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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [COLOR=Navy]Chi got up out of bed. She was excited, today she was leaving on a Pokémon Adventure! Chi opened her dresser and pulled out her clothes and quickly ran to the bathroom to change and wash up. She returned and grabbed her backpack off the floor and put several sets of clothes. Chi opened a drawer and threw lots of packs of food into the bag, she looked around for what she was missing, she remembered and reached under her bed, she pulled out a belt with little clips on it. She put it on and reached into another drawer, it was full of pokéballs. Chi thought about who she should bring, in the end she pulled out five; Swampert, Gyarados, Corsola, Golduck and Salamence. She clipped them all to her belt and she felt something crawl up her back and perch on her shoulder. Chi reached up a hand and petted its silky fur. Chi clipped an extra pokéball for Linoone that didn't like to stay in its pokéball. Chi packed a whole lot of empty pokéballs for capturing and remembered the new Pokédex she had been given, she put it into her jacket pocket and packed her laptop and her scanner cell phone. Chi looked around to see if she forgot anything and left her room. She ran into the kitchen for a quick breakfast, she gave some to Lin(her nickname for Linoone) that was still perched on her shoulder and left when her sisters weren't looking. She left a note in the foyer, telling them she'd left on her own Pokémon Adventure and not to worry. "Goodbye Cerulean Gym, home." Chi whispered before running out the door. Chi headed towards a hotel she was told to go, she noticd it was quite far so she got a taxi to take her there. She paid the fee and thanked the driver as she walked into the building, Chi walked up to the counter. "Hi, My name's Chi Waterflower. I was told to come here." "You must be from the group going to Mount Pouliko right?" the desk clerk asked. "Yes, that's correct." "They're all in Party Room 5. Go straight up." she said. "Thankyou." Chi replied, walking towards the room. chi knocked on the door, it opened to reveal a group of people. "Uh, Hi. I'm Chi, and this is Lin." Chi said, pointing to her Linoone. "I was told to come here, this is the Mount Pouliko group isn't it?" "Yes, it is, I'm Aurora." a girl said.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Sara Sanai [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Weapon:[/B] [URL=http://www.kultofathena.com/images/horus_sil_l.jpg]Talon Dagger[/URL], two automatic guns in holsters under her jacket. [B]Who Hired You:[/B] Marie Antoinette(Sara's boss, she's rich and wants Damien gone so she can be one of the richest people in the world.)[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Chimé "Chi" Waterflower [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Personality:[/B] Chi is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Chi loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. One of her favourite quotes is the classic, "Never judge a Book by it's Cover." Chi is also strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat, she goes by a Second quote too, "Quitters never Win and Winners never Quit." She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. [B]Description:[/B] [URL=http://www.orangeday.net/kanon/images/ayu/ayu19.jpg]Click Here! Just change the jacket into a blue, waterproof one, BTW it's hooded and minus the wings and she wears navy blue cargo pants, she also has a pokémon belt to connect her pokéballs onto.[/URL] [B]Bio:[/B] Chi is Misty's younger sister that wasn't mentioned. Misty returned when she became the best water Pokémon trainer. Chi had always liked water pokémon like Misty and was jealous when Misty returned with the title. When Aurora told her about the phonecall she had eavesdropped on and about the mission, Chi wanted to go, she wanted to beat her sister and show her other three sisters that she could do more than just water ballet. [B]Pokemon:[/B] Linoone(her pet that doesn't like pokéballs), Swampert, Gyarados, Corsola, Golduck, Salamence [B]Reason for going:[/B] To take the title of Best Water Pokémon Trainer from Misty and to prove to her sisters that she's strong.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Navy]Chi had finished dinner and went up to her room with her three digimon following behind her. She finished up her homework and decided to call one of her old friends. She picked up her cordless phone and dialled the number she knew so well. "Hello? Kamiya Residence." a female voice answered. "Hey Kari. It's me!" Chi said. "Chi?! Hey! How are you." Kari said happily. "I'm fine, what are you doing?" "I just finished my stack of homework." "Me too!" Chi said. Suddenly her D-3 connected to her waistband started to beep and flash. Chi unclipped it and tried to find out what was wrong. "Is your digivice beeping?" Chi asked. "Yeah, it's flashing too." "Check with Tai." Chi said. Kari ran with the phone to her brother's room, where he sat at the table, holding his beeping, flashing, digivice. He looked at Kari. "His is doing the same." Kari confirmed. "That can only mean one thing..." Chi started. "There's something wrong in the Digital World." Kari finished. "I'll meet you in there in 5." Chi said before hanging up. "We gotta get ready to go to the Digital World." she told her digimon. She put the phone to charge and ran downstairs to tell her mother. Her mother just told her not to be back too late. Chi ran back up to her room and put the portal on the computer screen. Her three digimon stood beside her and she held out her D-3. "Digi-Port Activate!" Chi called. The portal opened and they were sucked into the monitor to the Digital World. When they arrived, Chi had changed into her usual Digital World clothes, Kari wore her usual Digital World clothes and Tai wore what he was wearing before; a t-shirt and pants. They were in some kind of fortress and there was banging. "Let's find out what the commotion is." Chi said as Renamon, Strabimon and Flamon stood behind her.[/COLOR]
  5. [color=navy]Reese sat at the table quietly. She still doubted Prynn's excuse of needing a break. It was still morning and they had only just awoken, so why would they need a break? But Reese wasn't going to tell Prynn, she would never go back against her master in case she was thrown out. Reese cut off a slice of bread and buttered it before taking a bite. "Will we be trying again after breakfast?" Reese asked. "If you think you're ready then we shall, if you still need more time, then we can wait." Prynn said. "I think I can do it. We almost had it earlier." Reese said determined. "Alright, but finish breakfast first." Reese ate in a hurry and hurried Prynn. She was sure she could get it. They walked back out to the courtyard. They did another warm up, this time Reese summoned Ifrit, he arrived out of the ground and summoned a large fireball that took off into the distance. Then he disappeared. "I think I'm ready." Reese said. They stood and did the hand motions, they remembered the changes they had discussed in the morning and did it correctly. The figure started to emerge, Reese trembled with antisipation, but trying to get it so that it didn't interfere with the summoning.[/color]
  6. [COLOR=Navy]Chi sat in her swivel chair, she yawned and bent over the back of the chair in a stretch. She looked at the pile of homework in front of her, and she'd already done half of it. She turned the chair around and looked to the other side of her room. On the bed rested Renamon, lying down, Strabimon leaning against the bed on the floor and Flamon sat on the window ledge. "You guys want exercise?" Chi asked. They all looked up at her and nodded furiously. They were bored whenever Chi had to do homework. Chi stood and walked over. Renamon looked at her before changing into Viximon, Viximon looked more normal. Strabimon and Flamon stayed in their normal forms. Strabimon took off a few of his accessories and got on his fours, he kinda looked like a blue dog, Flamon did the same and he looked like a fox. Viximon smiled and twitched her ears. Chi grinned at her three digimon and reached under the bed for her inline skates. She put them on in a hurry and the three digimon jumped out of the second story window. Chi leaned outside and grabbed the drainpipe, Chi slid down the wall and onto the ground where Viximon, Strabimon and Flamon were waiting for her. "Let's go!" Chi called, pushing with her right foot and following with the left. Chi skated ahead and the digimon ran after her. They did the block several times before she decided to get home. Chi stopped below her window on the ground. Strabimon and Flamon jumped up. Viximon digivolved to Renamon and held Chi, they disappeared and re-appeared in her room. "Thanks Renamon." Chi said, taking off her inline skates. Strabimon and Flamon were putting their accessories back on. Chi heard someone walking up the stairs so she quickly sat in her chair and started to write. Her mother opened the door and saw Chi working at her desk and the three digimon back in their previous positions. "You've been quiet for the last 10 minutes so I wondered what you were doing." her mother said. "We've been here the whole time Mom, I've just been doing homework." Chi said looking up innocently. "Alright.." her mother said unsurely. "We'll have dinner in five minutes. Make sure you wash your paws, you three." her mother addressed the digimon. "Yes." they replied in unison. Chi's mother left the room and the four smirked at each other from Chi's lie.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Navy][U][I]Digidestined[/I][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Chimé "Chi" Iteki [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Description:[/B] [B]Real World:[/B] Chi has flowing,shoulder length chocolate brown hair and sparkling emerald eyes. She wears a white top with a blue stripe down the side. She wears navy blue pants and blue sneakers. [B]Digital World:[/B] Chi's the same except she wears a blue, durable, waterproof, hooded jacket unzipped with a white, tight, spaghetti strap t-shirt inside. On the front of her t-shirt is a blue coiled up chinese dragon. She wears navy blue cargo pants and blue and white Nikes. She wears silver, reflective, custom made sunglasses. [B]Personality:[/B] Chi is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Chi loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. One of her favourite quotes is the classic, "Never judge a Book by it's Cover." Chi is also strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat, she goes by a Second quote too, "Quitters never Win and Winners never Quit." She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. [B]Bio:[/B] Chi first went to the Digital World when she was eight. She had seen the original destined and had gotten to know them. Her closest friends were Kari and TK because they were about the same age as her. But she didn't meet her digimon until she was nine. Chi travelled with the digidestined for most of the time they were in the Digital World, until she turned nine and she found a digivice in a cave. Soon after, her digimon appeared, Renamon, Strabimon and Flamon. Chi soon bonded with them and was happy because now the other digidestined didn't have to protect her all the time. When the digidestined defeated Piedmon, they were all sent home in the tram. Chi was sad, along with the other digidestined. Their digimon had to stay in the Digital World and they didn't know when they'd meet again. Two years later...Chi had turned eleven and she was working on an assignment for school, even though it had been two years, she never forgot about Renamon, Strabimon and Flamon for a second. She always kept the small digivice connected to the waistband of her pants. As she worked on her assignment, she didn't notice her digivice flashing. Only when it beeped did she notice. She unclipped it and watched as the digivice changed into another model. Chi looked at it and played with the buttons. It flashed brightly and beeped. Chi closed her eyes from the blinding light. She opened her eyes slowly and saw the computer screen glowing. Chi got closer and she was blown back. Chi looked and saw Renamon, Strabimon and Flamon standing in front of her computer. Chi was happy and she hugged her digimon friends that she hadn't seen in two years. The three digimon explained the problem and told her that new digidestined had been awakened, and Kari and TK were helping, along with the older digidestined that provided guidence. Chi left and went to find Kari. She clarified everything, there were new digidestined, and they had to save the Digital World from the Digital Sorceress. Kari, TK, Chi and the other new digidestined now hop through worlds. [B]Digivice Color:[/B] Blue and White [B]Partner Digimon:[/B] Renamon, Strabimon, Flamon [B]Good or Evil:[/B] Good [U][I]Digimon[/I][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Renamon [B]Attack(s):[/B] Diamond storm, Rapid Kick, Power Paw, Flaying Kick [B]Digivolved Forms:[/B] [B]Baby:[/B] Reremon>Bubbles, Metamorphosis [B]In-Training:[/B] Viximon>Killing Stone [B]Rookie:[/B] Renamon>Diamond storm, Rapid Kick, Power Paw, Flaying Kick [B]Champion:[/B] Kyuubimon>Dragon Wheel, Fox Tail Inferno [B]Ultimate:[/B] Taomon>Talisman of Light, Talisman Star, Talisman Spell [B]Mega:[/B] Sakuyamon>Dragon Helix, Spirit Crusher, Talisman Sphere, Twin Blades of Beauty, Amethyst Wind, Crystal Sphere, Scepter Dash [B]Human Fusion:[/B] Valkyrimon>Feral sword, Lightning arrow [B]Name:[/B] Strabimon [B]Attack(s):[/B] Light Nail, Light Beam, Light Kick [B]Digivolved Forms:[/B] [B]Baby:[/B] Punimon>Bubble Blow [B]In-Training:[/B] Tsunomon>Bubble Blow [B]Rookie:[/B] Strabimon>Light Nail, Light Beam, Light Kick [B]Champion:[/B] Lobomon>Lobo Kendo, Howling Laser, Ancient Spirit of Light [B]Ultimate:[/B] KendoGarurumon>Lupine Laser, Howling Star [B]Mega:[/B] BeoWolfmon>Light Attack, BeoBeam [B]Human Fusion:[/B] MagnaGarurumon>Starlight Velocity, Machinegun Destroyer [B]Name:[/B] Flamon [B]Attack(s):[/B] Baby Salamander [B]Digivolved Forms:[/B] [B]Baby:[/B] Mokumon>Smokey blow [B]In-Training:[/B] DemiMeramon>Fireball [B]Rookie:[/B] Flamon>Baby Salamander [B]Champion:[/B] Agunimon>Burning Salamander, Salamander Break [B]Ultimate:[/B] Burning Greymon>Pyro Barrage, Wildfire Tsunami [B]Mega:[/B] Aldamon>Atomic Inferno, Solar Wind Destroyer [B]Human Fusion:[/B] KaiserGreymon>Dragon Crossbow, Pyro Dragon[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Wow, that took longer than I thought. Is there anything I have to change?
  8. [COLOR=Navy]A young girl in her teens lay on the grass at the bank of a river. Her hands were tucked behind her head. Her eyes were closed as she listened to the gentle trickling of the water. Her quiet, even breath indicated that she was asleep. She leaf fluttered down from a tree and tickled her nose. She scrunched up her nose and sneezed, sitting up with a start. She looked around and remembered that she had fallen asleep during meditation. "Get a grip of yourself, Chi. You need to train to beat Keiji and Kitsune next time." she mumbled to herself, sitting up straight. Chi crossed her legs and placed her palms on her knees. She breathed in. '1..2..3..4..5..6..7', hold '1..2..3..4..5..6..7', breathe out '1..2..3..4..5..6..7' Chi repeated the pattern as she started to build her ki. She would do her physical and magical training after her ki was built up and she was mentally prepared. Soon enough, she would be ready, and she would meet with Keiji and Kitsune, and she was determined to win the next time they met.[/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry about the length, my bro's pushing me to get off.
  9. [B]OOC:[/B] Wahhh!!! GOMEN! GOMEN! I haven't been able to get online lately. Been working hard ^_~. Urmm...I might not be posting for the next week. It's my term break and I'm gonna be going away. Sorry!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=Navy]Chi arrived home tired. She had had a very busy day. ~FLASHBACK OF THE DAY~ Chi was at school. It was fourth period. So far, she had had an essay due in English; first period, a Science test; second period, a Social Studies assignment due in; third session and now she had Maths, her least favourite subject. She sighed and listened to her teacher ramble on about how to get perimeters, areas and circumferences, when they had learned that years before. Chi got out of Maths, finally and went to her locker. She quickly grabbed her lunch from inside and shoved her un-needed books in before anything could fall out of her overly packed locker. Chi slammed the door and leaned against it. "I have to clean that out sometime." she mumbled to herself. She ate a quick lunch and remembered that she had a Sports with a large group of "popular" girls that hated her. Chi groaned and debated if she should skip the class, but then she decided to go, just to beat another "popular" girl. As Chi had guessed, a "popular" girl decided to fight her and the girl lost. After that they had been let out and Chi headed home. ~END FLASHBACK~ Chi flopped on the bed. It was still early. Chi did her large stack of homework and she was a third through it when her mother came home and made dinner. Chi looked out of her window and saw the the sun had almost fully disappeared under the horizon. Chi stretched and stood, her knees buckled from sitting for so long and her hands cramped. Chi walked to her bathroom and splashed cold water on her face before heading downstairs. Chi ate dinner before resting. Then she finished her homework and saw that it was late. Chi yawned and took a quick shower before falling on the bed, she fell asleep before her head hit the pillow.[/COLOR] ------------------------------------------------------------ [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry Gav! Can you keep me around so I got something to come back to when I coome back? The flashback was based on my day today.
  10. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Chimé "Chi" Iteki [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Crest:[/B] Crest of Defense [B]Personality:[/B] Chi is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Chi loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. One of her favourite quotes is the classic, "Never judge a Book by it's Cover." Chi is also strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat, she goes by a Second quote too, "Quitters never Win and Winners never Quit." She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.orangeday.net/kanon/images/ayu/ayu19.jpg]Here[/URL] [B]Basic Info:[/B] Chi is just a people person and doesn't like to make big fusses over herself like the "popular" girls, which are the bimbos that act like they rule the school. Chi's anger flares whenever the "popular" girls do something to bug her, but she tries to keep it down if it isn't too serious. As said earlier, Chi loves making friends and has quite a large "gang", as she likes to call it. But Chi's friendship doesn't stop with students, she's friends with a lot of the teachers around the school and hardly ever gets into major trouble. Chi knows a boy at the school with a rich chicago accent and wishes she had one because she doesn't have an accent at all, she tries to make friends with him but he isn't very open, he's always with his friends that are always shouting at him because he doesn't put on weight. Sometimes chi gets into fights with the "popular" girls but she always defends instead of attacking and attacks when the girl is worn and tired.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Navy]Reese woke up and stretched her arms above her head. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the time, it was still quite early. Reese opened her dresser and got out her usual attire, her long white dress and the black half piece of clothing that wound around her neck and formed sleeves. She walked through the door to the adjoined bathroom and reached into the shower cubicle to twist the tap for the hot water. She let the water heat up as she undressed from her nightgown. Reese saw it was getting warm so she turned on the cold water to balance the temperature. When it was right, she stepped into the shower and let the warm water run over her body. She sighed as her muscles relaxed from a stiff sleep. She hadn't been sleeping well lately. Reese picked up the bottle of shampoo and squeezed some onto the palm of her hand, she worked it into her long black hair and rinsed it off before doing the same with conditioner. Finally she picked up the soap and lathered herself before rinsing it off her body. When she finally decided she was clean, she turned off the taps and dried herself off with the towel before changing into her clothes and combed her hair. When she got out, she saw she'd taken longer than she thought, she picked up her rapier and grabbed her gloves and ran out of the room. She was supposed to meet Prynn in the courtyard at 8 o'clock, it was 5 past 8 and Prynn hated tardiness. Reese ran through the long, familiar halls until she reached the door to the courtyard. She stopped and took a deep breath before opening the door and walking out. Prynn stood in the center, waiting for her. "I'm sorry I'm late." Reese said. "Hurry and get read then." Prynn said. Reese nodded and put her gloves on and put the rapier on her back, concealed beneath her hair like usual. "Now, warm up with a regular." Prynn ordered. Reese closed her eyes and Prynn waited to see who she would summon. He saw a wave of water and a large sea serpent coming towards them. It was Leviathan, the great Sea God. It stopped and then Reese sent it away. "Very good, now, let's continue to practise the Double Summoning." Prynn said. "Right." Reese said, standing by her master.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] I just decided to not concentrate on Summoning yet. I'll wait for Strike Gundam to post.
  12. Hey Domon, When do we get to start this thing? I don't know if you're gonna get the rest of your characters. Please can we start?
  13. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Chi Iteki [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Emblem:[/B] Faith(symbol): A blue [URL=http://www.celticattic.com/treasures/images/stamps/cross_stamp.gif]cross[/URL] with a shining golden star in the center. [B]Special Attack:[/B] The Call of Faith: Chi concentrates on the enemy and takes their faith out of them and charges it into a blast of power that she fires back at the enemy. [B]Weapon:[/B] [URL=http://www.ffonline.com/1_ff10gfx/weapon-sword1.gif]Long Sword[/URL] and the [URL=http://thepiratestreasure.com/knives/ptuc1149.jpg]Leviathan Dagger[/URL] that is tucked into her belt. [B]Appearance:[/B] Like [URL=http://astriaweb.free.fr/cos/paris02/hume/modele0.jpg]this[/URL] but she wears pants and has emerald eyes. [B]Personality:[/B] Chi is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Chi loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. One of her favourite quotes is the classic, "Never judge a Book by it's Cover." Chi is also strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat, she goes by a Second quote too, "Quitters never Win and Winners never Quit." She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. She believes that everyone has a good inside them, but she can feel if they're full of hatred and evil, and knows that there isn't a chance. [B]Bio:[/B] Chi was born in a small village that was beside the River Domin, named Riverside. She was born into a family of three. Her mother and father, and herself. She wished so badly for siblings but her mother was infertile and had only managed to have Chi. Her father worked in the fields with the other village men and her mother stayed home and cooked and did housework. Chi helped her mother around the house but she wanted to go out and help her father. As Chi grew older, she became more of a tomboy and from all of the complaining, her mother and father finally let her go out to the fields and help the men. Her father's friends scoffed and laughed when they saw her but her father stood up for her. The other workers' attitudes changed after they saw her worker, she was very enthusiastic and harvested a lot of crops in a small amount of time. Now they liked her and they became friends. Chi followed her father out everyday and always cut down a lot. When it was time to sow, Chi helped by running around scattering seeds. Finally it was time to wait for the crops to grow. All they had to do was spray them. Chi was bored and wanted harvest time to return. Her father decided to train her in the arts. She studied all of the martial arts and learned how to use a sword. Finally she was very good with the sword. One day, when she was 16, she was out in the fields. Everyone had left. Her father asked her to go back to the house, but she didn't want to. He offered to keep her company, but she refused. Chi wanted to check the field. Just in case. It was almost harvest time and all of the crops were growing well. Chi strolled along, examining the crops as she passed. Chi sighed and walked slower. Then Chi saw smoke in a far field. Chi walked faster, towards the smoke, then she saw flames. Chi looked back and saw it was too far to get her father and the other workers. Chi sprinted through the field, the flames got bigger, scorching the crops and turning them to ash. Chi arrived and coughed as the smoke got to her lungs. Chi grabbed the watering hose and sprayed at the licking flames. But while she was concentrating on the fire, someone sneaked up behind her and got her in a headlock. Chi kicked him and got away. But others had sneaked up around her. She was trapped between the people and the wall of flames. Chi could feel the heat behind her. Chi got into a fighter's stance and prepared to fight them. The three japanese men stood in a triangle formation with Chi in the middle. They were dressed in black, tight suits. "What do you want with me?!" Chi asked them, feeling the fire continue to burn closer. "Revenge from our father, to your father." the first one said. They reached into their suits and they held bunches of ninja stars. They started throwing them rapidly at her. Chi dodged a lot but was sliced by one, across her stomach. Chi fell to the ground as blood started to flow. They advanced and picked her up to take her away from the fire. They put her at the gate of the front field that they normally worked at. Then the first japanese man produced a knife with a dragon curled around the hilt and put it to her throat. He slid it slowly across her throat saying, "Never mess with the Katabashi Family." He put the knife away and they fled. Chi's vision wavered before she died. Later her father went out and found her at the gate. One of the other japanese people had carved the words "Never Mess with the Katabashi Family." in the ground next to her body. Her father was grieved and had to tell her mother the bad news. She was angry at him for getting involved with the family of assassins and was angry at him for a long time. The workers grieved the next day, over the loss of Chi and from the fire. It had swallowed two fields before they put it out. They buried Chi in her favourite place by the river and they always leave flowers there on the anniversary of her birthday. Chi was dead for 4 years, until now...[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Is that better? I editted it.
  14. [COLOR=Navy]Chi got Dryoga to give her a lift home and Chi grabbed her bag that she had packed earlier and said goodbye to her mother. "Bye Ma. Please don't tell Da where I'm going. Just say I'm going to camp away because I'm looking for a dragon to tame. If you tell him you know he'll come after me." Chi said, looking her mother in the eyes. "I-It'll be hard, but I'll do it. Don't worry about us. Just be careful. You know how Plejalta is." Her mother said with tears in her eyes. "Don't worry Ma. Jaht and I will be fine." Chi said. Chi held her gaze with her mother and then took off running, gripping her bag. She jumped onto Dryoga's back and told him to go to the inn. Her mother stood outside the house. A tear rolled down her cheek as she thought of how she may not see her daughter again. Chi waved with her own tears escaping, she had to have faith. Chi reached the inn and got off Dryoga. Jaht met her and told her about the doubles that Branit was going to find. Dryoga listened. "Dryoga, you need to be with my double. They know that you always follow me so be nice to the double, whoever she is. Just tell her you're my dragon and she should know. Everyone in this small city knows me from the summonings I do every year." Chi said. Thinking of the summonings brought back memories of the ocarina and Chi wiped them away quickly. Dryoga nodded and flew off to find Branit, knowing his scent and following it to find him. "We're staying here tonight, we leave tomorrow at first light." Jaht said opening the door to the inn. Chi looked at him and nodded before walking through the door. Jaht led Chi to the room that had two single beds in it. Chi took the free bed and bounced on it. It was quite hard for a bed and wouldn't give her a very comfortable sleep. Chi wished she was at her house on her soft bed. "So what do we do now?" Chi asked looking up at him.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Navy]Chi nodded and made her way back to her house and entered gloomily. "What's wrong Chi?" her mother asked, seeing her glum face. "Sideria got trapped and I had to give up Da's Dragon Ocarina to get her back from the evil dragon that has her. He's going to destroy it." Chi sobbed. "That's terrible." her mother said hugging her. "Me and a guard are going to find Plejalta tomorrow morning." "But that's dangerous Chi! You know how hard it is to win his favour! Your father only just made it. And he was at least twice your age when he tried!" "I know Ma, but I don't have a choice. We're going to try to get Plejalta to give us the spells to make another Dragon Ocarina. I can't continue my job without one." Chi said firmly. "I know, I'm just worried about you." "Don't worry. We'll be fine. Is Dryoga here?" Chi asked. "No. I haven't seen him all day." "Ok, I gotta go find him. Bye Ma! I'll be home later." Chi said running out of the house. Chi ran towards the large hill with the memorial on it, where she had summoned all of the dragons to help fight against the raiders. Chi let her aura spread out and looked for Dryoga. Soon their telepathic links connected and Chi called him to come to her. When he arrived Chi got on and they went flying together, just for fun. Something she hadn't done in a long time. Chi explained everything and told him about going to Plejalta. Dryoga was against it but Chi wouldn't budge. She had to go, there wasn't any other way. And if Siene kept his promise, Sideria would be free because of her sacrifice. "I must Dryoga. Sideria was captured because of me. And if that meant I had to give up my Dragon Ocarina to rescue her, then so be it." Chi said.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Navy]Chi held out her hand for the musical instrument. Branit gave it to her and saw Chi look it over. "How long do we have?" she asked quietly. Jaht looked at the horizon. "I think about 2 hours." he replied. Chi caressed the blue instrument and ran her fingers over the holes. She brought it to her lips and played an ancient tune. When she finished, the sky before them changed and images of memories flashed by. Chi watched them as the images brought back happy memories. Like the first time she tamed a dragon with the ocarina. Meeting Sideria for the first time. Getting the dragon ocarina from her father that had gotten it from his father and so forth. She closed her eyes and the memories disappeared. A tear dropped from her eye as an emotional war raged on inside her. She turned her head and held the ocarina out to Jaht. "Siene had better keep his promise." Chi muttered.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Chimé "Chi" Iteki [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Season:[/B] Autumn [B]Powers:[/B] use what I listed above as guide-lines. [B]Special Attack:[/B] This can be just about anything, as long as it goes with your season. [B]Normal Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.orangeday.net/kanon/images/ayu/ayu19.jpg]Here[/URL] [B]Sprite Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.dharmarose.com/graphics/goods/treefree/fairies/xl_TF85001.jpg]Here[/URL] [B]Animal Appearance:[/B] [B]Personality:[/B] Chi is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Chi loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. One of her favourite quotes is the classic, "Never judge a Book by it's Cover." Chi is also strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat, she goes by a Second quote too, "Quitters never Win and Winners never Quit." She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. [B]Bio:[/B] Just give me some info on your past. You don't have to make it terribly long, but not too short either [B]BTW:[/B] I have a question. What is Autumn's main element? Is it Nature? Sorry...Just that you didn't list it. You just said Autumn can use a bit of rain and snow. I'll edit this later. I need the answer to my question first. And I'm thinking about some of the info I need to put in.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Navy]Chi stifled a yawn as she continued to stand in the lobby to greet customers. Her friendly grin plastered to her face. Chi saw a man walking towards the inn and smiled as he entered. "Hello. My name's Chi, Welcome to Ermwell Inn. How may I help you?" Chi asked with a smile. "I'd like to get a room." he said. "Alright. Just fill in this form." Chi said handing him a clipboard and a pen. The man looked over the form with pursed lips. He lifted the pen and filled out the form before handing it back to her. Chi skimmed over the form and saw everything was in order. "That's fine, Sir. If you'd like to follow me, I'll show you to your room." Chi said, flourishing a hand to her left toward the stairs. She noticed his bag and called a bell hop to carry it. Chi walked up the stairs in front of the man and the bell hop trailed behind them. Chi reached the second level and walked up and to her right, past several other rooms. Chi unlatched a ring of keys from her belt. They jingled together and they were on seperate keyrings with tags. There were two of each key. One for the customer, and one for herself. Chi pulled off the key with the tag 1 and unlocked the door, letting the customer walk through. "I hope this suits you." Chi said as she followed him through. The bell hop placed the bag on the floor and left. "If you need anything, just call Room Service or the Lobby." Chi said. "Have a nice stay." Chi said as she left the room. Chi re-attached the large ring to her belt and sighed as she headed downstairs. Chi checked the time and decided she should have a break. Chi walked to the right as she descended the stairs, she was in the entertainment area. She saw that the men from earlier were still there drinking. Chi smiled and walked to the bar and sat on a stool. "Hey Van." Chi said, being less formal. "Hi Chi. Been busy?" he asked with a grin. "Meh, Kinda. We got a customer in Room 1." Chi said. "A man right? I saw you going upstairs with him. Do you want anything?" he asked. "Oh, uh...Can I just have a Sprite?" Chi said slumping. "Sure." Van turned around and grabbed a can from the small fridge and passed it to her. "Thanks." Chi said, pulling the tab hearing the hiss of gas. Chi lifted it to her lips and took a large gulp. "So what've you been up to?" Chi asked, taking smaller sips. "Nothing much...just the usual of serving drinks." Van said, cleaning a spill with a damp cloth. Chi checked the time and groaned. "Why do breaks pass so fast?" Chi asked. "I don't know, why do breaks pass so fast?" Van asked with a grin. Chi smirked and hit him lightly on the arm as she stood. "You gotta go?" he asked. "Yeah, unfortunately. This smiling's hurting my cheeks." Chi said, massaging her cheekbones. Van laughed and waved. Chi picked up her can and waved as she made her way back to the lobby to welcome more customers. She saw someone else welcoming so she took the advantage and sat behind the lobby counter. She took small sips from the can as she waited and smiled.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Hmm...How was that?
  19. [COLOR=Navy]Chi opened her eyes slowly and the light shone in through her window. She yawned and rolled out of her bed. She stretched her tall frame and twisted her head to check the time. It was still quite early in the morning. Chi took a shower and dressed in her work clothes she picked up her name badge from her bedside table and pinned it on. She grabbed her katana and ran out of the room and downstairs. "Morning Mr. Daskar." Chi called as she walked down the stairs and into the bottom floor, knowing that Van was always up in the morning. "Morning Chi." he replied with a smile. Chi saw customers about to enter the door. She waved to Lysander and Bryony in a good morning as she rushed to the door. Chi stood by the entrance and waited for the customers. They opened the door and walked in. "Good Morning. My name's Chi, Welcome to Ermwell Inn. How may I help you?" Chi asked with a smile.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] I don't know what to say so I'll leave that to someone else. ^_^
  20. [B]OOC:[/B] Unless I miss understood, you said you'll accept 2 applicants and choose. So...*points down* Oh, and I added a pic of a Rapier because theres a lot of types and it's my favourite type of Rapier. The Summon pics are a mix of boredom and for show. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Reese [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Personality:[/B] Usually quiet, mainly because she is deep in thought or she doesn't have anything worth saying. But when Reese has something to say everyone listens because she drives her point across and strikes the heart of the discussion. [B]Bio:[/B] Reese has always been different from all her friends. They all discovered their talents at a young age while Reese just seemed to be there to cheer them on as they succeeded and she didn?t progress. One day though her life totally changed. When she was eighteen, she and her mother and father were out in the fields collecting some food for the harvest, but out of no where a large monster appeared and at first didn?t harass Reese and her parents. But after a few more minutes of staying there the monster then proceeded to attack them, her parents were able to cast defensive magic but even their combined strength wasn?t enough to protect them. Reese finally became so distraught that at first she thought she was going insane when she heard the voice but then she realized it was a summon monster calling to her. Brining her hands up she made very complex yet quick motions which then called forth the creature known as Ifrit. Ifrit quickly disposed of the monster and then disappeared, that day Reese knew that she was to become a summoner. When she first arrived at High Summoner Prynn?s estate she was in awe, she?d heard about him being a very selective person on who would be his apprentice. Upon entering the estate her parents were told to stay at the front gates while she went further in to meet Summoner Prynn. While she wandered what seemed to be endless halls Reese wondered if she was going to be forced to do the summoning again or not. If she had to she had no idea how, when Ifrit came to her. Lost in her thoughts Reese finally entered the room where Summoner Prynn was. Reese finally snapped out of her train of thought and looked around the room and noticed where she was. Prynn had been observing her for quite a bit before she?d snapped out of it. Reese standing there rather nervously didn?t know what to do so she just introduced herself and Prynn simply stood up and looked her in the face and said ?Welcome my new apprentice.? [B]Weapon of Choice:[/B] [URL=http://www.knifecenter.com/knifecenter/cas/images/1027sgt.jpg]Rapier[/URL] which is located on her back because her long hair is able to cover it most of the time. [B]Summons:[/B] [URL=http://www.riffus.com/gf-ifrit.jpg]Ifrit[/URL], [URL=http://perso.wanadoo.fr/linoa78manga/ramuh3.jpg]Ramuh[/URL], [URL=http://www.riffus.com/gf-leviathan.jpg]Leviathan[/URL] [B]Double Summons:[/B] [URL=http://pobladores.lycos.es/data/pobladores.com/yu/ny/yuny_/channels/final_fantasys/images/2622350odin.jpg]Odin[/URL], [URL=http://www.ffgurus.net/ff10/aeons/magus.jpg]Magus Sisters[/URL], [URL=http://www.squarecn.com/ff/zhuanti/FF9/summon/syoukan11.gif]Phoenix[/URL], [URL=http://www.eternal-legend.com/ffix/eidolons/shots/th_madeen3.jpg]Madeen[/URL] [B]Picture:[/B] [url=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=10]Reese[/url][/color]
  21. Sakura

    Quid pro quo

    [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Chi Iteki [B]Age:[/B] 1800 years [B]Speices:[/B] Angel [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] Her human form is exactly the same as when she was alive which is [URL=http://www.orangeday.net/kanon/images/ayu/ayu19.jpg]This[/URL] but just ignore the wings. Her angelic form is slightly different from her human form. She continues to have her long brown hair. But her crimson eyes are changed to a vivid emerald green that sparkle with joy. A golden halo appears over her head and shines brightly and she usually wears robes of blue except when she needs to wear other garments for ceremonies, battles and other such things. [B]Weapons/Abilities:[/B] Chi likes to carry her personal [URL=http://www.ffonline.com/1_ff10gfx/weapon-sword1.gif]Long Sword[/URL]. She has powers of the elements from below as she is in touch with all of the earth. She is most connected to the element of water however so she wears her blue robes to signify it. But as the Angel of Elements and Nature, she is hurt when something dramatic happens to the earth. [B]Bio:[/B] Chi was a dead soul, she was killed by a excavation because she was down in the caves checking things out but she hadn't heard the calls of warning. The walls had caved in around her and she died from lack of air and being squashed by rocks. Chi was taken to Heaven and was granted the position of Angel of Elements and Nature because of what happened to her. Chi happily accepted, as she accepted, she saw a male angel that had caught her eye. She asked someone who it was and they told her that it was the Younger Son of Lucifer, Marcus. Chi saw him walk away and was infatuated by him. Chi would always look forward to seeing him and one day she introduced herself. She was touched at how kind he was because she had heard rumours about his brother and a war that was going on. Chi told Marcus that she'd help him however she could and he thanked her. Chi sighed happily and fluttered off. [/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Ok, Annie, I still want the position of the Angel Marcus fall in love with. If there's anything you dis-approve of just tell me and I'll edit.
  22. [COLOR=Navy]A girl lay in her bed, captured by a deep sleep. Her breathing was soft and even. She dreamed of a far away kingdom that over-looked Earth. She was in the eyes of someone and was walking around a crowded room. Everyone's faces were blurred. She walked to a mirror and saw herself. Why was she a part of this beautiful kingdom? She entered another room and saw couples dancing. There was a lovely couple that wore royal garments. Their faces were the most blurred of all. They waltzed elegantly and they were bathed in their love for one another. Suddenly she was jolted back to the real world. She had had several of those dreams before. Chi sat up in bed and rolled out of her cocoon of blankets. She walked to her personal bathroom and splashed cold water on her face. Chi checked the time and saw it was still quite early. She reached into the shower cubicle and turned on the tap for hot water. She undressed and adjusted the temperature and got in. She took a fast shower and dried herself off. She dressed for school in her normal clothes of a blue, hooded jacket unzipped with a white t-shirt inside and navy blue pants. She picked up her brush and ran it through her chocolate brown hair. She checked herself in the mirror and then ran into her bedroom. She dropped to her knees and reached under the bed. Chi brought out her pair of inline skates. they were blue and white. She grabbed her backpack and placed a pair of silver, reflective, custom-made sunglasses over her emerald orbs. She put on her blades and got out of her bedroom. Chi bladed over the wooden floorboards and slid down the stair rails before landing on the ground floor. She grabbed her keys and shouted a farewell before going out the door. She looked at her watch and saw that she'd be late so she sped up and speed skated.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Is there anything wrong with it? What about the dream? I wasn't sure but I put it in anyway.
  23. [COLOR=Navy]Chi shuffled slowly through the fiery mountain. Beads of sweat rolled down her cheeks as she got further in. She wiped the back of her hand to collect the droplets and continued to walk. She couldn't give up. Sideria was her best friend. 'It's all my fault Sideria was taken here. If I didn't ask her to help me to fight the raiders, she wouldn't have been part of this. It's my fault....that she's with that monster of a dragon.' Chi thought to herself. A tear fell from her eye and rolled down her cheek before landing on the ground. "I'll never give up." Chi said with determination. Chi saw an end to the long tunnel and ran for it. As she entered to the other side, her face fell as she saw many caves. She groaned and she fell to the ground from exhaustion. She panted and her hair stuck to her forehead. "I'm sorry Sideria, I didn't mean to get you involved..." Chi mumbled. Her vision wavered from the heat before everything went black as she passed out.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Chi Iteki [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Hair Colour:[/B] Chocolate Brown [B]Skin Colour:[/B] Tan [B]Size:[/B] Tall, Skinny [B]Clothing Style:[/B] Simple Top and Pants [B]Shoes:[/B] Classy Shoes [B]Eye Colour:[/B] Emerald Green [B]Weapon:[/B] Katana [B]Life Style:[/B] Lives in Inn [B]Jobs:[/B] Lobby Manager [B]Personality:[/B] Friendly, Helpful[/COLOR] Is that alright?
  25. [COLOR=Navy]"NO!" Chi screamed with fury. "SIDERIA IS ALIVE!" Chi eyes blazed with fire and she yelled a spell "Wingardium Leviosa!"(Taken from Harry Potter, I know. And don't tell me about the spelling, I don't really care about the spelling of a spell) A pair of large white wings sprouted from her back and Chi jumped off Dryoga. "Take Jaht back to the town. I have no need of his assistance." She said to Dryoga before talking to Jaht. "I can take care of myself, and I will rescue Sideria, if it's the last thing I do!" Chi said turning around and flying back toward the mountain. "NO!!" Jaht screamed after her but it was no use, Dryoga was flying further away from her. Dryoga told Chi. {"Thankyou. I think I'll need all the help I can get."} Chi replied. Chi flapped her wings and rose. A storm had come in and was raining heavily. She wouldn't believe that her best friend was dead. They'd been together for so many years, she didn't know what would happen to her without Sideria. Sure, she had Dryoga and all of the other dragons she tamed, but Sideria had the biggest bond. "You're not dead, You're alive, and I'll rescue you." Chi muttered as her wings started to get heavy from the rain. Chi noticed the mountain and landed. The wings disappeared and Chi looked at the dreaded mountain. She would have to go in. Chi cast the cooling spell and hoped for luck as she made her way into the mouth of the mountain cave.[/COLOR]
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