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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [COLOR=Navy]There are two major elements in the universe, they are as conflicting as Black and White, but they are always together in a harmonious state, these elements are, of course; Light and Dark. Light rules over the day with its celestial body, the golden Sun proudly shedding light and warmth to all living things; and Darkness rules the night with the silver Moon gleaming, casting a silver glow to allow rest for the living things after a long day. But what if this harmony was disrupted and both of these enormous powers were suddenly placed into the hands of two chosen teenagers? And what if it was up to the teenagers to decide what the fate of the Earth would be? But along with those two teenagers that are destined to receive the powers of Light and Dark, there were eight others chosen, half of them were destined to be on the side of good, with the holder of Light, and the others had the same powers, only they were on the side of evil, accomplices to the holder of Darkness. The powers that were chosen for them were the other four major elements affecting the planet, the power of Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water. These eight teenagers were sent as helpers, to aid the keepers of Light and Darkness in their quest, but before any of them can start their quest, they must find the spheres that contain their powers, the chosen 10 are spread around the world, some together, some apart, in each of their cities are the spheres they need to find, but finding them won?t be easy in the large places they live in. Searching out the spheres is their first task, and when completed it, only then will the quest begin. [B]~*~[/B] Two teenagers strolled along the bustling streets of Tokyo calmly, they were a cute couple, the boy was a head taller than his female companion. The girl smiled at him cutely as their fingers intertwined, their palms resting against each other. They were headed to their favourite park; it was the place that JJ had asked Sakura to go out with him. They turned a corner and saw many people in the park, most of the grass was covered in a carpet of pink cherry blossoms, since yesterday had been the day of blooming. They chatted happily as they walked around families and other couples. Suddenly they froze; their eyes didn?t focus on anything as they received a vision of some kind. All Sakura could see was a white orb surrounded by black, suddenly the symbol of the sun glowed on the surface, before disappearing again. She blinked, seeing the park again. JJ was seeing the opposite, it was a black orb surrounded by white, and a silver crescent moon glowed in the centre, before fading away. The two looked at each other and smiled, acting like nothing had happened as they continued onwards. [B]~*~[/B] Alright, this the brand new [B]Elemental Spheres[/B]. There are two predecessors to this RP, and they never got completed so I decided to go for a new angle. I?ve been meaning to remake it for the looooongest time, but JJ finally got me to do it, and he helped me out for ideas. So, there are 10 spots available; [strike][COLOR=Black][B]~Light Sphere - Sakura[/B][/COLOR][/strike] [strike][COLOR=DarkGreen][B]~Earth Sphere - White[/B][/COLOR][/strike] [strike][B][COLOR=Red]~Fire Sphere - Aizen[/COLOR][/B][/strike] [strike][B][COLOR=Orange]~Wind Sphere - Kitty[/COLOR][/B][/strike] [strike][B][COLOR=Blue]~Water Sphere - Revelation[/COLOR][/B][/strike] [strike][COLOR=Black][B]+Dark Sphere - JJ[/B][/COLOR][/strike] [strike][COLOR=DarkGreen][B]+Gaia Sphere - Ayokano[/B][/COLOR][/strike] [strike][COLOR=Red][B]+Magma Sphere - Blayze[/B][/COLOR][/strike] [strike][COLOR=Orange][B]+Tornado Sphere - Ikillion[/B][/COLOR][/strike] [strike][COLOR=Blue][B]+Tundra Sphere - Starwind[/B][/COLOR][/strike] [COLOR=Red][B]Note:[/B][/COLOR] Remember that the corrupt spheres are the same as the normal spheres; they?re not any stronger they just have different names so they're easier to tell apart. [COLOR=Red][B]Note:[/B][/COLOR] The colours above aren't post colours, I've decided to let everyone use their preferences this time ^_~ Now for the sign up sheet: [B]Name:[/B] Please use your [B]REAL NAME[/B], unless you really don?t like it, then you can use your [B]USERNAME IF IT'S FITTING[/B], if not you can then use a [B]NICKNAME[/B], your surname can be made up. [B]Gender:[/B] Male/Female, stick with your own gender. [B]Age:[/B] Please use your [B]real age[/B], too. [B]Appearance:[/B] Images or detailed descriptions, both would be perfect. [B]Sphere:[/B] Choose from above [B]Powers:[/B] Nothing uber powerful, if I think it?s too strong I?ll tell you. Note, these are just your [B]starting powers[/B], so nothing big! [B]Country:[/B] Anywhere in the world, your choice, this is where you'll start the RP. I don't want everyone in the same place so please try to [B]spread out[/B]. [B]Personality:[/B] I want about [B]2 good paragraphs[/B] about how your character acts. [B]Weapon:[/B] Must be [B]related to your sphere[/B], if it doesn?t fit, I?ll tell you. [B]Bio/Snippet:[/B] Your choice, but it has to be good, at least [B]3 strong paragraphs[/B]. I think that?s it?..Keep watching this space because I may edit it if I remember something that I forgot to mention. I'll post my sign up after someone posts because I don't want to clutter this post any more. If anyone has any questions don?t be afraid to PM/IM/MSN me.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Navy]Yuna sighed as she pulled out the metal plates from her hip pouch, handing them over to Mog. She undid her guns and handed them over too, she felt so exposed, worse than in the last challenge since she'd had her magic at least. Yuna breathed out calmly as she was transported from the CPU, she was in front of a large building but she couldn't see any of the others around, she guessed that they had been transported to different parts of the enormous Chateau. She heard the signal and ran forward into the entrance hall, it was surprisingly empty and long, with a door at the very end. She set off at a run, she wanted to admire the beauty of the place but there wasn't any time. Yuna knew something was wrong as soon as she'd been running for a few minutes, but the door wasn't getting any closer. She wondered what was going on, was it an illusion? Yuna stopped, taking in a few deep breaths. She put her hand forward, her palm tingled as she felt an invisible wall. She frowned and brought the hand back, punching it. She heard a cracking sound, and the wall shattered into pieces, falling around her feet. She ran over them, her feet crunching pieces into powder, that running for nothing had taken up precious time. Now Yuna ran with a hand outstretched incase there were any more walls. After punching through two more walls, she arrived at the door finally. She pressed down on the delicate looking door handle, pushing forward. Yuna looked around the new room she was in, it was quite spacious, and along the wall were round holes with a pole across the very top, each big enough for her to fit through. Above each hole was a coloured arrow pointing down, indicating that she should choose a path. [I][B][Imagine Golden Saucer in FF7][/B][/I] Yuna picked the hole with a blue arrow above it which was the first from the left, she ran and grabbed the bar, swinging her body into the hole, hoping that she'd be ok at the other end. She slid all the way down the dark slide leaping out the other end. The walls were blue as she walked along, the room she was in was completely empty with no doors, but like the other rooms she had been in, it was huge. Yuna took a few steps toward the centre of the room, there was mechanical grinding sound and she looked up at the ceiling to see it parting in two, sliding away from each other to allow something to get through. Yuna swallowed and backed up to the door, her fists were up in a fighting position. Three [URL=http://ffonline.com/1_ff9en/zuu.jpg]Zuus[/URL] flew down screeching. They spotted Yuna and started to dive at her. She quickly rolled under them and got up, it was tough because these birds were tough, not to mention they were flying and have the ability to heal themselves. She could tell this was going to be a long challenge.[/COLOR]
  3. [B]OOC:[/B] Neat, it's up. [B]EDIT:[/B] Complete. Let me know if anything needs to be changed. [COLOR=Navy][B]Screenname/Nickname:[/B] Sakura [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img99.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tifa7lb.jpg]Here[/URL]. She wears a black tank top and black leather pants that don't cling tightly to her, with heavy black boots. She also wears black fingerless gloves with metal studs on the knuckles. [B]Personality:[/B] Sakura's a confident person and always tries to find the positive side of things. To some people she may seem like a difficult person to get along with, but that's a personal opinion since she's open and lets other see her real self, allowing the person to choose whether they want to become friends with her. Sakura's temper can rise quite quickly if she's in a particularly bad mood and she won't be much of a person to talk to, if she's sleepy, her conversations usually slow down from the fatigue. Sakura is proud to say that she's a full fledged tomboy and doesn't like wearing skirts or dresses, but she can if forced to. As a friend, Sakura is loyal and trustworthy, able to keep secrets for friends if they just want to confess something to her without anyone else knowing. She loves her friends and family and will go to unimaginable lengths to protect them. [B]Weapons:[/B] Sakura usually likes to carry a [URL=http://www.tichbourneknives.com/webpage_Kitchen_fillet_NBL.jpg]Kitchen Knife[/URL] that she found from someone's house, she can use it like a dagger and sometimes like a short sword. Her second weapon is a [URL=http://img426.imageshack.us/img426/4462/jericho6ic.jpg]Gun[/URL] that she takes with her everywhere, resting in a holster on her left hip. Her final weapon is her body, knowing a variety of martial arts and different fighting styles, using her heavy boots and studded gloves to deal more damage. [B]Writing Piece:[/B] A young woman stood at the end of a pier, the waves of the sea were dark and choppy, and the winds were blowing strongly, whipping her long honey coloured hair in every direction. She lifted a hand to her face and tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear, staring off into the sea. [B]"Where are you?"[/B] she whispered. Her amethyst eyes glazed as tears began to pool up. She missed him so much, what happened to him? She heard the purr of a car as it pulled up. The sound of a door slamming met her ears briefly, then the heavy, hurried footsteps as they ran along the wooden boards. [B]"Mistress, you shouldn?t be out here in this weather, they?re predicting a storm."[/B] a male voice said, coming up beside her. Faye pulled her gaze from the ocean, nodding to her bodyguard as they walked to the car. He opened the door for her before getting into the driver?s seat. She stared out the window as they drove along until she could no longer see the frothing waters that had snatched her lover that fateful day, a year ago. [I][B]'I know you?re still out there, I?ll find you.'[/B][/I] she promised silently. ~*~ A man was working shirtless; he groaned and rolled his shoulders, running a hand through his head full of red spikes. He put on a familiar grin and looked over his shoulder to the other men of this olden day village. They were working on making new roofs out of straw since it was getting hotter and the straw was old, making it a fire hazard. [B]"Chris, time for a break."[/B] a buff man called. Chris put down what he was working on, walking over to the group. He picked up a skin, removed the cork and poured water into his mouth, then onto his head to cool himself after spending the day in the sweltering sun. He shook his head vigorously, spraying water droplets everywhere. His eyes rolled up to the forget-me-not blue sky. The land he was in was dry, almost desert-like; the complete opposite of home where it was water was abundant. Not long after he had arrived, he had discovered he was in a completely separate world to his own; the universe he was currently staying in was called Terra; home, his own world was Earth. He had been found by the well, which happened to be away from the village. One of the women that had the chore of fetching water had spotted him and awakened him with water, before running back to the village, returning with a pair of strong men who carried him to Sola; where he?d been living since. At first he had tried to explain that he was from another world but the villagers had dismissed his words, saying he was feverish, but even though they said that, there was no explanation for how he ended up at the well since it was a very long way to the next village. Chris soon stopped trying to convince everyone he was from another world and he bonded with the members of Sola, he was accepted into the group of men easily and after a week of observing and resting, he joined them in whatever they were doing, and he caught on easily, but even after the long year, he still hadn?t forgotten where his true home was, and that was wherever Faye was. He brought a hand up and shielded his ice blue eyes, they contrasted greatly to the crimson hair, but he inherited them from his mother. Faye had always loved his eyes; she told him that they reminded her of a calm setting of a still lake and a clear sky. [I][B]'I?ll find a way back to you, Faye, keep faith.'[/B][/I] [B]"Come on; let?s get back to work, boys!"[/B] Roy, one of the larger men bellowed to the group. ~*~ Faye was rolling around in bed restlessly; she was having a nightmare of the day Chris disappeared. They had been sitting on the pier; it was their favourite place to go. Their legs dangled over the side as they talked animatedly. Before they knew it a freak storm had brewed and as they were making their way across the pier, a large wave crashed over, pushing Chris into the ocean. Faye had grabbed onto the pier and tried to reach him but a strong tide pulled him out, the heavy waves crashed about, pushing him under and he didn?t resurface. Faye had sent out patrols and whatever she could get but there was no luck, but a feeling deep inside knew that he was alive, somewhere, and they would be re-united. [I]6 months later[/I] Faye had snuck from the house again; she was back at the pier. It was the exact date of when Chris had disappeared. She peered over the edge and made her decision, she would find a way to Chris, or die trying. She dived into the water and swam to the bottom. She was running out of breath, and she couldn?t see anything. Faye closed her eyes, she knew this was the end. [I][B]'I'm sorry, I tried?'[/B][/I] She passed out underwater and her body floated limply, bubbles burst from her mouth. A vertical whirlpool appeared and she was pulled in. Faye groaned, opening her eyes. The first thing she noticed was that she was on land, and she wasn?t dead, or at least she didn?t think she was. She got up and immediately saw a well. She felt parched and scooped handfuls of water, swallowing it hastily. Faye wiped her mouth and followed a faint path. She burst out of the forest to see an old village. Faye was confused but her eyes widened as she spotted crimson spikes and familiar icy blue eyes. [B]"Chris!"[/B] He looked up and his eyes widened at the sight. They ran to each other and embraced, they were finally re-united, they hadn?t given up faith. [B]Notes:[/B] Ugh, sorry about the Writing Piece, I made it up as I went and got carried away as I do when I get a good idea. The ending's kinda abrupt because I reached 1000 words. I even had to go back and take out whole sections.[/COLOR]
  4. [B]OOC:[/B] This post is kinda dull and nothing much happens, but I wanted it to get active again. [COLOR=Navy]Sasuke folded his arms across his bare chest, watching the group of children scamper around the desk that Akira had replaced himself with. He smirked, he was learning. Shinobi have to know how to act in a situation where there's no time to think. He sent the boy into the kitchen to cook to give him a break from the monsters. Only after a few minutes passed did the children give up on the desk, deciding he wasn't hiding in it somewhere. They all saw Sasuke just looking at them. The ringleader did another war cry and threw his arm forward, his index finger pointed at Sasuke. The Jounin lifted an eyebrow and watched as the four children ran forward wildly. His eyes turned blood red, signalling the use of Sharingan. Making a number of katas he activated Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, filling the room with Sasuke copies, each having Sharingan eyes. [B]"Now children, you don't want to get punished do you?"[/B] the original Sasuke asked, standing in front of them. The little kids trembled, looking at all of them. They shook their heads furiously in fear. [B]"Good, because if you annoy me, I'll get angry, and if I get angry, I'll be more prone to punish you. Got it?"[/B] It was caring, but the children could hear the underlaying, threatening tone. To emphasise his point about getting angry, he and all the clones activated the Cursed Seal. He breathed as the black marks spread out from the original bite area at the nape of his neck, it crawled along his chest, across his face, down his back, arms and legs. It was a fearsome sight for the small kids, a large group of men, all having black markings covering their bodies with freakish red eyes to match. Sasuke pointed to the couch, [B]"Sit,"[/B] was the only syllable he said. They cried out and weaved through the Sasukes, sitting in a row on the couch from oldest to youngest. The man smirked and dispelled the clones, he made the Cursed Seal retreat until his pale skin could be seen again. The cool charcoal colour returned to his eyes and he walked in front of the couch, looking down at the small faces. He walked up to the end where the eldest sat, the leader of the attacks. He put his hand under the boy's chin and tilted the head up to meet his gaze. [B]"Name?"[/B] he asked quietly. [B]"S-Satoshi."[/B] he replied shyly, a tinge of fear evident in his voice. Sasuke nodded and moved down the line, the second child was girl by the name of [I][B]Arika[/B][/I]. The third child was also a girl; [b][i]Rio[/b][/i]. The fourth was [b][i]Takeo[/i][/b], another boy, followed by the twins with [b][i]Taisuke[/b][/i] being the elder by minutes, and [b][i]Riku[/b][/i] as the youngest in the family. Sasuke looked at his students as they entered the room, staring in awe at the quiet children sitting still on the plush couch. [B]"Ramen is ready, sensei."[/B] Munemura announced. Sasuke nodded and glanced at the kids, they jumped off the couch and ran into the kitchen. Cell 1 followed slowly and watched the kids eating silently. Akira asked him what he did to the children. Sasuke told him with a straight face that they just started listening to him, but he knew that Akira knew he was lying. He watched the children for a while longer before walking to the sink where his shirt and gloves had been drying. He touched the material and was satisfied even though they still had some moisture in them. He untied his forehead protector and placed it gently on the sink, pulling his navy blue shirt over his head, and pushing his arms through. He put the Konoha protector on again and pulled on his gloves, his outfit was complete again. Sasuke went back to watching the kids, wondering how long it would be before Mr and Mrs Habiki arrived home so they could leave.[/COLOR]
  5. [B]OOC:[/B] If no one minds, I'll take the position of Mirichai. [B]EDIT:[/B] Finished, I couldn't think of what to write for the snippet so I kinda re-did the opening. If you want me to do something differnet and more original tell me. And let me know if anything else needs editting. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Mirichai [B]Age:[/B] Looks to be in early to mid twenties. [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Race:[/B] Guardian [B]Position:[/B] Traitor, descendant of the original Traitor from the Guardians of Darkness. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/3827/guys527il.jpg]Here[/URL]. The only deliberate marking he has on his body is a tattoo of the moon on his right hand. Around his neck on a leather cord hangs a thick piece of silver carved into the shape of a crescent moon, and over the surface is engraved intricate designs. He never takes the pendant off, why? No one knows. [B]Personality:[/B] If someone had to describe Mirichai, they would say; cool, calm and collected at all times, always having a smirk or a cool smile on his face, even when in a dangerous situation. As a leader, he thinks that it's important to keep in control of everything and not to panic when trouble strikes. He's friendly and kind to all the members of the group, and mean and utterly ruthless to enemies. He wields his power like a cape and everyone respects him for what he's accomplished. He's a leader of the Traitors because he inherited the position through his ancestor Malachai who started the group. He was raised with the thought that the Traitors are just because they just want to stop the fighting. He truely believes that and is doing everything he can to finish what his ancestor started, which involved taking the Twilight Spear. [B]Weapons:[/B] He wields a large, heavy looking sword with great ease (from the pic), able to swing it with one hand without losing any power than when he wields it with two. To any others that try to use his sword, they feel that it is much too heavy for them to hold or lift let alone use well in a battle. He keeps it strapped across his back so it's easily accessed when he needs it. His other weapons are [URL=http://img426.imageshack.us/img426/4462/jericho6ic.jpg]Dual Guns[/URL] that sit in holsters on either side of his hips. [B]Powers:[/B] As one of the leaders of the Traitors, he's well adept in each speciality of powers mixed together in them. He can fight excellently hand to hand, having a wide knowledge of multiple forms of martial arts and other ways of fighting in unarmed combat. For his armed combat, he simply uses the three weapons he carries, which is more than enough most of the time, but he's well taught and can use most weapons in existence excellently. For his magical arts, he's well rounded and uses the magic he has for offensive and defensive, being able to control Fire, Ice, Light and Darkness wonderfully in a good balance. Each of the magics can create shields, hide things from sight, cover things in protective barriers and also summon different kinds of large, powerful attacks. Light is the most special of the four elements he controls because he has the ability to heal with it. He loves being a Traitor, since unlike the Guardians of Light and Darkness, he doesn't have the weakness that comes with the power; he can see sharply in both light and darkness without any trouble, and he has sharp hearing and a good sense of smell. [B]Character Snippet:[/B] Mirichai's eyes scanned the dark easily seeing the figure he was expecting, it was late at night, in the very early hours of the morning before sunrise. The man unshielded himself using the darkness and stepped forward, greeting his accomplice. It was raining heavily, making his bangs stick to his forehead, the droplets rolled off his leather clothes rather easily, only soaking his white shirt. [B]"I can't stand the night. There's no light. It's...unnatural..."[/B] the man said, sparking a flame from the lighter in his pocket. Mirichai wondered how he kept the flame alive around the heavy rain but he guessed he was helping it with his powers over fire and light. [B]"I love the night. The Darkness...it covers things...And if the Day lasted forever...then the world would burn."[/B] Mirichai replied to the comment, staring up at the dark sky speckled with stars. [B]"But if the Night lasted forever...the world would shrivel and die."[/B] The two of them laughed before confirming that this was the spot, the Guardian of Darkness was satisfied with Wyatt's answer and crashed through the pavement, creating a manhole down to the sewers. Mirichai smirked as the Guardian of Light compared about the chamber being hidden in the sewers, he did think it was a bit cliché but entered after the other man jumped through. He landed as gently as he could, but still splashed up some of the dirty water. He looked at it with disgust but followed Wyatt and his lighter, even though he didn't need it to see in the darkness. Wyatt walked past a wall and Mirichai tapped his shoulder, indicating a wall that had a strange emblem on it which looked like a Ying Yang sign made of the sun and moon. The other man nodded and stood to his left, the two of them rested their palms against the cool concrete wall side by side, touching the parts of the emblem that were respective to the tattoos that stood out on their hands. The halves glowed and the wall fell away from their hands. The two men stepped into the dry chamber and walked over to the pedestal that held the sacred weapon that they had been searching for, the key to stopping the feud between Light and Darkness. Wyatt picked the spear up and held it tightly as if it would disappear on him. [B]"Come on, let's get out of here in case anyone finds out we got it."[/B] Mirichai suggested, resting a hand on the man's shoulder. He looked up and nodded, the two ran out out of the chamber and back the way they came, sloshing water about everywhere. Wyatt was holding the spear with two hands, he could use it as a weapon in case anyone interfered. They sprung out of the hole and hurried away from the area, sneaking in the shadows. Mirichai was looking around carefully, he was sure that it wouldn't take long for the leaders of the Guardians of Light and Darkness to figure out that something was wrong. Wyatt and Mirichai entered a secret area that was covered and Mirichai formed a globe of light so they could see. They took a good look at the newly acquired weapon together. They ran their hands over it, mentally checking against notes they had read to make sure it wasn't a fake. [B]"Looks like its the real thing."[/B] Wyatt said quietly. Mirichai nodded, [B]"We have to keep it safe at all costs, its our only hope."[/B] He closed his fingers around the glowing ball in his hand, extinguishing the light as they headed off again, the rain had slowed to a gentle drizzle as dawn slowly started to peak over the horizon. [B]Notes/Other:[/B] anything else you wish to add[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Navy]Meiko wasn't pleased about the mission that Cell 2 had been given, she was sure their skills could be put to better use than dog-sitting. But she soon lost that thought, a mission was a mission, and nothing changed that fact, even if it was a useless D Rank. She truly believed that she was more mature than the three male members of the Cell, including Naruto-sensei so that meant she had to keep calm, collected, and go through with the task. However, when she saw Poochie, her eye twitched as a dirty rug ran around the house, the only way she knew which end had the head was by the direction it was running in. Mr Oyichi left in a hurry, blowing out the door, shoving a piece of crumpled paper into their sensei's hand on his way out. It wasn't long before the first problem with the dog came. Dear Poochie released the contents of his bowels all over the front of Hart. Meiko quickly ran to the kitchen for paper towelling to clean up the mess, but her search was futile, she moved on through the house before she pulled a long chain from the roll in the toilet, rushing back to the living room. Keiji was watching the dog run around on the ground, continuing his trail of mess. Hart cleaned up his front, while the other two Genin mopped up the floor. Poochie yipped and latched onto the leg of the Jounin who started to crazily wave his leg, trying to dislodge the mop with sharp teeth. Meiko tried to calm him down quickly, not wanting him to kill their charge, if they did Hokage-sama and Mr Oyichi would be very, very, [I]very[/I] upset at them. Mei gently pried the jaws apart and cradled him carefully in her arms were he made a sound similar to a purr before promptly falling asleep. She scratched him behind the ears and looked to Naruto-sensei to answer Keiji's question of what they had to do. [B]"Well...the first task is to give him a bath."[/B] Naruto relayed, consulting the piece of paper he had jammed into his pocket. Meiko frowned, looking down at the tangle of matted fur that snored softly in her hands, she shifted his weight to one arm and ran her fingers through his thick coat, it snagged constantly that if she tugged any harder, it would wake the pet. [B]"Let's do that then. Keiji, can you fill the bath tub with warm water? Hart, go see if you can find some dog shampoo and a comb. Naruto-sensei....erm....why don't you search for some food for Poochie."[/B] Mei designated tasks and the three males nodded, going off. Meiko slowly walked to the bathroom, bouncing the dog up and down, speaking quietly to try and wake it. Poochie whined and his head lifted. [B]"Shh, it's ok, we're just gonna take a bath."[/B] she told him soothingly. Poochie wiggled a little but Meiko continued to calm him as they entered. The girl sat herself down on the mat and dipped a hand in to test the water. She nodded and placed the dog in carefully, not wanting to do it suddenly. She began to scoop water onto the fur, wetting him. Hart entered holding a comb with wide teeth. [B]"I found a comb but no dog shampoo."[/B] he reported. [B]"Alright, you two take care of Poochie, I'll take a search around and see what I find."[/B] Meiko said as she shook her hand free of water, brushing it against her pants as she stood. She hummed to herself as she wandered around the rooms, opening cupboards and drawers. She went outside to a storage area and found an old bottle that looked like it hadn't been used in quite a while. She rubbed the grime off the label and smiled triumphantly as 'Doggy Shampoo' glared back. She brought the bottle back into the bathroom, her eyes widened as she saw a mess. The boys were all wet and Poochie was jumping around in the bath tub, splashing water everywhere, evading the grabbing hands that tried to still him. Poochie was barking loudly, growling and biting at the hands that got near him. [B]"Stop!"[/B] she yelled. They stopped moving and looked at her. She smirked at the boys who were effectively drenched, and shook her head. [B]"I leave you alone for about 5 minutes and this happens."[/B] she sighed. [B]"Go change or something, I think I can take care of it."[/B] The two boys looked a little embarrassed as they exited, their clothes clinging to their bodies. Meiko smiled reassuringly to them and placed the bottle next to the sink. She pulled the mop from behind the door and cleaned up all the water. When she was done, she knelt beside the tub again. [B]"Sorry it took so long. Now let's give you a bath."[/B] She wet his fur again and popped the cap of the shampoo bottle, she squeezed a dollop of it into her palm and rubbed it into the coat, creating a thick lather. She worked it through and used a bit more before setting the bottle aside. Meiko picked up the comb and ran it through, working out the tangles and thick knots. When she was satisfied she'd gotten all the mess and knots out, she scooped water onto him, washing away the shampoo. As she went through the process, Poochie made it a little hard by moving around and barking angrily at her if she pulled particularly hard at a tough tangle. Meiko finally pulled the plug from the tub, wiping her forearm across her forehead. Poochie shook himself vigorously, sending water droplets flying everywhere. She used a towel as a shield and waited until he stopped before rubbing him down with a towel, drying the fur thoroughly. Mei combed through again and picked him up, smelling him, he smelled clean, and she was happy. She walked to where the others were and they all looked at the dog, he looked so different now that he was clean. His fur was whiter, and you could see his eyes from beneath the heavy bangs. Meiko smiled and scratched him behind his ears before setting him down. Naruto-sensei stooped and placed a dog bowl on the ground full of chunky dog food. [B]"Good job, Meiko."[/B] Naruto complimented. [B]"Thanks."[/B] she smiled, pleased with her job, strange as it sounded, it seemed that Poochie was only comfortable if she was around. [B]"What's next on the 'To Do' list?"[/B][/COLOR]
  7. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Sasuke read the scroll and felt the muscle in his left cheek twitch. He took a deep breath and accepted the mission as was a Jounin's duty, and he nodded to the Hokage before they left, steering the three disappointed students out of the building. The four of them swiftly made it to the Habiki household and knocked on the door. Sasuke was shocked to see the disheveled look of Mr Habiki before his face lit up at the knowledge of who they were. The man and his wife rushed from the house in a flurry, depositing two infants into Sasuke's arms as he stared in confusement. The four of them stood and stared before the infants began squirming in Sasuke's grip, he remembered they were on a mission and walked through across the threshold. He shifted the children in his arms and looked at the group on the couch. Sasuke was considering what to say to them, since he didn't do well with children when Akira spoke. [B]"Hello! I'm Kenta Akira, what's your name?"[/B] he said, smiling widely. Sasuke smirked, he reminded him of Naruto at that moment. One of the boys stood, emitting a warcry and pouncing onto Sasuke's student. His siblings took a second to register the situation before joining the fray. The teacher watched for a while before turning to head to the kitchen. [B]"Should we help him?"[/B] [B]"Why? It's better for them to attack him, then them attack all of us."[/B] he replied easily, walking into the other room. Not too long later, Nari joined him as he'd started changing the diaper of one of them. Sasuke twitched, he couldn't believe his mission was to babysit a group of children, this mission was worse than all the D Ranks he had gotten as a Genin. It took him a while before he got Nari to change the diaper, being upset by seeing the little boy's........genitalia. Sasuke was paying more attention to the sounds from the other room, just in case he was needed, he was incredibly surprised when his upper torso was soaked in a golden liquid. His eye was constantly twitching and a vein pulsed on his forehead. He'd taken his hand away from Nari's eyes and she finished doing up the diaper, staring at her teacher. [B]"...Sasuke-sensei?..."[/B] she asked timidly. He clenched his fists and took a number of deep breaths, calming himself so he didn't get upset at the children. When he felt calm enough, he walked over to the sink. The man pulled off his navy blue shirt which he had a large number of, and peeled off the metal plated gloves. The muscles on his torso rippled as he moved, wringing the liquid from his shirt. He turned on the tap and soaked the material and wrung it. He repeated it several times before he was satisfied, spreading it out over the sink to dry, then he washed his gloves and lay them beside the shirt. His arms came up and he tightened the forehead protector, twisting his neck, popping the vertebrae. Sasuke turned around to look at Nari, she was still holding onto the little boy and had a blush on her face. Sasuke raised an eyebrow but walked over to the cupboards, searching through them for some baby food. He returned with some jars, twisting off the lids and getting spoons. He tapped Nari on the shoulder because she wasn't paying attention, she jumped and looked at him but her eyes followed down his chest to his 8-pack, she blushed and looked away again. Sasuke smirked and rolled his eyes passing her one of the jars. They started feeding the boys until Sasuke felt the chakra level of Akira rise rapidly. He quickly put the jar down and ran to the other room, calling to Nari to take care of the infants. Sasuke activated Sharingan and started to form the katas of a juken, halting when he saw that Akira had activated a stopping ninjutsu, freezing the children. He crawled away from the monsters and panted, staring at them. [B]"Akira...who've you been watching?"[/B] Sasuke asked, knowing he would have picked it up from someone. [B]"I-I don't know."[/B] he answered honestly. [B]"I got annoyed at them pulling my hair and I don't know, they just became like that."[/B] Sasuke sighed and lectured him about keeping calm with the children, which was when they asked why he wasn't wearing his shirt. He explained the situation and told him that he had kept calm too. Akira understood and Sasuke swiftly activated a number of katas, using Kai to cancel the freezing jutsu. Sasuke watched Akira and told Munemura to help Nari in the kitchen while he helped Akira with the larger group of children. The boy nodded and walked into the other room, the man turned to the demons that had started to chase his non-user student and sighed, it would be a looooong day ahead of them.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  8. [COLOR=Navy]Awesomeness. I've been following this story since you re-started it so I decided to finally comment ^__^ I love it, it's so descriptive that it tells you everything without getting boring. Although it is a little scary how well you can describe the scenes >.> I think one of my favourite parts was the section by the murderer all the way back in Part 4, it was great, especially the last line. I'm suspecting someone but I think it's wrong so I shall wait and see. I'm enjoying the tension between ULX and Ezekiel because it's a bit of humour in an otherwise serious story. But yeah, that last chapter made me think of House. I can't wait until you reveal what happened between them, if you do. Anyways, keep going, I can't wait to read the next installment.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Navy]Yay! I'm finally posting a comment in this thread, be happy ^__^ I've been keeping up to date with each Chapter and I love this one, I really liked the humour expressed, the whole thing with RiflesAtRecess and ULX, Arcadia trying to scare Annie and Mimmi, and the thing about the paper Firewall was great! Aww, and I loved the widdle bunny lookin' n00b, it sounds so cute. And yay! I get to work with Revelation! But yeah, it's going great so far, I can't wait for more.[/COLOR]
  10. Sasuke nodded as Akira finished his introduction, each of them were unique with different personalities and varied specialities. But something bothered him, and his gaze landed on the Hyuuga girl, Nari. She seemed nervous, bothered and like she was holding something back. The three genin were all watching him, seeing what they were going to be doing next. He sensed Nari carefully and felt a difference of energy from someone that had the Byakugan. He frowned thoughtfully, it so far appeared that she somehow hadn't inherited the Byakugan like usual Hyuugas. He blinked and his eyes were coated in red, he nodded as he looked at her, he could now definitely tell that she didn't have the ability. The genin were staring now, his red gaze was so intense. Black flooded into his eyes again and he nodded. [B]"I'm sorry for my mistake, Nari."[/B] Sasuke told her. The girl turned her head away and looked at the ground, she was obviously embarrassed that he now knew. Sasuke sighed, it wasn't anything to be ashamed of if you didn't inherit a bloodline, it was just a chance to further prove yourself to your clan, that you're as good as any of the others that [I]do[/I] have the advanced bloodline. [B]"Tell us, Nari. What is your speciality?"[/B] [B]"My speciality is jukens mixed with taijutsu in a combination."[/B] [B]"Good. Now, since we're all in a cell together, I want you to work as a team, because nothing can be accomplished if you're all working against each other even though it's still toward the same goal. I learnt that lesson well when I started out as a genin, and so will you."[/B] Sasuke reflected. [B]"Sometimes I will train with each of you individually so I can specifically help you to get better in your specialities. If it seems like I'm spending a lot of time with one student, I am not favouring them, it may be because they need more help. But if you ever need me then you can come to me straight away at any time, unless I'm with the Hokage. If you work with me, I'll help you, but you have to be willing to learn. Now, are there any questions you want to know about anything?"[/B] There was silence for a while before Akira raised his hand. Sasuke nodded. [B]"Do you have Mangekyou Sharingan?"[/B] Akira questioned because Sasuke was the final User, and the only person left in the world that could have access to the final ability of Sharingan. If possible, Sasuke's eyes darkened at the question. He remained quiet for a few seconds before answering. [B]"No, I don't. Do you know what you have to do to be able to get to that stage?"[/B] The three students remained quiet, they didn't know. Sasuke considered not telling them, but thought it was part of their learning. [B]"In order to get Mangekyou Sharingan, first you must be a natural user, second, you have to have full Sharingan, and third, you have to kill your best friend."[/B] he told them. [B]"I've killed my brother, but I hated him, if I was close with him like before, that would have served to set Mangekyou. So in order to get Mangekyou Sharingan...I would have to kill Naruto."[/B] Unconsciously Sasuke lifted his hand to the nape of his neck, rubbing the Cursed Seal that sat there. He had almost killed Naruto on several occassions, but he was in control now, he didn't want that shocking power, he could do perfectly well without it. [B]"Any other questions?"[/B]
  11. [COLOR=Navy]Yuna entered the arena, her guns had been taken from her, along with the spheres that used guns or projectiles. She wasn't really left with a lot was what she noticed. She glanced across at the other door and saw a Chinese woman with her hair wrapped in buns walk through wearing a blue outfit and spiked bracelets around her wrists. Yuna and Chun-Li approached the centre. The Chinese woman gently put her right fist into her left hand as if punching it. The slender fingers of her left hand enclosed the fist in a soft carress. She pushed it out away from her body, bowing her head. Yuna nodded and copied the action smoothly. They both straightened and heard a voice boom around the stadium. [B]"FIGHT! Kupo."[/B] Mog called. Chun-Li leapt forward immediately, her right leg was outstretched, whirling around in a flurry which would be dangerous if she was hit. Yuna evaded the attacks, but she couldn't get close because of her leg. She came up with an idea and flipped over the top of her to try to attack her unprotected spot. The plan backfired as Chun-Li stopped kicking and outstretched her arms, before Yuna knew it, the Chinese woman was surrounded by a large sphere of energy which served as a damaging shield. Yuna was blown away and she slammed into the nearby wall. Yuna groaned and got up, quickly dodging a powerful punch from Chun-Li. She wanted to change spheres but she didn't have enough time at the moment. Yuna performed a series of backflips as her opponent wildly attacked. She was trying to find her weak point where she was vulnerable, but it seemed like she had all areas well protected especially since she had that shield. Yuna was surprised when she was attacked by small fireballs, she jumped them and pulled out her spheregrids quickly, not caring what path she was taking as the white light surrounded her. She felt the weight of large daggers form in her hands as she spun them naturally, Yuna had made a nice change to Thief. She rushed Chun-Li, stabbing at her. The Chinese woman dodged and blocked the heavy kick placed. The shield went up again and Yuna hefted one of her daggers, lancing it at the barrier, it bounced off and the shield went down since it was attacked. Yuna was ready and landed a number of blows, as well as accepting many from her Lightning kick. Chun-Li flipped onto her hands and spiralled her legs in the air, she quickly made her way toward Yuna, aiming to hook her legs around her neck or to attack her, one leg outstretched and crashed down on her collarbone. Yuna cried out in pain and gripped at the injured spot with her hand. She flipped backwards and decided she needed another change. She activated the last trail on the grid and reappeared in her Berserker outfit, one of her most useful. She moved up close to Chun-Li in absolutely no time and dodged the flurry of limbs, punching her heavily in the abdomen, she gasped sharply and rose into the air. Yuna shoved over and over, pushing Chun-Li backwards as she gained her bearings, trying to block the oncoming attacks. Chun-Li lashed out with a kick and Yuna jumped backwards swiftly in time. The girl swiftly put up a shield and tried to catch her breath for the short time she'd be protected. Yuna growled as she paced, waiting for the barrier to wear down. The woman clothed in blue silk crouched, ready to spring as she knew that her protection would soon disappear. The glowing sphere evaporated and Chun-Li faked, jumping only a bit off the ground, touching down as Yuna shot up. She realised her mistake too late as she felt the strength of a leg come in contact with her side, sending her flying to crunch into the wall. Due to the adrenaline flowing through her body from the dress sphere, she got up quickly and was ready and rearing to go, ignoring the pain her body felt. They were both tired, Chun-Li more than Yuna since she didn't have the advantage of having a costume that made her full of energy. The two women charged at each other, Chun-Li gripped her arm and flipped her over her hip swiftly, crashing her into the ground aggresively before backflipping gracefully. Yuna leapt into the air and soared toward her opponent, Chun-Li crouched down, leaping up her right leg was extended and blazing came up and nailed her in the abdomen since she couldn't move in time, being airborne, then her left leg came down on her back. Yuna grunted and plummeted to the ground with help from the hefty kick to her spine. Yuna got fed up and pressed the secret button that appeared, changing into her special dress sphere, Floral Fallal. The first thing she noticed was the pain and fatigue that plagued her body, then she was surrounded by large petals that waved as if a wind was blowing them as she rose up, levitating in the air. [B]"Great Whirl!"[/B] Yuna called, flourishing with her right hand. An transparent, yet visible wave emitted from her, encompassing the field. She recognised that Chun-Li had put up her shield again, but she kept the magic flowing, knowing hers would last longer than the shield, then the Chinese beauty would have no protection. Yuna held it for a few seconds longer before releasing. She saw a battered Chun-Li lying on the ground and she was starting to slowly fade away. The girl looked up and smiled weakly. [B]"You're a great contestant. Good luck."[/B] she said just before she fully disappeared. Yuna fell from the air, hitting the ground from exhaustion. She changed back to Gunner and limped her way out of the arena.[/COLOR]
  12. Sasuke sat up in the field as he noticed the time, it would soon be time to get to the Academy. He stood and made his way back to the main part of Konoha, moving swiftly through the streets before he stood outside the building where he would meet the three members of his cell. He entered and saw that none of the others were there yet. It didn't take long for the rest of the Jounin to arrive, Naruto was one of the last, and he was carressing a Cup Ramen that Sasuke assumed was from his precious stash. He rolled his eyes and pulled out a scroll from his pouch, looking at the names carefully. Naruto, being the exuberant man he is bounded through the door and pulled out his students, walking away with them with a goofy grin plastered on his face, he was extrememly proud that he finally got control of a cell. Sasuke pushed Sho through next and smirked at the faces of his students. The girl and one of the boys obviously didn't get along, the other was quite cheerful as they followed Sho out the door. Sasuke finally stepped into the room and his eyes glanced around quickly. The room had fallen silent as all the students stared at him. He put the scroll away. [B]"Kenta Akira. Hyuuga Nariko. Ii Munemura."[/B] Sasuke said loudly. The two boys and girl got out of their seats and came to stand before him. He glanced them over again and nodded to Ino before he walked out of the class with them following quickly. He brought them to a secluded forest like area where there were two logs, with one longer than the other. Sasuke waved his hand at the longer one, and the three students sat as he moved over positioning himself on the one a few metres away. Sasuke focussed on each carefully at a time, the one that interested him was the elusive boy that never looked at him, his eyes were looking down or away. He was the first name he called out, with spiky sable coloured hair. [B]"Kenta Akira, look at me."[/B] he said in a demanding tone. The boy lifted his gaze, unwaveringly looking into his eyes. Sasuke smirked, he was a non-User, the red colour was permanent in his eyes because they had been implanted. He noticed that there were only 2 dots, so he wasn't at full potential, yet it was quite good for him to already have 2 at an early stage. Sasuke wondered if he thought it would be easy to earn the third dot, because it would be a shock for him when he finds out it takes years of hard, relentless training to achieve full Sharingan. [B]"My name is Uchiha Sasuke, you will address me as Sasuke-sensei. I will be your Jounin and it is my duty to further train you and prepare you as a ninja. It is also my duty to take care of you and help you in any way possible. I do not favour people, I expect the best from everyone, and I expect the three of you to work together as one. My speciality is of course, the Sharingan, I am the final member of the Uchiha clan, and thus the only natural user left, and my other speciality is the use of the katana."[/b] He patted the weapon that sat tied to his belt like an old friend. He knew that his cell had potential to do great things, especially since they had a Hyuuga with Byakugan, and a non-user with Sharingan. [b]"I'm pleased to see that two of the members in this cell have eye conditions, I will teach you how to fully utilize their powers and how to get the best out of it. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask me. Let's start with introductions; tell us your name, your speciality, your likes, dislikes, and your ambitions."[/B] Meiko walked down to Naruto after Hart did, she was glad they were together, she was happy with Keiji being with them, but Hart seemed a little down that he'd been separated by his best friend, Kazuko. She glanced over at Daisuke and saw he was quite upset for a reason unknown to her, maybe he wasn't happy with the group he got put in, after all, he was with the feuding duo. The two of them waved to Kazuko as they walked past and followed Naruto out of the room. Keiji stayed beside Meiko as he tried to stay as far away from Hart as he could. Meiko remained quiet for the walk, just listening to the two boys tell her things. She knew that Keiji still didn't get along with the male students, and because of certain things that happened, he preferred not to talk to or come in contact with them. They finally arrived at their destination, and the three of them sat, with her in the middle of course. Naruto sat on the rails and looked at them. [B]"Give me your name and what you?d like to accomplish, and don't make it lame!"[/B] he told them loudly before pointing to Keiji to start. [B]"My name is Keiji. As for my ambitions? Well, I?m determined in all that I try, and I hope to succeed in all that I do."[/B] [B]"Good, you next."[/B] Naruto pointed at her. [B]"I'm Meiko and I want to get a 100% accuracy rate like Tenten-sensei because I currently have an 80%, I'm currently striving to learn how to perfect Soushouryu and I want to learn more jutsu so I can get better and surpass Tenten-sensei. But in general, I just want to be the best in everything."[/B] Meiko said confidently, revealing the side of her that Hart and Keiji knew, along with her other friends. [B]"Good ambitions. And finally, you."[/B] Naruto nodded to Hart.
  13. [B]OOC:[/B] With permission from Ezekiel, here's my second character. Though technically it's my first character. [B]EDIT:[/B] It's complete, I changed my whole Personality, and re-did the Character Sample, but I may still make some changes. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Takeuchi Meiko (With permission people are allowed to call her "Mei") [B]Age:[/B] 12 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img91.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ai9yl.jpg]Here[/URL]. Her outfit is made of slightly baggy black pants, with a black, sleeveless top that clings to her frame. In place of the goggles she proudly wears a Konoha forehead protector and has wrist length [URL=http://www.narutofan.com/_content-images/handprotectors.jpg]metal plated gloves[/URL], the same as the kind that Chuunin and Jounin wear. [B]Rank:[/B] Rookie Genin [B]Personality:[/B] Meiko is a smart girl and everyone knows it, everyone thinks that she's a quiet, shy little Genin, preferring to keep to herself and stay away from large gatherings of people, but she isn't that's just what she puts on for people that don't know her, because she wants people to get to know her for wanting to know her, because if they do, they'll see she's completely different. She can work with other quite easily as long as they don't slack off and pull their own weight. She has a very analytical mind and can think quickly in a pressured situation where they have to act fast. She rarely raises her voice unless she feels there's danger so she can warn others, or to shout discipline at someone after being annoyed at their actions, but she's generally cool headed. All of her friends have noticed that she's a completely different person from how she normally seems around other people; she's friendly, open, bright, always cheerful, playful, cheeky, trust worthy, loyal, a little silly, and has a great sense of humour. [B]Equipment:[/B] Like a regular ninja, she has the normal carriers strapped around her body. Her [URL=http://www.narutofan.com/_content-images/bombholster.jpg]holster[/URL] is on the back of her belt on her right side for easy access, she carries a few bombs, some invisible string, and a large bunch of throwing kunai with a regular kunai stabbed in her belt. Meiko's [URL=http://www.narutofan.com/_content-images/shurikenholster.jpg]shuriken holster[/URL] is strapped to her right thigh and she has a single fuuma shuriken slipped in between the binding and her leg. She carries two jutsu scrolls tucked into the back of her belt which are the key to Soushouryu, and has a small pouch that holds bunches of needles that she has great accuracy with. [B]Main Weapon/Technique:[/B] Meiko is a weapons master, and she wishes to follow in the ways of the Chuunin Tenten. She's a natural and currently has a 80% accuracy rate, 20 short of Tenten's 100%, but she's still working on it. She specialises in projectiles and tries to carry as much as she can without having it weigh her down too much, but also if she can grab a hold of any random weapon, she'll use it to throw at an enemy. But even though she mainly throws, she can use most weapons that can be found incredibly. She's an agile fighter physically and can deal a lot of damage using taijutsu and she likes to move around a lot to make it harder for her opponents. Meiko's also a good jutsu user, often using Bunshin no Jutsu to help confuse her enemies, and Kawarimi no Jutsu, the avoidance technique as defensive techniques, and she uses taijutsu combos and elemental jutsus for offensive. Her special technique that she's working on is Soushouryu, Rising Twin Dragons. She has been getting help from Tenten, who uses it as a speciality but she can only summon a few weapons currently. [B]Biography/Writing Sample:[/B] Meiko was standing before a large target, it was ridden full of holes so that the rings could hardly be seen. She reached into her needle pouch and extracted a bunch of the thin projectiles. She threw them all one after the other rapidly at the target, and was satisfied when she saw that they were all in the center, but frowned when she saw that only a small group were gathered in the bullseye. Her aim was slowly getting better but she wanted a 100% accuracy rate. She heard a crunch as a foot came down on a pile of dried leaves. Meiko leapt up into a tree and watched silently, she was ready to shower projectiles on an enemy. A boy the same age as her walked up to the target and looked around. Meiko sighed and jumped out of the tree, leaning her back against the trunk of it. She should of guessed Daisuke would make an appearance as he usually did. It was often like that because he hardly ever warned her if she was coming. [B]"Need help, Daisuke?"[/B] Meiko asked him. He turned around and smiled, nodding as he reached into his needle pouch, prouding a batch of his own. [B]"Not too busy for me are you?"[/B] [B]"Nope, just practising myself."[/B] she replied, walking up to the target and tuggging the needles free from the board. Meiko nodded to him, indicating for him to throw so she could see how he was doing in his own personal practise. She smiled, it was definitely getting a lot better, he was in the third ring from the center. [B]"Good, good. Now, try....throwing like this."[/B] Meiko said, standing behind him and holding his hand, moving it in the motion she meant. She noticed a redish tinge started to spread over Daisuke's face and let go, telling him to give it a try. He nodded and threw how she instructed, this time it landed in the second circle. [B]"You're getting better."[/B] [B]"You're still better than me."[/B] he told her with a grin. Meiko smiled brightly. [B]"But I'm a natural."[/B] she flicked a needle into the center of the target without looking. [B]"Show off."[/B] Meiko winked with a cheeky grin, but suddenly they heard the bell from the academy chiming signalling the end of their break. [B]"Ack, let's go."[/B] Meiko said. They pulled out their needles and put them away, quickly pushing away the target into it's hiding spot and they hurried back to the academy before they were punished for being late. [B]Extra Notes:[/B] -Is friends with Daisuke, Hart, Kazuko, Keiji and Imi -Tenten is who she wishes to be like[/COLOR]
  14. [B]OOC:[/B] I made my decision to be Sasuke, hope everything's in order. [B]EDIT:[/B] Completed , may edit the Sample if I can think of something better. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Uchiha Sasuke [B]Age:[/B] 28 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [B][URL=http://img61.imageshack.us/img61/8227/sasukeandnaruto5vx.jpg]Sasuke[/URL][/B], even at 28, Sasuke still wears a top as he did when he was younger. He's thrown away the arm bands and his shorts, replacing them with [B][URL=http://www.narutofan.com/_content-images/handprotectors.jpg]metal plated gloves[/URL][/B], worn by many Chuunin and Jounin, and slightly baggy black pants. [B]Rank:[/B] Jounin [B]Personality:[/B] Sasuke has changed quite a bit from when he was younger, he isn't quite as cold as he used to be, though still quite arrogant and conceited. He is still popular in Konoha, both from being extremely smart when younger, and because of when he ran away from the Hidden Village in search of power. Sasuke still remains quiet, not bothering to talk to people if he knows it's not worth his time or effort. He still isn't very social, but he's made friends with all the others that he knew when younger, like Naruto, Sakura, Rock Lee, Gaara, Shikamaru, Ino, Chouji, Kiba, etc. He's one of the more powerful Jounin and he carries that power confidently. He isn't afraid to humiliate anyone if they make a mistake because he knows that in a proper situation, it could cost them their life and the lives of their team. Sasuke prefers to take charge of situations rather than take orders because he feels that he knows a lot better than others, especially with help from his Sharingan. Whenever he's given a mission, he gets it done no matter what, he prides himself in being a reliable Jounin and the jobs are done properly and on time. [B]Equipment:[/B] As a Jounin, Sasuke carries all the different holders needed for different kinds of equipment. His [B][URL=http://www.narutofan.com/_content-images/bombholster.jpg]holster[/URL][/B] is on the back of his belt on the left side for easy access, he carries a few bombs, some soldier pills, a reel of invisible string, exploding notes, and a small bunch of throwing kunai with three regular kunai stabbed in his belt. Sasuke's [B][URL=http://www.narutofan.com/_content-images/shurikenholster.jpg]shuriken holster[/URL][/B] is strapped to his right thigh and he carries two fuuma shuriken slipped in between the binding and his leg. Finally he has his [B][URL=http://www.narutofan.com/_content-images/scrollholster.jpg]scroll pouch[/URL][/B] on the back of his belt, but on the right side so he can simply flick the carriers open to extract a scroll, he carries three jutsu scrolls, and fills the other compartments with missions and maps. [B]Main Weapon/Technique:[/B] As the last remaining member of the Uchiha Clan, Sasuke is the final natural user of the powerful eye condition known as Sharingan, and it is his most utilised ability. Most notably the Sharingan's most well known ability is to be able to memorize any technique that it has seen including nijutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu techniques. Other abilities of this very special eye include hypnosis, allowing it's user to suggest actions and thoughts to the opponent. The Sharingan also has the very useful ability to see through any illusionary technique. Now that he's an adult, Sasuke has gotten full use of all the skills of Sharingan, having all three dots in both eyes, but he hasn't brought himself to use the ability of Mangekyou Sharingan, seeing as he would have to kill his best friend. As for his ninjutsu, Sasuke mainly uses the line of Katon jutsus passed down through the Uchiha line, being able to do all of them without exhausting all of his chakra. He uses other techniques that he's copied from others with Sharingan, along with his original taijutsu combinations like ShiShi Rendan, and techniques he was taught throughout all his years like Chidori. Sasuke's secret weapon is the Cursed Seal that still remains on the nape of his neck, he has learnt how to control it properly and will only use it in dire situations, otherwise it remains dormant as a tattoo on his body. Sasuke's weapon of choice is a [B][URL=http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/8250/katana3py.jpg]katana[/URL][/B] (the blade's slightly longer) that's just tied to his belt with dark navy blue wrapping, with a matching sheath. The tsuba has three comma like dots cut into it, spread around it evenly just like his Sharingan eyes, and the Cursed Seal is stamped deeply into the bottom of the weapon, inked a dark black colour. He proudly displays the symbol of Konoha engraved on the metal just above the tsuba. [B]Biography/Writing Sample:[/B] Sasuke was lying lazily in an empty field, his hands were folded beneath his head easily and his long legs stretched out comfortably. He didn't have to go on a mission until later so he was taking some much needed time to rest. Sasuke was a light sleeper and was awoken at the sound of the grass rustling as someone stepped heavily, coming in his direction. He opened his eyes, they were blood red with three red comma looking dots spread around the pupils. He rolled his eyes and stifled a yawn as he blinked, the red colour was gone and his eyes were a deep, endless black. [B]"Sasuke!"[/B] an annoying voice called loudly. [B]"Nani?"[/B] he groaned, sitting up. A grinning face with spiky blonde hair walked up to him, he was 28 too, but Uzumaki Naruto refused to give up his bright orange jumpsuit, even though the style of it had changed since they were younger. [B]"Hokage-sama told me to find you, it's time to go."[/B] Naruto said, holding out his hand to him. Sasuke looked up at the sun, so it was. He clasped the hand and pulled down heavily, making Naruto fall forward as he got up. He smirked as the blonde started to shout loudly at him for making him fall over. The two men returned to the village and saw the Academy students running about during their break. They swarmed the two of them quickly, wanting to wear their forehead protectors and wanting them to teach them techniques. Sasuke smiled at them but kept going, they had to get going. He was walking when he noticed the bright blonde wasn't with him. [B]"Naruto, hayaku!"[/B] Sasuke called. Naruto laughed and said goodbye, running to catch up, he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. The other man rolled his eyes yet again as they walked through the village, exiting Konoha, their destination was the Country of Wave. [B]Extra Notes:[/B] Sasuke killed his older brother Itachi, leaving him as the sole member of the elite Uchiha Clan.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Navy]Hey, this thing's cool. I've never heard of it before now, but I added myself to the map. Sorry Baron, but looks like you're covered, seeing as I'm [I]actually[/I] in Perth and have been for a long time. And you're moving up here? Even we could meet ^_~ But yeah, meeting people you only know of from talking online is a bit of a worry and I doubt my parents would ever let me go meet someone I've never met before.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Magenta]Yuna was getting tired of driving, she took a chance to glance backwards to see how Xiaoyu was doing, she was picking up items, but they weren't having much luck, picking up banana peels and fake item boxes. [B]"Mushroom!"[/B] Xiaoyu exclaimed loudly, holding the red and white spotted fungus from their mushroom gathering challenge. [B]"Throw it in the engine."[/B] Yuna told her, gripping the wheel tightly. Xiaoyu bent over the back slightly and tossed the item into the engine where it burnt up and was absorbed in. The Bloom Coach shot forward, a burst of energy sent them flying, catching up to Team Furry Flurrry. [B]"Xiaoyu, switch with me."[/B] [B]"What? I don't know how to drive!"[/B] [B]"You can do it, just use the accelerator."[/B] The two of them counted and hopped gracefully from their positions, grabbing parts of the coach to help swing them around. Yuna landed in the back seat and looked as Xiaoyu grabbed the steering wheel, planting her foot down on the accelerator. They raced into an item box and the rainbow like shards formed into three red shells that she immediately began juggling in her hands, not wanting to drop a single one of the precious homing shells. [B]"Go, go, go!"[/B] Yuna called, planting her feet as they swerved around a corner. They got close to Crash and Krystal, Yuna waited until they were turning a corner as she launched one of the red shells, it slammed into the side of the DK Jumbo and blasted them off the edge. [B]"Sorry Krystal."[/B] Yuna said as they drove on. Yuna smiled, Xiaoyu was doing great for someone that didn't know how to drive, and it looked like she was having a lot of fun, as she cheered happily whenever they turned a corner crazily. They saw a gap in the track where they'd have to jump across up ahead. Mario and Lara had already crossed it, they were quite a distance ahead due to a Chain Chomp they'd found. [B]"Don't lose any speed, if we suddenly drop, we won't make it."[/B] Yuna called. Xiaoyu nodded and kept her foot pressed down hard. Yuna held the two red shells and watched Team Kickarse behind them in case they tried anything that would make them fail the jump. [B]"Hold on, Yuna!"[/B] Xiaoyu yelled as they sped over the edge and across the gap. Yuna had a pained look as she hurled one of the red shells backwards, hitting the Parade Kart as they reached the edge, sending them spiralling down the gap. [B]"Sorry Ada!"[/B] Yuna called. She turned to look forward again, she was saving the last one for Team Plumber and Plunder that remained ahead of everyone. They were suddenly hit behind by a blue, spiked shell as it continued on it's way, hunting out the members of the team that held first position. The Bloom Coach spun out of control, but Xiaoyu maneuvered toward the middle of the track so they didn't fall off. Yuna saw that the DK Jumbo was catching up to them as they straightened themselves and Xiaoyu gunned the engine. There was an explosion ahead as the spiked shell found its target. They all had a chance to catch up and get into first position. Yuna saw Furry Flurry had found a red shell and it was launched at them, she knew how to counter now and she threw her own shell at them and the two collided with a hollow sound, dropping away useless. Xiaoyu drove through a line of rainbow boxes, and the new item they got was a small star. [B]"Excellent!"[/B] Yuna cheered, snapping it in half. They were surrounded by sparkles and were shiny as strange music started up. Xiaoyu found that their max speed was boosted tremendously and they sped away from Furry Flurry, going ahead to catch up to Plumber and Plunder. The two girls of Oriental Beauty raced their hardest as they could see the Red Fire up ahead. [B]"Come on, Xiaoyu, we can still win this!"[/B] Yuna cried as the star's effects ran out.[/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen]1. Team Plumber and Plunder[/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta]2. Team Oriental Beauty[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]3. Team Furry Flurry[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]4. Team Kickarse[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Navy]Hey, I have to apologise to Raiyuu, I've been sick lately so I haven't been able to post, but I'm getting better so I'll try to make one as soon as possible. But yeah, interesting challenge.[/COLOR]
  18. Sakura


    [COLOR=Navy]Congrats KKC, it was a great battle ^__^ So, does that mean I'm knocked out for good? Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Navy]Yeah, I don't know how the Ranking system's gonna work either, oh well, we'll just wait and see. Come on Plumber and Plunder, choose your kart so we can start. (Hey, it rhymes ^__^) And I don't terribly mind that Furry and Flurry got the best kart in the game, it depends on writing skills, right? Not the kart chosen, even though it will affect your posts slightly. *shrugs* Oh yeah, I changed the colour of Oriental Beauty to [COLOR=Magenta]Magenta[/COLOR] because [COLOR=Pink]Pink[/COLOR]'s too light to see, even though magenta's a bit bright. EDIT: I remember something that I forgot to ask, when does the challenge finish?[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Magenta]Yuna and Xiaoyu turned to each other and grinned, they were the only all female couple, which made it a lot easier for them since they already had trust and a bond from being together in the Heroines. [B]"Come on, let's go grab us a kart."[/B] Yuna whispered. Xiaoyu nodded and the two of them ran off in the direction Ada and Shadow had gone. They ran into the showroom type area and saw that the two members of Team Kickass had chosen their kart quickly, the sign above it said [B][I]Parade Kart[/I][/B] and it listed it's stats, it was a good choice. Yuna and Xiaoyu walked around quickly, taking a look at each, it was a tough decision because each had their advantages and disadvantages. The two girls of Team Oriental Beauty finally decided and stood by the kart with the sign, [B][I]Bloom Coach[/I][/B]. [B]"D'you wanna drive? And I'll take care of the followers, if either of us get tired we can switch."[/B] Xiaoyu suggested since she didn't know how to drive at all, seeing as the only games she was in were fighting games. Yuna agreed and hopped into the driver's seat, grabbing hold of the wheel. [B]"We can win this, I think we'll get along better than the other teams, seeing as the others are paired up with Heroes."[/B] Yuna said confidently. [I][B]'How much harder can it be than piloting an airship, the controls are the same as the ones that were in the Fahrenheit, we can do this.'[/B][/I] [B]"And now we wait."[/B] Xiaoyu sighed from behind her. [B]"And now we wait."[/B] Yuna repeated the phrase in agreement.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Navy]Sorry guys, I wrapped up the challenge because it's already Wednesday and I wasn't sure if anyone else was going to post in time. If anyone wants anything changed, let me know, I did it pretty quickly. And sorry if it seems like I was too controlling or anything. Aww too bad you decided to quit Des, we'll miss ya, well, at least I will. I'm sad that I won't get to verse you in single challenges (if I make it). Oh well, your choice, it was fun while it lasted. ^__^[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Navy]The police car was being chased all around Staunton Island, now they didn't just have the cops after them, they'd crashed through several gang territories, and the girls guessed they weren't fans of police, even if they weren't really police. They had whole mobs chasing them; the Yakuza, the Colombian Cartel, and the Uptown Yardies were following them as closely as the police cars. Yuna reloaded her minigun and leaned out the window, peppering bullets at all of the cars, quickly withdrawing as they let out their own barrage of bullets, smashing through every window. [B]"I got left!"[/B] Xiaoyu called. The girl leaned out the window on the left and punched out the gunner who was aiming at them. Yuna caressed the gun and blew a clip on the cars that were closest, she aimed for the engines and tyres, which would at least stop them pursuing. [B]"They're gaining!"[/B] Ada shouted heatedly as she weaved between cars, honking her horn loudly even though the siren continued to blare. [B]"Forget this."[/B] Yuna muttered. She handed the minigun to Xiaoyu and extracted her dress spheres, she hadn't used them in a long time, since she hadn't needed them in the challenges. She used her Unerring Path grid, which only had two slots, one of the slots was Gunner, so she had to make one more change before she was ready. She traced her path to Black Mage, then she traced halfway between the two spheres, lifting her finger. The spot where the traced trail met the untraced section of the line glowed brightly and another sphere appeared, she touched it and she glowed brightly before she changed into her special dress sphere, [URL=http://www.rpgfan.com/pics/ffx-2/art-079.jpg]Floral Fallal[/URL]. Yuna effectively took up all the space in the backseat, shielding Ada and Xiaoyu from any damage. She looked out of the non-existant rear window and lifted her left hand. [B]"Heat Whirl!"[/B] Strong blasts of fire spiralled from her hand, engulfing the cars that had been behind them for a few metres, but more rose in their place. And more mobsters popped out and sprayed bullets everywhere. Yuna reacted quickly holding both hands out. [B]"Shield!"[/B] A glowing, colourful shield blocked the attacks. Yuna took the time to look where they were and pointed out the direction they should go to reach the bridge that finally lead to Shoreside Vale. [B]"Right, I'm on it."[/B] Ada sharply took a right, making Yuna shift from her kneeling position in the back. Yuna quickly passed Xiaoyu the map so she could direct Ada while Yuna attacked and protected them the best she could. The shield wavered and shattered, leaving them exposed again. Yuna snapped her fingers and pointed toward them. [B]"Ice Whirl!"[/B] A blizzard spiralled from her extended index finger, hailing heavily upon the cars, freezing them to the road or freezing the engines. [B]"That should do it, go."[/B] Yuna sat down, spreading the petals around her as someone would do with a dress. [B]"Got a spell that can give us a boost of speed?"[/B] Ada asked, grimacing at the speed they were going, they still weren't sure how far the guys had progressed. Yuna stuck a hand out of the gap where a window would be and rested her palm on the cool surface of the roof. [B]"Floral Rush."[/B] The police car shot off, faster than normal due to the Haste spell Yuna had cast. They blazed over the bridge to their next destination. Yuna looked behind them often to check if they were being followed still, it had calmed down. That is until they sped through an area where three gangs were having a war, so now they had the Redjacks, the Nines, and the Southside Hoods after them. Xiaoyu directed Ada in the right direction, which lead them to a street that did head straight to their destination but it was closed off by a police barricade. Ada quickly turned the car around as bullets were fired at them. Yuna used Shield again as their hijacked police car and the gangs trailing them took a different route. Yuna turned again to face the unhappy gangsters. [B]"Ice Whirl!"[/B] Yuna sighed for hopefully the last time. The cars stopped, and skidded, some crashing into each other due to different failures due to the sudden blast of cold. [B]"Go, go, go!"[/B] Xiaoyu cheered, pointing forward to Cochrane Dam that was straight ahead, their final destination. Yuna peeked backwards, the gangs had all stopped and were angrily shouting at each other. Yuna had her hands clenched in fists in anticipation. They were almost there, they all wondered if they were first to arrive, or if the Heroes had beaten them.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Navy]Yuna looked around, the sirens of the police were getting closer, there wasn't any time. She grabbed a hold of Lara and pulled her away from the airbag. [B]"Come on, the cops are gonna get here any second."[/B] Yuna said to the rest of the team. The six females got out of the totalled bus and ran into the white van they had conveniently come across. [B]"Sorry, we can't bring it back, thank you!"[/B] Xiaoyu called out the window to the driver of the van. Ada was in control this time and they were speeding along the streets, the good thing was that the van actually had seatbelts which they all chose to wear so they weren't thrown around the car as they had been in the bus. [B]"Turn left, up ahead!"[/B] Samus told Ada. She nodded and they turned a sharp left onto the highway, they didn't know how far the guys had gotten while they had been slightly sidetracked by the cops and the Diablos. Yuna kept an eye out, she held one of her pistols in her hand in case they faced another gang as they barrelled down the highway, crossing the bridge between Portland and Staunton Island. They landed on the other side, they were at mid-point, their destination was on the far north-west side of Shoreside Vale. Ada suddenly lost control of the vehicle and they were soon in the middle of heated traffic, going the wrong way. They all gripped the seats as Ada swiftly weaved her way, but were thrown when they ran up a curb and hit a fire hydrant. The van stopped in its tracks and water started to spew from the destroyed hydrant, spraying everyone and everything along the street, sending cars sliding. The girls piled out of the van, there were no large cars nearby that could transport all of them. [B]"We have to split up."[/B] Ada told them all. They all agreed and divided into two groups of three, each had a driver, and someone that had a map. Now there was a group of Ada, Xiaoyu, and Yuna; and Lara, Krystal and Samus. They agreed to meet up at their final destination and ran to find some kind of transport. Ada, Xiaoyu and Yuna swiftly scurried across the street and around a corner, stopping suddenly. Not too far away was a Police station and they had been alerted of a crisis. Several officers ran out of the building and jumped in their cars, they turned on their sirens and drove crazily toward where the girls had left the dumped van. [B]"I've got an idea, come on."[/B] Yuna grinned. The three of them crept up to the building and tested the handles of one of the police cars, someone had left it unlocked, they quickly got in, with Ada at the wheel and hot-wired the car. They turned on the siren and pulled out of the car park, unless something seriously bad happened, no one would suspect a thing for their reckless driving. [B]"Take this route, it's the fastest. Though hopefully we don't come across any more gangs."[/B] Yuna traced the streets with her finger. [B]"Gotcha, put your seatbelts on ladies, it's gonna be a bumpy ride."[/B] Ada said as they sped along the road, dodging cars and driving along sidewalks.[/COLOR]
  24. Sakura


    [COLOR=Navy]*tears* But I liked my Shiny pokémon... ;_; Anyways, I think I'll leave it there, and won't post again so it's even, plus it is a good place to stop. Great job, KKC, I don't remember but I think this is the first time we've battled against each other. And of course I'll still love you if you beat me, and we all love White too.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Navy]Both of the teams were teleported into Liberty City, they arrived at the exact same spot, and the two crates followed after them. The Heroines cracked open the wooden box and shuffled through everything that was inside, it was full of different kinds of weapons. There were bludgeoning/melee weapons like baseball bats, crowbars, brass knuckles etc. along with projectiles like grenades, and a large assortment of guns with ammo. Yuna peered into the crate, she'd been suprised that so much had been able to fit in there. Yuna noticed Xiaoyu picked up the Brass knuckles and slid them onto her fists and did a bit of quick shadow boxing. The group hurriedly scavenged through the box, even though most of them all carried weapons, they still took whatever was there, tucking the weapons away wherever they could. Yuna picked up a Colt M4 and slung the strap over her body so it hung behind her and grabbed a Minigun, then she gathered a bunch of ammo for them and loaded the guns for quick use. When they were ready, they head off, running down the street, the Heroes moved off at the same time they did, going into the opposite direction. Yuna took a look at the physical map, it was a crinkled piece of paper with streets on it, with a words and emblems all over it. Samus had a copy of the map too, she had downloaded it into her database earlier. [B]"We need to get some wheels."[/B] Xiaoyu commented as they ran down the street, civilians looked at them and ran when they noticed the amount of weapons they were carrying. [B]"Ah, who knows how to drive? I can pilot airships, but I've never tried a car."[/B] Yuna asked the rest of the team. Ada and Lara answered that they both could drive, but they were the only two within the team. If they were desperate, any of them could drive, it would just be a little hectic and crazy. Suddenly they stopped at a crossroad and they saw a yellow school bus go by. They all glanced at each other and ran after the large vehicle, it would be perfect for transporting the six of them. The traffic light ahead turned red and the bus slowed to a stop, the Heroines took the chance and ran up to the door, asking the bus driver to open the door. He looked at them strangely, not yet noticing the weapons they carried and opened the door with a hiss, the girls jumped in and Yuna didn't want to, but she pointed one of her pistols at him. [B]"We don't want to hurt any of you, I ensure your safety if you all co-operate and just dissembark from this vehicle."[/B] Yuna announced. The bus driver gulped and nodded frantically, clambering out of his seat and down the stairs, exiting the bus. A female teacher was scared and gently ushered the children out of the bus. They all stood on the side walk, the girls took a seat and Lara took the wheel. As they closed the door and pulled away, they heard the teacher cry, [B]"Won't somebody think of the children?!"[/B] as they were left stranded on the busy sidewalk of Liberty City. All the children started to bawl loudly, and the teacher and bus driver were stuck trying to calm them all down. The Heroines looked back at the teacher and school kids, it was cruel of them to do, but that's what had to be done. They thought they were okay until they noticed a group of black, heavily tinted cars were following them, on the hood was an [URL=http://www.gta3.com/images/content/artwork/diablos_big.jpg]emblem[/URL], it seems they had already come across their first gang, the Diablos.[/COLOR]
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