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  1. Sakura

    Kill Game [M - VLS]

    [b][font=Verdana]OOC: [/font][/b][font=Verdana]I?ve asked both of the other two posters about who should be injured severely and I came to the conclusion of [b]Gabriel[/b], just to let you know before hand.[/font] [font=Verdana]Sorry this post took so long to come, I have to include a lot in just one post so it took me a while to plan it, I just typed it up today. Let me know if anyone wants anything changed.[/font] [color=navy][font=Verdana]Lai sat in her car quietly; the only noise besides the sound of the engine and other traffic was the CD player that was on very low volume. She had decided to get out of the house, but now she didn?t feel like it was a good idea, kind of having a feeling that something bad was going to happen. Despite the thought, she didn?t turn around and go home, this was important for her because she hadn?t left the house for anything social since the ?incident?. Sure, she?d continued to teach her martial arts classes and she went out with Lei whenever she asked, but nothing like this.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana]Not since she had seen her tae-kwon-doe master lying in a pool of his own blood with a man standing over him.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana]The man had whirled around at the sound of footsteps but took it as nothing, just smirking at her before continuing to do what he had been doing. She had heard scraping, then when he was finished, he left quickly.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana]Lai had done nothing to stop the man; she had been frozen to the spot by the shock of it, never having seen so much blood before. After the man left, Lai had run over and knelt beside him, she knew he was dead from the amount of blood and she looked to see what the man had been doing. Scratched into the floor beside the body were two letters, [b]?NX?[/b]. Lai hadn?t known what they meant at that time, but she soon discovered it and swore revenge on Nanashi X.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana]Lai was driving when she spotted a bar she used to frequent and turned in quickly, parking her car she entered the bar, she got out and saw someone standing at the door of the bar. She squinted slightly into the darkness, trying to identify them. Lai didn?t like the look of them and left her car unlocked so she could grab her katana if they weren?t friendly. She carried some weapons on her, which were here shuriken that sat on her left hip in a pouch.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana]Lai walked over cautiously, not showing it though, as she got closer she identified their gender as male, he had his chest puffed out and looked as if he was about to play poker. Lai smirked and tried to walk past him when he pushed her back, opening the door and calling for someone.[/font][/color] [b][color=navy][font=Verdana]?What?s your problem?? [/font][/color][/b][color=navy][font=Verdana]Lai asked, her right fist was clenched, her left hand was itching to reach into her shuriken pouch.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana]The man just grinned at her as a groan came from within the bar. Lai knew this wasn?t going to be good and fell into a fighter?s stance, waiting for what would happen next.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana]The door of the bar opened and another man stepped out, although he was swaying, it was obvious that he was drunk.[/font][/color] [b][color=navy][font=Verdana] ?So?You must be, Sakura?? [/font][/color][/b][color=navy][font=Verdana]the first man said. [/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana][b]?I am Silence, and he?s Ronin.? [/b]He introduced, making a face at his companion that was swaying and hiccupping.[/font][/color] [b][color=navy][font=Verdana]?What do you want?? [/font][/color][/b][color=navy][font=Verdana]Lai asked, glaring at them.[/font][/color] [b][color=navy][font=Verdana]?What do we want? We want you dead!? [/font][/color][/b][color=navy][font=Verdana]he cried, leaping forward. The second man seemed to get more focus and charged forward too.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana]Lai cursed and she reached into her pouch throwing shuriken at them that they dodged. She had to get to her car, fast. Lai did several back flips until she was at her car; she pulled open the back door and pulled her katana from its sheath. Just in time because Silence had arrived and slammed the door just as Lai pulled her arm out. Lai clambered over the top of the neighbouring car and over the other side, trying to put distance between them. She was outnumbered and unprepared.[/font][/color] [b][color=navy][font=Verdana]?You?re flunkies from Nanashi X, aren?t you?? [/font][/color][/b][color=navy][font=Verdana]Lai called.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana]Silence just smirked at her, not answering, but charging forward. Lai swung with her sword and Silence pulled out his sword too. The two metals clashed loudly. Lai and Silence pressed against each other, trying to overpower the other.[/font][/color] [b][color=navy][font=Verdana]?You?ve no chance.? [/font][/color][/b][color=navy][font=Verdana]Silence snickered, putting more force.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana]Lai groaned and pressed up, reaching her left hand down to her pouch, she flung a bunch of shuriken right into Silence?s exposed abdomen where they stuck. Silence cried out in pain and fell back, Ronin stumbled forward.[/font][/color] [b][color=navy][font=Verdana]?How do you expect to beat me when you?re in a drunk stupor?? [/font][/color][/b][color=navy][font=Verdana]Lai asked.[/font][/color] [b][color=navy][font=Verdana]?Because I know the art of the Drunken Monkey. *hiccup* Heard of it?? [/font][/color][/b][color=navy][font=Verdana]he asked, grinning.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana]Lai glared at him, she was a martial artist and teacher, how could she not know of the Drunken Monkey. Lai herself would have taken it up but she was never a heavy drinker, so she saw no use of it. [/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana]Lai fell into another fighter stance, this one was different to the first because it included her sword, she stood side on with her legs parted and her right hand held the sword, bent and slanted down to her left hand where her first finger and thumb were held up with her arm outstretched. The sword was almost touching her finger.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana]Ronin rushed forward toward Lai, she swung away, but Ronin followed through, hitting her hard in the stomach. Lai cried out and stumbled backward, her left hand clutched the pained area. She winced and looked up, at first she hadn?t believed him when he claimed to know the Drunken Monkey, but she did now. It was a hard art to master, since your mind becomes intoxicated, but you still have to concentrate to pull off your attacks.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana]Lai flung a barrage at shuriken at the drunk but he dodged most of them, one stuck into him at the shoulder, and two more sliced through his clothes, drawing blood. He cried out and pulled the pointy object from his shoulder, flinging it back at her. Lai just smirked, no one could use her shuriken against her, she was too used to them. Lai quickly side stepped and stuck out her hand, catching it at the right time, not cutting herself at all. Lai twirled it around before flinging it with more force, back at Ronin. He moved aside and it skimmed past him.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana]He ran forward and started to wildly kick and punch at her, but she knew this and the form of his attacks, dodging them and slicing at him with her sword, causing more damage than the few hits that he got in. Lai fell to the ground and did a sweeping kick, knocking Ronin off his feet. Lai took the chance and pounced on his body, pinning him down so he couldn?t attack her.[/font][/color] [b][color=navy][font=Verdana]?Who?s your leader?? [/font][/color][/b][color=navy][font=Verdana]Lai demanded.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana]Ronin just grinned goofily. Lai lifted his torso up by his collar and slammed him back down.[/font][/color] [b][color=navy][font=Verdana]?Who?s your leader!??[/font][/color][/b][color=navy][font=Verdana] she cried loudly.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana]Ronin continued to grin, this time he spat at her, it hit her in the face. Lai looked disgusted and using a shuriken, she carved two letters into his chest, [b]?BV?[/b].[/font][/color] [b][color=navy][font=Verdana]?Don?t forget me?? [/font][/color][/b][color=navy][font=Verdana]Lai said just before knocking him unconscious with a hard hit to the forehead, he would feel that in the morning.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana]She got up off him and walked over to where Silence was, he was groaning from the pain and his shirt was stained with the crimson liquid. He weakly reached to his abdomen and wrenched out one shuriken, crying out in pain, there were still 4 more. He pulled the rest out, a louder cry for each. When he had finished, the blood was flowing even more and he was panting. Lai picked up one of the blood stained shuriken and carved the same letters into his chest too, knocking him unconscious too, being nice so he wouldn?t feel the pain.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana]Lai wiped the blood off her sword onto Silence?s shirt and returned to her car. She slipped the sword into its sheath and got into the driver?s seat, driving off like nothing happened, though she had some cuts and would be developing a lot of bruises very soon.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana]Two days later, Lai was on board a plane flying to [/font][/color][color=navy][font=Verdana]Melbourne[/font][/color][color=navy][font=Verdana]. She was sitting next to a man who she knew from the Black Vipers. They were talking in an already formulated code and were discussing the fight from two nights back.[/font][/color] [b][color=navy][font=Verdana] ?Do you think they?re related to Auntie?? [/font][/color][/b][color=navy][font=Verdana]the man asked.[/font][/color] [b][color=navy][font=Verdana]?Oh most definitely, they had all the resemblance to Auntie?s first relative.? [/font][/color][/b][color=navy][font=Verdana]Lai replied, talking about the resemblance between Silence and Ronin and the man that had killed her tae-kwon-doe master.[/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana]They continued to talk quietly in code until they reached [/font][/color][color=navy][font=Verdana]Melbourne[/font][/color][color=navy][font=Verdana]. Lai hoped not to have any more encounters like Silence and Ronin, at least for a day or so. [b][color=black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=black]Sorry about the length of it, couldn't help it with the amount of content I had to fit in.[/color] [/font][/color]
  2. [color=Navy][b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]I'm assuming that Kite and Alec are at Cassie's house now.[/color] Cassie looked around, she was still in her werewolf form, a lot of weird stuff had happened, and now there were even more people in her house. Johnny had already changed back and slipped into the clothes that Cassie had given him, and Kefira was now dressed in some of Cassie's clothes. Cassie looked down at the rags that she had considered clothes as they hung off her half wolf, half human body. She growled and decided to take control, telling Ryu that she would do the change without his help. Ryu was uncertain but agreed, slipping into the depths of her mind, watching quietly. Cassie tried for a few minutes before asking for a clue from Ryu, all he said was imagine her human form. Cassie pictured herself in her mind, at least her new self now that she didn't have a choice. Slowly she changed back to her human form, everyone had stopped whatever they had been doing to watch, she changed back from her male other self back into her human female body. Cassie panted as she looked around, she had done it, but she had yet to change back from her full wolf state. Cassie looked down at her clothes and they were hanging off her barely. She sighed and went to her room, changing into some better clothes, she remembered to keep what happened to her clothes in mind whenever she changed to werewolf mode. Cassie saw Johnny was standing stiff and walked over, the news was saying how they had reported him dead, since he was last seen with a hunter's knife protruding from his upper torso. [b]"You bet something's been changed, I suddenly got better senses and a different look." [/b]Cassie said at Johnny's comment, she spun around, especially waving around her tail. [b]"But my question is, who, when, and why? I'm pretty sure we know what's wrong with us by now, right?" [/b]Cassie asked the group. Everyone nodded in agreement, there were three morphers and two elementalists.They all wanted answers, and Cassie's guess was that all the answers were related to one another. [/color]
  3. [color=Navy]Kage gallopped across the grasslands, his hoofs pounded the ground powerfully as Azalea held onto his reins. The next area they were headed was a forest and the sun was starting to sink which made it easier because it wasn't as hot. Azalea spotted a stream and they stopped to take a break. Kage drank from the stream, his flank was covered in sweat. [b]"You're doing good, boy. Its not too much further now." [/b]Azalea said, consulting the map she held. Azalea took a quick drink from her bottle before deciding to leave again. She mounted her faithful stead and they started off slowly before speeding up. Kage was very much like her shadow as his name suggested, she could sense that their personalities were similar. Azalea saw a sign post up ahead and gently tugged on the reins to slow him to a stop. She read the sign carefully and checked it against her map. The place she was eventually going to end up was Evergreen Marsh, that was beyond two other forests besides the one she was already in front of. Azalea groaned in frustration, forests were dangerous for horses, especially when they didn't have any paths, which none of them did. Azalea tucked the map away again and dismounted. She walked ahead to check out the inside of the forest and realised she wouldn't be able to ride Kage because they would be too tall. She sighed and headed back to her horse. [b]"Looks like we both have to walk." [/b]Azalea said, flipping the reins over his head and leading him into the entrance. Azalea listened to the sounds of the animals as they walked through the forest, taking care not to trip on the undergrowth and protruding roots. Kage snorted in distaste as they walked. [b]"Shhh, I know, I feel the same way as you. But after this one, we still have two more forests then a marsh to cross." [/b]Azalea informed her companion. Azalea enjoyed the company of the stallion, even if he didn't talk back, he was a good listener and they were similar. She smiled and stroked his coat to calm him down as he started to get restless. The came across a large log and Azalea carefully climbed over it, leading Kage over gently. After the log, they saw the light of the entrance and were glad, she let go of Kage's reins and he raced ahead, leaping over any obstacles. Azalea smiled and ran right behind him, they couldn't wait to reach the outside world. Azalea walked out and Kage was rearing happily, she took a hold of his reins and mounted up again. She consulted her map carefully, deciding to go around the next two forests, it would take slightly longer but it was an easier path to take. Azalea talked to Kage about it and he pawed the ground and whickered in agreement. [b]"I guess its settled then, we're going around. Hya!" [/b]she said, then nudging him into a canter, before Kage started to gallop strongly. [b]"We'll stop at the next forest, alright?" [/b] Kage flipped his head and whinied, Azalea took it as an 'understand' and just held onto his reins, he seemed to know where he was going but she was there to guide him in the right direction if needed. [/color]
  4. [color=Navy]Kaze jumped up into the air, using a bit of wind energy to help her and suspend her, then she released a barrage of shuriken. Enji stood in a defensive position, ready to feel the sharp projections but laughed when he realised that none had hit him. The others were looking up at her in confusion too, until Kayin realised what she was doing and gave her a nod when she signalled to him. Kaze used some more wind to pull Kayin up after he jumped. They were floating and Enji was getting ready to release a strong attack. Kayin held out his right hand, palm down toward the ground. [b]"Ready...NOW!" [/b]Kaze called. Kayin released lightning, aiming at each of the shuriken that were pinned in the ground. Kaze quickly pulled out her flute and started to play, weaving the lightning into a cage. Kaze nodded to Kayin and he started to slowly close his hand, making the lightning contract to become smaller. [b]"Attack magically!" [/b]Kaze called down to the other three. They understood now and Lea decided to dump water over the cage because of the electricity and Enji cried out. Matthew made ground quake, the ground started to jump up and down, resulting in Enji hitting the cage repeatedly. Rei and the two phoenixes released fire attacks. Finally Kayin fully closed his hand and the cage was no more, but Enji stood there with the electricity crackling all over his body. Kaze stopped playing and she let go of the magic. Skillfully the two of them flipped and landed safely on the ground. [b]"I'll get you...We'll meet again!" [/b]he cried as he disappeared in a bright red flame. [b]"Let's go." [/b]Kaze said, looking at the scorch mark that he left behind. The group nodded and they continued through the halls, hoping not to come across too many obstacles on the way. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]If you post, you're allowed to have obstacles, just no major enemies, k? Like you can have groups of goons and traps etc.[/color] [/color]
  5. [color=Navy]As soon as Azalea recieved the map she got up and left for her room. She had to prepare for the trip. She looked around the small room that had been her home and started to gather up her things, putting everything in the bag she had had since she first walked into the town and became re-acquainted with Juren. She started to think about the others that had been around and their 'leader', Roland, the master of the household. Azalea picked up her katana looking long sword and strapped it across her back with the hilt peeking over her right shoulder. Then she picked up her dagger and tied it onto her belt on the right hip before tying her pouch of shuriken to her left hip. She looked over herself in the mirror, she was in her usual clothes, which was just a tight black top with regular length sleeves and her black leather pants with her black belt. Azalea always wore the colour black because she continued to mourn not being able to know her parents, which is also why she's after Chaos. Everything she owned was of a dark colour usually black or something extremely close to it like navy blue. Azalea picked up her bag and the map, she departed from her room with the bag over her shoulder, she said goodbye to Juren sadly and left the house. She started out on the road and opened her map to see where she should be going. Her eyes hardened as she saw that she had to go past the orphanage she used to live in. Azalea sighed and rolled the parchment up, tucking it into her belt and set off, she knew where the orphanage was, she went to stand outside the large iron gates every anniversary of when Juren had freed her. Azalea was walking along when she saw some horse stables and debated whether she should get one, deciding on taking one she entered and saw several of the stable hands look at her. Azalea took no notice of them and walked along the stalls, looking for a horse she liked. She saw one in particular that caught her eye. Azalea cocked her head to the right slightly as she looked it over. She entered the stall and ran her hand over the horse, it was a powerful stallion, his coat was a shiny black. Azalea ran her hand down his legs and checked his hoofs. She nodded in decision and called a stable hand over. She told them that she'd take it, but they warned her that he was temperamental. [b]"Are you judging my decision, sir?" [/b]Azalea questioned, pinning her gaze on him sternly. [b]"Uh, no ma'am. I'll get you his saddle and bridle right away." [/b]he said, rushing off. Azalea huffed and put her hands on her hips. The horse whickered too as if he agreed with her. She turned to look at him and smiled. [b]"I think we'll get along fine." [/b]she said quietly. The stable hand returned with the stuff and put her hand into another pouch on her belt that held her money, she dropped some gold coins into his hand and took the things from him, re-entering the stall and saddling the horse. Azalea walked to his head and gently blew into his nostrils so he got her scent, he blew back gently, a way of acceptance. Azalea stroked him and grabbed a hold of the reins, leading him out of the stall and out of the stables, out into the open. Azalea flipped the reins over his head and mounted skillfully, her feet rested comfortably in the stirrups. [b]"I'll name you Kage, as you are my shadow. My name is Azalea." [/b]she said to the horse, fully confident that he understood her. [b]"Hya!" [/b]she cried, nudging him into a canter at once, she wanted to find this Godo person at once so she could get to Chaos as soon as possible. Azalea and Kage soon made their way to the large iron gates that belonged to the orphanage, caging the children within the building. Azalea glared at the building and Kage didn't like it either, pawing the ground. [b]"Shh, I know, I don't like it either. Just let me check the map and we'll be on our way." [/b]Azalea soothed, stroking his mane. Kage calmed down and stood still. She pulled the map from her belt and judged which way, looking further on the map to find a landmark she could use to know where to stop. As soon as she knew, they were off again. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]I think that's a pretty ok starting post. Let me know for changes.[/color] [/color]
  6. [color=Navy]Sakura thought Sean was an interesting person to talk to, she was into his accent too. They had walked through the mansion and into the halls, she saw her name on one of the doors and looked around, she was opposite of Sean and Sergio, the person to arrive after her. Sakura entered the room and was glad to see her surroundings were to her liking. The floor was made of polished wooden floorboards[/color][size=2][color=#000080], the walls were painted a shade of blue that Sakura loved, there was a large window that she could sit on and lean out of, the bed was soft, and best of all, there was electronic equipment all over the room. Sakura sighed happily and checked out all of them. When she had investigated all of the electronics, half of them were hi-tech computers, with one main large one, and a hi-fi system with surround sound that sat in a cupboard along with a large collection of OSTs from anime and games. Sakura looked out of the window and saw a small garden that was full of her favourite flowers. She was going to go out and look at them but the speakers crackled. A voice emerged from it and Sakura looked around for the source but found none. She just shrugged and followed the instructions, going off to the courtyard with the fountain. By the time Sakura got to the fountain, there were already two others. Sakura decided to talk to the girl while they waited. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Tag, Gabe[/color] [/color][/size]
  7. [color=Navy]I'm so sorry I haven't been posting lately. I'll try to post again soon. I've just been having a lot of writer's block so I can't really write well at the moment. How should our characters meet up? [/color]
  8. [size=2][color=Navy][b][color=Black]OOC:[/color][/b] [color=Black]I'm not used to playing Males but here's a shot at it. I don't like the Excerpt very much but I can't think of anything else so... Let me know for changes. [/color] [b] Name:[/b] Zephan Sinclaire [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Gender: [/b]Male [b]Race:[/b] Malroy [b]Occupation:[/b] None [b]Position:[/b] Mage [b]Weapon:[/b] Blade/staff from [url="http://www.ragnarokhq.com/database/classes/sage_m.jpg"]this[/url] pic which he always carries around. [b]Spells:[/b] [u][i]Fire Spin:[/i][/u] Creates a stream of flame that quickly wraps itself around the enemy like a large fire tornado, used for trapping, interogation or just normal attack. He can make the flames get closer by squeezing his open hand slightly, when he closes it completely, his hand will be a fist. [u][i]Flame Shield:[/i][/u] For protection he'll call on his fire powers which will surround him and will incinerate or melt anything or anyone that touches it. [u][i]Fire Storm:[/i][/u] Zephan's most powerful attack, the sky becomes covered in clouds and it rains fire, then several Fire Spins will appear and will attack anything or anyone in its path. This attack causes the most damage but Zephan only uses it sometimes, because it uses a lot of energy and he becomes exhausted. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url="http://www.ragnarokhq.com/database/classes/wizard_m.jpg"]Here[/url] [b] Personality: [/b]Zephan is a quiet person and enjoys reading, usually a spell book. He has one in particular that he keeps with him always in a pocket in his cloak. It's full of particularly strong fire attacks that he's trying to learn. He's a friendly kind of person and likes to be with the other two mages that belong to Malroy, the General Mage and his female counterpart. He enjoys to spend time with Arthas because he's kind, young and teaches him. Zephan doesn't usually become angry, unless its against the Merams, who he shows no tolerance to. [b]Excerpt of Character:[/b] Zephan was positioned on a cliff overlooking the ocean, the cold salty breeze blew past him and billowed his cloak out behind him. His reddish brown hair ruffled in the wind but Zephan paid no heed to it. His grey eyes focussed on something on the horizon that glittered in the light. He knew not what it was but stood entranced. Using his left hand, Zephan reached into a pocket of his cloak and retrieved a thick, tattered book. He whirled around, making his cloak fly again, he walked away, his shoes making crunching noises against the loose rocks and sand, his blade staff thumping the ground like a walking stick. Zephan's eyes scanned around before ducking into a small tunnel that he had discovered. He held his hand palm up and a ball of fire appeared, using the light to guide him, he continued through the tunnel until he reached a cavern. He snapped his fingers and the flame divided into several smaller ones and spread across the room, lighting the candles situated around. Zephan sat in a dusty, frayed armchair heavily, causing dust to spray out and float around. He rested his blade staff against the wall behind him and turned his attention to the book he carried. Zephan flipped open the book gently as to make sure that the hard cover didn't detach itself. He flicked through the thick parchment like pages quickly, knowing what he was looking for. He had studied this book for many years, still trying to master all of the powerful flame spells contained within. He found the page he was searching for and read it over. He frowned with distress, he had done all that it said to do and looked over at the adjoined page, which was a different spell all together. Zephan's eyebrows knitted as he brought the book closer to his face, there looked like a page had been torn from the book. He stood and searched for an eyeglass, putting it over the fold of the book he examined the pages, sure enough, there was evidence of a page being torn. Zephan cursed loudly and stood, closing the book swiftly he slipped it back into the pocket and retrieved his blade staff, he stomped out of the cavern, snapping his fingers to extinguish the flames. He walked along and exited the tunnel. [b]"I'll check the library, perhaps it...fell out." [/b]he said doubtfully. Zephan sighed into the wind as he made his way back to the building. When Zephan had arrived at the building he met with Arthas, mentioning to him that he would be in the library if anyone wanted him he departed. Arthas just shrugged as he wasn't surprised, Zephan spent a lot of time in the library studying different spell books, wanting to become stronger and perhaps become General Mage some day. Zephan pushed the large double doors open as he entered the library section of the building. He greeted the librarians on duty and walked toward the area where he usually sat. He scanned the shelves carefully, looking for any trace of his page. When his search was unsuccessful he let out a noise of frustration, making one of the librarians hurry over to him. Zephan told her of his problem and she smiled, taking him to the counter. She went behind it and searched below, surfacing holding a thich parchment-like page, the same type as his book. She showed it to him and he grabbed it happily, asking why she had it. She explained that when he was in a hurry to leave, he had closed the books harshly and pulled another book he was reading out of his Flame book, taking the page too. By the time they had found it, he had left and they kept it for him. Zephan thanked them and left, in a better mood than before. [/color][/size]
  9. [color=Navy]Sakura looked over at the guy who had addressed her. [b]"Konnichiwa, watashi wa Hiwatari Sakura desu. Ah...Gomen, sorry, I'm used to speaking Japanese. Hi, my name's Sakura Hiwatari, nice to meet you." [/b]Sakura apologized as she saw his face, reading that he couldn't understand Japanese. [b]"Hearing that, I assume you're from Japan." [/b]Sakura nodded in reply. [b]"Tokyo to be exact. Where are you from?" [/b]Sakura questioned, slipping her mini computer into her pocket. [b]"California, America." [/b]Kaine answered, sitting next to her. Sakura played with her ring for a while before Kaine noticed and questioned her about it because it had an interesting design. [b]"Anou, the emblem I assume is my family's sign and inside it is a date." [/b]Sakura said, she took the band off and showed him the inside of it where there was a date engraved, 'Don't forget 3 Oct'. [b]"What's the date stand for? And why do you say assume, shouldn't you know?" [/b] [b]"Well, they're related, but I don't really want to talk about it." [/b]Sakura said, slipping it back onto her right, ring finger. Kaine accepted that and they continued to talk. [b]"So how old are you?" [/b]Kaine asked. [b]"Ni juu, yon sai desu. In English, 24." [/b] [b]"Interesting, I'm 24 too. I should really learn some Japanese if you're going to keep using it." [/b]Kaine replied. [b]"Ah, gomen, I can't help it. Born and bred in Japan." [/b]Sakura blushed, rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment. After some comfortable silence, Sakura looked around at the others, some were talking but most were keeping to themselves as they waited for everyone to arrive. Sakura spotted another guy who looked interesting. [b]"Ah, sumimasen, we'll talk again, ne?" [/b]Sakura said standing. [b]"Sure, talk to you later." [/b]Kaine replied, getting used to the Japanese expressions she used. Sakura gave him a fleeting smile and approached the other guy she'd seen. [b]"Konnichiwa, I'm Sakura Hiwatari, hajimemashite, which means nice to meet you. And you are?" [/b]Sakura greeted. [b]"Sean, Sean Glacier. Nice to meet you." [/b]he replied with a Scottish accent. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Hope you don't mind, Treno ^_~.[/color] [/color]
  10. [color=Navy]Cassie was grateful to have Johnny as company, accepting the steamy bowl of food that he cooked. [b]"Thanks...Itadakimasu." [/b]Cassie said, picking up the chopsticks and eating the food.Cassie was extremely hungry and practically inhaled the contents. When she finished she felt better, and warm inside. [b]"Arigatou." [/b]Cassie said, putting the bowl into the sink. [b]"Demo...what happened to Enyo?" [/b]Cassie asked, folding the blanket. [b]"Uh...I don't know, I just went back to the house after you left." [/b]Johnny replied. [b]"Ok, I'll change quickly and we'll look for her, there's something strange about her that I want to investigate." [/b]Cassie said, going to her room. Cassie changed for the second time that day, having a feeling she'd need to do it again later. She changed into some old jeans she owned that had some holes on the legs and a light, black t-shirt. She went back out and Johnny was ready to go too. Cassie and Johnny left the house, Cassie locked the door and they walked back to the park and the swing set. When they arrived there was no one there, but there were footprints, Cassie spotted her own, as they showed a human shoeprint standing, before it changed into pawprints, showing a path running toward the street. There were also Johnny's shoeprints that walked back toward Cassie's house, and there was a set missing...Enyo should have left prints but there were none that gave evidence that she had been there at all. Cassie knelt and sniffed at the sand, trying to pick up Enyo's strange scent that should have remained there, but there was none. She inspected the sand and there was no evidence of it being swept over to cover the prints. [b]"There's no sign that she's ever been here." [/b]Cassie said standing. [b]"Hey! Freak!" [/b]the two of them turned to look at the street where a large group of boys had gathered with one in particular in front. [b]"I know you did this to me." [/b]the 'leader' said, pulling down the collar of his t-shirt, there were large indents that looked like claws had been dug into his shoulders... [i][b]"It's that kid that was attacking the puppy." [/b][/i]Ryu informed her, though Cassie had already come to that conclusion. [b]"You don't have proof it was me." [/b]Cassie retorted. [b]"You have the same coloured hair as the wolf did fur, no zoos in ages have had a wolf escape, you have wolf ears, do you want me to continue?" [/b]he challenged. [b]"So, what if it was me?" "We'll get you!!!!" [/b]he said, and him and his group charged, pulling out weapons from wherever they had hidden them. Johnny started to change as they got closer, Cassie just watched him in awe as he became a large panda who wielded twin katanas. The group laughed at the sight of the bear carrying the weapons, which angered Johnny more. Cassie fell to the ground, she was changing. [i][b]"Please, I don't want to become full wolf yet, not until I can control something less. Ryu, help me..." [/b][/i]Cassie pleaded. [i][b]"You have another form, a werewolf, we shall become that then. Agreed?" "Yes!" [/b][/i] Cassie changed, she grew fur, but not all over, she got more on her face and her arms and legs. She was now on two feet and her othe parts had changed, like her teeth, nose and her claws grew out. [i][b]"Thankyou..." [/b][/i]Cassie said to her spirit friend. [b]"Johnny, are you ready?" [/b]she asked the panda in the double voiced voice. [/color]
  11. [i][color=Navy]Cassie walked through a gap in a fence. She looked around and saw it was an empty plot of land, it looked so familiar...She saw the boys torturing the poor canine, she ran forward but suddenly heard a howl, seeing a large furry creature leap the fence. The animal was a wolf, herself in her wolf form. The wolf attacked the boys, killing the 'rider' first, then the torturers. Cassie stood there in shock, she wanted to vomit seeing what they had done. Cassie turned her head away and she could hear the sobs of her as she changed back into a human and picked up the corpse. The memory wavered and Cassie was in darkness, all that was running through her mind was killing those boys. The other half of her mind was arguing that they had been the cause of the death to the innocent dog, so they deserved to die. [b]"Stop!!!" [/b][/color][/i][color=Navy]Cassie sat up, she was covered in a cold sweat. She tried to remember what had happened, immediately jumping to the killing, then becoming unconscious. She looked around and spotted Johnny who had dozed off, obviously watching over her. Cassie smiled and felt something on her hands, looking at them, they were covered in blood. What immediately came to mind were lines from her favourite Shakespearian play, [i]Macbeth[/i]. [b]"'...Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand? No; this my hand will rather The multitudinous seas incarnadine, Making the green one red.'" [/b][Act 2, Scene 2] Cassie quoted solemnly, getting up and going to the sink to wash away the crimson liquid. [b]"'Out, damned spot! out, I say!' '...What, will these hands ne'er be clean?' 'Here's the smell of blood still: all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand...'" [/b][Act 5, Scene 1] Cassie said, her eyes dull. Johnny had woke up as soon as Cassie had left the couch and listened to everything she said. Cassie dried her hands slowly, walking back to the couch. [b]"Cassie, are you ok?" [/b]Johnny asked, concerned. [b]"Fine..." [/b]Cassie murmered, she tucked her knees under her chin and wrapped her arms around her shins. [b]"What's wrong? You can tell me." [/b]Johnny said. [b]"I killed 6 people earlier, their blood, marks my hands forever..." [/b]Cassie revealed. [b]"But unlike Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, I am unable to feel regret, as I had no power over what happened." "Then who?" "Ryu...." "Your wolf spirit?" [/b]Johnny guessed. [b]"Hai...I will be strong forthwith, I shall wear a mask to hide all of mine emotions. I will do what must be done without regret for the past." [/b]Cassie said, using olden language, her eyes changing back to normal as life flowed through her. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Sorry, I couldn't resist. I [b]love[/b][i] Macbeth.[/i][/color] [/color]
  12. [color=Navy]Cassie watched this girl, she was different, she could see it and smell it. She wasn't human. Cassie's ears perked as she heard a noise that sounded like a whimper. [i][b]"Ryu, what's that?" [/b][/i]Cassie asked her new friend. [i][b]"There's a dog in danger, its calling for help. You're going to change...NOW!" [/b][/i]and Ryu was right as he changed her into her wolf form. The fur sprouted from her body, and she became the ferocious wolf. She bared her teeth and snarled, looking back at Johnny and Enyo who had backed away in shock. She could tell Enyo was definetly different now that her senses were enhanced even more. [b]"I need to go. I'll meet you back at my house." [/b]Cassie said in the eerie voice that sounded like a male and a female together. With that said Cassie and Ryu took off, following their senses. They bounded along the streets. Finally they cleared a fence and entered an empty plot of land with a group of boys that were battering a dog, one was trying to ride it and tried to make it go faster. The dog collapsed from weakness and was beaten harder to get up. Cassie and Ryu let out a howl as they charged forward, tackling the boy off the dog. The others of the group came closer with their weapons and tried to hit her. Cassie roared at them and rested her right paw over the neck of the boy that was beneath her, putting pressure. [b]"Put your weapons down before I kill him." [/b]Cassie said. The group of guys looked at each other before continuing to approach. Cassie growled and Ryu took over immediately, killing the boy under them and scratching at the guys, they slit them across the throat and they were all dead. The wolf was panting as they padded over to the dog. Cassie and Ryu whined as they nudged it, flipping it to its back. Cassie let out a cry as she changed back to her human form. She was clothed and she knelt in the mud beside the dog. She picked the thing up and felt it, just by feeling, its ribs had shattered and organs collapsed. Cassie cried for the dog, the cruelty of people was truly shown when they did such things to innocent animals. She carried the dog to a patch of land under a tree and dug into the dirt, burying the lifeless body. Cassie stood and walked weakly back to her house, the tears continued to roll down her cheeks, mingling with the rain that had started to slow down. Cassie stumbled through her door weakly and collapsed to the floor from exhaustion. Then she remembered what she and Ryu had done, killing people. Cassie shivered at the thought, even though they had been cruel, she wasn't used to killing. [/color]
  13. [b][color=Navy][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/color][/b][color=Navy][color=Black]Let me know for changes.[/color][/color][b][color=Navy] Name: [/color][/b][color=Navy]Azalea "Lea" Oakley [/color][b][color=Navy] Age: [/color][/b][color=Navy]25 [/color][b][color=Navy] Personality: [/color][/b][color=Navy]Lea is slowly learning to open up, but she keeps to herself so she won't become attached to others in case they're taken away from her, like her parents had, but she does want a relationship of some sort with someone so she doesn't have to feel alone. Lea always wears black because she still mourns over the loss of her parents. Lea is open to making friends, and hopes to gain some. [/color][b][color=Navy] Appearance: [/color][/b][color=Navy][url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"]Here[/url], she wears long black pants made of leathery material and a black top with normal length sleeves. Her weapons are situated around as described below and the position of her crests are told below also. [/color][b][color=Navy] Dragon's Appearence (Optional): [/color][/b][color=Navy][url="http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20151"]Sideria[/url] [/color][b][color=Navy] Weapon: [/color][/b][color=Navy][url="http://img124.exs.cx/img124/6479/samurai3000ninja7bj.jpg"]Katana[/url] strapped across her back with the hilt peeking over her right shoulder for easy access, [url="http://www.kultofathena.com/images/horus_sil_l.jpg"]Dagger[/url] kept in a sheath that's tied to her belt and Shuriken [in attachment since it won't link][/color][font=Verdana][color=navy] (equal amount of 'Scorpions' and 'Piranhas') in a pouch that's tied on her belt and sits on her left hip.[/color][/font] [b][color=Navy] Ambition to Fight Chaos: [/color][/b][color=Navy]Killed her parents when she was little so now she doesn't remember much about her parents. [/color][b][color=Navy] Three Crests: 1) [/color][/b][color=Navy]Crest of the Dragon [Left hand] [b]2) [/b]Crest of Intelligence [Right hand] [b]3) [/b]Crest of Change [Above her left breast, below the collar bone] [/color][b][color=Navy] Your Encounter With Juren: [/color][/b][color=Navy]When Lea was young, she had been put into an orphanage because she had no relatives that were willing to take her in. As she grew older, she became more lonely as she watched all of the other children grow happily and playing, despite their circumstances. Lea was jealous of them and kept to herself, just watching them. Slowly the happy children were picked up from the orphanage to become adopted and soon there was only her and two others. And then she felt truly alone when they were taken away too. Lea felt sad and wrapped herself up even more, not willing to let anyone into her cacoon. When Lea was 15 a man came to the orphanage to talk to the owners about something when he spotted her sitting on her bed with her knees against her chest and her arms wrapped around their shins. He asked about her and the owner told her story, and that no one wanted her, that made her want to break down and cry, but she swore she wouldn't, she wouldn't show emotion. He took pity on her and adopted her, but then giving her the papers and a bag of money. Lea thanked him and left, she wanted to go home, back to where it all happened. Lea arrived at her old home, it was terrible, furniture was broken and there were blood stains. She collected anything of value to her including weapons and bought some new things including new clothes with the money she got before setting off again, looking for a good blacksmith. She reached a town and went to the blacksmith so he could sharpen her weapons. After getting them fixed, polished and sharpened Lea was ready to set out again when she came across the same man that had 'adopted' her. Lea approached him and he didn't remember at first, until she pulled out the papers and showed him. It was revealed that this man was named Juren and he invited her to stay with him and his master. Seeing as Lea had no where else to go, she accepted gratefully. [/color]
  14. [b]OOC: [/b]Hope you don't mind this being my old post with a few small changes. [color=navy]Sakura had been awake for hours and was lounging on her bed. She yawned and sat up, opening the top drawer of her bedside table. She reached in and pulled out a thin and wide metal object. That was her mini computer that she'd gotten years ago. She flipped it open and started it up. When it finished loading Sakura accessed her email and checked her inbox, there were several emails, but one in particular caught her eye because she didn't know the address it came from. Opening it, she read; [/color] [QUOTE][color=navy] [/color][color=darkslategray][size=1] Hello, [i]I?m writing to you, my friend, to congratulate you on winning an all expense paid trip to the coast of Scotland to live in my mansion for as long as you wish. Beware, this is no ordinary mansion mind you. Within the walls of my home, everything you ever wished for will be granted to you. And I mean....everything. All the deepest, darkest desires of your heart will be yours. Whatever pleasure you seek for yourself...will be granted to you. If you desire love, sex, money, drugs, food...all of life?s commodities will be yours. [/i] [i]If you wish to accept this honor, please...simply reply back with a smile yes or no; and immediate transportation plans will be set in place for you to arrive. [/i] [i]Upon arriving, there are three rules which you must obey while in my home. [/i] [i]1) You must obey your cards...[/i] [i]2) You must stay in the light...[/i] [i]3) You must never go into the Angelic Wing...[/i] [i]That is all..,everything will be explained when you arrive...any questions that you have will not be with held from you prior to entering the mansion. [/i] [i]You may be asking yourself...??why would I bother coming to a place such as this??? I?ll tell you why...if you play my little game...if you last living in the house, you will earn half of my family fortune, which comes to around thirteen billion dollars. I?m not joking, I?ve come to realize the worthlessness of money...so I?ve decided to give most of it away to the ones who I find to be worthy. And I will wait as long as it takes to find the right ones. So; whomever can stay within the house for six months, will be declared the winner...and the thirteen billion will be split between those who are left. But hear me...once you enter the mansion, you may not leave the grounds of the estate. [/i] [i]So there you have it; come to my mansion...where all your dreams come true...and have the opportunity to win thirteen billion dollars. No strings attached...and believe me...it will be worth your while. [/i] [i]Oh, one more thing...do not tell anyone of this, for we want to make this as smooth and without interruptions from the outside world. Don?t worry...we?ll know if you tell...which will automatically revoke your chances of coming to my mansion. As clarity for your honesty and silence...I have taken the liberty of electronically sending ten thousand dollars to your personal back account, as a token of my friendship too you. [/i] [i]That is all I will tell you...once you reply back to this email...you will have an escort waiting outside your house within two days to bring you to the mansion. [/i] [i]I have chosen you because I feel you to be worthy of such a reward; for your dedication to society, your love and compassion, your leadership, your strength through turmoil, and last but not least...for just who you are. [/i] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=darkred][i]Catch ya later...[/i] [i]Sincerely, [/i] [i]The Master of Games..[/i][/color][/font][/size][/color][/QUOTE] [color=darkslategray][size=1][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=darkred][/color][/font][/size][/color] [color=navy] [/color][color=darkslategray][/color] [color=navy]Sakura[/color][color=darkslategray][size=1][size=2][font=Verdana][color=navy] read over the email several times, not believing it. She blinked and hit the reply button. [/color][/font][/size][/size][/color] [QUOTE][color=darkslategray][size=1][size=2][font=Verdana][color=navy] [/color][/font][/size][/size][/color] [color=darkslategray][size=1][size=2][font=Verdana][color=navy] [/color][/font][/size][/size][/color][color=darkslategray][size=1][size=2][font=Verdana][color=navy][i]Master of Games-sama,[/i] [i]Arigatou for the invitation. I have thought it over carefully and have decided to accept it gratefully. I shall await the escort. I wish that it won't be late in any means.[/i] [i]Arigatou-gozaimasu,[/i] [i]~Hiwatari [color=navy]Sakura[/color][/i][i]-san[/i][/color][/font][/size][/size][/color][/QUOTE] [color=darkslategray][size=1][size=2][font=Verdana][color=navy][/color][/font][/size][/size][/color] [color=navy][size=2][font=Verdana] [/font][/size][/color][color=darkslategray][size=1][size=2][font=Verdana][color=navy][/color][/font][/size][/size][/color] [color=navy]Sakura[/color][color=darkslategray][size=1][size=2][font=Verdana][color=navy] hit the send button, hoping he'd understand the Japanese that she'd incorporated into the email. [/color][/font][/size][/size][/color][color=navy]Sakura[/color][color=darkslategray][size=1][size=2][font=Verdana][color=navy] remembered that the email had said that he'd sent $10,000 to their accounts and checked her account balance, indeed she had $10,000 extra than she'd had before, and she doubted that her mother had deposited that much through the morning, because she checked her balance before she went to bed, and in the afternoon. [/color][/font][/size][/size][/color][color=navy]Sakura[/color][color=darkslategray][size=1][size=2][font=Verdana][color=navy] got out a large bag and started to pack her things so she'd be prepared for when the escort arrived. When she had finished, she slipped her goggles onto her head, her ring and necklace with pendant on and left her large house that she owned, although it looked extremely shabby on the outside compared to many of the other houses in Tokyo, it was grand on the inside, not wanting to flaunt her money like others by making her house beautiful outside. [/color][/font][/size][/size][/color][color=navy]Sakura[/color][color=darkslategray][size=1][size=2][font=Verdana][color=navy] whistled happily and tucked her mini computer into her pocket, starting tomorrow, her life would change drastically, and she hoped in a good way, then she walked off toward a friend's house. When she arrived home several hours later, she decided to go to sleep and wait for the next day to arrive. The next morning when she woke, she got up and peered out the window, a black limousine with tinted windows was waiting. She grinned and slipped on her daily gear and clothes that she always wore and put her mini computer into her pocket. She tied her shoes and grabbed her luggage from near the front door. [/color][/font][/size][/size][/color][color=navy]Sakura[/color][color=darkslategray][size=1][size=2][font=Verdana][color=navy] glanced at her house once more, she wouldn't be seeing her electronic equipment for quite some time. Opening her front door, she saw the driver who tipped his hat at her and took the heavy luggage from her hands. [/color][/font][/size][/size][/color][color=navy]Sakura[/color][color=darkslategray][size=1][size=2][font=Verdana][color=navy] thanked him and turned on the alarm for her house, even though she doubted that she'd need it. They both went to the limousine where he'd already stashed the luggage and held the door open. She got in and he closed the door, before getting into the driver's side. They started to drive when he pushed a button on the CD player, and the voice of Japanese singer Utada Hikaru came out, it was her favourite artist, but how... [b]"The Master knows she is your favourite singer and prepared this for you." [/b]he said, answering her unvoiced question. [b]"Sou desu..."[/b] she mumbled, then became silent as 'Hikari' started playing, which was her favourite song. [/color][/font][/size][/size][/color][color=navy]Sakura [/color][color=darkslategray][size=1][size=2][font=Verdana][color=navy] sighed and leaned her head back, closing her eyes as she listened to the music. [/color][/font][/size][/size][/color] [color=darkslategray][size=1][size=2][font=Verdana][color=navy] [/color][/font][/size][/size][/color][color=navy][size=2][font=Verdana][/font][/size][/color] [QUOTE][color=navy][size=2][font=Verdana] [/font][/size][/color][color=darkslategray][size=1][size=2][font=Verdana][color=navy] Donna toki datte Tada hitori de Unmei wasurete Ikite kita no ni Totsuzen no hikari no naka me ga sameru Mayonaka ni Shizuka ni deguchi ni tatte Kurayami ni hikari o ute [font=Tahoma]Imadoki yakusoku nante fuan ni saseru dake kana Negai o kuchi ni shitai dake sa Kazoku ni mo shoukai suru yo Kitto umaku iku yo[/font] [font=Tahoma]Donna toki datte Zutto futari de Donna toki datte Soba ni iru kara Kimi to iu hikari ga watashi o mitsukeru Mayonaka ni...[/font][/color][/font][/size][/size][/color][/QUOTE] [color=darkslategray][size=1][size=2][font=Verdana][color=navy][font=Tahoma][/font][/color][/font][/size][/size][/color] [color=navy][size=2][font=Verdana] [/font][/size][/color][color=darkslategray][size=1][size=2][font=Verdana][color=navy] Sakura listened to the CD as she lay back in the limousine. She stared out the window at the scenery as they approached the airport. The limousine bid her farewell after he helped her check in the luggage. Sakura said goodbye and took the ticket that the driver had given to her, boarding the plane. Her seat was next to the window, where she liked it, with no noisy kids around, perfect. After flying away from her town of Tokyo, she arrived in Scotland and there was another limousine driver waiting for her with a sign. Sakura made her way over and he took her the rest of the trip to the mansion, this time the CD Player had a Final Fantasy OST, her favourite series of games. When they pulled up to the mansion Sakura was in awe with it and couldn't believe it. When she exited, she saw another girl who had her legs crossed, sitting on a bench, trying to make herself look more attractive. Sakura just glanced at her and took a seat further away from her, taking out her mini computer to see if she could create some more programs. [/color][/font][/size][/size][/color] [color=darkslategray][size=1][size=2][/size][/size][/color]
  15. [color=Navy]Lai was frowning as she wore female dress suit. She refused to wear a skirt or dress, and under her clothes was her usual outfit so she could change later. Her guns were in arm holsters now, being covered by the jacket she wore, she felt safe feeling their presence against her arms. She looked around, looking in the direction of the exhibition. She saw Amaya a distance away and signalled her over discretely. They met up and Lai started to tell her that when the main commotion of the ball happened, for them to split away and go for the mask. Amaya seemed to agree with the plan and they seperated again. Lai picked up a glass of champagne, she wasn't a drinker but she did so to blend in with the other upper class people. Lai looked around again, spotting the other members of their group, she found Selene amongst the crowd and she didn't look happy. Though Lai wasn't surprised, not a lot had gone well for her so far. Lai jumped slightly when she was tapped on the shoulder, she whirled around to see Zeddrick. He leaned in and whispered to her about the problem they were facing and that Selene had told him to tell them that they would have to go ahead of schedule. Lai nodded and told him that she'd find Amaya and tell her, so they could change the plan slightly. Zeddrick nodded and walked off, getting lost in the crowd. Lai searched around for Amaya finally finding her she told her about what was happening, just changing the plan slightly. Amaya nodded and they stayed together this time, waiting for a good time to go into action. [b]"We just have to bide our time until the moment's right..." [/b]Lai said quietly. [/color]
  16. [color=Navy]Cassie nodded as she listened to Johnny's account of what happened. She was extremely interested since she though she was the only freak, but to find out that he turned into a giant panda fascinated her. [b]"Gee, and you freaked out about me becoming a wolf when you change into a huge panda that can kill?!" [/b]Cassie reacted. Johnny laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his head. Cassie just smiled, her tail wagged slightly, trapped by the couch she was sitting on. [b]"I guess that explains the knife wound, it's there, that's a pretty nasty knife to have stuck in your body." [/b]Cassie said, indicating to the table where she had left the bloody weapon. Johnny looked at it and shuddered. [b]"I know what you mean about watching it though, I didn't have control over my wolf form either. But I didn't kill anyone, they may have a bit of bleeding and bruises but that's it." [/b]Cassie sighed, her ears lay back as she sighed, leaning into the recliner comfortably. Cassie remembered that Johnny was still naked and excused herself, taking some clothes from her father's room and giving them to him to wear for now. They were a bit too big but it was the best she could do, he accepted them and changed while Cassie made them something to eat. When Cassie returned with sandwiches, Johnny was on the couch again in the oversized clothes. She set the plate in front of him and took her own back to the recliner. They continued to talk, finding out about each other and more about their powers. Cassie yawned sleepily, revealing her sharp canine teeth before closing her mouth and leaning back into the recliner. [b]"Come on Johnny, let's go outside." [/b]Cassie said standing. [b]"But its still raining..." [/b]he said, looking out the window. [b]"It doesn't matter, we'll go somewhere better than the house, its too boring in here." [/b]Cassie pleaded, tugging on his arm. He watched her and nodded, Cassie rejoiced, then went to get changed from the sleeping clothes she'd been wearing. She changed into another bunch of her usual clothes, because she had several of the same outfit, putting on a water-proof, hooded jacket. She got one from her father's clothes again and gave that to Johnny. They prepared themselves and left the house, locking the door behind them. Cassie walked around with Johnny, not minding the rain. They went to the deserted park that was near her house and sat on the swings to talk for a while, Cassie revealed more about herself as she started to draw patterns in the damp sand. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Couldn't think of much to write.[/color] [/color]
  17. [color=Navy]Cassie was sleeping lightly, she had never been a heavy sleeper and she sat up after her body felt she'd had enough sleep. She rubbed her eyes first, still trying to get used to her enhanced senses. Her sensitive ears twitched at a rustling in the house. She lifted her nose and sniffed, she recognised the foreign smell as the visitor that had quite literally, fallen on her doorstep. From the rustlings she could hear he was awake. Cassie decided to introduce herself and find out about him. She got out of bed and slowly walked to the lounge where the sound was coming from. She peeked over the top of the couch and saw him lying there. [b]"Hi, my name's Cassie Masako." [/b]she smiled, leaning her head on her folded arms that rested on the top of the couch. The boy jumped slightly. [b]"Hi, I'm Johnny Miller, nice to meet you. And I assume that you fixed my wound, thankyou." [/b]he said smiling back at her. [b]"Not a problem." [/b]Cassie said, absentmindedly scratching her furry ears. [b]"What the...? You've got furry ears!" [/b]Johnny realised, taking a better look at her. [b]"Uh...yeah, well, that's kinda hard to explain since I don't even understand, but yeah, I have this wolf thing living in me." [/b]Cassie told him, kinda nervous and embarrassed. [b]"Man, that's weird...And you've got a tail?!" [/b]he shrieked, seeing the waving appendage. [b]"Yeah, that's another of the several things..." "There's more?!" [/b]Johnny was shocked by now, kneeling up on the couch to look at her from where she'd been backing away. Cassie told him about the streaks in her hair, she hadn't dyed them; her sharp canines; enhanced senses; retractable nails; and of course the power of completely changing into a wolf. Johnny was surprised to say the least, not expecting that, and hadn't noticed it when she was sleeping. [b]"But I was wondering, what happened to you? I heard a crash outside of my door and found you lying on my doorstep with a knife sticking out of your chest." [/b]Cassie said, walking around the sofa and sitting on a recliner, crossing her legs and looking at him. [/color]
  18. [color=Navy][b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]I had to improvise since I don't have any more of the RP saved on my computer. I'm trying to remember as much as possible, but you know I've got terrible memory.[/color] They walked through and looked around, there was a stone path that lead all the way up to the door with no visible traps around. She narrowed her eyes, not trusting this at all, the most powerful family would never just rely on a Magic Barrier with no other back ups. While Kaze stood there and thought, Matthew started to walk around her to go on ahead. Her eyes turned white and she grabbed his arm tightly. He looked back at her and she was looking around at the path, the whole strip ahead of them was covered with traps of all sorts. [b]"Why'd you stop me?" [/b]Matthew asked, not understanding. Kaze's eyes reverted to their soft brown and she looked at him. [b]"The whole path is trapped. Rei, could you drop a flame a few centimeters in front of us, just where that off coloured stone is?" [/b]Kaze requested. Rei nodded and blinked, calling on her powers and dropping a small flame. It came in contact with something invisible and they heard a rumbling. Kaze closed her eyes as a rolling log swung down from the trees. Kaze was prepared and sailed over it, Kayin's shinobi training paid off as his senses kicked in and he flipped over it. The other three started to move forward but Kaze warned them about the further attacks making them change plans. Matthew jumped it while Lea and Rei ducked under it, flattening themselves on the ground, the log just went over them. [b]"Now do you see how dangerous it is? I've got an idea, Rei and Lea, could you put your powers together and make a layer of steam?" [/b]Kaze asked. The two girls nodded and did so, when the steam started to drift away, they could see the fine threads that ran along that were all connected to traps. The whole path was impossible to get through without setting off a trap. [b]"How are we going to get across?" [/b]Rei questioned nervously. [b]"From what I saw in my special vision, was that there's a particular tile on the other side of the traps that will disable them for a minute. I'll go across, then you guys have to sprint for it, if not the traps will set again and you'll activate one of them." [/b]Kaze said, she took a breath and disappeared in spiral of wind, she sailed over the traps, weaving through them and appearing on the other side. [b]"Ready...Set...Go!" [/b]Kaze said, as she pushed her foot on the tile, there was a click and the four others ran for it, there was a quiet ticking that counted the seconds. They were halfway across when Kaze started to count that 1 minute was slowly finishing, she quickly called on her powers, lifting them up in the air and holding them there. The traps reset and she floated them over quickly. [b]"Why didn't you do that in the first place?" [/b]Kayin asked. [b]"Because it takes a lot of energy to do what I did to get up to the barrier." [/b]she explained simply. They seemed to accept her answer and they walked up to the door carefully, Kaze pushed it open and looked around, holding the door open, she waved them through. Cautiously they walked along the halls until they reached a chamber. As soon as the three had walked in, the door slammed shut and locked. They all whirled around and looked at the door, Rei ran to it to see if it would open without luck. There was a laughter and they saw a man standing on a platform above them. He was dressed in red and white and had red, long, spiky hair. His cape billowed behind him as he did a graceful flip, landing on the ground several metres in front of him. [b]"Welcome to the castle, and goodbye." [/b]he said, drawing his sword and shield, rushing toward them. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Alright, now this person is NOT someone who will be defeated easily and I expect this to go on for a few posts ok? I have decided to create an Underground Thread (found [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=647888#post647888"]HERE[/url]), which I can't talk to Kayin about since he's gone. All enemy bios will be posted there, and direct any questions you have there too. Please actually use the thread, thanks.[/color] [/color]
  19. [color=Navy]Hello, this is the Underground Thread for the RP Chrono Saga which is featured in the Adventure Square. I decided to form this thread for several reasons, obviously for comments, suggestions and questions, but also for posting the Bios of enemies that we already have planned. Now, in case you don't remember. [b]Wind[/b] - Kaze (Sakura) [b][color=Orange]Lightning[/color][/b] - Kayin (Kayin) [color=DarkRed][b]Fire[/b][/color] - Rei (Reiku) [color=SeaGreen][b]Earth[/b][/color] - Matthew (Venge) [color=RoyalBlue][b]Water/Ice[/b][/color] - Lea (Kiba_the_Chosen) Since this is an RP that Kayin and I have already done, we do know where this RP should be going, with a little improvisation here and there. Ok, now here's the first of several enemy Bios. [/color] [b]Name:[/b] Enji Hideki [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v365/Kayin_Cloud/artworks/EnjiColor2.jpg"]Enji [Click][/url] [b]Weapons:[/b] Ragnarok (Seen in pic), Aegis Shield[font="] [font=Verdana][size=2][b]Element:[/b] Fire [/size][/font][/font] [font="][font=Verdana][size=2][color=Navy]Please post any queries to Kayin or I in this thread and we'll do our best to help and explain. [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46429"]Adventure Thread [Main RP][/url] [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=45902"]Recruitment Thread [Sign ups][/url] [/color][/size][/font][/font] [font="][font=Verdana][size=2][color=Navy][b]~Sakura[/b] [/color][/size][/font][/font]
  20. [color=Navy]Cassie's mother had left for work because she was already late due to the circumstances involving Cassie. She hadn't wanted to leave at first because of Cassie, but she told her to go. She was drifting off to sleep when she heard a crash that sounded like it came from outside her house. She got out of bed slowly and moved to the door, opening it carefully and seeing a boy who had a knife sticking out of his chest. He was naked for some unknown reason, bleeding, and in pain. She blushed but kneeled, checking if he was alive, which he was, just unconscious. Cassie carefully brought him inside, put him on the couch and dried him off first, cleaning up the blood around his body but not touching the knife. She covered his lower half with a towel and looked at him. He had blonde hair and looked about the same age as her. She got up and went into the bathroom, retrieving the First Aid kit and some water and towels. She bit her lip lightly as she rested her left hand on his chest which was also holding a ragged towel, next to the dagger, putting down pressure. She wrapped her right hand around the handle of the knife and pulled it out quickly, putting the towel in her left hand over the wound and applying pressure to try to stop the bleeding. Cassie put the knife down and looked at his face, it had a pained look, but he was still unconscious. His blood started to soak through the towel, she had to switch towels after the first became too soaked with blood. After a while the blood started to lessen. Cassie lifted the towel away and inspected the wound, cleaning it with a damp towel to wipe away the blood. Cassie opened the First Aid kit, getting out a sterilised needle, thread, the roll of cloth bandage, antiseptic and one of the strips of leather. She wedged the strip into his mouth, in case he ground his teeth. She was scared, she didn't know who this person was, but their smell told her that she could trust them for now. Cassie threaded the needle and poured antiseptic over the wound. She began to stitch the wound slowly, she would have done it faster, but she was still tired from her transformation. When she was finally finished she cut the thread away and lifted his torso so he was in a sitting position. She quickly wrapped a few layers of the bandage around where the stitches were and clipped it there. Cassie yawned and saw that it had taken her an hour to stitch the wound. She looked at him again, watching before taking the leather strip and disposing it, then packing away the kit and returning it to its rightful place. Cassie went to the closet and got a spare pillow and blanket, tucking the pillow under his head and spread the blanket over his body. [b]"Now, I'm going back to sleep."[/b] Cassie said to herself. [i][b]"Who is that? He doesn't seem familiar in your memories." [/b][/i]A voice in her head said. Cassie jumped and looked around, before actually realising it was from her head. [b]"Who are you? Why are you in my head?" [/b]Cassie demanded. [i][b]"Shh, there's no need for you to talk aloud, people will think you're crazy, just think it to me and I'll hear you. And my name is Ryuai, Ryu for short. I am the Wolf gene that you were given, the male wolf that you change into, like earlier tonight." [/b][/i]The wolf explained. [i][b]"A wolf gene I was given? What are you talking about, I don't remember any of that." "Don't worry, all will be revealed to you later in time. Just know that I am here to guide and help. I will be mostly in control when we change in spasms like earlier until you learn how to control these powers." [/b][/i]Ryu told her. [i][b]"Ok ok, whatever, I'm just tired from whatever happened earlier. I'm going to bed and I'll talk to you later." [/b][/i]Cassie sighed, her head hurting more with the added stress and confusion. Cassie practically fell into her bed and straight into a sleep/nap. [/color]
  21. [color=Navy]Yeah, I agree with what Retri said. I really wanna post in this thing but yeah, I think its best if you direct us, or else we may go off track to somewhere that you weren't prepared for. That's my short little input, hope your 'net gets fixed, ~Sakura [/color]
  22. [color=Navy]Sakura went to her room after they had finished planning and everything, she still hadn't gotten over the shock of her father dying, along with her mother being injured. She lay on the bed, Masame's face and the image of her killing her father was burned into her memory, she would never forget it. Sakura sat up and lifted her left shirt sleeve, seeing Lai was back in full colour now, she decided to next bring back her wings for transport in case she needed them. She thought about their meaning, firstly, since it was one of each type; a demon wing and an angel wing. It kinda told a bit about her personality, because she could be innocent as an angel at times, then as evil and cruel as a demon. Sakura sat there, meditating on her wings, but then she heard a phonecall. She opened her eyes and looked at the time, it had been about 2 hours. Sakura pulled her phone out of her pocket, answering. It was her mother and they just talked for a while, she was just checking up on her. They hung up and Sakura went to the mirror in the bathroom, looking at her back, the colour was returning to the wings slowly. She was happy that two things had gone right, which neutralised the day since two bad things had happened. She couldn't sit around so practised her martial arts, centering her mind, what Masame had said about her teachings insulted her, which would be another thing she would avenge on her new collector. Sakura couldn't wait for them to find the mastermind of their group so they could take them down for good. She hoped that nothing would happen to her mother, but just in case, she called the family's guards to make sure that no one entered unless they had been authorised. She did a few more martial arts moves, finishing with a backflip. Sakura looked up and fire of vengance burned deep in her eyes and within her soul. [i][b]'I'll get her for you, Otousan.' [/b][/i]Sakura promised silently, hoping her father could hear her. [/color]
  23. [color=Navy]Kaze smirked slightly as she saw the other three appear; rei appeared in a flame, Lea appeared in a drop of water that fell from the sky, expanded into a puddle and she rose from it, while Matthew appeared with a shaking of the ground, a crack formed and he emerged from it. Lea's hair was frizzled and sticking up from the lightning that Kayin had sent. He hadn't been too smart and almost hit them before Kaze warned him, making him direct the lightning bolt away from hitting any of them directly. And it went to Lea because water conducts electricity, her aura drew the energy toward her. Kaze nodded. [b]"We've been told that the Time Family live up in that castle." [/b]Kaze said, pointing to the castle that sat atop the hill beyond the forest. The three turned their heads and looked up at it. [b]"Who's the Time Family?" [/b]Rei asked. [b]"They're the only family whose children inherit the extremely rare element of Time, which is why they are called the Time Family. After talking with Kayin, I have come to a conclusion that our loved ones may be trapped in another time, which is why we're going to see the current master of the Time Family to ask about the possibilities." [/b]Kaze explained to them, already saying all of it to Kayin. [b]"So why aren't we going up there?" [/b]Matthew asked. [b]"We tried that, there's a magic barrier around the place, but we're not suprised, they're a very powerful family that many others would like to and try to assassinate." [/b]Kayin answered. [b]"Do you want us to walk the whole way up?" [/b]Lea asked. [b]"Not at all, even I can't be bothered doing that, everyone stand in a circle around me. Since mine and Matthew's elements are the only ones that are found absolutely everywhere on earth, I will teleport us to infront of the barrier." [/b]Kaze told them. Matthew opened his mouth to ask something when Kaze cut him off. [b]"I didn't ask you for several reasons, 1) I don't think you can handle teleporting such a large group since you haven't been trained in Academy (Elemental school), 2) yours will create damage and may not get us as far as we want, 3) You need to save your energy, since I'll be relying on an extra source of energy that I have to get there." [/b]Kaze listed. Matthew closed his mouth and nodded, they all circled Kaze and she asked them to put a hand out with their palm facing toward her and to concentrate their auras. They obeyed quietly as Kaze pulled out her thin case from her left thigh pocket. She opened it, took out the item and replaced the case into her pocket. She flourished her crystal flute lavishly and heated it in her hands before putting it to her lips. She started to play a song, that started slow, but sped up in the middle, and slowed down in the end. As the song ended, a wind spiralled around the group, they disappeared and they travelled over the land. Kaze put her flute away and watched the pattern of the winds carefully, circling the castle until she could find where the barrier was exactly. Kaze landed a few metres away from the barrier and they looked behind them, seeing the forest that they had flown over. [b]"Now, let's break through this thing." [/b]Kaze said, sizing up the invisible barrier, seeing it through the wind patterns that were forced to flow around it. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Sorry, gotta go. Kayin, you should take it over from here. If any of you others post, don't break the barrier or begin to try to. Backtrack or something to an earlier post and continue from there, leading to now.[/color] [/color]
  24. [b]OOC: [/b]Sorry about my last post, had to go in a hurry. [color=Navy]Cassie was on the ground, her head pounded and her heart thumped rhythmically, hearing the sound loudly in her ears. She roared loudly, which made her mother back away quickly for caution. Her teeth had changed into sharp fangs, her clothes were disappearing, with her skin being covered by grey, black and brown fur. Her hands slowly changed shape, becoming large, powerful paws with claws that came along with them. Cassie howled as her face changed, her eyes changed shape and colour, they were now navy blue instead of their soft brown. Her face stretched out, nose and mouth extended into a muzzle, her nose was small, black and wet, and her mouth now had a new set of teeth and a different tongue. She grew larger slightly and was the weight of a fully grown alpha male wolf, which was the gender of the gene that she had recieved. When Cassie's change was complete, she rolled off her side and stood on her four paws. She snarled angrily, her muzzle wrinkled and her hackles rose. She lifted her nose slightly and sniffed the air, she growled again and left the room, heading toward the front door. Her mother chased after her and opened the door as Cassie approached it. Cassie looked at her mother, sniffed her, then licked her caringly, before dashing into the rain. Cassie was amazed at the new senses she had, her hearing was excellent, along with her vision, smell, awareness and speed. But she couldn't control her new form, the wolf inside of her was taking over mostly, but Cassie was enjoying the ride, until she could control this new form. The wolf bound across the streets, she had smelled something interesting earlier that Cassie was unsure of, and had heard a noise too. Water splashed about as Cassie leaped into puddles, she had a determined look on the canine face, her teeth were bared in anger. They rounded a corner and saw a puppy being attacked by a boy who was smirking as he prodded it with a sharp stick. The wolf roared loudly to alert him of her presence. The boy turned to look at them, shocked, he dropped his stick. [i][b]"Help..." [/b][/i]they heard a weak voice ask. Cassie leaped across, tackling the boy and pinning him under the tremendous weight of a fully grown, male wolf. They roared together loudly, scaring the boy. They dug their claws into his shoulders, snarling, the rain dripping through their fur. Glaring the wolf backed off, the boy got up and ran away, slipping, but getting up again. [b][i]"Are you alright?" [/i][/b]Cassie asked the puppy, he nodded and left, probably going back to his mother. Cassie left for home again, arriving in the door dripping wet. Her mother rushed out with a towel and blow dryer. Slowly Cassie reverted to her human state, she was panting and dripping wet, but she still had her clothes. Her mother changed her out of the clothes and dried her up before sending her into bed to rest. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Ok, incase you're wondering, I've decided to have Cassie sharing her body with the wolf gene, which is why I title them as they. When it's in bold italics, she's talking to another person or dog in her wolf mode or another dog is talking to her. When she's in wolf mode, she does speak English, just she sounds like two different voices mixed together. And yes, the dogs will understand her in English, but no one else, because they can only understand her. Until Cassie controls her powers, she will have spasms and randomly change forms. The wolf lives in her head, who she will from now on start to talk to quite often, I haven't thought of a name for him yet, but i should have one by my next post. [/color][/color]
  25. [color=Navy]Cassie sat up in bed, her head was aching and her vision was blurry. She groaned and rubbed her eyes, when she looked around again she noticed that her vision was much sharper than it had been before, along with her other enhanced senses. Cassie sniffed gently and could smell so many different scents that she never knew existed before then. Cassie's ears twitched, which then brought her to the awareness of her ears sitting on top of her head instead of on the sides. Cassie reached up to touch them, stroking the fur. She could also move them around. There was a shuffling and soon someone appeared in her door. Cassie looked in the direction and saw her mother, her face had wrinkles, more than from the last time she'd seen her. [b]"Cassie! You're back!" [/b]she cried, hugging her. Cassie just hugged her back, puzzled, she didn't remember even being gone. [b]"What? How long have I been gone for?" [/b]Cassie questioned. [b]"Quite a while, I'm just glad you're back...but, what's with your appearance?" [/b] Cassie got up and ran over to her full length mirror, looking over herself. She was definately different. Her ears were the first thing she noticed, then her hair; her brown hair now had streaks of grey and black in it, her canine teeth were longer, her nails could retract, and she now had a furry tail. Cassie had a flash of a memory, she remembered a water tank, needles, people in white coats with clipboards and pain. She growled and suddenly she was on the ground, rolling around in pain, crying like a pained wolf. [b]"Cassie!" [/b]her mother cried, kneeling down and trying to help. Cassie growled, fur started to sprout from her body and she was changing. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]This is a guess of what to do, since you didn't really tell us what we should be doing.[/color] [/color]
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