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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [B]OOC:[/B] This is gonna be one strange RP....and I know they don't die that easily but too bad! [COLOR=Navy]Meiko walked through a large open field. She whistled an old tune as she put a slight hop in her step. Suddenly a black swirling mass covered her vision and when she could see again there were three large blue birds(Thrustaevius') in front of her in a row and she had her staff in one hand in a fighting stance, learning she couldn't move. "Not again!! How many of these things do I have to go through to get to that stupid town?!" she cried angrily. There was a small 'ping!' and the list of commands appeared in front of her. She chose the 'Red Magic' command and selected Thunder, making a gesture and pointing with her staff at the Thrustaevius in the middle. [B]50 HP Damage[/B]. The small white numbers appearing above it's head. It screeched angrily before falling to the ground and fading away, and the other two of them took their turns at spinning and bombarding her from above. "That hurt!" Meiko yelled, selecting Thunder from the Red Magic list again, hitting the bird on the left. [B]55 HP Damage[/B]. Meiko watched the digits appear above the bird's head. It cried out before hitting the grass like the other and faded away. The last bird crowed angrily and bombarded her from above again. "Bye, Bye Birdie!" she called, rushing at it, pulling her staff apart into the blades and slashing twice at the bird. The numbers [B]50 HP Damage[/B] appeared as she made the two slashes. It cawed and died. There was a message in white writing in a grey box above her that she craned her head to see. [B]Meiko defeated Thrustaeviusx3! 60 EXP. gained! 60 gil gained! Shear Featherx2, Potionx2 obtained![/B] The screen changed back and Meiko shrugged, continuing on her way, hoping to meet some people that could help her in battles.[/COLOR]
  2. [B]OOC:[/B] Hey! You neva told me you were makin' another RP! You used my username in your character's name! Done! Let me know if I gotta change anything. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Meiko Mizuya [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Class:[/B] Red Mage crossed with Warrior [B]Equip:[/B] [URL=http://www.concentric.net/~stircraz/XL-723.jpg]Twin Blades[/URL] that can be put together into a staff like in the picture, which is how she usually carries it and mainly has it when doing her magic if complicated spells(She won't bother if it's just healing when she's in the middle of a battle) [B]Magic:[/B] Red Magic - Mainly Black with some status and healing spells. [B]Special Ability:[/B] [U]Sword Dance:[/U] Meiko charges at an enemy and slashes them repeatedly while spinning and doing something that kind of looks like an intricate dance. [B]Experience Level:[/B] 4/5 around there... [B]Appearance:[/B] See attachment. She has navy blue pants the same colour as her inner shirt. [B]Personality:[/B] Meiko is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Meiko loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. Meiko is strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. [B]Biography:[/B] Meiko grew up in a family of only three, herself and her parents. From young they trained her in the ways of magic and fighting skills. When she was four, her parents enroled her in an acrobatic class for her to be better at fighting, she did very well in it because she's agile. When she was 14, her father gave her a practise sword made of wood for her to train with. Then at 16, she got a blunt weighted sword to continue her training. At 18, her father finally gave her the Twin Blades that she now carries and trained her about how to use them to her proper advantage. By then she was slowly mastering spells on top of her warrior training. Her mother was slowly teaching her what to do and the right words to say. Her father continued to teach her the skills of martial arts which he had done since she was a child. Now finally, she's perfected her magic and the arts of a warrior-weapon combat, hand-to-hand, and acrobatics.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Navy]Meiko sighed. She sat in the tavern at Fabul Port. She was still travelling, heading for Hyrule again. After the mass slaughter that had killed her mother and many of her friends in the acrobatic group. She had decided to leave her family and the group of acrobats because they just wanted to accept the fact that they were dead, they didn't have bloodthirst or a taste for revenge in their hearts. She did. Meiko looked around the crowded tavern. All of the tables were taken, except hers which only she was sitting at. She noticed the door swing open and a man, that looked about the same age as her entered. She watched as his eyes swooped over the crowded room and the packed tables, before his eyes landed on her and her empty table. He hitched up his heavy armour and walked over. "Hi, do you mind if I sit here?" he asked. Meiko just shook her head and he slid into the chair next to her with a thanks. "Thanks, this place is really crowded. I'm Chain." he smiled, extending a hand. The corners of her lips twitched up slightly in a small smile and she took the hand. "Meiko." she answered. Chain let go and Meiko slid the menu over to him. He picked it up and read all of the foods. He didn't know much about foods here so he asked advice from Meiko. She recommended the Ham and cheese pastie, which was what she was getting because they made each one fresh, with the cheese all warm and melty. He nodded and they ordered. "Where are you from?" she asked. "Calatia." he answered. "You?" "Hyrule." she whispered. "Really? I'm headed for Hyrule myself. What about you?" "Yes, I have business in Hyrule." she said. Then feeling she could trust him, she told him her story of her past and about the masked figure that had killed her mother and friends. He listened quietly and at the end he looked sad. He reached into his pack and pulled out a poster and showed it to her. "Was this the person?" he asked. "Yes." she said glaring angrily at the picture of the masked man. Seeing as she had told him her past, he decided to tell her his as they waited for their food. He explained that the masked man was Link, the famed hero of Hyrule, and he was Link's son, setting out to save him and Hyrule. Meiko listened and apologised, he said that there was no reason for apology. They decided to stick together and help each other out as they travelled to Hyrule. Their food arrived and they ate it hungrily. Then they payed and left, a bunch of other people quickly took their table as soon as they left it. Outside, she led them to a place where they would be able to get transport to Hyrule.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Hope you don't mind meeting up.
  4. [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry I'm late. I changed my appearance because the picture doesn't seem to work. [COLOR=Navy]Saenia wiped sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand and grinned. She twirled an oak brown staff in her hands and faced her opponent. Her opponent grinned back at her and held his large blade at the ready. "You're getting better, Ryo!" she said, using her nickname for him. "Sure, you're just saying that 'cos you don't want to admit that I'm gettin' better than you." Ryojin smirked. Saenia and Ryojin charged each other fiercly. They were pressed up against each other with his blade, and her staff locked together. They pushed with all their force, seeing who would give up. They both twisted out of the lock and backflipped away from each other skillfully and landed in crouched positions. Saenia held her staff horizontally and pulled at it, the staff slid apart to reveal the two blades that were hidden inside. They glinted in the early sunlight, reflecting the clear blue sky. They got up from their positions and ran at each other again. Saenia slashed with her two blades, while Ryojin dodged and blocked. Then he used his large blade as a pole vault and jumped up, tucking his knees up into his chest and doing a somersault, his momentum freeing his blade from the ground. Saenia spun around but it was too late, he started slashing with his Dragon Blade, which to her and anyone that had to fight him was a cleaver. Saenia blocked with a flurry of her blades and let one go with the flick of her wrist. Ryojin saw the glint of metal and did a cartwheel to the side. She smirked, knowing he would do that and threw the other at where he was about to land before flipping off down the field to retrieve her first one. Ryojin barely had time to do an aerial flip and the blade grazed him as it went past. Saenia caught the other as it continued to slice through the air. They faced each other again, slightly panting and sweaty. A slight breeze blew throught the field they were sparring on, ruffling the blades of grass and blowing their hair around. They were about to go for each other again when they heard a voice in their heads. It told them to go back to the house. It was their mother, using her powers to reach them. They got up from their fighter's stance and Saenia slid the blades together, making it a staff again. "Good match, Ryo." she said, shaking her younger brother's hand. Even though Ryojin wasn't her real brother, she treated him like one. Because before she had been an only child and was lonely. And then fate brought him to her family, the same night when Sideria came. They walked back to their home talking about the battle. They saw their house and they went to it. Inside they leaned their weapons near the door and went off to look for their mother. "Mom?" Saenia called. Her mother emerged from the kitchen, drying her hands on a towel. "Ah you're back. A message came for the both of you a while ago." she said, pointing to a sealed envelope on the table near the door. They walked over to it and Saenia picked it up, examining the seal. When she realised what the seal was, she gasped. It was the personal royal seal of the Kingdom of Celebrynn. Saenia got one of her blades and carefully lifted the seal off so it didn't break, then she pocketed it. She unfolded the letter and read the cursive carefully. [quote] [B][COLOR=Black][SIZE=4][FONT=Monotype Corsiva]Saenia and Ryojin Kite, You are both needed urgently at the palace. Please come as soon as you possibly can and bring your dragon partners. There is danger at the palace and we request your presence. Thankyou.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [/quote] Saenia relayed it to Ryojin and then they told their parents. Their mother quickly packed them some food and put it in a bag for them to carry. They thanked her and rushed out the backdoor to the stables. Saenia entered Sideria's cubicle and saddled her, telling her in a rush what was happening, while Ryojin did the same for Dryoga. They led their dragons out of the stables and closed the doors behind them. Saenia and Ryojin quickly mounted and within a matter of wingbeats, they were sailing through the sky towards the palace. [/COLOR]
  5. [B]OOC:[/B] I'm really [I]really[/I] sorry Takuya. Haven't had much time on my hands lately. Really sorry. Sorry about the length too, couldn't really think of much without interfering with other peoples' plans. [COLOR=Navy]Mizu changed back into her spirit form and fired a strong blast of water at the stunned group of men. They all fell down and were soaking wet. Mizu giggled lightly and floated over to them. "You should be more careful, ya know?" she said, and then she picked one up by the arm and swung him into the wall. The others were all taking other criminals. Someone called to her about the guy that she'd attacked was behind her. Of course, Mizu knew that and swung around, a water bubble built in her hands. Mizu pushed it forward with energy and the bubble encased him. Bubbles began to come out of his mouth and he banged his fists against the walls of the bubble. Mizu was very slowly drowning him. She felt a pain in the place where a bicep would usually be. She looked at the spot and saw that one of the other criminals had thrown a dagger at her and it sat imbedded in the energy that she was. Mizu pulled it out easily and flicked her wrist, throwing the dagger back at him and it was impaled in his heart as he fell backwards. Mizu turned back to the bubble and saw that he had sunk to his knees in the round prison. Bubbles were escaping his mouth in streams as he struggled to hold his breath. Mizu shrugged and decided she couldn't be bothered waiting for the stubborn man to give up. Mizu bounced off somewhere else to attack more criminals with glee.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Navy][B]OOC:[/B] I hope to stay active as much as I can. I dunno if my weapons are classified as one or two. Let me know if I gotta change anything. [U][B][I]*Rider*[/I][/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Saenia Kite [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18489]Here[/URL]. But she usually wears a blue, durable, waterproof, hooded jacket open with a white top inside and navy blue cargo pants with pockets at the top(regular place for pockets) and near the knees and blue and white shoes. [B](Not So) Short History:[/B] Saenia has always been a large fan of dragons and adores them deeply, wishing she had wings herself so she could cut through the air of the skies. Saenia's father was a dragon tamer in his younger days, but doesn't do it as much because he's old. When Saenia was at the tender age of three, her father started to teach her things about dragons and she listened intently to his stories of the dragons he'd met in travels. One night, when she was four, there was a large storm and there was heavy rain. Saenia and her mother waited in the living room for her father to arrive. Finally he did and he had something cradled in his arms, wrapped in his jacket. Saenia's mother jumped up to get him a towel and Saenia ran to see what her father was carrying. He unveiled it to be a baby dragon. He told her that her mother had died and it was helpless. Saenia immediately bonded with the small purple dragon and decided to name her Sideria. Sideria and Saenia grew at the same pace, difference being that Sideria grew bigger than Saenia quickly. Saenia's father passed on the skills of how to take care of dragons as he started to get older so she could take care of the other dragons housed in the family stables. Saenia and Sideria are still best friends and they've learned to communicate by mind speech, the way dragons usually conversed with their partners. He also helped her in combat skills, both armed and hand-to-hand combat, teaching her a large range of martial arts. Saenia soon discovered that Sideria was a special dragon, connected to the element of water. She got a message a few days later, telling her that she was needed with Sideria to help go against some bad guys. [B]Weapon:[/B] [URL=http://www.concentric.net/~stircraz/XL-723.jpg]Twin Blades[/URL] that can be put together to be a staff like in the pic, which is how she usually carries them around. [U][B][I]*Dragon*[/I][/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Sideria [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20151]Sideria[/URL] [B]Element:[/B] Water[/COLOR]
  7. [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry I haven't been posting. Been busy and I got school, unlike you people. I'll try to keep up as much as I can but no promises. [COLOR=Navy]Meiko was doing some work when one of senses were set off. She got to her feet quickly and asked the teacher if she could go to the bathroom, the teacher nodded and Meiko rushed off down the hall. Meiko hoped the others in the class would sense the trouble as well and try to follow after her. She checked her left and right quickly before starting her change. Her unzipped jacket blew behind her from the speed. Meiko was surrounded by white light and she transformed into another girl. Her brown hair had changed into a light blue and had a golden arm band on her right arm. She wore the same clothes except that her jacket wasn't with her anymore. She clicked her fingers on her left hand and her staff that concealed her twin blades materialised. Meiko arrived at the deserted classroom where there were two angels fighting a hoard of gargoyles. "Hey guys, did I miss anything?" she asked, pulling the staff apart to reveal the blades inside.[/COLOR]
  8. [B]OOC:[/B] Cool! I've been wanting to read Eragon for some time, but I haven't got it yet. [B]EDITED!:[/B] Let me know if anything needs changing. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Saenia Kite [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Weapon:[/B] [URL=http://www.concentric.net/~stircraz/XL-723.jpg]Twin Blades[/URL] that can be put together like in the pic to make a staff, which is how she usually carries them. [B]Side:[/B] Revived Dragon Riders [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20383]Here[/URL], if you can't tell, her hair is black and her eyes are chocolate brown and minus the collar thing. [B]Bio:[/B] Saenia has always been a large fan of dragons and adores them deeply, wishing she had wings herself so she could cut through the air of the skies. Saenia's father was a dragon tamer in his younger days, but doesn't do it as much because he's old. When Saenia was at the tender age of four, her father started to teach her things about dragons and she listened intently to his stories of the dragons he'd met in travels. One night, there was a large storm and there was heavy rain. Saenia and her mother waited in the living room for her father to arrive. Finally he did and he had something cradled in his arms, wrapped in his jacket. Saenia's mother jumped up to get him a towel and Saenia ran to see what her father was carrying. He unveiled it to be a baby dragon. He told her that her mother had died and it was helpless. Saenia immediately bonded with the small purple dragon and made a pact with it, then she decided to name her Sideria. Sideria and Saenia grew at the same pace, difference being that Sideria grew bigger than Saenia quickly. Saenia's father passed on the skills of how to take care of dragons as he started to get older so she could take care of the other dragons housed in the family stables. Saenia and Sideria are still best friends and they've learned to communicate by mind speech, the way dragons usually conversed with their partners. He also helped her in combat skills, both armed and hand-to-hand combat, teaching her a large range of martial arts. Saenia's mother helped her with the magical powers that she had gained from the pact. Teaching her how to harness it and control it to do her will. When Saenia was out with Sideria one day, her house was raided by Galboratrix soldiers and they took her parents, thinking they were part of the Revived Dragon Riders because their family kept so many dragons. Saenia later learned that they had been executed with another couple that was arrested from suspicion. Saenia was greived and freed the family dragons, telling them to escape. Then she packed her things and escaped with Sideria, hoping to find the group of Revived Dragon Riders. When they found the group, Saenia decided to join because they were against the Galboratrix and she wanted revenge against them for wrongfully executing her parents when they'd done no harm to anyone. There, she discovered Seuneu, and she found that his parents were the other couple that were exectued along with her own parents. They became friends, both determined to get revenge against the Galboratrix Forces. [B]Pact Partner:[/B] Dragon [B]Pact Partner Name:[/B] Sideria [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20151]Sideria[/URL][/COLOR]
  9. OOC: I'll try to keep active, a bit busy coz I got lots of school work to do, coming to end of year kinda, ya know. I dunno how you want your characters to act so... [COLOR=Navy]Mizuya, otherwise known as Mizu had spotted a pair of figures ahead. She stood in her Therosaon form and her furry ears twitched as a slight breeze blew past. As Mizu got closer, she realised it was Anzunden, the elemental spirit of fire in his human form, and Rakaloma an illusionist. Mizu ran up to them. "Hi." she said cheerfully. "Not fighting again are ya?" she asked. "About time Mizu." Anzunden greeted. "Hey! That's not nice." she pouted. "Hello Mizu." Rakaloma said more tamely. "Hi! So who else is coming? And what were you guys arguing about? I could hear ya from down there." she said pointing. "But that might be because of my ears..." Mizu rambled. Anzunden and Rakaloma rolled their eyes as Mizu continued to blabber on about nothing.[/COLOR]
  10. [font=verdana][size=2][color=#ffffff]Way cool Lrb! It's a great idea! So are we gonna get to the good bits in the RP yet? Anyway, I'll keep this site in my favourites section so I can remember it. Oh, and is the background of yours clouds? It kinda reminds me of them, big fluffy ones. Then what's mine supposed to be? Great to see that you've gotten so used to PSP too! I might ask you for some banners later on, and I still got the ones you made for me. But anyway, going off topic. ^_^;; Cyaz! ~Ohkami [/color][/size][/font]
  11. [B]OOC:[/B] Hmmm....Sounds interesting, I'm a bit of a Zelda fan. Let me know if I gotta edit anything. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Meiko Mizuya [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Favored Goddess:[/B] All Three but more towards Nayru. [B]Weapon:[/B] This [URL=http://www.kultofathena.com/images/UC1371_l.jpg]Dagger[/URL] that she wears on her belt, [URL=http://www.kultofathena.com/images/UC1371_l.jpg]Twin Blades[/URL] that can be joined together to make a staff like in the picture, which is how she usually carries it. She also carries a [URL=http://members.aol.com/shopgenessa/we1456gf.jpg]Flute[/URL] that she plays which has enchanting capabilities. [B]Skills:[/B] Meiko is skilled with a large number of weapons and is equally good with them. But even better than that, she is a powerful Druid Mage and can control the elements and nature. She usually uses her Flute to do her magic by playing little tunes on it, but it isn't necessary, so sometimes she'll use words. Meiko herself is very acrobatic and skillful from years of training and can use these abilities to get herself out of tough situations or help her in battle. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.wormbaby.biz/i/154717.jpg]Here[/URL]. She has navy blue pants the same colour as her inner shirt. [B]Personality:[/B] Meiko is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Meiko loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. Meiko is strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. [B]Biography:[/B] Meiko was born into a acrobatic family. Her family was part of a group of entertainers. She was trained from young to be skillful in the art of backflips, sommersaults and all other acrobatic things. As she got older, at the age of 9, she started to learn complicated flips and turns. Then as she reached 13, she started to learn how to walk the tightrope and swing on the trapieze. She perfected them all by the age of 15 and was a full fledged acrobat. Meiko discovered her magical talent at the age of 7. She had accidently caused the river they were camped by to overflow when she threw a temper tantrum. They had planned to cross the river later in the day, but it was postponed for a day because the current was too rough. Her parents finally told her that she was born with the power, but they were trying to hide it from her for her own safety. They admitted that it wasn't the smartest thing to do but they believed it was the right thing. Meiko forgave them and asked if someone could train her so she'd get better. Her mother told her that she was also a mage, but she hardly used her powers unless needed. So Meiko trained hard and now she's finally perfected it, but she can sometimes lose contol if something really bad happens and she can't control her powers. Meiko and her group were performing in Hyrule when they were attacked by a mysterious, masked stranger. He injured many people and all of her group were trying to help fight him off. Meiko watched as her mother used her powers and was struck down by the stranger. She cried out as she saw her mother flung against a wall like a ragdoll. She lost control and she started attacking him wildly, she could feel him smirk evilly and he retreated. Her mother died from internal bleeding and Meiko swore her revenge and to help Hyrule, who kindly housed the group of entertainers for a month.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Navy]Meiko rubbed the back of her head, and looked up. "Uh...Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." Meiko apologized as he helped her to her feet. "It's fine, I wasn't watching either." he replied. Meiko dusted off the back of her uniform and looked at him. "Are you in my class?" she asked. "Yeah, I think so." he said. "I don't think I've ever properly met you. I'm Meiko." she said, extending a hand. "I'm Takahiro." he replied, shaking the hand. Meiko took a quick glance at her wrist and her eyes buldged. She squealed again and grabbed his wrist. "Quick! We're gonna be late!" she cried, dragging him through the halls as they made their way to the classroom. "Hey! Slow down." Takahiro complained, running beside her. They stopped a few metres away from the door and caught their breath. Meiko straightened her uniform and walked into the classroom calmly with Takahiro following her. They took their seats in class, which wasn't that far from each other and got their things out, prepared to work.[/COLOR]
  13. [B]OOC:[/B] Cool Takuya. Looks good. I may add a Bio and/or Personality, I'll let you know if I do. [B]EDITED![/B] Tell me if it still isn't right. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Mizuya "Mizu" [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race:[/B] Kalmorian [B]Age:[/B] 196 [B]Alternate form:[/B] Therosaon [B]Element:[/B] Water [B]Abilities:[/B] Mizu has control over waters. She can control Water in any form, eg. Rain, ice, liquid etc. In bodies of water, eg. Lakes, rivers, ponds, puddles etc and has the power to breathe underwater for long periods of time and not be affected by very hot temperatures. But Mizu can create water from nothing and use it against enemies by hurling it at them. She can also let walk on water. She is unaffected by Water based spells, and resistant to Fire based spells, but weak against Thunder spells and abilities. If she is attacked by a Water spell then she can use it to heal herself.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Navy]Meiko heard her alarm go off and sat up in bed and turned it off. She turned her head and saw it was 7 o'clock in the morning. She yawned and combed her fingers through her naturally messy black hair. She pushed the covers away and swung her legs over the side of the bed and touched her feet to the cool, polished, wooden floorboards. Meiko stood and grabbed her clothes for the day before heading for the bathroom. She closed the door quietly and started the spray of warm water from the faucet, adjusting it to the right temperature and taking a warm shower. When she was done, she stopped the water and dried herself off quickly. Meiko changed into her regular clothes and tried to straighten her hair without success. She sighed and left the bathroom, heading downstairs and jumping the last four steps. Meiko entered the kitchen and saw her mother and father. "Morning." she said cheerfully, picking up a piece of toast. "Morning." they replied as Meiko walked to them. Meiko hugged her parents and took the backdoor, outside. She walked over to the stables, munching on her piece of toast, it was crunchy, just the way she liked it. Meiko approached the first stable and opened the door. "Good morning, Sideria. How are you?" she asked, picking up a rag and oil. She poured an amount onto the rag and started to oil her rough patches. ["Good morning. I slept well, it was slightly chilly though."] Sideria answered. "I see." Meiko said, finishing up. She only had to oil Sideria's hide once in a while because she took good care of her. Meiko left the cubicle to get some food for Sideria and the other dragons. She went along giving each of the dragons their prefered food and returned to Sideria. "I'll be back in a while. I'll finish up with breakfast before we go to the base." Meiko told her. ["I'll be waiting."] Sideria said, nodding her head. Meiko smiled and hugged the large purple dragon who'd been her best friend since the age of four, when they'd first met on that fateful stormy night. Meiko went back into the house and finished her breakfast. "How are the dragons?" asked her father. "They're all fine. But they all found it a little chilly last night, except for Anker. But he's an ice dragon so no surprise there." Meiko answered, washing her plate and cutlery. "Are you going to the base?" her mother asked. "Yeah, just gotta get the ocarina." she said, running back up the stairs and grabbing the instrument from her room. "All right, I'm leaving now. Bye." Meiko said as she went out the back and saddled Sideria. She mounted the dragon and took off for the base.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] A bit long, sorry.
  15. [COLOR=Navy]Meiko was jolted awake by the flood of golden sunlight through her bedroom window. She sat up and brushed her light brown hair away from her eyes and yawned. She turned her head slightly and looked at the clock that sat beside her bed. It read 7 o'clock in the morning. Meiko pushed away the covers and turned her body so her legs got off the bed and her feet touched the cool, polished, floorboards. She stood and grabbed her clothes before heading to the bathroom. She closed the door and turned on the taps and took a nice refreshing shower, brushing her teeth in the process. She finally stopped the water and exited the glass box. She dried herself off with a fluffy warm towel and changed into her school uniform. She rubbed her chocolate brown eyes lightly to rid herself of the remnants of sleep. Meiko checked herself once more in the mirror and smiled, dashing out of the bathroom and running downstairs, jumping the last four. She walked calmly into the kitchen and grabbed some of the breakfast that her mother had laid out. She looked at her watch and her eyes widened. She skittered to her father and gave him a quick hug, then gave her mother a hug and said she had to go. She grabbed her backpack and slung over her shoulder before running to the door. She put on her blue and white inline skates, checked her shoes were in her bag and bladed out the door. Meiko bladed skillfully towards her school. She made it in time and made it to her locker without being caught by a teacher. She unlocked it and put her inline skates in and quickly changed into her regular school shoes. She tapped the toes of the shoes lightly against the ground to get her foot in properly. Meiko looked at her right wrist and squealed, if she didn't hurry, she'd be late, so she hurried off to class.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Wow, I made the whole post without using direct speech for my character.
  16. [COLOR=Navy]Hmm...sounds good to me. Chaotic Century(The other Zoids series) isn't all that different or great. More storyline than battling though. Like the organoids aren't part of the Zoid itself, but they can merge temporarily. The Zoid one sounds interesting, I hope you post more storyline. I love Zoid RPs. If I had more info, I could judge the second and third one. The second one sounds quite interesting, haven't really been part of many samurai RPs, if any. And if you need any help with the third one, contact me. I'm good with the medieval, mixed with dragons and elements, if you've seen in the Adventure Square. Keep it up ^_^ ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
  17. [B]OOC:[/B] If I need to edit anything, let me know. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Meiko Mizuya [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Value/s:[/B] [COLOR=Orange]Hope[/COLOR] and [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Friendship[/COLOR] [B]Earth Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18489]Here[/URL]. But she usually wears a blue, durable, waterproof, hooded jacket unzipped with a white spaghetti strap top inside and navy blue cargo pants with pockets at the top(regular place for pockets) and near the knees and blue and white sneakers. [B]Angel Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://images.quizilla.com/S/SuicidaLRaGe/1059400904_sAngelGirl.jpg]Here[/URL]. But she has blue hair, the colour of her clothes in the pic. And instead of that outfit, she wears the same white spaghetti strap top and navy blue cargos. [B]Weapon:[/B] [URL=http://www.concentric.net/~stircraz/XL-723.jpg]Twin Blades[/URL] which can be put together to be a staff like in the pic, which is how she usually carries them. The wood of the staff has angelic script carved in it.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Navy][B]OOC:[/B] ARGH! Curse school and time differences!! Just try to keep me included, I try to get on as often as possible but I'm busy. And sorry about the length again, I'll make it up to you....sometime.... Meiko sat up and groaned, moving her stiff limbs. She looked around and noticed she was still in the forest. "I wasn't dreaming...." she murmered. Meiko got to her feet and started to stretch her sore muscles. She looked around again and noticed no one else was around so she decided to go off searching. Finally she found the rest of the group again. "Sorry...Did I miss anything?" she asked, walking towards them. "No. But we shall begin training right away." Dagonet answered. "But what about the food?" Jenny asked again. Dagonet frowned at them. "You need to train." he said. Meiko just sighed, "Can we just get this over and done with? I want to go home." as she continued to stretch her arms and legs.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Navy][B]OOC:[/B] Not that great but let me know if I have to edit anything. [B]Name:[/B] Meiko Mizuya [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Class:[/B] Warrior/Mage/Dragon Tamer [B]Weapon:[/B] [URL=http://www.concentric.net/~stircraz/XL-723.jpg]Twin Blades[/URL] which can be put together to be a staff like in the pic, which is how she usually carries them, and her magic, which is mainly elemental with a few minor healing spells. [B]Alliance:[/B] Ryus [B]Partner:[/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20151]Sideria[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Meiko is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Meiko loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. Meiko is strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20383]Tada![/URL] If you can't tell, her hair is black and her eyes are chocolate brown. [B]History:[/B] Meiko has always been a large fan of dragons and adores them deeply, wishing she had wings herself so she could cut through the air of the skies. Meiko's father was a dragon tamer in his younger days, but doesn't do it as much because he's old. When Meiko was at the tender age of four, her father started to teach her things about dragons and she listened intently to his stories of the dragons he'd met in travels. One night, there was a large storm and there was heavy rain. Meiko and her mother waited in the living room for her father to arrive. Finally he did and he had something cradled in his arms, wrapped in his jacket. Meiko's mother jumped up to get him a towel and Meiko ran to see what her father was carrying. He unveiled it to be a baby dragon. He told her that her mother had died and it was helpless. Meiko immediately bonded with the small purple dragon and decided to name it Sideria. Sideria and Meiko grew at the same pace, difference being that Sideria grew bigger than Meiko quickly. Meiko's father passed on the skills of dragon taming to her and gave her the ocarina that had been in the family for generations that was used to summon dragons. Meiko and Sideria are still best friends and they've learned to communicate by mind speech, the way dragons usually conversed with their partners. He also helped her in combat skills, both armed and hand-to-hand combat, teaching her a large range of martial arts. Meiko's mother helped her with the little magical powers that she had. Teaching her how to harness it and control it to do her will. Magic had also run in her family, but quite faintly, not as much as dragon taming. Now the war is starting, and Meiko and Sideria have agreed to fight against the Overlords. If they stopped Dragons being raised by Humans, no one would be able to experience the bond they shared. So now they're determined to help the other Ryus to over power the Overlords.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Navy][B]OOC:[/B] Gosh darn it! I really hate the time differences! Sorry I'm late, and sorry for the length, a bit short... Meiko stood outside of the school gates near the path. She took the sunglasses from her face and stared at the small, floating, blue light. Meiko lifted a hand and reached out for it, as the hand got closer, the light moved backwards. Meiko took a step forward and tried again. Soon enough, it was continually moving around, then all of a sudden it shot off down the street. Meiko let out a yell and started pursuit. The light weaved in and out of streets, with Meiko following it. Anyone that saw her running around would think she was late and hurrying home because no one else could see the small glowing light as she could. Meiko took a quick glance up from the light to see where it was headed and saw the thick mass of trees that was the forest, and the light was headed right for them. As soon as they reached the mass, the light squeezed in through a small gap and Meiko rushed to find the entrance to follow it. She could see it at a distance and sprinted towards it, hurdling over rocks and large roots that stuck out of the ground, ready to trip anyone that wasn't watching where they were going. She made it to an area and noticed there were several other people there, and her light had gone somewhere. "Uh...Hi. I followed the little light thing...." Meiko said, running a hand through her soft brown hair.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Navy]Sounds great Zidargh!! Great idea. And compliments to James for the RPG banner, very cute! I wish I could have my other Final Fantasy characters, but oh well. Is there an estimated time that this'll be up? Then I can keep watch and be ready with a character. ^_^ So any characters that are 3D are out? Hmmm......What character.....*goes off to think of a character.* BTW: Sorry about the length. ^_^;;[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Navy][B]OOC:[/B] Hey, ya didn't tell me you were making an RP. My sign up isn't too great but....*shrugs* [B]Name:[/B] Meiko Mizuya [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Element:[/B] Water(Yay, Water!) [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18489]Here[/URL]. She wears a tight white t-shirt with a hooded blue waterproof jacket over the top and navy blue pants. Quite often she'll wear her silver, reflective sunglasses. [B]Personality:[/B] Meiko is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Meiko loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. Meiko is strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. [B]Biography:[/B] Meiko is the older child of two. She has a younger brother by the name of Van. Meiko and Van get along quite well because he's only a year younger than she is, though he can get on her nerves. Meiko is very acrobatic because she was enrolled in gymnastics and acrobatics at a young age and she still continues them, but she is very much a tomboy. If she can help it, she won't touch a dress or a skirt, but sometimes she's forced to, which she dislikes very much. Her family has always lived in Japan because her parents were born there and they didn't want to move. They live in Tokyo, and Meiko was born there. One day, on her way home from school, she spotted a little light through her sunglasses and thought it was a mark on her glasses so she took them off and there was a blue light hovering in front of her. Meiko reached out to try and touch it but it flew backwards, away from her hand. She looked around to see if anyone else had spotted the light but people just walked past it. Meiko finally decided to see what it was, but as she reached out again, it flew away from her, Meiko started to chase after it as it sped up and when she looked away from the light to see where she was going, she saw a forest...[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Navy]I'm very much alike to roxybudgy. I'm a High school Student who was originally from Malaysia then I came to Western Australia when I was 18 months old, which is now 14 years. I haven't left WA since we came here(which really sucks). I hate the time differences between Australia and America because you want to talk to the members but they're not online at the same time as you and some fast moving RPs just speed along while you're sleeping. And lots of people are older than me.... Anywayz ^^;; ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
  24. [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry if this post is a little short. And everyone still part of this and watching, please PM me with whether you think I should start a thread in Arena Underground for this. Thanks. [COLOR=Navy]Terra galloped along steadily, the path was getting rougher and the horses were struggling to keep up the speed with the uneven ground. Terra told the others and they all agreed. They would have to slow down their speed, because if the horses kept going as they did, it was sure that one of them would break or twist a limb. Terra whispered gently to Sakura, asking her to slow down, she did so and they travelled at a medium speed trot. Terra raised a hand to shield her eyes as she looked around for any signs of Seuneu. It was taking him longer than he thought, hopefully the enemy Valse hadn't gotten him. In the back of her mind somewhere, something was still bugging her about that feeling they had gotten earlier, Terra decided to call. ["Sid, Sid can you hear me?"] Terra called telepathically. ["Yes, I can hear you Terra."] Sideria replied, her mind voice sounding tired. ["Is everything all right back there?"] Terra asked. ["I'm afraid not, a dark creature came to Glen Haven and ruined the town, many dragons have died, many wounded. He came with his demons, and he had the same type of evil aura as the day Yuka's cave was attacked and you saw the black shadow."] Sideria relayed. ["That's terrible, it's Valse! I swear I'll get him!"] Terra said angrily. ["Is Dryoga all right?"] she asked with worry. ["He's alive, but wounded. Charity's parents are fine also, but hurt. I'm sorry but I must see to other things. Good luck Terra, come back safe soon."] Sideria said sadly. ["Thankyou old friend, say hello to the other dragons and tell them to have faith and keep hope."] Terra finished. "That feeling we felt when we were in the forest? It was because there was an attack at Glen Haven. Valse attacked with some of his demons and have ruined the town." Terra told them. "Mom! Dad!" Charity cried. "They're fine. Sideria said they were hurt but they're ok." Terra said, getting her to calm down. "We gotta get back there ASAP." Kel said. "Then that means we have to do this faster." Leon finished. "So let's go." Terra said, speeding Sakura up a bit as the land started to get slightly smoother.[/COLOR]
  25. [color=navy]Exellent Idea! I'm so happy with the new changes to The Arena. My thanks to the Mods and Admins for working hard. Interesting point you brought up Doukeshi. As you said, it is sometimes quite hard to create an RP that will last, but most of them will eventually die out. I haven't experienced a single RP go to the end. I've posted this in a general answer to your questions. I personally think that it's all about the storyline and plot is the most improtant part of an RP, and that's usually the hard part. Because if it's too simple, no one will want to join, and if it's too complex, no one will want to join, so it has to be around the middle area. Not simple, but not complex. For example, quite a while ago, I made an RP that had a very long recruitment section and not many people signed up for it, though I still started it and it lasted about a week. If something is too long, a lot of people will have the tendency to turn away from it instead of reading the mass of typed words. It also depends on what genre the RP is and what genre the person likes. Like my favourites are Fantasy(duh![Anyone seen me in Adventure]) but I will still sometimes join ones that aren't, but I usually don't do as well in them. And another thing is the content of the RP. Like the rating of it, and the level of content inside. If the RP is quite violent or sexual, the creator will usually put a rating up next to the title or at the top of the RP in the topic, because there are things that people are uncomfortable with. Like Imi lately created a shounen-ai RP(Not picking on ya Imi) and some people don't like male/male relationships. For people to join an RP, it must be imaginative and interesting. If it's dull then it'll remain dull and no one likes a dull RP(How many times did I use "dull"?). Personally, I enjoy RPs that are fantasy world based and/or quite a bit of magic involved. It's the same for getting people to enjoy the RP. I love adding action, like fight scenes when you're caught up in the rage of the imaginary battle that you're typing on the screen. Dragon Warrior's RPs are usually humurous types, which is very entertaining by what he asks the certain characters to do, which are ones he's usually created beforehand. In general, everyone wants an RP with some sort of action to keep them happy and interested in the RP, the reason RPs die out is because the action fades away until there's nothing happening and no one wants to post. I can't really think of much more to say because it's 11:00pm over here and I gotta get to bed for school tomorrow morning. Just wanted to share some thoughts because I saw Doukeshi's thread. *Yawn* Goodnight, From one very tired Wolf who doesn't want to go to school, ~Ohkami[/color]
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