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Everything posted by Sakura
[COLOR=darkblue]Sakura nodded and drew her flute. She played the melody, and it seemed as if it was backwards. The marble war slid open and they exited, it closed behind them and they exited the temple. Sakura was walking towards her house when she felt it. Her cage was torn apart, she could feel it. "Hurry, something's not right." Sakura told Valo and Lighuen as she started to run. She opened the door and saw Jerith standing in the living room. He was free and the band on his wrist was glowing. Sakura looked around for Mat and Nharc but couldn't find them. She started to back away slowly. She quickly grabbed her flute and tried the paralysis spell again but it was unsuccessful. She looked around and remembered something. She played a song that sounded like several songs mixed together. There were sounds and a large bird flew in from upstairs. It was made of crystal like her flute and it had sapphire eyes. It let out a loud call that sounded like the pealing of a bell. Sakura stood next to it. She was at least the same height as the large bird. "Don't make me hurt you, Theif, because I will." Sakura warned.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][b]Name:[/b] Sakura Nightengale [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://fairy-anime.5u.com/blog/top.gif]Here[/URL] [b]Mutation:[/b] Transmogrification/Shapeshifting(She can change form (of self and others) into animate and/or inanimate objects) [b]Personality:[/b] Sakura is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Sakura loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. One of her favourite quotes is the classic, "Never judge a Book by it's Cover." Sakura is also strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat, she goes by a Second quote too, "Quitters never Win and Winners never Quit." She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly. [b]Weapon:[/b] [URL=http://www.jodysamson.com/images/swords/leaf1a.jpg]Leaf Blade[/URL] A rante: It's a metre long chain with a seven point shuriken on the end. Can be brought in and out of play easily, when not directly being used sits locked to her right wrist. (Quoted from The Harlequin) [b]Bio:[/b] Sakura was born within the Alliance, having not formed the mutation yet but when she reached the age of 6, she was thrown out of the group and outcasted, left to live on her own and fend for herself. Someone from the group had seen her hiccup and transform and reported her to the leaders of the group. They labeled her a freak and shunned her. Sakura left the area where they stayed and lived out on her own. She hadn't really known what she had done wrong. She learned how to catch animals for food and how to make weapons. Her weapons were bad except for a bow she had made for herself. She had also made arrows for herself. She was 10 and didn't yet know her powers. As she came to age 11, she would transform without knowing or meaning. She would be scared but she soon learned to control it. She decided to put it to some slight use and to test it. She morphed into a squirrel, the kind that could easily be found where the group stayed. She scampered to the group and stole some weapons. The Leaf Blade and the Rante. She also stole some cheese. As she grew older, her powers became even better and she could morph into anything with the blink of an eye. Then she felt an aura of a man who was 27, but his aging gland had stopped and he was stuck at 27. Sakura decided to seek him out as she felt a strange pull to help him, he was probably a fellow outcast like herself and outcasts gotta stick together. [b]Extra:[/b] She carries a bag with things that she's stolen in it. Stuff like healing items etc.[/COLOR]
[color=navy][b]Name:[/b] Yuki Nightengale [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Race:[/b] Witch (Power: Transmogrification/Shapeshifting) [b]Magic/Spells/Weapon:[/b] Witchcraft [b]Picture:[/b] [URL=http://fairy-anime.5u.com/blog/top.gif]Here[/URL] It was too big to put it in the post. [b]Biography:[/b] Yuki was born and bred in the Kingdom of Memoria. She was born to a magical family. Her mother was a Witch that had the power of Telekinesis and her father was a Black Mage with strong destruction powers. When she was born her parents were eager what race she was, if she inherited powers from her mother or her father. It was revealed that she was a witch but no one knew her unique power. Until on her third birthday, she turned into a rock on her seat. Then it was clear that her power was Transmogrification. Her mother started teaching her about magic, spells and other types of things that she had to know. She would study hard to please her parents and to get better. Whe she was old enough, at the age of 6, she started to serve at the temple. Every morning, she would go to the temple and pray for two hours straight before lighting the fire on the altar. It was a ritual that only the Nightengales were allowed to do. At Midnight, every night, the fire goes out. No one knows how. Most believe it's the spirits of past ancestors. Yuki hates the white robes that she's forced to wear when serving but wears them anyway. Yuki's very curious. Whenever she sees something new, she'll ask about it, which is almost everything she sees. Her father laughs at her but answers the questions anyway which broadens her horizons and her knowledge. One daunting night, when Yuki was 15, a great tradegy be fell the Kingdom. Memoria was alive and horn calls blew out. Warriors, mages and anyone who could fight ran outside of their houses. Yuki ran after her parents who had rushed out of the house at the sound of the horn. Yuki saw them climb the wall and attack the outsiders with spells. Fire arrows flew over the wall and set light to anything that could be burned, houses, stables and other things. Yuki saw warriors and fighters run out through the gate to attack with hand-to-hand combat against the invaders. Yuki decided she was strong enough to fight so she scaled the stairs and was about to run to her parents when they let out a blood-curdling scream. Yuki stared at them in horror as thorned vines wrapped around them and strangeled them before someone cast a fire spell and crimated them. Yuki cried out with grief before running to the spot her parents had been standing at and cast the strongest spells she could think of to destroy a group of mages with large smirks on their faces. After the battle, Memoria had won but Yuki was grieving. She decided she could no longer stay with the sad and haunting memories. She gathered her things and fled from the pain. She fled far away, as far as she could remember until she ran into a village. The village Raine. Yuki now stays at the village, helping as she has been for the past 3 years. [b]Where From:[/b] Memoria Kingdom(Originally), Raine(Now) [B]OOC:[/B] I hope that's ok. I hope I get in, great storyline. Tell me if anything needs editting.[/color]
[COLOR=darkblue]"No! I don't care about your duties as a guardian to me, all that's important is that you're safe. I can protect myself! And even if I get into trouble, Dragoon and Fenris can help me." Kari assured her step-sister. But Sare was still upset. Kari squeezed her hand re-assuringly. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine by myself. But you, be careful." Kari said before walking away to check on the other occupants. Kari walked past the beds. Duke and Gerret were still unconscious. She sighed and sat on the chair next to Gerret. She was worried about him, he had been out for a long time and he had injured himself on purpose to weaken the enemies. He was lying on top of the blankets. Someone had cleaned and bandaged the wound in his stomach. Kari placed a gentle hand on it and closed her eyes. She muttered her spell of "Angel's Tears" and the wound started to close up. Then Kari rested her cool fingers on his temple. Light started to flood into him from her fingers. His breathing became steady and she knew he was just asleep now. She got up and grabbed a tray of food and set it on the table next to him. Kari walked to Duke's bed. She healed any of his wounds and placed her fingers on his temple. He started to wake up. Kari didn't know because she was concentrating on charging him up. She became aware of his awakeness when a hand closed around her fingers and drew the away from his temple. Kari's eyes snapped open and he looked into Duke's eyes. "That's not good for you, Kari." Duke said, releasing her hand. "I had to wake you both. Everyone else is awake except the two of you." Kari muttered. She was feeling sleepy and drained after giving out so much energy. Duke felt incredibly stronger after the charge up and picked her light form up. He walked to her bed and put her down before returning to his bed where Kari had already put a tray of food for him. Soon Kari started to breathe evenly and showed she was asleep again from exhaustion.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Sakura listened intently. She listened until they asked for her opinion. She was deep in thought when Valo's voice broke through her train of thoughts. "Do you know, Sakura?" he asked her, hoping she knew. Sakura walked up to Valo and touched the strange pendant. It glowed and Sakura let go. "My thoughts are that it's a magical device of some sort. As I said earlier, the Solas went missing around the same time you found Valo. I'm thinking that perhaps the Solas were attracted to Valo and they latched onto him. Valo says he knows nothing of his past before you found him so perhaps it blanked out his memory. But I'm wondering, what was in those memories? There may have been something, some what important in them. But all I know is that the Solas are magical devices that give Valo his Light Powers because I felt the power radiating out of the Solas, not out of Valo himself like myself and Mat and the other boy. The thief however has no powers whatsoever." Sakura explained. Valo and Lighuen had listened carefully to Sakura's thoughts and nodded in agreement. Sakura looked to them. They were both thinking hard. Sakura let them have their time as it was quite a lot to take in. She looked intently at Valo. 'It must be hard for him, having lost all of his memories.' Sakura thought silently as she waited.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Sakura looked at Valo. He was serious. "Yes. I know the perfect place." Sakura said. Sakura walked towards the door. She thought and made a cage of trees and roots around him and stopped his mouth again. "He'll be safe. He can't get out." Sakura said going to the door. They left the house and Sakura locked it and chanted a spell that made the building glow for a second before turning usual. "It's a sealing charm, no one can get in or out. We have to be careful." Sakura said seeing Valo's confused expression. Sakura led them through the city. It was lit by street lamps. Sakura walked through the streets and walked towards the temple. The doors were unlocked so Sakura pushed and they swung open. She led them through and through halls and passages and doors until they came to a large wall made of marble. Valo looked at her strangely. "Here?" "No." Sakura walked up to the wall and placed her palm on it. She closed her eyes and muttered something that no one could understand. Three keyholes appeared on the wall. Sakura reached into her pocket and withdrew three keys. One Gold, one Silver and one made of Crystal. The keyholes were placed in a triangular pattern. She placed the gold key in the bottom left keyhole, the silver in the bottom right and finally the crystal in the top one. Then she brought out her flute. She played a mysterious tune and the three keys turned right at the same time. The keys returned to Sakura as she finished and the wall split in two and slid open. Sakura let them walk in and followed them. It slammed shut behind them. They were in a beautiful room. There were sofas of velvet situated around and a fire place. The floor was wooden with rugs on it. "No one can here us in here." Sakura said.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]"Yes, Of course." Sakura said as she played a releasing spell with her flute. Valo found that he could move and stretched his sore muscles. "I'm sorry, I can never be too careful. Thankyou for helping to save my flute. It's been in my family for many generations. Since one of my ancestors made it." Sakura said apologising to Valo. "It's alright.." Valo said getting up weakly and sliding into a chair. Sakura looked down at the thief. She played a spell that only released his mouth so he could talk, the rest of his body was still paralysed. "Who are you?!" Sakura demanded. He stayed quiet. "Answer me!" Sakura said raising her voice. "Jerith." he muttered. "Why were you trying to steal my flute?" "Valuable." he muttered again. "You were going to sell it?! This is priceless! I can't believe you. And to think you've done this to other unsuspecting people." Sakura said in disgust. Jerith just looked at her and smirked. Sakura turned away angrily and looked at the others here. "You're all welcome to stay. My parents will be back tomorrow night, they'll be happy to let you stay." Sakura offered. Sakura's house was big with lots of un-used bedrooms so there was lots of space for them to stay.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Sakura stopped her talking when she noticed someone looking through the open window. Sakura excused herself and stood. She opened the door and crept out. "Hello?" Sakura called softly, in her musical voice. Her raven coloured hair flew behind her with the wind. Her soft blue eyes searched the dark until she some movement. "It's alright...I won't hurt you...My name's Sakura." she said to the shadows. A boy emerged. Sakura smiled and looked at him. "Come in...It's going to be cold tonight." Sakura said opening the door. He shyly moved over and through the door. Sakura closed the door behind her and took him to the living room where everyone else was and started to try to talk to him.[/COLOR]
[B]OOC:[/B] Just as a side note, I don't leave the Nightengale Flute at the Temple. It stays with me, but I can do something.... The flute is like the one in the link, but shorter. It's made of crystal and can't break. [URL=http://www.virginia.edu/insideuva/2000/24/images/flute-crystal.jpg]Nightengale Flute/Crystal Flute[/URL] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=darkblue]Sakura was talking to Mat in the living room when someone knocked on the door. Sakura excused herself and went to open the door with Mocca following her. She swung open the door and saw the man. "Hello....--" Sakura started, then she ran out of the house with Mocca at her heels. "I'm sorry!" Sakura called behind her as she ran furiously. Mat grabbed Drako and closed the door before running off after Sakura. Sakura ran towards the temple. She had a connection to the Nightengale family's ancient item. Someone, other than the priests at the temple had touched the Nightengale Flute. The priests had asked her if they could borrow the Flute for the night and she could get it the next morning when she went for the usual prayer. Sakura had agreed. Sakura knew it had been removed from it's holder. She let out a loud bird call, the call of a Nightengale. Inside the temple, the golden Nightengale holder moved. It stretched it's wings and pushed off from the pedestal it was standing on, it's sapphire eyes bright. Sakura saw the flash of gold, reflected from the moonlight and saw two figures on the roof. Mocca barked angrily beside her. The figures looked to see Sakura on the ground and noticed the golden Nightengale headed for them. Sakura ran to the building and scaled it skilfully. She had Mocca under one arm. She lifted him to the roof before climbing on top herself. "Stop!" Sakura called loudly. The golden Nightengale still circled the figures. "Who are you! What business do you have here, and more importantly....Who has my flute?!" Sakura asked angrily. Neither talked. Sakura whistled like a nightengale as she spoke to the golden bird. It flapped around before zipping into one of their coats and emerging just as quickly with the flute in it's mouth. It flew to Sakura and dropped the flute in her hand and perched on her shoulder. Sakura moistened her lips and lifted the flute. The two figures looked at her strangely, why would she want to play music at a time like this. Until they felt it....Sakura played a song and soon the figures doubled over in pain and couldn't move. She took the flute away and tucked it into her pocket. Sakura thanked the golden bird and watched it leave. Sakura grabbed a hand of each of the paralysed men and Mocca grabbed hold of Sakura's laces of her shoes. Sakura played a few notes and they disappeared. They re-appeared at the house. She remembered the ther man and opened the door, he was still there. Sakura apologised and let him in and invited him to sit in the living room where the paralysed men were. Sakura was about to close the door when Mat came running back panting. He entered and went to the living room too. Sakura glared at them angrily. "You're not going anywhere until I get all the answers I want out of you." Sakura said, they couldn't move a muscle or talk at the moment, she decided she'd question them later. The two people lay on the floorboards as Mat, Sakura and the other man sat on the sofa and started talking.[/COLOR] ----------------------------------------------------- [B]OOC:[/B] You can't break free, it's a magic from my flute...Don't worry, I have plans...Mwahahaha
[COLOR=darkblue]Sakura had just changed into her white, spaghetti strap top and her blue shorts when the doorbell rang. Sakura was confused and ran downstairs shouting "Coming!" Mocca bounded down the stairs behind her and sat by her as she opened the door. Sakura looked at the boy that stood in her doorway. "Do I know you?" she asked. He confessed that he needed food to eat. Sakura noticed the small dragon by his feet when he pointed it out. Sakura let him in and closed the door behind him. He took off his shoes and followed her to the kitchen/dining area. "Take a seat." Sakura said as she walked past the oak table. The boy slowly slid into a wooden chair and looked around the room with his eyes. The dragon crawled up his leg, up his body and sat on top of the table. Mocca sat near the boy, watching him incase he was dangerous. Sakura was grabbing things out of the fridge for his and her lunch. "So...what's your name?" Sakura asked as she placed a pot of water on the stove to boil. He looked up at her. "My name's Matrim, Mat for short. And that's Drako." Mat said talking about the blue dragon. "I'm Sakura. That's Mocca." Sakura said, placing noddles into the boiling water. Mat looked at the wolf. "What type of dog is it?" he asked, not knowing it was a wolf. "It's a Wolf, it's still a pup though." Sakura said adding ingredients and mixing them in with the noodles. "A wolf?!" Mat said shocked. Mocca panted and wagged it's tail happily. Sakura turned off the heat and poured the noodles and soup into bowls. She gave a bigger bowl to Mat, remembering that he hadn't eaten for around 5 days. She poured some soup into a small bowl and pulled a chunk of bread off the loaf and set it in front of the dragon. "Tanku." it mumbled. Sakura noticed that it was a baby and that it had probably meant thankyou. Sakura smiled and patted it softly. Sakura set Mocca's bowls in front of him. There was water and meat. Sakura set the bowls on the table and put out utensils to eat with and put some sliced bread on a plate and placed it between them. Sakura slid into the seat opposite of Mat and did the prayer. She blessed the food and then they ate. Sakura watched as Mat ate hungrily. Sakura turned back to her food, she ate daintily and carefully. When he had finished several bowls he gave up. Sakura took the bowls to the sink and washed them. She took Mocca and Drako's bowls away to before leading Mat to the living room to talk.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Lol, Don't I know it. Me and Arika go quite far back, back to the days she was Kiarra Star. But anyways, I checked and she's successfully finished so I shall be starting. [B]doukeshi03:[/B] I'm naming you as the Elementless One k? Everyone should check the Adventure Arena. BTW, A usual rule from me. At the Adventure Thread use the colour that I used for your element when you post. ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]"Sometimes I look into the mirror, and look within my very own eyes. At times I believe I can see the true me looking back from that world behind that crystal surface. What is beyond it though? I wish to go to the otherside, and see what is there. Though it seems that world I wish to see always evades my grasp." Fingers clasped around something that seemingly wasn't there, a snatching movement it seemed to be grapsing something that was unseeable. Hand unfolding to show palm before those rich green eyes. Then that something was revealed. The single petal of a white flower of silken material rested within the center of the hand. That head tilting to the side as hand waved in opposing direction to send the petal floating to the ground so it settled amongst the grass on the ground. "I dream of the day I will be free from my prison. The day I can be awoken, and to break free to the other side, but until that day I wait. One day I will be let loose from this empty prison, this realm without light. No one will stop me then." Smirk fell on crimson colored lips as the smile cracked along that pale face. Eyes of green gaining a more devilish finesse to them. "Which shouldn't be to far away." ------------------------- A modern setting RP in the city of Jupi that is within an alternate universe very similar to our own though dark powers threaten it everyday, and the powers of prophecy guide the ones to the right course through the darkest forces that plague this modern world. Though the uprising of the realists with the technology reliant city has grown to constrict and upset the dark powers of Kiana; the Queen of Demons who had been long since sealed away. Within a temple dedicated to the spirits of flowers up on a hill surrounded by the most ancient of cherry trees, there is kept a mirror within a room that is sealed off by the most powerful of ancient seals that keep the evil locked away. Though prophecized is it that the might of the Realists disbelief within the powers of the spirits of the elements shall give the demon queen enough power to break the seal. Those who descend from the very warriors who sealed away Kiana, have been visited by the most hateful of nightmares. Each baring a weapon or item of power that will aid them in thier very own struggles against the might of the demon queen herself and her minions she lets pass through the veil of the real world and underworld. Now the time is coming, there will be those who chose to follow willingly, and those who chose not to. Who knows who will live, and who will die within this final test of the might of the human will? and human heart? [b]Elements:[/b] Only One element per person, and only one person can have one element. There are only Eight Element types.[/color] [color=royalblue]Water - Matrim Crystaline - Crystaline Dagger(Lrb)[/color] [color=red]Fire - Ryujin Takata - Masamune(Keiji)[/color] [color=blue]Wind - Jim Mishima - Rose Whip(Mage15)[/color] [color=green]Earth - Netra Mishima - Father's Sword(Swordmaster13)[/color] [color=orange]Electricity - Narhc Boyd - Oak Staff(K.K.C.)[/color] [color=navy]Flowers/Nature - Sakura Nightengale - Nightengale Flute(Ohkami)[/color] [color=silver]Dark - Angel "Rebel" Arachne - Arachne Shuriken(Arika)[/color] [b]Light - Valo - Metal Poles(Takuya)[/b] [color=purple]Elementless - Jerith Arkum - 9mm Handgun(doukeshi03)[/color] [color=navy]Rules 1. No one is all powerful, and no one can be the most powerful of all characters. The eight are to work together. 2. Just because the members work together doesn't mean they like one another. Add some taste to the RP by making the characters hold grudges, and the like. 3. No one liners. Must be descriptive to a modest degree. 4. If I see it necessary to boot you from the RP I will. 5. All Characters are Human, and can die. Ressurection capabilities are beyond all might. If some char gets killed, they get killed. 6. No power players... 7. No slug fests, beating up of several demons, and the like. This is plot driven, not fist driven. 8. Use the colors that I posted for your element when you post in this thread. ---------------------------------------------------------------- A young girl sat, knelt in front of an altar. Her eyes were closed and her long, flowing, raven black hair flowed down her back. She wore robes of white that symbolised her purity, she wore them whenever she served in the temple. Her hands looked as if they cupped an imaginary ball, her elbows pointing out horizontally to each other in a traditional prayer(It looks like the Yevon Prayer from FFX). As she finished, she opened her soft, blue eyes and stood slowly. She had been praying for two hours. She was required to do so everyday. She picked up a torch from a holder(Olden day type!) and held it over the wood that sat a top the stone altar. "So mote it be." she whispered, sealing the prayer, as she touched the flames of the torch to the fueled wood. The wood burst into flames and she replaced the torch in it's holder. The girl stood above the fire for some time. She redish, orange glow reflected onto her pale skin. She did the prayer sign again and turned to exit the empty chamber. She walked along the halls of the Temple. She served there everyday, being of special birth, being a Nightengale, the oldest of her parents' childen. She saw one of the priests and did the prayer. "Has all been done as usual, Sakura?" he addressed her. "Yes, I always fulfil the duties of the Temple and the gods." Sakura said, without emotion. "Very well." the priest said, he walked away to do the other things in the temple. Sakura checked the time. It was 10 o'clock in the morning. She sighed and continued with the duties of the temple. At 1 o'clock in the afternoon, she left the temple. She squinted in the bright sunlight as the temple only went by fire-light and torches. She walked through the town as she headed for home to change out of her robes. She fingered the locket around her neck. It was in the shape of a silver, sakura blossom on a fine, silver chain. Sakura walked up the driveway to her house and through the door. She slipped her shoes off and slid across the wooden floorboards that covered her house. Sakura wondered why the Temple didn't believe in lights and natural sunlight. It was the modern days but they still wanted to stick to old traditions. She trod upstairs and into her room. She was greeted with loud yips. Sakura smiled and petted the cinnamon coloured wolf cub that sat on her bed. "Did you miss me Mocca?" Sakura said tickling his favourite spots. It barked in response. Sakura just smiled and changed....[/COLOR] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B]Sorry if it's long, Have fun and pay attention to [U]Rule 8!!![/U][/B]
[COLOR=darkblue]I hate the dubbed version we have in Australia. They took out all of the Kawaii scenes in it. There's practically no trace of Romance between Sakura and Syaoran. They only showed up to the end of the Clow Cards on normal TV. If you wanted to see the Sakura/Star Card episodes you had to have Foxtel. I saw The Sealed Card. It was so Kawaii!! In the dubbed version all of their voices are.....bad.... Madison A.K.A Tomoyo has such a kawaii, high voice in the japanese version, but it lowers significantly in the dubbed version. They also change a lot of the words in it. At least we all know that there is an un-butchered version of the Anime I know and Love. Just for those who are curious or don't know or whatever, Here are all the name changes: [b]Japanese - Dubbed Version[/b] Sakura Kinomoto - Sakura Avalon Syaoran Li - Lee Showron Meilin Li - Meilin Rae Tomoyo Daijouji - Madison Taylor Touya Kinomoto - Tori Avalon Yukito - Julian Fujitaka Kinomoto - Aiden Avalon Nadeshiko Kinomoto - Natasha Avalon Kaho - Leila Mackenzie Eriol Moon - Eli Moon Suppie - Spinnel Sun Chiharu - Chelsea Naoko - Nikki Rika - Rita Takashi Yamazaki - Zachary I think that's all of them but you can see the difference in the names.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Everyone's accepted. [b][SIZE=3]ALL SIGN UPS ARE NOW CLOSED!!![/SIZE][/b] Before we start we'll wait for [b]Arika[/b] to finish her sign up. As soon as she's done I'll start this thing up.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][B]Name:[/B] Sakura Nightengale [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race:[/B] Hume [b]Occupation:[/b] Red Mage [B]Nation:[/B] Bastok [B]Biography:[/B] Sakura discovered her powers at a young age so she had been training most of her life. When she finally became good enough she was allowed to leave her village and go on her own adventures. When she was out wandering she soon met up with a boy named Matrim. He was a Beast Master. They soon became friends and they travelled with each other. [B]Description:[/B] [URL=http://astriaweb.free.fr/cos/paris02/hume/modele0.jpg]Female Hume[/URL] [B]OOC:[/B] Are we supposed to add Weapons? Hope you don't mind me joining with you Lrb.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Kenzi looked over to the three digimon that were approaching. Renamon stood beside her. "You ready Renamon?" "I'm always ready." Renamon replied smuggly. "That's what I like to here. Digivolve!!" Kenzi said as she pushed the top button on the digivice, triggering the digivolution process. "Renamon digivolved to........Kyuubimon!!" "Go Kyuubimon! Squash those bugs." Kenzi called. "Go Growlmon!! Attack!" David said beside her. Kyuubimon and Growlmon ran forward to meet the enemies head on. The two digimon had known each other as long as their partners so they indicated to take out the two Kabuterimon before handling the Kuwagamon. Kyuubimon ran towards the one on the left, Growlmon headed for the one on the right leaving the middle Kuwagamon to himself. "Dragon Wheel!!!" "Electro shocker!!" the two attacks cancelled each other. Kenzi tried to see what was going on. She grabbed her mini binoculars from her bag and looked out into the distance. "Fox Tail Inferno." Kyuubimon sneakily used the attack. She placed the flames around the Kabuterimon in a circle. She flicked her tails and the flames all attacked him from all sides and that left him open for a... "Dragon Wheel!!!" He tried an Electro Shocker but it was too late. He was changed into data. Kyuubimon looked over to see how Growlmon was doing.[/COLOR] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]OOC:[/b] I know Kabuterimon's are stronger but who cares. And I didn't think we'd need all the digimon, besides, they're guarding Kantro.
[COLOR=darkblue]Wow, so many people have signed up. [b]Ayokano:[/b] Sorry but Earth's taken and there's only spots left as realists. If you still want to be part then just edit your sign up. [b]doukeshi03:[/b] You still have an element if you're a realist. [b]K.K.C.:[/b] Just finish up your Bio/History. [b]Swordmaster13:[/b] It says in the First post that Realists don't have magic at all so you can't have that magic staff of yours. [b]Mage15 & Lrb:[/b] You're both fine at the moment. I don't really see anything to fix. One you people edit and stuff then you're accepted but please Edit soon so we can start this ASAP. Thanks! ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]It seems like this place needs a good RP so... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Sometimes I look into the mirror, and look within my very own eyes. At times I believe I can see the true me looking back from that world behind that crystal surface. What is beyond it though? I wish to go to the otherside, and see what is there. Though it seems that world I wish to see always evades my grasp." Fingers clasped around something that seemingly wasn't there, a snatching movement it seemed to be grapsing something that was unseeable. Hand unfolding to show palm before those rich green eyes. Then that something was revealed. The single petal of a white flower of silken material rested within the center of the hand. That head tilting to the side as hand waved in opposing direction to send the petal floating to the ground so it settled amongst the grass on the ground. "I dream of the day I will be free from my prison. The day I can be awoken, and to break free to the other side, but until that day I wait. One day I will be let loose from this empty prison, this realm without light. No one will stop me then." Smirk fell on crimson colored lips as the smile cracked along that pale face. Eyes of green gaining a more devilish finesse to them. "Which shouldn't be to far away." ------------------------- [b]Legacies: Plot Idea[/b] A modern setting RP in the city of Jupi that is within an alternate universe very similar to our own though dark powers threaten it everyday, and the powers of prophecy guide the ones to the right course through the darkest forces that plague this modern world. Though the uprising of the realists with the technology reliant city has grown to constrict and upset the dark powers of Kiana; the Queen of Demons who had been long since sealed away. Within a temple dedicated to the spirits of flowers up on a hill surrounded by the most ancient of cherry trees, there is kept a mirror within a room that is sealed off by the most powerful of ancient seals that keep the evil locked away. Though prophecized is it that the might of the Realists disbelief within the powers of the spirits of the elements shall give the demon queen enough power to break the seal. Those who descend from the very warriors who sealed away Kiana, have been visited by the most hateful of nightmares. Each baring a weapon or item of power that will aid them in thier very own struggles against the might of the demon queen herself and her minions she lets pass through the veil of the real world and underworld. Now the time is coming, there will be those who chose to follow willingly, and those who chose not to. Who knows who will live, and who will die within this final test of the might of the human will? and human heart? [b]Elements:[/b] Only One element per person, and only one person can have one element. There are only Eight Element types. Water - Matrim Crystaline - Crystaline Dagger(Lrb) Fire - Ryujin Takata - Masamune(Keiji) Wind - Jim Mishima - Rose Whip(Mage15) Earth - Netra Mishima - Father's Sword(Swordmaster13) Electricity - Narhc Boyd - Oak Staff(K.K.C.) Flowers/Nature - Sakura Nightengale - Nightengale Flute(Ohkami) Dark - Angel "Rebel" Arachne - ???(Arika) Light - Valo - Metal Poles(Takuya) [b]Realists and Elementalists[/b] There will only be 4 each. Realists - They lack all ability to caste magick, and hold no mystical abilities. They believe in guns, explosives, and other fun toys of destruction rather then the blade and magick that accompanies its might. They have lost all faith in the Elemental Spirits of the world, and thier distaste for magick is what will bring Kiana herself back. [2/4 taken] [b](Closed)[/b] Elementalists - They hold minor ability to caste magick, and can only use simple melee and archery weapons in combat. These ones have lost no faith within the Elemental Spirits, and still hold those powers close and dear. They act to hold no grudge against the realists that aided in bringing forth the might of Kiana. [4/4 taken] [b](Closed)[/b] [b]Rules[/b] 1. No one is all power, and no one can be the most powerful of all characters. The eight are to work together. 2. Just because the members work together doesn't mean they like one another. Add some taste to the RP by making the characters hold grudges, and the like. 3. No one liners. Must be descriptive to a modest degree. 4. If I see it necessary to boot you from the RP I will. 5. All Characters are Human, and can die. Ressurection capabilities are beyond all might. If some char gets killed, they get killed. 6. No power players... 7. No slug fests, beating up of several demons, and the like. This is plot driven, not fist driven. I think this is enough for now with the rules. [b]Character Creation[/b] Name: Age: Gender: Item: [Can be a weapon, or simple item like an amulet] Personality: Physical Appearance: History: Partners: Important Possessions: [besides the ancient item] Element: Placement: [Realist/Elementalist] Your First Post is going to explain a lot about your character. Like how they came to possess the item and the events leading to them gaining it. [b]Name:[/b] Sakura Nightengale [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Item:[/b] Nightengale Flute - Passed down along the Nightengale family, it holds a magickal property that sooths those that listen to it or sends them into fleeting fits of rage. It can twist the spirit of a being and make them feel what emotion the player wishes. She can cast/do magic with it and it can also call forth spirits/summons. [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet, friendly and kind. [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Standing at five foot five, and weighing a light hundred and fifteen pounds. She is a fragile girl, though trained by her family in the ways of using the flute to its finest potential. She wears robes of white, but outside the temple she could be wearing any sort of outfit she feels like wearing that day. Her eyes are a soft blue color, and her hair a gentle raven black. Skin is a soft pale color. [b]History:[/b] See above. [b]Partners:[/b] Mocca - Cinnamon Wolf Pup(See attachment)She doesn't know it yet, but Mocca is a magical Wolf pup and can talk, not revealed until the adventure starts to offer advice and help; Eve - A bizzarre spirit mentor that is only six inches tall appearing as a small girl. [b]Important Possessions:[/b] A locket containing the picture of her, and some other little girl. There is a bit of a sad story behind the locket, but that is to be revealed later. [b]Element:[/b] Flowers/Nature [b]Placement:[/b] Elementalist Feel free to PM me about any enquiries or anything. ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Kenzi walked behind David. Renamon was somewhere at the back with the other digimon, Angel walked next to her. They were talking about some random things and laughing through the halls. Kenzi took a look behind her and saw Mika walking behind Kenzi and Angel then Tsai and Vash and then Kantro. The digimon took up the rear and watched Kantro carefully. They didn't trust him. Kenzi turned to the front and saw they were approaching a door. David stopped and opened the door. They all strode through and entered the room. David and Kenzi stepped forward, being the most known to the systems in the Command Center. They programmed it quickly and finished. David looked at the group and opened his mouth to say something...[/COLOR] [b]OOC:[/b] I had to bring this back and I don't know what to post.
[COLOR=darkblue]Kari ran towards a boy. The boy immediately stanced. Kari stood still. "So...What's your name?" Kari asked. "Nick...But what does it matter? I'm gonna pound you into the ground." Nick said rushing forward and starting to attack her. Kari yawned and easily blocked all of his attacks. "Come on. You can do better then this." Kari said kicking him and pushing him back. He growled angrily and continued his pitiful assualt. Kari grew tired of the game and attacked him quickly. She feigned a punch at his head and swept his feet from beneath him. He hit the ground and Kari pounced on top of him growling. Her eyes flashed yellow like Tiger eyes and Kari's nails grew sharper than before and she scratched at Nick. He screamed as long red lines were visible through the new scratches in his shirt. Kari turned normal and knocked him unconscious. Kari got up and looked for another one. Kari grinned as she saw two others. They were attacking Ceris and James too. Kari ran over and grabbed one of them from Ceris and started again. Kari started by playing the name game again. His name turned out to be Sean. Kari thought while Sean tried to hit her. She didn't know what animal to attack as. Then she got a lightbulb. Kari pushed him back with a kick and her nose grew into a trunk. Kari picked him up by an ankle and dangled him off the ground upside down. Kari hit him like a punching bag as he hung. Bruises were already starting to form on him when she dropped him not caring. Her trunk shrank back and Kari looked down at him. He had bruises and there was a black eye forming around his left eye. Kari just shook her head. "Don't under-estimate the enemy." she said smirking.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Kari stopped when they turned the corner. "Matt, you gotta get this kid outta here. I'll go help Ceris and James." Kari said stopping. "What? No. You can't." Matt protested. "You're powers aren't of any use Matt. I can use mine to help them. Please." Kari said. Kari looked into his eyes and he gave in. "Alright. Be careful alright?" he said. "Don't worry. Just get him out of here." Kari said as she raced back around the corner and to the deserted playground. Ceris and James stood together facing Chris and his gang. "Hey guys, I'm here to help." Kari said as she stepped next to Ceris. "What do you want new girl?" Chris asked, knowing Kari was new to the school. "I want to kick your ass." Kari replied cooly. Ceris and James smirked. Kari was a dangerous one to be around for those who were against her.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Kari doubled over in pain as Gerret cast the spell. She clutched at her stomach as her knees gave in. Kari looked up at Gerret as her vision started to become blurry. "Why?" Kari whispered, not understanding. Then she fell unconscious. After a long time, Kari opened her eyes. She was back in the inn on her bed. Kari sat up and rubbed her head. Kari stood weakly and looked around. She walked past the other beds and saw Makiyu, Sare and Duke still unconscious. She looked around but couldn't see Gerret. Kari picked up her glaive and walked out of the inn. Kari walked along the streets looking for Gerret. Then she saw him. He was collapsed on the ground on pure white feathers. Kari recognised them as the one that Sare had showed her earlier that day. Kari turned him onto his back and saw the wound in his stomach that he had used to give everyone pain. "Why?" Kari asked again as she cast Angel's Tears. The wound healed but Gerret was still unconscious. Kari pocketed some of the feathers and picked Gerret up. She hung the lantern off her glaive and Gerret still had a firm grip on his knife. Kari carried him back to the inn and into his bed. Kari pried his hand away from the knife and set it and the lantern on the bedside table. Kari heard a noise and whipped around. She saw Makiyu sitting up in bed. Kari walked over to his bed. "Are you alright?" Kari asked. "I'm fine, what about you? What have you been doing?" "I went out to find Gerret and I carried him back. Do you know what type of feather this is?" Kari said pulling one of the white feathers out. "I think it might be an Angel feather because Gerret said something about that. He said "A human finds an opportunity and takes it. An angel always has an opportunity."" Makiyu quoted. "Hmm....He was lying on a large blanket of these when I found him unconscious." Kari mentioned. "I wonder...." Makiyu said quietly.[/COLOR]
[B]OOC:[/B] Hope no one minds me bringing this back up. I addded the Flashback for fun. [COLOR=darkblue]The village was still preparing for tomorrow's festivities but they already had the sideshows and such things up. Kari walked around with Sare following her and sometimes dragging her to places she wanted to visit. Kari tagged along, seeing that Sare was happy in such a festive place. The happenings of the night before pushed away. Sare won several moogle plushies from games and gave one to Kari. It was wearing a blue kimono with a scarlet obi and held a glaive like Kari. Kari laughed at how it was so alike to her. Kari and Sare headed to a Café for lunch. They ordered and ate. Kari watched her younger step-sister. Kari worried about her sometimes. What would happen if Kari wasn't around and something happened to her. What if Sare went Berserk and Kari didn't know. Kari's thoughts were interrupted by Sare. "Are you done yet? I still wanna go look around." Sare said with lots of energy. Kari finished her food and payed before getting dragged away by her hyped up step-sister. Kari's mind started to wander again and she thought back to the day she had first met her step-sister, at the time it was only future step-sister. ~*~*Flashback*~*~ Kari was 14, making Sare 13. Kari walked beside her mother. "Mama, where are we going?" Kari asked. "We're going to meet your future Step-sister, Kari." Kari was puzzled. A step-sister?! Would she be nice? What would happen? Would her Step-father be nice? Could he ever gain the trust that she gave her mother and deceased father had? Kari's mind had been full of thoughts and questions. When they arrived at a restaurant they entered and sat at a table with a girl and a man sitting at it. Kari watched as her mother kissed the man and sat next to him, leaving the other seat for her, next to Sare. Kari sat and they ate. Kari and Sare didn't talk for most of the meal until their parents made them get to know each other. They talked through the rest of the dinner and soon realised they had a lot of things in common. Then something happened on their way home after dinner. The four of them were walking together when someone grabbed hold of Sare and ran away with her. They had all run after her. Kari and Sare had formed a tight bond over the hour or two that they were together. Kari had chased after them and put a trap ahead with what magic she had learned. The kidnapper was caught and Sare was taken home safely. She had gone Berserk when the man took her and she hadn't learned it's powers yet and it had worn her out. Sare had fainted and Sare was safe. From then on, Kari knew that if they were going to be step-sisters, Kari would have to help protect her in anyway that she could. ~*~*End Flashback*~*~ Kari watched Sare and smiled, she had and would continue keep the vow she made.[/COLOR]
[b]OOC:[/b] Sorry if I'm not posting much. [COLOR=darkblue]Kari thumped in the sand, creating a large cloud of dust. She groaned and stood as she realised she was in a desert. She removed her blades again and stood. Renamon stood next to her. Kari squinted in the light and grabbed her silver, reflective sunglasses. Kari noticed that Matt wasn't too far away. She ran to them and looked around cautiously. "We gotta get out of here. I think they're following us but they've arrived somewhere else." Kari said as she grabbed Matt's arm. Hoodmon flapped above them tiredly before landing and perching on Matt's shoulder. "What's wrong?" Matt asked. "It's still air around here, he has to flap too hard to stay up and it's tiring him so he'd rather perch on you." Kari explained, still pulling Matt. "Wow, She's good." Hoodmon said. Kari stopped and let go of Matt's arm. Kari started to whisper to Renamon and then grabbed one of her paws. Kari held out a hand to Matt. "Hoodmon, keep hold of Matt's shoulder ok?" Kari said as Renamon disappeared, taking them with her. When they reappeared, they were in the middle of a forest. They unlinked and looked around. It was cool and dark as the canopy covered the view of the sky. Kari sat on a log and sighed. "I don't know what happened to Duke. He didn't come with us...Maybe he found another way..." Kari said hopefully.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Kenzi materialised in front of the DIROne Building with Renamon. At the entrance were a couple of guards. Kenzi quickly flashed her ID Card and walked through the doors. Kenzi entered the large building and Renamon followed behind her. As she walked through the halls, Renamon's claws made clicking sounds through the silent building. She walked through the familiar halls that she'd been doing for the past year and knew her way to where she was going from the back of her hand. Kenzi reached a door and strode through it. She was in the Briefing Room and there was a man and a boy about her age with a Guilmon. Kenzi took a seat next to the boy. Renamon stood next to Guilmon. "First here as usual, David?" Kenzi said. David just looked at her. "The others on their way?" Kenzi asked turning to the man. "Yes. Mika, Angel, and Tsai are on their way. And for some reason, a pair of our unwilling members will also be joining us, although probably not willingly." Brian replied. "What?!" Kenzi shouted taking off her sunglasses. "That's what I said..." David commented. "Someone ordered them to. I don't like it either but we don't have a choice." Brian stated. Kenzi frowned, her stormy greyish, blue eyes flashed with anger and rebellion. Kenzi tucked her sunglasses into her jacket pocket and waited. "Are the others getting here soon?" Kenzi asked impatiently. "You two are very a like, did you know that?" Brian stated. Kenzi and David both turned to glare at him. They didn't like to think they were similar to anyone, but the fact of the matter was that they were quite similar. They had known each other for the whole time that they'd been brought to the institution and matched evenly.[/COLOR]