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[COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Chimé "Chi" Iteki [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.orangeday.net/kanon/images/ayu/ayu19.jpg]Here[/URL] [B]Biography:[/B] [B]Type:[/B] Water [B]Side:[/B] Light [B]Weapon:[/B] [URL=http://www.ffonline.com/1_ff10gfx/weapon-sword1.gif]Long Sword[/URL] and Magic [B]Abilities/Skills:[/B] Chi can control Water in any form,eg.Rain,ice,liquid etc.In bodies of water,eg.Lakes,rivers,ponds,puddles etc.She can send thought messages with those who have even the slightest of psychic powers and those who don't.Her most powerful talent is summoning a Large Dragon made of Water.It attacks with a deadly force of water attacks.Chi can create cyclones,whirlpools and other deadly and dangerous water hazards.Her most useful talent though is being able to breathe underwater for long periods of time.She could even live underwater if she wanted to.Her natural talent is being able to hurl water at enemies.Her last thing that isn't magical related is that she is very acrobatic and moves swiftly,quietly and smoothly like running water. And she knows a lot of sword skills and is very agile. [B]Personality:[/B] Chi is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Chi loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. One of her favourite quotes is the classic, "Never judge a Book by it's Cover." Chi is also strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat, she goes by a Second quote too, "Quitters never Win and Winners never Quit." She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] No time, I'll do it later.
[COLOR=Navy]Chi sighed as she propped herself against the pitchfork she was holding. She wiped the back of her hand across her forehead, wiping away beads of sweat that had been rolling down her forehead as she mucked out the horse stalls of the inn. She looked behind her and saw all of her work. She had mucked out all the stores and replaced hay in them and put more food into them. She grinned happily. "I'm finally done, Kai!" she called. Her blue fairy hovered around her head. "Well done. Is it our break now?" he asked with enthusiasm. "Our?! You haven't done anything Kai." Chi huffed. "Fine, is it [i]your[/i] break now?" he sighed. "Yes it is. And I think [i]I[/i] deserve a good canter on Sakura." Chi said walking towards the stall that held her Strawberry Roan horse. Chi produced a carrot out of her pocket and fed the horse. "You ready for some exercise?" Chi asked. Chi grabbed the saddle from the side and placed all of the equipment onto the horse before grabbing the reins and leading her out of the stalls, Chi leaned back and locked the stall door before leading Sakura out of the inn and out of Hyrule Castle. Chi greeted the guard near the drawbridge as she was on her way out. Chi knew most of the inhabitants of Hyrule Castle. As Chi crossed the drawbridge, she pushed the reins over Sakura's head and put her foot into one of the stirrups and hoisted herself over and slipped her other foot into the stirrup on the other side. Chi moved into a comfortable position and grabbed the reins. She squeezed her heels gently into Sakura's sides and took off at a trot. Soon she lightly kicked Sakura into a canter. They rode around Hyrule Field with joy and then Chi noticed another figure on a horse a distance away. Chi looked at the figure and steered Sakura into the direction of the figure. Maybe this person was what she was waiting for. Maybe, just maybe, she could find out what her destiny held for her.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Chi sat in her room. She was restless. She had been waiting for something bad to happen, expecting it to hit her in the face. She yawned and leaned over the back of her chair in a stretch. She straightened again and got up, just as something on her belt started to beep and flash. Chi reached down and unclipped her D-Ark. Chi walked to the large window. She could see a commotion going on a few streets away. Her digimon appeared on the bed. "Let's go." they said in unison as Chi grabbed her silver, reflective, custom-made sunglasses. Chi knealt and pulled something out from under the bed, her pair of inline skates. They were small and she used them to travel to most places. She put them on in a hurry and put on her blue gloves that ended at the wrist and were fingerless. She nodded to Strabimon and he jumped out of the window, landing safely on the floor from the second story. Chi climbed out of the window and gripped the drain pipe. She positioned herself and slid down the wall with her skates. She landed on the floor and sped off in a hurry. Strabimon ran infront of her. Chi entered the street and saw people running away in fright. Suddenly she saw a blast of power that she expected from the enemy digimon and saw a shadow, a hologram came up about the digimon. It was Psychemon. It looked like a pink Gabumon. "Get 'im Strabimon." Chi said cooly. "You know I will." Strabimon smirked and sprang forward. He showed the other digimon his claws evilly. The Psychemon laughed and shot a Blue Blaster at Strabimon. Strabimon crouched and sprang up, easily avoiding the attack. "Light Nail!" Strabimon called as he came downwards with his claws outstretched. Psychemon caught Strabimon's claws and pushed him back. Strabimon backflipped away from Psychemon and growled. "Light Beam!!" Strabimon called as he released a beam of power at the other digimon. "Blue Blaster!" countered Psychemon. The two attacks collided and let off an explosion. Chi covered her face and looked back up after the dust pasted and saw Strabimon getting angry. "Physical Combo!!" Chi called to Strabimon. Strabimon grinned and nodded. He dashed forward and disappeared just before reaching Psychemon, only to re-appear behind him and let out a flurry of Physical Attacks before ending it with... "Light Kick!!" Strabimon yelled as he turned the Psychemon into Digi-Data that he absorbed. Chi skated over to her digimon and stood beside him. "Something wasn't right about that Psychemon." Chi said. "Yes...Something was wrong. He was well trained." Strabimon commented. Chi looked at the time on her D-Ark and gasped. "C'mon Strabimon, we gotta get home before Mom calls for dinner." Chi said pushing off with her right foot. Strabimon shrugged and ran beside his partner. Chi's long auburn hair flew behind her in the wind as the sn began to set. "You did well Strabimon." Chi said. "I wish I could digivolve." Strabimon mumbled. "I wish you could too, I don't know what's wrong with my Digivice. Don't worry Strabimon, we'll find a way, soon enough." Chi said as Strabimon wrapped his arms around her. Chi hugged her digimon and he phased into her room. "Thanks Strabimon." Chi said as she pulled off her inline skates and gloves. She shoved the skates back under her bed and threw the gloves into the drawer she had gotten them from. She picked up her brush and ran it through her hair to make it neat and took off her sunglasses, putting them into the same drawer she had put the gloves into. She just finished doing all that when her mother's voice drifted up the stairs, calling Chi for dinner. "I'll bring you some foodd, you deserve it." Chi said grinning as she ran out of her room, sliding along the wooden floorboards and ran downstairs. Strabimon stared after her and smiled slightly before lying on the bed and waiting for Chi, he closed his eyes but his ears were alert for anyone coming, in case they discovered he was there.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][I][B]A while before the Raiders arrived in Takuya's post:[/B][/I] (The conversations are only between Dryoga and Chi} Chi sighed and lay back against Dryoga's scaley skin. {"I feel so helpless Dryoga...If Sideria dies...."} Chi confided to her dragon. Dryoga assured. {"I hope so..."} Then the raiders arrived. {"Should I help him?"} Chi asked. Dryoga said watching. {"But if he gets in trouble we have to help him."} Chi said closing her eyes from sleepiness. Summoning all the dragons that she had took a lot of energy from her and made her sleepy. she heard him say in her mind before she surrendered to the sleep. Chi fell asleep and she had a dream of Sideria. It seemed more like a vision. She was unconscious and in the palm of a giant dragon that lay by a magma pit inside the mountain. Chi realised that the dragon must be the great Siene. Chi was angry. She had to get to Sideria before it was too late. Chi started to toss and turn and mumble incoherant things. Dryoga nudged her gently with his snout, bringing her back into awareness. She sat up and looked around. Dryoga said with worry. {"I had a dream about Sideria. It was more of a vision really. She's unconscious in the mountain with Siene."} Chi said with stress. Dryoga said with calmness. One of them had to be calm. And it was going to be him.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Chimé "Chi" Iteki [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Identity on Lowne:[/B] A young but powerful and experienced Mage. [B]Powers:[/B] Many magic spells that vary in power. The more powerful spells she uses the more drained she is, so she can't use a lot of powerful spells at once or she'll faint because of her age. [B]Personality:[/B] Chi is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Chi loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. One of her favourite quotes is the classic, "Never judge a Book by it's Cover." Chi is also strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat, she goes by a Second quote too, "Quitters never Win and Winners never Quit." She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Chi fluttered on her wings. Her feet had gotten tired from the walking and her wings needed the exercise. She fluttered to a large, thick branch on a tree and sat. She swung her legs back and forth. Chi had never known that their forest was so big because the fairy children weren't allowed to leave the boundaries around the village because it was too dangerous. Chi looked down and saw a centaur pass beneath her. She stayed quiet. Chi sighed and looked around, she wondered how long it would take to get out of the forest. She swung her backpack around so she was holding it and opened it. Her mother had helped her pack food items and handy things. Half the bag was neccessities and the other half were Chi's personal belongings that she had decided to bring along. She pulled out a loaf of bread and tore some off before packing it back in. She had to ration her food supplies because she wouldn't know how long it would take to find a town where she could replenish her supplies. Chi reached into her bag and produced a rolled piece of parchment. It was sealed and Chi hadn't know it was in her bag. She recognised the wax seal as one of Mechal's, her passed on friend. She realised he must have done something from the other side. She smiled and thanked him silently before producing her dagger and sliding it under the seal and cutting off so she could keep it. She unrolled it and frowned and the blank parchment. Then she remembered that Mechal had taught her about the spells that would only reveal writting if the write words were said. Mechal told her that whenever he did a spell, he used the word, "Kaze", and to cover it again he used the word, "Owari". Chi stared at the paper and whispered the word, "Kaze". Sudddenly ink started to draw itself all over the parchment until it was a map. And a golden key appeared. Chi picked it up. Instructions wrote themselves out. It said to use the key to draw a circle around the part she wanted to see and it would be like a hologram of it. The compass on the page moved like a real compass and the map changed if she moved out of the area. At the moment the map showed the forest. Chi thanked him and threaded the golden key onto the chain that was around her neck, with the small glass sphere. She held slung the bag back onto her back and fluttered her wings. She held the map out and tried to find her way out of the forest.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Note that Chi will never say the words loudly around other people because the words are secret. If someone learns the words they can access the map. But they don't have the key. But what Chi doesn't know is that Mechal put a spell on the parchment so if someone else says the words it will produce a fake map or it won't appear at all, because it's connected to Chi's voice only. Even if someone pretends it has to be the exact same sound signal.
[COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Chimé "Chi" Iteki [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Hair:[/B] Chocolate Brown [B]Eyes:[/B] Crimsonish [B]Race:[/B] Fairy(Not the small ones) [B]Job:[/B] Mage/Warrior [B]Occupation:[/B] Mage [B]Weapon:[/B] [URL=http://www.ffonline.com/1_ff10gfx/weapon-sword1.gif]Long Sword[/URL], [URL=http://www.raven9.freeserve.co.uk/witchway/pictures2/yew-dagger.jpg]Dagger[/URL], Magic and a [URL=http://ew2.lysator.liu.se/loth/j/s/jsnook/glaive.jpg]Glaive[/URL] [B]Abilities:[/B] Random Spells and Spells from the Book. Summon: She can summon a large blue dragon to ride on or fight with, etc. She has sword and glaive skills and experience with a large variety of weapons. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.orangeday.net/kanon/images/ayu/ayu19.jpg]Here[/URL]. The wings are larger and more fairy like and are a bluish colour. She also has a glass sphere on a chain around her neck with a blue spark inside it. She doesn't know what it is but she always keeps it around her neck, there's something about it though, she's yet to find out what. [B]Personality:[/B] Chi is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Chi loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. One of her favourite quotes is the classic, "Never judge a Book by it's Cover." Chi is also strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat, she goes by a Second quote too, "Quitters never Win and Winners never Quit." She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. [B]Biography:[/B] Chi was born into a colony of fairies that lived in a forest. Elves, Dwarves and other mythical creatures also lived in the forest. Chi fitted in with the other fairies except that she was a bookworm and loved to study. Chi would always spend most of her time studying, reading and doing her homework instead of hanging out with her friends. Even after school, she would go to an old mage's house and she would sit and listen to his teachings of spells and then she would read one of his thick book of spells. Her mother had told her that she had magic when she was at a young age so it didn't shock her in the future. Her mother started her training when she was young so she could become a good mage. Chi started going to the old mage's house at the age of 10. She would be fascinated by some of his adventures that he told her of. He enjoyed her company and liked having her around because other fairies thought he was crazy. One day he decided to give Chi the book that she always read, learning about the new spells in it. It was thick, and was slightly ragged and torn from age. Chi didn't know what to say and hugged him. Chi's father started her physical training around the same time she started her magic lessons. Chi started off with a small wooden practise sword and learned the simple things. As she aged, herr father added weights to the sword and at the age of 9 her father had made her wield a metal sword. When she was 10, her father made her make her own sword and Chi spent several months over the hot forge to make the Long Sword that she carries with her at the present day. On her 15th birthday, her father gave her the glaive as a present. It had been passed down from his ancestors and now he gave it to her. Chi had always loved the pole arm and was happy to have it. Then one day, she went to the old mage's house and he told her the best adventure yet. He told her of an evil spirit by the name of Valen and the evil he would bring if he was ever resurrected. Chi shuddered after the tale as the old mage had told her the details. Chi had gone home and the day after, when she went to visit him again after school. He was in his soft chair as usual but he wasn't breathing. She ran to him and tried to use the life spell he had taught her but his magic aura overtook hers and he stayed in the other side. Chi tried for an hour without success and gave up from a weakness of energy. Chi cried by his side until she was out of tears and hugged him. He had been her best friend. And now he was gone. Then she noticed a box on the small table beside him with a note on top. It read: [I]If you're reading this, I've now passed on. And I predict that you'll try to revive me with a Life Spell but I won't allow it. I'm staying here, it's better for me. Thankyou for all of the hours of companionship and listening so intently to my adventures, giving an old man a friend that I haven't had for years. Open the box and take the item, it's for you. Don't be too sad about me, I've passed on to a better place. But you must make sure Valen is never resurrected or it will bring doom to the entire world. You won't understand the item but you'll know one day. I'll watch over you. Remember me forever, and never forget the good times we had. Your Closest Friend, ~Mechal[/I] She opened the box and saw the necklace that she wears. It's a reminder that's kept close to the heart from her closest friend. After that she made her way home and told her parents that she would leave tomorrow morning but didn't tell them about the death of her friend. She rested peacefully with the memories of Mechal and his gift pulsing softly. The next morning she left with her sword, her glaive and the Spell Book, she made a promise to his spirit that she would make sure the Valen was never resurrected as it was his will that she never allow that to happen.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Finally finished. Phew that took a long time. What do you think Legacy?
[COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Chimé "Chi" Iteki [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Race:[/B] Hylian Mage(Always thought she was a Kokiri like Link) [B]Bio:[/B] Chi was born in the Kokiri Village and got her fairy when she was born. Chi had always thought she was a Kokiri. She learned she had magic when she was 5. She accidently set some of the growth on fire and put it out with a water spell. She started training it with the local mages and soon learned how to control her magic. She got into spell books and did advanced spells. The mages that had taught her gave her a thick spell book to keep because she was always fascinated by each and every spell in the book. She loved to play with her other Kokiri friends, thinking they were the same as each other. It wasn't until her 14th birthday when she was getting taller and older and the others all stayed the same. She realised on that day that she wasn't a Kokiri. She was a different race. She was shocked and grief-stricken. She gathered her belongings and left when it was night time. The only light she had was the bright light that Kai gave off. He helped her get through the dark and winding Kokiri Forest and got to the Hylian Field. Since it was still dark she decided to camp it out at the exit of the log from Kokiri Forest to the Hylian Field. The next morning she got up and took a last look at the way home and ran off towards the Castle. As she neared she saw the Lon Lon Ranch and decided to go visit. There she met Malon and was trained how to ride a horse. Chi was still a bit shaky and asked if she could live with them. Talon agreed one the condition that she worked for her stay. She worked hard everyday with Kai floating around her. Finally when she felt ready, when she was 15 she decided to go to the Castle. Malon was sad and gave her a departing present. It was a horse, the horse that Chi had first learned to ride on and had made a bond with over her stay. It was a strawberry roan by the name of Sakura. With that, Chi saddled up and rode out of the ranch and on her way to the castle. When she reached the castle she crossed the drawbridge and walked into the town square. It was a lively place full of joy. Chi felt welcomed and got a room at the inn, again in service for work. Chi's waiting for something. But she doesn't know what, so she continues to work at the inn until it arrives. Sakura has a stable in the inn so she doesn't have to stay in the field, but Chi often lets her out into the field for a run and to graze. She never told anyone of her powers but still practised them when no one was around or if she got free time at the ranch when she worked there or at the inn. [B]Description:[/B] [URL=http://www.orangeday.net/kanon/images/ayu/ayu19.jpg]Here[/URL] [B]Pet Beast:[/B] A Blue Fairy named Kai and Sakura, the Strawberry Roan. [B]Main Weapon:[/B] [URL=http://www.ffonline.com/1_ff10gfx/weapon-sword1.gif]Long Sword[/URL] and Magic. [B]Other Weapons:[/B] A [URL=http://ew2.lysator.liu.se/loth/j/s/jsnook/glaive.jpg]Glaive[/URL] that also serves as a staff. [/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] I don't really know what I'm waiting for. I just put it there. So in the RP I'll do something.
[COLOR=Navy]Tidus groaned and felt his head. There was a slight bump. He sat up slowly and looked around, this wasn't Spira. He looked to his right, his Caladbolg lay within arms reach. He turned his head to the other side and his jaw dropped. There was a wooden dock that he was on and at the end was the sea. Tidus got up and grabbed his Caladbolg before racing to the end of the dock. He reached down and touched the water. It was real. He turned opposite of the sea and he gasped. There was a town there with stores and shacks. He ran down the dock making small thumping sounds. He could hear the lapping of waves against the beach. Tidus turned to look at the beach and saw the white sand. Tears pricked his eyes as he thought of Besaid. He wiped them away with the back of her hand and continued to run into the old waterfront town. He continued to run into he saw the main square. He approached a teenage girl and flashed his smile. "Hi. Can you tell me where I am?" he asked. "Duh! You're in Fremantle. Where are you from, Final Fantasy Freak!" she said, looking him up and down. "I'm from Spira. What's Final Fantasy?" he asked. "Whatever!" she said, before turning and walking away. "What's going on here?" Tidus mumbled to himself. Suddenly [I]'Find Cloud'[/I] came into his mind telepathically. He knew it was Paralax. "What?! How am I supposed to find cloud when I don't even know what world I'm in!!" Tidus screamed at the air. There was no response. Tidus screamed with frustration and ran a hand through his blonde hair. Suddenly he heard a chorus of screams from somewhere else in the town. He gripped his Caladbolg and ran off in the direction of the screams.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Harpith trudged away angrily. Cogan would have made a good meal to satisfy her stomach. Harpith fluffed her wings with a "hmph" and flapped her wings gently. She was woozy from the blood loss. It was still bleeding and she needed help. She flew as fast as she could through the halls before she lost consciousness. But it was too late. As she reached a hall, a few turns away from the dining area she fell from the sky and lay rumpled on the wooden floorboards. She was out cold and she was still bleeding. The next thing she remembered was waking up in a white room. She was on a simple bed. She was covered by a white sheet and she was lying down. She blinked her eyes. She flapped her wings in a test and they were still good. She pushed away the sheet and looked herself over. Nothing had been changed. Then she felt something at the back of her neck. She reached a wing around and felt it. It was a bandage. Then she remembered everything. The shouting match with Cogan after he had slashed the back of her neck. Then she had followed him to his room, where he had gotten away through an airvent and then she tried to get back to the dining area, then she fell unconscious. Harpith flapped off the bed and went to find the nurse. "What happened?" Harpith demanded when she found the nurse. "Oh, a servant found you unconscious on the ground and brought you here, to the Infirmary. You're neck was slashed at the back so I stitched it and bandaged it." she explained. "Thank you,I must leave. Please tell me the way to my room from here." Harpith said, calming down. The nurse told her which way and Harpith flapped off with a final thank you to the nurse. Harpith opened the door to her room and flew to the perch next to the bed. she bared her teeth angrily at the thought of being attacked by that stupid ninja. She would have to be more cautious of "servants" next time.[/COLOR]
[B]OOC:[/B] Here's my Post 2 of the Second Round. How could you do that to me G/S/B?! Waaaaaaaaaah!!! >='(. Anyways, sorry about the length, kinda shotty, I know but I don't know what G/S/B wants. [COLOR=Navy]Harpith groaned on the floor. That bastard must have been another contestant that was trying to get others out of the game by assassination attempts. But Harpith didn't give up that easily. She slowly and painfully pushed herself off the ground and flapped her wings. Her furious piercing eyes searched the area for signs of the disguised assassin. "Come out and face me!!" Harpith yelled, she could feel the blood running down her neck and dripping onto the floor below. "Face me if you dare you weakling! One on One!!" Harpith taunted. It was silent. She could hear her own breathing...and that of another's. Harpith looked around. It had to be one of the stealthier contestants. She had ruled out the females and the large contestants. It was a male, and very stealthy. Then it hit her. "I know it's you Cogan." Harpith said cooly, flapping her wings steadily. "How did you know it was me?" he said, remaining hidden. "Because of you're stealthiness, size and voice." Harpith said, trying to look for the source of the voice. "Why don't you just reveal yourself! Are you scared of me, human?!" Harpith spat angrily, tired of waiting, her eyes blazed angrily with fire.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Chi rid on the back of Dryoga. They swerved and dodged over head rocks and the ones below them and next to them. They had covered quite a lot of ground. They hadn't found anything in the first 3 Sectors. Now they were in the fourth. They exited the fourth sector and circled above. "Where is she?" Chi cried in frustration. Dryoga suggested. "Right." Dryoga banked sharply and turned off in search of Sideria. As they reached the outer mountains Chi spotted a mountain with smoke billowing out of the top. "Let's go." Chi said. Dryoga nodded and turned for the mountain. Chi shoved a hand into her pocket and withdrew a few strands of unicorn Mane. She held it out to the wind and called. [I][CENTER]"ABRA-SALAMANDRA! ALABASTRUM FRIGIDUM! UNICORNUCOPIA!" [/i] As she let go of the hairs.[/CENTER] Dryoga asked. "It's a cooling spell. Since there's smoke I'm thinking it'll be hot in there. It will last for quite a long time. It's cast on you too." Chi said as they flew into the mouth of the cave.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] I'm going after Siene.
[COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Chimé "Chi" Iteki [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Height:[/B] 5'6" [B]Weight:[/B] 110 lbs [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.orangeday.net/kanon/images/ayu/ayu19.jpg]Here[/URL] [B]Bio:[/B] Chi was born into a sad life. She was born an only child and her mother died giving birth to her. She lives alone with her father who started to give her training when she was 5. She learned how to fight with a sword with a small wooden practise sword. She was also taught martial arts. As she grew older her father added weights to the sword and increased her training. When she reached the age of 8 she started acrobatics and gymnastics to make her more flexible and agile in fighting. When she reached the age of 10, her father switched her to a metal sword. At the age of 12. Her father taught her to make her own sword and she spent months over a hot forge to make her sword that she carries with her. At the age of 13 she found a Spirit which she discovered was named Dragoon. She told her father and he trained her in Elemental Control and Spirit Control. She's almost mastered all of the techniques but still has some time to go. She went to the tournament at the age of 14 and met Keiji and Kitsune there. She had won a lot of battles until it came to Keiji when he beat her by a bit. Now she's determined to get better with Dragoon and one day fight him again. [B]Element:[/B] Water/Ice [B]Sub-Element:[/B] Nature [B]Weapon:[/B] [URL=http://www.ffonline.com/1_ff10gfx/weapon-sword1.gif]Long Sword[/URL] [B]Spirit Name:[/B] Dragoon(Blue Dragon) [B]Height:[/B] 5'9" [B]Weight:[/B] 600 lbs [B]S. Appearance:[/B] Dragoon is a large dragon that has blue scales that changes tints but the scales are usually a regular blue colour. He's quite long and has large strong wings, a long tail and strong limbs. When they change together, Chi looks like a dragon. She loses all clothing and solely becomes a dragon but is shorter then the actual Dragoon and her tail trails on the ground behind her. [B]S. Bio:[/B] Dragoon was an ancestor that died a long time ago and chose to be in Chi. He often tells Chi about what the past was like and what happened and how he died. He was killed in a battle and his spirit was allowed to be changed into an animal spirit to help decendants. He's chosen Chi and they'll stay together forever. [B]Status:[/B] Good[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Harpith cocked an eyebrow as Roland announced that they had to guess what he was looking for for Round 2. She sighed and looked at the food on the table in disgust. She looked around and saw the other contestants shovelling the food into the holes in their faces that they called a mouth. Harpith screeched angrily and flapped off her perch of the back of the chair and flew out of the dining hall. Harpith landed on the ground in another hall and walked around. Her talons made small clicking noises as she walked across the floors. [I]'I wonder how I can get out of this building.'[/I] Harpith thought as she opened different doors and looking inside. She stuck her head through a door and frowned. There was a large four poster bed and lots of fancy things. [I]'Posh people'[/I] she scoffed silently. Harpith screamed with frustration. She just wanted to go outside. Why was it so hard to find an exit. She spread her wings and flapped slowly. She levitated and she flew down the hall and turned corners. The building was like a maze. Suddenly she heard a roar from one of the rooms in the new hall she was in. Harpith looked around looking for the source of the sound. "Who's there?" she called. The sound echoed in the emptyness. She heard the roar again. Harpith flapped to the room she thought she heard it from and gasped. There was a large monster inside. It looked like a cross between a spider and a man. He had the body parts of a spider with a human head and upper torso. It grinned at her and revealed it's sharp fangs. Harpith glared angrily at it. It clicked it's front legs together and licked it's lips. "What are you?!" Harpith yelled. "Hahaha, I'm a Spidren. Not like you need to know that because I'm going to have you for dinner." it said. It shot a stream of sticky grey string from it's spinneret on his stomach at Harpith. She pumped her wings and avoided the stream. The spidren cut it the end off his spinneret and prepared to shoot another jet. Harpith inhaled deeply and screeched in a high pitch. The spidren yelled angrily and tried to block the sound out. The sound echoed out the door and down the hall. As the spidren was distracted, Harpith flew up close and clawed at it's eyes and face. Harpith ran out of breath and slammed the door on her way out. She flew as fast as she could through halls until she was far from the spidren. Then she realised that she was lost. She gasped for breath and her eyes searched the hallway. She grinned as she finally saw the exit. She flew out the door and took off into the sky. She sighed as she felt the wind around her and no confinements like ceilings or walls. Her stomach growled so Harpith flew closer to the ground. She flew fast and caught something in her talons. It was a mouse. She ate it in one mouthful and continued to hunt for food to satisfy her stomach.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] DemiVeemon(Vee in all forms) [B]Side:[/B] Royal Knights [B]Digivolutions:[/B] Chibomon ? DemiVeemon ? Veemon ? Veedramon ? AeroVeedramon ? [U]AlForceVeedramon[/U] [B]Attacks:[/B] Pop Attack [B]Personality:[/B] Vee as he likes to be called is a very friendly little digimon and is very energetic. He can be hyper-active at times and will bounce around like crazy. But over all he likes to make as many friends as possible. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://aa.1asphost.com/digitalempire/digidex/cd/DemiVeemon.jpg]DemiVeemon[/URL] [B]Biography:[/B] AlForceVeedramon was a strong fighter throughout the war. He fought on hard with all of his strength until he had used it all up and he was sent away. He awakened approximately a year ago and is searching for his allies from the Royal Knights. He has a feeling that they have also awakened and they need to get together, because he could feel that the Demon Lords had also awakened. Something had to be done before the Demon Lords found each other. And somehow, DemiVeemon had to Digivolve.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Deep Sea alerted Chi of the prescence of Dryoga. Chi searched and spotted the Blue Dragon. Chi reached out to him with her Telepathic Link and Dryoga flew closer before flying beside the sapphire, Chi sat mounted on. "Have you found Sideria?" Chi asked, the worry coming out in her voice. Dryoga apologized. "Deep, can you make it back to the city square? Please help the citizens fight against the raiders. I need to find Sideria." Chi said as she stood. Deep Sea gave her an affirmative and Chi thanked him before doing a backflip into the empty air. Dryoga swooped under her and she landed seated on his back before they shot up into the clouds. "I don't know where she is...Did you see caves?" Chi asked, thinking aloud. Dryoga reminded her. Chi knew the City of High Haven and the areas around it like the back of her hand. "I'm sorry, this worry's blanking my mind. You'll have to put up with me." Chi said smiling. "Let's check the set of caves in Sector 1." Chi decided. The mountains had been divided into sectors for easier navigation to tell people where to go. Dryoga nodded and dived below the blanket of clouds.[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~ The soldiers arrived back to Jaht. They looked on the ground and saw the 6 men on the ground. Jaht turned and looked at him. "What are you doing here? I told you to protect Chi." he said. "I'm sorry, but she's not there. She must have gotten out after you left." one of the soldiers reported. Jaht cursed and looked to the skies. [i]'What if the raiders are waiting for her and she's playing right into their hands.'[/i] Jaht thought.
Sign Up Digimon- Way of the Worlds [PG-13 for violent content]
Sakura replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Navy][U][B]Human Sign-Up[/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Chimé "Chi" Iteki [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Equipment:[/B] Laptop, D-Terminal, Cell phone, [URL=http://www.ffonline.com/1_ff10gfx/weapon-sword1.gif]Long Sword[/URL] [B]Digimon Partner:[/B] [B]Baby:[/B] [b]Name:[/b] Punimon [b]Attack:[/b] Bubble Blow [b]Type:[/b] Slime [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://aa.1asphost.com/digitalempire/digidex/op/Punimon.gif]Here[/URL] [b]In-Training:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Tsunomon [b]Attack:[/b] Bubble Blow [b]Type:[/b] Lesser [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://aa.1asphost.com/digitalempire/digidex/st/Tsunomon.gif]Here[/URL] [b]Rookie:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Strabimon [b]Attacks:[/b] Light Kick, Light Nail, Light Beam [b]Type:[/b] Demon Man [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://www.dejimon.com/Digimonpics/hybrids/Strabimon.jpg]Here[/URL] [b]Champion:[/b] [b]Name:[/b]Lobomon(Lobo) [b]Attacks:[/b] Lobo Kendo, Howling Laser, Ancient Spirit of Light [b]Type:[/b] Warrior [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://aa.1asphost.com/digitalempire/digidex/kl/Lobomon.jpg]Here[/URL] [b]Ultimate:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] KendoGarurumon(Kendo) [b]Attacks:[/b] Lupine Laser, Howling Star [b]Type:[/b] Cyborg [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://aa.1asphost.com/digitalempire/digidex/kl/KendoGarurumon.gif]Here[/URL] [b]Mega:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] BeoWolfmon(Beo) [b]Attacks:[/b] Light Attack, BeoBeam [b]Type:[/b] Warrior [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://aa.1asphost.com/digitalempire/digidex/ab/BeoWolfmon.jpg]Here[/URL] [b]Unknown:[/b] [b]Name:[/b]MagnaGarurumon(Magna) [b]Attacks:[/b] Starlight Velocity, Machinegun Destroyer [b]Type:[/b] Cyborg [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://aa.1asphost.com/digitalempire/digidex/mn/MagnaGarurumon.gif]Here[/URL] [B]Digivice:[/B] Baby Blue D-Power [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.orangeday.net/kanon/images/ayu/ayu19.jpg]Here[/URL] [B]Biography:[/B] Chi was born in Japan as an only child. She lived in a small family of three in Tokyo. She was always interested in weapons training so when she reached the age of 7, she started sword training with a small wooden sword. She continued the art as she got older but also went into many different types of Martial Arts classes and acrobatic classes to make herself more agile and better at fighting. When she reached 10, she had already left the wooden sword far behind and was fighting with a large metal sword. At the age of 13, she made her own sword, the same one she carries at the time. It took long days over a hot forge to make the weapon. Now she's mastered the Martial Arts, Acrobatics and the art of Sword Fighting. On her 14th Birthday, she found her digi egg that soon hatched into Punimon. They got close for the day until it changed to Tsunimon. They became close as Strabimon evolved and she learned of his other digivolutions and gave her the D-Power. [B]Additional Info:[/B] She's very friendly and has a bubbly attitude. She wants to be everyone's friend if she can help it.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Navy]Chi watched as the guard left the inn. [I]'I can't just stay here while the citizens are fighting.'[/I] Chi said in her mind. Chi looked around and snuck out of the inn and ran off into the crowds. She wouldn't believe that they wanted her Ocarina. Anyway, what good would it do if they did get it away from her? The Ocarina only worked for a member of the 'Iteki' family. No one else could possess the powers harnessed in the Ocarina. Chi saw everyone struggling as they got weaker from the fighting, she needed help, fast. Chi dashed for her house and ran up to her room. In a spelled box were a lot of her most prized and valuable possessions. No one could open the box except her. Inside were many items but shhe focused on one item. A hollowed out Dragon's Horn. Chi grabbed it and re-spelled the box before leaving her house. Chi headed for the memorial hill. There was an old castle on top of the hill, just what she needed for her spell. She reached the peak and lifted the horn to her lips like a bugle. She blew loudly on it three times before shouting out a verse. [I][CENTER]"Dragon Kin that come and go Come and aid me here below. Serpents one and serpents all Come and heed my dragon call! FLAMMIFAX! ARFAX! ORFAX! MINIFAX! MAGNIFAX! THORFAX!"[/CENTER][/I] There was another chorus of loud roars and many coloured dragons flew and circled in the sky above her. The spell gave her a telepathic link to the dragons until she closed the spell. "Go and attack the raiders!! I don't care if you hurt the dragons but don't attack the citizens. All of the raiders are clothed in purple!!" Chi shouted to them. They roared and split off in different directions. They left in partners to make it easier. [i]'Now I must find Sideria and Dryoga. I hope they're alright.'[/i] Chi worried. Chi put the horn into her pocket and removed the Ocarina. She played a melody and one of her other tamed dragons flew to her. It was a deep sapphire blue colour that she had named, Deep Sea. "Deep, head for the mountain area, I lost my connection with Sideria around there. See if you can sense her or Dryoga." Chi said calling the dragon by his nickname as she climbed onto his back. He took off and they soared into the sky. Deep Sea flapped, trying to get higher into the air for a larger search span.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Chi growled angrily, her violent side had made an appearance. Chi ran around slashing wildly at enemies, making sure not to attack any of the citizens that were so valiently fighting for their city. Chi was worried on the inside. What had happened to Sideria. She couldn't feel her any more. Chi prayed that she wasn't dead. Chi shook the thoughts from her head and assured herself that Dryoga would find Sideria. Chi made it through the crowds and saw a group of raiders banging on the door of the inn. She wouldn't let them in, she was aware that there may have been tired travellers that hadn't decided to go to the opening ceremony and they could have been inside. She ran up to them and bowled them over. "I won't let you get them!!" Chi yelled furiously. Chi punched one in the nose before spinning and kicking one that was advancing on her from behind in the stomach. Chi did a high round house kick at one and threw a raider that had a knife in his hand. Chi opened the door gently and saw a young boy inside holding a dragon. Chi recognised them as Ikki and Charm. "Ikki, are you alright?" Chi asked as she looked around the door. "Yes...I was afraid to go outside." Ikki murmered. Chi walked over and stroked Charm comfortingly. "It's ok, but you might want to go somewhere safer instead of this room." Chi explained. Ikki nodded and stood, holding onto Charm. He looked at her before running into another room. Chi smiled and exited the inn, she cast a protective spell over the inn and ran off to find more raiders. They would pay for interrupting the first day of the Dragon Wing Festival.[/COLOR]
Sorry about more spam but I'm out, seeing as I'm not a Bachelorette any more. So, sorry but you've gotta find one more to play your game, Lrb. Thanks ~Ohkami
[COLOR=Navy]Today was the day. The festival started today. Chi rolled out of bed, ready for another day. She changed, grabbed her sword, ocarina and ran outside. Sideria was already awake but Dryoga was still sleeping. "Today's the day Sideria." Chi said excitedly. ["It's always the same."] Sideria replied. "Did you have good rest?" ["It was very relaxing."] "Good. Should I wake Dryoga?" Chi asked. ["No, I'll wake him in a while. Go. You must prepare for the opening ceremony."] Sideria sighed. "Thanks Sideria. I'll see you at the summoning, make sure Dryoga makes it too." Chi said running off. Chi ran into the city square and saw everything was ready. Everyone was waiting for the ceremony that would start in 10 minutes. Chi rubbed her hands together. Even though she had done it a lot of times, summoning all of the nearby dragons was nerve-racking. What if she failed, or messed up the song. What would happen? Chi shivered and pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind. The 10 minutes passed by quickly and Chi stood on the open stage, with lots of people around. Chi put the ocarina to her warm lips and played the melody she had played the evening before but it was more complicated. Soon enough dragons flew above the crowd. Chi saw Sideria, Dryoga and some of the other dragons she had tamed. Everyone "oohed" and "ahhed" at the sky show as the different coloured dragons spun and twirled in the sky. Chi continued to play and played a high note. Signalling the dragons to do acts in the sky. Some dragons blew fire from their mouths and others made glittering images. Dryoga let off some freeze breath and flew with the other dragons. Chi finished and they roared loudly before flying away. Sideria and Dryoga continued to circle above the crowd. There was a large dish filled with oil on a stand. Sideria flew by and lit it up brightly. Everyone cheered, the fire continued for as long as the festival, which was a week. Talon announced that the festival begun and everyone cheered. But there was a loud chorus of dragon roars. Chi looked around and saw that the summoned dragons had left. Chi's eyes widened as she saw a large group of raiders in purple on dragons fly over the walls and circled the city square. Chi put two fingers to her mouth and whistled loudly. Sideria circled once more and plummeted in a spiral. Chi got on and Sideria flapped upwards. Chi put two fingers on her throat and her voice became louder. "All warriors and mages mobolize!!!" Chi shouted to the screaming crowd. Chi sent spells at the raiders, trying to knock them from their dragons. The gates on the ground burst open and foot raiders rushed in, brandishing weapons. Chi growled angrily and threw spells at the ground raiders. Chi whispered to Sideria and Sideria flew close to a raider and Chi sliced at the raider angrily. His purple clothes were soiled with blood. Chi propped herself and kicked him off his dragon. It was a beautiful scarlet coloured immortal. "Go, but attack no one." Chi told it. The scarlet dragon nodded and flew away. "Sideria, you take care of the raiders in the air. I'll be on the ground. Call if you need me." Chi said as she jumped the long distance to the ground. As she fell she tucked herself into a ball and rolled as she hit the ground, ending up with no damage. She unsheathed her sword and ran into the crowd at the raiders. She ran one through with her sword before slicing at another. She had noticed that some of the other warriors and/or mages had started to fight and was surprised to see that some of the townspeople were fighting back too. Dryoga landed on the ground next to Chi. "Dryoga! Freeze any raiders you see." Chi said. He nodded and froze a raider that was approaching him.[/COLOR]------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]OOC:[/B] There's the beginning of the Plot. So everyone should be around fighting the raiders unless you're a bad guy.
[COLOR=Navy]Harpith sat perched on a rail, not too close to the crowd. She surveyed everyone and saw two contestants make their ways down the path. She smirked and looked around for signs of any of the other contestants. Harpith had heard that there was another harpy in the contest. She couldn't wait, she would beat the other and be the most famous harpy in the world. Harpith pumped her wings and leaned forward. Her talons let go of the rail and spiralled into the sky. The wind coming from the sea lifted her above to get a better look over the crowd to the contestants. She saw a flash of a black thing jumping around that looked like a ninja and a strange black figure that resembled a shadow. Harpith tilted her wings and flapped them slowly, yet steadily to hover. A crowd member looked up and spotted the hovering harpy. "It's a harpy!! She's a contestant!!" she screamed to the rest of the crowd. Harpith sighed and floated close to the ground before landing. She looked around as people closed in and cheered loudly. She placed her wings over her ears as best as she could to try to block out the deafening sound. Harpith flapped her wings to get above them and flew down the pathway. Some of the crowd followed her, running and screaming. "That crowd's loud!" Harpith murmered. Harpith noticed the shadow-like contestant sprout from the ground and lunged to attack one of the cheering fans. Harpith banked steeply and yanked the person out of the way. The man looked at her, but she was staring at the violent shadow. "What's you're problem?!" Harpith crowed. "Tired of them walking all over you?" Shadow growled angrily and lunged for Harpith, she just flapped her wings and flew higher, out of her reach. Harpith grinned and spread her wings as she spiralled towards the boat that was still a few metres away. As she neared she saw the ninja. "Hey ninja man!" Harpith called. He looked up at her. "Do you know that shadow?" Harpith asked, flapping down next to him. "No. And I don't think I know you either." he said. "I'm another contestant." Harpith said, flapping and flying ahead. More breezes lifted her and she landed on the rail of the boat. She preened herself and waited for others.[/COLOR] One for me, hope Kitty and G/S/B don't mind me using their characters. If anyone wants anything changed then let me know.
[COLOR=Navy][B]OOC:[/B] I haven't introduced the plot yet, just to alert everyone. But I'll give you a hint, it comes around when the actual festival starts ^_ ~ So stop trying to guess what the plot is, It will be revealed in time. Just keep doing fillers until I start the festival, I'm trying to get everyone to post at least once first before I start the plot/festival. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chi felt an uneasyness as she ate her dinner. She finished eating quickly and went back out to the stables. It was dark now and Chi held out her palm, a small ball of white light glowed in her hand, shining light. Chi walked past the different stalls and looked at the dragons her father had tamed, and ones that she had tamed. Then she came to Dryoga and Sideria's stall. She peered into Dryoga's stall and saw he was out. She had found that all of the dragons became exhausted after they were tamed. She moved over to Sideria's stall and opened the door before sliding in and closing the door. Chi sat by Sideria. "Do you feel the unrestlessness too?" Chi asked, knowing she was still awake. ["Yes, I saw birds fleeing, something bad is coming, the animals always sense it before the humans."] Sideria murmered. Chi just leaned against her scaly hide and closed her fingers around the ball of light, extinguishing it. The only light was from the moon and stars and the spark of power in the glass sphere that Chi wore around her neck. After about half an hour, Chi got up and exited the stall. ["Goodnight."] Sideria said, lifting her head. "Do you want it?" Chi asked, feeling her restlessness. ["If you don't mind."] Sideria said. "No problem, we've got a busy day tomorrow. We need to teach Dryoga some things, and I'll be counting on you to help." Chi said as she walked back into the stall. She placed two fingers on the dragon's temples and energy flowed from her fingers into the dragon. Soon enough, Sideria was in dream land, Chi often had to do that to help her get rest for a busy day. Chi stroked her once more before exiting and bolting the door and entering her house to get some rest for herself.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]It was sunset and Chi stood in front of the council of High Haven. There was a new member to the council after one resigned. The new member was known as Ms. Parker and she hadn't heard the Dragon Summon Song yet and she called Chi to play. Chi had agreed, because it was bad to disobey the council when they asked you to do something. She decided to play the single summon because it was no use summoning all of the dragons near by. Chi decided to call Dryoga to her because he had to get used to the summon song anyways. Chi moistened her lips before bringing her Dragon Ocarina to her lips. She placed her fingers over the holes and started to play a soft, slightly haunting melody(If you've seen Sailor Moon, the Doom Tree series. It's the song Alan plays on his flute). In another place... Dryoga felt an urge to go to Chi. He heard a strange melody in the back of his mind and it pulled him to wherever she was. And strangest of all, he knew exactly where she was. He flapped and headed for the main city square. Chi continued to play, a crowd had gathered, even though they had heard it and seen many times, they never grew tired of it. Chi felt a gust of wind and looked up, still playing and saw Dryoga flying in. Everyone made room and Dryoga landed next to her. Chi stopped and stroked his muzzle. "It's a Dragon Summon Song. You'll get used to it in time. Ms. Parker just wanted me to show her." Chi whispered. he said. "That's what it should do. Now stay for a while." Chi said turning to the council. "That, Ms. Parker is my Dragon Summon song. I can do summon spells but I'd rather express it in music, and I think the crowd prefers the song then a page and a half of spell in an unknown language." Chi announced. The audience agreed. "Very good. You're all dismissed. Well done Chi." Ms. Parker said before turning on her hill. The other members of the council that she knew well, thanked her and praised her for the good job of taming a new dragon. "Let's go home." Chi said to the dragon. Dryoga asked as chi climbed onto his back. "No, it's just a creature comfort." Chi replied holding on. They took off and took the short flight home. Chi tucked Dryoga into his stable and sat with him patiently to get adjusted as he was used to sleeping in the open. "How's this experience? How do you feel?" Chi asked. Dryoga confessed. "You can always trust me." Chi assured stroking his blue scales. Dryoga said. "That's great, you'll have to show me tomorrow then." Chi said. Chi felt another gust of wind and felt Sideria coming. Chi stood and opened the stable door. Seconds later Sideria floated in and curled up. "Anything interesting Sideria?" ["Just the usual."] she replied. Chi stroked her purplish scales and bid them goodnight before walking inside.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Chi, Sideria and Dryoga had landed back at her house earlier. Chi let Sideria go but decided to was Dryoga after he lived in the mountains for so long. Chi told him to stay and got water, soap and a brush. Chi dipped the brush into the soapy water and started the long chore of scrubbing a dragon's scales. It took a long time to clean them properly and get out anything stuck between the scales. Dryoga had a lot of dirt and mud caked into his scales. Chi used a pick to get out the dirt she couldn't scrape free with a brush. The chore took an hour before Chi washed him off and started to put polish over his scales and onto his claws. That took another hour. Then Chi checked his wings. Everything was alright now. "I'm sorry that took so long." Chi apologised as she put the things away. Dryoga replied. "You're welcome." Chi said smiling. "You can fly around if you want, as long as you comeback by sundown. I don't like to keep my dragons cooped up like some people. If you don't want to you can stay in the stables." Chi explained. Dryoga said as he began to flap his wings. "Don't play anywhere dirty!! I just cleaned you!!" Chi cried. Dryoga just took off. Chi wondered if he had heard her. She shrugged it off and decided to take a shower before going to the main city to see how the festival arrangements were going. Chi raced out of the house 10 minutes later and down the street. She helped with the arrangements as she was quite important. Being a well known dragon tamer and the daughter of Mattheo, another famous dragon tamer. They let her play the dragon song before opening the festival. They loved watching the dragons of different colours fly through the sky as Chi summoned them from wherever they were, close by. Chi arrived and saw all of the preparations going on. She decided to go around and see if anyone needed help.[/COLOR]