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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [color=navy][b]Name:[/b] Kari Sanai [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Element:[/b] Wolf [b]Bio:[/b] Kari is one of Ace's closest friends. She would always play against him in Angelic Guardians. Sometimes she would win, but Ace won most of the time. They would often sit together by the river and re-build their deck of cards. Ace's deck was full of Dragons and Kari's were full of wolves and other animals. When Ace became the grand Champion of the game, Kari was jealous at first but soon decided to be happy for her friend. The fact that he was the champ pushed her to become better than before and she wanted to beat him more than before as time after time she was defeated in the tournaments. [b]Appearance:[/b] Kari has shoulder length, chocolate brown hair and vibrant emerald eyes that are usually covered by a pair of silver, reflective, custom made pair of sunglasses. Kari wears a black leather jacket with a picture of a snarling wolf on the back. It's opened in the front to show a white t-shirt inside and black cargo pants with blue and white shoes. She has her Crest of Wolves on a necklace/chain around her neck. [b]Personality:[/b] Kari is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Kari loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. One of her favourite quotes is the classic, "Never judge a Book by it's Cover." Kari is also strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat, she goes by a Second quote too, "Quitters never Win and Winners never Quit." But besides that, she's very serious when it comes to Angelic Guardian matches. How is it? Want any changes? Buh Bye!^_^[/color]
  2. Sakura

    The Dragon King

    [COLOR=darkblue]Mika drew her sword and held it into a fighter's stance as a rider approached her. Mika twirled it and light bounced off the shiny blade. Mika moved to the side as the horseman rode past with his sword outstretched and slashed him in the side. He groaned and gripped the reins tighter as he came back for another round. Mika knocked his sword from his hands and knocked him off his horse with the flat of her blade. Mika was ontop of him in less than a second with her sword poised at his neck. "Who sent you?!" Mika asked. The horseman looked to the side. Mika pressed the blade closer to his neck. "Who sent you?!" Mika pushed it until a thin stream of blood trickled from his neck. "I'll ask you one more time...Who sent you?!" Mika growled.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkblue]I love it. It's plain but it has a sort of effect.Maybe you could add something in there that would take up the space a little, the gap between Knuckles and Tikal is quite big. I like the contrast of the 2 Echidnas and how they are related. I might ask you to make me another banner some time. The banner's cool and I love the color blue with them. I still think you should put something in the space between them....Chaos Emerald maybe....I dunno....just my suggestions. Good job anyways. Keep doing what you're doing. ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
  4. [B]Ultryneo:Dark [U]ACCEPTED![/U][/B] [B]jro13: [U]DENIED[/U] ~Not enough Description[/B] [B]Lrb and K.K.C.:Air and ? You need to decide between the 2 of you, who will be air. There's still more spots. When you've decided.... [U]You're both ACCEPTED![/U][/B] [B]Under_An_Alias:Water[/B] [U][B]ACCEPTED![/B][/U]
  5. [B]Summary:[/B] When the heavens and hells fought and demon and angel were worse enemies than any mortal could imagine, six crystals were created in the depths of Earth. Each crystal had a special power and a spirit guardian that could control that power. Their power was out-of-control and soon each side saw this as a weapon. The crystals split equally among dark and light. Eventually, like every good ending, heaven won over dark and the evil perished. To make sure that the crystals would not arouse the war again, an angel was assigned to each to make sure they stayed out of trouble. As time went on, the guardians retired back into whence they came. But, just for a safety measure, the angels passed on their power of control to select mortals, elves, demons and sorcerers every hundred years or so. Now in this millennium, evil has awakened and is trying to seek out the heirs of the power that they need to win against good once and for all. But, unknown to them, the crystals have broken and fragments have scattered over Earth. [B]Setting:[/B] Medieval(NO GUNS OR MODERN TECHNOLOGY!!) [b]Guardians and Elements(1 Person per Element.If you pick the Element,you have to be what the Underlined parts say.)[/b] [color=red][I]Fire/Leo:[/I] A red crystal with [u]evil powers[/u]. Leo's animal form is of a [u]male[/u] lion. His human form has spiked red hair with bangs in the front and yellowish eyes. He?s very tan and is about 5?6. His angel was Michael.[/color] [b][I]Dark/Set:[/I] A black crystal with [u]evil powers[/u]. Set?s animal form is a [u]male[/u] dragon. His human form is a pale man with dark black hair. His onyx eyes seem to have no life and he?s about 5?4. His angel was Metatron.[/b] [color=deeppink][I]Spirit/Akasha:[/I] A white crystal with [u]good powers[/u]. Akasha?s animal form is a [u]male[/u] unicorn. His human form is a pale boy with light blue eyes and silver hair. He is about 5?3. His angel was Cassiel.[/color] [color=blue][I]Water/Mali:[/I] A sea-green crystal with [u]evil powers[/u]. Mali?s animal form is a [u]female[/u] snake. Her human form has tanned skin with dark blue eyes. Her hair is also this color and she is about 5?3. Her angel was Gabriel.[/color] [color=royalblue][I]Air/Orion:[/I] A light blue crystal with [u]good powers[/u]. Orion?s animal form is a [u]male[/u] hawk and his human form is peach skin with white hair. His eyes are sky-blue and he?s about 5?6. His angel was Rapheal.[/color] [color=teal][I]Earth/Ceres:[/I] A green crystal with [u]good powers[/u]. Ceres transform into a [u]female[/u] horse. When human, she has dark brown hair and dark green eyes. She stands at 5?3. Her angel was Uriel.[/color] The crystals have broken into eight pieces. Since the crystals have broke, you cannot summon a guardian to aid you. When the pieces are recovered, you may summon a guardian, which makes your magic even stronger. The guardians can talk to you when you have drifted into the Astral Plane where they reside at. Now, you can only be a demon, mortal, elf, or sorcerer. Mortals and elves are better using Spirit, Earth, and Fire magic. Demons and Sorcerers are skilled in Dark, Water, and Air. Sign Up Code: [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Race:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Biography:[/b] [b]Weapons:[/b]Max is 3! [b]Element:[/b] [b]Special Power:[/b]Only One!!! [b]Good or Evil:[/b] [b]Font Color/Style:[/b]Comes with the Element you chose. [color=teal][b]Name:[/b] Kari Sanai [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Appearance:[/b] Kari has chocolate brown hair that ends at her shoulders and vibrant emerald eyes. She wears a blue hooded, waterproof jacket open with a white blouse inside and navy blue pants and blue and white shoes. [b]Personality:[/b] Kari is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Kari loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. One of her favourite quotes is the classic, "Never judge a Book by it's Cover." Kari is also strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat, she goes by a Second quote too, "Quitters never Win and Winners never Quit." She's like her guardian Celes. She's as noble as a horse and takes care of people. [b]Biography:[/b] Kari was born in a cottage in the middle of a forest. Her father had left before she was born so she never met her father. She grew up in the beautiful forests with her mother in their small cottage. Kari would always play with the animals and sit by streams and in trees, enjoying the forest for what it was. As Kari grew older her powers started to develop, soon she was talking to the animals and understanding them, her mother looked on, Kari didn't know she wasn't a Mortal. Her mother finally told her and Kari was shocked. She wondered why she could talk to animals and control what trees did and play with Nature. Her mother also told her about her magic that she was doing. Kari was amazed but soon accepted it. She started to be around nature more than before. She would wake up at the crack of dawn and stay in the forests until the sunset. Then she was told of the Crystals and she found out about a woman called Celes that had been able to transform into a horse, then her soul was transfered to a crystal like other people and they became guardians for whoever owned the crystal. Then the crystals were broken into 8 pieces and they were scattered around the earth. Kari was amazed and decided to go on a quest to find the crystal pieces of Celes, hoping to meet others on the way, striving to go on the same quest. [b]Weapons:[/b] A beautiful sword. The hilt is made of solid silver, the blade is made of a metal never seen before. It glistens and reflects light and images. At the end of the hilt is the tail of a sapphire dragon that coils around the hilt. The head stops, coiled around the cross-hilt. It's eyes are rubies. The body of the Chinese type dragon is like a grip because the scales are nice to hold. She also has a sheath made of silver and she wears it on her back. And a pair of daggers that sit in sheaths on her belt. [b]Element:[/b]Earth [b]Special Power:[/b]Nature Control [b]Good or Evil:[/b]Good [b]Font Color/Style:[/b]Teal[/color] I shall judge who is accepted into this RPG. If I can't decide I may ask you for a Sample of another post from another RPG. [!!!Rules!!!] [1]YOU MUST STAY FREQUENT IN POSTING!!! [2]No Godmodding or controlling other people's characters without permission!! [3]If you're going to change anything in the major plotline, you must consult with me first. [4]Obey the OtakuBOARDS rules. [5]You must post in the given color.Including when doiong the Sign Up Form. If you have any questions, please PM me! I'll be happy to help. ~Ohkami I have no time to finish my sign up but I'll do it tomorrow.
  6. [B]The organoid just looked at the Zoid pilot and left. "Well...If Kia was willing, then I suppose it could automatically fix Lupus...But It doesn't seem to want to at the moment." Mika said as she polished Skye. Kai was sitting on the head part of the Storm Sworder. He seemed to be inspecting the new Zoid he would be merging with. "Will ya be merging with Skye too?" Mika asked the raven organoid. It crowed in a sort of "Of Course!" manner. "Haha!Great!" Mika said happily as she jumped into the Blood Red Storm Sworder. "Nice job you've done Kai." Mika said as the machine looked in. He tilted his head up in a proud manner and crowed softly. "Hey Mogris. Mind if I take Skye for a fly outside?" Mika said. "Nah...Go ahead. Nothing to do here. Just remember--" "Stealth!I know!I did design the system after all!" Mika said as she closed the window cover. "Now!Merge!!!" Mika called out. Kai flew up and dove into the soul of the Storm Sworder. Mika checked all the engines and took off with a blast of speed. She reached outside and switched to stealth mode. Mika flicked some switches and started to do some tricks and other things in the sky. Mika laughed with joy as she enjoyed the time. Mika saw something glint in the sand below, so she checked around and landed. Mika hopped out and looked at it. She dug it out of the sand and polished it. It was a crystal sphere with some sort of energy in it. The spark of power glowed blue. Mika frowned at it in interest and put it in her pocket for safe keeping. Mika got back into Skye and started her flight back to the ruins. Mika got out of Skye and Kai emerged from the larger zoid. "Hey Mogris. Anything in your book about this?" Mika said as she tossed the crystal sphere at him. Mogris caught it at the last minute and looked at it. "Where'd you find this thing Mika?" Mogris asked, looking at the strange sphere. "It was in the sand. I saw it when I was flying over the area." Mika said as she sat next to him.[/B]
  7. [COLOR=darkblue][b]Name:[/b] Kari Sanai [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Kari has shoulder-length auburn hair and vibrant emerald eyes but they're hardly seen because she usually wears a pair of silver, reflective, custom made sunglasses over her eyes. Kari wears a blue, waterproof, hooded jacket unzipped with a white t-shirt inside ,navy blue pants and blue and white joggers. [b]Team:[/b] Strike Fighter Team [b]Team Rank:[/b] Member [b]Zoid:[/b] Blade Liger AE [b]Zoid Appearance:[/b] See attachment. The whole of it's body Blue with black streaks including the tail. The legs are still black. [b]Zoid Weapons: [u]Dual Impact Cannon:[/u][/b] Underneath the Liger's mane, in between its front legs lie this unsuspecting yet incredibly powerful weapon. The Dual Impact cannon fires standard cannon shells at an exceedingly high and powerful rate. At close range; this weapon is deadly, able to take off a Zoid's armor in one or two shots. The DIC can be fired singularly, or from both barrels at once. [b][u]Dual Hardened Alloy Laser Blades:[/u][/b] The mark of the Blade Liger and the origin of its name. On either side of the Liger's midsection is a hinged razor-sharp cutting blade. Normally, they rest on the Liger's back but have a great range of motion and can be turned upward, rotated out to the sides, or then pointed forward for a variety of cutting angles. The blades can be used either charged or uncharged (More about that below: See Blade Attack + HI-Blade Attack). Keep in mind though, their usefulness is greatly decreased if uncharged. [b][u]Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth:[/u][/b] The most basic of all Zoid Weaponry. Deadly-sharp fangs and rows of equally sharp teeth adorn the Liger's mouth while its paws contain nasty, nasty claws of their own. Used for up-close-and-personal combat, in the dirtiest; most feral type of combat known. Good for ripping and shredding away all of your opponent's unwanted armor. [b][u]2 Pulse Beam Cannons:[/b][/u] Concealed in both of the Attack Boosters is a stream-lined new generation beam cannon. To be used, the Attack Boosters must be rotated forward, from that position, the beam cannons will flip out from the now underbelly of the booster and be ready to fire. This semi-automatic weapon works by firing volleys of spherical beam energy at their target greater in dimension than any cannon shell; making for quite a powerful attack. [b]Support Systems: [u]Frontal Force Shield:[/u][/b] Like its predecesser, the Shield Liger, the Blade Liger is outfitted with a defensive force shield system. The shield is activated by the opening of both the top and bottom panels of the Liger's mane. Upon activation, the Force Shield can deflect most beam weapons and cannon shells. However, it does not hold up well against projectile weapons such as missiles and grenades, nor charged particle blasts. The shield can also be used as a battering ram. [b][u]High-Intensity Shield:[/b][/u] Works in the same manner as the standard shield. However, the energy used for the Laser Blades is re-directed through the force shield mechanism to increase output and raise the shield's power. As such, the High-Intensity Shield is capable of taking even a charged particle blast without a problem. The down-side is that this requires an intense amount of energy so can only be used once per battle. Additionally, when using the HI Shield, the Blade Liger must remain completely still. The blades are unusable for one round after the Hi-Shield is used and the frontal force shield must recharge for three rounds. [b]Upgrades: [u]Infra-Red Scanner:[/u][/b] It can pinpoint an enemy from 20 miles away,even if underground,underwater,invisible etc. [b][u]Stealth:[/u][/b] There's a small red button inside the cockpit that when pushed,makes Shadow invisible,faster and untraceable because it lowers the heat so it can't be caught by infra red scanners but is still able to move around.Mika often uses Stealth in battle and to escape. [b]Personality:[/b] Kari is kind, caring and considerate. She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not. She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble, danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on. Kari loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend. One of her favourite quotes is the classic, "Never judge a Book by it's Cover." Kari is also strong minded. She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat, she goes by a Second quote too, "Quitters never Win and Winners never Quit." But besides that, she's very serious when it comes to Zoid Battles. [b]Biography:[/b] Kari was introduced to Zoids when she was a little child. Her father was a Zoid pilot and he taught her about them whenever he had time, which really meant whenever he wasn't with his team or fighting in a Zoid battle. She was always sad when her dad left. Kari would always sit with her mother and watch the Zoid battles. They cheered for him and they were always excited when he came back. But one day he was in a battle and they were versing a well known destructive team. They injured his team badly but since her father was the leader he had gotten the most damage. Kari and her mother watched in horror as the team slaughtered her father's team. After the battle they had to call in the medics and Kari and her mother rushed to hospital to see him. When they arrived Kari's father was very weak. They both ran to him and hugged him tightly. The medics said there was nothing they could do. There was serious internal bleeding and he wouldn't last the night. Kari talked privately with her father. Of course she was still very young at that time so she was in tears. "Don't go daddy. You can't leave me now." she cried softly. "I'm sorry Kari. But I have to go. They'll be transporting Slash back to our house ok? You can do what you want with it. It's badly damaged." "Ok..." at that time Kari made up her mind. She would become a great Zoid pilot and revenge her father. As they finished their talk the heart rate monitor beeped long and loudly. Everyone knew that he was gone. They pulled a sheet over his head and Kari and her mother left crying. A few weeks later it was the funeral. They had seen Slash. He was badly damaged as her father had said but she was stubborn and set to fixing it on her own without anyone's help. She had become a zoid prodidgy by all the teachings so she set to work asking her mother to order new parts to fix it up. Kari's mother was glad to help because she thought that it was good of her to be so loyal to her father. Her mother continued to order in new parts and Kari would install them. After about a year it was done and Kari ordered the final item she would need. She ordered a battle chip. She had installed everything except the battle systems. When the parts arrived a day later Kari immediately set to install them. Her mother had helped her through the whole of the re-building and re-modelling of Slash. "Thanks mom." She whispered quietly but her mother heard and smiled. After about a fortnight they were done and Kari was ready to become a Zoid pilot. When the day arrived Kari had collected things in her backpack. Her mother had packed it with food and other such necessities. She hugged her mother before getting into Slash and she piloted it out of the holding place.She had renamed the Zoid, Shadow. Kari got some experience in Zoid battles before deciding to join a team. Kari visited the Zoid Battle Commision Center and looked at the possible teams to join. 3 Teams immediately took her attention. The Strike Fighters, The Soul Flyers and the Sabre Flash Team. Kari looked over them and looked at each of their stats. Kari looked over them several more times. Then she decided to join the Strike Fighters Team. Kari signed up and soon she met up with the leader, and only member of the Strike Fighters. He turned out to be named Tai Highven. They soon became friends and he made her Co-Leader of the Team, seeing as she was first to join. Kari asked about the other 2 teams because they were up at the same time and were slightly alike. Tai told her about it and everything, Kari just listened and accepted it. He seemed a bit reluctant to sharing about his past so she didn't ask anything else. They soon became close friends and trust each other in battles.[/COLOR]
  8. [B]OOC:[/B]My colour's [color=Blue]Blue[/color] if you've forgotten. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yuki wandered around the house.Leo seemed like an interesting guy.He had a strange type of Aura and power around him. Yuki walked back into the main room and saw Leo stretching out some bandage. [COLOR=blue]"Hang on..."Yuki said as she walked over.[/COLOR] Leo stopped.Yuki kneeled beside Sean.She held her hands up and they glowed with a golden light.The light flowed into the wound.Sean was relaxed and the wound closed up. [COLOR=blue]"How's that feel?"Yuki asked.[/COLOR] Sean felt where the wound previously was and smiled. [COLOR=royalblue]"It feels great,thanks."Sean said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"The least I could do for inviting me here."[/COLOR] Yuki straightened and smiled at him.Sean sat up and Leo rolled the bandage up and put it away. [COLOR=darkblue]"Are you a healer?Or a Mage?"Leo asked.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"Uh...No...I'm quite a good Materia User...That's all..."Yuki said,trying not to reveal her secret of thieving.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]"Well it's good to have you here."Leo said.[/COLOR] Yuki smiled.She felt safe with these people...She felt a strong bond of trust with them.But it'd take longer before she revealed her true self.
  9. [COLOR=darkblue][b]Name:[/b]Kari Sanai [b]Age:[/b]15 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Description:[/b]See attachment.She wears navy blue pants too.Ignore the wings. [b]Personality:[/b]Kari is kind,caring and considerate.She's someone you can come to talk to easily without caring if she'll judge you or not.She loves to help people and she'll do anything to help her friends when they're in trouble,danger or if they just need a shoulder to lean on.Kari loves to make friends with people and is always willing to give people a chance to become her friend.One of her favourite quotes is the classic,"Never judge a Book by it's Cover."Kari is also strong minded.She never gives up and hates to admit to defeat,she goes by a Second quote too,"Quitters never Win and Winners never Quit."[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkblue]I liked the Trailer. But it truely was on a terrible angle. It's as if someone was sitting in the bottom right corner of a Movie theater and was shooting a video up at the screen. But I still liked it anyway.You could hear Cloud's voice in it.I don't know who the girl's voice is.Could be any of the girls from the game.But I'm thinking Aeris. I liked the music in the background.It gave it a nice touch. And WW2 is correct.In the captions with the pic,there is the name Vincent.But also,like WW2 I haven't learned Kanji yet.I learn it next year! From what I can see and Read from the Scan. There's Cloud,Cid,Barret,Vincent,Aeris and Sephiroth.[/color]
  11. Sakura

    The Dragon King

    [COLOR=darkblue]Mika flew off the edge and hauled the intruder and Teo into the room. "Well....Here he is..."Mika said as she looked at the Patiari. "What do you want to do with him?"Teo asked. "Maybe we should lock him up and keep him captive!!"Serena said. "We wait."was the reply from Dango. "We wait?!"everyone said in shock. "Yes...We will question him when he awakes."Dango said. Mika shrugged and waved an arm at the unconscious stranger.Golden bands of power pinned him to the floor,by his hands and feet.Mika thought,then waved again.Another band stretched across his body.Mika smiled. "At least,When he gets up,he won't hurt us or escape."she said. Mika sighed and sat on the edge of the balcony.She looked around at the city.It was a wonderful sight to see but she could tell there was corruption on the inside.She sighed again.She wanted to go to her favourite stream and think things over,but she didn't want to leave here because they might leave.[/COLOR]
  12. Sakura

    The Dragon King

    [COLOR=darkblue]Mika fled from her house with tears rolling down her cheeks.Her mother had just told her that she was thinking of sending Mika away to a Boarding School.She'd gotten upset and it had started to rain in the house.Mika's house was on the edge of a cliff.Mika ran to the edge and dove off crying.Any regular passerby would think she was commiting suicide.Totally the opposite in fact.Her wings opened as she fell and she flew up and away. In a few minutes,she landed on one of her favourite thinking spots.A large flat rock in the middle of a calm trickling river/stream.Mika sighed at the sereneness.She closed her eyes and listened to the sounds of Nature.Whenever she was emotional,she'd go to any place with water and nature.Mika brought her ocarina out of her pocket and brought it to her warm lips.She blew into it gently and a soft sound wafted out.She started to play a calm tune,and she just sat there.As she usually did.She always played her ocarina as a past time and to calm herself. Then she got a jolt and she stopped playing.Mika looked around.Mika gasped and she saw something in her mind.It was an image of Komori Castle.Something in her mind told her to go there.She was to become part of a Quest. Mika flew back to her house and retrieved all her items and left a note for her mother before flying off to the castle.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue][b][u]Trainer:[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b]Hikari Sanai [b]Nickname:[/b]Kari [b]Age:[/b]15 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Eye Color:[/b]Vibrant Emerald Green [b]Hair Color:[/b]Rich chocolate brown that ends at her shoulders. [b]Appearance:[/b]See attachment.She wears navy blue pants. [b]Demeanor:[/b]Kind,caring,friendly,likes to make friends,closest friends are her pokémon. [b][u]Pokemon:[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b]Mightyena [b]Nickname:[/b]Rush [b]Attacks:[/b]Crunch,Psybeam,Takedown,Slash(Her First that she caught) [b]Name:[/b]Salamence [b]Nickname:[/b]Draco [b]Attacks:[/b]Crunch,Fly,Dragon Breath,Headbutt [b]Name:[/b]Jolteon [b]Nickname:[/b]Bolt [b]Attacks:[/b]Thunder,Pin Missile,Double Kick,Quick Attack [b]Name:[/b]Flareon [b]Nickname:[/b]Blaze [b]Attacks:[/b]Fire Spin,Fire Blast,Quick Attack,Bite [b]Name:[/b]Vaporeon [b]Nickname:[/b]Wave [b]Attacks:[/b]Aurora Beam,Surf,Acid Armour,Hydro-Pump [b]Name:[/b]Espeon [b]Nickname:[/b]Shade [b]Attacks:[/b]Morning Sun,Psychic,Psybeam,Swift[/COLOR]
  14. [b]OOC:[/b]I don't know where we're supposed to be at the moment and everthing so.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=darkblue]Mika stood on the coast,she looked out to the see.She checked the time and sighed.She didn't know where she was supposed to meet the other people that were going to help save Sonic and the others. 'Where are you Miles?.....'Mika thought of her Twin brother. Mika twirled her tails and she lifted up.She flew out over the water,she headed towards the last known position of Robotnik's base. Mika enjoyed the cool breeze she felt as the waves made winds.As she headed towards the area,she saw two figures swimming in the same direction.Mika saw it was Espio and Overburn.Mika laughed. "Hey guys!"she called down to them. They looked up in surprise and waved to her.Mika waved back before hovering lower and creating a strange water ripple. "Where're you headed?"Overburn asked her. "To the last sighted Position of Robotnik's Base.You?" "Same.How much further is it?"Espio asked as they continued to swim. "A few miles to go."Mika said as she flew up.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=darkblue][b]Name:[/b]Mika Sanai [b]Age:[/b]17 [b]Race:[/b]Angel/Wizard Cross [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]First Weapon:[/b]A beautiful sword.The hilt is made of solid silver,the blade is made of a metal never seen before.It glistens and reflects light and images.At the end of the hilt is the tail of a sapphire dragon that coils around the hilt.The head stops,coiled around the cross-hilt.It's eyes are rubies.The body of the Chinese type dragon is like a grip because the scales are nice to hold.She also has a sheath made of silver and she wears it on her back. [b]Second Weapon:[/b]A pair of daggers that are in sheaths,hanging off her belt. [b]Armour:[/b]Protective Spells and other such things are sewn into her clothes so she doesn't need armour. [b]Master/ King:[/b]Awaiting a King [b]Personality:[/b]Mika's a nice girl.She likes to make new friends and she's kind,caring and considerate.She'll do anything to help her friends and save them when they're in trouble or danger.She likes to play with her magic in a happy way. [b]Description:[/b]See attachment.You can sorta see her wings coming out from behind her.She wears navy blue pants too. [b]Biography:[/b]Mika was born of a Wizard father and an Angel mother.When she was born,her father left them saying he couldn't take the responsibility.Mika never knew her father and grew up with her mother.Her mother had explained everything about her angelic and wizard powers. Mika started to practise with her powers and learned fast.Soon she was doing complicated spells at the age of 8.Mika hated her dad for leaving them and sometimes she would cause a large spell wherever she was because of her emotions.Her mother has tried to teach her how to control emotions but it doesn't work.So if she's really sad,it'll start raining etc.And if she's really sad inside the house,it'll start raining inside. Mika's great at spells and she's controlled any Angelic powers she has,including flying.Mika loves to fly,whenever sad,fustrated,happy or anything,she'll go flying and it usually calms her down. Mika trained herself with her weapons.She had found them in the attic with her father's old items.She savaged them and started her training.She would practise for hours everyday.Her favourite dagger training is,she'll blindfold herself,spin herself around and throw the daggers.They'd always hit the mark.She's trained both physically and magically.She's spelled her weapons to return to her if she ever loses them or drops them. [b]Extras:[/b]An Ocarina(Looks like the Ocarina of Time)[/COLOR]
  16. [B]OOC:[/B]Sorry G/S/B but I know what Materia are.I'm quite skilled with Materia actually. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yuki followed Sean as she saw him enter the Buffet place from before.Yuki sneaked in and acted like a regular customer. "Can I take your order?"a waiter said as he approached her. [COLOR=blue]"Could I have a Ham sandwich and Hot Chocolate?"Yuki said nicely.[/COLOR] The server left and Yuki watched Sean sitting down with a young boy.The man returned with the sandwich and drink.Yuki bit into the soft break.It tasted good.Yuki took some sips from the drink as she continued to watch Sean.He had a lot of Materia and gil with him. Yuki finished the food.She payed the amount and left.Yuki checked her leather pouch tied on her belt.She still had quite a lot of Gil left.Yuki decided to wait for Sean.She scampered up a drainpipe and sat on a roof looking towards the Buffet Place.
  17. [COLOR=darkblue][b]Name:[/b]Ling Xiaoyu [b]Country of Origin:[/b]China [b]Style of Fighting:[/b]Hakke Sho and Hika Ken-based Chinese martial arts. [b]Age:[/b]18 [b]Blood Type:[/b]A [b]Height & Weight:[/b]157cm - 42kg [b]Appearance:[/b][img]http://www.manji-clan.com/wtcl/images/characters/ling_xiaoyu.jpg[/img] [b]Occupation:[/b]Student and caretaker of Panda. [b]Hobby:[/b]Travelling to amusement parks worldwide. [b]History:[/b]Ling was a junior at Mishima High School. She still lived, studied and trained as a ward of the Mishima Zaibatsu. But lacking any particular goals, Ling grew tired of her everyday routines. However, one day, she received an anonymous e-mail that warned her of Heihachi?s evil intentions and the danger to her life. Ling replied to the e-mail, but she did not receive any further messages from the anonymous individual. Ling?s intuition told her that Jin, who had been missing since the last Tournament, could have sent the message. She believed the message and started to suspect Heihachi and the Mishima Zaibatsu. Upon hearing the announcement of the next Tournament, Ling made the decision to enter ? hoping to be reunited with Jin and to unveil the truth behind Heihachi and the Mishima Zaibatsu. [b]Likes:[/b]Chinese steamed buns, shrimp dumplings & Peking duck. [b]Dislikes:[/b]Math teachers.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkblue][B]Name:[/b]Kari Sanai [b]Race:[/b]Fairy/Human(Cross breed) [b]Age:[/b]16 in Human Years [b]Description:[/b]Kari has shoulder length chocolate brown hair and emerald eyes.Sometimes her eyes turn blood red when she's emotional as an effect from mutation.She wears a blue,waterproof,hooded jacket open with a white blouse inside and navy blue pants and blue and white shoes.Her wings stick out of her back and through slits in her clothes.They're a misty blue.Like fushia with more blue than pink. [b]Equipment:[/b]A beautiful sword.The hilt is made of solid silver,the blade is made of a metal never seen before.It glistens and reflects light and images.At the end of the hilt is the tail of a sapphire dragon that coils around the hilt.The head stops,coiled around the cross-hilt.It's eyes are rubies.The body of the Chinese type dragon is like a grip because the scales are nice to hold.She also has a sheath made of silver and she wears it on her back. [b]Code of Ethics:[/b]Kari believes in all that's good.She always helps those less fortunate than herself and doesn't pick on anyone weaker than her unless they engage the battle first.Her motto is "You never know unless you try." and "Quitters never win and Winners never quit." [b]Bio:[/b]Kari was born as a crossbred.For that she was always made fun of.Her father,the human had left her mother after he found out that she had given birth to a [i]freak[/i].Kari never knew her father and grew up in the unwanted world.Her mother and herself lived in the forests where they had the friendship of Animals and creatures that didn't judge them. Everyday,Kari would talk to the animals.She had a power to talk to animals and understand them.She also had magical powers.They were quite strong but they could get upgraded. Then a strange power came through the land.She started to mutate and soon she was even more of a [i]freak[/i] than before. [b]Starting powers:[/b]She can understand and talk to animals of all kinds,She had fairly strong magic and she can transform into any animal from the Mutation.Even animals,not from the world.Anything she thinks up she can become.But worst of all is that when she's angry she turns into a blood thirsty monster that kills.[/color] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]EDIT:[/b]I fixed it to what you said kinda.How's it? Any changes wanted done?
  19. [B]Mika grinned as she looked at it carefully.It was hard to see because the room was dark.As her eyes became acustomed to the dark,Mika realised what the abandoned Zoid was.It was a Storm Sworder.It was a blood red color and looked like it had some special parts attached to it.Mika studied it and climbed up to the cockpit.Mika pushed the open button and got in.She coughed as clouds of dust came from the seat as she sat. "Kai!!"Mika called to the Organoid bird that was flying around.Kai merged with the newly found Storm Sworder and it became like new.It shone and the controls worked and the dust and everything was repaired.(Like when Zeke fixed Shield Liger)Mika got out and got back into Shadow. "Come on Kai let's go!"Mika said as she piloted Shadow back to the hangar.Secretly,Kai was piloting the Storm Sworder. Soon they arrived back at the hangar.Mogris looked up and he grinned as he saw the blood red Storm Sworder. "Where'd you get that?It looks like it just came out of the Zoid Factory!"Mogris commented. "It was abandoned in the Ruins.Kai found it and he fixeed it up so it's usable."Mika said proudly."I've decided to call it Skye."she said as he walked up to it.Kai exited and screeched happily. Mika started to get to work on Skye.She added a Stealth Button,faster boosters,and added Air-to-Air/Surface missiles from a Pteras and a 70mm Cannon from one of the Guysacks she'd destroyed.Mika looked Skye over and decided it was enough for now. "You done with that book yet?"Mika asked as she walked over to him.[/b] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]OOC:[/B]Hope you don't mind me having another Zoid.You said we could have 2 right?
  20. [B]Mika looked up as Mogris re-entered the room.He alerted her about a possible 5 Guysacks in the Ruins.Under his arm was an old book.Mika stared at it. "If the Guysacks breech the area you left then I'll destroy.But for now...Check out what the book's about.I'm gonna fix Shadow.If I got time I'll polish Lupus up a bit."Mika said as she returned to taking care of her zoid.Kai flew around the ruins and screeched. "Go see if you can find anyone or anything in the Ruins.If you find any items,bring them back.Now go!"Mika said as Kai flew out the doorway that led further into the old ruins. Mika fixed a few dents and scratches on Shadow and checked that everything was working properly and well.Mika walked over to Lupus and examined the damage.It was pretty bad.One of the wings had a large crack in it,the body had scratches and dents all over and there were some other problems. "You really bashed Lupus in this one eh Mogris?" "Yeah...I know...."he replied,not really paying attention because he was reading the book. They heard a screech and Kai came flying into the room.Mika talked to the Organoid bird and warned Mogris that the Guysacks had made it through and were headed their way.Mika jumped into Shadow and Kai merged with it. "We'll be back soon."Mika said as she piloted Shadow forwards.Mika piloted through the ruins before coming face to face with the group of 5 guysacks.Mika flicked out Shadow's blades and ran past each of the guysacks.They fell apart.Mika grabbed the parts and brought them back with her to the hangar. "All taken care of."Mika said as she exited,Kai flew out and flew off into the ruins again. Mika checked out the guysack parts.Some could come in handy.She looked at the 70mm Cannon that she had taken from the tip of it's tail.Mika had gotten 4.The last Guysacks' tail was destroyed. Mika mouted the 70mm Cannon to the underbelly of Shadow. She got to fixing Lupus.She yawned as she welded,buffed and fixed.It was a tiring job. Kai came back once more and told Mika about an Abandoned Zoid in the ruins.Mika decided to check it out so she got back into Shadow and followed Kai as he led them deep into the ruins.When they arrived Mika got out.She walked up to it and checked it out.
  21. [B]OOC:[/B]Terra's color is [COLOR=darkred]Dark Red[/COLOR] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yuki stood uncomfortably.She felt strange around Sean.She wondered who "Leo" was. Then the girl walked out rubbing her eyes.She yawned slightly and looked at the two people. [COLOR=darkred]"Sorry....I was tired...How can I help you?"she said smiling.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Are you the one that can make defensive clothes and other items of clothing with special attributes?"Sean asked her.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]"Yes.My name's Rydia.Nice to meet you.....?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"My name's Sean...-"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"And I'm Lianna."Yuki said as she lied again.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]"Come into my work room."Rydia said as she walked back into the curtains.[/COLOR] Yuki and Sean looked at each other before following her through.
  22. Yuki shakingly awoke the next morning.The beams of light shone through her window,casting shadows through the room.She weakly got up and went to the bathroom.She took off her clothes and took a shower.She stood in the warm water as it washed all the dirt and tears from her body.She got changed and went downstairs.She unpacked the supplies that she had left on the table from the day before and sat down for a breakfast. Yuki cut a slice from the loaf of bread and spreaded it with jam.She sighed and chewed on it.She would be going to Wall Market again like usual.A tear rolled down her cheek as she thought about how her life had turned into a life of thievery.She sometimes wondered what would have happened if she never met the Thief Lord and never became a thief. Yuki stood and packed the things up and stored them in the cupboards and fridge.She went upstairs to brush her hair and to get her Sword that the Thief Lord had given her.She ran a hand over the dragon.Whenever she was sad,the dragon on the sword somehow always made her feel better in a mystical way.She strapped the sheath to her back and ran downstairs.She took a glance at her father's room upstairs and turned away,opening the door and leaving. Yuki climbed the drainpipe just outside the door and jumped onto the roof.She ran along the rooftops quietly as she headed towards Wall Market for more pilaging. As she hopped over rooftops,she saw a man come out of a house and get on a chocobo.Yuki followed them to Wall Market and saw them go into a Buffet Shop.After a while the man came out again and walked into a dress shop. Yuki wasn't sure why,but something told her she should follow him.Yuki ran to another clothes shop and grabbed some things.She took a coat and a pair of sunglasses that were lying near by.She walked into the dress shop and saw the man sitting in a chair.Yuki quietly stood to the side and watched.Yuki put on a fake voice and spoke to him. [COLOR=blue]"What are you here for?"Yuki asked.[/COLOR] He looked at her and replied. [COLOR=royalblue]"I want the seamstress here to make my glove stronger."the man said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"Oh really?She can do that?"Yuki asked faking it.Of course she knew the magical Rydia could do such things and more.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Yeah."the man said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"My name's Lianna."Yuki said lying."And what's your name may I ask?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"My name's Sean."he replied.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"Well it's nice to meet you."[/COLOR] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]OOC:[/B]Hope you don't mind G/S/B Master.I need to meet someone soon so yeah....
  23. [COLOR=darkblue]It's time for another episode of Ohkami's HELP TIME!!! The Target today is Scanneryo!! Hey Ryo! You're going for Shadow. I noticed you don't got a pic so voila! View attachment! Until Next time on Ohkami's HELP TIME!!! ~Ohkami (Really bored at the Moment)[/COLOR]
  24. [b]OOC:[/b]I'll use [color=blue]BLUE[/color] for my posts. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=blue]Yuki slunk in the shadows.She held a bundle of items in her arms.They were rations for the week.She was headed to the old hideout where the Thief Lord's gang still hung around.She always divided half of what she stole with them because quite a lot of them were beginners and they didn't get much food.Yuki looked at the items she had pilaged.There were 2 loaves of bread,2 jars of honey,2 bottles of milk,2 blocks of butter and 2 jars of jam. Yuki entered quietly.As soon as she got to the doorway she was swamped by the gang,trying to steal things off her.Yuki did an acrobatic flip and got away from them. "You're still to slow and too loud.I could hear you coming.You need to be swift,agile,quiet and be invisible!anyways.Here's your share of food for the week."Yuki said as she set the things on an old table."And here's your pen back Stick."Yuki said as she tossed it to him. They were still in awe of Yuki's skill.Stick hadn't even felt it.Yuki was by far the best thief of them all. "I'll visit tomorrow.Seeya all later."Yuki said as she took the rest of the items with her. Yuki skipped over the rooftops until she reached her house.She opened the door and walked in. "Dad!I'm home!"Yuki said as she closed the door.Her father was still weak and was very old.Yuki got no answer.She set the items on an old wooden table.She climbed the old wooden stairs of her house and walked over the creaking floorboards to her father's room.He was on an old mattress,covered by an old moth-eaten blanket.Yuki walked over to the bed.She had convinced herself that he was asleep. "Wake up Dad."Yuki said as she shook him gently.He didn't move. "Dad?Wake up!!"Yuki said as she shook harder.She listened and she couldn't hear him breathing. "DAD!!!!"Yuki cried loudly.It echoed through the old wooden house. Yuki fell onto the bed and held his father's lifeless body.She cried out her griefs.Yuki lay there for the rest of the afternoon and through the night crying.At 10pm,when she stopped crying,her eyes were red and puffy and her cheeks were stained with tears.Yuki covered his body with the blanket and stumbled to her room that was next to his and fell into bed.She went straight to sleep.[/color] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm not the type to go to Leo's door either.If you want me then you can get me or bump into me at Wall Market during the days.I'll be hard to find though.^_-
  25. [b]OOC:[/b]I'm sorry guys.I haven't been online much.It's the Summer Break now!!!YAY!!!So I'll be on quite a bit now. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=darkblue]Mika and Shiro circled each other.Waiting for the other to make a move.Karanlik watched them with antisipation. Mika lunged out,Shiro moved back.Shiro lunged,Mika moved. "This isn't getting us anywhere Shiro.How about a good old showdown,full with parries and dodges.Like the times you did it with my Mother."Mika reasoned. Shiro "hmphed" and stepped forwards.Mika smirked and took it as a yes.She stepped forwards too. "This isn't a good idea Mika!"Karanlik warned. "This is the only way it'll get done."Mika said without looking at him. Mika and Shiro raised their weapons.Mika twirled her trident.The light shone off the silver of the weapon. "Let's do it!"they both shouted at the same time.[/COLOR]
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