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Everything posted by Sakura
[COLOR=Navy]Terra walked over to Raven and asked if everything was alright. "Are you alright?" she asked. "Yeah, I'm fine...." Raven replied quietly. "Just be careful Raven, You never know what'll happen." Terra replied. Terra looked at her and then walked off to her office which was next to Raven's. She hated doing her paperwork because there was usually so much of it. It was all about the hunts they'd been on and about people they'd hunted. Terra fell into her chair and dragged a hand over her face as she looked at the large pile of paperwork in front of her. She yawned and decided that it would be a long night and pulled the first sheet off the top of the pile. She chewed on the top of her pen and filled in the required information. She wrote in a neat cursive and brought the pen to her lips as she looked over what she wrote. She nodded and placed it to the side, starting another pile of completed paperwork, then she reached out and got the next one....[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][B]OOC:[/B] I'm so sorry everyone. I've had major case of writer's block and not much time to go on now coz I got school again now. Takuya's been doing a great job to keep it up and everyone's fine. I'm still watching the thread so don't worry, I'll always find a way to check in. [B]Skedy:[/B] Different [I]Plains[/I] do exist. They are like seperate realms but you can't stay in them for long or else you're trapped there until someone opens a portal to enter and you can escape through it. ^_^ Sorry to the mods for this post. I just needed to let people know. Hope it's no trouble. Thanks, sorry again, ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Meiko Mizuya [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Appearance:[/B] See attachment. In case you can't tell her hair is black and her eyes are a chocolate brown. [B]Skills:[/B] Meiko is mainly skilled with her [URL=http://www.cbswords.com/images/samurai3000ninja.jpg]Ninja Blade[/URL] which she carries around with her everywhere, except when sleeping, or else she has it close at hand for easy access. She is skilled in the arts of acrobatics and can do skilful flips which can help her get out of difficult situations and most of the types of Martial Arts which helps when she's lost her weapon. Meiko can do a bit of healing magic, but not much and has Pyrokinetic powers. [B]Personality:[/B] Meiko is a cold person, she keeps her emotions to herself and doesn't open to people. She's stubborn and sticks to her rights and beliefs and is quite arrogant. Her beauty is deadly and her intelligence, creativity and power are things people underestimate about her. Her cold side doesn't let her accept jokes which makes her over serious about things, making people try to get her to brighten up. No one expects the power hidden deep within her, or her skill with techniques and weapons. She doesn't trust anyone, love anyone or care for anyone. [B]Biography:[/B] Shigami Mizuya(Meiko's mother) heard the prophecy and was slightly stunned, but in a good way. Shigami had always wanted to Meiko to go out and see the world because Meiko's too much of an introvert and doesn't enjoy being social. Instead of being with friends in the afternoon, she sits in a large Sakura tree in the middle of a field and does various things, like reading, creative writing, diary entries, painting scenery, and other such things. Shigami told Jimma(Meiko's father) the day that she discovered it and he was proud, he, like his wife wanted Meiko to go out and explore, to find herself and hopefully open up more. But it was decided that they wouldn't tell their daughter, because Meiko would refuse it and say that it was just something that the lady had made up. Whenever she wasn't in the tree, she was in her room, the house or in the field. She usually read in her room at night, spread out on the bed with her bedlamp on or she wandered around the house aimlessly. During the day in the field she would sometimes practice her magic and skills. She would meditate, and train for hours on end, sometimes taking breaks to sit in the tree and do her other usual things. For lunch she would go home and make something quick, easy and light before going out again and returning at sundown. That was her daily routine and she didn't want it any other way. The only thing important to her was strength and power. How would friends be of any use in the future? There is no reason for anyone to have friends, they have no importance in life. Those were such thoughts that went through her head everyday as she trained, she even told these thoughts to her parents when they asked her why she didn't want any friends. They were sad about the news and hoped she would grow out of it, but she had been like this most of her life. It started when she was 10 and had a best friend. They were as close as bestfriends could be, but she left her one day and Meiko was crushed. Her heart was broken and from that day, she didn't want friends, she never wanted to feel the pain that she had experienced that one time, ever again, so she pulled herself away from society and became a loner which had no want for friends, unlike a lot of loners that weren't social outcasts out of choice. So all of her determination and work goes into meditating and training to become stronger and more powerful. Meiko has never trusted another person in her whole life since Aki, even though deep inside she knew it wasn't fully Aki's choice to move away, but Meiko wouldn't let herself believe it and her heart became stone, never trusting, never allowing herself to love or care deeply.[/COLOR]
[B]OOC:[/B] Sorry Takuya. And sorry if it's short. Oh, ignore the attachment. [COLOR=Navy]Rayna twirled her blades and stabbed someone who was sneaking up behind her. She turned, twisting the blade in his body. He groaned painfully and collapsed to the ground. Rayna withdrew her blade and wiped the blood off of it on his shirt. A whole nother wave of soldiers entered through the doors. The guardians and Vaxla were fighting them viciously. Rayna slashed at the vital areas of the soldiers quickly, making her way through them to the others. She put the blades together in its staff form and held it at ready. She thumped the soldiers, hitting their solar plexis and getting them off their feet. Suddenly she was fighting a soldier, the next she was on the ground and a soldier stabbed down. Rayna rolled to her side but it still got her side. She examined the wound quickly. It wasn't too deep but it would bleed for a while. Rayna growled angrily and flipped to her feet. She pulled the blades apart and started whirling them around until they were silver blurs. "Keep watching the.......blades!" Rayna said, letting them go flying, one buried itself in the soldier she was fighting, and the other ended up in the soldier that had stabbed at her. Rayna flipped over to the first one and extracted the blade before doing the same to the other. She grasped her wounded side, trying to stifle the blood flow and made sure she was ready for soldiers, she was determined to not get wounded again.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Terra walked around, she was looking for the knight who was looking for work. But for someone who was looking for work, he sure wasn't all that easy to find. Terra asked around and asked if they'd seen someone that looked like a knight. But then she decided to check the parchment, and lo and behold, there was the place where someone could find him. Terra sighed at her idiocy and walked off in the direction of the area. She arrived at a house, it was a medium sized house and was quite nice. She walked up to the door and knocked loudly. There was a voice from inside, and a while later the door opened to reveal a man in his twenties with blond hair, wearing armour with blue trim on it. "Uh...Hi, You must be Leon." Terra said. "Yeah, I've seen you around before, who are you?" he replied. "My name's Terra. I'm here from the ad you put up." Terra said, holding up the piece of paper. "Oh, what do you need me for?" he asked. "My friends and I need an escort. We're going on a journey." Terra answered. "Please, come in." Leon said, letting her through the door. "Thanks." Terra said. The house was nice on the inside. He led her to the lounge room with chairs. "Ok, we have this message in Ancient Dragonian. No one we know can translate it, so Seuneu, a elemental spirit gave me the idea of visiting an old dragon by the name of Plejalta that could possibly translate it. I got the message from another old dragon, her name was Yuka--" Terra continued. "Yuka? As in the old dragon that not many people have seen? You've met Yuka?" Leon said with amazement. "Yes, she was killed by an evil force by the name of Valse, and she wrote me a message before she died. I need to translate it because Valse wants it too. Seuneu has gone to give Valse the stone which the message was written on, but I have it copied down on paper and I keep it with me at all times. He doesn't know I wrote it down so we're going on the journey. Two of my closest friends are accompanying me. We have to leave soon and we can't tell anyone or have anyone follow us in case we're caught by Valse, then he'll kill us. I need you to come along and help us, all three of us are fighters, despite being girls, but it's still good to have someone else along as an escort. Are you willing to accept? But before you make a decision, you have to know that we'll be gone for sometime and your life will be at risk, also, you can't tell a soul, not a human, not a beast, nothing. And we'll have to leave right away, after I do something." Terra finally finished. "Sounds fun. I accept." Leon said. "Great, now let's go, I have to do something first." Terra said, leading them out of the house, and she pointed to the large hill. They walked over there and Terra let the wind blow in her hair. She got her ocarina out and started to play a full dragon summoning. After the song she said a chant and they could see lots of dragons flying towards them. At the head was Sideria and Dryoga. Leon was slightly shocked by the amount of dragons. Terra walked forward and patted her two dragons. "I'll be leaving in a while and I'll be gone for a long time. I don't want any of you following me. But, I may not come back alive if Valse catches us, that's why I must let you all know that you must stay here. Any dragons could give us away, and we'll be riding horseback to be more subtle." Terra told all of them. She turned to Jet. "Kel is also coming along. You mustn't worry. All of you are trusted enough to obey me, so take care, we will take our leave." Terra finished. ["Terra, you can't leave. Where are you going?"] Sideria and Dryoga asked. She sent them both a private message. ["I'm going to Plejalta, we're hoping he can translate the message. Please don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Take care and make sure the other dragons don't try anything."] Terra said, before walking down the hill, there was a strong wind behind them as the dragons took wing again and went back to wherever they were and whatever they were doing. "You're THE Terra?! You're famous." Leon said in awe. "Why?" Terra asked, heading towards her house and to the stables where the horses were kept. "Why?! Because of what you just did. Not just anyone can do that you know?" he said. Terra just shrugged and opened the stable of her strawberry roan whom she named Sakura, because it has a strange mark that resembles a cherryblossom on her forehead. Terra saddled her and then went to get Leon a horse. She chose a chestnut with white socks called Fleck, because it had white flecks around it's body. She gave him the saddle and go out another spare piece of paper. She scribbled a note about going on a camping journey with Kel and Charity, not to worry and they didn't know when they'd be back, probably over a week or fortnight. Then she signed it and ran into the house to plant it on the table before running out, locking up and went back to the stables. Leon had saddled Fleck and they untied their horses and led them by their reins. "We're meeting my other friends at the North Edge of town." Terra informed him. They continued to walk along, Leon asked questions and Terra answered them. Finally as they approached they could see the outline of Charity and Kel on horses. "Hey guys, This is Leon. Leon, Charity and Kel." Terra introduced, indicating who was here. "Nice to meet you." They all said. Terra and Leon mounted up. "You got everything?" Terra asked, sliding her staff, which was her twin blades into a special holder on the side of the saddle. "Yup. I got everything." Kel said grinning as she patted the bags. "Well, looks like we're off then." Terra finished, trotting out of the gates with the others following.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry if I handled your character wrong Ayokano.
[COLOR=Navy]Terra moved against the wall, with Raven alongside her. They were following the pair closely. They whispered things into their small microphones to let the others know what was happening. Terra patted her pockets quietly and brought out a pair of small binoculars. She put them against her eyes and looked at the two people they were currently following. "I think the companion's leaving." Terra whispered. And as she had predicted, the friend parted ways with Hisuki and he was left to walk alone. "Go now." Raven said into the microphones. "But be discreet. We don't want him to see us and run." she mentioned. The others all nodded from where they were and snuck up close to him. Some going ahead to pen him off, and Terra and Raven at the back, so he couldn't run. The others were on the sides, trying to surround him. Then it was time and they started to trap him.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry it's short.
[COLOR=Navy]Terra sat up in bed, she yawned and rubbed at her eyes. She checked the time and noticed she had slept in. She cursed and created some water in her cupped palm and washed her face with it quickly before it could drip onto the bed. She dried her face on a towel that she kept next to her bed and stood up. Terra got dressed quickly and headed for the door. She unlocked the door and exited, locking it behind her. She walked to her [URL=http://www.mx-5.de/auto_gen/news/archives/07022003_blue42.jpg]Blue Nissan 350 Z[/URL]. She got in and buckled up. Terra squinted in the sunlight and whipped out her silver, reflective sunglasses and placed them over her eyes. She started the car up and took off. A while later, Terra arrived at "Raven's Flat", the STNJ headquarters. She drove around the plaque and parked it, heading into the elevator. She felt around in her jacket and pulled out her security card. She swiped the card through and pushed the floor number. She took off her sunglasses and waited patiently as the elevator went up. DING! The elevator doors opened and Terra walked in. Terra noticed Spike and Raven sitting at the table away from each other in their usual places. "Sorry I'm late, but doesn't look like I'm all that late." Terra said, sitting down in her usual spot next to Raven. "Hi." Raven replied. Spike just stayed silent, everyone was used to it though, Spike was shy. She waved at Terra though and Terra smiled at her slightly. Terra wasn't much of a smiler. "So where's everyone else?" Terra asked.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Terra nodded. "It's worth a shot." she sighed. Terra got up and went to the bathroom. She wiped her eyes and cleaned her face from the tear stains. Her eyes were slightly red and puffy from the crying but it didn't matter. She walked back to the room and picked up the stone. "Let's go." she said plainly. Kel and Charity looked at each other. Terra's enthusiasm and happiness had died with Yuka. She was in depression and wouldn't come out of it for quite a while. They walked into town, Terra didn't feel like calling any of the dragons for a lift. They walked to Talon's shop and walked up to the counter. She ignored all of the screaming and shouting from the other customers and talked to Talon. "Hey Talon!" she yelled over the noise. "Terra! Hey! Hey Kel and Charity!" he yelled back. "Is there somewhere quiter to go?!" she continued. "Yeah! Gimme a minute!" he said, then he turned to his partner, asking him to take over for a while, then she motioned to the side. They followed him and arrived in his office, where the sound was muffled. "I think I went deaf..." Kel said, digging a finger in her ear. "So what's wrong?" Talon asked, sitting in his chair. Terra placed the slab of stone on the table. "Do you know what writing this is in?" Terra asked. Talon studied it, making little 'hmmm' and 'ah' noises. "Well?" Terra asked impatiently. "I've only seen this writing 2 times in my life. It's known as Ancient Dragonian. But I don't know what it means. It is a very old writing, older than you or I. You should ask some of your dragons, Terra." he said, leaning back. "Ok, is that all you can tell me about it?" Terra asked. "Hmm....there might be a book on it somewhere, but I don't know where. It could literally be anywhere." Talon sighed. "Ok, thanks for the help Talon. You better get out there, sounds like it's getting rowdy." Terra said, smiling slightly as she picked up the stone. They all exited the office and the three girls headed for the door, waving at Talon and exiting. Terra called Sideria and she landed. She held out the piece of slab to her. "Do you know what this is?'" she asked. Sideria studied it. ['"It's Ancient Dragonian."] she replied. "Do you know what it means?" she asked again. ["No, Ancient Dragonian was far before my time. Only very old dragons know the script. Like.....Yuka..."] she finished softly. "I know, she left me this message before she died, written in her own blood. I need to find out a way to translate it. Sorry I called you for nothing, I'll start my hunt for anyone who can help now. Let me know if you get anything either." Terra said. The dragon nodded and flew away, Terra sighed and told her friends that they didn't have to follow her. They shook their heads, saying they wanted to find out what it meant too. So they started their hunt for information.[/COLOR]
[center] [B]OOC:[/B] Er...Sorry if I stole your pokémon Quad. I kinda got a bit carried away. If you still want it I can edit and stuff. We'll travel together and maybe Rin'll help Kay get another pokémon. But if you want I'll edit. ^_^ And I'm trying this table thing out, isn't it cool? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Route 1 to Viridian - 1 pm[/B] Rin had got some information and left, thanking the kind people that had helped her. She stashed the map they gave her into a pocket and continued on the way, she whistled a light tune. It was a bright day and she could see pokémon running around. She would have caught them but they were far away. Rin decided to let Squirtle out of his pokéball. "Go Squirtle!" she called, throwing the orb in front of her. The turtle pokémon came out and stretched his little arms. "Come on Squirtle, we're headed to Viridian City. Keep a look out for wild pokémon ok?" she told him, continuing to walk. "Squirtle, Squirtle, Squirt." he replied. Rin continued to whistle happily as they walked along the path. Squirtle called out and tugged on the leg of her pants. Rin looked down and saw where he was pointing. There was another girl there with an Eevee who was currently scratching and a very angry looking Mankey. Misty had told her about Mankeys. They were very bad tempered and didn't like to be disturbed. Rin saw that Mankey was preparing to attack the girl and ran forward. "Hey! Move!" she cried. The girl turned around as Mankey started to advance. "Squirtle! Tackle!" Rin told him. "Squirtle!!!" he said, running forward and attacking the Mankey, sending it backwards so it missed hitting the girl. "That Mankey was about to attack you. You gotta be more careful next time, they're very bad tempered pokémon like Spearow." Rin said, standing next to her. "By the way, my name's Rin. I'm headed to Viridian. I only got Squirtle today but isn't he just adorable?!" Rin said happily. "Hi, I'm Kay, and I just got Eevee today too. It won't listen to me though." Kay said stressfully. "Hahaha, looks like your Eevee has Wild Pokémon syndrome. It doesn't want to listen to trainers and wants to be wild." Rin laughed. "Squirtle!" the pokèmon called, bringing Rin back to the battle. "Tackle again!" Rin ordered. Squirtle ran forward, ready to attack but was countered at the last minute when Mankey jumped up, over the turtle and used scratch attack. "Squirtle! Are you ok?" Rin called. "Squirt..." he said, getting to his feet. "Alright! Squirtle! Use tackle again!" Squirtle tackled again, when Mankey did the same maneuver, Rin got Squirtle to turn around and tackle it. Squirtle hit Mankey right in the stomach area and it doubled over in pain. The pokémon weakly stood and tried to look tough. "Tackle one more time!!" Rin called. Squirtle gave it one last tackle and Mankey fell to the ground, exhausted from the jumping around of the battle. "Pokéball Go!!" Rin said, hurling a ball at it. It hit Mankey on the head and Mankey was sucked in. The pokéball rocked unsteadily several times before stopping with a chime and a little red light. "Alright! Sorry if I stole your pokémon." Rin said, scratching the back of her head. She walked over and picked up the pokéball and connected it to her belt. "Way to go Squirtle!!" Rin said happily, grabbing the pokémon and hugging it tightly. "Squir....tle...." it groaned unhappily. "Sorry..." Rin said, sweatdropping. [/center]
[B]OOC:[/B] Thanks for that Takuya. Now I'll do your section. If I did anything to Seuneu that you didn't want then let me know. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=Navy]Tears sprang to Terra's eyes. "No, no!" she cried. She put to fingers into her mouth and whistled a long high pitched note that vibrated. There was no reply. She jumped off Dryoga. ["Sid!! Wherever you are. Get here now!"] she screamed mentally. There was a wind around her and she looked into the eyes of her purple dragon. Terra climbed onto her back and apologised to her friends, saying she'd explain later. ["Quick, Sid. We have to get to..."] Terra started, she felt the life essence of a dragon fade away. But only one dragon had such a powerful essence. Sideria, Dryoga, Jet and Talon felt it. Sideria knew where Terra was asking her to go. She pumped her wings and soared off into the sky, heading for the caves. As they flew over head, the tears rolled down the girl's cheeks. Yuka had been one of her closest dragon friends. Her vision was blurry by tears but she saw a red spirit emerge from a cave. Terra asked Sideria to stop, it looked familiar. Sideria landed and Terra approached the spirit. "Who are you?" she asked. "My name is Seuneu. I'm a fire spirit." he answered, predicting her next question. "Seuneu...It sounds so familiar. Excuse me, my name's--" she started. "Terra. Yes, I know. My name sounds familiar because I saved your town from a fire a number of years back. Where are you off to in such a hurry?" he asked. Terra didn't reply, but more tears appeared and continued to flow down her cheeks. Seuneu transformed into his human form and produced a handkerchief and gave it to her. She wiped her eyes and thanked him. "Would my guess be right if you were going to see the old dragon that lives further up? Yuka, I think her name was." Seuneu predicted. "How do you know all this? How do you know about Yuka?" Terra asked. "I have my ways, and I've visited Yuka before, she was very kind." he explained. "You can talk to her?" "Of course, she is a creature of fire." "I'm sorry, I don't have time to talk, I must go to her..." Terra said, her eyes shining with new tears. "May I come? She was a good friend. Don't worry, you can trust me. I'm a friend to the town." "Yes, of course. I know, I saw what you did with the fire. Get on, quick." Terra said, getting back onto the purple dragon. Seuneu climbed on behind her and Sideria took off. It wasn't long before they landed again and they got off. Terra thanked the dragon for flying at fast speeds and they headed for the entrance, but stopped Seuneu from taking another step. There were two sets of footprints. The second set were fresh. Terra saw her own and someone elses. They went into the cave and Terra watched as the footprints changed from someones to ones exactly like hers. She ran into the central chamber and saw the bloodied up body of Yuka. "No!! YUKA!!!" Terra cried, running over, she hurdled over the moat and sat by the dragon's side. She was dead, her eyes were wide open. Terra didn't notice as Seuneu came over. Tears flooded her eyes and they fell to the floor, making marks before evaporating from the heat. Seuneu saw something and walked over to it. There was a series of marks and prints that he diddn't know. "Terra, take a look at this, she made these marks before she died. They may be a clue to something." Seuneu said. "How do you know?! They could be years old!" Terra snapped angrily, over come by anger and grief. "It's done with blood and is still fresh." he said. Terra looked over and saw he was right. She checked some of her pockets and found paper and a pencil. She copied each of the marks perfectly and stashed the paper away carefully, she'd see if anyone knew what language it was in and could translate it for her. "Yuka..." Terra cried sadly, falling to her knees. She looked at the old dragon, she had always worn some sort of pendant around her scaley neck. Terra examined it and something told her she would need it so she unclasped the silver chain and pendant and attached it to her neck, she would never forget her dragon friend. Terra looked at it and saw it was a small glass orb with some sort of blue power inside. It was a spark, it seemed attached to her emotions, she was feelnig sad so it was small, but then she felt anger for whoever killed Yuka and it flared brightly and angrily, exactly like how she was feeling. She swore revenge on whoever did it and looked at the dragon with hatred burning in her eyes. 'I'll avenge you Yuka, even if I die trying.' she promised silently. "How are we going to bury her?" Terra asked, looking to the spirit. "I can break this rock under her, then she'll fall into the lava. From lava she was born, to fire she'll return." Seuneu said. "Alright, but is it possible to get the piece with the marks on it? In case my copy is ruined or lost." Terra asked. "Yes, it is possible. you may want to stand back." he alerted her. Terra backed away and Seuneu transformed into his spirit form that wouldn't be affected by the boiling hot lava. He hit a spot and the whole plate started to crumble away. He broke the part with the marks on it away quickly before it fell into the lava and walked over to Terra. He handed her the section and watched with her as the rocks melted and Yuka sank into the lava as well. Terra watched until Yuka was completely under the surface and turned away, heading for the entrance. Seuneu was behind her but they were in silence. Terra got outside and tucked the rock under her arm as she climbed onto Sideria's back. "Do you want a lift back to your cave, Seuneu?" she asked. "No thanks, I'll walk. But may we meet again?" he asked. "Of course. Thank you..." she said. "It wasn't a problem. Don't feel too beat up about leaving Yuka for that time. You didn't know someone would attack her." he said. "But how..." she started, but he was gone. She shook her head and asked Sideria to take her home. She thanked the dragon again and walked into the house. Charity's mom greeted her, she just waved headed for her room. Terra put the stone carefully onto her table and flopped onto her bed. The tears flowed freely again and she cried herself into an unrestful sleep.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Terra Pascal [B]Age:[/B] 22 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Craft:[/B] Terra has control over water. She can make whirlpools, hurricanes and other dangerous hazards to do with water. Her most simplest attack is to throw water by creating it out of thin air, and her most complex is to summon a water dragon which can help her fight or defend using its water powers. If there's water closeby then it amplifies her power, depending on how much there is. [B]History:[/B] Terra currently lives in a house of her own in Japan. When she was 7, her parents and herself were on a cruise ship. The boat sank and her parents died, Terra fell into the water but didn't drown, she felt normal in the water and was a natural swimmer. She swam safely back to the bay and was found. She was then sent to an orphanage until she was 17, when she inherited a large house that belonged to a relative who had no children and had passed it on to her parents, which went to her since they were dead. Her parents were originally hunters but Terra hadn't discovered that until she visited her old house to get her things and found things that gave it away. She took everything of value from the house and transfered it to her new place where she discovered that the time on the boat wasn't a coincidence. There was a note inside one of the books that said that if they died, she had Craft. Terra was determined to work hard and master the Craft. She read through some of the books and diaries that her parents had made. About learning how to control and how to successfully hunt witches. Finally she came across a book that was addressed specifically to her on the inside cover. She read through it and discovered it was teaching her how to control HER Craft specifically. Not just Craft in general, but hers. Terra learned off all the books and finally she had perfected her Craft. Then she discovered that there was a newly reformed organisation called the STNJ. She'd heard it before, she went through her memories and realised it was the organisation that her parents had worked for. She went there and was recruited, because she had perfected her Craft and her parents had been good hunters, and hunting was something that usually ran in the family. [B]Personality:[/B] Terra is usually on the job so she usually doesn't have time to socialize. Her closest friends are those in the organisation. Her closest friend would have to be Raven because they're very alike. She's mostly serious but has a fun, kind, caring and playful side on the inside. She cares deeply about any friends she has and always worries about people. She loves going out and having fun but her job is the highest priority and if she gets a call saying she needs to get on a job, she'll get to it right away. She's a hard and ambitious worker and hates to give up or admit defeat. Terra's strong minded and a quick thinker which helps her when she runs into problems. And like Raven, she goes to University too, she's doing Biological Sciences and studies when she's not working or out with friends. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18489]Here[/URL]. But she usually wears a blue, durable, waterproof, hooded jacket unzipped with a white spaghetti strap top inside and navy blue cargo pants with pockets at the top(regular place for pockets) and near the knees and blue and white sneakers.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] If there's anything I need to edit, let me know.
[B]OOC:[/B] Sorry if I've been lacking in posts lately, haven't really been going on much past 2 days. Sked, how do you do that picture thingy? You so need to teach me. No one except Takuya post about me/seeing me going to check on Yuka in the morning. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=Navy]Sideria landed outside the temple. Terra got off quickly and thanked her forflying at extra fast speeds. She told Sideria to take a break, if she needed transport she'd probably call Dryoga. Terra speed walked into the temple, making her way through the long halls. She checked the time, it was quite late. Soon she saw the doorway which was the entrance to the altar room. She entered. The priests turned to look at who had come and frowned seeing that she wasn't in her robes. The High Priest whose name is Fadea [Fa(as in Far)-day-ah] walked towards her in his own robes. "Why are you not in your robes, Terra?" he asked. "I've just come straight from Yuka. Her cave was attacked by a dark shadow. Sideria and I saw it, we don't know who or what it is but we could feel evil coming off it." she replied. "Sideria, as in your dragon?" a priest said mockingly, walking over. "Yes, Sideria is my oldest friend here. I've had her since I was young and we know each other. Trust me, it was evil. And it knows Yuka's exact location." Terra stressed. "The exact location? We need to check on her. But how? I'm not at liberty to leave and check her all the time." Fadea said. "I'll check in on her." Terra said. "Fine, but be careful." Fadea. "Yes, yes. I'll visit everyday after doing the fountain in the morning." Terra said, running out of the room, then out of the temple. Terra played a different tune on her ocarina and another dragon came flying in. It was a light blue and looked more wild then Sideria. "Hi Dryoga. How are you?" Terra asked smiling. ["I'm fine, where are we headed?"] he asked, crouching so Terra could get on, because he was bigger than Sideria, even though he's younger. "Town Square." Terra said, climbing on. Dryoga flapped his large wings and they went flying to the main area that people bought stuff or sold stuff. It didn't take very long and Terra thanked the dragon. She walked into the inn and looked around. Kel, Charity and herself sometimes went there to talk and stuff. She spotted the two girls sitting at a table talking. "Hey guys. Sorry I'm late." Terra panted, from all the running around she'd been doing. She lay her staff across her lap and ordered something to drink. "What've you been doing?" Kel asked. "I was at Yuka's, then we were attacked by some new evil, then I went to temple and told them, now I have to go there every morning to check on Yuka. I'm gonna be so tired, but I want to know what Yuka was about to tell me before we were attacked." Terra told them, taking a sip of her drink that arrived. "What time'll you be back everyday?" Charity asked. "Probably around 10 or 11." They finished their food and drink and got up to leave the inn. They paid first and exited into the warm sunlight. "Where to?" Terra asked, pushing her hands into her jacket pockets. She felt like getting out for the rest of the day, because most of her day had been inside. The temple and the cave had been quite stuffy.[/COLOR]
[B]OOC:[/B] I'm sorry, I've been on much lately. Sorry if it's short. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=Navy]Rayna quickly put the food down and stood. She twirled her staff and pulled it apart to reveal her twin blades. Undine and Salamander jumped off her shoulders and transformed to their human forms which they usually used for battle. "Have they already entered the stronghold?" Rayna asked, not hearing the telepathic message. "Yes, there are four raised dragons and soldiers from Droston and Opralo." Vaht answered. Rayna nodded and stood at ready, she loved battles because it gave her something to do. The door opened and Tir entered. ["The doors have been secured."] he told them. Jaht nodded and Tir prepared his weapons as everyone else had. "Undine, Salamander, you need to go help with the dragons." Rayna told them. "What about you?" Undine asked. "We can't leave you unprotected." Salamander finished. "I'll be fine on my own, go." Rayna said firmly. The two spirits nodded and headed for the area where the dragons and their riders were. Hopefully there were other pact-beasts there to help too.[/COLOR]
[B]OOC:[/B] Measurements are current metric system...centimeters, meters, kilometres etc. And currency is jin, like dollars. [U][B]SadAngel and Sephy 07:[/B][/U] Would you please delete your posts from my RP. You haven't signed up in my recruitment thread and sign ups have closed. Thankyou. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=Navy]Terra walked through the cave, as she progressed further in, the temperature got warmer. She kicked a rock with her foot and it rolled away, making grounding noises. Terra could feel Yuka's presence, it was large and powerful. "I'm coming." she whispered quietly. The path to the central chamber was long and winding, getting ever warmer as she got closer. Finally she was in the main area. It was hot. There was a large moat of lava and in the middle lay a large teal dragon. Terra made her way to a section with small rocks set into the lava. She used the rocks as stepping stones and jumped to Yuka. She hugged the large dragon, only spreading her arms out on the large body of the dragon. ["Terra, I'm glad you have come...."] Yuka sighed mentally. "Are you alright Yuka? Is something wrong?" Terra asked. ["No, no. I just want your company in these fading years..."] she said mystically. "Don't say that Yuka. You're as fit as ever!" Terra said smiling. ["I wish...I've called you to spend some time with a dying dragon....I do hope you're not needed Terra..."] Yuka sighed. "No, I'll stay as long as you want me to." Terra said, holding one of her claws. Yuka took a shuddering breath. ["I must tell you something Terra."] the old dragon said. Terra sat down cross-legged, holding the dragon's claw and listening intently. Suddenly the cave shook from a blast on the outside. "Stay here Yuka!" Terra said, jumping up and hopping over the lava moat and running to the entrance. As she ran she pulled out her ocarina, she played some urgent notes. She called for Sideria quickly. As Terra reached the exit, Sideria was landing. Terra jumped on and twirled her staff, pulling it in half to reveal her twin blades. Sideria took off to the skies. They saw a black shadow. They couldn't tell what it was but they sensed evil. "Who are you?!" Terra yelled. The figure just laughed evilly and disappeared. Terra was panting slightly from the sprint and playing the ocarina. "Thanks Sideria. Stay here, I'll be out in a while. I need to tell Yuka that I need to go talk to the Priests in town about this new evil." Terra said, dismounting and putting her blades together back to its staff form. Terra ran back into the cave where she knew a worried dragon was waiting. Terra entered the central chamber and told Yuka what had happened, then apologised because she had to leave and talk to the Priests and the elders. ["It's fine Terra, go do what you must do. We'll talk another time...hopefully."] "Don't say that! You'll be fine and we'll talk again, longer next time." Terra said strongly. ["Yes, yes. Off you go now."] Yuka said waving a claw. Terra smiled and dashed out of the cave again, jumping onto Sideria's back. "Come on Sid, back to Glen Haven. Straight to the temple." Terra said pointing in the general direction of the town. Sideria nodded and flapped her strong wings, lifting in to the air and shooting off towards the farming town.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Rhym's fine. And it's alright to play one character Malkav. IT has started so off to Adventure Arena ppl! [COLOR=Red][U][B]SIGN UPS ARE NOW CLOSED!!!![/B][/U][/COLOR] If anyone else wants to join you can PM me with a sign up sheet. Please post frequently in the RP. Thanks, ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][I][B]Still can Dream[/B][/I] [U]Notes:[/U] If you plan on dropping out at anytime in the RP please inform me of such. I will only be accepting a select number of people, in fears of flooding the RP. [U]Genre:[/U] Medieval / Fantasy [U]Story:[/U] In the realm of Gaia, all things are possible. This includes the very ending of the earth, as we know it, when the presence of demons becomes far more obvious day by day. Several countries fall victim to the vicious attacks of a large monster, and the castle city of Ten Towers is left crippled and defenseless to rivalries, and revolutions. It's been fourty-nine years since then and the prophecized reign of blood shed should soon come to a close, but after ten revolutions and several more assasinations of world leaders born from these rebelious flames, no sight of an end has been shown. But that would explain the arrival of a second moon that hangs within the lovely velvet night sky, would it? The silvery surface a perfect sphere as veins of blue running across its surface in bizarre patterns. Astronomers endlessly studying the new celestial body in search for answers. But in the towers of wizadry, it is whispered about a key being brought unto the world that would bring peace to these times of torment. The legendary dragon, Yuka, speaks about the arrival of a Winged Sovereign who would cleanse the world with Waters of Sorrow. But whatever it means is left a riddle to those who watch her closely within the highest of the three towers within the northern mountains. However...this story begins in the quiet town of Glen Haven, a farming community (and home to one of the most prestigious shrines to the gods). It's filled with flowers and vegetables at the beginning of what would be the most memorable Harvest festival of all... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]1.[/B] [I]No one is all powerful, and no one can be the most powerful of all characters.[/I] [B]2.[/B] [I]Just because the members work together doesn't mean they like one another. Add some taste to the RP by making the characters hold grudges, and the like.[/I] [B]3.[/B] [I]No one liners. Must be descriptive to a modest degree.[/I] [B]4.[/B] [I]If I see it necessary to boot you from the RP I will.[/I] [B]5.[/B] [I]All Characters are Human, and can die. Ressurection capabilities are beyond all might. If some char gets killed, they get killed.[/I] [B]6.[/B] [I]No power players...[/I] [B]7.[/B] [I]No slug fests, beating up of several people/demons, and the like. This is plot driven, not fist driven.[/I] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A young girl walked through the cold stone halls. Her shoes made scraping noises as she slightly dragged her feet. In her left hand, she carried her wooden lyre. She was in the temple and was walking towards the altar room where the High Priests usually were. Her moussy brown hair flew behind her, she always kept it untied whenever she was in the temple, her dark brown eyes kept looking straight ahead. There was a light at the end of the corridor and she walked through the arch. "Good morning." she said, curtsying in her snow white robes. "Ah, Good morning, Terra." the Arch Priest said. "I'm not late am I?" she asked simply. "No, no. It's fine, go ahead." he answered. Terra nodded and walked to the altar. Behind the altar was a stone fountain which wasn't flowing and looked like it hadn't been used in years. Terra plucked a few strings on her lyre to check that it was in tune and started to play a soft melody, it was calm and flowing like water. Terra closed her eyes and opened her mouth and started to sing with the music. The priests in the room watched her as they did every morning when she did this. The fountain brightened and it became clean, and then the fountain spurted water. Terra continued until the end of her song, then she opened her eyes. The fountain was full and the cycle started. The water was sucked from the bottom and back out the top. "Thank you for doing this every morning, Terra. I know it must be tiring for you, having to do so much in a day." the Arch Priest said. "It's no problem. If it's alright with everyone, I'll take my leave, I must visit Yuka, she has called me." Terra said curtsying again and leaving the room with her lyre tucked under her arm. As Terra walked through the dark hall again, she stifled a yawn, it was 5 o'clock in the morning, and she had to do this every day, but usually she'd stay longer and do chores. Terra walked back to her home, well, it wasn't really her home, it was Charity's. Her own parents had died in a fire when she was young and Charity's family and welcomed her in. Terra calls them as her own family after all the years and her and Charity were bestfriends, even though they were half sisters. She entered the house and walked upstairs and into her room, which was next to Charity's. She tried to be quiet as she changed into her usual clothes and placed her ocarina in her pocket. She grabbed her staff which was secretly her twin blades, stashed her dagger into her belt and strapped her blade to her back, safely in its sheath. She walked out of her room and headed for the stairs quietly. A door opened and a girl, the same age as her looked at her with her forest green eyes. "Where are you going? Aren't you usually at the temple?" she asked. "Yeah, I have to go see Yuka, she called me. Just go back to sleep, Charity. I'll be back soon." Terra said, then she headed downstairs and out the door. Terra looked out into the dawn light. She started to walk towards the hill in the quiet town. The hill had an old remain of a castle, it was where she always summoned dragons whenever she was in town. She climbed the hill and stood at the peak. A cool breeze blew her hair and Terra quickly tied it back into her usual ponytail. She moistened her lips and lifted the ocarina to meet them. Terra blew into it, a haunting tune called forth and she saw a figure in the sky approaching her. Terra stopped as the dragon landed. "Good morning, Sideria." Terra said. ["Good morning, Terra. To Yuka?"] the female dragon asked. "You read my mind." Terra said smiling. Sideria and Terra had been friends for a long time and all of the dragons communicated to Terra by thought-speak. Terra climbed onto her back and they took off, Sideria knew where Yuka stayed, no other dragon that Terra took care of did because she only took Sideria, her most trusted dragon friend, besides Yuka. Terra loved the feel of the wind in her hair as they flew through the dim skies. Terra saw the cave where Yuka stayed in. It was covered by mountains and forests and was near the highest tower of the three towers of wizardry. Terra felt Sideria heading for the ground and dismounted when they touched down. "Thank you. You can fly around, I'll call you when I need you." Terra said stroking the purple dragon. Sideria nodded and took off again. Terra looked at the large cave and entered the mouth. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]OOC:[/B] No one can talk to Terra now, and no one's followed her. See attachment for a pic of Sideria. It was Quad's character in my other RP, Dragon Wing Festival. Hope you don't mind, Quad. ^_^[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Alright!! Everyone's accepted!!! I'll start this in a while so be alert in the Adventure Arena. [U]Uh...I kinda forgot one thing....I need a Bad Guy. Anyone willing to play a Bad Guy, PM me and I'll give you the info.[/U] Thanks, ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
[U][B][B]OOC:[/B] I've editted it!![/B][/U] Is their spirit forms right, Takuya? [COLOR=Navy]Rayna hurried along the halls, she was going to be late if she didn't hurry, and Vaxla didn't like her guardians being late. Undine and Salamander walked next to her. They both had human forms which everyone was used to. Undine was a beautiful lady with long, wavy, ocean blue hair and she wore a dress of turquoise blue. Her eyes were pools of crystal blue. Salamander was a buff man, his hair was flaming red and he wore a black button up shirt with a few flames embroidered on it and red pants. His eyes were a deep crimson that burned with an inner flame. They walked briskly along side her towards the Eastern Stronghold. Rayna approached the doors, Undine and Salamander stood behind her on either side. She made sure she looked calm and collected before pushing open the doors. She walked inside with her spirits following her. "I'm sorry I'm late Vaxla. Hello Jaht." Rayna greeted. Jaht nodded to her, and Vaxla excused her. Undine and Salamander just stood with her. Undine had the same warm smile she always wore on her face and Salamander just carried a steady gaze. Rayna asked them to revert to their natural states until they were needed. They both nodded. Salamander was engulfed in fire and he started to shrink until he was a smallish flame with eyes and a mouth. Undine was surrounded by water and reverted to a blob of water, the same size as Salamander, with eyes and a mouth. Rayna bent down and picked them up and placed them on her shoulders where they usually stayed, always aware in case there was danger. The heat from Salamander didn't affect her because of Salamander's powers that enabled her to withstand any amount of heat, and Undine was just a bubble full of water which didn't get her wet in any way. "So who are we waiting for?" Rayna asked.[/COLOR]
[B]OOC:[/B] I hope I'm not too late, didn't have time to post it yesterday. I may edit the powers of my spirits later. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Rayna [B]Age:[/B] 22 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] Rayna has long chocolate brown hair that ends at the middle of her back and vibrant emerald eyes. She wears navy blue pants with a tight white top and a waterproof jacket over the top. She carries [URL=http://www.concentric.net/~stircraz/XL-723.jpg]Twin Blades[/URL] that can be put together like in the picture to make a staff, which is how she usually carries them. [B]Pact-Beast:[/B] Spirit (Water/Fire) [B]Name of Pact-Beast:[/B] Undine/Salamander [B]Gender of Pact-Beast:[/B] Female/Male [B]Abilities of Pact-Beast:[/B] Undine has control over waters. She can control Water in any form, eg. Rain, ice, liquid etc. In bodies of water, eg. Lakes, rivers, ponds, puddles etc and has the power to let Rayna breath underwater for long periods of time and not be affected by cold temperatures. But Undine can create water from nothing and use it against enemies by hurling it at them. Undine can also let Rayna walk on water, but not for too long. Salamander has control over fire. He can create fire anywhere and he can help Rayna so she can walk through fire and not be affected by hot temperatures. Because of Salamander, Rayna can walk through any type of fire, like magma, volcanoes, etc. Salamander is mainly an offensive spirit but his defense is that he can create a shield of fire. [B]Pact-Price:[/B] Reproductive Ability[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][B]Road to Pallet Town - 7:40am[/B] Rin road along the path on her sister's bike, she lifted her left wrist up to her face and her eyes flicked down to her watch. Her eyes widened and she pedalled faster than before. If she didn't hurry, she'd be late. Rin couldn't wait to get her first pokémon. She was hoping for a Squirtle because it was the only water pokémon out of the starter pokémon. [B]Pallet Town - 8:00am[/B] As she got closer, Rin could see some houses that showed Pallet Town. She pedalled even faster as she entered the small town. She got off her bike and walked it over to the biggest building. She knew it was Professor Oak's lab because she'd seen it on so many pokémon documentaries. Rin took a deep breath as she stood at the doors of the lab. She'd rested her bike against the wall and she stepped forward. The door slid open with a quiet hiss and Rin looked around. She'd only seen the place in the documentaries, and it looked much smaller in the shows than what it actually was. Rin approached one of the scientists walking around in their white coats. "Excuse me, can you tell me where I could find Professor Oak?" Rin asked. "He's down at end, in his work area." he replied smiling. "Thankyou." Rin said, walking towards the back of the building. As she approached, she made out a man standing there. As Rin got closer her breath was caught in her throat. It was Professor Oak! She was a big fan of his and watched his documentaries all the time. "Ah, Hello there. And who might you be?" Prof. Oak asked. "Uh...I'm Rin, I'm a beginning trainer. I just arrived from Cerulean City, I'm here for my first pokémon." Rin explained. "Ah, I've been waiting for you, Rin. I know some things about you, like you're the youngest sister of the Cerulean Sisters, and you love water pokémon just like them. I hope I got you the right pokémon." he said, reaching behind him and grabbing a small electronic ball which was half red and half white. Rin accepted it and enlarged the small ball into its usual size. "Pokéball Go!!!" Rin called, throwing the ball into the air. It opened and a pokémon was released onto the floor in a flash of white light. It was an aqua green coloured pokémon with a shell on its back. "Squirtle, Squirt!" it called. "A Squirtle!! Thankyou so much Professor!! I've always wanted a Squirtle." Rin said, picking up the small turtle pokémon and hugging it. "Squir....tle...." it groaned. "Oh, sorry." Rin apologized. "What gender is it?" she asked. "Squirtle's a male." Prof. Oak answered. "Oh, and here's some other stuff you'll need." he said, passing her five other pokéballs and a pokédex. "Thanks so much Professor." Rin said again. "It was my pleasure, good luck on your journey, Rin." he said. Rin got Squirtle back into his pokéball and walked out of the lab. She looked around and decided to head for the inn and see if there were any other pokémon trainers that were just starting. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Pokémon Team:[/B] [IMG]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs209.gif[/IMG] [I]Squirtle[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][B]Malkav's[/B] playing two characters: I hope you can control them Malkav or I'll have to kill off one of your characters. [B]Skedy:[/B] I was wondering when you'd arrive, great to see ya. Everything's fine Skedy. And feel free to take 2 characters, I know you can control them, in all of my RPs that you've joined you always make 2. Yay!! [B]Quad's[/B] here. A fellow Tamora Pierce fan. Great to see you. Everyone's accepted, I'll soon, after Skedy posts his second character. ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Everyone is accepted so far!! I'm so happy so many people have signed up. I'mn still waiting for some of my other friends to sign up. I'll try to start this soon but I'm waiting for a couple of people that said they'd sign up. Inti: Hmm....about your summons, maybe limit it to one or two if it can be helped, but if you want you can keep the three of them. Okay, thanks again guys and gals. ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Hey guys! The sign ups are coming along great. They're good. The only problem I think I have is with Sesshomuru. Nothing bad and all though. Just could you PM me a sample of some of your RPing skills? I just want to make sure because I don't know what you're like. Everyone else is fine, so you guys are accepted. I won't be starting this yet because we need more people. Thanks, ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Hey everyone, I haven't posted an RP for a long time so here's one now! [I][U][B]Still can Dream[/B][/U][/I] [U]Notes:[/U] If you plan on dropping out at anytime in the RP please inform me of such. I will only be accepting a select number of people, in fears of flooding the RP. [U]Genre:[/U] Medieval / Fantasy [U]Story:[/U] In the realm of Gaia, all things are possible. This includes the very ending of the earth, as we know it, when the presence of demons becomes far more obvious day by day. Several countries fall victim to the vicious attacks of a large monster, and the castle city of Ten Towers is left crippled and defenseless to rivalries, and revolutions. It's been fourty-nine years since then and the prophecized reign of blood shed should soon come to a close, but after ten revolutions and several more assasinations of world leaders born from these rebelious flames, no sight of an end has been shown. But that would explain the arrival of a second moon that hangs within the lovely velvet night sky, would it? The silvery surface a perfect sphere as veins of blue running across its surface in bizarre patterns. Astronomers endlessly studying the new celestial body in search for answers. But in the towers of wizadry, it is whispered about a key being brought unto the world that would bring peace to these times of torment. The legendary dragon, Yuka, speaks about the arrival of a Winged Sovereign who would cleanse the world with Waters of Sorrow. But whatever it means is left a riddle to those who watch her closely within the highest of the three towers within the northern mountains. However...this story begins in the quiet town of Glen Haven, a farming community (and home to one of the most prestigious shrines to the gods). It's filled with flowers and vegetables at the beginning of what would be the most memorable Harvest festival of all... [U]Character Creation:[/U] Quote the post, copy and paste this section including tags, and fill it out. Not every character have a tormented, dark character with a tortured past. I won't be accepting them if to many pop up. I may ask you to supply a small example of your RP skill so that I can work on whether or not you'll be accepted or not. And by the way, no one is allowed to be Yuka and not just anyone is allowed to meet her, even the High Priests don't know the exact location. They just know a roundabout area that they must search. A place of many caves, caverns and tunnels. [B]Name:[/B] Mediumly medieval eg. Not too modern and not too old [B]Age:[/B] 10 to as old as you want but nothing ridiculous [B]Gender:[/B] Male or Female [B]Occupation:[/B] Preferably not as wide ranged as mine but can go up to it but I'll have to check it. [B]Weapons:[/B] Max 4 [Twin weapons take 2] [B]Personality:[/B] [B]Appearance:[/B] No too modern clothes [B]History:[/B] Here?s my Sign Up. [B]Name:[/B] Terra Pascal [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Occupation:[/B] Mage/Warrior/Dragon Tamer~Summoner/Animal Tamer~Summoner [B]Weapons:[/B] [URL=http://www.cbswords.com/images/samurai3000ninja.jpg]Blade[/URL] that she carries strapped to her back. [URL=http://www.concentric.net/~stircraz/XL-723.jpg]Twin Blades[/URL] that can be put together to make a staff like in the picture. [URL=http://www.kultofathena.com/images/horus_sil_l.jpg]Dagger[/URL] which she can also use as a throwing weapon. [B]Personality:[/B] Terra is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Terra loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. Terra is strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18489]Here[/URL]. She wears a tight white t-shirt with a hooded blue waterproof jacket over the top and navy blue pants. [B]History:[/B] Terra is the person that the townspeople turn to if they know something's wrong with Yuka. Terra is the only person that knows the exact location of Yuka and has talked to her face to face. Sometimes Yuka sends Terra thought messages and they always keep in contact. She's an orphan because her parents died in a fire when she was very young. She lives with a nice family with a daughter the same age as her and they're best friends. [U][B][Someone can play her][/B][/U] Terra knows quite a lot of magic and is very skilled in fighting, both hand-to-hand and weaponry. She plays the Lyre and the Ocarina, she carries her ocarina everyone and keeps her Lyre in a safe place in the house she lives in because her mother used to own the instrument and had taught Terra how to play it. She protects Glen Haven in whatever way she can, even though she's slightly young. She's respected by a lot of people in the town and is friends with pretty much everyone. She uses her music to call to animals as she has the skill to communicate to animals, which was a trait that her father had passed on to her. So with her two instruments, she can summon animals and creatures that are vulnerable to her call, to help her. The ocarina is souly for other-worldly creatures or purely summoned creatures, while the Lyre is for creatures that exist. For example, with the ocarina, she can summon dragons, fire foxes etc. and with the Lyre she can summon squirrels, wolves etc. Her magic abilities aren't all that great. It's mainly black magic with a bit of white magic. Her main attacks are Water, Fire, Gust, Quake, Thunder, and Comet. Her main healing magic is Angel's Tears which heals any wounds. [B]OOC:[/B] It's not that great but it's a come back from nothing. Sign Up and Have Fun, but I reserve the right to ask you to change your sign up or refuse it. Oh! And a spot is saved for Quad because she won't be back until later because of her holiday. [B]BTW:[/B] You can contact me by MSN or PM if you have any questions or you want to know more about something. ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Rin woke up and looked at the time, today was the beginning of her pokémon journey. She'd been waiting for it for a long time. She jumped out of bed and started to rush around, getting ready. She dressed into her usual clothes and rushed downstairs for breakfast. Her parents stood there proudly and there was a large breakfast prepared for her. "Wow, did you make this all for me?" Rin asked, her eyes shining. "Of course, we're so proud of you, I hope everything goes well." her mother said. "Now quick, sit down and eat, you must leave for your journey soon." her father commented. Rin nodded and sat, she thanked her parents and started on her meal. She started to eat quickly because she wanted to start as soon as possible. After waiting a while, her parents sat and ate with her. When they finally finished, Rin thanked them and they said a teary farewell, then Rin took a last look, got her stuff and ran out the door with Eevee following closely behind her. She went to her friends' houses and they said their goodbyes before heading straight for Cerulean Gym. Rin tentatively walked into the gym, playing with her half of the Best Friends pendant she shared with Misty, and made her way to the battle field. Misty wasn't there so Rin decided to check the outdoor training area. Misty was sitting there with her feet dangling in the water. Eevee walked ahead of her and started to play with Starmie and the other water pokémon. "Misty...." Rin started. "Don't. We'll say goodbye later. I've decided to take you to Seaport Village on my Lapras." Misty said grinning. "Really?! Great! Thanks a lot Mist." Rin said happily. "Yeah, so let's get goin'!" Misty said getting out and drying her legs off with a towel. "Yeah..." Rin said quietly. Misty gave her a re-assuring smile and they walked to the harbour area nearby and Misty released Lapras into the water. Misty got on first and helped Rin and Eevee on, then they took off for Seaport Village. In not too long they arrived at Seaport and Misty and Rin said their teary farewell. They hugged and Rin walked into the Pokémon Center, hoping to get some information about this new area.[/COLOR]