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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [color=navy]Arika is right Vile.You're welcome to go for another though.Please do.It'd be fun to have you again.Even after all of the anger you put "Amber" through:p It's good to see Shiro again though.I thought he died with G.S in the First Elemental Sphere.Oh well, guess not. Anyways...Please Go for another sphere that isn't taken.I forgot to say that Skedy took Mirage.So the ones that don't have names next to them are available. ~Ohkami[/color]
  2. [COLOR=darkblue]Mika twirled her trident into an attack stance. "Don't hurt them!!"Max called to the group. Mika looked at Max and was tackled by 3 wolves.Mika was about to stab them with her trident but she felt like she shouldn't.Mika groaned and made bursts of water push them off.Mika quickly got up and flipped her trident into a defensive stance.The wolves got up and shook the water from their coats and growled angrily.They ran at Mika again and Mika quickly put up a water barrier.The wolves bounced off it and pawed at it angrily.Mika chewed her thumb in thought.How could she get rid of the animals without hurting them?Mika grinned.She waved the barrier away and quickly made bubbles big enough to contain a wolf each.The bubbles swallowed the wolves and they pawed at the inside.The bubbles remained solid. Mika looked to the others.It seemed there were wolves all around the group.Mika wondered why the wolves had attacked them for no reason.Unless they were on their territory.Mika looked at the encaged wolves in their bubble prisons. "Sorry guys.It had to be done."Mika said happily,she then shrugged and ran to help the others.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkblue]Mika gasped for air.She only became aware of Ryo's attack when his hand came in contact with her stomach.She was thrown a bit of distance.Mika lay on the snow.She felt Ryo rush over and place his bundled coat under her head.She felt him walk away and another person ran up. "Are you ok Mika?"the person asked.Mika recognised it as Asa. "Yeah......I'll be.......fine......"Mika said between gasps. Mika sat up and winced.She held her stomach area and stood weakly.She picked up the jacket and walked over to Ryo. "Here."she said smiling. "Aren't you angry at me?"he said looking at her. "No....I don't often hold grudges unless it's something that really gets to me....Like betrayel."Mika said. He took his jacket back.Mika walked to the cliff and picked up his sphere.She rubbed it and static sparks jumped out of it.Mika smiled and held it out to Ryo too. "You can let down your guard you know.I know you're trying to act mean and cold and not let anyone get close to you but you don't have to do that."Mika said. Ryo just looked away.Mika continued to gaze at him,then she walked back to the group.As she headed there she stopped at Angel. "The same for you too Angel."Mika said,then she stood in the center of the group. "I think it's time to head out now."Mika said loudly. She picked up her trident and sphere from the snow when she helped Ryo and put the sphere into her left jacket pocket and used the trident as a support in her right hand.She checked that her Cellcom was on her pants and started to walk down the side of the mountain.Their adventure was about to begin.[/COLOR]
  4. I don't know too much about .Hack so I may need help. [COLOR=darkblue][b][u]"The World?[/u] Name:[/b]Mika Sanai [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Affiliation:[/b]Player [b]Class:[/b]Fusion:WaveLongArm Master [b]Special Ability:[/b]Character Fusion [b]Weapon:[/b]A glaive.The blade is made of hard,sharp,unbreakable silver and the shaft is made of polished oak wood.(I may change My Class and Weapon) [b]Description:[/b]Mika has shoulder length chocolate brown hair and vibrant emerald eyes but they're usually hidden behind a pair of silver,refletive,custom made sunglasses.She wears a blue,durable,waterproof,hooded jacket unzipped and has a white t-shirt inside.She wears navy blue pants and blue and white nike joggers.She carries her Glaive like a staff. [b]Level:[/b]47 [b]Role:[/b]Hacker [b][u]Real World[/u] Name:[/b]Kimana "Ki" Toki [b]Age:[/b]15 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Description:[/b]Same as "The World" except she doesn't have a glaive and doesn't hide behind her sunglasses. [b]Bio:[/b]Ki started off with an obsession for video games and computers and other technical things.She'd spend a lot of time playing her video games.Her parents often worried about her because she didn't hang around with people.The only people she talked to were her parents sometimes but mainly her internet buddies.When "The World" first came out she got it and played it for hours on end.She started to get bored with it and she was a good hacker.She'd been hacking since she was 9 and had gotten good at it.She decided to hack into "The World" to spicen it up again.She would rest and play other games sometimes when the mods or admins were on her tail.She was banned at least 8 times but she kept hacking in and removing the ban from her character.Why couldn't the mods and admins face it?They couldn't hold back Ki and Mika no matter what they did.She would always find a way back in.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue]Since no one's fixed it can I take this chance?No offense and sorry to the player who has this character. [b]Name:[/b]Faye(Trion) [b]Age:[/b]14 [b]Bio:[/b]([b]CHIBINESS[/b])When Faye was young she went to a normal school.When she was at school one day her parents were murdered by a mysterious power.When she arrived home she was devistated.She used some of her power and the people at TSFGG discovered her and brought her into the school to start her learning.It took her some time to get used to the place and to accept that her parents are gone.It still hurts after a few years. [b]Appearance:[/b]She has chocolate brown hair that ends around her shoulders,she has vibrant emerald eyes that sparkle when she's happy and go dull and lifeless when she's sad. [b]Fave Manga/Anime:[/b]Card Captor Sakura [b]School:[/b]Tokyo School for Gifted Girls How's that?Any good?Anything to change?[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkblue][I]Mika woke up and rubbed her paws over her eyes.It was still quite early in the morning.She got out of bed and padded over to her closet.She changed into her usual blue habit and sandels and she grabbed her sling and pouch full of river stones.They were the only weapons she was allowed to carry around the abbey.The Sword of Martin was above the fireplace in her area.The gatehouse. Mika walked out into the morning sun and stretched.It would be breakfast soon.Mika saw Abbess Kipta and Skipper.Mika's good friend.Mika walked over to them and greeted them.[/i] "G'Morning Mother Abbess,Heya Skip."[i]Mika greeted as she tied her sling and puch to her belt.[/i] "Good Morning Mika." "Mornin' Mika." "Hey Skip.Looks like you have something on your mind."[i]Mika said.[/i] "Kinda.I got a Visit from Martin last night.He was talkin' about something may be amiss over at the mountain on the Western Shores." "Salamandastron?"[i]Mika gasped.[/i]"What'd he say?" "Skipper will announce it at this morning's breakfast for all of the abbey beasts to hear."[i]Kipta said.[/i] "I see.The interesting thing is that I had a slightly similar dream.But it was about some Searats.Maybe that's what's going to happen to Salamandastron??"[i]Mika said.[/i][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkblue][b]OOC:[/b]K.K.C. hasn't posted yet...But most others have so let's just say she's already introduced herself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mika just smiled at Angel's attitude.Mika was usually always an optimist but she had quite the attitude when people angered her.(For a taste of it look through the old Elemental Spheres thread.Nasty!Ask Takuya:p ) "I'm Mika."she said to Asa.She stood and addressed the group. "Come on guys.Let's get going!Everyone got that strange device right?"Mika said unclipping hers. Most of them replied with an affirmative. "And everyone's got a Sphere and a weapon yes?" Again most replied with an affirmative.Mika flipped open the device. "What should we call this thing?"she asked the group. They thought and someone came up with the name. "Cellcom!"someone shouted. "That's great!So it's decided.The Cellcom."Mika announced. "There's a number at the top.Everyone record everyone else's in the Phone Book in the Cellcom so we can contact each other if we're ever seperated." ((Description of Cellcom!!)) ((It is a rectangular device with a clip on the back.On the front,the cover is cut in half with the colour of the sphere that you have in the middle.When you push the sphere button,the two halfs flip out wards.The sphere button goes with the bottom flap.There's a small keyboard type thing at the bottom of the inside part of the device with a number pad.The device is also a touch screen.You just speak into it and the person you're talking to can just here it and you can just here it.No matter what you're doing or whatever.To call someone you just have to say"Call ___" and it'll connect to that person.You can do as many people chat as you like.You could even link the whole group.If I think of anything else to add I'll tell you.And if you have any ideas then let me know through PM.)) "Is everyone ok?"Mika asked. She looked over to Ryo and saw he was holding his side. "Ryo?"Mika asked.He groaned and swayed slightly. Mika ran to him and held him up."What's wrong?" He took his hand away and it had quite a lot of blood on it. "Ummm....Medic!Come here quick!"Mika called out.Asa rushed over. "Uh sorry...My name's Asa.Here."Asa said quickly. "Can you use the powers of your sphere yet?"Mika asked. "Of course I can."Asa said.She rested a hand on the wound and whispered quietly.A pink glow came from her hand and the wound healed. "Hey.Are you ok?"Mika said checking his pulse and breathing. "I'm fine!"Ryo said coldly."I don't need your help." "It doesn't matter if you need it or not.We're going to help you anyway."Mika said. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]OOC:[/b]Evils.You can attack now if you want.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=navy]Nice of ya to join us Ryo. It's started.Go to the Second link in my Sig!!! WE STILL HAVE ROOM FOR MORE CORRUPTED SPHERES!!![/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkblue]The year is 2250.It has been 50 years since Amber,Sebastian,Chaos,Raynos,Hikaro,Leigh,Saki,Shiro,Celestine,Reicalg,Halo and David recovered the Light Sphere and rescued the earth. The trouble has returned in a new form.As a person with a Sphere made of pure evil.The anonymous caller has once again summoned new children.One new member for each sphere.But now.The Crimson sphere and the Darkness sphere are on the side of good.And the teen with the Evil Sphere has a group of teens with corrupted spheres of the new teens.The new adventure begins.Are the teens,that mostly don't know each other unless they were already friends,ready for this challenge to save the world?Together they must defeat the Evil Sphere and collect the Power Crystals that enhance the powers of the Spheres before the corrupted ones do and reach the Light Sphere.Turning it into the Evil,Darkness Sphere. The children were called and were teleported in their own ways to Mt. Oscar.The same place where the other Teens before them had started their adventure. The old Thread. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22976&highlight=Elemental+Spheres]Elemental Spheres[/URL] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Here is the Choice of Spheres.[/b][/color] [b]GOOD GUYS[/b] [color=navy]Tundra Sphere-Power of Water-Dark Blue:Ohkami[/color] [COLOR=teal]Nature Sphere-Power of Nature-Teal:Lrb[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Flame Sphere-Power of Fire-Red:K.K.C.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Air Sphere-Power of Air/Wind-Royal Blue:Rokuki[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Static Sphere-Power of Storms-Orange:Scanneryo[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna]Gaia Sphere-Power of Earth-Sienna:Ayokano[/color] [COLOR=deeppink]Medic Sphere-Power of Healing-Deep Pink:Stick Fairy[/COLOR] [B]Darkness Sphere-Power of Darkness-Bold:Takuya[/B] [COLOR=CC66CC]Mimic Sphere-Power of Reflection-CC66CC:Arika[/COLOR] [b]BAD GUYS[/b] [COLOR=indigo]Evilness Sphere-Evil Powers-Indigo:JJRiddler[/COLOR] The Corrupted Members are the same as above. C. Tundra: C. Nature:skedy C. Flame:sublime1 C. Air: C. Static:Colour Deaf C. Gaia: C. Darkness:Pinball_Wizard C. Mirage: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=red][B]!!~RULES~!! [B][1][/B]You must post with the colours I wrote the spheres in.The corrupted use the same colours.All paragraphs and sign ups must be in the corresponding colour. [B][2][/B]No Drastic changes in the Plot without consulting me first. [B][3][/B]Obey the OtakuBoards Rules.Eg.No Double Posting and No Godmodding. [B][4][/B]If you join you must be devoted and post all the time.If you're going on holidays or something PM me to notify me. [B][5][/B]All posts must be [b][u]AT LEAST 2 PARAGRAPHS LONG.EACH PARAGRAPH MUST BE AT LEAST 3 GOOD SENTENCES LONG![/b][/u] [b][6][/b]OBEY THE RULES!!!![/color] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [COLOR=darkblue]Mika opened her eyes weakly.She was lying on her stomach.Her body was aching.She realised she wasn't at home.She searched through her memory.She came home from school,got a phone call,her Trident and Sphere were glowing,bright light and then she went unconscious.She reached out and felt a strange substance under her fingers.Mika scraped a handfull of it and looked at it.It was....snow. Mika sat up weakly and saw that her Trident and Sphere were lying next to her.They had some snow on them.She picked them up and bruished away the icy substance.She noticed her surrounding and saw she was on a mountain...and around her were other teenagers and they were unconscious.Mika stood and walked to each of them.She felt their pulse and shook them awake. "Hi.I'm Mika.Who are you?"she said to them as they woke. They groaned and sat up.Mika had noticed that each of them had a sphere and a weapon. "What are we doing here?"someone asked. "Well....The anonymous caller said we have to find the Power Crystals and save the World..."Mika said. She looked into the distance.She knew this wouldn't be easy.But she believed that strange caller.In time Mika had learned to trust her instincts and her instinct was telling her to go on the quest.Her sphere started to glow and heated slightly.Mika rubbed it and in the sphere a image came forth.It was of a strange little portable device.Then the image disappeared.Her backpack moved and Mika opened it.On the top of the pile of things was the device she had seen in the sphere.Mika looked at it.[b](It looks like a PokeNavi if you know what it looks like.)[/b]She flipped it open.There was a map,a phone section and other little things.She noticed that all of a sudden the same type of device appeared next to everyone. "I think we can communicate through these!"Mika said happily. Mika saw a clip and clipped it to her pants.The device would come in handy for them as they moved on in their quest.But something else that the anonymous caller had mentioned was the Sacred Weapons of the Elements.Mika wondered what they were but pushed them to the back of her head.The first priority was to find the crystals and defeat the Sphere of Evilness. "Let's get to know each other!!"Mika said cherrily. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [b]OOC:[/b]Ok.Here's the entrance for all the Good Guys.After this the Bad Guys can try to attack us as a group. Have Fun Guys!!!AND WE STILL HAVE ROOM FOR MORE CORRUPTED SPHERES!!!!IF YOU WANT TO SIGN UP PLEASE DO!!![/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkblue][b]Pinball_Wizard:[/b]I know you're slightly knew but it's against the rules to Double Post.Please use the Edit Button. [b]Skedy:[/b]Thankyou for the offer.You can from anything that isn't taken.I don't really need any in particular but it would help if it was the same as any of the taken Good Spheres.The Mirage Sphere would be a good choice that I would like taken. Thanks ~Ohkami PS:I'll be starting this today so Skedy can just sign up his second character when he gets the time.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=darkblue]I have decided to start this sometime tomorrow. I still want more people to join but I think some people want this started. If no others join up for the Corrupted Spheres could some of the others play 2 characters? I might play 2 characters too.It would be helpful. Thanks ^_^ ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=darkblue]I'll let you glide with Thermals. So you can't actually fly....It's more of gliding. Rokuki can fly because he has Air.Same goes for the Corrupted Air Sphere. [b]Arika:[/b]I like the Second colour!Gimme the code for it so I can put it up with the other spheres! If I don't get more people by the coming up Monday the 1st of December then I'll start.I'm still hoping for more people though.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue][b]Sublime1:[/b]You can't fly because it isn't part of your element,so please edit. [b]Skedy:[/b]Finish up soon. As soon as you're both finished then you'll be accepted.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkblue]Don't worry JJRiddler.I know about work and all that. Since no one seems to be doing it.I don't care about Samples anymore because I've seen most of you post.But I still decide who will get in. [b]ColourDeaf:[/b]You can't have mastered your powers completely yet.And you still need a weapon even so. Everyone so far has been accepted.We still need more people!!! TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO JOIN!!![/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=green][b]Name:[/b]Good Luck Bear [b]Color:[/b]Green [b]Symbol:[/b]A Four Leafed Clover [b]Stereotype:[/b]Good Luck Bear brings luck to wherever she goes. [img]http://www.oz.net/~carebear/shrug..gif[/img] I changed it to Female.[/COLOR]
  16. [color=navy]This is all Peachy but [b][u]SAMPLES PEOPLE!!![/u][/b] People accepted: Ohkami-Tundra Sphere Ayokano-Gaia Sphere(Please finish the sign up soon.) Takuya-Darkness Lrb-Nature Sphere(You're welcome.I know I always beat ya to it. :P) Everyone else must send me a SAMPLE ASAP!!!! AND I NEED SOME EVIL PPL.TELL YOUR FRIENDS!!!!! Thanks for signing up guys but I need them Samples and them Evils. ^_^ ~Ohkami[/color]
  17. [COLOR=darkblue]The year is 2250.It has been 50 years since Amber,Sebastian,Chaos,Raynos,Hikaro,Leigh,Saki,Shiro,Celestine,Reicalg,Halo and David recovered the Light Sphere and rescued the earth. The trouble has returned in a new form.As a person with a Sphere made of pure evil.The anonymous caller has once again summoned new children.One new member for each sphere.But now.The Crimson sphere and the Darkness sphere are on the side of good.And the teen with the Evil Sphere has a group of teens with corrupted spheres of the new teens.The new adventure begins.Are the teens,that mostly don't know each other unless they were already friends,ready for this challenge to save the world?Together they must defeat the Evil Sphere and collect the Power Crystals that enhance the powers of the Spheres before the corrupted ones do and reach the Light Sphere.Turning it into the Evil,Darkness Sphere. The children were called and were teleported in their own ways to Mt. Oscar.The same place where the other Teens before them had started their adventure. The old Thread. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22976&highlight=Elemental+Spheres]Elemental Spheres[/URL] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Here is the Choice of Spheres.[/b][/color] [b]GOOD GUYS[/b] [color=navy]Tundra Sphere-Power of Water-Dark Blue:Ohkami[/color] [COLOR=teal]Nature Sphere-Power of Nature-Teal:Lrb[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Flame Sphere-Power of Fire-Red:K.K.C.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Air Sphere-Power of Air/Wind-Royal Blue:Rokuki[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Static Sphere-Power of Storms-Orange:Scanneryo[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna]Gaia Sphere-Power of Earth-Sienna:Ayokano[/color] [COLOR=deeppink]Medic Sphere-Power of Healing-Deep Pink:Stick Fairy[/COLOR] [B]Darkness Sphere-Power of Darkness-Bold:Takuya[/B] [COLOR=CC66CC]Mimic Sphere-Power of Reflection-CC66CC:Arika[/COLOR] [b]BAD GUYS[/b] [COLOR=indigo]Evilness Sphere-Evil Powers-Indigo:JJRiddler[/COLOR] The Corrupted Members are the same as above. C. Tundra: C. Nature:skedy C. Flame:sublime1 C. Air: C. Static:Colour Deaf C. Gaia: C. Darkness:Pinball_Wizard C. Mirage: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=red][B]!!~RULES~!! [1][/B]To join you must send me a [b][u]SAMPLE OF A POST FROM ANOTHER RPG YOU HAVE BEEN IN[/u][/b].I will judge if you are in. [B][2][/B]You must post with the colours I wrote the spheres in.The corrupted use the same colours.All paragraphs and sign ups must be in the corresponding colour. [B][3][/B]No Drastic changes in the Plot without consulting me first. [B][4][/B]Obey the OtakuBoards Rules.Eg.No Double Posting and No Godmodding. [B][5][/B]If you join you must be devoted and post all the time.If you're going on holidays or something PM me to notify me. [B][6][/B]All posts must be [b][u]AT LEAST 2 PARAGRAPHS LONG.EACH PARAGRAPH MUST BE AT LEAST 3 GOOD SENTENCES LONG![/b][/u] [b][7][/b]OBEY THE RULES!!!![/color] [color=navy][B]SIGN UP SHEET:[/B] [B]Name:[/B] [B]Age:[/B]Teens [B]Sphere:[/B] [B]Powers:[/B]Not as much as my powers though.Because I'm the leader so I have a lot of power. [b]Weapon:[/b]One Weapon that relates to your Element/Sphere. [B]Description:[/B]Pictures Allowed/Detailed Written Description. [B]Bio:[/B]Descriptive.At least 2 paragraphs long.History,Past,When they got the call,How they were teleported to Mt. Oscar etc. [B]Name:[/B]Mika Sanai(Leader) [B]Age:[/B]16 [B]Sphere:[/B]Tundra [B]Powers:[/B]Mika can control Water in any form,eg.Rain,ice,liquid etc.In bodies of water,eg.Lakes,rivers,ponds,puddles etc.She can send thought messages with those who have even the slightest of psychic powers and those who don't.Her most powerful talent is summoning a Large Dragon made of Water.It attacks with a deadly force of water attacks.Mika can create cyclones,whirlpools and other deadly and dangerous water hazards.Her most useful talent though is being able to breathe underwater for long periods of time.She could even live underwater if she wanted to.Her natural talent is being able to hurl water at enemies and create shields and barriers out of water.She can also make replicas of objects made of water.Her last thing that isn't magical related is that she is very acrobatic and moves swiftly,quietly and smoothly like running water.She also has a strange power to talk to the animals...Like Dr. Dolittle.When she talks to the animals,it sounds like english but to others it sounds like the sound of the animal. [b]Weapon:[/b]A Three Pointed Trident [B]Description:[/B]Mika has rich chocolate brown hair and sparkling emerald eyes that shine when she's happy or go dull and lifeless when she's sad.She wears a blue,rainproof,hooded jacket unzipped with a white t-shirt inside,navy blue pants and blue and white nike joggers.She carries the Trident like a staff. [B]Bio:[/B]Mika has lived with her parents her whole life.She's an only child but not at all spoilt.She has to do chores everyday.She's very close to her father.He taught her practically everything she knows.Especially fighting and magic.The Trident and Sphere had been passed down through generations and her father gave them to her. Then one day after school,after a soccer practise she got a phone call.She picked up and a person's voice told her about the spheres and everything.Mika couldn't believe it.The person hung up before Mika could ask who they were.She ignored it and went to her room.Her sphere and Trident were always kept together and they were glowing.Mika touched them both and the light grew brighter and she was knocked unconcious. When she woke up,she was on a snow capped mountain and there were other teens,all unconcious around her.Next to her was the Trident and Sphere... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B]I look forward to your Samples of RPGing.Everyone's unconcious and the Evils are off somewhere else.I took away some spheres from the Original List.Any old members are welcome to Sign Up again.[/B] Sign Up and Enjoy the Ride!! ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
  18. Sakura

    Data Crashing

    [COLOR=darkblue]Mika had pretty much composed herself as Karen came back.She had the case of the hick-ups.She always did after crying for a long time. "Are you ok Mika?"Karen asked gently. "I...think so....Thanks for the comfort Karen *hick*...I'm sorry if I interrupted anything you were doing...*hick*" "No.There was nothing.Anytime you feel like talking you know that I'll always listen."Karen said re-assuringly. "Thanks...*hick*"Mika slowly got to her feet.She wobbled,then steadied herself.She stumbled out of the room and into her room that was next to her deceased Father's room.She fell onto the bed and curled up under the moth-eaten blanket.Some last tears rolled down her cheek and she went to sleep.She was sure Karen would alert others of the Clan to the unfortunate event and tell them to let Mika absorb the impact of it all.That's why everyone liked Karen as their leader.She was so understanding and humble.She wasn't the type that ordered people around all the time.Only in dire situations would she call people to do certain things quickly.She was the perfect leader and everyone respected her.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkblue]When Renamon arrived she realised that Flamedramon wasn't there.She was about to teleport away but a Minion hit her.Renamon growled angrily.She didn't like it when anyone interrupted her train of thoughts.She bared her teeth angrily and let out with kicks and punches.Soon some Pteramon flew over and Renamon realised that Flamedramon and the rest of the people were on their way. Renamon continued to fight.She would jump to help others that were in trouble and soon she saw the flaming power of Flamedramon.She quickly teleported over to him and they started to battle together. "Are we getting any more back up?"Renamon asked between fighting. "I'm not entirely sure.I hope so."he replied. [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=darkblue]Can I be a Female Legendary Warrior Mouse? [b]Name:[/b]Mika the Warrior [b]Age:[/b]13 Seasons [b]Species:[/b]Mouse [b]Description:[/b]Mika is a rich chocolate brown colour and she has vibrant emerald eyes.When walking around the abbey she wears a blue habit.She always the Sword of Martin but usually doesn't wear her armour unless she knows she'll be in a battle. [b]Bio:[/b]Mika was born and bred in Mossflower Woods.When she was 6 Seasons she arrived at the doorstep of Redwall Abbey.She was taken in and grew up with the knowledge of Martin the Warrior who defended Mossflower and beat Tsarmina the evil wildcat who had created a kingdom named Kotir.Mika was always fascinated by different stories and legends.Then about 2 Seasons ago she snuck into the area where the sword was kept and she held it.It glowed and she went into a dream sequence.She saw Martin,wielding the sword.He told her that she was next to take the role as Defender of Redwall Abbey.She woke up and the sword was still in her hand.She went to the elders.Everyone who saw her with the sword gasped.The elders were surprised but let it be because Martin had said so.She was given a home in the Gatehouse and before that she was already close friends with Kia,the new Skipper.She learned how to be agile and wield the sword properly.She soon became fast and customed.She went through moves like flowing water.She even did Martin's Sword Dance and got it right.She decided she was ready and continued to carry the legendary blade as a reminder of her duty and dedication.Then she asked Skipper for sling lessons.She learned how to belt stones from the slings and how to give them enough power and the right angle.She was a fast learner and was soon hitting things almost as well as Skipper. In Mika's free time,when she's not training or doing something else,she would usually go and play with the dibbuns.Some of them even had small wooden imitation Martin Swords.She would tell stories,Play games and other things.She liked it because she felt like a little dibbun again.When she first turned up on the doorstep of the large building made of red stone. Besides playing with the dibbuns,she would help around the rest of the abbey.She'd help in the kitchens,cellars,infirmary,nursery and anyone else that needed assistance of any kind. That was her duty as Warrior so that's what she would do.She would do absolutely anything to protect all of the members of Redwall Abbey.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=navy]Renamon arrived and jumped into a tree at the battlefield.Others under estimated her.Although she was still in Rookie level she was quite strong and she answered to no one except people who earned her trust and friendship in various ways. She stopped them from moving onwards. "Flamedramon.Is it serious?"Renamon asked looking around. "Renamon.Yes it is.As you must have heard,Concitomon and his Minions are breaking through into the Digital World." "I see...We gotta get in there."Renamon said. "You don't have a problem.You can teleport.We're trying to get in unexpected."Flamedramon said thinking. "That's it!"Renamon said. "What?"Flamedramon said, clueless. "Everyone line up and hold the arm of the Digimon next to you.'Renamon called. The digimon obeyed.Renamon jumped down and grabbed the arm of the first at the line and then held Flamedramon's arm. "Everyone ready?"Renamon called.They all replied with a positive. Renamon and the digimon disappeared and when they reappeared they were in the battle.Renamon and the digimon let go of the chain and they started to attack. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry if I ruined anyone's plans?[/COLOR]
  22. Just some more corrections.(Hope I'm not getting annoying.Sorry) [b]Lord Prozen:[/b]Hyrule and Epona -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=darkblue]Mika woke up in her tree house.She sat up in bed and her blue fairy floated over. "Morning Machi."Mika greeted as she got out of bed.She realised that Link was visiting Kokiri Village again. "OH he's coming back!!"Mika cheered.She got changed and grabbed her weapons and strapped them on.She always carried her weapons.She put on her twin daggers,her double-edged sword,her quiver full of arrows,her Hylian Shield and then she grabbed her bow.It was made of a young willow so it wouldn't break easily. Mika ran out the door and slid down the ladder.She ran to another ladder and climbed up quickly.She knocked hard on the side of the house.Machi floated up beside her. "Kia!!Kia!!Get up!!"Mika called. Mika walked through and gasped.There,beside the bed was a figure in a green tunic with a shield and sword strapped to his back.He had a range of other things too.He was wearing a green hat and blonde hair came out around the edges. "Link?"Mika whispered. "Mika.It's me!I'm back."he said looking at her. Mika ran forward and hugged him.They were the only two Hylians in the village.Machi flew over and said hi to Link. Kia sat up and hugged Link.They started to all talk to each other and asked Link about what new adventures he had been on.Link laughed and told them stories of his adventures and the two girls and the fairies listened intently.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=darkblue]Sorry I'm Late!!! [b]Name:[/b]Mika Sanai [b]Age:[/b]21 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Appearance:[/b]Mika has chocolate brown hair and vibrant emerald eyes.She wears something like what Link wears except it's all blue and she doesn't have the elf hat. [b]Bio:[/b]Mika's a Hylian girl,born and bred.But when she was younger she ran away from Hyrule and all of the glamour.She ran across Hylian Field and into a large log.Mika was confused but kept walking and soon she reached a small village called Kokiri Village.She was interested and started to get to know people.Then she met Link and Kia.They soon became close friends and talked alot.Mika continued to stay in the village and soon became friends with everyone.She realised that all the people didn't grow.They continued to stay the same year after year.Mika was shocked but soon adapted,even though she was getting older.She even got her own fairy named Machi. [b]Weapon:[/b]A pair of daggers in sheaths on her belt,a bow with a quiver full of arrows,a double edged sword in a sheath on her back and a Hylian Shield.(She also has a blue ocarina.Very similar to the Ocarina of Time) [b]Magic Powers:[/b]Mika can control water.Whatever way you can think of controlling water she can do.She can also do a bit of healing.[/color]
  24. This is for helping purposes for [b]Lord Prozen[/b] [u]I'll sign up tomorrow.I promise.[/u] The attachment is a picture of Link for a description. The Medallion thingies you're talking about are: [b]Din's Fire:[/b]Creates a large ball of flame around you that expands and kills nearby enemies and lights torches. [b]Nayru's Love:[/b]Makes a temporary Barrier and temporarily makes Link Invincible. I Hope I was of some help. ~Ohkami
  25. [COLOR=darkblue]Burning Flame and in the middle it said Protected by the Sea.(I can't remember the japanese for it) Mika pressed the middle and the door slid away.They walked inside and Mika looked at the walls.She scanned all of the walls into her mobile and continued to walk.On the walls hung weapons and many artifacts and ancient items.At the end was a pedestal and there was a trident on top with some writing on it. "Only those who are guided by the Good may be able to have this Artifact. This is the weapon of the Water Legend Warrior. It was used for good, may it fall into the hands of evil, then the Talisman and Orb shall rise and the Legend One shall find it once more." Mika decided she would need Azure's help. "Let's go Machi.Back to the temple."Mika said. They walked outside and thanked the men.Machi bent so Mika could get on.Then he flapped his large wings and they took off to the skies. 'Hopefully Kilani's heading back sometime soon'Mika thought as the wind whipped at her hair and clothes.[/COLOR]
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