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Everything posted by Sakura
[COLOR=Navy]Julia and Miguel continued to dance, she glanced at him as they spun around the dancefloor with the other couples. He was obviously well informed about different cultures as he picked up on her being Australian even though she didn't have an accent that would distinguish her. They conversed simply, exchanging information about themselves. She was spun easily, then she felt the hand land on her waist and pull her further down than usual, she leaned back and felt his other hand cradle her head as he dipped her gently. He looked into her eyes and ran his fingers through her hair, commenting on her eyes and pulling her back up. She felt her cheeks heat up at the compliment. Her mind wandered as she thought about the man that held her. She felt silly since she'd only known him for a little over 10 minutes, but she was already beginning to feel attraction for him. He was so appealing to her because from what she knew of him, they had similar personalities. She shook her head to get rid of the thoughts to get back to concentrating on dancing but the movement caused Miguel to question her. [B]"Are you ok?"[/B] he asked. [B]"Yes, I'm fine."[/B] she smiled and followed his lead. The two flowed together gracefully, continuing to talk about a variety of subjects from their favourite things before the song slowed to an end. The couples separated and clapped their hands to acknowledge the orchestra. Julia smiled shyly and curtsyed to her partner. [B]"Thankyou for the dance, I think I'm going to take a break."[/B] [B]"I'll come with you."[/B] he said, escourting her. The two of them walked away from the centre of the room and found chairs for them to sit on. She arranged her dress around her as she sat and reached down to feel her ankle which she had twisted earlier. It was a little sore from the dancing but she knew it would be fine. [B]"Is your ankle alright?"[/B] he had spotted her rubbing at it. She quickly sat up straight again. [B]"Yes yes, it's normal."[/B] Miguel chuckled at her antics and patted her on the knee gently. [B]"Let me know if it pains ya, no shame in letting others know you're hurting."[/B] Julia nodded and thanked him. A waiter chose to walk by, flourishing the tray before them with flutes of orange juice, water and champagne. She took a glass of orange juice and thanked the waiter while Miguel took champagne. [B]"Why do you think we were brought here, Miguel?"[/B] she asked thoughtfully, taking a sip from her beverage. [B]"That's a good question. I don't know, maybe we're supposed to save the world."[/B] he grinned and Julia smirked, hitting him on the arm lightly. [B]"What's your opinion?"[/B] [B]"Hmm. Maybe we were saved from something terrible that happened to our civilisation and we were put into comas and were brought here."[/B] Miguel nodded in acceptance, it was a possibility. Heck, any idea could be possible, after all, none of them would have thought this was possible, but it was proven that it could happen. They had been in comas and now they had finally woken years later to find themselves in a different location from their original place and the world had changed during their sleep. Julia looked across the room to where there were large windows which were also doors to the balcony, the sky looked the same, but if you looked below the expanse, the land had changed dramatically. Miguel caught the look in her eyes, the look of confusion and the longing for home, back in their old time. He looked out the window/door as well and put a hand over hers which were in her lap, giving it a reassuring squeeze as she turned her own to grasp his in search of comfort.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Shilandrea, usually just called "Andrea" [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/1746/50nup4nt.jpg]Andrea[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Shilandrea is a fast talker and is the louder one of the two siblings. She often likes to talk to her opponents to psyche them out and to try to distract them, besides the fact that she just enjoys to converse. She's ruthless and will mock and taunt her enemies into acting rashly whenever possible. She's also a fast thinker. When first entering battle she thinks up a strategy, but she also has the ability to change her strategy during battle to suit changes in her opponent and changes in the environment. When fighting she prefers to be a distance from the enemy since her weapons are long range, but she can hold herself well if she gets into close combat. She works well with her brother/sister and prefers to play show an innocent, weak persona before she sinks her teeth and claws into her opponents. [B]Weapons:[/B] Andrea's weapons of choice are her [URL=http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/1194/windandfirewheels1su.jpg]Thunder and Fire Wheels[/URL] which are made out of a special alloy which is practically unbreakable/unbluntable and light. They're especially made for her so they only feel comfortable in her grip. Over the many years that she's had them, she's perfectly learnt how to control them and how to utilise them to their full capacity in battle. When throwing the wheels, Andrea seems to be very delicate and graceful when throwing them, so much so that her opponents sometimes think that the strength put into releasing the wheels won't be strong enough to damage them, they are always seriously mistaken. Within each wheel are elements, so when she pushes a small button on each, the Fire wheel begins to heat up and the Wind wheel pulses with electricity, giving them their names. This happen over the entire surface of the wheels besides the grip area. Her other weapon, if you can even call it that is her body as she knows a wide variety of hand to hand disciplines, including the martial arts and ones from other planets. She sometimes prefers to confront her opponent hand to hand which is when people will fully see her strength. [B]Skills:[/B] Andrea needs to have excellent aim in order to use her wheels to their full extent, and excellent aim she has. She's an agile individual and uses her light frame to her advantage, moving around quickly and always looking for openings in her opponent so she can throw her rings. She's also acrobatic, in the way she moves, using a lot of flips and twists as she moves. [B]Any Other Info:[/B] Her and her sibling are twins but different in their personalities.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Ooooh. I don't know how you count 6 links, but I did it counting the arrows. [B]Cocteau Twins>Drugs>Medicine>Nervous System>Brain>Central Nervous System>Hypothalamus[/B] Now, connect [B]Optic stalk[/B] to [B]Ulysses (novel)[/B] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]My first username was [B]Sakuramon[/B], I chose that name because I didn't know what else to call myself and I used that on other forums that I joined duriung that period. When I arrived at Otakuboards I was a complete n00b since the other forums I'd been in had bad posting quality and this was the first time I'd ever participated in a text based RP. I admit I was shocking, I never put spaces after full stops, I used to write RPs in script form and my grammar and spelling wasn't the best. I changed my name to [B]Ohkami[/B] when I felt myself mature on the Boards. Some people I RPed with in the beginning (when I was Sakuramon) were hard on me for how I was, and I took that to heart and decided to improve myself. Ohkami represented my love for wolves (which I still have) and I spent quite a while with it, growing more. Now I'm [B]Sakura[/B], and I have a feeling this name will be staying for a long time. It's my favourite flower/plant, I just love the name, and some of my characters have the name. Since Sakuramon I have grown a lot I feel. But some things never change, my posts still mainly remain in the Arena section, and that's the way it'll stay most likely. Though I do post in the Otaku Lounge on and off ^__^[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]This is a pretty cool game thread. It took me a while since this is my first attempt but I got: [B]Treaty of Versailles>World War 1>Australia>Dreamtime>Wagyl[/B] Now....try [B]Extra (gum)>Jujube[/B] I think that's 6 or less, depending on how it's done.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Julia had made it to the ballroom just in time before it started, running a bit to enter the doors. Her hand came up to her mouth as she marvelled at the beautiful room set before her, it was so elegant and everyone in the room looked sophisticated. Suddenly she felt uncomfortable around the people even though they were smiling at her warmly. She smiled weakly in return and her hand drifted down to her neck where a delicate white gold necklet hung, resting on her collarbone. Julia moved off out of the direct sight of everyone and made her way around the huge room, picking up a champagne glass from a waiter carrying a tray of them, thanking him and taking a delicate sip. She caught herself before she fell as her ankle twisted in the high heeled shoes, she wasn't used to wearing feminine things and it felt a little strange to her. The music being played was beautiful and enchanting, so much that she had to close her eyes and just listen. The instruments looked different from the ones she remembered from before the coma, but then time [I]had[/I] passed. She was swaying hypnotically until she heard a waiter talking to her. Julia opened her eyes. [B]"I'm sorry, what did you say?"[/B] [B]"I asked if you'd like anything, madam."[/B] he repeated. [B]"Oh, no thankyou."[/B] she smiled. He bowed and walked away. Julia continued her stroll and sipped her champagne until it was just an empty glass in her gentle grasp. A waiter almost walked past her but presented the tray to her, indicating that she should set the glass down. Julia did so and gave her thanks, declining the offer of another glass. She stood and looked around at the people dancing in the centre of the room and she nervously ran her hands over her navy blue dress. She continued to stroll, watching in amazement as the dancers looked unified as if it had been perfectly choreographed. Julia wasn't paying attention or concentrating so when she twisted her ankle this time, she wasn't quick enough to catch herself and she fell hard to the ground crying out, becoming a splayed form on the polished floor. She sat up and brought the ankle that she twisted close to her body to inspect it. Julia massaged the joint carefully, deciding it was ok she was about to push herself off the floor. She looked around and noticed that some waiters and onlookers had gathered, watching her to see if she was ok. A man with long brown hair that fell in front of his face knelt beside her. [B]"You alright, ma'am?"[/B] [B]"Yes, no major damage done."[/B] [B]"Here, let me help you up."[/B] he stood and extended his right hand to her. She blinked and smiled, grasping it gently and allowing him to pull her upright. [B]"Thank you."[/B] [B]"No problem, ya think you can you put weight on it?"[/B] he asked, looking at her feet. Julia tested it and nodded. [B]"Yes, it's fine."[/B] [B]"That's good. Well, I'm Miguel... and what would your's be, miss?"[/B] [B]"My name's Julia, pleasure."[/B] [B]"Julia, hm... would you like to dance?"[/B] She nodded and he lead her into the centre of the room with the other dancers. He bowed to her and she curtseyed before they came together, she put her right hand in his grip and rested her left hand on his shoulder as he placed his right hand on her waist. The music changed tune but remained at the speed for a waltz and at Miguel's lead, the two of them began to dance, she followed him easily as they danced circles, the pain in her ankle was forgotten as he lead her around the floor and joy shone in her emerald eyes, it had been a long time since she had danced and now she was trying to think of why she had stopped in the first place. And Miguel himself was intriguing because he had such grace and elegance in his movements, she smiled as he twirled her, then the thought hit her, maybe he was one of the 'others', if so she'd be getting to know him well, and that sat well with her.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Hm, this is a good point to make, and I have and still am a culprit of this. Last time practically everything stayed the same, but now I have a variety. I'll usually stick to one picture I like until I find another good one, or I'll use descriptions, but the reason I keep things the same is just because that's how I imagine myself as a character I guess. For personality, I try to vary that as much as I can from RP to RP, but eventually you'll end up at the same one again. And like 'Zeke said, you get attached to characteristics. As for using identical sign ups, the only times I do that is if someone redoes an RP from the past and even then I'll make differences because of how I prefer my characters now, since the RPs were usually done quite a while back. And for names, I'm just not creative so I tend to use all the same names and cycle them depending on what the RP's asking for. But yeah, variety is good, and I think RP creators prefer it, but somethings can't be helped sometimes.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Sakura looked around the village of Vlanor, base of the Fire Faction. She sighed and lifted herself from the stair she had been sitting on and made her way over to the bulletin board located in the centre of the village for easy access, it was connected to all of the other boards so when a message anywhere was posted, it would appear on all of them. Sakura leaned her weight on her glaive as she used it to hold herself up, her eyes scanning through all of the messages. She was bored and needed a mission, maybe a group mission. There was an almost silent sound of displacement, and Sakura only heard it because it interfered with the heat waves washing over the village. She looked up to see a man with black hair and glossy black wings coming from the sky. She raised an eyebrow and he touched down not too far from her. He straightened and Sakura just turned back to the board, continuing her search until she found one, putting her finger on it. She tapped it, a smile appearing on her face at the success. [B]"Thinking of joining the mission?"[/B] a voice asked from behind her. Sakura turned to see the same man from the sky and nodded. [B]"Yeah, best offer out of the others."[/B] she waved at the other scraps of paper tacked on. [B]"Faction and Class?"[/B] [B]"Fire, Wizard."[/B] [B]"Been playing for long?"[/B] [B]"Yeah, long."[/B] [B]"I'm Relyk."[/B] [B]"Sakura."[/B] The two smiled and shook hands, pleased to feel callouses from fighting on each other's palms and a firm grip. [B]"I'm the Shadow Fighter, White is the Light Wizard, and Genjii is our Water Fighter. And now you make our damage dealer; the Fire Wizard."[/B] [B]"Wait....White. Isn't that the name of one of the GMs?"[/B] [B]"Yeah, he just quit his job and now he's a regular player."[/B] [B]"I see. So now all we're missing is a back-up healer. Where do we meet up with the other two?"[/B] [B]"They should still be in Aduin, got a way to get there?"[/B] Sakura nodded and Relyk opened his wings, flapping into the sky. [B]"You can teleport if you want, I won't be long at all."[/B] Relyk nodded in understanding but hovered and watched to see what it was that Sakura would do. She took in a breath and pushed her energy outward, until she felt her body temperature rise and erupt on the surface of her skin, covering her in flames from head to toe. She rocketed up into the air and her orangey-red body and head turned to Relyk. [B]"You'll be there by the time I get there right?"[/B] she got a nod in return. [B]"Good, I'll be looking out for you. Seeya!"[/B] She shot forward, leaving a bright trail through the sky, and Relyk disappeared. She crossed the distance to Aduin in next to no time and slowed down as she flew above the main square, looking out for Relyk's black wings which stood out of the crowd. Sakura spotted him finally and touched down, seeing two others. She recognised White straight away because she had seen him doing his GM duties. And so the other member had to be Genjii. [B]"I'm Sakura, Fire Wizard and I'm up for the job. Nice to meet you."[/B] she smiled, planting the butt of her glaive on the stones next to her.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry to DW if I got anything wrong or anything else, let me know if you want anything changed.
[COLOR=Navy]Julia lay there, dead to the world until she was suddenly awoken by a sharp insistent wrapping on the door. Her eyes fluttered open and she quickly sat up, not recognising her surroundings. Her hand flew to rest on her forehead as she took in the room; with the large bed, the thick velvet drapes framing the windows, the elegantly décored room. She heard the knocking again and hurriedly ran to it, pulling it open to see the slightly irritated face of a woman. [B]"I'm so sorry to keep you waiting, please, come in."[/B] Julia stood to the side of the doorway and admit her entrance, hoping she would tell her something about where she was, what happened to her little apartment in Sydney? The small plump woman walked through briskly and immediately went to the large wooden wardrobe that was standing against the wall, flinging the doors open and sifting through the clothes hanging from hangers. [B]"Um...excuse me....Who are you? And where am I?"[/B] [B]"Oh, sorry, I always forget to introduce myself. I'm Anne, and I've been appointed to take care of you and the others. You are in Paris 2. It must be a lot to take in, but the letter will explain more, it's ok to feel disoriented after waking from a coma."[/B] Julia stood there shocked. 'Others'? Paris 2? Coma? She looked over to the desk in the room and saw an envelope sitting there, waiting for her to open it. She walked to the desk and picked it up, flipping it over and pulling out the thick sheet of paper from within. As she read it, her eyes widened and her whole body began to tremble. Anne pulled a few beautiful evening gowns of unknown material from the wardrobe and laid them out on her bed, turning to speak to her. [B]"The Supreme Chancellor has invited you to attend the ball he is holding tonight to welcome you. The ball begins at eight so you have less than an hour to get ready. When you're done getting ready just touch that white panel on the wall and it'll tell you where you're to go."[/B] Anne pointed to the white square on the wall near the door. She smiled at Julia and left the room, closing the door behind her and leaving Julia to think on her own. She re-read the letter and walked to the window, propping her elbows on the sill she looked at Paris 2, it looked a lot different from the Paris of their time. Her mind drifted back to her home in Sydney, she started to think about what her colleagues were thinking had happened to her, and she wanted to know what happened to Kero and Ginger. She quickly realised she had let 7 minutes tick by and quickly chose out a gown and started to get herself ready. Still not believing that what was happening was reality.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]I thought up a question. Do the Factions have official and specific places where they each meet? Like a home base or something? Just wondering because it'd be pretty neat if there was. And uh, have you thought of names of other towns/cities in the world of Elements Online? And if you have, do you have descriptions of the places or a vague idea of how you want it portrayed? Yeah....after I get my answers I'll be sure to make a post in the near future.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Tee hee, the answer is [B]Winged-Kid[/B] ^_^ [B]Scramble:[/B] AUKKIZ INCHFOU [B]Hint:[/B] The full name of the character in my banner and avi set currently.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Monty Python and The Holy Grail This one's pretty bad but I couldn't think of anything. Word Scramble: AARMONKUS Hint: One of my past usernames.[/COLOR]
[B]OOC:[/B] Neat, it's like a redo of the old Element RPs....kinda >
[B]OOC:[/B] Don't really like this post because I feel tired and I'm not concentrating properly but I wanted to get a post in. Sakura woke up the next morning and blinked wearily, she glanced at her alarm clock and quickly rolled out of bed, straightening her blanket on the mattress not really caring how neat it was. She dressed and got herself ready for the day, accessorising and grabbing her digivice as she rushed out of her room. She ran into the kitchen and looked at the kitchen bench for the traditional note from her mum explaining that they had gone to work and as usual wouldn't be home for dinner and to get her own. Sakura rolled her eyes and scrunched it up as she walked past, chucking it in the trash and picking up the pre-made sandwich she had made the night before. She ran down the hall and put her wrapped sandwich down as she pulled on her shoes, she grabbed it and walked out the front door, locking it behind her. Sakura turned on her mp3 player as she jogged down the sidewalk, nodding her head to the beat as she headed to Electronic World for another day. As she walked she snacked on her sandwich until arriving at the store where she joined at the end of the line. After a period of waiting she got to the front desk where a man she hadn't seen before was sitting assigning units. His nametag read "Kyle". [B]"I'd like a VR unit for Digimon."[/B] [B]"Alright, room H, unit 1."[/B] [B]"Thanks."[/B] Sakura walked in the direction of the room and lay down in the VR unit, plugging her digivice in. She closed her eyes and in seconds she found herself back in the Digital World. [COLOR=Navy]Sakura smiled as she saw Veemon, Seraphimon and Piddomon standing in front of her at the exact same place they had been when she logged out. [B]"Any new info?"[/B] she asked, looking through her digivice to see if she got any new messages. [B]"There's some new assumptions about Mekratrimon's plans."[/B] Sakura found a message from Kiva describing what she had deduced and telling her that they were headed to Miskas City and that she could join them if she wanted to. She told her digimon what was happening and they decided that they would see if they could find a quick mission before joining up with Kiva. The group of four walked around the mission area, searching for something good to help train up Veemon until he could reach Mega. Sakura found one which sounded simple enough, it was a bodyguard job, to bring a Koromon to a city that wasn't too far but was dangerous for a little Koromon to traverse alone. The group looked at the powder pink ball with ears who didn't look too happy that he was getting bodyguards. [B]"You'll get the payment after you return with a note from the Agumon family saying Koromon was delivered safely."[/B] the Agumon running the mission stall said. Sakura nodded and gently slid her hands under his body, lifting him up and cradeling him gently in her arms. [B]"Let's go guys, we'll try to do this as quick as possible."[/B] They nodded and they set off from Serenity City, heading north east to their destination. The angels flew above her, scouting for potential enemies. [B]"I don't want bodyguards."[/B] the Koromon growled. [B]"We were asked to guard you and we will."[/B] Sakura told him. Koromon glared at her and struggled, biting her hand making her release him and he bounced into the forest on the side. [B]"Ah~! After him!"[/B] she rubbed her hand and ran after him with her digimon following. They searched the forest futilely until finally Piddomon spotted him taking a rest, he swooped down and picked up the digimon, guiding Sakura and Veemon out of the forest and back on track. [B]"I'll hold onto him Sakura."[/B] Seraphimon said, taking him from Piddomon. She nodded and they went back on track, finally arriving at the village and finding where it was the Agumon family was staying. [B]"Thankyou for guarding little Koromon here."[/B] the female Agumon said, producing a sheet of paper and trading it for the in-training digimon. Sakura read it to make sure everything was in order just in case, it was written in digimon language but she had learned how to read it within her first year of playing, for new members it would be difficult to understand. Everything was ok so she said goodbye to them and her team took off. Seraphimon and Piddomon air-lifted Sakura and Veemon back to Serenity City to collect their reward, handing over the paper. The Agumon there nodded and gave them the items and money he had promised. Sakura put them away and they left. [B]"Let's go meet up with Kiva now."[/B] Sakura announced. The angels picked them up and they went flying toward Miskas City, hoping to find Kiva easily.[/COLOR]
[B]OOC:[/B] I'm soooo sorry for not posting, I always either forget or don't have the time anymore. And don't mind me changing some of the words, just couldn't be bothered typing the same thing/copy & pasting. [COLOR=Navy]Sakura's mouth hung open, as far as the eye could see the landscape was covered in a blanket of flowers of all the colours imaginable. She just stared at the acres of land they were supposed to cover. [B]"What's the matter? Why haven't you started looking?"[/B] Impulse asked as he came up behind her. [B]"There...there's quite a lot of plants."[/B] she told him, swallowing. [B]"How many?"[/B] [B]"Lots..."[/B] Sakura nodded and walked to the flowers, kneeling in front of them and starting to search through them for that specific flower they were looking for. She tried to handle them as carefully as possible, not wanting to uproot any of the beautiful plants. Sakura started to push some to the side to reveal the small hidden flowers beneath, covered by the larger ones. After searching for what felt like hours Sakura was starting to get frustrated, she had only made it a few metres in and she was sore and tired from searching so thoroughly. She let out a frustrated sound only to hear the reprimanding voice of Impulse behind her. [B]"Don't get angry over nothing. Just calm down. You'll be able to search better that way."[/B] Sakura looked at him, he was looking toward the direction they had come from, searching to see if any more enemies were going to attack them. For some reason she had had a memory lapse when they were attacked by the harpies. She knew what they were, she knew practically all of the mythological animals so she could transform into them, but at that time it had slipped from her memory, maybe it was something to do with the island. Sakura stumbled to her feet, shifting so she wasn't crushing any of the flowers, running the back of her hand across her forehead. [B]"Sorry, it's just so frustrating."[/B] The two of them started up a conversation and she blinked as it got close to him, with him confessing that he liked having someone to talk to since usually no-one wanted to get to know him from his exterior. She was thinking about the air and took in a deep breath, exhaling suddenly when the idea came to her. [B]"I got it! We can find the asphodel using the air!"[/B] she exclaimed. [B]"What is?"[/B] [B]"I can transform into an animal with a highly developed sense of smell! I can smell the asphodel!" "One slight problem. Have you ever smelt an asphodel plant before?" "No, but it must have it's own unique scent, different from all these other plants. If I can find the unique scent, and track it down, I should find the asphodel!" "Well, what are you waiting for? Go."[/B] Sakura nodded and fell to her knees, avoiding the flowers and she placed her hands on the ground, digging her fingers into the grass and hitting dirt. She closed her eyes and breathed slowly, starting the metamorphosis. She started to growl as her teeth changed into sharp fangs and her face started to protrude and become hairy, her hair disappearing and her ears moving to the top of her head. Her body sprouted silvery grey fur all over and she felt the end of her spine shoot out to grow another appendage and it sprouted fur immediately, her legs changed the way they bent and she felt her palms and soles turn into soft durable pads and her nails changed into claws. She was finally complete as a wolf, her tail wagging as she lifted her muzzle, sniffing the air. [B]"A wolf? How original."[/B] Impulse said it quietly but Sakura heard it loud and clear with her hearing, turning and snarling with her teeth bared. She turned around again and sniffed the air, it was amazing and she had definitely underestimated the island. There were unique scents flowing [I]everywhere[/I] on the island, making it a little difficult for her. She saw each of the scents as streams of colour and noticed that most of them were repeated, while she knew that the asphodel flower was one of a kind. She quickly brushed them aside and was left with several scents that were unique. Sakura chose the one closest and took off, her paws were swift not caring as much about crushing the flowers under foot now she knew what she was searching for. She loved the feel of the wind rushing through her fur, inhaling deeply to follow the track. She could hear Impulse trampling noisily behind her to try to keep up. Sakura started to slow down as she was in the vicinity of the first plant. She directed her muzzle to the ground instead and snuffled around, finally finding the right plant, sniffing it and waiting as Impulse wandered over. They both inspected the flower. Impulse straightened and pulled out the map that showed the island and marked the area they were to search, Vernacular had scribbled on the side what the flower was supposed to look like with a to scale drawing. Sakura blinked at the paper and wondered how Vernacular knew about the flower but pushed that away and compared the information to the flower before them, deciding it wasn't a match up. She barked at Impulse who tucked the map away and extended a hand forward to her. She woofed and picked another scent, taking off again with Impulse trailing. She hoped that they would find the flower soon so they could leave, but then she reasoned that perhaps the flower wasn't on their half of the island, if so, she wished the best of luck to Sparks and Vernacular.[/COLOR]
[B]OOC:[/B] So sorry that I haven't posted in a long time. No inspiration as of late. [COLOR=Navy]Sakura saw the rest of the army fleeing around her as they were dispersed. She clenched her fist and frowned, calling to Magnamon to finish the battle. He nodded and let out a Magna Blast, knocking the evil digimon unconscious, with the trainer standing above it glaring angrily. [B]"Let's go guys."[/B] Sakura turned and ran toward where she had entered from. Seraphimon flew up from behind her and wrapped his arms around her torso, lifting her into the air and the four of them headed back toward Serenity City. [B]"I enjoyed that."[/B] Magnamon commented as he flew up beside her. Sakura smiled, [B]"Yeah, it was fun. Renamon and I used to go to every event, it was fantastic..."[/B] she realised she had brought up Renamon again and looked down. [B]"I'm sorry to talk about her again, I just have to accept.....she's gone..."[/B] [B]"Don't be sorry. You were partners with her for years, it's completely ok for you to mourn her deletion."[/B] Sakura nodded and smiled and looked straight ahead as they flew through the sky. Soon she saw Serenity City come into view and they soared overhead, touching down in the Mission area, and Magnamon reverted to Veemon. Sakura heard the alarm on her digivice go off. She pulled it from her belt and turned the beeping off, glancing at the time. [B]"I have to go."[/B] the angels nodded but Veemon looked at her with a puzzled face. [B]"Uh, I have to go home and eat, rest, sleep, and all that stuff."[/B] [B]"I see."[/B] he nodded. [B]"Don't worry, nothing will happen to you while I'm gone. See you soon."[/B] Sakura smiled and selected log off in her digivice. The status of her and her digimon saved as she disappeared from the digital world.[/COLOR] Sakura opened her eyes and pulled herself out of the VR unit. She noticed that there were dirty tracks on her cheeks from crying and went to the bathroom, washing her face and drying it. She fixed her hair after lying down for hours in the unit and left the place when she was satisfied with her appearance. Sakura tucked her hands into her pockets and grasped her digivice in her right pocket, biting her lip as she thought of her foxy friend yet again. She sniffed hard to keep the oncoming tears back and lifted her chin, deciding that she wouldn't let the past bring her down anymore. She walked home the rest of the way and got her mind off it by turning on some music and grabbing a snack.
[COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Rili Ellisaeish [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/4441/girls1634qz.jpg]Rili[/url] [B]Weapon of Choice:[/B] She has a pouch full of [url=http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/3089/mcfc209sl6bq.jpg]Throwing Knives[/url] that sits on her right hip. She has a deadly aim with them and has a good eye for good targets; being able to hit a vital spot on a moving target in the distance. [B]Magic:[/B] Red Magic; the glyph looks like all her other tattoos, but sits above her left eye (like Gaara) She enjoys playing with fire and will sometimes just play with a ball of fire to taunt her enemies if they're easy, but she can deal a large amount of damage with her flames, and will usually use her magic with a smirk on her face. [B]Personality:[/B] How do they act, blah blah blah. [B]History/Character Snippit:[/B] Whichever you feel more comfortable doing[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] I'll edit the rest soon.
[QUOTE=indifference][COLOR=Sienna] I come twice a week but only once a year. What am I?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy][B]It is the letter 'e'[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Julia Vella [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Place of Origin:[/B] Sydney, New South Wales, Australia [B]Known History:[/B] Julia has lived in Sydney her entire life, being born and brought up there. Her parents both died when she was 13, her father getting in a car crash with a truck because the truck driver swerved suddenly for unknown reasons, and her mother was in a train on her way to work when it was de-railed, killing her and everyone else except 4 passengers. She had been forced to learned how to take of herself and went through high school, envious of all the other kids that had parents but always complained about how annoying or embarrassing they were while she just wished that hers were still around. Her way to relieve stress was by running, she was excellent at cross-country and gathered several trophies and medals from doing interschool cross-country. She had always had a great interest in animals, so when she graduated school, she decided to go to University, studying Zoology and another course to do with Animal problems. Since it was something she loved, she enjoyed doing the courses and ended up doing well, graduating with no problems. Julia took a couple of months to find a job because she didn't know what to do because there were so many options to choose from; she could do more study and become a Vet, she could work at a Zoo somewhere, she could be a lecturer, she could do analysis work, and so on. Finally she found the right place for her, getting a job with the NSW branch of the RSPCA; the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. She fit in straight away and got to work, getting used to it quickly because it was so fun and interesting. She was completely into campaigning with the other workers there and she felt great amounts of pity for the abandoned or lost animals in the pound. She took in a puppy named [URL=http://www.adoptapet.com.au/photos//lostfound/13427.jpg]Kero[/URL], and a kitten named [URL=http://www.adoptapet.com.au/photos//lostfound/14052.jpg]Ginger[/URL]. She cared deeply for them because they had been abandoned with no one to care for them, just like her, so they became her new family. She kept up with her running skills, not letting them deplete because she would take the animals out for walks or to play with them, and she'd chase or run from them, keeping all of them fit. [B]Personality:[/B] Julia is a kind hearted person, with a special place in her heart for all animals, big and small. She's is caring to everyone she meets, treating everyone with respect unless they're criminals who she despises. She can be a little jumpy at times. It's evident when she's nervous or worried because she'll twitch and look at any movement she can see. Julia's a confident person and seems to make friends easily. She's been described by her friends as being strong hearted because she doesn't let life's troubles get her down for too long, moving on with her life and looking on the bright side. [B]Appearance:[/B] Julia has a golden brown tan from sun exposure, standing at 5'5" with honey brown hair reaching just past her shoulders with long bangs which almost touch her chin, and her eyes are a bright emerald green with a jagged ring of gold right around the pupil. Her choice of clothes usually consists of navy blue cargo pants with several pockets, and a white button up shirt with regular sleeves and a crisp collar, finishing off with plain beige trainers on her feet. [B]Animal Genes:[/B] Cheetah, [I]Acinonyx jubatus[/I] [B]Hybrid Abilities:[/B] The main ability that Julia has inherited from the Cheetah genes is the amazing fast speed they own, able to reach amazingly fast speeds in a second with her feet seeming to barely touch the ground. The next prominent feature is her ability to see well in the dark, so she can spot out practically anything at night or in a dark environment. And finally she is able to twist her spine to land on her feet if she falls from a height. The max she can fall landing perfectly on her feet is about 6 storeys up, any higher she might not hurt herself as badly as other people but it won't be perfect either.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][B]Stargate Atlantis[/B] [B]etg caskreb[/B] [B]Hint:[/B] An anime, with one of the main characters having the ability of Jagan.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Hahaha, I looked at it for a couple of minutes before I got it: [B]Wardrobe Malfunction[/B] Ok, here's my shot ^_^;; [B]siremom fo a aehsig[/B] [B]Hint:[/B] A movie adapted from the book, set in Japan. If you need more help [spoiler]the main character's real name is Chiyo[/spoiler].[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Hmm, I can list a few, some have already been mentioned. [B]DBZ Cast -[/B] Boring, and repetitive with the training and the battling. I think [URL=http://exterminatusnow.comicgenesis.com/d/20060217.html]THIS[/URL] sums it up nicely. [B]Pokémon Cast -[/B] Same as DBZ, so repetitive with Ash travelling around, solving problems, winning badges, and catching pokémon. They've made soooo many series that I wish they'd just make him Pokémon Master and get a new group of new trainers, like, the latest series they're playing here is Advanced Battle *rolls eyes* [B]Don Kanonji (Bleach) -[/B] This guy annoys me so much it's not funny. He thinks he's some super person that can exorcise ghosts, and he's so up himself. I dunno, he just bugs me, especially his laugh *does imitation by crossing arms over and resting hands on shoulders* Bwahahahahaha >.> [B]Yu-Gi-Oh and Duel Masters Cast -[/B] They're so similar, and equally as corny as each other, I mean, what's the big deal with cards, how much damage are they really gonna do? I'd prefer Beyblades to either of these anyday. Yeah, those are the ones I think are the most corny.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Heh, easy. The beggar is [B]female[/B], making her the man's sister without being a brother. This is a bit of psychological thing since people usually automatically relate 'beggar' to male.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Katharina "Kat" Blum [B]Age:[/B] 22 in Human Years, still on my first life. [B]Species:[/B] [U]Neko-jin[/U] The Neko-jin live in a remote village in a mountain range of Earth; being humans with select feline features that affect their appearance. The first Neko-jin ever born was branded a "freak" by man-kind, and so she fled from the world, escaping to the solitude of a secret field among the mountains. Now you may ask why there's now a whole species of us from just one person. Well, the explanation to that is, there was a hiker that got lost and stumbled into the field where the Neko-jin was staying. She took care of him, and they fell in love as he payed no heed to the fact she was half feline. They bred and she had a large litter. Yes, there was incest, but being half animal, it doesn't really mean much to us, but once there was a large enough population we began to mate with others, creating different breeds. No one still knows how the original Neko-jin was made, some say there was a mystical anthropomorphic cat that came to Earth and bred with a human woman, but it doesn't matter now. Cats are mythed to have 9 lives, well Neko-jin actually do have 9 lives, if we die unnaturally, like from a disease or getting knocked down, etc. then we are just brought back to life, but we'll feel that there has been a bit of time lapse, we don't have to deal with repercussions from that though. However, if we die naturally, like from old age, we restart our lives from kits. [B]Timeline/Date:[/B] 1st of January 2158 [B]Origin:[/B] Secluded Village of the Neko-jin, Japan, Earth, Milky Way [B]Special Talents:[/B] Neko-jin are human like cats, and so we have all the abilities of a cat; we have sharp claw like nails on our fingers, and our canine teeth are much sharper than that of a normal human's both of those aiding us in scuffles. We have incredibly sharp hearing, smell and eyesight, and we will always land on our feet. Our bodies are slender, helping our agility we're naturally good at gymnastics, acrobatics and climbing. I react swiftly due to instinct, and my other natural instincts help me along the way, like I sense when enemies are close, etc. At the village some of the older warriors train the younger Neko-jin how to use a variety of weapons, and I was one of the best in my generation, able to catch on quickly. We're well known to be great strategists while being powerful as well. And finally, we all have the ability to communicate with any kinds of felines from domestic cats to lions. When running, we usually prefer to do so on all fours because it's more natural and faster, but we're not that much slower on two legs. [B]Weapons/Items:[/B] I wear this [URL=http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/7244/heartpendant9el.jpg]Pendant[/URL] around my neck on a fine silver chain, it was a present from my mother before she died; and I carry this [URL=http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/3311/serratedblade7dy.jpg]Blade[/URL], that was given to me from the warriors that taught us as a graduation present, tucked into my belt. [B]Appearance:[/B] I amazingly found a human with almost identical looks to me, and I somehow got her photo [URL=http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/5099/girls836vv.jpg]HERE[/URL]. The only differences being I don't have ears on the side of my head, rather, they sit on top like cats, being the same colour as my hair. I also have a tail extending from the base of my spine, and I'm able to control it and have feeling through it like a cat, also being the same colour as my hair and ears. As mentioned earlier I also have claws instead of nails, and sharper canine teeth, but other than those features, I look like a human. My usual attire consists of a pair of navy blue cargo pantys that I picked up from a store, and a white short sleeved button up top. [B]Personality:[/B] Hehe, in all truthfulness, I'm a playful person and like having fun with the best of 'em, but I also know when it's time to be serious. I'm always curious and try to learn as much as I can about everything I can. I can't wait to meet all the other species of people/creatures around, I'm soooo looking forward to it. Hehe, I enjoy messing with my opponents when I'm fighting, unless they're tough, then I'll be deadly serious about the battle. [B]Biography:[/B] Two neko-jin ran on all fours, tails breezing out behind them, flapping in the wind, they had grown up in the Hidden Village like everyone else and knew it like the back of their hands. [B]"Hayaku Katharina!"[/B] the male called to her as she slowed down. Kat blinked and slowed to a stop, sitting down, her tail waving. The male peered behind him to see that she had halted and ran back over. [B]"What's wrong?"[/B] [B]"Nothing...it's just....beautiful."[/B] she stared at the rolling hills of the village from the mountain they were running up. [B]"What's so different about this time that you've seen the village?"[/B] [B]"I-I don't know. Hehe, forget it, race ya to the top Jacob."[/B] Katharina grinned cheekily and dashed up the mountain with Jacob on her tail, a determined expression on his face. The pair finally reached the top and looked all around them, the strong breeze ruffled their hair and ears, tails waving like banners. Their mountain hideout was beautiful, and they were glad that their first ancestors had chosen this spot to begin the tribe. She smirked sneakily as Jacob stepped closer to the edge and gave him a hefty shove. She watched his expression as his eyes widened in shock as he plummeted, she peered over to watch. He twisted his spine in their unique feline way and changed his body so he was in a perfect diving position, streamlined and elegant as he slipped into the large and deep pool of water at the base of the waterfall with a small splash. Yes, the mountain they were on had a waterfall on it as well. It was a long drop down but they could manage it fine, plus it was the fastest way down the mountain, since the pool was situated just by the main part of the village. Jacob broke the surface, shaking his head free of droplets, craning his neck upward to glare at Kat. She took a few steps back before running to the edge, jumping and spreading her arms as she fell, savouring the air rushing past her as she fell, then she brought her hands together into a gracefull swandive and she slipped beneath the surface to pop up. [B]"What'd you do that for?"[/B] he huffed, splashing her. [B]"Hehe, felt like it."[/B] The two of them were best friends since childhood, practically brother and sister since they were always with each other. They swam around lazily for a while until they heard the ring of the large bell in the village signalling time for class. They got out quickly and shook themselves, scampering back to Katharina's house, finishing the drying process with towels and grabbing their weapons that they had stored, sprinting toward the school house of the village, excited about weapons training for the day.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] FINALLY finished, sorry it took so long ^_^;;