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Everything posted by Sakura
[COLOR=Navy]Sakura stopped the search for a new mission as her digivice emitted a beeping sound. She pulled it from her belt and scanned her eyes across the information that had just come across. [B]"Good news, there's an event happening."[/B] Sakura grinned at the digimon. [B]"Oh, what, where and when?"[/B] Piddomon asked eagerly. [B]"It's the war, we knew it was going to happen though. All the good players will be on one side, battling the other side, but strangely enough, Daekos isn't leading the bad army, but there's no information on the new evil digimon. The battle's going to be fought in Saware Valley in half an hour."[/B] she read from the screen, looking at the clock in the device. [B]"Up for it?"[/B] she looked to the three digimon. They all replied immediately with the positive, thrusting an arm in the air. [B]"There's still some time to kill, no time for a mission though...how about we just wander around and see what's happening?"[/B] the three nodded in agreement and they walked out of Serenity City, wandering quite aimlessly. They heard some noise coming from the Emerald Lake as they walked by and went to check it out. As they made their entrance, a Guilmon had just digivolved to Growlmon and he and his human partner were about to rush in to battle the Greymon and Garurumon. Sakura spotted the danger and ran forward, grabbing the boy's arm and pulling him back as the Growlmon charged into battle. [B]"Hey!"[/B] he yelled at her, fighting Sakura's strong grip. [B]"You're going to get yourself killed."[/B] she said calmly. She looked into his eyes and smiled. [B]"You're new to the game aren't you?"[/B] [B]"Yeah, this is my first log in."[/B] [B]"What's your name? I'm Sakura, 21."[/B] [B]"Ma- I mean Zelex, 18."[/B] [B]"Just wait a second. Veemon, digivolve!"[/B] she said, holding out her digivice and tapping the button. He was surrounded by a bright light as a string of data coiled around him, before emerging larger and wearing golden armour. [B]"Go help out, Magnamon. Piddomon, Seraphimon, watch and help if they're in trouble."[/B] Her partner digimon nodded and flew out to help Growlmon battle the two champions. Her befriended digimon nodded and hovered in the air, watching the battle. [B]"Anyways, you gotta know when you can and when you can't help your digimon by getting in there. If you wanted to help you should at least bring a weapon of some sort since they're Champions and won't go down by a few kicks and punches."[/B] Zelex nodded in understanding. Sakura peered at her digivice clock and noted that ten minutes had passed, leaving them 20 minutes to get to Saware Valley. [B]"Are you going to the event?"[/B] she asked Zelex. [B]"I don't know. Is there a separate section for the new members?"[/B] [B]"Yeah, there's the main force, and the new area so newbies can participate."[/B] [B]"Hmm. Get 'em Growlmon!"[/B] [B]"Pyro Blaster!"[/B] the red dinosaur growled, releasing a large sphere of heat and fire. The Greymon countered with "Nova Blast", the two attacks cancelling each other out in midair. Magnamon was fully utilising his ability to fly by constantly moving out of range of the Garurumon's "Howling Blaster". Sakura wanted to get rid of the Garurumon because she still had a tender spot for them and WereGarurumon after the incident. When the two had worn down the Champions, Magnamon called Growlmon to help him finish them off. The red dinosaur backed up a lot as Magnamon rose into the air, they both released attacks at the same time. [B]"Pyro Blaster!" "Magna Blaster!"[/B] The two digimon cried out as they dissolved into digi-data, getting sucked up by the two dinosaurs. [B]"Well, we gotta get moving to get to Saware Valley in time. If you end up going, I might see you there. Good luck...Seraphimon, can you give me a lift?"[/B] Seraphimon stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, lifting off into the air. [B]"Seeya 'round, Zelex."[/B] Sakura waved with a smile as the four of them flew away. [B]"We gotta fly fast guys, there's only 15 minutes left."[/B] The three digimon flew faster than before, rocketing through the skies in the direction of the Saware, hoping they'd make it in time.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Hope you don't mind Venge, let me know if you want anything changed.
[COLOR=Navy]Thanks for all the hard work Sandy! Some of the challenges were a bit of a pain, but it was all good ;D Anyways, if you [I]do[/I] make another one, I hope I'll be around to join in. Thanks to all the other contestants that helped make the RP great fun.[/COLOR]
Discuss Digimon: Immersion v2.0 Help Database (PG-13, VL)
Sakura replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Navy]As people may or may not have noticed, Renamon has been deleted, and this is just a post to let everyone know what my new partner is and his digivolution line. [B]Veemon:[/B] Vee Headbutt, Vee Punch, Veemon Head Spear, Wind-up Punch, Head Slam, Rapid Punch [B]Magnamon:[/B] Extreme Grab, Magna Explosion, Magna Blast, Magna Punch, Magna Kick [B]Paildramon:[/B] Desperado Blaster, Cable Catcher, Sting Strike, Speedy Scratcher [B]Imperialdramon Fighter Mode:[/B] Positron Laser, Giga Crusher, Splendor Blade, Rapid Attack, Front Kick, Rap Attack[/COLOR] -
[color=navy]Sakura finally found a mission that seemed interesting enough. She walked back to where her digimon were waiting and showed them the piece of paper she had copied the details of the mission onto. It was from a worried mother Guilmon, her baby Gigimon, she remembered losing him somewhere in the Dark Forest but couldn't go back because she had other little ones to take care of. [B]"Let's go Renamon."[/B] The fox digimon nodded and wrapped her arms around her partner, the angels held on too as she transported them away from Serenity City. They reappeared in a place surrounded by trees all around but it was incredibly dark. Renamon's eyes adjusted immediately with her good eyes, but Sakura had to stand still and blink for quite a while as her pupils dilated, trying to take in as much sunlight as she could. When she could see reasonably well she started to walk, but Renamon continued to be beside her, grasping her arm and guiding her along. The angels didn't want to deal with it, so they flew out from beneath the canopy but stayed close to it so they could get down fast if they were needed. Sakura stumbled over some roots that stuck out but generally made it ok until they saw many pairs of glowing eyes, then they saw them, a pack of 12 Garurumon slinked out of the foliage, toothy grins on their faces. Renamon and Sakura stopped, the fox stood in front of her protectively, a snarl on her face. [B]"Now why would a little fox and a [I]human[/I] be wandering around in [I]our[/I] part of the forest?"[/B] the largest asked. Sakura took him to be the Alpha male of the pack. [B]"We're on a mission, looking for a lost Gigimon. Have you happened to see one?"[/B] she questioned. [B]"Hahaha, actually, yes. He's at our den."[/B] [B]"Oh, then may we have him back? His mother's worried, then we can leave your forest."[/B] Sakura hoped they could get out of it without having to fight. [B]"Ahaha, I'm afraid we can't do that. You see, we're gonna train the little critter to be our weapon."[/B] he grinned, baring his teeth. [B]"Then we'll have to fight. Go Renamon! Seraphimon! Piddomon!"[/B] she called. Renamon raced forward, and the angels broke through the canopy, letting in shafts of sunlight. The Alpha male Garurumon roared his pack into action and the digimon collided in a battle. The 12 Garurumon split up to take on each of the adversaries, four on each of Sakura's digimon. The Alpha male was with the group attacking Renamon. [B]"Renamon!"[/B] Sakura cried, holding out her digivice. She jumped out of the group of four, getting caught in the ring of data in midair as she digivolved into Kyuubimon, leaping back down, fighting tooth and nail against the wolves, the five of them on all fours. Sakura watched helplessly, she couldn't help because she would be attacked in a minute for sure. Seraphimon and Piddomon were doing quite well because they were attacking from a distance, but Kyuubimon didn't have the luxury of flight so she was stuck on the ground. Then Sakura remembered that [B]Taomon[/B] could fly. [B]"Kyuubimon, again!"[/B] she called. The fox turned to look at her partner before nodding, pushing up into the air once again to be wrapped by a chain of data. She came forth again wearing robes and wielding a large script brush that people in olden Japan used to use to write with. She hit the ground and quickly painted a kanji symbol on the ground, activating it. [B]"Talisman of Light!"[/B] she roared, brushing her fingers on the symbol. A large dome formed around her, letting out an enormous amount of light that everyone cried out, including Sakura. She closed her eyes and put her hands over them, protecting them from the sudden blinding light that Taomon had emitted. During that time she drew more kanji symbols, using them against the Garurumon with her "Talisman Star" attack. The light disappeared and the wolves all growled angrily and leapt for her again, releasing a few "Howling Blaster"s. [B]"You're gonna die, Foxy."[/B] the Alpha male growled, suddenly he was surrounded by light and he let out a howl. As the light disappeared it was evident that he wasn't an ordinary Garurumon anymore. He was now on two feet and was deep black in colour. He threw his head back and howled hauntingly, the call echoing throughout the forest. Then Sakura shivered as she heard a chorus of answering calls, none of which were from any of the Garurumon currently in the area. He grinned at Taomon and charged forward at her in a flash, landing a barrage of punches and kicks, using the spikes on his knuckles and right knee cap to cause more damage. There was a rustling in the trees and suddenly a group of 5 Black WereGarurumon were around as well, howling loudly. [B]"Pack Brothers and Sisters. Attack!"[/B] The new entrants yipped with joy like pups, leaping from the trees and slashing wildly with their long claws. The Garurumon had all turned their focus on Seraphimon and Piddomon, pinning them down so they could attack. Sakura watched in horror as the Black WereGarurumon ganged up on Taomon, tearing out chunks of her fur. [B]"TAOMON!"[/B] she cried, tears spilling over her cheeks as she thrust out her digivice once more. Taomon weakly reached out a hand and was surrounded by the light, emerging as Sakuyamon, but she was still panting beneath the armour, bleeding inside and deeply wounded. Sakura was digging her nails into her palms as she watched the digimon go at it. She looked over to Piddomon, he was bleeding heavily, with his wings tattered and bloodstained. He was still fighting though, whirling with an "Apollo Tornado". While Seraphimon had his helmet torn off, his golden hair now dirty from being rubbed in the dirt and he had bleeding red scratch marks across his previously beautiful, unmarked face. Seraphimon cast a "Full HP Cure" toward Piddomon, but a particularly weakened Garurumon jumped in the way, being healed completely. He tried again on himself but he was attacked before he could cast it, being torn at with sharp teeth and claws as they tried to remove the rest of his body armour. Piddomon tried to cast a "Mega Heal" on himself but like Seraphimon, he was charged before he could cast it. He used "Piddo Speed" and got out of the group he'd been in, hovering shakily above them, having to flap his wings to keep in flight since there were a lot of feathers missing and a few holes in his wings. Sakura turned back and gasped at the state of Sakuyamon, her armour had been torn off too and was bloody all over, strands of golden fur were scattered over the forest floor, along with spilt blood. The pack of 17 wolves howled, they hadn't had a good fight in a loooong time. With a final group "Shadow Claw", Sakuyamon cried out and de-digivolved to Renamon before starting to break up into data particles from the feet upwards. [B]"I'm....s-sorry.....Sakura...."[/B] she made out before disappearing for good. Sakura saw the digi data flow into the pack of wolves and some fly away to Primary Village before she was logged out, seeing a black screen in her mind with the large red words, [B]"DIGIMON DELETED"[/B] before she was back in the real world, lying with her eyes open in the VR unit, tears flowing from her wide eyes, the only sound for that second was the clatter of her digivice as it fell from the port, before... [B]"RENAMON!!!!"[/B] the cry echoing throughout the room. It had been 3 years that they'd been partners, 3 good years. She had been a faithful partner to have and she'd been proud to call her a friend, and now she was gone...Sakura sat up and covered her face as she sobbed, she couldn't believe that Renamon had finally been defeated by someone. She was sure it would stay in her mind forever...the last moments of her life as the fox looked to her, apologising with her last breath. Sakura's mind thought back to the years that had passed, all the things they had done together, all the hard work to reach Mega level, and now it was no more. Sakura continued to cry over her lost friend for a few more minutes before she realised that she would have to think of who she wanted for a new partner. She decided on the new digimon and shakily picked up the digivice from where it fell, and got up out of the unit, wiping the moistness from her cheeks and walked out to the front desk again. Of course they knew what had happened and she told Alexa what she wanted as her new partner and digivolution line, the data was inputted and she was able to re-enter the virtual reality world of Digimon. When she went back to her VR unit and re-plugged herself in she found that she was back in Serenity City with Piddomon and Seraphimon. They both looked sad and tired, both had taken off their helmets and held them to their chests in mourning for the loss of Renamon, they'd been friends with her almost as long as Sakura had been. Their eyes fell to the small blue dinosaur by her side. A sad looking Veemon stood with his hands clasped in front of him, head down. [B]"Seraphimon, Piddomon. I'm glad you're both alright."[/B] she walked forward, wrapping her arms around them. [B]"We're sorry we failed you."[/B] Seraphimon said. [B]"You didn't fail me."[/B] Sakura shook her head. [B]"We failed in completing the mission...and in preventing the deletion of Renamon."[/B] Piddomon nodded. [B]"You didn't fail me."[/b] she stressed. [b]"Have you both healed alright?"[/B] [B]"Yes, we're fine."[/B] [B]"Anyway, we have to move on...can't linger on what's happened in the past can we? This is my new partner, Veemon, I call him Vee/V for short. Vee, this is Seraphimon and Piddomon, my two befriended digimon."[/B] [B]"Nice to meet you."[/B] Veemon said, looking up. He was usually cheerful, but he had been made her partner because of the unfortunate event of deletion of Sakura's previous partner, Renamon, so he was being respectful in mourning with the other three members of the team. [B]"Welcome to the team, Veemon, it'll be a pleasure working with you."[/B] the angels said. [B]"Thankyou, it'll be my pleasure too."[/B] [B]"Alright, let's go look for a new mission..."[/B] Sakura said, the mournful tone still evident in her voice. The two angels nodded and replaced their helmets on their heads and the four of them walked around the area, scouting out a good mission to help train up Veemon and to build up the bond that partners shared.[/color]
[COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Sakura Kunoichi [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/4247/girls997lv.jpg]Here[/URL] [B]Trainer ID Number:[/B] 15289 [B]Personality:[/B] I think of myself as a stubborn person who gets my way through compromise. I'm a kind and loving trainer, capable of taking care of a newborn pokemon, to a fully evolved, angry pokemon. While I am kind, I'm still firm and will train my pokemon hard because I expect the best from them. I believe in all of my pokemon because I know they can reach their full potential with my help. I'm a calm person and don't often lose my temper unless greatly provoked. I'm a strategist and I constantly think about the moves I should use against certain types to have an advantage. I like to think I'm brave, I'll do whatever it takes to be the best and to train my pokemon. [B]Personal History:[/B] In all truth, I am actually an orphan who was taken from the orphanage at the tender age of 7, to be taken care of my current Mum and Dad; Rika and Riku Kunoichi respectively. Dad used to tell me tales of his pokemon adventures when I was younger, telling me of all the exciting battles he'd gone in. My favourite story was the one he told me about entering the Belrie Pokemon League. Sure, so he didn't win, but the point is that he made it that far, and only lost at the final battle. Anyways, all those stories from when I was young affected me, and my dream was to be a great Pokemon trainer and win the Belrie League for my Dad since he hadn't been able to. Dad had always still had his Pokemon, but he would never let me see them until I was 12, he was always going on about safety or something, but they didn't look harmless at all. Whenever I was bored I found myself playing with them, especially Dad's Poochyena. I guess I could have set out on a journey several years ago, but something was holding me back, maybe it was the need to stay and help my parents, but they've realised what I'm doing and insist I start my journey, just like my Dad did. So here I am, ready to go. [B]Equipment:[/B] 5 Potions, 3 Antidotes, Trainer Specs, Pokemon Feeder and some food, spare changes of clothes, and a sleeping bag. All these items are necessary; the Potion items are for dire need especially during the beginning training where the pokemon are still quite weak and will need trainer support. Trainer Specs are just there so if I see a quick pokemon, I'll get info on it immediately instead of losing it while taking the time to extract my proper pokedex. The Pokemon Feeder is handy because I can just store my Pokefood in there, that way it won't get lost. Food and clothes are a must, and a sleeping bag for shelter and comfort. [B]Preferred Starter Choice:[/B] My first preference would be [B]Torchic[/B] because I know it has the potential to become an incredibly strong pokemon, and I feel that I am capable of raising it so it will reach it's best. My second preference is[B] Cyndaquil[/B] since it needs tender love and care, which I am able to give, yet still being able to be firm so it can reach the top potential too. But I'll be happy with anything if neither of those two aren't given.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][COLOR=Black]Sakura fiddled with her digivice as she impatiently stood in line. She was right at the entrance but wasn't allowed to enter yet. Her eyes lit up as a person walked out and they finally allowed her entrance. She walked up to the front desk, the name badge on her blouse read 'Alexa'. [B]"I'd like a unit. [I]Digimon[/I]."[/B] she told her. Alexa smiled and waved over an attendant, he led her through the halls to a room where there was an empty VR unit. She thanked him as he left and looked at the horizontal capsule looking thing. Sakura slipped into it with years of practise and inserted her digivice into the input slot, breathing calmly as she felt the odd effects of the transition, like a slight dizziness. There was a few seconds of blackness as she was inserted before opening her eyes to the world of Virtual Reality.[/COLOR] The first thing she saw on the other side were her three digimon; her partner of three years, Renamon; and her two befriended digimon, Piddomon and Seraphimon. She was still in the middle of a rainy forest, exactly the same as yesterday. They were on a mission for the Floramon and Mushroomon, to get rid of the gang of Woodmon and Cherrymon that were disrupting their quiet village. [B]"Let's get a move on."[/B] she said after greeting them again. It only took a couple of minutes before she was soaked to the skin, her top was stuck to her like a second skin, while the water just rolled down her leather pants. Her hair was matted down to her head and her gloves were soaked. She could've used her goggles but there was no point. The four of them stopped their way, making sure their footing was stable since the leaves and grass were wet and slippery. The others were soaked as well, the two angel digimon were unhappy having soggy wings which stopped them from flying, and Renamon's fur was all stuck to her body. They squelched their way into a clearing with a lake in the centre, on the other side from where they were standing were the troublemakers. There were 4 Woodmon, and a Cherrymon, all looking at them with smug grins, they were thinking that they'd win, she was sure of that. Sakura pushed soaked bangs from her face and pointed at the enemies. The three digimon nodded and sprung into action. Renamon phased out and reappeared in the air right in front of one of the Woodmon, unleashing a powerful kick to the wood that made it's body. The creature stumbled back from the force before jumping forward again, jabbing swiftly with it's jagged branch arms. The two angels unfolded their wings with a loud snap/fluttering sound, droplets flying from the soft feathers. They growled as they flapped their wings slowly, trying to dry them out before even attempting to fly, because they were both aware that if they tried with waterlogged wings, they wouldn't last long in the air. When it was good enough they pushed off from the ground and sailed across to the other side, casting their attacks on two other Woodmon. Sakura wanted to be of help. She looked around quickly, anything she could use effectively. Using a branch as a club wouldn't do much damage against the current foes. Then she spotted them, nice large, round, smooth stones on the side of the lake. She picked one up, hefting it in her hand with a grin. She undid her belt and pulled it from it's loops and found a large palm leaf, putting it in the centre of the belt. She then put the stone on the leaf to help hold it and folded the rest of the belt over, grabbing the two ends. Sakura ran to the other side of the lake where everyone was and started to whirl the belt around, when she'd gathered enough momentum she aimed and released one side, sending it sailing through the softer bark between the last Woodmon's eyes. The tree dissolved into data and it was sent into her three digimon which was used a experience points, then a final small shimmery cloud floated away, back to Primary Village so it could be reborn. [B]"Diamond Storm!"[/B] she heard Renamon roar as the small crystal shards disguised themselves in the raindrops, piercing the bark. The Woodmon cried in anguish as Renamon delivered a combo of jabs and kicks, finally breaking through the bark and this time the data flowed to Renamon only since it was her job done, with more data flying away. In the meantime Seraphimon and Piddomon had finished off the Woodmon with some quick attacks. Seraphimon had used "Seven Heavens" and Piddomon would've used "Fire Feather". Now the four of them looked the Cherrymon that had remained dormant throughout the battle. It grinned at them before a bunch of tentacles came down from the branches in a flash, wrapping around them in a second. Sakura growled as she wriggled in the tight grip, she couldn't break free because it had pinned her arms to her side, so she was suspended in the air, futilely kicking her legs. Seraphimon and Piddomon quickly broke free with their attacks and Piddomon flew over to her, burning the vine and grabbing her before she fell. Renamon broke out with a bit of help from Seraphimon. They all landed on the ground again and Sakura unclipped her digivice from her belt, holding it out to Renamon. The fox-like digimon nodded and was surrounded by a ring of data, she slowly started to change form until she was on all fours with ninetails. [B]"Dragon Wheel!" "Fire Feather!" "Seven Heavens!"[/B] The three attacks hit simultaeneously and Cherrymon screamed loudly before dissolving into particles, splitting between the three again, the rest floating off. [B]"Well done everyone, let's go back to Serenity."[/B] Sakura said, threading her belt through the loops again and connecting the digivice to it. Sakura mounted Kyuubimon and Seraphimon and Piddomon touched a part of the gold fur. The four of them wavered in view before disappearing, landing back in Serenity City. She got off and Kyuubimon de-digivolved back to Renamon, following her to the rest stop in the town. She got a bundle of towels and gave one to each of her friends, drying herself with one too. She rubbed down her body before rubbing her hair until it was just damp, allowing it to airdry the rest of it. Renamon was rubbing her fur dry and the angels were just drying their bodies and masks easily. [B]"Let's go check out any new missions."[/B] she announced when she saw everyone was done. They nodded and put their towels in a hamper, leaving the house and going to Mission Central to scout out any good missions. When she arrived she collected the reward from the past mission and started the search.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Xaria was first to step through to the other side of the Dark Corridor, looking around Traverse Town. She heard the scuffling as the other members of the Organization in her team entered the world and the portal closed behind them. She flicked her right hand to the side without looking behind her, and the team scattered, she could feel the wind as they left or heard the fluttering of their cloaks. She leapt onto the roof of the closest building and surveyed the area, around the centre of town it looked like a labyrinth, with thin streets squished between walls and buildings, if Heartless appeared there wasn't much room to have a good fight, especially for the members that wielded larger weapons. Xaria hopped along the rooftops silently, but slowly noticed black inky pools following her, she saw a multitude gather in her periferal vision but there was nothing she could do about them yet since they were merely shadows. Finally she saw them starting to take shape and whirled around gracefully, releasing a wave of shuriken at them, they hadn't even finished forming before they dissolved in a puff of black vapour. She continued her journey, she was headed toward the Hotel. Her robe billowed behind her as she picked up the speed, she had to get there as fast as possible before the Heartless got the citizens there. She spotted the large building and did an aerial somersault from the roof next to it, landing beside the entrance. Some Air Soldiers materialised, Xaria twirled her projectiles and flicked them, catching them between the eyes, they fell to the ground first before disappearing. Xaria straightened her hood and cloak before entering the building, there was no one in the reception hall except for a variety of Heartless. She growled and called upon her Nobody. Hyourin spiralled from her body, taking form. He saw what was happening and immediately began taking them down, the Yellow Operas were the first to be eliminated because they could cause the most damage to him. Xaria in the meantime destroyed the Green Requiems since they would be doing nothing but constant healing to the others. Hyourin blasted the Red Nocturnes away with a few strong bursts of water and simply took out the Blue Rhapsodies with tail swipes. Xaria shot holes through each of the Shadow Heartless that continued to turn up as the two of them hurried through the hotel, kicking doors open in a hurry to find out where everyone was. After battling several types of Heartless, she found all the people that had been in residence at the hotel squished in a small room at the end of the very top floor. They all screamed and hugged each other as they saw her in the doorway, a mysterious hooded stranger with a large serpent dragon curled around her body. [B]"Shh. It's ok, I'm here to help you get out of here."[/B] she explained. They calmed down a little and Xaria saw more Heartless appearing in the hallway outside. Hyourin uncoiled and attacked them as she quickly hurried the people out. Hyourin took care of most of the Heartless as she ran down, flinging shuriken at some that appeared in front of her. She kept a watch on the people, making sure they kept up and that they weren't being ambushed. They reached the outside, but Xaria told them to keep running since they weren't safe. Hyourin flew above them, releasing strong magic attacks on the Large Bodies that popped up. She led them through the winding streets to the Accessory shop, quickly putting them up in the Synthesizing area, telling the Moogles there to help take care of them. Xaria and Hyourin took off as they shouted their thanks to her. She jumped onto his back and rode with him to another area that needed their help. She wondered how the others were doing, but then saw another group of citizens huddled together in the middle of the square, near the fountain, they were surrounded and were futilely trying to defend themselves. Hyourin dove down and Xaria leapt from his back, landing right in front of the group, her hands full of shuriken. Her faithful Nodody flew down and rested on her shoulders, ready for action.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Congratulations to the both of you, you're both very deserving of your positions, I know for sure. May the best Survivor win! I'm gonna ask you guys a question, although it's very overused, I can't really think of anything better. Ok. [B]Why do you think the other contestant should get the title of Survivor instead of you? Give examples and reasons.[/b][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Don't sweat. This has been one of my most memorable experiences and one of my favourite RPs on OB, thanks for allowing me to participate and getting this far. It's been great to RP alongside of you two for the entire length and I'm proud to have made it to the Final 3, I wish the best of luck to both of you.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]T____T One.....point.....*faints* Well done Doukeshi, great win. I'm really nervous about the results now...... >.>
[QUOTE=D. Resurrected]George, Helen, and Steve are drinking coffee. Bert, Karen, and Dave are drinking soda. Using logic, is Elizabeth drinking coffee or soda?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Navy]My guess is that Elizabeth is drinking coffee. The reason behind that is because all the coffee drinkers have 2 'e's in their names, while soda drinkers only have one.[/COLOR]
[B]OOC:[/B] I'm back with the same sign up as last time. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Sakura Valentine [B]Age:[/B] 21 - Been playing for 3 years [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Username:[/B] Sakura [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img91.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ai9yl.jpg]Here[/URL], but she usually wears a black, long sleeve top with the sleeves pushed above her elbows, and long leather pants, with gloves that only reach her wrists. And her goggles are a permanent accessory. [B]Partner Digimon:[/B] Renamon - Can reach Mega level [B]Digivolutions:[/B] [I]Champion -[/I] Kyuubimon [I]Ultimate -[/I] Taomon [I]Mega -[/I] Sakuyamon [B]Be-friended Digimon:[/B] [I]Seraphimon (Mega) -[/I] Sakura chased this digimon for a year before he finally agreed to join her team. She was determined enough that he thought she would be a good partner. [I]Piddomon (Champion) -[/I] Sakura stumbled across Piddomon and he just accepted her invitation to join the team easily. She got Piddomon during her chase for Seraphimon.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Just a quick question. How are we supposed to answer the questions in character?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]I think the answer to that is: You'll never reach the door, because it will keep halving forever even until it's like, 0.00001 millimetre or something. A constant halving will never complete the distance.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Dang, knew I forgot to do something. And I had a pretty good idea of how I was gonna complete that game. Oh wells, I'm glad the challenge's finally over ^__^ Congrats on the win Raiyuu.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Xaria [B]Title:[/B] Xaria, the Deadly Mark [B]Number in Organization:[/B] VII [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Personality:[/B] Xaria is one of the more complex members of the Organization as her personality can change suddenly. Most of the time Xaria is a cool, calm and collected person who thinks rationally, but at times if she's angered she will be the complete opposite, and it will just seem like one anger tantrum. It's almost as if she has a split personality because it can switch in the blink of an eye. The positive side about her angry half is that her physical strength is slightly greater but then she's a little uncontrollable at the same time. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/4247/girls997lv.jpg]Xaria[/URL] wears the traditional thick black robe over her clothes, but beneath she wears a navy blue dress like the one in the picture, with the skirt part ending at the middle of her thighs with frills around the hem. She's an average size at 5'6" and weighs a lithe 100 lbs with a pale complexion. Her body is evenly proportioned so that nothing looks out of place, she's lean, with the body of a gymnast/acrobat. [B]Weapon:[/B] Xaria has a endless supply of [URL=http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/3089/mcfc209sl6bq.jpg]Shurikens[/URL], as she can make as many materialise as she wants. [B]Nobody:[/B] [URL=http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/7892/leviathan1lg.jpg]Hyourin[/URL] is a large serpent dragon about the same height as her that can fly through the air, but he never travels on the ground. He's her most loyal friend and follows her constantly unless she tells him to disappear, he sometimes enjoys coiling around her limbs. He's very agile and attacks both physically and magically. His physical attacks are just made by using his body and the various spikes on it; his magical attacks however are mostly water and ice based. He's incredibly protective of her and will come out without being called if he thinks she's in serious danger. He trusts the other Organization members enough that they can talk to her without him watching them constantly, but for other people he's unsure. They can feel what the other's feeling since he's a part of her and they are able to communicate telepathically. [B]Character Snippet:[/B] Xaria walked along the silent halls of the Organization headquarters. There was no one walking around at present so it was just her and the sound of her feet scuffling against the floor. She looked around as she walked, peering from beneath the cover of her hood. She exited the building and was strolling down the path when she noticed a round shadow slip under her feet. Her eyes narrowed and shurikens materialised in her hands, ready and waiting for the Heartless that she knew would appear. The puddle of darkness grew from the ground and took shape into a timid creature that constantly moved with antennae and large golden eyes. Xaria noticed some other puddles and they began to take form as well. She slowly started to rotate her body, her eyes constantly shifting, watching in case they made a move. Suddenly they all sprung at once, she splayed her arms from the centre outwards, releasing a spray of shurikens, creating more immediately. The knives pierced straight through the Heartless, turning them into nothing but harmless black smoke. There was no activity for a few seconds, until more shadows started to crawl over the pavement. There some blooms of purple light as Large Bodies appeared, along with another multitude of regular Heartless. [B]"Hyourin!"[/B] Xaria called, flinging another barrage of shuriken. Her serpentine dragon companion exited her body as a spirit, changing into a solid form as he emitted a loud screech. He dove down and swung his massive tail, sweeping away half of the Heartless. Xaria did a neat side flip over a Large Body and sent a shuriken into it's back where it's sensitive. With Hyourin helping her, she cleared the large group of Heartless in no time. He landed over her shoulders and wrapped loosely around her arms as she ran her hand along his scales. [B]"Thanks for the help."[/B] she smiled. [B]"Not a problem, but you could have handled that by yourself."[/B] he commented. [B]"Hehe, I was just lazy to get rid of them all."[/B] Xaria grinned. Hyourin grinned, though to those that didn't know him, that expression would look scary. She just patted him and walked back up the path, back into the Organization building to take a rest.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] This RP seems interesting. I hope everything's ok, but if not let me know and I'll change it.
[COLOR=Navy]I'm the same as before. I am seriously lacking in creativity at the moment so I have no good name ideas. I'm fine to go with anything really as long as it's not too bad XP DW can take a shot at it if he wants, and the others if they have ideas, if not, we'll see White's creation. Well done team on the Win! ^__^[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Erm, is it a [B]fishing line/rod[/B]?[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=sakurasuka][size=1] Can you translate the following in English? -- "YYURYYUBICURYY4ME"[/size][/QUOTE] [B]"Too wise you are, too wise you be, I see you are too wise for me."[/B]
[COLOR=Navy]Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry. I know I haven't posted for ages but I'm hoping to post sometime within the week since I'm on term break. Much apologies to the team for my inactivity. [SIZE=1]PS: Blayze, Sakura actually knows a lot about mythology and stuff as stated in my first post in the Blue Thread, but no worries ^__^.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]I'm sooooo sorry everyone ^_^;;; I haven't had time lately, but after tomorrow I should be quite free so I'll make my post sometime after tomorrow PROMISE! Sorry again, hope the game continues.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Taura was pleased to notice that there was a computer set up in the common room. Everyone else was currently busy checking out their rooms so she was all alone in the room. She halted her typing as her pocket beeped. She reached in and extracted a smallish rectangular, silver plate that was wider than it was long. Her nails slid into the small gap and flipped the lid up smoothly, holding it in her left hand her fingers clicked quietly on the keys as she kept her gaze on the screen, reading the new message before deleting it as she had the other. Taura smiled and clicked the mini computer shut with her left hand, tucking it back into the pocket it had come from. She shut down the computer and walked over to one of the doors closest to her, rapping on it. She popped her head in and told them that she was starving and was going out to find something to eat. They just nodded and she left. ~*~ Taura returned a few hours later with a small box of takeaway from what she hadn't finished, swinging it slightly in it's plastic bag. [B]"Sure was hard finding a good place to eat."[/B] she said to some of the others who were sitting in the common room as she walked past. She entered her room and put the food down, returning to the common room where everyone was. About five minutes later there was a knock on the door, and she got up to open it seeing as no one else seemed to move. Taura pulled open the wooden door and gasped at the sight of Van covered in blood. Mel hurriedly got up and dragged him over to the table where she started to pull the glass out. Taura listened as Van was mumbling about Emma being murdered. Her hand flew to her mouth and he started to tell them that they had to get out of this place because it was too dangerous. She dipped a cloth into a bowl of warm water and mopped at his face gently, rubbing away the hardening blood as he continued to mutter about the death of Emma.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry it's so short. I'm a bit pressed for time but I wanted to get a post in. I hope it's ok, Reiku.
[COLOR=Navy]*squee!* It's excellent!!! I LOVE the new version, it really turned out well. Moving the "Eien ni" from the right corner to the left corner was a good move because it helped to fill the corner behind the wave. Adding in the mountain and the Japanese really helped it, because now it doesn't look as empty as the last one. There's really only one thing I can say bad about it, and that is the coloured stripes on his robe. I'm not against them, because they look good, but on his left arm and foot you can see it flooded in a little, and there's splotches here and there along his foot and arm, plus the section that's not coloured in near his toes. Other than that, it's fantastic. Well done ^__^ [SIZE=1]Sorry if I'm being picky.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Apologies all, I'm sorry I haven't been posting but I've got a bit of a heavy workload at the moment, and I'm currently working on a stupid long report that's due tomorrow. I'll try and get it done on the weekend but no promises since I gotta work on a Lit Oral. >
[COLOR=Navy]Erm, I'm thinking I should stop answering all the riddles soon, but I'll still do this one. This is another classic, with the answer being a [B]Deck of Playing Cards[/B].[/COLOR]