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Everything posted by Sakura
[b]OOC:[/b]Where are all the Baddies? They havn't posted in a while. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=darkblue]Kari walked around Guardania. She was a bit puzzled about their Moogle Festivities. Everything seemed to be about Moogles. Kari went to several shops for supplies and items. Kari was walking around when she heard a sound. Kari rushed over to the source, in an alley and saw a young girl being surrounded by a gang of boys. They were shouting things to her. Kari stepped forward. "Stop that right now!" she called to them. Everyone turned to look at her. The boys scoffed. "Who are you, lady?" one of them said. "I'm a Summoner. And I demand that you leave her alone." Kari stated. "You? A Summoner? I haven't seen or heard of you." "Because I'm not from Moogle Land. I'm from Riverside." "We don't believe you." another boy said. "Don't make me Summon." Kari warned, she didn't really want to waste her energy on showing boys she was a summoner. "Go on! We want to see you summon." they chanted. Kari sighed and shook her head. She called out for Dragoon and it appeared in a more spectacular way. A large portal opened in the sky and Dragoon zoomed out and roared loudly before flapping down to Kari. Kari patted her Dragon friend and let him leave. Everyone outside of the alley had stared at the Dragon as it appeared. Sare saw it and knew that that's where Kari was. She ran along the streets and into the alley where Kari stood. The boys gulped and ran away. The girl remained. Kari talked to her and told her everything would be alright. "Just say I'll come after them with Dragoon if they pick on you again, k?" "Thankyou Ma'am." the girl said before running off. Kari turned to see Sare standing at the entrance of the alley. Kari walked out and looked at her step-sister. "The group of boys wre picking on her, then they didn't believe I was a summoner." Kari explained before Sare asked. "Alright, let's go! I was looking for you."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]"Yeah actually I do have some last words. DIGIMODIFY!! DIGIVOLUTION ACTIVATE!!" Kari yelled slashing her digivolution card. Renamon glowed with light and was transformed to Kyuubimon. "Fox Tail Inferno!!" Kyuubimon called as her tail tips glowed with blue fire. Duskmon and Lopmon easily dodged the small flames. "Why are you doing this if you're human?" Kari asked Duskmon. "Because I have been chosen and I will do what has to be done." Duskmon replied sending another Deadly Gaze towards Kyuubimon. "Then I must do what has to be done too. DIGIMODIFY!! HYPER SPEED ACTIVATE!!" Kari said slashing the card through her D-Arc. Kyuubimon zipped out of the way and quickly did a Dragon Wheel. Kari glared at the human-digimon that stood before her. "I can't believe you. You've become a digimon to destroy us." Kari said angrily. Duskmon just smirked and charged another Deadly Gaze.[/COLOR]
[B]OOC:[/B] I'm going by Takuya's post, because in my post when I left my house I said he was following me. The post's bad but I can't help it. [COLOR=darkblue]Kari looked at the shattered pieces of the basketball. Kari looked around for the Lopmon but she'd already left. Kari was about to ask them about something when Duskmon walked out of his cover. Everyone looked at him. Kari looked to Duke. They didn't know that Matt was a Digimon Tamer, and Matt didn't know they were Tamers. Kari took a step forward and decided to get it started before anything happened. Kari swiftly unclipped her D-Arc from her belt and held it out. "Renamon!!" she called. Renamon materialised out of no where and stood. She saw Duskmon and bared her teeth. "Come on Duke!" Kari said. He nodded and grabbed his D-Arc and called for Guilmon. Guilmon came running and stood with Renamon. And the thing that amazed them both was when Matt stepped up with his D-Arc and called for his digimon. Kari looked at it and did a Digital Scan on it. It was Hoodmon. "We didn't know you were a Digimon Tamer." Kari said to Matt. "I didn't know you guys were Tamers either." Matt replied. "Renamon!!Attack!!!" Kari called to her Fox digimon. "Your pathetic Rookie digimon don't stand a chance." Duskmon laughed as he charged up his attack.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][b]Name:[/b] Kenzi [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Appearance:[/b] Kenzi has strawberry blonde hair, pulled up in a messy ponytail, designed so that wisps of hair fanned out every direction and the longer wavy strands hung to the base of her slender neck. Tiny braids criss- crossed over her scalp and disappeared into the ponytail. Stormy grayish, blue eyes and she wears an outfit of a blue, waterproof, durable, hooded jacket unzipped with a white t-shirt inside, navy blue pants and blue and white joggers. She wears a pair of silver, reflective, custom made sunglasses over her eyes but she takes them off when not needed. [b]Personallity:[/b] Kenzi is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Kenzi loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. One of her favourite quotes is the classic, "Never judge a Book by it's Cover." Kenzi is also strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat, she goes by a Second quote too, "Quitters never Win and Winners never Quit." She has a very close relationship to her digimon partner. She's a quick thinker and solves problems quickly, she's very smart and good with technical systems like computers. [b]Choice:[/b] Willingly [b]Digivice Color:[/b] Blue [b]Bio:[/b] Kenzi lived a normal life until one day after school on a Tuesday. She was 12 and was tired from school so she decided to have a nap. During her nap, her computer had lit up and a digivice was thrown out of the monitor and landed on her blankets. Kenzi woke up later and looked at it. When she pushed one of the buttons. The screen lit up and a circular portal opened in front of her. Kenzi watched as a yellow fox creature walked out, Renamon. They soon got to know each other and became quite close. It wasn't until her last year's birthday when DIROne Agents showed up at her house and explained everything. Kenzi decided to go with them and help. Kenzi met up with David when she got there and together they worked with the computers and became top field agents with their digimon. David and Kenzi worked together with the case of the Digimon Lords, finding out as much information as possible. While she was working with them, she became even better with computers than she already was. [b]Digimon:[/b] [b]Digivolutions:[/b] [b]Reremon:[/b] Bubbles, Metamorphosis [b]Viximon:[/b] Killing Stone [b]Renamon:[/b] Diamond storm, Rapid Kick, Power Paw, Flaying Kick [b]Kyuubimon:[/b] Dragon Wheel, Fox Tail Inferno [b]Taomon:[/b] Talisman of Light, Talisman Star, Talisman Spell [b]Sakuyamon:[/b] Dragon Helix, Spirit Crusher, Talisman Sphere, Twin Blades of Beauty, Amethyst Wind, Crystal Sphere, Scepter Dash[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]"You're new around here right?" Kari asked him, blading closer. "Uh...Yeah. Todays my first day here in Shinjuku." Matt replied. "Where're you from?" "Canada." "Oh wow. I want to go to Canada one day. So you don't know anyone yet do you?" Kari said. "No...You're the first new person I've met here." "We'll probably both be going to Shinjuku High so I'll see you there, but you'll make friends when we go play sports. Come on." Kari said pushing off with her foot. Matt shrugged and ran to keep up with her blading speed. Kari led them to a large oval. There were already some people there. Kari stopped and changed into her joggers. She walked onto the field and dumped her bag with some of the others that were there. "Hey guys! I found a new friend." Kari called to them. Everyone turned around and saw Matt. They introduced themselves quickly. "I hope you're a sporty kinda guy. We play for a long time." one of the guys said. "Don't feel bad if you lose to Kari. She's a strange one...She has mystical powers.." another one joked. Kari hit him. Matt laughed at the group's antics. Matt was sure he could be good friends with them. "Come on, Let's stop the chatter and play!" Duke called. Everyone agreed and they started to vote what game to play first.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Kari had woken up when she heard Sare wake up from a nightmare. Sare often got nightmares after an incident with her berserker. Usually Kari would help comfort her, but not after a berserker, those were times she needed alone. Kari sat up in bed and listened as Sare paced next door. Kari decided to get up. She looked out of her window at the dark curtain of night with pin-pricks of light that they called Stars and the crescent of moon that ruled over the night as the sun ruled over the day. Kari sighed as the night breezes blew into her room, cooling her. Kari heard Makiyu wake up in the door on the other side of her bedroom. He had a nightmare too. Kari wondered if tonight was the night of nightmares. He seemed panicked soKari decided to see what was wrong. Kari walked out of her room and knocked on the door. She opened it and closd the door, stepping to the side. There was a beam of red light that turned into a great explosion. The explosion let off a shockwave and Makiyu was slammed into the door. Kari bent down to see if he was alright. She healed some scrapes on his back from the encounter with the door and sat him down. "Tell me what happened." Kari said sitting with him. Makiyu explained the dream and told her that the explosion had been the dream coming true. "So....Your hometown...." Kari said quietly "Maiken is no more..." Makiyu said sadly. "I'm sorry. But when this thing is over. You're free to stay here with us. You'll always be my guardian." Kari said kindly. "Thanks....If you don't mind....I need to think about this." Makiyu said. Kari understood and left the room. Kari did a little patrol and visited all of the rooms except her parents and Sare's room. She saw the man Duke on a bed in another spare room and saw the human Tonberry, Gerret, sleeping against the wall. Kari smiled. She'd met so many new people in only a day. Amazing. She yawned and headed back to her room. She listened for Sare but didn't hear anything so she went back to bed. She couldn't wait until tomorrow.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Kari logged off the computer. She got up and padded downstairs. She threw her empty drink can in the bin and grabbed her helmet. She ran upstairs for her D-Arc and her deck of cards. She clipped her helmet on and put on her inline skates. She locked the door behind her as she took off again. She missed a strange black person following her. Kari took off towards the park at a fast speed. She headed towards the clump of bushes and found Guilmon and Duke. "Hey Guilmon, Hi Duke." Kari said cheerily. Duke sat up. "Hi Kari. Renamon not with you?" Just as he said that, Renamon appeared. "I couldn't contact you at your house so I thought you'd be here." Kari said removing her helmet. "Wondering if you're up for a card game. I'm bored and we got a whole weekend." Kari said. "Yeah sure." Duke said getting his deck. Kari pulled her deck out of her pocket. They set it up and started playing for a while. "Renamon digivolves to Kyuubimon, Hyper Speed Activate." Kari says laying down the cards. "Guilmon digivolves to Growlmon, Snimon's Twin Sickles." They kept going and the winner by a bit was Duke. "The main reason I came to find you is to see if you wanna play some sports. We're meeting in 10." Kari said, getting to her feet.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Kari stared up at the clock above the whiteboard. It was the final period of the day, Mathematics, her worst subject. There were only a few minutes left of school but they felt like they were dragging on forever. When the bell finally rang, Kari was out the door and down the halls to her locker. She opened it and grabbed her inline skates. She removed her shoes and placed them in the locker before putting on her blades. She grabbed her blue helmet. She tucked it under her arm before blading out of the building. Kari did a trick as she jumped the stairs of the school building and skidded to a stop. She put her helmet on and grinned as she bladed away from the school. She was free for the weekend. Kari bladed down the sidewalks and onto the roads and streets. She continued on her merry way and finally turned into her driveway. She unlocked the door quickly and bladed in. Her house had smooth, polished, wooden floorboards. She bladed into the house and closed the door, she removed her inline skates and ran upstairs to her room. She dumped her bag on her bed and headed back downstairs. Kari went to the fridge and pulled out a can of Lift. She pulled the tab with a hiss and took a gulp. She walked back upstairs and sat in her computer chair. "Renamon." she called, taking another gulp. "Yes Kari?" Renamon said, materialising. "Report?" Kari asked her. "I haven't seen anything unusual today." Renamon said, sitting on Kari's bed. "Any Digital Fields or anything?" Kari asked. "Nope." Renamon said laying down. "Beep if you need me or anything." Kari said, unclipping her D-Ark. Renamon just nodded and disappeared. Kari sighed and logged onto her computer. If she could contact her friends, maybe she could plan to play sports later and during the weekend.[/COLOR]
[B]OOC:[/B] If people think I'm posting too much or too long then tell me. I have nothing to do...I'm so bored.... [COLOR=darkblue]Kari woke up 10 minutes later. She got out of the bath, dried and changed. Kari decided to go to the Elders and see how it was going with Gerret. Kari only brought her shukusen and told her mother, not wanting to talk to her step-father. Kari took a quick look at Sare and saw her asleep. Kari smiled and left the house. The village lighters had lit up the tall lanterns on posts to light the dark streets of Riverside. Kari walked into the house of the Elders and saw another strange man standing near the doorway. Kari tapped him on the shoulder. He spun quickly. "Who are you?" Kari asked him. "I'm Duke. And you?" the man answered. "Hikari Sanai. What are you doing here?" "Well Hikari, I've come to warn the people of your village." "Call me Kari, and warn us about what?" "There's a man and his guardian. He's a summoner and he's riding a large dragon monster...I think he wants to destroy your village and/or kill you." Duke said. "Hmm...Well it's a good thing I've already rescued Fenris." Kari said. "Who or What's Fenris?" Duke asked her. "Fenris is a large wolf. It's one of the fayths that I'm out to collect." Kari explained. "Don't stand in the doorway where we can't see you Kari. And bring that young man along too." Elder Sun called. Kari smiled and shook her head. They amazed her everytime. She bowed to them and stood between Gerret and Duke. "We've finished with you Gerret. You can choose if you wish to travel with Kari or if you wish to leave for the Tonberry Caves or if you choose to go by yourself, just wait for Kari. Now, young man, step forward." Elder Sun said. Duke stepped in front of the panel of elders. "My name's Duke." he stated. "What business do you have here?" Elder Cheng asked. "I have come to warn the people of your village.There's a man and his guardian. He's a summoner and he's riding a large dragon monster...I think he wants to destroy your village and/or kill Kari." Duke answered. "Elders, is it--?" Kari started. "Ace Wallace and his guardian." Elder Cheng finished. "At least I've rescued Fenris so they won't be able to get him." Kari said. "It's getting late. I've written this letter for your mother and step-father. I've apologized for the strangers that I have asked to stay with you and if she can give these two a bed to sleep on and meal for the morning. Duke. We have decided to send you with Kari, her step-sister Sare, one of her guardians Makiyu and perhaps Gerret if he decides to stay along." Elder Sun said hading her a sealed document. "Goodnight Elders." Kari said bowing. "Goodnight Kari. We'll be there to see you off." Elder Sun said. Kari walked out of the house with the 2 new strangers following her. She walked into her own home and gave the letter to her mother. She offered them beds. Duke took a bed, Gerret said he'd feel more comfortable on the wooden floorboards. Duke slept in another spare room next to Makiyu and Gerret slept on the floor in the spare room next to Sare. Kari stiffled a yawn and got into bed. She placed the shukusen in her bedside drawer and changed into night clothes. She blew out the lantern on her bedside drawer and pulled the covers over.[/COLOR]
Looks like I'm the first Girl of the Gang. [COLOR=darkblue][b]Name:[/b]Hikari "Kari" Sanai [b]Hunter-Net Name:[/b]Chiméiteki600 [b]Age:[/b]17 [b]Hair:[/b]Chocolate Brown [b]Eyes:[/b]Emerald Green [b]Height:[/b]???(I'm not good with heights.) [b]Weight:[/b]55kg [b]Creed:[/b]Avenger [b]Weapons:[/b]A glaive, a pair of Colt. 45's in holsters in her jacket, a pair of Walther P99 in holsters on her belt, she has a dagger in her boot and a [URL=http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/sword-making-leafsword.jpg]Leaf Sword[/URL] in a sheath on her back. [b]Edges:[/b] [b]Cleave:[/b]Manifest a Bow and a Quiver full of arrows made of Holy Light(Even if it's Red, Holy Light.) and enhances the weapons that she chooses. [b]Discern:[/b]She closes her eyes and concentrates until she knows. [b]Impact:[/b]Powers up her dagger if needed, her glaive and/or her Leaf Sword. [b]Burn:[/b]She concentrates on her blood. Her eyes flicker with fire as the magma flows through her bloodstream and she feels slightly warmer. [b]Smite:[/b]She gestures at the enemy/enemies. [b]Appearance:[/b]Kari has shoulder length chocolate brown hair and emerald eyes that are usually covered by silver, reflective, custom made sunglasses. She wears a blue, waterproof, durable, hooded jacket unzipped with a white t-shirt inside, navy blue pants and navy blue boots. Under her t-shirt is a bulletproof vest and her clothes are spelled with strong defensive magic, bought for an expensive price. [b]Biography:[/b]Kari was born and bred in Tokyo, the Capital City of Japan. Kari was an innocent girl when she was young but she was bullied and picked on, so she started to toughen up. As she grew older, she would fend for herself. She started to learn the arts of fighting. She learned hand to hand combat, weapons combat, shooting, throwing and the many different martial arts and she was only 9. Now she would fight anyone who picked on her. She lost her innocent look and took on a tough state. Then she started to notice that some of the people that challenged her to fights were dead and she started to notice the teachers, they looked like Zombies. That was when she was imbued, at the age of 13. [b]Imbuing:[/b]Kari was sent to the principal's office after asking about zombies. Kari noticed he had sharper teeth, he had fur of the back of his hands, his ears were slightly pointed and his nose was moist. Then Kari remembered that it was a Full Moon on that night. She had told him about the zombies and what she thought. He called the zombie teachers and that was the time that the power was imbued to her. She fought her way threw them and had to spend some time in the Hospital from the wounds of being attacked by 8 monsters at once. Kari found Hunter-net and joined the online community, now she knew she wasn't alone in having the unique ability of Hunting.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B]How was that?I had another one but it was deleted when I accidently pushed the back button.
[COLOR=darkblue]Kari had enjoyed the day so far. Ceris was a fun person to be around and they had immediately clicked. When it was swimming time Kari saw the boy she had bumped into at the beginning of school. Kari had looked at him as he fidgetted and looked at the water. He looked as if he was about to dive in at any moment. Ceris had noticed that she was staring at him and she blushed. Ceris had been told off by Mr. Smith and she assumed that Mr. Smith didnt like Ceris. Kari listened boredly as Mr. Smith explained the rules of the pool. 'No splashing, no running, no diving, no playing around...blah blah blah.' Kari thought. She covered a yawn and saw that the boy was bored too. He still looked at the water. Then finally he finished lecturing them and gave them the last 10 minutes or so to play around in the water. At the moment he finished, the boy jumped straight in. He was an amazing swimmer. Kari watched him swim laps, just play around and just float. Kari had changed and just sat on the edge and dangled her feet in the water. Ceris was next to her. "What's up with you and that guy?" Ceris asked. "Nothing..." Kari said quietly, still watching him. "Come on, Tell me the truth Kari." she said nudging her. "I bumped into him this morning, and he's got such great skill..." Kari said, mezmerised. She sighed and kicked her feet lightly. Matt swam up to her quickly. "Hi." he said cheerily. "H-Hi...Sorry about this morning..." Kari stuttered. "No problem. You dropped some of your papers though. I'll give them to you after class. We've got the same timetable." Matt said. "Uh...Ok...Thanks." Kari said. "I'll seeya later." Matt said swimming off. Ceris nudged her and Kari glared at her, then she smiled and pushed Ceris in. Ceris gasped and pulled her in after her. They both sat at the side. Now they were wet. At least she'd changed into her bathers. Now the 2 girls talked in the pool.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Kari gripped the coils of rope tightly. The tears mingled with the rain as she ran onto the streets of the village. Sare had no control of what her Berserker did. Kari was worried. As a Berserker, Sare's adrenaline was higher and she could move faster and stronger than her usual state. When Kari had been attacked, Sare had almost killed the stranger if they didn't restrain her in time. "Dragoon!!" Kari yelled through the rain. The dragon appeared in the mass of swirling energy. Kari did a flip and jumped straight onto Dragoon's back. She forgot about Makiyu and took off. "We have to find Sare, Dragoon, she's in Berserk!" Kari said. Dragoon had been with Kari for a long time and he knew what Sare was like in Berserk so he flew quickly. If Sare was magical then Kari could have sensed her aura but Sare was a physical fighter so they had to rely on sight, and on a day like today, it wasn't very reliable. Then Kari spotted it. On the ground below was Sare and a man with a torn tunic, probably from Sare's doing, and he was wielding a knife with a lantern on the ground. "Dragoon!!" Kari called through the rain. Her hair and clothes were plastered to her body from the rain. Kari jumped from the back of Dragoon and landed safely. "Don't hurt her!" Kari said to the man. She turned to her step-sister. "Sare. Stop this. I don't want to hurt you." Kari reasoned. Sare just lunged at her with her dirk. Kari gripped her hand and tried to push it back. Kari quickly tied on of the coils of rope around her wrist with the dirk. She quickly threw the rest of it to the waiting Dragoon who pulled it. "Fenris!!" Kari called. The wolf appeared with a growl. Fenris wasn't used to seeing Sare in Berserk so it growled. "It's ok Fenris, here, take this." Kari said as she tied the other rope around her other wrist and tossed the rest of it to the wolf. The wolf pulled and Sare stood there kicking and trying to get away. Kari's mother, Makiyu and her Sare's father arrived at the scene. Sare's father was in shock. They were all carrying weapons. Makiyu was puzzled and Kari's mother was panic-stricken. Kari held out her hands and the two adults threw a side of the rope to her, each holding the other end. Kari ran forward and caught her foot in the middle of a kick, she tied the rope around her ankle and did the same with the other. She gave the signal and they all pulled at the same time. Sare fell backwards and Kari helped her gently, not wanting to hurt her sister. She thrashed around on her back angrily. "It's ok Sare. Calm down. When we get you out of Berserk you won't have to worry about Marriage because you'll be coming with me and Makiyu. You want to come right?" Kari said soothingly. She knew that Sare was having a war against her berserk self on the inside. Kari opened the small bag and pulled out a handful of powder. Everyone stepped back, also tightening the ropes that held her. If they left marks, Kari could heal them but it was more important that no one was hurt. She stood alone with her thrashing sister. Kari closed her eyes and started to say words in a mystical language. Kari started to glow, then Sare, then finally the powder. Kari opened her eyes and blew the powder over Sare. The powder glittered and then the glowing faded away. Sare stopped thrashing and she opened her eyes. "Did I hurt anyone?" Sare asked quietly. Kari cried out and hugged her. Everyone else came over too and hugged her. "Yes, you did hurt someone." an unknown voice said. They all turned to him. He had picked up his lantern. Kari stared at him. He looked just like a human Tonberry. "Who did she hurt?" Kari asked. He just pointed. Kari got up and ran over to the injured officer. "Angel's Tears." Kari whispered. Healing light surrounded the young officer and his wounds healed. "Are you alright? I'm sorry about that. She can't help it." Kari said. "I'm alright now. I know that she can't control her Berserker." he said understandingly. Kari thanked him and went back to Sare. "Who are you?" Kari asked the man. "My name is Gerret. And you are?" he asked. "Hikari Sanai." Kari said burning away the ropes and healing the rope marks. "Mama. Take Sare home. Get her cleaned up and get her to go straight to sleep. She's not allowed to wait for me. I must visit the Elders again." Kari sighed. "Gerret, Follow me." Kari said, walking to the house of the Elders [i]again[/i]. Kari bowed as she entered with Gerret. "Once again. I am sorry to disturb you. We've just been running around to find Sare." Kari panted. She was soaked. "This man had entered our village and was about to fight Sare, not knowing about her Berserk state." "We understand. Go home and get cleaned and dried. We don't want you catching a cold and being un-able to travel tomorrow. We shall send a messenger for someone from your home when we're done." Elder Sun said. Kari smiled and bowed. Elder Sun was the most understanding of the 5 Elders. Kari walked to her home and into the bath that was ready for her. She sighed as the hot water surrounded her. Soon, before she knew it, she had dozed off in the bath.[/COLOR] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]OOC:[/b] [b]Xra:[/B] Are you going to be coming along with us? Because I'm the summoner, unless you want to travel with us and get the fayths yourself or whatever. And you can talk to the Elders. Just see the past posts of mine to see what they're like and all.
[B]OOC:[/B] JRO13, I just read one of the past posts. The fayths are what we're collecting. Not what we have. What we have are Summons, just regular summons. Just to make that clear as you're saying you already have one and that the people from Razarria had them. Which is incorrect. I was in the middle of a post when G/S/B posted. Oh well. Time to change it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=darkblue]Kari slipped and grasped onto the walls of the ice chamber. Every time they exhaled, their breath would be released as fog. Kari then had and idea. Kari cut into the walls of the chamber with her glaive and cut out flat pieces of ice about the same size as her shoe. Kari found some string and binded the ice to her shoes. Kari pushed off and used them like ice skates but they didn't have as much control. They just slid. "Come on! What are you waiting for?" Kari called turning a corner. They shrugged and did the same and followed her. Kari stopped in her tracks. In front of her was a large, long hole that they didn't know where it went to. Kari gulped. Then she held her glaive and closed her eyes. She snapped them open again and called out. "DRAGOON!!!" it echoed through the caves. They heard a noise and the large, winged, silver dragon with patches of light blue appeared in a mass of swirling energy. "Dragoon, Ice Beam!" Kari called. The dragon reared it's head and in it's powerful jaws charged a ball of light blue energy. It released it across the hole and it made an ice bridge. "Alright guys, Let's move it. I would usually ride Dragoon but it's too small in here." Kari said starting to slide across. Dragoon flew in front of her and waved it's tail at her. Kari held it's tail. Sare grabbed hold of the back of Kari's obi and Makiyu held onto Sare's obi. Dragoon flew slowly and brought them to the other side. Kari thanked her dragon and said it could rest until she needed it again. It disappeared and Kari continued to walk. They walked into another room of the cave. The ice was coarser so they were able to walk on it. They realised the danger late. The ceiling above them was full of icicles. They stared at each other before calling simultaeneously. "Run!" as they began to run, the icicles fell and crashed through the floor behind them. The ran as fast as they could and safely made it to the other side. "Now that was tiring." Sare sighed. "We gotta keep going." Kari said walking forward. She wanted to get the fayth. She couldn't let people down. It had been her whole life and motto to never give up and never quit. Makiyu watched her back. Kari groaned andthey noticed that she had been hit by an icicle. There was blood on her shoulder where the wound was. She hadn't noticed earlier because of the cold numbness. Kari collapsed onto the cold ice floor in pain. "Angel's Tears..." Kari mumbled. Healing enrgy surrounded her and sealed the wound. Kari stood weakly. She was wondering how many obsticles they would have to face. Kari staggered but walked as strongly as she could. Sare and Makiyu watched her as she stubbornly continued. In the next room was a large ice slide that twirled and whirled and zipped everywhere that they had trouble watching it go round. Then they saw a chute in the far wall with the slide continuing through it. Kari breathed and held her hand out for Sare. Sare took it and held one out for Makiyu who took it. "Ready?" Kari asked them. They nodded. Kari sat at the start of it. "Makiyu. If we need to then maybe you can steer by guiding your long sword." Makiyu nodded. They pushed off and they slid down the long ice slide. Sooner than they thought, they were zipping into the shute and through to a room when the slide stopped. It was set like a labrinth. They walked into the main path and a step sunk. They heard a rumble and saw a large ice boulder rolling towards them. They screamed and ran through the large maze. The boulder bounced off the walls and continued to follow them. They ran, turning corners and trying to escape the ball of ice behind them. Soon they were at a straight stretch of path, the doorway was at the end. They ran through the doorway and the boulder was stuck as it was too big to get through. "If this is the same for all of them.....I don't want to know." Kari said panting. Then she noticed. The room was made of stone. At the front was an altar and on the altar was an orb. Kari started to walk towards it when a large yeti fell from a hole in the ceiling. It roared loudly. Sare and Makiyu tried to get to Kari to find that an invisible barrier had been put up. This was Kari's test. Kari twirled her glaive and held it at a ready position. Yeti lunged at Kari with it's claws outstretched. Kari easily dodged the attacks with some acrobatics. Kari slashed and left a slash wound on the chest area. It roared angrily and pulled a large battle axe from the back of it's belt. It slashed angrily, slicing and chopping. Kari blocked and dodged quickly. Kari saw an opening and lunged with a stab at her enemy's chest. Yeti dodged it quickly and they continued to exchange blows. Kari pointed with her glaive and shouted "Firaga!!" The flame attack whirled around the yeti and roared in pain. "Thundaga!!!" Kari called. Electricity came to hit her foe and it collapsed to the ground. It had been defeated. Kari looked to the others. The barrier disappeared and they rushed over. "Way to go Kari!" Sare cheered. Makiyu just flourished his hand to the altar with the orb. Kari ran up and grabbed it. She held it, it felt warm in her cold hands. "What are you waiting for?" Makiyu called. "I want to break it with the elders. My first Fayth!" Kari said pocketing the sphere. "How are we gonna get out of here?" Sare asked. "Dragoon!!" Kari called. Dragoon appeared again. He made the ceiling ice and crashed through it. There was a hole. Kari jumped on, followed by Sare, then Makiyu. "Hold on!" Kari warned. Dragoon took off through the roof and back to the fields. It felt good to be in the sunlight again. Dragoon disappeared. They walked back into Riverside and to the Elder's house. They walked in and bowed. Kari and Sare in the traditional way, Makiyu in the normal way. "Elders. We have just travelled to the Cave of Fayths, near the Northern Fields. There we had to overcome many obstacles but we finally got it." Kari said producing the orb. "Very well done. Go ahead Kari." Elder Sun said. Kari smiled and dropped it on the ground. The glass shell shattered and a large Arctic Wolf stood in place. Kari petted it. "My first Fayth Summon..." Kari whispered. She closed her eyes. "It says it's name is Fenris." Kari said. Everyone nodded in acknowledgement. "Well done again. Rest now. Tomorrow is going to be a long day for you 2." Elder Cheng said to Kari and Makiyu. "Excuse me Elders. If it's not a problem. I would like Sare to come along. It'll be good for experience." Kari mentioned. "Hmmm...I guess there's no harm in letting her travel with you." Elder Sun said. They bowed again and left. Fenris disappeared in a whirl of energy like Dragoon had. The 3 companions smiled at each other and went back to the house to rest. That was a great adventure for Kari and she had enjoyd it thoroughly.[/color] [b]OOC:[/b] Sorry if it's a bit longer than I expected.
[b]OOC:[/b] jro13, the name's Kari. One "i" [COLOR=darkblue]Kari was about to run out, after Sare but the messenger appeared. Kari put on an emotionless face and stood. Makiyu, having heard his name mentioned, walked over. They walked out of the house and back to the house of the Elders. As they entered, Kari bowed in the traditional way, with palms flat on her thighs, this time Makiyu bowed in the usual way. "You summoned for us Elders?" Kari asked. "Yes. The quest for tomorrow. We have decided that Makiyu shall accompany you as a guardian. You should meet others on the way that will want to help, but there are those unwilling to help. There are some who wish to collect the fayths for evil. The summoner of evil goes by the name Ace Wallace. They are coming towards Riverside to find a fayth. You must find it first and beat the evil summoner and his guardians. Do what you must, the future of Gaia depends on you. We advise you to get good sleep tonight, or if you've nothing to do, go look for the fayth. It is somewhere close by." Elder Sun said. "We will search as soon as we...sort some other problems." Kari said quietly. "We understand." One of the Elders said. Kari and Makiyu bowed and made for the door. Then Elder Cheng called to them. "Sare is in the Northern Fields." Kari turned around and looked at them, then bowed and left. "I wonder how they knew that." Makiyu told Kari. "They know a lot of things you don't think they know." Kari said walking to her house. "I know you have a weapon. Go get it, we'll meet in the hall outside of our rooms." Kari said. They both walked to their rooms. Kari grabbed her glaive and gave it a test spin. She grinned and walked out of her room. Makiyu was there, he was wielding a long sword. "Let's go." Kari said. They walked out of the house. She told Mama what they were doing but she didn't want to talk to her step-father. It was his fault that Sare was upset. Then she remembered and went into Sare's room. She took the dirk and whip that had once belonged to Sare's mother before her unfortunate death. She tucked them into the folds of her kimono and walked out again. They left the house and walked towards the Northern Fields. There in the open grass with flowers, was Sare all sprawled out. Kari carefully approached, she heard her crying and hugged her around the shoulders. Sare looked up in shock and saw that it was Kari. She cried louder and hugged her. Kari rested her glaive on the ground and hugged her back. Makiyu stood back to let the step-sisters share their time. "I can't believe he's gonna make me give up my Mother's weapons. They're the most important things to me. I bet he's taking them now and hiding them somewhere." Sare sobbed. "No he's not." Kari re-assured. "How do you know?" Sare said coldly. "I'm sorry...I don't--" "It's ok. I know how you feel. The glaive was my Papa's. But I know he's not because...." Kari brought out the weapons and Sare's eyes lit up. "You brought them!!" Sare said happily as she held the dirk and the whip. "I wouldn't let him take them away from you. I know exactly how you feel. Well not exactly, but close enough." Kari said jokingly. "Thanks Kari." Sare said quietly. "It's no problem. But we gotta find a fayth that's around here somewhere...The evil summoner and his guardians are coming to find it. We can't let him have it. Are you ready for action?" Kari asked the younger girl. "Aren't I always?" Sare said standing. She wiped the tears off her cheeks and held her weapons. "Alright! Let's do it." Kari said grabbing her glaive. "Come on Makiyu. I'll need you to protect me." Kari said.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Kari ran into the building and she looked around the halls for the right class. She rushed through the halls and bumped into a guy. She apologized quickly and ran off, she dropped some papers on her way too. She saw the labeled class and ran in. She saw that everyone were at their desks. Kari apologized for her tardiness to the teacher and took a seat next to a girl with short, dark-brown hair. "Are you new here?" she asked. "Yeah. My first day." Kari replied. "Where are you from?" "I'm from Japan, Tokyo. My name's Kari." "Hi, I'm Ceris. Nice to meet you." "Same. What subject are we in?" Kari asked taking out some books. She looked for her timetable. "We're in Language Arts, next is Maths." Ceris said. Kari cursed as she realised she must have dropped it when she bumped into that guy. The teacher started to write things on the board and they copied and answered question through the session. English and Language were her favourite subjects in Tokyo. Maths had to be her worst subject. She hoped whatever else she had was good.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Sorry it's short. Can't think. Hope you don't mind me bumping into you Lrb.
[COLOR=darkblue]Kari changed her expression and snapped open her shukusen. "We play a game with this when we're little, It's called Fan Toss. We throw it to each other in a special way." Kari started and demonstrated, she tossed it upwards, giving it a spin to flip it over and caught it. They started to throw it to each other low. Each time they threw it higher, they caught the heavy fan in their palms one-handedly. When it reached to ten feet in the air, Kari called "The Blossom Opens." they threw it faster and faster. Then Kari called "Sinking Sun." They slowed down. Now they dipped as they caught the fan, whipped it around both hands, then dipped again before wafting the fan to the other. Finally Kari held it and snapped it shut. Makiyu had watched it in amazement. "You want to see how deadly it is right? Go find the thickest branch you can find and bring it back." Kari said. He went and returned. Kari held it with one hand and the open shukusen in the other. She slashed the open edges across the branch and it fell in half. He stared. Kari closed it with another snap. "Let's go." Kari said walking away.[/COLOR]
[B]OOC:[/B] Sounds like a good idea Nefertimon. And my Bio may seem like a copy of Sora but it isn't. It's just how I write. [COLOR=darkblue][u][b]Digimon Tamer:[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Kari Sanai [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Description:[/b] Kari has shoulder length chocolate brown hair and emerald eyes. She wears a blue, waterproof, durable, hooded jacket unzipped with a white t-shirt inside, navy blue pants and blue and white joggers. [b]Personality:[/b] Kari is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Kari loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. One of her favourite quotes is the classic, "Never judge a Book by it's Cover." Kari is also strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat, she goes by a Second quote too, "Quitters never Win and Winners never Quit." She has a very close relationship to her digimon partner. [b]Digimon:[/b] Renamon [b]Digivolutions:[/b] [b]Reremon:[/b] Bubbles, Metamorphosis [b]Viximon:[/b] Killing Stone [b]Renamon:[/b] Diamond storm, Rapid Kick, Power Paw, Flaying Kick [b]Kyuubimon:[/b] Dragon Wheel, Fox Tail Inferno [b]Taomon:[/b] Talisman of Light, Talisman Star, Talisman Spell [b]Sakuyamon:[/b] Dragon Helix, Spirit Crusher, Talisman Sphere, Twin Blades of Beauty, Amethyst Wind, Crystal Sphere, Scepter Dash [b]Crest:[/b] Friendship [b]Bio:[/b] Kari was born in Japan and she grew up without a father when he was shot as he was caught between a gang war. She lives in the city of Shinjuku and stays with her single mother that owns a flower shop. Kari helps her mother when she's home but she's usually out rollerblading or playing soccer. Kari sometimes plays street hockey with her rollerblades. She's a tomboy and is accepted by the guys. One day she rollerbladed home from school after a soccer game on the field. Kari didn't have time to help her mother that day as she was tired and had homework. That night changed her life. When she was asleep. Her computer monitor in her room lit up brightly. Kari continued to sleep but a Digiegg and a D-Ark flew out of the computer and onto her bed. Then the light disappeared and she continued to sleep. In the morning, Kari woke up and saw the egg and the device. Kari picked up the egg carefully. She rubbed it gently and it started to crack. Kari watched as a small yellow ball with eyes, a mouth and a tail broke out of the egg. Kari stared at it. It opened it's mouth widely. Kari soon got what it meant and grabbed a chocolate bar from her drawer and gave it to the creature. Kari continued to feed it food and after an hour or so, it glowed and it changed into a different creature, one that had four legs. "Who and what are you?" Kari asked. "I'm Viximon, I'm a Digimon. I'm your partner." "A Digimon?" "Short for Digital Monster." "I'm Kari." "Thanks for the food Kari. It's yum." Kari gave it more food and looked at the device. She pushed the buttons on it and tryed to figure it out. "That's a D-Ark." Viximon said, eating. "And what does it do?" "It helps me digivolve." she saw Kari's lost expression. "To change forms." "Alright." she looked at her clock and cursed. She had to get ready for school. She rushed around and got Viximon to stay in the house with a good supply of food. "I gotta go. Cya later Viximon." Kari called rushing downstairs. She grabbed some toast, said goodbye to her mother and rushed out of the house with her rollerblades on and bladed to school. That was a year ago. Now Kari has become close to Renamon and knows all about Digimon from Renamon, Renamon often roams around the city but she always comes whenever Kari calls for her. [b]Side:[/b] Good[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]I love heaps of Anime Songs. My favourites are from Card Captor Sakura: ~Platinum(The Opening of the Sakura/Star Card series.) ~The Japanese Version of Catch You, Catch Me(The First Opening) ~Tooi Kono Machi De(The Opening of the First Movie.) ~Ordinary Girl(Played during the series.) I also liked several of the Sailor Moon songs that were played: ~Oh Starry Night(Sung by Rei) ~My only Love(From when the Moon Princess was revealed.) ~Only a Memory Away(When Ami was about to leave.) ~Rainy Day Man(When Makoto(Lita) had a flash back.) And Random ones I liked were: ~Y'Know(Opening for Bubblegum Crisis 2040) ~And Cruel Angel Thesis(Opening for Neon Genesis Evangelion.) I don't have a real reason for liking them, except that the words and song melody gets to me.[/COLOR]
[b]OOC:[/b]Wait for me!!Lrb, you stole my Water!j/k [COLOR=darkblue][b]Name:[/b] Kari Sanai [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Grade:[/b] 8th [b]Nationality:[/b] Japanese [b]Ability:[/b] Kari's powers are related to nature but specifically animals, she can talk to animals and she has the power to morph into other creatures, people but not objects. She's able to transform into some mystical animals too, like dragons, griffins etc. For real animals and people, Kari has to take their DNA like Animorphs. [b]Appearance:[/b] See attachment. She also wears navy blue pants and blue and white joggers. [b]Personality:[/b] Kari is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Kari loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. One of her favourite quotes is the classic, "Never judge a Book by it's Cover." Kari is also strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat, she goes by a Second quote too, "Quitters never Win and Winners never Quit." [b]Bio:[/b] Kari's parents are Japanese and she grew up in the capital city of Tokyo. Her parents own a Zoo and Kari liked to help out. She discovered her powers at quite a young age. One day she was helping feed a pony by hand and she suddenly felt calm as did the pony. Kari thought about the pony and soon morphed into an identical copy. Kari was scared and rushed to her parents. They helped her to become human and told her about their powers of talking to animals and morphing. Kari was scared but was soon adapted as her mother helped her along. She trained Kari in how to absorb DNA and how to morph so she could get used to it. Kari started to talk to the animals and she spent most of her spare time there. Then her parents told her that since she's not fully in control, it's not safe for her to go to a normal school so the sent her away to New York to the Advent Middle School to start there in year 8. Kari was upset at leaving the Zoo but her parents pulled strings to let her have a VIP pass to the closest Zoo there so she could still visit animals and get DNA. Kari felt better and started the new school year, away from home.[/COLOR] [b]OOC:[/b]How's that? I hope I get accepted ^_^
[COLOR=darkblue]Kari smiled after her younger step-sister as she left. They had become very close and Kari would do anything to help and protect her little sister. Kari remembered that she left Makiyu in the bathroom and cursed quietly. She got off her bed and walked down the hall to the bathroom. Makiyu was changed and he was hand drying his hair with a towel. "Are you alright? I heard you talking and screaming so I came in to see if you were ok..." Kari said quietly. "Yeah, I'm fine." Makiyu muttered, not telling her about the dream. "Ok. Let's get your wounds cleaned." Kari said leading him out of the room. Kari took him into the lounge room and got the bandages and antiseptic, she also brought some herbs that she used for healing. Kari dabbed some antiseptic on some cotton and cleaned the cut between his eyes. He hissed and Kari apologized softly. After that she cleaned any other cuts and bandaged them. "Alright, that's it I guess. Mama will wash your clothes but you'll have to continue to wear these clothes for a while. I'll show you the room you'll be staying in." Kari said standing. She put the items away and lead him away again. Kari took him to the room next to hers. There were 2 rooms next to her as she was in the middle. The one on the left belonged to Sare, Makiyu had the room on the right. Kari let him put down his things and he walked into the hall. Kari took him to meet Sare. They started to talk and soon Sare became less worried and accepted him as an ok person. "Come on, I think I here Mama calling us for Lunch." Kari said. The 3 of them walked to the dining room and sat down to eat. "What was that thing that you opened when you saw me coming?" Makiyu asked Kari. "What this?" Kari said taking out her shukusen. "Yeah. What is it?" "It's called a shukusen. It looks like a fan but it's a deadly weapon. It's razor sharp on the top and dull at the bottom. It's heavy and women carry them if they don't want to openly carry a weapon." Kari said passing it to him. He was amazed at the weight of the weapon. He passed it back and they ate.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Kari had woken earlier that day. It was almost noon. Today she was supposed to set out on her quest to collect the fayths and defeat the evil in the world of Gaia, but earlier, there had been a storm and the elders thought she should leave tomorrow instead. Kari was upset because she was so excited to be going on the quest. She sadly looked out of the window. She looked around and no one was around so she grabbed her waterproof jacket, incase the storm started again and she fled out of the house. The clouds in the sky were grey and gloomy. Kari just walked through the village. She walked towards the river that gave Riverside it's name. It was the River Domin. She was wearing her blue kimono like robe with a scarlet obi. She only carried one weapon, Her shukusen which was tucked in her obi. She sat on a rock and sighed. 'Are the gods trying to tell me something? Do they not want me to go?' Kari thought in her head. The soft sound of the river helped sooth her upset mind. She had a strange connection with water. It was a strange part of her power. She tucked a stray strand of chocolate brown hair behind her ear and continued to think. It was silent in the village because of the storm, they were inside. Some of the adults were with the elders. Kari stood and walked towards the exit of the village and saw a strange man approaching. Kari pulled out her shukusen and opened it with a snap. She stood prepared, there had been bandits lately so they were careful of who was coming into the village, especially on days of trouble. "Who are you?" Kari asked the man as he got to the entrance. "I'm Makiyu." the man replied wearily. Kari's emerald eyes looked him over. He was 5'8 with blue eyes and pale skin with brown hair. Black shirt with a long red jacket that reaches to his feet. Black boots and gloves to match and there was a deep cut caked with blood between his eyes. His hair was plastered to his face and his clothes were soaked. Kari frowned and closed the fan like weapon with a snap and tucked it back into his obi, points down. "Come with me." Kari said turning to face the village. "Who are you?" he asked. "You will know soon enough." she said walking. "At least tell me where I am." Makiyu called. "You're in the village of Riverside." Kari said turning to him and waving her hand at the river. Kari turned away again and lead him into a house.She rapped on the door and opened it quietly. She entered and placed her hands flat on her thighs in a traditional bow to the 6 men sitting at the table. "I'm sorry to disturb your discussion, Elders, I am aware that you are busy at the current time but this man was entering our village. He is a stranger. He looks injured and wet from the storm." Kari said. "Yes, of course. Thankyou, but what were you doing out of your house?" one of the men asked her. "I was thinking, Elder Cheng." Kari responded. "Very good Kari, you may take a seat and wait for this stranger you have encountered." another Elder said. "Thankyou, Elder Sun." Kari bowed to them again and sat in a chair nearby. "Who are you, young man?" Elder Cheng asked. "My name's Makiyu, sir." he replied. "How old are you?" another asked. "24." Makiyu stated. "Why are you here?" Elder Sun asked. "I don't know. I woke up near the river. I just wanted to come and ask where I was, but she found me and brought me here." Makiyu indicated to Kari. The elders talked among themselves and turned to Kari. "Kari..." Elder Sun started. Kari stood. "...Take him, give him a bath, nurse his wounds, change his clothes and give him a place to stay. He does not seem like a bandit to me. If anything happens then alert us immediately, but remember, ou must leave on your quest tomorrow." he finished. Kari bowed and led him out of the house. She walked until she reached her house. She opened the door and hung up her jacket. "Now are you going to tell me who you are?" he asked. "If you weren't listening. My name is Kari. Short for Hikari." she said. "Mama?" she called. She heard an answer and walked towards the kitchen. She was cooking lunch. She looked at Makiyu and whipped out her own shukusen. "It's alright Mama. The elders asked me to bring him home to help him, I found him when I went outside." Kari said. "What were you doing outside Mia?" her mother said using her traditional name and lowering the shukusen. "I was thinking Mama. But I need to help him, could you cook for one more?" Kari asked. "Of course. And you are?" she asked. "Makiyu." he said. "Alright. I'll see you later Makiyu." her mother said. Kari led him away and showed him the bathroom and gave him some of her father's old clothes, and a towel. "Take a bath, change, and then I'll help clean that wound." Kari said turning. "Just one more question, what did that man mean about 'You still have to go on your quest tomorrow'?" Makiyu asked. Kari sighed and faced him. "I'm a summoner. This village has summoners and mages, I'm going on a quest to collect the fayths and save Gaia from the great evil that's taking over, ok?" Kari walked to her bedroom, he stared for a while before walking into the bathroom.[/COLOR] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]OOC:[/b]You're at my house at the moment G/S/B.
[COLOR=darkblue][b]Name:[/b] Kari Sanai [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Ability:[/b] Kari has the power to morph into any animal or creature, any creature she can come up with or animals that exist. She morphs to killer animals/creatures to defeat her enemies. [b]Nationality:[/b] Japanese [b]Occupation:[/b] Leader of a Gang [b]Weapon:[/b] A Glaive and a shukusen, It's a heavy fan(The old type). It has sapphire blue silk on thin, elegantly pierced steel ribs. They're dull at the base with razor-sharp ends. She keeps it tucked in her belt. It proves to be a good weapon and easily tricks the enemy. She carries 2 guns in holsters on her belt and a knife in her boot and of course, herself. [b]Appearance:[/b]See attachment. You've used this picture before Arika so it should be familiar. I hope you don't mind me using it ^_^;. [b]Location:[/b] Tokyo, Japan [b]Bio:[/b] Kari Sanai is known in all of the major gangs in Japan. She's the fiery girl that spells trouble if you're around her. She learned fighting, martial arts and other deadly skills in an abbey where they trained young girls to become killer weapons. All of the girls were plugged in with a chemical that would develop and leave them with individual powers. The teachers would check by torture and fighting to see what triggered their powers and how to get them to harness the powers and learn to bring them out by themselves. Kari was a fast learner and was soon rocketting through the stages of development while most of the others were still needing to be pushed for power. Kari started off her morphs as domestic animals like cats and dogs, then to smaller creatures like mice and cockroaches, then dangerous animals like Lions and Tigers. She kept going until she had learned all of the animals on earth. Then she started her creations of monsters and soon she had graduated before everyone else. When it came to the test for graduation, she was tested in martial arts, fighting skills, defence, her developed powers, her knowledge in technolegy and her knowledge in weapons and her aim, she's a deadly aim with her shooting weapons and throwing weapons. She passed easily as if it was nothing. The scientists tried to figure out why she was a faster learner than all of the others but they came up with nothing and let her go, as a parting gift they gave her a silver bracelet. Kari left the abbey and headed back into the world that she hadn't seen for 6, going to 7 years. Kari growled at the bracelet as she got into town, she had suspected something abou it from the beginning, she took it off and saw the tracker on the underside. She glared at it and crushed it in her palm. That was when she went to the local bank to hack into a rich person's bank account. She took the money from the ATM and bought herself new clothes, weapons and food to satisfy her hunger. She looked up a phonebook for her old house and went there. She faintly remembered it and went inside, she went to her room and growled at it. It didn't seem the same to her anymore. She took her shukusen that she used to play with and tucked it into her belt. She left the house and soon clashed with a Tokyo gang in the city. They called themselves the Wolves. Kari easily defeated the leader with her glaive and they made her the new leader. For the next 3 years, she travelled with her gang and they had nicknamed her Joo Ohkami, Queen of the Wolves. They called her Ohkami for short. They soon found out about her powers of morphing and accepted it. She had become quite accustomed to the city again and was eating with the Wolves in a fancy cafe when she heard her cell ring. She picked up and heard a muffled voice, hidden by a voice transformer. It told her to go to the High Top Club which was on a top floor of a large building. She was unsure but decided to see what it was about anyway. If worst came to worst, she could always morph.[/COLOR] [b]OOC:[/b]Sorry if the Bio's a bit long. Most of the beginning is just boring. PM me about any changes or if you're confused about anything.
Sign Up Final Fantasy- The evil within (Rated T for teens)
Sakura replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Theater
[COLOR=darkblue][b]Name:[/b]Kari Sanai [b]Age:[/b]18 [b]BirthPlace:[/b]Riverside-a beautiful small village by the river. It's a peaceful sort and there are a few other summoners and mages there. [b]Side:[/b]Good [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Job:[/b]Summoner [b]Weapon:[/b]Glaive(It works like a Staff too but it has a weapon on top just in case.) and a shukusen, It's a heavy fan(The old type). It has sapphire blue silk on thin, elegantly pierced steel ribs. They're dull at the base with razor-sharp ends. She keeps it tucked in her obi. It proves to be a good weapon. [b]Summon:[/b]Dragoon [b]Summon Description:[/b]A large, winged, silver dragon with patches of light blue. It has the Element of Water, Ice and Snow. at the end of it's claws are deadly sharp talons for piercing. [b]Character Description:[/b]Kari has shoulder length, chocolate brown hair and vibrant emerald eyes. She wears a blue kimono type robe with a scarlet obi, where she keeps her shukusen. Sometimes she wears a white shirt with a blue tunic over it and navy blue breeches. [b]Character Abilities:[/b] [b]Teleport:[/b]She can concentrate and she'll disappear and re-appear wherever she likes. [b]Blizzaga:[/b]A strong Ice attack. [b]Firaga:[/b]A strong Fire attack. [b]Thundaga:[/b]A strong thunder attack. [b]Angel's Tears:[/b]It heals who she wants and brings those who are dead to live at the same time(Like the Summon Phoenix.) She also has powers with water.She can control and manipulate it. [b]Bio:[/b]Kari grew up to a single mother after her father was killed before she was born. Her mother was a healer in the small village of Riverside. Kari at the time had no idea of powers and played and laughed without a care in the world with her friends in the village. They would splash happily in the river as parents watched over them. One day when she was 9 she accidently made a tidal wave because they were splashing water at each other. From then on, her mother began to train her in her magic skills. Her mother did a test to see what powers she had. As it was evident, she had control over water in any form but she could summon too. Her mother taught her with simple spells and magics, as she grew older her powers developed further. She soon mastered her teleportation and element attacks as well as a healing spell. It was time to summon. Her mother started with getting her to summon small creatures, then bigger and bigger. Finally, 2 years ago, when she was 16, her mother let her create her own, personal summon for her own use. That was when Dragoon was born. Kari worked on it for weeks until she decided it was good. Then came the hard part. She had to summon it, and not just once or twice. She had to summon dragoon continuously until it was natural and she didn't have to stress herself out to summon him. Soon Dragoon was mastered. Sometime in the future she hoped to develop an evolved Dragoon. Then she heard about the evil. Places were becoming corrupted, the mages and summoners put up barriers from the evil around Riverside.She decided to help defeat the evil by becoming the summoner to collect the fayth/spirits and banish the evil from the land.Kari set out, looking for helpers and guardians to help with the upcoming quest.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=darkblue]I've read all of Tamora Pierce's books and I'm a huge fan along with one of my friends. My favourite series was out of the Circle of Magic and the Circle Opens, Wild Magic and Protector of the Small. Very good quartets. Circle of Magic was the First Series I read and captivated me into the world of Winding Circle, then Circle Opens showed how their powers had grown and how they changed from being students to teachers. Wild Magic was one of my favourites because of how she can communicate with animals. One of my favourite powers. I'm very much an animal lover. Especially a Wolf Lover so when I read the second book, it captivated me as she felt herself taken over with her wolf side. Protector of the Small was good because as ashley says, It's all her, she's not blessed, no magic powers, and she overcome every challenge Lord Wyldon threw at her and never gave up. I think Song of the Lioness was good but lacked the interest. It was too usual, the part I enjoyed was that she had to hide her gender from the boys for most/all of her Page years until she was discovered. I can't wait for the next book of Trickster's Choice to come out. and I also want to read Numair's book. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I must say that there were a few good couples in the series that never ended up together. Daine and Numair would have made a good couple, seeing as they both liked each other but thought that they would see differently. I think the relationship could have progressed more. I have an argument for people. Some people think Kel and Cleon make a good couple. Honestly, I think Kel and Neal would make a better couple. Who else do you think would have made a good couple in the different series and why?[/color]
[COLOR=darkblue][b]Kendrik City - ZBC Pilot Lounge - 3:40pm[/b] Kari was sitting with Tai. He was telling her about something that was happening. He was speaking in a low and quiet voice. Kari strained to hear what he was saying to her. She sipped on her drink that she had earlier gone to get. Kari looked at a door at the far end of the room. Adam was in there, watching Zoid battles like he usually did. The door slid open with a hiss and Adam stood at the door. He walked over and complained that he was left out of the meeting. Kari laughed at him and Tai pointed to another booth. They all walked over and sat. Tai looked serious as usual. "I got a message from the ZBC earlier, We've been accepted into the Zoid Championship League in two weeks. We need to fix up our Zoids and prepare them for the upcoming battle. Especially since I [i]know[/i] that Keegan and Alexandria's teams will be there. They probably know I'll be there, anyways, they wouldn't miss an opportunity like this. You guys know about them from what I've told you so you know they can be sneaky and devious in battles, we'll have to watch out for all of them." Tai said seriously. Adam and Kari listened and nodded, knowing he was in one of his serious moods. "I'll head back to base. I got nothing else to do here. Might as well prepare eh?" Kari said getting up from her seat. If you need me I'll be in the hangar. Kari finished her drink and threw the cup in a bin before heading out of the building.[/COLOR]