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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [B]Mika smirked through the vidcom. "Nice work there Mogris."she said. "Not too bad yourself."he replied as he flew above Shadow. "But it was close...They almost got us...."Mika said. "Yeah....We'll figure it out at base." "That group's pretty tough...We'll have to be careful with them in the future."Mika said as she piloted Shadow into a fast trot. "We'll try to get some more prototypes of systems to use in battle."Mogris said swooping low. "Better test 'em before we go into battle with them." They took of the Stealth mode and jetted off to their home base to discuss more plans of action.[/B] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry if it's a bit short. I haven't been able to get on much.
  2. [COLOR=darkblue]Mika watched as Kisha and Kami played in the shallow waters of the beach at Mystery Island.Mika had taken them all there for a treat.Kami felt at home.Mika tickled baby Ki and she giggled and cooed. Kisha flew over and nudged at Ki.Ki giggled and grabbed Kisha's nose.Mika looked over at the petpets bathing in the sunlight. There was Faye the Babaa,Neko the Angelpuss and Inu the Puppyblew. Mika laughed and continued to watch the pets as they played around in the sun and splashed in the water.Mika sighed and lay back,it was a great time to get a tan.[/COLOR]
  3. [B]Mika moved in towards the group of Zoid pilots that had stopped by a village.They got out and started to get water.Mika smirked.It would be too easy. Mika approached in Shadow.Kai was merged with Shadow currently.Mika padded across and the pilots caught sight of her.Mika stopped and jumped out of the cockpit.Kai emerged from Shadow and flapped next to her. "Hello Friends!Can I stop and rest with you?"Mika said acting kind. They accepted and Mika sat beside them.Kai perched next to her.Mika talked to Kai in a different language and he opened his mouth and it sounded like nothing.Really,a high pitched sound was released but it's too high for a human to hear. The sound appeared on Mogris' scanner screen as a blip that echoed out.Like an earthquake sign.It was their sign for Mogris to attack. Mika was bending down and getting some water when Lupus came charging forwards.The pilots immediately got up and entered their zoids.To continue the act Mika followed and Kai fused with Shadow. "Everyone watch out!!!"Mika called through her comlink. Mogris shot at the group,not hitting anyone but it brought up a lot of sand and clouded the area.Mika and Mogris started to attack the group,hoping the cloud of dust and sand would be enough to hide them.But just incase.Mika pushed the little black button in her cockpit,activating Stealth mode.Mika faded away and disappeared.Although Mogris still knew where she was.[/B]
  4. [COLOR=darkblue][B]Name:[/B]Mika [B]Animal:[/B]Fox [B]Gender:[/B]Female [B]Appearance:[/B]See attachment.What you can't see is that she has 2 tails too. [B]Bio:[/B]Mika is Tails' twin sister.Only that they are different colours and genders.When Mika discovered Tails was kidnapped she went to the meeting spot.Tikal told them all about what had happened and what they had to do.Mika wanted to get her brother back.Even if she had to defeat all the enemies by herself.She would collect the crystals and free them. [b]OOC:[/b]How's that?[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue][b]Name:[/b]Yuki Nonaka [B]Age:[/B]16 [B]Gender:[/B]Female [B]Country:[/B]Japan [B]Appearance:[/B]Yuki has shoulder-length,chocolate brown hair and her eyes are a vibrant emerald green that sparkle when she's happy and go dull and lifeless when she's sad.She wears a shirt tunic of a rich blue and navy blue breeches.Her skin is slightly tanned but not very darkly.She always carries her weapon on her back[b](More in [u]Weapons[/u])[/b] [B]Bio:[/B]Yuki was born to an important family.Her father was a close Samurai guard to the Emperor of Japan and her mother was a close friend to the emperess. When she was young,she was introduced to the Prince,the heir to the throne.He was the same age as her and they both despised each other strongly.His name was Chin.Chin and his friends were always teasing Yuki and her friends.Their hate became stronger.They were enemies,but whenever their parents were around they would act nicely.As they grew,their hate grew along with them. But then a tratedgy befell the kingdom.The emperor passed away.The emperess and Chin were saddened for weeks.The hate between them disappeared and was replaced by sympathy.They became friends,connected by the same feelings of depression from the death of the Emperor.He was like a second father to Yuki.Soon,Chin took the throne as his heritage and ruled.One day,Chin's mother spoke to him in private and told him shocking news. The next day,Yuki and Chin were talking casually like they usually did now-a-days and Chin sprung it on her. "Yuki...Mother says I must find a bride as I am coming of age and for another heir in case something happens to me...." "Alright...So you'll be going away for a few days to find the lucky girl huh?"Yuki said,not understanding what Chin meant. "Uh...No....I was thinking of....you...."he said shyly. Yuki was shocked by the news.She told him that she needed time to think and she ran off.The next three days,Chin sent her a gift for each day.First was a ring.The band was silver and on top was the shape of a Cherry Blossom that had been divided in half.One half was made of Pink Zirconia and the other side of Emerald.The Second was the Sword that she now carries around[b](See [u]Weapons[/u])[/b]And lastly was the Legendary Liger Armour. One day another tratedgy befell the kingdom.They were attacked by neighbouring lands and many were killed,fighting.Yuki had come to accept the offer,when she walked into the Throne Room,there was a large crowd clustered around something.Yuki walked over and they parted.As she saw what was in the middle,tears started to well in her eyes.Yuki shook her head and the tears fell.There,in the middle was Chin.By him was his mother the emperess.She was holding him and weeping.Yuki collapsed next to him and held him too.There was a wet patch of blood on his abdomen.A broken arrow lay on the ground next to him.He groaned in pain and opened his eyes weakly.When he saw who it was he smiled slightly. "Yuki...."he gasped. "Chin!...What happened?!"Yuki cried as she held his hand. "China....."was all he said. "I came to accept your offer....But I was too late!!"she cried. Tears fell onto his hand and he reached his hand up to brush them away. "I'll always watch over you....Take care...."Then his eyes closed,never to open again.Everyone in the room cried out.Even the servants who liked Chin because he requested,never ordered and he took good care of them. from then on,Yuki decided to leave Japan and go on a Journey.She would travel the world and track down those who killed Chin and kill them. [B]Animal Hide:[/B]Liger-A White Tiger with angel wings on it's back. [B]Armor Appearance:[/b]Yuki's armor is mostly hidden under her clothes and usually only shown in battle.It's white with black stripes,Liger's wings show from her back because there's slits in her shirt for them to show.On the brestplate is her Heart Crystal.It's divided like a Ying Yang sign.Half of it is Pink Crystal and the other half is Emerald.Another part that sticks out of her clothes is Liger's tail.She has gauntlets made of silver with sharp claws made of alloyed silver pointing out at the knuckles.They can be used as weapons. [B]Weapon:[/B]Yuki carries the sword that Chin gave to her.The hilt is made of solid silver,the blade was made of a metal she had never seen before.It glistened and reflected light and images.At the end of the hilt was the tail of a sapphire dragon the coiled around the hilt.The head stopped,coiled around the cross-hilt.It's eyes were rubies.The body of the Chinese type dragon was like a grip because the scales felt nice to hold.It sits in a sheath made of silver on her back. [B]Body Weapons:[/B]The claws can be shot out and they return to slide back into their positions.The guards under her clothes can create a barrier to block attacks.She moves faster,swifter and more agile then she usually is.It also pumps strength and adreneline into her system so she can fight longer.On a clear sunny day her eyes will turn royal blue activating a super charge to her already charged system from the armor.The wings on her back can actually make her fly up. [B]Style:[/B]Yuki knows many types of different styles.Rangking from Martial Arts to Sword Skills.[/COLOR]
  6. OOC: I don't understand what you're on about Pinball_Wizard. [quote]Shiro smiled, the ring had vanished, as had the extra crystals on the weapons of Kanerilk's and Mika's weapons. Shinro steped forward and the crystals reapeared. As did the ring?[/quote] Please Explain through PM. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=darkblue]"I know things about you Shiro!"Mika taunted. "Oh yeah?Like what?"he said gazing at her. "Like how you betrayed Amber and her friends." "So what?!You can't hurt me!You're just a girl!"he spat. "I'm not just any girl....I'm Amber's daughter!!"Mika said. Shiro was shocked.He hadn't noticed the uncanny resemblence between the two leaders. "So what?!You're still just a girl!!" "I'll show you!!"Mika said angrily as she lunged at him. He moved out of the way. "Is that the best you've got?!"he said smirking. "I'm only just getting started!!"Mika said smirking back. The three of them started to circle each other.Mika lunged again and Shiro moved,but she was prepared and changed her angle at the last minute.The three points of her trident left three streaks through his shirt and across his chest. Mika twirled her trident.Her years of training with the three pointed weapon would come in handy now.That's what her father had always said.Always be balanced.Never rely on Magic alone.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkblue][b]Character Sign-Up[/b] [b]Name:[/b]Mika Sanai [b]Sex:[/b]Female [b]Age:[/b]18 [b]Role:[/b]Bandit [b]Appearance:[/b]Mika has shoulder length,chocolate brown hair with some blue streaks.She has emerald eyes that are rarely seen because she always wears her pair of silver,reflective,custom made sunglasses that have many secrets to them...She wears a blue,waterproof,hooded jacket open,over a white t-shirt.She wears navy blue pants and blue and white nike joggers. [b]Personality:[/b]She's quite a friendly person if you get to know her but she's extremely cocky and doesn't make friends easily.She's very closed up to herself and only opens to her family and extremely close friends. [b]Bio:[/b] (Past.. Include what the empire or republic did to you if your a bandit person. LOTS OF DEATAIL (Yes, I like detail) Should also include what army you are on (Republic or Empire) ---------- [b]Zoid Sign-Up[/b] [b]Zoid:[/b]Blade Liger AE [b]Type:[/b]Lion [b]Nick name:[/b]Shadow [b]Appearance:[/b]See attachment.The whole of it's body Blue with black streaks including the tail.The legs are still black. [b]Weapons:[/b] [u]Dual Impact Cannon:[/u]Underneath the Liger's mane, inbetween its front legs lie this unsuspecting yet incredibly powerful weapon. The Dual Impact cannon fires standard cannon shells at an exceedingly high and powerful rate. At close range; this weapon is deadly, able to take off a Zoid's armor in one or two shots. The DIC can be fired singularly, or from both barrels at once. [u]Dual Hardened Alloy Laser Blades:[/u]The mark of the Blade Liger and the origin of its name. On either side of the Liger's midsection is a hinged razor-sharp cutting blade. Normally, they rest on the Liger's back but have a great range of motion and can be turned upward, rotated out to the sides, or then pointed forward for a variety of cutting angles. The blades can be used either charged or uncharged (More about that below: See Blade Attack + HI-Blade Attack). Keep in mind though, their usefulness is greatly decreased if uncharged. [u]Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth:[/u]The most basic of all Zoid Weaponry. Deadly-sharp fangs and rows of equally sharp teeth adorn the Liger's mouth while its paws contain nasty, nasty claws of their own. Used for up-close-and-personal combat, in the dirtiest; most feral type of combat known. Good for ripping and shredding away all of your opponent's unwanted armor. [u]2 Pulse Beam Cannons:[/u]Concealed in both of the Attack Boosters is a stream-lined new generation beam cannon. To be used, the Attack Boosters must be rotated forward, from that position, the beam cannons will flip out from the now underbelly of the booster and be ready to fire. This semi-automatic weapon works by firing volleys of spherical beam energy at their target greater in dimension than any cannon shell; making for quite a powerful attack [b]Support Systems:[/b] [u]Frontal Force Shield:[/u]Like its predecesser, the Shield Liger, the Blade Liger is outfitted with a defensive force shield system. The shield is activated by the opening of both the top and bottom panels of the Liger's mane. Upon activation, the Force Shield can deflect most beam weapons and cannon shells. However, it does not hold up well against projectile weapons such as missiles and grenades, nor charged particle blasts. The shield can also be used as a battering ram. [u]High-Intensity Shield:[/u]Works in the same manner as the standard shield. However, the energy used for the Laser Blades is re-directed through the force shield mechanism to increase output and raise the shield's power. As such, the High-Intensity Shield is capable of taking even a charged particle blast without a problem. The down-side is that this requires an intense amount of energy so can only be used once per battle. Additionally, when using the HI Shield, the Blade Liger must remain completely still. The blades are unusable for one round after the Hi-Shield is used and the frontal force shield must recharge for three rounds. [b]Upgrade(s):[/b] [u]Infra-Red Scanner:[/u]It can pinpoint an enemy from 20 miles away,even if underground,underwater,invisible etc. [u]Stealth:[/u]There's a small red button inside the cockpit that when pushed,makes Shadow invisible,faster and untraceable because it lowers the heat so it can't be caught by infra red scanners but is still able to move around.Mika often uses Stealth in battle and to escape. -------------- [b]Organoid Sign-up [/b] [b]Name:[/b]Kai [b]Color:[/b]Navy Blue [b]Short Description:[/b]Kai is a large Raven.He's about the same size as Zeke and Shadow(the Organoid) from Chaotic Century.He's navy blue all over.When not fused with Shadow(Blade Liger AE),he usually flies around with Mika. When fusing,Kai flies up into the sky and dives into Shadow. [b]Anything else:[/b]Kai can fly with his wings and a Beam Cannon can protrude from a hatch in his belly part when flying,and can attack and shoot with it.He also has high speed boosters and can ram people with the speed.[/COLOR] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you want proof of The weapons and stuff check [URL=http://www.metalmachinemusic.com/zoids.php?section=ligerAE]Here[/URL]
  8. [b]OOC:[/b]I think Takuya wrote David because he made a mistake.He was David in the last Elemental Spheres RPG and he usually plays a character with the name David. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=darkblue]"Yeah let's go...They took the Flame Crystal from a top Hot Top Volcano!"Mika said as she twirled her glaive. Kami barked angrily.He sensed the evil too.Mika faced the rest of her group.They had their weapons up and were ready to fight. "Sorry guys.You have to go!Go find the Storm Crystal and Storm Central!You'll have a head start since we'll be fighting the Corrupts.Now go!!"Mika said. They wanted to protest but Mika glared at them and they ran off in the direction of Storm Central.Angel waited for a while before leaving with the others.She didn't like to be ordered around. "You ready Karanlik?"Mika said smiling at him.Mika noticed Kami. "Kami!Go!Go with the others...It's too dangerous for you!!" Kami growled angrily and shook his head. "Kami!I order you to go!"Mika said to the wolf. Kami looked up at Mika and ran off to find the others. "Let's go!"Mika said with enthusiasm.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkblue][B]Name:[/B]Yuki Nanoko [B]Gender:[/B]Female [B]Age:[/B]16 [B]Occupation:[/B]Theif [B]Birthdate:[/B]15th February [B]Birthplace:[/B]Sector 6 [B]Specialities:[/B]Thievery,Stealth and Agility and Magic/Materia Techniques [b]Weapon:[/b]Dragon Blade/Sword [B]Appearance:[/B]See attachment.Minus Stopwatch. [B]History:[/B]Yuki was born to an abandoned father.Yuki's mother had left her father after she had been given birth.Her father was poor and was out of work because he had gotten sick.He used to be a Miner,the dust and air pollution had gotten into his lungs after the years and he had problems breathing.That's why Yuki started to steal from places.She used to be a terrible thief and was always found out.She was 9 and was only a beginner. One day she stumbled into an alley after an unsuccessful day.She was caught by a gang of theives.They checked her pockets and found nothing.The Theif ord came from the shadows and spoke to her.He asked her why she was trying to steal,as they had seen her day after day being unsuccessful.Yuki explained everything and they felt sorry for her.The Thief Lord agreed to give her lessons if she agreed to do a favour for him when he needed it.Remember Yuki was young and didn't think much of a favour and agreed.Day after day she would go to the alleyway and would get lessons.2 years passed and she was 11.She had become quite an expert and stole from people like nothing.She could steal something from someone's hand without them noticing until it was too late.She stole clothes for herslef and her father and items that could help them.She'd steal food daily to keep her father's health up.After another year,Yuki had grown to the age of 12.As day after day,month after month,year after year passed she became a Thieving Prodigy.She would often visit the Thief Lord and his gang.They would talk and laugh about things. When she was 14,she went to visit the gang.She hadn't visited them for 2 months.She went into the secret area in the alley and gasped.The whole gang was crowded around something.Yuki pushed through and tears started to well up in her eyes when she saw what was in the middle.It was the Thief Lord.He had been like a second father to her.Her father was still alive,but sick and weak.Yuki held his hand and a tear fell onto it. "You can't die....You can't."she sobbed as he wheezed. "Yuki...You've been as precious to me as a daughter....I'll miss you..."he errupted into a coughing fit. "How long?"Yuki said,looking into the eyes of one of the gang members. "A month and a half..."the member said quietly. "Please....You can't go...You can't...."Yuki said as tears fell from her eyes. "Yuki.....It's time you do the favour for me.....Remember?"he said quietly. "Of course I remember.....What do you want me to do?" "You must agree to do it....You can't reject it...."he said. He pulled out a beautiful sword.The hilt was made of solid silver,the blade was made of a metal she had never seen before.It glistened and reflected light and images.At the end of the hilt was the tail of a sapphire dragon the coiled around the hilt.The head stopped,coiled around the cross-hilt.It's eyes were rubies.The body of the Chinese type dragon was like a grip because the scales were nice to hold.He also gave her a sheath made of silver. "It's beautiful......"she whispered. "It's yours....."he said holding it out to her. "No.....I can't take it...." "It belongs to you.Look at the shine on the body,the glint in it's eyes and on the blade....It was made for you..."he said. Yuki held it and swung it.It was the lightest sword she had ever held. "It's beautiful....Thankyou...."Yuki said putting it in it's sheath. "Now for the favour......"he said. "Yes?" "You must use the blade.....to end my life..."he said coughing. "No!I won't do it!"she said standing angrily. "You promised Yuki......."he said to her. "But......" "I know it'll be hard.....be brave.....It hurts Yuki....End it....." Yuki drew the sword and closed her eyes.With a stab she stabbed it into his heart.He wheezed a last breath and closed his eyes...To take the Eternal Sleep.Yuki sheathed it sadly and ran from the area. Yuki continued to steal through the years and she still does.She got her latest clothes from Wall Market and her father's still alive.Thanks to the Thief Lord...that helped her when she was young.Now she's the Thief Lord of the Gang and she follows in his footsteps. [B]Personality:[/B]Even though she's a thief,she's a very friendly and caring person.She's loyal and she only steals what's needed.Sometimes she would steal Gil to buy items instead of stealing the items.She's very quick and agile on her feet that helps her to not be seen when stealing from people.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkblue]Mika and the others approached King Triton. "We're leaving now."Mika said. He floated out of his coral throne and showed them out of the Kingdom. "Well...I guess this is goodbye."King Triton said. "No...Just farewell for now.Be careful.Those evil ones shall still come..."Mika said. They shook hands and Mika encased the group in bubbles once more and they swam for the surface. The bubbles popped as they got to the surface.They got onto land and they headed away from the ocean.Mika grasped her new,silver trident and she held her sphere,with the melded crystal in her other hand.Mika put the two together and the sphere disappeared into the trident.The only sign that showed that the sphere was there was that a small,clear,circular panel had changed to a sapphire blue. "Ok guys...Looks like we're headed to Hot Top Volcano."Mika said as she checked her Cellcom.But the flashing light had gone dull. "Slight problem guys...Looks like the corrupts have beaten us to it...But we need to get up there to get your new weapon Kai."Mika said."Maybe we can catch the Corrupts and take the crystal from them." They ran from the coast and ran towards a fiery mountain in the distance. "Wait...Maybe we can do this easier."Mika said.She had only just noticed that Houyoku was in Eagle form again. "Angel...You need to use some Magic if you're able to..." "What do you want now?"she asked angrily. "Can you use Rokuki's Air power to fly us to the top of the Volcano?"Mika said looking out into the distance.Mika grinned at Kami as he nudged her leg,wanting to go on.Mika just knealed and scratched his ears.[/COLOR] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]OOC:[/B]Arika!!You need to post HERE!!!
  11. [COLOR=darkblue]Mika did an underwater dive and caught Ryo.She brought him to a bed and dove to retrieve his Lightning Blade.She lay it y his side and shook him. "Ryo..Wake up!"Mika said. "He has attacked our King!He must be killed!"Captain Leo called. "No!"Mika said firmly."You're not killing him or anyone else!" Suddenly her Cellcom started to transmit a voice. "Hey Mika!Long time no see.We got a problem..." "What kind of problem Matt?"she asked speaking into it. "Karanlik passed out after he picked up his Arigias.It let out lots of light and knocked everyone over." "I'm not sure what it is...I think it might be a slight power overload.Karanlik's father,David and his Sister,Karanlik's Aunt,were originally on the side of evil before they were purified by the Light Crystal.They had become good but their weapons still contained a lot of power.Perhaps Karanlik couldn't handle all of the powers of the Arigias."Mika explained. "Ok...Thanks Mika...We'll call you if anything else happens."Matt said. "Ok.Cya Matt.Bye guys."Mika said as they ended the call. "You can't kill Ryo!If he says the King's a fake then let's check.."Mika said. Mika checked King Triton and then realised that Ryo was telling the truth.Someone must have taken over King triton when they were resting and doing other things. "This is a Fake King Triton!!"Mika announced. The guards spread out and started to look for the real King Triton.Mika found him and unbound him. "Are you ok King Triton?"Mika asked him. "I'm fine now.Thankyou good friend."he said. "I'm sorry....Your friend was right..."Captain Leo said. "It's ok...At least he's not in much harm.Just as soon as he awakes."Mika said smiling. Ryo stirred.Mika swam to him and checked him. "Are you ok Ryo?"she asked him. "Yeah...I'll be fine...."he started.Then he saw King Triton and grabbed his Lightning Blade. "He's the real King Triton,Ryo.You were right.They're putting the fake into the dungeons."Mika said. Ryo relaxed and put down his blade.Mika smiled at him and swam to talk to King Triton. "Sadly,we must leave very soon.We must continue our quest to find the crystals.Earlier I got news that one of my friends is unconcious.I'm worried about him."Mika explained. "I understand.When you leave,let me know."he said. Mika swam away and went to gather her things.They would be leaving soon.They had gotten the crystal and Mika had even gotten a new weapon.They had to continue and get the rest of the crytals.Mika hoped that Karanlik would be okay.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=darkblue]Mika looked out into the water. "Angel....I need your help..."Mika said quietly. Angel walked over to her. "What do you want?"Angel asked in a non caring way. "I need your help to find Atlantis.The ocean's too big for me to scan it alone.I'll be too weared out.We need to scan the ocean with our powers.Are you up for it?"Mika asked her. Their gazes locked for some time before Angel held out her hand. "Thanks..."Mika whispered.Angel just looked at her. Mika took Angel's hand and they let their magics flow free.Their magic spirits dove into the water and they scanned the ocean for signs of life and the legendary Lost City.After some searching they found the city in all its glory.Mika and Angel's spirits returned to them on the surface. They let go of the bond and Mika thanked Angel. "Okay guys.We know the location of Atlantis!"Mika said. "Great...So how do we get down there?"Kai asked. "Aha.Well,I've already thought of that!"Mika said. Mika grinned and made a flourish with her hand. "This is a simple spell.Angel,You can do this on you're own so I won't do it for you.This is a spell for underwater breathing.You'll be encased by a bubble of air.It shall take you underwater and I shall direct it." As Mika spoke,the bubbles appeared around the members of the group besides Angel and Mika.Mika made a smaller bubble for Kami. "What about you Houyoku?"Mika asked looking at the bird. Houyoku flew to the water and it started to change.Soon it became a sea serpent.Similar to the looks of Leviathan.He landed in the water and looked at the group.Mika nodded.Angel did the spell and was encased in a bubble. "Alright guys.Walk to the edge and jump into the water."Mika said to the group. "What about you Mika?"Ryo asked. "You're forgetting that I have the Power of Water!I'll be fine.Let's get going!!" The group jumped into the water and Mika took a running dive into the water.It was graceful and hardly made a ripple.Mika swam through the water and she watched as the bubbles floated through the water.Mika made a squeaking sound.She waited and a dolphin swam up to her from the depths.Mika talked to it in squeaks and clicks.Soon the dolphin nodded happily and nudged Mika.Mika grabbed it's dorphal fin and the dolphin took off. Soon they arrived at Atlantis.Most gasped at the sight.It was a beautiful city and there were Mermaids and Mermen swimming around.Mika thanked the dolphin and swam with the others to the city.At once they were stopped by the guards of the city with their tridents.Mika talked to them and they guarded them as they swam in. "What is your business here landgoers?"the Captain asked them. "We're looking for a Crystal that's kept here..."Mika said. "You wish to try and steal our Heart of the Ocean?!(Titanic Rip off)"The Captain growled.The guards poked their tridents at them. "We need it...Before the evil ones come and take it!"Mika said. "Take them to King Triton!(Little Mermaid Rip off)"the Captain shouted.The guards pushed them into a room.At the end of the room was a coral throne and sitting on it was a Merman with a golden trident in his right hand and on the head of the throne was the Wave Crystal.Or the "Heart of the Ocean". "Sorry to interrupt you King Triton.Captain Leo asked us to bring these creatures to you."One of the guards said. "You may leave."King Triton said. The guards just nodded and swam away. "Now...What business do you have here?"he asked. "We wish to have the Wave Crystal that you have here..."Mika said. "The Heart of the Ocean?!"he said angrily. "Yes..We must take it before some evil ones come and take it from you with force.They may destroy your kingdom!"Mika said firmly.She looked at the rest of the group,still encased in their bubbles.She noticed that Houyoku wasn't with them.Mika ignored the fact and looked at King Triton. "How do I know if you're telling the truth?"he asked her. "Because...I have this..."Mika said as she showed him her sphere. "The other people in my group have these Spheres too,but the evil people do too.They can cast evil spells and destroy this beautiful place.I don't want that to happen.Your Heart of the Ocean has magical powers to make my sphere stronger.If you give it to me then I will defend your kingdom from the Evil ones."Mika said strongly. finally,King Triton nodded and pulled the Crystal from the head and passed it to Mika. "Take care of it."he said to her. "Thankyou..."Mika said holding it.She touched the crystal to her sphere and they melded into one.The sphere shone and then returned to it's nomal state. "And here.This is for you."He said holding out his golden trident. "But...What if-"Mika started. "We'll be fine.We have magic of our own."he said winking as he held it out to her. "Thankyou again..."Mika said as she accepted it.The trident glowed brightly and when the light disappeared,it was revealed that it had changed to be made of pure silver with intriquet designs carved into it.There was a strange language carved into it too. "Is this your language?"Mika asked him. "Yes..It says "Aoi kaze ga ima" that translates into "Cold Winds as Blue as the Sea." The other words are things to do with the ocean." "Thankyou for everything King Triton."Mika said. "Why don't you and your friends stay here for a while.I will spell this place so that your friends can breathe." "Thankyou.That would be great."Mika said smiling. He waved his arms and Mika de-spelled the bubbles.They breathed the air in and enjoyed it. "Welcome to Atlantis!"King Triton said happily.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue][b]Name:[/b]Hikari "Kari" Matsuki [b]Age:[/b]15 [b]Appearence:[/b]See attachment [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Personality:[/b]Kind,caring,friendly,loves her Neopets,makes friends easily etc. [b]Bio:[/b]Kari lived on the Plateau for a long time because of the reliable source of Food for her two growing pets and the Baby of the family,Ki. She had, had Kisha for a long time.They had been best friends since their meeting.When Kisha was 1 years old,Kari had bought a Christmas Paintbrush for Kisha's Christmas present.Kari painted Kisha and Kisha became an Angel Zafara.After some time Kari decided that she should get another Zafara friend for Kisha so she got another Zafara and named it Kami.After a few months,Kisha and Kami had become very close.Kari found a Island Paintbrush and decided to use it on Kami so he would be special like Kisha.He enjoyed his new look and the Two pets' relationship deepened.Before they knew it there was a baby on their hands.A beautiful baby blue Zafara.They named her Ki.The whole family began with "K".They enjoyed each other's company and Kari took good care of them. [b]Home:[/b]Tyrannia Plateau [b]Items:[/b]Lots of Omelettes from living on the Plains,some books and toys and some neggs,An Everlasting Apple,A full deck of Battlecards. [b][u]Pet Signup:[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b]Kisha [b]Age:[/b]3 Years(Oldest) [b]Species:[/b]Zafara [b]Color:[/b]Christmas [IMG]http://images.neopets.com/pets/happy/zafara_christmas_baby.gif[/IMG] [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b]Heaven's Charm(Light),Celestial Arrow(Light),Angel's Tears(Light),Psychic Blast(Light),Invisibility(Air).She can also use Telekinesis,ESP and Psychic Powers. [b]Items/Weapons:[/b]Angelpuss(Neko),U-Bend of Great Justice,Turbo Flame Reflector,Sword of Skardsen,Shield of Pion Troect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Name:[/b]Kami [b]Age:[/b]2 Years [b]Species:[/b]Zafara [b]Color:[/b]Island [IMG]http://images.neopets.com/pets/happy/zafara_island_baby.gif[/IMG] [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b]Earthquake(Earth),Rock Throw(Earth),Mud Slap(Earth),Sandstorm(Earth/Air),Nature Control(Earth).He also has Hypnotic Powers and some slight Psychic Powers. [b]Items/Weapons:[/b]Island Puppyblew(Inu),Trumpet of Deafening,Trumpet of Blasting,Zafara Helmet,Zafara Armour. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Name:[/b]Kilani "Ki" (Daughter of Kami and Kisha) [b]Age:[/b]2 Months [b]Species:[/b]Zafara [b]Color:[/b]Baby [IMG]http://images.neopets.com/pets/happy/zafara_baby_baby.gif[/IMG] [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b]Tsunami(Water),Earthquake(Earth),Fireball(Fire),Angel's Tears(Light),Cyclone Winds(Air).She has Telekinesis,ESP,Psychic Abilities and Hypnotic Powers inherited from her parents. [b]Items/Weapons:[/b]Faerie Babaa(Faye),Earth Ring,Air Ring,Fire Ring,Water Ring,Battle Mirror,Fire and Ice Blade.[/color]
  14. [COLOR=darkblue]Mika saw that Angel had stopped for something. "What's wrong Angel?"she asked her. "Water,Lots of Water."Angel muttered. "Do you know where it is?"Mika asked quickly. "Quite far from here..." "Ok.We gotta get there.I got a feeling Atlantis is still the Lost City that it's been for a long time." Mika walked forwad.Ocasionally she would throw the trident out.Mika was getting tired though.The snow disappeared and was replaced with just the surface of the mountain.Finally they reached the base of the mountain.Mika closed her eyes and felt around for big bodies of water with her powers.She felt a strong pull and checked the Cellcom.To the right,where the pull was,was an ocean. "We're headed to the right.It's not too far to the ocean."Mika said.She looked back at Kai and Ryo and saw they weren't talking much. "Hey guys.What's wrong?"Mika asked them. "Fire and Water don't mix."Kai said. "Neither does Storm powers..."Ryo said. "You'll be fine.As long as neither of you use your powers when we're there."Mika said.[/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]No one in my Team post about going into the ocean.I have something special planned for that.[/B]
  15. [COLOR=darkblue]Mika watched as Karanlik found the data,The group plugged their Cellcoms into the system and scanned the locations into their devices.[b](See bottom of the post)[/b]Mika took a look at all the locations and addressed the group. "I've been thinking and I've decided that the group should split in 2.We can cover more ground and get the crystals faster and hopefully beat the Corrupted Sphere holders to collect all of the crystals.I will lead one group.Karanlik will lead the other.I'll take Kai,Ryo and Angel.Karanlik.You'll take Austin,Asa,Matt and Rokuki." Mika took Karanlik to the side and talked to him in private. "You up for this?"she asked him. "Yeah.I think so."he replied. "Ok.I'll get the Water,Flame,Storm and Copy Crystals.You guys can get the Shadow,Dirt,Healing,Forest and Wind Crystals." "Right.Where will we meet again?" "We can meet back here.I think my Sphere can open the door too."Mika said. They walked back to the group and divided into their 2 groups.Mika and Karanlik wished each other luck before turning to their own groups. "Ok guys!We're headed to Atlantis-The Lost City!"Mika said to her group cheerfully. The two seperate groups headed off into different directions.Mika lead her group with Kami trotting happily beside her.Mika grinned at him and flung her trident ahead for him to fetch it.He trotted back happily,with it in his mouth.[/COLOR] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [U]!!LOCATIONS!!(Match the Colour to yours.Same goes for the CORRUPTS TOO!!) ~Crystal-Effect-Location~[/U] [COLOR=darkblue]Water Crystal-Water attacks are more powerful-Atlantis=The Lost City[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal]Forest Crystal-Nature attacks are more powerful-Forest of Silence[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Flame Crystal-Fire attacks are more powerful-Hot Top Volcano[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Wind Crystal-Wind attacks are more powerful-Windy Plains[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Storm Crystal-Storm techiniques are more powerful-Storm Central[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna]Dirt Crystal-Earth attacks are more powerful-Dirt Tunnel[/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]Healing Crystal-Healing assists are more potent-Angel's Pond[/COLOR] [B]Shadow Crystal-Darkness techniques are better-Ruins of Dark City[/B] [COLOR=CC66CC]Copy Crystal-Copying abilities are better and stronger-Mirror City[/COLOR] [B]To make it Clear.The TEAMS are... Mika's Team:[/B] [COLOR=darkblue]~Mika(Ohkami)-Water Crystal[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]~Kai(K.K.C.)-Flame Crystal[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]~Ryo(Scanneryo)-Storm Crystal[/COLOR] [COLOR=CC66CC]~Angel(Arika)-Copy Crystal[/COLOR] [B]Karanlik's Team: ~Karanlik(Takuya)-Shadow Crystal[/B] [COLOR=sienna]~Austin(Ayokano)-Dirt Crystal[/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]~Asa(Stick Fairy)-Healing Crystal[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal]~Matt(Lrb)-Forest Crystal[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]~Rokuki(Rokuki)-Wind Crystal[/COLOR] [B]Any Questions?PM Ohkami at Ohkami's PM Inbox. *Please Leave a Message after the Beep!* ***BEEP*** Thank you come again! ~Ohkami[/B]
  16. [COLOR=darkblue]Faye got dressed.She looked at her locket and tuckeed it into the front of her shirt.She felt connected to it for some reason.She petted Mika on the bed and headed to the bathroom to do her hair.She finished quickly and slipped a compact mirror into her pocket.It was spelled and she always carried it.She checked she had everything and apologized to Mika.Mika was used to the despelling but whined sadly.Faye waved a hand over Mika and she turned back into a soft toy.Faye tucked Mika into her blankets and walked outo f her room to meet the others.She was kind of nervous like the others.They had never talked to boys before because they were in an all girls school.Faye was excited for the chance.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=darkblue][B]Dun Loreig-Theta Server[/B] Mika held her glaive and saw a group of players.They had just appeared out of a Chaos Gate.Rain had started to fall so she zipped up her jacket and pulled the waterproof hood over her head.She glanced at the people as they ran for shelter.Mika looked around curiosly.Mika mumbled a spell and she sprouted angel wings from her back.She ran towards the end of the cliff and jumped off.she spiralled downwards before her wings opened and she flew upwards,into the clouds.She reached clear sky and saw the dark storm clouds below her.She just grinned and flapped her wings powerfully and took off. She landed at another location.She broke through the clouds and touched down on the ground and her wings disappeared.She saw that she had flown to Mac Anu.She was standing next to the river.Mika walked into town and decided to rest in an inn.She walked to the building and entered.She booked a room and headed up.She opened the door and put her glaive down,before jumping onto the bed.It felt good to rest again.She had been on the run from the Admins and Mods for the past few days.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]Mika rolled over a chair and sat.Kami sat on the floor next to her and watched. "What can you get to?"Mika said watching the screen.She looked in front of her and saw it was the second of 2 major consoles.Mika started it up and furiosly tapped at the keys of the keyboard.Mika watched the screen intently as she searched through the data. "What are you doing?"Karanlik asked as he looked at her screen. "Finding out exactly what happened last year and who that Corrupted Tundra holder is."Mika replied as she stopped at a page.Karanlik watched a while longer before looking back at his screen. "You're pretty good at computers."Mika said. "Yeah...It's a bit of an obsession." "Same for me.I've been doing it since I was young."Mika agreed. They both stopped talking and watched the screens.Mika scanned the page infront of her and saw that there was the same picture that her mother had shown her.Mika zoomed in on the person next to her mother(Amber) and saw that it was the same person that held the Tundra sphere.The person she was fighting.Mika read the data and found out that his name was Shiro.When he was in the group with her mother he had had the Static Sphere.Mika read all the data and learned all about the group before them.Her mother was the Leader and she fought with Shiro all the time.In the end they became close friends.Mika was amazed and continued reading as Karanlik did his own research.[/COLOR]
  19. [b]OOC:[/b]Shiro!!!You're back!! Yeah,I know what you're talking about Takuya. It isn't too bad Arika.Just I wanna know what I'm in for and stuff k?BTW Mika's eyes are Emerald Green like usual. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [COLOR=darkblue]Mika nodded to Karanlik.She walked to the center of the group. "That was a good battle.You all did well.I hope no one's hurt too badly.I know you're all tired and worn but we need to leave here.We're going to a place that's not too far from here."Mika announced to the group. They slowly got up and brushed themselves off. Mika became silent.Something about that Tundra Holder....He was familiar to her.She didn't know why.She thought and then she remembered.It was a coloured photo her Mother had shown her.It was of a group.They all held weapons of different kinds and they held coloured spheres like theirs.That Corrupted Sphere holder was in the photo but he didn't look evil and he was holding a different sphere.Mika was confused.Why was he evil now?What had happened those years ago?Because Mika's mother(eg. Amber) didn't tell Mika the whole story. Mika was brought back to the real world by a shake from Asa. "Wha?Sorry.I was just thinking..."Mika mumbled. The group started the walk down the side of the mountain.Soon they reached the ground and Mika checked her Cellcom. "It's around here."Karanlik said pointing to a spot on his.A yellow,flashing dot appeared at the spot Karanlik had pointed to.Mika checked it and they started to walk that way.Mika gripped her trident.There was something not right around them.Mika stopped the group from walking past by holding her trident out. "There's something wrong here...."Mika said looking around.Mika's gaze stopped at a path into foliage.Mika walked to it quietly and got ready to hit anything inside.Mika pushed the bush away and stopped herself quickly from attacking.Mika looked at it.It was a baby wolf cub.Quite old but was still young.Mika stroked it softly.His fur was so soft.He pawed at her hand playfully.Mika pushed some more of the bush away and gasped.There was a pair of wolves.They looked like two of the ones they had fought earlier.They must have ran away and died.That was probably the reason they attacked them in the first place.The wolf pup nuzzled at his parents sadly.Mika knealed and put her trident down.She picked the wolf pup up and looked at him.He looked so innocent.He looked at his parents and whimpered.Tears welled up in Mika's eyes.She stood and picked up her trident.She walked out of the bush and brought the wolf with her.He was nestled in her arms as if she was carrying a baby. "This is a pup from the Wolves that attacked us earlier..."Mika said quietly.He whined and looked up at her. "I'm gonna keep him.Hitokage,Houyoku,you can't hurt him.Ok?"He said to the group and the animals. "I've decided to name him Kami.Short for Ohkami."Mika said putting him down. Kami sniffed the members of the group before returning to Mika and sitting on the ground.He wagged his tail happily.Mika smiled at him and rubbed her eyes slightly. "Let's continue.Karanlik,you can lead the way."Mika said.[/COLOR] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]We have another Animal Member of the Group.Make sure you don't forget about Kami ok?He's part of the group now.[/B]
  20. [COLOR=darkblue]Faye looked over at Abby.She was worried about her friend.She unknowingly reached up to her neck and fingered the locket that hung there.She and the other girls in the dorm had all gotten one and a little slip of paper with a note on it from someone.She had seen the name "Tayme Lady Galaxy" on the back of her locket.At that time she had gotten a few memories but nothing major.She wondered what the name meant and the memories but none of it seemed to make sense.Abby however seemed the most affected by it.Faye shook it away and continued on with the daily happenings and all the things they had to do at Tokyo's School of Gifted Girls.There was also a seperate school for the Boys. Faye was bored so she picked up her Wolf plushee.She waved her hand and it became real.Faye did it quite often and had named it Mika.The only times Faye would return Mika to plushee form was when teachers came to check on them or anything.The other girls in her dorm were used to Mika and often played with her.They were awed by Faye's incredible ability at Magic.faye reached down and scratched her ears before sitting on her bed and petting her as she jumped onto her lap.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=darkblue][B]OOC:[/B]I'm getting a bit confused with your powers and all Arika.So can you PM me and give me the jist of it so I'm not so confused?Hopefully we can end this battle soon and move on. Ryo.Characters don't die permenantly in RPGs unless you want them to.So don't worry.You'll live. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mika had gotten away from the other Tundra holder and stood over Ryo.Asa was knealed above him as her power flowed into the wound.Ryo groaned slightly.Mika stood as Asa finished her job.Ryo sat up and groaned as left over pain ran through his body. "Are you ok Ryo?"Mika asked kindly. "Yeah.....I think I'll be ok....."Ryo said quietly. "Good.Ahhh!!!!"Mika said as the Tundra holder swung at her.Mika blocked it just in time.She did a forward roll away and stood. "That was dirty!"Mika said to him/her. "Like your friend said,Never Turn your back on an opponent."They said smirking. Mika growled angrily.She twirled her trident menacingly and pointed it forward. "That's right.If you ever leave a spot open,you can trust that I'll be there to taker that chance and destroy you.Along with all of the other Corrupted Sphere holders...And your Leader!"Mika said charging at him/her.[/COLOR]
  22. Sorry,I haven't be able to get on lately.It's ok to be Gaia Pinball.And skedy.I think you should keep Talen(Mirage) now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=darkblue]Mika stared at Angel.She had gone all strange.Mika had checked on Asa earlier and she was going to be ok.She just needed to rest.The fireball took some out of her but her powers helped weaken the blow.Mika saw the Corrupted Tundra holder and ran up to them. "Hoping to stay out of the battle are we?"Mika asked him/her tauntingly. "No....Just waiting for the right time...I've been watching you.You're not bad....But you're going down." "Big words!You can talk the talk,but can you walk the walk?!"Mika said raising her trident at level. He/she raised their weapon and they clashed. "You'll never defeat me.....the Corrupts will fail and the Good will triumph!!"Mika said raising gher voice as she put more power into it. "I'm sure!You goody goodies are all talk and no action.We'll show you what we're about!!!"The corrupt said,also putting more power. The two Tundra Sphere holders dueled it out.Now and again they would exchange shots of water related element blasts at each other.This could take some time...[/COLOR]
  23. [color=navy]Like I said in the Adventure thread. [b]Pinball_Wizard:[/b]Improve your spelling and grammar.But I'll let you have Gaia seeing as no one else has taken it. [b]skedy:[/b]I think you should keep the Mirage Sphere because you've created Talen and you know his attitude and stuff. [b]Vilearchangemon:[/b]What about the corrupted Tundra?You could be my enemy again.I've decided that I'm Amber's decendant but I didn't inherit the Nature Sphere.If you don't want Tundra then I'll play it. But that's you're option.Not much left...Could be your only chance. I'll cya out there. ~Ohkami[/color]
  24. [COLOR=darkblue]A harsh,cold wind blew through a barren wasteland.In the center was a female.It was a cold scene.The wind blew her hair and jacket to the side as she stood with her glaive.Mika had a blank expression on her face,her eyes hidden behind her sunglasses.Mika raised her arms and she muttered a spell and she was transported to another area. When she arrived she saw the green grass under her feet.She looked around and saw she was where she had planned.Dun Loreig.She walked forward and into the town.She gripped her glaive in case anything went wrong.Mika had been having trouble with Mods and Admins like usual and was on the run.[/COLOR] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry that I posted late and that the post is pretty short.
  25. Yes Pinball.Pretend that the others are with you.Just don't pretend to give them names. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=navy]Mika saw the group and immediately didn't like them.The boy with the fire sword was a strange guy.Mika shrugged it off and raised her trident into a fighter's stance. "I'm ready for you!"Mika taunted. Lou lunged at Mika and she batted the sword away.Her trident glowed and became watery.The two elements clashed angrily.They combined and became steam.Mika grinned and turned the steam into water and they splashed on the Corrupted owner of Fire.Lou held up a hand and a fireball built up.He fired it at Mika.She twirled her liquified trident and the fireball sizzled into steam.Mika threw a burst of water at Lou but he raised his flaming sword and it sizzled into steam too. They glared at each other.It was going to be hard to fight.They had elements that clashed with each other.But combined they became neutral.Steam.She would never beat him that way.She had to think of some way to defeat him.[/COLOR]
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