to her. She saw Mask fighting with Mr. Dark but didn't have time to worry about them, she had to find her Thunder wheel. She looked around the dusty plain and finally saw a glint of silver. Shilandrea dashed forward, glancing back every couple of seconds to see if Quell had immerged from the inferno. And as if it were nothing, he walked out, patting out some stray flames on his arms. His clothes were burnt and riddled with holes and slashes. Andrea ran faster, diving the short distance to the wheel as Quell began firing again. They were in the open now, with no immediate places to hide or take cover behind besides the other buildings, most of which looked about ready to collapse on their own. Andrea curled up in a ball and rolled, minimising the target area and making it harder for him to get a good shot. She got to her feet as he ran to reload, she pressed the buttons on both wheels and threw them powerfully in Quell's direction, surrounding him as they swiftly glided toward their target. He worked at reloading on the move, the Thunder wheel caught him in the side, making him grit his teeth and groan quietly as the strong currents raced through his frame, and the Fire wheel swirled around his clothes, lighting them. Quell Danjer dropped to the ground, twitching uncontrollably as he rolled, working on extinguishing the flames. Andrea smirked as the wheels returned to her, turning off the elements. At that time she glanced over to her brother, he was in pain and it was obvious that at the moment, Dark had the upperhand. With a breathy noise she threw one of her wheels at Dark, aimed for his blind side. It sliced through the air, twisting and striking straight up his spine, flicking back to Andrea who caught it deftly, glaring across at Dark who didn't look happy that she had interferred and had sliced him again across the back. Before she knew it she was being fired at again, and she started running toward the closest building to her, the aim was for cover. On her track she was grazed several times along her shoulders, blood seeping thickly. Andrea knew that Quell was aiming for vital parts, but because of twitches caused by the electrical currents, his aim was veering off. She took it as an incredibly good thing and ducked around the building, wiping the blood away, she'd had wounds much worse than those before. She took a breath and ran out from the cover, hurling her rings forward to Quell, hoping they'd hit their mark.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Navy][CENTER][B]This is the sign up thread for a spar between myself and Keyblade Wielder. So please don't post in this thread unless you are well, myself or Keyblade Wielder.[/B] Based in Squaresoft's [B]Kingdom Hearts[/B]. [B]~*~[/B] Two teenage boys were lying lazily on the beach of Destiny Islands, dressed casually. The cinnamon haired teen was grabbing handfuls of sand and letting the grains trickle between his fingers. [B]"Riku~, I'm boooooored."[/B] he whined. Riku dipped his shades and shot him a glance. [B]"What do you want [I]me[/I] to do about it?"[/B] [B]"Make me unbored!"[/B] he exclaimed as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. [B]"How exactly am I supposed to make you unbored?"[/B] he rolled his eyes, elegantly pulling the sunglasses from his eyes, folding them. [B]"I dunno, think of something."[/B] Sora pouted. [B]"Fine!"[/B] Riku stood and tapped the sunglasses against his chin in thought. [B]"How about a spar?"[/B] [B]"It'll do!"[/B] Sora jumped to his feet in excitement. Riku smiled, it'd been a while since they'd had a casual spar. [B]~*~[/B] [B][U]Sign Up[/U][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Sora/Riku [B]Age:[/B] 16/17 respectively [B]Appearance:[/B] Pic and/or description [B]Personality:[/B] A couple of sentences will do. [B]Weapons:[/B] Existing keyblades from the game. Dual wielding allowed. [B]Abilities:[/B] Max of 3 abilities from the games (1, CoM and 2), can merge similar ones like Ars Arcanum and Ragnarok ^^ Oh, and support abilities (Glide, Dodge Roll etc.) come free ^^ [B]Magic:[/B] Max of 3 spells from the game, beginning level. [B]~*~[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Sora [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://img364.imageshack.us/img364/6651/soralw5.png[/IMG] Seeing as he's just hanging around he's simply wearing navy blue board shorts that cut at the knee, and a casual, simple and light, white button down shirt. He has his usual crown necklace over the top and his trademark, large yellow shoes. [B]Personality:[/B] Sora's a playful teenager, acting like a child most of the time, but he does know when to be serious about things. He's an incredibly loyal friend and will seriously go to the ends of the world to find and/or protect them. He likes to spar for fun, but doesn't enjoy fighting because of the pain caused, but he will if he needs to. [B]Weapons:[/B] [URL=http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/956/ultimaweaponll9.jpg]Ultima Weapon[/URL] and [URL=http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/8270/obliviontd2.jpg]Oblivion[/URL] [B]Abilities:[/B] [U][I]Ars Arcanum -[/I][/U] Sora goes into a flurry of attacks, it is a large combo with an enormous finish at the end. Works on ground and aerial enemies (Merged Ars with Ragnarok). [Arcanum > Bash > Finish/Impact] [U][I]Strike Raid -[/I][/U] Sora flings his keyblade at an enemy before it returns to his hand, where he can throw it several more times before the finishing move where he throws it with two hands for larger damage. [Strike > Raid > Judgement] [U][I]Sonic Blade -[/I][/U] Sora rushes forward and releases a combo of slashes before finishing with a strong charging slash. [Sonic > Rave > Blast] [B]Magic:[/B] [U][I]Cure -[/I][/U] Simple healing spell to heal small wounds and cuts. [U][I]Thunder -[/I][/U] Calls bolts of lightning to the target area. [U][I]Aero -[/I][/U] Deploys a barrier that absorbs damage for an amount of time.[/CENTER][/COLOR]
  15. [B]OOC:[/B] I'm putting up a fight for Sora. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Sora [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Side:[/B] Light [B]Story:[/B] To Sora it seems that he's known Riku forever, since they met when they were very young, easily making friends on the small group of isles named together as Destiny Islands. As children they played around a lot and Sora enjoyed his company, and they easily clicked, becoming best friends. Their friendship weakened slightly at the arrival of Kairi who came between them as they fought for her attention. Riku being one year older always made fun of him because he had trouble defeating him in sword fights. Then the Journey began as Darkness came to Destiny Islands, swallowing everything, taking Kairi and Riku as he gave in to the depths. Sora fought his way through all the worlds to find his friends again, to get them back. Defeating "Ansem" in the final battle to seal away the Darkness. In the end, he was only slightly successful at rescuing his friends as Kairi drifted back to Destiny Islands, but Sora was left in the worlds, and Riku was trapped behind the Door. A year later the Journey resumed, as Sora worked to get home to Destiny Islands. He fought his way through the worlds yet again, making new friends and finding even more enemies than before, he defeated members of The Organization and in the end he found Riku and the best friends finally got home to find Kairi waiting. But now a new war is starting. The Darkness has returned, seeking Riku. Sora promised that he'll protect him, and is willing to fight alongside him so he isn't pulled under again. But who will win? Only time will tell... [I][I know you said it isn't a sequel to KH but I felt like putting it all in, it was brief anyway without spoilers...I think...][/I] [B]Personality:[/B] People still see Sora as childish because that's how he wants people to see him. But really, he's matured greatly from everything he's been through. Even though he's still a teenager, he feels as if he's older because of difference in time passing, and everything he's seen and done. But that doesn't mean he doesn't still like to joke and play with his friends, it just means that he has a greater serious side now than before everything. Sora has a strong sense of loyalty and honour and will literally go to the ends of the world to protect his friends. He's friendly and tries to be optimistic at all times, almost always seen with a smile on his face. Riku's his best friend and he's not willing to let him get sucked up by the Darkness again without a fight. [B]Weapon:[/B] Sora uses a Keyblade named the Millenium Keyblade which is a fused version of the Ultima Weapon and the Oblivion, as a result of the merge the blade is a lot stronger than either of them alone and is speculated to be the strongest keyblade, but it isn't definite. It doesn't look any different than a regular Ultima Weapon except the glow of the blade is a darker shade and instead of one keychain, it has two; Ultima's and Oblivion's. When not in use it just seems to disappear from existence until Sora summons it again, where it will appear in golden glitters in his grip. [URL=http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/956/ultimaweaponll9.jpg][Ultima Weapon][/URL] [B]Magic/ Abilities:[/B] [I][U]Ars Arcanum[/U] -[/I] Sora goes into a flurry of attacks, it is a large combo with an enormous finish at the end. Works on ground and aerial enemies (Merged Ars with Ragnarok). [Arcanum > Bash > Finish/Impact] [I][U]Strike Raid[/U] -[/I] Sora flings his keyblade at an enemy before it returns to his hand, where he can throw it several more times before the finishing move where he throws it with two hands for larger damage. [Strike > Raid > Judgement] [I][U]Thunder Magic[/U] -[/I] Sora holds his keyblade in the air and lightning strikes from above, hitting a small group of enemies if they're close together. If he wishes he can concentrate it on the tip of his keyblade just as light, or he can send electricity sparking over the blade for more damage. [B]Picture:[/B] [IMG]http://img364.imageshack.us/img364/6651/soralw5.png[/IMG] [B][URL=http://www.kh2.co.uk/image.php?view=kh2/artwork/clothes.jpg]Full Body[/URL][/B][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Navy][I]#5 I used to be a robot Now I penalize justly[/I] Erm, I'm guessing [B]Jokopoko[/B][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Navy]Athena, he didn't mean that one magically appears, just that it looks different. I think it just looks that way because it's a thin letter, while most others beside it are wider. But if you seriously see it as lighter, perhaps post a screen shot of it. But I personally don't see it.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Navy][B]Real Name:[/B] Ashley "Ash" Jacob [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Delta Name:[/B] Laine [B]Delta Age:[/B] 17 [B]Team Name:[/B] Team Gemini [B]Class:[/B] [B]Ranger-[/B] A Ranger is the king (or queen) of ranged combat. While magicians use magic to deal damage from afar, the Rangers use their arrows and muskets to good effect. [I]Advantage:[/I] High accuracy, higher than usual attack [I]Disadvantage:[/I] Close combat, slightly low defence [B]Player Rank:[/B] 4 [B]Weapon:[/B] Laine's preferred weapon of choice is a [URL=http://img57.imageshack.us/img57/5050/narniabow1vs.jpg]Bow[/URL], with her quiver full of arrows slung across her back with the arrows peaking over her right shoulder for easy access. Her sub-weapon is a [URL=http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/8436/horussill1cc.jpg]Dagger[/URL] which rests in a sheath tied to her left hip in case she needs to fight up close. [B]Personality:[/B] When discussing the personality of Ash, you're simultaeneously describing Laine but in a different context. Ashley is a fun, happy-go-lucky girl that loves hanging out with friends, playing around and talking. Her type of humour is always light hearted and her friends love that about her, because even when insulted, she can turn it around. She's a think first, act later type and enjoys games of strategy and logic puzzles. If her friends are in trouble, she's not afraid to interfere to protect them because she has a protective nature. Laine likes to have fun with her partner even though he's the more serious half of Team Gemini, not saying that she doesn't know the proper time to be serious. When in battle, she likes to talk to her opponents if they're human because she enjoys trying to psyche them out and make a rashe movement or to try to distract them, besides the fact she just enjoys talking. She's sometimes been described as ruthless, seen mocking and taunting her enemies. But at the same she's a fast and careful thinker, creating strategies for battles then changing them throughout to reflect changes in her opponent's style and environment. Like her team mate, she has a strong sense of honour and comraderie. She is loyal to her partner and will always support his decisions as she knows he would do the same. [B]Abilities/Magic:[/B] [I]Piercing Might-[/I] Laine uses some of her mana to release an arrow that can bypass all armour the foe is wearing to deal greater damage than an average arrow. [B]Picture:[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/LanHikari89/g01.png[/IMG][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Navy]Andrea grinned as she looked at Quell as he tried to free himself. She chuckled a little as he swore. [B]"Poor Quelly, fell for such an easy trick."[/B] she taunted. [B]"You wouldn't mind helping me would ya?"[/B] he looked up. He saw her expression and looked to the side. [B]"Thought not."[/B] Andrea walked forward, conversing lightly as he squirmed. When she was close enough, he grinned and his right hand lashed out, grabbing a tight hold on her ankle and tugging hard, making her fall onto her back with heavy impact. She wriggled and kicked her leg, trying to loosen his grip but it was no use. Andrea rolled to her left as far as she could as Quell fired off a pistol with his other hand. It left a hole in her dress but didn't make contact with her skin. She growled and pressed the button on her Thunder Wheel, sending currents flowing all over the surface and sparking brightly, with a grunt she swiped it at the mechanical arm. The arm conducted the electricity, the currents travelling up through the arm and racing around his body, he shook and the grip was released. Andrea flipped to her feet and breathed deeply, turning off the electricity. The currents through Quell stopped and he looked up at her, slowly turning onto his back and trying to push the chandelier off. While he was occupied she looked over at Dark and Mask as they fought, he'd already discarded his cloak and there was a chunk missing from his mask. [B]"Thilan!"[/B] Andrea called across, using her nickname for him. He looked across the room and nodded, dodging Mr. Dark's attack and running toward her. Dark turned and followed him. Mask kept his eyes locked with his sister and jumped up at the right moment as Andrea released one of her wheels, spinning out to the side before cutting in sharply to catch Dark across the back around his waist. He exhaled sharply but kept going. Andrea was alerted to Quell as he fired at her, she moved her head but the bullet still grazed her cheek, blood leaking out. She wiped it away, and caught the ring, turning back to Quell as Mask continued to duel with Dark. Quell had at last gotten out from beneath the chandelier and was ready to fight again. She smiled and walked forward, smirking as she caught the twitch in the mechanical arm she entered the electricity through. [B]"Looks like I didn't need your help after all, huh?"[/B] [B]"Guess not."[/B] Shilandrea nodded, crossing her arms in front of her chest and flinging them outward, releasing her rings and she watched them as they swiftly weaved their path toward Quell, she was always watching him though as he pulled out another pistol and got ready to fire.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Damn it, I lost my old post so I had to do it again. The old one was better ><
  20. [strike][COLOR=Navy][I]#5 Normally you only see people using me in The Arena, but I am all over the internet. For some people, I'm hard to understand. For others, I make internet life easier.[/I] Answer: HTML[/COLOR][/strike] [I]#4 Thanks to me, I made the forums Safer[/I] Answer: Language Censor
  21. [B]OOC:[/B] Will edit soon. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Chayne [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Race:[/B] Hylian [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/1746/50nup4nt.jpg]Here[/URL]. She's about 5'5" and weighs 115 lbs, which is about average compared to her height. Her appearance is different to most other Hylians because while both of her parents are Hylian, they had recessive genes which rarely combined and she was born with silver hair instead of the blonde that most exhibit, with a more pinkish hue to her skin than the golden tone of others. [B]Personality:[/B] [B]Abilities/Items:[/B] [B]Grappling Hook:[/B] Chayne carries a grapple and rope which she uses to traverse long gaps. She does so by hooking the grapple around something and using the trailing rope to swing herself across. [B]Flares:[/B] Chayne carries some special arrows that have fuses on them which connect to flares. She can either set the time on it to go off at a certain time, or light it before firing. When the flare does go off it glows a bright red. [B]Weaponry:[/B] [URL=http://img57.imageshack.us/img57/5050/narniabow1vs.jpg]Bow and Arrows[/URL] [B]Background:[/B] Just the usual character history stuff. [B]Character Snippet:[/B][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Navy]Shilandrea sat at the table silently, occasionally lifting her glass to take a sip, but her eyes were focussed on the door, watching as all sorts of lifeforms walked through, she watched them carefully, but most just ordered a drink and sat at a table with friends. Her and her twin brother knew they were going to be hunted because, what can you say? News travels fast. When they saw Mr. Dark walk into the tavern they put down their drinks and shifted their feet in preparation to run. Of course they knew Mr. Dark, he'd been after them all along, and in return they had sent Bones after him, shame he failed. There was also another person with him. As soon as the twins knew they were spotted, they dashed from their seats... Andrea and Mask moved together, circling around the walls, but Dark and his friend were already weaving between tables to get to them. The twins shared a glance and a swift nod before Andrea pushed off from the ground, flipping in mid-air and extending a long leg to try to kick Mr. Dark, but he easily anticipated the attack and crossed his arms, raising them to block her kick, she smirked and backflipped onto an inhabited table, sending the glasses on the table toppling over. The creatures on the table got to their feet to escape the liquid flowing over the table, they were about to shout at her but realised that a fight was starting up, and instead opted to run for the door like the others in the tavern. [B]"I'm Andrea, pleased to make your acquaintance."[/B] Andrea flourished an arm and bowed deeply, rising with a smirk on her face. [B]"Now, who are you?"[/B] she pointed a finger at the person besides Mr. Dark. [B]"Name's Quell Danjer, and yeah, we're after ya, so better run."[/B] he pulled out a pistol and swiftly fired a shot at her. Her eyes widened and she flipped away to her left, landing on the floor. [B]"Now, that wasn't nice of you."[/B] she pouted. [B]"Here, I have a present for you too!"[/B] she grunted as she threw a wheel at him, it looked like it was way off target before it suddenly sliced inward, straight toward him, he twisted and tried to grab it as it passed, but it sliced into his clothes around the torso and flew straight back to Andrea. She squinted at the exposed part of Quell from where the wheel had sliced neatly, and all she could see was grey metal, realising he was wearing armour, and probably a lot of it. Andrea stood and stared at Quell, suddenly they both rushed off to the left, separating from their partners, she knew she'd have to keep him busy so he wouldn't have time to fire, let alone make a good shot. They were running along each other, he was weaving through the tables while she preferred to run over them, scattering everything around and some plates crashed to the floor, shattering to pieces. She got an idea and threw one of her wheels at him as she jumped over his head and started to make a path toward the bar. The wheel clipped him on the other side this time and continued to soar, Andrea snatched it from the air as it whizzed past, she risked a glance backwards to see that Quell was close behind and he was aiming his pistol. Andrea started to do a series of backflips, holding onto her two wheels, the constant turning stopped Quell from getting a good shot. She threw one wheel at him horizontally, and the next one vertically, they crossed each other and Quell jumped, twisting to avoid the weapons, then ducking to avoid them again as they returned to Shilandrea. She had already made it to the bar and ducked under it, finding the barkeep sitting with his back against the wood, holding his shotgun tightly, pointing it at her with wide eyes. [B]"It's ok, I'm not trying to hurt you. Give me your gun."[/B] He trembled and held it out to her. She put her wheels down and gripped the gun, getting the proper grip she breathed and jumped up, taking aim and firing a round before ducking down again, she didn't know if the slug had hit him or not. She got rid of the shell and got ready to fire another. She repeated the process a few more times until the ammo ran out, when she threw it to the ground and grabbed her wheels tightly, knowing that Quell would almost be at the bar, and when he was, she'd be ready.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry, not the best but I wanted it to move forward.
  23. [B]OOC:[/B] Thanks for waiting 'Zeke. Let me know if I should change anything. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Uchiha Sasuke [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img61.imageshack.us/img61/8227/sasukeandnaruto5vx.jpg][B]Sasuke[/B][/URL]. After coming back from Orochimaru he changed his new outfit back to his old one from his younger days. Sasuke still wears a top as he did when he was younger. He's thrown away the arm bands and his shorts, replacing them with [URL=http://www.narutofan.com/_content-images/handprotectors.jpg][B]metal plated gloves[/B][/URL], worn by many Chuunin and Jounin, and slightly baggy black pants with wrapping still around his right leg. [B]Alliance:[/B] Konoha [B]Personality:[/B] Sasuke has changed quite a bit from when he was younger, he isn't quite as cold as he used to be, though still quite arrogant and conceited. He is still popular in Konoha, both from being extremely smart when younger, and because of when he ran away from the Hidden Village in search of power. Sasuke still remains quiet, not bothering to talk to people if he knows it's not worth his time or effort. He still isn't very social, but he's made friends with all the others that he knew when younger, like Naruto, Sakura, Rock Lee, Gaara, Shikamaru, Ino, Chouji, Kiba, etc. He's one of the more powerful Jounin and he carries that power confidently. He isn't afraid to humiliate anyone if they make a mistake because he knows that in a proper situation, it could cost them their life and the lives of their team. Sasuke prefers to take charge of situations rather than take orders because he feels that he knows a lot better than others, especially with help from his Sharingan. Whenever he's given a mission, he gets it done no matter what, he prides himself in being a reliable Jounin and the jobs are done properly and on time. [B]Biography/Character Snippet:[/B] Sasuke's fingers twitched at his side, ready to reach for a kunai, his eyes darted around the thick forest, where was he? There was a quiet rustle, inaudible if you weren't listening for it. He dove off to the left as a barrage of shuriken flew from the area the sound had come from. Sasuke rolled along the ground as a stream of shuriken seemed to follow him. He got to his feet and threw a handful of shuriken into the tree, hearing the hollow sound he knew that his opponent had used Kawarimi no Jutsu, the Substitution technique. He blinked and his eyes had changed from the deep coal colour to a bloody red with three commas circling the pupil. His senses immediately became a lot more alert than they had been and he stepped and turned his body just in time to dodge a fuuma shuriken from a different tree. His opponent was moving. Sasuke spun and caught the fuuma shuriken as it circled around him, ready to return to its owner. As soon as he caught it, he gave it a quick spin and threw it in anticipation that he knew where his opponent was. There was a thunk and the shuffling sound as someone moved away from the spot quickly. Sasuke climbed his way into the tree quickly, keeping on guard and saw that it was buried in the trunk of a tree, pinned to it was a scrap of bright orange material. He grinned and tugged the weapon free, unexpectedly there was an explosion, Sasuke flipped out of reach just in time, the weapon in hand. He'd been tricked, connected to the back of the material had been an exploding note. He folded the fuuma shuriken down and held onto it for further use, jumping through the trees in search of his opponent, he saw a flash in his periferal vision and smirked to himself, continuing on his way. When the time was right he jumped to the next tree in his path but instead of continuing on, he pushed off it and sent himself back the other way, tackling his opponent around the middle, sending them sailing from the trees and hitting the forest floor. Sasuke grinned at his victory as he sat on his opponent and held a kunai against his throat. [B]"Teme! That hurt!"[/B] his opponent cried pushing the kunai away and sitting up as the Uchiha got off. [B]"Good session, Dobe. The trick with the exploding note was good."[/B] Sasuke commented, putting away his kunai and handing the fuuma shuriken back to Naruto. [B]"It was wasn't it?"[/B] Naruto grinned widely, puffing up his chest. Sasuke smirked and elbowed him lightly in the solar plexus, making the other boy exhale the air and hold his stomach. [B]"Itai, Sasuke-teme!"[/B] he growled. [B]"Hn, dobe. Now help me find my large shuriken, they're somewhere in the forest."[/B] The two boys started to make their way through the forest quickly, looking for equipment they'd thrown. ([B]Note:[/B] They call each other "teme" and "dobe" in a teasing/friendly way now.) [B]Techniques:[/B] [B]Sharingan:[/B] As the last remaining member of the Uchiha Clan, Sasuke is the final natural user of the powerful eye condition known as Sharingan, and it is his most utilised ability. Most notably the Sharingan's most well known ability is to be able to memorize any technique that it has seen including nijutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu techniques. Other abilities of this very special eye include hypnosis, allowing it's user to suggest actions and thoughts to the opponent. The Sharingan also has the very useful ability to see through any illusionary technique. Now that he's an adult, Sasuke has gotten full use of all the skills of Sharingan, having all three dots in both eyes, but he hasn't brought himself to use the ability of Mangekyou Sharingan, seeing as he would have to kill his best friend. [B]Cursed Seal:[/B] Sasuke's secret weapon is the Cursed Seal that still remains on the nape of his neck, he has learnt how to control it properly and will only use it in dire situations, otherwise it remains dormant as a tattoo on his body. [B]Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu:[/B] Sasuke gathers a large amount of chakra in his hand and mouth; this attack is pretty similar to a flamethrower. His mouth shoots out fire and one hand is placed just outside of his lips to control it into one large fireball. [B]Katon: Ryuuka no Jutsu:[/B] Sasuke gathers a large amount of chakra in his mouth, it creates so much flame that a red hot fire will light up around him. All the chakra is then converted into fire inside the his mouth, and it's all ejected at once, creating an extremely long blaze of fire, going directly to the opponent. This technique is agile, fast, and strong, and almost always the victim will die or suffer severe burns on his entire body. [B]Fighting style:[/B] Sasuke is a well rounded individual, using a good mixture of ninjutsu and taijutsu. His taijutsu skills have mainly come from learning some from Rock Lee, and from training with Gai-sensei. Some experience came from his time with Orochimaru but when he was there he mainly focussed on his ninjutsu and learning to use the Cursed Seal. He's made a variety of combo moves, but one of his favourites is still his Shishi Rendan. He learns more moves and types of things with his Sharingan Copy ability. He also just enjoys pure brawling, using his hands and his katana to duke it out with other people. Sometimes he'll spar with people purely brawling since it exercises the body more than using jutsus. But he does love his weapons, which is a reason why he carries so much of them. [B]Weapons/Equipment:[/B] As a Jounin, Sasuke carries all the different holders needed for different kinds of equipment. His [B][URL=http://www.narutofan.com/_content-images/bombholster.jpg]holster[/URL][/B] is on the back of his belt on the left side for easy access, he carries a few bombs, some soldier pills, a reel of invisible string, exploding notes, and a small bunch of throwing kunai with a batch of regular kunai. Sasuke's [B][URL=http://www.narutofan.com/_content-images/shurikenholster.jpg]shuriken holster[/URL][/B] is strapped to his right thigh and he carries two fuuma shuriken slipped in between the binding and his leg. Finally he has his [B][URL=http://www.narutofan.com/_content-images/scrollholster.jpg]scroll pouch[/URL][/B] on the back of his belt, but on the right side so he can simply flick the carriers open to extract a scroll, he carries three jutsu scrolls, and fills the other compartments with missions and maps. Sasuke also sometimes carries some large shuriken (like the one that Iruka got hit with in the first episode) but he doesn't take them with him all the time since they're so big and bulky to carry around. Sasuke's large weapon of choice is a [B][URL=http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/8250/katana3py.jpg]katana[/URL][/B] (the blade's slightly longer) that's just tied to his belt with dark navy blue wrapping, with a matching sheath. The tsuba has three comma like dots cut into it, spread around it evenly just like his Sharingan eyes, and the Cursed Seal is stamped deeply into the bottom of the weapon, inked a dark black colour. He proudly displays the symbol of Konoha engraved on the metal just above the tsuba.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Courier New][B]Report filed by:[/B] Tokyo PD [B]Name:[/B] Chimeiteki Hikari, her real name is only known by those close to her, ie. family, best friends. To everyone else she is known as "Sakura". [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Occupation:[/B] Hired Assassin and Street Racer [B]Nationality:[/B] Japanese [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/5099/girls836vv.jpg]Here[/URL] [B]Short Bio:[/B] The Chimeiteki is infamous around Japan, producing some of the most notorious people in society, and Hikari isn't an exception to that, being raised by her parents as an assassin. She's somewhat insulted that her parents gave her such a name since the name is so pure, and the work she's doing is far from that. But she soon came up with a way to make it devilish, Light of Death. But she still prefers the name Sakura and that's her alias to clients. Sakura has known about street racing since she was a little kid because her brother was one and she idolised her brother since he was the pride of the family, her parents were always praising him because he was a better assassin than her. Now, people wonder why she doesn't hate him instead of love him, that's because he was always nice to her and would comment that she would become great too, then their parents would notice her. Her life changed when she was 15 because she returned home from a mission in the early hours of the morning as the sun was rising, and she saw her brother's favourite car in the driveway, all crumpled from an accident. She ran into the house and saw her parents crying, they told her that he had died in a high speed crash that had killed him on impact. She was the sole heir of the family and now she had to take her brother's spot, that's when she started racing, also when she first got charged for driving without a license, but she continued to do so, just bailing herself out with her own money. Sakura's now a ruthless killing, racing machine. ************************ [B]Traffic Offences:[/B] -Excessive Speeding -Running/Speeding from Police -Driving without a License -Endangering Pedestrians ************************ [B]Preferred Rides:[/B] Nissan 350Z, Enzo Ferrari, Lamborghini Murciélago, Porsche Carrera GT, Koenigsegg CCR/CCX. Also seen riding a black or silver Suzuki Hayabusa. ************************ [B]Known Associations:[/B] -Fudokawa Kanaye -Harrison Said (Harry) -Brian Walker (Alex) -Aurora Armeni (Rei) -Katrina J. Kang[/FONT][/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Erk, let me know if I have to change anything. I don't know much about cars ^_^;;;
  25. [COLOR=Navy]Quick question regarding this logging out and back in business. It can be immediate right? Like they just sign out, then insert themselves again straight away. Just for clarification's sake.[/COLOR]
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