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[COLOR=Navy]I think I'll join in with this topic. I have a lot in common with several people that have already posted here, so let's see what I can think of: -[B]Nail Biting:[/B] but I've stopped at the moment because I'm trying to grow them for once, coming along nicely. -[B]Talking to myself at times:[/B] usually when I'm nervous or scared about something. -[B]Laughing Fits:[/B] sometimes when something's really funny, I'll laugh, then I can't stop, or if I do, I'll remember it and start laughing again. -[B]Judging people from First Impressions:[/B] I do it quite often, like I've done to a new girl recently. -[B]Fidgeting:[/B] I just have a problem of sitting still for a long time, so I usually start flicking my pen or tapping my nails or foot. -[B]Correcting:[/B] Some of my friends find it annoying. I correct people's grammar and spelling when writing and people's grammar if they're talking, a side affect of liking English too much. -[B]Cracking:[/B] One of my friends gets really freaked out and always asks me not to do it. I crack my knuckles, knees, neck, back and toes. -[B]Chocolate:[/B] Chocolate is pretty much my favourite type of junk food and I eat it constantly, I just can't resist, which is bad for me. -[B]Budgetless:[/B] I too have no idea of what a budget is, I'll just pull something off a shelf and buy it, not really caring about the price. -[B]Computer:[/B] I can't resist the call of the computer and am drawn to it whenever my brother isn't home/online. -[B]Fanfiction addicts:[/B] I am one of those people who are obsessed with fanfiction, and I've also introduced a number of friends into it. But I like the anime/game/show better than the fics. The habit is just constantly reading them. -[B]Mood Swings/Emotions:[/B] I have terrible mood swings, I can be happy one minute and angry the next, then crying a minute after, which also leads to bottling up feelings or letting them all go in a large flow. Bad habit because my friends get annoyed at me when I do that. -[B]Double Jointed:[/B] This is the main thing that really freaks people out, you won't get an idea unless you actually see it but; I can twist my elbow while my hand is resting on one knee, to bend and go below my other knee (it actually looks quite scary from an onlooker's point of view), I can bend all of my fingers on my right hand backwards until they touch the back of my wrist (looks pretty scary too), and I can control the tips of my fingers to bend without bending the rest of my fingers (not so scary). For you to get a full idea, I would probably have to take pictures to show you. The thing is that I don't realise I'm doing it because it's so natural to me. -[B]Study:[/B] I don't know how to study, I've tried to study for exams but it doesn't work and I eventually give up. That's a pretty bad habit because I usually do just ok in the tests. -[B]Time Management:[/B] Yup, I watch TV, play games, or go on the internet while I have homework to do, even though I know I've got to get it done. I need to stop this habit very soon because it's bad for me. -[B]Anger:[/B] This is connected with the mood swings and emotions bit, I have a very bad problem with my anger, I've been learning to keep it under control but I dunno... -[B]Anti-social:[/B] My school has quite a lot of social events, but I haven't been to a single one, I haven't been to any social events ever, not even in Primary School. I think the main reason is because I'm a very fervent tomboy and I hate dressing up for any occasion, so if I go, I'd have to wear a dress/skirt and all the la di da that comes along with it. To the displeasure of my friends, I've told them that I probably won't go to my Year 12 Ball, but my mind may change over the two years leading up to it, though I highly doubt it. -[B]Paranoia:[/B] I'm paranoid of a lot of things, like thinking that someone will forget to pick me up, or pass me something important etc. Usually everything blows through, but at times it has backfired to me. -[B]Memory:[/B] I have a very strange memory system in my mind. I remember the stupidest of things, but I can't remember stuff like what I have to do for homework in my text books. For example, I remember a whole lot of quotes from anime and cartoons, but I can't remember my Japanese homework. I also have good short term memory for important things, but very bad long term memory. -[B]Anxiety:[/B] I get really anxious for tests, I always think that I'm going to fail, or when getting results I still think I did bad. -[B]Needlephobia:[/B] Yes, I'm terrified of needles and I hate getting vaccinations from school. Like the last one I had was last month for Whooping Cough, I was stressing so much before, during and after getting the shot that I got a fever and they made me lie down in the waiting room (they got us to wait to see if we would faint or be sick). But in the end it was just emotional. -[B]Sleeping In:[/B] My friends think I'm crazy, but for some reason I can't sleep in. Like my friends always say that on Saturday and Sunday that they'll sleep in, but I can't my internal clock won't let me and always wakes me up around the same time I wake up for school, which is 6:50 in the morning. -[B]Shy:[/B] Not really a habit, more of a feeling. Simply, I'm just very shy in front of people and I'm very introverted. That's about all I can think of for now, I know I'm missing several things but I can't be bothered wracking my brain for them. By the way, I do think that I have written more than you, Neuvoxetere. Now I'm embarassed that I've revealed so much about myself in one post...I hope no one uses this against me...I note that a lot of these aren't exactly bad habits, many are just things that are strange concerning myself, so sorry if I kinda went off topic.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Aria had spotted the beasts down below and jumped off the ground, spreading her wings and beating them several times to gain some air, flying toward the battle. She twirled her staff as she watched over the others below, she saw a large clump of them around a small girl and closed her wings, tilting herself downward. Aria plummeted through the sky toward them, in the last few metres, she quickly opened her wings to break the fall and landed on the ground. She closed up her wings and slid the two blades apart. "Get away from her!" she called. Then she regretted it when they all turned around to look at her. Aria ran forward and thrust one of her blades into the heart of one of the beasts. It roared in anger and pain as it fell backwards. Aria pulled the blade out and looked at the rest of them. They roared in vengence, and she knew they were out for revenge for their friend. Aria stood still, knowing that beasts never attacked their foes straight away. They surrounded her, and she immediately did a dangerous swords dance, slicing at them viciously. Some of them dropped in death, but others made it out with just slashes and cuts. After the dance, the group of 7 had dropped to 4. Aria flew into the sky and dive bombed the remaining beasts, slashing or stabbing at their vital points. Finally they had all dropped to the ground and Aria quickly landed and rushed over to the girl. "Are you alright?" Aria asked. "U-U-Uh huh." she answered, then she got up and ran to the group of people that Jessica had rescued. She saw the girl get hugged by a man and woman, then she knew that the girl had been seperated from her family by the beasts. She smiled knowing that the girl was safely back with her family, wishing she was home with her parents too.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Aria Kaze [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://img29.exs.cx/img29/6524/girl_d77.jpg]Here[/url], except she wears a black leather trench coat with a tight white top underneath and navy blue cargos. [B]Personallity:[/B] Aria is calm and doesn't get angry very quickly, she usually speaks quietly and softly. She is strong minded and never admits defeat, even when she's lost. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. She can easily keep a cool head in a heated argument. Aria is very stealthy, flexible and acrobatic and gymnastic and has been since she was a child. She doesn't get annoyed very often, except when someone bugs her a lot. One of her best skills is her skill with computers and anything electronic. [B]History:[/B] Aria has been a lover of pokemon since she was a child, her father was a pokemon trainer before her and she always played around with his pokemon. He would always tell her of his adventures travelling and collecting badges, she couldn't wait for her 15th birthday so she could get her own pokemon. On the day that she was supposed to get her pokemon, she was so late that there weren't any pokemon left. She was depressed so the Professor gave her a different pokemon from everyone else, Umbreon. They got along fabulously from the start. She went on a short adventure for about two years before she heard about the expedition. She knew it was an adventure waiting to happen so she immediately wanted to join. [B]Pokemon:[/B] Umbreon, Espeon, Mightyena, Pidgeot, Vaporeon, Jolteon[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Let me know if I have to change anything.
[B]OOC:[/B] Sorry I haven't posted much, too much school work. And sorry the post's a little short too, I'm currently at school. [COLOR=Navy]Kari stood looking at the corpses surrounding them. Their blood stained the ground beneath them. She looked at them in disgust and looked around for her companions. She saw a black shadow walking along, she ran up to him and saw that he was limping. "Fell, what have you done to yourself?" she asked. the wolf replied. Kari heard a screech and turned her head to the skies, a bird wheeled unsteadily above her and plummeted to land onto her shoulder. Kari examined her bird friend and noticed that her wing had been slashed. "And what happened to you?" she questioned. ["The monster slashed me after I tried to help Fell."] she answered. "Where's Kerma?" Kari asked. They heard the beat of wings and the girl flapped down next to her with just a few scratches. "Let's continue onwards, we need to get these demons before they continue to flatten these places." Kari said, walking forward to the rest of the group.[/COLOR]
[B]OOC:[/B] Could I take the friend? I didn't really know what to put for the Bio. Let me know if I have to change anything. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Alura (Not really greek but closest I could come up with) [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://img29.exs.cx/img29/6524/girl_d77.jpg]Here[/url] [B]Personality:[/B] Alura is calm and doesn't get angry very quickly, she usually speaks quietly and softly. She is strong minded and never admits defeat, even when she's lost. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. She can easily keep a cool head in a heated argument. Alura's very stealthy, flexible and acrobatic and gymnastic and has been since she was a child. She doesn't get annoyed very often, except when someone annoys her a lot. [B]Bio:[/B] Alura was put to sleep the same time as her friend, their parents wanted to protect them from the wrath of the gods. They don't know what's been happening because they were encased in quartz and now she's quite saddened that their city has been missing.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Kira kept her usual calm exterior as she stared out at the crowd. She heard some of the others cheering as they saw the royal blue light that they were hoping for, and the groans or crying of those who didn't make the cut. Kira looked over at Rei, his face didn't reveal anything about the colour of her globe. She looked up and saw the soft royal blue glow, she looked back to Rei and they grinned together. She heard DJ Jazzman ask them to go into a restricted area, and those that weren't Blade Breakers weren't allowed. Kira walked off the stage and hugged Rei tightly, then Mariah. The guys in the White Tiger X just congratulated her, not wanting to be affectionate. Then Rei and herself left, following the others. "Nice job, Kira. I knew you'd get through. Nice way to keep your cool." Rei said as they walked. "Big brother, when am I ever not calm?" she said. "Seems like you're making friends with the others ok, you and Kayla seem to be getting along." he commented. "Yeah...she's alright." Kira answered. They entered the room and the new and the old members were there.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][I]Almost there...she almost had it!...[/I] [B]'BANG! BANG! BANG!'[/B] "Kira! Wake up! You're going to be late!" her mother called from outside her door. Kira sat up in bed, her eyes were opened and her brows were furrowed in annoyance. She let out a heavy breath and threw the thin blanket off herself. This always happened, whenever she was reaching the good part of a dream, she was always woken. Kira touched her feet to the cool polished floorboards and stood, stretching her arms upwards. She turned her head to look at the clock and saw that she had half and hour to get ready for school. She grabbed her usual articles of clothing out of her cupboard, her cupboard was full of the same repeated combination. She headed into the shower and took a quick warm one before getting out and changing. There was 20 minutes left until she had to be at school so she ate a quick breakfast and headed out of the door, shouldering her backpack. "Another day, another dream forgotten." she whispered to herself.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry it's a little short, have to go.
[COLOR=Navy]I just thought I'd help utilise this thread. Is there a set design that the medallions look like? And what colours are they? For mine, I based it on yours without the extra gem in to middle, and I made it green, not really knowing if I should use Yellow or Light Blue instead. Just wanted to clear it up a little.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Gosh, I haven't posted in Art Request for so long... Anyways, after the Beyblade RPG and Reise's request, I've decided to request my own Beyblade set. except my favourite character is Rei/Ray. (Kai's my second favourite ^^) I don't really mind what's on it, I just want a banner around Rei with a nice quote from anywhere on it if possible, but you don't have to. So go crazy! Thanks in advance, ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Aria was sitting in one of the highest boughs of her favourite tree. She was lounged in a fork and was casually playing her crystal flute, enjoying the cool winds that were blowing. Her eyes were closed as she played, and she could feel her hair blowing in the wind. Aria stopped playing suddenly, her stormy bluish-grey eyes snapped open. She tucked a few strands of chestnut brown hair behind her ear and stood, slipping the glass instrument into her lower thigh pocket on the right. There was a message being carried on the wind, the messengers used that mode of communication to tell Aria things since people often couldn't find her. This one was telling her to return to the palace ASAP because her father, the King wanted to talk to her. Aria sent a reply message that she was coming and unfurled her large sparkly, pale blue wings. She beat them twice and flew out of the tree, flying quickly toward her home. Aria landed at the balcony that led into the throne room. She closed her wings and straightened her clothes and hair from the tree, the wind, and the flying before opening the glass doors and entering. The servants that were currently there bowed/curtsyed to her as she approached the thrones where her parents were seated, the one on the left of her father was empty, it was her own. "I got the message, Father. I hear that you wanted to talk to me?" Aria asked. "Indeed Aria, a message for you arrived a while ago." he said, handing her the opened letter. She read it quickly, it was about the Thorian Wrath, it had risen again, overfloading the Gates of Valahria that the great mage Alvadon guarded, he was asking that the Medallion Holders gather at the Sorian Kingdom. "The letter had the seal of Alvadon on it, in case you're thinking it's a fake." her father said, showing her the wax that had kept the document closed. She had been thinking that it was a fake. "I suppose I'll be leaving now?" Aria asked, looking at her parents. "Unfortunately so." her mother said. "Then I'll leave. Goodbye Mother, Goodbye Father, I'll miss you both." she said, hugging her parents as they got off their thrones. "We'll miss you too, be safe Aria." the king whispered. Aria picked up her staff form of her twin blades from next to her throne and strapped it to her back. She took a last look at them and ran toward the balcony, then she jumped, flapping her wings and taking off into the skies. 'Goodbye...' she thought silently. Several hours later... Aria arrived at the kingdom of Sorian, she was planning on flying right up to the palace when she sensed a flying projectile slicing through the air, she moved to the side and it flew past her. She looked down and saw guards armed with bows aimign at her. She landed on the ground and they swarmed toward her. "What's wrong?" she asked. "You're trespassing. We want to know who you are and what your business here is." the head guard said. "Princess Aria Kaze of the Fairy Kingdom. I'm here because Alvadon has summoned myself, along with the other Medallion holders." she explained. "Proove it." he said, crossing his arms. Aria reached into her tunic and produced a thin strip of leather that hung around her neck, on the end was a green crystal stone, set in gold trimming that was of peculiar design. "Enough proof for you?" she asked. He nodded. "Would you like an escourt?" he asked. "I doubt that he could fly, so no thank you." with that she took off. She landed on the balcony of the palace minutes later and opened the doors. She walked through and bowed to the king. "I'm sorry for entering this way, it was a lot easier, though I did come into contact with some guards." she apologised. "Not a problem. Welcome to Sorian." he said. "Hello to you, Prince Lee and Prince James." she said, greeting the other two important men that were in the room, she knew much about them, her father and teachers had talked about all of the current medallion holders and those past.[/COLOR][B] OOC:[/B] Sorry if the post is a bit long, I got a little carried away. I didn't really know how to end the post so I just left it. And let me know if anything's wrong.
[B]OOC:[/B] Sorry If I've gotten some things wrong, I don't really know much about it, just what I've found from sites. [COLOR=Navy] [B]Name:[/B] Princess Lise [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Class:[/B] Amazoness Warrior [B]Tech:[/B] Whirlwind Lance [B]Weapon:[/B] Amazon Spear/Lance/Trident (Whatever it is...) [B]Homeland:[/B] Wind Kingdom Rolante [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://mmxz.zophar.net/rpg/mana2/images/lise.gif]Here[/url] [B] Personality:[/B] Lise shows some slight signs of 'girlishness' but she's very strong. She has to be doesn't she? Seeing as she's the princess and leader of the army of Rolante. Lise is very vexed to know that her kingdom has been captured and the her brother Elliot has been kidnapped by ninjas, she's willing to do anything to get Elliot and her kingdom back. [B] Brief Biography:[/B] Lise is the young Amazon princess of the Wind Kingdom Rolante. As the entire population of the kingdom are female, she has learned the art of fighting and has earned a high rank amongst the army. High up on a treacherous mountain, the castle is well protected against attack. But one day, Lise's brother Elliot was tricked by two Navarre ninjas and the entire Navarre army, lead by the mysterious Bigieu attacked and took over the kingdom. Lise escaped, and is now planning to re-take the castle.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Kira Fox [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Personality:[/B] Kira is calm and doesn't get angry very quickly, she usually speaks quietly and softly. She is strong minded and never admits defeat, even when she's lost. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. She can easily keep a cool head in a heated argument. Her best skill is her talent with computers and anything electronic. Kira's very stealthy, flexible and acrobatic and gymnastic and has been since she was a child. She doesn't get annoyed very often, it's mainly when she's woken from her dreams. [B]Appearance:[/B] Kira has medium length chestnut brown hair that ends at her shoulders with bangs that fall in front of her face. Her eyes are a mixture of bluey-grey which gives it a stormy look, she always wears the same articles of clothing, a blue, durable, waterproof, hooded jacket open with a white top inside and navy blue cargo pants with pockets at the top(regular place for pockets) and near the knees and blue and white sneakers. [B]Person:[/B] Dreamer[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] I hope the sign up's alright, let me know for changes.
[COLOR=Navy]Adamo watched as her friends battled the other angels and demons. Meanwhile, she was searching for the leader of the group, and found him, hovering above the battlefield on the rooftops. "Hey! Get down here so I can face you properly!" she called up, her defiant eyes glaring at the figure. Next thing she knew, the man was floating downward and then he touched his feet to the tiled roof, across from where Adamo was standing. He had short blond hair and a cocky smirk plastered on his face. "So, Adamo, I've found you. Now, you may come peacefully, or you can struggle, which do you choose?" he asked. "Wait...You look, somewhat familiar. What is your name?" she asked. "The name's Plunder." he replied, fluffing his white wings. "Plunder? The Rift guard?" "Yes, but now my job is to bring you back, now will you come peacefully?" "No way, I won't return until I finish my mission." Adamo said, readying her blades. "Then we will battle, and I will bring you back to Heaven so you can face Him." Plunder said, drawing out a large glowing sword. "Ah, He gave you the Sword of Holiness." Adamo commented, looking over it. Plunder charged forward slashing with the sword, Adamo dodged them, also blocking with her blades, he was pushing her toward the edge of the roof, and if they kept it up, she [I]would[/I] be at the end. Adamo saw an opening at his side in his slashes and jabbed one of the blades into it, the blade dug in and he stopped his slashing temporarily. Adamo pulled her blade out and flipped over him and slashed at his back before he could turn around. He roared in pain and anger and spun around. Adamo rushed forward and bent his sword arm backwards, he cried out and dropped his sword. Adamo quickly picked up the shining weapon and put Plunder into a headlock. "I don't want to kill you Plunder, we used to be friends." Adamo said, mentally projecting memories into his mind. "No! I must bring you back, or die trying. It is my duty." Plunder said determinedly. "Then I'm sorry old friend. Goodbye, may you return to Heaven safely." she said softly, slicing his throat with her blade.Blood spilled. His body fell limp and Adamo watched as it dissolved, the particles floating back up into the sky. The others and the other angels and demons had watched the battle, her friends disposed with the rest of the angels and demons, their particles going to wherever they came from, above or below. "Come on, let's go." Adamo said, sliding her blades together into its staff form. They had never had an encounter with those whom were looking for her before now. Now they would have to be more careful, armed and more aware than before. Adamo looked over the sword and decided to slip it behind the strapping for her staff so it stayed in place on her back, she would have to examine it.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Once again, sorry for not posting much, school's killing me! When you kill the demons/angels, they dissolve into particles like I said in my post, and they go back to Heaven or Hell, wherever they came from. And you can pick up things along the way in this RP, weapons, items etc. I'll let you know if you have to change it though, like if it's something ridiculous, but I probably won't have to.
[COLOR=Navy]Kira, Rei, and the White Tigers had almost reached the area where Tyson was when they heard the next announcement. "The next match is Kira versus Ryu!" "Let's go get you up there, Kira." Rei said smiling. Kira just nodded, she had been watching all of the other battles, the others were good and had powerful bitbeasts. The group headed up to where the beydish was and only Kira ascended the steps to the dish. She looked to the other side as a boy appeared, he looked at her and smirked. He walked up to his side and faced her. "I can't believe they're making me battle against a girl! You'll be gone so fast you won't know what hit you." the Japanese boy said. "Whatever you say..." Kira replied calmly, bringing out Driger MS. She attached it to her launcher and positioned herself at the right angle so she would get more power out of it. Ryu just loaded his launcher and got ready. "Okay, Bladers! Ready your launchers and....Let it RIP!" Kira tensed her arm and pulled the ripcord strongly, the two beyblades landed into the dish. Kira immediately sent Driger toward Ryu's Seaborg. The two blades clashed, sparks flying as they grinded together. They pulled apart and started to circle. "Time to finish this," she said, looking at her opponent. "Driger, Metal Slash!" she said, calling not only the name of the beyblade, but the name of its attack. Driger rushed forward and tilted slightly so its blades slashed Seaborg, then Driger turned and did it again. They waited and Seaborg was in pieces, two slashes breaking through the whole beyblade. "No! What happened! How could I lose?!" he cried, slumping to his knees. "Kira Kon and her beyblade Driger Metal Slash are the winners!" DJ Jazzman announced. Kira walked off stage to be hugged tightly by her older brother. "Big brother...you're...choking me..." Kira made out. Rei let go and ruffled her already messy hair. "You did it, Kira!" Mariah said, hugging her too. "Congratulations, it sure went by real fast." Lee said. "Now let's keep finding the others now." Rei said, and they started walking again.[/COLOR] [B] OOC:[/B] The post wasn't too great but it's morning and I don't think well in the morning.
[COLOR=Navy]Kari was depressed when the girl had brushed past her, but she soon got over it when the demons crashed their little 'party'. They all got up and Kari put her fingers to her lips, letting out her eagle cry. Some of the other elemental holders covered their ears from the high pitched whistle. Kari waited and Fell and Larka came down stairs. In Larka's talons was her staff, she flew overhead and dropped it, and Kari caught it perfectly, and smoothly pulled it apart, revealing the hidden blades inside with a 'sching!'. Kari saw all of them were practically in the same area. "Everyone! Please close your eyes!" Kari cried. Everyone did it without thinking. "I call upon the power of Light! Sunblast!" Kari yelled, there was a sudden bright flash and then it disappeared. The demons were now on the ground and were constantly blinking. The others opened their eyes. "What's wrong with them?" someone asked as the demons begun slamming into doors and walls. "They've been blinded, that blast is enough to burn anyone's retiners to ash." Kari replied. "Go Kerma, fight them with everything you have, Fell, Larka, Fight but stay together. And try not to get hurt alright?" Kari said to her companions. Kari ran into a group of demons, she whipped out her dagger and stabbed one in the temple with it, then she slashed at the others, doing a wicked swordsdance. When she finished, the demons had plenty of slash marks on them, for some she had slit their throats through the dance, but others were still alive. One heard her voice and charged her from in front, Kari grabbed his shoulders and flipped over him, then stabbed him in the back with one of her blades. Then she pushed a blade backwards, straight into another demon's heart. She pulled her blades out of them and noticed that more were approaching her from the sound of her battle, and the dying cries of their companions, she let them get close and closed her eyes. "I call upon the power of Light! From Hell ye rise, to Hell depart! Holy!" she cried. A white glow bathed her and spread out to the demons at a mass rate, they screamed in pain as they were incinerated by her holy magic. All of the demons that had been around her were gone and she was surrounded by corpses. Kari pulled her dagger out of the first demon's temple and cleaned her weapons on a rag that the demon was wearing. Her eyes flitted around and she ran to find Kerma, Fell and Larka, hoping they weren't injured, or at least not too badly.[/COLOR]
[B]OOC:[/B] Sorry if I haven't posted much guys, I've got a lot of schoolwork to do. Since none of the people that are against me have posted, I'll create my own. [COLOR=Navy]Adamo and Masato left minutes after Escuro left, making sure they weren't followed. Kyo trotted next to them, panting and wagging his small tail as usual. They signalled to the others and they flew away from their positions, flying above Adamo and Masato. Adamo looked to a nearby building and saw that it had a good drainpipe and quickly ascended the pipe, landing on the roof. Lucas picked up Kyo and lifted him onto the roof next to Adamo. Kyo got off and they started to run across rooftops, as they usually did. Masato had taken a shortcut and spread open his wings, but he stayed next to her. "What do you think? Should I combine my energy with his? Though, I'm not fully sure if he means well, I don't know if we can trust him yet." Adamo said, her chestnut coloured hair blowing out behind her, her tealish-blue eyes looking straight ahead. "Jump." she said, notifying Kyo of a jump, so he could build speed. They reached the gap and leapt over it. "I'm not sure, it really depends on if you're willing to trust him or not." Masato said. The others nodded and agreed. Then Adamo felt a rush of heat and she quickly rolled into a somersault, just missing a fireball aimed at her. Everyone spun around and looked to the skies. There were several figures in the sky, ten to be exact. Adamo scanned her eyes over them, there were mixtures of white and black wings. Angels and Demons. The others immediately moved to cover her. She reached around to her back and unstrapped her staff. Adamo pushed her friends aside, and pulled the blades apart. The others got out their own weapons and prepared for a battle. But suddenly a boy flying awkwardly with his wings arrived on the roof and unsheathed his own weapon. "Who are you?" Adamo asked. [B][That's you Kayin.][/B][/COLOR] ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ [COLOR=Purple]Lust and the other demons looked at the collection of weapons. No one moved forward, so Lust decided to go first then. She walked a few steps to where Melanira was standing at the door, she bowed to her, and continued into the room. There was a large collection of different types of weapons there. Lust held out her hand, not touching the weapons, but sensing them. She walked around slowly, examining each weapon, waiting for some sort of calling or signal. She reached one weapon, it was a glaive, but it looked more like a double bladed axe head on a staff, with a point at the top of the spike [[URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21454]Here[/URL]] She felt the pull and she touched it. Suddenly a creature started to appear out of it. Lust moved to the side as it continued to emerge, not realising that it was only a holographic type one, which was its main signal to show who owned it. It was a ruby coloured dragon [[URL=http://www.santharia.com/pictures/isilhir/isilhir_pics/dravilonia.jpg]Here[/URL]]. Adamo lifted to glaive out of its holder and it felt light in her grip. She swung it and made some attack moves with it. Then her eyes went hollow as if she was hypnotised. "Dravilonia...Her name's...Dravilonia." she said. Then she snapped out of it. She walked back to the entrance of the room. She saluted with her new weapon and then bowed to Melanira. "Well done, Lust. Dravilonia has chosen you. Satans, go forth one by one and find your own weapons." Melanira commanded. The satans all bowed and the next highest satan entered the room, in search of his demonix.[/COLOR]
[B]OOC:[/B] Sorry I'm late. This post is kinda like when we entered in the first post, then it continues. [COLOR=Navy]Rei, Kira and White Tiger X arrived at the stadium, the size of it and the number of Beybladers took her breath away. "There's so many people, Big brother..." Kira said in her usual quiet voice as her eyes roamed around the floors. "You'll be fine, Kira, just remember your training." Rei encouraged. Kira nodded and reached into a hidden pocket, she felt the blades of Driger Metal Slash and felt a calmness wash over her that happened whenever she was beyblading or in contact with Driger. "The others are here too, with their own 'apprentices'. You'll be the one that'll take over my spot. Do your best." Rei said giving his typical grin before getting rushed by a bunch of kids. Kira stepped back and stood with the members of White Tiger X, she chuckled as the kids asked for tips on Beyblading. "Mariah, I don't know if I'll live up to my brother's wishes." Kira whispered to her pink haired friend, they were very close friends, and Mariah was Kira's best friend. "Don't worry about it, you'll do fine." Mariah said, giving her a gentle hug. Rei finally escaped from the clutches of the children and stood next to them again, only now his clothes were a bit ruffled. "Come on guys, let's go find the other Blade Breakers, they're all around here somewhere..." Rei said, putting a hand in his hair as he tried to look for the others. "I see them, Big brother." Kira said, her eyes were much sharper than Rei's, or anyone's for that matter. "Tyson's over there," she said pointing, "and Kai's over there. Max hasn't arrived yet." she reported. "Hey! Always trying to look better than me aren't you?" Rei said, pushing her head down gently. Kira grinned and laughed lightly and softly, Rei never liked being topped. "So are we going or what?" Kira asked. The others nodded and they started to wade through the bodies.[/COLOR]
Discuss Elemental Beasts: Demon Invasion [Underground] [M-LSV]
Sakura replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Navy]I've been thinking about this when I've posted. How big is Kerma the Light Faerie? Like is she the size of a normal human, or one of those small ones in fairytales? I wasn't sure so in my posts it suggests that she's the size of a normal human, namely a little shorter than Kari. If it needs to be changed let me know, but I was just curious. ~Ohkami[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Navy]Kari, Fell, Larka, and Kerma broke through the edge of the forest and they looked up at the evening sky, the one that was mostly covered by the forest canopy. "Isn't it beautiful?" Kari smiled. [B]"Indeed it is, but we must hurry."[/B] Kerma reminded her. Kari nodded and they started to go toward the smouldering village. She looked around the blackened village, there were rotting corpses covering the charred ground, the smell of death and decay flooded their senses. "There's nothing left." Kari whispered quietly, tightening her grip on her staff. [B]"Yes, we must continue to the next village from here, we'll hopefully reach there before it gets too dark."[/B] They walked away from the destroyed village, their mood dampened. As they walked along, Larka stopped flying and perched herself on Kari's shoulder. When the sky started to get darker, they arrived at the next village. Kerma landed and they eyed the new place. "We should get a room at the inn. Hopefully they'll let you three in." Kari said. They entered and she approached the counter. She questioned about her companions and the person nodded, saying they were allowed in because of another certain person with strange companions. Kari thanked the person after she got a room and they headed to the given room. Fell entered the room after Kari and he flopped onto the bed, Larka flapped over to chair and perched there, and Kerma sat next to Fell. Kari put her things down and let them know that she was going to the drinking area, Kerma decided to go with her. As they entered that particular area of the inn, they spotted something unfamiliar, it was a girl with a purple cloak and beside her was a large hellhound. Kari and Kerma looked at each other before deciding to approach them. "Excuse me, but that is an interesting companion that you have..." Kari said.[/COLOR]
[B]OOC:[/B] I hope the people against me start to come in soon, because they're part of the main plot of making it complicated for me. If no one opposing me replies, I'll create some NPCs myself. [COLOR=Navy]Adamo blinked thoughtfully, she looked at all of the others and opened her mouth to speak. "What do you all think? Should I meet with him?" she asked. "It's your choice, but I definately won't be letting you go alone." Lucas replied. The others agreed. "Well then, I think I shall give this man a chance. Masato, please call him." Adamo sighed. Masato nodded and flipped open his phone, then dialled the corporation's number and added '756' to the end. He could hear the dial tone then a click as the other side picked up. "Malachant Industries, Escuro Miliarto speaking." a slightly bored voice said. "Escuro, it's Masato, I'm calling with a reply from Adamo." Masato said. "Great!" Escuro said straightening in his chair. "Well?" "Adamo has agreed to a meeting with you, but you'll have to let her have company, I will accompany her, and only I." Masato said, adding the end part for the others that were listening. The others began to protest, but Adamo silenced them with a look. "Hmm...alright then, how about in two hours? Let's meet at the central park?" Escuro suggested. "We'll be there." Masato said, closing his phone. "He'll meet us at central park in two hours." he reported to Adamo. "Why did you say that only you would be going?" Amaya questioned somewhat angrily. "Masato said that because if he sees all of you, then he'll know all, he offered to go with me because he's the only one who's already met him." Adamo answered calmly. The others all sighed and sat back. "Alright, now let's discuss the plan. If we can get enough people, then we'll rage an attack against God. We'll draw Him down by challenging Him again. It will all rely on strength and power." Adamo said, locking gazes with her close friends.[/COLOR] ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* [COLOR=Purple]Lust stood outside of the door to Melanira's throne room. The other Satans stood near her, all doing their own thing, Lust however was taking everything in. She had watched as one of Melanira's soldiers had approached the door with a messanger angel. They had been entered into the room, and not long after, the soldier and the angel reappeared, the angel not looking too happy. She ran a hand through her short chestnut brown hair and called the Satans into formation. Lust stood at the front, with the others on either side in their position of power so they looked like a ^. Lust walked forward and the others followed, they entered the doors then they walked toward her throne and bowed, then knelt before her. Melanira nodded and they stood, the other 6 Satans fanned out beside Lust. "Mistress, the One Above has called his army of angels and Adamo has met her allies. This battle will bring Chaos. What shall we do?" she said. "I do not know. I do know this though. Chaos will not become of this Earth while I am around. My father was a great leader, yet chaos and unorderly things came of him. Adamo has the same thougt that I have, for balance and order. Demons have sided with her, the fallen Angel. Who are we to say what shall be done? But I ask of you, where do we stand?" Melanira replied. "If I may have my opinion Mistress, I think we stand with the side of chaos, being the demons that we are, I personally do not understand why demons have sided with the Father, other than the fact that they are seeking to reap the rewards of capturing, or even killing the girl." Lust said respectively.[/COLOR]
[B]OOC:[/B] Sorry if I haven't posted in a while, couldn't think of anything, and this post isn't too good either. BTW, this post is from earlier. [COLOR=Navy]Aria was overjoyed when she found out that she had made it into the band. They had made the decision to return to Kendal's house and they all rolled out of the warehouse and into/onto their modes of transportation. Aria had slotted her guitar into the compartment of her motorbike again and took off after the others. Aria decided to drop by her house to leave a note for her family, she did so then continued to Kendal's house. Everyone had already beaten her there and their vehicles were parked in the culdesac. Aria found a spot and slid in, turning off the engine and getting off. She removed her guitar from the compartment and headed toward the door. She knocked on it and it opened, revealing a young woman. "Hello, are you with the others?" she asked kindly with a smile. "Yes, I am, my name's Ariana, but please call me Aria." she replied. "Welcome, please come in, the others are all downstairs." Kendal's mother said, letting Aria in before closing the door. Aria made her way down the stairs and saw everyone but Kendal, Malcolm and Trey. Aria began to talk to everyone, then she went to Alex to talk to her oldest friend. Then Trey entered and started passing a sheet of paper around which were lyrics that he'd written.[/COLOR]
[B]OOC:[/B] How many different teams are there? And can you explain clearly how we can get into the final team? Please let me know if I'm not allowed to have my Beyblade, or if I'm not allowed to be related to Rei, or if anything's wrong with the sign up. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Kira Kon(Kong for dubbed version) [B]Country:[/B] China [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Personality:[/B] Kira is calm and doesn't get angry very quickly, she usually speaks quietly and softly and people often get annoyed at her in battles because she stays so calm. Kira is different from her older brother Rei, in that she's more collected than he. When Rei found out that she was going to try to join a new team to defeat the Seraphim, he gave her his Driger MS so she would have something to remember him with. Then she went off to get to Tokyo for the trials. [B]Team:[/B] Trail Team (Final Team?) [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20383]Here[/url], but the purple sections are replaced by a deep blue. And if you can't tell, her eyes are amber coloured. [B]Beyblade:[/B] Driger Metal Slash [B]Stats:[/B][list] Attack Ring:[/list] [U]Attack[/U] - ** [U]Defense[/U] - ** [U]Endurance[/U] - *** [list]Weight Disk:[/list] [U]Attack[/U] - *.5 [U]Defense[/U] - *.5 [U]Endurance[/U] - ** [list]Running Core:[/list] [U]Attack[/U] - ** [U]Defense[/U] - * [U]Endurance[/U] - **[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Alright people, I've finally started the RP, I'm sorry that it took so long and I hope no one's lost interest. Please post ASAP, and if you don't want to participate anymore, please let me know somehow. [U][B] I'm still keeping sign ups open, so if anyone wants to sign up then feel free to. And people are still allowed to play two or more characters if willing.[/B][/U] Thanks for signing up, ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=Navy][B]Angelique Resurrection[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] During the Demon-Angelus Wars the King of Hell had been killed by the forces of heaven, in which heaven now ruled all and the war had finally ended, but when this war had ended the darker energies and chaos of the world had no where to go. Slowly with this imbalance God himself had been corrupted and slowly did the Angels and the left over Demons notice this. Some ignored it being highly loyal to him, where others wouldn't. One Angel, the most powerful of them even if she wasn't an Archangel, Adamo had sought to challenge the powers of God and faced off with him in final fight to free the balance, and recreate the world to a place of balance and prosperity once again. Though Adamo had lost and was condemned to spending a life on earth trapped within a Mortal Vessel. Now has begun the Holy Rebellion. What angels had been on the side of Adamo and loved her so, had left Heaven and come to Earth, siding with the Demons that were left over from the Demon-Angelus Wars. They are now seeking out the powers of Adamo to destroy God and Heaven to restore Balance. God knowing of this plot has also begun to seek out Adamo, hoping to get to her first. He would sure well spill her blood once more across the grounds of earth and this will result in the end of Earth, and Adamo's 'Dream' of the world as it should be would be unrealized and the world would fall apart. A special angel was sent down to especially search out Adamo and assassinate her, he went by the name of Masato, but then he was changed when he finally saw Adamo. She was beautiful and so peaceful; it was hard for him to believe that she had been the cause of so much commotion in heaven. He was purified and after several days of following her, he revealed himself and told her of what he was truly sent to do. Adamo wasn?t shocked in the least, she knew that they would send angels to search for her or assassinate her, she also expected that there were demons after her as well. Adamo learned to trust Masato within a few days and soon became close friends. Now they are friends and are unafraid of the others sent to find them. When God discovered that Masato had gone to Adamo?s side, he was furious because Masato was one of his strongest and highest ranked angels in heaven. He changed the orders, asking others to seek both of them out. Then there is the Miliarto Family who has gotten involved with this resent Predicament. They searching out Adamo for protecting her from both sides, to keep the world from Ending, though they will only prove to be the ones who herald the end like other humans that get involved. Now the Search for Adamo and Masato is on, and no one truly knows or understands what?s going on. For now Free Haven is the final forefront for this battle, and everything is still the same. [B]~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/B] [COLOR=Navy]Adamo was sitting on top of a roof, her friend, Kyo the black dog was lying on her left, with his head leaning on his paws, on her right was Masato, Luther, Lucius, and Amaya. She had her knees drawn up to her chin and her arms were wrapped around her shins. It was almost dawn, and this was a ritual between them, they would always wake up and find somewhere to watch the sun rise over this place that the humans of the world called Earth. The old Earth used to be much better, with more plants, not these mechanised places they called cities. "It's sad isn't it?" she whispered quietly, her tealish-blue eyes watched the glowing orb emerge from the water horizon. The others all nodded and made their small agreements. Adamo was glad to have her friends with her, she didn't know what she would do without them. They continued to sit there as the sun rose, lighting up the city of Free Haven, then they saw it come to life as the people started to begin the day's work. Adamo released her shins and straightened her legs, she stood and the others began to get up. "Come, we have to continue to work out the plan to revert Earth to how it used to be." Adamo said, running her hand through her chestnut brown locks. Adamo watched as the others opened their wings, and wished that she still had hers. She whistled to Kyo and he stood, wagging his small tail and panting. They climbed off the roof and entered the house below, it belonged to them, which they had bought a while after they arrived in the Free Haven. They walked into the lounge and Adamo lay on the carpet, Kyo lay beside her again, and the others took chairs or sat on the carpet too. "I hope there'll be more people that will join us. We'll need more help if we're going to suceed with this plan." Adamo sighed.[/COLOR] [B] OOC:[/B] I know this isn't the best starting post and it's short, but I can't really think straight because I'm tired, so I apologize for that. And I decided not to post anything with Lust yet, I'll let [B]Neuvoxetere[/B] go before me so I know what's going on, unless she doesn't post for a while. If you're with me from this post, then post about a conversation or something. I only put the peole that said they've already met me in their Bios, I didn't include those whom said that they were searching for her. Those who are against me can post about you with others that are against, or searching, or getting assigned to look for me. I dunno, it's really up to you, just as long as it goes with everything else.
[COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Aria Kaze [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Realm:[/B] Princess of the Fairy Realm. [B]Weapon:[/B] A [url=http://www.kultofathena.com/images/horus_sil_l.jpg]Dagger[/url] and [url=http://www.concentric.net/~stircraz/XL-723.jpg]Twin Blades[/url] which can be put together to be a staff like in the pic, which is how she usually carries them. The wood of the staff has an ancient fairy script carved into it. [B]Appearance:[/B] Aria has medium length chestnut brown hair that ends at her shoulders with bangs that fall in front of her face. Her eyes are a mixture of bluey-grey which gives it a stormy look. She usually just wears a pair of loose, baggy navy blue pants and a tight pale blue and white tunic. Her wings are sparkly and are coloured pale blue. [B]Personality:[/B] Aria is a strange girl, as the holder of the Medallion of Wind, her mood is unpredictable and she can have violent mood swings at times. Her mood usually depends on the weather, when it's cold, windy and wet, she's happiest, but she hates it when the weather's hot and humid, because there usually isn't wind. But despite that, she's usually very calm and collected unless something angers her. [B]Weakness:[/B] Aria's weakness is her fear for large fires, because she was once caught in a fire when she was very young. [B]Bio:[/B] Aria was born normally, like any other fairy. Her father was King of the Fairy Realm, and her mother sat beside him as his queen. Her father had always had a feeling that she was somewhat special and he discovered that when she had caused a tornado when she was throwing a fit as a baby. Her parents decided to get the best magician that lived in their Realm to teach her and she grew up with regular classes that would last several hours each, but Aria didn't mind, she loved her lessons. As she grew older she became more interested in the different realms, and her powers, to get her to slow with her studies, her parents gave her a [url=http://img.musiciansfriend.com/dbase/pics/products/46/462108.jpg]crystal flute[/url], and Aria got right into it, and played it constantly. When she reached the age of 16, her father passed down the Medallion of Wind, deciding that she was ready to possess it, and told her to take care of it, Aria swore she would and always wears it. [B]Magic:[/B] Wind Control/Manipulation - Aria can create gusts, tornados, wind blasts etc. [B]Medallion:[/B] Wind[/COLOR]