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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [font=Arial][color=Green]Sakura felt strange as Era pulled them backwards through time, she felt confused and disoriented. She wasn't used to it and she wobbled when she took a step, feeling a little dizzy. Sakura had been just randomly staring at the sky to try to regain her senses when she noticed the abnormal pattern of the lightning. It was an important factor that would help them find this person they had come back to get. She let Kaida know immediately and they decided that that would be where they were headed. They started walking but soon Sakura noticed something else, something that wasn't right. As it got closer, she realised it was a giant wave. She shouted out a warning to the others. She didn't know whether to protect herself or stay with the others. She chose an option somewhere in the middle, where she grabbed hold of a sturdy tree beside her and started changing her respiratory system to that of a marine animal's. Sakura didn't remove her lungs until the wave was upon them. Her gills allowed her to breath alright and her tight hold on the tree kept her from being tossed around like the others. She saw Arachnid about to be swept past her and extended an arm, grabbing hold of him and holding him tightly. She could see the others being pushed and battered by the force, but there was nothing she could do. As the water lessened, she slowly changed her system back to that of a human's. She released Arachnid from her tight hold and smacked him on the back to dislodge water that he had inhaled and went to check that the others were ok. They all got to their feet, some were assisted and they grouped together again. [/color][/font][font=Arial][color=Green] [b]?We mustn?t let this keep us back, team. Are we all alive?? [/b]Kaida asked them. Everyone replied positively, Era was blind and was worried she would slow down the team, but Kaida brushed it off, they weren't about to abandon a team member. The group continued on their way again, Kaida was walking in front, followed by Liquid who was helping to guide Era, and Sakura walked beside Arachnid at the back of the group. She kept an eye on the sky and horizon, watching for anything else that was out of the ordinary. The lightning continued to strike, always landing in the same vicinity as the one before. Sakura didn't voice her thoughts, but she had a suspicion that the 'rogue' knew they were in this time, especially since that wave was anything but normal. Sakura tried to think of what the 'rogue''s reason for coming back to this time was, out of all the eras, he chose 2000 B.C., Easter Island. Sakura was very paranoid of more attacks on the group and changed her eyes to that of an eagle's, if there was something a miss, Sakura was sure she would see it with the sharp vision. She had brief conversation with Arachnid as they walked, but no matter what, Sakura couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. [/color][/font]
  2. [color=Navy]The Mistresses pitched their final ideas and agreed on what would be done. They decided to implement the ideas immediately and the meeting ended, allowing them to leave and do what they wanted to. Sakura returned to her unit and immediately noticed that Sergio wasn't around. She remembered that she had given him a day off and entered her room. She changed out of the business suit and into a sports outfit, deciding to practise her strokes in tennis. She emerged from the screen wearing a white sport skirt and a powder blue top, along with navy blue joggers. Sakura grabbed her tennis racket and walked to the courts. They were deserted and Sakura walked into a cage, starting up the machine that fired the balls. She bounced on the balls of her feet as she waited for the first ball to shoot out. Sakura heard the sound as it was fired and stepped to her left, swinging powerfully with her right hand, it bounced off one of the fenced walls and she prepared for the next. 29 balls later, Sakura stopped since all of the balls had been fired. She grabbed some from a basket beside her and practised over head serves until she was tired. She let out a large breath of air and exited from the cage,[/color][color=Navy] leaving the discarded balls for one of the servants to clean up[/color][color=Navy] and returned to her room. Sakura took a shower since she was sweating heavily. When she emerged, she felt refreshed and changed into a white, button-up shirt and navy blue cargo pants. She picked up her Mistress card and slipped it in her pocket, heading off for the Mistress Lounge. Sakura swiped the card through the scanner again and it flashed green, allowing her entrance. She walked in and headed over toward the visual area, turning on the holodisplay for the TV, watching the news to find out what was going on. She got comfortable in the big, plush, comfortable chairs and watched silently, it telecasted news about women demanding more jobs, then that the mistresses had a solution to the problem. She continued watching until she became tired and returned to her room to take a nap. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Argh! I had a post but pressed something and it disappeared. Don't you hate it when that happens?! Anyways, I'm a little short on inspiration right now, so sorry if it wasn't all that good. [/color][/color]
  3. [b]OOC: [/b]Neat! Hasn't been a good Zelda RP in a while. [b]EDIT: [/b]Finished History and removed Hyrule. Let me know if I should change anything, I can also change Race if you prefer. [font=ARIAL][color=Navy][size=2][b]Name:[/b] Katchya [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Race:[/b] Hyrulian [b]Appearance:[/b] Katchya stands about 5'6", a regular height for a Hyrulian, she is quite fit from doing a lot of outdoor activities. She has long blonde hair that covers her pointed ears and ends around the middle of her back, and crystal blue eyes under long eyelashes. Her skin is slightly tanned from being outdoors and she wears a navy blue tunic and dark brown breeches. [b]Background/Biography: [/b]Katchya was born and raised on Windfall Island, stranded in the middle of the Great Sea like all of the other islands around. When she was young, she realised that she was different from all of the other inhabitants, instead of nice rounded ears like them, she had pointed tips. Katchya questioned her parents about it and they revealed their history. They had been born and raised in Hyrule, but then there was a Great Flood that covered it and they had just escaped. She had many questions and learned many things about the land of Hyrule. She wished she could see it, but it was deep beneath the Great Sea. To hide her abnormalty, she covers her ears with her long, blonde hair. Katchya loves her life on Windfall Island, but then again, she doesn't know any other life since she can't leave the island. The thing she wishes for most is to be able to explore and go on adventures, but it isn't possible, her parents would never let her, and she didn't have a boat, or any idea where to go. She knows everyone on the island and is friends with most, she has a few enemies but only a few. Katchya usually helps out at a store on the island since she has nothing better to do, and the owner is a close family friend. [b]Personality: [/b]Katchya is a free spirit that wanders wherever she feels and wherever she's inspired to go. She enjoys a bit of exploring and often gets in a bit of trouble. Katchya's awfully stubborn and doesn't usually give up until she gets what she wants. She has a quick mind and enjoys logical problems because it works the mind to look at all of the posibilities. She's a social character and enjoys being surrounded by others, as long as they aren't mean to her. [b]Primary Weapon:[/b] Trident of Paricia [b]Secondary Weapon:[/b] Twin Daggers [b]Items:[/b] Bottled Fairy, Deku Nuts [b]Starting Point:[/b] Windfall Island[/size][/color][/font]
  4. [color=Navy]Interesting... Well, I'm 100% Malaysian, born there, but I grew up in Australia. Its kind of sad, I don't remember anything about Malaysia because my family migrated to Australia when I was 1 and a half and we haven't left the country for...15 years, since I'm 16. My older siblings and I don't have accents since we grew up in Australia. I'm pretty short, I think I'm about 161 cm, dark brown hair that used to be black but was changed from sun exposure, dark brown eyes, glasses and I'm tanned, since I don't burn. Plus I'm a complete tomboy, hate skirts and dresses. [/color]
  5. [b]OOC: [/b]Let me know if I should change anything. [b]EDIT: [/b]The Snippet isn't too good, might be able to think of something better. [b]EDIT2: [/b]I just realised I put a wrong link for Appearance. [b]EDIT3: [/b]Added a bit to my powers. [b][size=2][color=Navy]Name: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy]Katchya [/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy]Nickname: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy]Kat[/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy]Race: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy]Vampire[/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy]Age: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy]235[/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy]Gender: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy]Female [/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy]Powers: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy]Air Clan - Kat can manipulate the weather and hear things on the wind from all over the world, since wind moves everywhere, bringing conversations with it. She likes the wind, and the wind likes her, always greeting her if she's around. [/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy]Weapons: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy][url="http://img362.imageshack.us/img362/449/kr4large9nl.jpg"]Sword[/url] in a sheath on her back, and two of these [url="http://img399.imageshack.us/img399/7231/weaponswindandfirewheels3ab.jpg"]Rings[/url] that she throws with good accuracy, she has clasps on her belt to hold the rings. [/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy]Personality: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy]Kat's quite introverted and likes to keep to herself, unless those she's around are very close to her. Kat thinks a lot and if can't be found, she can usually be seen in a very windy place, preferrably high up. If she is close to someone, she's very loyal and will help them out in trouble. Her closest friends in the clan are Angel and Aura.[/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy]Appearance: [/color][/size][/b][color=black][url="http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/8326/tao2wx.jpg"][size=2]Here[/size][/url][/color][b][size=2][color=Navy] [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy]Character Snippet: [/color][/size][/b][color=Navy][size=2]Kat was dressed scantily as she walked into a club. Her eyes easily adjusted to the darkness, the rooms being lit by only a few coloured lights. Her silver eyes and and hair glittered into the light as she searched the crowd for a victim. Kat was starving today, she needed blood badly. She slid over to the bar and checked several of the men there out, most of them were drunk stupid so they'd be easy. She chose a large sized man and stepped up beside him, sitting in the stool beside him. She ordered a drink and started a conversation with the man. The innocent banter soon became deeper. In no time she had the man following her like a love-sick puppy, she brought him into one of the back rooms and at first she pretended to make out with him. But soon he ravished her neck which made her grin evilly. Her fangs emerged and she bit deep into his jugular vein, sucking up the crimson liquid. Kat drank every drop and let the body down on the ground. She wiped her mouth and escaped quickly through the back door of the club, feeling better after her meal. Kat walked through the night, and changed the weather from a calm, cloudless night, to a stormy one, with rain, thunder and lightning. She smiled as she walked through the rain, it was a good night indeed. [/size][/color][b][size=2][color=Navy][/color][/size][/b]
  6. [b][color=black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=black]Looks interesting, not sure what the plot is. I may decide to put in some History, if I can think of something or be bothered. [/color][font=Verdana][size=2][color=Navy][left][b]Name: [/b]Sakura Hiwatari [/left] [left][b]Appearance: [/b][font=Verdana][color=Navy][url="http://img301.echo.cx/img301/5099/girls836vv.jpg"]Here[/url], she usually wears a white, button up dress-shirt and navy blue cargo pants. [/color][/font][/left] [left][b]Character Sketch: [/b] [i]Personality - [/i][size=2][color=Navy]Sakura's a caring person that loves having friends. She's active and very fit and flexible. She's incredibly stubborn and will fight to get her own way if she's really set on something. She has a lot of talents from extra curricular activites since she had so much free time after finishing school work, some of which are; playing the flute, martial arts, painting and drawing, gymnastics and acrobatics, horse riding, weaponry and programming. [/color][/size] [b]Soul Twin:[/b] [url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"]Arukas[/url] (Sakura backwards ^__^) [i]Ah-roo-kah-ss[/i] [/left] [/color][/size][/font]
  7. [center][b][color=black][size=2]OOC: [/size][/color][/b][color=black][size=2]Ah! Gomen, I haven't had time to post until now. [color=Navy]Sakura had been disappointed when their fun came to an end as the car pulled up. Sakura had just sat in the car with her beach towel lying across her lap. Shinji and Alexander were both sitting on theirs so they didn't wet the seat, after being soaked from surfing. Sakura felt that Alexander had opened up to them a little by letting them know that he had drawn a joint system of an Evangelion without seeing it. Ayato was surprised, while Shinji and Sakura were shocked and speechless. After a while, Shinji started to talk to Sakura in fast paced Japan. They were talking about their families. Sakura told him how she came from a rich background, and Shinji was surprised because he hadn't suspected it from how she acted. Sakura informed him that it was just a stereotype. She discovered a little about Shinji. His mother passed away when he was young, and he didn't have much of a relationship with his father. Sakura looked out the window when the car stopped. They were at the docks, and there was a large ship waiting there. Ayato informed them that they would be able to change on the ship, so they got out of the car. Sakura wrapped her large beach towel around her body and they all boarded the Lilia Litvyak II. Sakura split from the guys to go to the female change rooms, slipping into her navy blue cargos and white, button up dress shirt. She wrapped her bathers in her towel and put them back into her bag. Sakura exited the empty change rooms and waited patiently for the guys to emerge. When they did, they were laughing loudly. She questioned them but they brushed it off without answering. Sakura shook her head at them and rolled her eyes. The three of them went to the lounge and got comfortable, they were talking happily when Major Yagumo and Ayato walked in. They were asked if they wanted to see the rest of the ship. They agreed and were taken on a tour, ending up on the deck. As they arrived, they could see Evangelion Unit 01 and RahXephon being loaded onto the ship too. They were allowed to hang around on the deck or go wandering off, as long as they didn't get lost. Sakura watched as the two large machines were loaded on slowly, she wondered if she should reveal to everyone that she had drawn an Angel in art class, the same one that Shinji and the others fought the day after. Or tell them that she had had dreams of several others. Sakura leaned against the rail of the large aircraft carrier and admired the scenery peacefully, taking a deep breath of the salty sea breeze. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Hope that's all in order. Let me know if I have to change anything.[/color] [/color][/size][/color][size=2][color=Navy][color=Black][/color] [/color][/size][/center]
  8. [color=navy]I was going to post about why I wasn't a part of the list until I read Sage's post asking. So those who aren't listed will be added in at sometime correct? Well, I can't wait for a piece of the action. I'm not sure if I missed it somewhere, if so I apologise, but is this an event where each time, someone will be killed until there's only one left? If not, what kind of event is it? Just for fun?[/color]
  9. [color=Navy]Sakura heard the soft knocking at her door at the exact time as usual. She thought of Sergio, he was a very loyal servant who did his work well. [b]"Good morning, Ms. Hiwatari. Breakfast and tea?" [/b]he asked from behind the door. Sakura yawned widely, covering her mouth and ran her fingers through her hair. [b]"Enter." [/b]she ordered sleepily, her eyelids drooping from another early morning. She watched drowzily as her Spanish servant entered the room, placing the small table on the bed in front of her. He stepped back and addressed her. [b]"Would you like anything else?" [/b] [b]"No, make the bed when I leave." [/b]she replied, picking up the chopsticks and uncovering the bowls. [b]"Hai, Ms. Hiwatari." [/b]Sergio bowed and left the room quietly. Sakura ate the meal slowly, Sergio was a good cook, having gotten used to making Japanese dishes for her. He always knew what she felt like without her telling him. Sakura picked up the cup and blew across the top gently before taking a small sip. She smiled, it was Oolong, her favourite for helping her to wake up. Sakura looked at the time and quickly finished her meal. She slid away from the warmth that was her bed and slipped behind the dressing screen. She opened the wardrobe behind it and pulled out a coat hanger that held one of her suits. She changed into it and checked herself in the mirror, it was navy blue with faint, thin silver stripes. She did her hair, and put on a small bit of make-up before exiting her room. As soon as she entered the kitchen, she saw Sergio straighten in attention. [b]"Have a nice day, Ms. Hiwatari." [/b]he said. Sakura just nodded and smiled, she was in a hurry, and they had been under a lot of pressure lately, the world was never satisfied, and it was up to the Mistresses to make them happy. Sakura rushed out the door and made her way through the Compound until she reached the door to the Mistress Cabinet. She reached into her pocket and emerged with a card that only Mistresses had. She swiped it easily and deposited it back into her pocket. The card scanner flashed green and said, [i]"Welcome, Mistress Sakura Hiwatari." [/i] Sakura walked through the door and took a seat waiting for the others. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Hope that's ok.[/color] [/color]
  10. [color=Navy]Kat sighed, she was alone, without Chi. She hoped that when she found the Mech, that her plug suit would be there too. They group started to disperse after Arc finished talking. Katchya walked out of the pub and looked at the city, it was so strange. Kat knew she had wings from earlier and had tried flying, getting the hang of it. She figured the easiest way to find Chiméiteki would be from flying, since it was so big that it couldn't be hidden. How [i]do [/i]you hide something that's several storeys high. Kat tentitively flapped her wings slowly, then faster until she was lifted from the ground. She continued to focus and flew higher into the sky. Soon she was floating above the city, she scanned the area with her eyes and caught sight of a large metallic blue glint, she flew toward it slowly, not coming to grips yet. As she got closer, she knew it was her partner and smiled happily. Kat landed bumpily on the ground in front of the Mech Armoury and looked up at the large Mech. [b]"I found you." [/b]she whispered. She called out to the owner of the shop and told him that she'd be taking Chi. [b]"Are you sure you want that 'un, Ma'am?" [/b]he asked, rubbing oily hands on a rag. [b]"Why? What's wrong with it?" [/b]Kat questioned. [b]"No one knows, no one can get into it." [/b]he replied. Katchya smirked and walked past him, into the shop, she searched the room and saw an open mech that he had been tinkering with. She easily spotted her plugsuit and with a twitch of her fingers, it floated over to her. [b]"Now what do you think you're doin'?" [/b]he asked in outrage as she started to get into it. [b]"Just watch." [/b]she replied, she was suited up and walked outside again. Somehow, the suit knew she would have wings or something, because there were two slits that her wings could fit through. She flew up to the back of Chi and pressed a tiny, hidden panel that you wouldn't be able to find unless you knew it was there. The hatch opened and the entry plug rose up. Kat opened the plug and got in, shutting it behind her quickly. She was doing everything manually now, since she had no one in control, keeping check of her vitals and everything else. She inserted the entry plug and the liquid came out immediately. Katchya sighed happily, she was back where she belonged, in Chi. Kat checked the controls as usual, everything was operational, she was glad no one had been able to get in. Kat launched Chi, crouching and sprung high in the air, she used the invisibility option and crept around incase the man tried to chase her. The man was stunned but started to try and chase, shouting profanities at her. As she was going along, she spotted a gun shop and stopped, remembering that she didn't have her guns either. She got out, retaining the yellow liquid and walked in. She saw her guns hanging on a wall in their holsters, she twitched her fingers and they flew to her, she put them around her waist quickly and grabbed magazines of ammo before getting back in Chiméiteki and took off again. This man also started to try and chase, but she went invisible. Kat was happy, she had Chi, she had her guns, though she wanted to be back home, before Helena changed the world. Katchya brushed those from her mind and made her way back to the pub, Dragon's Pit. She arrived and all the liquid was sucked up, back into the slim, hidden tank. There it would be purified and ready to use again. As long as it was purified each time, it was fine to continue to use. Kat didn't have a choice anyway, there was no source for more liquid so she had to re-use it. She exited the Mech and activated its protection option, where it was covered in a hard, black coat that wouldn't be damaged by anything. She lifted her visor and went inside to wait for the others. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Hope that was ok.[/color] [/color]
  11. [size=2][color=Navy][b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]I may change some of this if I think of anything better. [b]EDIT: [/b]Added Servant, hope its ok. [/color] [b] Name:[/b] Sakura Hiwatari [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Personality:[/b] Sakura's a determined woman, not accepting losses. She works her way through everything, no matter how deep and dark the problem is, she finds a way to get through it. Sakura enjoys being dominant over men, she hates to be submissive to anyone, but can put on that act if she needs to. Her beauty has enchanted many which she uses to her advantage. Sakura likes to speak her mind about things, mainly because she can. People don't believe it, but she's strong, and can fight, she keeps that a secret to most though, since it's a secret weapon type thing. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url="http://img301.echo.cx/img301/5099/girls836vv.jpg"]Here[/url], Sakura usually wears business suits that outline her figure and they're mostly in dark colours. She has a nice body; slim, toned, with a nice hourglass type figure. Sometimes she'll wear revealing clothing, only if she's doing something that requires so, like seducing. [b]Character Snippet:[/b] Sakura yawned as she sat from her bed. She got up slowly, adjusting her robe on her body. She walked carefully over to a wooden table and grasped the small crystal bell that sat there with her forefinger and thumb. Sakura swung it briskly for a few seconds before placing it back down. She walked behind the dressing screen and started to change her attire. There was a quiet knock at the door and Sakura invited them in, hearing the quiet opening and closing of the door. [b]"Breakfast, and tea." [/b]Sakura told him from behind the screen. [b]"Hai, Miss."[/b] she knew he bowed and heard the open and close of the door again. Sakura walked out from behind the screen, she was wearing a navy blue suit, it clung and outlined her figure as usual. She waited and soon there was another knock. [b]"Enter." [/b]The man came in, carrying a small table laden with bowls. He placed it in front of her and bowed. [b]"Anything else, Miss?" [/b]he asked, keeping eye contact. [b]"Make the bed." [/b]Sakura ordered, uncovering the bowls of food and starting. [b]"Hai, Miss." [/b]he bowed again and got up and started making the bed carefully. Sakura was halfway through her meal when he asked her for anything else. She just shook her head and he bowed, removing himself from the room. Sakura paused and chewed, she held the chopsticks at her lips and thought, it finished and she continued on. When she was finished, she rang the bell again and the man came to remove the table and empty bowls. He came back and asked for anything else. Sakura smiled at him and told him to come to her. He obeyed and she noticed he started to become uncomfortable as she moved them toward the bed. She grinned on the inside, maybe she'd get some information out of this one. [b]Servant: [/b]Sergio Alvarez (Retribution) [/color][/size]
  12. [color=Navy]Sakura was at Central dojo, as usual, and as usual, she had been there since dawn. She had used the first hours to limber out herself so she didn't pull a muscle. Sakura shadow-sparred as she waited for her first class of the morning to arrive. Sakura was finishing a series of flips when the first class came in. Sakura walked in front of the class, who had lined up in the large, main room. She taught and got them practising with partners as she walked around the room, watching and correcting gently. Sakura held up a gauntleted hand to stop everyone, which they did quickly. She listened and heard a message on the wind saying someone was waiting at her house to meet her. It was from her disciple, if they weren't together he sent messages over the wind since he could. [b]"Sumimasen, I have something else to attend to, just practise what I've taught you and spar." [/b]Sakura told the class, then she waved a helper over and they took over supervising. She brought her glaive over from the far wall with her telekinesis. She caught it from the air on the way out the door and set off at a run toward her house. Sakura reached there and approached carefully, opening the door slowly and entering, calling out to Shoujo. He came out from another room and behind him was a girl that she had never seen before. She gasped and bowed. [b]"It's ok. Who are you?" [/b]she asked, resting her glaive against the wall. [b]"I'm Shu Lien. I am to be your messenger, Tiger." [/b]she said. [b]"She has a message for you." [/b]Shoujo informed her. Sakura smiled in a joking way. [b]"That's what messengers usually do, Shoujo. Now, what is it that you want to tell me?" [color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Sorry, I couldn't think of anything to write.[/color][/color]
  13. [color=Navy][color=Black][b]OOC: [/b]This is my guess on things, don't hurt me. Let me know what to change if I have to, since I don't know a thing about Warcraft besides some of the towns *shrugs*[/color] Katchya sat on a moss covered rock beside a gurgling brook. Her eyes were gently closed, her back was a straight line, her legs crossed, and her hands were in her lap, her left hand held her staff. She breathed in and out slowly, listening to the gentle sounds of the forest. It was so peaceful in this spot, she always went there to think or meditate. Katchya heard her staff hum, and felt in vibrate in her hands. She opened her eyes and saw the orb was flashing yellow. She slid off the rock and set off for the village again as the orb stopped glowing, humming and vibrating. Katchya walked into the village part of the forest, climbing up a ladder to the main platform that served as the central part of the treehouse village. As she expected there was a group waiting, the Elders/Leaders. [b]"Good timing." [/b]one said to her. Katchya just nodded, waiting for what they wanted to tell her, because they had sent her a signal to return to the village. [b]"You're most likely wondering why we called you back." [/b]the oldest said. Katchya nodded again, she listened as he started to tell her. [b]"The Dwarf and Gnome cities have been destroyed, along with the cities of the Tauren and Orcs, besides Orgrimmar. Those that have survived have fled and some have come to us for shelter. I'd like for you to help this particular dwarf." [/b]Katchya was shocked at the news, that over 30 cities had been wiped out was amazing. Katchya replied with the affirmative. The elders/leaders nodded and dismissed her. She led the dwarf to her own little treehouse and let him stay in the spare room she had. She stood at her balcony and contemplated, what was happening? [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Sorry its short, gotta go.[/color] [/color]
  14. [color=navy]I'm glad Sanity's Gift is moving again. As requested, here's the post so you don't have to delete and re-post, and just to move this thread into the first page of Underground. I'm glad you got in new members, [b]^.^[/b]. But I thought it was fun with just [b]me[/b] and [b]Corey[/b] anyway ^__^. Can't wait for all of this to unravel, I'm so excited![/color]
  15. [center][color=Pink][b]OOC: [/b]Sorry I haven't posted in a long time. Sakura was tired, her body ached from exhaustion and the cold weather didn't help her at all. She was leaning against her glaive for support, her eyes stared across the distance to make out her opponent, Chiméiteki, one of his wings hung limp against his side, but the other still stood tall. Sakura saw Chi coming toward her and straightened quickly, she hefted her glaive up and held it by the bottom, she launched it high into the air, up and forward. Sakura then ran forward then changed, and started a series of flips. With the last one, she pushed up and did a spin, landing on his back again, then catching the glaive as it came back down. Sakura thrust her hands into his thick fur, getting a tight grip as Chiméiteki bounded around, trying to dislodge her. She got used to the rhythm and brought her hand with the glaive up, she grunted and thrust the blade into his side deeply. The liger roared loudly in pain and collapsed to the ground, defeated. His blood stained the snow around him crimson. Sakura jumped off the beast and helped it. [b]"I-I'm sorry." [/b]she whispered. The liger gave a kind smile and it dissolved. Sakura screamed, apologising again and again. She had killed him. [b]"Don't worry, I'm fine." [/b]a voice boomed from behind her. She whirled around and saw he was indeed fine. Sakura ran to him, her glaive forgotton in the snow. She buried her hands and face into his thick, warm fur and shivered. [b]"You passed the test. You have the strength, power and abilities, and the compassion. I will be with you. Now go. You're freezing. I will see you again." [/b]he said kindly. Her glaive floated over, and Chi disappeared. Her glaive then transformed, looking different. She smiled and felt herself falling again, like she had when she arrived in the frozen wasteland. When she opened her eyes, she was with Sasurai, Rafael, Senka, and Dorothy. She shook her head and brushed at herself to remove the snow and she started rubbing her chest to regain heat she had lost. [b]"C-Can someone tell me what's going on." [/b]Sakura shivered, her left hand holding onto her transformed glaive. [/color][/center]
  16. [size=2][color=Navy][color=black][/color][b]Name:[/b] Katchya Valentine [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Race:[/b] Night Elves [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [url="http://members.iinet.net.au/%7Emurdolo/designs/Night%20Elf%20Shield.jpg"]This[/url] is about the best I could find. [b]Class:[/b] Druid [b]Weapon:[/b] [url="http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/6214/saruman34zv.jpg"]Staff[/url], the orb on top is just a crystal ball that glows when she uses her magic, and a [url="http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/8436/horussill1cc.jpg"]Dagger[/url] in a small sheath on her left hip. [b]Spells:[/b] [i]Transformus ___(Name of creature) - [/i]Katchya changes into another form. Currently she can change into a Nightsaber, a bear, a sealion and a peregrine falcon. She's best at Nightsaber because it was her first transformation. [i]Angel's Tears - [/i]A simple healing spell that heals minor wounds and helps slightly with larger wounds. [b]Personality:[/b] [/color][/size][color=Navy]Katchya's a determined person who has gone through many hardships in life. She has overcome each and feels she can accomplish anything that she sets her mind to. She's awfully stubborn and usually gets her way eventually after putting up a strong argument. [/color][color=Navy]Katchya enjoys her life as a Druid, since that's all she's ever known, she doesn't know what other classes are like, but she doesn't care. She works very hard to try and make her powers stronger, it took her quite a while to be able to transform quickly, but she did it eventually. She's quiet, but open and friendly to those she likes and trusts.[/color] [size=2][color=Navy] [b]Character Snippit:[/b] Katchya stood amongst the other Druid students, they watched and listened to their teacher carefully. [b]"Now class, choose an animal and when I ask you, say it in a loud voice." [/b]she told them. Katchya thought for a second, she knew what this was for, they all did. This would determine what their first morph would be, and would continue to be until their powers became stronger. They were told to stand in a line, and Katchya was somewhere in the middle. She heard the choices of the other students, watching as the teacher waved her staff in reply. The teacher appeared in front of her. [b]"Nightsaber." [/b]Katchya said confidently. The class was silent, and looked at her. Everyone knew that Nightshades were tough for beginners, the others had chosen bears, birds, etc. But no one said Nightsaber. Katchya met her teacher's gaze powerfully, they locked together, before she waved her staff, and moved on to the next person. When everyone had announced their animal, the teacher instructed them on how to transform. Just picture the animal in your mind and don't go wild or you'll be stuck in mid-transformation. She then told them all to start trying to change. Katchya rested her staff on the ground and got on all fours. She breathed in deeply and pictured the beast. She could hear the cries of others as they felt their bones re-arranging, she blocked out all the sounds and focussed. Her eyebrows furrowed as she heard the strange grinding and crunching sound as her bones moved position. Katchya gasped as she felt an appendage stretch from the tip of her backbone, it was a tail. Katchya grit her teeth as she shrunk, and her body changed. She grew fur, her ears moved to the top of her head, her arms and legs became haunches, her hands and feet became paws, her face stretched forward into a muzzle, her teeth sharpened into fangs, her nails became claws. Katchya opened her eyes, after realising they had slid closed and the teacher came over with a mirror. She looked at herself, she was still purple, but now had black stripes running across her body, and she really looked like a genuine Nightsaber. [b]"Congratulations, Katchya. You just completed your first transformation." [/b]she smiled. Katchya smiled in a strange way, that looked more like a vicious look coming from a Nightsaber. Then her teacher told her that there was more to come. The hard part was changing back to Night Elf... [/color][/size]
  17. [color=Navy]If you don't mind, I'd like a critique on my sign up actually. I'd like to know what I could do better or if you want me to change anything. Thanks, [b]~Sakura[/b] [/color]
  18. [b]OOC: [/b]Neat! Great idea, Shy. Hope that's all ok ^_^. [size=2][color=Navy][font=trebuchet ms][b] Code Name / Call Sign: [/b]Sakura Hiwatari [b] Gender: [/b]Female[b] Location: [/b]Tokyo, Japan [b] Age: [/b]17 [b] Personal Appearance: [/b][url="http://img301.echo.cx/img301/5099/girls836vv.jpg"]Here[/url], she usually wears a white, button-up dress shirt and navy blue cargo pants that are slightly baggy. She has a slim figure and is quite light, weighing a little under 100 lbs. Sakura's is a very fit and sporty person, enjoying outdoor, physical activities, she has a slight tan as a result. She does a lot of gymnastics and is part of a team, so she's incredibly flexible and agile. Sakura also wears a pair of semi-automatic, silver guns at her waist in holsters that she's very good at, having excellent accuracy. [b] Personality/Behavior: [/b][/font][/color][/size][font=Trebuchet MS][color=Navy]Sakura's a determined person who has been through many hardships in life. She has overcome each and feels she can accomplish anything that she sets her mind to. She's awfully stubborn and usually gets her way eventually after putting up a strong argument. She's a popular person with lots of friends, but only a small number of close friends that she really trusts. Some of her closest friends are animals, because she feels that they can understand her and she somehow gets comfort from sharing her feelings with them. Sakura reads a lot, enjoying fantasy novels that take her into another world that is unlike the one she lives in. From reading, she gains a lot of knowledge and has a wide range of vocabulary. She enjoys her sports, she practises a lot so she can stay in her fit and flexible shape. If she's bored she will usually start doing backflips and cartwheels if there's enough space for her to do so. Keeping limber is one of the most important things to her because she needs it to be able to shift quickly and efficiently. Sakura is talented with instruments, owning a [url="http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/1812/02043qn.jpg"]crystal flute[/url] and a violin, both in which she excels at. She likes to play her instruments in her free time, often composing her own songs. She has been taught how to use a variety of weapons, her favourites are blade weapons and guns, having two of her own that she always has with her. She's very good, with pinpoint accuracy. She also knows a wide variety of martial arts. If she just feels like lazing around and not do anything, she likes to look at the sky, no matter what weather. She usually prefers stormy weather, enjoying the cloudy, dreary feeling and the strong bursts of wind. And in any other time, she protects the city. [/color][/font][size=2][color=Navy][font=trebuchet ms][b] Personal History: [/b]Sakura grew up her whole life in the busy city of Tokyo, Japan. As a child, she grew accustomed to hectic life on the streets, jogging to school everyday since the traffic was always bad and she didn't like riding bikes. Sakura never knew her father, it seemed that her mother, Sora was supposed to be taking Birth Control pills to prevent a child from being conceived because he didn't want children with his already full life. Then Sora missed a day by accident, and in result, Sakura was conceived. He got upset and they had a fight about it, and in the end, he left, getting a divorce, but he had morals and paid child support. Sakura was born and as she grew up, she noticed that most of the other kids she knew had a mother and a father, so she questioned Sora, and that was when she had to explain the whole deal to her 8 year old daughter. As Sakura grew up, she was often teased for not having a father, being branded as one of the only bastards they knew. When it first started she found it hard to take and often ran away crying, as she grew older, she brushed the comments away, growing into a strong willed woman. Sora answered all the questions Sakura had about her father if she knew the answers, but she had one rule that she always pressed on Sakura, to never try to find her father. One day the temptation was too great for her and the day her mother was working late, she went investigating. Sakura discovered his name was Takeo, and she went out to find him. And find him she did. Takeo was a rich man that had plenty of mistresses. Sakura met with him, he was stuck up and pompous with women all around him. She noticed that his expression faltered slightly when she spoke the name Sora Hiwatari. He said that he knew nothing of what she was talking about and called his guards to throw her out, but she knew it was him, from his falter, and she had his eyes. Sakura regretted not listening to her mother's advice, but it was too late, the damage had been done. On her way home, she heard a series of female shrieks coming from a dark alley. She checked it and saw the ending of a woman being brutally raped, then shot in the head by the man. He saw her and smirked at her, then disappeared. Sakura was shocked and ran to the dying woman. It was a fatal wound in the abdomen and nothing could be done. Sakura looked at her face, knowing it seemed familiar, it was one of the servant women who served Takeo. He had ordered her to be killed, probably not to be raped, but at least killed. Sakura knew she had to stop things like that from happening again and learned how to use weapons and do martial arts. She always knows what's happening with Takeo, just in case he plans on doing anything, she promised she'd prevent things like that from happening again. [b] Special Skills or Abilities: [/b]Sakura has the incredible power of metamorphosis, able to transform into animals, people, and even non-living things. She can make exact copies, which allows her to by pass fingerprint and retinal scans. [b] Player's Availability: [/b]Quite often, probably about 2 to 4 days of the week since I'm online every now and then because of school, the only thing being the time differences between Australia and the other countries. [/font][/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy][font=trebuchet ms][b] Which Otaku Thread Rating Do You Expect Your Posts To Fall Under: [/b]M, just to be on the safe side.[/font][/color][/size]
  19. [b]OOC: -[/b]Looks good, Archangel. -If you don't mind, I'll take the Future person. -I added in a small section about the Mech. I based the systems off Neon Genesis Evangelion. If you want me to list weapons then I will. -I don't really know if the Character Snippet was what you were looking for. -Let me know if I should change anything. [size=2][color=Navy][b]Name:[/b] Katchya "Kat" Valentine [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Class/ Job:[/b] Mech Pilot [b]Mech: [/b]Named Chiméiteki, nicknamed "Chi". [url="http://www.vandreaddvd.com/"]Here[/url] [I couldn't find a better pic] [b]Weapon: [/b]Is the Mech counted? Sakura carries a pair of [url="http://img209.exs.cx/img209/9176/jerichoall9ot.jpg"]guns[/url] [bottom left corner] in holsters on her waist. [b] Appearance:[/b] [/color][/size][font=Verdana][color=Navy][url="http://img301.echo.cx/img301/5099/girls836vv.jpg"]Here[/url], she wears a white, button up dress-shirt and navy blue cargo pants when she's being casual. While piloting her Mech, she wears [url="http://img189.imageshack.us/my.php?image=newbgc34es.jpg"]this[/url] [the first one] which connects her to the computer's mainframe, letting her pilot the mech and constantly watching her vitals. [/color][/font] [size=2][color=Navy] [b]Natural Abilities:[/b] Telekinesis, Can now fly [b]Genetic Variation:[/b] Sakura sprouted wings from her shoulder blades, they're dragon type wings, dark navy blue in colour. She learned how to fly with them and use them for transport, though she's still getting used to it and needs to stop every once in a while if her wings are too sore. [b]Personality:[/b] [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy]Sakura's a caring person that loves having friends. She's active and very fit and flexible. She's incredibly stubborn and will fight to get her own way if she's really set on something. She has a lot of talents from extra curricular activites since she had so much free time after finishing school work, some of which are; playing the [url="http://www.harmonyonline.com/0013.jpeg"]flute[/url], martial arts, painting and drawing, gymnastics and acrobatics, horse riding, weaponry and programming. Sakura loves piloting her Mech, its an experience that not many people are privelidged to have. She has a unique bond with it andit will only allow her to pilot it. Now she's setting off to stop Helena so the world can be at rest somewhat. [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy] [b]Motivation:[/b] To stop her from destroying the world. [b]Character Snippet:[/b] Sakura swung a few times around the bar and let go, bending her legs for the impact. Her feet pressed into the mat and she straightened, her arms outstretched in front of her in the correct position before she moved them to her sides. She let out a whoosh of breath and walked over to the bench she had put her towel on. She picked up the cloth and wiped her hands, then her arms, face and neck. Sakura was currently at the base of the organisation that sent out Mechs to help defend. She had come early today to do some physical work. She yawned and sat on the bench, stretching her limbs after going through a whole gymnastics routine. Sakura had just got up when the intercom crackled to life. [b]"Sakura Hiwatari, suit up and go to Chiméiteki's dock immediately." [/b]the voice of one of the operators came through, then it fell silent again. Sakura was happy and got into her specialised plug in suit. She got to the dock as soon as she could and looked at her partner, Chi. She climbed up to the bridge and got into the entry plug. The door sealed behind her and she sat comfortably in the cockpit seat, feeling at home. It was dark, and there was a whoosh as the plug was filled with a strange liquid that leaked into her suit to surround her. Sakura just breathed in normally, used to what happened. The lights came on and she could see out of her Mech. Sakura checked the controls, pushing buttons and flicking switches. [b]"All systems operational and functioning. Mech Chiméiteki and Pilot Sakura Hiwatari reporting, all set and ready to go." [/b]Sakura spoke into the built-in microphone in her helmet. [b]"Confirmed, Pilot Sakura. Prepare to launch." [/b]the operator replied as the controllers adjusted the path the launch would take. Sakura watched as the restraints that kept Chiméiteki in its dock moved away and the hatch that was above Chi slid open. Sakura bent Chi's knees for the launch. [b]"Prepared for launch." [/b]Sakura said. [b]"Affirmative, Chiméiteki launch!" [/b]Sakura gripped the controls as she felt the g-force as Chi rocketed up and through the tunnel, turning sharply to follow the path set. Sakura saw a large square of sky and knew she was close to the exit. Chi shot from the hatch, which closed behind them and it landed on the ground. This was training, she was in the centre of a forest clearing and she could see several fake robot enemy mechs around and knew there were some hidden. The robots were just reprogrammed real robot enemy mechs used for training and stun weapons were used instead of proper damaging weapons. Sakura whipped out the stun gun and jumped up, hammering them with stun bullets, as they shot at her. The robots made winding down sounds and Sakura landed, spinning around in a circle and firing as the other robots emerged from the forest. She was surrounded by fallen robots and she heard the sound of more coming, she whirled and tried to fire about the new group of robots but she was out of bullets. Sakura tossed it aside and pulled her stun knife, running through the robots waving the knife, just touching them so they fell. [b]"Good work, Pilot Sakura. Now report back to base immediately, there's trouble, major trouble. We need you to go to stop a woman, Helena from doing something that will change our lives if she succeeds. The hatch you came from is open, travel back quickly." [/b]the operator told her firmly. As soon as Sakura heard that, she picked up the stun gun, returned both weapons to their concealed places and sprinted for the hatch. [b]"Affirmative. Heading for the hatch now, will be there in a minute." [/b]Sakura answered, then jumped into the hatch. She didn't want anything to happen to the world, she already protected it from enemies, now this. What did this Helena plan to do? Sakura's mind swam with thoughts as she took the quick launch back to base. [/color][/size]
  20. [size=2][color=Navy][b]Name: [/b]Sakura Hiwatari [b]Age: [/b]22 [b]Appearence: [/b][/color][/size][font=Verdana][color=Navy][url="http://img301.echo.cx/img301/5099/girls836vv.jpg"]Here[/url], she wears a white, button up dress-shirt and navy blue cargo pants. [/color][/font][size=2][color=Navy]She always wears a [url="http://www.johnlewis.com/jl_assets/product/230204719.jpg"]watch[/url] on her left wrist, a [url="http://img344.imageshack.us/img344/7770/1a1b4le.jpg"]bracelet[/url] on her right wrist, a [url="http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/5079/rensq0247p0101026ez.jpg"]ring[/url] on her right ring finger, and a silver [url="http://www.tajarts.co.uk/shopimages/products/normal/P829.jpg"]cross[/url] pendant. She's often caught with a mp3 player above her shirt with the earphones and string (the thing the mp3 player dangles off) hanging around her neck. Sakura's toned and tanned from being in the sun and doing lots of physical activities, but she isn't buff and muscular. Despite herself being a tomboy, she's beautiful and guys often ask her out on dates that she usually refuses, not wanting a relationship with someone she doesn't know. [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy] [b]Abilities:[/b] Telekinesis Currently her powers are only at a medium level, she can move objects, mostly inanimate objects and small living things. Sakura has to be able to see it, even if it's through a window, or telescope or something. She uses it quite often, though not in front of others, she uses it so she can try to get better at it and to have it more powerful. [/color][/size]
  21. [color=Navy]Kat paddled hard, pushing the piece of wood through the frothing waters that tried to snatch the oar from her hands. They all saw a wave looming, then crashing over them. Kat had taken a deep breath and took a tight grip on her oar. The wave passed over and they all gasped for breath, the inflatable raft was half full with water and two of the four paddles had been swept away. Kat heard the man, that had drank the Cosmopolitan, now identified as Alexander warn them about what to do if the ship capsized. Kat smiled grimly after nodding, it wasn't a case of [i]if[/i], it was a case of [i]when[/i], because it was sure to happen. Kat's stress level raised drastically when the craft crashed into the water after going over a large wave, sending spray flying and the occupants gripped the sides. Suddenly there was a huge blast of water, and the woman who sat at the front of the boat was pushed off from the force and swept out by the ocean currents. Kat stretched out her arm and tried to grab a hold of her as she went past but missed. The vessel banked to the side immediately and Alexander shouted to her about picking her up when they passed. Kat nodded determindly and passed the oar to the man, Graham, who sat in front of her, preparing herself to reach out. Katchya searched the dark waters, looking out for the bright orange that signalled her life vest. She saw a figure bobbing on the surface, waving her hands frantically and they got closer. As waves brought the ship closer to her, Kat grabbed a hold of her hand, gripping tightly and hauling her closer to the boat, the waves helping ever so slightly. [b]"Hold on!" [/b]Kat yelled over the howling wind, not being strong enough at the time to haul her into the ship. Elizabeth nodded and gripped tightly, clinging to her arm. Kat looked down at her, her eyes were glazed from unshed tears and she was worried. Kat trembled, she was cold, after all, she was only wearing a top and skirt. [b]"I'm holding onto her! Just go toward the island, fast!" [/b]she yelled, but the end of her sentence wasn't heard because of the angry waves. Alexander steered the boat forward, back to their destination and tried to keep control of the boat. It seemed that the waves were too hard to control and the boat started to shift in one direction. Alexander started to warn them that the boat was capsizing and they all prepared themselves. [b]"Don't worry, just swim or float toward the island." [/b]Kat told Elizabeth, releasing her hold on the woman. Before Alexander could finish, the boat capsized. Kat leapt from the boat in a dive position, slipping under the water. She stayed beneath for a while but her life vest pulled her up to the surface. Kat slipped out of the restricting floating device and let go of it, letting it get swept away. She sliced through the water slowly, she was tired but she could make it. Her arms wheeled, face coming up to take breaths as she swam for the island as fast as she could. Kat finally made it onto the shore. She just stayed there on all fours and coughed up seawater she had inhaled. She wanted to stay awake, but the exhaustion got to her and she fainted. Katchya woke up later after recieving CPR from Alexander. She checked she had all of her jewellery, since they were all special to her, then she said thanks and listened as he addressed the group, explaining the situation and introducing two others, and another man named Zachary seemed to have a lot of arguments. The group left for a cave and Kat sat down and rubbed her chest tenderly, trying to warm herself up. She knew it was better to warm up her chest first instead of her arms or legs because the chest would provide heat for the other parts of the body. Kat pulled the soaked hair tie out and wringed out her hair and clothes, trying to get as dry as possible. Alexander proposed an idea to introduce themselves and say what they were good at. He went first, then looked behind him, at Graham. He went next and looked over at Kat. She stood from her position. [b]"My name's Katchya, you can just call me Kat. I spend a lot of time outdoors too, being sporty and stuff. I have a lot of survival knowledge and medical knowledge from going through those courses at college. So if you need a doctor, you can come to me and I'll help the best I can. I'm also strong, fast, flexible and acrobatic so I think I should be able to help get food, whether it be hunting or foraging. If you all would like to get warmer, rub your chest slowly, you should start to feel warm in a while." [/b]she announced, then she sat down again and went back to rubbing her chest. She saw a few other people follow her example, she waited patiently for the next person to introduce themselves. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Hope that was ok, let me know for changes.[/color] [/color]
  22. [size=2][color=Navy][color=Black][b]OOC:[/b] Let me know if I gotta change anything.[/color] [b] Name:[/b] Sakura Hiwatari [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Role:[/b] Tiger [b]Appearance:[/b] [url="http://img301.echo.cx/img301/5099/girls836vv.jpg"]Here[/url], she wears armour that looks like [url="http://heroes.ag.ru/the_gathering_storm/jpg/Harmonic_Chainmail.jpg"]this[/url](full armour not just chainmail) with legs instead of a skirt and make the sleeves longer, to her wrists. [b]Weapon:[/b] [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy][url="http://www.conqueronline.com/guide/images/tr.jpg"]Glaive[/url], it has a pair of little wings (like Sakura's sig. in CCS) on the green part between the red fabric strips. She also carries a [url="http://www.knifesite.com/fullsize/UC1258.jpg"]sword/katana[/url] and a whole load of [url="http://www.kasu-network.net/japon/9406213.jpg"]kunai[/url], [url="http://www.thefinerlife.com/images/knives/UC458_larg.jpg"]throwing knives[/url] and [url="http://www.shadowofleaves.com/shuriken5.jpg"]shuriken[/url] all in a pouch, each in a different sectioned-off area. No one knows why, but she always wears a [url="http://img47.imageshack.us/my.php?image=lorsaurongauntlet2fe.jpg"]clawed gauntlet[/url] on her each hand, she has great dexterity with them and can be careful, gentle and not cut anyone with the points when she wants to, often she only has the tips as points when she's fighting. [/color][/size] [size=2][color=Navy] [b]Power:[/b] Sakura has superhuman strength and stamina, able to lift practically anything and run for a long time at a fast speed. She also knows a lot about weapons. Sakura's telekinetic and can control metal. Sakura can bend metal to do her will, and can call metal to her, even if it only has a small trace of metal, she can affect it. [Like Magneto's power] If she needs a weapon desperately and there aren't any aroud, she sometimes searches into the ground and looks for traces of metal to form a blade of. No one else has her power as it is rare and a strong will is needed to be able to control it well. [b]Personality:[/b] Sakura is well known in Japan, being of Japanese origin. She loves fighting and owns several dojos all over Japan that many people go to. Sakura has heard of practically every weapon that exists and knows about them. People can find Sakura easily in a crowd because she always wears armour and weapons unless she's resting at home. She gets extremely excited at the chance to battle and will accept any challenge, no matter how outrageous it sounds, despite the odds. To everyone's amazement, she hasn't lost a single battle in her time, even when she faced a group of strong men with only herself. Whenever Sakura's not messing around with weapons or metal, she enjoys playing the shakuhachi, she's very good and likes to lay about and play some soft, soothing melodies. [b]Character Snippit:[/b] Sakura lounged between the boughes of the cherry blossom tree outside her house, she had her shakuhachi at her lips and was playing a light melody, she shifted her position and cringed, hearing the scrape of metal as her armour scraped against the wood. She heard the fast paced slapping of footsteps as someone ran over. She looked beneath her and recognised one of the students at the dojo, panting and banging on her door, calling her name. Sakura called out to him and he whirled around, looking about before looking up into the trees where he spotted her, seeing the shininess of her armour in the afternoon sun. [b]"Douka shita no?" [/b]Sakura asked, he was breathing hard from running so it must have been urgent or important. [b]"Hiwatari-sensei, there's a challenger for you at Central Dojo. He demands a fight with you immediately." [/b]he panted. Sakura leapt from the tree as soon as she heard the word 'challenger'. She ran into her house and picked up her weapons from just inside the door, tying them onto her usual places, the pouch of projectiles on her right hip, the katana on her left hip and her glaive in her right hand. She ran outside again and told the student to rest, he whined because he wanted to see the battle, but she forced him to rest. Sakura ran off in the direction of Central Dojo, she had many dojos, North, East, South, West and Central, each in their very positions of the large town indicated. Her breath was even as she sped along, she had a grin on her face because she would be fighting someone that hopefully had lots of experience and would give her a good challenge. She saw the dojo up ahead and ran faster. She entered the dojo and saw that all of the people were waiting against one side of the room, all staring at the door anxiously. When Sakura entered, everyone grinned and started whispering quietly amongst themselves. She caught money being exchanged from hands of people and knew they had begun placing bets. Sakura walked forward and thumped the butt of the glaive against the wooden floors heavily, bringing silence. She looked around quickly, and spotted a large, muscled man who was loaded up with weapons. Sakura didn't recognise him so guessed that he was the challenger. She warily came over to him and looked him up and down carefully, trying to find weak points before the fight started. [b]"So, I'm guessing you are the one who challenged me?" [/b]she asked. [b]"Hai, it was I. I challenge you to a battle on poles. Assuming you have a pole pit since this is the most famous of all your dojos, Hiwatari-san."[/b] he said. [b]"Indeed, prepare the pit!" [/b]she called to some of the helpers that stood against the wall with everyone else. They nodded, bowed and ran off. [b]"I see you know my name, what is yours?" [/b]she questioned, moving over to a bench and taking off her heavy boots, revealing dainty feet and toes. [b]"Boku wa, Kobayashi Takeru desu." [/b]he bowed in the traditional way. [b]"To do this formally. Watashi wa, Hiwatari Sakura desu. Welcome to Central Dojo, the finest of the five." [/b]she bowed after standing. [b]"Hiwatari-sensei, the pit is ready." [/b]a helper said. [b]"Arigatou. Kobayashi-san, if you would like to follow me." [/b]Sakura lead the group out of the room and through some hallways before they approached a door. They entered and everyone saw the large pit with many poles sticking up from the ground. Sakura walked up to the edge and crouched before leaping high into the air, doing a somersault and landing with two feet on a pole in the centre of the pit. [b]"Welcome to our pole pit, Kobayashi-san. There are benches over there so you may remove your footwear." [/b]she indicated to a wall with a bench lined against it. He quickly took off his shoes and tentatively stepped onto the pole, testing its weight before putting his other foot on the pole beside it. [b]"I will give you five minutes to stretch, prepare yourself, and get accustomed to my pit, then the battle will begin, whether you're ready or not. The rules are that if you fall from the poles, are in a death situation or give up, you lose the battle." [/b]Sakura announced, pulling up one leg and holding it against her bottom, stretching the muscles out. Sakura carefully stretched out each muscle, watching her opponent tentatively move from pole to pole. She smirked, she loved when her opponents challenged her to a pole fight, she was the best at pole battles, easily moving quickly from poles. She counted the end of five minutes and charged forward quickly and silently, hopping. Kobayashi was unaware and wavered before getting his balance. He swiftly drew his katana in a smooth motion and blocked the downward strike of her glaive. Sakura pushed down on him, pressing down and backwards, trying to push him off balance. Kobayashi shoved his strength upwards, tensing the muscles in his legs. Sakura waited until the shift in strength, when he shifted all of his weight and strength into the up press. She pulled her glaive away smoothly and sliced him across the middle, cutting through his shirt and slicing the skin. Blood seeped out slowly and Sakura escaped, running across the poles. He glared across at her and swiped the blood away. Sakura changed the blunt ends of her gauntlet into claws with a single thought and prepared herself for an attack. As she had thought, he started to charge in an attack, she noted that his footwork was weak and he struggled to keep his balance as he tried to run across. When he got close, she dodged his slash and swipe kicked his unstable ankle. He windmilled his arms wildly and fell backwards, falling into the pit. He grabbed the top of the pole weakly, dropping his katana to the bottom of the pit. Sakura hopped over to his pole and stepped on his hands strongly. She brought her katana down and pressed it against his throat. [b]"Drop or give." [/b]she announced. [b]"Drop. I need to get my katana anyways." [/b]he sighed. [b]"There's a ladder on the wall that's closest to the side we came from." [/b]Sakura nodded, stepping off his hands. Before he fell he saw her flip away and the crowd roared at another of her victories. [b]Disciple?:[/b] I don't mind having one ^_^ [/color][/size]
  23. [size=2][color=Navy][color=Black][b]OOC: [/b]Looks good for your first, Retri. Let me know if anything should be changed. I may edit some of this if I can think of anything better. [/color][b] Name:[/b] Katchya "Kat" Valentine [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Kat has dark brown, almost black hair that reaches down to her waist that has streaks of light brown mixed in it. She always carries a hair tie around her right wrist for if she ever wants to tie her hair up. Kat's eyes are a stormy, greyish blue eyes which has made many people uncomfortable after a long stare from them. Kat has slightly tanned skin because she likes the outdoors, being a sporty person, though many don't guess it since she's a lawyer. She's fit and toned, but not muscular, and she weighs 120 lbs. Usually she's seen wearing a business suit of black or navy blue, but on the trip she was wearing a white skirt that stopped about 2 inches above her knees and a baby blue top with a navy blue stripe around her breast area. She always wears a [url="http://www.johnlewis.com/jl_assets/product/230204719.jpg"]watch[/url] on her left wrist, a [url="http://img344.imageshack.us/img344/7770/1a1b4le.jpg"]bracelet[/url] on her right wrist, a [url="http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/5079/rensq0247p0101026ez.jpg"]ring[/url] on her right ring finger, and a silver [url="http://www.tajarts.co.uk/shopimages/products/normal/P829.jpg"]cross[/url] pendant. [b]Personality:[/b] Kat's a friendly person and likes to help others. If someone doesn't like her, she'll still try her best to be civil towards them. She's sporty and fit, using those things to her advantage. She's a fast thinker and can find a quick way to get out of a problem situation, using what they have. She's always been the calm headed one around her friends, while they panic, she thinks everything through and doesn't panic. If someone annoys her enough then she'll get angry at them, especially if she's incredibly stressed. When she doesn't like someone or is annoyed at them, her eyes narrow and she shoots the person a death glare that will make practically anyone cower in fear. Kat usually likes being around people, but she likes to go off on her own sometimes for time to herself, just so she can think. She mainly enjoys places with lots of wind and also water. She's quite emotional and has mood swings pretty often. Kat is also a Christian with a strong faith, which is why she wears her cross. [b]Place in the Group:[/b] Kat will be one to help everyone, being the doctor to aid the others and knowing what to do in situations to help them through. She also has strength so she can help in lifting etc.[/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy] She's also acrobatic, quick and flexible, able to climb trees and swing around easily, aiding her to help get and hunt food.[/color] [/size] [size=2][color=Navy] [b]Special Skills:[/b] Kat has lots of survival knowledge and what to do in situations. She also took a course on medical training in college so she could be a doctor if being a lawyer didn't work out. [b]Record of Events:[/b] Katchya was sitting on the warm sand. Her legs were bent, with her hands and arms hugging her knees to her chest. She stared out at the sea, the waves tumbled gently, the tide washing up against the shore, then receding, over and over the pattern continued. Kat wiggled her toes in the sand, feeling the fine particles shift around. She looked to her right, a medium distance from her, the rest of the group was there, some were on the beach, others were in the water. She didn't really know what to think of them, after all, they never really talked to each other, other than discussing work matters. Kat sighed and released her legs, stretching them out. The heels of her feet left valleys in the sand. She got up and brushed the sand off her skirt and walked over to the rest of the group. After the rest of the team-work building activities, they found themselves on the yacht, going off to one of Hawaii's small islands. When Sherry the stewardess finished her briefing, Kat went over to the railing and leaned against it. She watched the water being parted by the boat and there was a strong wind as the boat surged up and down with the waves. Kat took in a deep breath of the salty air, exhaling heavily. She stayed there for a while, seeing some marine creatures lurking beneath the surface of the water. Finally she stopped and stepped back from the railing, deciding to go check out below deck. She looked around, most people were there. Kat shuffled across to the bar, where there weren't many people. She took a seat and ordered a glass of Gin and Tonic. As soon as the glass touched her hand, a bunch of stewardesses came in, herding a number of people that had been on deck. They were told about the storm and Kat just sipped her drink as others' panic levels started to rise. She listened to their concerns and shrugged, she was sure, even if they did get into trouble, that they would have emergency plans. The stewardesses left and everyone continued with what they were doing, but more cautiously than before. Kat was finishing her Gin and Tonic when the boat rocked, sending the glasses sliding. The door burst open and it rained through the door. The two wet sailors shoved the door closed and told them what was going on, when he was finished talking, everyone ran to the life jackets. Kat made her way over quickly and slipped it on, then ran outside, with the help of others, getting the door open. She hopped into a life-boat with two others there, then a man jumped in with them, just coming out of the area below deck. Kat recognised him as the man that sat beside her at the bar, drinking a Cosmopolitan. A man screamed at them to lower into the water. They did so quickly. Kat pulled the hair tie from her wrist quickly, tying up her long her as it flew wildly in the wind. She and the other two helped lower the boat using the pulleys and the man from the bar started the boat, they started off in the direction of the others. Kat gripped the life-boat tightly and glanced back at the ship, watching it sink slowly along with the others on the yacht that hadn't made it off in time. A tear made its way down her cheek sadly, then getting masked by the rain and water that splashed at them from the sea. Kat mumbled a prayer for those who died and prayed for their safe journey and to find somewhere to land soon. [/color][/size]
  24. [center][size=2][color=Navy]Sakura stood beside Alexander, both of them were in shock about the new information given to them. She glanced out of the corner of her eye to Alexander and noticed the look of utter disbelief. Sakura just listened silently, she decided she wouldn't make a judgement until she had all of the facts. She soaked all of the information up like a sponge, she put the pieces together like a puzzle, explaining why Shinji had left during class and all of the other small bits she had been exposed to. Sakura's face changed to a look of suspicion when they told her and Alexander that they would have to leave school with Shinji if an Angel attacked. She was sure that Alexander was thinking the same thing as her; how would they explain their absence? Sakura guessed that since Ayato was a teacher, he could do something. Next they were lead to the the dock of Evangelion Unit 00. She looked around the area, taking in everything, then her gaze caught on a female that looked their age standing on the bridge. Sakura just watched her, she had pale blue hair and red eyes, an interesting colour on both parts. She heard Alexander exclaim loudly and Sakura just shot him a look to be quiet since it was rude to exclaim and swear loudly. They were all introduced to Rei, when Sakura shook her hand, she noticed that Rei was very quiet, when she spoke, it was little more than a whisper. Sakura and Alexander watched as soon the pilots were whisked off to fight an Angel. Sakura payed a great deal of attention to the battle, studying the large machines each of them were piloting, they were amazing. Sakura caught sight of the Angel they were fighting and her eyebrows furrowed. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a folded and crumpled piece of paper. She unfolded it and looked at the picture, then at the Angel. It was the thing she had dreamt about and drawn in Art Class. Her train of thought was interrupted by Alexander, as he spoke to her. Sakura quickly folded up the paper and put it back into her pocket before paying attention to him. [b]"Did you...notice anything about Rei, Ms. Sakura?" [/b]he asked, continuing to watch the battle. [b]"Why do you ask?" [/b]Sakura kept her eyes on the battle, intrigued. [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy][b] "I don?t know? her eyes felt empty. You know how the eyes are the window to the soul?" [/b]he told her. [b] "Hm? no. Is that an American expression?" [/b]Sakura replied, after thinking about it and trying to see if she knew that phrase. [b] "Oh. Yeah, it is. Sorry for bothering you." [/b]he apologised. Sakura was going to tell him that it wasn't a problem but was sidetracked as she watched the battle finish, when the RahXephon flew through the Angel. Everyone errupted and cheers, Sakura and Alexander were caught up in the excitement. She congratulated the pilots when they came in. When the celebrations died down, she noticed Rei leave, she questioned someone about it and they told her she was going to the Mulian Chamber. Sakura wasn't sure what that meant, and was going to ask, when she and Alexander were pulled aside. [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy][b] "All right you two. You?re to go with Mr. Kamina for the evening. We?ll make sure that you?re dropped off at home around seven. For now, he?ll explain things to you and then I want you two here after school tomorrow." [/b]they were informed. Sakura grinned, she looked forward to getting to know more about Alexander and Shinji. She called her parents on her cell phone quickly, telling them she'd be home around 7, they said it was ok and she followed the others to the car garage. Sakura had lots of fun with the guys, she knew Alexander was a little guarded, but Sakura was quite open, she trusted these people, after all, they would have to trust each other if they were to work together defeating Angels, but she did keep one thing from them, she hadn't yet told them she was part of a rich family. She didn't want any of them to treat her differently because they think she's a rich brat, so she kept it hidden from them, but she's sure Ayato knows. She just wished that the others would be as open to her, especially Alexander. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Hope that's ok, I was mainly following the events from Retri's post.[/color] [/color][/size][/center]
  25. [center][color=Pink]Sakura watched Sasurai, assessing him carefully with her gaze. She frowned, disapproving of his leadership, seeing as she was a leader herself. Sakura let it go though, having no choice in the matter. When he had finished his speech, she picked up Chiméiteki (Chi for short) and ran her hand along the teak staff. Suddenly Chiméiteki shone brightly and pulsed, Sakura watched as one of the other people disappeared and felt herself falling, seeing nothing. All of a sudden Sakura landed in a snowy wasteland. It was cold and the ground was nothing but ice. Snow fell, catching in her hair and she continued to walk on, using the glaive as a walking stick. There was a strong gush of wind and an unexpected blizzard struck up. Sakura shivered and looked across, there was something there. It was a Liger, white skin with black stripes, but what wasn't natural were the black, feathery wings that extended from it's back. [b]"So, you wish to access my strength?" [/b]it roared. Sakura was shocked and just stared at the creature. She continued forward and saw that it had silver claws that were very sharp, and it's teeth were also the same silver. [b]"Y-Yes. We are to be partners. I will do whatever it takes." [/b]Sakura stammered, teeth chattering from the cold, she had realised that this creature symbolised Chiméiteki. [b]"To access my power, you will have to first defeat me!" [/b]it roared, his powerful legs crouched and sprung, launching itself into the air. The black wings beat heavily and he flew above her. Sakura put away the cold and shifted quickly into a battle stance, one that could easily attack or defend. He swooped viciously and Sakura rolled quickly, rolling under his strike. [b]"I will defeat you!" [/b]Sakura cried, holding the glaive at ready. Sakura dodged the next few swoops, trying to get a grip on his pattern. Chi growled and tried something different, Sakura tried to dodge but he payed attention to that and turned last minute, slicing her in the upper left arm. Sakura gasped and grit her teeth, hands tightening around the staff. Chi gnashed his teeth and brought his claws up, Sakura watched his wings as they tensed for a second, at the last minute, Sakura jumped from the ground and thrust from her waist, catching Chi across his left flank. He roared and flapped his wings frantically, pulling away. Sakura spun and landed on the ground. Sakura looked up into the sky, seeing the lion crossed tiger hovering, large wings pushing the air. She wasn't entirely sure, but it looked like it was smirking. [b]"Not bad, but you need a lot more to defeat me." [/b]he laughed. Sakura didn't say anything, she just glared at the feline. All that ran through her head was that she was the leader of the great Hiwatari clan. She fought off raiding clans, she could do anything. Their next collision in the sky came with Sakura cutting off the tips of the primary flight feathers on Chiméiteki's right wing. Sakura was glad she had lots of experience with birds as the right wing fell limp. He roared angrily and flapped his wings as best as he could to slow his fall. He still landed heavily but not as bad as it would have been. When he was distracted from the plummet, Sakura charged forward and the two fought viciously. They were on even ground now, the battle had really begun. [/color][/center]
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