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Everything posted by Sakura
[COLOR=darkblue]"That's enough!!"Mika cried angrily.She hurled a large blast of water at Masu's chest and pushed him away from Danny.Mika pushed her hands forward and made the water stronger.It pushed him against the back wall.It pinned him down and he couldn't do anything. Masu was surrounded by a bubble.He tried to use fire but they were extinguished because it was made of water.He thumped at the walls of the bubble but they were hard. "It's a Bubble Prison.No one gets out unless I release them."Mika said angrily. Mika knealed and checked to see if Danny was ok.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Mika sat in the common room. She was smiling and playing with some of the younger members of the Clan. She heard a noise and looked up. On the balcony above stood Karen O'Shea. The Clan Leader. Mika glanced at her before returning to the people she was playing with. Mika took a glance at an old clock hanging on the grubby wall. It was almost curfew. Mika entertained by playing with water and she made rainbows with what light they had available. Then she decided to go off for a while. She walked out of the common room. The floorboards squeaked and groaned. She walked up the stairs and onto the balcony. "Karen. What's on your mind? You seem so occupied by thought."Mika said. "I'm thinking about this Clan...If Technoglobe ever got me...What would happen? I know one thing. I would never tell them the location or any information about this Clan. I'll die to protect it. It's my duty as leader to protect everyone here."Karen said strongly, looking at Mika. Crystal blue locked with emerald green. Mika gasped and her eyes changed to a different shade of crystal blue. The colour her eyes turned whenever using magic. Then they changed back to emerald green. Mika panted. "I understand...Our powers came together by our will to protect this clan. The people here are my only family besides my father who is growing old and weak by the day. I will do anything to help this clan...If you ever need help....You know who to ask."Mika said as she walked away. The floorboards continued to screech,squeak and groan as Mika walked into another room. "Father...Are you awake?"Mika asked sitting in a ricketty chain next to a figure in a torn and worn bed. "Mika...It's you."the figure said. He reached out with his hand to touch her. Mika gasped. His hand was cold. "Father....What's wrong?"Mika panicked. "Miklara...." At that moment,Mika knew he was dying. No one called her Miklara unless it was formal or they were being serious about something. "Father..."Mika said as tears started to well up in her eyes. "Miklara...My dear daughter. I'm sorry to leave you....I'll be with your mother,watching over you. Never forget that your mother and I will always be watching over you...."he said as he took his final breath and drifted into an eternal slumber. "Father!!"Mika cried as the tears fell. "Father!!!"Mika cried louder as she shook his dead body. Hoping he would wake up, that it was all a joke. But she knew it was real. She sobbed on the body and cried her heart out. The rest of the night was spent in his room. Crying until she was hoarse and her eyes were red and puffy and her cheeks were stained with tears. She couldn't believe he had finally left her. Mika weakly got up on wobbly legs and covered her fathers body with the blanket. She stumbled out of the room. Her vision was blurry from tears. Mika made it to Karen's room. Karen was there. Immediately she knew something was wrong. When Mika came into the room Karen saw the terrible state she was in and knew what the only cause for that could have been. "Mika....Come and sit down."Karen said softly,helping her down. "He's gone!He's finally gone!They both left me!"she sobbed. "It's ok Mika....Let it all out."Karen said soothingly as Mika started to cry again.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Nisha and Taomon came from the shadows. "Damian and Siaga?!"Nisha said stepping back. "Angel?!Let's go!!"Nisha said. "Yeah.Let's get outta here.Teleport Kaninmon." "Let's go Taomon." They both disappeared. Damian and Siaga smirked evilly at each other. They reappeared next to Ryoma.He gasped and fell on his backside.Nisha helped him up. "Let's leave here."Angel suggested. "Yeah."Ryoma agreed,brushing himself off. Taomon took hold of Ryoma's arm and the 3 teleported away from the towers.[/COLOR]
Save me a spot as a student. Don't have the time to post a sign up.
[COLOR=darkblue][B]OOC:[/B]You ok Vicky? -------------------------------------------------------- Mika and Jin ran out of the room and around the house.They ran into another room.She picked up a radio and saw Danny's transmitter on the table.She picked it up and nodded to Jin. They ran out of the room and towards the room Danny was in. ["Hey Danny.We got your transmitter."]Mika said through thoughts. They came through the door and were blasted by wind created by Danny. Mika threw the transmitter up and Danny caught it.She showed him the radio too. "What do you need this for?"Mika called.[/COLOR] ---------------------------------------------------------- [B]OOC:[/B]Sorry if it's short.
[COLOR=navy]Mika ran through the pipes.Her feet splashed through the water.She always took the pipes whenever going to the Titan Tower.It was the fastest way.She turned through a few forks in the pipes and finally reached a hatch and a ladder.Mika climbed quickly and pushed the hatch open.She appeared in the kitchen.There were various entrances to the Titan Tower via the pipes but she decided to go through the kitchen. When she reached the open she saw a dog at the fridge eating some type of mold. "Hey Beast.What's it taste like."Mika said closing the hatch. The dog looked at her and changed back into a human. "Not too bad actually."he said. "There's some sorta emergency."Mika said. "Let's go then."Beast said. They left the kitchen and headed towards the meeting room. When they arrived,Robin and Raven were already there.Raven didn't look happy.Mika bit back a laugh,Mika knew that Raven always meditated around this time. "You said it was an emergency Robin?"Mika said sitting on a sofa.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Nisha cursed. "Taomon!!Get us away from SkullGreymon!"Nisha called. Taomon appeared.She grabbed Nisha and then held onto Ryoma who was holding onto Ginryuumon.Taomon teleported. When they reappeared they were behind a bar in a room.They peeked over the counter and saw Angel talking to Damian.Nisha checked her digivice and she frowned.According to the tower there was a digivice signal in every room. Nisha talked to Taomon and they Teleported away.Leaving Ryoma and Ginryuumon watching Angel and "Damian". Nisha and Taomon reappeared again and they were in a room.There was a person that looked like Damian.Nisha frowned and they continued to teleport aroundt he tower.Surely enough like the digivice said, there was a Damian in every room.But what confused her was how could they all have digivice signals.And which was the real Damian.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Mika was at home,doing her homework.She got up and walked around her house.She went to her parents' old room before they were murdered.She sat on the bed that remained and remembered all the fun they had.On top of the dresser was a framed photo of 3 people.It was taken the day before their murder.It was Mika and her parents. Suddenly Mika heard something in her head.It was Robin. ["Mika!Come to the Titan Tower."] ["I'm on my way."] Mika brought a capsule and ran out of the house.She stood on a man hole and it flipped and Mika fell down.She raced along the pipes.On her way to the Titan Tower.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Mika sensed something amiss and she rushed out of the house towards the base.She ran into the house and moved to where she sensed there was trouble.She stopped outside the Training Hall. Mika eased open the door and slipped in.Immediately she saw the problem.There was a group of Night Raverns.Mika raised her arms to the ceiling and a water cyclone materialised.It sweeped the Raverns up but left her friends on the ground. Mika ran forward into the watery wind to Danny. "Are you guys ok?I sensed you guys were in trouble." "We're ok now.Thanks for the back up."Danny said. "So...Should I let them down?"Mika said looking up. Danny nodded and levelled his pole.Mika pushed her arms down and the cyclone stopped.The Raverns fell from the sky and Danny hit them all with his pole. The Phoenixes stood together as the Night Raverns started to get up.[/COLOR]
[B]OOC:[/B]Sorry if I confused anyone by calling Azure and Kruiden guardians.I've been corrected and they are actually Guides.So sorry for anyone who was confused. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=darkblue]Mika gasped as she looked at her surroundings.The wind rushed past her as Machi flew.They were high up and going at a fast speed. "Are you ok Mika?"Machi asked. "I'm fine!I love this!"Mika cried. Before Mika knew it they were descending at a fast speed.Machi had his wings tucked in to be more streamlined.Then at the last minute,he opened his wings and they floated to the ground softly. Mika slid off and looked at the temple.It was big and there were people at the doorway.The human and the giant bird anthro approached the door people. "Excuse me.Would we be able to enter?"Mika asked. "Who are you?Who sent you?"said a gruff man. "My name is Miklara Shi'iandra.I was sent by the Guide, Azure.Oh and this is my bird anthro friend,Machitrello." "Shi'iandra?!There is an uncanny resemblance between you and Genesis."said another man. "Yes.The guides told me and my twin sister that we are descendants of Genesis and Revelation Shi'iandra." "You and your bird friend are permitted." "Thankyou."Mika said as she entered. Mika looked at the walls. "This language.It isn't like the alphabet that Azure and Kruiden gave me.What language is it Machi?"Mika said. "It is Nihoshi.It is called Japanese on Earth."Machi said examining the walls. "Japanese huh?This should be easy." Mika walked along the walls and read the japanese.Then she came to a sealed door.One of the men from the front door followed them. "Why isn't this door open?"Mika asked resting her hand on the cold stone. "It has been sealed ever since Genesis passed on."said the man. There was a few lines of script.Mika read it and translated it into. "'Towards the mountains in the Temple of the Family Guardian Spirits, I will come. You two are now one, the darkness is past. Beloved Child, close to heaven, Legend Warrior, Until we meet again."[b][u](Arika-If you don't want this to be the same as yours then tell me and I'll change it.)[/b][/u] Mika looked below it and saw there was a circle and four points,pointing away like a compass.From Clockwise it said. "Kirei sakura-Beautiful Cherry Blossom,Hikari no chikyuu-Light of the Earth,Iyashi no kaze-Healing Wind,(To be continued)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Mika had continued to talk to the guardians.They told her about their customs and lots of information about Sousei. There was a knock at the door and a large bird creature walked in. "You called for me Guardians?"it said. "Ah yes.Machitrello.This is Miklara Shi'iandra."Azure said. "Shi'iandra?!Really?!I'm so proud to meet you!!"Machitrello babbled. "Uh...Hi.You can call me Mika." "Oh wow.Machi for short.Guardians.What do you need??" "We wish for you to take Mika safely to the temple of Genesis." "It would be an honour guardians." "Good.Mika,Machi will take care of you.Just be careful yourself." "I will.Thanks for all of your help Azure and Kruiden." They walked out of the room and out of the temple. Machi bent down and signalled for Mika to climb on.Mika got up and they took off to the skies.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Mika hung around through the meeting.She was damp from fixing the pipe.There had been a blockage in the pipe and it backfired. "Hey guys.Since this is over I gotta scoot.I'll go home and get a shower.I'll seeya tomorrow.I might volunteer to help guard."Mika said. They all said bye to her and she exited the underground hideout. Mika yawned as she made her way home.There would be no one to greet her,as usual.No one to help her,cook for her,like usual.It had been like that since she was young.Heck.She didn't even actually own the house because she's underage and her family's dead. She arrived at her doorstep and rummaged through her pocket for her keys.She unlocked the door and stepped inside.It was quite clean.It was the house she lived in with her parents and grandparents before they were all murdered. Her bedroom was in it's usual state.Messy.She dumped her bag on the floor and walked over to her cupboard and took out a coat hanger that had the same clothes she was wearing now.Half of her cupboard was the some clothes.The other half were her hero suits.In her drawer were some different clothes.Like PJs,other casual clothes etc. Mika walked to the bathroom and took a shower.As soon as she turned on the faucet the water started to flow around her and washed her without any need of moving except when adding soap and shampoo and conditioner.Mika turned off the water and dried off and changed into her other set of clothes. She set about to cleaning.She called water to help her mop the wooden floorboards.Soon enough she was done with her chores and started her homework.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][b]Code Name:[/b]Mizu(Me-zoo) [b]Real Name:[/b]Mika Sanai [b]Age:[/b]15 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Powers/Skills:[/b]Mika can control Water in any form,eg.Rain,ice,liquid etc.In bodies of water,eg.Lakes,rivers,ponds,puddles etc.She can send thought messages with those who have even the slightest of psychic powers and those who don't.Her most powerful talent is summoning a Large Dragon made of Water.It attacks with a deadly force of water attacks.Mika can create cyclones,whirlpools and other deadly and dangerous water hazards.Her most useful talent though is being able to breathe underwater for long periods of time.She could even live underwater if she wanted to.Her natural talent is being able to hurl water at enemies and create shields and barriers out of water.She can also make replicas of objects made of water.Her last thing that isn't magical related is that she is very acrobatic and moves swiftly,quietly and smoothly like running water.She also has a strange power to talk to the animals...Like Dr. Dolittle.When she talks to the animals,it sounds like english but to others it sounds like the sound of the animal. [b]Power/Skill Origin:[/b]Metahuman [b]Alliance:[/b]Titans [b]Description:[/b]Mika has shoulder length,rich,chocolate brown hair.Her eyes are a emerald green colour.When she's not playing super hero,she wears a wears a blue,rainproof,hooded jacket that's unzipped with a white t-shirt inside.Then she wears navy blue pants and blue and white shoes. When she is in her Super mode she wears a suit similar to Asuka's from Neon Genesis Evangelion except it's blue. See attachment.It's the girl on the Right. [b]Biography:[/b]Mika was born with her Metahuman powers.Both of her parents were Metahuman from accidents and she inherited her father's powers.Her father controlled Water like herself and her mother was in charge of animals.That's how Mika can talk to animals.Her parents started to train her at the young age of 4 so she could control her powers before she was too old for discipline.She was a fast study and in a year she was as good as her father.Of course her father was amazed and tested her to do things like move water and all sorts of crazy things.Then finally he got her to spar him.Only using the skills she knew.No hand to hand combat.Mika was 6 then.They battled hard but in the end Mika won.Her father was amazed and soon Mika was learning new things everyday from old books.When she reached 8 she had mastered her Water Dragon summon,all of her attacks and shields and barriers. When Mika was 12 her father was murdered by Slade and Mika was heartbroken.They had formed a strong bond together.After that Mika started to learn from her mother about talking to animals.They were both grieving but Mika pushed on because se knew her father would have wanted her to keep going and make him proud. She soon started High School.She would always go home straight after school and practise all of her attacks.Soon she even learned a way to make replicas of objects out of water.Then she would hear over the news that there was crime in the city and she would put on her suit and go out and help people. One night she went out and met another person trying to be a hero.She discovered he went by the hero name as Robin.They rescued the people successfully and they left in seperate directions. The next day at High School they met.He saw her in the halls and asked her to go with him.He introduced himself as Tim Drake and they became friends.She soon decided that she would travel around with him to help others. She has a good sense of Justice and helps those who are in need of help and always does what's right.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Nisha smirked. "Way ahead of you!"she said as Taomon teleported out of sight. "Hey!No fair!"Ryoma shouted at the air. He slashed the card through his digivice and GinRyuumon took off. When Ryoma arrived at the Towers Nisha was standing at the base with Taomon. "Can Ginryuumon jump high?"Nisha asked. "Why?"Ryoma asked. Nisha looked up and pointed.There was a balcony. Ginryuumon tried to jump but didn't reach. Nisha reached into her pocket and threw the card she pulled out to Ryoma without looking at it.He caught it and saw it was a Hyper Wing. "I have this in my own deck." "Oh well.This saves time."Nisha replied."Jump Taomon!" Taomon grabbed Nisha and crouched before springing high and landing on the balcony silently. Ryoma slashed the Hyper Wing through his digivice and Ginryuumon flew up to the balcony before the wings disappeared. Nisha put a finger to her lips and eased open the sliding door and stepped into the room.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][b]Name:[/b]Mika Shinai [b]Age:[/b]15 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Call sign:[/b]Mizu [b]Power:[/b]Mika can control Water in any form,eg.Rain,ice,liquid etc.In bodies of water,eg.Lakes,rivers,ponds,puddles etc.She can send thought messages with those who have even the slightest of psychic powers and those who don't.Her most powerful talent is summoning a Large Dragon made of Water.It attacks with a deadly force of water attacks.Mika can create cyclones,whirlpools and other deadly and dangerous water hazards.Her most useful talent though is being able to breathe underwater for long periods of time.She could even live underwater if she wanted to.Her natural talent is being able to hurl water at enemies.Her last thing that isn't magical related is that she is very acrobatic and moves swiftly,quietly and smoothly like running water.she also has a strange power to talk to the animals...Like Dr. Dolittle.When she talks to the animals,it sounds like english but to others it sounds like the sound of the animal. [b]Side:[/b]Phoenix [b]Description:[/b]Mika has shoulder length,rich,chocolate brown hair.Her eyes are a emerald green colour.She wears a wears a blue,rainproof,hooded jacket that's unzipped with a white t-shirt inside.Then she wears navy blue pants and blue and white shoes. [b]Nationality:[/b]Japanese(Konnichiwa ^_^) [b]Bio:[/b]When Mika was 4 years old her mother and father were murdered by a gang of Night Ravens.She lived with her grandmother and grandfather.They treated her kindly for 2 more years of her life before they were murdered too.Mika was frightened because she was still 6 years old.She lived alone in the house,fending for herself.Then one day she was caught and was taken to an old orphanage.They treated all of the children badly there but there was nothing anyone could do about it.The only thing she could grab before they took her away was her mother's old glaive.One day the care lady was very angry at the kids and pushed Mika head first into a bath.Mika thought she was going to die because she couldn't get up.But then she realised she could breathe underwater.She wondered why she couldn't get up and realised the care lady was holding her down.Suddenly the water from the bath shot up in a large flow and blew the care lady away.Mika got up and grabbed a towel before running to grab her glaive and ran away.She learned her agility and swiftiness in the streets and learned how to fight with her glaive and without weapons.She also learned how to control her powers so they didn't go wild.Then she met up with an older girl and a boy(Danny and Sylvaine) and teamed up with them to defeat the Raverns. [b]Other Description:[/b]If you know who Asuka from Neon Genesis Evangelion is then imagine her suit and make it blue.That's what she wears. For help I added an attachment.It's the girls on the right.
[COLOR=darkblue][b]Name:[/b]Renamon [b]Level:[/b]Rookie [b]Attack/s:[/b]Diamond storm,Rapid Kick,Power Paw,Flaying Kick [b]Attack Description/s:[/b] [u]Diamond Storm:[/u]She jumps high and usually curls up before crossing her arms across her chest and energy forms.Then she releases and shards of diamonds appear from the energy and shoot down at wherever she's aimed at. The other attacks all explain themselves. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Are we allowed to Digivolve in this or do we keep a single evolution through out?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][b]Name:[/b]Miklara Shinai(Only Used in Formalities) [b]Nickname:[/b]Mika(More personnal),Lara(People who don't know her well) [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Age:[/b]16 turning 17 [b]Character Type:[/b]Angel [b]Attributes:[/b]Mika can control Water in any form,eg.Rain,ice,liquid etc.In bodies of water,eg.Lakes,rivers,ponds,puddles etc.She can send thought messages with those who have even the slightest of psychic powers and those who don't.Her most powerful talent is summoning a Large Dragon made of Water.It attacks with a deadly force of water attacks.Mika can create cyclones,whirlpools and other deadly and dangerous water hazards.Her most useful talent though is being able to breathe underwater for long periods of time.She could even live underwater if she wanted to.Her natural talent is being able to hurl water at enemies.Her last thing that isn't magical related is that she is very acrobatic and moves swiftly,quietly and smoothly like running water.she also has a strange power to talk to the animals...Like Dr. Dolittle.When she talks to the animals,it sounds like english but to others it sounds like the sound of the animal. [b]Appearance:[/b]Mika has shoulder length,rich,chocolate brown hair.Her eyes are a emerald green colour.They change to a crystal blue colour when she uses her magic.Around her neck is a silver chain with a pendant that is made of silver that's in the 3D shape of a teardrop.On the teardrop is a cherry blossom carved into it.It was from her mother before she passed away.It's is what her powers are channeled through.She wears a wears a blue,rainproof,hooded jacket that's unzipped with a white t-shirt inside.Then she wears navy blue pants and blue and white shoes. [b]Personality:[/b]Mika is an open and friendly person to those who wish to be friends with her.She's tough despite her sweet looks.She's motivated by the will to keep everything the same and to not let the world be ruined by Technoglobe.She's protective over her friends and her charges.She's loyal and noble,and will almost never run from a battle unless she has to.Because if you run.They'll keep coming after you. [b]Bio:[/b]Mika's mother died when she was 5.Before she died she had given Mika the necklace and pendant she wears with her and an ocarina.Right after she gave Mika the items she passed on to become another Angel.She lives with her father in an old building in the slums.He's growing weak and old so she helps take care of him.Something that her father always loves to hear is Mika playing the ocarina.It helps sooth him and calms her soul so whenever she's feeling sad or any emotion or just having free time,she'll play soft melodies.One of her other hobbies is reading.She loves reading.Especially about the history of the world and what Technoglobe would destroy if they got their way.After learning about the world she went on to different books but she had made up her mind that she would fight against the company for freedom and rights.Mika prays that her father will hold on but she fears tht he is ready to leave and join her mother already.Mika joined the ranks of Karen O'Shea about 3 years ago to help fight for what she believes in. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]OOC:[/b]Do you want me to change anything? Tell me if anything needs changing. ~Ohkami[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][I]Mika watched intently.Her ears were pricked at attention.She barked encouragement at Flygon to fight the Confuse Ray.Flygon looked up and used the Crunch attack on Lapras but it was slightly weaker because Flygon was confused. Mika barked happily.She smelt something strange in the air.She raised her nose to the air and sniffed carefully.It smelt like smoke.Mika followed the smell.Starr saw her going off and called out.[/I] "Mika!Where are you going?" "I smell smoke!!"[I]Her ears pricked up and heard screaming and yells for help.[/I]"And people are crying out for help!!" [I]Mika ran as fast as she could using her agility to help her.She zigzagged to go faster.Soon she arrived at the scene.There was a thick blanket of smoke in the area.Mika's sensitive nose itched and she sneezed.She saw what the cause was.There were several buildings and houses on fire.There were people inside screaming for help.Trainers with bird pokemon tried to rescue them but the birds wouldn't go near the fire.Trainers with Water pokemon tried to extinguish the flames but they were too big. Mika ran back to Starr and told her what was happening.Starr told the trainer that they would have to wait and Starr released Salamance.Starr withdrew Flygon and jumped onto Salamance with Mika.They took off to the area. Salamance went up and rescued several people before putting them on the ground.Nurse Joy and several Chanseys and Blisseys were at the bottom nursing those who were rescued.Most had smoke inhalation. Starr released Feraligator to help put out the fires.After quite a long time the fires were out and everyone had been rescued and were being taken care of by Nurse Joy. Starr withdrew Feraligator and then herself and Mika got on Salamance and returned to the trainer.It was time to finish the battle.Starr returned Salamance and released Flygon again.[/I][/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I made up the fire because I had nothing to type about.No one knows who did it.
[B]OOC:[/B]Did you guys forget about me? ------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=darkblue]As soon as SkullGreymon digivolved Nisha grabbed a card.It was an evolution card. "Renamon!!DIGI-MODIFY!!DIGIVOLUTION ACTIVATE!!!" Renamon digivolved to Kyuubimon. "Get in there Kyuubimon!!!"Nisha called. Kyuubimon teleported to Kitsuninemon's side. "KYUUBIMON!!WATCH OUT!!!"Nisha cried as a missile headed straight for the digimon. Nisha glowed with a bright light and a blue card appeared in her hand. "DIGI-MODIFY!!!MATRIX DIGIVOLUTION ACTIVATE!!!"Nisha cried quickly. A light engulfed Kyuubimon and she digivolved to Taomon. "SPIRIT TALISMAN!!"Taomon said painting the symbol in the sky. A bubble formed around Taomon,Kitsuninemon and the two other digimon.The missile hit and when the smoke cleared none of them were injured. Nisha ran over to Angel. "We can defeat this creature.We just need the right cards."Nisha said,indicating SkullGreymon.[/COLOR]
[b]OOC:[/b]For a picture of her swimming costume check Recruitment Thread. See attachment for her suit.It's like the girl on the Right but it's blue instead of red. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=darkblue]Mika and Elf broke through to the surface.Mika lifted her hand and the dolphins lifted up onto their tails and clapped their flippers together.Mika clapped and they pushed off,did a somersault and dived back into the water.They swam up to Mika and she patted their fins.She pushed them gently and they turned onto their backs and Mika ran a hand along their underbelly. Mika spoke to them in clicks and squeaks and then they turned around and swam away. "Okay Elf.Let's go!"Mika said turning her back on the water.She pulled out a capsule from a skin tight pocket and pushed the bottom on the top.It opened and there was a suit in her hands and a room.She walked into the room and changed into the suit.She walked out and brushed her hair.She pushed a panel on the side of the room and it returned to capsule form. Mika walked forward and looked around.It was midday and the sun beat down,giving her chocolate brown hair a glossy shine.Elf who had hardly ever been to the surface was astonished. "We're going to meet some of the other Colony members at Limestone Cliffs."Mika said pointing to a cliff quite a distance away. "I think we'll rest for the rest of this afternoon since you haven't been to the surface much.Tomorrow we'll wake up early in the morning and start the journey to avoid the hottest part of the day when the sun is directly above us."Mika told him before sitting on the sand and lying down.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][B]Name:[/b]Mika Salima [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Side:[/b]Hacker [b]Appearance:[/b]See attachment [b]Brief Bio:[/b]Mika lived in Japan until she was 12,then she moved to the USA.When they moved her father was killed by a group of gangsters in a gang war.She was lost.She didn't know what to do because she was very close to her father because her mother was a stepmother.She then became obsessed with computers to try to block the pain and sadness.She was fascintated and wanted to learn everything and soon took up Hacking to learn more.Soon enough Mika was so good that she had no problem hacking into any program or site with the highest security and not be caught or traced.Everyday she would go to school and then come straight home when it finished.She had no social life except some friends on the internet.Fellow hackers and unsuspecting victims.Then she met Jake and Sylvia.They had no clue that Mika was a hacker and Mika had no clue that they were against her and were out to defeat her and other hackers. [b]Reason for picking the side they did:[/b]She had become so obsessed with hacking that when the program came out she wanted to see how she could manipulate the program to her wants. [b]Weapon:[/b]A glaive with a shaft made of polished oak and a blade made of hard,unbluntable,unbreakable silver.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue][I]Mika looked at the two guardians.[/I] "I have been studying the script and pictures on the walls of this temple.They are not any known human language.Could you tell me what they are?"[I]Mika asked them.[/I] "They are our language.You're correct.It has not been revealed to humans of your world.But the people of Sousei go by this language everyday like you would to your language."[I]Azure said wisely.[/I] "Would you be able to give me an alphabet of your language?I am very intrigued."[I]Mika asked them.[/I] [I]Kruiden waved with a flick of his wrist and Mika's laptop started to beep.She flipped it open and on the screen was a language and the english underneath it and what some of the pictures meant.[/I] "Thank you.I will study this."[I]Mika said happily.[/I] "It's good to see you intrigued by our culture,customs and languages."[I]Azure said. Mika continued to question the guardians about the Legend and the strange world they were in.The guardians smiled.It had been so long.They had waited and almost gave up hope but finally they had arrived.Genesis and Revelation Shi'iandra.MAybe the World of Sousei did have hope.Along with the other Legend one.[/COLOR][/i]
[COLOR=darkblue]You may have heard that we descended from apes. This is merely a cover up for the unbelievable truth of how we formed. Before humans existed, the Earth was divided into four colonies. Unlike most tales you hear, whether they are true or false, these races did not war with each other and lived in peace. They only had to use weapons when fools from the colonies decided they didn't like the peace. The only disadvantages were that each colony struggled to survive within the territory of the other colonies, and each colony had a territory they couldn't enter. The Water colony, understandably, lived underwater. They were great swimmers and very adept with weapons such as bows,swords and blade weapons. The Earth colony were almost human, but they were extremely skilled with magic. The Fire colony lived within the volcanoes and magma streams around the land. Thye could harness the powers of fire to great advantage. The wind colony lived in the skies. Giant wings were mounted on their backs, and they had great use of their claws. Unable to use any weapons, but highly skilled with their claws and strength. One group, however, did not like the peace of this world. Whilst still living with their race, they acted normal and were suspected of nothing, but they were plotting to overthrow the peace and bring war upon the world. Their plan was sorted. They killed memebers of each race, making it look like another race was responsible. The plan seemed to go without a hitch, but they were unaware of the fact they had been sighted by some other people. The killers were immediately executed, but the group still existed, living amongst their races. The races worked together to try and stop this cult, but they knew that the group still acted as good people. Sometimes memebers of each race would feud, and good people would battle each other. The races had not yet crumbled into a war for a single race to be left, but if this group was not stopped soon, then a war would begin. The only way the races will prevail is to successfully light up 5 special lighthouses around the world.But they must do it together.To light up each Lighthouse,they need a spell or piece of each element.There is one lighthouse in every colony,all in hidden places.Then the final lighthouse is in the center.It must be lit at the very end.However,if the cult light all of the lighthouses with their evil elements the world will be thrown into darkness and the war will begin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ONLY POST IF YOU ARE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING!! [b]Water Colony: Leader:[/b]Mika Santra(Ohkami) [b]Member:[/b]Elf(DemonzDragoon) [b]Evil:[/b]Ijimeru Dorian(Tsukasa_Hack) [b]Earth Colony: Leader:[/b]Sabrielle "Sabi" Meshaw(Stick Fairy) [b]Member:[/b]Mathalamu "Matt" Crystaline(Lrb) [b]Evil:[/b]Marakuta Faotay(Ben) [b]Fire Colony: Leader:[/b]Cassandra Pyrin/Hidama Kyoukan(Arika) [b]Member:[/b]Dunner Wolfram(the The Boy) [b]Evil:[/b]Dregen Croft(Dregen) [b]Wind Colony: Leader:[/b]Dango(vicky) [b]Member:[/b]Gabriel Crane(doukeshi03) [b]Evil:[/b]Yata Gurusumo(Ayokano) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]Mika swam around.Her chocolate brown hair flowed out around her.She was with her 3 best friends.That's normal right?Wrong.Her 3 best friends were dolphins and even Mika wasn't normal.Her whole family and the colony she lived with,lived underwater in a large ocean.That's impossible you say?Well it was something all members of the Water Colony were born with.They can breathe underwater without oxygen. Mika spoke to the dolphins and all other sea creatures.It was a natural talent.But when others heard it it sounded like clicks and squeaHer 3 dolphin friends were named by her acording to their personality.the one she was closest to was Mizu(me-zoo).The other 2 were Kaze(car-zeh) and Hi(he).They always played around together and oftenly went to the surface to perform tricks before disappearing back into the depths. Justks.She could even do sonar!Like how the dolphins spoke.Then when she talked to other animals she spoke in the way they do.That's how she earned the nickname of Dreamer. The day before,the elders had an important meeting.Mika heard that there was trouble arousing and that every colony was sending 2 people from their colony to go and help.As soon as Mika heard that she swam in and stepped forward.She immediately volunteered.At first the elders were reluctant but soon let her go as the leader and told er to choose another to travel with her. Mika went home to pack.She gathered her backpack full of supplies and her weapons;a glaive with a shaft made of polished oak and a blade made of hard,sharp,unbluntable silver.And a pair of daggers with hilts made of silver and blades made of sharp,hard,unbluntable,unbreakable crystal. That was when Elf came in.He knocked on the door and entered.[/i] "Hi Mika!....What are you packing for?....Are you leaving me and the family?"[i]he said sadly.[/i] "Elf!!Exellent!You're gonna come with me!"[i]Mika said happily.Elf just looked confused.Mika explained everything and his eyes lit up happily.He ran to his room to pack as Mika headed down to tell her family. Soon Elf came down to join Mika.Her parents were slightly upset but hugged them and wished them luck.Then they exited the house.Miak called out loudly with 2 large squeaks.Mizu and Kaze swam from the depths and squeaked at them.Mika had a conversation with them and then grabbed the dorsal fin of Mizu.Mika told Elf to grab Kaze's dorsal fin and the dolphins took off to the surface. At that same time another Water Colony member who had also heard the elders' meeting left.If was Ijimeru.One of the members of the cult,though no one else but the other cult members.The cult members had secretly agreed to meet at the Misty Forest that wasn't too far from the shore.[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Sorry I'm late!! [b]Name:[/b]Mika (Poochyena) [b]Level:[/b]20(Hasn't wanted to evolve yet but will later in the RP) [b]Affiliation:[/b]Free Lance [b]Appearance:[/b]She looks like a regular Poochyena but she has navy blue streaks through her fur. [b]Bio:[/b]She's friendly and likes to make new pokepals.Although she is kind hearted and is very playful she can easily become serious at needed times.Especially when battling.When she gets into a pokemon battle she is tough and won't give up easily.She's very agile and swift to avoid attacks.She is quite powerful despite her size and looks and can pack quite a punch. [b]Teammate:[/b]Follows Starr but isn't really her pokemon but also helps fight for her sometimes.[/COLOR]
[color=navy]SIGN UPS CLOSED!!! I'll start this today!! Austin!!Finish your SIGN UP!!! Dregen-All evils are Members. YAY!!![/color]