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Everything posted by Sakura
[color=Navy]Sakura stood beside her mother and father who were still saying their goodbyes. She had an incredibly bored look on her face and was leaning a lot of her weight onto her glaive. [b]"Can I just go now?" [/b]Sakura said impatiently. Her parents finished off and Sakura hugged each of them and left the hut. There was still time left before she had to report in to Treana. Sakura went away to a small secluded spot that only she went to to relax. It was quiet and small enclosed space, with a small fountain in the centre. The ceiling had a skylight which allowed the sun in so it was naturally lighted. Sakura walked over to the fountain and sat on the rim, she would miss this place, she had always come here to think and practise. Sakura just sat there for a while until she decided to get herself ready for what would be ahead. She started to limber herself up by doing stretches. When she wasn't as tight as before, she started her practise, slicing with her glaive. Sakura flipped the weapon upside down so the blade was on the ground and made a sweeping motion as if sweeping up something with a broom. She held the shaft of the weapon in both hands over her head and did a series of backflips, stopping before she hit the wall of the enclosed space. Sakura stopped and just started to absentmindedly twirl it between her hands, then twirling it around her body and over her head. She stopped suddenly. the point of the butt slammed against the ground. It was time now, she put the glaive over her left shoulder and walked out of her Secret Place. She sighed and took a fleeting look at her place and the hut of her parents. Sakura lifted her head strongly and walked forward, to Treana's house. When she entered, there were already a few others there, so she took a free seat and waited with the others. [/color]
[color=Navy]I woke up with a jump. I was breathing heavily and my body was covered in a cold sweat. I checked my arms and everywhere for signs of needle marks or the long stripe from the scalpel. There was nothing there, but I still trembled with fear. I wiped my face with a sleeve and got out of bed. Just then I heard the phone downstairs ring. I jumped from the sound and ran to pick it up. [b]"Moshi-moshi, Hiwatari residence." [/b]I toned. [b]"Sakura-chan, we won't be home tonight, there's something going on with the way we get home and we won't be able to make it back until sometime tomorrow. Take care of yourself, ja." "Hai, ja." [/b]I hung up the phone. I walked over to the kitchen to see what I could have to eat, there wasn't much so I pulled out some ingredients and bread. I started to put them together and soon I had a nice sandwich, though I doubted that it would satisfy me. I made my way upstairs, I was tired but I was afraid to sleep, lest the nightmare return. All of a sudden, the power went out and I was left in the dark. I fumbled into my desk drawer and retrieved a box of matches. I carefully made my way over to my bedside table and lit the candle that I always had situated there. I lit the other candles in my room, they were just there for decoration, but helpful when there was a power outage. The weather was storming outside my window, I could hear the howling of the wind and the heavy rustling of the trees. I trembled and got under my blankets. Then my cell phone rang and I picked it up carefully. [b]"Hello?" [/b]I asked tentatively. It was what I was afraid of, there was the sound of heavy breathing and the faint sound of static. [b]"H-Hello?" [/b]I repeated, more scared than before. [/color][color=Navy][i][b]"It's....coming....." [/b][/i]I screamed loudly as there was a loud crash of thunder. I was terrified and I hung up the phone, clutching it in white hands. The cell rung again and I looked at it warily. I bit my lip and flipped it open, putting the thing to my ear. [/color][color=Navy][i][b]"It's....coming.....Death!" [/b][/i]I immediately hung up and tossed the phone away from me lightly. It rang again but I wasn't going to pick it up, I was deeply afraid and the power was out, there was a storm, and my parents wouldn't be home all night. [/color]
[size=2][color=Navy][b]Name: [/b]Sakura Hiwatari [b]Age: [/b]18 [b]Gender: [/b]Female [b]Appearance: [/b][/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy][url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"]Here[/url], keep the goggles, she wears [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy]long black pants made of leathery material and a tight black top with long sleeves that she keeps pushed up just above her elbows. She sometimes has spots of paint on her clothes. [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy] [b]Broken Personality:[/b] Sakura is a silent person and doesn't like to talk to others. Some people that haven't known her for long, think she's a mute since she never talks around anyone. Instead, Sakura expresses herself and what she's feeling in art, painting and drawing is her way of portraying her feelings and emotions. She paints what she feels, and feels what she paints. Sakura has had the artistic talent in her since she was a child. Other than painting and/or drawing, if she's really angry/upset/emotional, she'll resort to cutting, she keeps a dagger in her drawer beside the bed, there's a shaving razor in the bathroom, knives in the kitchen...But she only goes to those measures if its extreme. [b]Incident:[/b] Sakura had never really known her mother, she had been pushed to suicide by the abuse of her 'father', though she never called him that, since they had a bad relationship. The abuse toward her started when she was in Year 6, 11 years old. She came home from school, and as usual, 'He' which was what she always referred to her 'father' as, was drunk like mad. But this time it was different, he was frustrated and took it out on her, she cried while he hit her, pleading him to stop, begging. When he was tired he sauntered back to the lounge and flopped back into the ragged old recliner that sat in front of the TV. Sakura was left on the ground, she was bruised, bleeding, and had broken bones. She had somehow made it upstairs, to her bedroom and missed school for the next month or so. The skipping was due to 2 reasons, first, she was still in too much pain and was still healing, since her 'father' had taken her to the hospital, saying she got into a fight. And second, 'He' didn't want anyone around other than doctors/nurses to see what had happened to her. After she healed in one arm, she started to draw an idea for a painting, it depicted a man gripping painfully, the arm of a much younger girl who had tears running down her eyes in stream, with the man holding a bottle of beer in one hand. The man's face was of drunken stupor mixed with anger, while the girl's was filled with pain. Sakura transferred the drawing from the paper in her sketch pad to canvas. But she couldn't paint it since she didn't have the right paints. When Sakura healed properly, she always sneaked through the house so as not to get caught and beaten again. But sometimes she was caught or sometimes 'He' came upstairs purposely to hurt her in her own room. But Sakura had gotten a large supply of paints, almost every colour that was available, mixing together some colours of her own. Sakura filled in her drawing with colour, it was all in dark colours and was a depressing image in all, she added blood on the floor and cuts and bruises on the girl for more effect. Sakura was pleased with her masterpiece and displayed it on the wall opposite her bed, she would always remembered what had happened, and still continued, never would the pain of it leave her mind. From since, she's painted every feeling, happy or sad. It wasn't until she was in Year 9, 14 years old when she started to cut herself. Sakura had been secretly searching through 'His' things and came across a dagger, which she took, slipping it into her pocket. But then 'He' entered and caught her. He abused her, as usual and threw her toward the stairs, slamming the door closed behind her. She had learned about people that cut themselves because of reasons and tried it, using the dagger. The warm, crimson liquid interested her, but decided to only do it when extremely emotional, instead she preferred to paint then self inflict damage. Of course, someone would ask why she hasn't moved out. There are several answers to that, first, 'He' won't let her, second, she has no money, three, she has no money because 'He' doesn't give her any, nor does he let her get a job. But she secretly earns money sometimes by selling some paintings, through someone she knows. Sakura lives with her life, she takes it as it comes, but it doesn't mean she has to be Ms. Happy Sunshine. She likes to be a morbid person and enjoys the thrills of painting and cutting, such pain...such bliss... [color=Black][/color] [/color][/size]
[b]OOC: [/b]Sorry its been a while. Meant to post sooner. [color=Navy]Sakura walked through the streets, she didn't even know where she was, the surroundings were unfamilair. She approached people to try to ask for directions but they fled from her. She guessed it was because she had wings and carried weapons on her body. She sighed sadly and went into a store. The people inside trembled with fear as she walked in. Sakura just looked at them and went to a stand that sold maps. It told her that she was in a place called Japan. And the name of the country triggered something in her memory and she saw an image of a house, a distinctive house if she saw it. Sakura smiled brightly, she had a first clue of where to find who she really was. She walked out of the shop and unfurled her large white wings. Sakura pushed off and took to the skies, she hovered in midair, looking around. It was a beautiful place. She flew off and looked down below her, taking in the scenes and looking for the house at the same time. Sakura flew for hours before finding the house. She landed as softly as she could and rested her aching wings. She looked at the building and compared it to the mental image she had gotten. She swallowed and knocked on the door. After several moments the door opened and the person jumped back in fright. [b]"Please, don't be afraid. I'm just looking for something." [/b]Sakura pleaded. The woman was trembling visibly but let her in anyway, probably scared of Sakura using the glaive on her, though she wouldn't do such a thing. As soon as Sakura stepped through the threshold she got another image of the inside of a room. [b]"Do you mind if I search around a little?" [/b]Sakura asked kindly, resting her glaive against the door so the woman would hopefully relax. She did and nodded to her. Sakura thanked her and walked around the house, opening all the doors. It was visible that the woman had a husband, when Sakura found the right room, it was obvious she also had a daughter. She got another image of a brick with the mortar around it cut away. Sakura looked around the room, all the walls were covered with posters. She felt each of the posters, trying to feel the material of a brick. [b]"Was there a brick in this room that no matter what, couldn't be painted over?" [/b]Sakura asked. [b]"Yes...Behind that large poster." [/b]the woman said quickly. Sakura pulled away the poster carefully and pried the loose brick out, inside was a shoebox that she also took out, then she replaced the brick and poster. Another image told her to go to a park with sakura trees that she had seen on the way over. Sakura thanked the woman and left her house, flying over to the park where she sat in a large cherry blossom tree which was the only one in bloom, that was given to her in another mental picture. She started to lift the lid off the shoebox, revealing what was inside. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]I decided to stop here. I'm still not sure if we have our wings or whatever.[/color] [/color]
[size=2][b]EDIT: [/b]Let me know if I have to change anything. [/size] [size=2][color=Navy][b]Name-[/b] Sakura Hiwatari [b]Age-[/b] 25 [b]Alliance- [/b]Eliminator [b]Appearance-[/b] [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy][url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"]Here[/url], keep the goggles, she wears [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy]long black pants made of leathery material and a tight black top with long sleeves that she keeps pushed up just above her elbows. Her silver cross hangs over the top. [/color][/size] [size=2][color=Navy] [b]Weapons-[/b] Sakura carries two [url="http://img209.exs.cx/img209/9176/jerichoall9ot.jpg"]guns[/url] [top left corner] in holsters that use pure silver bullets. She also carries around a [url="http://img124.exs.cx/img124/6479/samurai3000ninja7bj.jpg"]katana[/url] looking, long sword. [b]Extra- [/b]A [url="http://www.sharps-jewellers.co.uk/hot-diamonds/images/dp021.jpg"]silver cross[/url] [without the diamond] that hangs from a fine silver chain around her neck. She carries plenty of spare clips and extra silver bullets. Her familiar spirit is a grey wolf named Sakai that ravels around with her openly. Sakura travels around via her magic of teleportation. [b]Personality-[/b] Sakura isn't someone that talks very much and likes to keep to herself. She talks to Sakai alot because he's the only companion she has. Sakai has many battle scars from helping Sakura and she's grateful toward him. Sakura is a stubborn person and when she's out to hunt down a vampire, she'll get it done, no matter what. She's one of the best hunters out there and she enjoys it. [b]Fighting Style-[/b] Sakura mainly uses her sharp shooting skills and agility to attack. Sometimes she'll use her sword and that's when her strength is used to put force into her slashes. But she has some simple magic like teleportation, and healing. [b]Character Snippet-[/b] Sakura walked along the dark cold street, she wore all black which made her incredibly hard to see unless you looked really closely because what little light there was bounced off of her silver cross pendant. A wolf walked beside her quietly, he was her only companion and when she flew over from Japan, she demanded that he stay in the passenger area with her instead of the baggage hold. After a lot of arguing and persuading, Sakura was allowed to have Sakai with her. She didn't teleport over to England, because frankly, she didn't know where England was and didn't fancy being dumped in an ocean or a foreign country because she got her directions wrong. Sakura rummaged in her pockets and pulled out a slightly crumpled photo. She tried to iron it straighter in her hands and looked at it. She couldn't see it so she walked over to the closest street lamp. Sakura stood under it and peered at the photo, it was a female and on the back was an address along with the name [b]Beth Archer[/b]. Sadly, Sakura didn't know her way around England and was clueless. Sakura sighed and memorised the address, putting it back into her pocket. She rested her hands on her guns for safety, you never knew what could be lurking in the darkness. Both guns were fully loaded with her special, pure silver bullets in clips. Sakura walked over to a store and bought a map of the country, she guessed that this wouldn't be an easy thing to do. [b]"This'll take a while, Sakai. Help me find it on the map then I can teleport there." [/b]Sakura said, standing under another streetlamp with the map unfolded. She put it on the ground and her silvery grey companion scanned the map with his sharp eyes, which were better than hers to read the tiny writing. Sakura had good night vision, just not with reading extremely small font on maps. [i][b]"It's right here." [/b][/i] Sakai rested his paw on a thin line and Sakura squinted at the name. Now she knew where it was. Sakura hoped she wouldn't get lost and appear somewhere wrong. She knelt and wrapped an arm around Sakai's body and they disappeared. [/color][/size]
[color=Navy]Zephan had stayed with Kaela until she was allowed to leave the hospital. They talked in a friendly way but he couldn't understand why she kept blushing (he's dense). When the girl had been discharged it was already night and wasn't safe so he offered to walk her home. She accepted shyly and Zeph walked beside her all the way to her house, which was a distance from his own. When they arrived there, Kaela thanked him, apologising for the inconvenience. Zeph brushed it off with a smile, telling her he was happy to do it. They said goodbye and Kaela walked into her house. He made sure she was inside before turning and walking toward his own house which was quite far. Zeph sighed and put his hands in the pockets of his jacket, feeling his phone. He pulled it out and turned it back on. He had had to turn it off when entering the hospital. There was a message left for him which was about a movie night thing. Zeph deleted it, it was too late now anyway, but he called to tell them that he had been at the hospital and apologised. Zeph closed his phone and put it back into his pocket, putting his Mp3 earphones in he turned it on, walking all the way home, scuffing his feet on the footpaths as he went. When Zephan arrived home he was greeted by his mother, telling him that a letter had arrived. He was given the white envelope and went up to his room. It was left forgotten as Zephan remenisced the day that had passed. It felt so strange, he didn't have any work to do as it had been caught in the fire like everything else. Zephan remembered the letter eventually and pulled his thin knife out of the drawer at his table, it was for protection and whatever else he wanted to use it for. He slid it into the gap between the flap and the rest of the envelope, slicing away the top. He put the knife back into the drawer and pulled out the piece of paper. He unfolded it and his eyes scanned the piece of paper, reading it carefully. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Sorry I haven't been posting, no ideas lately.[/color] [/color]
[color=Navy][color=black][b]EDIT: [/b]Finished! Sorry it took a while, let me know for any changes.[/color] [b] Name: [/b]Sakura Hiwatari[b] Age: [/b]18 [b] Gender: [/b]Female [b] Appearance: [/b][/color][color=Navy][url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"]Here[/url], keep the goggles, she wears [/color][color=Navy]long black pants made of leathery material and a tight black top with long sleeves that she keeps pushed up just above her elbows. [b]Weapon: [/b][url="http://www.conqueronline.com/guide/images/tr.jpg"]Glaive[/url] ,only when she's in her human form. If she's morphed as a beast she uses its own natural weapons. And when she has the full extent of her gift she'll rarely use her glaive because she'd rather morph a powerful creature from her imagination. [/color] [color=Navy][b] Personality: [/b]Sakura is a stubborn person and hates to lose at anything. It can be a good thing and a bad thing because people get annoyed at her a lot. She can be fierce at times and she has mood swings quite often. Though Sakura enjoys making new friends and is quite open to people she meets, but judges a lot on first impressions. [b] Gift:[/b][/color] [color=Navy]Can morph into any creature as long as she knows what it looks like. It can even be imaginary as long as someone describes it to her or she herself knows what it looks like. [/color]
[b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Argh! I didn't know it was up yet!! Sorry. [color=Navy]Sakura felt relaxed to be free of the extremely boring realm of Limbo, she looked at the shining gates of Heaven and took a step back in shock. They looked so different to her, she didn't belong, she had been outcasted and sent to Limbo, so it felt incredibly different. Sakura gripped her glaive with her right hand as she tucked a long piece of blonde hair behind her ear. She bit her lip as she played with the sharp metal wing that sat below the blade of the glaive, then her eyes narrowed, she had to return, no matter what the circumstances, she had to find Angelos and seek revenge, he killed the one person she had loved, Zephaniah, because he had been jealous and Zephaniah was a demon. [b]"Aelio, please take me into the centre of Heaven." [/b] The guardian of Limbo nodded and she disappeared, reappearing in the centre of the golden city. Sakura smiled slightly, it was good to be home and out of that terrible place, but it didn't feel.....right. Sakura shook the thoughts away and walked along the golden streets where the curbs were made of precious stones. She was an angel on a mission, she would have her revenge. Sakura remembered that Angelos lived quite a distance from the main square and she unfurled her beautiful wings. She flapped them gently, they hadn't been exercised lately. Sakura beat the wings heavily and she took to the air and soared toward Angelos' house, her eyes were a cold, solid gold. Sakura landed gently and creeped to the door. She slipped out a throwing knife from her hiding places and slid the thin, flat blade into the space between the door and the door frame. She slid it down carefully and pushed at it as she reached the doorknob. Sakura put down more pressure and it jumped open. She smiled and slipped the knife away again. Sakura closed the door behind her silently and treaded carefully, flapping her wings slightly to make her weigh less as she was slightly lifted off the ground. The female angel peeked around the doors until she finally found the other angel in the lounge room, laying around in a chair. Sakura walked into the room, Angelos heard a noise and quickly looked up, he grinned widely when he saw it was Sakura because she had a smile on her face. [b]"Sakura! You're back, its been so long, I've been worried about you. Come over here and take a seat, rest that weapon down too." [/b]Angelos said cheerfully. Sakura kept up the act and walked over, sitting in the chair next to him, she didn't put down her glaive. [b]"How've you bee-" [/b]he was cut off because Sakura swung her glaive so that the shapr blade was against his throat. [b]"I hate you Angelos, and I will do one thing that will forever forbid me from returning to Heaven. You stupid jealous fool. What did you hope to accomplish by killing Zephaniah and telling on me? Did you expect me to come running to you?!" [/b]Sakura spat coldly, the hot tears started to prick at the corner of her eyes. [b]"Guess what, that just made me hate you even more than I already did. I know you've liked me for a long time, but you're just a sleeze. Goodbye." [/b] As Sakura talked, Angelos was trying to talk his way out of it, but Sakura stopped it with a jerk of the staff, the blade slit his throat and the angel 'died'. Sakura watched as Angelos disappeared as what Angels did when they died. She left the house quietly and flew from the golden city, knowing that it would soon be news all over that the group from Limbo had escaped and that Angelos had died. They all new that the one person in the realms that hated Angelos the most was Sakura for what he had done. [i][b]'I've avenged you, Zephaniah...' [/b][/i]she thought silently, a hot tear rolled down her cheek as she left the golden gates. They closed behind her and she looked to see that some of the others that had escaped Limbo were still there and so was Aelio. Sakura walked over to him. [b]"You have completed what you wanted to?" "Yes, I have." [/b]Sakura replied, she looked around. She pondered on where to go, it wasn't an incredibly hard decision, she pretty much had only one choice. She wanted to go find out why she had been sent to Heaven anyways. Her memory of anything before seeing the golden gates for the first time were a blank. [b]"Aelio...I want to go to Earth. I need to find out what happened to me." [/b]Sakura said. Aelio nodded and Sakura disappeared, reappearing somewhere on Earth, she was confused about where she was, and people were looking at her strangely, that may be because she had wings and had appeared from no where. Now she had to think of where to go. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]I kinda jumped ahead a little, hope you don't mind. But what do we do about mortals seeing us? Like do our wings disappear or something? PM me if you want anything changed.[/color] [/color][/color]
[color=Navy]That prophecy was kinda freaky, I'm wondering what it means though, are you going to make us wait to find out? I'm so curious. Are our characters ever going to meet or is this a separate person kinda RP? And in case anyone's wondering, [/color][font=Verdana][color=Navy] Aichmophobia or being [/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Navy]Aichmophobic is to be afraid of needles and anything sharp, which is also true for me in real life, I hate getting needles, bad experiences. *shivers* [/color][/font]
[color=Navy][b]((I'm sorry, I think we should try to end it soon because work's too hard for me to keep with the RPs I'm in and this battle. You can end it if you want.))[/b] Sakura pulled out her kinfe and blocked it, but the blade of the kodachi still contacted with her skin from his strength as she was putting the most power in her right hand with the dagger. She cried out as the hot pain hit her across the top of her abdomen. Sakura pulled away from the blade lock and backflipped away. She examined the damage, there was a lot of bloodflow. She looked to see Miyamoto coming toward her quickly. She cursed and looked around quickly, she ran a bit down the street and climbed up a stack of crates, retreating to the rooftops. She used her left hand to grip her knife tightly while her right held the dagger. Sakura was upset that she had lost her shurikens, she had salvaged some from the ground, but not enough because he had charged her quickly, not giving her a chance to retrieve the projectiles. The small number of shuriken she had wouldn't be good enough for a good barrage. There was a rattling and she knew that Miyamoto would soon be on the roofs too. As she had predicted, Miyamoto pulled himself onto the roof too and they were both bleeding. Sakura charged toward him, she held her blades in front of her. Miyamoto used his katana and kodachi to block them both, the sparks returned as they tried to out power one another. Sakura was slightly shorter than her opponent so it made it hard for her as she was pushing upwards as well. Sakura bared her teeth and pulled her dagger away quickly, jabbing at his solar plexus. Miyamoto moved so the blade only imbedded itself in his abdomen, near the other wound she had caused him. Sakura left the dagger there shortly and pulled out the shuriken she had saved, throwing them at the area where the dagger was. [/color]
[color=Navy]I had gotten freaked out after what had happened at the park so I went straight home. No one was home yet because my parents both worked and I was an only child. I didn't want to do work yet either so I decided to watch TV. As I did so, my mind continued to revert back to that eerie phonecall. I shook my head and turned off the TV, I climbed the stairs slowly, stepping over the squeaky stair on my way up. I entered my room quietly, the house was so silent so I turned on my hi-fi system, the room was suddenly full of music and I fell onto my bed. The words said by the raspy voice were really getting to me. On my way home I had tried to convince myself that it was someone doing prank calls, but something inside me was telling me strongly that it was real. I eventually fell asleep because of my train of thought. My dream was good, I was sitting in a small field full of sakura trees, and they were blooming all around me. I was holding a book, and at the top of the page I was reading, it said [b]THE PROPHECY[/b]. I was curious, and my gaze trailed down to the rest of the words typed there neatly. [/color][color=DarkBlue][i]Seven chosen, four to live Two of the four to Find the love in another The other two will lose The thing they care about And the three to die Will come in the time Of most dire need and Satisfy their lust for revenge.[/i][/color] [color=Navy] I was shocked and was wondering what it meant, but I didn't have a chance because then the colours changed and it looked as if it was being pulled down a drain as they swirled. For several moments I was surrounded by nothing but darkness, then I was in another place. I had a panic attack when I realised what was happening, I was strapped to a large table and there were people around me holding needles. I was incredibly [/color][font=Verdana][color=Navy] Aichmophobic and I had started hyper-ventilating. One by one the people approaching me and stuck the needles harshly into any part of skin. I cried out in pain and thrashed about, making blood flow. Hot tears ran down my face as it continued, the painful pricking, I couldn't stand it. But I wasn't ready for the last thing, the crowd parted and I was panting heavily, I was thinking it was over. But Someone walked through the parted crowd, his right hand was held behind his back. I narrowed my eyes weakly, I was sweating and had been crying. Then he took the hand from behind his back and I screamed, thrashing even more wildly then before. He was holding a shining new scalpel in his hand. The man waved his left hand and a group of the people came over and held me down. I could tell there was blood everywhere because I could feel the hot liquid on my skin. Even though I was restrained by straps and people, I continued my attempt to escape. The last thing I remember was the white hot pain of the cold scalpel as it dug into my skin as my mind was surrounded by darkness. [/color][/font]
[color=Navy][size=2][color=black][b]OOC: [/b]Does the 400 words include everything in the sign up, or just the Sample Story? My sample story is exactly 400 but if it needs to include the top bits then I'll change it. [b]EDIT: [/b]I changed it so everything excluding the OOCs are within 400 words. [/color] [b] Sakura[/b][/size][/color][color=navy] The quick clacking of keys could be heard, other than that the house was silent. In one of the bedrooms, there were two lights, the soft glow of an orange light table lamp, and the eerie white glow that was emitted by the laptop the person was working on. The lights cast shadows on everything in the room. It was [/color][color=navy]3am[/color][color=Navy], Sakura was the only person in the house that was awake. She didn't want to sleep, she was working on a new program. She loved anything to do with electronics, and her room was packed with different kinds of equipment.[/color] [color=Navy]The girl yawned widely and rubbed her eyes, she wanted to complete this before going to school later that morning. Sakura frowned unhappily and saved her progress. She looked at her school work that she had to hand in, there was a 1000 word essay that she hadn't even started which was due later that day. Sakura cursed and pulled out the assignment sheet. She pulled up Microsoft Word and started her introduction.[/color][color=navy] By [/color][color=navy]6am[/color][color=navy], she had finally finished her essay and printed it out. Sakura looked at the time, there'd be no time for sleep because school started at [/color][color=navy]7:30[/color][color=navy] and she needed to get ready. There were large bags under her eyes from sleep deprivation but it wasn't the first time she went a day without sleeping. Sakura's mother was already awake and could be heard downstairs preparing breakfast, the sound of her father's snoring could also be heard from down the hall where her parents' bedroom was.[/color] [color=navy]Sakura took a quick shower and brushed her teeth, she changed into her school uniform. She brushed her chestnut hair and went downstairs to eat breakfast. [/color] [color=navy]After breakfast, Sakura realised she left her bag upstairs so ran back up to collect it. The laptop was in her bag too, since she carried it almost everywhere.[/color] [color=navy] Sakura left and went to the garage where her motorbike sat waiting. The silver paint gleamed in the morning sunlight. The girl put on the helmet and made sure her bag was on securely and started the engine, revving it a little. Then she kicked up the stand, pushed down her visor and sped off toward school, she'd be on time but she enjoyed the speed. Sakura parked and slowly walked off to her first class, flicking her long hair over her shoulder. [b][color=black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=black]I've made several RPs, [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=41153"]Still Can Dream [Click][/url], [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=36786"]Legacies [Click][/url], [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=37836"]Dragon Wing Festival [Click][/url] are some of my favourites that I made.[/color][/color]
[b]OOC: [/b]Changed my mind, I'll quickly do this before I go. But now I have to leave so I'll do the rest later. How old's she supposed to be? [color=Navy][b]Name:[/b] Samantha [b] Age:[/b] At least 14, no more than 50. [b] Gender:[/b] Female [b] Appearence:[/b] Pic will do and so will a typed description. [b] Short Bio:[/b] Make it at least 2 years back from the age of the character. [b] Reason For Searching:[/b] Following Matthew and wants to wish back her dead brother. [/color]
[color=Navy]I definately agree with Corey. I love the story of this and can't wait for it to get moving, and hopefully gain momentum. Currently I'm waiting for ^.^ to post so I can post after and know what the prophecy is. But I understand, some people have things called lives, unlike me who usually stays at home and does work and wait for people to post in RPs. I just really hope this thing doesn't die out before the second cycle of posts is complete. [/color]
[size=2][color=Navy][b]Name:[/b] Sakura Hiwatari [b]Gender: [/b]Female [b]Rank:[/b] 10th Squad, Lieutenant [b]Appearance:[/b] [url="http://img170.echo.cx/img170/8326/tao2wx.jpg"]Here[/url], just put her in the Shinigami Robes. [b]Zanpakutoh:[/b] Chiméiteki [Deadly] [b]Call-Out:[/b] Chiméiteki Gyakusatsu! [Deadly Slaughter!] [b]Form:[/b] It changes to look like [url="http://www.conqueronline.com/guide/images/tr.jpg"]this[/url]. [b]Powers:[/b] Sakura can fire elemental blasts out of the blade or use the element to charge the blade itself with an element to attack. [b]Personality:[/b] Sakura is a very dedicated person and is incredibly determined. When she sets out to hunt down a hollow, she'll do it, no matter how long it takes. When Sakura's not on the job, she's quite open and friendly to those she trusts. But during work, she's not someone to be messed around with until the hunt's over. She is extremely stubborn and hardly ever loses an argument about anything. Sakura has known Utamuro for a long time, since they were partnered together in the 10th Squad. He's one of the only people she trusts with her life. [b]Character Snippit:[/b] Sakura walked along the stone path, she could hear the quiet, serene, trickling of water coming from the various water features in the place. There was a 'clunk' sound as the bamboo tube fell from the weight of the water flowing into it and another small sound as it returned to its previous position. Sakura walked past a small clear pond where large koi could be seen swimming around in the depths. Sakura knew exactly where she was going, she came here very often as it was a relaxing place to be, with something to do with water practically everywhere. Sakura walked toward the stone platform that was supported over a large lake by strong bamboo poles beneath it. She walked up the stone steps that led onto the platform and pulled out her Zanpakutoh. She looked at the blade, she had had it for sometime and she considered it a friend as it was as good as one in a battle. She pulled a strip of cloth out of the folds of her robes and wrapped it around her eyes, tying the ends behind her head. She was now rendered blind and she got into a fighter's stance with the blade. Sakura started to practise her skills, she was very good, relying on her other senses besides her sense of sight. She did a series of gymnastic moves from one corner of the platform to the other without losing her balance of falling over the edge. Sakura moved as if she truely were facing a foe, constantly on the move and swinging her blade. [b]"Chiméiteki Gyakusatsu!" [/b]she called, and her blade transformed into a glaive. Sakura continued her skills, using sweeping and slicing moves. She rolled from her 'opponent' and pushed out with her staff as she got to her feet. Sakura stopped suddenly as her ears heard a voice calling. [b]"Sakura!" [/b]she heard the voice again and recognised it as Utamuro's. [b]"Hai!" [/b]Sakura called as Chiméiteki reverted back to the blade state. Sakura sighed and slipped it back into its sheath as she heard footsteps. [b]"Practising again? I always know where to find you." [/b]he said to her. [b]"Hai, this place used to be land my parents owned, its mine now that they're gone. It's always been my favourite spot to come to." [/b]Sakura answered, untying the blindfold and putting it back into the folds of her robe. [b]"Alright then, come on, let's go, Lieutenant." [/b]the Captain of the 10th squad said, turning and walking away. Sakura smiled and followed her old friend and leader. [b][color=black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=black]I finally completed the sign up sheet. Let me know if I have to change anything.[/color] [/color][/size][size=2][color=Navy] [/color][/size]
[color=Navy]After the fire incident Zeph decided to head home, his lungs and abdomen hurt from the coughing fits he'd had due to the smoke inside the school building. When the firefighters had arrived, they put out the flames and some of them checked him, giving him an oxygen mask to breathe into. Zeph had to assure them that he was fine before they let him leave. He walked home slowly, his tie was slung around his neck, not tied. In his left hand was his faithful inhaler. Zeph patted the pockets of his pants and were glad when his hand came out with his cell phone and Mp3 player. He speed-dialled his mother and told her what happened, she was worried and said that she'd come home right away. Zephan tried to convince her not to but she was a stubborn woman, he guessed that was where he got [i]his [/i]stubborness from. Zeph entered the house and threw his keys onto the table in the entrance hall and trudged up the stairs slowly. For the first time since the morning, he looked at himself in the mirror, he was dirty. His white shirt was darkened by dirt and dust and his tie had marks on it. He took off his school clothes and changed into his comfortable, casual clothes. Zeph heard the sound of the house door opening and sat on his bed. He heard his mother panicking and running around, he knew she would be up with some stuff shortly. He sighed and leaned back in his bed, as he predicted, his mother rushed through the room door with a tray of food, she set it in front of him and looked at his dirtied clothes. [b]"I'll wash those later. Zeph-chan, daijoubu?" [/b]she asked. [b]"Hai, daijoubu desu. Don't worry, Kaa-san, just a bit of an asthma attack." [/b]Zeph said smiling. [b]"Itadakimasu." [/b]Zeph dug into the food hungrily. [b]"I was worried, Zeph-chan. What about your tomadachi? How's Alex and Jace?" [/b]his mother asked, sitting on the bed near him. [b]"I hope they're ok. Jace had to go to the hospital, and Alex followed. The fire was pretty bad." [/b]Zeph replied. [b]"Ah! The hospital, Kaela's there too. I have to go see her. Kaa-san, can you take me to the hospital, onegai?" [/b]Zeph pleaded. His mother watched his face, she could never say no to that expression and nodded. Zeph brightened and finished the food quickly, putting his cell phone and Mp3 player into his pockets he stood, ready. Zeph's mother drove him to the hospital as she agreed to do. Zeph turned off his phone and ran in, approaching the receptionist. She told him that Jace and Alex had left but Kaela was still there, so he asked for the room. Zeph reached the room and sat with her, she was asleep so he just sat in the chair beside her until she awoke. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Would continue but gotta go.[/color] [/color]
[b]OOC: [/b]This should be fun, let me know for changes? [size=2][color=Navy] [/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] Name: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy]Toki [/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] Real name: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy]Kai [/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] Age: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy]20[/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] Gender: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy]Male [/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] Appearance: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy][url="http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/spiral/spiral35.jpg"]Here[/url], make the jacket black with the white fur and a white t-shirt inside, give him some navy blue/black pants too. [/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] Personality: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy]Toki acts differently around his friends from when he's with Umeko. Around his friends, Toki is open and friendly, he feels he can talk freely with his old friends, even though they continue to question him about why he agreed to become a pet. Around Umeko, Toki usually stays quiet and obeys whatever she asks him to do like an obedient dog. Toki was told by Umeko why he was name Toki and he doesn't mind, if he can make her feel happy, then he was ok with it. Toki has a deep and caring soul but can get violent when someone he cares for is in danger. And that was how he got into this mess in the first place. [/color][/size][b][size=2][color=Navy] Biography: [/color][/size][/b][size=2][color=Navy]Toki, before becoming a pet was known as the carefree and confident young man named, Kai. He had good friends, two caring parents, and an overall exellent life. He enjoyed his University classes because he was doing a course that he enjoyed. Kai was walking home after class one day when he heard a shriek, he knew the voice sounded familiar so sprinted to where the sound was coming from. Kai rounded a corner and saw a man about to rape one of his close friends. Kai ran forward and hit him hard, then told his friend to run, she did so. The man was angry and the two of them fought, he whistled loudly and his gang came out. They bashed him around painfully and left him all bloody and injured in a box. That was how Umeko found him, Kai didn't know who this woman was but she had helped him and he was obligated to return the favour. So when she asked him to become her pet, he agreed, it was his favour, now he was at ease, when Umeko decided to set him free, he would have paid his debt. That was [i]if [/i]she decided to set him free. After all, the whole point of him being her pet was to replace her dog, Toki, so maybe he would never be free. [/color][/size]
[color=Navy]Kaze's eyes darted at the evil grins that each of the imps wore on their faces cheekily. The fireballs squeaked in panic and started to fly around. Kaze pushed them aside with a gust of wind and spun slowly, watching the imps carefully. Kaze grinned and crouched low, pushing up into the air. She hovered, the imps hopped around, craning their small heads upward to see her. Kaze slid her blades together and let it hover in the air beside her. She reached into her shuriken pouch and threw them in a pattern around them quickly, trying to do it before they ran. She threw the final shuriken in the centre and got out her flute, playing a quick tune which resulted in a tornado funnel appearing immediately. The imps squealed loudly as they were trapped in the spinning wind. Kaze slowly made a fist, doing so contracted the funnel until it was nothing but a ball of spinning wind with squealing imps inside. Kaze threw shuriken into the wind, making it deadly as it spun, slashing the imps and soon they were all dead. Kaze was happy with her job and landed softly, plucking her staff from the air. The wind halted and the bodies of the imps fell to the floor. She looked at them in disgust and continued to walk on, not looking behind her. The two fireballs burned the bodies away and squeaked as they caught up to Kaze. Kaze was going to find Meiko no matter what it took, she just hoped that she would be ok. Kaze felt the hot sting of tears in her eyes as she imagined what may happen to Meiko during the time it took to find her. She sped up her pace and soon the only sounds in the hall were the squeaking of the floating balls of fire and the quick footsteps as Kaze ran through the stone passageway. [/color]
[color=Navy]((Man! I wanted to see yours first! Oh well, sorry it took so long. Also, remember this is open, anything can happen in this busy little street ^_~)) Sakura could tell that this person would be a challenge and not to underestimate him. She never underestimated her opponents, there was always at least one thing they excelled at. She relaxed herself as she listened to the busy sounds, this was her life, her home. She noticed that her opponent was very aware and was walking over to where she was hidden. Sakura flattened herself to the ground and crawled a little further down the street and slipped into a manhole that she knew was there. Her feet splashed into the sewer water as she landed as softly as she could. Sakura scampered quickly and up another hole. Sakura climbed the closest roof and scanned the crowd quickly, it was easy to spot her opponent because he wore clothes that were different to the rest of her city. He was still walking toward her previous location, doing so carefully in case she were to jump out. She grinned and pulled at her bandanna, she started to run across the roof tiles, she was going to sneak up on him. Sakura pulled out some shuriken and held them between her fingers of her left hand, with her right hand, she pulled out her dagger and gripped it by the metal hilt in her teeth. Now with her right hand free, she got out more shuriken and halted as she was a short distance behind him from the roofs. Sakura flung her left hand, the sharp projectiles flew from her fingers as she released. Miyamoto heard the quiet whistling as it sliced through the air and spun, knocking away the shuriken quickly with his kodachi. He looked to find her but was too late. Sakura had put the dagger into her left hand and was headed for him after leaping off the roof. Miyamoto lifted his weapon but Sakura flung the shuriken from her other hand. He wasn't aware enough and blocked the shuriken, but not the stab from the dagger which caught him in the abdomen. Miyamoto cried out as the sharp weapon pierced the skin. Sakura winked at him and back-handspringed away on her right hand, pulling the dagger out with her left. Sakura loved playing hit and run, it was her favourite game. [/color]
[font=Verdana][color=Navy][b]Name[/b]: Sakura Sinclaire [b]Affiliation[/b]: Angel [b]Age[/b]: 20 in human years [May be subject to changes] [b]Appearance[/b]: [url="http://img213.echo.cx/img213/9813/angelazalea1mu.jpg"]Here[/url], just add a wing on the left. [b]Personality[/b]: Sakura is quite social, she hasn't found love again since her Demon lover was killed. She's hated the other angel that killed him but is open to others. She likes to talk to others but sometimes enjoys her time alone, just flying around without anyone else around her. [b]Weapon[/b]: [url="http://www.conqueronline.com/guide/images/tr.jpg"]Glaive[/url], add a small wing made of metal just below the blade and bundles of [url="http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B0006GYN06.01-A20YUEE2UGU92X._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg"]Throwing Knives[/url] along with a [url="http://www.kultofathena.com/images/horus_sil_l.jpg"]Dagger[/url]. [b]Reason for Being Placed in Limbo[/b]: Fell in love with a Demon who was killed by a jealous Angel that loved her. [b]The Meet[/b]: Sakura hadn't been in Limbo for long, the place was completely boring and she was depressed, she was used to seeing the beautiful sights of above. She sighed as she sat around, hoping she would encounter someone as she waited. Soon Sakura realised that sitting around wouldn't help, so she decided to take to the air, since it was much better than walking around the empty place. Sakura soared over the emptiness when she came across an angel looking person, but she could see some demonic qualities. She flew slowly and followed him as he walked around. Finally Sakura decided to land and introduced herself. He introduced himself as Wyatt, and he seemed friendly and smart. They talked and asked why they were stuck in the boring place, Sakura told her reason about having a Demon as a lover and he told her his. Sakura asked if he was trying to find a way out of Limbo, it turned out he was so Sakura asked if she could go along with him, she wanted to get revenge on a certain male angel named Angelos. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]I may edit some things in the mean time.[/color][b][color=Black] EDIT: [/color][/b][color=Black]I editted it like you asked, Kakashi, let me know if I should edit anything else.[/color][b][color=Black] [/color][/b] [/color][/font]
[color=Navy][b] -Name: [/b]Azalea Sinclaire [b] -Age: [/b]18 [b] -Gender: [/b]Female [b] -Appearance: [/b][url="http://img213.echo.cx/img213/9813/angelazalea1mu.jpg"]Here[/url], [/color][color=Navy]keep the jewellery she has on, [/color][color=Navy]minus the wing and change her clothes to a navy blue, long sleeved, tight shirt which she keeps pushed up to just above her elbows and black leather pants. [b] -Personality: [/b]Azalea's a friendly person and was close to her twin brother, they caused a lot of trouble together. After her brother, Zeph died, she became a little less enthusiastic about things and withdrawn. The sparkle of joy had disappeared from her eyes, but she tried to keep up her old personality. [b] -Who died: [/b]Twin Brother, Zeph, they're identical beside the fact that they're different genders. [b] -What was your deal with Mark: [/b]Gave away her ability to love anyone outside of her immediate family. [/color]
[color=Navy]You mentioned a prophecy. What's the prophecy about? Will you show it in your post before mine? If so then I guess I'll just copy yeah? And about 1st person POV, like I said, I may accidently change tenses or POV because I usually use 3rd. Also, I was wondering, can they be any type of fears. Do they have to be pretty major or can they be minor? I think you may have said it but just clearing it. [/color]
[color=Navy]Zephan wasn't aware of what had happened when the smoke started to filter into the classroom. By the time they had realised there was a fire, they were trapped, all of the doors were too hot to touch to exit and they were also jammed for some reason. Zephan coughed heavily until he was out of breath, he had asthma and the smoke wasn't doing anything good for him. He fumbled through his bag and pulled out the inhaler, taking several puffs from it. He quickly too his tie off and wrapped it around his nose and mouth to filter the smoke. Zephan weakly crawled over to Maria and signalled for her to do what he had done to stop inhaling the smoke. Maria nodded and copied him. He watched as eveyone fell unconscious, he was determined to stay conscious but he started to shutdown as the contained smoke got too much. Zephan was lying on the ground beside Maria when she was taken away by Alex, in his unconscious state, his grip on his inhaled tightened. After Alex saved Jace, he came to Zephan and hauled him over his shoulder. It was a good thing Zephan was light. When they got outside again, Alex lay Zephan beside Jace, pulling the ties away from Zephan and Maria's mouthes. Zephan sat up quickly, letting out a loud, hacking cough. Alex knelt next to him and rubbed his back as he went into a coughing fit. Zephan was trying to put the inhaler to his mouth but he was shaking too much. Alex picked up the small canister and held it to Zephan's lips. He continued to cough, with wheezing breaths and opened his mouth. Alex pumped the gas into Zephan's lungs and he calmed down, falling back onto the grass, exhausted. [b]"What....happened?" [/b]he wheezed. [b]"There was a fire." [/b]Alex said, looking at the flames. [b]"No! Kina's still in there, and Kaela, and -" [/b]Zephan said, getting to his feet weakly. [b]"Zeph! You can't go in there. You just had an asthma attack and the entire place is flooded with smoke." [/b]Alex got up too. [b]"I can do it. If I don't do this, I'll regret it. You would do the same thing for me, Jace and Maria." [/b]Zephan argued. Alex sighed heavily and threw his tie at him, Zephan tied it tightly around his mouth and they both ran into the building. Zephan headed toward the IT room, while Alex went to the Biology class. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]I know he wouldn't have gotten better that quickly...but he had a speedy recovery. >.>[/color] [/color]
[color=Navy][i]The blade in Lai's hands rung out musically, she held it tightly as it vibrated within her grasp. The sword continued to ring. Lai put her ear close to the vibrating weapon and heard that it was actually saying something. Suddenly her surroundings changed and there was someone standing before her. The figure had no face but in his hand was a blade identical to hers. He held it with the blade pointing upward, out toward her. Lai felt she knew what she was doing and did the same as he did. [/i][i][b]"Candidus Lamina...." [/b]the voice said. Lai watched as the blade glowed brightly with an unearthly energy. [/i][i][b]"Candidus....Lamina...." [/b]Lai repeated. Her own blade glowed like the figures, the head nodded and her surroundings changed.[/i] [b]~*~[/b] Lai cried out as she awoke, she looked around and noticed she was in a bed and she could feel bandages wrapped around her ribs which she had broken when fighting the monster. She realised the familiar weight of the blade was gone from her hands and looked around frantically. She saw her new blade sitting in a shining sheath, different from the one her dagger had previously occupied. She lifted it into her hands and wrapped her fingers around the cool hilt. Lai remembered the others and sat up and pulled the IV out of her arm carefully, putting her thumb over the spot it had come from to try to stop the blood coming from it. She saw her clothes were folded on a chair and put them on quickly, constantly looking around for a nurse who be coming since she was reading a flatline. Finally she added her newest accessory, and strapped the sheath onto her back. Lai snuck out quickly and ran toward reception where she could hear a commotion. She arrived and saw one of the other people that had fought the monster. Lai ran over to him to see what was going on. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]I decided to use Latin since everyone else seems to be too. [i][b]Candidus Lamina[/b][/i] means [i][b]Shining Blade[/b][/i]. Made up really quickly since I haven't got much time.[/color] [/color]
[color=Navy]Azalea held the egg carefully in her hands so that her claws wouldn't break the shell by accident. It swayed gently in her grip. They were still walking across the plains, the grass was long and tickled her uncovered legs. She looked across the plains to where the forest was visible, she couldn't wait to get back to the forest, she wanted to take a break at her favourite hidden lake again. Azalea tripped over something hidden in the grass and the egg fell from her grip. A cry came from her mouth as she tried to catch it. The egg hit the grass and rolled slightly. Azalea got up and ran to the egg. She picked it up to check if it had been damaged, lucky for her, it seemed the egg was in fine condition. That was until the egg started to rock wildly in her grip. Azalea held onto it tightly and there was a cracking sound heard. She could hear some noises like something calling too. Then the shell cracked visibly and it split. Azalea released the navy blue and star speckled egg shells and inspected the creature that sat in her palms. It was small, about the size of a basketball and it had wings which covered it so Azalea couldn't tell. She lightly put a bit of pressure on the wings, and they opened. The creature turned out to be a gryphon, the top half resembled an eagle except for its ears, talons and feathers were a bit different. The bottom half resembled a lion, with the body, longer and fluffier tail and the legs and haunches. The wings were pretty, they were practically divided into three sections, the top was white, the middle was green, and the bottom was blue. Azalea saw that it was a male and gave it the name she had chosen for a male earlier. [b]"Zandell." [/b]Azalea said aloud. The gryphon crowed quietly and whistled, snuggling itself into her arms. Azalea smiled and stroked its head softly as the group continued on. No one knew whose egg would hatch next. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Short on ideas, just posted the egg hatching.[/color] [/color]