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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [COLOR=Navy]Kari was balancing on a branch, she was looking around for any signs of her companions, her right hand was holding a wooden staff that was really twin blades, and her dagger that she always carried was tucked into her belt . She saw a glint of colour flash through the sky and she placed two of her fingers to her mouth and let out a loud, high pitched bird call that sounded like an eagle. Kari held her arm out as she saw the flash of colour flying toward her and the bird landed on her outstretched limb, digging her talons in lightly. "Did you find it, Larka?" Kari asked the bird. ["I'm afraid I didn't, perhaps Fell had better luck than I."] she replied through their telepathic link. They noticed a black shadow dash across the forest floor, then came to a halt beneath the tree Kari was in. "Did [I]you[/I] find it, Fell?" Kari queried. the jet black wolf replied. "Alright, let's go then, we'll just have to guess. Unless Kerma finds it." Kari sighed, jumping from the tree. As Kari fell, Larka opened her wings and soared into the sky, wheeling above them. Kari straightened from the landing position and bent slightly to rub Fell's ears. They walked through the undergrowth of the forest, they had been walking around for three days, after they left their community home. It was late afternoon and they'd been searching for the exit of the forest for two days. There was a faint sound of beating wings and a girl with wings flapped in front of Kari and Fell. She was a pretty girl, with crystal blue eyes and chestnut coloured hair. Her wings sparkled and they were ocean blue. "Kerma the Light Faerie, did you find the exit?" Kari asked. [B]"Indeed I did, but you must hurry, the reason I found the exit is because a village near the forest has been flattened by demons, the smell of death pollutes the usually clean air of the forest. The demons have already moved on to the next village."[/B] Kerma reported. "Then let's go!" Kari said, breaking out into a run. Running along the ground wasn't her favourite thing to do, so she clambered up a tree and started to jump through the trees. Fell rushed along the floor, and Kerma and Larka flew above, guiding them to the exit.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry if the post is bad, couldn't really think of much.
  2. [COLOR=Navy]I like most of the names that people have come up with. So far the main ones I like are Harmony, Dissonance, Viscosity, Hope Within, 8 Shadows, Orphic Aces and Shadowed Integrity. Like I said, I like most of them. I think the main reason I like them are because they don't particularly lean toward either gender. BTW: If I don't post in here or the RP, it's because I can't think of anything. (I get constant writer's block -.-;)[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Hikari "Kari" Kaze [B]Age:[/B] 22 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] Kari has medium length dark brown hair that ends at her shoulders with bangs that fall in front of her face. Her eyes are a mixture of bluey-grey which gives it a stormy look. She usually just wears a pair of loose, baggy navy blue pants and a tight pale blue and white tunic. [B]History:[/B] Kari was born into a small tight community that lived in the center of a forest. The people there were plant and leaf harvesters, that plucked leaves from trees and plants and made them into balms, potions and other healing items. Kari loved their forest, because there were so many animals present that she could play with. In the center of their small community of huts in the trees, is a small shrine that is dedicated to the gods and goddesses of light, whenever she wasn't with the animals or working, she would go there to pray and to serve there, the people that ran it were used to having her around and were glad to have her around, since they were old. One day when she was 12, she was playing with animals when she heard a boom and felt a rumble. Kari ran home and saw that the community were trying to stop some people from cutting down the trees, which was the boom she had heard. Kari watched as more trees fell, she finally snapped when she heard the sound of one of her animal friends being squished beneath one of the fallen logs. She cried out and summoned Kerma the Light Faerie. She came to rescue the forest and drove the loggers away, then she lifted the log that had crushed Kari's friend. The rabbit got better eventually, but whenever there's a storm, he's always the first to know because a tremble runs through his body. [B]Element:[/B] Light [B]Elemental Partner:[/B] Kerma the Light Faerie [B]Weapons:[/B] A [url=http://www.kultofathena.com/images/horus_sil_l.jpg]Dagger[/url] and [url=http://www.concentric.net/~stircraz/XL-723.jpg]Twin Blades[/url] which can be put together to be a staff like in the pic, which is how she usually carries them. The wood of the staff has an unknown ancient script carved in it. [B]Skills:[/B] Talking to Animals, She can create a ball of light in her hands just for light, She's flexible/graceful - acrobatic, gymnastic, stealthy. [B]Spells:[/B] - Light Magic, eg. Holy, Beams of Light, Light Blasts, Sun Flares, etc. - She charges her sword with light magic and attacks that way. [B]Companions:[/B] Fell the Jet Black Wolf, and Larka the strange coloured eagle.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Navy]Hmmm....I don't know what we should call the band, maybe something that stands for the whole group? Like Harmony...But I dunno, I've never been good and coming up with names. *shrugs* just ignore me if you want...[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Navy]Ariana got out of bed and she cursed as she saw what time it was. She was late for a band audition, she continually cursed as she got ready. Aria changed into her usual outfit and grabbed her brush off the table. She parted her hair down the center with it and straightened the rest of her hair, checking herself quickly she picked up her thin hard guitar case and rushed out of the bedroom door. She saw walked along the wooden floorboards until she reached the staircase. Aria lifted her guitar case and decided to slide down the banister. Aria entered the kitchen and said a 'Hi, bye!' to her parents and rushed out the front door, slamming the door behind her. Aria lifted the garage door and looked at her two different modes of transport, there was her [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=12824]Suzuki Hayabusa[/url] and her [URL=http://www.j-team.co.kr/img/item/NISSAN%20350Z%20BLUE%2078.jpg]Nissan 350Z[/URL]. She decided to take her bike since she was late and picked up the helmet that was sitting on the seat. She opened the top bump section near the handles and slid the case deep in so it sat securely there. Aria sat and searched her pockets for the keys, slotting the thin piece of metal into the keyhole and turning it clockwise. She listened as the engine purred and put on the helmet, sliding the visor down. Then she kicked up the stand and hit the gas, shooting off with a rumble. She hurried through the streets, trying to get to the warehouse as fast as possible. She saw the building ahead and saw several cars parked out front. Aria pulled into one of the empty spots and turned off the engine, flicking the stand down again. She pushed the helmet off and surveyed the area as she ran her fingers through her hair. She stood and retrieved her case from inside the hatch. Aria tucked her helmet under her arm and walked into the warehouse. She walked in just as another girl finished playing a song on her bass guitar. Everyone turned to look at her and she put down her guitar case. One girl commented on the one who had finished playing and she moved away, then that one girl looked at her. "Uh, hi. I'm Ariana, but don't call me that, only my parents do, the name's Aria." she said. "I'm Malcolm, what do you do?" the girl said. "I play the electric guitar," she said, waving to the case. "and I sing harmony." Aria opened the case and brought out her black electric guitar. She slipped the strap over her head and settled it. "Say, can I borrow your amp?" Aria asked the bassist. "Sure, go ahead." she answered. Aria plugged the chord in and tuned it quickly. She reached into her pocket and retrieved her special pick with a wolf head on it. She started to strum "Bring me to Life" by Evanescense and she sung the harmony part, then she smoothly switched to "Every Single Day" by Rob Mills, and finished with "Accidently in Love", showing her different ranges and types that she played and sung. Aria hung on to the last note and then her stormy bluey-grey eyes locked with Malcolm's brown orbs. "How'd I do?" she asked, cradling her guitar.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] I couldn't really think of any songs with good guitar parts in it.
  6. [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry I'm not playing a guy, if I did, I'd really suck at it. If anything needs to be changed then let me know. [COLOR=Navy] [B]Name:[/B] Ariana, prefers Aria [B]Stage Name:[/B] Storm [B]Instrument:[/B] Aria's the lead [url=http://crazymusic.com/shopping/images/Tempest_Custom.gif]electric guitar[/url] player and she usually sings the harmony for the songs. She also plays the flute but doesn't use it for the band. She's been playing both instruments for 10 years and has been singing for 12. [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] Aria has medium length dark brown hair that ends at her shoulders with bangs that fall in front of her face. Her eyes are a mixture of bluey-grey which gives it a stormy look, resulting in her stage name. Aria doesn't care about the latest fashion trends because she always wears the same articles of clothing, a blue, durable, waterproof, hooded jacket open with a white top inside and navy blue cargo pants with pockets at the top(regular place for pockets) and near the knees and blue and white sneakers. Calouses cover the tips of her fingers from playing the guitar, and she always carries her personal pick everywhere, it's glossy black with a silver wolf head. [B]Personality:[/B] Aria's the one that gets along with everyone. She likes to help members of the band in any way she can, and she especially helps Amber with chords. Her closest friend in the group is Alex, because they've known each other for a while and understand each other. Everyone around her interests her because of their different opinions and personalities so she likes to make friends so she can explore them.[/COLOR]
  7. [B]OOC:[/B] [U][B]Neuvoxetere[/B][/U] and I have come up with something called the [U]7 Satans, like the 7 Deadly Sins[/U]. If you want to sign up for it, it's first come first serve, but the powers and personality is decided by [U][B]Neuvoxetere[/B][/U]. Everyone's welcome to play two characters, or more if they wish, I'll just need to be sure that you can handle them if you take more than 2. Please invite friends to join or anyone that you think will be interested. [COLOR=Navy] [B]Name:[/B] Lust [B]Age:[/B] 1586 [B]Race:[/B] Lust of the 7 Satans [Demon] [B]Weapon:[/B] The Dagger in the attachment and the weapon in the other one. [B]Power:[/B] Lust possesses one of the strongest and most powerful. She is able to control that of a person's emotions, making them want more, making them become a bit...sensual. Lust controls the power of persuasion on all levels. She turns pure hearts impure and impure hearts into sinful desires. A dangerous power that Lust possesses is the ability to take a piece of a mortal's soul, a piece of their sinful desire, and grow stronger and younger. [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=16509]Here[/url], just add some black wings to her back. [B]Personality:[/B] One of sadness and pain, she does not know true love. Because of this sorrow, Lust despises those who have felt true love. She tries hard to crush and break the human heart, yet fails to see that it is only she that is crushed. At times, her want for love will blind her and in doing so, she pains even more. Yet, she is a well respected demon and acts as Melanira's right hand demon. She is determined and well-minded enough to protect Melanira from harm. Lust is calm and tranquil, but will battle beside Melanira when the time comes. [B]History:[/B] Lust is the highest of the 7 Satans, and mainly only listens to Melanira and rarely others that are in higher positions. The 7 Satans are a turn on the 7 Deadly Sins, each of them are named after one of those sins and have attributes that connect them to that sin. In Lust's case, she usually conceal much skin and her personality and powers are connected. [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Navy]Hey everyone! Everyone has been accepted so far. And if anyone wants to question [B]Takuya[/B] and [B]Neuvoxetere[/B], then don't, because they both consulted me on their sign ups(like usual) and I let them(like usual). I'm hoping this will start soon, but I've yet to hear a reply from Lrb, so it may be a while, I hope none of you mind the wait. For new characters that haven't already chosen, could I possibly get some more angels? And some more people on the enemy side? Alright, thanks a lot for signing up. ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
  9. [B]OOC:[/B] I don?t know what the ages are to let someone pilot a Zoid, so I made them up in the Biography, let me know if you want them changed. [COLOR=Navy][U][I]Character[/I][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Aria Kaze [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Appearance:[/B] [url= http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21157]Here[/url](The Bigger Girl). She usually wears a blue, durable, waterproof, hooded jacket open with a white top inside and navy blue cargo pants with pockets at the top(regular place for pockets) and near the knees and blue and white sneakers. [B]Personality:[/B] Aria is a kind and caring person, she especially likes to make friends. Though she?s very competitive and will go to extreme measures to win a competition or battle, but she?ll hardly ever break the rules, or at least not on purpose. She?s a very determined and stubborn person, sometimes she thinks it?s a good and bad thing. Aria is strong minded, she never gives up and doesn?t like to admit defeat. She?s a quick thinker and solves problems quickly, especially logical puzzles. She can easily keep a cool head in a heated argument, but she can also have a quick temper. Aria is very quick, flexible, acrobatic, and gymnastic. Aria loves piloting her Zoid and wouldn?t give up her career as a Zoid pilot for anything. She takes good care of her Slash Liger and doesn?t like any harm coming to it. [B]Pilot Ranking:[/B] [This?ll be based on all the sign-ups so leave it blank for now] [B]Z.B.C Registration Number:[/B] ZRN-34516-AC [B]Biography/Personal History:[/B] Aria?s father was a well known pilot and was famous for his control of his Blade Liger. As Aria grew older, she loved listening to tales that her father told her of his piloting, and the excitement of being in a cockpit. From the moment he told her the feel of piloting a large machine like a Zoid, she couldn?t wait until she herself could proudly climb into a cockpit of Zoid that she called her own. Aria and her mother used to watch every one of her father?s Zoid battles, either live or on TV. They cheered him on happily from wherever they were, until that day that changed their lives. When Aria was 10, her father?s team were locked in a battle, when one of the opponents? Zoids hit her father?s Zoid hard, aiming for the cockpit. The attack broke through and hit her father. The other team was disqualified and penalised. Aria?s father was rushed to hospital and he was put in emergency. Herself and her mother hurried to the hospital and the doctor said that he wouldn?t be able to pilot a Zoid again, and would have some permanent scars that wouldn?t allow him to do quite a number of things he used to. Her father?s Blade Liger was dropped off at the house, and Aria decided to ask her mother if she could fix it up, since it was mainly only the cockpit window that needed to be replaced. They replaced the part and fixed some of the scratches, and it was good as new. But Aria wasn?t allowed to pilot it yet, since she was too young. Aria?s parents put her through gymnastic and acrobatic classes; she graduated both at the top of her classes. The two courses, on top of her regular schooling, took 2 years. She was 12, and she was allowed to pilot a Zoid for the first time. Aria would always sit in the cockpit, but when she was able, she actually made it move, and she was overjoyed, her father?s tales had been true, there really was a feeling of power when you piloted a Zoid. When she was 15, she was allowed to officially get a registration number and get her own Zoid, to pilot in Zoid battles. Aria was happy beyond words and was even happier when her parents revealed her birthday present, which was the Slash Liger that she uses and treasures. As Aria grew more experienced, she added some modifications but she?s very happy with her Zoid. When she found out about the competition that they were naming Z.S.S. she wanted in straight away and couldn?t wait, being as competitive as she is. [U][I]Zoid[/I][/U] [B]Type:[/B] Slash Liger [B]Top speed:[/B] 320km per hour [B]Appearance:[/B] See attachment [B]Height:[/B] 14.6 metres [B]Length:[/B] 27 metres [B]Weapons:[/B] Trinity Impact Cannon, Hardened Alloy Laser Blades, Hardened Alloy Tail Blade, Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth [B]Special Abilities:[/B] Frontal Force Shield, Blade Attack, High Intensity Force Shield, High Intensity Blade Attack. [B]Support Systems:[/B] Live Wire, Strike Laser Claw[/COLOR]
  10. [B]OOC:[/B] [U][B]Vicky[/B][/U], am I right in thinking that you're with me? If Lrb doesn't post his character by the time I decide to start, I'll post a sign up and play him as a NPC unless someone takes it during some point in time, but this is [U][I][B]IF[/B][/I][/U]. Also, I'll be creating an Underground thread soon so watch out for it. And do you think I should do anything to tell posts apart like Post Colours? Or maybe Backgrounds if I can get someone to make some or something =S...? [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Adamo [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Race:[/B] Fallen Angel in a Mortal Host. [B]Weapon:[/B] A [B][URL=http://www.kultofathena.com/images/horus_sil_l.jpg]Dagger[/URL][/B] and [B][URL=http://www.concentric.net/~stircraz/XL-723.jpg]Twin Blades[/URL][/B] which can be put together to be a staff like in the pic, which is how she usually carries them. The wood of the staff has angelic script carved in it. [B]Power:[/B] Adamo has the power of healing, like the other angels and demons. She prefers offensive powers to defensive. Her offensive powers consist of attacks using the elements, her main power being Wind, but they're all mostly equal in strength, which is higher than any of the other angels, but weaker than God's to her disappointment. The power of these attacks vary greatly, depending on if she really wants to hurt whoever it is, or if she's angry. [B]Appearance:[/B] [B][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21157]Here[/URL][/B][The bigger girl]. She usually wears a blue, durable, waterproof, hooded jacket open with a white top inside and navy blue cargo pants with pockets at the top(regular place for pockets) and near the knees and blue and white sneakers. She also has a [B][URL=http://kisa.kun.free.fr/Astro/chara_shigure2.gif]Dog[/URL][/B] friend that follows her everywhere and can also fight in a way, named Kyo [Explained in History]. [B]Personality:[/B] Adamo is nice and loves having friends, she especially enjoys to hang around with Masato, Luther and the others that joined her. She likes to show a tough exterior to others, but she's like everyone else if you get to know her, she just doesn't open up to strangers. Adamo is angry that God refuses to change the world to how it was, because it was better and more peaceful as it was, not the mechanised world that everyone lived in now, she's still stubborn about defying him and she wants to face him again in another battle to try to revert the world. Adamo is strong minded and never admits defeat, even when she's lost. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. She can easily keep a cool head in a heated argument, but she can also have a quick temper. Her best skill is her talent with computers and anything electronic since she's gotten used to it after living in a mortal host. Adamo's very stealthy, flexible and acrobatic and gymnastic and has been since she was an angel. [B]History:[/B] Adamo was sent down to earth, encased in a mortal host, she was distressed since she'd lost her wings, but then she was happy, since she wouldn't have to see God. She decided to come up with a plan as how to face him in another battle. She couldn't believe that he wouldn't revert the earth to how it used to be, she thought he wanted them to be happy, not lazy. Adamo's happy that some of the angels and demons have decided to join her, she couldn't do it alone, especially with the others that were after her. Strangely enough she also has a [B][URL=http://kisa.kun.free.fr/Astro/chara_shigure2.gif]Dog[/URL][/B] friend that follows her everywhere and can also fight in a way. He started following her when she travelled through a small fishing town, before she arrived at Free Haven and before she met Masato. Adamo decided to name him Kyo. He and Masato are her very best friends on earth, along with the others that joined her. [Other bits of the History is in my first post.][/COLOR]
  11. [FONT=Verdana][U][B]OOC:[/B][/U] I?ve been meaning to post this RP for a long time now, just haven?t had the time, and I decided to create Legend of the Eight Dogs first. This is a more thoroughly planned out RP than my other one, and hopefully it will fair better than the other one. [COLOR=Navy][B][CENTER]Angelique Resurrection The City of Free Haven[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] The City of Free Haven is a large ocean side place with a large dock. It spans across a large area divided into four districts. The city's area is vast and endless, and it had been brought up as one of the biggest cities in the world thanks to the ever famed Milarto family who work their business known as Malachant Industries. It is full of all sorts of business that scatter it?s four districts and it?s a melting pot of cultures, and spiritual beliefs. Its four Districts are just cleverly named after the four cardinal directions; The Southern District, the Western District, the Northern District and the Eastern District. With each district having various things located within their individual areas. Southern District is a large business heavy area fully of large and small districts and home to a lot of apartment buildings. The Northern District and Western District are full of houses and duplexes having some few self owned businesses such as restaurants, cafe's and photography studios there, the mall is also located in the northern district. Then the Eastern District is the area of the Docks were a lot of ware houses are located along and a lot of bad news people hang out at. Then the center of the city has the several buildings belonging to the founding family the Miliarto Family and their business Malachant Industries, they being the leaders of the city, and the largest business owners within the location. The industries mainly work on various items from pharmaceuticals, and simple toys for children. There is nothing this family owned business doesn't deal in. The City itself is overall peaceful with a low crime rate, and friendly people, but slowly does the destruction of buildings take place when the Wars of The Holy Rebellion are thickening these days. No one who is outside the sides of heaven and hell know anything about what is going on. [COLOR=Navy][B][CENTER]The Wars of the Holy Rebellion[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] During the Demon-Angelus Wars the King of Hell had been killed by the forces of heaven, in which heaven now ruled all and the war had finally ended, but when this war had ended the darker energies and chaos of the world had no where to go. Slowly with this imbalance God himself had been corrupted and slowly did the Angels and the left over Demons notice this. Some ignored it being highly loyal to him, where others wouldn't. One Angel, the most powerful of them even if she wasn't an Archangel, Adamo had sought to challenge the powers of God and faced off with him in final fight to free the balance, and recreate the world to a place of balance and prosperity once again. Though Adamo had lost and was condemned to spending a life on earth trapped within a Mortal Vessel. Now has begun the Holy Rebellion. What angels had been on the side of Adamo and loved her so, had left Heaven and come to Earth, siding with the Demons that were left over from the Demon-Angelus Wars. They are now seeking out the powers of Adamo to destroy God and Heaven to restore Balance. God knowing of this plot has also begun to seek out Adamo, hoping to get to her first. He would sure well spill her blood once more across the grounds of earth and this will result in the end of Earth, and Adamo's 'Dream' of the world as it should be would be unrealized and the world would fall apart. A special angel was sent down to especially search out Adamo and assassinate her, he went by the name of Masato, but then he was changed when he finally saw Adamo. She was beautiful and so peaceful; it was hard for him to believe that she had been the cause of so much commotion in heaven. He was purified and after several days of following her, he revealed himself and told her of what he was truly sent to do. Adamo wasn?t shocked in the least, she knew that they would send angels to search for her or assassinate her, she also expected that there were demons after her as well. Adamo learned to trust Masato within a few days and soon became close friends. Now they are friends and are unafraid of the others sent to find them. When God discovered that Masato had gone to Adamo?s side, he was furious because Masato was one of his strongest and highest ranked angels in heaven. He changed the orders, asking others to seek both of them out. Then there is the Miliarto Family who has gotten involved with this resent Predicament. They searching out Adamo for protecting her from both sides, to keep the world from Ending, though they will only prove to be the ones who herald the end like other humans that get involved. Now the Search for Adamo and Masato is on, and no one truly knows or understands what?s going on. For now Free Haven is the final forefront for this battle, and everything is still the same. [COLOR=Navy][CENTER][B]Character Creation[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] Characters can be Demons, Angels and Mortal. I shall limit the number of Demons and Angels, no PC bad guys shall be accepted. Human Characters only have limited power, and I don't want everyone having the same kind of power or for that matter everyone having powerful powers. Only Angels and Demons, with the exception of Adamo's human vessel, have Adamo's gift of Healing. I will base this RP a bit more on Character Development then plot Development. I want to see what people's characters will turn out over the course of the RP itself, so don't expect the plot to be fast paced. There will be Narrator posts I will do to Move the NPCs along the story line also whenever I see a necessary point to make one. Notes on Different Character Types: Demons - The Demons are working along those Angel's who chose to come to Earth to get Adamo. They usually having destructive powers to some minor or major degree. Each one having its own set area in expertise, like pyrokinetics, and the like, mainly their powers can be attack only. Angels - The Angels that had come upon Earth to find Adamo and set the world straight to her dream and vision to cleanse the world of the evil that has been caste down upon it. They have calm and gentle powers if they have attack powers they are usually mild, and not powerful. Mortals - They have very limited powers, exception is Adamo's Vessel, they are well Mortals. They know nothing of the war being waged across the earth. They though if involved in the war have high fighting power and are experienced fighters or in some field useful to any of the sides. [U]I will be playing the part of Adamo, and Lrb is to be Masato.[/U] I want an equal amount of Demons, Angels, and Mortals. If I think there?s too much of one race, I may ask for some people to switch or play two characters. Here is the Character Creation Sheet: Name: [Obviously what your character is known as.] Age: [Ranging from 13-70 for mortals, 100?s and 1000?s for angels and demons] Race: [Demon, Angel, Mortal] Weapon: [Max of 2] Power: [Look in the Character Type section] Appearance: [Picture or very detailed description] Personality: [I want sentences, not just words to describe how your character acts. Needed so that people know how to use your character and how to present them.] History: [Angels and Demons will be dependant if they decide to join Adamo and Masato, or go against them. If against, you have to explain what you?ve been told to do and your life before that etc. For those experienced, you may even want to put what your past life was about, before you died. If you choose to go with, then you must say why you decided so. Demons that want to be good will definitely have a lot of explaining to do. Mortals will just be your life, then what you?ve heard about this war thing. You may have seen Adamo and Masato on the news or in real life. Mainly up to you. I?ll let you know for changes.] [U]I?ll post my sign up later.[/U] [COLOR=Navy][CENTER][B]Rules[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] 1. Treat all people with respect, no one is to be insulted OOC at any point in this RP. 2. Killing off of a character must be talked about via PM first between killer, and the one being killed. If it is by me, as the story teller, I reserve all right to revoke this rule if I see necessary to do so. [COLOR=Red]Once your character is dead, they are dead unless I PM you with something stating otherwise.[/COLOR] 3. Description is a Plus, though you don't need long full scale posts. Write in the first or third person, either or is fine by me as long as no confusion is stirred as to what you are posting. 4. No fast progression of the plot will be accepted. You must, and I mean must keep in time with the plot and not speed it up just because you are bored. Like I said this is based a lot on Character Development, and Plot Development based upon the actions of the characters and what they are like shall the Plot be progressed. 5. Um, No modding, no cheating...and all that other basic RP stuff one should already know. 6. Try to keep OOC posts to a minimum. If you need to talk about something, please do it over PM, and no ?That post was so great!?, thanks.[/FONT]
  12. [COLOR=Navy]Mizu ran out of the classroom door as soon as the bell went off, she stopped at her locker to drop some books that she didn't need off, and then she sped off down the halls. Mizu burst through the doors of the school and vaulted the steps. She looked across the street to Angel's Cafe, she couldn't wait to discuss this thing with the others. She unconsciously lifted a hand and touched it to her forehead where she knew the sign of Neptune was glowing. She shifted her bag and looked left and right before crossing the street. She entered the cafe and saw Jacob standing behind the counter, Mizu grinned at him and made her way over. "Hey Jake!" Mizu said bouncing in front of him. "Hey Mizu." Jacob smiled, she was like a sister to him. "Are the others here yet?" Mizu asked. "Chloe, Arora, Sarah, and a new girl are in the usual spot." "That must be Ailiyah. Can you send me down a normal?" Mizu asked. "Yeah yeah, it'll be there in a tick." Jacob answered. "Thanks! I'll seeya later." Mizu said, hugging him oddly from around the counter, then she ran off toward the back room that they usually sat in. "Hey guys!" Mizu called as she entered the room. They all replied with Hi, Mizu said hi to Ailiyah again and took a seat next to Chloe. "So everyone has the signs?" Mizu asked, pointing to her forehead. "Yup." everyone replied, showing their signs too. Jacob then entered the room with a glass of lemonade and handed it to Mizu, she thanked him, and he nodded to the others and left. "Are the others going to get here soon?" Mizu asked, taking a sip from the glass.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Navy]"What's that?" she asked, looking at it curiously. "It's a little device that I got, kinda handy, because it has a map." Cael answered, showing it to her. "Alright, I'll talk to you later." she said, riding back to join Prynn. "That was great!" Reese exclaimed, bouncing in her saddle, making the chocobo squawk in protest. Reese calmed down and apologised to her mount. "Yes, I'm very happy that we finally accomplished a double summoning. It was very well done." Prynn said, smiling at his student. "And we summoned Odin! Which is the most powerful that we know at the moment! Isn't it amazing?!" Reese said happily. "We will practise it more, and hopefully we will establish a new Double Summon for us. But you'll have to be dedicated." Prynn lectured. "Prynn! I'm always dedicated to my summoning studies." Reese pouted. "I wasn't indicating that you aren't, my dear student." Prynn said grinning. Reese made a 'hmph' noise and slapped him on the arm, then she rode off to talk to someone else. Prynn watched his student and chuckled lightly.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Not the best post I've made but yeah, it's still a post.
  14. [COLOR=Navy]Aria had made small comments, not really knowing what to do because she had never been chased before. She watched as the helicopter suddenly burst into flames, a fire show in the sky. The people sitting inside leaped from the cabin, some with their clothes ablaze. They landed somewhere in the corn field and she couldn't see them anymore. Aria looked back to the sky, there were still a few other helicopters hovering. Someone inside one of them was shouting something to them through a megaphone, but they couldn't hear it over the loud chopping sounds of the propeller blades. She looked around to see if anyone else was going to do something about the remaining choppers, the problem was a lot of the other gifted students' powers weren't offensive. She looked around for a student and spotted him quickly. Aria walked briskly over to him and whispered something in his ear. Reis looked at her, then nodded in agreement. "Now." Aria said. Reis looked at the helicopter that was closest to them, and ice started to cover the blades that were keeping it suspended. Aria narrowed her eyes at it, and strong winds began to whisk around them, blowing the ears of corn, and the grass. Even though the blades were frozen, Aria was keeping them suspended with the power of wind, she told them that she would only hold it for 5 more seconds, and they immediately jumped out of the small cabin, then Aria dropped the large mode of transport. "Someone try to get the car working again, we'll handle the rest of the choppers." Aria said, referring to those with powers that could deal damage, even if it wasn't involved with making the helicopters fall from the sky.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Post isn't too good, couldn't really think of anything.
  15. [COLOR=Navy]Aria watched as the last two teenagers changed, Tierra became a fawn brown doe, and Shidobu morphed into a jet black panther. Jonathan stepped forward and addressed the group. "We're as ready as we can be in such a short time, now we must go and face Malachant. I have no doubt that he has already reached the castle, so we must hurry. Everyone morph into animal form, and we will be on our way." he said. Everyone nodded and started their change to animal form. Jonathan and Aria were first, becoming the two strangely coloured eagles, then Asis' Grandfather and Asis changed into their stunning black stallions, Enrai and Olen became the golden cheetahs, Lucen and his father morphed into wyverns, Sanoare and Pecura shifted into their unisus form, Eithel and Opera morphed to the wolves, Tierra and Euthalia became deers, and finally Shidobu and his teacher changed into the black shadows of panthers. ["Let's move out everyone!"] Jonathan said as he and Aria took wing, along with Lucen, his father, Sanoare, and Percura. They all left the cover of the base and headed toward the castle, with Aria in the lead, and Jonathan behind her slightly. [I]'Mother, Father, Please be safe.'[/I] she prayed.[/COLOR]
  16. [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry if I'm not posting very often, been busy. [COLOR=Navy]Aria was shy and decided to sit back. She began to drum her fingers on the table top in a simple rhythm and she started to hum quietly as she started to think of a new song that she could compose. Aria tentatively asked if anyone would mind if she played her flute, they replied with a no and she drew out a thin, long, black box with two silver clasps that held it closed. She flipped them up and the inside was lined with velvet and nestled on top was a crystal, one-piece [URL=http://img.musiciansfriend.com/dbase/pics/products/46/462108.jpg]flute[/URL](with holes like a regular flute). Aria picked the instrument up and held it fondly. She just held it in her grip for a short while as she warmed the cool crystal material. She reached into her bag again and pulled out her file. She flipped through it until she reached a plastic sleeve that was full of blank music scores. Aria pulled a sheet out and grabbed her pencil. She started to hum and started to write down music notes, soon she had four lines done. She rested her pencil on the paper and brought her instrument to her lips, placing her fingers on the holes and started to play lightly. A few of the students had stopped their conversations and watched her. When she finished she continued to write and soon enough there were two pages. Aria lifted the flute again and played through the part of the song that she had just composed. It was a stormy feeling, yet soft and soothing. To add to the feeling of her audience, she sent her power of wind out so it blew around them, rushing when her music was stormy, and calm and slow when she played gently. Aria finished and looked to the other gifted students and their teacher. They applauded and Aria blushed lightly, putting her instrument away and tucking her filled music scores back into the sleeve. "Does anyone feel that it's getting warm?" Aria questioned as she started to eat her lunch. The others murmered and nodded. Aria walked to the large window in the class and opened it, then she grabbed a fistful of air, and walked to the door. She swung it open and threw the fistful out the door. Now they could feel a steady stream of cool air blowing through the classroom. Aria sat back and enjoyed her sandwich.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Navy]Sounds great, Jokopoko! I love Zoid RPs!! And I love Survivor! If you need help you can ask, but yeah. I just have a few questions. Are the Zoids going to be organoids/organoid compatible?(depending on which series it's based off) What Zoids are going to be allowed and which are going to be banned? What limit will there be to weapons and Zoid accessories? And how are you going to get your Zoid fixed if it gets badly damaged, or won't you? Lots of questions ^^. ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Navy]I would probably sign up for it, like most of your other RPs. I think the only problem I'll have is that I know nothing about Teen Titans, because it isn't aired on TV over here, or at least not on normal TV. So I'll just have to run through a quick search probably, unless you're willing to brief me about the characters and what Teen Titans is about, and you'll have to let me off easy if I make mistakes. But yeah, sounds good. ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Navy]Aria had her arms spread, aiding her in balancing. She lowered her arms so they rested by her sides and took a breath before pushing with her feet and raising her arms above her head. She did a backwards handstand, using the beam she was balancing on to flip back to an upright position to result in a backflip. Aria backed up to the edge of the beam, she ran a few steps and did a cartwheel, then twisted into a backflip, doing two and then a series of forward flips so she ended on the opposite edge of the beam from where she started. Aria did a different combination as she returned to the other side and ended in a round-off as she flip off the edge, doing a perfect landing. A small angel creature flew over to her, holding out a towel. Aria took it from him with a word of thanks. "That was good, Aria." he said. "Your Rings are getting better, Lucemon." Aria replied, talking about the equipment that Lucemon didn't do too well in. "Thanks, my arms are kinda tired now though." Lucemon sighed. Aria and Lucemon were the two that mainly used the gym and workout room. They were natural gymnast and acrobats. "Come on, Lucemon, we gotta cool down, then we'll grab a shower." Aria said, wiping the sweat from her brow. They did some stretching and cooling down exercises and took a quick shower. Aria had changed out of her gymnastics, acrobatic, and workout outfit and into her regular clothes. She patted her lower thigh pockets on her cargos to make sure her digivice was there. She quickly ran her fingers through her hair to straighten it and to remove tangles. Aria waited for Lucemon, and he emerged from the digimon showers. His blonde hair was matted down from the water and his crystal blue eyes were gleaming with happiness. They exited the gym, workout, and shower area, intending on returning to Aria's quarters to do some reading or resting. One of the older, more experienced DIR agents saw them and stopped them. "Hey Aria, I was just looking for you. You and Lucemon are to report to Briefing Room Three." he said. "Oh really? Thanks Nick. We'd better be off then." Aria said, thanking him and going toward the room. "I wonder what's happening." Lucemon said, fluttering beside her. "Maybe we're going on a dangerous assignment." Aria said cheerily.[/COLOR]
  20. [B]OOC:[/B] Just to let you know, [This] indicates Larka(the eagle) speaking, and (This) means Fell(the wolf) is speaking. And Aria when she doesn't want to be heard replies with {This}, but the animals can understand her if she speaks normally. And Larka can understand Fell, like he can understand her. And ~This~ will be for random animals or nature. Got it? Good. [COLOR=Navy]Aria was a beast tamer, and was currently pressed against the shadows of one of the houses, she looked left and right quickly and darted to the cover of the next house. A strangely coloured eagle flew ahead and a large jet black wolf followed her, getting lost in the dark shadows. [Most of the shops are deserted, they're all listening to a man who talks of gods.] Larka said. (I think you should go to the one across from here. It is the furthest away so it will take longer for them to arrive.) Fell commented. {Larka, keep watch.} Aria told the eagle, she nodded and flew to a perch where she would be able to see lots of things. Aria could see her wings, she never knew why they were strangely coloured. Larka's left wing was a mixture of oranges, reds, and yellows, while her right wing was a combination of blues, greens, and purples. The colours clashed in the middle of her tail, whilst her body and head were normal. Both wings had striped markings on them. Aria and Fell dashed into the small shop and Aria took her bag off her shoulder. {Guard the door.} Aria told the black creature. He nodded and slunk to stand beside the door frame. Aria started to grab items that she would need, she grabbed lots of food items and some utensils that she didn't already have. She did up her bag and quickly slung it over her shoulder, and dropped a few coins on the counter, it was way below the cost of the items, but she could have left nothing. {Alright, let's go.} Aria said, walking to the door and out. Fell stepped in behind her, and Larka swooped in to land on her shoulder. [There is a loud commotion, lots of people are chasing two others.] Larka told them. {It doesn't matter, perhaps then they'll know what it's like to be like me.} Aria said scornfully. Aria hated her life, but loved it at the same time. She hated it because no one liked Beast tamers, except a rare few, only because they could talk to animals. Whenever they needed supplies, they would sneak into a town and steal them, though Aria would usually leave a few coins as she did. She loved it because she would never give up her ability to talk to animals and nature. Fell and Larka was her best and only friends and had been with her since she was a child, because they were the animals that she talked to that made everyone hate her. They escaped from the town and headed back to where they were currently staying, which was a small clearing surrounded by a few trees. Aria put the bag down and lay on the soft grass. She heard the light beating and knew that Larka had taken to her perch, and a yawn, which meant Fell had lay down next to her, as he always did. Aria reached a hand down and stroked his head. He soon fell asleep, but she continued to stare at the sky.[/COLOR]
  21. [B]OOC:[/B] Who's the man? I didn't end it because I don't know what you want to do with this. [COLOR=Navy]Aria broke her crystal blue eyes away from his entrancing emeralds and focussed her gaze on the counter. Her trembling hands tightened around the cool material of her crystal flute. "No, they're much more beautiful than I." Aria replied nervously, her cheeks tinted pink. "I find that hard to believe." he said, focussing on her face. "Aria! I can't find the muscle ache stuff!" Kamui called, just in time to save Aria from replying to the man. "I-I'm coming! Excuse me." she said, standing up off her stool and rushing to the back. Aria walked around the shelves in the back and clashed with Kamui. "Hey Aria, what's wrong? You're blushing." Kamui commented. "It's that man, he has...a way with words..." Aria said, searching through a section of shelves, then she found a bottle of liquid, and a jar of some sort of cream. Aria took both of the items and headed back into the main shop, when she was at the door, she saw that the man was staring at the door. Aria swallowed and walked back to where she had been sitting. The man straightened and stretched his arms, he had been in the same position for quite a while, she could tell as the way his muscles were tense. "This bottle is a potion, you have 5 doses in the bottle, a lid full when you need it, just no more than two per day. The jar is a cream that should dull and slowly heal your muscle aches in time, there's a lot in there and you apply it to the area whenever you need to." Aria said, setting the bottle and jar between them.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Navy]Aria had watched five of the other teenagers learn their attacks and morph into their beast form. She was most in awe of Lucen as a Wyvern, and Sanoare as a Unisus. She was surprised at Opera becoming a large wolf, Enrai's beautiful golden cheetah, and Asis' large black stallion. Aria had sensed the crackling in the air when Enrai had released his Thunder Coil at her, and had quickly jumped out of its way and grabbed her grandfather's arm for balance. She started to think about all of their attacks and how they would be useful. Opera's Mist would be very good for quick escapes and covers, and they could also put magic dampeners inside the mist to stop anyone that happened to have magic, not be able to use their gifts. Aria watched her grandfather talking to the adults that had finished their training with their teens. "We must hurry, we don't know how long it will be before Malachant arrives at the palace." Jonathan said. "Yes, there are still two children left for training, Tierra and Shidobu." Olen the elder added. "I just pray that they are fast learners." Eithel sighed. "As do we all....As do we all..." Jonathan muttered.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Navy]Mizu was curled up under her blankets, sleep felt so good... "Mizu!" a call came through her door. Mizu groaned and answered. "What is it, Mum?" she yawned. "Hurry up and get ready, you're going to be late for school!" her mother replied. Mizu sat up and rubbed her eyes, she looked at her clock and quickly jumped out of bed, her mother was right, she would be late. She hurriedly changed into her school uniform, brushed her teeth, did her hair, and shoved her school books into her bag. She flung open the bedroom door and rushed downstairs where she snatched a piece of toast with eggs on top from her father's plate. "Sorry, I gotta go! Bye Mum, bye Dad!" she called. Mizu looked at her watch and started to slow down, she would be in time for school after all. She opened the garage and spotted her own [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=10412]motorbike[/URL](but the white/light silver is replaced by blue.) She put her helmet on and sat down. She kicked the stand up and revved the engine. She pushed down the visor and sped off down the street. When she arrived at school, she parked it in the student garage, turning off the engine and resting her helmet on the seat. She headed for the main building and spotted one of her friends. "Chloe, wait up!" she called, running toward her. Chloe turned around and they walked into the building together, because they had the same class.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Navy]I'm quite happy that this RP's back. I don't really remember where we stopped at. I posted in the RP Thread, although I don't know what Double Summon Reese and Prynn are summoning. I guess it's up to you Domon. I'm trying to find the Recruitment thread but it seems to have disappeared somewhere....Ah, I found it. So the Double can either be Odin, Magus Sisters, Phoenix or Madeen. I think by my post it kinda leans toward Odin. Yeah, I also got two other wyverns to appear, I don't know why, but the last sentence in your post kinda indicated that more wyverns were supposed to appear or something. ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Navy]Aria had been annoyed greatly when Mr. Hast had yelled at them to get out of his office, and called them freaks. It wasn't their fault that they had gotten these strange new powers. It wasn't even their choice, so why was everyone discriminating them for something that was out of their control? It's the same as if someone was born deaf or blind, did that person choose to be that way? Aria pondered all of these thoughts as she made her way to the new classroom, just following the air streams of those that were far in front of her. Aria sighed as she walked through a particular hallway that held many memories for her. It was the one in which she had first bumped into another girl, who then became her bestfriend. Her eyes became watery as she started to think about the rest of her school life. She wasn't allowed to communicate with the other students anymore, like the rest of the 'special' students. Aria blinked rapidly, getting rid of the tears that threatened to roll down her cheeks. Aria approached the door for the classroom that held the others and opened it, stepping through. The others were there and she looked for a seat. She spotted a spare seat next to the girl called Hunter and decided to walk over. "Can I sit here?" she asked the sitting girl. Hunter's eyes scanned over her and she just shrugged. Aria sat and placed her bag on the ground next to the table. "Hi, I'm Aria." she introduced. "Hunter." was all the other girl would say. Aria smiled and nodded, understanding how the girl was acting. She felt around for the air currents and she completely understood how Hunter was feeling by the tension that was flowing around her. "It's ok, you can talk to me whenever you feel up to it." Aria said, being the kind, gentle one that everyone said she was.[/COLOR]
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