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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [COLOR=Navy]Yeah, I agree with that completely. I also have a ton of PMs, probably because I'm just too lazy to go and delete them, or I always think they're worth keeping. Having an option to search through PMs would be an awesome idea, because if I want a particular PM to refer back to, I have to search through all the pages separately. Having this section would save a whole lot of time and effort.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Navy]Wow! I actually won something.....new experience.... Well it was unexpected for sure and I'm honoured to have gotten an award, I never expected that I'd get a Nifty Fifty Nomination when I first joined OtakuBoards. Congratulations to the other winners, they all deserve it without a doubt. Oh, and great graphics, I love them :love: Thanks to Delta for that particular banner that she made for me (plus all my other banners I have ^__^).[/COLOR]
  3. Sakura

    Wastelands [M-VLS]

    [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry I haven't posted much, school's pretty stressful at the moment. [COLOR=Navy]Sakura squeezed her way into a small alcove formed by a large part of a corner which used to be part of a building, the two walls rose quite high, and there was a large pile of rubble which covered most of the front besides a small gap which she had been able to fit through. The area inside was rather spacy as she stretched out her legs, resting the backpack in her lap. She put her gun next to her for easy access and unzipped the pack to take a good look at what she had scavenged. She pulled out the clips of ammo which sat on top as the last things she had gathered and put them beside her gun safely. She pulled out a first-aid kit, packets of chips, bags of fruit, a variety of canned foods, and several large bottles of water. She pulled out an apple from a bag of fruit and rubbed it on her shirt before taking a bite out of it. She savoured the sweet juices that filled her mouth as she chewed on the crispy fruit. She ate every part of the apple besides the pips which she spat out. She carefully put everything back in, putting the cans at the bottom, first-aid kit on top of them, bottles of water at the side spaces, bags of fruit in the middle, and packets of chips on the top. Sakura opened the front pocket, putting all the ammo in there for keeping, using the small locks that came with the bag to lock the zips of both pockets closed, tucking the keys into the pocket of her pants. She put the bag on the ground and curled up, resting her head on it like a pillow, she fell into a light sleep, here ears constantly listened for anything that could tell her anyone was close to finding her. Sakura woke up a few hours later, her eyes darted around before she silently pulled on her pack and picked up her gun, tucking it into its holster. She looked through the gap carefully to check that no mutants were in sight. When she was sure, she squeezed out of her hiding place and ran off toward the inner area of the OtakuBoards. As she got closer inward, she heard screaming and monsterous roars, making her hand automatically rest on her gun. A woman ran past her in a frenzy, her clothes were torn and ragged, and she had lacerations all over her body as a pack of mutants rushed by. Sakura pulled out her gun and started firing, bullets piercing through their warped bodies. She aimed for their heads but as soon as one went down, they forgot about the other woma, all of them swivelling around to look at her with their glowing eyes. They leapt at her with their claws outstretched, Sakura ducked the ones that launched themselves at her and sliced them in half with her knife as they went past. She twirled the blade weapon around her fingers as she fired off bullets rapidly, each finding a mark. There was a sound behind her and she whirled, flinging the knife with a flick of her wrist, seeing it land right between its eyes. A few bursts later and she was surrounded by bodies again, though she had a couple of bleeding scratches along her bare arms. She put the gun away and approached the mutant that had her knife sticking forth, she looked at its facial expression, it was hard to tell but its eyes were wide and mouth open as blood trickled down its face. Sakura placed her heavy boot on the mutant's face and bent down to pull the weapon free. She wiped it off again and returned it to her belt. Sakura hurried off in the direction the woman had run, she soon came across the body, with two mutants feeding on the carcass. She narrowed her eyes and shot them both, taking a look at the half eaten corpse. She knelt down and studied her face, reaching out and pulling her eyelids over the gazeless orbs. She stood up again and dusted off her hands, Sakura finally noticed the blood that was trickling through her fingers and looked at the nasty red lines. She hurried over to a small dark area and unlocked her pack, pulling out the things in her bag until she reached the solid white case with a bright red cross emblazened on it. She flicked open the latch and rummaged through, withdrawing a large roll of gauze bandage. Sakura opened it and held the end to her arm with her chin as she started to wrap it around her left arm, from next to the shoulder, down to her wrist and back up, putting several layers as the blood seeped through but making sure it wasn't as tight around her elbow so she could still function. When she thought there was enough she clipped it with a small metal clasp and repeated the process on her right arm. She tested the tightness, drawing her gun and knife and pretending to fight, she had to adjust it a couple of times before she was satisfied, putting everything away. Sakura continued on, running through the streets, trying to avoid the groups that the mutants travelled in, patrolling the OtakuBoards, ready to strike at any passing member that happened to cross their path.[/COLOR]
  4. [CENTER][B]OOC:[/B] *gasp!* How could you not tell me you put it up?! Might edit. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Beatrix [B]Game:[/B] Final Fantasy IX [B]Portrait:[/B] [IMG]http://www.soul-reply.net/genshiken/img/cosplay/beatrix.jpg[/img] [B]Experience:[/B] Beatrix originally served as a personal guard of Queen Brahne, being the General of the Alexandrian force alongside Captain Adelbert Steiner. She fought against Zidane and his party under the queen's orders as she was blinded by Brahne's true intentions. As soon as she realised what was happening, Beatrix immediately swapped sides and did everything in her power to help Zidane and friends. Her experience is fighting, being able to wield a sword with great power, and cast powerful magic from full healing spells to spells that will bring you to the brink of death. She's good at thinking fast and tactics, after all, she was a General. After hanging around with Zidane she has become a lot more sociable than she used to be, and she gets along quite well with Steiner. [B]Reason:[/B] Beatrix needs something to do, herself and Steiner have both been protecting Queen Garnet since her coronation and both of them aren't needed since there's already so much security around the palace. She decided she should get out and learn more about other things like how to work in a business seeing as all she knows is how to fight, it should be a good experience.[/COLOR][/CENTER]
  5. Sakura

    Wastelands [M-VLS]

    [COLOR=Navy]Sakura's eyes darted around, it was dangerous in the OtakuBoards now. She had crawled out of the rubble of a building, scraping her knees and elbows. It had been a few days since the bombing and everything was in ruins, and members were running around crazily. But even worse, mutants had infested the boards and were attacking anyone in their way. Luckily for her, she had stolen a gun and a kitchen knife from two houses and was wielding both items as weapons. She scampered along the streets, crouching low and trying to hang in the shadows. Sakura pressed herself against the wall, drawing her gun as she saw a group of mutants rush by. When they were out of sight, Sakura continued on cautiously, her gun still drawn and resting in her hand, index finger resting on the trigger with her thumb on the safety. Sakura was headed to the outer edge of the boards where the malls were, they would obviously be half destroyed but there would be supplies there, hopefully, unless others had already taken everything. At that thought, she put on a burst of speed. She looked at the mall in front of her, half of it had crumbled, leaving a gaping hole, allowing people to see each of the levels, well, the two of them that were left. She ran through into the lower level and started to scavange supplies, shoving them into a backpack she found in one of the stores. Sakura gathered as much food items as she could, along with bottles of water before moving on, collecting anything else she felt she needed. Sakura whirled as she heard something, slinging the bag onto her back and tightening the straps. She heard the rustling again and suddenly a bunch of mutants came out from behind shelves and inside other places. Sakura swallowed and pulled out her gun from the holster on her left hip, taking off the safety and shifting it from targets. With her right hand, Sakura got out the kitchen knife that was stabbed in her belt, holding it with the blade pointing downward. They sprung and Sakura started firing off bullets, picking her shots since she currently had a limited amount of ammo, only having 3 clips. If they got too close, Sakura plunged her knife into their forehead and pushed it through, dragging upward to slice through the brain. She sensed someone behind her, spinning and sending a bullet point blank through his heart. The blade slid from the forehead with a sickening squelching sound, it was tarnished in blood and gooey matter. Sakura finished off the mutants around her and wiped her blade before tucking it into her belt. She extracted the empty clip from her gun, shoving another one into place and loading it. Sakura wandered upstairs and found an ammo shop, collecting handfuls of clips and putting them into her backpack for later. She ran out of the crumbling mall as fast as she could, afraid to get swamped again, or afraid what was left of it would collapse sometime soon. She made haste, disappearing into the shadows again as she searched out a place to hide, seek shelter, and get some food into her system, and if she could risk it, a decent hour of sleep.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Navy]Alright, this is it, the decisions have been made. The position of [B]Fire[/B] will be filled by [B]Aizen[/B]. And [B]JJ[/B] has told me his two choices as, [B]Ikillion[/B] for [B]Tornado[/B], and [B]Starwind[/B] for [B]Tundra[/B], since he was the only person that signed up for it. Thanks for signing up everyone, I'm sorry if you didn't get in but they were hard decisions to make. For those who got in, I'll try to get it up soon, so expect it within a few days, hopefully. I'll PM everyone when its up and running. [B]~Sakura[/B][/COLOR]
  7. [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry it took me a while, let me know if anything needs changing. I'll get around to the Bio as soon as I think of something good. [B]EDIT:[/B] Removed the creature creating, and did the Bio. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Taura [B]Age:[/B] 28 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img99.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tifa7lb.jpg]Here[/URL], her outfit consists of a body-hugging, navy blue tank top, with creamy-beige cargo pants, and heavy black boots. She always wears a bikini under her clothes in case she needs to swim, but if the need arises, she can swim with all her clothes, including her heavy boots and they don't hinder her progress very much. Taura's about 5'6" with a healthy tan, and she's well built from doing a lot of swimming and practising her martial arts. [B]Personality:[/B] Taura's a free spirit, she is calm, cool and collected like the calm lake, the bubbling stream or the flowing river unless it's a serious problem that arises. She has a bit of a split personality because sometimes she may be brash and aggresive like the angry waves of the sea, instead of calm, she's usually only like that around people she really doesn't like, her enemies, or during battle. Taura has a skill with interrogation, able to slowly coax information, like how the waves wear away the rocks that they slam against. In battle, Taura mainly fights in the middle ground, since she can fight physically by using the many disciplines of martial arts that she's learnt, but she also uses her control over water to help the fight. Her moves are always fluid, making her incredibly flexible and acrobatic. [B]Bio:[/B] Taura grew up in a tiny village on the coast, always constantly beside the water. She was an only child, and her parents were poor, being farmers, but since they were by the sea, the salt made their land infertile. One day, at the age of 8, she was sitting on a rock by the sea, her favourite spot to think when her parents came along, they looked incredibly sad. Taura stood and went to greet them when she saw a few men following them too. She asked what was happening and her parents told her they were selling her because they needed the money. The girl was cuffed quickly and held tightly by two men. The man that was dressed poshly handed a pouch of coins to her parents and the four went away, her parents watched sadly. Taura was brought up by the man, Mr. Atkinson. He told her the truth that he had been scrying for someone with powers, and he had found her. Instead of making her into a slave as she and her parents had thought, he taught her how to use her powers over water. Mr. Atkinson also taught her several disciplines of martial arts. She was provided school lessons at the same time and continued them until she was 18. As the time continued, her power over water became great, able to manipulate water in a large variety of ways with a large amount of power and force behind it, though her only problem was she wasn't able conjure water from no where, having to use sources around her. When Taura was 20, Mr. Atkinson went on a trip without her, and a few days after he left, it was reported that he had been killed by an evil woman. He had been more of a father to her than her own had, she swore that she'd get revenge, no matter what the cost. She decided to travel into the large city of Alsoto to see if she could get any information there before she started her hunt. [B]Skills/abilities:[/B] Taura's speciality is Water Manipulation, she is able to do practically anything with water except create it out of no where. If no water is present, she can even use her saliva and build on it until it's something deadly. She can manipulate it to however she wishes, and if she has a large source of water nearby, her attacks will be that much stronger. Often she creates weapons out of water and uses them. She's an excellent swimmer and she's learnt to hold her breath for long amounts of time, allowing her to stay under the surface for much longer than normal people. Her other speciality is in martial arts, knowing several discinplines and she's able to execute good combos to inflict a large amount of damage upon her opponents, her heavy boots help her when doing this since they cause more pain.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Navy]Sakura frowned, this place was way too strange for her liking, and she greatly disagreed with the Coalition, it wasn't the people's faults that they were born with abnormalties, so why should they be punished for it as if they had a choice in the matter? She was also worried about Kazuma, everyone was hoping that he'd be ok and that they'd find him safely. Sakura wondered how long it would take to find him, because the longer it took, the more chance that he could be attacked by enemies in his wounded state. Haruna was obviously stressed as she left the bridge, her eyebrows were knitted together thoughtfully. Zanto was standing around, so Sakura quickly said goodbye to him and made her way over to the maintanance crew. [B]"What's the damage report?"[/B] she questioned, standing in front of Savior. [B]"Pretty bad, the weapons have taken a lot of beating, as well as the outer armour. Some of the inside parts have been damaged by the force so we'll have to open it up and take a look. And the damage to the internal has affected your sync so you'll have to readjust it and maybe reprogram a few things. All in all, there's a lot of work to be done, and we need to try to get all three Mobile Suits up and running so you guys can defend."[/B] [B]"Alright, I'll help you out, then."[/B] she grinned brightly. The person in charge started assigning jobs to groups of people. Sakura was sent up into the cockpit to check what needed to be done and to find the major areas of damage. She slid into the seat easily and flicked a number of switches, turning on the Mobile Suit. She reached under the main control panel and pulled out a keyboard, setting it on her lap. Her fingers danced across the keys, her eyes scanning the screen as rows of words scrolled up the screen furiously. The main parts that had been damaged were the chest, right arm and left leg, and a number of programs needed to be redone and her sync was out, but she'd fix that after everything was completed. She popped her head outside and saw teams of people working on the outer armour, trying to take a large plate off to examine the inner damage. She reported the main areas of damage and the one in charge scribbled it down on his clipboard along with how much percent was damaged as she read from the screen. Sakura replaced the keyboard, turning the Savior's power off as she exited the cockpit, floating back to the ground to see what she could do. She was assigned to help fix the inside of Savior since she was the person that practically knew it inside out, and she was smaller than them and more graceful so she could reach places they couldn't with her hands. She floated up to them, seeing they had finally removed one of the large plates. One of the engineers was looking at the diagram of Savior. Sakura got up behind him and glanced at it before she went over to the hole, pulling the keyboard off the removed plate. She hovered in the air and looked at the screen which was also on the removed plate. In no time she isolated the inner workings which needed to be fixed and told the other maintanance crew, showing them on the diagram, they all scattered, searching for the right tools that were needed. She looked up at the towering, red Mech, she needed Savior fixed ASAP so she could help outside. The pilots were needed, but they were helpless until their Mobile Suits were operational, Sakura could at least use her knowledge and skill to hurry along the process by lending an extra pair of hands.[/COLOR]
  9. [quote name='Sandy][B]Sakura[/B'], I know I should've probably given more detailed instructions for this challenge, but I didn't honestly expect somebody to cling onto stuff revolving only around his or her character's own game. All that FF-stuff... As much as I love FF, it just didn't fit this challenge. This was all about using your own imagination and crossing borders between videogames, making a whole new adventure for the character... I now know I should've elaborated that more, but I was kind of disappointed at your writing. :/ Well, you have three-in-four chances on getting to the next challenge to rise back up! ;D[/quote] [COLOR=Navy]Yeah, that really was my fault, definitely not my best performance. During most of that challenge I was having a bit of writer's block and lack of inspiration. Anyways, congrats to Raiyuu.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Navy]Hey guys, sorry for the long wait, I'm still waiting on a few things. For now, I've made my decision about the Wind Sphere, and after deliberation, I chose [B]Kitty[/B]. [B]Lionheart[/B], if you wish you may apply for another position that's open. I don't want any more sign ups for [B]Fire[/B] thanks. I'm expecting someone to sign up, but they don't post it in 3 days, I'll choose from the people that have already signed up. For [B]Tornado[/B] and [B]Tundra[/B], I've allowed [B]JJ[/B] to choose who he wants for his team, so when he gets back to me then I'll post it up. I hope you guys keep interest until I finally start this thing up.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Navy]Taura felt something strange in the water as she swam, it was an animal, an otter swimming in the ocean, which was far from normal, but that animal then exited the water, re-entering as a dolphin. She grinned, there was only one person it could be. [B]"These are my waters, Dogarta, good to know you're awake, which means the others should be too."[/B] she said to herself, pretending the Titan of Beasts was with her. Taura wasn't tired at all as she popped her head above the surface of the water, she could see the shore of Spain from where she was and she sensed a few Titans that had already gathered there. She quickly made her way to the shore and climbed up to where she could sense the energies coming from. If people were to see her, they would think it was strange that her hair was damp, but the rest of her; clothes and body was completely dry as if she hadn't just emerged from the ocean. She felt one of the energies shoot away rapidly and saw a yellow spark go past, knowing immediately it was Rikudim, Titan of Electricity. As Taura rounded the corner she saw the other two Titans, Dogarta and Malchias. She beamed and ran up to them, the water dripped from her clothes. [B]"Hey! Dogarta, you were in my water earlier, weren't you?"[/B] Taura grinned and hugged the large man. [B]"I knew you'd find out about me."[/B] he chuckled. [B]"Well its hard to not notice an otter in the ocean, let alone an otter that suddenly changed into a dolphin."[/B] she laughed, turning to the other man. [B]"Malchias! I-I'm surprised to see you, I thought that you....Well it's great to see you again!"[/B] she hugged him tightly as well. [B]"So, are we waiting for the others?"[/B] [B]"Yeah, Rikudim's just gone to pick Grae up from the desert."[/B] Dogarta replied. She nodded and combed her fingers through her hair, fixing it up. Even though she always wore a bikini beneath her clothes, she could never be bothered to actually strip off her upper layer, instead she'd just make it so that water wouldn't cling to her. It was unnatural, but she did it a lot because of her laziness; she could swim normally through the water as if her clothes took in water but when she emerged she would be completely dry besides her hair. [B]"I guess we wait then, huh? I'll help in the ferrying across to Azores and I'll take off if anyone needs me to pick them up. Got news from anyone else yet?"[/B] [B]"No, not yet, but we'll continue to wait for the others, then we'll see who needs help to cross over."[/B] Malchias said. Taura nodded and sat down, crossing her legs as she waited patiently for the other Titans, she couldn't wait to see everyone, especially Isis who was close to her because of their similar elements, and Grae because of their strange friendship.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Navy]Yuna was prepared for anything for this last tunnel, she'd had the strangest experiences, but her jaw dropped as she shot out the other end. She looked at her environment and the first thought that came to her mind was, [B]"You've gotta be kidding me..."[/B] Right in the centre of the humongous bright yellow room was a familiar looking orb filled with water that was being held in by an invisible force, it was hung over a large pit as usual, with her standing on the middle level of the giant sphere. It looked like the challenge required a bit of Blitzball. Yuna's face immediately lit up when she saw the faces of her teammates. [B]"Rikku, Paine!"[/B] she yelled, running over, embracing her fellow Gullwings. [B]"Yunie! We're here to help! And we brought someone else along too."[/B] Rikku grinned. [B]"We can win this, Yuna."[/B] [B]"Tidus! This is great! We need to get this done fast though, I have to beat the other contestants."[/B] Yuna looked over at her opponents and frowned, out of all people, she didn't want to verse them. Keepa, Datto, and Botta, with Wakka standing in front of them. The Besaid Aurochs didn't look too happy about what they had to do either, but she knew they'd do their best to beat her out of pride and duty. Yuna turned to her team, and nodded, they all ran to the edge and jumped, slipping through the barrier and landing in water, expelling water from their lungs with ease. They watched as the Aurochs did the same. Yuna and Wakka swum to the centre where the ball would be released, they both wore grim expressions as they shook hands. [B]"I hope ya know that I won't go easy on ya, Yuna."[/B] Wakka explained. [B]"Of course, I'd be insulted if you didn't give your best."[/B] They released and Yuna crouched into position opposite Wakka, the horn sounded and the hatch sprung open, shooting the bumpy ball into the sphere. Yuna pushed off the ground as hard as she could, racing Wakka to get the first possession of the ball. She snatched it and started to swim toward the other end of the field, her grip on the bumps firm. Yuna turned her head and saw Tidus swimming along the other side, keeping an eye on her in case she needed help. Suddenly Wakka came up in front of her, stopping her path. Yuna narrowed her eyes and threw her weight forward, left leg outstretched. Her foot came in contact with Wakka's abdomen as she broke past him, continuing her swim. It took an amount of energy from her, and if someone stronger got in her way, she wasn't sure if she'd be able to break through. As soon as she finished that thought, Datto swam up quickly, and she could see Botta a short distance behind ready to her on if she broke past Datto. She hesitated and her eyes picked up on the movement of Datto shifting as he prepared to tackle her. Yuna saw Tidus was open and he nodded discretely. Yuna hurled the ball across the sphere pool as hard as she could to Tidus who grabbed it and swam to the goals where Keepa waited. Yuna braced herself and grunted as Datto came in contact with her body, since he'd already been moving when she passed the ball. Botta swam after Tidus as soon as he noticed the other man had gotten possession. Datto apologised quickly to Yuna before swimming off to chase Tidus as well. Yuna watched as Tidus grinned. He was in front of the goals, Datto, Botta and Keepa were all ready to defend against him, it was the perfect scenario for the Jecht Shot. She watched with a smile as Tidus kicked the ball, bouncing it off the three Aurochs before slamming it into the goal. The horn blared and the scoreboard above the sphere changed to show 1 to 0. The game was to go until one team got 5 points, and the Gullwings played frantically, Paine tried to protect Rikku as much as possible but the ball got past her and through Rikku. Finally, both teams were on 4, and they were all exhausted and there was 5 minutes left. Tidus used his energy to steal the ball off Wakka and made his way toward the goals again, Yuna was using long strokes to cover the same distance with less energy. Tidus passed the ball to Yuna who carried it the rest of the length. She used the rest of her magic to cast a Venom Shot on the ball, it glowed an evil green as she drop kicked it. Keepa stretched out his hands and his fingertips grazed the ball, poisoning him immediately, allowing the ball to sail through. The Gullwings cheered happily, they'd won at last. Both teams exited the sphere pool and flopped besides Yuna who took the bright yellow chest from Wakka who held it out to her with a large smile. [B]"Congrats, Yuna. You guys deserved it, ya?"[/B] [B]"Thanks, Wakka. Good to see the Auroch's still have it."[/B] she smirked, popping the lid, she prayed that this was the sphere she needed. Yuna hugged everyone and said goodbye because she knew the routine. Then with her fingers crossed she played the sphere. [B]"Sorry Yuna, not this one, but just wait until you get back to the tunnels."[/B] the perky voice chimed. [B]"Go get 'em, ya?" "Go Yuna!" "You can do it!"[/B] Yuna waved to them as she disappeared, she waited for the final pillar to rise and dropped the yellow sphere into the groove. Finally, what she'd been waiting for, a mystical pillar rose from the centre of the room, and sitting on it was a clear sphere which reflected many colours in the light. She played this fateful sphere, [B]"Congratulations, this is the treasure you've been looking for, time to go!"[/B] Yuna held it preciously in her palms and ran out of the dreadful tunnel room, back down the long hall with her arms outstretched just in case the invisible walls had returned. She reached the outside at last and she ran around the perimeter of the building until she saw Mog hovering in the air to aid the contestants in finding him. She sprinted towards him, hoping that she was first.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Navy]A marine biologist swam along, holding in his hand a camera that was encased by a waterproof barrier. A few more kicks of his flippers and he paused, focussing the camera on a stream of bubbles that suddenly appeared out of no where. Taura opened her eyes and a stream of bubbles was emitted from the corner of her mouth. Her hair was carried around her by the under currents, and her gave focussed on the shocked diver. Taura swam up beside him with the grace of a mermaid, he opened his mouth and screamed, but it was immediately swallowed by the water as he inhaled a lung full. She quickly wrapped an arm around his waist and swam to the surface, squeezing him around the abdominal area. Taura slapped him lightly on the back before he coughed out a lot of water, he fell limp in her arms and she swam to the boat nearby that she suspected was his. Another man on the boat took him from her, when he turned to thank her, she was gone. Taura had a frown on her face as she paddled through the water, the only reason she would be woken was if another great evil plagued the earth. But she did sense something was incredibly wrong. She called out to whatever marine creatures were in her immediate vacinity, watching them swirl around her in colours, sharks swam beside dolphins in peace, with the fish looking like colourful whirlwinds. The report of each was that the oceans and seas were becoming more dangerous again, with a worse danger than last time. Taura swiftly made her way back to shore, walking through Bondi Beach, soaking wet in full attire complete with heavy boots that sunk into the sand. Everyone stared at her as she walked past, she had a determined look on her face as she went to the Lifeguard tower. She felt a call, telling her to go somewhere, so she pulled an atlas from the shelf flicking through the pages with haste. Her fingers ran past a page before tracing back. Her index finger jabbed the spot where the islands of [I]Azores[/I] stood, off the coast of Portugal. That was where the instinct was telling her to go, and she would answer it. Taura ran out of the Lifeguard tower without a word and sprinted down the beach again, running into the water until she couldn't before she dived beneath the waves, the people on the beach watched her go with shock. She wondered if the other Titans had been awoken too, and if they were headed to the same location, she smiled at the thought of being reunited with them. She swam with strong, long strokes, covering large lengths, she wanted to get there soon, she knew that the fate of the world was resting on their shoulders.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] If anyone wants a lift off Taura (she'll ferry you across), just have her see you somewhere near a coast. After all, she [I]is[/I] swimming from Australia to Spain.
  14. [COLOR=Navy]Awww, poor White, I hate it when that happens because its happened to me too. Ack, tired, brain numb. That was a bit of a long and boring post but oh well. I wanted to pull away from Final Fantasy so I chose a different game for another task. In case anyone's wondering, that idea is the whole point of the game [B]Track Meet [/B] on Gameboy. It's really old but I was playing it yesterday so decided to use it, and that [I]is[/I] what Ricky's like, including the biting of the discus.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Navy]As Yuna travelled down the pipe she realised that the journey of this tunnel was longer than the other two she had already been through, it swerved sharply, sending her rocking around the walls crazily. She was finally ejected at the other end and she fell on her rear painfully. Yuna got up and rubbed the sore spot tenderly as she looked at her new surroundings, it was the largest room she'd come across, and she was surprised to see that it looked like an Olympic arena with green walls. Along the left wall there was a long running track, completely straight, along the right wall was an identical running track, except that there were hurdles positioned every few metres. There was a pole vault section in the middle. There were two doors on each end of the room as well; on the left wall one was labeled "Weight Lifting" and the other "Discus", along the right wall was "Javelin" and "Long Jump". Yuna looked startled when she saw a large, ogre of a man. He was larger than her, looked rough, and definitely heavier and stronger than her. He looked like a gorilla, with his back hunched, his hands flopped down with his knuckles brushing the ground, and a dumbstruck expression on his face. She walked over with a smile on her face, extending her hand. [B]"Hi there, I'm Yuna."[/B] she introduced politely. [B]"Me, Ricky."[/B] he said, showing his IQ level in that one sentence. He picked up his right hand from the ground and shook Yuna's hand. A man in a black and white striped shirt ran up to them, blowing sharply on his metal whistle. Yuna looked at him as he put his hands on his hips. [B]"Yuna vs. Ricky the Barbarian! First event, 100 metre sprint! Competitors please take your positions!"[/B] he yelled at them, blowing on his whistle again. Ricky groaned and walked over to the track on the left. Yuna followed him and watched as he stood in the outer lane, crouching down with his hands just behind the thick white line. Yuna copied him and set up her feet correctly, ready to launch herself off at the sound of the pistol. The referee checked that they were behind the line and stood to the side of the racetrack, he looked at the pocket watch hanging from a chain around his neck and held the starter pistol above his head. [B]"Ready? Set!"[/B] he pulled the trigger and pushed the button on the watch simultaeneously. Yuna and Ricky pushed off their feet, getting into a straight position. The two of them sprinted down the track, Ricky could surprisingly keep up as he swung his trunk like arms for momentum and his large legs making big strides. Yuna pressed forward, leaning forward and swinging her arms quickly, her breath coming out in even puffs. The finish line was a few metres away and Yuna crossed first, closely followed by Ricky. They heard another whistle as the referee hurried over, looking at his pocket watch. [B]"The first event goes to Yuna! With a time of 10.03 seconds! 5 points for Yuna!"[/B] he bellowed with another sharp call. [B]"Second event, 100 metre hurdles! Competitors, take your positions!"[/B] Yuna swiped her arm across her forehead, wiping away beads of sweat that had formed. She walked over to the right side where the second track was and positioned herself in the same way as she had during the sprint. The starter pistol went off and Yuna ran straight toward the first hurdle, Ricky was slightly behind her in the parallel lane. She prepared herself and pushed off, stretching out one leg and bending the other to her side. Yuna cleared it, but heard a thump a second later. She turned around and saw that Ricky hadn't made it over, instead he fell over it and was getting up, continuing the run. Yuna continued, making every hurdle perfectly except for one where she jumped too early and her leg collided with the barrier. But despite that she still made it to the finish line before her opponent. She realised that it was because he was too heavy that he couldn't throw his weight over the hurdles and instead just had to fall over them. [B]"Second event goes to Yuna with a time of 15.06 seconds! 5 more points for Yuna! Please head over to the pole vault!"[/B] Yuna grimaced and rubbed her ears, the yelling and whistling of the referee was hurting her ears. Soon the two competitors were standing in front of a line, each held a long pole higher than they were. Ricky went first and roared as he launched himself into the air and over the bar, flopping onto his back on the mat. He had a chance to take the next level for more points but he couldn't make it. When it was Yuna's turn, she easily made it over the first bar, and progressed until she was at the highest level which was 4.2 metres high. She took a deep breath and ran forward, pole stretched out horizontally. Yuna shoved the pole into the wedge shaped hole and pushed off as hard as she could, launching her body up completely vertically and over, lifting her legs so they didn't knock the bar. She fell the long distance until she felt the comforting surface of the landing mat. [B]"Third event, Yuna at a height of 4.2 metres! 20 points! Ricky gains 2 points for clearing the lowest bar!"[/B] the referee announced before leading them over to the room with the sign, "Discus". Ricky again went first, and Yuna looked at him strangely as he raised the metal disc to face level. He sniffed it and took a bite out of it, before spitting it out furiously, angry that it wasn't a cookie. Yuna gaped as she watched the disc with a chunk missing from it sailed through the air, before landing. The referee ran up and checked the distance, writing it down on his clipboard. Yuna stepped up and picked up the heavy disc. She stood in the centre and spun around twice, with her right arm outstretched, holding the discus. She released it with a yell and watched it fly, hoping it would beat Ricky's. She was disheartened when it fell 10 metres short of Ricky's. [B]"The fourth event goes to Ricky with a distance of 46.35 metres! 20 points! Yuna gets 10 points for getting over 10 metres!"[/B] They exited the room and entered the one next to it which was the "Weight Lifting" room. Ricky was grinning and chuckling as they entered, Yuna watched him strangely and wondered why. She soon knew as he breezed through each of the weight levels, finally lifting the heaviest weight proudly above his head. When it was Yuna's shot, she started at the smallest, lifting it quite easily, but after 3 more, she was getting tired and it was taking a lot of energy. She looked down at the heaviest weight and gulped, she knelt and heaved at it, grunting, she lifted it past her knees and tried to change her grip on it so she could lift it higher, but her arms gave out and she was forced to drop it. The referee signalled the end of the event with another blow of his whistle. [B]"The fifth event goes to Ricky, lifting the heaviest weight of 230 kilos! 20 points! Yuna gets 15 points for lifting all but the final weight!"[/B] The trio wandered over to the other side of the arena, entering the "Javelin" room. Against one wall were spear looking things, with a sand pit stretched across most of the room and a bit of track with a thick black line. Yuna watched Ricky as she ran across the track and hurled his javelin at the black line. It soared before crashing into the sand, making an indent with the point. The referee measured the distance and noted it, calling Yuna up for her shot. Yuna copied Ricky and threw the javelin as hard as she could, watching it crunch around the same area that Ricky did. She held her breath, wondering which of them would win. [B]"The sixth event is a tie! Each competitor gains 5 points!"[/B] Yuna gaped, they had gotten exactly even, that was an incredibly rare thing to happen in a sporting event. But she was glad that she got some points anyway. They were lead into the final room which was similar to the javelin room without the spears. Yuna went first and raced down the track as fast as she could, launching herself at the mat and swinging her body forward, making sure to fall forwards as she lost her balance. Ricky went next and tripped over the fat, face planting right next to the line. [B]"The seventh event goes to Yuna with 2.65 metres! Yuna gets 10 points!"[/B] Yuna was panting from the exhaustion of the sports, it had been a long time since she'd had so much exercise at once. The referee tallied up the scores and looked at them both. [B]"The winner of today's Track Meet is.........Yuna, with 70 points! Ricky the Barbarian comes in second with a score of 47 points! Congratulations!"[/B] The referee reached into his pocket and extracted a green sphere. Yuna knew what would happen as soon as she played the sphere, so she shook hands with Ricky and the referee before watching it. [B]"Wrong again, but don't give up!"[/B] Yuna sighed and looked at the two men as she was teleported away. Yuna wasn't surprised to find herself back in the tunnel room, placing the green sphere on the new pillar. There was only one tunnel left, and she hoped that the treasure she was looking for was in that one. She grabbed the fateful bar, and swung herself down into the final, yellow tunnel.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Navy]Bleh, running....low....on.....inspiration and imagination...... V_V;;; Well, only a few days left until the end of this challenge, huh? Hehe, I felt like making my post less boring so I put colours in it, real imaginative right? ^_^;;; Oh well, let's hurry and get this challenge done with already so we can see who gets into the Final 4! *is excited*[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Navy]Yuna slipped out of the tunnel and glanced around the room, ready for a surprise attack. Instead she found stable stalls lining the walls. One side had 5 yellow birds in them, with the other 4 stalls empty, and the other side had only one large stall. She was curious at what to do and her eyes landed on a sign pinned to the red wall. [I]"To get your sphere, you'll need to breed a [B]Golden Chocobo[/B], kupo. If you breed the right combinations you should have no problems, kupo. The starter chocobos you'll need are in the stalls, and the nuts are in piles to your right, kupo. Good luck!"[/I] Yuna started to sweat, it had been a number of years since she'd bred chocobos, and at that time they weren't coloured, they were just ranked. She looked to her right, and lo and behold, there were two "piles", one pile consisted of one nut, the other had three, there was a word written in front of each pile on the ground; Carob, and Zeio, Zeio being the pile with one nut. She walked down the path and looked at the yellow birds, on the door there were labels. [B]"Good Male; Good Female; Great Male; Great Female, Wonderful Male."[/B] Yuna read as she walked past, the other stalls were labelled too, with Green Chocobo, Blue Chocobo, Black Chocobo and Golden Chocobo. She was guessing that the colours were similar to the rank that they had in Spira so she opened the stalls of the [B][COLOR=Orange]Great Female[/COLOR][/B] and the [B][COLOR=Orange]Good Male[/COLOR][/B], leading them into the large stall. She ran back up and plucked a Carob nut from the pile and threw it into the stall, closing the door and walking away. She returned after a few minutes and smiled at the cute [B][COLOR=Green]Green[/COLOR][/B] chick that had been born. She returned the parents to their stalls and placed the green one into the stall marked Green Chocobo. She watched as the bird grew rapidly before her eyes, and he was soon an adult like his parents. Yuna just raised an eyebrow since the bird then stopped growing, and began strutting around his stall, head raised high, looking very proud of himself, Yuna raised an eyebrow at his attitude but shrugged, moving on. She scratched her chin, she was having trouble remembering what combination it was that she needed. She thought for another few minutes before grabbing the [B][COLOR=Orange]Great Male[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR=Orange]Good Female[/COLOR][/B]. She had a bit of trouble with the male as it refused to go with her, lashing out with his beak and claws, laying on scratches to her already battered body. Yuna swung up onto his back, holding onto the reins of the Female. She kicked the bird in the sides, steering them into the large stall. She dismounted and tossed the two of them a Carob nut as she fled from the stall as the Male charged at her. A number few minutes later she heard a soft [B]'kweh'[/B] and there was a small [B][COLOR=Blue]Blue[/COLOR][/B] chick. Yuna put her in the stall marked Blue Chocobo and just like the Green Chocobo, she sprouted immediately, becoming full sized, she was strangely the opposite of the green as she sat and tucked her head into her feathers. The male didn't put up a fight as she put him back into his stall, she grinned because he looked exhausted while the Female looked quite pleased with herself as she walked into her own stall. Yuna led the [B][COLOR=Green]Green[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR=Blue]Blue[/COLOR][/B] Chocobos into the large stall, throwing in the final Carob nut. In next to no time another chick had been born, the colour of [B][COLOR=Black]Soot[/COLOR]. [/B] Each of the coloured birds were put in their respective stalls and now there was only one last combination to do. The final unused [B][COLOR=Orange]Yellow[/COLOR][/B] bird was brought from his stall and placed with the newly grown [B][COLOR=Black]Black[/COLOR][/B] bird. The final and only Zeio nut was given to them and a new life sprouted, the bird's plummage shined a bright golden colour. Yuna let out a deep breath of relief, she remembered the combinations, she was lucky. When the [U][B][COLOR=Chocolate]Golden Chocobo[/COLOR][/B][/U] was put into her stall, she grew up like the others and a hatch in the wall opened, revealing an alcove where a red treasure chest sat. Yuna sighed and pulled open the lid, picking up the red sphere. [B]"Bad luck, this isn't the right sphere either. Keep at it and try again."[/B] the sphere chimed. Yuna growled but didn't have time to do anything as she was teleported out of the stables. She sighed as she looked at the familiar room that was the tunnel room. Another pillar rose up and Yuna set the red one down, there were two tunnels left, Green and Yellow. She wanted this challenge over with already. She ran at the Green tunnel and swung herself in, hoping there wasn't a hard task ahead of her.[/COLOR]
  18. [B]OOC:[/B] Done, let me know if anything needs to be altered. I may change the Bio if I can think of anything better. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Taura [B]Origin:[/B] Japan [B]Country:[/B] Australia [B]Element:[/B] Water [B]Powers:[/B] [I]Aquatic Abilities[/I] These abilities all help Taura in her relationship with Water, like being able to breathe underwater for as long as she wants, communicating with aquatic creatures, being able to swim much better than anyone else in the world, etc. Simple things like that to help her get around. [I]Tidal Control/Water Manipulation[/I] Taura can do anything she likes with water except create it from no where, but even if there isn't a supply of water, she can use her own saliva and make it into something big. In order to use these abilities all she needs is a single drop of water which isn't hard to find. There's practically nothing she can't do with her control over water. [B]Weapons:[/B] [URL=http://www.holy-statues.com/catalog/images/Dsc01296-trident-big.jpg]Trident[/URL]; but it's on a long staff and is made of silver. She can also make some weapons out of water if she needs to. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img99.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tifa7lb.jpg]Here[/URL], her outfit consists of a body-hugging, navy blue tank top, with creamy-beige cargo pants, and heavy black boots. She always wears a bikini under her clothes in case she needs to swim, but if the need arises, she can swim with all her clothes, including her heavy boots and they don't hinder her progress very much. [B]Personality:[/B] Taura's a free spirit, she is calm, cool and collected like the calm lake, the bubbling stream or the flowing river unless it's a serious problem that arises. She has a bit of a split personality because sometimes she may be brash and aggresive like the angry waves of the sea, instead of calm, she's usually only like that around people she really doesn't like, her enemies, or during battle. Taura has a skill with interrogation, able to slowly coax information, like how the waves wear away the rocks that they slam against. She enjoys company of others and thinks of the other Titans as her family, she can work well with the Titan of Ice because of their similar abilities which can be used in combination; she can also work with the Titan of Thunder to help his attacks by first dousing the opponent. She has a bit of trouble getting along with Fire at times, just because they're opposites, but when she's in her brash mood, they work together as well as partners. In battle, Taura mainly fights in the middle ground, since she can fight physically with the sharp prongs of her trident or by using the many disciplines of martial arts that she's learnt, but she also uses her control over water to help the fight. Her moves are always fluid, making her incredibly flexible and acrobatic. Taura loves Australia because the beaches are beautiful and she likes to spend a lot of time there when she's not watching over the people. She loves being social with her people and is usually found working as a Lifeguard on Bondi Beach in Sydney, enjoying the sunshine, the people and the water. [B]Biography:[/B] When Taura first appeared on the Earth, she lived in Japan, close to the coast where she spent a lot of time enjoying the feel of being surrounded by water. She knew that her powers lay with the liquid element because it was so natural to her, she was able to swim much better than any other, able to hold her breath for an unlimited time, and she just felt so at home with the creatures, being able to communicate with them. She practised her Tidal Control by sitting on the beaches and controlling the waves at first, then she continued on to practise utilising the water and pulling it from a source and using it as a vicious attack. Taura protected Japan from sea dragons and other marine monsters that tried to destroy the land. One day she heard a call to help defeat a great evil. She followed it by swimming and met up with the rest of the Titans, finally aware that there were others like her with special abilities. The group defeated the evil together and they felt closely bonded like a family, though some of the members didn't like the company. Together they all kept the world safe, until many years later, they felt that working in unison wasn't necessary and they all split up. Taura sought out a new land to keep guard over and found the lone continent of Australia, caring for the people and keeping evil at bay. With water everywhere for her to use, Taura had no problems in defending the country from demons and monsters that tried as they might to plague the land. Many years later he felt that Australia was at peace and she was no longer needed. She swam away, off the East Coast of Australia and dived deep beneath the water, curling up into a fetal position she went into a deep sleep until she was needed again, she was later told that the other Titans had also gone into resting when they felt everything was ok. She floated timelessly, to anyone that went around the area she was in, they would see nothing as she made herself not able to be seen. Taura waits patiently again for when the world is in trouble once again, then she will awaken and protect the people, as is her duty.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Navy]Could you explain the differences of Tidal Control and Aquatic Abilities to me? I may be thinking something different so I'd just like you to clear it up, I have two thoughts; one of which is that they're practically the same thing, and the other being what help is controlling the tide going to be when that's pretty much a subdivision of Aquatic Abilities? I dunno, I'm a little confused. After you answer me I'll finish my sign up. kthxbai[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Navy]Yuna bounced on the balls of her feet, moving smoothly, she tilted her neck to each side, popping the vertebrae. Her eyes followed them warily, she moved with them but soon they were hovering in a triangle formation with her in the centre. She was constantly turning, watching each for signs to show that they were about to attack. In unison, their beaks opened and a strong blast of flames burst forward, surrounding her. Yuna rolled out of the path of two Fira spells, but was hit in the back by the last one, her shirt burnt in a patch with the skin beneath blistering painfully. The woman hissed at the pain but grinded her teeth, accepting it. She turned, jumping up, hitting one of the Zuus with a roundhouse kick to the head. It fell from the air, crashing into one of the other bird monsters, they skidded along the floor. Yuna raced over and pounded on them swiftly, jumping out of the way as an Aera spell was delivered from the Zuu that remained in flight. She continued her assault, dodging the flurry of scratches from their sharp claws. She felt the heat of another Fira spell and rolled sideways off the tangle of birds, leaving them to take the heat. The two black birds flapped up into the air again weakly, suddenly they both beat their wings and a wing swirled around them, they were rejuvinated and ready to fight again. Yuna glared at them, she hated White Wind. [B]"Damn birds with healing powers."[/B] she growled. She looked around the room, she needed a weapon of some sort to be able to beat them. Yuna spotted some piping around the room and stood by a length, hoping her plan would work. The birds screeched, lining up horizontally and diving toward her. She moved out of the way and their sharp claws sliced through the piping like a hot knife through butter. Yuna picked up the longer piece and held it, it was cool in her hands, but more importantly, heavy, as a good melee weapon should be. [B]"Come and get me you oversized turkeys."[/B] she taunted. They swooped down past her, she dodged each, whacking them on the heads as they went past. They were crumpled on the floor and Yuna continually pounded them with the pipe and kicked them in combination, not giving them time to attack or heal themselves. When the damage was enough, they shimmered and disappeared, dissolving into pyreflies and flying away through the walls. Yuna waited for something else to happen, and she saw the hatch in the ceiling opening again. She prepared herself for more monsters but was surprised when she saw a blue treasure chest slowly float down to the floor. It settled quietly and Yuna looked at it. She wondered if what was in it was what she needed. She walked up to it and opened it, pulling out the blue sphere within. She was disappointed when she played the sphere, [B]"Sorry, this is the wrong sphere, it's not the treasure you're seeking. Keep searching. But this [I]will[/I] take you back to the central room."[/B] Before Yuna knew what was happening, she was back in the room with all the tunnels. A pillar rose from in front of the blue tunnel that she had gone down, there was indentation and she placed the blue sphere on it instinctively. As soon as it clicked into place, it glowed with an inner light. She still had her pipe surprisingly so she tucked it into the front of her belt for safety as she slipped into the next tunnel along, the Red hole, wondering what was waiting for her down below.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Navy]Whoo! I'm very happy with the sign ups, and I've made some decisions. [B]Blayze[/B], congrats, you've got the position of Magma Sphere, so no more sign ups for that thanks. [B]Ayokano[/B], congrats to you too, you get the Gaia Sphere. Well done both of you, your sign ups were great. Um, I don't want any more sign ups for the Wind Sphere please because I'm deciding on who to choose at the moment. For [B]Kitty[/B] and [B]Lionheart[/B] that signed up for Wind, I'm waiting for you guys to finish up before I make my decision. On Water, it was tough but I decided on [B]Revelation[/B]. LampLighter, I would love it if you signed up again differently, maybe Tundra if you don't want to adjust much. [B]Whattheflip:[/B] Yes, we get our weapons after we get our spheres. And if you would change it to only one sword, that'd be appreciated since I don't really want people to have multiples unless they're throwing items. [B]Lionheart:[/B] You've forgotten to add your weapon. [B]Ikillion[/B] and [B]Starwind[/B]: I don't think your weapons suit your elements so if you could change them to be more compatible, that'd be great, thanks. So I'm still making decisions, and we're still waiting for JJ's sign up. Once everything's been taken care of it'll be up in the Square, so hopefully everything will be wrapepd up soon. Thanks for taking interest everyone ^__^[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Navy]Depends what the twist is, but yeah, I think it needs one. I can't speak for the other contestants but I feel that this challenge is going slowly since the last few have been quite wide which take a lot of thought which takes more time. But yeah, my opinion is to throw something in, even though I feel like I'll regret saying that. I'll try to post tomorrow because I have to go to sleep now >.>[/COLOR]
  23. [B]OOC:[/B] Done! Let me know if anything needs changing. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Sakura Akatsuki [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Coordinator, Natural, or Newtype:[/B] Coordinator [B]Gundam:[/B] [URL=http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/seed-destiny/zgmf-x23s.jpg]Savior GUNDAM[/URL] [B]Bio:[/B] Sakura grew up in Orb with her parents and her fraternal twin brother, younger than her by 2 minutes. They lived peacefully and they watched the havoc of the Bloody Valentine War, not expecting it to reach Orb, but it did and they escaped to a neutral country for the rest of the time. When the War was over, her family returned home to Orb, finding death, devastation and ruins a plenty. Their house had been flattened, along with their father's workplace, which meant they needed new homes, and a new source of income. For a few weeks, the family lived on the streets with the other families who were lost, alone, or had no home like them. Their father finally got a new job and worked for a while before they had enough money to rent an apartment, eventually there was enough money to buy the apartment and they all lived together in the flat, Sakura and Daisuke shared a room while their mother and father had the other bedroom. When they were 17, Sakura and Daisuke decided to go out on their own, they had an ambition to become great mobile suit pilots, and the academy was in another city. Their parents gave them enough money to send them over and they knew they had to work hard to show their parents that it was worth it. The two of them enrolled and a year was paid for them courtesy of their parents but they immediately found part time work so they could save up for the next few years and whatever food and items they needed. Being coordinators, they picked up things fast and were soon ahead of the class. The two of them took part in whatever competitions they could; depending on if they had time away from studies, time away from work, and low fees for entrance. Whenever it was a team competition, they would always partner up because they knew each other so well being twins. When the Earth Alliance attacked everyone was rushed to the emergency ships, when there was only one space left on the final ship, she pushed her brother into the arms of the awaiting guard and sunk back into the crowd. She stood back and watched as the shuttle launched into the air, a minute after it did, an Earth Alliance sweeped past, blasting it to pieces. Sakura cried hard, she wasn't sure her parents were alive, if not, she was the only one left. Some Orb officers grabbed her and passed her to a car which transported her to the military base for safety. An officer took her further in to where the Archangel was. She looked at the ship in awe, it was famous and Daisuke and her dream was to be a pilot, part of the Archangel crew. She wandered around quickly, looking for the bridge. Instead she ended up in the hangar and saw the Savior GUNDAM being prepared for battle but all the technicians were complaining about the lack of pilot. Sakura ran up and begged them to let her pilot it, explaining that she was coordinator and had lots of experience piloting. They caved in, saying that there was no one else that could anyway. Sakura jumped in and launched, the neutral grey colour changing into a vibrant crimson, she would get revenge for the death of her brother, no matter what. [B]Personality:[/B] Sakura's a confident person and usually tries to find the positive side of things. To some people she may seem like a difficult person to get along with, but that's a personal opinion since she's open and lets other see her real self, allowing the person to choose whether they want to become friends with her. Sakura's temper can rise quite quickly if she's in a particularly bad mood and she won't be much of a person to talk to. If she's sleepy, her conversations usually slow down from the fatigue. Sakura is proud to say that she's a full fledged tomboy and doesn't like wearing skirts or dresses, but she can if forced to or if the need arises. As a friend, Sakura is loyal and trustworthy, able to keep secrets. She loves her friends and comrades and will go to unimaginable lengths to protect them. She's extremely skilled as a pilot but doesn't like to brag about her skills as a Coordinator, instead she prefers if people underestimate her so it will be more of a surprise when she beats them. People also make the mistake of thinking she's fragile and gentle, but really she's a great and honourable fighter, with an extreme knowledge of weapon usage, martial arts, and a deadly aim. Sakura has a strong hatred for the Earth Alliance because it was their fault that her brother was killed and she wants revenge. [B]Description:[/B] [URL=http://img99.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tifa7lb.jpg]Here[/URL].[/COLOR]
  24. [B]OOC:[/B] Ack, sorry for my late entry, been tired lately and I've been low on inspiration. Ummm....[B]Illusion's[/B] post kinda confused me so I kinda went around it. Because the Guardians of Darkness aren't around, right? And Mirichai and Wyatt are still at their base trying to figure out the spear, at least that's the impression I got from Blayze's note. Sorry about that, if I need to edit anything I'll get it done, but we'll see what happens. [COLOR=Navy]Mirichai sat with Wyatt at a table, the Twilight Spear was laid across it and they were currently looking through piles of books and sheets of paper for an idea of how to work the almighty weapon. There was a knock on the door, the two men looked up. They glanced at each other and said, [B]"Come in."[/B] at the same time. The door opened and Hyperion entered, walking in front of them, bowing. [B]"Mirichai, Abigor and Aldian just pried some information out of a Guardian of Darkness, they say that the Guardians of Light are sending a group to rendezvous with the Guardians of Darkness. Our guess is that they're planning to create a temporary alliance in order to stop us."[/B] Mirichai's second in command reported. Mirichai nodded, and directed his cool smile at Wyatt's frozen cheerful smile. [B]"Ambush."[/B] they uttered with a grin. Hyperion bowed and exited the room, going to alert the other traitors to prepare to stop the Guardians of Light. The two leaders returned to examining the spear. [B]"These markings are the key, but it seems that none of the books have a translator."[/B] Mirichai said, tracing the engravings in the shaft. Wyatt was playing with the sun pendant around his neck, as he flipped through a book, a thoughtful expression plastered on his face. Mirichai frowned, leafing through a bundle of papers in a large stack, trying to compare any of the diagrams to anything on the weapon. Mirichai pulled out a page from the stack, holding it against the spear, there was a character written on the paper which looked identical to one on the metal. He scanned the sheet, it was a character for "Destruction". He read it aloud to Wyatt and the smile returned. [B]"Good, now we have to find more information on the symbols."[/B] Wyatt said. The former guardian of Darkness ran a hand through his messy locks, tipping his chair back on two legs, extending his arms to pull another stack of papers from another table, he leaned forward, slapping the new pile in front of him. He stifled a yawn with his left hand as the fingers of his right hand ran through the papers, searching. Wyatt sighed, putting down another book into the large "Empty" pile, and pulled off another from the "Yet to Check" pile. He blinked, rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hand as he flipped past the cover and the contents page. They'd been at it for a long time, since they'd gotten possession of the powerful object, they'd even made an order not to be interrupted unless it was important, and only Hyperion and Wyatt's SiC were allowed to enter the room. Mirichai got out of his chair with a groan, stretching his long limbs and popping various parts of his body. When he was ready he walked over to a panel and typed quickly on the keyboard, his fingers dancing. The screen at the front of the room lit up, following the progress of the group of Traitors. He watched as they crept up, then sprang a surprise attack on the Guardians of Light. He sat down again and the two men watched their group fight. Abigor had of course decided to go for the strongest member, Seraph. Hyperion was doing well, he used his strong abilities of Darkness to weaken his opponents. Aldian was using his knowledge of the Guardians of Light's weakness to his advantage. He turned back to the research material messily spread around the room, they needed to figure out how to work it, and soon or else the two groups would be after their heads, then they'd return to fighting each other. [B]"C'mon Wyatt, we can do this."[/B] he said confidently, a cool smirk was on his face again. Wyatt smiled, nodding, he returned to scan books while Mirichai took care of the loose sheets, hoping it wouldn't take them too long.[/COLOR]
  25. [B]OOC:[/B] Wow, I'm surprised at how many sign ups I got in one night, thanks for the interest everyone, the sign ups seem to be going great. I'll leave the sign ups open for a few days for anyone else to join and for people to finish their forms. I'll try to make comments on people's sign ups in my next post. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Sakura Akatsuki [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img99.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tifa7lb.jpg]Here[/URL], her outfit consists of a body-hugging, navy blue tank top, with creamy-beige cargo pants, and heavy black boots. [B]Sphere:[/B] Light Sphere [B]Powers:[/B] Sakura's powers are far from great currently; with her powers over Light, she can blind others if she wishes with sharp bursts; she can create orbs which she can throw, causing a burning and blinding sensation to the target, or hold to shed light on an area. As a result of having power over Light she can see in any types of conditions as if it was a bright, clear day. For a short amount of time, Sakura can make herself invisible by bending the light around her body, but since it takes a lot of energy, she can't hold it for very long. When exhausted in battle, she can revitalise herself once since it takes up a lot of energy, however she'll eventually be able to use it multiple times. And she has slight healing powers, nothing major; she can heal cuts and scrapes, and help the scabbing of larger wounds. [B]Country:[/B] Japan (Tokyo) [B]Personality:[/B] Sakura's a confident person and always tries to find the positive side of things. To some people she may seem like a difficult person to get along with, but that's a personal opinion since she's open and lets other see her real self, allowing the person to choose whether they want to become friends with her. Sakura's temper can rise quite quickly if she's in a particularly bad mood and she won't be much of a person to talk to, if she's sleepy, her conversations usually slow down from the fatigue. As a friend, Sakura is loyal and trustworthy, able to keep secrets for friends if they just want to confess something to her without anyone else knowing. She loves her friends and family and will go to unimaginable lengths to protect them. She's a very caring and loving person, feeling the need to always protect everyone around her. [B]Weapon:[/B] [URL=http://img495.imageshack.us/img495/5866/rmsw03m6l7uf.jpg]Light Rapier[/URL], it glows with an inner light constantly. [B]Bio/Snippet:[/B] Sakura is the eldest of two, the second child is exactly 2 minutes and 30 seconds younger than her. Her twin brother, Daisuke looks very similar to Sakura, the main differences being their gender and hair style. The two of them were born into a middle class family, both of their parents work constantly, their father is an electrician, and their mother works as his secretary. They have quite a strong income since Tokyo's a technological city where things are constantly breaking. One of Sakura's best friends was always a boy named JJ, they'd first met in primary school and were always in the same class up to current. They started dating a year ago on the day of the blooming of Cherry blossoms in their favourite park. Daisuke was always a little overprotective of his big sister but he didn't have a problem with JJ since he'd known him as well as Sakura had. Sakura and JJ are yet to discover that they serve a higher purpose, and that perhaps they're not destined to be together as they thought, since Fate will soon pull them apart, changing both of them forever.[/COLOR]
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