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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Ryoko "Ryo" [B]Character:[/B] Fighter [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Facts:[/B] Ryo loves to kick ***, that's why she's a fighter, duh! She flirts with guys quite often, but not as often as Loki hits on girls. She has brown hair and amber eyes and wears that cool blue bandanna around her forehead. She fights with her gloves and shoes and other body parts that you use for fighting. She thinks that she should be the leader instead of the Chef or the Warrior because she's toughest since she attacks without proper weapons.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] It's my job to stalk Gavynn and join his RPs whenever I can, unless I'm too late. WHICH I'M NOT!!!
  2. [COLOR=Navy]As soon as Ryo saw the Instrumentalist arrive and start destroying buildings Ryo cursed angrily. "****! Why today?!" she yelled as she made for a rooftop. She saw Zhi going to the Prelude of Harmony, then she saw Aaron shoot him in the shoulder. Ryo shook her head, at the end of today, there would be much grief and sorrow. Ryo didn't have time to hang around, she ran quickly over the rooftops and was careful not to get too close to the Instrumentalist. She had to help Zhi. He was out numbered and had a pained shoulder. Ryo ran to her house and went into the hangar. Nocturne stood above her. Ryo started to climb the large mecha and jumped into the cockpit area. "Come on Nocturne, we got business to take care of." Ryo said piloting Nocturne out of the hangar and towards the central part of the town where the Instrumentalist was reaking havock. Nocturne ran as Ryo piloted, she wouldn't let the enemy mecha destroy their town. Ryo arrived and saw that the Instrumentalist had already taken out a lot of buildings and Zhi was trying to help but he was still new to piloting. "Zhi! It's me. I'm here to help." Ryo told him through the comlink in the cockpits. "Ryo? You need to stop the Instrumentalist!" Zhi told her. "What about Aaron? What happened to him?" Ryo asked as she headed for the Instrumentalist. "I don't know...Something's happened to him." Zhi said sadly. Ryo got Nocturne's sword out and sliced at the enemy. He stopped and looked at her, she could tell he was angry. Ryo held her sword at ready, she would fight, and she would win. Ryo thrust forward with the sword and cut into some of the upper torso armour. "Why won't you fight?" Ryo yelled. "You want me to fight? Fine." he replied and slashed at her violently with his sword. Ryo jumped back and dodged his blows. He was fast and deadly because he was aiming for the head and upper torso part of Nocturne. When she saw an opening, she brought up her sword and blocked his. They pushed against each other. "Give up girly." he laughed. "GIRLY?! You did not just call me Girly. You are soooo dead now!!!" Ryo said angrily, slashing at him, he parried some of the blows and soon it was attack and dodge. Ryo took a second to look at Zhi and Aaron in their new mechas. They were fumbling slightly, Ryo knew she had to help hi, but she was busy. During the time she looked away, the Instrumentalist saw the opening and thrust into the stomach of Nocturne. Ryo groaned in pain as it dug into the armour. She reached out a hand and gripped the sword and pulled it free from the wounded area. "Looks like you're not so tough after all." he smirked evilly.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry I did that wrong. I don't know how you want us to pilot the mechas. Like whether we feel the pain or if it's just another dent in the armour.
  3. [COLOR=Navy]Ryo stood outside of the rooms that the two boys were changing in. "You guys had better hurry it up a little, the ceremony starts in less than 5 mintues!" Ryo called to them. Ryo never had to go through this ceremony because she decided to continue with her father's mecha. But she did have a ceremony to announce to everyone that she was a pilot and was representing Nocturne. She had to dress up in the robes too, even though it wasn't a choosing. Ryo heard a rustling and the boys stumbled out of their rooms. Ryo looked at them and giggled. They had really rushed trying to put the robes on. Most of it was lopsided or at the back when it should be at the front. Ryo smiled, remembering how hard it was to put on the robes. "Let me help you guys." Ryo said walking over to them. Ryo straightened and twisted and flipped the clothing of each of them until it looked right. Ryo put a finger to her lip, something was missing. She got it. She ran into both of the rooms they were changing in and came out with a golden, shiny material that was like a scarf. "Here, you need these." Ryo said looping one of them over each of their necks. "Done!" Ryo said smiling, "Here, take a look, isn't it fashionable?" she said, pushing them in front of a mirror. They knew she was joking about the fashionable thing. "Anyway guys, you'd better get out there, the ceremony should be starting any second now. Good luck, choose wisely, I'll be watching." Ryo said finally. She watched the two boys walk out together, sometimes stumbling on the long robes that they wore. Ryo sighed and walked out as well, she'd get a good seat, no problems there. Ryo looked above her and saw the eaves of the roof. Ryo jumped and caught on to it before swinging her body up and behind to land on the roof quietly. She scampered quickly across the roof and jumped to another roof until she was at the house right next to the stage. She looked for a space on the ground and flipped off the roof to land in a spot that was right in front of the stage where the two nervous boys stood. Ryo grinned and gave them the thumbs up, telling them that everything would be fine.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Not too good, I know. Sorry, can't think.
  4. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Ryoko "Ryo" Kusanagi [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18489]Here[/URL]. She usually wears a blue, durable, waterproof, hooded jacket unzipped with a white spaghetti strap top inside and navy blue cargo pants with pockets at the top(regular place for pockets) and near the knees and blue and white sneakers. [B]Bio:[/B] Ryo was on the computer and was talking to a mysterious person who she knew quite well, but would never tell his identity. He said that there was a great evil coming in the Digital World and that she had to help get rid of it. Ryo of course thought he was joking, and when he asked, "Will you accept?" Ryo accepted because she thought they were fooling around. Before she knew it, she was sucked into the monitor and she was in the Digital World. She met up with Strabimon there and they set out to find some answers. [B]Side:[/B] Good [B]Crest:[/B] [URL=http://settiai.fanspace.com/Friendship_Tag.jpg]Friendship[/URL] [B]Crest Color:[/B] Blue [B]Digimon Partner:[/B] Strabimon [B]Digivolving Levels:[/B] [U]Strabimon:[/U] Light Nail, Light Beam [U]Lobomon:[/U] Lobo Kendo, Howling Laser [U]KendoGarurumon:[/U] Lupine Laser, Howling Star [U]BeoWolfmon:[/U] Light Attack, BeoBeam [U]MagnaGarurumon:[/U] Starlight Velocity, Machinegun Destroyer[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Ryoko "Ryo" Kusanagi [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Physical Description:[/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18489]Here[/URL]. She usually wears a blue, durable, waterproof, hooded jacket unzipped with a white spaghetti strap top inside and navy blue cargo pants with pockets at the top(regular place for pockets) and near the knees and blue and white sneakers. [B]Bio:[/B] One night when Ryo was up late, she found a program that she could download to have a Digital Monster. Ryo always wanted a DigiPet on the computer so she decided to download it, but because it was so late at night, she decided to leave it downloading and go to sleep. The next morning there was an egg sitting at the foot of her bed. Ryo approached it cautiously and watched as it hatched into a small white creature that looked like a bear's head. From then on, she got to know the creature and discovered that it was the program she had downloaded. She watched as it digivolved into Nyaromon, when it could talk. It told her that it was a she and explained the whole thing about Digimon and how they digivolved etc. Salamon told her about the troubles in the Digital World and what happened in the past with previous digidestined children and about the new problem. Ryo accepted the challenge and is determined to protect the Digimon and the Digital World. Ryo always speaks her mind and doesn't hold back. But she is a good friend and is very loyal. She loves Salamon to death and loves her friends. She's not really a follower or a leader, she's just...in the middle. She's very social and loves making friends with new people. Ryo is a good listener and gives good advice from past experiences, both of herself and her friends. She never judges people unless she knows what they're like and is always willing to give someone a chance. But she's not a doormat and fends for herself, she's a skilled and experienced fighter and is agile and swift on her feet. [B]Partner:[/B] Salamon [B]Digivolving Stages:[/B] [URL=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/st/SnowBotamon.gif]SnowBotamon[/URL]: Diamond Dust [URL=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/mn/Nyaromon.gif]Nyaromon[/URL]: Galactica Magnum Tail, Atomic Bomber Tail, Tail Whip [URL=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/st/Salamon.gif]Salamon[/URL]: Puppy Howling, Petit Punch, Sledge Crash [URL=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/gh/Gatomon2.jpg]Gatomon[/URL]: Lightning Paw, Cat?s Eye Hypnotism, Rapid Punch, Punch-Headslam-Kick, Rumble Ram, Dash Punch [URL=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/ab/Angewomon.gif]Angewomon[/URL]: Celestial Arrow/Heaven's Arrow, Heaven's Charm [URL=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/mn/Magnadramon.gif]Magnadramon[/URL]: Fire Tornado, Dragon Fire, Heaven's Claw[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Navy]Ryo sat at the lab table. It was a special lab for the group of Detectives in the Agency when they needed it. She had the fingerprints she had lifted from the office on one side, and the ink prints that Jin Kocho had made for her. He had labelled them too. There was Principal Jin, Ms Ting and some of the other office workers. She tucked a wisp of moussey brown hair behind her ear and knawed at her lip in thought. The problem with the prints were, that some of the ink prints were smudged or had too much ink and some of the lifted prints were faint. The threads had been from clothing obviously. It seemed that they were from their uniform or from a piece of clothing that was of similar colour. She had put that aside for the time being and decided to concentrate on the prints. Ryo heard a knock and her head shot up. She looked to the door and saw Morgan entering the room. "Hey Morgan." Ryo said smiling. "Hey, Kusa asked me to come here to help ya." Morgan said pulling over another swivel chair like Ryo's. "Alright, you know what the crime is right?" Ryo asked turning to him. "Yeah, the missing files from the school office. They told me that you ran off quickly to grab evidence." Morgan answered. "Yeah, I was hoping the cleaners hadn't gone through yet to clean up the prints before I got to them. I got them as you can see and I got prints from people that would have been in the office. But theyr'e not of very good quality." Ryo said waving her hand over the pieces of paper that were in front of her. "Hmm...Anything else you found?" Morgan asked, leaning over the prints to get a closer look. "Yeah, I got some threads. They look like bits from our uniform or clothes of a similar colour." Ryo said pointing to the microscope. Morgan stood and walked over. He put his eye to the eyepiece and twisted the knobs to get a better focus. He changed the lens to a higher focus and "hmmed". "What? Did you see something?" Ryo asked. "The thread looks a bit frayed. Where did you find it?" "I found it stuck to the side of the table in the office. You know how the side of the table's rough and can catch threads on it." Ryo answered leaning on the table and rubbing the back of her neck. Morgan walked back to the table and looked over the prints closely. He came up with the same conclusion as Ryo had. They weren't clear enough. "I think we should go back." They said simultaeneously. They smirked at each other and nodded. Ryo picked up her case again and they headed off to office, hopefully to get more evidence.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Navy]"I need to get to the scene and make prints. Have the cleaners been through?" Ryo asked. "I don't believe so. Ms Ting contacted me and we locked the area, but the cleaners might have." Principal Jin said. "Alright." Ryo nodded. "I gotta go, hopefully they haven't cleaned away prints." Ryo said running off. A few seconds later, she came back. "Please, if you could, make a fingerprint of yourself, Ms Ting's and anyone else that would have been in the office around the desks." Ryo smiled before dashing off again. Ryo swung her bag around to the front and opened the bottom of her bag. She pulled out a small, hard, silver, metal briefcase and tucked it under her arm(If you've seen CSI, it's like the one some of them carry). She carried her Forensic Equipment with her everywhere. She got to the office and quickly unlocked the case. She pulled out a pair of disposable gloves from the box full of them and put them on before trying the door. She twisted and she heard the rattle, meaning the door was locked. Ryo sighed, she had forgotten to get the keys off Principal Jin. Ryo searched her case and pulled out a small packet of thin tools. She selected two of them and inserted one into the top section of the keyhole at an angle and the other in the bottom sectional at a regular horizontal. Ryo pulled up with the top pick and jiggled the bottom before turning them to the side, successfully hearing a click. Ryo looked around, she didn't usually like to lockpick into rooms but she had to, she didn't want to waste time by running back and getting the key from Principal Jin. Ryo entered the room and set her case gently on the table. She pulled out her small torch and twisted the top, making a shaft of light come from the lens. She walked to the table and shone the light on it, she noticed some faint fingerprints and grabbed her jar of moondust and her fingerprint brush. Ryo brushed over the prints carefully and examined the outlines on the table. She pulled out some contact/stick tape and some small sheets of paper with a bit of glossiness on one of the sides. She lifted the prints carefully and placed the contact on the sheets of paper. Ryo checked around for more evidence. Ryo carefully looked at the edges of the table, it was quite rough because the lining on the side had come off. She noticed some threads and plucked them out carefully with small tweasers and placed them into small envelopes. Ryo couldn't see anything else so she straightened and placed the things back into her case, putting the evidence at the top. Ryo locked her case and lifted it by the handle. Time to get the fingerprint samples from Principal Jin and compare them. Ryo wondered what was so important that someone would want to steal them, and that Principal Jin didn't want anyone seeing. Ryo just shrugged, not really any of her business, just doing her job.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] How was it? If I need to edit anything tell me. ^_^
  8. [COLOR=Navy]Ryo sat up in bed. She looked to her clock and saw that it was 8:30. She groaned and rolled out of bed and ran to get ready. Ryo ran past her calender and ran back to look at the date, it was the day that people that had come of age would be allowed to choose what type of mecha they would be/represent. Ryo smiled, remembering that today, Zhi and Aaron would be able to choose, even though they were a year younger than her, she was friends with them, but she had always been closer to Zhi than Aaron. Ryo looked into her dresser and saw her uniform, and her usual clothes. She was debating whether she should go to school, or skip it. Ryo smirked and grabbed her regular clothes. 'Forget school. This is a special day, and I'm sure Zhi won't be going, knowing Aaron.' Ryo thought. She dressed into her blue, durable, waterproof, hooded jacket unzipped with a white spaghetti strap top inside and navy blue cargo pants with pockets near the knees and blue and white sneakers quickly and ran to wash up. Ryo ran down the stairs and sneakily grabbed breakfast before running out of the house before her mother caught her out of uniform, knowing that she was going to skip. She took a bite out of her toast and munched it, putting her other hand into her pants pocket. She finished the slice and heard her stomach rumble again. That small slice of toast wasn't able to satisfy her appitite, Ryo decided to head off to the main business district, where most of the festivities were held and grab a bite to eat there. She was hoping she'd meet up with Zhi and Aaron too. Ryo looked around and smiled slightly, she remembered her very first festival, her father had carried her around on his shoulders, telling her more of his piloting stories. Ryo was sure that her parents would come for the big event to see what the people would choose. She looked around and spotted a pair of boys. One had greyish-brown hair, and the other had blackish-brown hair. Only two people she knew had hair like that, Zhi and Aaron. Ryo ran through the crowd, ignoring her stomach's call for food. "Hey Zhi! Aaron!" Ryo called, catching up to them. "Ryo,Hi." Zhi said smiling. "You decided to skip too, eh?" Aaron asked, grinning. "Meh, it's your big day, and I figured you guys would skip so I decided to join ya." Ryo said. She heard her stomach rumble loudly. "Uh, do you mind if we eat though? I didn't get much for breakfast." Ryo grinned.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Was that ok? I'm kinda pushed for time, and I'm hungry.
  9. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Ryoko "Ryo" Himitsu [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Organization:[/B] Singer [B]Personality:[/B] Ryo is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Ryo loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. But she?s often called a dreamer by her family and friends because she can easily fall into dreamy moods, but even though she's a dreamer, she is always calm and determined. [B]Mecha:[/B] Nocturne - [URL=http://wildcard.geofront.com/pics/mecha.JPG]Here[/URL], just take away the horns on the head part and the flap between its legs. It's coloured with shades of blues. Some pastels and deep colours. (I would colour it but I can't do it on paint, it just comes out in greys.) [B]Mecha Weapons:[/B] (In the picture) Main Offensive: Sword, Secondary: Dagger can be a Throwing Dagger, Defensive: There's pads that are connected to the controls and Ryo can make an energy shield around her/the mecha. It can absorb, reflect or deflect. [B]Bios:[/B] Ryo started her obsession with Mechas and Singers and Instrumentalists at a young age, as she listened to her father's stories. He was a pilot, he represented the Nocturne. He often let her sit inside the cockpit of Nocturne when it was in the hangar, Ryo loved Nocturne, there was an energy inside of it that helped her and comforted her. As Ryo grew older, a lot of troubles came her way and she would often sit in solitude and silence in the cockpit, somehow it made her feel better. One day in a battle, Nocturne was injured badly, almost beyond the point of fixable, her father had also suffered damages and he wasn't able t o pilot any more. Ryo decided that she would fix up the mecha and represent Nocturne in place of her father. It took quite a long time for Ryo to get the parts and fix everything but soon it was done and she was 16, she was officially able to pilot Nocturne. [B]Character:[/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18489]Here[/URL]. That's her uniform, she'll usually wear a blue, durable, waterproof, hooded jacket unzipped with a white spaghetti strap top inside and navy blue cargo pants with pockets near the knees and blue and white sneakers. When piloting her Nocturne she usually wears something like Rei Ayanami's EVA suit.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Navy]Sounds interesting. Tell me if I need to edit anything, BTW, these are based on myself. [B]Name:[/B] Ryoko "Ryo" Kusanagi [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Year Level:[/B] 10 [B]Subjects that the character is good at:[/B] English, Japanese, Science [B]Class:[/B] [U]Forensics:[/U] Searches the scenes for evidence [B]Traits:[/B] Smart, Sharp Eyesight, Keen sense of Smell, Good Hearing, Sensitive Tongue/Taste Buds, she often twirls her pacer/pen between her fingers when thinking. [B]Description:[/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18489]Here[/URL] [B]Bio:[/B] Ryo was always good at forensic work. They had learnt about it in Science and she had done well, Ryo decided that she'd like to work in a Forensics team when she was older. She was excited when she was called by her Science teacher to help her with a problem that would concern Forensics, she told her that she would go but she had to teach. Ryo gladly accepted and went off to help. A mobile phone had been stolen from a student's bag during class when the owner had gone away. Ryo looked around the classroom. Ryo was puzzled at first, how could she figure out the puzzle. All of the students sat outside. Ryo checked that everyone was there and asked to check everyone's bags and pockets. She asked the teacher and the other adult authorities to take everyone's fingerprints. She took the bag from the student and started to dust it for prints. In the end, the prints on the bag were the owner's and a girl's, Aki, she was a rebel and looked tough. Ryo smirked and approached her. "You've got the phone, just hand it back." Ryo said. "Yeah? How do you know I got it?" Aki replied looking up. "Easy. Could you pass me your bag?" Ryo asked. "Someone already checked it." "I know, but I didn't check it, now please pass me your bag." Ryo said firmly. "Fine." Aki sighed, passing her the bag. "You're not gonna find anything." "I'm not so sure about that." Ryo unzipped the bag and carefully removed the items inside. None were the mobile phone. "Told ya." Aki said smirking. "I'm not done yet." Ryo replied. She checked all over the inside and outside, running her fingers along it, she spotted a poorly sown seam and put her hand into her pocket, she pulled out her fork from lunch and started to pick apart the seam, she opened it and there was a flat compartment inside. Ryo put her hand inside and produced the missing phone. "Hmph." Aki said. "So you got me. Oh well, keep a watch out for me Kusanagi, I'll beat you some day." Aki said taking her bag back. "Sure." Ryo smiled, she brushed her hair back and looked at the students and teachers, and her Science teacher snuck in. "Voila! Problem solved." Ryo said bowing. "Now I gotta get to class." Ryo smirked, running down the hall, not noticing her Science teacher smirk and run off in a different direction. 'She'll be perfect for the Detective group.' the lady thought.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Navy]Sara got out of her chair, she stretched her tall frame and stretched her limbs. It was time for patrol. She picked up her sword in it's sheath and strapped it across her back before reaching for her dagger and thrusting it into her belt. Sara ran her fingers through her chocolate brown strands. Sara looked around the common room in the Guards Head-Quarters. She wondered where her brother was. Sometimes they went on patrol together, Sara frowned at the thought of Chris leaving without her. Sara walked outside into the sunlight. She looked around and saw Chris' messy mop of hair. He grinned as he stood next to her. "Hey Sara, sorry, I'm late, I needed to do an errand." Chris said. He looked her up and down, seeing she was ready. "I see you're ready, let's go." Chris finished. "Yeah, let's go." Sara said, agreeing with her older brother. Sara and Chris walked off to the area they were assigned to patrol for the day. "So where'd you go?" Sara asked. "Hn? Oh, to the Market District. You weren't worried were you?" Chris teased. "What?! Of course not.." Sara replied with fake laughter. She was worried, worried that something had happened to him, or if he left without her. "I'd never go without you if we planned to go together." Chris told her softly, reading her mind like an open book as he usually did. Sara smiled at him and replied, "I know you wouldn't."[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry if it's short, I gtg.
  12. [COLOR=Navy]Sara sat in the classroom for English, it was a subject she was quite good in, considering that she lived with Wolves her whole life. She watched as Scruff stood and introduced himself, Sara rolled her eyes and slunk into her seat, when it was her turn, she stood and introduced herself. "I'm Ohkami, I'm sure any Japanese knows what that means. I'm a lone wolf, you can try to talk to me, but no promises I'll be nice." she said before sitting down. "Good to see you again Ohkami." Tiger said. Sara just nodded and slumped back into her former position. She had learned how to block off people's talking and she started to slip away into her memories. ~FLASHBACK~ Sara shivered as she watched her parents talking about her, they turned to look at her every few seconds and then they finally stopped talking and turned to face her. "Come on Sara, we're going out." her mother said, hauling the little girl at the age of 5, to her feet. Sara grunted as she was pulled up roughly. "Where are we going mommy?" Sara asked. "Somewhere..." her mother answered. Sara was dragged to the car and they drove until they reached a forest. They opened the door and tok her out, throwing her onto the grass. They looked at her and turned, getting back into the car and driving off into the night. Sara tried to run but she tripped and scraped her knee. She watched as the car's lights got further and further away. Tears ran down her cheeks as the little girl watched her parents abandon her for life. ~END FLASHBACK~ Tears rolled down Sara's eyes and she wiped them away quickly, she blinked and started to pay attention as Tiger began the class.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Navy]Tanji jolted and looked up. Sara and Kayin looked at her. "What happened?" Sara asked. "Karanlik sent me a message, he said to search for him with my mind, he's fighting a group of demons and needs our help. He says if we turn up then he'll know we're telling the truth and he'll join the faction." Tanji relayed. "So what are we waiting for?" Kayin asked with enthusiasm. Sara grinned and stood from her spot, Kayin stood and they hauled Tanji to her feet. "We know you're tired Tan. You gotta do this last thing, then you can rest. Just find him and we'll do it if you're too tired." Sara said re-assuringly as she started to strap her weapons on, after she took them off to do the search. "I'm fine, I can do it." Tanji said, taking a step before wavering. "Are you sure?" Kayin asked. "Yeah, don't worry." Tanji replied with a smile, she found him and told them the directions. "Kayin, run ahead, I think he needs your help more, we'll be behind you." Sara told her close friend. Kayin nodded and ran ahead, he put his weapons on as he ran and Sara and Tanji were travelling at a slightly lower pace, acknowledging that Tanji was tired from all of the work she'd been doing with her powers. "Thankyou, we know it took a lot out of you but thankyou." Sara said as they jogged. "Don't worry, let's go faster, we need to convince Karanlik that we're telling the truth so he'll join. Besides, there's demons on the loose." Tanji said, starting out happy, then ending with hatred in her voice as she spoke about the demons. Sara nodded and they picked up the pace. They all had a bone to pick with demons.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Navy]Sara had found Tamer Leo, he welcomed her back for another year and just asked her to point the new students to the correct dorms if they needed help, other than that she could just go to her room. Sara nodded and left. Several new students asked her where the various dorms were so Sara just pointed the way and headed to her familiar room that she had been in last year. Sara looked around and saw it was the same as she left it because they knew she was coming back. Sara sat on the bed and sighed, she had brought a bag with her that had some stuff that she owned in it. Sara dumped the bag at the foot of her bed and unzipped it. She started to unpack and put things in the various drawers and cupboards. Finally she zipped the empty bag and stashed it under the bed. She looked at her familiar room and decided to walk around for a bit. Sara put her hands in her jacket pockets and walked around the building. Her ears twitched and some familiar and different sounds. She sighed and decided it was too enclosed and loud from all of the new students coming in. Sara made for one of the doors and brushed outside. A cool wind brushed by and her long hair and furry ears followed the path of the gust. She took a deep breath and thought about what this year had in store for her. [I]'Maybe I'll finally learn to open up this year.'[/I] Sara thought as she looked out into the distance.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Navy]Sara ran through the forest, a flash of grey and white amongst the green foliage. Sara had only been around for two previous years, when not at school she stayed in the forests, the only home she remembered. The pack returned after the hunting crisis was over and Sara stayed in wolf form when she was around them. Sara sniffed the air with caution, they could never be too careful, there were always predators and hunters lingering in the forests. She didn't smell anything so she continued, she knew her way to the school well because she just had to follow her own scent there. She broke out of the forest and saw several students entering the doors of the school. She walked forwards and walked in through the doors. The teachers always met the students in the same place so Sara went to the area. When she walked in, a few new students were scared and shocked. The old students saw her and just looked at her. Sara looked at them and began her change back to human form. The new students were amazed because not many were able to fully transform. Sara saw the students staring at her because she still looked part wolf. She growled and showed them her fangs, they looked away quickly and Sara smirked, new kids were always the same. She left the area and went in search of Tamer Leo to find out what she had to do because the older students were usually assigned to do things to help out the newer students. Even though Sara didn't like to get contact with people, she knew it was a duty. Sara had friends, there were a few students that were let into her barrier and they're the only people besides the teachers that she usually talks to, sometimes she talks to other students too, but not very often.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Not too good but I needed to post. I start school tomorrow so I might not post a lot.
  16. [B]OOC:[/B] I hope you don't mind me joining a little late, I've been getting it ready for a couple of days because I haven't had time to post. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Sara Kusanagi [B]Code-Name:[/B] Ohkami(Gee, wonder where I've seen that?) [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Class:[/B] Predator [B]Personality:[/B] Sara is kind if you get to know her, but she has a strong outer barrier that only lets a few select people in. She's more of a lone wolf unless she finds one of her pack. Sara doesn't like to be around big noisy groups as it hurts her ears because they're sensitive to sounds. People usually don't talk to her because of her cold attitude but she has a reason for blocking everyone out, but no one cares to find out, except for the teachers, because she told them. [B]Animal:[/B] Wolf [B]Appearance:[/B] In her human form, she has long, chocolate brown hair and her ears are positioned near the top of her head and are furry and pointy(like Inuyasha's), she has piercing brown eyes that are always alert. She usually wears an attire of blue and white. Her wolf form looks like [URL=http://users.nlamerica.com/graywolf/Wolves/wolf.jpg]THIS[/URL] [B]Short Bio:[/B] Sara never knew what was wrong with her during her childhood. It all began when she was still a baby, as the other regular babies were toothing, she was growing fangs. As others learned to walk, Sara ran swiftly on fours. As others learned to talk, Sara began to howl. As she grew older, she started to learn the things that regular babies had learned years ago. She never thought it was strange the she had claws, fangs and pointy, furry ears at the top of her head. Her parents noticed it and called her a freak, abandoning her in a forest at the fragile age of 5. Sara learned to fend for herself, she met up with a pack of wolves that stayed in the forest and they took to her with kindness. Sara liked them and stayed with them as she grew, they would enjoy their hunts together and their pack songs. But soon the hunters began to come into the forest, shooting the wolves for furs to keep them warm during the cold winter. Sara realised that she had to go into the village and stop the hunters before they killed all of the wolves that were her friends and family. Sara snuck into the village and stole some food for the wolves and took some of the guns. Sara made many trips during the nights, taking supplies and guns, but one night, she walked into a trap, they caught her trying to take more supplies. They realised that she was a human from her nakedness because she was in the forest for so long, she growled at them and called for her pack brothers and pack sisters, telling them to flee as they had captured her. They sent back the call, saying they were leaving, and wishing her luck. Sara hadn't talked for many years so they clothed her and put her on tutoring, getting her to remember english. When they were satisfied, they sent her off to "The School of Freaks" as they liked to call it, Sara heard the people talking about it, saying there were other freaks like her there. Sara enrolled, not wanting to be an outcast and she told the teachers how she was abandoned at 5 by her parents. They accepted her and decided to leave her as a lonsome cross, because it was hard on her, being abandoned by the people she sought love from. None of the students know, so they don't understand, they just presume that she's anti-social and is too stuck up to talk to them. [B]Techniques:[/B] Sara's learned the power to fully transform into a wolf morph, where her fangs are fully grown and her ears, eyes and nose are sensitive to anything. She can run very fast and is agile. No one has been able to sneak up on her because of her hearing, and she can usually see when people are hiding her. She can withstand cold temperatures from relatives like the Arctic Wolves. In her human form, she's still fast and most of the same as her wolf morph, but she's a bit slower, can't take as cold a temperature and her claws and fangs are shorter.[/COLOR] [B]OOC2:[/B] I hope it's ok. I might change some things if I see they're wrong, but I gotta go now.
  17. [COLOR=Navy]"Yeah, Tanji would want to join for sure." Sara said, picking up her weapons and getting to her feet. "Does she have anything on at the moment?" Kayin asked. "Nah, I think she went home, come on, I got her address." Sara called walking away. Kayin shrugged and caught up to her and they made their way to Tanji's house. No one really knew of their powers unless they had powers. Tanji had met with Kayin and Sara last year, when she was thirteen. Tanji told them what she had been taught and that she always had strange migrains that could hear things that weren't being said by people. Kayin and Sara immediately knew that she had powers that were unknown to her. The two of them revealed their secret to her and explained that she had powers too. She didn't accept it at first but soon realised that what they had said was true. Sara walked up to a large house and rang the doorbell. They heard it echo inside the house and heard a rattling before the door opened to reveal a young teenage girl. She grinned when she saw who was at the door. "Hey Tanji." Sara and Kayin said. "Hey guys! Do you want to come in?" Tanji invited. "No thanks, we just wanted to see if you wanted to be recruited into our faction." "Your faction? Oh! The one you've been talking about for ages! Sure, I'll join." Tanji said with enthusiasm. "Alright, we'll seeya later!" Sara said. "Ok, bye!" Tanji said, as Sara and Kayin turned to walk away. "Ok, we got one new member, but how are we going to find other elementalists?" Kayin queried. "Not like they're going to come out and tell us, they might think we're Demons in disguise." "Hmm...I suppose we could do an element search." Sara suggested. "We'll need Tanji to help, but I can't do it now, I'm tired from the spar. We'll do it tomorrow, I'll call you later about the details, after I call Tanji about it." Sara admitted, stiffling a yawn. "Alright. Make sure you call me." Kayin pressed. "I will, I will. Seeya." Sara said walking towards her house and Kayin walking off to his.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Navy]As Sara switched from rooftops to ground level she noticed a particular man entering a hotel she had seen quite a number of other particular people enter. Sara decided that most of the assassins were staying in hotels in the main area, Sara smirked and ran towards a long alley street. She entered and made sure no one was following her before she ran to the end and took a route and came across a building. Sara knocked on the door of an old looking house. No one would know it was there unless someone who knew saw it or you walked into the alley and followed it to the end and took the route by accident. The door opened and a young Indian lady answered. "Risha. Do you remember your old friend?" Sara asked with a smile. "Sasha! What a surprise, it's been so many years." Risha said, using a fake name. "I'm in India for a while and I don't have anywhere to stay, could I possibly stay here?" Sara asked kindly. "Of course, anything for an old friend that helped me in trouble." Risha said, looking for anyone before letting her in. Sara walked in and Risha closed the door and bolted it. "So how've you been?" Sara asked sitting on her couch. "Not bad. Who are you after this time?" Risha asked sitting next to her. "This rich guy, Damien. There's other people here that are after him too, that's why I don't want to stay in the hotels. Too public. Marie wants this Damien guy dead so it's my job to do what she says." Sara explained. "Yeah, stay around for as long as you want." "Are you after anyone?" Sara asked. "Ya, it's this other rich guy, he's the owner of most of the hotels around India." Risha said. Sara and Risha continued to talk, the blinds were down and they were safe, for now.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Navy]Reese walked back to her room on the floor below. She walked into the room and shut the wooden door and slumped against it. Her mind was full of curiousity, what had happened to Hayden for him to be in such a bad shape. Was there difficult monsters on the loose? And Cael, he was a good fight and seemed quite amazed that she was so good with a sword. Why? Did he expect her to be weak with weapons because she was a summoner? Reese walked to the otherside of her large room to the windows and pushed them open. She took in a deep breath, breathing the scent of the night. She propped her elbows on the window ledge and looked out into the inky darkness. What was out there that had hurt Hayden, were there more? She stared out, not looking for anything, just enjoying the cool breezes that came by regularly at night and the sounds of the nocturnal animals coming out of hiding to hunt. Reese sighed and closed the windows before tucking her rapier under the bed, in arms reach for easy access. She changed into a nightgown and slipped under the covers, but she was restless, she closed her eyes for long periods and decided that it was no use so she got up and decided to practise the hand motions for each of the summons to make sure she got them right, even though she knew them back and front, it was a calming procedure. She breathed in and out calmly, she had to keep a cool head to summon or it could turn out wrong, so she practised. Finally when she was tired, she slipped back into the covers and the friendly, familiar warmth surrounded her and she was soon asleep, hoping to wake up on time tomorrow to summon in the courtyard.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Navy]Reese followed the group around as Prynn showed them all their rooms. Finally when it was only Prynn and Reese, they walked to Reese's room. "Are you okay with these people here?" Prynn asked. "Yeah...It's just strange having all these people in the house now. I'm too used to it just being us and the servants." Reese admitted. "You'll get over it." Prynn laughed. "I suppose I'll have to." Prynn smiled at her and walked off. Reese closed the door and fell onto her bed. She yawned and put down her rapier. Reese decided she was dirty from the travelling and went to take a shower. Reese twisted the tap for the hot water and undressed as she waited for the water to heat up, then she added the cold water and stepped into the spray and let the pulsing water hit her back. Reese stretched her tall frame and lathered her hair with shampoo, then rinsed it out and added conditioner to soften her hair and ran a brush through it so there wouldn't be knots. She grabbed the soap and lathered herself and rinsed it off before using a warm fluffy towel to dry off. Reese brushed her bangs out of her eyes and combed through her long black hair. Reese dressed into an identical dress and checked her rapier. She slid it out of the sheath and flicked it right and left. She tapped the point to see if it was sharp, which it was and stood. She hadn't practised her Fencing in quite a while. She sheathed the thin sword and walked out of the room, making sure to lock her door. She walked past the familiar halls and arrived at double doors. She pushed them open and walked into the large gymnasium. There was gymnastic equipment everywhere and there were set areas for different things. Reese walked into the Fencing area and hitched the skirt of her dress and tied it into a knot at the side of her hip. She unsheathed the rapier again and got into ready position, then she pretended to Fence against an invisible opponent. She lunged, and pulled back before doing a backflip, pretending to dodge an attack. She rolled and sliced horizontally low, then flicked from her hip in a diagonal upwards in a lice and rolled again and lay on her back before flipping to her feet and sheathing the blade. Reese heard clapping from behind her and turned quickly to see who it was. Cael stood in the doorway clapping, she'd forgotten to close it because she got embarrassed when people watched her Fence. "How long have you been watching me?" Reese asked, undoing the knot that held her skirt to the side. "Since the beginning. I saw you walk past our hall and down the stairs so I followed you." Cael mentioned, walking over. "I see." Reese said, walking towards the uneven bars. Reese grabbed the bar in front of her and flipped up, she twisted and did manuveurs, still managing to talk to Cael. Finally she flipped from the top bar and landed in a proper landing position. They continued to talk as Reese moved along the different equipment, doing different things on each of them, enjoying the time she had, because Prynn usually made them train for most of the day.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Sara Vella(Not good with names either) [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race:[/B] Hylian [B]Class:[/B] Knight [B]Background / Biography:[/B] Sara's thirst to become a knight began when she was young, as her father was a knight, and her brother was a squire, about to become a knight. Sara's father would often tell her tales of adventures he had as a knight, protecting the Castle, fighting enemies and other such things. Sara loved to listen to his tales, and one day she decided that when she was old enough, she'd train to be a knight. Her father promised that when she started training, he'd help her all the way. Sara was excited and her father helped her practise with a wooden practise sword. Her father taught her the basics and then to special moves and secrets. Sara learned fast and she soon moved on to a weighted sword. Her father taught her the same things and she still managed, so he decided to finally let her use a proper sword at the age of 14. At first she had trouble adjusting to the weight and the metal but she managed and soon they were sword fighting each other. Sara would do exercise everyday and would wear a weighted harness until bedtime. Her father had told her that when she was training they people gave the trainees weighted harnesses. Finally when she reached 15, she was able to train to be a knight. Her father was proud, as was her brother and mother. Sara went in, promising to come out a knight. Training to be a knight was hard. Most of the other trainees were male and they liked to pick on her because she was the only female and they thought she was weak. Being called weak made her work harder. One day when she was eating breakfast in the mess hall. The training master called her out of the hall to a smaller room. He got her to sit and told her that her father was dead as of yesterday. Sara was upset and asked if it was a natural death because he was quite old. The training master shook his head, he told her that he had died in a battle. He was fighting a monster and others snuck up on him and surrounded him, they found his body and it was torn and scratched. Sara cried for a while but then stopped and was more determined than ever, she'd make her father proud. The years passed and at the end she finally earned her shield. She was happy and returned to her family. Her mother was proud of her as was her brother. Sara and her brother would often go on patrols together to check for monsters before parting their seperate ways to do their own knightly duties. When Gannondorf attacked the Hylian Castle and the town they were sent into action but to no prevail. Many lives were lost at the hands of the male Gerudo and the Knights and Guards are trying to protect the Guards District that hasn't yet been penetrated. [B]Appearance:[/B] She looks like [URL=http://astriaweb.free.fr/cos/paris02/hume/modele0.jpg]THIS[/URL] without her armour(I know it's a Final Fantasy pic) and her armour is kinda like [URL=http://www.rosebride.com/fakewings/knight_sketch.jpg]THIS[/URL] except take away the mail skirt and have normal male leg armour, with a Helm that matches her armour. (I was searching for some pics and these were the best I could come up with.) [B]Primary Weapon:[/B] [URL=http://www.jodysamson.com/images/swords/knightly1a.jpg]Knightly Sword[/URL] in a sheath across her back. [B]Secondary Weapon:[/B] [URL=http://www.kultofathena.com/images/horus_sil_l.jpg]Talon Dagger[/URL] that she keeps tucked in her belt. [B]Items:[/B] Sharpening Kit, A bottled Faerie [B]Spells:[/B] Water Blast: It's like a Fireball made out of water that can surround an enemy but not powerful enough to drown them. Maybe make them unconscious.[/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------- [B]OOC:[/B] Anything else I need to change? Just PM me.^_^
  22. [B]OOC:[/B] Blanko, I've got a flying pokémon. Salamence is my flying pokémon, but it doesn't matter. [COLOR=Navy]Chi reached the top and breathed in the air. She saw a few people getting posters and some of the boys ripping them up, then David being violent to the Poster person. Chi chuckled as David showed off with his Charizard. "Sure. Now, shall we get a move on, or do you people want me to beat the crap out of that stuck-up freak show?" David said. "Yay let's go!" Chi said with enthusiasm. Lin cheered from her shoulder too. Everyone looked at her strangely. Chi sweat-dropped and chuckled. "Sorry." she mumbled. Lin ran down Chi's arm and rested on her palm. Chi stroked her soft fur as she waited for the other members of the group to stop staring at them. Nate and Lamar were arguing about something and everyone stopped staring at her and focused on the two guys. They all gathered around in a circle to watch. Chi sighed, looked like they weren't going to be leaving this area yet.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Navy]Sara and Shark swivelled to face the new-comer. Sara pointed her gun at him and Shark gripped his flamethrower. "You're not the only one with weapons." Sara said coldly. It was a standoff. Sara noticed Shinyu reach for his other glock and she revealed her other automatic gun and pointed them both at him. "Hm...Looks like we gots an old fashion stand off." Shinyu said, pointing a gun at Sara and the other at Shark. Shark glared and had his flamethrower pointed towards Shinyu. "Drop your weapons and surrender." Shinyu repeated "Hahaha...I don't surrender." Sara laughed, Shark smirked, meaning he didn't surrender either. "Why don't we forget this for now, if I'm right, we're all here to assassinate Damien, correct?" Sara asked. She got no answer. "Well I'll take it as a yes, we can do this after he's dead. Killing Damien is my top priority. So Seeya!" Sara said with a wink and she backflipped into a gap between building and ran through alleys swiftly, making sure not to be seen again.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Navy]Sara walked delicately through the streets of New Delhi, stopping at several stores to pretend like she was a real Indian maiden. She was wearing a sari, a veil and sandels to make her blend in with the other females. Sara ducked into a small alleyway between two buildings and fell into a shadow. She reached into her sari and retrieved her flip cell phone. She flipped it quickly and speed-dialed two. "This is Sara reporting. I've successfully reached India and I know there's other assassins here, all here to assassinate Damien. I need a location fast, I gotta get to him." Sara told her team. "Your assumption is confirmed, there [i]are[/i] other assassins with you and they [i]are[/i] there to assassinate Damien. The only location we've gotten so far is that he's in a mansion somewhere in India, and that can be anywhere." the voice replied. "A mansion isn't good enough. I need an exact location." Sara said firmly. "We're working on it." the voice said with obvious stress. "Well work harder!" Sara yelled. "We're trying Sara." the voice said trying to calm down. "Hmph, get back to me when you get an exact location." Sara said hanging up. Sara looked around and pulled off her sari and veil, she had been wearing her normal clothes underneath the whole time and was happy she was out of the Indian clothes. Sara exchanged her sandels for her shoes and stuffed her Indian clothes into a hidden gap. She checked that her weapons were still with her and scaled the wall in front of her. She stood on top of the building and let the warm breeze blow her hair. She palmed her Talon Dagger and ran forwards over flat roofs and leaped over the gaps between the roofs. "I'm coming to get you Damien." Sara whispered with a smirk.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Sara Kusanagi [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] Sara has flowing chocolate brown hair that ends at the top of her back and has intense amber eyes. She usually wears a blue, durable, waterproof, hooded jacket that she leaves unzipped to reveal a white, spaghetti strap top and she wears navy blue cargo pants and blue and white joggers. She's fit and tanned from sun exposure and all of her training. [B]Alliance:[/B] Faction [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Weapon:[/B] [URL=http://www.kultofathena.com/images/horus_sil_l.jpg]Talon Dagger[/URL], [URL=http://www.cbswords.com/images/samurai3000ninja.jpg]Blade[/URL] and [URL=http://www.concentric.net/~stircraz/XL-723.jpg]Twin Blades[/URL] that she usually carries around joined together like a staff. [B]Element:[/B] Water/Ice [B]Reason to join:[/B] Sara and Kayin made the group. [B]Bio:[/B] Sara was born into a small family. She had her two parents, herself and her older brother, Basu. Basu and Sara were close as they grew up and soon enough they were older and they sparred together from what their father had taught them. When Sara turned 14, the demons started to arrive in her town and her brother was part of the army that were training in how to defeat demons, and their father was a Commander. They left to battle and they never returned. Sara and her mother never gave up hope that they'd return, until it was reported that they had found their dead bodies. Sara and her mother were grieved and they cried. After that, Sara decided to become stronger and avenge her father and Basu. The year after she met Kayin and they became close friends and shared their troubled past. They decided to make the faction and wanted to rid the world of the demons. They loved sparring against each other because it was always a good fight because they were practically evenly matched. Now new members have been joining and they are welcomed. They need all the help they can get to defeat the evil.[/COLOR]
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