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Everything posted by Sakura
[b]OOC: [/b]Must join! Looks good [b]ULX[/b]. [b]EDIT: [/b]Done, let me know if I have to change anything. [size=2][color=Navy] [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy][b] Name:[/b] Hiwatari Sakura (Surname, Given Name) [b] Gender:[/b] Female [b] Age:[/b] 17 [b] Sign:[/b] Boar [b] Instrument/Job:[/b] [url="http://www.kleinelectricguitars.com/Klein/bf-96-s.jpg"]Guitar[/url], (looks kinda like the pic but add a head stock on top and a shoulder strap connected to it) and back-up vocals. [b] Appearance:[/b] [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy][url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"]Here[/url], keep the goggles, she wears [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy]long black pants made of leathery material and a tight black top with long sleeves that she keeps pushed up just above her elbows. [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy] [b] Personality:[/b] Sakura's an active person and is known as 'the lively one' in the group of Stray Dogs. She's usually very optimistic and tries to make the group more active like her, though it doesn't really work. She's formed bonds with everyone and they're all special friends and family to her. She's extremely determined and if she really wants something, she won't be stopped, which goes the same if she really doesn't want to do something, since the determined attitude comes with stubborness. But she's not always on a sugar-high like state, she knows when to be serious and when to be calm and collected, or when to just be her outgoing self. [b] Character Snippit:[/b] Sakura sat on a chair in her room, in her lap was her prized possession, her electric guitar. She plucked the top string, twisting the pegs on the head stock to put it more in tune. She continued to pluck the string until its tone was right, changing to the next string down. When her guitar was fully in tune, she arranged her fingers on the fingerboard, placing them along the frets. She started to strum the strings of the guitar, changing her fingering every so often. She was practising one of the songs she knew by heart. She sang along to the song, tapping her left foot to the rhythm. Sakura's cell phone started to ring, so she stopped playing and stretched over, retriving the phone, flipping it open and putting it to her ear. [b]"Sakura here." [/b]she answered. [b]"Sakura, its Inuki. Coming to practise tonight?" [/b]he asked. [b]"You bet. Seeya tonight. Usual place?" "Yeah. Seeya." [/b]they both hung up the phone. Sakura put it on her table and got up, putting the guitar onto its stand, she had to get ready for tonight. She gathered some clothes and went to the bathroom, going to take a shower. [/color][/size]
[color=Navy]Sakura had asked for a glass of water soon after she was seated at the table. She was thirsty after shooting down the demon. A waiter passed her the glass and Sakura thanked him. She looked through her pockets and emerged with a foil pack of pills, she broke one of the seals and removed the tablet, dropping it into the water to dissolve. Sakura put the packet away and swirled the glass to hurry the dissolving process. Several of them watched her, wondering if she did drugs perhaps. [b]"I have been feeling sick lately, and I hate taking tablets, so instead I dissolve them in water and drink it. They're prescribed by a doctor." [/b]Sakura told them, showing them the sticker that told them that it was indeed from a chemist due to a prescription. The others all accepted it and went back to whatever conversation they had. Sakura drank the liquid, making a face slightly at the taste of the tablet. Sakura saw everyobne had their own conversation, while she didn't, so she just took out her right gun and checked it. Earlier, during the hunt she had found that the trigger wasn't working as it usually did, she had had to add more pressure than usual to fire the bullet, which worried her since she always kept her gun in good condition. Sakura quietly took it apart, placing each section onto the table. She then looked at the main mechanism and played with the trigger. There was a very quiet click whenever she tried to pull the trigger. Sakura frowned and picked up a toothpick from the holder on the table and stuck it in the area, there was a rattle and she put more pressure on it. Sakura shook the bare part of the gun and heard a rattle, she shook it harder over the table and a small piece of metal fell out. Sakura picked it up and examined it, she didn't know where it came from but it was there. She checked the gun, there was no metal broken off. Sakura was suspicious but brushed it off. She reassembled the gun quickly and held it in a firing position, aiming. There were screams from other customers in the restaurant, thinking she was going to shoot. Sakura showed them that she hadn't added the cartridge and they relaxed slightly. Sakura put it in and twirled it stylishly, tucking it back into its holster. Sakura leaned back in her chair and waited until something happened. Her stomach rumbled but she kept quiet, not wanting to say anything. [/color]
[color=Navy]I vote [b]YES [/b]to all three proposals. Or in other words; [b]#1)[/b] I vote [b]Yes #2) [/b]I vote[b] Yes #3) [/b]I vote[b] Yes [/b] [strike]My reason is because I think it'll be fun to try to over rule the arbitrator's rules, and just because its fun to have power.[/strike] [b]EDIT: [/b]Sorry, I think I miss read it or something. It was pretty late for me. Just take it as I said [b]yes [/b]to them all and I've decided not to give a reason unless its required. [/color]
[color=Navy][b][size=1][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/size][/b][size=1][color=Black]Since this doesn't appear to be a first come first serve, I'm also choosing the same power as someone else has. Though if you want me to change it or anything else, just contact me.[/color][/size][b][size=1] Real Name: [/size][/b][size=1]Sakura[/size][/color][color=Navy][size=1] Kuroichi[/size] [/color] [size=1][color=Navy][b]Codename[/b]: Shift[/color][/size][color=Navy] [/color] [size=1][color=Navy][b]Place of Birth[/b]: Tokyo, Japan[/color][/size][color=Navy] [/color] [size=1][color=Navy][b]Age[/b]: 20[/color][/size][color=Navy] [/color] [size=1][color=Navy][b]Gender[/b]: Female[/color][/size][color=Navy] [/color] [size=1][color=Navy][b]Appearance[/b]: Sakura has short chestnut brown hair that only reaches to about the nape of her neck. She has soft, chocolate brown eyes but they turn cold and hard like a boulder if she's angry or feeling mean. Sakura stands at an average 5'6" and weighs a light 100 lbs. She's evenly proportioned all 'round so that nothing looks too big or out of place. Sakura usually wears tight clothes so its easier for when she morphs. Most often she's found wearing a tight black or navy blue top with long sleeves, though she keeps them pushed up to above her elbow and she wears black leather pants that cover most of the black, knee high boots she wears. [/color][/size][color=Navy] [/color] [size=1][color=Navy][b]Personality[/b]: Sakura is normally a kind person to be around and she likes to have friends around with her. Though if she doesn't like someone, it'll be very blatant and obvious because she won't want to hang around with them. Sometimes Sakura has mood swings and if she does its pretty obvious so people have to watch her sometimes. Sakura enjoys morphing animals because of the freedom, you can also explore the abilities of that particular creature. The whole seeing what life is like as another creature is incredibly exhilarating for her and she enjoys every minute of it. She's an optimistic person, always looking on the bright side. She thinks of her supernatural power as a blessing, while some people may think its a curse. [/color][/size][color=Navy] [/color] [size=1][color=Navy][b]Bio[/b]: Sakura was still a baby when she was first introduced to the wide world of animals. Her mother was a veterinarian, while her father was a zoologist, both occupations to do with animals. She loved animals and her parents always showed her pictures and photos, telling her their names, characteristics, behaviours, and all that stuff. As Sakura grew older, she loved animals even more, wanting to follow after her parents and take up a job with animals. When she was 10, her father took her to one of the zoos he was going to. Sakura was so excited and couldn't wait. When they got there the first place they went to was the wolf exhibition. This was the first time Sakura had seen an animal up close, and she was so excited, especially since wolves were her favourite animals. Her father sat her on top of the high fence and held her by the waist. He talked to one of his colleagues and soon forgot about Sakura. She easily wiggled from his grip and slid into the wolf enclosure. Her father wasn't paying attention to her so she quickly walked further in. Someone noticed and shouted out. Her father then realised and cursed. The wolves came out and they started to growl. Sakura just smiled and continued to walk to them. Her father climbed over the fence and ran toward Sakura. The wolves approached her and sniffed her. She smiled at them and stroked their fur. They nodded and licked her. Her father and everyone else was shocked, the wolves were never friendly to anyone, not even the zookeepers, and here was this little girl who was patting them like pet dogs. Her father snapped out of it and snatched her away, quickly exiting the enclosure. At each of the different enclosures, the animals always came over and did something kind with her while she smiled and patted them. Her father and the zookeepers were all scared by the time she left, she had even made friends with the grizzly bears that hated everyone. Sakura always visited the zoo, at least 3 times per year, and as she grew up, she was allowed into the enclosures, as long as at least three other zookeepers accompanied her. Sakura loves spending time with the animals, she secretly talks to them, though the zookeepers think she's crazy since she talks to them, not knowing that they understand each other. When Sakura was 15, she experienced her first change, she had sneaked into the wolf enclosure without any supervisors and when she was discovered she was told off severly, and her father had been called to the zoo. Sakura had already been emotional, which was why she seeked comfort with the wolves. She got incredibly angry and snarled at them. The wolves already knew of her emotional state and were beside her, baring their teeth angrily. Her father was angry because he was so worried and he yelled at her, lecturing her about being careful. Sakura fell onto her hands and knees as she was yelled at, her head had hurt and she experienced a change. Fur sprouted over her body, the bottom of her spinal cord extended into a tail and her features changed to that of a wolf. Sakura as a wolf slinked into the pack and snarled with sharp teeth bared. The obvious alpha wolf at the head of the pack barked in a way of speech, Sakura barked back though the humans didn't know. The alpha wolf said to take the head of pack. Sakura came to the front and advanced, growling loudly. The zookeepers and her father exited the enclosure and the wolves with Sakura escaped into the cave that was there. It was several hours before Sakura emerged as a human. She ignored her father the entire trip home and he was still slightly afraid of her. As Sakura developed, she learned the extent of her powers and slowly learned to control them, she still hasn't quite gotten the hold of morphing mythical creatures, but she does wolves especially well. Her and her father patched things up quickly and they still go to the zoo frequently. Sakura one day got a letter from some other superhuman people who had found out about her and wanted to meet her. Sakura flew over to where she was told to go and met up with a man named Sparx and some of his companions. He told her that the main point of the meeting was to see her powers, so she demonstrated by morphing a variety of things, a wolf, to peregrine falcon, to horse, to lion/lioness, to gyphon with a little trouble and back to human. They wanted Sakura as part of the group, she accepted but went back to Japan, saying goodbye to all of her animal friends and her parents, then she felt ready and became part of the team. [/color][/size][color=Navy] [/color] [size=1][color=Navy][b]Superhuman powers:[/b] Sakura has the ability to morph into any animal she can think of, even mythical creatures (though I won't push those limits too far). She can also talk to them, even if she's in her human form.[/color][/size][color=Navy] [/color] [size=1][color=Navy][b]Weapons/gadgets[/b]: Sakura mainly only carries a pouch full of useful things eg. medicines, potions, strong twine etc. and throwing projectiles ie. kunai, shuriken, throwing knives.[/color][/size][color=Navy] [/color] [size=1][color=Navy][b]Mode of transport[/b]: Sakura will usually just morph into an animal that's good for that particular length.[/color][/size][size=1][color=Navy][/color][/size][color=Navy] [/color]
[b]OOC: Delacroix[/b], Sarissa isn't currently with Tical and Kat since Kat left her somewhere in the forest after they had a fight. [b]BTW: [/b]I'm not sure if they have glass windows...Do they have glass windows? [color=Navy]Katchya ran forward quickly, slicing twice at a zombie that was in her way. She was headed toward the burning house where there was a lady standing near the door crying out to someone inside. [b]"What's wrong? Is someone still inside?" [/b]Katchya asked. [b]"Yes, my son, he's only a toddler. Please save him." [/b]the distressed mother cried. Kat nodded and took her bandanna from her arm, she tied it around her mouth and ran through, she could hear the cries of the child and headed toward it. She coughed as she inhaled smoke. [b]"Hold on! I'm coming!" [/b]Kat shouted to the crying child trapped. Kat sliced through burning wood that was in her way. She finally reached the room where the child was, he was sitting in his cot with fire burning the floor, surrounding him. Kat ran through the flames, patting at any that caught on her clothes, she tucked her twin daggers into her belt and picked up the child and tucking him safely into her arms. [b]"Shh....its ok. We'll be out in just a while. You're such a brave little boy." [/b]Katchya said, trying to hush his cries. Kat shifted him slightly and removed the bandanna from her face, wrapping it around his mouth instead. The fire was coming in quickly and Kat searched for the closest exit. There was a window so Kat charged toward it, jumping over the flames and ramming with her shoulder, protecting the boy from the glass. They broke through and Kat curled up around the boy so they rolled when they hit the ground. The woman cried out with relief as Katchya handed the child over, taking the bandanna away and putting it back on her arm. [b]"He might have inhaled too much smoke." [/b]Kat said coughing. [b]"Thankyou so much." "No problem, but I have to help my friends now." [/b]Kat told her, running off to where the others were battling zombies. Kat didn't bother taking out her daggers, she reached over her right shoulder with her right hand and pulled the blue tinged, see through blade from its sheath and brandished it. Kat ran forward with it pointing over her shoulder, as she approached a zombie, she sliced at it, decapitating its head. Though it didn't stop the zombie from continuing to walk around. Kat sprung up and brought the blade down swiftly, slicing the decayed body in half vertically. She whirled eyes searching and she ran off into another battle with the zombies. [/color]
[color=Navy]Katchya walked through the forest confidently, though she was taking large strides, her feet didn't make a sound against the ground. She was upset, Sarissa was being mean to her and she didn't appreciate it. She grit her teeth in anger and continued to stomp along soundlessly. She had her twin daggers in her hands and held them by her sides, she was tensed and ready for anything. Kat heard a rustling of someone walking behind her and she whirled around quickly, striking out with her daggers, but she stopped several millimeters from Sarissa's face. Katchya sneered and pulled back, turning and walking in the direction she'd been heading. [b]"Katchya! Wait for me!" [/b]Sarissa cried in anger. [b]"And I should do so for what reason?" [/b]Kat questioned, not stopping or slowing in the least. [b]"Because I'm a fellow member of the Cold Spades?" "Try again." [/b]Kat replied. [b]"Because I said so!" [/b]Sarissa called, running as well as she could with a girl in her arms. Katchya shook her head and whirled quickly, pushing Sarissa back against a tree with one of her daggers against the other girl's throat. Sarissa swallowed audibly and stared at the strangely shaped, navy blue and silver dagger that was pressed lightly at her throat. [b]"Listen, I've tried to be nice to you, and I've always hoped that we could get along. But with that attitude, you and I will never be friends. You're an unkind and heartless person, you should be ashamed." [/b]Kat said, glaring at her with cold eyes. [b]"Have fun finding your way out of here." [/b]she said, springing up into the tree Sarissa was against she leapt through the treetops, hoping to find Tical in time. Sarissa looked around, she was afraid, there was an unconscious girl in her arms, and she was alone, alone and lost in a dark forest with zombies lurking around. [b]"Help! Katchya! Anyone?!" [/b]she cried. Katchya backed against the tree, she was standing on a branch and the jump to the next tree was large. She had an idea and reached into the pouch that was on her left hip. It was full of throwing knives and other useful equipment that she could use, she then thought about why she hadn't had it with her when the moltenders around, if she had, then she wouldn't have had to go into the caravan. Kat shook those thoughts away and pulled out one of the throwing knives, she gripped it in her teeth and searched through it quickly to find some strong, fibrous twine that could easily hold the weight of people, though it didn't look strong. She threaded the end of the twine through one of the holes in the throwing knife and unrolled the ball of it she had. When she had enough, she cut the length off with the knife. Katchya tugged on the twine, making sure it was tied securely and looked at the tree across the gap. She judged the distance and threw the knife, having it stick into the tree with a thunk. Katchya pulled at the twine again, checking it. She wrapped some of it around her hand and ran off the branch, swinging across. At the high point of her arch, she stepped onto the branch. Kat pulled the throwing knife out of the tree and tucked it back into her pouch without taking off the twine, it may come in handy again later. Now Kat knew she could have just jumped from the tree and climbed the next one, but she didn't want to risk meeting any zombies yet since she was alone, and they were very rarely in trees. Kat continued on her way, wondering what had happened to Tical since there wasn't any more screaming. She assumed the worst and sped up. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]I hope that's ok. [b]ULX[/b], if you want me to change that then I can, just let me know, I don't hate you, and hopefully our characters will become friends or something.....[/color] [/color]
[color=Navy][b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]I added the battle just because I felt like it. Hope its ok. The kind of demon I described is like a Heartless from Kingdom Hearts.[/color] Sakura stopped before she reached the door, there was a sound in the alleyway beside the restaurant. She rested her gloved hands on her guns and walked into the alley to investigate. There was a scream and Sakura ran, her boots clicking against the pavement. She raced around the corner and saw a woman against the dead end of the alley with a black shadow in front. She immediately knew it was a demon and she pulled the guns from their holsters, twirling them stylishly in her hands and crossed her hands, holding them on their sides toward the demon. [b]"Let her go." [/b]Sakura said, her eyes were cold. The demon hissed and turned to face her, its eyes glowed an unsettling golden colour and it opened its mouth to show sharp fangs. On the end of its hands and feet were sharp claws that could do a lot of damage. [b]"Run!" [/b]she cried to the woman as the demon charged forward toward her. The woman took the chance and fled, yelling a thankyou to her. Sakura quickly took off the safety and squeezed the triggers. The demon roared in pain as it was pumped full of pure silver. It fell to the ground, unable to even hit her. Sakura flicked the safety back on and twirled her guns, returning them safely to her holsters. Sakura exited the alleyway, the woman she had saved was standing beside a cab driver. She ran over and thanked her, Sakura brushed it off and the lady got into the cab. Sakura watched as the car drove away, she walked back to the restaurant door and opened it, stepping into the warmth of the building. Someone approached her about a booking, Sakura showed them the card that she had recieved in the mail, the person nodded and pointed to a table, where several people were already seated. They then looked at her guns and opened their mouth to say something. [b]"They're for protection." [/b]Sakura explained. The person just nodded and walked away, leaving Sakura to walk over to the table. She introduced herself as Sakura Adolpha. The good doctor immediately recognised that it meant she was a mixed Japanese/German. [b]"Sakura means 'cherry blossom' in Japanese, and Adolpha is 'noble she-wolf'. My mother was Japanese and my father was German, though I'm not sure how he inherited the name of Adolpha." [/b]Sakura explained to them. They introduced themselves to her, the firey female that sat beside Dr. Faustus was his sister, Alyssa Faustus, there was also a man named Karl, between them was a dog introduced as Holly, Wolfgang's hell hound, and there was another female, Vedette, whom she sat beside. [b]"Sakura, I notice you don't have a German accent." "Yes, though I've lived in Germany for practically my entire life, for some reason I just never developed one, but I sound different when I speak German." [/b] Everyone nodded and Wolfgang and Karl continued to talk while she, Vedette and Alyssa struck up a conversation. [color=Black][b]OOC: [/b]I don't really know German but I'm gonna find a translator thingy and will hopefully remember to start using some.[/color] [/color]
[color=Navy]Katchya had helped to fix the wheel earlier, originally she and Tical had [i]just [/i]repaired the wheel, it was good and able to be used, but then Katchya decided that it needed a new paint job, so she quickly re-painted it. Kat was a simple kinda person, and she enjoyed playing around with things, one of her specialities were traps. When Luca asked her to devise a trap, she was excited and bounced away happily, running around swiftly to gather what she needed. Kat collected a bunch of leaves and dirt, throwing them into a pile. She ran into the caravan, emerging moments later. She looked at the others battling the moltenders and noted that she still had some time. Kat rounded up the dirt and leaves, making them a nice, neat piles, then she buried a detonator into the piles with a wire from it connecting to a pad, that was a motion sensor that would activate the detonators, making the leaves and dirt spray everywhere, along with letting out a loud bang. Kat grinned at her handy work and did a few backflips over to where the others were fighting. She pulled her odd looking daggers from her belt, spinning them in her hands and slashing at a moltender twice. The large mole creature growled and backed off slightly. [b]"The trap is set, Luca." [/b]Kat shouted over. Kat then went on to explain how it would work and what they needed to do so the moltenders would hit the traps. The plan worked out exactly and there was an explosion of dirt and leaves, the moltenders fled in fright and they were all covered by what had been in the traps. Kat grinned happily, glad that the traps had worked, she ran her hands through her hair several times to remove as much of the dirt and leaves as possible. She apologised about the mess after Morag left in annoyance. Everyone mumbled and walked off, trying to clean themselves off too. Katchya sighed, some people just didn't have a sense of fun. And she had obeyed the order of Luca without protest and scared off the moltenders, so why were they annoyed at her. Kat frowned and tucked her twin daggers back into her belt. She quickly scaled the caravan and sat on the roof, her legs dangled over the side and she had her elbows rested on her knees with her chin and cheeks held in her hands. She heard footsteps coming over and lifted her gaze from the ground shortly, before returning the gaze to the ground. [b]"Katchya, are you alright?" [/b]Luca asked. [b]"Yeah....Just, is everyone upset at me?" [/b]she questioned, looking at Luca properly. He was still covered in dirt and leaves. [b]"I don't think so. Probably fussing over nothing. Don't worry about it, if they're upset, they'll get over it." [/b]Luca told her. [b]"I guess, talk to you later." [/b]Katchya said, sliding off the roof and entering the caravan. Kat brushed some dirt off her bandanna that was wrapped around her left bicep, today it was a royal blue colour. She hoped that the others weren't upset at her. She continued to brush out the dirt from her hair and changed her clothes, she felt refreshed and she sat on her bed, playing around with her large array of weapons. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]I didn't really knwo what to post about, which is why I made Kat feel like everyone was upset at her.[/color] [/color]
[color=Navy]I'm sorry it took me a long time to post. I think I'm having trouble keeping up with RPs lately. *sighs* I'm so sad, I have exams in a week so I won't be on as much. Like I said in my post, let me know if I have to change anything, I tried to follow what you said in this thread and in the PM. My only question is who am I looking for and how do I know who I'm looking for? Coz I'm just gonna go there and not know anything. Unless you already have this all planned out, ^.^.........Do you? [/color]
[color=Navy][color=Black][b]OOC: [/b]I'm sorry I took so long to post, I haven't time until now. Let me know if there's anything in the post that I should change. [b]EDIT: [/b]I took out the leaving part as you asked. [/color] Through the rest of the night the power was out, I was afraid, I admit it, even though I always pretended to be strong...I wasn't, I get frightened by small things, like strange calls on my cell phone. Every now and then my cell phone would ring, but I just gripped the blankets tightly, I didn't want to touch it until the morning. I looked at my clock and realised that it was getting really late and I still had to go to school in the morning. I walked around my room, avoiding the cell phone on the floor and blew out all the candles, leaving the one on my bedside to last, after I was comfortably tucked into my bed. I leaned over and blew gently, the flame went out and I heard a howl of wind outside. I trembled and curled up under my blanket. The cell phone continued to ring, but I blocked my ears and eventually fell into a dreamless sleep. I woke up the next morning and panicked when I looked at the clock, if I didn't hurry I'd be late. I rushed around my room, throwing on my school uniform and putting all of my books into my backpack. I picked up the phone carefully and flipped it open, the screen read that there were 25 missed calls. I chose to delete them all without looking at them. I checked the time and let out a yell of frustration, shoving the device into my pocket and flying down the stairs. I made some toast quickly and put on my shoes, leaving the house in a hurry, she didn't want to be late to school. When I got to school, Cassie asked me why I didn't pick up my cell phone or answer her calls. I made up some excuse about resetting something which delete all of the missed calls. Cassie accepted it, which was a relief. After school, I got home and my parents were both there, sitting at the table in the kitchen. I greeted them happily and they told me that they didn't have to work today because of the overtime they did yesterday. I was happy and sat at the table too. But then everything went wrong. I heard a series of bangs, though my parents continued to talk as if they heard nothing. When I think about it, it felt as if time had slowed down. Then that was when my parents fell out of their chairs, there were holes in them with blood flowing freely. I screamed loudly and looked around, there was no one else around, but the bangs had heard like shots of a gun. I checked my parents, but they were dead, they looked like they had been shot multiple times, with several bullet holes the spilled blood. I cried. I was alone...I had no one left. It was then I heard the voice echo in my head. [/color][color=Navy][i][b]"It's....coming.....Death!" [/b][/i]I banged my fists against the floor in anger, how could this happen? There was no one around to have shot, there weren' any broken windows or anything which means someone shot through. I continued to cry, I cried for my parents, I cried because I didn't understand, and I cried because what the voice had said had come true. I heard my cell phone ring and picked it up, masking the pain in my voice. [b]"Moshi moshi." [/b]I said, emotionless. There was heavy breathing on the other end, accompanied with static. I froze. I could tell it was the voice again, but I didn't hang up, I wanted to know what it was going to say. [i][b]"Death.....has come....I bring you news of a different kind.........Someone in America searches for you......You must find them.....Go to America......Death will follow you.......it may take your friends..........go.......quickly.........." [/b][/i]that's what the raspy voice told her, the static in between, but it didn't break up any of the speech. I didn't have time to respond to what he said because I was met with a click. I closed my phone and thought. I was deeply troubled, he had called again, but then my parents had just died through a mysterious way. I picked up my phone and speed-dialled 4, I waited until I heard the voice of my best friend, Cassie. I told her that my parents had died while I was out, I know I lied but Cassie would never believe me. I asked if I could stay with her until I worked things out. She immediately responded with that she would come with her parents to pick me up. I was grateful and we hung up. I packed a bag of belongings and waited for Cassie to come. They arrived and we went back to her house, they told me how sorry they were, since they were best friends with my parents too. Later that night I lay in the bed of the guest bedroom that I now occupied. I had my head on the pillow and I drifted into sleep, the dream that came was a memory. [i] I was a child again, sitting on a park bench in between my parents. That year had been a beautiful spring, and we were watching the sakura trees blooming. Families and friends covered the grass of the park; it was always a great occassion when the cherry blossoms bloomed. My father caught a falling petal and gave it to me. [b]"Look Sakura, we named you after these, the beautiful cherry blossoms." [/b]he told me.[/i] As I slept, a tear emerged from the corner of my eye and rolled sadly down my cheek. [/color]
[b]OOC: [/b]Sorry it took me a while, I've been quite busy as of late. I'm not sure if I did this right, if it should be changed then let me know. BTW, I'm not exactly sure of what I'm supposed to be doing, never really watched army shows. The speech was a little bad. [color=Navy]Sakura looked around the camp of the Uesugi army, it was quite, most of the warriors were in their tents. Sakura sat on the grass outside her own tent, she missed her sakura tree, there were patches of forests here and there, but none were sakura trees. She watched as a man exited from the main tent which held the general. He had a horn on his belt, which he removed and put to his lips. The man blew loudly, the sound echoed around the area and everyone hurriedly exited their tents. Sakura got up quickly and stood, she heard someone come up to her and looked to the side, it was Koro. [b]"Sakura, do you know what's happening?" [/b]he asked. [b]"Ano...I think we're marching to the battlefield, Koro-kun." [/b]she answered quietly, keeping her eyes in front. Koro was about to say something when the general marched out of the tent, followed by his advisor, and another man who carried their flag with the mighty symbol of Uesugi on it. A strong wind blew past, ruffling Sakura's short hair. She was tensed and ready for the battle, she had been waiting in anticipation for this for some time. [b]"Today we march to the battlefield, to face our foe, the members of the Takeda army. Fight strong and bravely. Fight for the honour of the Uesugi name, and fight to your death, if you run, you will forever be branded a coward, better to die bravely than to die a coward. Line up!" [/b]the General gave his speech and they all lined up as how they had trained. Sakura looked to Koro who stood beside her and nodded, a silent way of saying good luck. He smiled and nodded back to her. The general was mounted on a horse, as was his advisor and flag bearer, he drew his katana and thrust it into the air. [b]"Forward!!" [/b]he cried. There was a roar from the warriors and they surged forward, following the general. Sakura's eyes became cold as ice and she was determined, she clenched her fists and followed, Koro watched her, he had never actually seen her fight properly, it would be an interesting thing to observe. Sakura was fully armed, she wore her ninja garb, but underneath was protective armour like the warriors wore on the outside. She didn't like it, because it weighed her down and slowed her movement, but she knew it was necessary. Anything could happen in this battle, she could never be entirely sure she was safe. [/color]
[color=Navy][color=Black][b]OOC: [/b]I hope you don't mind, I decided to change my weapon from gloves, instead she carries 2 [url="http://img209.exs.cx/img209/9176/jerichoall9ot.jpg"]guns[/url] [top left corner] that use pure silver bullets.[/color] Sakura puffed, she had just been for a nice long run, she wore ankle weights and instead of her usual black boots, she was wearing trainers, as she always did when running, because running long distances in those boots killed, she had been forced to do so on several occasions when hunting demons. Her blonde hair was blown behind her and she saw her large mansion like house. Sakura walked up the steps and pulled off the brown glove she wore. Sakura pushed a button that no one would have known was there unless they'd been shown, and a plate and screen came up from one of the door panels. She pushed her fingers into the gel like substance which read her prints, the screen read 'FINGERPRINTS MATCH. ACCESS GRANTED'. There was a click and Sakura pushed open the door with her hand, walking in after, entering the marble floored house. [b]"Something came for you in the mail, ma'am." [/b]a maid said, holding out an envelope to her. Sakura accepted it with a quiet word of thanks, the maid curtseyed and scurried away. Sakura put her gloves back on and used a letter opened on the hall table, cutting away the top. She carefully pulled out the thin card that was in there and read it quickly. [b]"Hmm....A meeting at a restaurant, 5:30 sharp." [/b]Sakura mumbled, it was in Berlin, so she was lucky, there wasn't much travel involved on her part since she lived in Berlin. Sakura walked through the halls of the house, travelling up a spiral staircase, also made of marble. At the landing, she walked further until she reached some intricate double doors made of polished oak with gold and silver trimmings. Sakura pushed open the doors to her suite carefully, she lightly tossed the letter and envelope onto her already cluttered desk. She removed her gloves and then her shoes and weights, tucking the shoes and weights into their proper closets and leaving the gloves on the table. Her suite had almost everything someone would find in a single house, though made smaller, there was a bathroom, study type place, lounge, bedroom. The things missing were the library and kitchen, both of which were downstairs, her favourite place was the library, the shelves there were packed full of old books and the shelves reached from the ground to the ceiling. Sakura put on her black boots and pulled her pant legs over to cover them. She looked at the time and noticed she'd have to leave soon to get there promptly. She picked up her gloves, putting them on, picked up her holsters, she connected them to her belt and made sure her guns sat properly, and picked up the card. She looked at it again quickly and put it into her pocket. Sakura made sure she had her cell phone and left the suite and went back downstairs, she pushed a red button and a short time later a maid arrived. The red button was connected to the area where maids and servants worked and stayed, there was a button in every room in case Sakura needed to call someone, since the house was so big. Sakura explained that she needed to get to her destination and the maid nodded, saying she'd contact her driver. Sakura nodded and soon a car drove round to the front, he was going to get out but Sakura waved it off, pulling on the door handle and entering. Sakura told him where to go and he nodded, driving off. Sakura patted her guns, she hoped she wouldn't need them tonight, but just incase. When they arrived, Sakura told him that she'd call when she needed to be picked up, her driver nodded and drove off after she got out. Sakura pushed her hair over her shoulders and walked toward the door to the restaurant. [/color]
[color=navy]I'm sorry everyone, I've been meaning to post but I don't have the time, I'm still watching over though, and will hopefully post sometime in the future. My school work's bogging me down currently, I have exams in a week and I'm getting a little stressed out. Forgive me, but I'm still in on this, don't think I deserted it. Gomen, [b]~Sakura[/b][/color]
[color=Navy]Wow, this is such an interesting discussion... I've noticed that the Adventure Arena/Square has been mentioned several times. How I see it is that there are some new members that have arrived and not read the rules, accidentally breeching them. I've been around for a little over 2 years and most of the time has been spent in the Adventure Arena. I'll admit that I have seen a bit of a decline in RPs, though I don't think its all from new members. But for those who want good RPs, sometimes I put some up, and because they're long, people turn away, so I'm not sure how to solve that, since they really do have good storylines. And SunfallE, if you want a spell check, just type your stuff on Microsoft Word or something and use that. If you don't understand everything I said above, I agree with what everyone who says 'OB isn't being n00bed'. [/color]
[color=Navy]A figure clad in dark clothing could barely be seen hopping across the rooftops swiftly and silently against the night. It stopped, a sound had been heard. Sakura crouched down and listened, she had just assassinated an important member of a gang and was on her way back, she couldn't be caught now. The sound stopped and Sakura left even faster than before, she had a feeling someone was following her, which was verified when she heard the clatter of a loose tile and a very quiet curse. Sakura smirked under the cover of her mask and pretended that she hadn't heard anything. The follower had made two mistakes, not paying attention to anything that would give them away, and speaking or making a sound. Sakura secretly reached to her pouch and pulled out a bunch of shuriken, hiding them in her hand so the moon's light didn't reflect off the shiny, black metal. She dropped one on purpose, letting it make a sound against the tiled roof she stood on. She crouched down and started to feel around, even though she knew exactly where it was. The foolish follower could be heard coming towards her, when he was close enough, Sakura swiped up the shuriken and threw them at his direction. He was shocked and fell back against the tiles, her aim was still perfect, hitting him in the chest, with one piercing his heart, two piercing each lung. Sakura stood and looked over him. [b]"Pathetic."[/b] She turned away and made the rest of the way back to her current employer. Sakura reached the safety of the gate, she flicked one of her shuriken up to the guard house, perched above the gate. They were shocked but it stuck in the wall, the guards studied it, it had the kanji on it which meant Sakura, only a small bunch that she kept in one of the compartments were marked with her name. They opened the gate and allowed her entrance. She waited until the gate closed before she unwrapped the mask which covered her head, shaking her head so the hair fell into place after being stuck, flattened against her head. Sakura tucked the cloth into her ninja suit and went toward the largest building in the small village-like place. Sakura met with Uesugi Kenshin, her employer who had sent her out on the assassination. She reported that it had been successful and that she had also killed someone that had followed her. He praised her, and let her leave. Sakura sighed into the night, it was nice out, but she wasn't paying attention. She was tired but she couldn't sleep. She was seated high in the boughs of her namesake, a beautiful sakura tree which was blooming. But she saw one that was still a bud, refusing to open itself to the outside world. Sakura stroked it gently with her fingertips, her usual cold eyes were warmer, the sakura bud was like herself, closed tightly. [b]"Sakura-san. Up late again?" [/b]she heard a voice ask. Sakura was looked down and saw Korogata or "Koro", she narrowed her eyes at him. [b]"Hai...Uesugi-sama sent me on an assassination." [/b]Sakura responded, she kind of opened herself up when she was with Koro, he was one year older than her, and while often lazy, he tried to befriend her, so she tried to let him in, just a little. [b]"Sou...I guess I always know where to find you. You're usually in this tree." [/b]he commented. [b]"Hai, its a sakura tree after all." [/b]Sakura sighed, slipping off the branch and landing safely on the ground. [b]"So, what are you doing, Koro-san?" [/b]she asked, he was carrying a book, as he usually did. [b]"I'm not sure, coming to find what you were doing. I was aware you were leaving on an assassination because you were wearing your ninja outfit. So now, what would you like to do?" [/b]he questioned. Sakura just shrugged and started walking, Koro followed and they started to talk, Sakura hoped deeply that he would be her first friend since the incident when she was 7. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Are we supposed to post in order? [b]Crusader: [/b]If you want anything changed then let me know. [/color][/color]
[color=Navy]I just signed up for the RP. I was just wondering if its ok to be able to morph into animals and creatures. When I say creatures, I mean like the mythological type. If you want me to change it then I will. I hope to finish the sign up soon, I'm just really tired right now. [/color]
[b]OOC: [/b]Ooooh sounds good. Let me know if there's anything I should change. [b]EDIT: [/b]I'm done, hope I can get in... [color=Navy][b]Name:[/b] Katchya "Kat" Valentine [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] Twenty-one [b]Skill:[/b] Ability to use any weapon, even if its a new one she comes across and pinpoint accuracy. [b]Entertainment:[/b] Knife thrower, sword juggler/swallower, any tricks to do with weapons pretty much. [b]Appearance:[/b] Kat has an average height and build for a female of her age, with some extra flexibility that many others don't have. She's usually seen with a coloured bandanna wrapped around her left bicep. Kat has short chestnut brown hair and her eyes are a soft brown. Kat is always seen wearing pants and a top of some kind, usually in dark colours like black and navy blue. Under her clothes she has weapons, like a [url="http://www.stagecombat.com/images/rentals/julietDagger.jpg"]small dagger[/url] in each boot and a [url="http://www.planetfortress.com/tf2models/previews/armed%20forces/knife-1.jpg"]knife[/url] under her shirt, but when she's not performing, she carries more weapons [b][see below in Other Info][/b]. [b]Personality:[/b] Kat is someone who will slay and gut you before you blink an eye if you even look at her wrong. She can be very edgy at times and won't be someone to mess around with. But she never acts like that around the group much, since they're close after travelling together for so long. She's open to making friends but will be careful around them until she's known them long enough. People think she's like a cat at times because her weapons serve as her claws, and she's very flexible and fluid like a cat. [b]Any Other Info:[/b] When not performing, she carries a [url="http://www.galbadiax.com/ff10/screens/tidus.jpg"]sword[/url] on her back, the [url="http://www.stagecombat.com/images/rentals/julietDagger.jpg"]daggers[/url] in her boots, the [url="http://www.planetfortress.com/tf2models/previews/armed%20forces/knife-1.jpg"]knife[/url], [url="http://amethyst-angel.com/cosimages/rikkublades.jpg"]twin daggers[/url][b] [but they're navy blue instead of red and silver on the gold parts] [/b]on her belt and a pouch of [url="http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B0006GYN06.01-A20YUEE2UGU92X._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg"]throwing knives[/url] tied to her belt, hanging over her left hip. Though she has more stashed away and hidden which she sometimes uses instead of some of her other weapons. [b][When the time comes, I'll mention them and produce images] [/b]Some people would think why someone would need so many weapons, but her motto is, 'You can never have too many weapons.' and its better to be safe than sorry. [/color]
[b]OOC: [/b]If I lose the spot to Neuvoxetere or anyone else, I'll probably sign up for a victim. If you want more from the snippet or want anything changed let me know. [color=Navy][b]Name[/b]: Rachel Phillips [b]Physical Attributes[/b]: [i]Gender[/i] - Female [i]Age[/i] - 28 [i]Height[/i] - 5'6" [i]Weight[/i] - 105 lbs [b]Appearance[/b]:[b] [url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"]Here[/url][/b], except she wears a business suit which is usually black or navy blue, with a tie which changes frequently. [b]Personality[/b]: Although people see her as a young lawyer who doesn't know what she's doing, Rachel always makes them eat their words as she floors them in cases. With her quick thinking and words she's won many cases, forming herself a strong reputation as being relentless against those opposing. Rachel is always calm when she walks into the courtroom, showing no fear or emotions, she listens carefully to everything said, taking mental notes that she can use against them. Before a case, Rachel studies everything about it, researching each of the people involved until she's sure. She always thinks before speaking, because rushed words could backfire. Rachel has an almost photographic memory and her head is packed with the laws from the book and different information from cases which she can use as examples or references. Everyone looks at her as someone strong and scared of nothing, little do they know what's under the brave facade. [b]Bomb[/b]: Rachel is a major Aichmophobe and has a wild panic attack when someone threatens her with one or tries to give her one, but she's alright with looking at them. She's slowly trying to overcome the fear but it isn't working. [b]Snippet[/b]: Rachel watched with her fingers interlaced and resting on the table. The opposing's witness was sitting in the stand and re-accounting his version of what had happened which of course wasn't the same as her client's. The case they were discussing was about Rape, her client, a young woman at the age of 22 named Katherine said that her ex-boyfriend had raped her, which was the man at the stand, Chris, aged 24, and Chris was claiming that it had been Katherine that wanted it. Rachel narrowed her eyes as Chris came to the part when Katherine had supposedly come onto him, begging, he said. Katherine made a sound of disgust and Rachel turned to her, resting a gentle hand on her arm and froze. Chris had just said something that could win it for them. Rachel swivelled to face him and waited until he had finished. She was allowed to cross-examine and she took her chance. [b]"Mr Moore, I heard you say something that didn't seem to fit in with the rest of your story." [/b]Rachel stated, coming closer to the stand. [b]"You said, [i]'Katherine cried out, but I didn't stop, she wanted me to do this, it was all part of the act,'[/i][/b] [b]Now, why do you think it was part of an act, when someone cries out in pain, wouldn't you take it as a signal to stop?" [/b]Rachel asked. [b]"Hey, the cry was mixed with a moan, and it sounded like a moan of pleasure! How was I supposed to know if she wanted me to stop?" [/b]Chris retorted. [b]"Well one way could have been to ask her. There is such a thing as communication, you know? Then if she answered that she wanted to continue, then you could have kept going. But did you do that? No, I don't think so. And from what my client told me, from the get go it was rape, that you threw her onto the bed and tied her there. You may not have noticed since you just left her there, but her struggling left some faint chaffe marks. Permission to call my client to show the marks, Your Honour." [/b]Rachel said. [b]"Granted. Miss James, come forward please." [/b]the judge said. [b]"Now, may I ask, Miss Phillips, why you didn't use the marking before now?" "Of course, Your Honour. I didn't want to use it because my client specifically asked me to only use it if I really needed to, ma'am." [/b]Rachel said. Katherine came from the table and approached the bench, pushing up her sleeves to reveal some red marks that had started to fade away. [b]"These marks could have come from anywhere. How do we know she was tied down?" "The rope she was tied with," [/b]she said, picking up an evidence bag. [b]"It has both his and her DNA on it." "I keep telling you, it was part of the role play she wanted to do, I just obeyed her wishes." [/b]Chris protested. Rachel looked at him cooly, which un-nerved him. [b]"You're lies are going to revealed. I will win this." [/b]she whispered to him quietly, making him swallow audibly.[/color]
[color=Navy]Proposal 1: [b]Yes [/b]Well since I put it in, might as well vote for it. And the reason I asked is just in case, not saying that I will continuously post late. I have my exams coming up very soon and may not be able to get on in time. Proposal 2: [b]Yes [/b]I think having another person of power is a good thing. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Um....still not too sure of the game, don't know if we're allowed to vote yes for both. If not I'll change it.[/color] [/color]
[size=1][color=Navy][color=Black][b]OOC: [/b]I don't know much about the history but it sounds good. [b]EDIT: [/b]It's complete!!! [b]EDIT2: [/b]I editted Delta's character out. [/color] [b] Name:[/b] Kabuki Sakura [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Affiliation:[/b] Uesugi [b]Class:[/b] Upper Class Mercenary/Ninja [b]Appearance:[/b] [url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"]Here's[/url] her Physical Description. She wears something like [url="http://pows.webmonster.de/dcm/images/costume/doa2-kasumi-3p.jpg"]this[/url] except change it to a really dark blue, bridging on black with the wrap around mask. When not at work, Sakura just wears a mixture of blues, white and black. [b]Weapon:[/b] Sakura carries a pouch which has several compartments, the two largest ones are full of [url="http://www.shadowofleaves.com/shuriken5.jpg"]shuriken[/url] and [url="http://home.netyou.jp/kk/sakura/sozai/gazo/kunai/kunai11.jpg"]kunai[/url], the smaller packed with other helpful items (I don't want to reveal everything). She also carries a [url="http://img271.echo.cx/img271/8650/wpsw046oe.jpg"]waki-zashi[/url] that she keeps tied to the belt around her waist and a [url="http://bjorn.foxtail.nu/images/jt_katana.jpg"]katana[/url] strapped on her back. But even without her weapons she isn't defenseless because she's been trained in the martial arts and has mastered each of them. [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Sakura doesn't use one particular style of fighting, she has her own unique one which is a mixture of many. She uses a lot of acrobatics and she's very flexible, stealthy and agile which she's had to train a lot to be able to do. She also has brute force, skill with weapons and excellent accuracy, hitting her mark with a shuriken or kunai every time. Sakura also has some of the ninja skills (which I won't mention.) [b]Personality:[/b] Sakura doesn't like to show emotion because she's a cold hearted ninja/mercenary/assassin, but sometimes she will let something slip, only around people that she's incredibly close to. She hates failure and always completes a job. Sakura doesn't have a family, and has never known her real family because she was orphaned which is one of the reasons she doesn't open to anyone. She only has a few friends and they're all ninja. Sakura likes to work alone, her excuse is that others way her down, but in fact most people know its just because she's afraid to get close to anyone. [b]Biography:[/b] Sakura has never known the meaning of the word 'family', she never had a family as a child because she was orphaned as a baby. As Sakura grew up, she was taught about the more depressing things of life and always looked at things from a pesimistic point of view. She learned about families that broke up, friends betraying each other, broken hearts from a one sided love. That was the point in time when the door to Sakura's heart started to close. The bolt and padlock to the door arrived when her best friend at where she had been dumped, a kind of makeshift orphanage, left, walking out the door happily with a family, without even a look back at her. That happened when Sakura was 7, and after that she refused to talk to people, the caretakers just gave her food and watched her. The kids tried to approach her but she would give them her coldest glare and they would cry, running to one of the caretakers. Slowly each of the children were taken and Sakura was left alone. Finally she spoke, at the age of 11, after 4 long years of silence. Sakura asked if she could leave, because she knew that no one would ever take her. The caretakers agreed finally, it was true, no use keeping her when she wouldn't co-operate with them. Sakura was set free and given money to use, she used it on martial arts lessons and food. She found a job and worked hard, she bought herself weapons and slowly mastered her martial arts. And every night she would find a tree and sleep in the high branches. Finally she bought herself new clothes, plus a ninja costume, she had decided what she wanted to be. Everyday she practised with weapons, accuracy, and martial arts. She found a ninja academy and trained hard, she soon learned the skills she needed and perfected the ones she already knew. Sakura started her career as a ninja at the age of 16, people underestimated her because of her age but they were fooled, finding themselves killed before they could retract the thought. Sakura became a mercenary and started to work for anyone tht payed high enough, she was a perfect ninja and assassin because she was young to fool victims and she was cold hearted, with her heart door tightly locked shut. One day she was approached by someone who served under Uesugi Kenshin and he wanted to hire her for a long period, promising good pay. Since Sakura didn't have a current job to do she agreed since she knew Uesugi had lots of money. They travelled back and Sakura met some of the other people that worked under him, but no one has breached the door to her heart, she hopes to make a friend, but isn't holding her breath. [b]Final Thought:[/b] Deadly Cherry Blossom [b]Last Question:[/b] Do I need to change anything? [/color][/size]
[b]OOC: [/b]I'm very interested in this. I hope I can get in. [b]EDIT: [/b]I finally finished the Character Snippet, sorry if it took a long time. I couldn't think of much either so it isn't too great. [b]EDIT2: [/b]I changed my weapons and adjusted some other info accordingly. [color=Navy][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Sakura Adolpha [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Nationality:[/b] Japanese/German [Mixed] [b]Appearance: [/b]Sakura stands at a height of 5'6" and weighs a light 100lbs. She is evenly proportioned all 'round and nothing looks too big or out of place. Her hair is a shiny blonde colour that reaches down to her waist, and she has thoughtful, hazel brown eyes. Sakura always wears a pair of brown gloves that reach up to above her elbow, where it meets her long sleeved, black top which she keeps pushed up above the elbow. Her pants are made of a leathery type material and cover the leg part of her black, knee high boots. [b]Weapons:[/b] Sakura herself is a weapon, with only one other thing to help her. She's been trained by the best martial arts teachers from around the world and has mastered all of them. But she also, [/size][/color][size=1][color=Navy]Sakura carries two [url="http://img209.exs.cx/img209/9176/jerichoall9ot.jpg"]guns[/url] [top left corner] in holsters that use pure silver bullets.[/color][/size] [color=Navy][size=1] [b]Skills:[/b] Sakura's main skill is strength and endurance, she can continue to fight or run for hours on end and she has the strength to do so and she has pin point accuracy with her guns, always striking her target. [b]Personality:[/b] Sakura is a quiet person and prefers to do things silently. Like when doing research, she sits and reads, making notes, without saying a word, the only sound able to be heard being the sound of her pen or pencil writing and her soft breathing. Sakura can sometimes be paranoid and she always has her clawed gloves with her in case she runs into trouble. She nevers acts irrationally, thinking everything through before acting. During battles, Sakura is calm and collected, never being put off by the taunts of an enemy. Sakura hates to fail at anything and is incredibly determined and stubborn. But underneath the cold outer surface, she's a kind person and will act friendly to someone she knows well, becoming the opposite of what someone would see on a first impression. [/size][/color][color=Navy][size=1]In Sakura's free time, she enjoys practising her martial arts skills and she often goes for long, leisurely runs, its just a time where she can get away from the books and everything else.[/size][/color] [color=Navy][size=1] [b]Character Snippit: [/b] Sakura sat silently at a table, the table was covered in papers and books, with a lined notepad and pen sitting on top of it all. She frowned and picked up a thick book with tattered pages and a worn cover, she ran her glove covered fingers along the symbols which were on the page, comparing them to another book on the table, the translation wasn't making sense. She tore off the current page on the notepad and picked up the pen, writing transferring the symbols to letters in English. She did that very quickly until she came to the spot when it went wrong. Sakura picked up a magnifying glass and looked at the particular symbol that was causing her so much trouble, she examined it carefully and checked each of the symbols on the translation book. Sakura's eyes hurt after looking for so long and finding nothing, she pushed her blonde hair over her shoulders and looked around the room, it was very quiet, it was her personal library with shelves full of books that reached the roof. Her parents had been rich and Sakura inherited it all. She picked up her holsters that carried her two guns from the table and put them on, around her waist, pushing the chair back. It was getting dark and she had been working on the translation for the entire day. Sakura walked out of the library, her black boots clicked against the marble floor. The large house that she owned was quiet, there were some far off sounds of the servants and maids doing work, but they knew Sakura liked silence so they tried to do it as quietly as they could. She walked through the familiar halls, coming to a set of spiral stairs. They were also made of marble, like the rest of the floors, and the hand rail was made of oak with gold trimmings. Sakura climbed, resting her hands on the smooth wood. Sakura reached the upper floor and continued walking until she reached large double doors that she pushed open gently. Inside was her suite, it had practically everything anyone would need. She walked over to her large bed and sat down, she was tired and her eyes hurt, yet she would be going out later. [/size][/color]
[color=Navy]Kai, who was known as Toki to Umeko, sat around the house in boredom. He truly felt like a pet, though he had freedom. He ran a distressed hand through his spikey brown hair, debating what to do. The apartment was boring during the day. He made up his mind and grabbed his leather jacket which was hanging on the back of a chair. He shrugged it on and picked up the set of keys, Umeko had given him, from the counter, slipping them into the pocket of his pants. Today was Kari's free day, so he decided to see if she would be home. Toki left the apartment and locked it safely, then took the elevator down and walked out of the buidling. The sun was bright and there were a few cumulus clouds floating in the sky. Toki thought about his new life, it had been a while since he became Umeko's pet, watching as she became emotional and cried with her arms wrapped around his neck like she used to do to her dog, also named Toki. He did this to repay her kindness, especially since it looked like she needed the companionship. Toki made his way to Kari's apartment complex, pushing the buzzer button which corresponded to her apartment. There was some silence before a tired voice asked who it was through the speaker box. [b]"Kari, its Kai." [/b]he said. [b]"Oh!" [/b]she perked up. [b]"Come on up." [/b]There was a loud buzzing noise and Toki pushed the door handle, it clicked and he was allowed entrance. He took the elevator to her floor and knocked on the door. There was a call of 'I'm coming!' moments before she answered. [b]"Kai! Bored at home again?" [/b]she teased, letting him in. All of his friends knew how bored he got at home, which was why he usually went to visit them pretty often. Toki grinned and nodded. Kari closed the door and they sat in the small lounge area, sitting on a couch beside each other. Kari and Toki were close friends, she had been the one that Toki had saved that day, which lead to him being injured and becoming Umeko's pet. Kari still feels guilt because she wasn't careful, but Toki cheers her up. The two of them talked for a few hours, until it was time for lunch. They went out to eat and spent a couple of hours on a bench in a park. When it was getting late, they headed their different ways, promising to talk again soon. Toki yawned as he returned home, unlocking the door and entering the apartment. Umeko had gotten back yet so he just sat around, but he was so tired from the day that he fell sideways on the couch and fell asleep. [/color]
[color=Navy][b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Sorry I haven't posted. This is from the night before, where I left off.[/color] Zephan stared at the letter in shock and fell back onto his bed in disbelief. He bit his lip, he didn't want to leave his mother alone, they only had each other. He stood and jogged downstairs lightly. [b]"Okaasan?!" [/b]he called. [b]"Hai!" [/b]she called from one of the rooms. Zephan followed from where the voice had come from and found his mother folding clothes. He came over and sat himself next to her. She saw his face and set the clothes she had aside, turning her attention to Zephan. [b]"Zeph-chan, daijoubu?" [/b]she asked, concern evident on her facial expression. Zephan handed the letter to his mother and focussed on a mark on the floor. [b]"This is good news, Zeph-chan! Why are you so sad?" [/b]his mother asked him. [b]"I don't want to leave you alone. We only have each other now..." [/b]he said. [b]"Aiyah! It's only for a week! Go, enjoy yourself and spend time with your friends. I'll be fine." [/b]she argued. [b]"Yakusoku?" [/b]he asked, looking her in the eyes. His mother smiled, [b]"Yakusokuyo." [/b] [b]"Fine, I'll go pack then." [/b]Zeph said, standing. Zephan's mother stood and hugged him tightly, then pressed a pile of clothes into his hands. [b]"You may need some of these clothes when you go." "Arigatou, 'Kaasan." [/b]Zephan ran back upstairs and pulled out his luggage bag from under his bed. He raced around the room, gathering anything he would need or was important to him. When he was done he took the bag downstairs and put it near the door, along with a backpack that had some of his everyday stuff in it. Then he went back upstairs and went to sleep, wondering what their trip would bring them. [/color]
[color=Black][b]OOC: [/b][/color][color=Black]Sorry I haven't posted. [color=Navy]Sakura nodded and stepped forward toward the glowing symbol. She tilted her head to the side as she examined it with her eyes. Sakura stretched forth her hand and set it down onto the symbol, the colour flickered to navy blue and she could feel heat radiating from it. The symbol just glowed for a while, before in a second, the coloured light flowed up through her hand and into her body. Sakura trembled, her eyes wide with shock. She was released and collapsed, she was braced on her hands and knees, taking deep breaths. Inside her head it felt like there was a jungle inside, with different animal calls, some that sounded unearthly. Sakura cried out and held her head as something started to happen to her. She started to change, everyone was watching her intently. She groaned in pain as her clothes and skin were covered in a black fur, she grew a tail, her face changed as did her body. Some people cringed as they heard the sounds of her bones re-arranging themselves. Soon, a human no longer sat where Sakura had been, instead there was a small black dog who had a few white patches. It was curled on the floor and whimpering in pain. Her eyes opened and they saw the soft brown eyes, looking terrified as her vision was different and colourless. Sakura panicked and started barking and growling angrily, she was upset and soon she changed again, reverting to her human state. Her breathing was ragged and she was covered in sweat. Her eyes were fearful of her own body, but she stood with help from her glaive which was beside her. Sakura backed up against the wall and started to think about what happened more carefully. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]I decided on a simple change for the time being.[/color] [/color][/color]