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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [COLOR=Navy]Ah, this is a classic trick question. Moses didn't take [B]ANY[/B] animals on the ark, it was [B]NOAH[/B]! Oh, lixian got my riddle correct. [B]Jeebs:[/B] He's short but he can reach the buttons at the bottom, but his apartment is 45 or something, can't remember, so he's not tall enough to reach those buttons.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Navy]Ummm I don't really see what the point of a point system would be so I vote to just leave it as it is. Now, the answer to that riddle is because [B]He's Short[/B]. On rainy days he carries an umbrella so he can press the buttons with it, but on sunny days he can't reach the buttons so he just climbs the stairs. My riddle is still the same as before: [B]I can be long. I can be short. I can be grown. I can be cut. I can be bought. I can be painted. I can be bare. I can be eaten. I can be round. I can be square. What am I?[/B][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Navy]I like to think that my sig is quite straight forward. The banner and avi are both courtesy of the lovely [B]Delta[/B], which gives way to the line beneath because I'm an ultra fangirl of her work and I've pretty much only used things made by her for the past year or so. The 'Officially Nifty' part comes from being one of the winners of [B]Nifty Fifty 2006[/B]. And I thought it'd be cool to make each letter switch colours, even though it took a while to do. The next section is dedicated to [B]OtakuBoards Survivor[/B], the RP being run by [B]Sandy[/B]. It's been going on for a number of months now and I'm in the Final Four, which I'm proud of, and Yuna from FFX, X-2 is the character I'm playing as, since all the characters are from Video games. Finally, the slogan is the latest addition to my signature, because [B]White's[/B] so cool, and I couldn't resist. I don't know what it is though, but I'm just calling it some kind of awesome club.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Navy]Sorry Jeebs but that answer is incorrect, try again ^__^ I don't know the answer to D's riddle, but I'll think on it.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Navy][B]silver_blade:[/B] Because he's [B]Still Alive[/B], and you don't bury living people. "Why can't a man [I]living[/I]..." And well done on answering the riddle correctly. Here's another: [B]I can be long. I can be short. I can be grown. I can be cut. I can be bought. I can be painted. I can be bare. I can be eaten. I can be round. I can be square. What am I?[/B][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Navy]Hm, I guess I should have asked this before I posted, but are we doing this one by one, like in my post? Or all together? And are all the customers there at once, or one at a time? If my post is wrong I'll go back and change it. These things just occured to me so I thought I'd ask.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Navy]Beatrix stood with her hands on her hips, looking at her full team, they sure were a mismatched group of people, but they'd have to work together all the same. Looking over at the other team she realised they were equally as strange with a couple of animal members. The challenge was given and Beatrix was first to act, hurrying to the blocks she looked at the curiously, the first obstacle to overcome was how to get the item from the box. She frowned thoughtfully and raised her left hand, palm facing the block. [B]"Holy."[/B] she said, releasing a blinding white light at the block, which connected and disappeared, not doing anything. She next tried to attack it physically with her sword from above, but the blade did nothing again, sliding off. How could a simple yellow box be so strong and immune to things. Beatrix stood beneath it and looked up, making 'hm' sounds. [B]"Beatrix!"[/B] she heard someone call. She was snapped out of it suddenly and jumped in shock, bumping her head into it, but strangely enough she felt it bend and flex slightly, and a large gold coin with the image of a skull on it fell into her hands. Beatrix then turned to her team to ask why they called her. [B]"I was just going to tell you to hit the block from beneath with your head."[/B] Mallow replied. She nodded and ran for the stairs, tucking the coin under her arm. Her foot landed on the first step and immediately she saw things start to appear, creating obstacles in her path. Beatrix exhaled heavily, looking up the staircase, it now seemed a lot longer than it had been a moment ago. Beatrix took a better grip on her gold coin and proudly drew her Save the Queen from its sheath, brandishing it as she charged forth. Her first obstacle were strange mushroom-like creatures with little feet and angry faces that were toddling down the stairs toward her. There were columns of them, all travelling simulataeneously that she couldn't go around them. They were rapidly advancing so she had to decide on a course of action and she started to swing her blade horizontally, cutting down the rows as she hopped up the stairs, jumping over the last row as they tumbled down the stairs. She looked behind her and realised that she had only progressed 3 steps, and there were many more to go. A couple of steps ahead was a line of large blue blocks with spikes around the edges, also bearing angry faces, these enemies were rising up and down in a beat, lifting themselves into the air, only to drop down a few moments later with a force which shook the stairs. Beatrix put away her weapon and got into a running position. When the blocks were high enough, she quickly ran beneath them....only to see several rows more ahead, with only one step between each line. As the row behind her crashed down, the one in front started to rise slowly. Beatrix caught on to the pattern, running through the dangerous obstacles which threatened to break a bone or two. She could see the top of the stairs just ahead, with only one more line to pass by. She thought it would be a breeze since she'd passed the others easily, but she became over confident, and just as she was running under, her foot caught on the step, splaying her body forward as the Thwomps dropped heavily, crushing into her legs. Beatrix clenched her teeth, her bones creaked but didn't break because of the armour she wore. When the blocks lifted, she used her hands to pull her onto the landing, sitting up. She quickly pulled the armour on her legs off and cast a few Cure spells, pulling them back on and running to wear the customers were waiting. Beatrix looked at the panel of customers sitting on stools on the other side of a wooden counter. She looked at each of them carefully before deciding to stand in front of a creature that resembled a squid. [B]"Ahem, Mr....Bloopy," she read from the name card that sat in front of him, "I was wondering if you'd be willing to purchase this here Skull Coin."[/B] she offered. [B]"What's special about it?"[/B] he asked. [B]"Well.....it can be used to attack opponents with!"[/B] Beatrix lied, hoping it would pass. [B]"Oh! I certainly need something like that! I'll buy it from you."[/B] Beatrix smiled as she put the large coin on the counter, sliding it in front of him. [B]"Thankyou for shopping with Team Alpha."[/B] Beatrix turned and ran at the stairs, she stepped onto the top step and was happy to see that the obstacles had disappeared, giving her an easy path back to the bottom where the rest of her team was.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Navy][B]silver_blade:[/B] My guess is [B]White[/B], because I think it's a Polar Bear since I'm speculating that the person lives at the North Pole, but I don't remember where they live, in the Arctic or Antarctica. [B]D:[/B] I'm thinking a [B]Word that contains double letters in a row[/B]; Pu[B]pp[/B]y, Ki[B]tt[/B]en, C[B]oo[/B]kie. [B]Metal Dragon:[/B] Erm, I'd have to say a [B]Sponge[/B] or a [B]Cleaning Cloth[/B] of some sort. Here's mine: [B]To force out a government, at a stroke, by defeat. Now add an 'e', I become a car, two people I seat. What am I?[/B][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Navy][B]D:[/B] I'm not sure of your second riddle, but the answer to the first is [B]Leaves[/B], because when they're dead they become all dry and crispy, so when you step on them they crackle. [B]Jeebs:[/B] The answer to your riddle is that they're [B]Playing Baseball[/B], because the batter's stealing a base, and the catcher's wearing a mask, crouched on the HOME plate. [B]Metal Dragon:[/B] The answer is, [B]Open your eyes[/B]. And seeing as no one answered my riddle that I originally posted here it is again, though it's pretty easy: [B]Look at me one way and I'm heavy, weigh a lot, But turn me around and you'll find I'm not. What am I?[/B][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Navy]Boredom sucks, so I decided to just post in this thing for the heck of it. [B]Name:[/B] Mary [B]Nicknames:[/B] Mary-san, Mary-O, Mare Mare, Sakura, Rin [B]Gender:[/B] Female, duh. [B]Location:[/B] Australia [B]Place of Birth:[/B] Malaysia (100% Chinese) [B]Age:[/B] 17 on 15th of February '89 [B]Eyes:[/B] Dark brown [B]Hair:[/B] Black to dark brown in the sun; slightly wavy - generally straight [B]Siblings:[/B] Brother, 21; Sister, 24 [B]Interests:[/B] Reading, watching TV, RPing, playing computer games, chatting, watching anime, listening to music (mainly Jpop) and reading fanfics Personality: Funny, honest, trustful, sarcastic, loyal [B]Favourite anime:[/B] Currently Bleach and GetBackers [B]Favourite Book genre:[/B] Fantasy [B]Favourite game series:[/B] Final Fantasy! [B]Places I wish to go:[/B] Japan, Europe, America [B]Favourite colour:[/B] Dark blues [B]Favourite animal:[/B] Wolf [B]Favourite flower:[/B] Cherry Blossoms Erm, guess that'll do. Don't think anyone cares about any more than that anyway ^_^[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Navy]After the game was completed, Yuna was warped back to the CPU along with the other contestants. They were all ready to move on with their next games and Mog wasn't saying anything that would stop them. Yuna knew what she wanted and rushed forward to the door, saying a cheerful farewell to the other three women as she walked into the arch she knew led to the game [B]Tetris[/B]. She emerged and saw large white pixelated letters hovering in the air, reading [B]"Level Two"[/B]. There was a tall frame in front of her which looked like a large, empty, rectangle on its end, and she noticed a hatch above her. She wondered what this game entailed and started to wait, though the wait wasn't long as the words disappeared, the hatch sprung open and a large 'L' shaped block fell into her arms, she wondered what she was supposed to do with it and shoved it into the bottom left corner of the frame hurriedly as the hatch started to open again. The next block was an upside down 'T' made of four blocks, she thought about it before placing it beside the base of the 'L', looking upward. On cue the plates slid a part and it was just a long bar made of four blocks. She was starting to get the hang of it and turned it so it was horizontal, fitting it into the rest of the gap that remained across the bottom. [B]"Bloop~!"[/B] Suddenly the bottom row had vanished, shifting the blocks above, down onto the bottom of the frame. Yuna raised an eyebrow and forgot about the blocks, having the next one hit her in the head. She caught it as it bounced off, looking at the 2 by 2 cube in her hand. She shrugged and fit it in between the two remaining verticle blocks left from the 'L' and the single block from the inverted 'T'. A shape that looked like a 'S' was the next to emerge, she turned it so it stood upright and pressed it up against the single block that still stood. The bottom row disappeared once again, shifting everything downward. Yuna continued to place the blocks into the right places, actually having fun with the puzzle, slotting them in smoothly now, she was thinking several moves ahead for what she wanted to accomplish. Every now and then some more words appeared over the top indicating a level change, making the blocks drop faster, but Yuna's co-ordination was getting much better at the same time. Suddenly the blocks were dropping at a constant rate; one after the other. She was juggling the blocks, trying to fit them into spaces in the frame without dropping the rest she had cradled in her arms. Suddenly two toppled off the pile and hit the ground, she watched as they disappeared and immediately reappeared messily in the frame, the blocks she'd dropped had been a vertical bar and an upright backwards 'L', the 'L' was atop the bar and they took up quite a lot of space in the frame, the top was only a few more blocks higher up, and she started to wonder what happened if she touched the top. Yuna snapped out of her daze and shoved the blocks into any available spaces she could find as they fell like rain. Yuna panicked and sunk to the floor as her tower toppled, falling to the floor and hitting the top in the frame and the large bold words read [B]"GAME OVER"[/B]. She sighed heavily and got up, walking through the portal that appeared to warp her back to the CPU.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Navy]How 'bout it people? Let's start brainstorming for a proper name instead of Team Alpha. My mind's blank at the moment since I'm studying for a test, but I want to hear ideas from the team. If I think of something I'll put it up. [SIZE=1](Also just thought that someone should post here already XP)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Navy]There are two major elements in the universe, they are as conflicting as Black and White, but they are always together in a harmonious state, these elements are, of course; Light and Dark. Light rules over the day with its celestial body, the golden Sun proudly shedding light and warmth to all living things; and Darkness rules the night with the silver Moon gleaming, casting a silver glow to allow rest for the living things after a long day. But what if this harmony was disrupted and both of these enormous powers were suddenly placed into the hands of two chosen teenagers? And what if it was up to the teenagers to decide what the fate of the Earth would be? But along with those two teenagers that are destined to receive the powers of Light and Dark, there were eight others chosen, half of them were destined to be on the side of good, with the holder of Light, and the others had the same powers, only they were on the side of evil, accomplices to the holder of Darkness. The powers that were chosen for them were the other four major elements affecting the planet, the power of Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water. These eight teenagers were sent as helpers, to aid the keepers of Light and Darkness in their quest, but before any of them can start their quest, they must find the spheres that contain their powers, the chosen 10 are spread around the world, some together, some apart, in each of their cities are the spheres they need to find, but finding them won?t be easy in the large places they live in. Searching out the spheres is their first task, and when completed it, only then will the quest begin. ~*~ Sakura sat at her table, stifling a yawn as her maths teacher continued to drone on and on about conditional probability. JJ was seated at the table on her right and he was looking equally bored; his navy blue tie was slightly loose and his white shirt was rumpled from a long, hot day with his navy blue pants hitched up slightly from when he sat. She straightened her navy skirt beneath the table and looked as if she was paying attention, but her eyes slipped out of focus. Everyone got up with a scraping of seats when the bell rang, signalling the end of another painful week of school. Sakura and JJ waited for the crowd to rush out of the room before walking out calmly, stretching. Maths was Sakura's worst subject ever and she hated it with a vengence, she couldn't be happier that the school week was finished. [B]"Did you copy the notes Akizuki sensei wrote on the board?"[/B] JJ asked, walking beside Sakura. She rolled her eyes at him, [B]"Of course I got them, baka. If I didn't who would? I'll pass them to you later."[/B] she said hitting him on the arm playfully. The two of them made a trip to their lockers, dumping whatever they didn't need and removed the things that they did for homework and studies. JJ was always a little lazy on the last period of a Friday and didn't end up doing much. He slid his fingers into the knot of the tie and tugged at it, pulling the material free from his collar. He folded it carefully and slipped it into his pocket, undoing the top button of his shirt. Sakura did the same, shoving the tie mercilessly into her bag and unbuttoning the first two. The two had the day planned out already, they were going to drop their bags off at her house, then they'd go out and hunt for a birthday present for one of their friends. Sakura slipped her left hand into JJ's, tugging her bag higher with her right, they didn't talk much as they walked along the familiar route, she pulled a pair of sunglasses from her bag and slid them over her eyes, blocking the glare from the sunlight, JJ smirked and stole them from her, holding them out of reach. Sakura gasped and jumped on him, tugging at his arm before he relented and gave them back. They laughed and chatted a bit until they arrived at her house. The couple walked up the driveway and Sakura let go of JJ, searching her bag for her keys. Sakura opened the door and sighed at the cool breeze of the airconditioning in her house. They slipped off their shoes and they dumped their bags under the stairs, grabbing cool drinks from the kitchen. Daisuke heard something and came to investigate, greeting them as he grabbed a drink too. [B]"How'd you beat us home?"[/B] Sakura questioned, taking a sip from her lemonade can. [B]"Heh, I had last session off. But I didn't get home until a while ago, I was just hanging out with Takao and the gang."[/B] he grinned, naming his best friend and his group he hung with. [B]"Not fair. We had Akizuki for a painful hour."[/B] Sakura pouted. Her twin brother just smirked, gulping his can and trashing it, letting out a satisfied sigh. Sakura rolled her eyes and whapped him on the back of the head as he walked past, letting him know they'd be going out for a while. Daisuke went back to the lounge and flopped on the sofa, watching the TV. Sakura and JJ finished up and exited the house, she was now carrying a small shoulder bag with her things in it, locking up as they headed out. The two moaned as the heat washed over them but they continued on, their friend's birthday was tomorrow so they needed to find a present. They walked into the main part of Tokyo and started to shop around, walking up and down the busy streets. Sakura stopped in front of a store window suddenly, jerking JJ's hand. He came back and peered inside too, looking at Sakura who had a gleam in her eye. They entered the shop and purchased the bracelet they had spotted in the window and waited as their friend's name was engraved onto the silver plate. During the time they waited, they continued to browse the display cases. Sakura was admiring a locket when JJ called her over. She walked over to him and he jabbed a finger onto the glass above the item he called her over for. Sakura looked into the case and her eyes lit up at the beautiful object; it was quite simple, yet lovely and they felt as if it were calling to them. It was twin pendants in the shape of the Ying Yang symbol. The halves were quite thick, at least a few centimetres with the curves smooth and a hole in the fat ends, each hung from a fine silver chain. Sakura wanted it but they hadn't brought enough money with them. She conversed with JJ and they agreed to come back tomorrow and purchase it then. The store attendant came out of the back, holding a long case where the bracelet sat on cream velvet. She took it and paid the money to him, then asked him to hold the necklaces for them. The two of them left and Sakura slipped the box into her bag. They walked back to her house but the pendants lingered in her mind, there was something about them that she couldn't put her finger on. ~*~[/COLOR] [B]Only people that have been accepted are allowed to post here; the list is on the first post of the INN thread.[/B] All right everyone, sorry its taken so long to put this up, been pretty busy. The first post is just an [B]INTRODUCTION[/B] of your character, you can do whatever you want, except get possession of your [B]ITEM[/B] (which I hope you've all thought of already since its been a while since I sent that message). You may see it like I did, but no gaining until the [B]second post[/B], and wait until [B]JJ[/B] or [B]I[/B] posts about getting it so you know what to do kind of. Thanks guys, if you have any questions either PM me or you can put an OOC at the top/bottom of your post. Have fun!
  14. [COLOR=Navy]Beatrix walked up the stairs of the palace and rapped on the large wooden doors, patiently awaiting a response from the other side. [B]"Come in."[/B] a gentle female voice beckoned. She heard the sound of heavy clanking and a gruff [B]"I'll get it your Highness."[/B] Beatrix smirked as the doors opened, showing Captain Adelbert Steiner. She thanked him and walked through standing before Queen Garnet til Alexandros the 17th. She clicked her feet together and rested her right hand in a fist over her chest in salute. Garnet scowled at the General. [B]"I told you you don't have to be so formal. Both of you!"[/B] she turned to glare at Steiner. The two of them standing side by side apologised formally, making Garnet scowl even more. She finally gave up, throwing her hands in the air in resignation. [B]"Highness, I just came to announce that I will be leaving, I have been accepted as a candidate for a position beside the Mario Brothers."[/B] Beatrix told her. [B]"That's wonderful. I hope you enjoy your time. You may take an airship for your travel. Steiner, please accompany her and bring the ship back safely."[/B] Garnet smiled brightly. The two soldiers stared at her, why would she send them together? Its not as if Beatrix needed protection, and the airship crew were more than able to bring the ship back. [B]"But Highness-"[/B] Steiner began to object. [B]"Do you have a problem with my decision, [I]Captain[/I]?"[/B] [B]"N-no your Highness. Perfectly fine."[/B] he stammered. [B]"Good, you're both dismissed."[/B] They saluted again and left the throne room side by side, walking toward the Airship docks. Queen Garnet had already alerted them and a crew and a ship had been prepared for them, so they could leave immediately. Beatrix watched from the front of the ship as they left the area of Terra and flew toward the Mushroom Kingdom where the challenges were waiting. Hours later the airship touched down outside the large castle. Beatrix thanked everyone on the airship for getting them there and she disembarked, Steiner followed her onto the ground. [B]"Good luck, Beatrix, you can beat them. Win for the honour of Queen Garnet!"[/B] he cheered. Beatrix thumped his shiny armour. [B]"Yeah, yeah. I bet you just want my job."[/B] she said with a smirk. They shook hands firmly and Beatrix walked through the large doors, her left hand rested on the hilt of her Save the Queen which was strapped to her belt. She raised her left eyebrow as she saw the group of mismatched contestants; there were a few humans like herself, a squirrel, a pink ball, and a cloud with limbs. Her gaze moved to the two people a few metres in front of her. [B]"Hello-a, welcome to the-a Mushroom Kingdom. I am-a Mario, and this is my-a brother, Luigi."[/B] the red clad plumber declared. Beatrix drew her sword with her right hand, bringing it out to the side before she flicked the blade up to rest at her brow in a salute. [B]"Pleasure to meet the both of you."[/B] she said. The Plumber brothers looked at each other nervously but relaxed as she sheathed the weapon smoothly. [COLOR=Navy][B]"Welcome to-a your new home. Enjoy-a your stay. You may now-a meet the other contestants."[/B][/COLOR] Luigi said, gesturing with his hand to the group. Beatrix nodded and walked over, shaking hands with those that cared to, eventually she stood with Kirby, Victor and Mallow, talking with each of them, she guessed she'd be getting to know them quite well over the time that they were in the contest.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Navy]Man, that was a really bad post, and I'm definitely not expecting anything great from it. Space Invaders is harder than I thought...Oh well, I just wanted to get it done and over with, so...Yeah. Hopefully we can rotate soon. I call [B]Tetris[/B] next if nobody minds terribly.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Navy]Yuna watched as the two other human women walked through to the games that they'd chosen. She looked from the one remaining arch, to the other, wondering which one she should choose. Yuna's gaze turned to the blue fox who also seemed to be deciding. Yuna stepped forward finally and looked to the Moogle host. [B]"I'll take [I]Space Invaders[/I]."[/B] Mog nodded with a small smile, pointing a finger at the door on the far right. Yuna walked to it, turning her upper body to wave at Krystal cheerfully before she walked into the doorway. Yuna emerged in a black area, the only things she could see were strange arch like structures that were lined in front of her, about 2 storeys high, and a large cannon that was almost as big as she was. She wondered what the game incorporated, but soon found out as in front of the buildings, rows of strange looking aliens began to descend from above at a slow rate. The slowly started to shoot small beams at the structures, each shot that hit left a crevice in the building. Yuna's eyes widened, she couldn't let them destroy the archs or else she knew she'd fail the game. She grabbed hold of the cannon and tilted it, firing off some of her own beams, eliminating an alien with each shot, glad that Mog had given her aim back after the last challenge. She grunted as she pushed against the cannon, sliding it along and firing off shots. Her aim went off and the shot went wide, Yuna was distressed but watched as it intercepted a beam from an alien, there was a small explosion in the sky as both blasts were neutralised. Yuna ran, shoving the cannon to move it over, by the time she reached the other side, more than half of a building had been obliterated. Yuna was quickly getting annoyed at the heavy cannon that she had to wheel around, at that thought she moved in time to avoid a bad shot which was headed straight for her. An idea sparked in Yuna's mind and she blasted the line that was closest before reaching into her pouch and pulling out her spheregrids. She shuffled through them hastily, looking up constantly to make sure they weren't right up close. Yuna paused in her search to counter 3 shots from different aliens and destroying them. Finally she found the right sphere and traced a line to it. The endless black void was suddenly lit by a bright flash as Yuna made a swift transformation, emerging in her [URL=http://membres.lycos.fr/daganas3/daganas2/image ffX-2/Yuna_Alchemist.jpg]Alchemist[/URL] dress sphere. She hefted her gun and pulled the goggles over her eyes, spraying the field wildly, aiming at the creatures from above. They still managed to destroy two buildings by the time she'd finished all the rows off and she was upset. She pushed the goggles onto her hair again and frowned at the missing building, and the many dents the others had in them, she didn't think she was going to get a good score for this game...Hefting the weapon over her shoulder she waited to see what would happen next.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Navy]Yeah, sorry I haven't posted yet. Its pretty hard to think of something good to write for these games, plus I've been pretty busy lately. But I'll try to do it sometime soon...V_V;;[/COLOR]
  18. [B]OOC:[/B] Gomen Domon, been pretty busy lately, and this won't be the best post around. [COLOR=Navy]Sakura tweaked the final parts on the inside and signalled for the engineers to start putting the piece of armour back on as she floated to the person in command. He consulted the clipboard in his hands and nodded. [B]"I think all the teams have finished the maintanence, there's still some dents here and there but at least he can fly. If ya want we can fix up everything first..."[/B] [B]"No, that's fine. Thanks!"[/B] she grinned, floating to the cockpit. She pulled out the keyboard and her fingers were flying, she wanted to get outside as fast as she could. Sakura finished the programming and ran over it again just in case she made a mistake, one wrong or missing letter or number could be the death of her. She adjusted a few things and stuck her head out, nodding to the person in command and giving him the thumbs up. He nodded in return and started shouting to everyone to evacuate, waving his arms. The engineers finished replacing the armour and floated away. Sakura smiled and closed the cockpit, putting on her helmet and resting back comfortably in the padded chair as she waited for the launching system to start. [B]"Saviour, Sakura Akatsuki, standby for launch."[/B] A voice called over the intercom from the Bridge. She felt the movement as Savior was picked up by the lifting system, being taken over to the launching area and settling into the launch boosters. [B]"All systems online. Initiating launch sequence."[/B] As Sakura felt the power build up behind her and the door in front of her open, she grinned. [B]"Sakura Akatsuki, Saviour, launching!"[/B] The boosters shot her forward and out the door as she started the system up, her large mech flooding with crimson as she took off. Sakura switched into mobile armour mode, pushing the controls forward to blast the boosters as she flew around the ArchAngel. She spotted a few enemy mechs and narrowed her eyes, blasting them as she flew by, not caring to look at the explosions that resulted as the mechanics blew up. She was on her way around the ship when she spotted a large was following behind them. Sakura immediately transformed into mobile suit mode and pulled out plasma beam cannon, firing off a long stream toward it. A mobile suit from the ship launched and stopped it just in time with their own shot. Sakura took a breath and relayed the information to the people on the Bridge, starting an alert. Sakura watched as two more mobile suits were launched from the ship and narrowed her eyes, she was wondering how good of a challenge they would be.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Let me know if you want me to change anything.
  19. [COLOR=Navy]Hahahahaha! Great answer, very true XP Now I know the answer to that riddle: The man had the hiccups and was asking for the water because its supposed to be a cure, the barman knew that and pulled out his gun, scaring the man out of his hiccups. ^__^ Ok, here's one. [B]Look at me one way and I'm heavy, weigh a lot, But turn me around and you'll find I'm not. What am I?[/B][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Navy]Hm, my guess to that is a [B]Hole[/B], like...a hole dug into the ground.... *feels spammy*[/COLOR]
  21. Sakura

    KING [m-lv]

    [COLOR=Navy]Taura was sitting in a lit room this time, still in front of her computer mainframe. She was typing furiously, entering a jumble of letters and numbers that her algorithms were composed of. Suddenly her progress was halted as a window popped up on the screen, alerting her to the arrival of a new message. She looked at the pop up and hit a key on the board, listening for the quiet click. Taura drummed the fingers of her left hand on the table as she opened the message. Her eyes scanned it quickly before clicking the delete button, a small smile on her face. She switched off her monitor and swivelled in her chair before standing, walking over to the large double wooden doors, and pulling out an old fashioned key to unlock the mechanism manually. Taura shut the door behind her and locked it again, tucking the key back into its pocket on her pants. She pursed her lips as her heels clicked along the hard floor, eyes trained straight ahead. Her AI servant walked out from another room and greeted her, bowing from the waist. This particular AI was her best model with all of the top programs installed. She had also been given the priveledge of getting a name; Annalise. [B]"I'm going out for a while, if a problem arises you know how to reach me."[/B] Taura pinned her gaze on the robot. [B]"Yes, mistress."[/B] Taura nodded and continued on, a perfectly manicured finger pressed the down button on the side panel of the elevator. She folded her arms across her chest and tapped her foot impatiently, there was a light [I]'ping'[/I], signalling the arrival of the elevator. The metal doors slid open and she walked through, hitting the button for ground floor. She rolled her eyes at the terrible elevator music as the carriage made its way down the 45 floors. Taura glided forth, exiting her building into the bustling streets, walking down the street. She twisted her left wrist, making her watch visible to peer at the time, it was already late in the afternoon and she hadn't consumed anything besides a glass of orange juice. Taura made her way through the streets until she stood before a small entrance. She entered and walked to the bar of the Japanese restaurant. She greeted the owner brightly, asking for her usual as she slid into the seat. They conversed easily in fluent Japanese as she watched him make up her meal on the grills in front of him. Finally the plates were set in front of her. [B]"Itadakimasu."[/B] she smiled as she delicately began to eat the platters of onigiri, tempura, and yakitori, taking sips from her bowl of miso soup every now and then. As she was half way through a woman entered the restaurant, Taura ran her eyes up and down the person subtly as she continued to eat, the woman had the most amazing features of pure silver hair and eyes, slightly hidden by rectangular frames. The woman had to blink a few times to adjust to the dimness of the area before she sauntered over, slipping into a stool beside Taura. Taura noticed that the woman was looking at her with an examining gaze, after some time, Taura finally put down the half eaten onigiri and looked at the woman in return, their eyes met cooly, her silver eyes shined with what little light there was. [B]"Emma Dylia."[/B] she said with a small smile, extending a dainty hand. At the name, Taura's brow raised, a smirk making its way onto her face. [B]"Pleasure, Taura Gray."[/B] she slipped her hand into the grip and shook firmly, releasing. [B]"Interesting name you have."[/B] Emma commented lightly. [B]"Mm. Taura means 'many lakes/rivers' in Japanese, and Gray comes from way back in my family that I don't remember, very un-Japanese though."[/B] she explained, returning to her food and cleaning the rest off the plates, picking up the half empty bowl. [B]"Government worker?"[/B] Taura shook her head as she took a sip. [B]"Used to be. You?"[/B] [B]"Yes, I currently work for the government..."[/B] [B]"Top secret stuff, right?"[/B] Taura received a nod and another small smile in response. Taura finished her soup and placed the bowl down, thanking the owner for the food again and depositing the exact amount. [B]"Sorry, I have to get going now..."[/B] Taura told Emma, standing. [B]"Oh, m-matte."[/B] she said hesitantly, 'matte' full of non-Japanese accent. Before Taura knew what happened, Emma pulled out a familiar looking capsule and hit the small button on the top. The bottom of it extended downwards and a gas was emitted, spreading throughout the small restaurant. Taura felt dizzy and blacked out as she fell to the ground with a resounding [I]'thump'[/I]. When Taura finally came back to consciousness, all she saw were exteremely large metal doors. She stood and walked forward, touching a hand to the cold steel. She knew these doors just by the looks of them, she had even helped design some of the protective layers. It was the door that lead to PRINCESS...[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Hope that's ok, Reiku, let me know if you want me to change anything.
  22. [B]OOC:[/B] zomg, you're back! I knew the title sounded familiar. I hope you don't mind that I re-used some parts of my sign up from the old thread. [B]EDIT:[/B] Editted most parts, yet to re-do the Bio. [B]EDIT2:[/B] Redid the Bio but it still has the same kind of story as the first. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Taura Akatsuki [B]AKA:[/B] Sakura [B]Age:[/B] 22 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/5099/girls836vv.jpg]Here[/URL], she usually chooses to wear tight black leather pants, and a clingy black tanktop or a long sleeved top with the sleeves pushed up just above her elbows. [B]Personality:[/B] The easiest way to describe Taura in one word is: anti-sociable. You would NEVER bother looking for her in a crowd, unless she was on a mission of some sort, she'd be the one on the outside, scoffing at the pathetic groupies as they talked animately. The only times she'll be comfortable with people is if they truely gain her trust, which isn't an easy task by any means. The leader of the Black Vipers has her trust unconditionally as she was there for her after the murder of her sensei, and a few other members of the group have gained the priveledge of being one of Taura's few friends. All of her past senseis are also dear to her heart as they taught her the ways to become the great fighter that she is now. Her biological parents however are on the outer boundaries. She rarely even sees them or talks to them because they never cared for her when she was growing up, so now she cares not for them, just returning the favour. Taura has a fiery personality, if she is irritated by someone, that person will soon feel her anger in any number of ways from verbal to physical abuse. But when she's determined about doing something, she [I]will[/I] get it done, no matter what the cost. Taura will only go to the far reaches for her senseis and the leader of the Black Vipers, because those are the people she cares for the most, and has uttermost respect for all of them. She puts all her effort into doing something, unless its a task that doesn't take much at all, where she will get it done with precision and care, but not use a lot of energy. Taura enjoys wide, open, spaces and usually practices all her skills outside in a field or clearing somewhere, where its peaceful, quiet and undisturbed. She's extremely skilled in controlling her temper now, from when she was a child, is she's angry she'll either use one of the calming methods she's been taught, or she'll do some taichi and have a session of meditation until she feels better. Her martial arts, gymnastics and acrobatics help a lot, keeping her limber and flexible constantly so she doesn't have to stretch much at all before she goes about doing some kind of physical activity. Sensei Namura was the one that gave Taura her new name of 'Sakura', his reasoning behind that was because people always underestimate flowers, as they see only the flower, and not the thorns hidden beneath. He told her that she should prove them all wrong, since she looks beautiful and fragile on the outside, but she can kill you easily without a thought if you anger her enough. She's the Deadly Flower and if you anger her, you'd better beware. [B]Biography:[/B] Taura considered herself to be without parents as she grew up, it seemed that they never had time for her at all, being too busy with work. Her parents thought that she'd be happy, she got everything she asked for without being spoilt, because they both had jobs with high income; her father was one of the best lawyers in the country, and her mother helped train and breed thoroughbreds for racing, but all Taura ever [i]really[/i] wanted was to be shown that she was cared for, she wanted love from her parents, but that was something they couldn't provide. Taura's life was sour due to this lack of love, she was constantly gloomy, always with her eyebrows slanted down and her mouth turned down in a firm frown, pinning anyone that approached her with a gaze that could kill. Due to her lack of friendliness, she had no friends at all. Everyone was afraid of her, even the teachers; her parents were well-reknown for being mean and relentless, and they soon realised that Taura had inherited those characteristics, making her anti-social, but they didn't know that it was only from a lack of love, if she did, everything would be oh so different. It was deathly obvious that people were scared of her, in every class, there was always a desk/seat empty in a perimeter around her, the teachers never asked her anything, or tried not to talk to her at all, and when she was walking through the halls everyone would move out of the way and stare at her as she went past. Taura loved the feeling because there was no one to bother her at all, she didn't see the reason to have friends as they were just something that would hold her back from doing her best in everything. Taura was a smart girl and easily aced her classes, getting top scores. It was a ploy to seek attention from her parents, as she figured that they would shower her with praise and love if she did incredibly well, all that happened was a congratulation and a wave of the hand in dismissal. She would work hard constantly and her parents never took notice, brushing it off. Finally when she was 10, she told them that she was getting bored since she finished school work in no time, her parents just said to pick some extra curricular activities as long as it didn't disturb them. Taura chose several disciplines of martial arts, weapons classes, and acrobatics/gymnastics. Her parents were satisfied, not caring about the cost as long as all the activities kept Taura out of their hair so they could go about their business. Taura asked her parents for a weapon to call her own so she could get to use it well in weapons class, so they gave her a large wad of cash to spend on what she wanted. She had shopped for an entire day before finding the perfect weapons sitting in a store window, they caught her eye and she ran into the store, purchasing them immediately, she brought them home and presented the black sais to them, they didn't care for the weapons, or the cost of 5070 yen. (43 US$) Taura immersed herself deeper into her classes and school, at the age of 12 she finally realised that nothing she did would ever get the attention of her parents, spending most of her time outside somewhere or just on the roof, liking to do her things outdoors instead of indoors just because she enjoyed the freedom the outside world provided. By the age of 16 she had already mastered her martial arts classes, having a blackbelt with golden stripes for each and was top in her classes of gymnastics/acrobatics and weaponry. Her martial arts and weaponry teachers were her closest friends, she was close to them and they were the only people she would talk animately to or smile for. Taura finished up with school and started her own dojo with money from her parents, teaching a large variety of martial arts and asked her old senseis to teach with her, which they all agreed to do, helping her to get on her own feet and they all earned a large salary with flows of students from each academy her senseis had owned before they joined her. Her taichi sensei was one of her favourites since he had been the one to help her gain control of her temper when no one else could, he taught her how to meditate and keep calm. 5 years ago Taura was headed down to the dojo for another packed day of lessons, but her senses were alerted when she saw that the doors were already widely open. She entered the wooden building cautiously before her eyes widened in shock. She quickly ran over, looking left and right in case the criminal was still around. Taura fell to her knees and turned Sensei Namura over onto his back from where he had been lying in a large pool of crimson blood. Tears gathered in her eyes for the first time since she was a baby as she cradled her tae-kwon-do sensei, he had been as close as a father to her, much more than her own parents, he had even been the one to give her a new identity via a different name which she preferred to be called. She looked around and saw the blood sunk in a certain area, she peered at it closely, seeing the letters "TE" etched deeply into the wooden floorboards, she didn't know what they represented, but she swore on Namura sensei's dead body that she would seek revenge. There was a sound of footsteps and Taura spun around, raising her hands in a fighter's stance as she pushed up on her knees. A woman entered the dojo, looking down at her and the body, a look of sympathy crossed her face sadly. Before Taura could say anything, the woman was telling her that a rival assassin group had murdered him. She then confessed that she had been watching Taura for a while now, waiting for the right time to approach. Being told that she'd been watched for years shocked her and Taura stood, carrying the body into another room of the building, laying a sheet over the corpse. She returned and pulled her twin sais from her belt spinning them and holding them out. The woman smiled and the two of them fought, the battle lasting hours until they were at a stalemate with their weapons against each other's throats. The woman smiled and pulled away, Taura watched her carefully before deciding that they were done with the spar, tucking the pronged weapons back into her belt. The woman offered her a position in her own gang, the Black Vipers, Taura smiled and agreed, the two shook hands firmly as she welcomed her new life as Sakura, she [I]would[/I] seek revenge for Namura sensei, if it was the last thing she did. [B]Weapon:[/B] A pair of [URL=http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B0000AX69G.01-A2T3ASM7TOCPQE._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg]Sais[/URL] and a pouch full of [URL=http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/3089/mcfc209sl6bq.jpg]Shuriken[/URL]. [B]Alliance:[/B] Black Vipers[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Navy]A young woman sat in a dark, enclosed room, the only light came from various LEDs and the white glow of the computer screen that she sat in front of. Her eyes scanned the screen as words rapidly scrolled upwards, they wouldn't make sense to others for a couple of reasons; mainly because it was too fast for regular people to catch, and because it was made of algorithms and formulas. There was a quiet tapping at the door, snapping the woman from her daze, hitting a key on the board in front of her to pause the scrolling. She spun around in her chair and faced the door, reaching back and pressing another key which controlled the mechanism on the door, making it swing open, allowing an AI to enter. [B]"Mistress, I received a message for you."[/B] the female bot reported. She beckoned and the robot approached carefully, lifting her shirt, the skin coloured metal plating around her abdomen slid aside revealing a plasma screen with writing on it. [B][I]"Taura, please update your information directly, maybe you've been too busy with your latest project but please do it as soon as possible."[/I][/B] She nodded and flourished her hand, a gesture of dismissal as she turned back to the computer. She sighed and pulled up a new window, her fingers flew across the board, accessing the database where information was kept. Taura was an intelligent young woman, being an inventor, a technician and a hacker. She worked for the government partially which is why they knew her and why they just asked her to do it herself instead of sending in the usual form. The typical information came up and she started to type in the information accordingly. [I]Name: Taura Gray Age: 20 Gender: Female DNA Nationality: Japanese Blood Type: AB+ Occupation: Electronics Technician Income Category: High Address: Northern Quarter, Lvl 45 [U]Appearance[/U] Complexion: Fair Hair Colour: Dark brown/black with light brown streaks Eye Colour: Dark Brown Height: 5' 6" Weight: 60 kg Distinguishing Marks (eg. tattoos, piercings, etc): Each ear pierced in the lower lobe, tattoo of a sakura petal on her upper left arm next to the shoulder. [U]Martial Status[/U] Do you have any partners: No Do you have any children (in wedlock or out of wedlock): No Are you living with a partner (if so, specify male or female): No [U]Family[/U] Father: Sousuke Gray Mother: Natsuko Gray (deceased) Sisters: None Brothers: Takao Gray (fraternal twin)[/I] She clicked the submit button and watched as the loading bar finished, updating her old information, even though it had remained the same over the year. Taura thought for a second before turning on the lights with a simple click of a key. She blinked for a while to adjust to the sudden brightness before pulling out a holder full of discs. She flicked through them simply, they all had designs on them which were symbols, to her they meant something, but to others they either looked exactly the same, or meaningless. She selected one and pulled it out, inserting it into the drive of her computer. Taura opened it and smiled, looking at the new plans for something special, when it was completed, it would be great.[/COLOR] --- [B]OOC:[/B] I hope all that's ok, I already told you but this sign up is for a DNA Candidate, and here's a picture of her [URL=http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/5099/girls836vv.jpg]CLICK![/URL] If any changes need to be made let me know.
  24. [COLOR=Navy]Dangit! Curse my slowness! *shakes fist* Alright, I call [B]Space Invaders[/B] then. I'll try to get the post up in the near future but pretty busy at the moment. Oh, and I appreciated Mog's thought's too, I'll try to improve on those points ^_^;;[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Navy]I love these last two chapters because they give a real depth to your characters. Like, Ezekiel has weaknesses and does gets stressed, having the need to drown her sorrows with alcohol; and Xion, he's not a stuck up bastard that was portrayed at first, he has a nice side where he's caring and gentle. I'm still waiting to know what happened between the two of them, should be interesting when it's finally revealed. I enjoyed my appearance greatly, I wonder who the person with her is....Though I have a feeling she may be another victim? But don't be so harsh on yourself, Jamie, the chapters are great, can't wait for the next installment.[/COLOR]
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