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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [color=Navy]I was brought back into reality by the stewardess on the speaker, announcing we had arrived in Frankfurt, Germany. I disembarked from the plane and walked out of the terminal. I rubbed my eyes from sleep and looked around, so this was Germany. I flipped open my phone after pulling it from my pocket and the compass was waving left and right. I sighed and walked toward the parking lot, flagging down a cab. It was now that I was glad I had taken German for a few years. [b]"[font=Verdana]geehrter Herr, sehr sind Sie willend, gerade zu fahren, wohin ich verweise Sie?" [/font][/b][font=Verdana][i][Sir, are you willing to just drive wherever I direct you?] [/i][/font][font=Verdana]I asked the driver, my accent wasn't perfect, having a Japanese tinge to it. [/font][b]"Ja ja so lang wie Sie zahlen Sie." [/b][i][Yes, yes, as long as you pay.] [/i]he replied. I nodded and slipped into the cab. I got him to drive, telling him to turn when the arrow changed direction. I was happy he didn't question, it would be hard to explain. He stopped suddenly. He pushed the button on the cost meter and turned around in his seat to face me. I closed my phone and looked at him in confusion, I hadn't asked him to stop. [b]"Traurig, Verlust, sind wir am Rand von Deutschland, ich gehen nicht jenseits hier." [/b][i][Sorry, miss, we're at the border of Germany, I don't go beyond here.] [/i]he told me. [b]"Es ist okay. Was ist auf der anderen Seite dieses Randes?" [/b][i][It's ok. What's on the other side of this border?] [/i]she questioned, pulling out the money required, looking up at the meter. [b]"Luxemburg." [/b][i][Luxembourg.] [/i]he answered easily. [b]"Danke." [/b][i][Thanks.] [/i]I said, handing him the money and climbing out of the cab. The man waved and drove away, I looked at my phone again and started to walk. I passed the border, after they checked my passport and walked slowly. The sun was close to being fully set by the time I reached the main city, Luxembourg. I wasn't tired because I'd taken a lot of naps on the planes. The compass led me to a restaurant place and I continued to follow it, not questioning the arrow as it swayed. I walked past the maitre d' and entered the filled room. I sighed heavily and weaved slowly through the room, waving my phone around to get a reaction from my phone. I'd almost given up hope when we got to the back of the restaurant where a teenager who looked a little older than herself sat alone at a table. The arrow was flashing red and yellow, pointing straight ahead. I nervously walked forward, seeing that he had an mp3 player's earphones plugged into his ears. I took a breath and approached him. He looked up to me and he didn't look too good, he had a five o'clock shadow, sunken eyes, and pale skin. [b]"Excuse me, I don't suppose you've been following a weird voice and a compass, searching for someone have you?" [/b]I asked, feeling stupid, my English was good, I just couldn't read it very well. [b]"What do you mean by compass?" [/b]he asked quietly. I showed him the screen of my phone, where the arrow was pointing toward him, flashing brightly. He nodded and showed his Mp3 player, there was an arrow on it too, it pointed to her, flashing like her own arrow. [b]"My name's Sakura Hiwatari." [/b]I said, smiling. [b]"Corey Roos. Nice to meet you." [/b]he sighed. I sighed too, I was so happy and relieved. Finally, I'd found him. Maybe I'd get some answers now. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Not too good. Sorry about the German if it's wrong. I'm working off the translator on Dictionary.com.[/color] [/color]
  2. [color=Navy]Alright, I finished, I may decide to change the Writing Piece. [/color][font=Trebuchet MS][color=Navy][b]Your OtakuBoards Username:[/b] Sakura [b]Your Alias[/b]: The Animal Lover [b]Image[/b]: [url="http://img301.echo.cx/img301/5099/girls836vv.jpg"]Here[/url] [b]Writing Piece:[/b] Sakura walked down the road quietly, the street was bustling and cars drove up and down the road loudly. She turned a corner and made her way to a familiar building. It was an animal shelter that she volunteered at. She absolutely loved it there, caring for the poor animals. Sakura had been working there for a little over two years, having adopted two kittens and a puppy during that time. She greeted the other workers in an open manner and tucked her bag away into the area where they all kept their things. Sakura made her way into the back where all the animals were kept in caged areas. It was sectioned into several areas, medium sized animals like cats, dogs, rabbits; birds; small animals like rodents; reptiles; and larger animals. When she entered the medium animal area, the animals called loudly and Sakura smiled, it was a great place. She went to each of the cages and petted them. She took the animals from the caged areas and cleaned the cage before replacing the newspaper, and then she changed their food and water for the day before putting the animals back in. Sakura got to the end of the line where there was a small black creature that was curled in a ball. She carefully opened the cage and picked up the furry, black ball. She gently coaxed the animal into uncurling itself and stroked it. No one wanted to adopt the animal, and Sakura was waiting to, because she had a period of time where she wasn't allowed to adopt another because she had just lately gotten one of her two kittens. The animal was strange, it was a mixture of a cat and a rabbit. His ears were long like a rabbit's but the body was of a cat, with a small twitching nose. He was only the age of a 5 month old kitten. Sakura had named him Lai, and everyone seemed to go with it. A woman had found it on the edge of the road one day, but no one knew how it came to be. Many called it a mutant when they saw him, but most only saw the small ball of black fur, in Sakura's opinion, Lai was a miracle. No was quite sure, but it seemed that Lai liked Sakura more than anyone else that worked at the shelter. Sakura followed the usual clean out routine but sat with Lai, stroking him carefully and just enjoying each other's company. She stayed that way for about half an hour and replaced him in the cage. Sakura moved on to the different section that contained all the birds. It took longer to clean out with all the birds flying around, but she got it done quickly and without getting anything on her. She returned to the front and checked the roster to make sure, she was only on duty for medium animals and birds. Sakura picked up her bag and left, she had taken about 3 hours. She was looking forward to going home, where her three young animals were waiting. She had a smile on as she walked, she loved her life. [/color][/font]
  3. [b]OOC: [/b]Looks pretty good. Let me know if I have to change anything. Not done too well, but done none the less. [color=Navy][b]Name:[/b] Sakura Hiwatari [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Blood Type:[/b] AB [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [/color][font=Verdana][color=Navy][url="http://img301.echo.cx/img301/5099/girls836vv.jpg"]Here[/url], she wears a white, button up dress-shirt and navy blue cargo pants.[/color][/font] [color=Navy] [b]*Special Ability:[/b] Sakura can control the weather and manipulate it. [/color][color=Navy] She draws in the air a series of ancient symbols, and depending on which combination she uses, a different kind of storm attack will form, including anywhere from rain, thunder, lightning, to cyclones, floods, tornados. Sakura also has strong powers of telekinesis. Sakura hears warning calls through the wind, and can hear conversations etc. through it.[/color] [color=Navy] [b]*Weapon:[/b] [/color][color=Navy][url="http://www.conqueronline.com/guide/images/tr.jpg"]Glaive[/url], it has a pair of little wings (like Sakura's sig. in CCS) on the green part between the red fabric strips. She can draw the symbols with it too, which enhances the power because the glaive has it's own store of energy.[/color] [color=Navy] [b]Personality:[/b] [/color][color=Navy]Sakura's a determined person who has gone through many hardships in life. She has overcome each and feels she can accomplish anything that she sets her mind to. She's awfully stubborn and usually gets her way eventually after putting up a strong argument. She's a quiet person, more introverted than most, only talking a lot when she's comfortable, though she will voice what she thinks at anytime. Sakura doesn't accept love anymore and prefers to be cold, her reasoning is that she won't get hurt if she doesn't let anyone into her heart.[/color] [color=Navy] [b]Biography:[/b] In short, Sakura was born in Tokyo, Japan. Her parents were killed when she was 10 by a crazy guy with a big gun that when on a shooting massacre. She had a boyfriend that lasted 3 years, she found out that he had been double-timing her with another woman for 2 of those years. All in all, she didn't like love, it was a cruel thing that hurt. Sakura decided to pick up weapons, and mainly focussed on blade weapons. She liked the glaive, how powerful it could be in the right hands. She got her own and added personal touches. When she was age 18, she was attacked by the virus and saved by a mysterious man in grey. Then she discovered that her emotions affected the weather since she couldn't yet control her new powers, so she learned how to keep them under check so she didn't cause massive storms if she was extremely angry. Sakura set about to killing demons that had been affected by the virus and stop them. Why? Because she didn't want others to live a life like her, losing the lives of loved ones as she had. [b]Character Snippet:[/b] Sakura lay in the middle of an empty, green field. She stared at the sky with her hands under her head. Her glaive lay in the grass beside her. The sky was quite clear, large puffy clouds hung in the air in clumps. She sighed and contemplated, she lived a pretty pathetic life. She didn't have any family, and she lived in the same house she had always lived in. Her expressionless face became a frown as she thought about love. She scoffed at it, to Sakura, there was no such thing. In anger, Sakura picked up her glaive and hurled it through the air, not watching where it went. Her life had always been a misery, nothing good came of it. Sakura got up and brushed off any grass that stuck to her. She used her telekinesis to bring her glaive back, instead of just searching for it in the field. She strode off, crunching blades of grass under her shoes. Sakura was just vaulting the fence when she heard a scream carried on the wind, the wind told her it was quite far, so she ran out at a sprint, her eyes were hard and her grip around the glaive shaft tight. [/color]
  4. [color=Navy][color=Black][b]OOC: [/b]I didn't mention it in the sign ups. But I've decided that Chiméiteki (the glaive) will be manifest in [url="http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/7810/rensq0247p0201024ez.jpg"]>this
  5. [color=Navy]Sakura had given up the chase after it started raining. She scuttled back to her room quickly and changed out of her soaked kimono, into a dry one that was pale blue with white sakura prints and a scarlet obi. She sat on her bed and looked at her cupboard, where her Shinigami robes hung on a hangar on the handle. She started to think about how she had become a Shinigami. She had joined because she wished to follow the footsteps of her deceased parents. Sakura was proud of them, they had died in the line of duty, doing what they had to. She swore she would be the same, sacrificing herself to complete the job needed to be done. Sakura picked Chiméiteki up from the part of bed beside her and stroked the navy blue saya fondly, running her hand down, tracing the cherry blossom patterns on the silver tsuba and then tracing the intricate pattern on the basket handguard that surrounded the hilt. She slipped her hand in and drew the blade from it's sheath, tilting it so it caught the light. The blade shone brightly and Sakura smiled, checking the blade for marks or smudges. When she found none she was about to slip it back into it's sheath when there was a frantic rapping at her door. Sakura rested the katana in her lap, beside it's saya. [b]"Ohairinasai." [/b]she called. The door opened quickly and a messenger stood there panting, bowing quickly. [b]"Hiwatari-fukutaicho! Jidanbou is dead!" [/b]he said between pants. [b]"Nani?!" [/b]Sakura jumped up and slid Chiméiteki into the sheath and excused herself, closing the door and changing into her Shinigami robes. She slipped her weapon into her obi over her left hip and flung open the door, closing it quickly behind her and walking away. The messenger caught up to her quickly. [b]"I'm assuming the Commander General wants to have a meeting." [/b]she said before he had a chance to say anything. [b]"Hai, Yakuta-taicho is also on his way." "Alright, thank you, take a rest and catch your breath." [/b]Sakura nodded to him, running off in the direction of the meeting hall. The messenger thanked her and bowed before walking off in the other direction, even though Sakura didn't hear or see him. [b]'It can't be...can it? But if Jidanbou is dead then it must be...' [/b]Sakura thought as she rushed. Utamuro had shared his thoughts with her on more than one occassion, it meant that the Hollow-One was coming. If anyone saw Sakura, they would see a woman with determination written all over her face and a strong will burning in her eyes. She thought that this may be her time, like her parents, to die in the line of duty, but no matter what, they [i]would [/i]triumph, she had no doubts. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Hope that's ok.[/color] [/color]
  6. [color=Navy]Sora sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes sleepily. She yawned widely and threw the covers off herself, sliding out of the warmth from her bed. She changed into her usual clothes and cleaned herself up, washing her face free of sleep and brushing her hair. Sora looked herself over quickly and left her room, heading toward the main elevator. She stretched herself as she walked through the halls, no doubt some of the others would also be tumbling out of bed. As Sora moved through the halls quietly, she could see someone with spiky blonde hair sitting in the elevator, even though it was on the otherside of the long walkway. She smirked and went over. [b]"Nova, wake up..It's rude to greet your peers on the floor." [/b]she told him. Nova looked up at her, [b]"Oh, it's you...Damn smartass." [/b]he grinned and saluted mockingly. Sora smirked and got in beside him, leaning against the metal wall behind them. The two of them talked, yawning sometimes, still tired from waking up. Sora mainly kept her gaze directed at the walkway, seeing if the others were coming. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Sorry if it's not very good, or long.[/color] [/color]
  7. [color=Navy][center] [left][color=Black][b]OOC: [/b]I'll finish the rest as soon as I can, let me know if I should change anything. [b]EDIT: [/b]Complete! I may change the Bio if I feel like it. [/color] [/left] [i] Character[/i][/center] [b]Name[/b]: Sakura Hiwatari [b]Age[/b]: 22 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Appearance[/b]: [url="http://img301.echo.cx/img301/5099/girls836vv.jpg"]Here[/url], she wears a pale blue robe-like top with white hemmings and navy blue pants. [b]Personality[/b]: Sakura's a determined person who has gone through many hardships in life. She has overcome each and feels she can accomplish anything that she sets her mind to. She's awfully stubborn and usually gets her way eventually after putting up a strong argument. She's a quiet person, more introverted than most, only talking a lot when she's comfortable, though she will voice what she thinks at anytime. Sakura doesn't accept love anymore and prefers to be cold, her reasoning is that she won't get hurt if she doesn't let anyone into her heart. A single glare from her can ward away many and she wields power in her tone and words. Everyone in the Hiwatari clan respects her and will protect her at any cost, and she will do the same for them. [center][i]Weapon of Faith[/i][/center] [b]Appearance/Weapon Specifics[/b]: [url="http://www.conqueronline.com/guide/images/tr.jpg"]Glaive[/url], it has a pair of little wings (like Sakura's sig. in CCS) on the green part between the red fabric strips. In its original form, it's simply a teak staff with a sharp, curved blade on the end. [b]Technique[/b]: Curse of the Storm She draws in the air a series of ancient symbols, and depending on which combination she uses, a different kind of storm attack will form, including anywhere from rain, thunder, lightning, to cyclones, floods, tornados. [b]Weapon Power[/b]: Helps allow her to manipulate the weather, though she can still use her attack without it, simply drawing with her fingers, just its enhanced and she can use more attacks more frequently and stronger, since the Glaive has energy stored within it. [center][i]History[/i][/center] [b]Bio[/b]: Sakura was born into a quite famous clan, the Hiwataris, and since they were famous, they also had a fair share of enemies, many that wanted them dead. Sakura was only 9 when the terrible incident befell her and her parents. She had gone off to school for the day, and when she returned, the area that the clan owned was buzzing as it usually did, but not in a loud way, more of a quiet, hushed whispers way. As she walked past each of them, they looked at her with a strange gaze that she didn't recognise, some faking smiles. She was afraid and walked through, heading toward the back where her house was, as her father was the current head of the clan. She got home and called out a greeting, with nothing in reply, while usually her mother replied. Sakura walked up to her parents' bedroom and peeked in, wondering if they were just asleep. She was shocked when she found them on the floor, surrounded by blood. She pushed open the doors and ran in, crouching beside the bodies. She pounded her fists on the wooden floors, sobbing loudly. She didn't stop until nightfall, when some men came and took the bodies away, looking at her sadly. Sakura was picked up by her mother's sister, which was her favourite aunt that lived in the clan area. She was taken home and fed. Then Sakura asked boldly why no one noticed anything. Her aunt hesitated, but admitted that they had all been too afraid, since most of the men were out working, and a group of their arch-rivals came, all being assassins. Sakura was saddened and lived her school years with her aunt, but everyone noticed that she was more of a hollow shell, than the lively girl she had been previously. Sakura was never the same and she, as everyone else in the clan, picked up weapons and martial arts, also taking gymnastics. She became a workaholic and never went out for leisure. When she was questioned about it, she said doing work and practising her weapons, martial arts and gymnastics was her leisure time. When she turned 18, she moved back to her old home, she owns the house since she inherited it and she's become the best fighter in the clan, better than all of the men. She became the clan leader when she was 18, since there was no one better than her. Sakura has never loved anyone since the death of her parents, everyone's opinion is that the death of her parents took a lot out of her, all the childhood that had been in her left, and she became an adult, at the age of 9. Sakura's the youngest clan leader in their history yet everyone respects her, including all of the men, her parents were well respected and loved, and all were sad that they died. None more than their little girl that was left behind. [b]Character Snippet[/b]: Sakura sat cross-legged on the wooden floorboards, her hands rested on her knees and her eyes were gently shut. She took in a deep breath, counting to seven, then she held her breath to seven, and exhaled gently to the count of seven. She repeated it over and over. The large house was silent, and she sat in the centre of the training room. After an hour she opened her eyes, revealing dark brown pools. Sakura stood and stretched her body, limbering herself for a session of training. After stretching she went over to the wall on her right, unlocking and entering the door that stood there. Sakura looked around the small room, it was full of different weapons. She selected a broadsword, basket-hilt rapier, and a staff before reaching into a set of drawers along the bottom, there were sets of weights that could be tied onto arms and legs. She pulled out some heavy weights and exited. Sakura rested the weapons on the ground and put the weights on, taking some time to adust to the extra pressure. She did some drills with each of the weapons, working up a sweat. She moved quickly, making the blade look like a silver blur as it flashed through the air. After 3 hours, Sakura stopped because she heard someone knock quietly at the door. She had good senses, having an incredible sense of hearing, smell, sight, strength and speed. She put the broadsword down and walked through the house to the door, grabbing a towel on her way and wiping away the sweat. She opened the door and saw one of the clan members with a panicked look. She asked him what the problem was, and he explained there was a group of raiders. Sakura's face became an image of coldness. She threw the towel onto the table and invited the man in quickly, hurriedly pulling off the weights. She retrieved her glaive, a bow and quiver of arrows axnd a bag of shuriken and kunai. The two of them left in a hurry, Sakura was angry, no one messed with the Hiwatari clan and got away alive. No one. [/color]
  8. [color=Navy][color=Black][b]OOC: [/b]Sorry I haven't been posting.[/color] Sakura had stayed back for a while after the other Hackers left. Laquara's group hadn't been spotted, luckily. Sakura had remained to double check the system just in case, they could never be too sure of things. She found a small file that had been missed and started to leave. [b]"Hey Sakura, hang around for a while." [/b]One of the Op people told her. [b]"Stay here? Why?" [/b]she questioned. [b]"A group of members have just been sent notices to come here immediately, you're to be briefed for a mission." [/b]the same person said. [b]"A mission..." [/b]Sakura mumbled. She frowned, she had hoped to help continue the research of her project in the Research Facility. She sighed and fell lightly back into her chair, flapping her wings as she waited. They were cramping, so she made a mental note to go for a fly later to give them exercise. The Op took the sign as that she would stay and walked away. She waited and watched the door as Laquara entered, then Sally, and Indira came through not too long after. She greeted each of them as they arrived, lounging in her swivel chair that still sat near the computer mainframe she had been working with. [b]"Haven't left, Sakura?" [/b]Indira asked her. [b]"Yeah, was about to leave before I got told I gotta hang around." [/b]she sighed. Sakura waited and continued to flap her wings, not noticing as she started to levitate from her chair, hovering a few centimetres above the seat. [/color]
  9. [color=Navy]Sakura huffed as Utamuro pulled her from the training hall, protesting. Finally she gave up and brushed her sweaty bangs from her face with her free hand. Before the two left for the hotsprings, Sakura returned to her room to change into a clean kimono that wasn't for training. She emerged from the room clad in a pale pink kimono with sakura prints. Her obi was a soft pale blue, and attached to it over her left hip was Chiméiteki. As they arrived at the hotsprings and saw Akuma, they said happy birthday to him after he informed them. The man just nodded and walked off. Sakura and Utamuro looked at each other and shrugged, maybe he just didn't want to talk to anyone as he had said. Sakura and Utamuro split up as they reached the different hotsprings, going to opposite sides where they were divided into men and women with a bamboo fence between them. She undressed and slipped into one of the robes provided, walking over to the pool of hot water. She shed it and slipped into the water carefully, resting her folded towel on top of her head. Sakura sighed and sank in, feeling the stress being released from her body. Not too long after she was joined by Nozomi Hikari, the Vice-Captain like herself, of the 6th Squad. Sakura greeted her as she entered, cringing as she heard her taicho greet her loudly. She rolled her eyes and chuckled quietly at Nozomi's reply. Nozomi slipped in beside her and sighed as Sakura had done. [b]"How have you been, Nozomi-san?" [/b]Sakura asked, leaning back to submerge herself a little more into the water. [b]"All's well. And how are you, Sakura-san?" [/b]Nozomi replied, flapping her arms slowly, pushing around the water. [b]"Not bad at all, he stopped me from training today to come here, I was quite upset." [/b]Sakura said, jerking a thumb to the fence which indicated she talked of Utamuro. [b]"Ah, you should relax sometimes, Sakura-san. You train so much." [/b]Nozomi told her, smiling. [b]"Hai hai! Listen to what, Nozomi-chan says." [/b]they heard Utamuro call. [b]"Stop listening to our conversation!" [/b]Sakura laughed, knowing they were both right, but she always though that if she stopped training, she would get lazy and her skills would drop. [b]"I give up." [/b]Sakura announced after listening to Nozomi and Utamuro bombard her with reasons why she should relax sometimes. [b]"I'll take time to relax, ok? Just stop giving me reasons." [/b]Sakura sighed, the two others laughed and cheered at their 'victory', Sakura just rolled her eyes and sank further into the onsen. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]I hope that was alright, let me know for changes.[/color] [/color]
  10. [size=2][color=Navy][b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]I'm sorry, I won't be able to finish the sign up until I return on the 15th/16th. Let me know if I should change anything so far. [b]EDIT: [/b]I hoep all of that's ok, I still don't know anything about Bleach besides what I've read. [/color][b] Name:[/b] Sakura Hiwatari [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [/color][/size][font=Verdana][color=Navy][url="http://img301.echo.cx/img301/5099/girls836vv.jpg"]Here[/url], she wears a white, button up dress-shirt and navy blue cargo pants.[/color][/font] [size=2][color=Navy] [b]Weapon:[/b] Sakura uses a [url="http://www.conqueronline.com/guide/images/tr.jpg"]Glaive[/url] that she named Chiméiteki, she uses a combination of both the blade and the spirit energy manifested in the weapon. [b]Alliance:[/b] Quincy [b]Title:[/b] Quincy Chiméiteki (Chi for short) [Deadly] [b]Personality:[/b] [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy]Sakura is a very dedicated person and is incredibly determined. When she sets out to hunt down a hollow, she'll do it, no matter how long it takes. When Sakura's not on the job, she's quite open and friendly to those she trusts. But during work, she's not someone to be messed around with until the hunt's over. She is extremely stubborn and hardly ever loses an argument about anything.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=Navy] [b]Character Snippet:[/b] Sakura took long, powerful strides across the damp grass. It was a dark night and there was a thick fog that obscured her vision. Her brown eyes were focussed, her left hand swung at her side and Chiméiteki rested in the tight grip of her right hand, that hung limply at her side. She knew the Hollow that she'd been hunting was close-by, it seemed that she was relaxed, but really she was tense, ready to spring. Something in Sakura's head sent an alert and she twisted around quickly, missing getting sliced by a Hollow. It looked at her, the mask shone in the pale moonlight. Sakura shifted discretely into a fighting position, with her legs spread apart, her right foot a little behind her left. The muscles in her arms were tense, she clenched and unclenched her fists in preparation. This was it, her first Hollow. She had to get this right to be respected properly, without having to earn it with many more. Sakura waited and watched the Hollow, it charged forward as she predicted. She waited until it was close enough and dug the point at the bottom of her glaive into the grass and pushed, leaning her weight forward. She pushed up from the ground and flew through the air, landing behind the unsuspecting Hollow, she twisted with a horizontal slice, groaning, she turned the blade and slashed diagonally, from top left to bottom right. With a roar, Sakura thrust forward, plunging the blade through it's body. It all happened so fast that the Hollow didn't have the chance to turn and face the opponent. She kicked the paralysed Hollow over onto it's back, letting it see her face clearly. She twirled Chiméiteki and stabbed downwards swiftly, cleaving the mask in half, the pieces falling from the face. [b]"Sayonara, 'Tou-san." [/b]Sakura said, turning her back on the former person that had helped raise her, striding off to be concealed in the fog. [/color][/size]
  11. [color=Navy]I was just wondering how soon it'll be starting, because as it says in my sig, I'm going to be away from 11th to 15th. If you do start it during that time, please try to remember I'm around. Ok, thanks, I'm trying to finish my sign up now. [b]~Sakura[/b] [/color]
  12. [color=Navy]A girl yawned and woke up, sitting up in her thin pallet that she called a bed. She rubbed her eyes sleepily and threw off the thin sheet that served as her blanket. She reached over to the side of her bed and picked up her weapons. She tied her pouch of throwing knives and knife to her belt and gripped her unique, custom made daggers, there were no others like them anywhere. She twirled them easily and stood so she could slide them into their holders which were on small belts that were wrapped around her mid-thigh. Kat combed through her short brown hair with her fingers and bent to pick up her goggles, sliding them onto her head. She looked down at herself and nodded, then she walked out the door and through the living area that used to belong to a gang, a gang she had been a member of, until they were killed by a rival gang. Now she was alone, she had no friends or family. Kat left the place later. She wandered the streets casually, looking at people carefully as they walked past, checking if it would be worth trying to steal them. As she passed a fruit stand, she swiped an apple without anyone seeing, and when she turned the corner, she took a bite out of it. Kat scanned the crowd for potential 'victims' and saw one man in particular that looked like he was doing ok. She smirked and walked normally, she 'accidently' bumped into him, swiping his coin purse. She apologised and continued on her way, only to be pulled around by her arm to face the man again. [b]"I said I was sorry." [/b]she told him. [b]"If you [i]were [/i]really sorry, you wouldn't have taken my coin purse, miss." [/b]he smiled. Kat glared at him and jumped back, pulling her arm out of his grip. [b]"Oh, you can leave if you like." [/b]he said, holding up his coin purse, and hers at that. Kat gasped, she was the best thief in the area, how had he taken both without her noticing. [b]"Hm...I like you, how would you like to join my crew." [/b]he questioned, explaining about his purpose. [b]"Hm..and you are?" "I am Red, miss..." "Katchya Valentine, no 'miss' stuff. My friends address me as Kat." [/b]she informed him, not showing the pain in her eyes wen she mentioned 'friends'. [b]"Either way, I'll give this back to you." [/b]he said, and to prove it, he tossed her purse to her. [b]"How did you-" "Take it without you noticing? I'm pretty good at thievery myself." [/b]Kat didn't have to think long about it. She had no where else to go, and this was a good thing, a chance that may never come again. [b]"Fine, I'll join your crew." [/b]she said. He just smiled and led her away. ~*~ [i]Well, today's my first official day as part of Red's crew. The members that have been recruited so far are nice to get along with. There's a girl in particular, she's similar to me and we seem to get along. Her name's Nikki. She's a thief too and a tomboy, I think we'll become friends. The weather's nice, it's been fine so far. I think I can get used to this life, at least I have people to talk to now. I think I'll be just fine. [/i][/color]
  13. [font=Verdana][color=Navy][b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]I'll edit the rest later, promise.[/color] [b][color=black]EDIT: [/color][/b][color=black]I can't think of anything for the Bio, unfortunately I won't be able to do it until I return. Sorry.[/color][b] Name: [/b]ArchAngelAriel [i](Ah-ree-el)[/i] [b] Age: [/b]Immortal, looks in her early 20's [b] Gender:[/b] Appears Female [b]Species[/b]: Angel of God [b]Appearance: [/b][url="http://img301.echo.cx/img301/5099/girls836vv.jpg"]Here[/url], she wears a white, button up dress-shirt and navy blue cargo pants. Her feathery white wings protrude from her back and through her shirt. [b] Side[/b]: Heaven [b]Powers[/b]: Like the majority of angels, Ariel has the ability to heal, she's also telepathic, and has control over the weather and all that it's made out of, like rain, wind, thunder etc. She also carries a [url="http://www.conqueronline.com/guide/images/tr.jpg"]Glaive[/url] that has mystical properties embued in it. [b]Personality[/b]: Ariel is a fun person to be around, mostly seen bubbly and cheerful. Though she often has mood swings and can switch from being happy to incredibly angry or sad. No one knows when she'll change, not even herself. Ariel loves nature and is fascinated by Earth and everything on it, especially humans. She resents the angels that fell, but in a way respects them for what they chose to do. She's willing to do anything to protect her fellow Angels and their Almighty Ruler. [b]Biography[/b]: (I would like to see [b]at least[/b] three paragraphs, more would be nice. If you are signing-up for a human, explain how you are able to connect with the Ange or the Fallen Angel) [/color][/font]
  14. [color=Navy]I yawned as I stared at my phone, the arrow was still pointing the same way it had been doing for the past few hours. I was so tired but didn't want to sleep because I didn't want to miss if the arrow moved. Just as I was thinking about the arrow, it jerked, pointing south from my position. I cursed and jumped up, pulling my legs up from over the edge of the pier and pulled my bag back on, groaning from the returned weight. I jogged in the direction of the arrow, following it again as I had before. When I reached the end of a parking lot, I looked up at the building and cursed loudly in Japanese. I was back at the airport. The arrow dragged me through the airport to a place with maps. I walked past each slowly, then the arrow pointed at one. I turned and examined it, reading the English words. I could read the word 'Europe' across the top of the large map on the booth. I used the phone camera to scan through the map and watched as it appeared smaller on the screen of my phone. I watched as a small arrow circled a small portion of the map. I compared it with the larger map and slowly made out the words. The arrow circled a small area that enclosed France, Germany, Belgium and Netherlands. I frowned and rubbed my eyes, I didn't know where I was supposed to go. I sighed and closed my eyes, my finger made circles around the section and I stopped. When I opened my eyes it landed at Germany. [b]"So, Germany it is." [/b]I mumbled. I walked over to the desks and bought a one-way ticket to Germany, hoping it was the right place. It wasn't soon until they announced that the plane was boarding. As I sat, I thought about how I was on another plane. 2 flights in 1 day. In my mind I reasoned that this was silly, going on a wild goose chase around the world, following a compass and a mysterious voice. But there was nothing left for me anywhere else, might as well follow and see what happens. Maybe, just maybe, it would all be worth it. With that final thought, I drifted into a much needed sleep. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]I hope that was ok, I didn't know how else I would try to predict where Corey would be and end up in Germany.[/color] [/color]
  15. [color=Navy]Sakura was fiddling around with some of her research in the research area when her cell phone rang. She sighed and looked at it, the call was from the operators. She flipped it open and placed it against her ear. [b]"Sakura here." [/b]she said, putting down her other things. [b]"We need you here, Laquara just returned from having been on a mission. You need to check that no one saw them." [/b]the operator said quickly. [b]"Alright, I'll be there in a minute." [/b]she told him, then they both hung up. Sakura told the people around what was happening and left them with her project again. She picked up her laptop and left, quickly making her way to the Operations area (I think?). As she entered she saw the other hackers that she knew. Sakura greeted them and they each took a station, starting their hacking. Sakura set up her laptop and the group gained access into the Air Force database and any other places that may have spotted Laquara's group. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Sorry its short. Low on inspiration. I'm not sure where we should be so I just said Operations.[/color] [/color]
  16. [b]OOC: [/b]Yays! This is like your other one. Do let me know if I should change anything. [color=black][b]EDIT: [/b]I put a description of the Bankai, sorry about that, I still don't really know anything about Bleach.[/color] [size=2][color=Navy][b] Name:[/b] Sakura Hiwatari [b] Gender:[/b] Female [b] Rank:[/b] 10th Squad, Vice Captain [b]Appearance:[/b] [url="http://img301.echo.cx/img301/5099/girls836vv.jpg"]Here[/url], but just put her in Shinigami Robes. [u][i] Zanpakutoh -[/i][/u] [b] Appearance:[/b] Sakura owns a regular looking katana with a navy blue saya. The tsuba looks like [url="http://www.tucsonkendokai.info/gallery/various/tsuba-sakura.jpg"]this[/url] (but is made of silver and has two more sakuras in the bottom left corner), and from that comes a basket handguard, like one you'd find on a rapier. [b] Name:[/b] Chiméiteki [Deadly] [b] Shikai Call-Out:[/b] [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy]Chiméiteki Gyakusatsu! [Deadly Slaughter!][/color][/size] [size=2][color=Navy][b] Shikai Appearance:[/b] Looks like [url="http://www.conqueronline.com/guide/images/tr.jpg"]this[/url]. [b] Shikai Power:[/b] [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy]Sakura can fire elemental blasts out of the blade or use the element to charge the blade itself with an element to attack.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=Navy][b] Bankai:[/b] Chiméiteki Kogeki! [Deadly Strike!] Chiméiteki doesn't change much, it just grows another blade on the other end of the pole and the blades are bigger than before. [b] Personality:[/b] [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy]Sakura is a very dedicated person and is incredibly determined. When she sets out to hunt down a hollow, she'll do it, no matter how long it takes. When Sakura's not on the job, she's quite open and friendly to those she trusts. But during work, she's not someone to be messed around with until the hunt's over. She is extremely stubborn and hardly ever loses an argument about anything. Sakura has known Utamuro for a long time, since they were partnered together in the 10th Squad. He's one of the only people she trusts with her life. She's driven by the will to save others from the pain of losing their families and/or friends to hollows as she had.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=Navy] [b] Character Snippit:[/b] [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy]Sakura walked along the stone path, she could hear the quiet, serene, trickling of water coming from the various water features in the place. There was a 'clunk' sound as the bamboo tube fell from the weight of the water flowing into it and another small sound as it returned to its previous position. Sakura walked past a small clear pond where large koi could be seen swimming around in the depths. Sakura knew exactly where she was going, she came here very often as it was a relaxing place to be, with something to do with water practically everywhere. Sakura walked toward the stone platform that was supported over a large lake by strong bamboo poles beneath it. She walked up the stone steps that led onto the platform and pulled out her Zanpakutoh. She looked at the blade, she had had it for some time and she considered it a friend as it was as good as one in a battle. She pulled a strip of cloth out of the folds of her robes and wrapped it around her eyes, tying the ends behind her head. She was now rendered blind and she got into a fighter's stance with the blade. Sakura started to practise her skills, she was very good, relying on her other senses besides her sense of sight. She did a series of gymnastic moves from one corner of the platform to the other without losing her balance of falling over the edge. Sakura moved as if she truely were facing a foe, constantly on the move and swinging her blade. [b]"Chiméiteki Gyakusatsu!" [/b]she called, and her blade transformed into a glaive. Sakura continued her skills, using sweeping and slicing moves. She rolled from her 'opponent' and pushed out with her staff as she got to her feet. Sakura stopped suddenly as her ears heard a voice calling. [b]"Sakura!" [/b]she heard the voice again and recognised it as Utamuro's. [b]"Hai!" [/b]Sakura called as Chiméiteki reverted back to the blade state. Sakura sighed and slipped it back into its sheath as she heard footsteps. [b]"Practising again? I always know where to find you." [/b]he said to her. [b]"Hai, this place used to be land my parents owned, its mine now that they're gone. It's always been my favourite spot to come to." [/b]Sakura answered, untying the blindfold and putting it back into the folds of her robe. [b]"Alright then, come on, let's go, Vice Captain." [/b]the Captain of the 10th squad said, turning and walking away. Sakura smiled and followed her old friend and leader.[/color][/size]
  17. [center][color=Navy]Sakura had felt shy at first as she entered the classroom. Everyone had turned their attention to her. But she found the class was nice and so was their teacher. She had left debating class because it hadn't been for her, not enjoying the thrill of constantly winning against her fellow classmates, which made them angry. When Sakura had been seated, she started to draw and the boy next to her, that the teacher had named as Shinji looked over and asked her about it. [b]"Its just this strange thing I've been seeing in my sleep. Everytime it looks different but this is the most recent one." [/b]Sakura told him, showing the drawing. Shinji recognised it as a type of Angel design and went back to his own work as Sakura continued to draw it. After school Sakura had needed to eat something because she was hungry and didn't want to return to her mansion just yet. She found a fruit stand and asked about the starfruit that were on display. Sakura usually only ate the best so she questioned him about the fruit. [b]"Are there insecticides on it?" [/b]Sakura questioned. [b]"No, naturally farmed, nothing added." "Alright, I'll have one, please." [/b]she said, handing out the money and taking the yellow fruit. When Sakura turned around, she saw someone that was slightly familiar. [b]"Hello, you're Ms. Hiwatari from art class, are you not? I am Alexander Crowne. Pleased to meet you." [/b]he greeted politely. Sakura smirked, she didn't want to laugh at him because she could tell he was still just learning Japanese. [b]"Yes. I saw you at school today. You're an exchange student like me, right?" [/b]He then invited her for tea at the nearby café. Sakura accepted the offer but called the mansion with her cell phone first to let them know what was happening. At the café, Sakura had ordered a pot of oolong tea to share between them and they talked, getting to know each other. She revealed that she knew a variety of languages, including English and if he didn't understand something that she said, she'd just translate it to English for him. Sakura was sure she jumped out of her seat when she heard the sound of something crashing loudly through the shrine wall. She looked over and saw a large machine looking thing there. Sakura was afraid but after a while she recognised it as the thing that had defended the city. She hadn't gotten a good look at it that day but she could just tell. Sakura was separated from Alex as the screaming crowd fled. She waded her way through the swarm in the opposite direction, she wanted to take a good look at the machine. Some people screamed at her why she was going the wrong way, but she ignored it and kept going. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]I hope that was ok, let me know if I have to change something in there.[/color] [/color][/center]
  18. [size=2][color=Navy][b][color=black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=black]Let me know if I should change anything.[/color] [b] Name:[/b] Sora [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [url="http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/girls83.jpg"]Here[/url], she wears [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy]a tight black/navy blue top with long sleeves that she keeps pushed up just above her elbows and pants made of a leathery material that covers the leg part of her almost knee high, black boots. Her pistols are in holsters on either side of her hips, and her swords are crossed on her back.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=Navy] [b]Personality:[/b] Sora's confident about who she is and won't change herself for anyone unless doing something like going undercover. She's a proud tomboy and loves having fun. She tries to be optimistic as much as possible but sometimes it doesn't last. Sora's cautious and thinks what she does through before jumping in. Sora's incredibly stubborn and determined, so if she sets out to accomplish something, majority of the time she will. [b]Biography:[/b] [i]I - Family History: [/i]Sora was born on Earth, in Tokyo, the capital city of Japan. Her parents named her Sora, because it meant the sky and they thought she was just as complex and beautiful as it. Her family wasn't special, her father was always away because of work but sent money and dropped in whenever he could, and her mother was a normal housewife. [i]II - Decision to Train[/i] Her father was in the military and Sora aspired to be just like him. So when she came of age that was needed to be able to enlist, she signed up. Sora had had to wait some time before she got a reply through a letter. She had been accepted and she was so excited. Sora left as soon as she could, with a teary goodbye to her mother. Sora arrived and was told that they needed more people in the program to protect the Cyber Worlds and asked if she'd consider changing. Sora decided that she would, because she'd be helping more than being an extra in the regular military. [i]III - Training [/i]Sora was a fast learner and picked up how to use the various weapons quickly, since [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy]she had already been taught some martial arts and sword fighting in Japan by various masters around.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=Navy] It didn't take her too long to be good at uplinking herself into the Cyber Worlds, she struggled at first since she had been a little frightened of entering. Sora overcame the trouble and was uplinking and disconnecting like a pro. After a while Sora changed from using one sword at a time, to using two in conjunction with each other. It took her a day or so to get her movements right and not to fault by lunging with the wrong sword. After perfecting the swords, she was upgraded to using pistols, which she had a lot of fun with, discovering she had a natural talent of marksmanship. Sora had a lot of fun, while paying close attention and hanging on to every word the teachers instructed her with. [i]IV - Speciality [/i]Sora's gifted in marksmanship and close-range fighting, along with gymnastics/acrobatics. [i]V - Position before attack [/i]Before the attack occured, Sora was still training hard, trying out new combinations and a new skill she'd been taught. [b]Weapons:[/b] -1x Electro Sword -1x Plasma Sword -2x Automatic Pistols [/color][/size]
  19. [color=Navy]We're sorry it took so long but we're finally moving on!! Here's the next profile which should concern you; [/color] [color=Black][b]Name:[/b] Chronos Hideki [b]Age:[/b] Unknown [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22969&stc=1[/img] [b]Weapons:[/b] Dual Beam Blades (Seen in pic) [b]Element:[/b] Time/Space[/color][color=Black][font="] [font=Verdana][b]Bio:[/b] No one knows much about Chronos or his intentions. He and one other are the only remaining members of his bloodline. [color=Navy]Keep posting guys, it's coming along well. Remember, if you have any questions, feel free to post them here.[/color] [/font][/font][/color]
  20. [color=Navy][b]Name:[/b] Katchya Valentine [b]Nickname:[/b] Kat(t), Val, Valentine [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Appearance:[/b] [/color] [size=2][color=Navy][url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"]Here[/url], keep the goggles, she wears[/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy] a tight black top with long sleeves that she keeps pushed up just above her elbows and pants made of a leathery material that covers the leg part of her almost knee high, black boots. [/color][/size][color=Navy] [b]Weapons:[/b] [url="http://amethyst-angel.com/cosimages/rikkublades.jpg"]Thief Daggers[/url], but they're navy instead of red, and silver instead of gold, a [url="http://www.planetfortress.com/tf2models/previews/armed%20forces/knife-1.jpg"]Knife[/url], and a pouch of [url="http://www.kasu-network.net/japon/9406213.jpg"]Throwing Knives[/url] tied above her right hip. [b]History:[/b] Ever since Kat could remember, she's never had parents. She was brought up by a group of thieves, with the Thief Lord serving as their boss and for most, their father. The majority of people in the gang were or had been orphaned children or had dead parents with no other relatives around or willing to take them in. Kat didn't know what happened to her own parents, no one knew. She'd tried the records but there was nothing. She learned how to become a thief from a young age and soon became one the best in the entire city. When Kat turned 13, the Thief Lord's health decreased drastically, and after talking to some of the others, Kat realised exactly how old he was. The gang stole more, trying to help him recover, it did no use as his life slowly faded away, there was nothing they could do about natural aging. He died when Kat turned 14. For a year, the group was leaderless, no one agreeing on a new leader and the gang was utter havoc. Several members left because of the disorganisation and the disagreements with others. Soon Kat was still around with only 7 others. They decided that the leader should be one of the older ones, Steven. Steven put the small group back into order and soon they were back to normal, or as normal as they could be with only 8 members. The year after that, when Kat was 16, they were caught in a territorial gang war, between their group and another that hadn't been around as long. She didn't know how it happened, but every member of the group was killed and even though she was the best thief in the city, Kat fled, knowing that she didn't stand a chance against a group of ten, with others hiding somewhere else. Kat later bumped into a man named Red, who offered her a place in his crew. Kat had no where else to go, so she accepted gratefully. She brought whatever she could get and hopped aboard. [b]Personality:[/b] Kat's a bouncy tomboy who likes to have fun. She enjoys having friends and is often found smiling. She's optimistic and tries her best to help others through their problems, though there are those times when she becomes quiet and goes off to be on her own. Everyone's learned to just let her be when she's like that, because she's remembering her past. Kat gets along with Nikki quite well since they're both thieves and tomboys. She's careful and plans things out thoroughly in her head before doing anything. She'll do anything for a close friend because they're the only relationships she has. [b]Specialty:[/b] Thieving, using blades of all sorts, flexibility, acrobatics and gymnastics, stealth, and accuracy. [b]Snippet:[/b] If someone was watching carefully, they would be able to see the almost invisible outline of a girl in the night. She snuck among the shadows, her face was half covered by her goggles. Kat looked around and quickly dashed across the open where lights shone, to another large section of shadow. It was still early so all the houses had light coming from within. She felt the wall behind her and her fingers brushed against the cold metal of a gutter pipe. Kat turned and silently clambered up the pole, perching on the roof. She stood and squinted into the darkness. It was clear so she imitated the howl of one of the dogs that hung around the area, so as not to arouse suspicion. In return there was a higher pitched one. She waited and soon 7 others joined her on the roof. They conversed in hushed whispers and Kat pointed to a large house without lights. It was surrounded by a large wall and they knew there were many security devices on and behind those walls. Kat and the others looked over to their leader, Steven. He quietly told everyone the plan, they had been scouting the house for a while and tonight was the night it was going to happen. They broke apart and everyone slowly made it to the walls. They flattened their bodies against it because there were guards around. There were watch towers with guards in them and there were guards patrolling in and out of the walls. Kat used her knife and cut into the wall as much as she could, giving her enough room to use the small ledge as a foot hold. She jumped up and flipped over the wall, landing quietly on the other side. Kat took cover behind a large bush and waited for the others to come over. When everyone was over they crept forward, dodging the guards and sticking to shadows. It took all night for them to complete the stealing, they eventually made it out of the grounds without being captured. When they returned to base, they all looked upon the large solid gold trophy cup, embedded with diamonds and other precious jem stones. Not too bad for a night's work. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]I don't really like the Snippet so I may change it. Let me know if I have to change anything.[/color] [/color]
  21. [b]OOC: [/b]Umm....This was hard since I'm not used to writing 500 word stories. I'm pretty tired since its 11 something at night and I had school today, and I have school tomorrow. [center][color=Navy][u][b]A Shattered Lifestyle [M for Abuse (Sexual and Physical though not detailed)][/b][/u] [/color] [/center] [color=Navy]A female sat at the edge of a fountain, her hand trailed through the water lazily, drifting back and forth. She looked down at the koi that swam around the basin sighing. The sky was a clear blue, with only a few wispy cirrus clouds to be seen. Sakura was eighteen years old, without both parents?[/color] [color=Navy]Sakura?s mother had left when she was only a small girl at the age of four. She had tried to take Sakura along, but He filed for custody, and with a large web of lies and a corrupt lawyer, He had won custody and she had been denied visitation rights.[/color] [color=Navy]He, her father, was abusive, the reason her mother had left in the first place. As she grew up, He abused her. He was a drunkard without a job, the house was dirty and run down, and she grew without a good influence in her life. Sakura never called Him father, He didn?t deserve the title in her books, and He had done nothing to prove that He did.[/color] [color=Navy]At first He only beat her physically, in His drunken state He was still smart enough to only leave marks in places that would be covered in clothes or in places that didn?t leave marks, like the temple. Sakura dreaded the end of every school day, when she had to return home and face Him, to take the beating because there was nothing she could do about it, not while He hung a threat to kill her over her head.[/color] [color=Navy]When Sakura was in year 7, she started to mature and He took advantage of that, taking the abuse to the next level, sexual abuse. At her young age, all He did was touch her where He shouldn?t have, but it left a scar, everything He did to her left a deep mark in her mind.[/color] [color=Navy]As Sakura matured more, it got worse. From year 9 onwards, the abuse gradually got worse. She was only saved when her group of friends at school discovered her secret of why she always wore clothes that covered herself by tackling her painfully and agitating a wound she had been given. Before she could say anything they had checked her and ran to tell the nurse and principal.[/color] [color=Navy]The school called the police, the nurse called the ambulance. He was killed because He tried to take her hostage with a knife as a weapon, shot 5 times. Sakura was 17.[/color] [color=Navy]She lived on her own and fixed up the house to its previous state, before He had trashed it. Sakura threw out all the furniture and bought new things. When she was complete, she was happy, it was over, He was gone, and she was free.[/color]
  22. [color=Navy]Kaze and Kayin dodged in opposite directions, continuing to move to avoid the firing of his staff ends. She looked to the other side and saw Kayin, their eyes met briefly and signalled quickly, using signs from academy that they hoped each other knew. Luckily the signs used at both academies were identical and they nodded. Kaze slid her blades together and tucked it into her belt on the right side. She pulled out her flute from the right pocket and started to play, suddenly everyone felt a strong rush of wind and she was lifted into the air, high above the battle. [b]"You don't think that'll work, do you?" [/b]Kurama scoffed, firing at her. Kaze stopped playing, flipping out of reach gracefully. [b]"I'm not done yet..." [/b]she said, continuing her playing. Kayin thought there was a chance and dashed in with his katana. The other man smirked and stopped the blow easily, Kayin realised the trap and backspringed in time to avoid the slice of one end of his staff. [b]"Whatever you're planning Kaze, you better do it soon. This guy's tough." [/b]Kayin said, holding off Kurama's attacks. She finished the song quickly with a light trill and stopped. Kayin looked around when nothing happened. Suddenly there was a high pitched shriek and a large spirit of a bird appeared and started to fly around, creating a tornado. Kurama fired at it but the projectiles went straight through the wind spirit. Kurama noticed that Kaze's eyes had gone hollow-like, as if she weren't all there and fired at her. She easily flipped without breaking concentration. [b]"Stay still!" [/b]he roared angrily, firing at her again. Kayin jumped up to deflect it and he in return was frozen by a blast of icey wind. Kaze floated down slowly, her eyes were still hollow and she broke the ice around Kayin. [b]"Be careful..." [/b]she said in a trance-like tone. [b]"K-Kaze? Are you ok?" [/b]he asked, not liking what happened to her. Kaze pointed at Kurama and opened her mouth, letting out a shriek that sounded like the peal of a bell. The bird spirit replied and whirled around Kurama quickly until he was trapped in the wind funnel cage. [b]"I'll be fine....Do what you must..." [/b]she said, then she collapsed to the ground. She fell unconscious and hoped Kayin would be able to think of a plan to get rid of Kurama. Kayin thought for a while and started to chant some words continuously. There was a crackle of electricity and lightning struck in the tornado, effectively attacking Kurama who couldn't escape the barrage. The tornado died down and Kurama collapsed to the ground, his body lifeless. Kayin leaned on his sword and took deep breaths before walking over to Kaze. He put her flute away carefully and picked her up. The summoning would most likely have taken a lot of energy from her. Now she needed to rest. [/color]
  23. [color=Navy]Kaze sat with April and May, those two drunk while she preferred to keep away from the alcohol, liking to always be in an aware state which alcohol prevented. She applauded as the singer finished, the song was enjoyable and a new type of music she hadn't been experienced to. She looked at April and May who were laughing loudly and drinking, she smiled and laughed at a joke, she turned her eyes away and scanned the area, there was no sign of Johnny unfortunately. Kaze's eyes hardened as she spotted some Gears sitting at one of the tables, her hands dropped to her waist where her daggers sat which was more inconspicuous than reaching for the swords strapped across her back. She studied them quickly and carefully and relaxed, resting her hands on the bar again, they wore the sign of being a Renegade. Kaze heard the sound of something sliding and caught what came across the bar. She looked at what it was and saw drinks. Her head snapped up quickly and saw Kyo sitting at the other end. Kaze smiled and passed them along to the other two and walked over to where he was. [b]"Thanks for the drinks, I'm sure they'll appreciate it." [/b]Kaze sighed, sinking into the seat beside him. [b]"What about you?" [/b]he questioned. [b]"I don't drink. I prefer to keep an aware mind over an intoxicated one." [/b]she answered easily. [b]"Did you see the Gears?" [/b]he asked quietly. [b]"Yes, they're Renegades so they're safe. What happened with you? Stuck in a refuge camp?" [/b]Kaze sighed. [b]"Yup, had to steal and beg to keep alive. You?" "Same, didn't take too much from people, just enough to satisfy me. I found Johnny when I was 9, he took me in easily, since most of the crew's made of girls." [/b] Kaze and Kyo sat in a moment of mutual silence, thinking of their previous lives, before the Jellyfish Pirates, even before the Gear attack. It was sad, there weren't many Japanese left because of the Gear attack, that was why Kyo and Kaze were so cautious around Gears. [/color]
  24. [color=Navy]Sakura groaned as her eyes fluttered open. She rubbed at her eyes and looked around, she was on the ground and the others had stopped their conversation and were looking at her from above. She stood weakly, getting immediate assistance from the others, Katrina and Alchemy got on either side of her and helped support her frame. [b]"Thanks...What happened?" [/b]Sakura asked, seeing they were outside and the bar was half collapsed and smoking. The others explained what had happened with the explosions, how Gabriel had stuck her in the cellar for protection and how Kugo saved her. [b]"Thanks so much. I'm glad we made it out ok...But...where's Gabriel?" [/b]she noticed their leader was missing. [b]"We've come to the conclusion that the Demons probably did it, and took Gabriel hostage. Levi, I mean Leviathan probably took him away to torture him." [/b]Katrina said. Sakura noticed that she still had all her weapons luckily, never sleeping without them on, she couldn't be relaxed or comfortable without the guns and her throwing knives. She remembered what had happened to her, she had woken up and saw a figure who knocked her unconscious with a sharp blow to the head before she could react. [b]"We should wait before going after Gabriel, we need to tend to our different wounds and become sober for those who are still drunk." [/b]Sakura said, though not liking the time they would have to wait but she knew it was necessary since everyone displayed one type of wound or another. [/color]
  25. [color=Navy]Sakura sat lazily in front of one of the large computer mainframes. Her fingers skillfully danced across the keyboard and a load of numbers and letters scrolled past the screen, her eyes followed them, reading them quickly as they swiftly disappeared off the top of the screen. She popped her knuckles loudly and turned her swivel chair to her laptop that sat on a space of the mainframe to her right. Her eyes focussed on the screen as she typed quickly, glaring at the stubborn code before trying another calculation. She accessed a file and brought up the program, entering a bunch of data. She clasped her hands when the screen showed the words 'ACCESS GRANTED' in bold, bright green font. She broke through the other barriers easily and got to the files, running a searcher to seek out the information she was after. Sakura leaned back in her chair and fluttered her wings to give them exercise. After a few minutes she checked the search and it was going slowly, there were a lot of files to go through. She yawned and closed her eyes, about to try and get some rest. Sakura changed her position several times, trying to get herself comfortable in the chair, finally giving up and sitting up, blinking at the large monitor owlishly. The search was 50% complete. Sakura got off the chair and picked up a cable from the ground and plugged it into the back of her laptop, then hooked the otherside to the speakers in the room, normally used to hear others talking, but there was no one connected to the system at the moment. She pressed a few keys on her laptop and music blared from the speakers. She turned down the volume slightly and leaned back, swaying back and forth gently in her swivel chair. Her head bobbed lightly to the music as she relaxed. Most people said it was a boring job to be a hacker, Sakura argued it was just how you went about it. She did her work well, usually with music on unless working on a complex code that she needed to concentrate for. Half an hour later, the mainframe made a sound which signalled the completion of the search, the file was on the screen. She hummed as she read through the files, checking they were right, after that she sent them off to whoever wanted it and turned off the music, disconnecting her laptop. She shut it down and tucked it under her arm, grumbling about the slowness of the mainframe computer when it would have taken her laptop much less time to do the exact same search. Sakura strode happily through the halls, she had a break until someone needed help or she was due for her monitering duties. She passed a fellow hacker as they were on their way to a duty, she greeted them cheerfully, the hackers all knew each other well since there weren't many. Sakura knew Indira the most because they had worked together several times, even though it wasn't needed. Sakura returned to her room and took a quick nap to refreshen herself before deciding to go to the Research area to keep going on her research of a new system. [b][color=black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=black]Editted at the request of Snarktastic.[/color] [color=Black][/color] [/color]
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