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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [COLOR=Navy]Yuna crouched carefully, judging the distance to the next branch, she lunged forward and caught the branch in the next tree. She swung herself for a while, gaining momentum before she swung up and landed in a crouched position on top of the branch. Her arms were getting sore so she decided to use her legs to push herself more instead of pulling up with her arms. Yuna wobbled as a foothold snapped beneath her weight. She grunted as she moved onto a steadier perch and swiped her arm across her forehead, staring around for a trace of movement. She saw some things fly around but they were too far, and she noticed a few discrete leaf movements, but she wasn't sure. Up a lot higher in the current tree she could see what looked like a nest, so she was headed there to see whether there was anything, or if she could see anything. Yuna rested on another thick branch and sighed heavily, frustration evident. She pulled her sphere grids from her pouch and made a swift change to Berserker, she could get a lot more done, a lot faster in that form. In no time Yuna had scaled the tree and was crouched on the limb with the nest perched on it. She approached and saw a group of six pink eggs with cracks and faces. She wondered if each was a different pokemon, she quickly threw a pokeball before they did anything and was surprised when all six were sucked into the ball, making the nest empty. [B]"Exeggcute, the grass/psychic pokemon. Using telepathy only they can receive, they always form a cluster of six Exeggcute. If even one is separated from the group, the energy bond between the six will make them rejoin instantly."[/B] She stood and put away the ball as she looked around for another pokemon she could catch. Yuna saw a bird fly past her swiftly, she could only follow it because she was fast as well. [B]"Pidgeot!"[/B] it screeched as it flew by. Yuna grinned, she wanted that pokemon next, and she would follow it everywhere just to get a hold of it. She sprung from the limb and followed in the direction it had gone.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Navy]As Yuna entered the forest she noticed it got a lot darker, she looked up and saw the canopy above was incredibly thick which blocked out a lot of light from entering, though there was still enough that she could see. She noticed some pokemon running around that looked like they were nocturnal, she guessed that since it was so dark, they thought it was constantly night time and roamed freely. Most of the pokemon were high up in the trees that she didn't want to climb just yet. Yuna walked along slowly, Ditto looked around. There was a sound behind them and she whirled, looking around. There was a little blue turnip looking thing except it was round at the bottom and had feet and a face. [B]"Oddish, Oddish."[/B] it said as it swayed while walking, waving it's bright green leaves, it's little red eyes were curved up happily. Yuna raised an eyebrow and sneaked up behind it, picking it up by the leaves. It screamed and kicked it's little legs futilely. It pulled out of her grip and glared, it wasn't happy any more. It shook it's leaves and purplish spores surrounded her and Ditto. Ditto curled up into a ball with no eyes or mouth to have the spores enter. Yuna breathed some in and felt sick, she gasped as she fell to her knees. Yuna threw a pokeball at the Oddish and gripped her chest. [B]"Oddish, the grass/poison pokemon. It may be mistaken for a clump of weeds. If you try to yank it out the ground, it shrieks horribly. It roams actively at night. In the day, it stays quietly underground."[/B] Yuna heard the pokedex say but she wasn't paying attention as the poison burned it's way through her body. She weakly scrambled for her dress spheres and changed into White Mage. She was lying on the ground, staff in hand as she muttered the spell to heal effects. [B]"Esuna..."[/B] She felt the healing power flow through her body, cleansing her being of the poison as she changed back to Gunner. Yuna got up and brushed herself off, picking up the pink ball and stroking it, letting him know everything was alright. Ditto changed back into his normal shape and took his perch on Yuna's left shoulder. She picked up the pokeball and rubbed the dirt of it, shrinking it down and tucking it away. Yuna looked around and decided it would be better to find pokemon if she climbed up into the trees. She moved over to a tree and found a foothold, scaling into the branches in search of pokemon. She wanted to win this challenge, they had lost too many as the Green team, this was her chance.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Navy]Yuna cautiously approached the sparking pokemon, she didn't want to get hurt, but it was successfully lighting up the room so she could see. Zubat flew around the area, letting out cries to see if there were any other pokemon around. [B]"Ditto, transform."[/B] Yuna said quietly, not wanting to panic the spiky creature. Ditto jumped down and glowed brightly, transforming into a perfect replica. That caught the attention of the Jolteon and it turned, growling angrily and more sparks appeared. Ditto quickly started emitting his own to try to neutralise the area. Zubat swooped in too close and was shocked by a bolt, he was jolted and his flying became impaired. Yuna quickly returned him to his ball and got out Onix to protect her. Onix was a fence line between Jolteon and Yuna , protecting her from any bolts. Yuna moved around Jolteon and carefully threw her pokeball, it hit some of it's spikes and it turned to glare at her, before being sucked in. [B]"Jolteon, the electric pokemon. It concentrates the weak electric charges emitted by its cells and launches wicked lightning bolts."[/B] Ditto changed back and sighed, tiredly climbing back on to her shoulder. Yuna rubbed his head and returned Onix to his ball before picking up the one that now held Jolteon. She opened it and the creature looked at her, sitting on his hind legs like a dog obediently, it made a sparking noise and little thunderbolts surrounded it as it's hairs stood rigid. [B]"Jolteon, can you help me find the way out and light the way?"[/B] [B]"Jolt!"[/B] it nodded and stood, walking through, a constant source of light which helped since she could now see again. Eventually they reached outside, and Yuna returned it to it's pokeball. She could see a forest not too far ahead of her, that was her next destination.[/COLOR]
  4. [B]OOC:[/B] Sounds neat. [B]EDIT:[/B] Finally finished, sorry it took so long. I may still edit some of it if I can come with something better ^__^ [B]EDIT2:[/B] Was debating whether to or not, I decided to change my appearance. [B]EDIT3:[/B] *rolls eyes* Changed back [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Becca / Artemis [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/8702/crowdia0xr.jpg.jpg]Here[/URL]. Artemis is about 5'5" and has a lithe body. Her body is quite evenly proportioned so nothing looks out of place. She wears all kinds of things, usually a top and a skirt, or a top and some nice pants. Her regular outfit is usually either a white button up shirt and navy blue cargos, or a white skirt that stopped about 2 inches above her knees and a baby blue top with a navy blue stripe around her breast area. [B]Weapon:[/B] A Long Bow and a Quiver full of Arrows. [[URL=http://www.narniafans.com/movies/images/collectibles/masterreplicas/susansgifts_md.jpg]Pic[/URL]] [B]Personality:[/B] Artemis is a sweet and kind hearted young woman, she loves to have friends and tries to treat everyone nicely and with respect, but she doesn't if she doesn't think they deserve it. Artemis is an incredibly honest person and very opinionated, thus she always says what she thinks, but because of that people say she has a sharp tongue. She tries not to be judgemental of people, but she is sometimes affected. She's a tough woman, she can easily take care of herself, handle herself in any situation and isn't one to be messed with if you happen to get on her bad side. Her heart however is soft and lies with the one person that she is madly in love with, Helios. The two of them hang around together as much as possible and openly display their affection for each other, though he sometimes becomes a little over protective but she knows he just cares for her and the others. [B]Powers:[/B] Artemis has power over the wind, and can manipulate it in any form, from a simple breeze, to a frenzy of tornados. She uses this ability for a variety of things, mainly attacking, flying, and listening in on conversations because the wind can carry words. Artemis can also use the wind to help her control the flight of her arrows so they hit her target, even if the target's moving. [B]Bio:[/B] Becca is the sole child of a middle high class family, born to Jonathan and Arianna Remelius. Her father was hoping for a son to be born because her mother was told she wasn't able to bear children, and when she became impregnated they knew it was something of a miracle and they may never get another chance. Becca was born, and though Jonathan was slightly disappointed, he accepted her and treated her well. They raised and taught her to become a well mannered young woman; honest, kind, and able to stick up and defend herself. When she entered school she was picked on often for being in the medium high class. And since she was pretty and an only child they immediately jumped to the conclusion that she was obviously spoilt, which she wasn't. Becca finally felt accepted when she made friends with the others who together with her would become the Council of Eight. She met Robert in Smithing and he invited her to join the group which she did happily. The group always joked about ruling the world and being the Coucil of Eight. They all changed their names one day to fit their new personalities as a Council, she dubbed herself as Artemis, and she quickly felt herself changing, she became much more powerful and stronger. She started having feelings for Robert, at the time named Justice and they slowly got stronger, when he changed his name to Helios, they got together and she was happy, and she was quite sure that he was too. [B]Writing Sample:[/B] Becca stood in the courtyard with the other students. They were in Marksmanship class, each carried their own personal projectile weapon, mainly a mixture of guns and bows. She stood with her ivory quiver slung across her back and her oak long bow rested comfortably in her left hand. They all stood on a white line that extended the length of the courtyard, far on the opposite wall were targets, one for each student. Becca wanted this class to be over, because there was a break next which meant she'd get to see Robert. She pulled out three of her arrows and thrust them point down into the dirt as she waited for her turn to fire. Their teacher was making his way down the line slowly, making sure each student could successfully hit the bullseye at least once within three tries. Finally he came to her. Becca pulled out one of the arrows on the ground, notched it to the string, and pulled it back to her ear using her middle three fingers. She immediately released and continued to pick up arrows and release them in a smooth motion. She lowered her bow and squinted over at the target, the three arrows were clustered together at the bullseye of the target. Becca smiled, her aim was still straight and true, instead of using her power over wind to control the arrow, she just stopped the rest of the wind blowing around so she didn't have to adjust. She walked forward to the target and after a bit of tugging she pulled her arrows free, sliding them back into her quiver. Becca bowed to the teacher and walked away with a smirk, gripping her long bow loosely. Her face lit up when she saw Robert leaning against the entrance to the courtyard. [B]"Helios!"[/B] she called, calling him by his alias. [B]"Sharp shooting, Artemis."[/B] he commented, opening his arms to accept her hug. She grinned and leaned up to kiss him softly. They broke apart and immediately intertwined fingers as they turned their backs on the courtyard. [B]"Anything new?"[/B] she asked as they walked through the hallways. [B]"Nothing since the last break."[/B] Helios replied with a smile. Becca beamed, she was madly in love with him and they seemed to fit so well together, she often wondered what would have happened if she had never met Robert in Smithing, she would still be an exile and a loner, without a loving boyfriend. She smiled softly to herself and unconsciously tightened her grip a little, she shook her head slightly, 'what would have happened' didn't matter because it [I]did[/I] happen, and this was how things had turned out for her.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Navy]Yuna felt around and her hand landed on the chain of moving rocks. It's head turned toward her and made a sound of curiosity. [B]"Can you help me out of this hole?"[/B] she asked carefully. [B]"Nix."[/B] it said and put it's head on the ground. Yuna didn't know what to do but it shook it's head, telling her to get on it. She cautiously climbed on and he rose quickly, easily lifting her out of the hole after he stretched out his body. Yuna rolled onto the normal ground again, she was now on the otherside. [B]"Wanna come with me?"[/B] she asked, holding out a pokeball. It made a groaning sound and nodded it's big head. She tapped it against the surface, and there was a moment of bright light before she was in darkness again. [B]"Onix, the rock/ground pokemon. As it grows, the stone portions of its body harden to become similar to diamond, but colored black."[/B] Yuna put away the ball and wandered through the cave, wondering if it was a tunnel and thus had an exit, or whether it was just a cave with a dead end. She saw a bright light up ahead and ran toward it, hoping it was the exit because she couldn't stand the darkness. As she rounded the corner, she was disappointed at the lack of exit but there was a strange looking pokemon standing in the center of the room, it was constantly letting off light and electricity and there was a constant sparking noise. Yuna carefully decided to approach it.[/COLOR] *** [B]OOC:[/B] Claim Jolteon.
  6. [COLOR=Navy]Yuna entered the cave, she took a few steps in and stopped, allowing her eyes to adjust to the darkness. She could make out a few shapes of rocks faintly, but it was dark, with illumination from behind because of outside. She cautiously walked forward, holding her arms out in case she bumped into something. Yuna wondered if even if there was a pokemon in the area, if she would be able to see it. [B]"Di....tto..."[/B] he called unsurely, he wasn't able to see either unless he crashed right into something or another pokemon. There was a screech and something flew past them quickly. Yuna screamed and ducked, covering her head. She was afraid of things she couldn't see. It continued to screech as it flew around them, it seems they had disturbed it in some way. It flew behind her and shrieked, Yuna spun and saw it's shape illuminated by the light coming from the mouth of the cave, it was a bat-like creature. She threw her pokeball at it, hoping that it wouldn't suddenly move. It hit the creature on the head and it cried as it disappeared in red light. [B]"Zubat, the poison/flying pokemon. Capable of flying safely in dark places, it emits ultrasonic cries to check for any obstacles."[/B] Yuna ran over and felt around on the ground, picking up the sphere. She raised an eyebrow, and grinned after hearing the information, it would come in handy indeed. She released the bat and it fluttered in front of her, she asked the Zubat to help her through the cave and to find more pokemon. Zubat flew ahead and emitted sharp cries to tell her where it was to help, unfortunately she got lost and fell into a hole, it was too deep that she wasn't able to climb out, and none of her pokemon could help in the least. Ditto called sadly on her shoulder, and Zubat flew down and clicked constantly in apology. Yuna comforted the pokemon and it started to see if there was a way out. It shrieked frantically and she assumed a new pokemon had been found, maybe it could help her out. That was when she faintly saw the light of a pile of rocks moving and stretching out into a long chain.[/COLOR] *** [B]OOC:[/B] Claim Onix for next post.
  7. [COLOR=Navy]Yuna walked the rest of the distance and got closer to the dog-like pokemon. She 'aww-ed' at it because it was so cute. Suddenly it lunged forward trying to bite her. Yuna pulled away quickly and in the process dislodged Ditto from her shoulder. He hit the ground and looked at the Poochyena. [B]"Transform!"[/B] she called to it, quickly scrambling to her feet. The pink blob glowed and changed his shape to become like the other dog. The original growled and Ditto had to continually evade his attacks, the powerful jaws trying to get a grip on any part of their bodies. Ditto was keeping it occupied while Yuna prepared a pokeball. She was positioning herself to throw it went she was tackled heavily by the Poochyena. Yuna was winded and the pokeball flew out of her grip. It was tackled in return by Ditto, Yuna rolled to her feet again and chased after the ball, picking it up solidly she hurled it at Poochyena, he turned and roared loudly in the ball's direction. Yuna was amazed when she saw the pokeball stop and roll backwards. She ran forward to pick up the ball again, there had to be a better way. Currently the two Poochyena were growling at each other. Ditto lunged forward in attack, and the Poochyena dodged swiftly, turning and starting to run away. Yuna took the chance and pitched her ball at the retreating dog. It came in contact and the dog wimpered as it was sucked in. [B]"Fetch."[/B] Yuna said, trying to catch her breath after being winded. [B]"Poochyena, the dark pokemon. At first sight, Poochyena takes a bite at anything that moves. This pokemon chases after prey until the victim becomes exhausted. However, it may turn tail if the prey strickes back."[/B] Yuna glared at her bag where the voice came from. Ditto ran off and returned with the ball in his mouth. She grinned and patted his head as he reverted to his jelly like state. Yuna rubbed the drool off the ball on the grass and tucked it away in it's shrunken form. Lifting Ditto onto her shoulder again, they set off, she gleefully rubbed her hands in anticipation at what else she would find.[/COLOR]
  8. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Squee! I didn't get a chance to post in the last one. Hmmz, I have so many people I want to meet, sorry if I've forgotten anyone. [B]White:[/B] I've known him for ages, through all of his different names, though I only started really talking to him as Scorpio, he's awesome guy and great fun to talk to. [B]Retribution:[/B] Retri's wicked, he's awesome at graphics, and lately I've talked to him a lot and he's an awesome guy too, really caring and understanding ^__^ We have a lot of fun talking. [B]Rosenrot:[/B] We used to talk a lot and we still do every now and then. He's cool, and good fun to RP with. [B]JJ:[/B] Awesome guy, I love our convos together, I always get a good laugh out of our topics, especially when I look back on them. [B]Ezekiel[/B] and [B]ULX[/B]: Mega cool RPers, it's always interesting with them around. I want to see what they're like in real life. [B]Citrus:[/B] She seems cool since I talked to her a bit. [B]Raya:[/B] I'm her absolute fangirl! She's an awesome graphics artist and a great RPer to boot, very nice combination. I'd love to meet her in real life. [B]Kayin:[/B] Kayin's like a brother to me, we care a lot for each other and talk whenever we can. I worry about him a lot, but that's just how I am. I want to meet up with him to talk face to face. [B]Desbreko[/B] and [B]Dagger[/B]: They seem really awesome and they're great RPers and have tremendous knowledge about games and anime, great combinations. [B]James:[/B] He seems cool too, I'd like to get to know him. [B]Baron Samedi:[/B] We both live in WA but we've never met, but my closest friend has met him, and he seems like an interesting guy. [B]Revelation:[/B] Great RPer, we've had awesome times together. [B]Domon:[/B] Good RPs, fun conversations on MSN. He's neat. [B]Patronus:[/B] I got to know him through Takuya's digimon RP, he's cool and I'd like to meet him. [B]DeathKnight:[/B] I forgot ^_^;; Yesh, DeathKnight rules, he's an awesome guy to talk to, plus we never resolved that argument about his trenchcoat so I want to see it in real life to see if it really is green. I it looks Black. [B]Anyone else in WA/Australia:[/B] It'd be fun to meet others around in the same area/country. [B]Anyone else I've forgotten:[/B] Sorry, can't think very well at the moment. [B]Anyone that wants to meet me:[/B] I'd love to meet anyone that wants to meet me ^__^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. [COLOR=Navy]Yuna shifted her backpack into a more comfortable position, she was walking across a large grassy plain, she could see something moving in the distance but it was too far to throw a pokeball from where she was. Yuna took a step and felt the ground was different, and it squeaked. [B]"Di-tto."[/B] it muffled. Yuna jumped backwards in surprise and looked down, she saw a pinky purplish puddle. She smiled and knelt beside it, prodding it gently. It jiggled a little like jelly before emitting the same sound. She was shocked when the puddle rose up and took form, though not a solid form. It had parts that looked like arms and black dots and a black line for eyes and a mouth. [B]"Di-tto!"[/B] it called as it started to glow. Yuna stared at it to see what would happen, and soon she found out. It grew larger and slowly took a shape, when the light disappeared, Yuna's eyes widened. It looked just like her, exactly the same. [B]"Di-tto!"[/B] it grinned as it pulled out her guns and fired a few shots. Yuna quickly rolled to the side and got up under it, twisting the guns out of it's grip. She whipped a pokeball out and tapped it against her copied self. The fake Yuna looked sad and glowed as it returned to it's blob form before being sucked into the pokeball. [B]"Ditto, the normal pokemon. When it spots an enemy, its body transfigures into a perfect copy of its opponent."[/B] Yuna cheered, she had finally found a useful pokemon. She released Ditto into her arms and put him on her shoulder. [B]"No transforming unless I tell you to."[/B] she told him. [B]"Di-tto."[/B] he said with a nod. Yuna walked on across the plain, heading toward where she had seen something moving. As she got closer, she could make out a dog-like form, it was small and grey, and rather cute looking.[/COLOR] *** [B]OOC:[/B] Claim Poochyena for next post.
  10. [COLOR=Navy]Yuna knelt at the water's edge, looking into the depths of the river for a trace of the elusive blue serpent. Her eyes darted back and forth across the surface, she sighed and placed her hand into the cool water, waving it around lazily, just resting. A head popped out and looked at her strangely. Yuna turned slowly to look at it and didn't make any movements to scare the creature. She picked her hand up out of the water and held it forward to pet it. The serpent moved forward and it's head connected with her palm. Yuna grinned, it looked so innocent and cute with it's big black eyes, large white nose, little white dot on it's forehead and white fins which framed it's face. It wriggled and slipped out above the surface barely making a ripple, as it floated mystically in the air. Yuna leaned forward and tossed her pokeball gently, it bumped against it's body. The serpent let out a cry of some sort as it was absorbed into the pokeball. Yuna's eyes widened as the ball fell into the river and was on the verge of being washed away. Perplexed she splashed in, following the current to chase after the ball. [B] "Dratini, the dragon pokemon. Long considered a mythical pokemon until recently when a small colony was found living underwater."[/B] [B]"Not now!"[/B] Yuna yelled acting as if shouting at the pokedex would stop it filling her in on what she had caught. Yuna saw the pokeball was stuck in a sunken area and bent down to pick it up. She was all wet now, but at least she had her pokeball. She pulled herself out of the water and made two dress sphere changes, one to Thief, and the second back to Gunner, which resulted in her being completely dry. She dried off the pokeball and shrank it down, tucking it away with the other two. Yuna decided to walk away from the river for now and went looking for other, special pokemon, and hopefully she'd find someone to accompany her because it was getting lonely. She also hoped to find a useful pokemon.[/COLOR]
  11. [B]OOC:[/B] Hmm, I'll take a shot at this. [B]EDIT:[/B] I hope all of this is in order, let me know if I should change anything. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Ayame Chiméiteki [B]Age:[/B] 22 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img91.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ai9yl.jpg]Here[/URL], but she usually wears a black, long sleeve top with the sleeves pushed above her elbows, and long leather pants, with gloves that only reach her wrists. And her goggles are a permanent accessory because they have capabilities of night vision, UV, x-ray, zooming and other such visual enhancers. [B]Personality:[/B] Ayame isn't one to show emotion openly because of how she was raised, as a cold, heartless assassin, sometimes in weakness she may let things slip, but that is very rare because she doesn't even shed a tear when she's lashed as punishment. She has no friends, and no family, they are all acquaintances people she has to work with. Ayame is the pride and joy of Sir because she works excellently and efficiently, never defying orders. She is gifted with a perfect aim, a good grip on all the martial arts and weapons, a fast learning mind, obedience, flexibility, agility, stealth, sharp hearing, and sharp vision. When she's out on missions she carries a barrage of weapons, none of which slow her down in any way because she's trained with much heavier weights. [B]Biography:[/b] Ayame's parents were killed when she was only a year old, and she was thrown into an orphanage. She was taken care of a lot since she was a baby, as soon as she reached 5, she was tossed in with the others who were all treated badly. On her sixth birthday she was adopted by a seemingly nice couple, little did she know it was a facade. She was taken to a hideout of some kind and the nice couple became flunkies for the boss man everyone called 'Sir'. Ayame learnt they were assassins and they wanted her to become one too since she was still young and impressionable. Ayame had no choice, over the years she was formed into a killing machine, a Terminator as Sir always told her. They drilled the different killing methods into her head everyday with lessons, and she learnt how to use almost every weapon imaginable. If she didn't do it right, or made a mistake she would be punished severely which usually resulted in her not being able to lie down from the long stripes down her back. When she was 12 she was deemed ready as an assassin, Sir approved greatly, saying it was perfect since people wouldn't suspect an innocent little girl to be able to kill them in the blink of an eye. From that age and onward she was constantly sent out on assignments and missions, and if she ever didn't have something to do, she would be forced to train and practise all day. After a year she got used to it and fell into routine, she always reported to Sir to find out what she would be doing for the day, then she would complete whatever it was to his satisfaction or get punished. One day she heard Sir talking to some of his flunkies about kidnapping some people for new assassins, Ayame didn't say anything but somewhere deep deep inside, she felt sympathy for the people that would become victims to this creation game. [b]Character Snippet:[/B] A figure clad in dark clothing could barely be seen hopping across the rooftops swiftly and silently against the night. It stopped, a sound had been heard. Ayame crouched down and listened, she had just assassinated an important member of a gang and was on her way back, she couldn't be caught now. The sound stopped and Ayame left even faster than before, she had a feeling someone was following her, which was verified when she heard the clatter of a loose tile and a very quiet curse which she heard easily with her excellent hearing. Ayame smirked under the cover of the night and pretended that she hadn't heard anything. The follower had made two mistakes, not paying attention to anything that would give them away, and speaking or making a sound. Ayame secretly reached to her pouch and pulled out a bunch of shuriken, hiding them in her hand so the moon's light didn't reflect off the shiny, black metal. She dropped one on purpose, letting it make a sound against the tiled roof she stood on to try to lure the follower toward her. She crouched down and started to feel around, even though she knew exactly where it was. The foolish follower could be heard coming towards her, when he was close enough, Ayame swiped up the shuriken and threw them at his direction. He was shocked and fell back against the tiles, her aim was still perfect and true, hitting him in the chest, with one piercing his heart, two piercing each lung. Ayame stood and looked over him. [B]"Pathetic."[/B] she spat, staring at the corpse. She turned away and made the rest of the way back to the hideout to report to Sir.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Navy]Tonight Naminé was training with her coach, another big competition was coming up, and she was determined to win. The current apparatus she was training on was the uneven bars, because they decided they'd spend a session on each piece of equipment, then they'd go back for any routines she had trouble with. Naminé chalked up her hands and made her way under the lower bar. She crouched down and sprung, hands latching onto the bar. Naminé swung back and forth, the arc slowly getting larger as she picked up more momentum. She swung up and changed her grip, thrusting her legs up to stand on the higher bar. Naminé did a few swings and twists, leaping back to the smaller bar skilfully. She did a few tucks and did her final jump back to the upper bar, swinging around a few times before releasing and twirling in her dismount, landing crouched, feet together without any movement. She straightened and raised her arms before returning them to her sides. [B]"Well done, Naminé, We'll have to work on your straightness during the handstand part of the swing, but other than that it was great. You can go now, see you tomorrow morning."[/B] her coach said. Naminé nodded and went to the changerooms, getting out of her leotard and she was about to get into her usual clothes when her earpiece intercepted a call about a robbery in a bank. She rolled her eyes at how cliché it was, but slipped into her black outfit. She slipped her holsters into their places on her waist and placed the pouch of throwing knives over her left hip. She picked up her bag, looked around and phased through the wall when she was sure no one was around. Shadow ran into the dark alley beside the gym she trained at and climbed the invisible, air staircase onto the top of a tall building. She quickly made her way across the rooftops to where the bank was, she could hear the sirens of the police. Shadow phased and dropped through the roof of the building, landing in the area where the safe was. She saw the two thieves working on opening the large safe, which they'd almost welded through. She tapped them on the shoulder and punched them in the jaws before they could pull out their guns. They were knocked to the floor but the got up quickly. Shadow didn't want to use her guns, and kicked theirs out of their hands. They got into a fist fight, Shadow was nimble and easily dodged their weight heavy blows, attacking their open spot. She finally got them and knocked them unconscious as the police sirens got louder. She pulled off their balaclavas and kept watch of them until the police arrived. They burst in not too long after and looked at her and the thieves. [B]"Here you go, officers. Their guns are there."[/B] Shadow said, her voice was smoky, masking her true voice. They weren't pleased that she had done their job again, but took them away and sealed the guns in evidence bags. [B]"Thanks."[/B] the officer in charge said. [B]"Not a problem."[/B] she replied, when he was almost out the door she added, [B]"If you got here faster you could have stopped them, but I'm just too fast for ya."[/B] with a chuckle and she phased out of the building. He turned to address her but she was gone like a shadow in the night. Shadow laughed as she headed home via the rooftops. Another night, another crime, another criminal put in jail. She wanted to get them all.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Navy]Indeed, my greatest sympathies to you and your family, Gavin. I think I'll mention a few things I forgot to put in my sign up. Naminé doesn't wear a mask as Shadow because it always seems like her face is covered in shadows anyway, even during the daytime. Naminé can see in the dark too, and her hearing's pretty good. That's all I think, if I remember anything else I'll let everyone know.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Navy]Yuna followed the river, hoping to find another section with more pokemon to catch. She wondered how the rest of her team and the other team was going. A pokeball was gripped in her right hand, ready to throw it at a pokemon if it appeared. She came to a section where there was a single rock sitting in the middle of the flow, she watched it to see if anything would appear, and a yellowish duck pulled itself onto it from the back and sat on the rock, his hands to his head. Yuna grinned moved up to the edge of the river. The duck cocked it's head to the side curiously watching her while still keeping it's hands on it's head. [B]"Wanna come with me, Ducky?"[/B] Yuna asked, holding up the pokeball. [B]"Psy-duck?"[/B] It got up and splashed into the water, coming up onto the bank that Yuna was on. It got closer and looked at the ball before he tapped the button with his beak, getting sucked in. [B]"Psyduck, the water pokemon. It has mystical powers but doesn't recall that it has used them. That is why it always looks puzzled."[/B] Yuna sweatdropped again, her last two captures had been pathetic pokemon. She hoped her luck would change so she could get something better. Yuna looked into the river to see if there were any more pokemon in the area, she was about to leave when she saw something blue shimmer below the surface. She put the ball with the Psyduck in it away and brought out another empty one. It had looked like a serpent of some kind.[/COLOR] *** [B]OOC:[/B] Claim Dratini for next post.
  15. [COLOR=Navy]Yuna sat on the lush green grass beside a river, she leaned over the path of water and scooped some up in her cupped hands, she gasped as she splashed it onto her face, cooling her down and washing away the sweat that left her skin sticky. She repeated it a few more times before she got up and wiped her face on her arm bands to dry it. Yuna wondered if there were any pokemon in the area, she saw a red flash beneath the surface but it disappeared as soon as fast as it had appeared. She walked up and down the river, looking for the red flash. She turned and started walking away from the river when she heard a splash as something broke the surface. Yuna pulled out one of her pokeballs to be ready and whirled around, seeing a fish that looked like a red carp flounder out of the water and flap in the air, twisting and turning before it hit the bank, flapping weakly. [B]"Ma-magikarp-karp."[/B] it gasped. Yuna ran up close to it and tried to pick it up but it was slippery and kept moving. She wanted to save the creature, afraid it, like normal fish, would die if it stayed out of water for a long period of time. She then looked at the pokeball held in her hand, she tapped it against his scales and the ball opened, allowing the red light entrance. There was a 'ping' from the ball, confirming her capture, and the echoing 'ping' from her pokedex. [B] "Magikarp, the water pokemon. In the distant past, it was somewhat stronger than the horribly weak descendants that exist today. Famous for being very unreliable, it can be found swimming in seas, lakes, rivers and shallow puddles. It may jump high on rare occasions, but never more than seven feet. For no reason, it jumps and splashes about, making it easy for predators like Pidgeotto to catch it in mid-jump. This weak and pathetic pokemon gets easily pushed along rivers when there are strong currents."[/B] the machine chimed. Yuna sweatdropped and glanced sideways at the pokeball, on all accounts it sounded like a pathetic pokemon to have, and it definitely looked that way earlier when it was floundering weakly on the bank. She shrugged, a pokemon was a pokemon, and it still counted. Yuna tapped the button, shrinking the ball down before she tucked it into her backpack with the other ball that held a captured pokemon. Yuna walked away from the river, looking for another area, or maybe even another section of the river.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Navy]Yuna tossed one of the pokeballs into the air, it was an interesting thing, but she didn't yet know how to use it to capture the creatures known as pokemon. She split up from the rest of the Heroines and started searching for something. Along with the pokeballs she had gotten a red, flat object with buttons on the inside of the cover and a small camera like thing at one end. She looked at the backpack she was given, it was resting comfortably on her back, slung over her right shoulder, it was full of more of the balls and the computer type thing. Yuna put the ball away and kept walking. Yuna looked out into the distance, this safari place was huge with many different areas where different pokemon could be captured. She set out toward a distant volcano, hoping to find something good. She crossed many different areas, seeing a few creatures but she wasn't sure if others would have caught them since they were closer. Yuna decided to ignore them for now and continued on to the areas in the back. She got to the base of the volcano, the temperature had gone up slightly and she climbed up the path, it progressively got hotter until the sweat was pouring down her face. She was near the top, but she didn't want to go higher because the heat was getting too much. Yuna looked around for a trace of any creature but there was nothing. She wiped away sweat and started to head back down, unsuccessful. As rounded around a side she was caught by surprise by two of pure white horses with manes of flame, one had a horn sticking out of it's foreheads, they were galloping furiously at a fast speed. Yuna flattened herself against the wall so she wouldn't be pounded into the ground. She realised they were pokemon and were getting away fast. She still didn't know how to work the ball but they were moving away. Yuna pulled one out of her pack and ditched it as hard as she could toward the pair, hoping it would do something. The ball came in contact with the flank of the smaller horse without a horn and it turned into a red light before it was sucked into the ball. Yuna was surprised and walked forward, picking up the ball after it shook for a while and released a 'ping'. There was another 'ping' and it came from her pack. She pulled out the computer and opened it, the screen was lit with a picture of the creature she had just caught. [B]"Ponyta, the fire pokemon. Its hooves are 10 times harder than diamonds. It can trample anything completely flat in little time. Capable of jumping incredibly high. Its hooves and sturdy legs absorb the impact of a hard landing."[/B] the machine said electronically. Yuna grinned and hefted the ball, ignoring the sweat getting into her eyes, she'd captured her first pokemon. She examined it and pressed the little button on the front, she was surprised when it shrunk down, she held it up to eye level, it was much smaller and took up less room, so she returned it to the pack, easily distinguishable amongst the empty ones which she decided to keep large. Yuna couldn't take the heat in the area and continued down the volcano, deciding she might come back up if she had time later.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Navy]Sakura's grip was now tight around the controls of the Eva, her knuckles white. Her eyes were clenched shut as she reached out for a presence. Her self in her mind was still in that surrounding of black, and there was no one else there, nothing she could connect to in any way. It seemed too soon when the call was made to tell them that the test was over. The LCL flowed out of the entry plugs, and the three of them got out, she was confused and stressed, she could feel a migrane coming on. The three of them saluted Ayame and then followed her to the observation deck for their sync test results. She knew she wouldn't have done particularly well, but to have the lowest of all three of them by a large amount, she was not happy. This was a crushing loss, and she was told that she would need a lot more practice. The worst part came when these words were said. [B]"...Sakura, you are until further notice deemed unfit to pilot."[/B] Ayame announced. Sakura's fists clenched, her fingernails bit deep into her palms and she could feel the warm trickle of blood. She grit her teeth, trying to keep her anger under control. [B]"Why can't I pilot?!"[/B] she asked, anger evident in her voice. [B]"Because you will be killed if you do. You have almost nil control over your Eva. You?d be a sitting duck. This topic is not open for discussion. You are dismissed, Sakura."[/B] Ayame said coldly. Sakura went blank as she trembled, the trails of blood ran down her fingers and onto the ground, looking on as Keiji and Kazuki followed Ayame quickly without a look at her. They left and she was stunned, still standing, not paying attention to anyone around her. She felt someone tap her on the shoulder. Sakura whirled and looked at them, they asked if she wanted them to bandage her hands, noticing the bleeding. Sakura didn't say anything, she walked into the elevator, and returned to their living area. She sat at the kitchen table and stared at her hands, looking but not seeing. Her mind kept returning to that black place with nothing there. Sakura snapped out of it and grit her teeth at the memory of it. She moved to the sink and turned on the tap, running her palms under the cool water, the blood ran down the drain and she dried her hands, going to the bathroom for the first aid kit stored there. Sakura wrapped her left hand quickly and tightly, tying it with one end in her right hand and the other end between her teeth. Wrapping her right hand took longer since she wasn't as skilled with her left hand, but she got it done to her satisfaction, watching as red cresents appeared on the white cloth. Sakura ate and took a panadol for the throbbing migrane. The panadol made her drowsy, she fell into bed, not changing out of her plug suit. Sakura stared at the ceiling blankly, waiting for the sleepiness to kick in, it soon did and she fell asleep. In her dream, Sakura was back in the entry plug, her mind self was searching, continually searching with no luck. Why couldn't she find that presence the techs had told the three of them about? Why had she failed? It should have been a win, the loss alone hurt, but she had the lowest sync ratios and the two boys were younger than her. Why? What happened? On her bed, Sakura was restless, rolling around frantically but was suddenly woken by a loud siren that echoed in all of the rooms. [I][B]"ALL PERSONEL REPORT IMMEDIATELY! ORION IS ENTERING THE ATMOSPHERE! REPEAT: ALL PERSONEL REPORT IMMEDIATELY! ORION IS ENTERING THE ATMOSPHERE!"[/B][/I] She sat up in bed and instinctively she jumped to the ground and headed for the door, but then she remembered she wasn't allowed to pilot. She clenched her fists again and the wounds that had started to close opened again, spilling blood and soaking the bandage. Sakura looked at her hands and swore, leaving the room to change her bandages. She was tempted to go watch, but she didn't want to see any of them again at that moment in time. Sakura returned to her bed, falling into another restless sleep.[/COLOR]
  18. [B]OOC:[/B] I'll finish the rest later when I've thought of it. [B]EDIT:[/B] Finally done, may edit but let me know if I should change anything. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Naminé Valentine [B]Gender:[/B] Female. [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]History:[/B] Naminé grew up with her father, because her mother had died while giving birth to her, and her father treasures her because she was the last gift given to him from her mother. Naminé's father was the town's minstel which is where she thinks she got her abilities from since minstrels are born with the power, as are wizards and summoners. As a money earning occupation, he was a musician to protect the town. Since her father was a musician, she grew up with a love for music. Naminé's first instrument was the flute that she played constantly, determined to get better so she could become as good as her father was. She played the flute for two years before her father gave her a violin. She found the violin to be harder to play since she had to get her fingers perfectly correct for the right note to sound without it being scratchy. Her father convinced her to sing as well, so after she practised both separately, she put them together and it was very harmonious. She liked to play for the townspeople because they liked her music, she would stand in the square everyday and play something different from the day before. She usually switched instruments, sometimes she played different pieces, sometimes she sang. Whatever it was, they would oftentimes stop and listen to her music. Her father was proud of her, and that was all she wanted, though they usually gave her money, she would refuse but they insisted. Naminé learnt a variety of instruments of all types, mainly woodwind and string, though she did learn some brass and some percussion instruments. Her favourite by far was the ocarina, she couldn't explain why but she just liked it because it was so simple with only a few beginning notes which can progress with the right combination. Naminé's father started to teach her how to use music to cast magic. She was a fast learner and caught on quickly. She mastered the simple spells in no time and her father was forced to teach her more advanced spells before she got bored of it. Soon even her simple spells became incredibly powerful because of how much power she put into it. Naminé was also taught by other men in the village how to fight hand-to-hand and with a variety of weapons because she begged them to, after explaining that she might not have the time to play an instrument or sing. She caught on fast and was swiftly overpowering some of the town boys that were learning as well. She was strong and she put in a lot of effort, everyone was impressed with her determination for everything. Naminé went out one day to practise in her secluded practise area as she usually did, it was far into the forest near the town so no one could hear her music nothing would be damaged by her magic if something went wrong. When she returned as night fell her father told her a letter had come, and it bore the king of Treada's seal. She broke it with him and read it, it was a summons to the city of Treada. How he knew about her, she didn't know, but she was honoured, and knew this was an opportunity to put her skills to use. Naminé gathered all her things and took off with a goodbye to her father, her ocarina in her pocket, and the letter that sealed her fate in her hand. [B]Personality:[/B] Naminé was always gifted with a natural talent for music and a fast learning mind. She is completely dedicated to making her father proud of her in whatever way she can, especially by showing she strongly inherited his minstrel skills. She is kind to all that returns the pleasantry and tries to please others if possible. Her love for music is great, as is her power and ability to use her music to fight. But even without her music and spells, she's a formidable foe because she is able to fight hand-to-hand well along with using a variety of weapons. Naminé is often a calm headed person unless someone really gets to her, which isn't too often. She's a very caring person and only uses her fighting and powers because she has to for the better of others, and because it's a necessity. She misses her father since he's all alone, but she has faith that he'll be alright because he's still strong and healthy. [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/1746/50nup4nt.jpg]Here[/url]. [B]Class:[/B] Minstrel, the instrument she uses is an [URL=http://img396.imageshack.us/img396/9932/ocarina9kv.gif]ocarina[/URL], though she can use any other instruments lying around or if there isn't anything she can sing, they all work the same.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Navy]Yuna was relieved when they were able to leave the graveyard as dawn broke out. The two teams got out of their safety areas and walked out the gate, all of them were tired. When they arrived back at the CPU, Yuna hopped onto one of the floating pillows sluggishly, she was almost afraid of the result because of her losing streak so far. When Mog announced their win, she was instantly rejuvinated and she was jumping up and down happily, cheering loudly at her first win in the game. Yuna then thought about Kuja and Mario, the two men that she had previously shared a team with. She looked at them sadly, they were drooped with sadness because they had once again lost and had to vote them out. The two of them looked up, Yuna expressed her sympathy in her eyes as she went through the teleporter, back to the Lotus Garden. The group all fell onto the comfortable sofas, and it seems that Yuna, in Xiaoyu's words 'gave them the yawns'. They talked about what they had just been through, Yuna was glad it was over, glad they had won, and glad that she was in a good team of skilled females. Samus left the room, and the others agreed after having a sleepless night because they had to defend themselves from zombies. They all said goodnight and parted ways, several went to their rooms. Yuna flopped onto the bed with a large grin. They'd won. She'd had her first victory, and it was great. For once since the game began, she didn't have to go to Team Council and vote off one of her new teammates. She let out a squeal with joy and fell asleep, reliving the moment of victory in her dreams.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Navy]As soon as I write up my Bio (which will be soon hopefully, low on inspiration) and If Wraith doesn't have any problems with my sign up I nominate myself to be a member of Phalanx, your choice of course. [B]EDIT:[/B] I finally finished my sign up, any problems let me know.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Navy]Yuna stumbled again, the robe of the Black Mage didn't allow her to run well, so she did another sphere change, she shifted to Berserker, she was pumped with adrenaline and ran ahead releasing a warcry as she entered another large pack of zombies in front of them. She plowed through them, creating a path for Samus. Yuna weaved through the pine trees easily, running on all fours. She jumped into the air, curling into a ball before she landed on a tree branch, looking back for a sign of Samus. Yuna shuffled restlessly and saw Samus arrive, having kicked her speed boosters into gear. Just before Samus reached her she sprung off the branch and continued, the two of them continued through, destroying any zombies that got in their way as they saw the end of the pine grove. [B]"Go ahead!"[/B] Samus called to her. Yuna nodded and continued clearing the way in front. Samus pushed off the ground and spun, facing the zombies that followed them as she charged up a large energy sphere, releasing it at the group before she went after Yuna. Yuna and Samus had to fight through another hoard of zombies that had been waiting for them on the other side of the grove. Yuna made another change, there was a bright flash of light and she reappeared in her Lady Luck costume. She brandished a deck of cards entirely made of aces of spades. With a simple flick of her wrist she released the cards, each finding a target in a zombie's chest. Yuna snapped her fingers and the cards exploded. Samus was already taking care of the rest, firing missiles at them.Yuna ran daintily, pulling her dress up a little. They had arrived at the hill, now all they had to do was climb it. Samus started upwards, and Yuna followed but was stopped suddenly by a yank at the hem of her dress. She tried to kick the zombie off, but he grinned scarily and pulled hard, bringing her down. Yuna did a swift change, she was back in her regular Gunner. She quickly brought out her guns and pressed them against it's chest. With a wink she squeezed both triggers, firing two bullets into him. Yuna ran up the hill again, meeting Samus who had stopped and was firing from above to help. They nodded and headed for the large stone crypt that awaited them at the top. They finally made it after turning several times to shoot at their zombified pursuers. Yuna had a strange look on her face when she saw that the door was barricaded by pews. They decided that they'd shoot the wood apart, which they'd have to do fast since the zombies were coming. [B]"You destroy the pews, I'll take care of the zombies."[/B] Samus said, facing their 'friends'. Yuna took a couple of steps back and fired two shots at the wood before she saw two eyes. [B]"Hey, hey, what's the big deal with tryin' to destroy our barricade?"[/B] a familiar and annoyed voice called. [B]"Xiaoyu?"[/B] Yuna asked, getting closer. Three "I'm here"'s came from within too. Yuna grinned and Samus had looked over to see Xiaoyu's eyes too. Somehow they had all managed to get together again as a group. [B]"Well let us in!"[/B] Samus said, continuing to fire at the raid of zombies. Yuna turned to help, firing rounds from her guns. There was shuffling from within and scraping. The entrance was clear finally so the two of them hurried in, helping to push the barricades back in place. Yuna, Samus, Ada and Lara stuck their guns in the gaps, firing at any zombies that got too close to them, hoping Mog would end the challenge soon.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Navy]Hey, I feel somewhat stupid or something, but where are we supposed to post now for the new mission? Is it still in the existing coloured threads? Just a little confused.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Navy]Trapped in a graveyard for a night infested with zombies, not her favourite idea for a challenge. She wasn't afraid, she fought undead things constantly, since all fiends were in reality, unsent souls. The team was split up by the zombies, and they had paired up together, trying to get to safety. Yuna ran as Samus told her to, trusting that she knew what she was doing. She cast Life and Cure on the zombies as they closed in around her. Samus came up beside her and they headed toward the tombstone on the hill. Yuna swiftly shuffled through her sphere grids and got back into her Summoner outfit as she ran. They reached a plateau and the zombies were still chasing after them. Yuna did a swift summoning dance and waited for her Aeon to appear. She summoned the Dragon King, the mighty [URL=http://www.kristasalter.com/gamesguru/ffx/bahamut.jpg]Bahamut[/URL], like the one she had faced in the previous challenge. [B]"Go Samus! Head for the hill."[/B] she shouted. Yuna touched Bahamut lightly and uttered her command. [B]"Mega Flare!"[/B] Bahamut reared his head back and released a strong, destructive beam, cutting down the first 3 lines of zombies that had been advancing on her. Yuna ran, Bahamut needed to charge before he could use his Overdrive again. Bahamut took to the air and flew over her, guarding in case of attacks from the zombies. Yuna fired off a few Lifes, Cures and Holys to get rid of more of them. She caught up with Samus, who was looking at Bahamut who hovered above them. [B]"Bahamut. Aeon. Strong. Hill."[/B] she pointed at the hill that was still a distance away. She wasn't good at running in her Summoner costume since the robes hindered her movement greatly. Bahamut roared that he was ready again. [B]"Mega Flare!"[/B] Bahamut stopped in mid air and turned to face the approaching zombies, he fired his deadly beam again, cutting away another three rows. Mog wasn't kidding when he said they wouldn't run out, since there was a carpet of them following Yuna and Samus.[/COLOR]
  24. [B]OOC:[/B] Tada~! Let me know if I need to change anything. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Naminé Satoshi [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Country:[/B] Japan [B]Languages:[/B] Japanese, English, French [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Description:[/B] [URL=http://img301.echo.cx/img301/5099/girls836vv.jpg]Here[/URL]. Naminé just wears any types of clothes, her preference is a nice shirt or top with a casual pair of cargos or a skirt. [B]Personality:[/B] Naminé's a caring person that loves having friends. She's active and very fit and flexible. She's incredibly stubborn and will fight to get her own way if she's really set on something. Even though she grew up in a rich family, she isn't spoiled and not up herself. All of her friends know that she isn't though they did when they first saw her. Naminé has a lot of talents from extra curricular activites since she had so much free time after finishing school work, some of which are; playing the flute, martial arts, painting and drawing, gymnastics and acrobatics, horse riding, weaponry and programming. [B]Rank:[/B] 7th Child (Unknown to her currently) [B]Bio:[/B] Naminé grew up in a wealthy family, living in a mansion with large grounds; it had many parts, like the pond and river, courtyard, etc., and having everything she asked for, but even so, she didn't take advantage of it...too much. She never considered herself as spoiled or up herself because in truth, she wasn't, and everyone that came across her found that too. She was very intelligent and did well in school, studying very hard because she didn't want to be like those kids that were rich and bought their way through everything. Naminé tried to hide the fact that she was rich but everyone put it in her face and many students tried to use her for her money. Because Naminé was intelligent, she got bored because she had too much free time, to solve that, her parents decided to get her to do extra curricular activities. Her first class was flute, she originally played a classic silver flute, but as she got better, her parents bought her an expensive [URL=http://img382.imageshack.us/img382/3367/00135xm.jpg]Hall crystal flute[/URL]. She mastered the woodwind instrument and soon still had time. Gradually she got more classes, and her activities took up a lot of time, but Naminé enjoyed it, she loved; martial arts, painting and drawing, gymnastics and acrobatics, weaponry, and programming. She got all personal, special items for each class as a gift from her parents and she took care of them. Naminé loves being different, many don't believe her and thinks she's a fake, but she just ignores them and continues going on. She's one of the rare rich people that is friends with their servants and maids.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Navy]Sakura entered the threshold, her bag was slung over her right shoulder. She looked around and noticed two boys in the area, she guessed they were her fellow pilots. She walked past their room to get to hers, theirs was smaller than hers even though they were sharing it together. She shrugged and looked at her large bed, dresser, table, and everything else in her room. Sakura put her down on the bed and started to unpack, putting everything in the right places. When she was satisfied she left the room, closing the door behind her. She sat in the main area where one of the other pilots was watching a show. Sakura raised an eyebrow and sat beside him, and soon realised the show was a documentary about wolves, her favourite animal. She watched it and didn't realise much as the other pilot came into the room. Sakura realised only when said pilot stepped in front of the TV, obscuring her vision. [B]"Hello. I?m Keiji. What?re your names?"[/B] he asked. Sakura was moving around, trying to get a view before she politely asked him to move away, it was just getting to a good part so she zoned out. She heard the pilot beside her introduce himself as Kazuki. The documentary came to a more lax part so she decided to be courteous. [B]"I'm Sakura. How're you?"[/B] she asked genuinely, though she was watching the screen incase it became interesting again. Keiji replied and asked when training was, it was at six in the morning. Kazuki got up to search for food, they were all hungry but there was no food. He grumbled at the lack of food and went to his room. The documentary finished and Sakura left too with a goodnight to Keiji, she entered her room and went to sleep. [[One week later]] Sakura was confident about the sync test. The three of them entered the changing rooms and changed quickly. Sakura slipped into her navy blue plugsuit and pressed the buttons on her wrists to fit the suit to her body. They were told to enter their entry plugs. Sakura walked forward to the plug marked with the large bold numbers; [B]01[/B]. Her fingers flew across the keypad, entering the 12 digit code, then bending down slightly to allow it to scan her retina. She slipped in and closed the hatch, taking a seat as the warm fluid washed over her. Sakura forced herself not to panic as it surrounded her, she breathed normally and allowed it to enter her lungs. Sakura tried to remember everything she had learned in that one day when they piled them up with tons of information on the Evas. She closed her eyes, her fingers were wrapped around the controls comfortably. Sakura reached out for a presence, anything that she could connect to. In her mind, she could see herself standing in a black void, she was searching, searching for anything, anyone.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] I think I got most of what you wanted. Let me know if it's not right.
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