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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [color=Navy][u][b]Day 1[/b][/u] Sakura stood at the end of the pier, her left hand in the top pocket of her navy blue cargos, her right hung at her side. The wind tugged at her hair and white, button-up top. Sakura stared out at the horizon, she was interested in what was beyond it. She pulled out her left hand and took a look at her wrist, it was about time they left for the meeting place. [b]"Latias!" [/b]she called into the wind. Something flew past her quickly and banked around, heading back in her direction, stopping before her. Sakura smiled at her pokémon that was practically her sister, her body was red with a blue triangle outline on her chest with a white neck and head with a section of red around her face area. [b]"C'mon Latias, it's time." [/b]Sakura turned and started walking back along the pier. [i][b]"Time for the journey? I can't wait." [/b][/i]Latias said. Latias flew above her and surfing the wind currents that washed over the village. Sakura lifted her head to watch Latias before she abruptly, seemingly disappeared. She smiled and kept aware as she walked. Sakura shifted her backpack to a better position and made her way to the oak tree where they used to play together. [b]"Hey Reza. And Rain. Storm, Celebi." [/b]she greeted each. Suddenly Latias reappeared in front of Reza with a cry, making her jump slightly. Sakura chuckled, Latias was a playful pokémon like herself and refracted light around herself with the use of glass-like down to make her invisible or sometimes to make her look like someone/something else. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Hope that was ok for a first post.[/color] [/color]
  2. [b][color=Black]OOC: Parabola[/color][/b][color=Black], I think you missed out the Shinobis in your plan of where we're all supposed to be. Sorry about the length, couldn't think of much. [color=Navy]Sakura had been to Baskin only once, and it wasn't a fun experience, Chi froze up a few times because of the joints, and the time she had gone, one of the team members had actually gotten hurt within the mech. She didn't want to go back, but she would for her team. [/color][/color][size=2][color=Navy][b]"I think I am going to try and grab something to eat, care to join me?" [/b]Vince asked. Sakura looked at the extended hand and smirked, she placed her left hand into the grip gently. [b]"Sure, I am a bit hungry." [/b]she said. The two of them walked around the base, searching out the cafeteria area. By the time they reached there, they were really hungry. Sakura stuck her right hand into her pocket and they looked at the choices of food. She got a bun and filled it with some meat and salad before adding a little bit of dressing, she waited for Vince and they paid, sitting at an empty table across from each other. Sakura took a bite out of her bun and looked over at Vince as she chewed, he had violet hair and crimson eyes, a unique combination. He looked up from eating and smiled. [b]"Do you think we make a good team, Vince?" [/b]Sakura asked after finishing her mouthful. [/color][/size]
  3. [size=2][color=Navy][b][color=black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=black]I will edit the rest sometime soon.[/color][b] Name:[/b] Russet [b]Allegiance:[/b] Maximals [b]Function:[/b] Maximal Strategist / Scout / Swift Assault [b]Beast mode:[/b] Red Fox [b]Weapons:[/b] [i]Primary - [/i]Energon Daggers [i]Secondary - [/i]Claw Missiles [i]Tertiary - [/i]Plasma Blaster [b]Height:[/b] 7ft 3ins. [b]Quote:[/b] "A moral accompanied by no pain is meaningless, because one cannot gain anything without a sacrifice." [b]Profile:[/b] [Detail your characters history, personality and anything else you?d like in this section.] [b]Abilities:[/b] [All Transformers have unique abilities; you can also describe your weapons.] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [All Transformers have a weakness, there is no such thing as an invincible Transformer.] [b]Sample Post:[/b] [The situation is that you and your Team Mates are on a scouting mission that gets ambushed, you take it from there.][/color][/size]
  4. [b]OOC: [/b]Sorry I haven't posted in a while, couldn't think of anything. [color=Navy]Tesera saw the large group of men and groaned as she knew what was coming, another fight. She was sad, it was her fault for everything, if the dragon or the men just killed her, everything would be alright again. She had considered giving herself up. Tesera's companions were so determined to help her, she wondered why they were willing to give their lives for her. Tesera had been healed earlier by Nait and now she was alright, she would fight beside her companions because she didn't just want to be someone who needed constant protection. Tesera drew her acquired sword and rushed forward. It was easy to make her way through the others because she was small, agile and graceful, making her way toward the back where there were archers which was a nuisance for the others that were fighting. Tesera broke through the swordsmen and saw the line of archers; there were crossbows and longbows being wielded, they saw her too and several changed their aim to her. She weaved back and forth, avoiding the arrows until she came up and slashed at the bows, slicing the strings of the longbows, then slicing the stocks of the crossbows in a type of swords dance. She stopped and watched them, they growled angrily and some drew their daggers, others didn't carry other weapons and picked up their arrows, either jabbing them at her or hurling them at her or the others. They all rushed her and Tesera fended them off, then James jumped in to help her out, she guessed he had been thinking the same as her, to stop the archers. [/color]
  5. [color=Navy]Sakura made her way back down to the hangar, she didn't have a chance to talk to the mechanics earlier because they were called away. As she walked, she muttered about Harlin. [b]"That arse, I bet he's sending us to the frozen, deserted, wasteland on purpose." [/b]she mumbled. She entered the hangar and looked over at Chi, she was really beat up. Sakura called one of the mechanics over and talked to them about her Mech. She kept her eyes on the machine the entire time, she was told it would take 3 days for Chi to be fixed. Sakura nodded and left, telling them to do a good job. She walked back, not looking where she was going, she remembered how he had blamed the mess on them, saying they had failed. Sure, they didn't complete their mission but it wasn't their fault that the Tyrant had impenetrable armour. Suddenly Sakura was pushed back by a force that had run into her. She stumbled backwards and looked up, seeing Vince. They just stared at each other blankly and started laughing for no apparent reason. [b]"What are you laughing at?" [/b]she asked as she calmed down, smiling. [b]"I don't know." [/b]he smirked. [b]"How's the mech?" [/b]Sakura looked away. [b]"They said she should have her ready to go in 3 days." "So are you going then?" [/b]he asked. [b]"Of course I am, no one can stop me. I know Kaizu wants to go on his own to protect us, but we gotta stick together. Besides, I can't leave ya like that, us Shinobi pilots gotta stick together, we make a good team, don't you think?" [/b]Sakura smiled slightly. Vince nodded, [b]"Did you know Kaizu punched out Harlin after he got us to leave?" [/b]he told her. [b]"Yeah, he should be glad Kaizu just hit him in the jaw, I woulda aimed much lower." [/b]Sakura's face was angry. [b]"Man, that Tyrant was a nasty one. It caused so much damage to Chi, I'm surprised the mechanics can get her up and running in 3 days with the extent, looks like she's been compacted, not thrown into a building." [/b]Sakura ran a hand through her hair in frustration with a frustrated sigh to accompany it.[b] "Anyway, where were you headed in such a hurry?" [/b] [/color]
  6. [color=Navy]Katchya sat with a group from the Guild, they were at the tavern where most of them met up and just hung out together. She lurked in the shadows and watched on as the table of men gambled away all their money. She smirked as she saw one of them lose their whole pile. [b]"Tough luck, Anders. Think smarter before betting up your lot." [/b]Katchya joked. [b]"Think you're so smart, eh? C'mon Katz, take a shot!" [/b]he replied with a grin. Kat rolled her eyes, the other men all cheered her on. She reached into her coin purse which hung at her waist, she took out a few of them and tossed them onto the table. They whistled as she put down a large amount. [b]"Call it." [/b] [b]"Odds." [/b]Kat looked to her left. The man juggled the die and rolled them. All of them at the table besides Kat watched the die as they skittered across the table top. As they landed the group cheered, she had guessed right. Kat smirked and reached forward, grabbing a fistful of coins like the ones she had put down, she put them into her purse and left the rest. [b]"Don't want the rest, Katz?" [/b]the men looked at her. [b]"Nah, I got enough, the jobs play well." [/b]she grinned, patting the bulging purse at her hip, and reaching into a pocket to reveal several other pouches bulgingly full. [b]"Speaking of jobs..." [/b]she said quietly as a man none knew entered the tavern. He talked to the bartender briefly, the bartender shrugged and continued cleaning glasses. He started talking to the smaller groups of the Guild, none of them revealed anything. He finally walked over to their table. [b]"Excuse me, do you know who Katchya Valentine is?" [/b]he questioned. Katchya yawned and stretched her arms above her head, looking him over. He obviously had a lot of money, his clothes were clean and looked expensive, from head to toes. [b]"Nope, never heard of her." [/b]Anders told him easily. Kat smirked and the man nodded, looking at them carefully. She was the only female sitting among them. She could see him working up the courage to ask, that was where a lot faltered and left unsatisfied. [b]"A-Are you, Katchya Valentine?" [/b]he asked nervously. Kat rolled her eyes, he had was a wuss, no wonder he needed her help. She stood, her chair scraping loudly across the floor. Kat walked toward the stairs of the tavern, as she walked past the bar, the keep tossed her a key which she caught with ease, going up the stairs. The man stood at the table, staring after her confused. [b]"You're supposed to follow 'er." [/b]one of them supplied. He snapped out of whatever daze he was in and thanked them, running after her. Kat was leaning against a wall beside a door, her eyes flickered to him and she jerked her head at the door. His eyebrows came together and he opened the door, walking in. Kat pushed off and entered behind him, locking the door. She sat at a plain wooden table with a few cabinets behind her. She extended an arm, gesturing at the seat across from her and he sat. [b]"This is the room I use to talk to clients. It's spelled to keep whatever is said in here alone. So, congratulations, you found me, what do you want?" [/b]Kat sighed. [b]"I need an assassination..." [/b]he explained the details that he wanted and Kat nodded. [b]"Got enough money to pay my fees?" [/b] He reached into a pocket and threw a bulging purse onto the table. She reached across and opened it, digging her finger around, there was a lot of money. She nodded and pocketed it with her other pouches. Kat leaned back and slid a drawer out from a filing cabinet, her fingers deftly sifted through the files, pulling one out. She opened the empty file, there was empty sheets of paper there. Kat picked up a pen that sat on the desk and hurriedly wrote the details; client's name, the job, who the victim would be, details of victim, amount payed, etc. [b]"Right, it'll be done before two days are over. Now sign this, and this." [/b]she pulled a sheet that had writing all over it from the file and set it in front of him, passing over the pen. [b]"What's that?" [/b]he asked. [b]"It's a contract that says you can't tell anyone my description or where to find me, it includes reporting me to authorities. If you break the contract, I'll know, and I'll kill you." [/b]she said calmly. He swallowed and signed on the line, sliding it over. She checked it and nodded, tucking it into the file and slipping it back among the others in the filing cabinet. Kat stood, he extended his hand so she shook it. He exited the room, followed by Kat whom locked it up afterward. She slowly walked back downstairs and tossed the keys back. [b]"How'd it go?" [/b]the men asked as she walked over. [b]"Looks like I've got another job. He's a wuss, but he's got the money to pay." [/b]Kat smirked. [b]"Speaking of jobs, I gotta get, got a different one to do. Here, take this and go home before you lose any more money, Marla'll skin ya if she finds out you lost more today." [/b]Kat pulled a small pouch from her pocket and put it in front of Anders. They were all good friends with each other and always helped others out. They were also close with everyone's families. Marla, who was Anders' wife, got very angry when Anders lost a lot of money. He opened the pouch and looked though it, there were a few gold coins, a bunch of silver, and the rest were bronze. [b]"Thanks a lot, Katz..." [/b]he said looking up. He was fast enough to see the door to the tavern close as Katchya strode out, she had someone to kill. Kat slipped into an alley and ascended to the roofs. She made her way across town and landed silently at a house. She slid up next to a window and peered in, the man she was after was alone, he was a spy in the team against her client. She chuckled, for a spy, he wasn't good at his job, no security, asleep in his chair. Katchya pulled out her right gun and screwed on the silencer. She aimed and shot through the window, hitting him in the heart. His body tensed as it was hit, but instantly relaxed in death. She turned, and saw a man in all black standing there, staring at her. Kat raised her gun, he rolled out of the way and she immediately guessed he was a colleague of the man she had just killed. She cursed, it was unexpected that a friend would turn up. Kat drew her second gun and ran out, the man had already brought out his gun. She rolled quickly and got up on her knees, shooting several times, the bullets pierced his body and he fell backwards. Kat hauled his body next to the window where she had shot the man from and fled the scene quickly. She slid her guns away into the holsters and tugged at her gloves with a smile. Mission Complete. [/color]
  7. [color=Navy]Sakura flipped from the uneven bars into a proper landing position as a servant entered the gym. She was panting slightly and picked up a towel, mopping the sweat from her face. [b]"Miss Hiwatari, I have come to tell you that dinner is at 6.00 pm." [/b]he bowed. [b]"Thankyou." [/b]she said, she looked at the time and cursed, she gathered up whatever she had brought with her and ran through the halls to her room. Sakura looked at her bed and saw the things she had requested earlier. She turned away from them and undressed, throwing her sweaty clothes into a hamper. She took a cool, refreshing shower, washing the sweat from her body. Sakura dried off and dressed into the clothes on the bed, then she threw on a long trench coat over to conceal it. She grabbed the items she had requested and left the room. A servant passed and she gave them to him. [b]"I need someone to throw these to me when I need them at dinner." [/b]she said, he nodded and took them away. Sakura re-entered her room and applied some light make-up, she stretched out her body before going to dinner. As she left her room, a loud shriek was heard through the mansion, Sakura jumped from the loud noise, she was worried but wasn't sure what to do, so she made the decision to continue on to the dining room. No one else was around, so she took a seat and waited for the others to arrive. [/color]
  8. [size=2][color=Navy][b]Name:[/b] Naomi Alatus [b] Apparent Age:[/b] 24 [b] Gender:[/b] Female [b] Weapons:[/b] Naomi carries a [url="http://img362.imageshack.us/img362/449/kr4large9nl.jpg"]Sword[/url] strapped to her back with the hilt peeking over her right shoulder. She also has a pair of [url="http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/9176/jerichoall9ot.jpg"]Guns[/url] [bottom left corner] in holsters on each side of her hips. Lastly she carries a large bundle of these unique [url="http://img184.imageshack.us/img184/7733/mcfc209sl9cj.jpg"]Throwing Stars[/url] in a pouch that rests on the back of her hips on the right side. No one knows but the Goggles she wears on her head have several different capabilities, to name a few; night vision, infra-red, UV, x-ray and so on. [b] Personality:[/b] The easiest way people have described Naomi's personality, is like the wind, because it can change in the blink of an eye. One second she may be happy and joking around, the next she's angry and storms off; like the wind. She loves relaxing and lazing about, she also likes to joke around a lot, but even with such a playful side, she knows when to be serious. She doesn't take her job as a Guardian lightly at all, if someone is threatening the Elders, she will do everything to hunt them down and protect the Elders. Naomi is very knowledgeable because she reads a lot, the main subjects she's best at are Logical thinking and anything to do with technology. She has strong common sense and thinks things through before she does them, weighing out the consequences. [b] Appearance:[/b] [/color][/size][color=Navy][url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"]Here[/url], she's a medium height of 5'6" and has a medium build. She wears a long sleeved black or sometimes navy blue top but usually keeps the sleeves rolled up to just above her elbows, and she wears a pair of black leather pants. Her gloves are also made of black leather and reach her wrists. She has a belt that goes around with all of her weapons connected to it.[/color] [size=2][color=Navy] [b] Bio:[/b] Before her life as a Guardian, Naomi remembered a different life, completely different. Her occupation was one of stealth and murder, she had been an assassin, and a well known one at that. She was well known because she was great at her job, killing anyone she was asked to if they could pay the right price. Naomi was silent and deadly, tempting many men only to kill them soon after. She liked the job and it payed very well, rich men were willing to pay a lot of money for someone they wanted dead. Naomi was a cold hearted person, which is a must when you kill others constantly, she didn't have relations of any kind. For reasons that were unknown to her, she was chosen to be a Guardian, having no knowledge of them before whatsoever. When she met with the Elders she questioned them, they told her she was a good candidate because they knew there was potential inside that just had to be brought up. Naomi trained hard and with help from others, her personality changed and she was lighter than before. She's very dedicated to her new job as a Guardian and does everything she's asked. [b] Character Snippet:[/b] Give me a sample of your writing[/color][/size]
  9. [color=Navy]Noah was the last person remaining on the bench, he stared up at the night sky, just thinking about everything that had developed since he arrived in the city. Noah had succeeded in the first task of retriving five diamonds from the creatures in the desert; he'd made it through the second task, which had been special to him, since he was given the once-in-a-lifetime chance to revive; and he'd been accepted as a member of the group for the quest. The newest development was the bond that had formed between his and Leonardo's auras. He said and finally got up from the bench, he slowly made his way back through the castle and to his quarters. He noted how the castle was silent at night, all that could be heard were the sounds of night; animal calls, the wind, the sound of water. Noah entered his room and found it was somewhat stuffy so he flung open the window, which immediately made a large difference. He lay down on his bed and thought for a while. In the morning he would search out Leonardo and find out about the bond that happened to them. Noah fell asleep quickly, he relaxed as there were no dreams. [/color]
  10. [color=Navy][b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]I'm confused... [b]Justice[/b], if you want me to change it, let me know. [/color] Katchya drew up on the rise that overlooked Nibelheim. She frowned, it had been years since she'd been there, ever since she left to find Tifa and Cloud. The place looked so different, un-recognisable. The houses had been re-built, that was obvious, and she knew that Sephiroth had set fire to the town. Kat slowly made her way down into the town and came across some people she knew as a child. She greeted them, they were surprised to see her and they commented on how much she had changed, she spoke with them briefly but rushed off, explaining she had business. Her destination was the mansion at the back, she had been inside it once as a dare when she was a child, there was something hidden within but she didn't know what. As she was walking along the streets, there was a bright flash of green light, seemingly materialising out of thin air, and rushing into the mansion. She started running toward the mansion and saw two men ahead that were doing the same as her. Kat went through the mansion cautiously with her guns drawn in case of anything. She heard the sound of running footsteps getting fainter, she followed them to a door. She peered inside and saw a long spiral of stairs. She ran down them and found a door, she kicked it open and entered, seeing four men, standing in pairs. [b]"You!" [/b]she exclaimed, seeing Yazoo and Loz. [b]"What are you doing here? And who are you?" [/b]she addressed the other two men, one with silver hair, but she didn't know him. Her guns were pointed at each pair, her eyes flickering between them. She took a quick look of her surroundings, there were lots of books around and pieces of equipment, she guessed it was a lab of some sort. [b]"Ah, Katchya has arrived as well, brother." [/b]Loz said with a smirk. [b]"Wonderful. As we were saying to Vince, we wish to ask you a favour." [/b] [b]"A favour?! You expect us to help you?! ...What is it?" [/b]she questioned. [b]"They want us to kill Kadaj." [/b]Vince spoke up. [/color]
  11. [color=Green]Sakura sidled across the ledge without much of a [color=Green]problem[/color], she wasn't at all afraid of heights, she was used to it, after all, she flew higher than the ledge in flying morphs. For those who were scared, she just gave the usual words told. [b]"Don't look down." [/b]she said, she had her back against the wall and moved sideways with wide steps, keeping right behind Era. Sakura's eyes were focussed on the other side, as they went further across the ledge, the view was clearer and she could slowly make out what it was. [b]"I see something!" [/b]she cried over the howling [color=Green]wind. They moved further forward and Sakura could guess what it was from the strong shape. [/color][/color][color=Green][b]"Huh, a castle, by any chance?" [/b]Era questioned. Sakura nodded, [b]"Yes." [/b][/color][color=Green][b]"Well then, it seems we're almost there." [/b]Kaida's voice hid that she was tired, but they all knew the truth. They were all tired; the enemies fought, the weather, the trials, and this ledge had made them tired. Kaida moved faster, everyone else followed to keep up with her speed. They all hoped they could reach the other side quickly. [b]"If no one minds, I'll fly ahead to scout and report back. Arachnid, keep close to Era." [/b]Sakura took out her second gun and gave it to Era.[b] "In case you need it." [/b]Sakura concentrated and swiftly changed into a peregrine falcon, small and able to fly fast. She called out and flapped off toward the castle. She looked around and noted the monsters that guarded the castle on all sides, some they had seen before and others that were new, she had to be careful since there were scouts in the sky as well. Sakura took mental notes and made her way over again, circling the group as they slowly made the rest of the way across the ledge. They were all happy to be standing on firm ground and waited to see what Sakura had to report as she changed back to her human form. Sakura told them all of what she had seen, she believed that this was where the man was staying but there was doubt since it was too easy for her to scout out everything. Maybe there was more to it, she didn't know, but they at least knew quite a lot for what was coming up. [b]OOC: [/b]Sorry for the quality, I was a bit rushed. [/color]
  12. [color=Navy][b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Interesting idea, I haven't been in a pokémon RP in ages. [/color][b] Name: [/b]Sakura Valentine [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender: [/b]Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [/color][size=2][color=Navy][url="http://img301.echo.cx/img301/5099/girls836vv.jpg"]Here[/url], she always wears a white, button-up, short sleeve shirt and navy blue cargos. She has a medium build and stands at a medium 5'6" with a well proportioned body. [/color][/size][color=Navy] [b]Personality:[/b] [/color][size=2][color=Navy]Sakura's a fun person to be around, she loves to just hang around, relax, joke and muck around. She has a lot of friends and is quite popular. She's kind and treasures all her friends. She has a strong sense of trust and honour, if she says she'll do something, she will, and whoever has her trust will have her as a friend and helper, she'll protect them with everything she has. Sakura's obsessed with pokémon and loves them, she takes care of her own very well and provides them with everything they need. She gets very upset when she sees others abusing their pokémon. Sakura loves all types of pokémon and has a variety. [/color][/size][color=Navy] [b]Bio:[/b] Sakura was born as an only child and she was one for having adventures and exploring. Windsand Village had a large forest and she was always told not to go there without someone accompanying her in case she got lost. She was drawn to it, and one day, when she was 8, she explored. She got to an area in the centre and there was a soft calling, it sounded like crying. Sakura crept up and saw a pokémon hiding behind a rock, it's wings covered it's head, but she could see it was red and white. She comforted the pokémon and soon it stopped hiding. Sakura gasped when she saw it, she knew what she was immediately, a Latias. Then she guessed why she was upset, Latias and Latios were always together since they were something like siblings, and Latios was no where to be seen. Sakura asked if she wanted to stay with her, she agreed and they made their way out of the forest. They became best friends and practically sisters, they went everywhere together. She didn't keep Latias in a pokéball because there wasn't a need to. As they got older, a telepathic bond formed between them, like the one she would have had with Latios. Sakura tries not to keep Latias in a pokéball unless she has to. [b]Starting pokémon:[/b] Latias [Female] [b]Eventual party (final evolutions):[/b] Latias [Female] Blaziken [Male] Gardevoir [Male] Skarmory [Male] Jolteon[/color][color=Navy] [Male][/color] [color=Navy]Blastoiste[/color][color=Navy] [Male][/color]
  13. [b]OOC: [/b]I don't know if you meant that Leo was connecting with you, [b]Achilles[/b],if so, let me know and I'll edit my post. [color=Navy]Noah was still seated beside Nepenthe, he introduced himself politely as each of the new members chosen appeared. He listened to their conversations and asked them about their last task. Fayt explained to him that they had to spar against each other, then Fayt asked about the task for the spellcasters. Noah told them about how they had to use a lot of their power, explaining the use of the diamonds they had retrieved. When Leonardo arrived, the chosen team was fully assembled, the three spellcasters, and the three warriors. Amongst them, only two were female, one from each side. They continued to chat through the night, most of them were too restless to sleep, others just wanted to hang around. Noah was a bit of both, he had originally come out because he wasn't tired, and now he also wanted to stay. Suddenly as he was talking, he felt a tingling touch, not a physical touch, it was a touch through auras. He knew the aura was lingering and he reached out his aura to connect and try to find out what or who it was. They jolted together and the heads of both hosts shot up at the same time. Noah looked over at Leonardo, he was looking at him as well. Noah realised what that meant, their auras were compatible, and the bond had been formed now so they should be close friends, comrades, brothers, all other words for a close bond. He guessed that Leonardo had been touching each person's aura to see if anyone's was compatible with his, and Noah's was. [/color]
  14. [color=Navy]Tesera and Eso were exhausted from running and ducking. She had a number of scrapes from sliding to hide just in time. There were three more after them, heading their way, they got up and ran as fast as they could, out into a main street. They halted in their tracks as someone called Eso's name. Tesera didn't know any of them personally, but she remembered the girl that had bumped into her and her father. Eso knew them because they lived in the city, though he wasn't sure of the man in black. As the the two of them just made it to the group of others, the men that were after them burst from the alley too. Tesera was so tired, she collapsed to the ground after they got behind the others. The man and his daughter, with the man Eso didn't know attacked the guards, killing them quickly. When it was over, they started having a conversation when something flew out of the father's hat. She looked at it closely and saw it was a fairy. [b]"[/b][/color][b][color=Navy][i]Ohmygoodness.[/i] More new people! I am Kira! Dark fairy of legendary stature! Pleasure to make your acquaintance." [/color][/b][color=Navy]she bowed. Tesera smiled, it was cute and had a child-like innocence to her. As Eso requested their help, she started to piece together clues for their names. The man in black was James, and the daughter was Lyn, because the father had said their names earlier before they killed the men. Then the father said the name Nait, which had to be the female beside James. Finally Kira addressed the father as Ashy, but she had a feeling it was just a nickname. Tesera brought her attention back to the matter at hand of whether they'd have an escort to help them. She was glad to find out that they had all agreed to help them out, she was very grateful, and told them so. Then she didn't want to be useless and defenseless in a fight, so copying Nait, she took a sword from one of the men that lay dead in the street. She took the sheath and tied it to the sash on her dress. Tesera weighted the sword in her hand, made a few slashes in the air, spun it before sliding it smoothly into it's sheath. [b]"I think we're ready to go now...Wait! I need to go back to the stage...My bag's there with my cloak, and I have things in my bag." [/b]she explained. They all walked out of the street and saw another man that was staring at them. They were guarded, they weren't sure if he was here to help. [b]"Go get your bag quickly. We'll see what this guy wants. If you come across any more men, run." [/b]Eso said. Tesera nodded and took another street out, she weaved through until she ended up at the back of the stage. Her bag and cloak were sitting in a pile in front of her. She looked around and grabbed both, putting on the bag, then donning the cloak and pulling the hood over her face. She looked around for anyone again and returned to the group. [/color]
  15. [color=Navy][b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Will finish later. [b]EDIT: [/b]Complete! Let me know if anything should be changed. [/color] [b] Name[/b]: Katchya "Kat" Valentine [b]Age[/b]: 24 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]City of Residence[/b]: Cadmus, Jotun's Pit [b]Loyalty[/b]: Devoted to the Guild [b]Job[/b]: Assassin/Thief/Sometimes spy - She can be hired by anyone that can find her and has enough money to pay her fees. She'll do either one depending on what the person wants her to do. [b]Abilities[/b]: Stealthy, agile, swift and has a unique way to move right up to someone silently without them knowing. Kat can see clearly in the dark, and has an excellent sense of hearing, both which are vital for her job. She's flexible and can do a lot of gymnastic moves that help her out in what she does. Kat has to have good aim with what she does and she has a wide range of training in martial arts and weaponry in case she ever needs it. Since she steals and kills, she's best at stealing and killing and moving around silently. Kat also has excellent skills of disguise and acting, since sometimes she goes undercover for people as well. She also has a kind of skill with detecting lies and whether someone's a traitor. She doesn't know how it works, but something in her mind alerts when someone lies or is being a traitor, she can't explain it, she just calls it a sixth sense. [b]Weapon of Choice[/b]: Kat carries a number of weapons, all of which are light weight so it doesn't make it heavy for her. She carries a pair of guns like the ones in [url="http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/3776/christian7ou.jpg"]this[/url] picture with a holster on each hip, she carries screw on silencers along with them and plenty of spare ammo. She has a pouch split into two compartments that sits over her right hip, each compartment is filled with a different type of throwing projectile; [url="http://img184.imageshack.us/img184/7623/mcfc209sl2ko.jpg"]knife-like things[/url], and [url="http://img184.imageshack.us/img184/3732/shuriken52xi.jpg"]shuriken[/url]. The last weapons that she carries are a pair of [url="http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/7922/hk913h0in.jpg"]daggers[/url] in sheaths next to the guns, on the outside. [b]Appearance[/b]: [url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"]Here[/url], she's a medium height of 5'6" and has a medium build. She wears a long sleeved black top but usually keeps the sleeves rolled up to just above her elbows, and she wears a pair of black leather pants. Her gloves are also made of black leather and reach her wrists. [b]Personality[/b]: Kat has a bit of a split personality. She's different from when she works and when she's with friends. All of her friends are mostly part of the Guild, which is how they know each other, but she has a few outer friends as well. Around them she's free and happy, jokes around and practically just has fun. When she's working, she is a cold-hearted and ruthless, because she has to, she kills people for most of her living, the rest done by stealing. Whenever she kills, she feels nothing because she's so used to it after doing it for so many years. She hates failure and will always complete a job, even if she's half dead. Kat considers the Guild as her family, because she never knew her real family. She works alone because assassination and thievery should be a one person thing, and anyone else will just weigh her down. [b]Biography[/b]: Katchya grew up, never knowing who her parents were, she was dumped at a young age of around 8, she never knew, nor did she care, why they abandoned her. If they were kind enough to leave a young, helpless child in the streets she didn't need them. As a child, she wandered the streets, she half starved, but she drank what little water she could find in places to keep her going, and some rare people that felt sorry for her gave her whatever food they had. When Kat turned 10, she found her way to the Guild, stumbling upon it. Someone saw the cold glare in her eyes and got the leader to let her join. She was fed slowly until she was healthy and they started to train her. Since she was young, she had a willing mind and picked up things easily. They taught her martial arts, which she took in her stride easily, transgressing very fast. She had three main teachers, they were members of the Guild, each had a different occupation; one was an assassin, one a thief, and one a spy. Each taught her their ways, the thing that stayed the same throughout was the fact that it was crucial that she was silent, swift, agile, and stealthy, because getting caught would mean death. Kat grew up, taking in everything she was taught. [/color][color=Navy]Kat was taught by a hunter, how to use guns and other projectile firing weapons. She was taught how to aim accurately so she didn't miss her target.[/color] [color=Navy] By the time she was 18, she was doing proper jobs, killing big people, stealing large items and getting important pieces of information. She had already formed a strong reputation and had many people coming to look for her. Kat takes her jobs very seriously, she won't take a job from someone unless they first track her down. All the Guild members have been told by her, not to lead anyone to her if they wanted a job. They have to be smart themselves and figure out who and where she was. Then the next step was if they had enough money to pay her fees, and she charged quite high for her services. She considers the Guild as her friends and family, she trusts them and they support her like a family. All Kat knows is it's the only thing even [i]close [/i]to a family life that she's ever known. She knows there's been a few traitors that have come and gone, but she has a bit of a sensor that tells whether they are traitors or not. Katchya is well known, even at her age, several people that have come to see her and found her successfully doubted her skills, she cleared that easily by killing them swiftly. There are rumours about her, some which are true, not many people doubt her skills since they've heard of how many people she's killed because they doubted her. She often has several jobs at a time happening which keeps her busy. [/color]
  16. [color=Navy]Sakura thought that this Mech would be as easy to slice through as the one Vince and herself had teamed up against earlier, and boy was she wrong. Her blade, which should have sliced through it like a hot knife through butter, didn't leave a scratch, and Vince's shot had become useless too. Sakura was shocked and stunned, but sheathed her blade and flipped away swiftly because she didn't know when it would attack. The team started to suspect it was Garrett having returned. Sakura had thought she was a safe distance from the mech, but she was wrong, it moved up close to her quickly and grabbed Chi by the neck. Sakura struggled and gripped the arm with Chi's hands. Before she knew it, she was flung powerfully into a skyscraper, the building collapsing around her. She was buried under rubble but could hear rounds being shot. She pushed away the large slabs that held Chi down and they emerged. Sakura didn't know what the damage looked like, but she knew it was bad from the indicators inside, all the parts were flashing red, indicating high amounts of damage. Her left arm was solid red, indicating uselessness in that part. Sakura drew her blade again in defense and made her way over to the group again, knowing Chi looked worse for ware. As she came up to be one with the team, they were told over comm from Kaizu to retreat to the mountains, to Lowwell Base. Kaizu dashed, with all of them behind him. Chi's legs were quite badly damaged, making her slower than usual, but it was still faster than some of the others. She kept up with the group, Sakura would just have to make it to the base, get Chi fixed up, and then they'd be back in action. Sakura wasn't too far behind Kaizu, actually the distance was quite small. She commed him. [b]"Didn't expect that to happen, huh?" [/b]Sakura grinned, grimly. [b]"No, it certainly was unexpected. I thought you and Vincent would turn it into scrap quite easily. Guess it told me." [/b]Kaizu frowned. [b]"...How bad?" [/b]she asked. Kaizu knew what she meant. [b]"Pretty bad, crushed in a bit everywhere, lots of scratches. Left arm not working?" [/b]he questioned. [b]"No, your's isn't either, what happened?" [/b] [b]"It fired it's fist at me, hit me in the shoulder, rendered it useless. How come your left arm's damaged instead of your right?" "Heh, force of habit and instinct. I always stick my left arm out to help break my fall, always try to protect my right since I'm right handed." [/b]The mountains loomed ahead, that was their destination, hopefully they didn't run into anything else on the way. [/color]
  17. [size=2][color=Navy][color=Black][/color][b]Name: [/b]Sakura Hiwatari [b]Age: [/b]19 [b]Power:[/b] [i]Mystique[/i] - [/color][/size][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=2][color=Navy]She can psionically shift the atoms and molecules of her body and of whatever clothing she is wearing so as to change her and its appearance. As a result she can cause herself to look and sound like an exact duplicate of any human, humanoid, semi-humanoid, or beast being of either sex, wearing virtually any kind of clothing. Her control is so exact that she can precisely duplicate another person's retina pattern in her own eyes, finger, palm and skin-pore patterns on her own hands and skin, and vocal cords to match voices to the point of corresponding voiceprints.[/color][/size][/font] [size=2][color=Navy] [b]Codename:[/b] Mirror [b]Appearance:[/b] [url="http://img301.echo.cx/img301/5099/girls836vv.jpg"]Here[/url], she always wears a white, button-up, short sleeve shirt and navy blue cargos. She has a medium build and stands at a medium 5'6" with a well proportioned body. But since she changes shape a lot, that only applies at times. She has a fit body anyway from lots of gymnastics and dancing. [b]Personality:[/b] Sakura's a fun person to be around, she loves to just hang around, relax, joke and muck around. She has a lot of friends and is quite popular. She's kind and treasures all her friends, but they all have secrets. She has a strong sense of trust and honour, if she says she'll do something, she will, and whoever has her trust will have her as a friend and helper, she'll protect them with everything she has. She accepts that she's a mutant and not normal like others, but tries not to think of herself as a 'freak' as other mutants have been called. She's loves her power and doesn't see it as a problem or burden, just something interesting that's quite fun. [b]Bio:[/b] Sakura was born in the centre of Japan, Tokyo. She was the oldest of three, the second oldest was only younger by a few minutes, being her almost identical twin besides gender. Sakura and Takao have a strong bond as twins and they tell each other practically everything. Kira is younger than them by five years, being 14. Her parents were quite successful, both worked full jobs, so Sakura took care of her younger siblings when they worked late. As a result of all their work, the family had a large house, seeing that they were only a family of five. It was a double storey, floor was entirely made of timber boards and each of their rooms were special and unique, with pretty much everything they wanted, though they weren't spoiled in any way. Her mutant powers first activated when she was 12. Takao and herself were sitting in her room talking, she was complaining about getting told off in class when she didn't do anything. Sakura stood in front of Takao and imitated the teacher, Miss Yama. She felt her voice start to feel funny and cleared it, before she knew it, Takao was staring at her, in shock and horror. [b]"S-Sakura?" [/b]he asked. [b]"Of course it's me, who else would I be?" [/b]she asked, she thought her voice sounded a little strange but ignored it. [b]"L-Look in the mirror." [/b]he pointed a shaking finger at the full length mirror, he continued to stare at her. She walked over and screamed when she looked at her reflection. She looked exactly like Miss Yama, and sounded like her too. She was confused and shocked, the 'X' gene had just been with her since she was conceived and now it activated. She panicked and wished she could go back to normal, and she slowly changed back. After that, she worked on it with Takao to help, she wanted to get better at it, because she had to learn control or else she could transform into anyone. She tried changing into many different people, then changing back. The more she practised, the easier and faster it got. Then she discovered it wasn't only humans, it was animals too, and after that she found out she could do humanoids and semi-humanoids. After a couple of months, she told the rest of her family, her parents were shocked, Kira thought it was cool, but then she was only 7 at the time. When two years had passed, she was confident and had perfected her skills. Now whenever she went anywhere, she took in everything of any person walking near her, she could use any number of them as a disguise if she remembered them clear enough. She loved having her power, no problems whatsoever with it since she had control over it and it was a good thing, there were a number of things she could do with the power. [/color][/size]
  18. [color=Navy]Tesera saw the large dragon and was shocked by it. No dragon that large had been seen for centuries. She just stared at the magnificent creature but soon realised it was headed right for them. She ordered Dryoga to try to lose it, but it was surprisingly agile despite it's size. They couldn't shake it, so Dryoga had to turn and face it. Dryoga blew a frosty breath at the dragon, it was immediately countered by a burst of hot flames. They circled in the air, Dryoga was small compared to the dragon, but he charged forward, hoping to do some damage. Dryoga rammed the dragon but it didn't do much at all, in fact, it probably hurt him more than the dragon. [b] [/b]Dryoga told her. Tesera gnawed on her lip and finally came up with a possible solution. [b]"Give me your sword." [/b]she told Eso. [b]"What?!" "I need it, I don't have a weapon, you have Dryoga to help and protect you." [/b]Tesera explained hurriedly. [b]"Quickly, there's no time." [/b] Eso handed over the sword. Tesera slid it between the dress and the sash around her waist so it stayed in position. [b]"Dryoga, get as close as you can." [/b] Dryoga nodded and banked sharply, at the peak where they were closest, Tesera leapt off Dryoga and onto the back of the large dragon. She was so small on it's back and clambered to get a hold, gripping inbetween scales. The dragon roared at it's new passenger and started flying wildly, trying to shake her off. Tesera clenched her eyes shut and held on. As it got weary, she pulled out her flute and tried to tame it, it was a failure, it's mind was incredibly strong and it resisted the taming. She put the flute away and drew the sword, holding on again as it bucked, spun, flipped, barrel rolled, somersaulted and did tricks to try and remove her. She slid her way over to the edge of it's back, near it's side, she stabbed the sword into the thin area between the scales of it's back, and the scales of the underbelly. It was one of the, if not the most, sensitive parts of a dragon and the best place to attack. It roared angrily and wriggled and tossed, finally loosing Tesera. It turned and shot flames at Dryoga and Eso who were circling close by. The flames prevented them from flying beneath Tesera to help. Dryoga tried to counter but the attack was larger and more heated. Finally Dryoga's breath gave and the flames covered the dragon, making it extremely hot for Eso, setting him on fire. He jumped from the sky and curled into the ball. When he hit the ground, he rolled safely. A few seconds later, Dryoga plummeted from the sky, crashing to the ground. It was groaning and roaring. It was burnt all over. Tesera had managed to land safely and ran over. [b]"No! Dryoga, are you alright!?" [/b]she panicked. [b] [/b]he apologised. [b]"Don't worry about it, just worry about living." [/b]Tears welled in Tesera's eyes, she knew it, he knew it, it was inevitable. [b] [/b]he sighed, then his eyes closed. [b]"NO!! Dryoga, get up!!" [/b]she cried, the tears rolling down her cheeks. There were puddles of blood everywhere, mixtures of dragon, human, and the darkest was from the large dragon. Tesera fell to her knees and cried over the body of the dragon. Eso realised it was dangerous and saw a wild dragon aiming an attack at her. He grabbed her by the wrist and tugged, she wouldn't move. [b]"Tesera! We have to go!" [/b]he shouted. She just sobbed, he sighed and had no choice. He picked her up bridal style and ran, just as they moved, a powerful dark attack hit where they had been, engulfing Dryoga's body. [b]"NOOOO!! I'll kill it! I'll kill it!" [/b]she cried. [b]"DRYOGA!!!" [color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Let me know if you want it different.[/color] [/color]
  19. [color=Navy]Sakura had been training in the gymnastics area of the gym when her comm bracelet crackled to life. [i][b]"Sakura Valentine, report to the docking bay immediately, you are needed for battle. Repeat, report to the docking bay." [/b][/i] [b]"Great, what's going on now?" [/b] Sakura frowned and quickly mopped her sweat off and changed into her plugsuit, running through the halls with her backpack slung over her shoulder. She made her way into the docking bay. The doors slid open and she ran across the catwalk to where Chiméiteki was waiting with it's cockpit exposed. Sakura dropped her bag in and jumped in after it. She turned it on with practised ease and flicked switches and hit buttons everywhere. [b]"Sakura Valentine, reporting for duty." [/b]she said after turning on her comm. [b]"Join Nabiko Kaizu, Jules Ray, and Vincent Noctis at the co-ordinates. " [/b]Sakura saw a pair of co-ordinates flash up on screen. [b]"Assist in the attack against enemy Tyrants. But be aware that some citizens may not have evacuated so be careful around the residential buildings." [/b] [b]"Sir, yes, sir. Chiméiteki launching." [/b] Sakura piloted Chi out of the hangar and typed the co-ordinates into the controls. A cluster of three red blips appeared in the area of the city. They represented each of the other Mechs on their side. Chi streaked across the land, the swiftness of a Shinobi class was magnificent and Sakura loved the speed. She tried to imagine herself piloting a Tyrant, she shook her head and laughed about it. [b]"Can you imagine me piloting a Tyrant, Chi? AS if, it's way too slow for my likes." [/b]she grinned and she was almost upon the area in the city where the others were. She hopped up onto the roof of a large corporation building and looked at the battle. She took out Chi's shotgun and took aim at the joint for the arm that was holding a large rocket launcher. Sakura fired and the bullet hit the target, the arm fell useless and the launcher dropped to the ground. [b]"Can I join the party?" [/b]she grinned. [b]"Sakura Valentine reporting." [/b] She replaced the shotgun and pulled out her plasma dagger, extending it into a sword. She flipped gracefully from above and held the sword above her head, bringing it down on the cockpit part of a Tyrant below her, there was the sizzling and sparks as she sliced through wiring and the grinding as she cut through the metal. Sakura fell into place beside Vince and Kaizu, they formed a square, looking to all sides. [/color]
  20. [color=Navy]Noah had his hands clasped tightly in anticipation. As Yuri called out his name, he was so relieved and emitted a quiet sigh, placing his right hand over his beating heart. He bowed lowly to Yuri and when they were dismissed, he returned to his room in a dazed like state. He pinched himself to make sure he wasn't imagining it. He was so happy, and exhausted at the same time after the powerful spell they had cast. Noah was more excited that he had used a spell to revive, than getting into the group. Noah felt dirty and made himself a warm bath. He lay and soaked in it until the water grew cold, he was contemplating about the spell, and the journey he would be going on. As he thought about the others who were selected, he realised that Yuri had chosen an even number from each type. Three spell casters, and three warriors. Noah was glad that Nepenthe and Leonardo got through because he knew them, and he wasn't very familiar with the other three. Noah realised how long he had been in the bath and quickly washed himself and got out, draining the bath. He dried off and quickly changed into clothes before he got cold or sick. He was tired, but felt restless, so he left his room and explored a little. He came across some of the others that hadn't got through, he gave them journey mercies and they wished him luck. As he headed outside, he bumped into a man that he had seen die in the desert, Noah smiled, the spell had certainly worked. [b]"Safe journey." [/b]Noah told him. [b]"Thankyou, good luck." [/b] They nodded and parted ways. As Noah got outside, a cool breeze blew by. He inhaled deeply and exhaled heavily. He looked around and saw Nepenthe sitting on a bench. He approached her cautiously. [b]"May I join you?" [/b]he asked politely. [/color]
  21. [b]OOC: [/b]Guys, just to clear it up, her name is [b][i]Tesera[/i], [/b]not [b]Teresa[/b]. [color=Navy]Tesera was alarmed when bright flashes of colourful lights errupted around her. She trusted Dryoga and didn't pay attention to around her, instead searching the ground in case someone was trying to attack her with the lights. She soon spotted Vincent, the man who she had met beneath the tree, he was trying to help her. And the man and her daughter were helping by killing off the assassins. She smiled to herself and spotted the guards that had tried to protect her. [b]"I need to talk to some people, I will call you when I need you. Try to stop the dragons, and see if you can find whoever's doing this." [/b]Tesera told Dryoga. He agreed and Tesera leapt off his back, doing a backflip in the air and landing in a safe, crouched position, not too far from the guards. [b]"We need to do something, you and your friends are the guards of this city, you must know what to do." [/b]she told Eso. They looked blank, she sighed, she couldn't blame them. Nothing like this had happened for hundreds of years, when a summoning went seriously wrong. But she had done it all properly, something else was the cause. [b]"You, you will come with me on Dryoga and we will find out what is happening." [/b]she pointed at Eso, still not knowing his name. [b]"I, am Eso." [/b]he said. [b]"Alright Eso, let's go." [/b]she put two fingers to her mouth and whistled sharply. There was an answering roar and Dryoga swooped down, landing on the ground and lying down to make it easier for them to get on his back. [b]"Have you riden a dragon before?" [/b]he replied with a negative. [b]"Just hold onto me and keep watch around." [/b]Tesera said, climbing up first, then she extended her arm and helped Eso up. Dryoga flapped his powerful wings and they were taken into the sky, they shot toward the sky battle, Eso's grip was tight around Tesera's waist. They saw a dragon rearing it's head back, releasing a large fireball, Dryoga flew by, shooting a freeze breath to counter the attack. They saw that another dragon had caused a large part of the city to become alight and the guards were running over, with some water elementalists already trying to extinguish the fire. [b]"Tell them to move away." [/b]Tesera said to Eso. [b]"GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!" [/b]he boomed as Dryoga flew lower. Everyone looked to the sky and saw the ice dragon with two riders on his back. After a long look, they moved away, recognising Tesera and Eso. [b]"Dryoga." [/b] He released a large freeze breath as they hovered over the flames. The fire was encased in a layer of ice. [b]"You can access the place, just attack the ice." [/b]Tesera told them, Dryoga smacked a large part of with his tail to demonstrate. Dryoga lifted up higher into the air, and their attention returned to the aerial battle that was still raging. [/color]
  22. [color=Navy]Tesera watched the sky as the dragons ripped at each other, roaring, snarling and attacking with all they had. The sky was lit up by the magical attacks of the dragons. There was flames, ice, lightning, balls of darkness and light. As the guards were pulling her away, she pushed them off and ran into the panicking crowd, unable to be seen through the commotion. Tears were pooling in her eyes as she ran, looking at the sky every now and then to see what was happening. [b]"How? How did this happen?" [/b]she asked herself, a tear escaping and rolling down her cheek. In all her times performing and summoning dragons, nothing like this had ever happened, and it was just horrible at the amount of destruction being caused. She stopped and her eyes searched around for the tallest place around, she noticed it was the roof of the stage, so she ran toward it as fast as she could, clambering up the side and standing at the peak where it was highest. Tesera took calming breaths and opened her beg, pulling out a small drawstring bag. She opened it and pulled some out. She held it in her hands and watched the dragons in the air. As one came close she threw the dust at it and spoke her spell loudly. [/color] [center][b][color=Navy]"Iváhsi yüduin![/color][/b] [b][color=Navy] Enimôr taym inspelz![/color][/b] [b][color=Navy] Boyar ugôner gedit!" [/color][/b] [color=Navy]she pronounced clearly and perfectly.[/color] [/center] [color=Navy] The dragon stopped and flew toward her. She stroked it's icy blue scales and put her hands on it's head, linking mentally to it. She let go and spoke to the dragon. [b]"What is your name?" [/b]she asked. [b] [/b]he replied through the mind. [b]"Alright Dryoga, I need your help, we have to stop this and find out what happened." [/b]Tesera told him as she climbed on his back. Tesera braced herself and Dryoga flapped his wings powerfully, flying out into the battle. He let out a blast of frosty breath and froze an arrow that had been headed toward her. He growled and plummeted toward the assassin, flying by and freezing him into a statue and shattering him with a powerful swipe of his tail. Tesera's hair and dress blew out behind her as they flew at high speeds, Dryoga dodged attacks from other dragons and they tried their best to stop them somehow. It was useless, so she asked him to pull away and see if they could figure out what was happening to the dragons. [/color]
  23. [color=Navy]I'd say each of those plays a part in my RP choices. The [b]Story[/b] is definitely essential. If there's a lot of mistakes language wise, I usually pass on it because that will determine how the quality of it will be. If the story isn't thorough enough, I won't chase it up. And if it's just ot my interest then I don't join. [b]Creator[/b] affects my choices quite a bit actually. I usually read titles for any that interest me, then I move to who's made it. I always take a look at those that are made by quality RPers just to see if it interests me, most of the time they are my type and I usually join, even if I don't know much about the subject sometimes, like if it's based off a game that I haven't played, the creator is usually a friend and I just ask them for information. [b]Character Creation [/b]isn't too big of a deal. I personally like it quite flexible, but with limitations or else it becomes a Godmod fest. [b]People that have joined [/b]is something that affects my choice like the creator. As Retri has said, if I know they're quality RPers and create notable RPGs then I'll usually join in for the ride. Those that Retri named are a few of my top choices, along with Kayin, and Retribution himself. [b]Genre [/b]is a large factor too, if it's not my type of thing, I'll usually stay clear, but if it's within my range of liking it and knowing about it, then it's ok. [/color]
  24. [b]OOC: [/b]Oh yeah, the fun begins!! [color=Navy]Tesera looked at the large crowd. Everyone had come out to see who the mystery performer was since it was so anticipated. As soon as she threw off her cloak, many people recognised her and talking immediately spread through the audience. She searched the audience for faces and spotted some that were familiar, like the barkeep, the girl who had bumped into her with her father, the man she had met while resting beneath the tree, and several others she had seen while wandering around the city. A lot of people were surprised it was her, though many had had their suspicions about her. Everyone continued talking, she sighed and brought the flute up to her lips, now it was adorned with a magnificent jewel. She trilled a few notes and the crowd fell silent immediately. Her song started out slow, and sounded a little haunting. Everyone was entranced and kept their eyes on her. Suddenly there was a peak in the song and a chorus of cries could be heard. There were exclamations from the watchers and their eyes flew to the sky. Tesera swayed with her song as it whirled and twirled with a fast pace, there was another chorus of cries and dragons of many colours flew over the city, all flying in sync. Tesera didn't see them because her eyes were closed, but she knew they were there. Members of the audience started to panic and the guards were aware and had their weapons out in case they were needed. The dragons flew in patterns through the sky, the colours blending with each other and they cried loudly as they did so. This was the special performance, and everyone was surprised to say the least, if not scared for their safety. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Hope that was alright, ^__~ It's a little rushed because my brother's kicking me off the computer.[/color] [/color]
  25. [size=2][color=Navy][b]OOC: [/b]Let me know for changes. [b] Name:[/b] Sakura Valentine [b] Age:[/b] 23 [b] Gender:[/b] Female [b] Mech:[/b] [url="http://img352.imageshack.us/img352/7323/arbalest010sm.jpg"]'Chiméiteki'/"Chi" - Arbalest Model: Shinobi Class[/url] [b]Mech Weapon(s):[/b] A shotgun situated at the lower back like in [url="http://img369.imageshack.us/img369/5008/arbalest034bv.jpg"]This[/url] picture (looks the same etc.). A plasma beam dagger in a hilt on the lower back of the mech (the part below where the gun is situated, through the white squarish things) that can extend to become a sword if needed, used with right arm. [b] Speciality:[/b] Rounded, good at close combat and distance. [b] Description:[/b] [url="http://img301.echo.cx/img301/5099/girls836vv.jpg"]Here[/url], she has a rounded figure, evenly proportioned to her body. When piloting she wears an entirely navy blue plugsuit. When she's just hanging around, she usually wears a white button up shirt and navy blue cargos. [b]Personality:[/b] Sakura is extremely extroverted, she's a fun girl that likes to hang out with friends, joke around, and party. She's a tomboy and has a lot of male friends along with female friends. She mucks around a lot with friends but knows when to be serious. She's an understanding friend and can provide comfort and closure to those who need it. Her favourite hobbies are piloting Chi, singing, drawing/painting, gymnastics, playing the flute, and practising martial arts. When she pilots the mech, she's still quite playful but in a way, she's pretty serious too. Shewill do everything she can to complete the mission or obey orders, but she's still still likes to joke around a bit and muck around. She thinks everything through before she does it, keeping in mind the consequences of any action made. She loves her friends and will do anything for them, if she has an enemy, she is cold and ruthless toward them. [/color][/size]
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