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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [color=Navy]Ok, I posted the thread up, I don't really know if I'm inventive or not but I at least try.[/color]
  2. [color=Navy]Sakura sat perched on a rooftop. In her right hand was an apple with a chunk missing from it, her two blade weapons were in their sheaths that rested on her hips and her pointy shuriken were in a pouch on her left hip beside her knife. She squinted around the busy market place, the load shouts of people trying to sell their wares bounced around. She was looking for someone in particular, she had challenged someone to a battle, leaving a note stuck to a shuriken that she had thrown at his work place. Sakura had done that two days ago, and was waiting, if the man had decided to accept, he would be here in several minutes. If not Sakura planned on doing a bit of thieving before going home. Sakura saw a bright glint of light and turned her head quickly, there was a man walking around, she focussed on him and saw that in his hand was one of her shurikens with a piece of paper stuck to it. He also had a katana and kodachi. This was the man she had been waiting for, Miyamoto Musashi. Sakura smirked, he had accepted her challenge, she was glad. She reached into her shuriken pouch and drew one pointed object out. She stood and took a bite of the apple. Jumping up she threw the shuriken, not intending to hit him. The projectile imbedded itself near his feet as she expected and he looked up, seeing Sakura. He looked at the shuriken in his hand and the one that was currently in the ground, they were the same. When he looked back up at Sakura, she was grinning evilly and had several shurikens being held between her fingers, she threw them all at the same time, this time she hoped to hit him. ((Sorry, I can't really think of anything and I'll leave the rest to you, Retri.)) [/color]
  3. [color=Navy]Kaze walked along quietly, the only sound that could be heard were the echoing footsteps as she walked. Her head was parallel with the ground, ready to face anything head on. She felt safe with the weight of her shuriken pouch sitting on her hip and the feel on her blade staff in her hand. [i][b]'Don't worry, Meiko. I'll find you...I swear.' [/b][/i]Kaze thought, thinking of her. She heard a squeaking sound and whirled around quickkly, sliding the blades apart easily. She glared as she saw two uninvited little fireballs that belonged to a certain member of the group she had formerly been with. Kaze ignored them and turned back to the way she was walking, sliding the blades back together. The fireballs squeaked annoyingly and flew around her head. [b]"Leave me alone! Shouldn't you be with Rei?!" [/b]Kaze cried, stopping. Her loud words bounced around the empty hall. One of the squeaked angrily at her, Kaze knocked it away lightly with her staff, she didn't want to neccessarily hurt it, just get it away from her face. Kaze was never a fan of fire, it was too hot, she enjoyed cold weather. The fireballs had quietened but continued to follow her, for what reason she didn't know, until she guessed. Turning to the flying balls of fire she spoke. [b]"Did Rei send you to look after me?" [/b]she asked, crossing her arms the best she could with the staff in her hand. The fireballs squeaked in reply and floated up and down in a kind of nod. [b]"Well you can leave, I already said I don't need anyone to take care of me. I'm an independant." [/b]Kaze told them, walking away. The fireballs just looked at each other and talked in their own little language. They nodded and zoomed after her, Kaze sighed in annoyance and ignored them. Kaze heard something other than her footsteps and the sound of the fireballs. She put her hand up, telling them to be quiet. They silenced immediately. Kaze cried out in surprise as a group of imps appeared, dropping down from wherever they came from. Kaze looked around as she was surrounded, it wouldn't be a problem, she could handle it perfectly. She smirked and drew her blades in preparation. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Gotta go, I'll finish this in my next post.[/color] [/color]
  4. [color=Navy]A female figure was seen in the forest, she was scantily clad in a dark brown outfit that showed a lot of skin, the back of her skirt was much longer than the front and was tattered with holes in in, and the same went for the long red scarf that was wrapped around her neck, covering her mouth. Her blonde hair shimmered in the light and her greyish blue eyes were thoughtful as she stroked the soft petals of the white flower she had cradled in her hands. From afar someone would suspect that this girl was human, but if you looked carefully at her ears you would be able to tell that she is indeed an elf. But that was the only way someone could tell what race she was. Sitting beside her were her two metal claw-like gloves the sun bounced off the shining silver brightly. A long sword was strapped to her back too. She was sitting on a stone near one of the few hidden lakes in the forest. She knew the forest incredibly well and felt connected to nature. Azalea couldn't wait for later, she would be getting her egg and setting off on the journey with some other people of the village. She looked up at the sun and judged it was about time to go and meet with the elder of the village. Azalea stroked the petals of the flower again and lightly tossed it toward the lake, the flower floated gently through the air and landed on the surface of the water. She put her claws back on left the forest, going back to the village. She headed straight for the elder's hut and entered. There was only one person waiting, and that was Nida. [b]"Hello Elder, Nida." [/b]Azalea greeted, sitting beside the other girl who was waiting. [b]"Has no one else arrived?" "No, we are still waiting." [/b]the elder replied. Azalea nodded and sat quietly. [/color]
  5. [color=Navy]Zephan walked to his locker first before he went to class, his bag was pretty heavy from the different books he was carrying. He couldn't see any of his friends, most of them lived far from school and took the train or other modes of transport. Zephan didn't mind walking, good time to think or do whatever else. Zephan closed his locker and decided to head for his IT class. Zephan dropped himself into his cushie swivel chair, where he always sat, the computer was already booted up and all he had to do was log in. [i][b]Name: [/b][/i]Zephan Sinclaire [b][i]Password: [/i][/b]********** Zephan hit the enter key and the message box disappeared, replaced with a loading page, then the screen changed to the desktop. He looked around and pulled his earphones out, he was early to class today. Zephan tightened her tie and folded his crisp collar over the top. The door opened and Zephan swivelled to face it, his teacher, Mr. Saunders entered the classroom. [b]"Ah, Zephan, early as usual." [/b]he greeted, walking over to his desk and putting the laptop he carried down gently. [b]"Hai, what are we doing today?" [/b]Zephan asked. [b]"Well...I was thinking of some simple stuff like adding onto the school site." [/b]Mr Saunders replied, slipping into his chair. [b]"Ok, I'll get the programs up." [/b]Zephan turned to his computer and clicked into the menu, starting up all the programs they would need. He was bored with no one to talk to and hoped that the other students would arrive in class soon. [/color]
  6. [color=Navy]Seeing that most people are partnered up now, I'm confused since page 1 hasn't been changed. Retri, are you currently challenged? If not, I challenge you to a battle. The setting will be in a busy market place where my character, Sakura comes from. This is her territory. You can use anything there, the carts and stalls for leverage, the rooftops around. Up to you. [/color]
  7. [color=Navy]Kaze was fed up with Rei's crappy attitude, since the sneaking girl had joined their group they always got into a troublesome situation because of her. She had enough and used a superior tone toward her. She had no clue what she had done in the first place to make Rei act so meanly toward her. Kaze was dangerous in an angry state, she was exactly like her element, she could be calm and kind like a slow breeze, or angry and temperamental like a fierce hurricane. And her personalities could change in the blink of an eye. Kaze tugged at her gloves, and used her wind energy to create a light sphere of cool wind around her so she didn't have to feel the raging inferno that was building up, that she knew was coming from Rei despite how she denied it. When Matthew got in her face she was annoyed and glared down at the younger boy. He told her what he had murmered under his breath, which only made Kaze angrier. She didn't think she was being all 'high and mighty' at all. She Matthew walking off in the direction that Lea went, Kaze stayed in her spot. Kayin came up beside her. [b]"Hey, its ok, we gotta calm down." [/b]he said. Kaze glared at Matthew's back as he continued to walk, then abruptly faced in another direction where there was another exit and walked toward it. Kayin ran up now, [b]"Hey! Where are you going?"[/b] [b]"Away from these people. I don't need anyone here, I'm fully capable of rescuing Meiko on my own. I [i]don't [/i]have to put up with...that!" [/b]she waved her hands to Rei and Matthew who had stopped walking. Kaze looked at Kayin, [b]"Maybe we'll see each other again." [/b]she didn't look back at the other two and walked confidently on her own through the hallway. Kaze felt tears welling in her eyes, she really didn't know what she had done to make Rei angry at her, she didn't care, she just wanted to save Meiko and kill whoever took her in the first place. That was her mission, she didn't need to be weighed down by extra baggage, she hadn't signed up to taking care of children. [/color]
  8. [color=Navy]Zephan heard the knocking at his door and groaned, turning over in his bed and putting his pillow over the top of his head to block out the sound. [b]"Oi Zeph! Okiru! You'll be late!" [/b]he could his mother shouting from the other side of the door, pounding loudly. [b]"Ah! I'm awake." [/b]Zephan yawned, sitting up in bed. His chestnut brown hair was messed from sleep, but he just ruffled it a bit more and left it, because that was his particular hair style. Zephan walked over to his closet and opened it, there were clothes hangers sitting on the horizontal pole. He pulled two of them out and rummaged around for his tie. He donned his uniform quickly but didn't put on his tie yet, and went to the bathroom to wash up. After that he ran back to his room to gather his books. Zephan carefully put them into his bag and went down stairs for breakfast. Zephan's mother was finishing the cooking and putting the food into bowls, so he took the time to put on his tie, doing it perfectly from lots of practise. He tied the loop but left it loose around his neck, he would tighten it at school. [b]"Ohayou, 'Kaa-san." [/b]Zephan greeted. [b]"Ohayou Zeph-chan~" [/b]his mother said while she carefully set down the bowls of food. Zephan smiled, his mother worked so hard since she was a single parent, he was proud of her strong will. But his mind shifted to his father and he felt a great hatred toward him for what he had done. After his mother told him what had happened with his father, he swore to become the complete opposite of him. He looked into his bowl, it was beef ramen, his favourite meal of all the foods that his mother cooked. [b]"Itadakimasu!" [/b]they toned simultaeneously as they picked up their chopsticks. They both slurped their meal loudly in appreciation, for it was an insult to not make noises when eating. Zephan finished quickly, practically inhaling the noodles. [b]"Arigatou, oishii desu." [/b]Zephan told his mother, washing his bowl in the sink and putting it on the drying rack. He picked up his bag and put on his shoes. Slinging the bag over his shoulder he remembered something he forgot and ran upstairs again. He grabbed his Mp3 player off his table and put the earphones into his ears, tucking the small bar into the breast pocket of his short sleeved shirt. Zephan ran back downstairs and flung open the door. [b]"Ittekimasu!" [/b]he called to his mother. [b]"Yoi ichinichi o." [/b]was her response. Zephan left the house, the door closed loudly behind him and he walked at a brisk pace toward school. He turned his Mp3 player on and hummed to the music. Zephan liked his first subject of the day, it was the class he did the best in, IT. He loved anything and everything to do with computers, technology and electricity. And his teacher was pretty funny too, he claimed his best friends were his computers. Zephan thought about his schedule and predicted it would be a relatively good day. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Sorry, I couldn't think of much.[/color] [/color]
  9. [color=Navy](('Tis the final post for the battle, 'twas a good match ReFlux)) Sakura rolled away and got to her feet swiftly as ReFlux's spear hit the soggy ground, they were both tired from the battle and the endless rain continued to beat on their exhausted bodies. She quickly climbed the closest bamboo tree and wringed her hair and clothes out, taking away some of the accumulated weight. She repositioned her dagger and knife in her hands and jumped up, using the branch as a spring board she did and aerial flip, she slashed at ReFlux twice, the second one connected on his shoulder. She rolled herself up as she landed so she didn't take damage. Sakura charged him, slashing in a deadly pattern, ReFlux blocked them skilfully with his spear. She flipped her knife high into the air and threw a bunch of shuriken at him before catching the knife and hurling that too. ReFlux had spun his spear to deflect the shuriken but had stopped, allowing her knife to pierce him in the side. Sakura ran over, ReFlux was fending her off with the spear but he was getting weaker, as was she. Sakura twisted the spear out of his grasp and pushed it into the ground, using it to swing herself off the ground and spinning around, she kicked him in his right temple and he fell to the ground. Sakura panted but knelt and checked his pulse, he was still alive. She pulled her knife out of his side and sheathed her two weapons. Sakura untied the bandana from her arm and put it back around her hair and walked off to the town to clean up, dry up, and rest. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]It's over!!! So vote or whatever you're supposed to do.[/color] [/color]
  10. [color=Navy]Cassie thought over herself, she was being so emotional, and she had never been an overly emotional person so it scared her, she guessed that was why she was acting so strangely. She decided to call Johnny into the room again and he walked in slowly. She explained to him the conclusion she had reached and he nodded, he understood. [b]"I-I'm sorry...Its just...I never had anyone that really cared about me when I grew up...I guess I never will, it was already hard before, but now I'm like this." [/b]Cassie sighed sadly, gesturing to her new features from the experiment. Johnny walked over to her and sat down again. Cassie's head dropped, her ears swayed as a breeze came through from the windows, and her three coloured hair moved. Her tail was moving slowly as they sat in silence. Johnny watched her. [b]"And I was so mean to Kite. I know he just wanted to help..." [/b] [b]"Cass, I wanted [i]you [/i]from the moment I saw you, when you were asleep after you helped me when I fell on your doorstep. But I thought it was impossible, like I keep saying, just by how you hold yourself, it seemed like you were with someone." [/b]Johnny admitted. [b]"Its all been a fa[font=Verdana]çade...I'm not strong...I've always had to hold the [/font][/b][/color][color=Navy][b]fa[font=Verdana]çade because I didn't want people to think I'm weak...even though I really am..." [/font][/b][font=Verdana]Cassie whispered. Johnny smiled sadly and put two fingers under her chin, lifting her head. He leaned in but Cassie stopped him. [b]"Don't...I told you...You have Kefira..." "I told you that I want you. I don't think we're right for each other. I'll end it with her for you." "But..." [/b]Johnny silenced her with his lips as they met, Cassie's hands fell to her sides, she was still too emotionally weak to fight back, so she accepted it. Maybe she could finally let a male into her barrier for the first time since the pain. [/font][/color]
  11. [color=Navy]Johnny stopped as she saw Cassie. She was still on her stone parapet, but she was curled up tightly into a ball and looked like she was asleep. Johnny approached her carefully and saw that she was asleep. Her cheeks were damp, her ears flat against her head and her tail flicked idley. Johnny looked down at her, she'd had a rough day. He lifted her gently and took her into the bellfry where the bed had been prepared. Johnny put her down carefully and pulled the blanket over her curled up form and sat beside her. He looked around the place, it was all made of wood besides the roof and the bells. He appreciated the beauty of it and just sat in silence. There was a rustle heard and he turned his head to Cassie. She was awake, she yawned widely, revealing her fangs and rubbed her eyes like a child would. She realised where she was and who was beside her. She scampered along the wooden planks and stood away from him. [b]"How did you find me?" [/b]she demanded. [b]"I discovered my new powers." [/b]Johnny answered, standing. [b]"Leave me alone, I came for Sanctuary." "I'm not doing anything to you, Cass. What's wrong?" "That's just it! I don't [i]know [/i]what's wrong with me!" [/b]Cassie growled. [b]"People play with emotions. I thought my father cared, he doesn't, he loves his work more than me." [/b]Cassie spat. [b]"And Derek, my older brother that left home, I thought he loved me, he doesn't, he cares more about his studies than he does me. Jack, my best friend when I was young, I thought we were as close as siblings, he didn't, he left me in the ditch after he found some other guys to play with after they moved into the neighbourhood." [/b]tears streamed down Cassie's face as she continued the list, there were females in there along with males, but the majority were males, which is why she grew to be afraid of having any relations with males. [/color]
  12. [color=Navy]Sakura looked at Jolteon helplessly, she returned it to the pokeball and connected it to her belt. She pulled another off, he was definitely too cocky for her liking. She threw it forward and Flareon appeared. [b]"I never surrender." [/b]Sakura said coldly. [b]"You chose a fire pokemon to fight water? Not a smart move." [/b]Gale stated. Sakura walked over to Flareon and produced a strip of dense cloth, tying it around its eyes, rendering it blind, she talked to it quietly and returned to her position. Flareon's ears were consantly moving now, twitching to every sound. [b]"Well?" [/b]Sakura asked. Gyarados charged forward again, trying to do the same thing he'd done to Jolteon. Sakura patted her pockets and pulled out an item, it was a silver whistle. She put it to her lips and let out two sharp bursts, Flareon jumped to the side and attacked with flame thrower. It caught Gyarados in the side but it didn't do much since Gyarados was a water type. Sakura looked at the battle, she let out a long shriek of the whistle. Flareon made a confirmation noise and used agility, moving from side to side as it ran forward, its ears continued to twitch and just as they were about to reach Gyarados, it disappeared. Flareon appeared behind it and released a Fire Blast, attacking at the sensitive spot of the Gyarados. It roared and Flareon escaped quickly. [/color]
  13. [color=Navy][b]Name:[/b] Azalea Sinclaire [b]Age:[/b] 19 in human years [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Description: [/b][url="http://img253.echo.cx/img253/5082/05redscarf1zr.jpg"]Here[/url], her skirt's a little bit longer. Her sword is strapped to her back with the hilt peeking over the top of her right shoulder. [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Weapon:[/b] Sword and Metal Claw Gloves that she wears [see pic] [b]Egg Color:[/b] Navy blue with silver stars [b]Creature: [/b]Gryphon [b]Creature Description: [/b][url="http://img37.exs.cx/img37/7783/gryphon7kc.jpg"]Here[/url] [b]Creature's Name: [/b]Zandell [b]Creatures abilities:[/b] Flies well, scratches, bites, can summon Streaks of Lightning to attack an enemy. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Hope that's ok. Let me know if I have to change anything.[/color] [/color]
  14. [color=Navy]Ok, this is the Underground thread for the Bell Ringer of Notre Dame that can be found in the Adventure Inn, [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=651869#post651869"]HERE[/url]. So I haven't posted an RP in a while and decided not to do an original at this point in time. So, if you look in the Sign Up thread, it says about Character Types/CT for short. This is where I will post the different types of characters and who they're based off from the movie, some won't be from the movie. And gender is what it must be, unless it states either. I may add more information if I think of more, or if I run out of time. [b]~Bell Ringer Played by: [/b]Sakura [Rogue] [b]Gender: [/b]Female [b]Based Off: [/b]Quasimodo [b]Information: [/b]She's the bell ringer and the one that helps the others escape from the cathedral after they're locked in. She's been trapped in the bell tower since she can remember and is forbidden to leave. She harnasses lots of power, which the Frollo character wants when she gets old enough, after the powers are matured. If she experiences a true, mutual love the powers will become Restoration for the Earth instead of Destruction, which the Frollo character doesn't want, which is why she's trapped up in the tower. [b]~Frollo Character/Rogue's Master [PM me!!] Played by: Gender: [/b]Male [b]Based Off: [/b]Frollo [b]Information: [/b]He just wants Rogue for her powers, she thinks that he cares for her but he doesn't. He wants to rule the world, which is why he wants to destroy it, then he can start his own world where he is the almighty ruler. He makes up excuses as to why Rogue can't leave, like because she won't be accepted, but its just so she doesn't find love, so the destructive powers don't become restorative powers. [b]~Captain of the Guards Played by: [/b]Kayin [Melchior] [b] Gender: [/b]Male [b]Based Off: [/b]Phoebus [b]Information: [/b]He follows all of the characters into the cathedral, that's when everyone cries [b]'Sanctuary!' [/b]which means he can't arrest them. Guards are posted everywhere. He will eventually go to their side like Phoebus did, it won't take as long though. I'll figure it out with the player. [b]~Thief Played by: [/b]Blanko [Quinn] [b] Gender: [/b]Either [Male] [b]Based Off: [/b]No one in particular, I guess one of the Gypsies? [b]Information: [/b]Caught stealing something was chased and ran to the cathedral. Ran into the cathedral for cover. Said the 'magic word', trapped in the Cathedral with the others, meets Rogue. [b]~Gypsy Played by: Gender: [/b]Either, preferably Female [b]Based Off: [/b]No one in particular, if one it'd be Esmerelda. [b]Information: [/b]Was seen dancing or something that Gypsies do, got chased away by Mr. Gypsy Hater [Frollo character], ran to cathedral for cover, said 'magic word', trapped with the others, meets Rogue. [b]~Common Person Played by: Gender: [/b]Either[b] Based Off: [/b]No one, general people [b]Information: [/b]Have some kind of business, found protecting gypsies, run, go to cathedral, say 'Sanctuary', trapped with others, meets Rogue. [b] ~Father of the Cathedral Played by: [/b]Sakura [NPC] [b]Gender: [/b]Male [b]Based Off: [/b]The archdeacon [b]Information: [/b]The head of the church, talks to Rogue now and again, he's wise and gives advice. Covered for Rogue as she escaped with the others. Ok, That was done quickly since I have to go. I'll probably edit them later. [b]BTW: [/b]One of the characters will have to fall in love with Rogue at some point so keep that in mind. If you have any questions feel free to post them here or PM me or whatever other way you find of contacting me. [b]~Sakura[/b] [/color]
  15. [b][font=Verdana]OOC: [/font][/b][font=Verdana]As you can probably tell from the title, this is slightly inspired by the movie ?The Hunchback of Notre Dame? by Disney, since I saw it for the first time a couple of nights ago. Yeah, I know its an old movie, but I've never seen it before now.[/font] [font=Verdana][color=Navy]The sound of heavy, yet swift footsteps are heard crunching through the thick snow, accompanied by the sound of pounding hoofs and heavy breathing from a horse giving chase. A woman is seen running as quickly as she can, in her arms is a bundle of cloth concealing something inside. A black mount is seen galloping as the rider kicks it in the sides to make it speed up.[/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Navy][/color][/font][color=Navy] [/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy]The woman approaches the large doors of the cathedral, she tries it but the door is locked tight.[/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Navy][/color][/font][color=Navy] [b][font=Verdana]?Sanctuary! Please, give me sanctuary!? [/font][/b][/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy]she pleads as the man on the horse approaches.[/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Navy][/color][/font][color=Navy] [/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy]The man looks down on her with a frown and pulls the cloth bundle out of her arms. The woman protests and tries to get it back. The man pushes her roughly and she lands on the steps of the cathedral. He examines the cloth and pulls it away, revealing a baby softly cradled inside.[/color][/font][color=Navy] [b][font=Verdana]?A baby? No, an inhuman babe. It will be the curse of me, I shall kill it now.? [/font][/b][/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy]He says, holding the now crying babe over the well.[/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Navy][/color][/font][color=Navy] [b][font=Verdana]?Stop!? [/font][/b][/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy]cried the Father of the church as he emerged from his cathedral.[/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Navy][/color][/font][color=Navy] [b][font=Verdana]?'Tis an unholy daemon, I am sending it to Hell where it belongs.? [/font][/b][/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy]he proclaims.[/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Navy][/color][/font][color=Navy] [b][font=Verdana]?You have killed its mother, I will not allow you to kill the innocent babe too. You must care for it and raise it as your own seeing as you killed its mother.? [/font][/b][/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy]the Father told.[/color][/font][color=Navy] [b][font=Verdana]?Fine?Let it stay here, in your church.?[/font][/b][b][font=Verdana][/font][/b] [b][font=Verdana]?Here? Where?? [/font][/b][/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy]the Father asked.[/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Navy][/color][/font][color=Navy] [b][font=Verdana]?I don?t care, anywhere where it will be kept locked away, where no one else can see it. Perhaps the bell tower, it will be your bell ringer when it is older.? [/font][/b][/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy]The man said, turning his horse.[/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Navy][/color][/font][color=Navy] [/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy]As the black mount trotted past the Father, the man dropped the bundle of cloth and babe into his arms, then left.[/color][/font][color=Navy] ----------------------------------------------- [/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy]Okay, that?s the introduction, which is based off the one shown in the movie. I?ll be playing the bell ringer. She isn?t a hunchback and isn?t ugly, just she isn?t human. The man is the Frollo figure that someone can play, just PM me about it. The Father will be an NPC controlled by me.[/color][/font][color=Navy] [b]You don't have to know anything about the movie, it's just vaguely based off it.[/b] [/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy]This is set in Notre Dame, Paris like the movie. There will only be four others besides my character and the Frollo character. See the underground thread for information about character types.[/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Navy][/color][/font][color=Navy] [/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy]If you want to ask questions address them in the Underground thread or PM me, either way works fine for me.[/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Navy][/color][/font][color=Navy] [/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy]Sign Up Sheet:[/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Navy][/color][/font][color=Navy] [b][font=Verdana]Name:[/font][/b] [b][font=Verdana]Age:[/font][/b][/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy] [Make sure it suits your character type][/color][/font][color=Navy] [b][font=Verdana]Gender:[/font][/b][/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy] [Male or Female, not too hard right?][/color][/font][color=Navy] [b][font=Verdana]Character Type/CT:[/font][/b][/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy] [see underground thread][/color][/font][color=Navy] [b][font=Verdana]Appearance:[/font][/b][/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy] [Picture or good description, make sure it matches your CT, it has to suit Paris, and it is olden remember, so like no Japanese clothes or something.][/color][/font][color=Navy] [b][font=Verdana]Personality:[/font][/b][/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy] [Just a few sentences on how you act around others][/color][/font][color=Navy] [b][font=Verdana]Biography:[/font][/b][/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy] [This isn?t big, just your ?crime?, how you were seen and chased to the cathedral. You enter and cry ?Sanctuary!? and you?re trapped inside, that?s when you meet each other and will meet my character.][/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Navy][/color][/font][color=Navy] [b][font=Verdana]Name:[/font][/b][/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy] Rogue [no surname since she doesn?t know][/color][/font][color=Navy] [b][font=Verdana]Age:[/font][/b][/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy] 20[/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Navy][/color][/font][color=Navy] [b][font=Verdana]Gender:[/font][/b][/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy] Female[/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Navy][/color][/font][color=Navy] [b][font=Verdana]CT:[/font][/b] [font=Verdana]Bell[/font][/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy] Ringer, trapped in the bell tower from birth[/color][/font][color=Navy] [b][font=Verdana]Appearance:[/font][/b][/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy][url="http://img253.echo.cx/img253/5082/05redscarf1zr.jpg"] Here[/url], just remove the outer, metal gloves on her hands, she still wears the long brown gloves you can kind of see.[/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Navy][/color][/font][color=Navy] [b][font=Verdana]Personality:[/font][/b][/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy] Rogue wishes she could go down into the streets below but she has been trapped in the bell tower since she can remember. She wishes for friends, but the only people she?s been able to talk to so far are her master [the Frollo character] and the Father of the cathedral. But she loves the bells and feels she has a relationship with each one. She watches everyone below with longing, she is a faithful, loyal person and kind, but will protect anyone dear to her with her life. She is an acrobatic person and climbs and jumps around everywhere.[/color][/font][color=Navy] [b][font=Verdana]Biography: [/font][/b][/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy]Rogue never knew her parents, her master told her that she was abandoned at birth by her mother, she believes him because there has been no one to tell her otherwise.[/color][/font][color=Navy] [/color] [font=Verdana][color=Navy]She doesn?t know that the reason her master wishes for her to be kept locked away is that she possesses enormous power that could destroy the world, which her master wants and is waiting until the power is matured before extracting the power from her. But unknown to everyone is that the powers will change from destruction to restoration/healing if she experiences true love with another and has her love returned. [b][color=black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=black]This is a little rushed since I have to go, please sign up, and make sure you check the Underground thread for the CTs.[/color][/color][/font]
  16. [color=Navy]Cassie stared out into the distance, she hadn't moved since she arrived there. She was still positioned on top of the same stone parapet. A strong wind blew past her which ruffled her hair, she knew it wasn't natural and could sense the presence of someone from the group, she guessed it was Kite since none others she knew could fly. [i][b]"Leave me alone. This is Sanctuary." [/b][/i]Cassie said to him in his mind. Cassie turned to where he was suspended in the air.Kite was surprised, not knowing that she knew he was there. Her eyes were the cold golden colour she had shown Johnny earlier. [b]"I said leave me alone! Sanctuary!" [/b]she roared at him. Kite looked her in fear, she bared her fangs and snarled. [b]"Ok, I'm going. Come back soon, Cassie. Be careful." [/b]he whispered the end as he left, but her sensitive ears picked up the words. Cassie sighed as she saw him floating away, no doubt back to their hideout. [i][b]"Ryu...What's wrong with me? Why does everything bad happen to me?!" [/b][/i]Cassie cried, holding her head in her hands helplessly. [i][b]"Shh, pup. You'll be fine." [/b][/i]the wolf comforted softly. Cassie wept again, she felt so helpless, what was happening to her. She heard a scrapping and turned around quickly. It was the Father of the cathedral. [b]"Father, good evening." [/b]Cassie greeted, rubbing her eyes and leaping off the parapet. [b]"Cassie, good evening. I didn't expect to see you." [/b]he said, reaching into the folds of his robes and producing a handkerchief. Cassie accepted it with thanks and wiped away the dampness from her face. [b]"I...needed...Sanctuary."[/b] Cassie said. [b]"Ah yes, I heard you. Who were you talking to exactly?" [/b]he questioned, tucking his hands into his sleeves. [b]"Just...someone." "You are different since the last time I saw you, which was several months ago." [/b]the Father said, walking closer to her. Cassie shied back but he kept approaching her until she had no where to go. He saw her new features and gasped. Cassie hung her head in shame and could feel more tears welling up in her eyes. [b]"What happened to you?" [/b]he breathed. [b]"I don't know, but I supposedly disappeared, and when I reappeared, I was like this." [/b]she said, holding her arms out and spinning around, showing her tail. [b]"I can change into a wolf and a werewolf." [/b]she confessed. [b]"Amazing...And are there others like you?" "Yes, Father. They have different powers, but they've also been mutated somehow." "Then, who you were talking to, was it one of those people?" "Yes, Father. Please, don't tell anyone about us." [/b]Cassie pleaded, she wanted to protect the others, she didn't care about herself, they could take her in if they wanted, as long as the others remained safe. [b]"What? No, no. Of course I won't. Would you like to come inside?" "No thankyou, Father. I want to stay out here..." "Of course, this has always been your favourite place. If you want to rest, the bed in the bellfry has been prepared." [/b]he said, walking away. [b]"Thankyou..." [/b]she murmered. [b]"Not a problem, if you need anything just ask." [/b]he said, walking back down the spiral stairs. Cassie climbed back onto her stone parapet and stared up at the darkened sky, she wouldn't return, not until she found out what was wrong with her, what she did to make people play with her emotions cruelly. [/color]
  17. [color=Navy][b]OOC: Are we supposed to write in First Person POV? I may have changed tenses without knowing so sorry about that. Let me know if I should change anything, I think this is what you meant. Did you want us to add in the part that was in our Character Snippit? [/b] I awoke from the shafts of light that entered my room through my window and the infernal rapping at the door to wake me up. [b]"I'm up, I'm up!" [/b]I cried. There were retreating footsteps and I sat up in bed. I could feel that my short hair was messed up from sleeping and my eyes were half closed, still tired from sleep. I reluctantly rolled out of my warm bed, my feet landing on the cool wooden floorboards that covered the entire house. I padded lightly over to the adjoined bathroom and washed up, brushing my teeth, my hair and cleaning my face. When I was happy with my appearance I returned to my bedroom to change into my usual clothes that I was always seen in. I slipped on her black leather pants and tight black top with long sleeves that I kept pushed above my elbows. I picked up two items from the bedside table, one was my cell phone that I slipped into my pocket and the other was my set of goggles that I pushed onto my head. I glanced at the clock and cursed, gathering my books that were splayed around the room and shoving them into my backpack I ran out of my bedroom and down the stairs. Mother knew I was late so had just made me some french toast instead of their usual proper Japanese meal. I was passed my obento which I put in my backpack quickly and thanked my mother, then put on my shoes before running out the door. I jogged quickly, I was a fit person and went at a fast speed comfortably. Soon I saw the looming building of the school ahead and pushed harder, I had to make it before the second bell or they'd close the gates. I relaxed as I passed the iron gates, moving quickly through the still crowded halls, I put some books in my locker and went off to class. First session was when I would get results for a maths test that I did. I felt like I did well, but the results would either support or contradict that. It turned out that I had indeed passed, which I was proud of, seeing as I usually failed maths, failed badly. The rest of my day was rather uneventful, I got the results of two other tests, and surprisingly I had passed them too! I was incredibly pleased today. It had started off roughly but in the end, it was one of my good days. I left the school in a happy mood, but instead of going straight home, I decided I would go to my favourite park which wasn't far to see the sakuras in bloom, since it was Spring. But little did I know that my day would take a turn for the worse. [/color]
  18. [color=Navy]Cassie took her tail from her eyes and looked at him, her golden eyes were sad and her body language showed him that she was depressed. What Johnny was telling her and what her mind told her were contradicting and she was deadly confused, she told this to Ryuai who just gave her a peaceful sense of comfort that she was grateful for. She was surprised that Johnny thought she was with someone, it was the complete opposite. Frankly she was afraid of relationships with males, there were too many stories of men leaving women and she didn't want to experience the heartbreak of it, but she didn't understand why she was feeling this way for Johnny, she just didn't understand... He asked her to revert to her human state, she whimpered and nodded slightly. She asked Ryu for help since she was in an emotionally weak state. Slowly the two of them worked and she was back to human. Her pointy ears were still drooped, along with her tail. Her cheeks were damp from tears and her eyes were puffy and bloodshot. Cassie looked up at him and he leaned in to her. Cassie froze and just sat there as he kissed her. Cassie felt heat through her body but then realised the circumstances and pushed him away forcefully. Johnny fell back against the wooden planks and looked up at her. Cassie was now standing and tears were rolling down her cheeks, her eyes were flickering between human brown and wolf gold. [b]"Cass, what-" [/b]Johnny questioned, standing. Cassie glared up at him, her eyes weren't flickering, they were solid gold, and there wasn't a trace of warmth in them, they were filled with coldness that made Johnny shiver. [b]"It isn't right! You're with Kefira, you can't cheat on her, I won't let you. She likes you and she hasn't done anything to deserve it." [/b]Cassie cried. She let out a sob and turned, running from the pier with heavy but quick footsteps. Johnny watched her as she fled again, he felt more guilty than before and watched as she rapidly changed into her wolf form, it seemed she'd controlled that part of her powers already. Johnny heard a loud howl and knew it was from anguish, coming from Cassie. Cassie ran again, her lips tingled but it was wrong, she wouldn't accept it, she refused to. Kefira was innocent in all of this and didn't deserve to be cheated on. Cassie ran, she knew where she was going. She arrived at the large doors of the church, it was an incredibly large building because it included bells. Cassie changed back to her human form, her tail was between her legs and she looked terrible. She entered the building quietly, she was close to the Father of the church and crept her way around, knowing exactly where she wanted to be. Cassie climbed a few flights of stairs and then up a set of spiral stairs. When she emerged from the stairs there were the bells, hanging from the wooden holds. She climbed the disguised ladders and finally reached the top where there was open air and the most beautiful view of the city. Cassie let the cool breezes wash over her and let out one word. [b] "Sanctuary." [/b] Cassie sat on one of the stone parapets and stared out, letting the tears roll down her cheeks as she watched the sun set on the water, it was a beautiful and sad scene to watch for her. [/color]
  19. [color=Navy]Azalea looked at the horses that the knights rode, they were beautiful but had signs of abuse and battle, scars and wounds were found along them. She glared at them as they cuffed her. She looked around, the others were too. She was actually surprised that they caught her because she had decided to take a route along the rooftops. It seems one of them had climbed up behind her and caught her quickly, even though he wore a heavy suit of armour. Each of them were pulled off they ended up at the same building which was obviously their prison and threw them in different cells away from each other. Azalea was pushed roughly, which she argued about since she wasn't putting up a resistance. The knights took her sword and her dagger, and left her in the cell. Azalea protested, she hated being confined, and this small cement cell was what she considered confined. While she waited Azalea started to hum a tune that she made up in her head. Then she started to add words to it, just creating a simple song about confinement. There was a scraping sound and she looked up at the door, it was the knights again, and they hauled her out roughly, Azalea glared at them and shrugged them off harshly, walking ahead. They realised she wasn't trying to escape, so one took the lead and the other two were behind her. They lead her to a room and pushed her in, closing the door behind her with a click, she knew they'd locked it. Azalea looked around, there was a table, a chair on either side and another door on the other side of the room. Azalea just stood and watched the other door, no doubt someone else would be entering from there. As she predicted, a man strolled through the door, it closed behind him with a click too. He had brown hair and dark brown eyes. He didn't look like a knight but it was obvious he was by the plates on his shoulders. The man walked with power, but she didn't feel a dislike toward him like those who were arrogant and cocky. She checked her sense, she somehow felt he wasn't an enemy and relaxed herself slightly. He walked over to her, around the table until he faced her back. There was a 'chink' and she felt her hands free. Azalea pulled her hands to her front and rubbed them, the knights had used unnecessary force on her. [b]"Please, sit." [/b]he said, walking to the other side of the table. Azalea watched him as he sat, she followed his example. [b]"I am General Yuri Rein, and you are?" [/b]he introduced. [b]"Azalea. Azalea Sinclaire." [/b]she said, placing her hands on the table. [b]"Good. Now, I know that you and some of your friends aren't from here. You look and dress differently. So I want you to tell me your story, how you came here, why you're here, etc." [/b]he said. Azalea didn't say anything for a while, she was studying him carefully, it seemed he wasn't trying to trick her so she started. [b]"Its true, many of us are not from around here. I don't even really know where here is. We are from the planet Earth. I don't know why I'm here, I was a normal person, living a normal life. And one day..." [/b][i]Azalea was walking down the street, today was her day off from classes and she was enjoying it. It was beautiful out, a few wispy clouds dotted the sky and it was a fine forecast. She sang one of her self written songs quietly as she drowned out the loud sounds of the business district where people were shouting out their wares. She was going to meet her friends at a coffee shop and was taking her time since she was early. Some people walking along the streets thought she was strange because it was hot weather and she was wearing black leather pants and a navy blue long sleeve top, even though she had the sleeves pushed up above her elbows, also with her one accessory which were her goggles sitting on her hair. Her style was strange, and she knew it, but she was fine with it, it was what she was comfortable wearing. Suddenly there were cries of panic and Azalea felt the ground tremour violently. She looked around quickly, the shop owners were holding onto their fragile objects and people were running around wildly. There was a cracking sound and a fissure appeared beside her in the ground. Azalea lifted her leg to run away but there was a violent tremour that threw her off balance, making her tumble into the crack. She let out a shriek as she fell. When she had disappeared into the depths, the crack closed itself and the tremours stopped, no one knew what had happened but were glad that they themselves were safe. [/i][b]"Then before I knew it I woke up and I was here. Frankly I'm just glad to be alive. Well actually I wasn't [i]here [/i]here. I was in the field near the town and I walked over here for help. That's when I bumped into the others and we banded together. We're trying to get home, back to our world." [/b]Azalea finished, she adjusted her goggles slightly and looked at him. [b]"I see. I will pass judgement on you later, for now you will return to your cell." [/b]Yuri said, walking over and cuffing her. Azalea nodded and stood from the chair, the door behind her clicked and she walked to it. The knights were still standing there and they pushed her back to the cell she had previously been in. [b][color=Black]EDIT: [/color][/b][color=Black]I changed most of what you asked but I can't be bothered with a new flashback. I may do one later but for now I'm too tired. Let me know if its still wrong. [/color][color=Black][/color] [/color]
  20. [color=Navy]Sakura glared at her opponent, he was too arrogant for her liking in her opinion. [b]"Fine, Jolteon, come forth!" [/b]she cried, throwing one of her pokeballs. It opened and there was a flood of silver light, it formed into the spiky Eevee evolution. It cried its own name and readied for battle. Sakura looked across at Gale, he picked one of his pokeballs. When he revealed the creature, it was his Gyarados. [b]"Jolteon, Thunderbolt!" [/b]Sakura commanded. The thunder streaked toward the enemy and Gyrados dodged it swiftly. [b]"Gyarados, hydro pump." [/b]Gale told the serpent. The burst of water came from its mouth and Jolteon leapt away to the side. [b]"Agility combo!" [/b] Jolteon yapped and used agility, moving quickly and Gyarados tried to follow the yellow pokemon. It got close and used quick attack, hitting Gyarados, then used tackle. Jolteon then fled back to its previous position. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Tell me your order of pokemon so I don't have to guess. Mine's; Jolteon, Flareon, Mightyena. [/color][/color]
  21. [b]OOC: [/b]Don't forget about me either. [color=Navy]Lai saw the silver glow surrounding the others. She looked at Toji and Emi, she was holding his hand as he was torn up on the ground. She gritted her teeth, she couldn't believe the monster had been playing with them. She held her ribs, the bruising had already appeared and the ribs were still broken. She had been working hard to take it down, so others could run, and the entire time the thing had been toying around with them. Lai felt her right hand tremble, the hand that clutched the dagger. Her arm stretched itself out and the weapon lengthened itself until it was a sword, it had the same pattern on the hilt but the blade was whole now. The entire thing was silver, the hilt was darker than the blade but still silver. She felt more powerful with the longer weapon. She brandished it and charged forward, her courage felt renewed and she was ready to face the thing again. Her body ached from exhaustion but she pushed on, she had to do this, everyone was being so strong and brave, even the popular girl that had been nice to her, Emi. Her courage helped her become stronger, she worked alongside Shin, he also wielded a silver blade like hers. [i][b]"The Brotherhood of Silver, just like the story..." [/b][/i]Lai thought silently, it was her favourite story come to life, and she was part of it. [/color]
  22. [color=navy]Yayness! I'm the only female in this RP! Whoopie! But yeah, I was wondering that too ^_^;;;. None the less, great storyline, glad to be part of it.[/color]
  23. [color=navy]Uh, sure, sounds good...I don't really care. Go ahead and start it in your p[ost (if you haven't already) and I'll follow your lead.[/color]
  24. [color=Navy]Lai held the dagger readily in her palm, the blade was facing downward and she attacked with diagonal slashes. The monster was saying something about the chain, the cross, the blades and the rings. Lai didn't have them register in her brain as she was too busy concentrating on defeating this thing, whatever it was. Lai flipped away from it to survey the damage she had caused, there were slashes all over the body of the monster. Shin took over as she rested, flipping the large monster over. She looked for a particular weak spot she could hit and saw the opening under its arm. Lai charged forward again, she twirled the dagger in her fingers so that the blade pointed upward and grabbed on of the arms of the monster, she stabbed the dagger into the soft flesh where the arm connected to the shoulder. The monster let out a loud howl of anger and pain and Lai got out of its arm range as it flayed wildly. Shin was dodging each of them carefully but was hit by one and flew back slightly. He got up again and was ready. Lai could feel eyes on her and looked to see Emi looking at her in surprise. Lai guessed it was pretty surprising to see a group of new kids to the school beating up a monster. [b]"Shin, can you hold him?" [/b]Lai asked him. [b]"I'll try!" [/b]he said. Lai ran forward as well as Shin did. Shin grabbed the monster's arm and flipped it again, Lai ran in and stabbed it in the right eye. It roared furiously and slapped her away. She cried out and flipped so she didn't land heavily. Lai felt her ribs and winced, she knew that she'd broken one or two and would get a large bruise later. [b]"Attack from the right!" [/b]Lai told them, it was now blind in the right eye and now its right side is most vulnerable. [/color]
  25. [color=Navy]Cassie glared at him, her golden eyes narrowed at him and she bared her fangs. She didn't want to reveal anything else to him. Her tail waved in frustration as him interrogated her. [i][b]"All I can tell you is that I don't know what my feelings are for you, understand?!" [/b][/i]Cassie cried in his head. Johnny winced as the mental voice verberated around his head. Cassie curled her body up, her tail came up to cover her eyes, she didn't know what she was feeling, not at all. When she saw Johnny kiss Kefira she had felt jealous, but why? She hadn't thought that she liked him, but it seemed that she did have feelings, that were unknown to her, about him. She was deeply confused, Cassie had never had a close relationship with a male person, not even her father because he worked a lot so there wasn't much time for family in his life. Boys at school used to hit on her but she always refused them. These feelings and emotions were too new to her, she didn't know how to handle them. Cassie whimpered and Johnny looked up from his train of thought, seeing her position, her body was curled up, her ears were flat against her head, her tail drooped over her eyes, her head resting on her forepaws. [/color]
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