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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [color=Navy]Yeah, I know what Engagement means, I was just asking about the different laws that we wouldn't have to obey, but that's ok now. My other question was how do we upgrade our class? And I'll think of one of those special unique ability things and let you know sometime. [/color]
  2. [b]OOC: [/b]Trying to bring this up again, somehow. [color=navy]Sakura talked with Zach and Charity for a while before deciding to go for another quick walk before returning to her room to continue her essay. She said goodbye to everyone in the room and left, leaving the room that continued to blare out loud music. [/color] [color=navy][/color] [color=navy]Sakura walked over to the school stables and walked along the stalls, hearing the calling cries of the horses as they showed their restlessness. She made her way over to a very familiar stable and entered, reaching out her hand, touching the mark on the forehead of her school horse. The horse was a strawberry roan with a white mark that looked like a star, because of that, he was named Hoshi. She stroked his head and just sighed. Sakura opened a compartment in the stable wall and pulled out a carrot, feeding it to him slowly. She usually put a snack in there just in case she was just visiting and had a treat for him. She stayed for a while longer before leaving, complaining to her horse about the essay they had to do.[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080]She walked back to her dorm and sat back at her table, pulling out her palm computer to look at the notes she'd typed up while sitting in the lounge. She yawned and picked up her pen, twirling it idley as she thought about how she would word things. She frowned and put the pen down onto the paper and writing, she scribbled the sentences messily as it was just a draft and she had to get it down before she forgot everything she was thinking.[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=black][b]OOC: [/b]A short post to hopefully get this alive again.[/color]
  3. [color=navy]Quite often people forget about the RP after they sign up for it.[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080]In the RP, I decided to use the Ice System from FFVII mixed with the Blizzard System from the others, I think I'm going to have it so Ice is for small things, and Blizzard is for larger things.[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080]I was wondering how we're going to upgrade our classes and when.[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080]Also, when you posted that we don't have to obey Engagement rules, does that mean we can fight dirty and stuff like that?[/color]
  4. [color=Navy]Sakura watched as Shinji messed around with his magic carelessly. She felt annoyance toward him for being so reckless and walked off in an opposite diretion to where he was, deciding to [i]carefully[/i] test the magic that she supposedly possessed. She saw a small pot plant and looked at it slyly, she twirled her staff and pointed toward it with the staff. She felt words come to her lips and spoke. [b]"Blizzard!"[/b] she called. Accidently, instead of just freezing the plant, she caused a blizzard in the hall and froze the walls and floor. First she sweatdropped at the problem she had caused, but then relaxed, enjoying the coolness from the ice and bits of snow that lay around her. She piled up a bit of snow and sat, feeling the coolness envelope her comfortably. She heard someone's outcry and looked in the direction it came from. There was someone standing there, looking at the ice and snow in the middle of the hallway. Sakura stood and apologised, explaining what had happened. He huffed, annoyed and told her to fix it. Sakura sweatdropped, she couldn't....but she knew someone who could. She ran to where she'd seen Shinji and saw him lying on the floor. She asked for his help and he got up, walking over to the area she'd turned into an iceland and explained to him what had happened. He made a small fire and the ice slowly melted. Sakura was sad to see it go and watched as the remaining water evaporated. Sakura felt a different word come to her lips and used it. [b]"Ice!" [/b]she said, pointing her staff at the fire that continued to burn. Ice encased the fire and it looked interesting to see a fire within ice. [b]"Thanks for the help Shinji." [/b]Sakura said, then he nodded and walked off. Sakura just sat beside the fire incased in ice and stared into the depths. [/color]
  5. [color=Navy]I've seen the entire series of FMA and I absolutely love it, though I do wonder what the characters sound like with English Voice Actors, because all I've seen are the Subs. I thought the series was quite tragic because of the the deaths that were through out it, and I wasn't really happy about the ending. I really wish that FMA was shown on TV in Australia, but we hardly get any anime here. It was good that they involved History in it, though that was mainly only near the end. Still, I loved the anime. [/color]
  6. [color=Navy][b]OOC: [/b]I spoke with amgoddess and changed my weapon, and the words written in '[ ]' are pronounciations in case you're not good with Japanese. Sakura walked along the streets and passed several stores full of weapons, she looked down as she walked and noticed a strange marking that she hadn't seen on her left palm. She lifted it to her face and saw it was a pink cherry blossom with five petals, in each petal was a Japanese character, the first was 'chi[chee]', the second 'me[meh]', third 'i[ee]', fourth 'te[teh]' and finally 'ki[key]'. All in all it read Chimeiteki, which was translated into Deadly. She frowned as she looked at her new mark. She approached a stall with a large variety of weapons and looked around the inside for the shop owner. They finally came out from the back somewhere, it was what the people here called Viennas. [b]"Hi, sorry about that, just looking for something in the back. How can I help you." [/b]she asked kindly. [b]"Um, I'm just looking for a weapon that can help me around here." [/b]Sakura replied, putting her hands on the counter. [b]"Well we have a large variety, feel free to look around." [/b]she answered, waving a hand around to her goods. Sakura pointed to a random weapon with her left hand and the Vienna noticed the mark, grabbing her hand gently but firmly and turning it palm side up. Sakura stared at the shop keeper as she inspected the mark, rubbing it gently to see if it was fake. [b]"Amazing, you're part of the 'Deadly' family/clan."[/b] she murmered. [b]"The 'Deadly' family? Is that a good thing?" [/b]she asked nervously. [b]"Of course it is! The clan's famous, and great mages sprout from the clan." [/b]she said with stars in her eyes. [b]"I see, well what kind of weapon would you recommend?"[/b] Sakura asked, pulling her hand out of her grip. [b]"Oh, you can have anything you want. I'm so honoured to have someone like you coming to my stall." [/b]Sakura sweatdropped at the Vienna's enthusiasm and spotted a staff made of oak. It was three feet tall and had a blue orb hovering over the top of the staff. She asked for that one and she passed it to her. Sakura felt the weight of it and twirled it, amazed when the hovering orb followed as if it was stuck on top of the staff. She reached out and rested her hand on the orb, it lit up in a medium sapphire blue before turning dull again when she pulled her hand away. [b]"I think I'll take this. What is this weapon?"[/b] she asked, holding it. [b]"Good selection, that's the Chill Rod, it has the power of Ice within it."[/b] [b]"How much do you want for it? I don't have any of the Gil stuff that you use but I have other things I can give you in exchange." [/b]Sakura said, reaching into her pockets with her right hand. [b]"Oh no. You can have it from free. By the way, what's your name? Just so I can brag to my friends." [/b]she laughed, waving her hands. [b]"Thankyou. My name's Sakura...Sakura..." [/b]she wanted something more to her name and remembered what she'd told her about the 'Deadly' clan. [b]"...the Deadly Flower."[/b] she finished smiling. [b]"Well, good luck in whatever you do, Sakura the Deadly Flower."[/b] the Vienna said, smiling happily. [b]"Thanks again for the staff, and for the information. Bye." [/b]Sakura finished walking away, switching her staff into her right hand. Sakura walked around a while longer, then decided to go back to the common room in the inn to find the others. [/color]
  7. [b]OOC: [/b]I'm not sure if you got too many of the Valkyries, if so then let me know and I'll change my sign up to fit. [color=Navy][b][font=Verdana][size=2]Name: [/size][/font][/b][font=Verdana][size=2]Sakura Hiwatari[/size][/font] [b][font=Verdana][size=2]Stage Name: [/size][/font][/b][font=Verdana][size=2]Blossom[/size][/font] [b][font=Verdana][size=2]Code Name: [/size][/font][/b][font=Verdana][size=2]Chimeiteki[/size][/font] [pronounced Chee-meh-ee-teh-key] or 'Chi' for short. [b][font=Verdana][size=2]Age: [/size][/font][/b][font=Verdana][size=2]17[/size][/font] [b][font=Verdana][size=2]Gender: [/size][/font][/b][font=Verdana][size=2]Female[/size][/font] [b][font=Verdana][size=2]Description: [/size][/font][/b][/color][color=navy][url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"]Here[/url], keep the goggles but make the shirt longer and white, put a leather trenchcoat over the top and change the shorts to navy blue cargos.[/color][color=Navy] [b][font=Verdana][size=2]Personality: [/size][/font][/b][/color][color=navy]Sakura is a calm person and doesn't get angry very quickly, she usually speaks quietly and softly. She is strong minded and never admits defeat, even when she's lost. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. She can easily keep a cool head in a heated argument. Sakura is very stealthy, flexible, agile and acrobatic and gymnastic and has been since she was a child. She's been trained in many of the Martial Arts since she was a child and is especially good at Karate, Kung-Fu and Judo. But if she doesn't like you, she'll show it, and you'd have to gain her trust because she has a sixth sense with people. But sometimes she can have a quick temper, and if someone annoys her for a long period of time, let's just say you won't want to be around when that happens. She'll fight valiently if her friends or family are ever in danger, and shows a totally different side when in on the job and becomes totally dedicated to the work, which is how she gained her title, Chimeiteki, which means Deadly.[/color] [color=navy]In her free time, Sakura likes to be outside and look at nature and everything that the world has to offer. When not doing that she's usually messing around with something electronic.[/color][color=Navy] [b][font=Verdana][size=2]Training: [/size][/font][/b][font=Verdana][size=2]Sakura has been an assassin for 6 years so far and has been trained from a young age. Her specialities are stealth, acrobatics/gymnastics, and close range attacking especially, but she's good at throwing weapons. In close combat she either uses her skills in the Martial Arts or close range weapons like blades. her weak point has to be guns and shooting weapons because she tends to stick to the older type weapons instead, because armaments can so easily turn on the holder. She likes to fight groups of people instead of just one because of the excitement and need to be constantly quick and alert, which is what she's especially good at.[/size][/font][b][font=Verdana][size=2] [/size][/font][/b][/color]
  8. [color=Navy]Sakura thought the words were strange and didn't think it was of any language in their World. When the light appeared, since she was sitting right next to Dyna, she had gotten a lot of the light and passed out immediately. When they all regained consciousness, they were in sand dunes. She got up and looked around at the others and was shocked to see that they all looked different accept her, who had just aged several years. She was in awe and looked at the difference between everyone in this place and what they were like in their world. She commented on Dyna's hair colour, but they all still looked the same age as each other, even if they were older. Sakura panicked and reached up to her head and sighed in relief when she felt her pair of goggles sitting in their usual place. She grinned and patted them caringly. They started to wonder where they are and decided to go find some sort of civilization in this strange place. They slowly hiked up the sand dunes, having a hard time as they sank in or slid backward from the shifting sand. They finally saw a town as they topped another dune. By this point everyone was tired and their feet were aching. When they had finally arrived in the town, they saw strange creatures wandering around, Sakura thought it was unreal and was so excited because she loved anything to do with fantasy creatures, and this was a dream come to life. She looked around happily, taking in all the strange creatures that lived there. They saw a building that looked like a pub and entered, hoping to get information. They were greeted by the innkeeper warmly and they got information from him. After having no idea about their currency, he let them stay for the night for free, the only catch was that they all had to share a room. Sakura wasn't really uneasy with the sharing because she'd shared with some of her guy friends before and stuff when they had big sleep-overs with lots of her friends. They trudged slowly upstairs, already tired from all the climbing of the dunes and entered their room for the night. Dyna ran in and claimed a bed, Sakura looked around the room and chose the one next to Dyna, which was right next to one of the large windows. Everyone else claimed their beds too and then they decided to just wander around and try to get more information on this strange place. Sakura decided to go walking and take in the sights of this place. [/color]
  9. Another guess at another of your Riddles, Baron. I think that it's a baby/child/offspring. Because many things can create it, like different animals and they can shrink or grow, grow when they're young, shrink when they're old. Meh, just a random thought.
  10. [color=Navy]The farthest place I've been has to be when I came to Australia from Malaysia. My parents, my brother and I haven't left Western Australia since we got here, [b]15 years ago[/b] *groans* My sister's actually in Malaysia right now, so she's lucky that she's left WA, it gets pretty dull around here.[/color]
  11. [color=Navy]Sakura shook her head as the new music blared out, slightly softer than before. She was scrolling through her notes on her palm computer, typing ideas for her main body for the essay. She sighed and looked up at the ceiling, why did they have so many essays, they'd just finished one a while ago and they just got another. She looked up as Donovan buried himself in one of the other couches and she raised an eyebrow as she heard Adrian start singing along with the song. She heard Zach's laughter and smiled at the boys' antics. Sakura felt the couch shift and looked over to the side to see Zach sitting beside her. [b]"To Kill A Mockingbird is a good book, the essay was something else. I could send you mine, I had my friends it's good to have a guideline." [/b]he offered, smiling. [b]"Nah it's cool. I think I know where I'm going with it." [/b]she replied, looking at her notes briefly. [b]"Great! Better than myself anyway, I got stuck after maybe one or two lines."[/b] he laughed. Sakura laughed too and smiled. She watched him as he looked up at the ceiling. [b]"Well, ehm, I was wondering...would you like to...ehm...gotothedancewithme" [/b]he asked quickly. Sakura knew he was nervous and smiled softly. [b]"Sure Zach, I'd love to."[/b] she replied. [/color]
  12. A river. This comes in two parts, and you put the two answers together for the answer. It's pretty simple so... Famous in China but Infamous in Berlin. Add a male monarch, the exercise can begin.
  13. [color=Navy]Hmmm, I saw this tread so I decided to look mine up just for the sake of it. [b]"Aquarians are extremely independant." [/b]Well, I'd agree with that, I don't like to have to rely on people for things and would rather do them myself. [b]"They will not be tied down for long."[/b] I dunno about that, I've never had a relationship before so I can't say. [b]"Aquarians are usually lively, inventive and oh so original." [/b]I'd agree with this one, it helps with RPs of course, and people say my ideas are original. And I'm lively when I get hyped up, which happens at random times. [b]"Aquarians are very unpredictable, rebellious or helpful."[/b] And yup, these are right, I have the weirdest mood swings at the strangest of times, which is unpredictable. I don't listen to people sometimes which is rebellious. And when I'm in a good mood, I'm helpful to people. There's a lot more big paragraphs but this is the main one so yeah. All in all that was accurate. [/color]
  14. [color=Navy]Sakura was fine with the weather, she loved it when it snowed, the air was nice and cold, just the way she liked it. A cold wind blew past and her short brown hair ruffled and her trenchcoat blew off to the side, following the path of the wind. She adjusted the goggles on her head so they were more stable. Sakura walked along casually, she was used to walking the long distance, like her friend Dyna, she lived on the outskirts of town, but she enjoyed the long walks everyday, because she enjoys the outdoors a lot. She exhaled and looked at the mist that formed. She whistled comfortably and saw the High School building up ahead and walked over, almost missing the frozen ice. She backed up and ran forward, sliding across it skillfully. Sakura walked up the steps and entered the school hall. It was uncomfortably warm and she shrugged off her trenchcoat, transferring anything in its pockets to the ones in her cargos. She placed it in her locker and grabbed the necessary books and walked off to her first class. [b]First break... [/b]Sakura walked outside again, feeling the nice cold feeling of winter. One of the teachers saw her and pushed her inside, telling her to get a coat or she'd freeze, she felt a slight irritation toward the teacher, she was used to the cold and loved it, she frowned unhappily and walked around the school building, deciding to go into the Library, maybe she could find Dyna and talk with her. After wandering through the shelves she found the girl sitting at a table with a large book in front of her, and her file and pencilcase to the side, forgotten. [font=Verdana][b]"[/b][/font][/color][font=Verdana][b][color=Navy]Wow....this looks better than my assignment!"[/color][/b][/font][font=Trebuchet MS][color=Navy][font=Verdana] she said. Sakura smiled and approached her. [b]"What does?"[/b] she questioned. Dyna whirled around and saw her, she smiled and beckoned her over.[/font] [/color][/font]
  15. I don't suppose it's Icecream is it? That's the only thing I could think of because of the Hundreds and Thousands, and smoke, I took it as fire, because it gets melted.
  16. [color=navy]You don't bury survivors Comandancia? No clue Assassin Capital of Washington DC? There isn't one, unless you mean the capital letters WDC. Dunno, those seemed a little strange......[/color]
  17. [QUOTE=instantramen14]These two go directly with each other. My first is third like the sound of the sea My second's the center of you not me My third is the end of him but not you My fourth starts a picture, not a view My fifth is in bean, though not in been My sixth and seventh start seldom seen. Sunrise, sunset, warmth and cold, put them together and a sign will unfold. The strangest thing you've ever heard A point that makes a noisy word the other three make pleas so let me start you out with 'teas'[/QUOTE] [color=navy]That sounds familiar, did you take it from a Redwall book perchance?[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080]The answer to the first section is the word COMPASS and the second bit is SOUTH, the noisy word being SHOUT, and TEAS is a jumbled up EAST.[/color] [color=#000080]Am I right?[/color] [color=#000080][b]Baron:[/b] An odd guess but I decided on Memories, because the sad memories can bring tears to your eyes, happy ones make you smile, you can't really see them after they're done kinda...I dunno.[/color]
  18. [font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy]Fruits Basket eh? I haven't read the manga, but I've seen the anime.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]I don't really think it's just for girls, it doesn't really seem that way to me, but I'm a girl anyway so I dunno.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=navy]This info is based off the anime, but there's the main character, a girl named Tohru, and her mother died and stuff so she stays in a forest. Then one day she meets another family that live there and they're cursed. [/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]There's lots of humour, the romance is between just a few characters mainly and the sci-fi/fantasy is that the cursed family turn into the animals of the Chinese Zodiac, and the cat.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000080]Maybe someone that's read the manga has better information but this is the best I can give from my stand point. But personally I think its good.[/color][/size][/font]
  19. [size=2][color=navy]Sakura stumbled into her dorm and dropped her weighted bag on the floor, she yawned and gathered some clean clothes and went into the bathroom. She took a nice, cool, refreshing shower to wash away the sweat and the smell from her sports class. Sakura changed her clothes and decided to try to start her latest essay from English Lit. She sat at her desk and pulled out the work and notes she'd made in class, the essay was based around 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. She sighed and went over her notes quickly, trying to think of a good introduction and thesis statement. She wasn't very good at essays, but she seemed to get good grades for them anyway. After about half an hour, she'd gotten her introduction and was about to start her first main paragraph but she didn't feel like it.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#000080]She stretched and grabbed her palm computer from the table beside her. Sakura picked up her earphones too and plugged them into the port, turning on a music file. She put them in her ears and slipped the computer into her pocket. She didn't know where to go, but just wanted to be outside for a bit. She left the dorms and wandered around the large green lawns, just looking at the scenery, she wished she was back home in Japan where she could see the beautiful trees that gave her her name. After walking for twenty minutes, she decided to retreat to the lounge area.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#000080][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#000080]As soon as she entered the door she pulled the earphones out of her ears because GreenDay was pumping from the speakers loudly. She looked around and saw Zach, Adrian and Donovan. They were talking to each other but Sakura couldn't hear over the music, she just shrugged and went over to sit on a couch and relax. She then remembered that they were having a dance this year and she started to think about who she should go with, either a guy as a date, or with one of her regular friends, just as friends.[/color][/size]
  20. [color=navy]Sakura had been excited the whole time they were setting up, and when the teacher told them to warm up, she sprinted off to run a few laps which always helped her release pent up energy from sitting in a classroom. When they'd finished warming up, they had to stretch their muscles, mainly their leg muscles unless playing Goal Keeper.[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080]She put a hand over her eyes as she looked up at the sky, the sun was blaring brightly and they would be sweaty after the class.[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080]The coach asked for two captains, Sakura volunteered, as did a boy called Jack in their class. They were allowed to pick, and Sakura went first, she decided to take in Charity first. They went back and forth picking people, in the end it turned out as boys against girls, the female team were hyped because they enjoyed showing them that they were better.[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080]The boys got the first kick since the girls picked first. It seemed that Jack was playing center, along with Sakura so he kicked it backward to one of his team members and Sakura rushed forward. The boy barely had time to kick before Sakura was on him, she stole the ball and kicked it to Charity who was waiting there. She took her foot back and went to kick it but missed. Sakura ran over and told her that it was alright. She smiled happily and took the ball before one of their opponents re-possessed it. Jack ran alongside her and slid, stealing the ball successfully. He took the ball and dribbled it toward the other end of the field. Sakura shouted for someone to steal the ball from him as she ran to catch up to him and several of them tried, but he weaved around them. Sakura picked up serious speed and did a slide, passing it to one of the team mates. The girl ran forward with the ball, she saw another player waiting and kicked it over. Then that girl set it up and Sakura ran past, kicking the ball into the goals. They cheered and continued, as she had predicted, the game got sweaty and tiring very fast from the heat and when the class was over, everyone fell onto the field in exhaustion. The game had ended up 3 to 2 in the girls' favour.[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080][b]"That was a good game all of you. I guess that's the end of school for today, and take a shower will you." [/b]the Coach laughed.[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080]The group laughed lightly because sometimes when they had the class between two others, they didn't have time to take a shower and they smelt pretty bad. Sakura got to her feet and kicked the ball that was next to her to the Coach. He stopped it and picked it up to put it away.[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080][b]"Nice play Sakura. Got in a few good tackles there."[/b] he commented.[/color] [color=navy][b]"Yeah, thanks Coach."[/b] she sighed, slowly walking toward the change rooms.[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080]The others groaned and followed, the guys going into their change rooms. Sakura stretched herself out and her joints in her shoulders, neck and legs popped. She decided not to shower there and started to make her way back to her own dorm, groaning at the added weight of her bag to her tired and sweaty body.[/color]
  21. [color=Navy]Whee! I got lots of sign ups! I'm so happy! Everyone's accepted and I've decided to; [b] Close the sign ups!![/b] Reason being we've got four people in each section at the moment which is good and I don't want it one sided. [b]Skedy [/b]has volunteered to take the part of Archetype from me and he's also going to be co-leading this RP with me. Thanks for signing up everyone, I won't be starting the RP yet because I don't have time yet, maybe tomorrow or something. As soon as I have it I'll let everyone know via PM or on this thread. ~Ohkami [/color]
  22. [color=navy][b]-In The Real World-[/b] [b]Name: [/b]Sakura Hiwatari[/color] [color=navy][b]Age: [/b]16 [b]Gender: [/b]Female [b]Appearance: [/b][url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"]Here[/url], keep the goggles but make the shirt longer, put a leather trenchcoat over the top and change the shorts to navy blue cargos. [b]Personality: [/b]Sakura is a calm person and doesn't get angry very quickly, she usually speaks quietly and softly. She is strong minded and never admits defeat, even when she's lost. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. She can easily keep a cool head in a heated argument. Sakura is very stealthy, flexible and acrobatic and gymnastic and has been since she was a child. But if she doesn't like you, she'll show it, and you'd have to gain her trust because she has a sixth sense with people. But sometimes she can have a quick temper, and if someone annoys her for a long period of time, let's just say you won't want to be around when that happens. She'll fight valiently if her friends or family are ever in danger, and shows a totally different side when in Ivalice, which is how she gained her title, the Deadly Flower.[/color] [color=navy]In her free time, Sakura likes to be outside and look at nature and everything that the world has to offer. When not doing that she's usually messing around with something electronic. [b]History: [/b]Sakura's an only child and lives in a small house. Her parents work very hard for money and work all the time, which means Sakura doesn't see them much, but she knows that they're working hard for her so she can get a good education. Sakura's a sporty character and prefers to be outdoors than inside. At home she has a flower garden that she tends to and likes to sit next to. Usually she'll just lie on her back beside it and look at the sky and clouds or stars, whichever's out. Sakura never gets to go on vacation to places because her parents don't have the time or money to go, so she's used to just hanging around. She has a lot of friends and they play sport all the time together, she just wishes her parents could have a carefree life. [b]-In Ivalice-[/b] [b]Name: [/b]Sakura the Deadly Flower. [b]Age: [/b]19 [b]Appearance: [/b]Same as above. [b]Race: [/b]Nu Mou - Ultima[/color] [color=navy][b]Starting Job: [/b]Black Mage[/color] [color=navy][b]Weapon: [/b]Chill Rod[/color]
  23. [color=black][b]OOC: [/b]I was wondering, do we have school uniforms here?[/color] [color=navy][/color] [color=navy]Sakura sat through her English Lit. class attentively, she liked English but was feeling restless because she had her Sport class next and was looking forward to it. Her gaze constantly slid to [color=navy]look[/color] out the window at the lush lawns of the school. She sighed and continued to hastily make notes on their new assignment. Any hints they could get from the teacher were precious and she didn't repeat anything that she's said and hardly gives help during the classtimes when they're working on it. The teacher continued to dictate things that they had to make sure was in the essay then stopped and looked at the clock. She noticed it was time for her next class and dismissed them, saying she'd finish the rest tomorrow.[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080]Sakura slid her books into her bag and sprinted out of the classroom toward the particular part of the school that was used for Sport classes and the other outdoor classes. She inhaled deeply and looked up at the clear blue sky. There were a few wispy clouds floating around lazily and two birds that flapped past. It was a beautiful day for being outdoors, but then Sakura thought that everyday was a good day to be outdoors.[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080]Sakura felt overly active so decided to waste some energy by doing a few backflips and cartwheels. She ran the rest of the way and went into the change rooms situated there. Changing into a simple t-shirt and shorts she exited again, not removing the goggles that usually sat on her head. Her goggles were her favourite items that she wore and she had them everywhere except sleeping.[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080]She bounced up to the Sport teacher happily. He just smiled at the enthusiasm that he usually saw in her.[/color] [color=#000080][/color] [color=#000080][b]"So, what are we doing today?" [/b]she asked.[/color] [b][color=#000080]"I was thinking Soccer for today, what do you think?"[/color][/b] [color=#000080][b]"Alright!"[/b] she cheered happily, she loved all sports and were good at all of them, but Soccer was the sport she learned first when she was young, so it had a special place in her heart amongst all the others.[/color]
  24. [font=Verdana][size=2][b]OOC: [/b][/size][/font][size=2][font=Tahoma][font=Verdana]Sorry but this post is going to be short and boring because the main purpose is just to get me there so I'm not left behind. [/font] [color=Navy][font=Verdana]Sakura woke up when the alarm went off, she sat up in bed and listened, a second later the intercoms in every room played the same message.[/font] [/color][/font][/size][color=DarkRed][b][color=Navy]"ALL MECH PILOTS REPORT TO MECHANIMA HOLDING BAY.....I REPEAT!!....ALL MECH PILOTS REPORT TO MECHANIMA HOLDING BAY!!"[/color] [/b][color=Navy]Sakura rolled out of bed quickly and stuffed her palm computer into her pocket. She ran into the bathroom to clean herself up so she didn't look like she just woke, even though she just had. Sakura immediately knew that it was urgent because they'd usually send a messenger. She exited her room and made for the holding bay. When she arrived, the others were appearing and the Commander and the two generals were waiting. Commander De'Larne told them what the problem was and hurried them to thier mechanimas. Sakura ran over to Aria and got into the cockpit quickly. [b]"It's action time partner, the Cylargres are heading for St. Ives and we gotta stop 'em." [/b]Sakura said connecting to Aria mentally. [color=RoyalBlue][b]"Yes, let's go." [/b][color=Navy]Aria agreed. [/color][/color][/color][/color]
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