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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [COLOR=Navy]Reese had jumped as she was called on. No one had ever told her to summon anything except Prynn, and even then, he'd usually let her take her time. She whisked around to look at Cid, and the others. Prynn touched her arm lightly and nodded, Reese felt better and nodded back. Prynn made his hand gestures. Reese knew immediately, as she had had to memorize every hand gesture of every summon, so she'd know what someone was summoning in case she ever fought against another summoner. Reese watched as the large black dragon appeared. Reese realised she had to summon her monster as well, she thought about it for a second and started her hand movements, taking calming breaths so she wouldn't mess the summon up and accidently summon something else. As she made the final sign, a large blue sea serpent emerged and curled in the air. Prynn and Reese told their summons to attack. Reese ordered Leviathan to constrict the Desert Wyvern so it wouldn't be able to move. Leviathan squeezed it's loops of coils, trying to crush the Wyvern. While Reese had gotten Leviathan to do that, Prynn ordered Bahamut use his slash attack. But the Wyvern continued to stand unfortunately. It wriggled and let out a loud call, everyone looked around and then they heard a chorus of reply screeches. Everyone was shocked as they saw 2 other wyverns fly in and land next to the captured one. The new arrivals were a lot smaller than the prisoner, but everyone agreed that they could probably do the same damage. Prynn and Reese told their summons to release the captured one. They looked at each other, wondering what to do. Then Reese got the idea, the same moment as Prynn. "Double Summon." they said simultaneously. They dispelled their summons and prepared for their double summoning. "Remember everything we've discussed, this is the one that really counts." Prynn said. "I know...I will." Reese replied. They inhaled and started their hand movements that they'd been over many times. Auras appeared around the two summoners, a green one floated around Prynn, and a navy blue aura covered Reese. As they did each of the movements, pieces of a shimmering summon appeared.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] I couldn't think of anything so I just repeated the bit from the last post, and I have no idea what summon their summoning so someone else can decide.
  2. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Aria Kaze [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21157]Here[/URL](The Bigger Girl). She usually wears a blue, durable, waterproof, hooded jacket open with a white top inside and navy blue cargo pants with pockets at the top(regular place for pockets) and near the knees and blue and white sneakers. [B]Class:[/B] Beast Tamer [B]Weapon:[/B] A [URL=http://www.kultofathena.com/images/horus_sil_l.jpg]Dagger[/URL], [URL=http://www.monticello.org/press/imagegallery/lewisandclark/bow_arrows.jpg]Bow and Arrows(First type of Arrow)[/URL], an [URL=http://www.nccu.edu/offices/REP/Eagle.jpg]Eagle[/URL] named Larka, and a Wolf named Fell. Fell is a large wolf, the size of a fully grown male, even though he's only 2 years old. His eyes are a limpid blue, except that his right eye has a tiny flaw in it, just below the centre of the iris, a sliver of green, like a splinter of emerald. [B]Magic:[/B] Spirit(I think?)[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] I hope that's alright, if I need to edit anything, let me know.
  3. [B]OOC:[/B] I've signed up for all three of your digimon RPs that you've made lately. I'm choosing Lucemon again, and I know that he isn't any more powerful than others. The Bio isn't really that good, but let me know if you want me to change anything. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Aria Kaze [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21157]Here[/URL](The Bigger Girl). She usually wears a blue, durable, waterproof, hooded jacket open with a white top inside and navy blue cargo pants with pockets at the top(regular place for pockets) and near the knees and blue and white sneakers. [B]Bio:[/B] Aria's parents were originally killed in a car crash when she was 3. At that age, she wasn't really aware of what had happened and was sent to an orphanage. She grew up in that small, rundown orphanage, and she had no substantial memories of her parents. When she reached the age of 17, she was legally allowed to leave the orphanage. Many of the children wished that their 17th birthday would arrive, as hardly anyone was ever adopted or even looked at from their orphanage. She signed the release form and then she was free. But then she realised that free wasn't exactly all it was cut out to be. She had no idea of where to go, or even where she could stay. Aria had seen a small house that she was sure no one was staying at, because she'd looked through a window. She picked the lock with her home-made lock picks that she'd made when she started getting good at picking locks. She had stayed in that house for a while, and had eaten some food left there and when she was leaving, she took some of their money. She would do that to several houses, as long as they were un-occupied and she had gained quite a bit of money. One day when she was leaving a house, she saw a couple of people in suits that were watching her, she had quickly run from them and climbed onto a roof of a building. From there she jumped over rooftops until she found another place. When she had gotten enough money she actually bought a small cottage that was quite old and run down. Then on another day, she saw the two people in suits. They had arrived at her cottage and knocked. When she opened the door, they said that they had evaluated her and asked if she was willing leave any loved ones and accept a position when all they told her is that it will be dangerous and top-secret. Aria decided to take a chance, her way of living wasn't that great, and she didn't have any loved ones anyway. They took her to a place and ran her through many tests. She passed and went through the whole process of learning and got her own partner digimon, Lucemon. She had met a man that was a year older than her, and from what she saw, he was one of the best agents, and she liked to believe that she was too. When not on a mission she's usually in the gym or training room/workout area. After all of the climbing and gymnastic things that she used to do, she's a bit of a acrobatic and gymnastic fanatic, always on the equipment. Sometimes if she's too tired and her muscles hurt, she'll just go to her quarters and read, mainly all fantasy books. And i she's too lazy to do either of those, she'll be in the rec center playing a video game, or watching someone play one. [B]Personality:[/B] Aria is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Aria loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. Aria is strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. She can easily keep a cool head in a heated argument, but she can also have a quick temper. Her best skill is her talent with computers and anything electronic. Though Aria takes her job at the DIR very seriously and thinks of herself as one of the top agents next to Azufe. Aria is also very stealthy, flexible and acrobatic and gymnastic, a skill that she acquired at a young age often helps her, which is her skill of picking locks. [B]Digimon:[/B] Lucemon [B]Digivolution Chain:[/B] Lucemon-Piddomon-Lord Holy Angemon-Seraphimon[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Navy]Aria walked through the halls of the school. Her crystal blue eyes flitted from the left side and the right side. All of the students had stopped doing whatever they were doing and were looking at her. She heard a bunch of girls snickering and pointing at her. She shot them her best death glare and they gulped. She continued to walk, very aware of the whispering, something inside her snapped, this had been happening all day. She growled and did a flourish with her hand and flicked her wrist, instantly, everyone in the hall at the time was pressed against the walls and lockers. She turned to them and smirked, then kept walking. She approached her classroom and was about to enter when someone exited hurriedly, they collided and she was pushed back, then she slipped on water. Aria quickly gathered some wind to hold her steady. She sighed and headed back to the door. She heard a call on the P.A. for a girl and a boy, Atalanta Hunter and Reis Terras. Aria rolled her eyes, wondering what they'd done. Then the speakers crackled again. "ARIA KAZE - COME TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE IMMEDIATELY." "What? What did I do wrong?" Aria asked no one in particular, then she sighed and headed off towards the Principal's office.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Couldn't really think of anything to type, and I decided to be mean to the stupid people in the hall.
  5. [B]OOC:[/B] I'll try, but I haven't been in a Sailor Moon RP for a long time. Let me know if I have to change anything. Though I don't really like the attacks and may change them. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Mizu Tsui [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Personality:[/B] Mizu is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Mizu loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. Mizu is strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. She can easily keep a cool head in a heated argument, but she can also have a quick temper. [B]History:[/B] Mizu originally lived in a beautiful place with her parents, it was perfect because it was near the sea. Mizu would always sit on the shore and stare out at the sea, she didn't care what the weather was. Her parents often worried, but she told them that she always came back alright, so there was nothing to worry about. She didn't know what exactly drew her to water, but there was some connection. She loved to watch the waves and the tides, she especially loved to watch it in stormy weather, when the sea buffeted and the waves beat upon the rocks. Then to her disappointment, her parents decided to move to Tokyo, for two reasons. One was because her father got a new job, and so she could get a better education. When they arrived, she was enroled to Kyo High School. She originally wanted nothing to do with anyone and hardly talked, but soon enough she found some people that she had something in common with(those who would become the Sailor Scouts), and she opened up to them, being more friendly, and now she's back to her normal self, friendly, bright and bubbly. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21157]Here[/URL](The Bigger Girl). She usually wears a blue, durable, waterproof, hooded jacket open with a white top inside and navy blue cargo pants with pockets at the top(regular place for pockets) and near the knees and blue and white sneakers. [B]Planet:[/B] Neptune [B]Weapon:[/B] [URL=http://ewancient.lysator.liu.se/pic/art/n/e/nessy/bubblesword.jpg]Water Sword[/URL] [B]Attacks -[/B] [B]1. Simple -[/B] Water Slash - A simple slash that releases a water attack. It can hurt the enemy in close contact, or the water attack that comes from it can go in that path to hit the enemy if they're further away. [B]2. Intermediate 1 -[/B] Exploding Bubbles - She releases bubbles filled of stinging water that explode on contact. [B]3. Intermediate 2 -[/B] Deep Submerge - She calls upon the powers of the oceans and seas, a wave of ocean waters is compressed into a planet-shaped orb and thrust forth at the enemy. [B]4. Advanced -[/B] Spiral Water Cyclone - She creates a water cyclone. If there's no water around, she'll summon the water from somewhere, if she's around a lot of water, it will be stronger, opposite if she's somewhere with hardly any water, eg. Deserts. [B]5. Ultimate -[/B] World Water Disaster - She creates an ocean of a sort out of no where, and will create all of the types of water disasters around the enemy.[/COLOR]
  6. [B]OOC:[/B] I'm very angry right now. I just finished a long post to put here, and my computer stuffed up. Not happy! Alright, this post is very important, it's when they learn to use their powers, please read my post carefully and follow its example. You must learn to use your power and morph in one post, because after that, we're going to go to the castle and fight Malachant in a first encounter. When you're in animal morph, [U][B]you can't speak, the only way you can communicate is telepathically.[/B][/U] BTW, your guide has the same ability as you're about to learn, and they also have the same morph as you. Another note, I've decided that they didn't seal their powers, they're just too old now. [COLOR=Navy]Aria watched as the adults talked, then Jonathan pulled away and started to type on one of the consoles. The adults crowded around him, and the teenagers decided to see what was happening. "Grandfather, what's happening?" Aria questioned. "There have been reports of a gryphon moving toward the castle. No one know who it is, but we suspect that it's Malachant in a new morph." King Jonathan answered. "The castle?! We have to stop him! Mother and Father are still there!" Aria cried. "We know, princess, but we can't. But you can, because we're too old now. We must teach you how to use your powers, and quickly. If we had time, we'd go through it with you all slowly, but for now we'll have to give you a quick lesson. All of you get with your guide, and they will teach you how to use your power." Euthalia said, addressing the group. Aria ran over to Jonathan when she finished speaking. "I'll do whatever I must to protect Adronis and save my parents." Aria stated, determination written all over her face. "Good. First we need to gather all of your powers together. Close your eyes and listen to my voice. I want you to inhale to the count of seven, then hold it for seven, and exhale for seven, then repeat. I'll do it with you and will count aloud. Ready, inhale, one...two...three...four...five...six...seven, hold, one..." Jonathan said, counting, their breathing synchronised. "Now, go deep inside of yourself, I'll help guide you. We have to find the core of your power. Alright, keep the breathing pattern." he said. Together, their spiritual selves, dove deep into Aria. They travelled along, a midnight blue force was next to her own, which was a navy blue, it was protective. He guided her through herself until they arrived at a place where she saw a ball of shiny, flowing navy blue energy. "There it is, the core of your power. Now you'll remember where this is and you'll learn to use your power, which is the ball of energy." Jonathan told her. Then they were outside of her body and they were themselves. "Ok, now I'll teach you the first magic skill that I learned. It's called the Wind Blast. What you do is hold your hands in front of you, and reach into your core, pull a strand of your power and let it flow into your hands, when it's big enough, then you can stop giving power and you throw it. Watch." Jonathan said, he closed his eyes and inhaled, he held his hands and Aria watched as a ball of wind appeared between them. He then opened his eyes and launched it quickly at Asis' grandfather. Asis' grandfather whirled around, he held a ring of flames in his hand and he blocked the attack. He smirked at Jonathan, and he just nodded. "Now you have a try." he said. Aria closed her eyes and held her hands in front of her, several centimetres apart. She breathed in and searched for her core. She pulled out a strand of her power and let it flow into her hands. She started to let more power pool in her hands. When she felt it was done, she opened her eyes and aimed at a wall. She didn't throw it as fast as Jonathan because she was unexperienced and she didn't know how to throw things very well. "Quite a good size for your first time. Alright, you can also do this attack with your flute. You firstly need a song that's only for that attack. When you first play it, you have to feed your power into the song, so it grows accustomed to it, and will know to attack whenever the song it played. Do you have a song in mind?" he asked. Aria nodded and drew out the crystal instrument carefully. She ran a hand over it fondly and raised it to her lips. She played the song and Jonathan was amazed at her skills. While playing, she slowly fed her power to the song, telling it to learn the song and get to know it. When she finished, put the flute away and looked at her grandfather. "It's called the Song of Gusts." Aria said. "Very well done. Now the last thing to teach you is how to morph. The animal morph serves many purposes, for enhanced magic power, for transport, for physical attack and a number of other things. I'll morph first so that you know what to turn into. But know, that you must keep calm and take it through all the way. If you panic and freeze, you'll be traumatised and may not finish your morph, which will make you a half human, half animal until you get the courage to finish the morph." Aria watched as her grandfather slowly became a strange coloured eagle. His left wing was composed of blues, greens and purples. While his right wing was a mixture of reds, yellows and oranges. The colours clashed at his tail, where they met halfway. His wings had striped markings as did his body. His body and head were the regular colour. ["Alright now. Picture this eagle in your mind, then let your power cover you and think about eagles. Think of their sharp talons that they use to catch prey, then their sharp beaks which they use to eat their prey. Think how they glide on the wind, how graceful they are."] Jonathan the eagle instructed, while preening his feathers. Aria closed her eyes and thought about the strange eagle. When she felt she was ready, she let her power cover her. She did her timed breathing and started to think of eagles. How they were magnificent predators and lords of the sky, while being so graceful and wheeling on the wind. She thought about their sharp beaks, and their piercing talons, and the strange coloured wings of the one she was going to become. Slowly she began to change, first she shrank, then she felt a strange tingly sensation as feathers started to sprout from her skin. Then she felt something growing behind her, she looked and saw that she'd grown a tail. She lifted her arms as the feathers there got bigger, and she could see the colours on the feathers that were growing. Her arms soon became wings, as her fingers disappeared and her arms grew longer and wider. Then her nose and mouth joined, before stretching out and becoming a tough, sharp beak. Her eyes moved and became sharper, so she could see many things closer than when she was human. Her ears disappeared, to be replaced by two holes that were covered by her feathers. And finally her feet became thin and boney, and three nails protruded from the three toes on each foot. ["I did it!"] Aria said happily. ["Yes, well done. Now to change back to a human, you have to think about what you look like, your personality, and anything that makes you special, or anything you that's special to you."] he said, as he started to change back into a human. He stood as a human in front of her, he plucked a feather out of his jet black hair and straightened his clothes. Aria started to think about what she was like, she imagined her long blonde hair that she gained from her mother, and her crystal blue eyes that she inherited from her father. She thought about her kindness to everyone, even those whom the other nobles thought wasn't worth their time. She thought about her flute skills, and her parents and grandfather. Before she knew it, she was a human again. Like Jonathan, she brushed some feathers off and straightened her clothes. "What do we do now, Grandfather?" Aria asked. "We wait. As soon as they're done, we'll all go to the castle, and we'll save your parents." Jonathan answered, as they looked out at the other seven groups. "I will protect the kingdom." Aria whispered fiercely.[/COLOR]
  7. [B]OOC:[/B] Lrb, I changed my class to Mage, even though it doesn't really change much. I'm putting it here because I'm too lazy to send you another PM. I made my post in a hurry, sorry it isn't better. I hope you don't mind that I named the bartender either. If you want me to change anything you know how to contact me [PM/MSN]. Oh, and the song's 'Angel' by Sarah McLachlin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=Navy]Aria stifled a yawn and inhaled deeply, letting the air fill her lungs, and sang her chromatic scales, up to the third octave, then down again. "Good Aria, now arpeggios in C." her vocal teacher, Ms. Yap said. She took another deep breath and sang every second note in the scale of C, going to the third octave in that too, then down again. Ms. Yap complimented her again and asked her to sing more scales and arpeggios. After about an hour of singing scales, she was asked to sing a proper song. "Sing your favourite song." her teacher said, sitting down. "Do you only want the chorus?" Aria questioned. "Yes, maybe I'll hear all of it when we have more time." she said. Aria nodded and started to sing. "In the arms of the angel, fly away from here, from this dark, cold hotel room, and the endlessness that you feel. You are pulled from the wreckage, Of your silent reverie. You're in the arms of the angel, may you find some comfort here." she sang sweetly. "That was beautiful, and now, it's time for you to go." Ms. Yap said, looking at the sun to judge the time. "Thanks. Seeya tomorrow!" she cried, as she grabbed her things and ran out of the building. Aria rushed through the busy streets of people, excusing herself as she bumped into people. She was headed for the building where she had her schooling. She entered and sat down greeting her teacher. "Alright Aria, for today's lessons..." Mr. Kaman said. She finished her schooling, that took up the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon. After that she had about two hours break before she had to get to her next place, which was her magical class. Aria headed towards the Tavern, which is where she usually took her rest, when she wasn't being asked to perform. She walked into the building and her eyes had to adjust to the dim lighting, compared to the bright light outside. She sat and ordered a drink of cold water, which is what she usually asked for. As she was sipping her cold beverage, she noticed something on the window that hadn't been there yesterday. She turned to the bartender. "Hey Jack, what's that?" she asked, nodding her head toward the piece of paper that was stuck to the window. She couldn't see what it said because it was facing outward. "Some guy came in, he had dark hair. He asked where he could put a notice." the bartender named Jack replied. "I'll be back in a sec." Aria said, getting up and going outside to look at the notice. [quote] [FONT=Garamond]Villagers of Zaban, Warrior looking for recruits to help on long adventure. Money included. Enquire inside room 302. ,Karst[/FONT] [/quote] She studied it and memorised the room number. Then she went back inside. "What's the notice say? I never saw it." Jack asked. Aria took a larger sip from her drink. "He wants to recruit warriors to go on a long adventure. I think I'll go for it. I need some adventure, doing the same thing everyday's getting boring." she told him. Aria lifted the cup and drank down the rest of the water. She slid the cup over to him and put some coins on the table. "Thanks as usual, Jack. I'll seeya soon." Aria said, going up the stairs. Aria saw the numbers on the door and lifted her hand. She wondered if she should or not, she hadn't even said anything about leaving place to her parents or her teachers. But she concluded that they all would have known, they know that the one thing she really wants is to go on an adventure. So she moved her hand forward to touch the door, and knocked.[/COLOR]
  8. [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry, I kinda forgot after I got kicked off the computer. [COLOR=Navy][B]Position:[/B] Angel of Wind [B]Name(from 1,000 years ago):[/B] Kaze [B]Name:[/B] Ariana [B]Nick name(if any):[/B] Aria [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21157]Here[/URL](The Bigger Person). She usually wears a blue, durable, waterproof, hooded jacket open with a white top inside and navy blue cargo pants with pockets at the top(regular place for pockets) and near the knees and blue and white sneakers. [B]Personality:[/B] Aria is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Aria loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. Aria is strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. She can easily keep a cool head in a heated argument, but she can also have a quick temper. [B]Bio:[/B] Kaze had always loved the wind, it was calming at times, and powerful and angry at other times. She had a favourite place that she loved to visit in the heavens. It was a beautiful place that was quite mountainous. She liked to sit on mountains because that was where the most breezes blew through. One of the mountains in particular had a small platform with a cave, which is where Kaze went to get away. Mostly everyone liked Kaze because she was often nice, but on occasion, she would be mean. Everyone said she was like the wind herself, she could be kind one minute, and angry the next. But now she's on earth and has been resurrected as Ariana Soran, and she spends her life as a university student, whom studies the weather. She's been trained in several ways of the Martial arts and she learned how to play the flute when she was younger. Aria, as she preferred, moved out of her parents house at the end of Year 12, because she had a feeling of disbelong amongst her large family. Her mother had married twice, she was the only child from the first marriage, the other 4 children was from her step-father. She moved out because they were all in primary school or below and she couldn't take the noise and the arguing. She stays at a small place that she shares with two other people, its a nice place where lots of winds blow, because it's near the sea.[/COLOR]
  9. [B]OOC:[/B] As a small note to those who haven't posted yet. Please pay close attention to my first post, all the information about how to get to the base and everything that must be done is in it. All those whom I've asked to edit, please do so as soon as possible. I need to see your guides with you in your posts, then they enter together. All Eight of the guides must be around. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=Navy]Aria had watched as the different people had entered, all bowing or curtsying deeply before them. She was used to it, but not from so many commoners, for lack of a better term. Aria looked to her grandfather, he just inclined his head, then they would rise, Aria decided to do the same. So far, three boys, and two girls had entered this secret base. Her grandfather had gone over to the older people, whom she assumed were the past Eight Dogs. Aria decided to get to know the others, because they were all standing away from each other, not talking. Aria walked to the newest arrival first. He had dirty brownish blonde hair, and his eyes were the same colour. "Hello." she said kindly, as she approached him. He looked at her, then realised quickly who it was. He bowed deeply. "No, please, don't do that. I've had people do that to me since I was born. Could I know your name?" Aria asked. "My name is Lucen, Princess Aria." he answered, rising from his bow. "Aria will be fine. What do you do, Lucen?" "Well, I'm a blacksmith, my father passed it down to me." he replied. "Ah, are you good and craftwork? What type of things do you make?" she asked curiously. "I think I do well. I make a large variety of things. Uh...Do you have a flute per chance?" he asked. Aria looked at the boy strangely. How would he have known, not many people knew about her talent with her crystal flute. She nodded and drew it out one of the pockets in her pants that she had changed into. He asked if he could hold it. Aria was slightly suspicious but gave it to him. He studied it, smiling at the work, then he pointed at a symbol on the flute, near the end of the instrument. "Here, this is the mark of my store. I put it on everything I make and sell. I remember making this instrument. Took a lot of work to get it to ring loud and clear whenever played." Lucen said proudly. Aria was shocked, she hadn't known who had made it, and to discover that it was made by someone who was only a few years older than her. He gave it back to her and she carefully put it away again. "I thank you for making the instrument. I've enjoyed playing it, and it sounds magnificent. Did you make it for any reason?" she asked. "Yes, King David asked me to create it for you." he answered. "Well, I thank you again. Come with me, I'm going to talk to the others." Aria said. Lucen just nodded, who was he to disobey a princess' orders? They went to the next person and began to talk.[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]OOC:[/B] If you're thinking of posting again, you can be the next one Aria talks to.
  10. [COLOR=Navy]Aria had been listening the whole time, she had felt a strange feeling wash over her as he talked about the Vanishing. Then all of a sudden she felt compelled to do something, and without her mind telling her to, she raised her arm into the air, answering his question. "You there! Do you want to fight for your people?" he yelled, pointing at her. Again, without her consent. "Yes!" she heard herself say. [I]'What's going on with me?!'[/I] she thought crazily. "Good! We will meet again." he said, as he saw her making her way through the crowd. The reason she had been there was because she had just come from the library again, she always went to the library, she looked up Alchemy and Wind spells. All of the librarians there knew her and she was always in the same set of shelves. Aria had noticed the time and rushed off to the Alchemy shop, then she had heard the Prophet. Now she had seen the time again and rushed off again to the store. She entered the store and apologised to her mother before she said anything. She smoothed out her favourite blue robe that had been messed up as she ran through the crowd, after sitting in a library on the floor for so long. Then she ran her fingers through her medium length blonde hair. Aria was set to work immediately, her mother saying because she was late. Aria explained the situation at the crowd, with her body doing involuntary work, to her mother as they worked. When they were done, all that was left for her mother to deliver them, while she took care of the store. She usually played her flute during that time, until a customer arrived. Aria sat on a stool behind the counter, she was playing a soft melody, her favourite song, it had a magical feeling to it. Playing the flute, doing Alchemy, doing Magic, and reading were her favourite hobbies, and she didn't have a book and she wasn't allowed to do magic in the store, so all that there was to do was play the flute.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Let me know if anything needs to be changed.
  11. [COLOR=Navy]Hydraia sat on her blue coral throne, she looked around, she had spelled her rooms to resemble the ocean, including the water. She sighed, she would miss this place, where she had been for many thousands of years. Hydraia opened her mouth and emitted a call, it sounded like a whale. A soft pale blue light floated into her chambers and stopped on the floor, revealing a young woman. "Aqueous, have you heard the news?" she asked softly. "Yes, is it true? Will you and the other gods go to Earth?" Aqueous asked. "Yes, Suray has finally told us to go to Earth to resemble our differences." Hydraia replied, floating out of her throne and swimming slowly around the room. "So do you understand what I am asking of you?" she asked the younger girl. "I think I do." Aqueous sighed. "I'm asking you to take my place while I am gone, I trust that everything will be in order when I return. I trust you fully, don't disappoint me." Hydraia said, softly but firmly. Aqueous curtsyed deeply. "I won't, and I accept gratefully." "Good, at least you know how everything should run, after being my head Advisor for so many years." Hydraia said, floating back to her throne. "It has been enjoyable to work for you, are you going to leave now?" she asked. "Yes, I must. Take care Aqueous, I know you'll do well." Hydraia smiled. "Thankyou Hydraia, I'll be watching." she winked. Hydraia nodded and started spinning her hand in a circle, a whirlpool appeared and Hydraia waved goodbye, jumping into it. She was going to Earth.[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=Plum]Celestine stood in her chambers, she was part of the sky, that was her life, but to be on Earth? Very worrying for her, she was very reluctant to leave her home in the sky. She sighed and held her palm of her right hand up, a beam of white light shot from it and whisked away. Seconds later a different, pale yellow light flew into the room, revealing her daughter, Serenity. "Serenity, I'm sure you know what is being done to the gods." Celestine said. "Yes Mother, you're being sent to Earth." Serenity replied. "So you must know what I must do." "Yes Mother, you must find someone to take your place while you are gone." "And I have chosen you, my dear daughter. I know you will do well, you get it from me. I trust you'll keep things in the proper order." "Yes Mother. I thank you, and accept the position with a prepared heart." Serenity answered, curtsying deeply to her mother. "Goodbye my dear daughter, take care of yourself, and my position." Celestine said, waving softly to her before jumping off her balcony, into the waiting world below.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] I'll usually post in this way, the line dividing the different characters.
  12. [B]OOC:[/B] The History's kinda bad but I'm tired. If you want me to change anything, PM me. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Aria Kaze [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21172]Here[/URL]. She usually wears a blue, durable, waterproof, hooded jacket open with a white top inside and navy blue cargo pants with pockets at the top(regular place for pockets) and near the knees and blue and white sneakers. [B]Personality:[/B]Aria is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Aria loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. Aria is strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. She can easily keep a cool head in a heated argument, but she can also have a quick temper. [B]History:[/B] Aria had been sitting next to her open window, something she often did, when a comet zoomed past. She suddenly felt strange and told her parents, they took her to hospital for a CAT scan. Her parents and herself waited quietly for the results, when they were back, it showed some strange brainwave patterns, but they didn't really know what it was. When they got home, Aria sat at her window, as usual, and she suddenly felt hot, so she pretended to try to grab wind, and she was surprised when it actually worked. She grabbed a handful of air and opened her bedroom door, throwing the wind out of the door, creating a current of air that constantly flowed through her room. When she had enough, she waved it away. [B]Power:[/B] Aria can control the Wind, she can even use it to fly. [B]Power Holder:[/B] She has a strange pendant that hangs around her neck, it's a small glass ball with a spark of blue power inside, that changes colour and size with her mood, which hangs on a fine silver chain.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Navy]Here's a reminder of the Parts and Colours. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=43134]Recruitment Thread[/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=611410#post611410]Underground Thread[/URL]. Please post in the Underground Thread! It must be used, it's there for a reason![/COLOR] [b][u][i]Elements:[/b][/u][/i] [color=navy][U]Air/Wind[/U] - Taken by Ohkami[/color] [color=green][U]Nature/Earth[/U] - Taken by Spiritbreeze[/color] [color=red][U]Fire[/U] - Taken by Demonchild781[/color] [color=royalblue][U]Water/Ice[/U] - Taken by eternity[/color] [b][U]Darkness[/U] - Taken by Daisuke[/b] [color=silver][U]Light[/U] - Taken by Lrb[/color] [COLOR=Orange][U]Thunder/Lightning[/U] - Taken by Crucifix[/COLOR] [COLOR=Plum][U]Healing[/U] - Taken by Neuvoxetere[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][U]Evil[/U] - Taken by Takuya[/COLOR] [b][u][i]Colours:[/b][/u][/i] [COLOR=Navy][U]Air/Wind[/U] - Navy Blue[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][U]Nature/Earth[/U] - Green[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][U]Fire[/U] - Red[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][U]Water/Ice[/U] - Royal Blue[/COLOR] [B][U]Darkness[/U] - Bold[/B] [COLOR=Silver][U]Light[/U] - Silver[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange][U]Thunder/Lightning[/U] - Orange[/COLOR] [COLOR=Plum][U]Healing[/U] - Plum[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][U]Evil[/U] - Indigo[/COLOR] [b][u][i]Virtues:[/b][/u][/i] [B][U]Intelligence(Smart)[/U] - Taken by Daisuke[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][U]Knowledge(Knowing)[/U] - Taken by eternity[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange][U]Courage(Bravery)[/U] - Taken by Crucifix[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][U]Civility(Politeness)[/U] - Taken by Ohkami[/COLOR] [COLOR=Plum][U]Trust(Good, truthful, or strong belief)[/U] - Taken by Neuvoxetere[/COLOR] [COLOR=Silver][U]Virtue(Moral goodness)[/U] - Taken by Lrb[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][U]Love(Great likng or affection)[/U] - Taken by demonchild781[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][U]Honesty(Truthful)[/U] - Taken by Spiritbreeze[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][U]Hatred(Disliking someone greatly)[/U] - Taken by Takuya[/COLOR] [b][u][i]Powers:[/b][/u][/i] [B][U]Intelligence[/U] - Incredibly smart, can read minds[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][U]Knowledge[/U] - Close to Intelligence, knows a lot of things, can see into peoples minds.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange][U]Courage[/U] - Can make people in the brave when scared, can make people scared so they can't do things, or can make people believe things.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][U]Civility[/U] - kind and polite to everyone, very persuasive and can get anything she wants by being all nice, including enemies.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Plum][U]Trust[/U] - Easily trusted by all, including enemies, so can get secrets out of people.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Silver][U]Virtue[/U] - Overall goodness and can make people see things.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][U]Love[/U] - Makes people like him/her so they obey him/her.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][U]Honesty[/U] - Can make people tell the truth about things.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][U]Hatred[/U] - Can make people hate others.[/COLOR] [B]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/B] [COLOR=Red][U][B]There are some rules to this RP. Obey them and I'll be nice. [1] No godmodding, or making large choices that will affect the story without consulting me. [2] Use the colours I've put to post with. I realise I've never told the reason why I always ask for post colours, it's because it makes it easier to find posts. [3] If you want to quit the RP at anytime, please PM me or tell me on MSN(for whoever has it and is on my list.) [4] Please don't kill any members off, unless you've consulted them and they've agreed.[/B][/U][/COLOR] [B]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/B] [COLOR=Navy]Aria hitched the skirts of her long white dress and tried to run to keep up with her grandfather. His strides were long and fast, hers were small and delicate. "Grandfather! Grandfather, please slow down." Aria cried, not being able to run in her shoes, with her Rapier and a quiver of arrows on her back, a long bow on her shoulder and her crystal flute in the hand not holding her skirts. "Hurry Aria, there isn't time, we must get there as soon as possible, once we're there, we'll be safe for the while." King Jonathan said, looking to his granddaughter that was struggling. He reached out and took the bow and arrows from her, to make her walking easier, then took the flute out of her hand and put it into one of the pockets in his clothes. "Thankyou Grandfather." she said, being polite as always. He just nodded to her and said 'Hurry'. Aria ran a little faster, finding it easier without the weight. Jonathan had put the quiver on, then slid the bow between the quiver and his back on a diagonal so it crossed his shoulderblades. Aria noted to remember that for when she had it. Aria studied her grandfather, he was a handsome man, and his age didn't show much in his looks. He had coal black hair, with strands of grey that stood out, and his eyes were a sapphire blue. He had a firm chin and lips, and a medium sized nose that fit in with his face. Jonathan had opened the book he had taken from the library now, reading it with the light from the oil lamp that he still carried. It seemed old because of the tattered covers and the well thumbed pages. It didn't exactly look like a book you read from beginning to end, she came to the conclusion that it was a guide of some sort. He was currently looking at a map, he peered around in the darkness, raising the lamp above his head to shed more light. Then he spotted it, a grove of trees. King Jonathan grinned widely and pointed at it, telling Aria that was where they were headed. She nodded and they walked in that direction. It didn't take them very long, but they arrived at the tip of the grove. He took Aria's hand and they entered the thick forest of trees, he walked around as he knew the place well, pointing out traps and loose vines that would trip someone. Finally he stopped them at a tree, it had a small knot whirl and he pressed it, there was the sound of something shifting ahead, and he lead them that way. It wasn't much further ahead, but a layer of fake trees had moved away, and also a stone and metal door. "This was our old base. I hope it's still working." Jonathan said. Then they walked into the entrance and he pushed a button on the wall that closed the doors and replaced the trees. When they walked in, lights had immediately turned on, lighting up the place. It was slightly dusty but other than that it still looked in good shape. There were lots of metal consoles and electrical equipment ,that she'd never seen before, lining the walls. "Grandfather, where did you get these things?" she asked, turning to face him. "Well, we've been to the future, quite far ahead, into modern times to get some things. We brought these back with us. We also got some clothes, check in the chest over there." he replied, pointing to a chest. Aria walked over and opened it, she chose out three articles of clothing. Navy blue pants with pockets, a tight, white top and a pale blue jacket. She looked to her grandfather and he pointed to a room, indicating that she could change in there. She nodded and went over, changing out of her white dress and into her new clothes. Then she looked at her shoes, they were heeled and not ideal for running and activities. Aria walked out and looked in the chest for shoes, there were a pair of brown ones, they kind of looked like what the normal people wore. She changed into them too. "Now what Grandfather?" she asked. "We wait." he sighed. Then he talked into his communicator on his wrist, telling whoever was listening that they'd arrived.[/COLOR] [B]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/B] [COLOR=Navy][B]OOC:[/B] Alright, I decided we can have slightly modern clothes, but not very modern alright? Keep it simple like mine, and no fancy shoes. Repeat, must be simple! If anythings wrong then I'll PM you. When you post, make it that you're on your way to the base, you can even arrive if you want. And you can meet up with me and Jonathan in the base, but remember, you guys have to act all well mannered(bowing/curtsying etc.) because Aria and Jonathan are royalty, and everyone knows that.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Navy]Storm looked at the groups, the undecided and those who were going with Jaht. She was currently part of neither. She looked over to Lucemon. "Lucemon...." she started. "It's ok, I'll go with you no matter what your choices are." he said. Storm nodded, he knew her so well. "Hey, I'm with Angel, I just wanted to know what was going on and then I planned on leaving, which I'll do now. Seeya round sometime." Storm stated, took another look at the groups and turned away. Storm walked out, with Lucemon fluttering beside her, she put her hands in her pockets as she exited the cave, then she turned, those who were watching her from inside the cave lost sight of her. "You sure you're ok with this?" Storm asked softly, looking into his blue eyes that told her that he wanted to be with the group. He was an angel after all, he needed friendship, which was what Storm [I]didn't[/I] need. "Of course, I'll always stay with you." Lucemon said, smiling. "Thanks Lucemon, I never could've done it without you." Storm sighed, giving him a rare smile. "Of course you couldn't have, what, were you gonna face them Kuwagamon yourself were ya?" Lucemon joked. Storm laughed lightly, something she definately didn't do very often. They continued to talk as they headed towards Goldramon's Lair, she was hoping for more answers than what Magnadramon had said.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Navy]Those are both good ideas, I'm looking for anything, even if it sounds ridiculus, I'll try and mix it all together to form several different types. I'll probably use Energy Crystals again, as I did in an old RP of mine called Elemental Spheres. That concept worked quite effectively actually. And I may also use another concept from Elemental Spheres, which is we find new weapons along the way, each with a stronger power force. If you want to know about Elemental Spheres, click [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=22958]HERE[/URL] for the Recruitment Thread, and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=22976]HERE[/URL] for the RP Thread, I'm kinda embarassed by it because I wasn't that good at RPing back then. I also made a sequal, but I can't be bothered posting the links, if you do want to see it, search for Elemental Spheres in the Forum Search, that one's better. I was quite proud of the Elemental Spheres teams, both the First and the Second, many of them have still joined my RPs! Anyways, back on topic. We'll all brainstorm together, and hopefully we can create some good ideas. I'm kinda sorry about this, I know I'm not very organized, which I apologise for. As I've already said, it was a spur of the moment kinda thing to come up with a new RP. ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Navy]I agree, I will be starting this the day after tomorrow hopefully, because I probably won't be on tomorrow. [U][B]Takuya[/B][/U], just as a reminder, please use your post colour, but if you don't, it doesn't really matter because everyone else has a colour so yours will be the one without. I'm only waiting for [U][B]Lrb[/B][/U], and [U][B]Neuvoxetere[/B][/U] to finish their sign ups, which I know they will do so soon. [U][B]Everyone[/B][/U], please post in the Underground thread, and if anyone has ideas to how they can develop their powers, please PM me or post it in the Underground, because I really don't have any ideas. Anything you want to discuss about the RP, take it up in the Underground thread, thats what it's for.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Navy]Storm watched as the girl called Angel, and her digimon partner acted somewhat like herself and Lucemon, except Lucemon was the gentle one. Then she turned her eyes to where Piddomon and Ikkakumon were still fighting the Kuwagamon. "Come on Piddomon, get this over with already." Storm yawned. "It isn't that easy Storm." Piddomon said, dodging a slash from Kuwagamon. "Use your Piddo Speed combo." Storm told him. "Hmm...could work...Piddo Speed!" Piddomon sped up and rammed into the Kuwagamon, then went behind him, quick as lightning. "Fire Feather!" he called, producing a feather made of fire, he raised his arm behind his shoulder and flung it downwards, letting go of the feather. As it fell, the feather grew larger and the tip sharpened. The feather struck Kuwagamon in the tender part between his wings, making Kuwagamon howl and turn angrily toward Piddomon. "You'll pay for that, Angel Boy! Scissor Claw!" he roared, trying to catch Piddomon in his large pinsers. Piddomon dodged and released another attack. "Apollo Tornado!" he cried, holding his hands in front of him. A large tornado of fire rose around Kuwagamon, making him howl in agony. Piddomon nodded to Ikkakumon, who got the hint. "Harpoon Torpedo!" he roared, shooting out his horn, which opened, and the torpedo was lost in the tornado, but they heard it hit it's target.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Not too good but I gotta go, being rushed off.
  18. [COLOR=Navy]Thanks a lot everyone! [B]Neuvoxetere[/B], please read the PM that I sent you, and see what you want to do. Thanks to [B]demonchild[/B], [B]Daisuke[/B], and [B]Crucifix[/B] for sorting it out, I was confused when I was trying to write who had what position. I have someone who's voluteered to play the part of Malachant so now I need someone for healing, hopefully [B]Neuvoxetere[/B] will do it. So we're waiting for 3 more sign ups or for them to be completed. Do you know something silly? I just realised that I never put a [U]Gender[/U] area in the Sign up form. BTW, I just made an Underground Thread. So just click [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=611410#post611410]THIS[/URL] and you'll be there. Thanks, ~Ohkami [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Navy]I finally made the Underground thread, yay! The main RP will be up soon, I promise, but for now, we can talk about anything you don't understand about the RP. First, here are all the positions.[/COLOR] [b][u][i]Elements:[/b][/u][/i] [color=navy][U]Air/Wind[/U] - Taken by Ohkami[/color] [color=green][U]Nature/Earth[/U] - Taken by Spiritbreeze[/color] [color=red][U]Fire[/U] - Taken by Demonchild781[/color] [color=royalblue][U]Water/Ice[/U] - Taken by eternity[/color] [b][U]Darkness[/U] - Taken by Daisuke[/b] [color=silver][U]Light[/U] - Taken by Lrb[/color] [COLOR=Orange][U]Thunder/Lightning[/U] - Taken by Crucifix[/COLOR] [COLOR=Plum][U]Healing[/U] - Taken by Neuvoxetere[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][U]Evil[/U] - Taken by Takuya[/COLOR] [b][u][i]Colours:[/b][/u][/i] [COLOR=Navy][U]Air/Wind[/U] - Navy Blue[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][U]Nature/Earth[/U] - Green[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][U]Fire[/U] - Red[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][U]Water/Ice[/U] - Royal Blue[/COLOR] [B][U]Darkness[/U] - Bold[/B] [COLOR=Silver][U]Light[/U] - Silver[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange][U]Thunder/Lightning[/U] - Orange[/COLOR] [COLOR=Plum][U]Healing[/U] - Plum[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][U]Evil[/U] - Indigo[/COLOR] [b][u][i]Virtues:[/b][/u][/i] [B][U]Intelligence(Smart)[/U] - Taken by Daisuke[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][U]Knowledge(Knowing)[/U] - Taken by eternity[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange][U]Courage(Bravery)[/U] - Taken by Crucifix[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][U]Civility(Politeness)[/U] - Taken by Ohkami[/COLOR] [COLOR=Plum][U]Trust(Good, truthful, or strong belief)[/U] - Taken by Neuvoxtere[/COLOR] [COLOR=Silver][U]Virtue(Moral goodness)[/U] - Taken by Lrb[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][U]Love(Great likng or affection)[/U] - Taken by demonchild781[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][U]Honesty(Truthful)[/U] - Taken by Spiritbreeze[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][U]Hatred(Disliking someone greatly)[/U] - Taken by Takuya[/COLOR] [b][u][i]Powers:[/b][/u][/i] [B][U]Intelligence[/U] - Incredibly smart, can read minds[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][U]Knowledge[/U] - Close to Intelligence, knows a lot of things, can see into peoples minds.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange][U]Courage[/U] - Can make people in the brave when scared, can make people scared so they can't do things, or can make people believe things.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][U]Civility[/U] - kind and polite to everyone, very persuasive and can get anything she wants by being all nice, including enemies.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Plum][U]Trust[/U] - Easily trusted by all, including enemies, so can get secrets out of people.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Silver][U]Virtue[/U] - Overall goodness and can make people see things.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][U]Love[/U] - Makes people like him/her so they obey him/her.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][U]Honesty[/U] - Can make people tell the truth about things.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][U]Hatred[/U] - Can make people hate others.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]This RP will not be in Chapter form, because I like doing it the normal way. So please post in here about anything you want to discuss about the RP. Also, just as a testing, I want to see if you can remember to continually use your posting colours, k? Thanks, ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
  20. [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry this is a bit late, I kept getting kicked off the computer. I'll edit the Bio ASAP. [COLOR=Navy][B]Position:[/B] Heaven goddess [B]Person you left in charge:[/B] Serenity [B]Name:[/B] Celestine [B]Human Name:[/B] Sora Hikari [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Occupation:[/B] Astronomer [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21172]Here[/URL]. This was her goddess form. For human; just pluck her wings, remove the staff and that it. [B]Personality:[/B] Sora is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Sora loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. Sora is strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. She can easily keep a cool head in a heated argument, but she can also have a quick temper at times. [B]Bio:[/B] I'll do it as soon as I think of one.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Navy]Storm sighed an agreement as they looked to her to see if she would help. She just nodded her head and her digivice began to vibrate. She pulled it off her belt and saw that one of the buttons had lit up and was flashing. "How about it Lucemon?" she asked, looking to her only friend. Lucemon looked at her, then the digivice and the button, then back at her. "Only if you're gonna help me." Lucemon smiled. Storm smiled slightly. "Of course." she answered, pressing down on the button. Lucemon was surrounded by a blue light, Storm looked directly at the light, trying to see what would happen. When the light disappeared, a larger angel stood where Lucemon had been, he looked like Angemon except he had a deep pink ribbon wrapped around his legs. "What are you now?" she asked. "I'm Piddomon, Champion level." he answered. Storm nodded, a sign of acceptance from her, Piddomon nodded back and got into position with Wizardmon and Aquilamon. Piddomon looked the other digimon up and down, seeing the relation between them and their rookie levels. Piddomon then turned to face the opponents; the four large red pinser insects and a taller bluish bug. "I hate bugs." Piddomon muttered, making Storm smirk, knowing about his fiery hatred for bugs of any kind. "Just do some pest control, Piddomon." Storm sighed, leaning back against her pillar.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry this is kinda short, can't really think of anything.
  22. [COLOR=Navy]Wow! I'm so glad people are actually signing up for it, I was afraid people weren't going to. Everyone's accepted, all we're waiting for is for a few people to finish their sign ups, and someone to play as the [U]Malachant(Evil person) and Healing[/U]. If you know anyone that would like to, please direct them to this thread, greatly appreciated. BTW [U][B]demonchild[/B][/U], remember to use the colour Red for when you post in the RP, k? And [U][B]Crucifix[/B][/U], [U][B]Daisuke[/B][/U], and [U][B]demonchild[/B][/U], please sort out who had the Courage Virtue first, whoever had it first, can stay as that, and the others will have to change. Please sort it among yourselves because I didn't check the thread until a while ago, so I'm not sure if anyone psoted and then editted. Thanks Heaps! ^_^ ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Aria Kaze [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Appearance:[/B] See attachment but ignore the wings and replace the dress with robes, of usually blue, black, emerald green, or blood red/crimson, to show her class. And add a pendant that hangs around her neck, it's a small glass ball with a spark of blue power inside, that changes colour and size with her mood, which hangs on a fine silver chain. [B]Class:[/B] Mage [B]Element:[/B] Wind [B]Weapon:[/B] The staff in the picture and a [URL=http://img.musiciansfriend.com/dbase/pics/products/46/462108.jpg]Crystal Flute[/URL] that she uses to help with her magic. [B]Occupation:[/B] Alchemist [B]Personality:[/B] Aria is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Aria loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. Aria is strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. She can easily keep a cool head in a heated argument, but she can also have a quick temper. [B]History:[/B] Aria was of course born in the small town of Atma, knowing no other life. She can't really remember her father, but her mother often told her about him. Her father had been a mage too, he was a War Mage that helped in battles and was greatly known, he had also been aligned with the element of Wind, as she is. He had died when she was very young, when he went off to a battle, and never returned. Aria's mother is an Alchemist, so she follows in both of her parents' footsteps, as she is a mage, and an alchemist, so she can help her mother. Aria originally wanted to become a war mage like her father, but her mother wouldn't let her, saying that there weren't many alchemists, and they needed more, so Aria agreed to become like her mother. As she got older, her mother let her wander around town, she would often visit people and sometimes ask about her father, from other people's perspective, everyone had something good to say about him and were happy that his daughter had turned out so well. When she was 14, she was very advanced in her work as a mage and an alchemist, so her mother gave her the staff that she carries, as her 14th birthday present. Then she was so far ahead of other, older mages, at the age of 15, they asked her mother to give Aria something to do to slow her down, so her mother gave her flute lessons, Aria questioned why, and her mother told the truth, but also said it helps harness the power of Wind, because it's a woodwind instrument. Aria agreed to it and soon became very good at it, so her mother gave her the crystal flute she now carries. Now Aria strives to become the best mage, alchemist and flortist to honour the memory of her father, and to make him and her mother proud. [B]Spells/Skills:[/B] [I][U]Wind Blast:[/U][/I] Can either be in the form of a ball, that she forms between her hands and throws at the enemy, or a strong blast of wind that can come by a summoning by her flute, or by making gestures with her hands. [I][U]Wind Slice:[/U][/I] Aria slashes with her staff and a burst of wind energy follows that path, slicing through practically anything, or damaging an enemy pretty badly from the force. The power of it all depends on how close she is to the target.[/COLOR]
  24. [B]OOC:[/B] I haven't posted an RP in a long time. This is a RP that I just thought of, though the Legend of the Eight Dogs is real. This RP will hopefully be turned into a story, at first, it was purely going to be a story, but then I decided on making it a RP first. I'm not sure if this is going to work because I got this idea yesterday and decided to try it out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This RP is set in older times, so nothing too modern, k? [COLOR=Navy][CENTER][SIZE=4][U][B]The Legend of the Eight Dogs[/B][/U][/SIZE][/CENTER] "What story do you want to hear tonight?" An old man asked, sitting at the foot of a bed. "The legend of the Eight Dogs." A girl answered, sitting on the covers of her bed. "But Aria, you've heard it so many times, I bet you could tell it yourself." "Please Grandfather, it sounds so much better when you say it." she replied pleedingly. "You know I can't refuse you." he sighed. "There is an old Legend that has been known for many generations. It's called the Eight Dogs Legend, each of the Eight 'Dogs' had their own virtue; Intelligence, Knowledge, Renevolence, Civility, Trust, Virtue, Love, and Honesty. Each giving the keeper a different type of power and element, but the powers weren't just given to anyone, they were given to certain people that strongly showed those traits. They saved the world from a great evil, and were put to rest, their powers lying doremant until they were needed again. People say the 'Dogs' died, their powers dying with them. But it is written, that when evil returns, the powers will re-awaken and choose their new keepers." He told, knowing the story off by heart. "Grandfather, is the legend of the Eight Dogs real, and did they really die?" Aria asked curiously. "Well, I believe it's real, Aria. And I believe that they're still alive." her grandfather replied, tucking her into bed. "Were there females in the group?" she yawned. "Yes, of course there were, now go to bed, it's late." he finished, pressing his lips to her forehead. "Goodnight Grandfather." she whispered. He chuckled. "Goodnight Granddaughter." The old man left the room and shut the door quietly behind him. He knew that story very well, as it was his own, along with his best friends. No one knew, but the 'Dogs' still existed, and they all still lived in the kingdom of Adronis. He walked through the halls, his shoe shod feet making scuffling noises against the cold stone. He made his way to the throne room, where King David and Queen Rachel sat on their thrones. "She's asleep." the man reported, sitting on the largest throne. He was still actually King, but David, his son, had already been coronated. "What story did our daughter ask for this time, Jonathan?" Queen Rachel queried. "The same as usual, I'm not exactly sure why she's so attached to the story." King Jonathan answered, running a hand through his greying hair. "We don't know either, Father." King David sighed. A few days later... "Oh, this is a wonderful party, Thankyou Father, Mother, Grandfather." Aria cried happily hugging her parents and Grandfather. The three of them watched happily as Aria went around, being nice to everyone, it was her 18th Birthday. They watched her kindness to the servants when all of the other nobles there treated them as if they were nothing. Then a sudden darkness fell over the entire kingdom. Many of the noble girls screamed in high pitches, making many people cover their ears. "Where are they?! Where are the Eight Dogs!?" a loud voice boomed around the entire kingdom. At that moment, Eight different people looked up from what they were doing and looked at the darkened sky, they recognised the voice. "Malachant[Mal(Rhymes with Hal)-ah-kant]." they whispered. Then each of them saw a coloured light enter a close relative. "Oh no..." they sighed. Jonathan watched as a light approached Aria. "No..." he said quietly. "Not her..." as he ran toward Aria. But it was too late, the light entered the girl. Jonathan quickly picked her up and ran out of the room, running through the halls, even though it was dark. "Grandfather? Grandfather, where are we going?" she asked. He didn't answer, he just entered a room and set her down, before he lit a small oil lamp. Light illuminated the room and he started searching. He pulled a book from the bookshelf that was against the wall, behind his desk, and tucked it under his arm before pulling another book, but it didn't come away. Instead a section of the bookcase moved out of the way, showing a hidden passage. He ran over and grabbed the lamp and beckoned to her. "Hurry, there isn't time." he added, when Aria opened her mouth to ask another question. Aria hitched up the skirts of her dress and ran after her grandfather. When Aria was in the passage, Jonathan pressed a stone that closed the door. They made it through the winding tunnel and ended up in an open room, that resembled his study that they had just come from. He shifted a picture to reveal a hidden safe and pressed in numbers, before putting his eye against a retina scanner that appeared, and placed his hand on a handprint panel. The safe beeped and the door flipped outwards. There was only one item inside it, a small device that was in the shape of a navy blue dog. He strapped it to his left wrist and pressed a button. "Can you hear me?" he said into it. There was a reply. "Has it happened to you guys too? It happened to my granddaughter, we have to get them away and to a safe place, then we have to tell them everything." he continued. More replies. "Where? Hmm...how about the old base? Right, meet there ASAP." he finished. "Grandfather, what's going on?" Aria questioned. "There's no time, all I'll say for now, is that I'm a 'Dog'." he said, before pressing a hidden button that opened another hidden passage. They ran through it quickly, and this one led outside. "Where are we going?" "To the old base of the Dogs." he answered, walking now, but at a fast speed.[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alright, as you might have guessed, we're playing the relatives of the old Eight Dogs and we've just been given the powers, but we don't know that. I'll be playing Aria. Everyone has a beast morph, an element, and a virtue. [U][B]Each element has a specific colour, which is the colour of the light that entered your character and your posting colour.[/B][/U] For your relative that was a Dog, it's best that they're your grandparents, because the Dogs are old. Where powers are involved, the ones I've listed are internal powers, but your element gives you the physical power. Remember what I said earlier about the virtues though, your character has to be like that to have it. [U][B]BTW, I need someone to play Malachant, if you're willing, PM me and we can discuss it, because since I created this yesterday, I haven't created him/her yet.[/B][/U] [b][u][i]Elements:[/b][/u][/i] [color=navy][U]Air/Wind[/U] - Taken by Ohkami[/color] [color=green][U]Nature/Earth[/U] - Taken by Spiritbreeze[/color] [color=red][U]Fire[/U] - Taken by Demonchild781[/color] [color=royalblue][U]Water/Ice[/U] - Taken by eternity[/color] [b][U]Darkness[/U] - Taken by Daisuke[/b] [color=silver][U]Light[/U] - Taken by Lrb[/color] [COLOR=Orange][U]Thunder/Lightning[/U] - Taken by Crucifix[/COLOR] [COLOR=Plum][U]Healing[/U] - Taken by Neuvoxetere[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][U]Evil[/U] - Taken by Takuya[/COLOR] [b][u][i]Colours:[/b][/u][/i] [COLOR=Navy][U]Air/Wind[/U] - Navy Blue[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][U]Nature/Earth[/U] - Green[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][U]Fire[/U] - Red[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][U]Water/Ice[/U] - Royal Blue[/COLOR] [B][U]Darkness[/U] - Bold[/B] [COLOR=Silver][U]Light[/U] - Silver[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange][U]Thunder/Lightning[/U] - Orange[/COLOR] [COLOR=Plum][U]Healing[/U] - Pink[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][U]Evil[/U] - Indigo[/COLOR] [b][u][i]Virtues:[/b][/u][/i] [B][U]Intelligence(Smart)[/U] - Taken by Daisuke[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][U]Knowledge(Knowing)[/U] - Taken by eternity[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange][U]Courage(Bravery)[/U] - Taken by Crucifix[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][U]Civility(Politeness)[/U] - Taken by Ohkami[/COLOR] [COLOR=Plum][U]Trust(Good, truthful, or strong belief)[/U] - Taken by Neuvoxetere[/COLOR] [COLOR=Silver][U]Virtue(Moral goodness)[/U] - Taken by Lrb[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][U]Love(Great likng or affection)[/U] - Taken by demonchild781[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][U]Honesty(Truthful)[/U] - Taken by Spiritbreeze[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][U]Hatred(Disliking someone greatly)[/U] - Taken by Takuya[/COLOR] [b][u][i]Powers:[/b][/u][/i] [B][U]Intelligence[/U] - Incredibly smart, can read minds[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][U]Knowledge[/U] - Close to Intelligence, knows a lot of things, can see into peoples minds.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange][U]Courage[/U] - Can make people in the brave when scared, can make people scared so they can't do things, or can make people believe things.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][U]Civility[/U] - kind and polite to everyone, very persuasive and can get anything she wants by being all nice, including enemies.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Plum][U]Trust[/U] - Easily trusted by all, including enemies, so can get secrets out of people.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Silver][U]Virtue[/U] - Overall goodness and can make people see things.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][U]Love[/U] - Makes people like him/her so they obey him/her.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][U]Honesty[/U] - Can make people tell the truth about things.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][U]Hatred[/U] - Can make people hate others.[/COLOR] [b][u][i]Sign Up Sheet:[/b][/u][/i] If you don't understand, take a look at my sign up below. [b]Name:[/b] [Has to be in another language that means whatever element you've chosen, Healing may be an exception, but if you can find one, that'd be appreciated.] [b]Age:[/b] [Should be a teenager. 11-19] [b]Element:[/b] [The element you've chosen from the list.] [b]Language:[/b] [The language that your character's name is in.] [b]Virtue:[/b] [Virtue from above. Also copy and paste the power from the list.] [b]Element Power:[/b] [Here's where you write your power over your element. Don't over do it though. Also, your powers will develop as the RP continues, so write them how they'll be at first, which will be quite weak. Something quite simple and a small attack that you can do, preferably a blast or ball of power, for Healing maybe a simple Cure spell. *shrugs* So I repeat, nothing strong at this point, I'll explain later, probably in an Underground Thread how we'll get stronger powers.] [b]Weapon(s):[/b] [Max is 3, no guns or anything too modern.] [b]Appearance:[/b] [What your character looks like, not too modern. And your character should also have something that suggests what element they are.] [b]Personality:[/b] [What your character acts like. Has to be like the Virtue you've chosen.] [b]Bio:[/b] [Your history, what you were doing when the darkness and the coloured light appeared. What you did, what your relative did etc.] [b]Beast Form:[/b] [An animal that has to do with the element, or that people associate with the element. Like Lion for Fire, etc.] [b]Beast Form Appearance:[/b] [Preferably an image of the animal.] [COLOR=Navy][b]Name:[/b] Princess Aria Kaze [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Element:[/b] Air/Wind [b]Language:[/b] Aria - Italian, Kaze - Japanese(Both mean Air or Wind) [b]Virtue:[/b] [U]Civility[/U] - kind and polite to everyone, very persuasive and can get anything she wants by being all nice, including enemies. [b]Element Power:[/b] Aria has control over the wind patterns that blow all over the world, and she can know where something is, on the other side of the world by the way the wind manuvers around it. Her simplest attack at the moment is called the Wind Blast, which can either be in the form of a ball, that she forms between her hands and throws at the enemy, or a strong blast of wind that can come by a summoning by her flute, or by making gestures with her hands. [b]Weapon(s):[/b] [URL=http://mmxz.zophar.net/rpg/mana3/bow.jpg]Bow and Arrows[/URL], and a [URL=http://www.midgaardgames.com/pages/accessories/weapons/rapier.jpg]Rapier[/URL]. She also carries a [URL=http://img.musiciansfriend.com/dbase/pics/products/46/462108.jpg]Crystal Flute[/URL], which she uses for her magic. [b]Appearance:[/b] Aria has long blonde hair that ends at the middle of her back and sparkling, crystal blue eyes. At the beginning, she wears a white dress with a long skirt that touches the ground. Later she'll change to navy blue pants and a white shirt, since the dress gets in the way etc. [b]Personality:[/b] Aria is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Aria loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. Aria is strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. She can easily keep a cool head in a heated argument, but she can also have a quick temper. [b]Bio:[/b] (Most of it is in the Storyline.) Aria was born and bred as a princess, knowing no other life than nobility. Many of the nobles that are part of the court, wonder why she's so nice to the servants, saying that they're only there to serve people and don't need thanks because it's their job. Aria immediately disagreed with the statement and decided to go against everyone else. Her parents were proud for her choice, as they were also nice to their servants. She loves her Grandfather greatly and loves the Legend of the Eight Dogs, which she asks for constantly, she's a big fan of mystical stories, and tales. Aria started to learn how to play the flute at a young age, as she wanted something to do with her spare time, some nobles thought she shouldn't do anything extra than she needed to, and once again, Aria disagreed, she enjoyed playing her flute and many people enjoyed listening to her play. She also decided to take up Fencing, even more than before, the nobles didn't want her doing so, they said it was a thing for men only, but she went against them like always and soon became a great fencer, as good as she was at playing the flute. On the night that the darkness fell, when her Grandfather had taken her, she had quickly rushed to her room to grab her bow and arrows, that were gifts from one of the Hunters in the court, her crystal flute that was a present from her parents, and her rapier that was given to her by her Fencing teacher. Her grandfather asked why she was bringing such things, but then said not to answer, she somehow knew she would need weapons. [b]Beast Form:[/b] Eagle [b]Beast Form Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://www.nccu.edu/offices/REP/Eagle.jpg]Here[/URL].[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][U][B]There are some rules to this RP. Obey them and I'll be nice. [1] No godmodding, or making large choices that will affect the story without consulting me. [2] Use the colours I've put to post with. I realise I've never told the reason why I always ask for post colours, it's because it makes it easier to find posts. [3] If you want to quit the RP at anytime, please PM me or tell me on MSN(for whoever has it and is on my list.) [4] Please don't kill any members off, unless you've consulted them and they've agreed.[/B][/U][/COLOR] Ok, Sorry if it's a bit long, please Sign Up and Enjoy the RP, obey the rules and the small notes. Keep your eyes peeled for an Underground Thread that I'll make when a few people have signed up. ~Ohkami
  25. [COLOR=Navy]Storm was leaning against one of the stone pillars, a distance away from the area where the rest of the Chosens were eating. Her eyes had changed back to their regular colour after shouting at Brice. Lucemon was standing on the ground next to her, looking up at her with worry. "Are you....okay?" he asked. "Yeah, of course." she answered simply. "You sure?" "Positive. Don't worry so much about me Lucemon, I can take care of myself." she sighed, fiddling around with her digivice. "You should join them to eat." Lucemon stated. "I don't want to be around them, could you get me an apple?" Storm asked. Lucemon was the only person that she was nice to. Lucemon nodded and spread his wings, flying over to the table and picking up an apple that didn't have any marks on it, then flew back to Storm. Storm took it from Lucemon's outstretched and took a bite out of it, thanking him with an inclination of her head. She put the hand that wasn't holding the apple, into her pocket and leaned her shoulder against the pillar, watching the group and keeping her ears open for any news from Magnadramon. She was watching for when they finished eating, because Magnadramon had said they'd talk after eating.[/COLOR]
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