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[b][u][color=navy][font=Tahoma][size=1]Sign up:[/size][/font][/color][/u][/b][b][u][color=navy][/b][/u] [u][b][/color][/u][b][color=navy][font=Tahoma][size=1]Name[/size][/font][/color][/b][/b][color=navy][size=1]- Sakura Hiwatari[/size] [size=1][b]Age[/b]- 17[/size] [size=1][b]Gender[/b]- Female [/size] [size=1][b]Appearance[/b]- [/size][url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"][size=1]Here[/size][/url][size=1].[/size] [size=1][b]Subjects[/b]-[/size][/color]
[color=Navy]The RP sounds good and I'm currently making my sign up while I post this, but I was wondering what part the Auras have. Like are these what we'll be feeling most of the time or something? Yeah, just wondering... [/color]
[COLOR=Navy]After the meeting, Sakura decided to just go to her room and hopefully go to sleep as she'd been meaning to. But when she tried she just found she couldn't. Instead she decided to go walking somewhere, so she got out of bed and started to wander around the base, eventually heading to the hangar again. When she arrived she saw Sayne sitting on the landing bay next to the dragon mech Deviryn. She wasn't sure if she should hang around, but she wanted to talk with Aria, so she walked over and sat over to the side where Aria was. [B]"Hi."[/B] she greeted the other boy, he didn't take notice of the greeting so she just turned to Aria. They talked through their mind link so they didn't disturb Sayne. They just talked idley as usual, not really knowing what to say, just happy to be with each other there. After a while they did stop talking and Sakura looked out at the water, it was a beautiful night and the stars and moon were out. She let her mind drift and it floated to David, she wondered how he would cope to the loss of his parents, and again, she wished that she was there to comfort him. [B][I]'Now he has felt the pain of losing his parents, why couldn't we have gotten our mechs sooner and prevented the accident that caused all this grief to everyone? Why?'[/I][/B] she thought to herself. She heard Aria's mental sigh in her head. Sakura bent her knees and pulled them to her chest, she wondered what had happened to all of the other groups that left the school, were they in the base somewhere? Had they been sent somewhere else? So many questions that remained with no answers. Sakura sighed and stood, she said goodnight to her mech and left, taking a fleeting glance at Sayne who still sat there, at attention, but yet so far away. She went back to her room and saw her backpack that she hadn't touched since they'd arrived. She opened it and pulled out the rose and red envelope that David had given her. She sat cross-legged on her bed and opened the envolope, taking out the letter inside. It was a confession that he liked her and wanted to go out sometime. Tears came to her eyes as she thought of what might have been had this all not happened. She wished for everything to go back to normal, but she knew that they wouldn't no matter how badly she wanted it to. Sakura set the rose and tear speckled letter on her bedside table and rummaged through her bag for her palm computer. She started to type, she'd started making a journal the first night they arrived, and she filled it every night of the day's events. When she was done she opened up a music file and connected her earphones, the music started to play in her ears, 'Nobody's Home' by Avril Lavigne, she felt that the song expressed how she was feeling right now, and how she had felt when her real parents had died. Sakura got under the blanket and curled up to go to sleep, tears rolling down her cheeks sadly as she listened to the lyrics of the song. [I]'Be strong, be strong now Too many, too many problems Don't know where she belongs Where she belongs She wants to go home But nobody's home That's where she lies Broken inside There's no place to go No place to go To dry her eyes Broken inside'[/I][/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Decided to add lyrics for a small touch.
[COLOR=Navy][U][B]Name:[/B][/U] Sakura Kaze [U][B]Age:[/B][/U] 18 [U][B]Appearance:[/B][/U] [URL=http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg]Here[/URL], keep her goggles but replace her clothes with the one's in [URL=http://img103.exs.cx/img103/7712/***027cl.jpg]this[/URL] pic. [U][B]Gender:[/B][/U] Female [U][B]Weapon:[/B][/U] The weapon in [URL=http://img103.exs.cx/img103/2973/045lh.jpg]this[/URL] picture. She uses weapons like Zidane's sometimes they're twin daggers, but usually they're a double ended blade. [U][B]Personality:[/B][/U] Sakura is a calm person and doesn't get angry very quickly, she usually speaks quietly and softly. She is strong minded and never admits defeat, even when she's lost. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. She can easily keep a cool head in a heated argument. Sakura is very stealthy, flexible and acrobatic and gymnastic and has been since she was a child, but she's had to be, seeing as she's a thief. But if she doesn't like you, she'll show it, and you'd have to gain her trust because she has a sixth sense with people. She's skilled with a number of bladed weapons, but prefers her double ended ones or twin daggers the most. But even without weapons, she's a hard opponent to beat because she knows martial arts from her deceased mentor and adopted father. Sakura's a good thief which is further explained in the Bio, but keep in mind that she doesn't steal recklessly, she only steals what she needs or thinks will come in useful. Sakura also likes to mess around with electronical equipment and always carries her pocket computer(new technology) that she stole because she thought it'd be good to have around. In her free time, she prefers to hang around with her gang and take care of her very sick father who's on the brink of death. And when not doing either of those, she likes to travel to Sector 7 and look at the newly revealed sky. [U][B]Biography:[/B][/U] Sakura was born to an abandoned father. Her mother had left her father after she had been given birth leaving him to juggle caring for a baby daughter and his job. Her father was poor and was out of work because he had gotten sick. He used to be a Miner, and after the years the dust and air pollution had gotten into his lungs and he had problems breathing. That's why Sakura was forced into a life of thievery. She used to be a terrible thief and was always discovered. She was 9 and was only a beginner. One day when she was still 9, she stumbled into an alley after another unsuccessful day. She was cornered by 3 members from a gang of thieves at the dead end. They checked her pockets and were surprised when they found nothing. The Thief Lord, who was their leader, came out of the shadows and spoke to her. He asked her why she was trying to steal, because they had seen her day after day being unsuccessful. Sakura explained everything and the Thief Lord felt sorry for her and decided to take pity on her. The Thief Lord agreed to give her lessons if she agreed to do a favour for him when he called it. Now remember, Sakura was young and didn't think much of a favour and agreed. Day after day she would go to the alleyway and would get lessons from him. 2 years passed and she was 11. She had become quite a pro and stole from people while the victim felt nothing. She could even steal something from someone's hand without them noticing until it was too late. She stole clothes for herself and her father, and items that could help them. She'd steal food daily to keep her and her father's health up. After another year, Sakura had grown to the age of 12. As day after day, month after month, year after year, passed she became a Thieving Prodigy. She would often visit the Thief Lord and his gang. They were her only friends and they would talk and laugh about things. When she was 14, she went to visit the gang. She hadn't visited them for 2 months because her father?s condition had weakened considerably and didn?t have time to hang around as she used to. She went into the secret area in the alley and looked inside in confusion. There was no sound coming, where as it was usually full of life. She looked into the main area and saw the whole gang was crowded around something. Sakura pushed through and tears started to well up in her eyes when she saw what, more of [i]who[/i] was in the middle. It was the Thief Lord. He had been a second father to her after he took her into his care with his teachings. As she approached, he starting to give out a series of wheezing coughs, when he was done, he was weak and flopped weakly onto the makeshift bed. Sakura knelt beside him and held his hand; a tear slipped down her cheek and fell onto it. [B]?What?s wrong, Boss??[/B] she asked smiling slightly, calling him a playful name that she?d given him when they?d gotten to know each other. [b]?Sakura??[/b] he said smiling weakly. [b]?I?m dying child.?[/b] [b]?N-No, you can?t die, you can?t.?[/b] she sobbed as he wheezed. [b]"Sakura?You?ve been as precious to me as a daughter?I?ll miss you??[/b] he erupted into a coughing fit at the end of the sentence. [b]"How long?"[/b] Sakura asked, looking into the eyes of one of the gang members. [b]"A month and a half..."[/b] the member replied quietly. [b]"Please....You can't go...You can't...."[/b] Sakura said as the tears slid down her cheeks endlessly. [b]"Sakura...It's time you do that favour for me?..do you remember??[/b] he asked quietly. [b]"Of course I remember.....What do you want me to do?"[/b] [b]"You must agree to do this, you can?t reject it...."[/b] he said. He gestured to one of the members behind him and they approached, carrying a small staff with a large blade on each of the ends. The blades had a small pattern on them that traveled halfway down each blade. Sakura looked at the weapon in awe because she thought it was beautiful. [b]?This is for you.?[/b] he said hoarsely as the member held it out to her. [b]?No, I can?t take such a thing.?[/b] She protested, not able to take such a gift. [b]?It belongs with you, I?ve had a feeling that it should go to you since it came into my possession.?[/b] Sakura tentatively reached out a hand and took the weapon; she swung it around and was surprised how light it was, because she expected it to be heavy. [b]?I love it, thank you.?[/b] She said. [b]?Now, for the favour??[/b] he said. [b]?Yes??[/b] [b]?You must use the weapon to end my life.?[/b] he coughed. [b]?No!?[/b] she cried, getting to her feet in outrage. [b]?I won?t do it, I won?t take the life of someone that?s a father to me.?[/b] she said angrily. [b]?Sakura, you promised??[/b] he told her. [b]?B-But.....?[/b] [b]?I know it?s going to be hard??but you must?.the pain?..it hurts?..please end it.?[/b] He pleaded. Tears streamed down her eyes and she twirled the double bladed weapon skillfully as if she?d been using it all her life and closed her eyes as she stabbed him in the heart. He took a last wheezing breath, made out a ?thank you? before his eyes slid closed and he fell into the eternal sleep. Sakura fled from the hideout and didn?t return for the next month. Sakura continued to steal through the years and she still does. She got her latest clothing and accessory items from Wall Market and her father?s still alive, but very weak and ill. She thanks the Thief Lord everyday for helping her when she was young. She?s now the current Thief Lord of the gang and she tries to follow in her footsteps. When she sees new children trying to steal for a reason, she takes them into the gang just as he did with her. [U][B]Character Snippet:[/B][/U] Sakura checked outside of their hideout in case there were people, she saw that it was clear and beckoned for the rest of her gang to come up as well. They came out cautiously and re-hid the entrance to the hideout. Strapped to her back was her double bladed weapon, she never went anywhere without it, just in case anything happened. they'd already planned before hand how they were going to go about that day's thieving and Sakura climbed the closest drainpipe onto the roof of that buidling. The others followed silently and they all set off toward Wall Market, hoping to knab some stuff off the rich people that flaunted their money and jewels around. They were practically asking them to take their stuff by having it half falling out of their pockets. The group was consisted of 6 people including Sakura. They silently ran across the rooftops making sure that they made no noise so the people in the houses didn't hear them. Sakura saw a big gap in front of them and stopped, she had 3 new members and two experienced ones. The new people weren't experienced in jumping so she stood next to one of the experienced ones and grabbed her left wrist with her right hand and the other did the same, then they connected. her left hand took hold of his right. They demonstrated the simple jump with the other experienced member, who jumped with one leg onto their square that they'd made and she and the other pushed upward, launching him upwards. He did an aerial somesault and landed safely on the other side. They all made it over, then Sakura boosted the remaining experienced before taking a run and doing a forward flip over the gap. They took a few hours to hang around Wall Market and steal things, she'd taught the newbies how to effectively steal by using the 'bump-into-victim' trick and they used that. When she thought it was time she called them back and they made their way home, this time they used the shadows on their way, sneaking around quietly and being stealthy. As they were almost home, they encountered another thief gang that they knew as the Panthers, they were well known for stealing from thieves instead of going after other people, and also for being Spies for the famous corporation ShinRa. They reported on gangs that were around and other stuff that happened around, and in return they were allowed to keep anything they got. The leader, a male of the same age as Sakura stepped forward and ordered that they hand over their reapings. Sakura said she'd rather fight, so fight they did. The two leaders pulled out their weapons and circled, he carried a longsword. They lunged forward at each other and locked their weapons, pushing against each other. They both flipped away from each other and watched. He lunged again but this time she was ready, she blocked the down slash with her top blade before slashing at him with her bottom blade. It sliced through his shirt and left a gash on his skin. She got on her hands and did a swipe kick, getting him off his feet, then held one of her blades against his throat, he gave and he signalled for her gang to leave before quickly following them.[/COLOR]
I decided to take a shot at this. Don't know if it really fits the requirements with the whole conflict and resolution part. I just counted and I got 55 on the dot =Þ [COLOR=Navy][CENTER][B][U]One Simple Wish[/U][/B][/CENTER] A tear wistfully slipped down her cheek. She brushed it away quickly and typed. [B]?I wish I could.? ?I?m sure you will.?[/B] He replied. [B]?I dunno?? ?Isn?t that complicated.? ?Is in Australia.? ?I?m sure you?ll see snow fall sometime in your life.?[/B] he typed confidently. ?I hope so?? she finished, saying goodbye and logging off.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]After watching half an hour of TV, Sakura had given up and retreated to her room for more sleep. Just as she was falling asleep, there was a knock on the door. She groaned, sighed and sat up, glaring grumpily at the door. [B]"Come in."[/B] she called with a yawn, throwing the blankets off. The door opened and a private stood there. [B]"I have a message for all the mech pilots. The Commander needs to see all of you right now,"[/B] she said, [B]"It's important that you all go."[/B] Sakura made her bed quickly and turned to the female private again. [B]"Do you know what the meeting's about?"[/B] [B]"No, I don't know any details, he just said that you're all to meet him in his office."[/B] [B]"Alright, thankyou."[/B] Sakura said. The two of them walked out of the room, with the private following her. [I][B]'Why am I never allowed to get good sleep around here any more?'[/B][/I] she thought to herself and was surprised when she got a responce. [b][color=royalblue][i]'Maybe because you didn't get more rest when I told you to.'[/b][/color][/i] Aria replied. [b][i]'I didn't know you could contact with me when I'm not next to you.'[/b][/i] [color=royalblue][b][i]'Well, you do now.'[/color][/b][/i] Sakura smirked at the last comment and made her way to the Commander's office and saw that of the pilots, only Sayne was there. [B]"Commander."[/B] Sakura greeted, she still felt sad and slightly angry at what he did to Sayne. But she saw the sadness in his eyes and felt her feelings wash away. Sakura just stood around and watched for the others to turn up to the meeting.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]After about 10 minutes of a nap Sakura woke up and sat up quickly, she suddenly remembered Aria's broken blade. She got out of bed and left her room, she saw a few of the other pilots around. She saw that Sora was still upset and was talking to Elizabeth. Sakura made her way back to the hangar and saw that not many people were there, but Dr Kane was and she ran over to him. [B]"Dr Kane, it's good that you're here."[/B] Sakura said smiling. [B]"What is it?"[/B] he questioned. [B]"In the battle, Aria broke one of his blades, the one on the left. I was wondering if we can get it fixed."[/B] she responded as they walked over to Aria. Aria stood and asked her why she wasn't resting, she quickly explained that she'd taken a nap and got into the cockpit, flicking out the blades, then she climbed out to survey the damage. Dr Kane was inspecting the snap and told her that he'd get it fixed and walked away to think of what he'd need. Sakura told Aria that she'd be right back and went to grab some cleaning supplies. She returned and climbed carefully into the cockpit. She set about cleaning the dried blood off the controls and brushed off the dust that had been there since the beginning. When she was done, everything was shiny and the screen was clearer than before. [B]"There, that's better."[/B] she said, looking at her handiwork. [B]"Hey Aria, how about we practise some synchronization skills, if we practise enough, I'm sure I won't feel as tired after."[/B] Aria agreed and they practised some simple things because they were so confined, after 20 minutes they stopped and Dr Kane came back with the things that he needed. He told her that it would take a while so she left and went back to the common room to watch TV.[/COLOR] [B] OOC:[/B] Sorry about the lengths lately, I can't really think of much nowadays.
[COLOR=Navy]Sakura and Aria got rid of the rest on the left with their Wolf Blaster attack and they felt reprecussions from their bonding because the recoil of the attack began to take its toll on Sakura and soon the bandage around her head had come off and some of the stitching was coming apart from the shock of it, since she wasn't used to so much pressure, and it was also built up from when they'd gone into speed mode. She felt blood oozing out of the wound and noted to return to the Infirmary to get it re-stitched after the battle. When the battle was done, they returned to the base and Sakura disconnected from Aria, both of them feeling the emptiness again. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] [B]"Sakura, take care of yourself, I want you to rest after getting that wound fixed up. And...I'm sorry."[/B][/COLOR] [B]"Yes, I'll rest ok? And I told you, it's not your fault, so stop blaming yourself."[/B] Aria just nodded but lay down and rested his head on his folded paws again, still feeling that it indeed was his fault for not being more careful. Just before Sakura left, she saw Sayne getting dragged off and Deviryn being chained up and connected to a strange looking machine. She heard him shouting about not putting him in Isolation, and she knew what that was from what her father had told her, it was when they put someone in a small tank. She gasped as she thought to something during school, when they'd talked about people having phobias, and it had been revealed that Sayne was Claustrophobic. She felt sad for him and hoped that he'd be alright, before walking off back to the Infirmary. When she got there, the same medics were there and fussed over her angrily, saying that they knew she shouldn't have gone back out to battle, and they re-stitched the wound and put a new dressing, wrapping it tightly and making sure it wouldn't fall off again. Sakura thanked them and left, she was so worn from the battle, she knew that it had to be from the bonding with Aria. Sakura made her way back to the dorms and saw Sora walk into her room clutching her arm and had an angry look on her face. She heard the door slam and decided not to bother her and went to her own room. She yawned widely and decided to take a quick nap to hopefully get back a bit of energy.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Thanks to all of you guys for joining, the sign ups are all good, just try to finish them ASAP if you haven't. Just a reminder in case you people forget, that we don't have magic, but your sign ups are good, because the Lai influence the element that they are, around them for aid, and the Psychics just use their own Psychic abilities, while the Lyricists rely on their Songs. Once again, thanks for joining, and please forgive me if I get muddled, because I haven't figured out the main part of this RP yet. I don't really know how exactly we're going to get the Archetype, I'm actually thinking that this won't be a big group RP, like the Lai will be together, and Archetypes and the Humans. And we'll all be out to get whoever as it says in the first post, who each Race is against. What do you guys think? If you got any other ideas I'd be happy to hear them. [B]And for any other people that want to join, I'd like to have the Junip, Soldier and Medic positions filled. Mainly the Human ones though since Archetypes already have three people when Kayin signs up.[/B] Alrighty, thanks. ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Sakura was running along the lines of the enemies, taking the ones on the left of the base with Cliff and Silver. Some of the others were overlapping but everything seemed to be doing ok. The speed boosters helped her to wipe them out faster. [B]***Outgoing Transmission: Darrius***[/B] [B]"The war's going fine over here."[/B] Sakura replied, wiping out another line. Sakura saw a large wave approaching and headed back closer to base, noticing she'd strayed quite far. She noticed a fighter ship swooping down to attack one of the other MechAnimas and they hadn't noticed. Sakura hadn't really had time to notice and put on another burst of speed and jumped, slashing the ship in half. Sakura raced out into battle again, she was running through another line of tanks when one of her blades snapped. [B]"What?! How'd that happen? They're not supposed to break."[/B] Sakura said as she pulled out. The Cylargres noticed the snapped blade and took the chance to charge forward quickly. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"I don't know...Needle Spray!"[/B][/COLOR] Aria roared, letting go of sharp needles from his fur which pierced through the armour of the tanks. They turned and headed back. [B]"That wasn't supposed to happen, was it?"[/B] Sakura asked. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"No, I don't believe so..."[/B][/COLOR] Aria sighed. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"But don't worry, I have another attack, though to use it we must connect on a deeper level."[/B][/COLOR] [B]"I thought we were already connected on a deep level."[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"Yes, we are. But this one is different, we'll see each other's memories, even the ones you don't wish to relive..."[/B][/COLOR] Sakura's mind immediately drifted to the death of both sets of parents and was reluctant, but if this was the best way to do it, she'd have to. [B]"Alright."[/B] She felt them connect and BAM! She saw memories run through her head, a mixture of her own painful memories of people dying and being rejected, and images from aria's memories, mistreatment from the previous pilots that had tried to control him, and mistreatment from Dr Kane. When it was done, Sakura sat in her seat and knew what Aria had meant, they were now connected on a whole new level. [B]"Let's do this, Partner. Wolf Blaster!"[/B] they cried simultaeneously letting go off a ice blue and yellow blast of power from his mouth, it was a mixture of Ice and Lightning and destroyed several lines. Then they charged off again.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][CENTER][U][B]Pilot[/B][/U][/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] Aria Kaze [B]Callsign:[/B] Sakura [B]Rank:[/B] 2nd Liutenant [B]ID Number:[/B] 1-989 [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://purlace.net/eva/asuka/asuka-ys02.jpg]Here[/URL], complete with suit. [B]Personality:[/B] Sakura is calm and doesn't get angry very quickly, she usually speaks quietly and softly. She is strong minded and never admits defeat, even when she's lost. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. She can easily keep a cool head in a heated argument. Sakura is very stealthy, flexible and acrobatic and gymnastic and has been since she was a child. She doesn't get annoyed very often, except when someone bugs her a lot. One of her best skills/hobbies is her skill with computers and anything electronic, which she likes to mess around with, which includes Pegasus. If she trusts you she'll be a loyal friend to have that won't ever backstab a friend by choice. She's determined to do anything she sets her mind on and is well skilled. Generally she likes to be around people, but at times she gets a mood swing and likes to be alone. Sakura's someone you can rely on to complete a mission or just to be there for you. She cares a lot about Pegasus and always makes sure that he's alright and not scratched before a new mission. [B]History:[/B] Your character's story. Brief or long, you decide. [CENTER][U][B]Mecha[/B][/U][/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] VD-02 Pegasus [B]Strength:[/B] 188 [B]Agility:[/B] 188 [B]Energy:[/B] 135,000PS [B]Durability:[/B] 5,800AP [B]Armaments:[/B] Blaze-class energy sword, [more will be added] [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/r/a/rat140/Vandread/Super%20Vandread.jpg]Here[/URL], sorry about the size, best pic I could find. Except [URL=http://images.freshmeat.net/screenshots/45373.jpg]this[/URL] which has a shiny thing in the way.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] I'll edit the rest later.
[color=navy]The World is only known as Arachaus... The World of Arachaus is a completely technological world where no, I mean NO magic at all exists except the extraordinary ability of the Psychics. The place is being corrupted and destroyed by a grand beast known as the Archetype a biologically organic metaloid beast that has all his spawn all over the place. The children of the Thing known as the Archetype are bizarre humans with reflection less eyes, and runic tattoos placed all about their form. They are well known to wear only wear over size long sleeved style shirts over their form. They are known to have icy shades of everyday colours such as pink, blue, green and so on. They are the willing servants to the Archetype and are emotionless vessels of its chaotic will. No one has ever seen the Archetype and has no idea what it truly is. Humans though exist in small numbers in large protected structures known as the Elysia. The Elysia are large structures that span about the size of ten foot ball fields over an area. They have several cell like rooms for each occupant and large centre garden rooms. Shops and markets litter the hall ways, and large computer system rooms are located in the large dome shaped room above the garden area. The room is filled with large chairs that have VR visors that are placed over the head of a Psychic unit. The Psychic units are continuously used to hack into the Archetype's main frame, and try and destroy his systems are halt them as long as possible. Though the attempts usually fail and result in the death of several Psi units. Another race upon the area is what is known as the Lai. The Lai are elementals in a sense of the old world though hardly any exist today thanks to the Archetype which has them destroyed on sight by its Children. The Lai represent the four elements- Air, Water, Earth and Fire. The Arch Lai though contains the ever watching and powerful element of Spirit. The Lai appear in visages of animals and humanoids that are sleek and even elven in appearance. The animals and coloration of their humanoid form correspond with their own element with everyday animals you know from Earth. Though on Arachaus there are hardly any animals left alive in the planet thanks to the Human expansion upon the world, and the expansion of the Archetypes children and his fear of the Lai themselves. [b]The three races have three base class/job types for each of their areas. These job classes shall be briefly described in each section. I?m only allowing one, maybe two per class, so if there are lots, I?ll choose the best one or two. If the class is coloured in green, there?s one spot left; if in red, it?s closed.[/b] [b]And just to clear this, the main badguy in this is Archetype, and he's a NPC being controlled by me. [/b] [u][b]Archetype's Children[/b][/u] [color=red][i]The Lyricists:[/i] [b][Taken ? Ohkami, Neuvoxetere][/b] They use the power of their voices to influence human emotions, and sing lovely songs that draw in humans. They are also known as Sirens. These Sirens though are sensitive to emotion and hold emotion unlike their sisters and brothers because they use it against their enemies. With a song they can inspire courage, fear, and great mourning within a single human being. Though they can prove effective upon the Lai also though to a much less degree. They are usual female though few have been reported to even be male, and some have become traitors to the Archetype because of their ability to feel. They are even used to sign as song called the Chaos Song that drives the Eons to fight with greater power. The traitors are usually killed using whatever drastic measures the Archetype would go to, to destroy them. [/color] [color=green][i]The Eons:[/i] [b][Taken ? Kayin][/b] The soldiers, and they are usually male. They use powerful guns ranging from wide variations of futuristic weaponry, and they can even use medieval style weapons such as katanas, swords, arrows, cross bows, and so on. They are relentless and having nothing more then chaos on their mind. They will never surrender, and they never at all feel emotion. It has been a rarity that a traitor to the Archetype appears in their ranks, and if one does they usually have fits of madness to the point they will destroy anything in their wake. [/color] [color=green][i]The Junips: [/i][b][Taken - Skedy][/b][/color] [color=green]These smaller ones are well scouts. They dart around and steal information from other sources. Usually they are small and shorter then their sisters and brothers, and can be a little nuisance on the battle field. They are powerful though with Psionics, and don't fret to use them if need be. There are rarely at all Traitors to the Archetype in this rank also, and if there are they usually have the habit of constantly snooping into ones business on a non-stop basis.[/color] [u][b]The Humans[/b][/u] [color=red][i]Psychics:[/i] [b][Taken - Blayze, Nefertimon][/b][/color] [color=red]Usually they are trained and gifted in a wide variety of psychic gifts from pyrokenisis to telepathy even clairvoyance. They usually wear blue uniforms about the place, and have a circlet around their head to control their psychic abilities. Once it is removed though...they are completely unable to focus their abilities so they usually go berzerk. They are the main focus point of the whole battle against the Archetypes seeing their unique abilities are the only thing the Humans have to battle the Archetype itself. They though have a sort of semi-link to the Spirit Lai and so in which are sensitive when about the Lai usually the Circlet's power being negated by the presence of any Lai in an area of 10 yards.[/color] [color=green][i]Soldiers: [/i][b][Taken - Freude][/b][/color] [color=green]Humans unlike the Archetype's Children have been reduced down to nothing more then the typical Medieval era style weapons. They though have made their weapons very finely using the Psychics abilities within the blades to induce special charms within it. The Soldiers are usually very mildly gifted in Psionics and rarely does it affect them to a harsh degree unlike the Psychics. They usually wear a bit of cybernetic armour though, and wear teal uniforms through the vicinity of the Elysia.[/color] [color=green][i]Medics:[/i] [b][Taken - Pumpkin][/b] They are gifted within the healing varieties of the Psychic powers, and also have knowledge of Modern Medicine. They are usually a vital part of the system and have a great importance to the system of the Elysia and usually a Medic is a partner to a Psychic because of their usually raids on the Archetype's system. They are usually seen wearing grey uniforms about the place. They do not have any form of attack though and only have Psionics that can heal.[/color] [u][b]The Lai[/b][/u] [u][i]Note:[/i][/u] They do not have any classes, just elements [color=green][i]Fire:[/i] [b][Taken - Takuya][/b] They are the fighters of the Lai and the bezerkers. In their animal form they are large wolves with flaming fire fur, and with a horn protruding from the centre of their head. Usually their eyes are of a black hue in this form. In humanoid form they have tanned skin, and red hair with the other normal elf like attributes. They also wear red, orange and yellow coloured robes in their humanoid form. [/color] [color=green][i]Water:[/i] [b][Taken - Skedy][/b][/color] [color=green]They are the healers with their healing magicks they usually stay along bodies of water. They usually in their animal like form are large Sea Faring Serpents with draconic wings spanning forth from their back. They in their elf like form appear with blue or sea green hair, with blue eyes normally, and blue tinted skin. They wear very light blue robes in their elfen form.[/color] [color=green][i]Wind:[/i] [b][Taken - Legacy][/b] They are the Scouts of their kind, and always in their animal form do they look like large birds. The birds have long necks like a swan?s and look as if pure white phoenixes in this form except their tails are like those of a sparrow?s. They in their humanoid form have large white wings, and usually dress in white robes. Their hair is a white colour or silver colour and hues of a sky blue or ice green. Their skin can be rather pale at times.[/color] [color=green][i]Earth:[/i] [b][Taken - Quad][/b] They in their animal forms appear as large brown cats with a horn protruding from their heads. They are the mediators and lawmakers of the Lai world, and have the last word in how any argument should end. They decided what is right and what is wrong within the community of the Lai and the Arch Lai decides if that is to be the law. They are in human forms tall and well built for elves, with brown hair and brown eyes and rich darkly tanned skin. They usually wear robes of brown and tan shades.[/color] [center][b]...the Plot...[/b][/center] The Elysia, Piel-5, is the main centre of all the Elysias within the area of the continent of Mercy. IT is also the main area in the battle against the Archetype seeing that the Archetype is rumoured to be upon the continent itself. They are also, they not knowing this, the final Elysia standing. The Archetype having fooled them into believing the other Elysias were still present in the world. The Lai though are growing thinner, and even there is word of them deciding to soon forge an alliance to the Humans to team up and destroy the Archetype. The truce though comes with a great deal that the Humans must agree too also once the war is done, and only the Arch Lai knows what it is so far besides her high Earth Lai. The Archetypes Lyricists have begun to show signs of Rebelling though the Hives of them with their leaders and even the Eons have forced them into the Archetypes control once more. The Archetype fears the Lyricists would begin a mass betrayal so then any of the Sirens suspected turning to a traitor would be eliminated immediately. The Archetype has begun to lose a grip on his children it appears also, so no one knows for sure if the Archetype is still living or not. So the Lyricists are being Slaughtered, with the Archetype supposedly weakening; the Lai are planning an alliance with the humans, though no one knows what it is; and the Humans are still duking it out with the Archetype believing their comrades are still alive without knowing they are the world Arachaus' final hope. Simple enough? [center][b]...Character Application...[/b][/center] Name: Age: [You can be as old as you want. Including going into 100s] Race: [The Archetype, Lai or Humans] Class/Job:[Listed above] Psychic Ability: [Only for Humans] Abilities: [all other races except humans] Appearance: [Written, at least one paragraph. Can use images to help, but must still have a written portion] Weapon: [Must fit with your class. If medic, healing power for example. Max of two] Alliance: [The Archetype, Lai or Humans] [Note: Backgrounds are to be developed along the s/l and revealed to everyone through it so you need not have a background listing unless you wish to place one up!] [i][b]My Character[/b][/i] [b]Name:[/b] Sakura [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Race:[/b] Archetype's Children [b]Class/Job:[/b] Lyricist [b]Psychic Ability:[/b] [human only] [b]Abilities:[/b] Chaos Song, Siren Song, Healing Song, Nature's Song, Neo Song...and a few others [b]Appearance:[/b] She stands at 5'5'' with long mid back length strands of chestnut brown hair. She wears very light robes of white, and has violet eyes with no reflection within their depths. [b]Alliance:[/b] Archetype [wavering though] [b]Weapon:[/b] A small dagger, and Her voice... Alright, if you have any questions you can PM me, talk to me on MSN or post it in the Underground Thread which is [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44853"]here[/url]. Ok, please sign up and enjoy. [b]~Ohkami[/b][/color]
[COLOR=Navy]Cliff, being the closest person near Sakura bounded over. He told Silver to talk to Aria since none of the other humans except the pilots could understand someone else's MechAnima. Aria understood and headed back toward the holding bay. Cliff told the people at base that Sakura had been injured badly and that Aria was headed back. The hatch opened and Aria bounded in, immediately opening his hatch to the cockpit. There were medics ready and General Rei used a ladder to climb in and get Sakura out. He placed Sakura on the stretcher that was laid out and the medics rushed her off into the Infirmary. They cleaned the wound, stitched it, then wrapped a bandage around her forehead. When they were done, Sakura woke up, as if on cue. [B]"What happened?"[/B] she asked, sitting up quickly, then she groaned and pressed a hand to her forehead, immediately regretting it and pulling her hand back with a hiss. [B]"You were somehow injured during battle and your MechAnima brought you into the bay."[/B] one of the medics informed. [B]"How long has it been since Aria brought me in?"[/B] she questioned, sliding off the bed to the protests of the medics. [B]"It's almost been ten minutes...Wait, what are you doing?"[/B] the same medic asked as Sakura changed back into her red suit that she always wore. [B]"What's it look like? I'm going back. My friends are out there fighting and I'm not going to just sit here."[/B] Sakura said zipping it up and putting her shoes on. They protested more but Sakura just ran from the Infirmary, she was still a little dizzy and her head was pounding, but she needed to be out there. Sakura made her way back to the hangar and saw Aria pacing the floor with his fangs bared and growling. [B]"Aria!"[/B] Sakura cried and ran over to him. Aria stopped pacing and turned his head. Sakura hugged his leg and Aria stared. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"I'm sorry..."[/B][/COLOR] he murmered. [B]"What for?"[/B] she asked looking up at him. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"I couldn't protect you, even after I promised I would."[/B][/COLOR] he said sadly. [B]"It's not your fault. Wait, what about that wound? I got hurt because you did."[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"It doesn't matter, I hurt because of my link with you. If I wasn't connected with you, I would feel no pain, because I am just metal."[/B][/COLOR] [B]"I'm sorry for causing you pain."[/B] Sakura whispered. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"No, if I didn't allow myself to be hit, you wouldn't feel the pain, and neither would I. No matter what way you look at it, it's my fault."[/B][/COLOR] [B]"We can't worry about that now, we need to get back out there."[/B] Sakura said, starting to climb up his leg, not feeling good enough to flip. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"What?! No, you can't. Not in that condition."[/B][/COLOR] Aria protested, keeping his hatch shut. [B]"Aria, Not you too! The medics already tried to stop me. You know that we need to go out there."[/B] Sakura whined, clinging to part of his leg. Aria sighed and knew that she was right, with another heavy sigh, he opened his hatch. She grinned and climbed in, settling herself in the cockpit again. She looked around and saw all of the blood on the panel. She made a face in disgust and called General Rei and Commander De'Larne, asking them to open the holding bay. They were shocked that she wanted to go out to battle again, but then realised the spirit that burned within her, the same one that had been in her father. After trying to persuade her to return to the Infirmary and ending up no where, they opened the hatch for the holding bay. Sakura and Aria bounded out and returned to battle, Cliff and the others were surprised to see her back. Sakura just tied the bandage tighter around her forehead so it wouldn't fall and pushed a red button under a glass flip-up panel which was in the same line as a green one, a blue one and an orange one. Her screen read that they were changing to Speed mode. Two cushioned poles (like the ones you find on Amusement Park rides) floated down over her shoulders and the seat leaned back until she was almost horizontal. The screen moved too so she could see it. A panel on the floor next to her seat opened, and another lever next to her usual speed lever appeared with a button under a cover on top. She pulled it and they shot forward into the fray, she wouldn't use the button until later.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry for the longness, lots of conversation mainly. The green button's for flight mode, the blue is for battle and the orange is to revert to normal. And they light up when active. All three of them could be enabled at once if needed, but usually she just uses one at a time.
[COLOR=Navy]Sakura had stood there and listened intently through the entire meeting, she had felt a mixture of emotions by the end. She felt anger when she saw the Cylargreses, sadness when they realised that they'd fought civilians and determination when they were given their orders. Sakura went into the hangar and did her flip into Aria's hatch. [B]"We're protecting the base Aria, we're going to be on the move so we gotta keep watch ok?"[/B] Sakura told her partner as their minds connected. Sakura hummed and flicked the necessary switches and made sure her comlink was established with everyone. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"It'll be no problem Sakura, I'll make sure nothing happens to you."[/B][/COLOR] Aria assured. Sakura smiled at her new partner's care for her. [B]"I'll be fine, we just need to watch the base."[/B] Sakura pulled back on the lever by her seat and they shot out of the holding bay, landing on the ground. She made her way to the left side and saw Cliff and Silver. Aria shimmered and the words appeared on Sakura's screen again. [I]'Adapting to current terrain...Complete.'[/I] The group went along for a while, Sakura talked to Cliff now and again as they bounded along side Syon Base. Suddenly Sora sent a message that there were Cylargres troops at 9 o'clock. Sakura immediately registered that that meant it was near them, since they were on the left side. Sakura and Cliff looked to their left, and sure enough, they could see black dots on the ground and in the sky, approaching rapidly. [B]"Let's get to work Aria!"[/B] Sakura said as they charged into battle. Aria lifted his head and howled loudly but it sounded slightly mechanical. Sakura felt themselves connect on another level and she could feel Aria. There were more hovercrafts like before and Sakura new the way to deal with them. [B]"Running Slash!"[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"Running Slash!"[/B][/COLOR] they called simultaeneously. The blades flicked out of the sides and they ran circles, cutting up five of them. One from the air swooped down and slashed Aria in the head, he howled in anger and pain, but since Sakura was so synchronised with Aria that they could feel each other she felt a deep pain in her head and a gash appeared, splashing blood. Sakura cried out and pressed a hand over it, trying to stop the bleeding. She suddenly felt light headed and she fainted, falling forward over the control panel. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"Sakura!!!"[/B][/COLOR] Aria roared. He destroyed the ship and howled out to the other MechAnimas. [I][COLOR=RoyalBlue]'Please be alright...'[/COLOR][/I] Aria thought.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] I've decided to make it like they can be connected deeply and not, like she doesn't see through his eyes, but they feel each other, if ya know what I mean.
[COLOR=Navy]Sakura felt much better after Sora's crazy antics. She sat talking with Elizabeth and Sora, who was eating her spaghetti. They had discovered a lot about each other and she had watched everyone else doing their activities. She chuckled at the guys eating because most had sauce on their faces. Sakura sighed and got up from the table, she left the common room and made her way quietly to the hangar. When the door opened and light entered, all of the MechAnimas looked at her, then turned away realising it wasn't their pilot. All except for Aria. Sakura walked across the room to where Aria was lying and stroked his muzzle which was resting on top of his folded paws. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"Why are you here so late Sakura, won't you get into trouble?"[/B][/COLOR] Aria asked. [B]"Probably, I just needed to see you."[/B] Sakura sighed. Aria nodded and put a paw on the ground next to her. Sakura understood and climbed onto it. He lifted it up to his head and she got off it and lay on her front. [B]"Today's been such a weird day. I mean, there were those...'accidents'."[/B] Sakura started. [B]"Then I met you, and we went into battle. I realised that I don't know what happened to my best friend that I happen to love, and that my surrogate parents are dead. Which means I've lost both sets of parents that I've ever had."[/B] she sighed, tears pricking her eyes but refusing to fall for a second time. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"At least you know the meaning of parents. We are machines with minds, but we lack knowledge of common things, like parents."[/B][/COLOR] Aria murmered. Sakura nodded, she had forgotten that they were only machines, but they were complex and had lots of battle knowledge. Sakura decided to leave in case anyone started to worry because she'd been gone for about half an hour. Sakura thanked her new friend for the comfort. Aria was glad that she came and offered to bring her down. But since it wasn't incredibly high, because he was lying down, she decided to get off with a simple aerial somersault and safe landing stance on the ground. She did so and thanked him again, leaving the hangar and going back. Everyone was still in the common room and hadn't really noticed her disappearance because they were all talking loudly and having fun. Sakura took her seat next to Elizabeth again and joined in the conversation. She felt much better after the conversation and could still feel and hear his thoughts in her head. A while after she returned someone came in with a message for them and spoke with Sayne privately. Sayne told them that there was a meeting at 0500 hours. The next morning Sakura woke up early and got herself ready, she knew that the Commander didn't like tardiness and was sure to be there in time. When she got there, the only other pilot there was Sayne.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry Heero, you posted while I was in the middle of this so I improvised.
[B]OOC:[/B] My character seems to have disappeared in all this. Try to keep me around, it's hard to get in posts in time from time differences. Sorry about the length too, I'm brain-dead at the moment. [COLOR=Navy]Sakura had felt a rush on the battlefield, Aria and herself had been in total sync with each other. They ran circles around the enemies and even took to the air once or twice with Aria's special abiliity. When they arrived home at base, Sakura had to disconnect from Aria, and after they did, they both felt like something was missing. Sakura got out of the cockpit and just sat on his head as they talked. After a while she got tired and went off to find her living quarters that they'd been told about. Sakura found it safely and rested on the bed. She thought about the whole day's events, how quickly they had happened. Suddenly her mind drifted to David, what had happened to him and the other groups? She felt tears come to her eyes as she finally realised that his parents had been killed, she hadn't realised it before in shock of the other things. The tears started to roll down her eyes silently, they were like her own parents, she'd known them since when she was in pre-school, and they took her in when her own parents died in the fire. She also cried because she couldn't be there with David, wherever he is to comfort him, and he would comfort her too. Sakura buried her face in a pillow and cried out her sorrows of the loss of both sets of parents.[/COLOR]
[B]OOC:[/B] Ah! Too fast, damn time difference. [COLOR=Navy]Sakura was one of the last to get into her MechAnima, she was too in awe of the others and their own. Finally she noticed it was her turn and she stepped forward to the wolf. He got up from his lying position and rested back on his haunches, his chest opened, and she noticed it was quite high off the ground. Sakura took a few steps back and ran toward him, in the last metre, she switched into a series of backflips and ended with a aerial twist, which landed her on the hatch. She sighed with relief because she'd been worried to crash into the metal of his body. Sakura crawled through and saw the cockpit. She took a seat on the chair and started to flick some switches which turned the lights and power on. [B]"So, what's your name, or do I have to call you Wolf?"[/B] Sakura asked grinning, as she pulled some levers. [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]"My name is Aria."[/COLOR][/B] he replied. [B]"Alright Aria, pleasure doing business with you."[/B] she smiled, pulling back on the lever next to her seat, which shot her off through the tunnel. She arrived on the outside and saw the others all battling, those who could fly were up there fighting the air-based enemies, while the land animals attacked the ground-based hovercrafts. Aria shimmered and a small note appeared on Sakura's screen, 'Adapting to current terrain...Complete.' [B]"What was that?"[/B] Sakura asked. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"I adapt to the surrounding so I can battle better. The shimmer sends out a signal to scan the area. Then it records and I adapt."[/B][/COLOR] Aria answered. [B]"Ok then. Let's show 'em what you got."[/B] she pressed a few buttons and pulled back further on the lever by her seat, making them go faster. Sakura noticed a hovercraft heading right toward them and called for Aria to release some sort of attack. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"I'm two steps ahead of you, Sakura. Running Slash!!"[/B][/COLOR] Aria roared, and two blades flicked out of either side of his body. He charged faster and they ran right past the enemy. A second later, it fell apart after being sliced in half horizontally. [B]"Wait, how did you know my name?"[/B] she asked. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"I can tap into your brain. But now's not the time to talk of these things."[/B][/COLOR] [B]"You're right, go for it!"[/B] she cheered, pushing another lever forward.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Sakura looked around the lunch area to see if she could find David, she saw he was safely with another group and sighed in relief. Sakura got onto the bus with the others and looked sadly out of the window as she could see the smoke coming from the western suburbs. She looked over at Sora and saw that she was still sobbing sadly for the loss of her sister and mother. She felt the memories of her parents' death wash over her and the memories flashed through her mind, the images of her destroyed house, the ambulance wheeling her burnt parents' corpses on stretchers, the firemen, the police, all of the types of emergencies were there. The police told her that the evidence led them to believe that it had been arson. Sakura had been filled with anger and hate that day, she wanted to find the arsonist and get revenge. Sakura snapped out of her memories as they arrived at Syon Military Base. The place brought back more memories, as her father had worked there and had brought her there on several occasions. The group of them got out and they saw General Rei there to greet them. He looked at her strangely. [B]"You look familiar."[/B] he said to her. [B] "You may have known my father, sir. Maxwell Kaze, he died five years ago along with my mother. He used to work here."[/B] she replied. [B]"Yes, I knew him. He was a good man, and a good pilot."[/B] Sakura just nodded and they walked off. [I](Skip ahead to the Container)[/I] Sakura watched as one by one, Sora, Sayne and Vick got their MechAnimas. She looked around the area and saw the other animals, she spotted one in particular that was looking at her. It was a large grey wolf that had piercing gold eyes. Sakura seemed drawn to it and started to walk over. The others watched as she walked past the other Animas to the wolf that lay at the back. She gasped at it as she saw it up close. She continued to walk forward and rested a hand on it. It growled warningly and Sakura took a step back. The wolf got to its feet and lowered its head, sniffing her. [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Who are you, you don't look like any of the other pilots that we've seen."[/COLOR][/B] Sakura gasped as she heard its thoughts. [B]"I'm not one of those other pilots."[/B] Sakura replied calmly, placing her hand on it again and smiling. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"Yes, you are different."[/B][/COLOR][/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Ok, in case you haven't noticed, Aria's thoughts (the wolf) are in Royal Blue while anyone else speaking and everything else is in Navy.
[COLOR=Navy]All the ideas that are flowing are great. I'm really looking forward to this new RP. I love all Final Fantasy related RPs. I like the new characters you've got so far, they're coming along nicely. If you still need help with anything you can ask me. Hope you save me a spot in the RP ^_^[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Sakura sat at her table in Geography, she sighed and continued to make her notes on her palm computer. Geography was one of the most boring subjects that she had. Only being beaten by Maths. She glanced to the table on her right and saw her best friend and secret love, David. He looked as bored as she did, only difference was he wasn't making any notes at all. Sakura noted that they had a test in two days and tried to take as many notes as possible. It didn't matter if David never took notes, Sakura always gave him the ones she made anyway. When the bell rang, Sakura almost jumped with joy, and they headed out of class. [B]"That was one of the most boring lessons ever."[/B] David yawned. Sakura just smiled at him as they walked outside together. [B]"Oh sorry Sakura, I gotta do something this lunch. Uh....I'll see you in....Maths."[/B] he groaned. [B]"Haha, alright, seeyou then"[/B] Sakura laughed. [B]"Oh, and uh....this is for you."[/B] David said, holding out something. Sakura looked at it and saw a rose with a red envelope attached to it. Sakura looked up at him and he blushed. She smiled and took it from him. [B]"Thanks."[/B] she said, hugging him. Then they parted seperate ways and Sakura looked for somewhere to eat. Most of the tables were full, then she spotted one and went over. There was a number of people there already, but there was still room. She went over and asked if she could sit, they let her join and she took a seat. Sakura smelled the rose and put it safely into her bag where it wouldn't be squashed, then she took out her sandwich and started to eat.[/COLOR]
[center] [COLOR=Silver][SIZE=2][B]OOC:[/B] I guess I'll take a shot, never really know how this thing works for OB related RPs. Let me know if you want anything changed. [CENTER][B]Name:[/B] Ohkami [B]Age:[/B] 55 [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img120.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img120&image=angel274ly.jpg][IMG]http://img120.exs.cx/img120/1987/angel274ly.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Complete with wings, and Aria her wolf companion. [URL=http://img95.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img95&image=dcoxgeywolfprint4qt.jpg][IMG]http://img95.exs.cx/img95/896/dcoxgeywolfprint4qt.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Ohkami usually has a problem with newbies because of everything they do wrong and the clutter that they cause. But she shows lots of respect to admins/mods and veteran members, and other members that are her friends. She gets irritated at those who have bad spelling and/or grammar and prefers Adventure Square and Inn above any other places. Ohkami can have a bad temper at times, and when that is, don't mess with her unless you want to feel the force of her RP fighting skills. And if something really bad happens to her, she'll fall into a depressed state and keep away from everyone. But usually she's a happy person and is easy to approach, and no doubt she's nice, but if she thinks something, she'll speak her mind. [B]Biography:[/B] [U][I]The History of Sakuramon[/I][/U] When Ohkami first made her appearance on Otaku[B]Boards[/B], she was under another name, Sakuramon. She was named so at that time because she currently had an obsession with Card Captor Sakura and Digimon, which combined into Sakuramon. And the other part of that was she couldn't think of a good username so decided on something simple. Sakuramon existed for a long period of time because she could still not think of a good name. When Sakuramon first joined, she started to roam the area, exploring each section fully until she decided on a good home, and she found that home in the Adventure Arena as it was previously called. Sakuramon slowly began to learn how to Role Play and she was a pretty bad newbie, as she hates to admit. Her posts were usually quite short and under the mark. But now she's proud to say that she has improved greatly in post quality. Sakuramon finally got her chance to change her name when James posted the announcement about people being able to change their usernames by PMing one of the Administrators. She jumped at the chance and thought hard about what her new name should be. Finally she came up with a suitable one, Ohkami. At the time, she was obsessed with Japanese words and wolves, so a way to mix the two was to get the Japanese word for wolf, which is Ookami. But thinking that many people would pronounce it wrong, she changed it to Ohkami, which is how it is pronounced, or at least close to it. When Sakuramon went through the change, she found a companion, a grey wolf that she named Aria. When she reappeared after the change, everyone noticed that she had a brand new companion. One day when Ohkami was lazing around, Aria ran up to her with a weapon and Ohkami immediately recognised it as the perfect weapon for her.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/center][/CENTER]
[COLOR=Navy]This is just an idea I've been messing with. I've decided to use Underground to check it and see what people think. [COLOR=SlateGrey][B]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/B][/COLOR] The World is only known as Arachaus... The World of Arachaus is a completely technological world where no, I mean NO magic at all exists except the extraordinary ability of the Psychics. The place is being corrupted and destroyed by a grand beast known as the Archetype a biologically organic metaloid beast that has all his spawn all over the place. The children of the Thing known as the Archetype are bizarre humans with reflection less eyes, and runic tattoos placed all about their form. They are well known to wear only wear over size long sleeved style shirts over their form. They are known to have icy shades of everyday colours such as pink, blue, green and so on. They are the willing servants to the Archetype and are emotionless vessels of its chaotic will. No one has ever seen the Archetype and has no idea what it truly is. Humans though exist in small numbers in large protected structures known as the Elysia. The Elysia are large structures that span about the size of ten foot ball fields over an area. They have several cell like rooms for each occupant and large centre garden rooms. Shops and markets litter the hall ways, and large computer system rooms are located in the large dome shaped room above the garden area. The room is filled with large chairs that have VR visors that are placed over the head of a Psychic unit. The Psychic units are continuously used to hack into the Archetype's main frame, and try and destroy his systems are halt them as long as possible. Though the attempts usually fail and result in the death of several Psi units. Another race upon the area is what is known as the Lai. The Lai are elementals in a sense of the old world though hardly any exist today thanks to the Archetype which has them destroyed on sight by its Children. The Lai represent the four elements- Air, Water, Earth and Fire. The Arch Lai though contains the ever watching and powerful element of Spirit. The Lai appear in visages of animals and humanoids that are sleek and even elven in appearance. The animals and coloration of their humanoid form correspond with their own element with everyday animals you know from Earth. Though on Arachaus there are hardly any animals left alive in the planet thanks to the Human expansion upon the world, and the expansion of the Archetypes children and his fear of the Lai themselves. The three races have three base class/job types for each of their areas. These job classes shall be briefly described in each section, and only one player of each class/job type will be accepted. [B]Archetype's Children[/B] [I]The Lyricists:[/I] They use the power of their voices to influence human emotions, and sing lovely songs that draw in humans. They are also known as Sirens. These Sirens though are sensitive to emotion and hold emotion unlike their sisters and brothers because they use it against their enemies. With a song they can inspire courage, fear, and great mourning within a single human being. Though they can prove effective upon the Lai also though to a much less degree. They are usual female though few have been reported to even be male, and some have become traitors to the Archetype because of their ability to feel. They are even used to sign as song called the Chaos Song that drives the Eons to fight with greater power. The traitors are usually killed using whatever drastic measures the Archetype would go to, to destroy them. [I]The Eons:[/I] The soldiers, and they are usually male. They use powerful guns ranging from wide variations of futuristic weaponry, and they can even use medieval style weapons such as katanas, swords, arrows, cross bows, and so on. They are relentless and having nothing more then chaos on their mind. They will never surrender, and they never at all feel emotion. It has been a rarity that a traitor to the Archetype appears in their ranks, and if one does they usually have fits of madness to the point they will destroy anything in their wake. [I]The Junips:[/I] These smaller ones are well scouts. They dart around and steal information from other sources. Usually they are small and shorter then their sisters and brothers, and can be a little nuisance on the battle field. They are powerful though with Psionics, and don't fret to use them if need be. There are rarely at all Traitors to the Archetype in this rank also, and if there are they usually have the habit of constantly snooping into ones business on a non-stop basis. [B]The Humans[/B] [I]Psychics:[/I] Usually they are trained and gifted in a wide variety of psychic gifts from pyrokenisis to telepathy even clairvoyance. They usually wear blue uniforms about the place, and have a circlet around their head to control their psychic abilities. Once it is removed though...they are completely unable to focus their abilities so they usually go bezerk. They are the main focus point of the whole battle against the Archetypes seeing their unique abilities are the only thing the Humans have to battle the Archetype itself. They though have a sort of semi-link to the Spirit Lai and so in which are sensitive when about the Lai usually the Circlet's power being negated by the presence of any Lai in an area of 10 yards. [I]Soldiers:[/I] Humans unlike the Archetype's Children have been reduced down to nothing more then the typical Medieval era style weapons. They though have made their weapons very finely using the Psychics abilities within the blades to induce special charms within it. The Soldiers are usually very mildly gifted in Psionics and rarely does it affect them to a harsh degree unlike the Psychics. They usually wear a bit of cybernetic armour though, and wear teal uniforms through the vicinity of the Elysia. [I]Medics:[/I] They are gifted within the healing varieties of the Psychic powers, and also have knowledge of Modern Medicine. They are usually a vital part of the system and have a great importance to the system of the Elysia and usually a Medic is a partner to a Psychic because of their usually raids on the Archetype's system. They are usually seen wearing grey uniforms about the place. They do not have any form of attack though and only have Psionics that can heal. [B]The Lai[/B] [I][U]Note:[/U] They do not have any classes, just elements[/I] [I]Fire:[/I] They are the fighters of the Lai and the bezerkers. In their animal form they are large wolves with flaming fire fur, and with a horn protruding from the centre of their head. Usually their eyes are of a black hue in this form. In humanoid form they have tanned skin, and red hair with the other normal elf like attributes. They also wear red, orange and yellow coloured robes in their humanoid form. [I]Water:[/I] They are the healers with their healing magicks they usually stay along bodies of water. They usually in their animal like form are large Sea Faring Serpents with draconic wings spanning forth from their back. They in their elf like form appear with blue or sea green hair, with blue eyes normally, and blue tinted skin. They wear very light blue robes in their elfen form. [I]Wind:[/I] They are the Scouts of their kind, and always in their animal form do they look like large birds. The birds have long necks like a swan?s and look as if pure white phoenixes in this form except their tails are like those of a sparrow?s. They in their humanoid form have large white wings, and usually dress in white robes. Their hair is a white colour or silver colour and hues of a sky blue or ice green. Their skin can be rather pale at times. [I]Earth:[/I] They in their animal forms appear as large brown cats with a horn protruding from their heads. They are the mediators and lawmakers of the Lai world, and have the last word in how any argument should end. They decided what is right and what is wrong within the community of the Lai and the Arch Lai decides if that is to be the law. They are in human forms tall and well built for elves, with brown hair and brown eyes and rich darkly tanned skin. They usually wear robes of brown and tan shades. [CENTER][B]...the Plot...[/B][/CENTER] The Elysia, Piel-5, is the main centre of all the Elysias within the area of the continent of Mercy. IT is also the main area in the battle against the Archetype seeing that the Archetype is rumoured to be upon the continent itself. They are also, they not knowing this, the final Elysia standing. The Archetype having fooled them into believing the other Elysias were still present in the world. The Lai though are growing thinner, and even there is word of them deciding to soon forge an alliance to the Humans to team up and destroy the Archetype. The truce though comes with a great deal that the Humans must agree too also once the war is done, and only the Arch Lai knows what it is so far besides her high Earth Lai. The Archetypes Lyricists have begun to show signs of Rebelling though the Hives of them with their leaders and even the Eons have forced them into the Archetypes control once more. The Archetype fears the Lyricists would begin a mass betrayal so then any of the Sirens suspected turning to a traitor would be eliminated immediately. The Archetype has begun to lose a grip on his children it appears also, so no one knows for sure if the Archetype is still living or not. So the Lyricists are being Slaughtered, with the Archetype supposedly weakening; the Lai are planning an alliance with the humans, though no one knows what it is; and the Humans are still duking it out with the Archetype believing their comrades are still alive without knowing they are the world Arachaus' final hope. Simple enough? [COLOR=SlateGrey][B]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/B][/COLOR] That's it, let me know what you think, if there's anything you feel should be changed etc. [B]~Ohkami[/B][/COLOR]
I had lost a link to another boards that I belonged to and was searching for it on Yahoo when I came across it. I just clicked the link and I thought it was good so I decided to join. Kinda funny, I first learned to Rp here. And it's really interesting that most people found theOtaku first, while I found OB first. I think the reason I joined was because of the different types of things that happened and the different types of forums.
[COLOR=Navy]Soft footsteps padded quietly across the wooden floorboards. There was a soft 'sching' as a katana was pulled from its sheath, the blade was old and had been used for many years. A girl stood there, facing a man. She gripped her katana tightly and started to circle. Her mixed eyes watched him carefully, waiting for any sign of an attack. He lunged forward quickly and she flipped out of the path of his weapon. She spun and rushed forward, jumping into the air and releasing a spray of throwing stars. He blocked them all with his katana and slashed at her to find she wasn't there. She slashed at him from behind and made a cut along his back. She tackled him and flipped him to the floor, she had him in a captured position and he was without weapon. [B]"Very well done Aria."[/B] he said. [B]"Arigatou sensei."[/B] Aria said getting off him and bowing. Aria moved in a smooth movement, after all, it was her desire to be as her namesake. She would strive to be like the wind in everything she does. She sheathed her katana and retrieved her throwing stars, absorbing them. [B]"Tomorrow's lesson will be hand-to-hand techniques, so you may leave your weapons. Today was good for your weapon lesson."[/B] he said. Aria nodded and brushed away the hair from part of her face showing that her two eyes were of different colours. Her left eye was a crystal blue, while her right eye was emerald green. [B]"Hai sensei."[/B] she answered. Then there was a knock at the door and it slid open. [B]"Sumimasen, there's a letter for you Aria, it looks important."[/B] her father said. Aria got up and walked over quietly and swiftly. She took the letter from him and thanked him. Her mother also came to the door to see what the letter said. Aria opened it and read it quickly. As she read she smiled. [B]"Otousan, Okaasan, sensei. I have to go to Maverick Hunters Headquarters. Gomen sensei, I won't be able to attend the hand-to-hand lesson tomorrow. And by what it says, it seems I will be there for a long period of time."[/B] Aria said scanning the letter again. [B]"Nevermind the lesson. I'm proud to have you as my student. Congratulations."[/B] he said hugging her. Her parents left quietly and returned her father was holding two sheaths. He held them out to her and she took them. [B]"Arigatou, but why?"[/B] she questioned. [B]"They were to be your birthday gift, but now that you're leaving, we see fit to give them to you now."[/B] her mother answered, then she placed a small scarlet pouch on top of the sheaths that Aria held on her palms. [B]"That has money in it, and a money card for more. If you need more you can call us and find a way to get it to you."[/B] her father said. Aria had tears in her eyes and hugged her parents, then her sensei. She thanked them again and went off to pack, when she was done, she went to the door, where her parents and master were waiting. She put her new sheathes on her back and approached them. [B]"Ja matta, ne?"[/B] she said. [B]"Ja."[/B] they all replied. Aria hugged them once more and left her home, leaving for the airport. She was so excited, she was actually going to [B]Maverick Hunters Headquarters[/B].[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Sakura was exhausted from the work that she'd done on Earth and of the new surprises, so she fell asleep right away, discovering that Tala had told the truth about the beds, as she felt it mould to her body. She woke up a few hours later and noticed it was still before breakfast and decided to practise her gymnastics. Sakura noticed that there was quite a lot of room and did a few series of flips. Finally she did a handstand and held it, she noticed the time and flipped back to her feet. She fixed up her hair and left her room, walking down the corridors in search of the meal chamber. Sakura twitched and she fell against one of the walls, holding onto it. When she looked up, she had the emerald eyes of her other form, she groaned and held her head, then when she looked up again her eyes were normal. It looked like the side effects weren't done yet. She hoped to learn control of her other form soon. Sakura just wandered around and soon arrived at the meal chamber, sighing that she's finally found it. There were two people in the room, a girl in a red dress and Bakuryu. She walked over to the table and took a seat next to him. [B]"Good morning."[/B] she greeted.[/COLOR]