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Everything posted by Sakura
[color=Navy][size=2][color=Black][b]EDIT: [/b]I finished, I hope the sign up's ok.[/color] [b] Name:[/b] Cassie Miller [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b][/size][/color][font=Verdana] [url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"][color=#000000]Here[/color][/url][/font][font=Verdana][color=navy], keep her goggles but replace her clothes with a forest green button up shirt with pink cherry blossoms embroidered on the bottom right side of the shirt, and creamish white cargos. She also wears fingerless, greyish blue gloves with grips on the underside. She's medium height for her age and is quite toned and strong from all the exercise and sports she participates in. Cassie looks like a hybird, with furry pointy ears that sit on her head, longer canine teeth, a tail and retractable nails, her hair also has a few streaks of grey and black from the fur of her wolf forms, [/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=navy]all results from the experiment[/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=navy]. [/color][/font][color=Navy][size=2] [b]Weapon:[/b] Cassie is skilled with weapons because she's been around them for a long time, thus she carries [/size][/color][font=Verdana][color=navy][url="http://img92.exs.cx/img92/5388/TwinBlades.jpg"]Twin Blades[/url] that can be put together to form a staff (like the one in the pic) which is how she usually carries them. The weapons are made of strong oak for the hilts and silver for the blades and gold ring around the point where they join to form the staff. [/color][/font][color=Navy][size=2] [b]Specimen Oddity:[/b] Cassie gained the abilities of changing into a full wolf or werewolf type creature, but she usually stays in a sort of hybrid form which is less of a wolf than her werewolf form as described above. Another small ability is the power to communicate with any animals of the Canine family, using that she's made friends with a lot of the stray dogs that live in the city. She also has enhanced senses from her wolf part; sharper vision, excellent sense of smell, excellent hearing, faster, more aware. Though sometimes Cassie breaks out in spasms and immediately starts to flicker between her forms. She'll roll on the ground roaring and crying in pain, but no one can do anything about it because her wolf side gets the urge to come free and uses it as a way to gain control. Sometimes the wolf will be victorious and Cassie will walk around in wolf form, kinda posessed and everyone has to be careful of her then. It never lasts longer than a day, and when it stops, she's unconscious and when she wakes up she'll have a splitting headache. [b]Information:[/b] Like a lot of other citizens that live in Durge, Cassie was born and bred in the slums. She is one of three, the three of them are triplets and all look alike, she's the oldest, by 5 minutes from the middle child, and 15 minutes from the youngest. Her other two siblings are both male and are named Ed and Al, Ed being the older one. Cassie enjoys playing with her brothers and they're all very close because they're triplets. None of them have ever met their father because something happened to him that their mother doesn't want to reveal to them. Her mother herself is very sick and weak, they're not sure what caused her sickness, but they believe its from the polluted fumes that drift around from factories and other such things. But living in the dumpy part of the city, the three of them learned how to defend themselves from others, to protect themselves, each other, and their sick mother. There were always gangster kids that walked around looking for fights. At the age of 12, the three of them were well known in the slums for being hard to pick on, though many took it as a challenge and attempted to attack them, but they beat all of them with ease, the hard life of the streets had already sunk into their blood from the moment they were born. One day when Cassie was fighting a gangster type guy, he fell to the ground and Cassie stepped on him, but he wasn't willing to give up, he pulled out a gun and aimed it at her, but Cassie quickly dropped to her knee, pinning the arm under her leg. He still fired the gun and it embedded itself into Ed's left shoulder, he fell to the ground and Al ran over to help him. Cassie looked at the scene with shock before turning back to the guy. She had hatred burning in her eyes and swiftly knocked him unconscious, and he would feel that in the morning. Cassie got up and ran over, the blood was seeping everywhere. This was the first time that any of them had been hurt so badly. Cassie and Al thought that they could feel the pain through their connection as triplets, but it was nothing compared to Ed's pain. Cassie had pulled the bullet out, painfully and then bound his shoulder tightly with some cloth bandage they had in the house, also applying pressure. After that Cassie, Al and Ed didn't fight as much. Ed healed up, but he still can't move his shoulder very well and he'll always have a scar there. When they were 15, they were low on money, so Cassie left secretly without Ed and Al, looking for a fight she could get to to earn some money. Cassie found a fight and was halfway through when a car pulled up, two men in suited clothes got out and stopped the fight, pulling both Cassie and her opponent into the car. They threw her into the government experiment, and she didn't know what happened to the other person. The experiment tried on her was to create a person that could morph into any animal at will using mind power. The first animal she thought of was a wolf, and she could change fully into a wolf and back, into a werewolf mode, even a hybrid mode. But she couldn't morph any other animals. So they threw Cassie back into the slums and she made her way back to her house where her brothers and mother was. When Cassie re-appeared, they were shocked to say the least. Cassie now had furry, pointed ears that sat on top of her head that she could move around, longer canine teeth that looked like fangs, a tail, and she could retract her fingernails to make them shorter or longer. After that Cassie became an even better fighter and made lots of money for her family. But while doing so, she heard rumours about a resistance called Rook Vanguard. Deciding to investigate, she went home and told her family that she was going, everyone that looked at her gave her the look that shouted 'freak!' she didn't belong anymore. They all hugged, tears flowing as they said their goodbyes. But Cassie shook her head saying, [b]"It's a seeya, not a goodbye, we'll see each other again."[/b] she said as she left, carrying a bag. Eventually she seeked them out, using her excellent hearing to listen for more rumours and clues and asking some of the dogs around if they knew anything. When she finally found them by piecing together all the clues, it was revealed that they were in a Garden. Cassie was in awe of the different places, because she'd never been to a Garden in her entire life. Cassie met with the leader of the group, Alister Gunn and asked to join the group, her experiment was already partly shown from her appearance, but she also explained her ability to morph into a full wolf, werewolf, the ability to talk to canines and all of her enhanced senses. Alister accepted her gladly and they looked for the tracking device and found it near the base of her tail where it was sensitive. When they pulled it out, she felt a lot of pain but withstood it. She wanted to stop the government from doing this to anyone else. Cassie despises the tattoo of the Specimen as its displayed on her left upper arm near the shoulder. [/size][/color]
[color=navy]Sure [b]Reiku[/b], go ahead and go for any position except both of ours of course. So just post your sign up sheet and we'll check it out. [b]Kayin[/b], PM me about this and we'll talk then because I don't think we'll both be on at the same time.[/color]
[color=Navy]Sakura lay there, she was asleep...but not asleep, she was aware as if she was awake, but her heartbeat was slow and her breathing was even. She couldn't see anything because it was all dark, but she heard the soft sound of footsteps and saw a puppy looking creature standing before her. It had pink cheeks, bright blue eyes, floppy ears, and a gold collar that looked like a large ring. [b]"Who are you?" [/b]Sakura asked. [b]"My name's Salamon, and you're special. The guardians have sensed great power in you and you've been chosen." "Chosen for what?" "To help the Digital World, and all the Digimon that live here." "What's the Digital World and Digimon?" [/b]Sakura asked. [b]"The Digital World is the place you're in, where digimon live, and digimon is short for digital monster." [/b]Salamon answered. [b]"Uh huh...So what am I needed for?" "Probably to help, help me digivolve, because not many digimon can actually reach the next level from this stage, let alone the stage after." "Digivolve? What next stages?" [/b]Sakura was confused. [b]"Digivolving is what we call it when we change forms, and the next two stages are Champion and Ultimate, I'm currently in Rookie. Anyways, here, take this, it'll be with you when you wake up, and Jijimon will answer any more of your questions until we meet again, which won't be too long away." [/b]Salamon finished, throwing her a round object with buttons, when Sakura caught it, the thing glowed and became navy blue with silver. Sakura looked around but found that Salamon had left and she was only left with the same darkness she'd started with. Her head was full of questions and when she wakes up, Jijimon had a lot of explaining to do. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]I didn't understand what you wanted us to post about so I half copied yours.[/color] [/color]
[color=Navy]As usual, Lai was awake at dawn and had climbed onto a platform type thing that had been built onto their roof for her. She always had to have a flat structure that she could stand on safely on her roof, because she needed it to help her be calm after anger spasms. Currently Lai was doing her usual morning routine of tai-chi, taking the calming, meditative breathes. Lai looked toward the sun and saw that it was quite high in the sky, she finished her session and climbed back into the house through her window. She checked the time and saw there was an hour to go before school started. Lai dressed for the day and added her goggles, necklace with pendant and ring. Lai left her room and tread along the wooden floorboards and through the halls to the master bedroom. She entered and wasn't surprised to see that her father wasn't there as he always left early, though she had seen him leave because she had been on the roof. Her mother as usual was lying in bed, now and again she let out a wheezing and phlegmy cough. Both her and her father were worried about the state of her mother due to bronchitis. [b]"Ma, do you want anything?" [/b]she asked. [b]"Oh, no thankyou, Lai. I'll have food when Marny comes in for the day. Have a good first day at school." [/b]she wheezed. Marny was the name of her mother's nurse that came everyday and took care of her. Lai nodded, left the room and walked back to her own, putting all the things she needed into her backpack then slinging it over her shoulder. Lai searched the room quickly and picked up her Mp3 player, putting the earphones in her ears and putting the small stick part into her pocket after turning it on. Lai jogged downstairs and dumped her bag near the door, going into the kitchen to make herself some breakfast, simply cooking up some bacon, eggs, toast and a small bowl of cereal. She ate the meal quickly, and dumped the stuff used into the dish washer. Lai went to the hall and quickly put on her shoes and left the house. She would be late if she didn't hurry. She hummed along to the song being played into her ears and walked briskly, she hoped she wouldn't get into a fight today, seeing as it was her first day. She tried her hardest to keep her temper, but sometimes she just couldn't help it. Her music was disturbed by loud voices and Lai pulled her left earphone out and caught one name, 'Toji'. She made a note to remember that name and plugged the earphone back in, continuing her way to school. Despite her confidence for the day, her feelings were still harboured by the curse of having anger outbursts when annoyed. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Not the best post, but I'm not really in it at the moment.[/color] [/color]
[b]OOC: [/b]Sorry if I haven't been active lately. Running low on creative juices. [color=Navy]Earlier that evening everyone had been in the penthouses and were studying their different sections for the assignment. Lai had been with Amaya looking over a hologram of the museum, and Lai started to strategise a way to steal the mask they wanted. Later Selene had told them how they would be getting in, but then the rest was up to them. They were to be part of the tourist crowd in the museum. By the look she saw on Amaya's face, she guessed she was glad that there was no necessary need to dress up ridiculously. Lai just planned on wearing a more colourful outfit with her usual, guns and whatever else they would need stashed in a bag that she would have with her. When everyone started going to bed, Lai was one of the last, Amaya had left quite a long time ago, but she was more of a night owl and was still studying the hologram they'd been given. The exhibit with the mask was quite large and was surrounded by rope and glass. She started to plan out what she would need and made a list, she had some of the stuff, and she was sure that Amaya would have the rest. Yawning, she looked at her watch and noticed it was quite late and got up, switching the hologram off and going to her room to gather up the things she would need and put them all in a bag. Along with another pair of her current outfit and her guns. Lai stretched and got into bed, excited for the day that awaited the team on the other end of her sleep. [/color]
[color=Navy]Sakura was listening carefully to Torin's words, she had managed to connect with her tattoos in a strange way, she just wished to have large animal pets/friends and to be able to fly. Whenever she wished/believed, the tattoos would come to life. Sakura ran outside with the others as the blizzard appeared out of no where. They looked around in the snow to look for who was around, she saw no one but Ming, the same person she had first encounter in Japan who was trying to steal her tattoos. The girl walked forward and Sakura quickly fell into a fighting position, ready for an attack. She felt a quick blast a cold sink into her skin and shivered slightly before steeling herself. Ming smirked and drew forth her dagger from a sheath on the back of her waist. [b]"Hello again, Sakura..." [/b]Ming said, pronouncing the syllables of her name slowly. [b]"What do you want?!" "You know exactly what I want, and this time I will get them!" [/b]Ming screamed, leaping forward. Sakura quickly started to dodge the blade as Ming slashed and stabbed. She performed a backflip and caught Ming's chin with the toe of her foot, pushing her back with the force. Ming growled and there was a glow before the White Tiger that she had summoned the first time they met appeared, it roared loudly calling for competition. Sakura connected to her tattoos and called forth Lai, her faithful Wolf. As it appeared, the wolf lifted his head and howled to the sky. The two beasts clashed with each other and started to battle, but the summoners were locked in eye contact with each other. Ming started to slowly move around toward her and Sakura just waited for her, when they were standing across from each other, with nothing but snow between them. Ming let out a war cry of sorts and charged, Sakura dodged most of her attacks, but one caught her on her side, slicing through her shirt and into her skin. Sakura cried out in pain and her concentration on Lai weakened, making the summon waver. Ming took the chance and called her tiger over who clawed at her, leaving claw marks in her shirt, also slicing into her white tanktop and knicking the skin. Lai was back after Sakura steeled her concentration and charged, knocking the tiger away. Sakura looked down at her shirt, seeing all the slices in it, it was hardly even a shirt now. [b]"Subeta! This is my favourite shirt." [/b]Sakura complained, unbuttoning it quickly and throwing it to the snowy ground. She sighed as she felt the cool air, personally she loved cold weather, but was forming small goosebumps from the extreme coldness of the snow. Her white tanktop was marked with blood from her cuts and you could see through to her skin. [b]"Oh, boo hoo, I don't care about your shirt, just hurry up and fight me so I can take your tattoos!" [/b]Sakura's animal tattoos on her shoulder were now visible, and her wolf one was glowing. She started to call on her other two animals and dodged as Ming came at her again. It a shriek and a roar, her fiery red phoenix and blue dragon emerged, flying up into the sky, twisting around each other before coming back down to hover near by. [b]"You have more animal summons, its pathetic that you rely on petty things to fight for you." [/b]Ming spat. Sakura narrowed her eyes. [b]"Do you have another weapon I can use? Then I'll show you who's pathetic." [/b] Ming smirked again and unbuckled something from her back, throwing it to the snow at her feet. Sakura looked down and saw a steel bladed katana in its sheath. She bent down to pick it up and unsheathed the weapon, swinging it experimentally. [b]"Ho, Kaze, go over and help Lai." [/b]Sakura said, not looking at her summons. They made sounds of acknowledgement as they flew over. The two of them charged toward the other, their weapon raised, Sakura felt she had the advantage, using a longer weapon, but was surprised when the dagger grew in length. Sakura was puzzled but was too busy to be able to pay attention to such a thing. After a while they heard the dying roar of her white tiger and Ming snarled as she felt the spirit return into her body. Lai, Ho and Kaze were making victory sounds and Sakura returned them to her tattoos so they could have rest. [b]"I'm sorry you've had to live such a life." [/b]Sakura whispered quietly as they continued to fight, she cut Ming in a large diagonal slash across her front. [b]"Ha! I love my life, and now I'll take yours!!!" [/b]she cried, lunging forward, Sakura moved to the side and stabbed her through the abdomen with the katana. Ming made a choking sound and fell to the snow covered ground face down. [b]"I-I'm dying....I'll get you for this Sakura!" [/b]she screamed as she took her last breath. Her blood soaked the snow, changing the pure white substance into the crimson shade of blood. Sakura looked at the body and could see the katana protruding from her back. Sakura turned the corpse over and pulled out the katana, the blade was coated in blood. Sakura found Ming's tiger tattoo on the inner thigh of her left leg and the dagger she had used was lying beside her where it had fallen from her grip. It was back in its short dagger form. She picked up the weapon and examined it, she decided to hold onto it to figure out its powers and abilities that was so special. She wiped the blood off the katana onto Ming's clothes and slid it back into its sheath, taking that weapon with her too. [b]"The price to pay of living such a life..." [/b]she whispered as a cold breeze blew past, ruffling her short hair. On her way back to the house, she saw her shirt and picked it up, taking it with her. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]That was quite enjoyable. Ming is officially dead, hurrah![/color] [/color]
[color=navy]Actually, I'm kinda interested in the same thing. I was wondering if we're allowed to choose from these characters that you listed. Or are these yours and Sage Kaley's? Sorry if I'm being ignorant too. ^_^;; ~Sakura[/color]
[color=Navy]Sakura nodded her head to the music she was listening to, she loved listening to music and always had her Mp3 player with her, usually with at least one earphone in her ear unless a teacher at school caught her. She was dressed in a tracksuit thing for the gymnastics competition she was going to go to, but in her duffle bag was a bunch of her usual style of clothes. She was prepared because the competition actually lasted about a week because of all the heats and stuff like that. Sakura whistled the melody of the song she was listening to as she made her way to school where the bus to take them away was waiting. Sakura looked to her left and right before jogging across the road. Even though Sakura was a way out tomboy, she enjoyed gymnastics because it was so fun and relaxing for her. When Sakura had finally arrived at the school, she saw the large bus, and her friends standing in a group, with their coach standing at the bus door. When she arrived, the coach started calling out names to check they were here, it was confirmed everyone was present so they boarded and left. The bus ride took several hours, Sakura just listened to her music and talked with her friends, though half the time they had fallen asleep. Sakura didn't feel tired, so listened and looked out of the window at the scenery that rolled past. When they had arrived at the competition place, they were sent to their assigned rooms, she was happy to know that her friends were close by. It was dark already and the first heat involving some people including Sakura would be later that night. Sakura turned on the lights and flopped onto the bed, hugging her duffel bag. Suddenly there was a crackling and her lights went out with a bang that sounded like the fuse broke. When the lights re-appeared, Sakura wasn't in her room anymore. ~*~ Sakura felt nautious as she saw spinning colours, wondering if she was dreaming. In her grip was her duffel bag, and she felt on top of her head, checking her favourite pair of goggles were there as was her ring and necklace with pendant attached, she also still had her Mp3 player. She was happy as long as she still had those items. When she stopped moving, she noticed she was sitting on a dusty stone floor, and she couldn't see the walls. She stood up and brushed the dust off herself and looked around. Suddenly she heard a voice. [b]"Welcome! I'm Jijimon and I'm a Digimon Elder... Everything will be explained but before you start to freak out I'm going to putting you to sleep."[/b] Sakura whirled around to see a short man who was hairy all over, so much so that she couldn't even see his eyes. He was holding a cane with a paw on the end, and was pointing it at her. Sakura opened her mouth to ask where she was but found herself asleep. [/color]
[b]OOC: [/b]Yay, I'm glad this is back now. [color=Navy]Kai had already been awake and was lying on her bed with an anime CD playing. She was still puzzled over what had occured last night, with the men coming in to take Sean, then returning with him later, unconscious. At about 7 in the morning she heard the loudspeaker in her room crackling and got up, turning off her radio and listening. Then the message came through from the master, saying that he'd give them new cards at breakfast. Kai shrtugged and changed into baby blue top with a low 'V' neck and her navy blue cargos. She put her goggles, ring and necklace on before seeing it was about time for breakfast. She was about to look around for her mini computer but remembered what happened and looked into the bin where the crushed parts lay. She picked the bin up and left the room, searching quickly for a servant, asking them to throw out the parts and if they could get her an engraver and someone who could use it well. They said they'd try and if it was possible, they would be in her room by the time she got back. Kai thanked them and played with her ring, she wanted to put a new date on it. She sighed and wandered off down the hall toward the dining area. Kai saw that a few of the others were already there and took a seat, she wasn't sure what the card today would hold, but she was worried, the last one alone had traumatised her already, and she didn't know what it would hold this time around. Kai pushed the things out of her mind and started to eat some food, she realised she was really hungry for an unknown reason. [/color]
Writing Less Than Hero [PG] Scorp Corp take heed!
Sakura replied to Raiyuu's topic in Creative Works
[color=Navy]As a Scorpion Corp. member, I think it's a good idea and I'm interested in being in on it. Although I think I need a crash course on being a villain because I've never played as one before. I'll be the 'Villain that isn't a villain' in the team. But yeah, I'm up for it. ~Sakura [/color] -
[b]OOC: [/b]Yay, a digimon RP! I hope the sign up's ok by you, and I posted appearance even though you said it wasn't necessary. [b]EDIT: -[/b]Oops, sorry Blanko, I fixed it up now so I hope its ok this time 'round. -Though I skipped the regular Mega to get to Mega Second Mode, if you want me to change that then let me know. -And I'm still thinking of changing my character's name. [color=navy][b]Name:[/b] Sakura Rumiko [Felt like putting a surname anyway] [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance: [/b][/color][color=navy][color=black][url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"]Here[/url][/color], keep her goggles but replace her clothes with a [/color][color=#000080]forest green button up shirt with pink cherry blossoms embroidered on the bottom right side of the shirt, and creamish white cargos.[/color] [color=navy]She also wears [/color][url="http://img169.exs.cx/img169/8239/rensq0241p028uv.jpg"][color=black]this[/color][/url][color=navy] pendant and [/color][url="http://img169.exs.cx/img169/5079/rensq0247p0101026ez.jpg"][color=black]this[/color][/url][color=navy] ring.[/color][color=navy] [b]Digivice Color:[/b] Navy Blue and Silver [b]Digimon:[/b] [b][i][u]Normal Digivolution Line:[/u][/i][/b] [i][u]Fresh[/u] - [/i][url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/st/SnowBotamon.gif"]Snow Botamon[/url] > Diamond Dust [i][u]In Training[/u] - [/i][url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/mn/Nyaromon.gif"]Nyaromon[/url][i] > [/i][/color][color=navy]Galactica Magnum Tail, Atomic Bomber Tail, Tail whip[/color] [color=navy][i][u]Rookie[/u] - [/i][url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/st/Salamon.gif"]Salamon[/url] > [/color][color=navy]Puppy howling, Petit punch, Sledge crash[/color][color=navy] [i][u]Champion [/u]- [/i][url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/gh/Gatomon2.jpg"]Gatomon[/url] > [/color][color=navy]Lightning Paw, Cat?s Eye Hypnotism, Rapid Punch, Punch-Headslam-Kick, Rumble Ram, Dash Punch[/color] [color=navy][i][u]Ultimate (Crest of Light)[/u] - [/i][url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/ab/Angewomon.gif"]Angewomon[/url] > [/color][color=navy]Celestial Arrow/Heaven's Arrow, Heaven's Charm[/color] [color=navy][i][u]Mega[/u] - [/i][url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/mn/Magnadramon.gif"]Magnadramon[/url] > [/color][color=navy]Fire Tornado, Dragon Fire, Heaven's claw[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080][b][i][u]Digivolution line from Rookie using Digiegg:[/u][/i][/b][/color] [color=#000080][i][u]Rookie[/u] - [/i][url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/st/Salamon.gif"]Salamon[/url] > [color=navy]Puppy howling, Petit punch, Sledge crash[/color][/color] [color=#000080][i][u]Champion (Digiegg of Fate)[/u] - [/i][url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/mn/Maildramon.jpg"]Maildramon[/url] > [color=navy]Iron press, Lightning spear[/color][/color] [color=#000080][i][u]Ultimate [/u] [/i]- [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/op/Paildramon.gif"]Paildramon[/url] > Desperado blaster, Cable Catcher, Sting strike, Speedy scratcher[/color] [color=#000080][i][u]Mega[/u][/i] - [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/ij/ImperialdramonFighter.gif"]Imperialdramon FM[/url] (If no one has normal Imperialdramon then I'll just call it Imperialdramon) > Positron Laser, Giga Crusher, Splendor Blade, Rapid Attack, Front Kick, Rap Attack[/color] [b][i][u][color=#000080][/color][/u][/i][/b] [color=#000080][b]Crest: [/b]Light[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080][b]Digiegg: [/b]Fate[/color] [b][i][u][color=#000080][/color][/u][/i][/b]
[color=Navy]Lai watched as Amaya moved around the room and landed, but she hadn't directly used the un-even bars, so Lai asked her to do so so she could see her amount of flexibility. She made the first two pretty well but dropped at third. Lai just commented that they would have to work on that, and she wrote that she had good balance. [b]"How's your targeting? Are you good at throwing your daggers, or is it just a stab and slice kinda thing?" [/b]Lai questioned, holding the handle of her right gun in its holster. Amaya shrugged, either she was alright, or she wasn't sure. [b]"We'll discuss that later, how about we synchronise and learn each others moves?" [/b]Lai questioned. Amaya nodded and Lai volunteered to go first. She stepped forward and stretched herself a little to warm her body. [b]"I mainly focus with martial arts moves combined with weapon use." [/b]Lai told her. She started to use her different types of martial arts to show Amaya what she meant, also pulling out her guns and pretending to fire now and again, she put her right gun away and called for a dagger, feeling the weight of it arrive in her hand, she started slicing and stabbing with it, while still kicking, moving around and 'shooting'. She tossed the dagger back and put her gun back into its holster, bending back and doing several backflips, finishing in an upright position. [b]"That's mainly how I am, how about you?" [/b]Lai asked, wiping her hand across her forehead. To Lai it was quite funny, because even though they'd known each other for quite a long time, they had never worked together or studied each others moves, especially since their main skills were quite similar. The only other person that was part of the guild that had the closest skills to her was Julia, because they were both extremely skilled assassins, the difference being she hadn't done it out of will, while Julia did. [/color]
[font=Verdana][size=2][b]OOC: [/b]Retri's right, this does move fast Oo. Sorry for the short post, I'm short of inspiration at the moment.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy]Sakura yawned as she entered her small cabin, she blinked owlishly and looked around. It was simple but she knew that the looks were deceiving. She was tired, and the simple bed with a fluffy pillow and soft blanket looked extremely inviting. Sakura tugged at her greyish blue fingerless gloves as she walked around, examining her home for the night and who knows how long. She decided to take a shower before sleeping so she felt clean, and took a nice warm shower that made her relaxed and even more sleepy than before.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]Sakura got out, dressed and fell onto the bed, practically falling asleep straight away.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]~*~[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]The next morning when Sakura woke up, she felt much better and took another quick shower to refresh herself. She thought about the events of the day before and that everyone in the group had been attacked because they had tattoos that could come to life. She shuddered and checked her animal tattoos on her left arm, she'd had them for a long time and were a part of her. She shook the thoughts off.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]After fixing herself up, Sakura left the cabin and headed over to the common room for breakfast.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy]Lai looked at the display and watched as the chunks of apples fell onto the floor, she caught a small piece as it fell and ate it before sweeping the rest away with her foot and tossing the other apple to her.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080][b]"You want me to give you a display?" [/b]she asked, catching the fruit, the other girl nodded.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]Lai thought about what she would do for a display and decided on something, she told Amaya if should would throw the daggers over when Lai signalled, the other girl agreed and Lai threw the apple high into the air. [/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]She whippped her guns out of their holsters and fired two shots from each, which split the apple into halves, then quarters. As the pieces plummeted she slid them back into their holsters and called for the daggers and caught them quickly, jumping in and doing a form of blade dance that she'd learned during her weapons class. By the time the apple had reached the ground, they were in small pieces.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080][b]"Thanks for the co-operation." [/b]Lai smiled, handing the daggers back, Amaya nodded.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080][b]"I forget, are you flexible? When I got out of my father's control I took up a few gymnastic and acrobatic classes, along with continuing my martial arts and weaponry." [/b]Lai asked her, moving over to a set of un-even bars, flipping up onto the first and jumping to the next, swinging around and around before tucking her legs up and sitting on top of the bar.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]She looked over to Amaya for her answer in body language. She got a tilt of the head to the left and right, which Lai took as a sorta. She 'ahh'ed and grabbed the bar with her hands and leaned backwards, doing a backward somersault and letting go to land on her feet.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080][/color][/size][/font] [b][font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]"So, how should we prepare for this mission?"[/color][/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080][/color][/size][/font][/b] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=black][b]OOC: [/b]I'm acting like we've known each other, because we do right? Like how long have we all been together roughly?[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][b]OOC: [/b]Sorry Jian, I'm gonna try and take over. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]I hope it doesn't matter if the Blade's female. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]And are we supposed to carry the Silver whatever we have with us?[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]I'm not sure if the Bio's what you wanted, let me know if I should change anything.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy][b]Name: [/b]Lai Rumiko[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy] [b]Gender: [/b]Female[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy][b]Age: [/b]16 [/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy][b]Role: [/b]Silver Blade [/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy][b]Appearance: [/b][color=navy][url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"][color=#0000ff]Here[/color][/url], keep her goggles but she usually wears a [/color][color=#000080]forest green button up shirt with pink cherry blossoms embroidered on the bottom right side of the shirt, and creamish white cargos.[/color] [color=navy]She also wears [/color][url="http://img169.exs.cx/img169/8239/rensq0241p028uv.jpg"][color=black]this[/color][/url][color=navy] pendant and [/color][url="http://img169.exs.cx/img169/5079/rensq0247p0101026ez.jpg"][color=black]this[/color][/url][color=navy] ring[/color] [/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy][b]Personality: [/b]Lai is a tomboy who has hardly any friends. She enjoys to be the quiet loner, being forced to be that way from her anger problem. When people annoy her greatly, she blows her fuse and can hurt people in a crazed stupor. She doesn't have much control of that currently, but is learning. Lai has trained in all of the martial arts and weaponry classes, especially being skilled with bladed weapons. She tried to take those courses so she could learn more self control and it helped a little. Lai also practises the art of Tai-chi for the calming effect.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy]After an anger spasm, she can usually be found in the place where there's the coolest breeze and best view, the scenery and cool winds help cool her temper before she does a small session of tai-chi to revert back to her calm state.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy]Even though it's hard for her, she does enjoy the company of others, but because of her reputation people tended to stay away from her.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy]Lai enjoys challenges and doesn't back down from any, she likes to have fun despite what others think, and mainly only has her anger problem when annoyed by others. [font=Verdana][size=2][b]Bio: [/b]Lai lives at home with her mother and father, she rarely sees her father because he's always working, but her mother is very sick and has been diagnosed with Bronchitis(sp?). She's always in bed and doesn't really do much. Lai works hard not to lose her temper so easily because it upsets her mother and can make her condition worse.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]For control she enrolled in martial arts, weaponry and tai-chi classes, all taught her that she needed good self control to do well in the class. Lai slowly formulated a good anger management control and she doesn't really get angry all that often now.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Lai likes reading and one day she went into her father's study and found a book. She flipped through it and read about something called the Dark Silver, that had the tale written. Lai enjoyed the story and left, keeping it on her mind.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Now she's moved school, and now attends Ginsato High School, she's also met up with six other people, three others were also new, and have gotten to know them; the main 'leader' of their small group is called Toji. This is the first time she's had so many friends.[/size][/font][/color][/size][/font]
[color=Navy]Lai tossed and turned in her bed, she was having a fitful sleep and there were bad memories that haunted her in sleep. [i]Lai was dressed up in tight black clothes with two holsters holding guns on her waist. She was also wearing a mask like the type that ninjas wore that wrapped around their face. She was on the roof of a building, with the target building across from her. She pulled down her goggles that always sat on top of her head, these were a special pair that had magnifying capabilities. She pushed the little button on the side and she looked at one of the windows, seeing a figure inside. She took a deep breath and pulled the small microphone down from beside her ear, telling them with a muffled voice that she'd spotted the target that she had been sent to kill. She got the get go and she leapt across the gap of the buildings, grasping the sill of a vacant apartment. She climbed up from there and waited until the lights in the room went off. She knew a lot of information about the target because she'd been surveying them for several weeks to see his pattern of living. Lai waited 10 minutes after the lights went out and lifted the unlocked window, climbing in quietly. For someone that was important, he didn't lock his windows or have any alarm systems or bodyguards. Probably so he wouldn't be disturbed during his sleep. She felt the sweat roll around in her leather gloves as she crept quietly, stepping on a part of the floor that creeked. She hoped no one heard her and stayed still to listen for movement, all she heard was snoring and she continued, pulling her right gun out and pushing the safety, holding it up. Lai entered the bedroom and saw the man lying splayed on the bed, she took a silent, shuddering breath and aimed, for his heart, she knew precisely where it was from practised, and squeezed the trigger. There was a 'bang' and a gasp from the man as he took his last breath. The crimson liquid flowed out of the wound and started to seep down his body and onto the sheets below his body. Lai felt something squeeze at her heart everytime she killed and she quickly made her escape, slipping her gun back into its holster and reporting that the mission had been completed. Doing the job was reluctant, being forced by her father to live such a life after her mother was murdered by another group of assassins. She wished she could quit. As she escaped, she looked at her gloved hands, she felt like they were stained with the crimson blood that she'd released, and it wouldn't come off no matter how hard she tried, just as the memories of their dying bodies would never be removed from her mind. [/i]Lai sat up with shock, her body was covered in cold sweat and she was panting. Nightmares of her killing people constantly surfaced whenever she slept. She wiped her face and got up to take a shower. When she was done she noticed a letter on the floor just inside the door, it was how they got notices most of the time. She picked it up and opened the envelope, reading the letter inside. It read that there would be a meeting at breakfast and she got ready, dressing in her usual clothes of black cargos and a black button up shirt. She did a bit of tai-chi took relax herself, calming herself after another of her nightmares. She was still afraid that her father would find her and maybe even kill her. She shuddered in fear at the wrath of her father, he was ruthless and was willing to do anything to get what he wanted. She finished up and stretched to top it off. She strapped on her holsters, never going anywhere without them and left for breakfast. She entered the breakfast area and there was only Selene sitting at the table, she greeted her and took a seat, spooning some of the food onto her plate, she ate roundly, taking something from each area to keep a balanced diet. She took a bite out of an apple as they waited for the others to arrive, she stared out the window along with Selene, she was happy with her new home, away from her father, and away from the life of ruthless killing. She still did a little here, but it was for a reason. She hated the life of being in an assassin group, and now she was part of a thief guild, and was happy. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]I hope that post's alright, I put the dream just as something to fill the post up. Let me know if I should change anything.[/color] [/color]
[i][color=Navy]Location: Tokyo, Japan [/color][/i][color=Navy]Sakura just got out of the shower and dried herself off, it was refreshing so she could start the day feeling clean. Looking into her full length mirror, she turned so her back faced it and turned her head so she could see the tattoos that sat on her shoulderblades. The one on the left was a devil's wing, and the one on the right was an angel wing. They were contrasting and she thought they worked well together, though they had hurt when being etched into her skin. She had another set on her upper left arm, which was a wolf in the centre, with a Blue Dragon flying to the left of it, and a Red Phoenix on the right. They were her favourite tattoos because they represented her, she was like the wolf in many ways, being a loner, yet travelling in a pack when needed, she had burning traits of her personality like the Phoenix who burned continually and rose from the ashes, and she was strong like the mighty dragon. Sakura dressed quickly and trotted down stairs into the kitchen area, where the usual note was left on the counter. [b][i]'Sakura he, Your father and I won't be home for the rest of the day as usual, make your own meals, take care of yourself, don't get into trouble, and we'll see you later in the night. Kaa-san yoru.' [/i][/b]Sakura rolled her eyes and crumpled the piece of paper, throwing it in the bin, she didn't know why they bothered to leave notes everyday, it was always the same anyway. She made herself breakfast and ate it quietly, her parents lived busy lives and they hardly ever interacted with each other. Her father was a technician, which had lots of demands since Tokyo was so technological. And her mother was a Biologist very devoted to her work, and was always researching something or another. When Sakura had been young, she had been sent to many different classes so she would be kept busy, she took all of the martial arts, gymnastics, and acrobatics. They definately kept her busy on top of her school work, but she was glad for the classes because they helped her to remain fit and wasn't often lying around doing nothing. Sakura jogged back upstairs and grabbed her duffle bag that she'd prepared earlier and left the house, jogging off through the busy streets to her personal dojo where she taught all of the martial arts classes. When she arrived, there was no one there, and she changed into her uniform, tying her black belt around her waist securely. She went through breathing and meditation exercises to mentally prepare her and then started to warm up with the proper moves, doing series of punches, kicks, flips and other types of manuvers. She heard a noise and became alert, looking around. Then she saw a figure come through the door, she had a smirk on her face. Sakura narrowed her eyes and automatically fell into a comfortable fighting stance. [b]"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" [/b]Sakura asked, not liking her look. [b]"My name is Ming, and I am a collector of tattoos, as I know you are." [/b]she said, the smirk still plastered on her face. Sakura thought about her own tattoos, and the powers she could wield with them, but how would someone like this know. [b]"So, you want my tattoos? Come and get them." [/b]she snarled, she called on her powers and a wolf appeared in front of her, it was the size of an adult male and had brown and grey fur covering its body. [b]"You already know how to use your powers, how exactly?" "I don't think so..." [/b]Sakura replied. Ming summoned forth a white tiger and the two summons connected, circling wearily. Sakura didn't have very good control of her summons and keeping Lai out was wearing her out steadily, she quickly dashed to her bag, picked it up, and ran out of the dojo, hearing the footfalls of Ming as she ran to catch up. She looped the strap over her neck so it hung on her right and jumped onto the drainpipe of the closest house, clambering up quickly and escaping by the rooftops. She let go of Lai's summoning and peered back quickly, seeing Ming closely behind her as they ran over the roofs. They reached the end of a line of houses and Sakura flipped off the side, landing safely and continuing. The chase continued until Sakura ran into a large, crowded office building with many storeys. Sakura got lost in the crowd and snuck into an elevator, just following whatever level the other people were going to. As the doors closed, she heard the loud curse of [b]"Kuta!" [/b]from Ming and she snickered. When the doors opened again she saw the sign and noticed she was on the 13th floor, she cursed silently and looked for the closest large window. Sakura climbed out of it and felt the rush of wind from the height, seeing the ground far below. She heard people screaming at her to get down from inside the building, thinking she was suicidal. She prayed quietly, hoping that what she was planning would work. She closed her eyes and concentrated, she heard a tearing as wings pushed out of her shoulderblades, the one on the left was leathery like a bat's and the left was fluffy and feathered as a bird's. She breathed and flapped, taking off from the side of the building. She followed the winds and made her way back home, landing on the balcony that was outside her room. She fell heavily onto the concrete, her energy was exhausted from the flight and summoning Lai. She panted and got up, unlocking the glass door with her key and entering. She dumped her bag and changed back into her clothes she'd been wearing previously, using her black belt as a regular belt as she often did. She yawned and grabbed a snack from downstairs, as she was headed back up to rest, her doorbell rang. Sakura hurried to the door and opened it to see a girl with greenish yellow hair with orangy eyes. [b]"Hi, can I help you?" [/b]Sakura asked, not recognising her. [b]"I saw you flying earlier and you landed at this house, I'm Lani. I was wondering if you have tattoos?" [/b]she asked. Sakura raised an eyebrow and revealed her set of three animals on her left arm. She asked if she could come in, so Sakura let her in, and they discussed what had happened. Both being attacked by someone else that had tattoos with powers. [b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]I hope that post's ok, but I wasn't sure if we already know how to use our powers. If it's wrong, just PM me and let me know.[/color] [/color]
[color=navy]Hmm, that's interesting, up to a month to post? Oh well, I guess you'ev thought this out so I'll go along with it. Will I be the one to post after JJRiddler? If so, I hope he posts fast, I wanna get this thing moving, I'm oh so excited ^_^. ~Sakura[/color]
[b]EDIT: [/b]I noticed there were too many Elementalists so I'll take Alter instead. [b]EDIT2: [/b]I finished the Bio, hope that's alright. Let me know if I should make any changes. [b][color=Navy] Name- [/color][/b][color=Navy]Lai Rumiko [/color][b][color=Navy]Age- [/color][/b][color=Navy]16 [/color][b][color=Navy] Gender- [/color][/b][color=Navy]Female [/color][b][color=Navy] Appearance- [/color][/b][color=navy][font=Verdana][size=2][b][/b][color=navy][url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"][color=#0000ff]Here[/color][/url], keep her goggles but replace her clothes with a [/color][color=#000080]forest green button up shirt with pink cherry blossoms embroidered on the bottom right side of the shirt, and creamish white cargos.[/color] [color=navy]She also wears [/color][url="http://img169.exs.cx/img169/8239/rensq0241p028uv.jpg"][color=black]this[/color][/url][color=navy] pendant and [/color][url="http://img169.exs.cx/img169/5079/rensq0247p0101026ez.jpg"][color=black]this[/color][/url][color=navy] ring[/color][/size][/font][/color] [b][color=Navy] Power/Control- [/color][/b][color=Navy]Alter [b] Animal Form- [/b]Lai becomes an hawk that looks like [url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v294/mechinfinity/wu-felix-hawk.png"]this[/url]. [/color][b][color=Navy] Group- [/color][/b][color=Navy]Library [/color][b][color=Navy] Bio- [/color][/b][color=Navy]Lai never had a chance to know her parents as they died when she was young and she couldn't remember anything about them. She was immediately shipped into a nearby orphanage because she was too young to live alone, and she had no known relatives that she could be sent to. The orphanage was a hell hole and was terribly rundown and not taken care of. All of the inhabitants had lost their hope of being taken under someone's wing, that was evident in their facial expressions and looks in their eyes. Lai was saddened when she was put down with the other children, they were young like her, but their eyes were dull and lifeless, void of emotion. Lai soon made friends with the others and they got along, and as they grew up together, she saw emotion and colour fill their eyes and she was glad, she wondered if she had been the cause of the change but doubted it. When Lai was 10, she discovered her powers. She was leaning against one of the cold, grey brick walls and was thinking about a lesson about matter she'd had a while ago, which was part of chemistry. She didn't really understand, and was running through the three phases, when she reached liquid, she felt the wall shudder and she felt a strange feeling. When she thought about gas, she stumbled as she felt the wall disappear, she looked around and saw the wall had gone see-through. She was puzzled and waved her hand through the wall several times. She thought about liquid again and saw the form of it wobbling continually like water and she felt a bit of resistance as she waved her hand through it. Then when she arrived back at solid, the wall was as it had been. Lai was shocked at her discovery but didn't tell anyone. Finally, when Lai was 14, she told the other orphans and they planned to escape later that night. All went as planned, and the caretakers went to bed as usual after checking them for the night. They all pretended to be asleep, but when the checker left, they got up and Lai made the wall closest to the gate of the orphanage into its gas shape and they escaped. When they were free, they didn't have anywhere to go, so they lived on the streets, fending for themselves, but they were also in hiding from the people of the orphanage as they were being hunted out. Lai practised with her powers and soon learned how to control them reasonably well, and now she's almost mastered them. Now Lai and her friends have split up to leave separate lives and she usually always hangs around in the library. One day she was on the 3rd floor when she saw two other girls together. Lai walked over and introduced herself, not knowing what was going to happen. [/color]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=black][b]OOC: [/b]I'm not sure if my Bio is what you were looking for, but let me know if any changes are to be made.[/color][/size][/font] [color=navy][font=Verdana][size=2][b]Name: [/b]Lai Rumiko[/size][/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana][size=2] [b]Nickname: [/b]Chiméiteki, or just Chi for short.[/size][/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana][size=2] [b]Age: [/b]22[/size][/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana][size=2] [b]Gender: [/b]Female[/size][/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana][size=2] [b]Appearance: [/b][/size][/font][url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"][font=Verdana][size=2]Here[/size][/font][/url][font=Verdana][size=2], her boots are normal length and her shirt and pants are longer so it covers her.[/size][/font][/color] [color=navy][font=Verdana][size=2] [font=Verdana][size=2][b]Biography: [/b][/size][/font][font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy]When Lai was young, her mother was killed by an opposing group of assassins to the one that her father was in charge of. Her father had gotten very upset and fell into a state of depression that lasted for two months. When he emerged, he immediately begun to enroll Lai into all of the martial arts courses he could find and weapon classes. Lai didn?t really enjoy them but obeyed for her father?s sake, but she was reluctant when he actually offered her a top position in his assassination group. But she continued to obey, not wanting to anger her father or get on his bad side. But she always felt a great sadness every time she took a life, as she saw the crimson blood spill from the body.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy]That was how Lai got her nickname, because after she started her job as an assassin, rumors started to float around that the mysterious killer was a female, beautiful, but deadly. And being translated from Japanese, Chiméiteki means ?deadly?, and people stuck to that, though no one had actually seen her.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy]One day after her father had ordered her to kill another person, she?d had enough and didn?t return back to the base after, instead she had taken a small bag of belongings and left, dropping into the city below to be caught up in the hustle and bustle so she wouldn?t be found. Her father sent out people to look for her, and Lai continued to be hidden, always on the move and not staying in the same place. She soon didn?t have enough money and started to learn how to steal so she would have enough funds to continue her life. [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy]Thanks to all of your works, they're all great and I love them all, but I think I'll choose Ozy's second set, I like the effect.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]I'll use them but [b]I'm still open to anyone's tries, and if any of you wnt to, you can try again[/b].[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]Thanks a lot to everyone who's given it a shot, I'm so happy.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][b]~Sakura[/b][/size][/font]
[left][font=Verdana][size=2][color=black][b]OOC: Nice, Treno. I've been waiting for this since you told me about it. Hope that the sign up's ok. [/b][/color][/size][/font] [color=navy][font=Verdana][size=2][b]Name: [/b]Lai Rumiko[/size][/font][/color] [color=navy] [font=Verdana][size=2][b]AKA: [/b]Sakura [b]Age: [/b]22[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][b]Gender: [/b]Female [b]Appearance: [/b][color=navy][url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"][color=#0000ff]Here[/color][/url], keep her goggles but replace her clothes with a [/color][color=#000080]forest green button up shirt with pink cherry blossoms embroidered on the bottom right side of the shirt, and creamish white cargos [that's her usual get up, but usually wears black clothes when doing assignments].[/color] [color=navy]She also wears [/color][url="http://img169.exs.cx/img169/8239/rensq0241p028uv.jpg"][color=black]this[/color][/url][color=navy] pendant and [/color][url="http://img169.exs.cx/img169/5079/rensq0247p0101026ez.jpg"][color=black]this[/color][/url][color=navy] ring.[/color] [b]Personality: [/b]Lai prefers to be alone than with other people, unless she's very close to them, which is very rare. She enjoys being the loner and is usually found in the place where the coolest breeze and the best view can be found.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]She's short tempered and can quickly blow her fuse when aggitated by people.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Lai enjoys sitting outside and taking in the simple pleasures of nature, and doing gymnastics and acrobatics, and practising the many forms of Martial Arts. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]To calm herself after getting worked up, she usually does Tai-chi to meditate.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Lai chose 'Sakura' as her nickname, because people always underestimate flowers, and that's what she likes, so she can prove them wrong. She's the Deadly Flower and if you anger her, you'd better beware. [b]Biography: [/b]Lai had never had much support from her parents when she was younger, they were both always too wrapped up in their work to care for her. Her father worked as a big shot Lawyer, and her mother was a top class horse breeder who bred the horses for races. Lai felt like no one loved her, and she was pretty much correct in saying so because she didn't have any friends at school either. Everyone at school had been afraid of her because her parents were infamous for being mean and Lai wasn't a walk in the park either. In class, there was always at least one seat/desk empty all around her, and she liked it that way, she didn't have to associate with others. Her father had even convinced the school to let Lai not do oral presentations so she really didn't have to communicate with anyone. Her father had argued so fervently that they finally gave in, not able to counter one of the best lawyers around. Her parents had told her that she could do anything she wanted as long as she didn't interrupt them so she chose to take up Martial Arts classes, weapons classes, and acrobatics and gymnastics. These extra curricular activities, along with her actual school work kept her busy enough and her parents were satisfied. When Lai asked for her parents to buy her a proper weapon for weapons class they let her so it wouldn't annoy them, and that was when Lai acquired her katana, instantly desiring the blade when she saw it. Lai went deeper into her classes now, spending all of her time possible outdoors so she could do work, practise, sleep, gaze and think. When Lai was 18, she had gained a black belt in all of her martial arts classes and was doing well in her weapon and gymnastic/acrobatic classes. Lai only talked to her fighting class teachers, but didn't enjoy conversing with her artistic teachers. She was especially close with her Tai-chi teacher, and weapons teacher, because she had spent the most time with them, Tai-chi for learning how to control her temper better and weapons because she was so determined. One day when she was going to train at her tae-kwon-do dojo, she saw the door widely open with chips and marks in it. Lai narrowed her eyes and entered cautiously, shocked at the sight before her. Her tae-kwon-do master was lying face down on the floor in a pool of blood. There were letters scratched deeply into the wooden floorboards next to his body, [b]'NX' [/b]Lai didn't know what they stood for, or why whoever killed her master, but she knew she wanted revenge. He had been like a father to her as were all of her martial arts masters, a real father, not like her so called parents who she hardly ever saw. She heard footsteps and turned to see a female entering the dojo. She told her that the murder was done by an assassin group and confessed that she'd been watching her for quite a while. Offering her a place in her own group, the Black Vipers. Lai first wanted to see what her strength was like and they fought, the battle lasting several hours. They were very close in skill level and Lai smiled, which was rare, and accepted the position gladly. She would find the group, and seek revenge. [b]Weapon: [/b][url="http://img124.exs.cx/img124/6479/samurai3000ninja7bj.jpg"]This[/url] katana and bunches of 'Scorpions' and 'Piranhas' from [url="http://img89.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img89&image=starsthrowingstarsvseries6vn.jpg"]this[/url] pic. [b]Alliance: [/b]Black Vipers [color=black][b]Edit: [/b]Removed table coding and added some shuriken to her weapons.[/color] [/size][/font][/color] [/left]
[color=Navy]I haven't requested a banner and avi for quite a while and I've decided for a change. So, I would like you to use [url="http://www.projectbag.com/cowboy_bebop/pics/misc/rose01.jpg"]this[/url] and/or [url="http://www.projectbag.com/cowboy_bebop/pics/misc/rose02.jpg"]this[/url] or a clearer pic of the same thing if you can find one. For the banner, I'd like it to have the words; [b]Memories can only go so far... [/b]In an appropriate font and colour in a suitable place on the banner. I'll give full credit to anyone that makes this for me in my sig. I look forward to people's attempts, and I'll take a look at any that anyone has to offer. Thanks in advance, hope to get some tries soon. ^_^ [b]~Sakura[/b] [/color]
[font=Verdana][size=2][b]OOC: [/b]Hey, is everyone ignoring me and Mouse or something? [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Where are the rest of the good guys?[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]And I'm confused, who's in what form? Are the dragons in their human form or spirit form?[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy]Kisa continued to watch the battles that were raging, the two Dragon spirits were being wreckless, Kisa and Kyshandra watched silently, their eyes tracking the movements of each figure present.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]Kisa was paying most of her attention to Rezel, he was over confident and cocky, which got him into lots of trouble. She peered at Kyshandra from the corner of her eyes and saw her snarling as she watched the battles.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080][b]"Be calm, Kyshandra. There is no need to get worked up, yet..." [/b]Kisa said softly. Kyshandra's ears flicked back and she bent her hind legs, sitting beside Kisa. Her tail was still erect and her nose remained scrunched, but besides that she was fairly relaxed, with her senses aware.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]Kisa heard footsteps and talking, and turned to see humans standing around and watching the battles, her eyes flitted between the gathering crowd and the battles. She thought that the situation was quite dangerous but they wouldn't listen to her anyway from the looks she and Kyshandra were getting, it was unusual to see Dragons (Tsuchi and Rezel), Winged People (Demons and other winged folk), Wolves (Kyshandra) and Mutants (Kisa) in a street.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]Then she heard, [b]"Say goodbye to your precious mortals!" [/b]come from Guilt without the accent. Her head snapped around to look at them and saw a large incoming flame.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]The screams and cries from the crowd were loud and Kisa and Kyshandra had to block their ears from the high pitched noises that hurt their sensitive hearing. They felt the heat but were unaffected. When the flames died down, Kyshandra stood and Kisa turned to look at the charred corpses.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080][b]"NOOOOO!!!!" [/b]she cried, tears flowing from her eyes as she saw bodies of men, women and children alike, along with animals.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]Kisa fell to her knees and clenched her fists, slamming them into the tar, creating large dents from the force. Her tears fell and left wet marks, evaporating soon after from the heat that remained from the attack.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]Rezel made a fire pillar and attacked, but Kisa didn't care, she was angry beyond measure. She stood and whirled to face the battle, watching as Rezel charged Guilt.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]Kisa's eyes changed shape into that a wolf's and she began her change, growing to twice her human height, almost double Kyshandra. She roared loudly as her skeleton changed, her spine extended and formed a tail, whitish silver fur sprouted over her body, her ears moved to the top of her head, her nose became black and wet and grew out into a muzzle. When her transition was complete, she was a huge silver white wolf. [/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080][b]"I will get vengence for the innocents that you killed!" [/b]Kisa roared angrily, tears still in her eyes.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]Kyshandra was right beside her, she was snarling again, with her sharp teeth bared, as was Kisa.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]Kisa roared loudly again, and the sky became dark and covered and storm clouds floated over and blanketed the sky. Thunder and lightning crashed as Kisa joined the fight, hatred burning in her eyes.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]She opened her mouth and a large spiral of fire emerged, heading toward Guilt.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=black][b]OOC: [/b]Ok, I hope my post's ok with everyone, let me know for changes. I needed to get Kisa and Kyshandra into the action because no one's paying attention to us.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy]Well, most people still have something in their sig, but yes there are a few that are missing it. I think there was a kind of thing that everyone stuck by about the keep it for a few weeks. I think that people may be taking it out for lack of room for some people, like Generic said, because last time there wasn't a limit of characters in our sigs.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]But I've got mine, I hope people understand it ^^;;[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]Besides, my banner still says Ohkami anyway, until I change my banner.[/color][/size][/font]