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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [B]OOC:[/B] I copied the process from the previous post. [COLOR=Navy]Sakura just stared as the whole process occured. She was left with her mouth agape when she saw Bakuryu turn into a giant mole, then back again. She thought that she shouldn't have been so afraid of it, after seeing Tala transform into a wolf back on Earth. Tala turned to the others, having Bakuryu stand to the side with the older changers. [B]"Who wants to be next?"[/B] she asked. Sakura took a deep breath and stepped forward, volunteering herself. [B]"Alright Sakura, are you ready?"[/B] [B]"As much as one could be when being told their DNA is going to re-arranged."[/B] she asked. Tala smirked at the comment and held up the crystal. She closed her eyes and it began to glow a dark blue. She whispered a few words no one could understand. A stream of light shot from the end of the crystal and hit Sakura in the chest. You could see right into her chest... You could see her lungs and her heart. The beam went right into her brain and seemed to be searching for something.The beam swirled around the inside of Sakura's body and the light seemed to be picking out certain strands of DNA and changing them. Soon the beam went back into the crystal and Sakura was left standing there a bit dazed. She looked no different, she sounded no different, and to those with keen senses... she smelled no different... But she was. Her DNA now surged with the DNA of another as well. When the beam of light went into her brain it searched for the perfect creature... Once it figured what it needed it re-arranged different parts of her DNA to enable the changes. Tala watched for a reaction, and soon got it as Sakura fell to the ground in pain, curling up into a fetal position. She cried out painfully and rolled on the ground. She screamed as she began her transformation into another being. She stretched out of the ball and arched her back, suddenly two large, feathery wings pierced her back. You could hear crunching as her bones re-arranged into her other form. A tail emerged from the bottom tip of her spinal cord and grew out until it looked exactly like a lion's tail but the tip was fluffier. Sakura was now on her hands and knees. Her hands/arms changed into those of an eagle's, her legs became lion paws and haunches. Finally her body changed completely, her head and upper torso changed into the parts of a feathery white eagle, complete with beak, and her waist and below was that of a lion. Two ears grew out of the top of her head and her wings grew colours, the top was white, then the middle feathers were green, and the ones on the bottom were blue. Sakura sat there on her new lion haunches and peered around with her new emerald eyes. She was larger than Bakuryu's mole and about the size of Tala's wolf. Then Sakura changed back into her human form and stood. [B]"That was....interesting..."[/B] Sakura commented.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Here's the picture of the gryphon in case you want a better idea. [B][url=http://img37.exs.cx/img37/7783/gryphon7kc.jpg]Click[/url][/B]
  2. [COLOR=Navy][B][I] [U]: Pilot Sign-up :[/U][/I][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Sakura Kaze [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://img6.exs.cx/img6/1443/asuka073ak.jpg]Here[/url]. [B]Personality:[/B] Sakura is calm and doesn't get angry very quickly, she usually speaks quietly and softly. She is strong minded and never admits defeat, even when she's lost. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. She can easily keep a cool head in a heated argument. Sakura is very stealthy, flexible and acrobatic and gymnastic and has been since she was a child. She doesn't get annoyed very often, except when someone bugs her a lot. One of her best skills/hobbies is her skill with computers and anything electronic, which she likes to mess around with. She's a very electronically talented person and always carries her palm computer which is always in her pocket whenever she goes anywhere. She keeps a lot of notes in there and coded details about Aria. [B]Bio:[/B] When Sakura was young, her father worked at the Syon Military Base, and he used to take Sakura there sometimes, showing her the jet pilots and taking her for rides. As she grew older, she wanted to become a pilot of some sort like her father. Their family lived happily, until Sakura reached her High School years. Her parents were killed one day by a fire, and the authorities suggested that someone had done it on purpose. Sakura had nothing accept her clothes that she always wore, her palm computer and her memories. She had no where to go, and slept on the streets that night. The next day she went to school, practically everyone had heard about the fire and all asked her about it, which dug into her heart as she didn't wish to remember. She took her usual seat next to her best friend, David. They'd known each other since they were very young and he comforted her, asking her where she was staying. Sakura told him the truth, thatshe lived on the streets, because he had a way of knowing if she was lying. He shook his head and said that his parents would let her stay with them, after being close family friends. She accepted but will still keep the dream of being a pilot, and she hates talking about her deceased parents for obvious reasons. As she lived with David, she started to develop a crush on him, that she felt wasn't normal, and it became deeper into a love, but she could never let him know, because they're best friends. [B]Crush/Love:[/B] Her best friend (the one she's staying with), David. [B]Weakness:[/B] A question/comment/statement about her parents. Even if it's just a joke. [B][I][U]: MechAnima Sign-up :[/U][/I][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Aria [B]Personality:[/B] Aria is her loyal companion and reflects Sakura's personality. He will do anything Sakura asks of him if possible, unless it's something he can't do. He's very protective of Sakura and can act rationally if Sakura's in danger. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.essentialart.com/ta/D_Cox_Gey_Wolf_print.jpg]Here[/URL]. [B]Abilities:[/B] Aria's fur can be sprayed and used as dangerous sharp needles. He has an attack called Running Slash that involves sharp blades coming out and Aria uses them to attack by running past/around them. Aria can have wings come out of his back, but he never lifts off the ground using them because he's too heavy. Instead he usually picks up speed by running, then pushes off the ground while curling into a ball, and when he opens his ball in the height of his jump, he releases his wings. For a ground animal, he can fly very well. [B]Special Abilities:[/B] Aria's able to utilise whatever type of place by swiftly adapting to it, which helps him by knowing the type of terrain. His special attack is to release a mixed blast of Lightning and Ice elements called Wolf Blaster. [B]Weakness:[/B] Afraid to fail Sakura in any way.[/COLOR]
  3. [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry, but I did say that i'd be away. [COLOR=Navy] Sakura walked along a street, the sun shed small beams of light everywhere as it rose over the horizon. She was walking through a market district and the owners were beginning to open their stalls. She walked her usual route and came across a very small stall that sold fruits. Sakura peered over the shabby counter and a reasonably woman popped up. [B]"Sakura! You're here again?"[/B] she exclaimed. Sakura smiled. [B]"Yes ma'am, I come everyday remember?"[/B] [B]"Oh yes yes, Of course. You really shouldn't do this for me."[/B] [B]"It's no problem."[/B] Sakura said, walking behind the counter. Everyday Sakura would come around and help this woman work her stall. Why? Because she was her mother, who had forgotten her after an accident that damaged her brain. Her mother always forgets things, but Sakura still wants to be around her. As the day grew on, they got more business, until Sakura was forced to leave by her mother, saying that she should get home before her mother started to worry. Sakura just agreed and left. Working with her was the only time she could see her mother, which was why she helped everyday.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] I can't finish my post because I have to get offline. Blanko, you can either make it up, or I'll edit it when I have time.
  4. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Isobe Sakura (Last first) [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img29.exs.cx/img29/1584/FairyandGirl.jpg]The Bigger Girl[/URL], but she usually wears a black leather trench coat, open, with a tight white top underneath and navy blue cargos. [B]Personality:[/B] Sakura's the twin of Kimi, younger by only a few minutes, but they're not identical twins. She's the calmer and kinder of the two, opposite of her rough sister. Sakura, like Kimi can read people well, because she understands people in a quiet way. Sakura is calm and doesn't get angry very quickly, she usually speaks quietly and softly because she's quite shy at times. She is strong minded and never admits defeat, even when she's lost. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly, especially with logical puzzles. And although being the calm one, she's flexible, acrobatic, gymnastic and is trained in the Martial Arts. [B]Soul Brother/Sister:[/B] ?[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Navy]The game was postponed as people randomly went to search for their assigned rooms, she wondered who was staying with her in her room and decided to find out. She slowly made her way back to the room and saw a girl sitting on a bed, but Sakura had never seen her before. She was puzzled and approached the girl. [B]"Who are you? Are you new here?"[/B] [B]"I'm Inferno, I guess you could say I'm....new."[/B] the girl replied, getting off the bed and brushing past her. Sakura just watched as she walked off and shrugged, flopping down onto her bed. She was so tired and drifted off into a peaceful sleep, dreaming blissfully about Dark.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry for the length, really couldn't think of anything. I'll be going away from the 3rd to the 7th as it says in my sig. Please try to keep me around. Thanks.
  6. [B]OOC:[/B] I'm sorry but I'll be gone from the 3rd to the 7th (2nd to 6th for those in America). Let me know for changes. I'm not sure if we were allowed to sign up as Mythical creatures either, so let me know if I have to change it. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Sakura Kaze [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Form:[/B] Gryphon [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://img29.exs.cx/img29/1584/FairyandGirl.jpg]The Bigger Girl[/url], but she usually wears a black leather trench coat, open, with a tight white top underneath and navy blue cargos. [B]Form Appearance:[/B] [url=http://img37.exs.cx/img37/7783/gryphon7kc.jpg]Gryphon[/url] [B]Why You Were Chosen:[/B] Sakura was chosen because of her knowledge for many things, and abilities. She's flexible and acrobatic/gymnastic(however you want to put it) and has been since young because she was sent to classes when she was little. She knows how to fight from martial arts classes, has been taught briefly in weaponry. She has a very good memory and learns quickly, and has skill with electronical items.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Navy]Sakura decided to find her room and stood, putting her palm computer into her pocket. She picked up Larka, put him on her head, and grabbed her luggage. She walked around and finally found her assigned room, it looked like someone else would be staying with her too because there was another bed. She decided to take the bed on the left and put her luggage down, then she lay on the bed, with Larka sitting on her chest. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"Why don't you go out and talk to anyone?"[/B][/COLOR] Scarlet asked her. [B]"I guess it's because I'm too shy. I'm a computer type person, not a social one."[/B] Sakura sighed. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"Oh come on, let's go out and talk, I'll help you if you want."[/B][/COLOR] [B]"Ha, that's a first."[/B] Sakura scoffed, but she sat up anyway and replaced Larka in his usual seating place, then she got up and went back to the main area where everyone was. Sakura looked around and saw that some people were gathering together to have a volleyball game. She wanted to refuse the offer, but Scarlet pushed her to join, so she did. They waited around for more people first. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"Oh look, Daisuke's playing."[/B][/COLOR] Scarlet noted. [I][B]"Doesn't matter to me."[/B][/I] Sakura thought to her. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"It doesn't until he changes into Dark."[/B][/COLOR] [I][B]"Oh you just can't wait to get out here, can you?"[/B][/I][/COLOR]
  8. [B]OOC:[/B] The text in Royal Blue is Scarlet talking, bold italics is thinking, which can be normal thinking or thinking to Scarlet, and bold is just to show someone's talking. [COLOR=Navy]Sakura noticed as Shuichi sat next to her and smiled, she smiled back at him politely and watched as he put on some headphones and opened a packet of pop-tarts that he was holding. Sakura looked around the bus and saw when Daisuke got on. Scarlet in her head was smiling slyly at him and Sakura shook her head, trying to set her off, mumbling to her quietly. When they arrived, Sakura put Larka back onto her head and got off, carrying her bag with her. Everyone filed out onto the docks and Sakura looked around and saw the boat that would be ferrying them to Teardrop Island. Slowly people began to make their way onto the boat, Sakura sat down somewhere and put down her bag. She patted her pockets and pulled out her palm computer, deciding to add some notes about the students there, and notes about Teardrop Island. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"Why do you have to be so dull?"[/B][/COLOR] Scarlet whined from in her head. [I][B]"I'm not dull. I'm being analytical, and I can't help that, it's my nature."[/B][/I] Sakura thought back, not wanting to talk out loud and sound crazy. Larka made some funny cheeping sounds and shuffled about on her head. [B]"What's wrong Larka?"[/B] she asked her pet. Larka just continued to cheep and slid off her head into her lap. Sakura guessed that he was scared of the water, because he couldn't swim and had never been around so much water. Sakura patted the small pink bird and comforted him as she watched around at the others with their various pets, some of them being strange. She then decided to make files on everyone's pets and started to open new documents.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry if the post isn't good, I couldn't really think of anything.
  9. [B]OOC:[/B] This sounds interesting. Sorry if the personality isn't very long. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Sakura Kaze [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img29.exs.cx/img29/1584/FairyandGirl.jpg]The Bigger Girl[/URL], but she usually wears a black leather trench coat, open, with a tight white top underneath and navy blue cargos. [B]Personality:[/B] Sakura is calm and doesn't get angry very quickly, she usually speaks quietly and softly because she's quite shy at times. She is strong minded and never admits defeat, even when she's lost. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly, especially with logical puzzles. She can easily keep a cool head in a heated argument but can also lose her temper if someone annoys her enough. Sakura is very flexible and acrobatic and gymnastic and has been since she was a child. She's also very analytical and makes notes on people and things in a palm computer that she always carries. Sakura has notes on practically everyone she meets for longer than an hour including family, friends, relatives, teachers, acquintances etc. When not making notes, she reads or plays around with electronics. [B]Bio:[/B] N/A[/COLOR]
  10. [B]OOC:[/B] Trying to bring this back. I can't remember what they were saying very well but I got it faintly I think. This post is all about the oldies, so just continue with the next day I think. Dunno, up to Jamie since she's back. [COLOR=Indigo]They all left the school building and went about their seperate ways. But all of the old Digidestined gathered together and decided to call the others and have a meeting with them at a playground near the Yagami's apartment at 7pm. When the time arrived, they one by one made their way there until everyone except Mimi was there because she was still in America. They started to talk about everything that happened, mainly alerting Matt, Izzy and Joe to what had been happening in the digital world, since they didn't go through. [B]"I wonder if Biyomon's going to be alright."[/B] Sora sighed after seeing her digimon friend earlier that day. [B]"Yeah, Mimi emailed me and is worried about Palmon."[/B] Kari put in. [B]"The main thing is this new digivolution method they have. Digi Armour Energize."[/B] Tai said explaining what happened. [B]"You're saying that new kid, Davis. He picked up that digiegg with the Crest of Courage on it, while you couldn't move it, and digivolved his digimon with it?"[/B] Matt capped off when Tai finished. The others all nodded. [B]"And our digimon can't digivolve because of some power that the Digimon Kaizer's holding."[/B] TK added. [B]"Well we're going back to help the new kids tomorrow, you guys coming?"[/B] Tai questioned. [B]"Man, I can't. I've got band practise."[/B] Matt answered. [B]"Me too, I've got an oral test on laryngitis."[/B] Joe said. [B]"I'll come."[/B] Izzy said. [B]"We'll keep you guys updated. Then for tomorrow, we're going back to the Digital world!"[/B] Sora said, getting up. There was a chorus of 'Yeah!'s and then everyone left, planning to meet up in the computer room the next day after school.[/COLOR]
  11. [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry I'm a little late. [COLOR=Navy]Sakura was sitting on the rail of her balcony, the sun was in the sky, signalling the morning. She yawned because she had been awake since 5am. It wasn't really on purpose, she just couldn't sleep. Sakura slid off and walked across her room, she was already dressed and ready for school. [I]"Good morning, Sakura."[/I] a rich female voice greeted. [B]"Good morning Scarlet."[/B] she replied, picking up her bag from the foot of her bed. [I]"Up early again are we?"[/I] [B]"Yes, I couldn't sleep again."[/B] Sakura said, lowering herself next to the bed so Larka could flap onto it. Sakura stood and stroked the small bird that was splayed on her head. Then she exited the door and tramped downstairs to greet her parents. [B]"Morning Mother, Father."[/B] she said, kissing them both on the cheek. Then she went into the hall and put on her shoes. She said goodbye to her parents and left the house, just in time as the bus came along to her house. This was a usual routine that she had. Sakura climbed the small stairs of the door and looked around the bus, she saw the Harada twins, Nuri-san, Shuuya-san, and Ayame-san. She greeted them all warmly and took a seat behind Nuri. As she sat, she picked up Larka off her head and cradled him in her arms, stroking him.[/COLOR]
  12. [B]OOC:[/B] I deleted my other post. [COLOR=Navy]Sakura sat in her social studies class, it was so boring, she could faintly hear the rambling of her teacher as she discussed contour lines on maps. She stiffled a yawn and propped her book up to disguise what she was doing. She brought out her palm computer from her pocket and always being analytical opened her file dedicated to her social studies teacher and started to put in new information that she'd gained. Sakura always made notes on everyone she meets; teachers, peers, relatives, family, etc. Sakura snapped to attention when she heard the teacher's voice screech her name. [B]"Yes?"[/B] she answered. [B] "What is wrong with you, I called you 5 times!"[/B] she shrieked. [B]"Sorry, what was the question?"[/B] [B] "What is the difference between the numbers and contour lines called?"[/B] the teacher repeated. [B]"The difference between the numbers and contour lines are called Contour intervals."[/B] she answered. [B] "Very good, now...."[/B] she said, trailing off to something else. She tapped the small stick against her chin, and quickly typed some more things. After having the palm computer for so long, she was very fast at typing by tapping the stick against the letters on the screen. Sakura made sure to keep one ear out for her name in case it was called. She saved the changes made to the file and closed it, opening another. She read it and sighed, it was all of the information that she'd researched about the Angel Knights and the story. Most of the information pointed to the Angel Knights to be real people that had lived and had went to the exact same High School that she currently attended. Boy did she wish that she could be one, or at least see one of them.[/COLOR]
  13. [B]OOC:[/B] Finishing this on behalf of Reise. [COLOR=Navy]Sakura had just left the cave and noticed everyone ahead of her again, Tai and Sora were helping Imi because she was still weak, but Kari was no where to be seen, and neither was Davis. She ran back into the cave and saw Davis standing above Kari with the blue dragon creature by his side. She saw him pick up the egg and raised it above his head. [B]"Fine then...Digi-Armour Energize"[/B] he called. A beam from his digivice hit the egg and Veemon was enclosed within flames and he grew to a taller size. Slowly he emerged from the flames. [B]"Veemon armour digivolved to.......Flamedramon, the Fire of Courage!"[/B] he roared. [B]"Woah, Veemon?"[/B] Davis said, staring at the larger blue dragon with armour that had flame patterns on it. [B]"I'm Flamedramon now."[/B] [B]"Sakura, can you help get Kari out of here?"[/B] Davis asked. [B]"Of course, that's why I came back in. Come on Kari."[/B] Sakura said, helping her to her feet. She still had Gatomon in her arms. Sakura put one of Kari's arms around her neck and wrapped one of her own arms around her back and they slowly limped toward the direction that the others had gone. Davis and Flamedramon ran out after them to see Monochromon. The large grey dinosaur spotted them and released an attack at the two. It hit and Davis fell to the ground, before getting up again, pulling his now cracked goggles from his head and clenching them in his fist. [B]"Go kick some butt, Flamedramon!"[/B] Davis cries. Flamedramon ran ahead and jumped into the air. Monochromon roared at him and fired another attack. Flamedramon pulled back a claw and his claw glowed with energy, then he thrust it forward in a punching motion. [B]"Fire Rocket!"[/B] he shouted as fire projectiles flew out of hids claws and hit Monochromon. They heard something shatter and saw a dark ring dissolve. Flamedramon landed on the ground, and walked up to Monochromon. [B]"Hey, what happened?"[/B] the large creature asked. [B]"What? You don't remember?"[/B] Davis asked, running up. [B]"No. I'm sorry if I caused you trouble. Bye!"[/B] he said, and lumbered off. Flamedramon de-digivolved back to Veemon and stood beside his partner. [B]"I think it was the dark ring that didn't make him remember anything."[/B] Veemon commented. [B]"Yeah...Come on, let's go find the others."[/B] Davis said, and they ran off in the direction of the others too. The whole group was there, Imi and Kari were sitting down. Near by on a stump was the monitor that they'd first come in through. [B]"Kari! How's your ankle?"[/B] Davis asked. [B]"It's fine. And now that you're here. We can go now."[/B] Kari answered, standing, then she and Sakura helped Imi stand too. [B]"Alright. Bye Veemon."[/B] Davis said, shaking hands with the blue dinosaur. [B]"Bye Davis, come back soon."[/B] Veemon grinned. Sakura stood in the front. [B]"Let's go, guys."[/B] she said, holding out her digivice. All of the others did the same and they were sucked through again, and landed sprawled out on the computer room floor, on top of Izzy and Matt.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Aright people, we're in the real world for a while now, and if nothing happens by the time Methuselah gets back, we'll probably just go back into the Digital World. And if any of the Original characters post then it's about that conversation they have about the Digiegg Digivolutions remember. If you have trouble remembering what happens or don't know, just simply look up an episode guide on the internet, because we're mainly following it.
  14. [B]OOC:[/B] In order to keep this RP going, and because ULX hasn't posted, I'll post and hopefully then ULX will. *Hint Hint!* Lol, I just noticed that OliverWhip editted his post, which will make it easier for this post. [B]BTW[/B], incase you didn't get the last bit of Methuselah's last post, for all those who have new digimon, eg. those who are brand new characters (Kyo, Sakura, Imi), instead of creating our own Digiegg evolutions, just use your champion digivolution instead and pretend that that's the Digiegg one. [COLOR=Navy][B]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/B] They all nodded in responce to Sakura's statement and dashed away. [B]"Tai, lead us to the cave you saw!"[/B] Sakura shouted from near the back of the group. [B]"Right, come on guys!"[/B] Tai encouraged, as he, Davis and Sora ran at the front of the pack, very good at running from years of playing Soccer. Sakura was beside TK and Kari, who were cradling their digimon who were both in pain, Gatomon was bleeding, and Patamon was forming bruises from the whipping. Kyo was running slightly in front of them, but she couldn't find the other new person. Suddenly she noticed that Imi had been behind them and was slowing down. Sakura could see the creature that they'd called Unimon getting closer to her. She quickly ran back and grabbed her arm, half dragging her to go faster. [B]"I'm sorry if I'm hurting you, but we gotta catch up. Unimon's right behind us."[/B] Sakura panted, seeing they were several metres behind TK and Kari. They continued to run, being very tired from escaping, but she saw the cave ahead and saw that the entrance was relatively small, so Unimon wouldn't be able to get in. Tai, Davis, Sora, Kyo, TK and Kari had already entered the safety of the cave, only Sakura and Imi were outside. Sakura felt faint, it was too much running for a computer geek. [B]"We-We can make it Imi..."[/B] Sakura gasped, as they were almost there. Imi gasped and nodded, then they collapsed right in front of the entrance. The others inside saw and Davis and Tai rushed out to help them in, just in time because Unimon released an attack and landed in the exact spot that they had been in a few seconds after they were inside. The group of 8 headed into the back of the cave, led by Tai and he showed them the Digiegg of Courage. Sakura and Imi leaned against one of the walls and Sakura whipped out her D-Terminal, typing a message to Izzy, telling them what happened and what was happening.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Your turn Reise.
  15. [COLOR=Navy][B]OOC:[/B] I've never seen or read D.N.Angel even though I wish I could, but I know a bit about it. [U][B]Your Normal Self[/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Kaze Sakura [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Object of Your Affection:[/B] Dark Mousy [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://img29.exs.cx/img29/1584/FairyandGirl.jpg]The Bigger Girl[/url], but she usually wears a black leather trench coat, open, with a tight white top underneath and navy blue cargos. [B]Personality:[/B] Sakura is calm and doesn't get angry very quickly, she usually speaks quietly and softly. She is strong minded and never admits defeat, even when she's lost. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. She can easily keep a cool head in a heated argument. Sakura is very stealthy, flexible and acrobatic and gymnastic and has been since she was a child. She's also very analytical and makes notes on people and things in a palm computer that she always carries. [B]Bio:[/B] Sakura's always been shy about everything, which is why she always speaks quietly and prefers to be strong on the inside instead of on the outside. She's had several crushes on some guys but has never told anyone or done anything about it. One night over dinner, her parents and herself were watching the news and saw another report on a robbery by Dark Mousy, and for once, Sakura actually got a good look at Dark's face and body and gained a crush on him, wishing that she could actually see in real life. The next school day, her wish came true when she saw Dark talking to Risa Harada, but then swore that just a while before, Daisuke had been talking to her. Dark finished the conversation and approached Sakura to her surprise. He started to talk to her and her heart started to beat faster. She felt strange and ran into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. She had changed into someone else. The other being spoke to her through her mind, telling her that she was named Scarlet Nite. Whenever Scarlet took over, she would be seductive, confident, and practically everything that Sakura wasn't. But she still had some parts that remained of Sakura that makes her shy at very particular times. [U][B]Your Other Self[/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Scarlet Nite [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Object of Your Affection:[/B] Daisuke Niwa [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://img24.exs.cx/img24/7246/scarletangel5qk.jpg]Here[/url] [B]Pet:[/B] [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied6/images/Pururumon.jpg]Larka[/url], he always sits on top of her head and can fly, but not very far. Larka gets angry when left behind, but they never forget him anyway.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Navy]Aria looked at all of the other contestants with their monsters and looked at Larka. [B] "Hey Larka, are you feeling up to it?"[/B] she asked, worried about her partner. [B]"A tournament! Count me in!"[/B] Larka said excitedly, looking around at the other monsters. Aria grinned at the enthusiastic dragon and got Larka to enter the MC before she approached the table that Sakura had just left. [B]"Welcome to MN's first Japanese Tournament! Please plug your MC into the computer on your left,"[/B] the woman behind the table said. Aria did so and Larka was shown in the digital field, actually active instead of lying around. [B]"Squall....and....Larka."[/B] the lady murmered quietly. Aria eyed her carefully, thinking she knew something that she didn't. [B]"Sorry....did you say something?"[/B] Aria asked. [B]"No no. Thankyou for entering the tournament, your first opponent is Aidan, you can immediately begin the battle once you find him."[/B] she said. [B]"Thanks."[/B] she mumbled, unplugging her MC and wandering off to look for Aidan.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry it's short, didn't want to start the battle yet.
  17. [COLOR=Navy]Like several others, I live in Australia. I wish I didn't, the weather can be so hot sometimes. And summer Christmas' aren't exactly enjoyable when they're sweltering hot. You people shouldn't complain to have snow, I wish we had snow over here. *sighs*[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Navy]Aria woke to the loud ringing of her alarm clock, she smacked the switch and sat up. She looked to the end of her bed and saw Larka curled up there. Last night she had stumbled home and when she entered the door, her mother was horrified and sent her up to bed immediately, saying they'd talk later. She trundled upstairs and flopped onto her bed, sighing. Then she quickly remembered to release Larka and they fell asleep together, starting their healing process. Her mother had seen Larka and Aria had to explain to her parents, talking about the game and how her monster was real. Then about what had happened which got them hurt. Her parents were worried, but she assured that they'd be fine. Aria looked at her dragon friend, whatever had happened last night was amazing. She analysed him and decided that he was fully healed, but would probably still be weak. Larka lifted his head and looked at her. [B]"How are you?"[/B] Aria questioned, running a hand over his scales. [B]"I feel weak, that's all. I'm fine. What about you?"[/B] Larka asked, nudging her hand with his head, his crystal blue eyes full of worry. [B]"My body aches but I'll be fine. Now, Mum and Dad know about you, so let me get ready, then we'll go down for breakfast before I leave for school."[/B] Aria said, changing into their horrendous school uniform before getting her books in her bag, putting that on her shoulder, and then gathered Larka in her arms and went downstairs. When she reached the dining area, her mother shrieked, then apologised because she forgot about Larka. They ate breakfast together, getting to know her dragon. After that it was time to go to school, she put Larka into her MC and jogged off to school. As she was jogging, she heard a beeping and started to search for the source. She pulled out her MC and saw that she'd gotten a message. It was asking if they had been attacked and had heard of Platinum Monsters. It said to meet at 4:00pm at the entrance stairs at Central Tokyo High-School. Good thing it was her high school. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aria left from her final class and exited the school building, seeing a girl at the rail of the stairs with a white creature with wings that was standing on the rail. She hurried down the stairs and looked closer at the girl, smiling. [B]"You're Sakura! Sorry, I just know your brother."[/B] Aria grinned. Sakura didn't say anything so Aria continued. [B]"I had a battle with him two days ago, and he's in some of my classes. anyway, are you the one that sent the message?"[/B] she asked. [B]"Uh, yeah."[/B] Sakura said, looking at her strangely. [B]"I'm not strange ok, just a little high on sugar today. I like your monster."[/B] Aria stated, whipping out her MC and in a flash of silver, Larka appeared in her arms in his usual curled up. He lifted his head and looked at the other girl and the monster. He yawned and put his head down again, dropping quickly into a light nap. [B]"Excuse him, he's tired. Especially after that damn encounter yesterday."[/B] Aria said, clenching her fists in anger at the memory. [B]"This is Zephyr, he's a sphinx that controls the element of Lightning."[/B] Sakura said, pointing to the white creature. [B]"Hi."[/B] Zephyr grinned. [B]"Hi."[/B] Aria replied smiling. [B]"This here's Larka. He's a blue dragon that controls Wind."[/B] [B]"We're just waiting for others to turn up."[/B] Sakura said, leaning back against the rail. Aria nodded and leaned beside her, and they started talking.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Not my favourite post but I'm kinda tired at the moment.
  19. [B]OOC:[/B] I've decided to also play as Izzy. [COLOR=Indigo][U][B]Sign Up[/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi [B]Age:[/B] 16/17 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://www.lelola.net/digimon/02izzy.jpg]Here[/url] [B]Digimon:[/B] In-Training- [url=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied5/images/Motimon.gif]Motimon[/url] = Bubble Blow Rookie- [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied7/images/Tentomon.gif]Tentomon[/url] = Super shocker, Talon attack, Double punch, Rolling guard Champion- [url=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied4/images/Kabuterimon.gif]Kabuterimon[/url] = Electro shocker, Beetle horn attack, Quick thrust Ultimate- [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied5/images/MegaKabuterimon.gif]MegaKabuterimon[/url] = Horn buster, Electro shocker Mega- [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied4/images/HerculesKabuterimon.jpg]HerculesKabuterimon[/url] = Mega Electro Shocker, Giga Scissor Claw, Giga Blaster [B]Crest(s):[/B] Knowledge [B]Personality:[/B] A computer genius, Izzy is most likely the smartest of the group, with a curiousity and insatiable desire to answer the mysteries of the Digital World. This curiousity has gotten him into trouble numerous times however. Though he's always there to get them out of messes.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Navy]Sakura was nervous, Izzy was relying on her for support and ideas, it was especially hard since she didn't know any of them very well except Izzy, Kari and Imi. [B]"These are the new Digivices, as you can see they are very different to our older models so I assume that they have a new purpose, i.e open up a portal to the Digital world."[/B] she heard Izzy say, showing off her digivice. [B]"I suggest we try out this theory."[/B] she said, gaining confidence. Everyone stood and gathered around the computer, having little comments here and there. The only ones who weren't standing was Matt and Izzy. Sakura saw Imi smile at her after hearing a comment from Matt to Tai, she shrugged at their immature behaviour and positioned herself in front of the computer screen. [B]"Say what comes to mind, Sakura."[/B] Izzy said from beside her. He had confidence in her, which made her confident too. [B]"Okay..."[/B] she took a breath, hoping it would work, [B]"Digi Port, open!"[/B] she thrust out her arm with her Digivice in hand and stared as the whole room flashed brightly, sucking her into the screen. The other stared and moved closer, finding themselves being sucked in also. As she warped through she felt different somehow, and when they ended up at the other side, she looked around and noticed she was wearing different clothes from their school uniform. Sakura liked her new clothes, a black trenchcoat over a tight white top and navy blue cargos, fitted with blue and white sneakers. She waited for a couple of seconds before the others arrived after her. They were all wearing new clothes too, except Tai who still had his uniform. As she watched them appear, she mumbled. [B]"Prodigious..."[/B] [B]"Huh? I thought only Izzy said that."[/B] Tai commented. [B]"Well he isn't the only one."[/B] Sakura said. She turned to face the monitor/TV that they'd just come out of. [B]"Izzy, do you know where we are? I guess this is the Digital World, but a specific place?"[/B] Sakura asked, seeing Izzy on the other side. [B] "Afraid not. But follow Tai, he's already been in this area before. We'll keep in contact with your digivices or D-Terminals [B][[Do we still have them?]][/B]."[/B] Sakura nodded and turned to the others, they all looked confused except for Tai. [B]"Lead the way, Tai."[/B] Sakura said, breaking the awkward silence. Tai nodded and he led them in the direction that he had gone. As they walked, Sakura pulled out her digivice and started to play around with it, figuring out its secrets. After all, she could figure anything out about electronics.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Mainly a bit of a re-cap of the previous post with some stuff added. Haven't really gone too far. BTW Jamie, if you don't mind, I'll sign up as Izzy unless someone else wants to. I'll do the sign up now.
  21. [COLOR=Navy]Sakura gathered up her books as the bell rang, bundling them in her arms, she headed off to the computer room where she usually hung around at. She hummed to herself quietly as she walked and moved aside as a student ran past her. Sakura was very unused to her new environment, throughout primary school, she had gone to a respectable all girls private school, where all the posh and snobbish girls used to pick on her for not being rich like them. Just this year she had moved to a government school after begging and pleading to her parents, who had finally caved in. Sakura didn't have friends yet, since she was still new, but the girl Hikari seemed nice. She turned into the different halls, already memorising the way to get to the computer room. When she entered she could hear the tapping of someone at a computer. Sakura ignored them at first and didn't see who it was, sitting at a computer, putting down her books and logging in. She started to do some work when she heard whoever it was say something. [B]"Prodigious..."[/B] the person mumbled. Sakura's head shot up, only one person at the school besides her said 'Prodigious' and that was the famous, spiky haired, computer whiz kid, Izzy Izumi. Sakura stood and moved around to where he was sitting at a computer, staring intently at the monitor of his computer. Sakura started to approach Izzy when four bursts of light shot out of the monitor, Izzy quickly moved his head, dodging them. Sakura gasped loudly as one headed straight toward her and flew into her hands. The light disappeared from around it and revealed a navy blue and silver device. [B]"Uh..."[/B] she said staring at the object. Izzy whirled around to look at her, noticing the digivice. [B]"You're the new girl...Sakura isn't it?"[/B] Izzy asked. [B]"Yeah, that's me."[/B] Sakura answered, nervous to be speaking to the best computer kid in the city. Izzy nodded and quickly started to type some emails, then sent them before turning back to her. [B]"Could you stay around for a while? The others will be here soon."[/B] [B]"Others...? Sure..."[/B] she mumbled. [B]"You'll see. Take a seat next to me and we'll....talk."[/B] he smiled. Sakura nodded and went to grab her bag, books and logged off her computer. She moved over next to Izzy and they started to talk. It was awkward talk at first, but soon changed to computers, electronics and programming as they waited for the others to arrive. [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Navy]Well, I'm 15, turning 16 on February 15, I can't wait! I can't usually tell how old someone is by the way they are. Though I have some ideas when I look at people's profiles and their D.O.B. I'm a very large anime fan, but my family thinks that I should stop because 'cartoons' are for 'little kids'. Which I have two arguments against. It's Anime! Not cartoons as they say. And many older people watch anime, so it's not only for little kids. Ok, going a little off topic. Anyway, I don't feel like one of the youngest. Because there's lots of others that are 14 and below, so I don't really feel so bad. [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Navy]Aria was sitting on her bed, casually talking to Larka. He had woken after an hours sleep, and was still very weak. Suddenly they heard a knock at the door and Aria quickly moved in front of Larka. "Aria, would you mind running down to the store to get some dessert?" her foster mother asked, sticking her head through the door. "Ok, what kind?" Aria asked. "You can choose, we don't mind." she answered. "Alright, I'll go in a second." Aria's mother nodded and left. Aria breathed a sigh of relief and turned to face her dragon friend. "Do you want to come?" she asked. "Of course." he yawned. "Alright, come on, get in." Aria said, holding out her navy blue MC. Larka sighed and disappeared in a flash. Aria tucked it into her pocket and ran downstairs. She put on her sneakers and went to open the door. Her mother came out and gave her money, which she put into another pocket. "Watch out, it looks like it'll start raining soon." she said. "I'll be fine. Seeya in a while." Aria reassured before jogging out of the house. Aria had just barely made it around the corner of her street when she saw a figure standing in the street. She paid no notice of him and tried to run past when he held out his arm and blocked her path. "Hey! What's the deal?" Aria asked, stepping back. "Where is your monster?" he asked gruffly. Aria narrowed her eyes, not trusting him in the least. "Why should I tell you?" "Where is it?!" he asked, raising his voice. "If you really want to know, he's at home." Aria lied. The boy looked over her then spoke, "Liar." "Get lost, I don't have time!" Aria said, trying to push past him. The boy smirked and shoved her forcefully. She landed on the ground and her MC fell out of her pocket and onto the street. "Should I still believe that 'he's at home'?" Aria didn't say a word, just looked over the boy. He was well built, with messy chocolate brown hair and smoldering amber eyes. "Summon him." he ordered. "No! He's still tired from our battle earlier. I won't jeapordise his safety just for you." Aria spat. He let out a fake laugh and lunged forward, grasping her by the collar and lifting her off the ground. "SUMMON HIM!" he roared, throwing her, hard. Aria cried out as she hit the ground, she glared up at the boy, and the rain started to fall as her mother had predicted. "You bastard! What's your problem?!" she shouted, getting to her feet, swaying slightly. "I must destroy your Platinum Monster, I have been ordered to. Now I will ask one last time. Summon Him!" "Never..." she said. "Fine." he said, and brought out his own, steel grey MC. It lit up and his monster emerged, a silver wolf. The boy pointed at her and the wolf growled, showing his [I]very[/I] sharp teeth, and it started to approach her. As it was almost upon her, her MC lit up brightly and Larka emerged. "No! Go back in!" she cried, calling to her friend whom paid no attention to her. "So it's revealed." the boy chuckled. "Fell go!" he called. The two creatures bounded at each other. Fell dodged Larka's claws and bit into the back of his neck, picking Larka up and tossing him with force into a lamppost. "NO!" Aria cried, tears pricking the corners of her eyes. "LARKA!!!!!" Larka immediately lifted his head and saw Aria crying. "Aria, crying? No. NO!" he roared. Her MC that was sitting next to her glowed and shot out a silver light, engulfing Larka. A minute later, the light disappeared, and a giant dragon stood in his place, it was even larger than an asian elephant, and his scales were a dark blue, instead of their usual mellow. "Larka....?" Aria whispered, pushing away some of her soaked bangs. "You will pay for hurting her." he growled in a deep voice. Larka charged forward and the two clashed. Larka put down a claw and pressed fell to the ground. "This isn't over!" the boy cried, putting Fell back into his MC and running away. Larka changed back to his small form and flopped onto the ground. Aria weakly got up and picked up her MC, then she ran over to Larka. "Larka...are you alright?" Aria asked, falling to the ground beside him. "I'll be fine, I'm more worried about you." he said, nudging her with his snout, his crystal blue eyes full of worry. "I'm ok....Come on, get in the MC and we'll go home and rest." ".....What about the dessert?" Larka asked. "I guess we'll just have to tell mother the truth, and about you." Aria sighed. Larka was absorbed into the MC. "Don't worry, I'll protect you." he said, before falling asleep. Aria smiled and she slowly made her way home, the rain slowing to a drizzle.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Navy]Aria ran forward to Larka and lifted his head. "Let's end this match Squall...I don't want Kayin to get hurt anymore than this..." Takahiro said helping Kayin up. "Yeah... Hey wait a minute, you look familiar." Aria said looking at him. She thought for a minute before it hit her. "I got it!" she exclaimed. "You're Takahiro, brother of Sakura. We go to the same school." Aria said. "Wait, you're that silent girl in most of my classes. Aria was it?" he asked. "Yeah, that's me." Aria nodded. "I never would have expected you to be a MN player." Takahiro said. Aria picked the dragon up, she could tell he was too tired to walk. Aria held out her MC at him and with a groan, he was sucked into the device and was back to lying on the digital field, resting. "I mainly just wanted to see what it was about, but then I made Larka and we're good friends, even though we haven't known each other for very long." Aria answered, slipping her MC back into her pocket. Aria looked at her watch and cursed. "Crap, I gotta get home, my foster parents will get worried. I'm sorry. Thanks for the battle, we have to have a rematch sometime. Talk to you at school tomorrow?" Aria asked. "Sure." he smiled. "Thanks!" she called and ran for her home, she had spent longer than she expected. Aria reached home and slipped off her shoes inside. "Mum, I'm home." she called as usual. "Oh Aria, you're home late." her foster mother said coming into the hall. "I know, I'm sorry. I lost count of the time while I was battling against this boy." Aria said. "Battling?" her mother exclaimed. "With that computer game I bought. I wouldn't get into a fight Mum." Aria said. "Yes, of course you wouldn't. Would you like a small snack before dinner?" "No thankyou. I'll be in my room." Aria answered, running upstairs and into her room. She let Larka out of the MC and put him on her bed as usual. "Are you alright Larka?" "Just a little worn out." "That was a great first battle. You did well. Now rest, I'll wake you up later." and he did exactly that, falling into a healing sleep. Aria decided to do some homework before she heard the door close, signalling that her foster father was home from work. Then about 10 minutes later, she was called for dinner.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Navy]Larka agreed with Kayin and waited until the last possible moment before flying into the air to get away from his attack. Kayin threw the kunai at Larka but she dodged it. Aria looked at her projection. She saw Larka's special attack, Wind Strike. "Dive!" Aria called to her dragon. Larka lined herself so she was streamlined and tilted downwards, she turned to her side slightly and she started to spiral. She was headed straight for Kayin from above. At the last minute he dodged, and she was expecting it so she tilted straight and flew along the ground. Aria gripped her MC tightly in anticipation. It was so exciting, it was their first battle. Larka landed and the two opponents looked at each other and started to circle, watching each other carefully. They feinted several times, trying to draw a reaction from each other. "Larka fly!" she called. "Kayin jump!" he called. The two creatures simultaeneously obeyed and met each other in the air where they started to attack each other. Larka grabbed onto Kayin, digging his claws in and flew upward. He started to fly in circles before plummeting down toward earth. As they reached the ground, Larka slammed Kayin into the ground, letting go of him and landing. "Kayin!" Ryu cried. Kayin stood and prepared for more of a battle. Larka just looked at him.[/COLOR]
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