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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [b]OOC: [/b]I'm with Goddess, Ninjas are better. [size=2][color=Navy] [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy][b] Name:[/b] Sakura Hiwatari [b] Age:[/b] 24 [b] Agency:[/b] Shogun Ninja [b] Personality:[/b] As any ninja should be, she's careful, always watching for anything hidden. The goggles she always has on top of her head are special because they can see things the eye can't, like invisible string, they also have thermal options to find others. Though while being careful, she's brave and fearless, completely able to lead a group. She has a cunning mind and can quickly formulate good plans of attack or defense. She mostly remains emotionless, but sometimes reveals emotion, though quite rarely. [b] Appearance:[/b] [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy][url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"]Here[/url], keep the goggles, she wears[/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy] a tight black top with long sleeves that she keeps pushed up just above her elbows and pants made of a leathery material that covers the leg part of her almost knee high, black boots.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=Navy][b] Weapon:[/b] [url="http://img124.echo.cx/img124/6479/samurai3000ninja7bj.jpg"]Katana[/url], [url="http://img271.echo.cx/img271/8650/wpsw046oe.jpg"]wakizashi[/url], [url="http://www.jinenkanseigi.com/Large%20Senban%20Shuriken.jpg"]shuriken[/url], [url="http://www.kasu-network.net/japon/9406213.jpg"]kunai[/url], etc. (all the other modernised weapons) and a number of explosives from actual bombs to distracters. Plus her goggles.[/color][/size]
  2. [color=Navy]This is probably a stupid question but do the hackers hang around in the Operations area? It makes the most sense but I haven't been feeling smart lately and I have the need to confirm everything. Sorry if its very blatant and it just doesn't make sense to my mind. [/color]
  3. [color=navy]I ask this about most RPs, but what's the place look like? Is it more than one storey? Where do we stay? etc. etc. It helps to know stuff like that. Thanks.[/color]
  4. [color=Navy]Kaze sat on the wheelhouse, whistling a light tune and leaning on her arms. She thought about the years she had spent in a camp because her parents were killed from the attack of the Gears. Suddenly Kaze saw a pair of people walking along, she grinned and called out to them. [b]"May! Looking for April?" [/b]she asked the girl who she recognised as second-in-command. She swung her legs up and stood on top of the wheelhouse. She looked at them more carefully, she realised that the male was Kyo, he was Japanese for sure, but she wasn't sure about May, she looked Japanese, but no one knows for sure, except Johnny. [b]"Follow me!" [/b]Kaze called out happily, jumping off the other side from where they stood. Kaze ran quickly, peeking over her shoulder to see the other two following her. Kaze was glad, her parents had been killed when she was younger, but now she had a new family, the Jellyfish Pirates. Most of the crew was made up of females, but there were the odd men around, like Kyo. Kaze led them into a doorway and through a number of halls, she had great stamina and could run for a long time and long distances. She turned a sharp corner and ducked into another doorway. She slowed down and eventually stopped, extending her right arm with a flourish and a bow, pointing toward one of the other crew members. [b]"How'd you know where April was, Kaze?" [/b]May panted slightly. [b]"Don't really know." [/b]Kaze said cheerfully, she had some special sense that she could find people if she thought about them, no matter where they were. Kaze rested her hands on the two weapons tied to her belt, her left hand on her dagger with the head of an eagle on it, and the right on her wakizashi. She leaned backwards and her back bone popped as she stretched. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]The thing about finding people is just a new thing I decided to add to Kaze's skills, along with her stamina. Sorry if I don't post much, my computer's not working too well at the moment. Hopefully it'll return to normal next month. I'll post whenever I can though.[/color] [/color]
  5. [color=Navy]I was just wondering, do we all stay together? If so, where do we stay? And another thing is what's the bar look like? Does it have more than one level etc.? These little things make it easier to post and stuff. [/color]
  6. [color=Navy]Sakura followed the others back to the base and took a seat on a stool in front of the bar. She sighed and put her right elbow on the bar, propping her chin up with it. The bar tender put a glass bottle in front of her. Sakura looked at it and nodded in thanks, taking a hold of it. She twisted the cap off and took a drink, the bottle was full of sprite, her favourite drink. Sakura loved lemonade, and was completely against alcohol. Sakura put the cold glass against her forehead and sighed, she looked around the bar and spotted her fellow members of Gabriel's crew, along with Gabriel himself who was smoking. Sakura was tired and needed to relax. She finished the rest of her sprite and threw the bottle into one of the bins. Sakura got off her stool and walked over to where some of the others were, sitting and joining in the conversation, making sure they didn't drink too much. Sakura got another sprite as she listened to the conversation, her eyes were drooping and she kept rubbing them, trying to stay awake. Someone noticed and advised her to go to sleep. Eventually Sakura agreed and walked away, throwing another empty bottle into a bin. She said goodbye and left for her sleeping area. [b][color=black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=black]Sorry, couldn't think of anything.[/color] [/color]
  7. Sakura

    Bushido [PG-13]

    [color=Navy]Sakura watched the battlefield carefully, her eyes flitted around, taking in every detail and battle that was happening. She had called some of her ninja comrades and she could see them amongst the soldiers. Sakura's ears heard something behind her and quickly dropped, curling into a tight ball and rolling. She got up and saw a kunai embedded in the ground where she had been. Sakura searched the area for the person who had thrown the projectile at her and spotted a figure not too far away in ninja garb. Sakura assumed that the man who stood there was responsible and she walked forward carefully, her senses alert and muscles tense. She breathed lightly behind her face mask, her eyes narrowed into cold, brown slivers. Sakura watched the man who was in a position like her. Her left hand strayed to brush against the pouch on her hip carefully, keeping her eyes on her opponent. The thing about a ninja battle was waiting for the opponent to make a small mistake, and from there tear them apart. [b]"No doubt you are a ninja from Takeda?" [/b]Sakura said, her voice being carried on the wind that blew around the field. [b]"Hai. Ha, Uesugi trash." [/b]he replied coldly, his eyes showed that he smirked beneath the cloth covering his mouth. [b]"Insult him all you want, I'm only in it for the yen, I'm a proud mercenary, and he payed more than Takeda." [/b]Sakura replied, telling the truth. [b]"Prepare yourself, you will not emerge from our battle alive." [/b]he said, resting a hand on the wakizashi at his waist. [b]"You'll be needing that advice more than me." [/b]Sakura retorted, reaching her right arm over her back and gripping the hilt of her katana. As if they had rehearsed it, the two of them drew their weapon and charged forward, brandishing the blade with a fierce war cry. A sharp 'clang' was heard as the two blades connected, since the man was taller, he was pushing down on her. Sakura grunted as she tensed the muscles in her right arm, pressing up against his weight. The man pulled out his katana and tried to strike with that but found he was met with her wakizashi in her left hand. They were pressed up against each other closely, both straining from the pressure in their arms. Sakura took deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling slowly as she heard his breathing short and quick. If he kept that up, not enough oxygen would reach his muscles and he would fail in his arms, and if only for a few seconds, she could win their small bout. Sakura felt sweat trickle down her face, she didn't know how long they had been in the position but it felt like a long time. As Sakura had predicted, his arms failed for a few seconds and Sakura sliced horizontally quickly, slicing through the front of his garb. She took advantage of the situation and backflipped away, putting distance between herself and her opponent. She looked over and saw red lines and crimson liquid flowing from the cuts. Sakura tutted quietly, unlike her, he didn't wear armour beneath the garb, she bet that he was over confident and preferred not to have the extra weight over his own protection. The man growled and suddenly there was a barrage of shuriken thrown at her. Sakura flipped but it had been anticipated, and she was hit by another load. Sakura fell on her back and got up quickly so she didn't leave herself exposed. She felt wind against her face and immediately knew that her mask had been cut. Sakura growled in anger and pulled the tattered cloth away from her face, exposing her identity. Her face had a cut mark on her chin from the shuriken and she wiped the blood away. [b]"Sakura..." [/b]the man said, a hint of surprise in his voice. [b]"You talk like you know me, do not do so." [/b]Sakura said fiercely. [b]"I know you from your reputation." [/b]he replied, but Sakura could tell through his eyes he was lying. Sakura and her opponent fought hard for what seemed like an eternity and they were both tired, there were slashes in her garb, showing the armour worn beneath, her opponent also had slashes, revealing skin and angry red lines and trails of blood. They were panting, Sakura had her katana in her right hand, and a bundle of shuriken in her left. The man held his katana in his right, and wakizashi in his left hand, the knuckles were white from his grip. Sakura flung a few shuriken in his direction as a diversion, he toook the bait and she threw the rest in his path of jump. The sharp projectiles caught in his chest and Sakura rushed over, she practically lay on him, pinning his limbs down. With a few presses on pressure points, the man was forced to drop his weapons. His breathing was laboured and blood poured from the wounds. [b]"I'm dying, it was a battle well fought. Before I die, take off my mask." [/b]he wheezed. Sakura narrowed her eyes in caution and pulled away the cloth. She gasped, it was one of her old friends from her ninja academy, he had been one of her best friends. Tears welled in her eyes. [b]"Shibuka...Why didn't you stop the battle when you recognised me?" [/b]she cried. [b]"It's our job to fight each other....Your job, as a mercenary. Goodbye old friend." [/b]with that he died. Sakura stopped her tears and put on an emotionless mask. She sheathed her weapons and saw Koro hurt. She called the medics over and went off, there were more battles to be fought. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Hope that was alright, couldn't think of much.[/color] [/color]
  8. [color=Navy]As soon as the Demons had arrived, Sakura had positioned her hands over her guns at her waist. There were two more visible in shoulder holsters. When Gabriel had given them the signal, she whipped out the twin guns from her waist and twirled the quickly, darting to the left to take cover behind a large bin. She peeked out from behind it carefully, the guns in her hands. Sakura heard the silence and fired some shots before ducking back behind her cover. There was lots of gunshots but Sakura recognised the sounds of the guns of the other members of the crew. She saw Sariel get behind a cover near her and she changed her clips quickly. She talked to her quickly about the numbers, which wasn't many before she left, guns blazing. Sakura shook her head, she was trigger happy, Sakura usually preferred to take careful shots to not waste bullets. Soon Sariel had crouched under cover again. [b]"I'm out!" [/b]she said. [b]"You should learn to conserve your ammunition better." [/b]Katrina told her. Sakura frowned and pulled one of her semi-automatic guns from her shoulder holster and tossed it carefully over to the other girl. Sariel caught the gun and aimed, then thanked Sakura. [b]"Pick your shots, I don't have much ammo." [/b]Sakura told her. Sariel nodded and aimed at the Demons carefully. Sakura nodded and fired off several shots, piercing through the skin of their enemies. She noticed that the Demons were moving back and she would have to get from the cover to get to them. Sakura ran out with her guns blazing, though still taking careful shots. She hoped it would be over soon. [/color]
  9. [b][size=2][color=Navy][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy][color=Black]-Thanks for the reservation, I was in a rush to get to one of my exams. -Let me know if I have to change anything. -And this sign up is subject to changes if I change my mind.[/color][/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] Name: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy]Kaze Kitsune [/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] Age: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy]19 [/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] Gender: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy]Female [/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] Nationality: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy]Japanese [/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] Human or Gear: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy]Human [/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] Faction: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy]The Jellyfish Pirates [/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] Personality: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy]Kaze loves having friends and people to talk to. She's very active and fit and flexible. She likes to live life to the fullest and has an outgoing personality that gets along with most people. Even so, she's incredibly stubborn and will fight to get what she wants. Kaze doesn't really enjoy wearing skirts and dresses because it doesn't let her do all the movements that she wants to, so she usually opts to wear pants instead. [/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] Physical Description: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy][url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"]Here[/url], she wears different outfits most of the time, but the main outfit she wears [font=Verdana]is her goggles with [/font][/color][/size][font=Verdana][size=2][color=Navy]a tight black or navy blue top with long sleeves that she keeps pushed up just above her elbows and pants made of a leathery material that covers the leg part of her almost knee high, black boots.[/color][/size][/font][b][size=2][color=Navy] Weapon of Choice: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy]Blades and Swords, [url="http://www.galbadiax.com/ff10/screens/tidus.jpg"]this[/url] and [url="http://img124.echo.cx/img124/6479/samurai3000ninja7bj.jpg"]this[/url] crossed on her back, with [url="http://img200.echo.cx/img200/8436/horussill1cc.jpg"]this[/url] and [url="http://img271.echo.cx/img271/8650/wpsw046oe.jpg"]this[/url] tied to her belt in sheaths.[/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] Innate Magical Element: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy]Wind [/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] Preferred Jinki: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy]Senhoshiken [Thousand-star Sword] [/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] Bio: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy]Kaze lost her parents when she was 5, because of the Gears. She was taken to one of those camps where any Japanese that were still around, stayed. They were given provisions, but sometimes it wasn't enough as she was growing, so she learned to become a good thief, but she never took too much from another person because then they would have nothing to eat. One day, when she was 9, that camp in particular was attacked, so those that survived fled. Kaze just ran and she soon came across the Jellyfish Air Pirates. The man in charge asked her questions, then told her about the group, asking if she wanted to join. She accepted, since she had no where else to go, and everyone else there were orphans too, and mostly female. Kaze learned how to wield sword and blade weapons from Johnny as he slowly taught her. He was surprised that she picked the skill up so quickly, being graceful and deadly with the weapons. Kaze was determined to be one of the best, so she could avenge her parents and people at the camp by killing the Gears. She learned to do gymnastics and acrobatics to make her flexible and soon she was a good thief that could move well and deadly with bladed weapons. Each of the weapons she carries was a present from someone in the crew to congratulate her and welcome her. She swore to herself that she would kill the Gears for what they did, no mercy. [/color][/size]
  10. [color=Navy]Sakura sat in her swivel chair at her rosewood desk as she tapped her foot on the floorboards, she was gnawing on the corner of her bottom lip as she dreaded when her father got home. He was a pretty easy guy and let her go out, play in the band, be in the gang, etc. as long as she didn't get into any serious trouble. Herself, the rest of the Stray Dogs and the members of their rival gang, the Wild Cats had almost been expelled from school. And now they had to make a truce of some kind and play in a band together. Sakura heard the sound of a car pull into the driveway and the quiet grinding noise as the automatic door to the garage lifted. She took a deep breath and stood, exiting her bedroom. Her father had been away on a conference for a while and didn't know anything about her almost being expelled. As Sakura walked along the hall and down the stairs, she noticed how much she loved her house, the floor was all polished oak floorboards, the walls were all creamy white except in her room and her father's. The walls in her room were a navy blue colour, her father's were crimson. She had pretty much everything she had asked for, since her father had a lot of money, working for a well paying surgery as one of the head doctors and surgeons. She never noticed how well of a life she lived. The door rattling as her father opened it, snapped her from her reverie. Sakura stood in the hall and waited as it swung open. [b]"Tadaima." [/b]he said as he slipped his shoes off. [b]"'Tou-san, okaerinasai." [/b]Sakura said, putting on a half fake smile. [b]"Sakura, daijoubu desuka?[/b]" he asked, sensing something was wrong. [b]"Ano.....we need to talk." [/b]Sakura said nervously. Sakura and her father sat in the lounge room, he took the maroon velvet recliner, while Sakura sat on the matching sofa. She turned so she was facing him and told him about what happened. When she finished he looked angry and Sakura prepared herself. [b]"I really don't approve, Sakura. You used to be such a good student before you joined that gang, what are they called, the Street Dags?" [/b]he guessed. [b]"The Stray Dogs, 'tou-san." [/b]Sakura sighed. [b]"Hai, hai. I'll let you off this one time, only because you've kept up your work so far until now. But if I hear of anything like this again, I [i]will [/i]ground you, and I [i]will [/i]make you quit the band and gang." [/b]he said firmly. [b]"Hai, gomen-nasai, arigatou." [/b]Sakura said, sensing the dismissal. He nodded and Sakura went back upstairs and flopped on her king sized bed. She heard her cell phone ring and pulled it out of her pocket. She flipped it open. [b]"Hai, Sakura here." [/b]she sighed. [b]"Sakura, daijoubu?" [/b]the voice asked. Sakura smiled, the second person to ask if she was alright. [b]"Hai, daijoubu Jin, just told 'tou-san about almost being expelled."[/b] she replied to her fellow gang member. [b]"How'd it go?" [/b]he asked. [b]"Not too bad, he's threatened to make me leave the gang and band if I get expelled or close to it." [/b] [b]"Sou...Not too bad at least..." [/b] [b]"So, what's up?" [/b]Sakura asked Jin. [b]"Uh, do you know if we're having rehearsal tonight? I didn't write the schedule and I can't contact Inuki at the moment." "Matte." [/b]she said, getting off the bed and searching through the drawer at her desk. She pulled out a piece of paper with times and dates written on it in her writing. [b]"Today's date is off the schedule, we need it updated. If Inuki calls, I'll let you know. Same for you?" [/b]Sakura asked, scrunching the paper into a ball and throwing it into the bin. [b]"Of course. Arigatou, ja." "Ja." [/b]they both hung up at the same time and Sakura fell into the swivel chair and picked her electric guitar up, resting it on her lap. She put the fingers of her left hand on the finger board and strummed one of her favourite songs, humming along quietly. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Hope that's ok, Starrstruck. If you want me to edit let me know. Couldn't really think of much to write.[/color] [/color]
  11. [color=Navy]Nuca had been too occupied to notice the demon behind her since there had been more in front of her. Phoenix rescued her easily and Nuca kept up the act that she could take care of herself. Before either of them knew it, they were back to back, facing a ring of demons. Nuca pulled out her guns and twirled them, she pushed down the safety on each and held her arms outstretched, resting her fingers on the trigger. Phoenix charged forward with his sword. Nuca started firing at the demons, aiming for their vital organs, the silver bullets pierced right through. The monsters dropped to the ground, their dark blood flowing out. Nuca twisted and fired at any that weren't dead on Phoenix's side. Nuca saw that more kept spawning up, she fired, taking careful aim, though quickly. She was glad that she had a good skill with accuracy, never missing a target. After a while she heard the hollow clicking sound coming from her guns. Nuca swore and slid them into their holsters. She reached into her pouch on her left hip, coming out with a hand full throwing knives. Nuca ran forward as the battle started to move backward. She put a finger through one of the holes in the blade and spun it, releasing it with a flick to imbed itself into the throat of a demon coming behind Phoenix. She was more of a back up person since she mainly carried long range weapons, excluding her sword. Nuca saw that there weren't many left and tucked the spare throwing knives into her pouch. She pulled out her still tainted blade and rushed forward to catch up with Phoenix, hacking at the neck to kill quickly. [b]"Made it up to you yet?" [/b]Nuca smirked as they sliced through the demons. [b]"I'll have to think about that. Don't know if you've done enough yet." [/b]Phoenix smirked back. Nuca saw a large one ahead, she didn't want to use her sword for this one. Nuca charged forward, weaving through the small, insignificant demons, she wanted to get to the large one. She pulled her right fist back and slammed it into the abdomen of the large demon. It didn't seem to do much damage since the demon grinned in its scary way and hit her back. Nuca flew back but did a backflip so she could land safely. She got up again and released a flurry of kicks and punches. She jumped off the ground and made a side directly to its right temple. Nuca flipped over his head and landed on the otherside, doing a sweep kick to fell the demon. It flopped and Nuca stood with its heads between her legs, she sat on its neck and squeezed her thighs around the base of its skull and wiggled, twisting all the way to the right and she heard a snap, feeling the struggling demon go limp. Nuca smiled and did a back-handspring of its body. She looked over and saw Phoenix was almost done with hacking the demons. He finished and looked up at her. Nuca winked and gave him the victory sign before running off for more demons that plagued the area. [/color]
  12. [color=Navy]When I woke up the next morning I found myself with damp cheeks from crying. I noticed that I was no longer in my house and panicked before I recognised my surroundings, after that I remembered what had happened the day before and I cried quietly for a while. Then I went to the bathroom and washed my face clean of the trails that my tears had left. I went down to breakfast and saw that Cassie and her parents were already at the table. They saw me coming and looked at me sadly. [b]"Sakura, we made some calls, your parents have been taken and a funeral will be prepared." [/b]Cassie's mother said. I was grateful and slid into the spare chair. We ate breakfast having quiet conversation, then my cell phone rang. I excused myself and flipped open the phone. [b]"Sakura here." [/b]I toned. [/color][color=Navy][i][b]"...Someone in America searches for you......You must find them.....Go to America......Death will follow you.......it may take your friends..........go.......quickly.........." [/b][/i]was the raspy voice, repeating the message I had gotten yesterday. I was going to reply when I heard the click and the beeping sound telling me that they had hung up again. I went back to the table and told them that I had to go. I knew they wanted to ask questions, but they didn't saying they'd call the airport after breakfast to arrange a flight. I knew that I could count on Cassie and her parents, our families were-, had been close. As they said, they called the airport and arranged for me to be on the next flight to America. Even though they all had to be somewhere else, they drove me to the airport and waited until I boarded. I hugged them in a sad goodbye, they were a second family to me. I didn't have to check my bags because they were small and could fit in the overhead compartments. I went to the gate and handed the ticket to the flight attendant at the door. She told me to have a nice flight. I just smiled at her, it was her job to say stuff like that, how would she know I was going to America because some strange voice was telling me to. As if she knew my parents had been killed by some invisible bullets. I entered the plane and went to my assigned seat, tucking my baggage into the overhead compartment. I waited quietly as more people filed into the plane. A pretty woman sat beside me, she smiled and asked why I was going to America on my own. I just told her that I was looking for someone. She accepted the answer and talked to me every now and then, it helped to make me feel more comfortable. I took in a deep breath as they announced the flight would soon be taking off. I had never left Japan before and I was afraid and nervous of what I would find in other countries. But everything for me was in the future, there was nothing left in my past, back in Japan. My parents were dead, shot by an invisible assassin, and I was sure my friends would eventually forget me. The things I would miss were the festivals, the exhibitions in every season, the children playing through the seasons, and finally, most of all, I would miss my lovely sakura trees, I hoped to return and see them again...some day. I slept through most of the flight, and if not I stared out the window. I didn't notice that we had landed until the announcement. I said goodbye to the woman beside me as she left and got my things from the overhead. I got off the plane with the attendant at the door saying 'have a good trip'. I smiled weakly and continued on, slinging my large backpack over my shoulder, it was one of the bags we used when we had gone hiking. I looked around the airport, this was it. I was now in New York City, New York. In America. I made my way down the escalator and exited the building. I just stood outside the airport, I didn't know what to do, the voice hadn't given me any information on what to do. Right on cue, my cell phone rang. I knew it would be the voice without a doubt. [b]"Yes?" [/b]I asked hostilely. [b]"Well done, Sakura. You're now in New York. Now, use your phone's 'search' function and just wait to see what you'll find. That's all for now." [/b]the voice said, now the person was speaking normally, but it was the same person, the deepness of his voice gave it away. I hung up and searched through the options, finding the 'search' option as the voice had said. I turned it on and waited, a signal popped up and there was an arrow on the screen, like a compass because it swayed. I turned my body in the direction it pointed until the arrow pointed north on the screen. I just shrugged and started to jog. I followed the arrow, going around obstacles. I looked around the city as I continued on, it was a busy place, but it didn't surprise me, it kind of reminded me of Japan, with all the skyscrapers and the busy roads with people hurrying everywhere. It took me most of the day to follow the arrow, alternating between jogging and walking. Then I realised that it lead me to the ocean as I stood on the edge of a pier, staring out at the Atlantic Ocean. The arrow was still swaying, pointing toward the ocean. I didn't know what to do. I sighed as a cold breeze ruffled my hair. I dropped and sat with my legs dangling over the edge shrugging my heavy bag off. I supposed I'd just have to wait and see what happened. [b][color=black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=black]Um...Hope that's ok. I followed the instructions as best I could. Let me know if I should change it.[/color] [/color][color=navy][font="][font=Verdana][/font] [/font][/color]
  13. [color=Navy]Nuca panted, in each of her hands were her twin guns that she carried. Her knuckles were white from her grip. She sharp hearing picked up the sound of something behind her. She spun quickly and crouched with her right knee and the ground, supported by the flat foot of her left. Her guns were pointed out at the demon who was flying through the air. Nuca squeezed the triggers repeatedly, her silver bullets pierced through the body of the demon. When she knew the demon was dead she stopped firing as to not waste bullets. But then Nuca realised that the demon had been a diversion, there was a semi-circle of demons around her and she was on the edge of a bridge with solid concrete beneath her. She grinned at the demons. She winked and did a backflip over the edge, as she did she fired the remaining rounds of bullets she had into the demons. She heard a hollow clicking sound and swore, she landed safely on the ground and ran for cover as the demons that weren't killed by her bullets jumped down too. Nuca leaned against the thick block that suspended the bridge above. She hurriedly pulled out the empty cartridges and put them in her pockets, replacing them with full cartridges. Nuca loaded the guns with a click and she twirled them, sliding them safely into her hip holsters. She reached over her right shoulder and pulled the hilt of her sword. The blade slid easily from the sheath and Nuca looked at the blue, semi-transparent weapon. Nuca charged from her hiding place and targeted the closest demon, she let out a cry as she swung the weapon over her head, bringing it down heavily to slice through the demon diagonally, the two pieces falling. Nuca hefted the weapon over her shoulder and ran toward the next, swinging it horizontally to decapitate the demon. Nuca saw there were three more remaining. The dark sky rumbled loudly with the crash of thunder. Her blade was tainted with the dark blood of the demons, she slipped it back into its sheath and walked forward to face the three remaining demons, she wanted to go hand-to-hand against them. [b]"Come and get me, if you dare." [/b]Nuca smirked, her brown eyes glimmered with the challenge. The demons moved to surround her in a triangle formation. She rushed forward to the one directly in front of her, the 'point' of the triangle. She lifted her leg and kicked the demon in the chest with her heavy boot, pushing off from its chest she did a backflip and continued with a flurry of punches, then ended with a roundhouse kick, knocking the thing to the ground. Nuca stepped onto its neck and rested her weight, crushing the bone there and killing it. She turned to see the other two coming toward her. She ducked and weaved between their attacks and fought back. She grabbed a hand of each and did a somersault before swinging them into each other. Nuca killed each by snapping their necks, this time twisting their heads to breaking point. Nuca looked at the mess around her and the blood on her clothes. She sighed and climbed up to the level where everyone else was, she rested her hands on her guns, ready for any other demons coming toward her. [/color]
  14. [color=Navy][size=1][color=Black][b]OOC: [/b]Let me know if I have to change anything.[/color] [b] Name:[/b] Sakura Hiwatari [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender: [/b]Female [b]Apperance:[/b] [/size][/color][size=1][color=Navy][url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"]Here[/url], keep the goggles, she wears [/color][/size][size=1][color=Navy]long black pants made of leathery material and a tight black top with long sleeves that she keeps pushed up just above her elbows. When not wearing that she's usually still wearing leather. [/color][/size][color=Navy][size=1] [b]Powers:[/b] Sakura has the power to control gravity. She can make things and people heavy so they can't move, or the opposite to make things and people float, she can create black holes, bend light, make objects move. Pretty much anything that has to do with gravity. [b]Personality:[/b] [/size][/color][size=1][color=Navy]Sakura's a quiet person who doesn't really talk much. She usually only talks if she's with people that she knows well or is angry. She keeps an emotionless mask most of the time because she thinks that emotions are weaknesses. But of course everyone needs an outlet for their emotions, so Sakura's is through playing music on her [url="http://www.harmonyonline.com/0013.jpeg"]flute[/url]. The music she plays is beautiful, and many that listen to it are oblivious to the fact that it is how she feels. [/color][/size][color=Navy][size=1] [b]Bio:[/b] [/size][/color][size=1][color=Navy]Sakura hasn't been a happy person since she was a child. She was both physically and sexually abused by her father when she was 10, she had no mother because she had left, fleeing from the monster she had called a husband. Somehow he had won the custody for Sakura by making up a whole bunch of lies with his lawyer. She had gotten her flute when she was 8, her mother had encouraged her to pick up music because she had liked it. Sakura held onto it and was determined to be the best of the best. By the time she was 9, she was at an incredibly high level, especially since she had only started a year ago. She became well known and she was happy to play for audiences. When she was 12, the abuse had started and she changed. She continued to perform at concerts but everyone noticed a change in her performance, she put more emotion into them, not always sticking to the list of songs decided on before hand. She made some friends at school that she got used to and slowly opened up toward, though still keeping a lot of her burden on herself. Sakura never gave in to peer pressure, she didn't believe in following other people around, whatever new trend to follow it. Sakura wore a lot of black and dark colours after she started being abused, enjoying the dark colours. She liked leather too, she enjoyed the feel of it and wore leather a lot as well. Everyday she got abused by her father because he was always drunk and enjoyed making life hell for her. She never told anyone about what was happening, not wanting to release information that would make her vulnerable. A lot of the time she puts on a strong, brave facade, but underneath she's nothing more than someone wishing her life had turned out different.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=Navy]Sakura soon that she wasn't strong enough to hold up through the pain, so she attempted to kill herself, finding a new razor of her father's. There were so many around since he didn't shave any more. Sakura sat in the bathroom, leaning over the sink with the blade in her right hand. She didn't know that one of her few friends had come over to see her, which her father had just let roam in the house. As Sakura pressed the blade into the flesh of her left wrist, the door swung open and her friend paused, seeing what she was doing and rushed over. Sakura had already pricked her skin. Her friend pried the blade from her fingers and put pressure on the cut. She dragged Sakura by the wrist and got it bandaged up. Her friend was incredibly upset and gave her a large lecture, that Sakura didn't listen to. After that, her friend stayed and they talked slighty before she had to go. She made Sakura promise not to try to do that again, Sakrua reluctantly promised. When her friend left, she got her flute and played a mournful song, she wished she could leave her hell hole of a life. [/color][/size]
  15. [b]OOC: [/b]This is different to my previous sign up. I may edit the Bio and/or Personality if I think of something better. Let me know if there's anything I should change. [size=2][color=Navy][b]Name[/b]: Sakura Hiwatari [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Appearance[/b]: [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy][url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"]Here[/url], keep the goggles, she wears [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy]long black pants made of leathery material and a tight black top with long sleeves that she keeps pushed up just above her elbows.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=Navy] [b]Personality[/b]: Sakura's a quiet person who doesn't really talk much. She usually only talks if she's with people that she knows well or is angry. She keeps an emotionless mask most of the time because she thinks that emotions are weaknesses. But of course everyone needs an outlet for their emotions, so Sakura's is through playing music on her [url="http://www.harmonyonline.com/0013.jpeg"]flute[/url]. The music she plays is beautiful, and many that listen to it are oblivious to the fact that it is how she feels. [b]Biography[/b]: Sakura hasn't been a happy person since she was a child. She was both physically and sexually abused by her father when she was 10, she had no mother because she had left, fleeing from the monster she had called a husband. Somehow he had won the custody for Sakura by making up a whole bunch of lies with his lawyer. She had gotten her flute when she was 8, her mother had encouraged her to pick up music because she had liked it. Sakura held onto it and was determined to be the best of the best. By the time she was 9, she was at an incredibly high level, especially since she had only started a year ago. She became well known and she was happy to play for audiences. When she was 12, the abuse had started and she changed. She continued to perform at concerts but everyone noticed a change in her performance, she put more emotion into them, not always sticking to the list of songs decided on before hand. She made some friends at school that she got used to and slowly opened up toward, though still keeping a lot of her burden on herself. Sakura never gave in to peer pressure, she didn't believe in following other people around, whatever new trend to follow it. Sakura wore a lot of black and dark colours after she started being abused, enjoying the dark colours. She liked leather too, she enjoyed the feel of it and wore leather a lot as well. Everyday she got abused by her father because he was always drunk and enjoyed making life hell for her. She never told anyone about what was happening, not wanting to release information that would make her vulnerable. A lot of the time she puts on a strong, brave facade, but underneath she's nothing more than someone wishing her life had turned out different. [/color][/size]
  16. Sakura

    Die Erz

    [color=Navy]After the dinner was over, Sakura called her driver to pick her up, it didn't take long, arriving in less than 5 minutes. He got out of the fancy car and opened the door for her. Sakura bid whoever was left a farewell and slid into the seat, having the door closed after her. The driver returned to his side and they drove back to her mansion type place. He dropped her off at the front of the house before driving the car to the back and entering through the servants' quarters. Sakura pulled off her thick brown gloves and bushed the hidden button, revealing the palm plate. She sighed as she went through the usual routine of pressing her fingers into the gel like substance. She waited until the screen above granted her access, she pushed the door open, closing it gently behind her before sliding her glove back on. Sakura looked around, it was quiet. She walked briskly toward the library, her boots making clicking noises against the marble flooring. She wound her way through the halls and arrived at large double doors. She searched through her pocket and pulled out a ring with one large key on it. The mansion was old, thus still operated with old keys, Sakura was the only one that had possession of the skeleton key. Only the head servant had a ring of keys, there were some places they weren't allowed to access beacuse Sakura didn't want them to see. She slid the key into the keyhole and twisted it to the right. There was an audible click and she pushed open the doors. Sakura entered and locked the doors behind her, she didn't want to be disturbed. She walked among the shelves, she was looking for a specific book. Sakura saw it high up in the shelf where she couldn't reach. Now she always told people that she didn't have magic, well that was a bit of a lie. She had a little bit of magic, magic to create fire, and to move objects. Sakura concentrated on the book and held up her hand, the book flew from the shelf and landed in her hand. She nodded and walked over to the large table in the centre of the room. She sat and started to flick through it quickly, the book was about the Lords of Hell, she knew a deal about them, but there was always more information. She needed to know as much as possible before the meeting with the group in the morning. Sakura stayed up late that night, she read until the early hours of the morning before deciding to have a quick sleep before going to the meeting. She left the library, locking it behind her and returned to her room. Sakura left the door unlocked so the servants could wake her and fell asleep soon after taking off her gloves, guns and holsters, and her boots. [/color]
  17. [size=1][color=Navy][color=black][b]OOC: [/b]Sounds interesting. At your request, I finished the sign up before tomorrow. Let me know if anything should be changed. Are we going to start without anyone else?[/color] [b]Name:[/b] Sakura Hiwatari [b] Age:[/b] 17 [b] Country: [/b]Japan [b] Languages:[/b] Fluent in Japanese since she lives in Japan, English, French and German. [b] Race:[/b] Human [b] Description:[/b] [url="http://www.projectnoir.com/images/gallery/characterart/characterart04.jpg"]Here[/url], in one of dress outfits, she has a large variety of clothes. [b] Personality:[/b] Sakura's a caring person that loves having friends. She's active and very fit and flexible. She's incredibly stubborn and will fight to get her own way if she's really set on something. Even though she grew up in a rich family, she isn't spoiled and not up herself. All of her friends know that she isn't though they did when they first saw her. Sakura hates wearing skirts and dresses but has gotten used to it, she mainly wears pants and t-shirts, but if she feels like it she'll dress up in a nice top and skirt. She has a lot of talents from extra curricular activites since she had so much free time after finishing school work, some of which are; playing the [url="http://www.harmonyonline.com/0013.jpeg"]flute[/url], martial arts, painting and drawing, gymnastics and acrobatics, horse riding, weaponry and programming. [b] Rank:[/b] Chosen Child [b] Bio:[/b] Sakura grew up in a wealthy family, living in a mansion with large grounds; it had many parts, like the pond and river, courtyard, etc. , and having everything she asked for, but even so, she didn't take advantage of it...too much. She never considered herself as spoiled or up herself because in truth, she wasn't, and everyone that came across her found that too. She was very intelligent and did well in school, studying very hard because she didn't want to be like those kids that were rich and bought their way through everything. Sakura tried to hide the fact that she was rich but everyone put it in her face and many students tried to use her for her money. Because Sakura was intelligent, she got bored because she had too much free time, to solve that, her parents decided to get her to do extra curricular activities. Her first class was flute, she originally played a classic silver flute, but as she got better, her parents bought her an expensive Hall crystal flute. She mastered the woodwind instrument and soon still had time. Gradually she got more classes, and her activities took up a lot of time, but Sakura enjoyed it, she loved; martial arts, painting and drawing, gymnastics and acrobatics, weaponry, and programming. She got all personal, special items for each class as a gift from her parents and she took care of them. Sakura loves being different, many don't believe her and thinks she's a fake, but she just ignores them and continues going on. She's one of the rare rich people that is friends with their servants and maids. [/color][/size]
  18. [font=Trebuchet MS][color=Navy][b]Name: [/b]Nuca Tacand [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender: [/b]Female [b]Angel Parent:[/b] Zaphiel (Saturn) - Fallen [b]Appearance:[/b] [/color][/font][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=Navy][url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"]Here[/url], keep the goggles, she wears[/color][/size][/font][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=Navy] a tight black or navy blue top with long sleeves that she keeps pushed up just above her elbows and pants made of a leathery material that covers the leg part of her almost knee high, black boots. She's 5'6" and weighs 100 lbs. She's fit and strong but not overly muscley. [/color][/size][/font][font=Trebuchet MS][color=Navy] [b]Personality:[/b] Nuca has a fiery personality, always passionate about what she's doing and she puts all of her heart into whatever she does. Some people say Nuca's a little hot headed and loses her temper easily, which is true, but it doesn't happen too frequently, though if you do spark her anger, you won't want to be around. One thing Nuca is especially passionate about is being a tomboy, she hates to wear dresses and skirts because she feels that it restrains her from what she wants to do. If her friends are ever in danger, she'll do whatever it takes to help them. [b]Short History:[/b] Nuca grew up in one of the worst areas of the Carden City underground, where there were always fights raging, willing to pull anyone else in who even looked at the wrong. Nuca had to learn to protect herself because there was no one else to protect her, both of her parents had died when she was young, not leaving much of an imprint in her mind or memories. She had bought her guns when she was 15, she had worked up money from street fights. She was part of one of the gangs there, and right up there too, next to the leader who was only one year older. Then one day he was critically injured in a fight and couldn't fight anymore, that was when he passed the leadership to her, Nuca was surprised but accepted it, she wouldn't let the gang die from lack of leadership. He also passed his sword to her that she still carries. News soon spread through their area that there was a special group allowed on the surface called Hunters, Nuca was desperate to get to the surface, but then she didn't want to leave the gang. She discussed it with her friends and they all insisted that she go, saying that they could handle themselves. Nuca agreed then and her gang helped her to train to get good enough. When she was 17, she was leaving when her gang presented her with the pouch of throwing knives as a parting gift. Nuca thanked them and left, going up to the surface. She got along with some people and not so well with others because of personality clashes, some people just didn't like that she was so strong willed and passionate with her opinions. She wasn't going to leave from anything, she had worked hard to get to where she was and she wasn't turning back. [b]Weapon/s:[/b] [/color][/font][size=1][color=Navy][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2]Nuca carries two [url="http://img209.exs.cx/img209/9176/jerichoall9ot.jpg"]guns[/url] [bottom left corner] in holsters that use pure silver bullets, she also carries a [url="http://www.galbadiax.com/ff10/screens/tidus.jpg"]sword[/url] like in the pic in a sheath on her back and a pouch of [url="http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B0006GYN06.01-A20YUEE2UGU92X._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg"]throwing knives[/url] that is tied to her belt over her left hip. [/size][/font][/color][/size][font=Trebuchet MS][color=Navy][b]Trademark Clothing:[/b] Same as in Appearance.[/color][/font][color=Navy] [/color]
  19. Sakura

    Heroes [M-VLS]

    [color=Navy]Sakura had morphed back to her human form after arriving at the White House. She trembled as she recieved the information that Cloak and Psyker had been killed. She was nervous, they were obviously formidable opponents. Her eyes darted around, she didn't want to be snuck up on. She ran into the White House quickly, darting past the body guards at the door. They jumped and ran to catch up to her. Sakura stopped and turned to them smiling. [b]"Hey, what do you guys know about the assassins?" [/b]she questioned. They told her what they knew, which didn't exactly help much since she already knew everything they said. Sakura just walked through the door and looked around the large building. She frowned and decided she go scouting. She quickly morphed into a small fly and started to watch for any suspicious movement. Sakura went into the main room where the President was surrounded by bodyguards. She buzzed over and sat herself on the table, she'd be able to protect the President if anything happened. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Sorry its short, I'm running blanks.[/color] [/color]
  20. [color=Navy][b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Let me know if there's anything I should change.[/color][b] Name: [/b]Sakura Kelayl'a [/color][color=Navy] [b]Age: [/b]20 in human years [b]Gender: [/b]Female [b]Race:[/b] Fairy/Faerie [b] Origin:[/b] Japan [b] Function:[/b] Hacker [b]Callsign: [/b]Fae (Pronounced as Faye) [b] Equipment:[/b] -[i]Weapons:[/i] Sakura carries two [/color][size=2][color=Navy][url="http://img209.exs.cx/img209/9176/jerichoall9ot.jpg"]guns[/url] [bottom left corner][/color][/size][color=Navy] that are always in holsters on her waist and [/color][size=2][color=Navy]she has a pouch full of [url="http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B0006GYN06.01-A20YUEE2UGU92X._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg"]throwing knives[/url] that she keeps connected to her belt, with the pouch hanging over her left hip.[/color][/size][color=Navy] [b]-[/b][i]Armour: [/i]None, Sakura doesn't like trapping her wings under armour. -[i]Machinery: [/i]Sakura carries a custom made [url="http://www.computer-and-printer-reviews.com/images/laptop%20usa.jpg"]laptop[/url] [kinda like the pic] with her in case she ever needs to do something quickly and there's no computers around. She's sure its better than most of the computers in the building, perhaps only rivalled by Indira's laptop. [b] Appearance:[/b] [/color][size=2][color=Navy][url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"]Here[/url], keep the goggles, she wears[/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy] a tight black top with long sleeves that she keeps pushed up just above her elbows and pants made of a leathery material that covers the leg part of her almost knee high, black boots. Her wings stick out of her back, they look like the ones in this [url="http://www.bumpinthenightproductions.com/newline2004/flywings.jpg"]pic[/url], just doubled and they take up about the length of her back.[/color][/size] [color=Navy] [b] Legacy:[/b] Sakura was born in Japan, her parents were both fairies so she was a pure blood, which was rare in modern context. They had hidden their abnormalty from the world by always having their wings covered. When Sakura was born, they decided that she should be able to be proud of who and what she was, so they didn't make her hide her wings, since she had pretty wings, a mix between both of her parents. Sakura went to school as any other child was, though she was branded a freak because of her fairy heritage. As she continued to go through school, it got worse because she had next to no friends because she was so different. Everyone would stare at her strangely and Sakura became withdrawn. Instead of being like a normal child after school, hanging around with friends. Sakura always went straight home and up to her room where she would spend hours on end on her computer. She was extremely electronically literate and it was her way to get away from herself. Sakura soon taught herself how to hack into hard systems and was constantly on the computer which worried her parents greatly. Sakura just told them not to worry and brushed it off. One day she recieved an email from a group called Clandenstine, inviting her to join their organisation. They had discovered her through her hacking and said that they were in dire need of hackers. Sakura decided to accept since she wasn't doing anything, no one wanted to take in a person with wings, they'd scare off the customers. Sakura left sometime after and she found a true home in Clandenstine, where other races and humans could interact without freaking out or being afraid. She was asked to demonstrate her skills, which she complied happily. They were satisfied with her work and finalised her as a real member of the organisation. [b] Deity/Lord:[/b] Aibell [There are several but I think she may be the main one] [b] Quote:[/b] "Memories are just that, memories. They can only go so far." "Never lose sight of the light, no matter how dark it gets. In every heart, there is a shadow, don't be afraid." [/color]
  21. Sakura

    Heroes [M-VLS]

    [color=Navy]Sakura walked away from Lily and returned to her room. She had gone out of her room to find Sparx and ask him when they were leaving, but then he answered on the intercom. Of course she could have used the intercom in her room, but she didn't know where he was and didn't want to blare it around the building. Sakura was already ready, dressed in her usual clothes. She checked herself in the full length mirror and climbed out of her window again. She took a deep breath and concentrated. She started her morph, it started with her skin, she felt the prickles as the feathers protruded from her skin. Soon her skin couldn't be seen because her body was covered in black and white feathers. Sakura felt herself shrink and her arms and hands became wings. Her face changed, her nose and mouth merged, forming a sharp, hooked beak. Sakura's feet changed into sharp talons. Sakura now stood there in the garden as a [url="http://www.fws.gov/species/graphics/peregrin.gif"]peregrine falcon[/url]. She beat her powerful wings and soared into the sky. She screeched and wheeled gracefully. She flapped up higher and waited for the others. They slowly came out on their different vehicles. Sakura flew quickly, soaring on the wind currents. At some parts, when the air was stale, she flapped. Sakura stayed at the front of the group since she was a fast flier. She did a few rolls since she was bored but kept up with the others, doing aerial tricks every now and then to keep herself entertained. [/color]
  22. [b]OOC:[/b] If I need to change anything, let me know. [size=2][color=Navy][b]Name[/b]: Sakura Hiwatari [/color][/size] [size=2][color=Navy][b]Age[/b]: 25 [/color][/size] [size=2][color=Navy][b]Gender[/b]: Female [/color][/size] [size=2][color=Navy][b]Former Occupation[/b]: Acrobat/Gymnast [/color][/size] [size=2][color=Navy][b]Affiliation[/b]: Gabriel?s Crew [/color][/size] [size=2][color=Navy][b]Appearance[/b]: [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy][url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"]Here[/url], keep the goggles, she wears[/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy] a tight black top with long sleeves that she keeps pushed up just above her elbows and pants made of a leathery material that covers the leg part of her almost knee high, black boots..[/color][/size] [size=2][color=Navy] [/color][/size] [size=2][color=Navy][b]Personality[/b]:[/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy] Sakura is a perfectionist, having done everything perfect in her life. She's normally a kind person to be around and she likes to have friends around with her. Though if she doesn't like someone, it'll be very blatant and obvious because she won't want to hang around with them. If anyone endangers her family or friends, she gets very angry and becomes quite violent, doing anything to protect them. Sometimes Sakura has mood swings and if she does its pretty obvious so people have to watch her sometimes. Sakura enjoys acrobatics because its a way that she uses to express herself, being incredibly good at it. She isn't exactly sure where she got such a good accuracy with her guns from but she hangs onto them as a defensive and offensive weapon.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=Navy] [/color][/size] [size=2][color=Navy][b]Bio[/b]: As its pretty obvious from the name, Sakura was brought up in a Japanese family. She's an only child and likes it that way because there's no annoying sibling to interrupt her. She lived in the busy centre of Japan, Tokyo. It was amazing that everyone rushed around without having accidents. Of course there were the occasional few, but they were racing around to get to wherever they were going. Sakura eventually got used to the fast speeded and hectic lifestyle but was one of the rare people who preferred to take their time. As Sakura went to school there, she became the top student in her class, which made many people jealous, resulting in lots of her fellow classmates to ignore her and tease her for being smart. But the comments didn't faze Sakura in the least, she brushed them off, she always told herself that she didn't need to be friends with them if they didn't like her just because she was smart. As Sakura continued to grow, she started to become bored and asked her parents for an extra curricular activity that she could participate in. That was when they enrolled her into acrobatics and gymnastic classes. But she soon topped the class as well, though the other students weren't as bad as those in her class, since they just took it as another reason they had to get better. Sakura asked for more activities, so they put her into a variety of martial arts courses, hoping to burn out her seemingly endless supply of energy. Sakura went through high school still continuing the extra curricular activities, even though she'd gotten to the highest rank in all of them. She didn't find the work of school a challenge and graduated with straight A's, she was one of the students that the school prided themselves in, even though she hadn't gained any knowledge from the teachers. After graduation, her parents decided to move to allow Sakura a new surrounding. They moved to Haven which is where they still reside. Sakura entered a course at one of the special universities which perfected her acrobatic and gymnastic skills. She didn't think she needed them but she needed the credentials. The teachers were impressed with her, not finding much flaw, the only flaws they corrected her on were footing and positioning. Sakura graduated out of there too, becoming a professional gymnast/acrobat. Her parents were proud, though unknown to them, she picked up yet another class, this one had to do with weaponry. Sakura did well, for some reason she had an excellent accuracy. As she moved on to higher levels, she bought herself her own weapons, which are the guns and knives that she carries. When she completed the course, the instructors offered her a job as a teacher, but Sakura refused it, she still wanted to keep her profession as a gymnast/acrobat. One day she was approached by a man that went by the name of Gabriel, she didn't know how he got her details or why he wanted to talk to her. He made a good proposition that Sakura accepted for another challenge. [/color][/size] [size=2][color=Navy][b]Weapons[/b]: Sakura mainly carries around a variety of guns, her two main ones that are visible are the two [url="http://img209.exs.cx/img209/9176/jerichoall9ot.jpg"]guns[/url] [bottom left corner] that sit in holsters on her waist. She has two shoulder holsters, each holding a different automatic weapon. In her pockets are clips and magazines of spare bullets in case she needs them and she has a pouch full of [url="http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B0006GYN06.01-A20YUEE2UGU92X._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg"]throwing knives[/url] that she keeps connected to her belt, with the pouch hanging over her left hip. But even without her weapons she can fend for herself, knowing a variety of martial arts. [/color][/size] [size=2][color=Navy][b]Skills[/b]: Sakura's main forté is acrobatics and shooting/throwing, she has pinpoint accuracy, but she's also very good at close combat. [/color][/size] [size=2][color=Navy][b]Character Snippet[/b]: Sakura twirled through the air and landed in the correct landing position on the cushiony blue mats, straightening and raising her arms to the applaude of the audience. Sakura bowed with her hands to their sides and walked off the mats, dusting her hands free of the powder that helped their grip. She had just got down from the rings, she rotated her shoulders and stretched her arms after the work out, it had taken a lot of practise to get the routine perfect. Her coach came in, he was in a blue and white tracksuit with a clipboard tucked under his left arm, his hands were clapping for her and Sakura smiled happily, glad she had made him happy. She had gotten a good score for that, a 9.7 which she and her coach were immensely proud of. There was one thing left before she could leave, hopefully with a trophy in her hands. The floor was open and set, she watched as some of the other competitors did their routine of flips across the floor. Finally it was her turn. She raised her right hand as she came out, welcoming the rounds of applause. Sakura walked over to the dish that held the talcum powder and dusted her hands with it. She walked onto the floor, stepping into the red outlined boundary. Points were deducted if you accidently put a toe out of the line. Sakura walked into one of the corners and took a deep breath and exhaled quickly as she ran a few steps and started her series of flips, starting with a perfect cartwheel, twisting into a back hand-spring, she backflipped for a while, before curling herself and rolling, then making a smooth transition into a forward hand-spring. She stopped right before the other corner and pivoted. Sakura continued to vary her practised routines as she kept going until the buzzer sounded, signifying that time had run out. Sakura bowed and left the floor, walking to the coach who held a towel out for her. She smiled and thanked him, wiping away the sweat that clung to her body. Sakura grasped the coach's hand as they announced the score, she got another 9.7. Now they were both holding hands and crossing their fingers as the judges announced the winner. Sakura was pronounced as the winner, she jumped up and down happily, running across the floor to where the judges were with her new trophy. She held it up triumphantly and her other hand was in the air, clasped with her coach's. [b]"Congratulations, Sakura. You've worked so hard for it." [/b]her coach told her. [b]"Thanks, never coulda done it without ya." "Sure you could've, I just pushed you."[/b] After that, Sakura changed into her usual clothes, adding her goggles on top and her holsters at her waist. She tucked the blue and white leotard into the duffle bag and put it over her shoulder. She said goodbye to the coach and recieved several congratulations from other competitors and members of the audience. Sakura hauled her trophy home and set it on the table in her room. She stood back and admired it until she heard a scream from her street. She ran to her large window which was almost always open. She stuck her head out. [b]"SAKURA!!!" [/b]she heard a female voice cry. Sakura cursed loudly, she knew that voice, it was her best friend, Gabriel. She made sure all of her guns were there, including the two at her shoulders. Then she easily vaulted out of the window and slid down the tiles smoothly from practise when she sneaked out of the house. At the gutter, Sakura pushed off from it and did and aerial flip, landing safely on the ground. She ran pulling her dual guns from her waist holsters. She took off the catch and her eyes looked like hard boulders. She sprinted quickly, seeing her friend in the clutches of a man in the dim lighting of the street and moon. [b]"Step away from the girl before you get hurt." [/b]Sakura said coldly. Gabriel was visibly trembling in fear, her best friend had two guns practically pointed at her, even though she was aiming at the man, and then the man pulled out his own gun, pushing against Gabriel's temple, making her even more frightened. [b]"Put you weapons down or I pull the trigger." [/b]the man said, releasing the safety catch. [b]"Why do you want to kill this girl? What's she to you?" [/b]Sakura questioned, her grip on her guns not wavering. [b]"Hahaha, I'll kill her, to get to you. I knew she would be coming to see you today, I've been waiting. I was tapped into your phonelines. I know she's your best friend, Sakura." [/b]he sneered, an evil smirk was plastered on his face. [b]"Fine, you win. I'm putting the guns down." [/b]Sakura said, putting them gently onto the asphalt and taking several steps back. Gabriel cried out. [b]"And the other two." [/b]he demanded. Sakura nodded and pulled the two from her shoulder holsters and threw them gently to where the other two were sitting. Sakura discretely put her hands in her pockets, palming several throwing knives. When the man wasn't paying attention she threw one at him. He realised too late, as the small metal object pierced the hand that was holding the gun to Gabriel's temple. He cried out, the pain in his hand made him let go of the gun, simulataeneously releasing his grip on Gabriel. [b]"Gabby, run!" [/b]Sakura shouted, throwing the other knives she had in her hand at the man's chest. She quickly rolled to her guns and slid the two shoulder holster guns back and twirled them stylishly. She walked over, the man was lying on the asphalt, the silver of the knives shone in the light as they stuck out of his chest and hand. The blood was flowing, already leaking onto the road. She stood over him. [b]"If you live, tell whoever sent you not to mess with me, my family, or friends ever again." [/b]she said coldly, though she pulled out the knives because they had her fingerprints, she kicked the gun closer to his hand and walked away, disposing of the tainted knives in a garbage compactor. Gabriel had called her later, she was safe and that was what counted. [/color][/size]
  23. [color=Navy]Katchya stood amongst a group of people, she held a sword and there were three more in a barrel beside her. She got several random people from the audience to test the blades, whether they were sharp, and she sliced through an apple with them, proving they were deadly. She flourished the blade artfully and tilted her head back, gently lowering it into her mouth. She breathed through her nose gently and pulled it into her throat until it couldn't go any further. She spread her arms and the crowd cheered and clapped. She waved her hands, asking silently for quiet as she inserted another sword. They were on bated breaths as she added three more, emptying the barrel and filling her throat. Katchya let the crowd applaude her and drew the blade out of her mouth, dropping them into the wooden barrel. When there were no more swords shoved down her throat, she bowed deeply to the new round of applause. The crowd slowly drifted away and Kat picked up the barrel of swords, returning to the caravan. She put the barrel away and picked up a bundle of daggers and knives. Kat walked back in front of the audience and passed the bunch of knives and daggers to a helper. She started to juggle with only two of the blades, not cutting herself. She called to the helper and they threw another blade at her, she caught it quickly and added it to the circle. Soon she was juggling all fifteen of the knives and daggers, slowly she plucked them out, dropping them to the ground safely. She snatched the last three from the air and did a sweeping bow. She picked up the blades and went back to the caravan again. Kat usually only did a couple of acts, she was too lazy. She dumped the blades away and noticed that Widdershins was napping on top of the caravan again. She just smiled and twirled her twin daggers, she rarely used her personal weapons for the acts, and vise versa, hardly ever using the act weapons for fighting. She didn't really know why, she just liked to keep them seperate. She sat in the door of the caravan and leaned against the doorframe, listening to the crowd and the performances that she could hear. [/color]
  24. Sakura

    Heroes [M-VLS]

    [color=Navy]Sakura, otherwise known as Shift was frowning, people with powers had attempted to murder the President, that was an incredible risk. They were dismissed from the meeting and Shift headed to the training room. She always had to be in a good shape to be able to morph perfectly and quickly, if she wasn't all focussed, she usually took a while longer, if she was sick, tired or anything extreme, she would sometimes be half morphed and stuck until she could gather her wits together and make a full change. The training room was split up, there was a large open room with nothing in it for multi purposes, there was a gym type area, [/color][color=Navy]another area for acrobatics and gymnastics things[/color][color=Navy] and there was some other stuff. [b][I'll leave that to anyone else if they want to add anything.][/b] Shift spent a lot of her time in the acrobatics and gymnastics area, it was good for her flexibility training. Shift got onto the balance beam and positioned herself with arms spread, she ran a few steps and did a flip, supporting with her hands and flicking her legs over her head and landing back onto the beam. She continued doing manuveurs until she was tired. Shift decided that it was enough to get her prepared and headed off back to her own room. She met up with some of the others on her way, but she was in a hurry since she was tired and wanted to wipe the sweat from her body. She entered her room and closed the door behind her, she sighed happily, it was very similar to her room back home in Tokyo. The walls were navy blue and the floor was made of polished oak floorboards. She had a large window next to her bed which she could easily climb out of if need be, which it rarely was, but sometimes she was too lazy to go out the door so exited via the window. It was always left open because she had a lot of animal visitors, there was currently a line of sparrows perched on the window sill. Shift talked to them, giving them seed while she cleaned herself up. She wanted to have a short flight so quickly morphed into a sparrow like them and lead them out of the window, they spiralled through the sky happily, chirping excitedly. When she thought it was time, she said goodbye and returned to her room, just resting and reading until it was time to leave. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Sorry the post isn't too good, didn't really know what to do and my brain's a little fried.[/color] [/color]
  25. [color=navy]I love the idea and I've half done a sign up. We're supposed to follow the information you put up right? Do we use that info for a personality or make our own? Its a really good idea. Nice job.[/color]
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