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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. [COLOR=darkblue]Nisha was at her hosue when she felt something strange.She looked up from the book she was reading and stood next to the window.She scanned the distance for any sign of danger.She saw a flash of light from another part of the city. "Renamon!"she called. The fox digimon appeared next to her. "What's wrong Nisha?"she asked.Nisha pointed to the flashes. "Oh...I see." "Let's go Renamon!"Nisha said. She got her backpack of stuff,her dagger,cards? and her digivice.Renamon grabbed her and they fazed away. Next they appeared at the scene.There were people and digimon.Nisha knew that some of these were Negative Tamers.Her and the Positive Tamers' worst enemy. "Who's who?"she asked standing forward.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkblue]The echoing sounds of the wave crashing against the sea side cliff filled the night time air as the light of the tri moon reflected down upon the cold dark waves of the ocean. The cry of a sea gull filling forth upon the air as the girl stood there. Her emerald green hues looking out and over the churning waves as strands of her shoulder length chocolate brown hair danced about upon the wind. Her lips of soft rose pink were pursed together as she placed the mouthpiece of the silver and blue ocarina to her lips. Each of her finger tips placed gently upon each finger hole, and her robes of blue and silver dancing about upon the wind. Her fingers moving idly and softly as the soft slow air was put into it. The notes ringing out with grand clearity across the ocean waves, and as they did the wind began to grow and the sea began to grow more violent. The ocean itslf coming up and raging forth as suddenly someting burst forth. The grand blue beast bursting through the waves. Its grand sapphire wings shimmered like crystal in the moon light reflecting the silver light that gleamed through them with a shade of that of an aurora. The wings flapping continously to keep itself high within the air, and its green glowing hues upon her. The girl though continued to play, continued to play that marvelous song as she dropped to her knees. Mental exhaustion sweeping over her as she hit the grass. The dragon though soon perched itself upon something that soon followed it up from the ocean surface. The tower of blue crystal being clutched within its talons as its green eyes narrowed as it watched her. "Hikari...find her...find me...save us...come home..." The dragon spoke in a mental voice that filled her mind, and yet she couldn't force them away. "Kari...Kari..." Suddenly everything was spinning out of control as she collapsed along the ground. Her full body feeling the full weight of the exhaustion that had pressed itself against her. Her head rose slowly as the hoot of a owl floated into her room through the partially cracked open window of her bed room. The light of the moon filling into the place and along the blue and silver quilt that was laid atop of her small form. She pushed herself up so her emerald green hues shifted along to look up at the great white snowy owl that stood upon the branch outside her window. "Strange...don't see those type of birds here in New York." She whispered as she stood there looking to the grand bird before shaking her head to herself and plopping right back into her bed to sleep the rest of the night away. Soon the screech of her alarm woke her up. The repetitive annoying beep that rang into her ears through her sleep. Eyes passed upwards to look out her window to look and see that snow white owl was gone. She shoke her head to herself then before getting up, and getting ready for the day. It was near Ten A.M. when she got downstairs. Dressed in a white see through button up business shirt that was over top a blue top. Her camera strap slung over her shoulder as she glided along. Her blue boot like shoes silently hitting against the floor as she walked along. Her chocolate brown hair dancing down a single inch below her shoulder. She was heading straight for Central Park obviously, and to a specific area. She got into the small area. The scent of the trees filling the air and tingling upon her senses. Her eyes passed over her small group of friends within this little area and she took a seat upon a bench next to one of them. "Hey guys, whats going on?" She chirped then in that soft melodic voice.[/COLOR] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ We start in NYC's Central Park ok? Everyone except Harlequin who's off in his Demon World. When everyone arrives at Central Park,then the Messenger will appear.
  3. Sakura


    [COLOR=darkblue][U]Trainer Sign Up[/u] [b]Name:[/b]Hikari (Kari) Tonoshi [b]Age:[/b]14 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Height:[/b]5'2" [b]Weight:[/b]50kg [b]Hometown:[/b]Littleroot Town [b]Appearance:[/b]See attachment [b]History:[/b]Kari was born into a small family.She had a mother,father and an older brother.Her brother and father had pokemon.Her brother,Kai is a great pokemon trainer and her father was a gym leader who retired last year but still battles people for the sport.Kari watched them since a young age and was fascinated by the creatures.She dreamed of getting her own pokemon one day and going on an adventure of her own with a partner to catch 'em all and to be the best. [b]Personality:[/b]Kari's a kind and caring girl.She has a happy nature and is an optomist,always looking on the good side.She's friendly and easy to get along with. ------------------------- [u]Your Starter Pokémon[/u] [b]Name:[/b]Rush [b]Species:[/b]Poochyena [b]Type:[/b]Dark [b]Moves:[/b]Tackle,Howl[/color]
  4. [color=navy]Well done Harlequin.Like usual. I will start this tomorrow. It's late for me at the moment. Watch for it.[/color]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue]Nisha sat on a rock.Nothing strange about that right?Wrong.She was sitting on a rock....in the middle of the sea.Angry waves crashed around her.She put her hand into her pocket and brought out a blue ocarina.She placed her fingers over the holes and brought it to her lips.She blew into it gently.The waves calmed and Nisha heard another noise,singing in harmony with the song of her ocarina.She looked up and saw her blue dragon,Tsu.He started to descend and changed into a swoop,headed right towards Nisha.At the last second Nisha did a backflip and landed upright on Tsu's back.She ended the song. "Time to go home Tsu."she whispered to her deragon.They had been friends since they were young.They trusted each other and had a lot of fun.They had been in battles together and Tsu was the swift,brave,strong and agile.Nisha was the same and they worked together. They headed back to her village and landed.As soon as she had landed she was told that the Elders wished to see her.She led Tsu over to a house that held them and knocked. "Hello Elders.You asked for me?"she asked. "Yes Nisha.Please take a seat." The Elder's reminded her of Master Kakashi and his minions and told her about the Elemental Dragons and that she had the Dragon of Water.Then they told her that she had to go one a quest to find the Silver Phoenix. Then they gave her gifts.Her father gave her a glaive,her mother gave her money and supplies,the oldest Elder gave her a crystal orb in which to keep Tsu in,another Elder gave her a pair of daggers,another gave her a pair of pendants made of sapphires.One for Nisha and one for Tsu to keep control and for mind speech.She thanked them and left.She gave Tsu the pendant and then went home to rest.They would leave later that afternoon.[/COLOR] Sorry if I copied you a bit Arika.Hope ya don't mind too much.
  6. It's good Shippo. I can't do any better than that anyways... Did you actually draw Sonic? Because I think I've seen that pic a few times in different places. My best 2 subjects at school are English and Japanese so I need to correct a spelling mistake. You used the wrong Your. You said: Sonic... You said you would be there(,,,) But (your) gone Forever... It should be: Sonic... You said you would be there(...) But (you're) gone Forever... The brackets are the mistakes and corrections. Sorry to do this but I can't help it... My friends get annoyed at me when I do it to them too. About the Drawing... I agree that it is a bit blockish but still very good. Good job.
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]Mizu looked at the two passages left.She looked from one to the other.There was a mixture of auras and magics that blurred her inner vision.Then she got an idea from what Himani had done.She reached into her pocket and pulled out her ocarina.Behind her she heard Malheleco groan. Mizu placed her fingers carefully over the holes and raised it to her lips,blowing into it gently.A soft melody played and soon she changed it into a mystical song that her "sister" had taught her for dividing magics if she was searching for one in particular. Her inner vision became clearer as the magics parted into strands of colour.Mizu searched for a blue trail and found it.She ended the song and pointed to one of the passages. "It's this way."she said walking forward.[/COLOR]
  8. Does anyone know a good BioMerge for me? I've got Renamon but her Mega and BioMerge are the same....Anyone got any ideas for me? I'm open for any opinions.
  9. [COLOR=darkblue]Nisha raced Alex home with the Fly card and they came with a draw.They flew through Nisha's open window and changed into their PJs.Nisha yawned.She was tired from the day of events.She pulled the blankets over herself. "'Night Al'."Nisha muttered. "'Night Nisha."Alex replied. They were both sleepy.Nisha whistled and the lights turned off. ====Dream!!==== Nisha was back in the Lasin Shrine.The mysterious stranger was there again. "Nisha....You must be careful.....Things are not as they seem...." "What do you mean?!HEY!!!"Nisha called as the figure disappeared. ====END DREAM!!!==== Nisha flipped and turned in bed.Her dream changed to a regular one for the rest of the night.[/COLOR] ------------------------------------------------------- I've got writer's block!!!:bawl:
  10. [color=navy]Good of you to join us Ruby! The last spot for Wind is saved for Stick Fairy I think. We can't start yet because Shanghai needs to write his sheet up. And Harlequin needs to post his sign up. After all that's done then I'll start!![/color] [color=red][b]THE SIGN UPS ARE NOW CLOSED!!![/color][/b]
  11. [COLOR=darkblue][I]When Aarde and Himani arrived Mizu looked at them in a greeting and continued to play until she finished the song.[/I] "Finally she stopped the infernal racket!"Malheleco said angrily. [I]Mizu got out of the bubble and stretched her legs from sitting down for so long.[/I] "Hi guys." "Don't you and Malheleco ever get along?"Aarde asked shaking her head. [I]Mizu shrugged.She looked at Feuer.He looked tense.Mizu walked over.[/I] "Feuer,What's wrong?" "I feel like this problem is urgent." "Do you know anything?"Mizu asked him.[/COLOR]
  12. [color=navy]Welcome Metatron! New Tally!!! Earth:2-NO MORE Water:2-NO MORE Wind:1 Fire:1 Once we have one more in Wind and Fire and Harlequin posts his Sign Up sheet then we can start!![/color]
  13. [COLOR=darkblue]Hikari was looking through the newbies who had posted in the Pokemon Forum and who were making new threads.Their posts were 2 lines long of nothingness.And their spelling was really bad along with their grammar. She went through closing most of the threads and editting posts with messages to improve their post quality. A pop up appeared on screen.It was a PM.It said to meet at the old Inuyasha Forum.Hikari was about to go when she saw more threads started saying. [i]'My favourite Pokemon is Poochyena!' 'Treecko's better!!' 'Is not!You're stupid!' 'I'm not stupid you are!'[/i] And it continued.Hikari groaned and closed the thread.She checked her pokemon belt was around her waist and checked the pokeballs were on securely and quickly left and stepped into the portal for the old Inuyasha forum.She arrived and saw the other mods. "Hey.Sorry I'm late.Had to deal with the newbies.So what's going on?"[/color]
  14. [color=navy]Oh sorry if I wasn't clear. I meant 2 people can play the same element. So now the tally is: Earth:2-NO MORE Fire:1 Water:1 Wind:1[/color]
  15. [color=navy]Just to let you know.We have a bit of magic.I have the most. [b][u]Stick Fairy-[/b][/u]You need to choose one element.Sorry. Everyone else is ok. Here's a tally of Elements: Earth:2-NO MORE Water:1 Fire:1 Wind:0[/color]
  16. [color=navy]Okay Lrb,you're in!!! You can have a bit.And I mean A BIT of nature power. I'll let you have a bit of control over plants ok? [b][u]The place of the Demon Lord is reserved for Harlequin.[/u][/b] That's all for now.Thanks!! I hope more people join.It should be good. ~Ohkami[/color]
  17. [color=navy]The echoing sounds of the wave crashing against the sea side cliff filled the night time air as the light of the tri moon reflected down upon the cold dark waves of the ocean. The cry of a sea gull filling forth upon the air as the girl stood there. Her emerald green hues looking out and over the churning waves as strands of her shoulder length chocolate brown hair danced about upon the wind. Her lips of soft rose pink were pursed together as she placed the mouthpiece of the silver and blue ocarina to her lips. Each of her finger tips placed gently upon each finger hole, and her robes of blue and silver dancing about upon the wind. Her fingers moving idly and softly as the soft slow air was put into it. The notes ringing out with grand clearity across the ocean waves, and as they did the wind began to grow and the sea began to grow more violent. The ocean itslf coming up and raging forth as suddenly someting burst forth. The grand blue beast bursting through the waves. Its grand sapphire wings shimmered like crystal in the moon light reflecting the silver light that gleamed through them with a shade of that of an aurora. The wings flapping continously to keep itself high within the air, and its green glowing hues upon her. The girl though continued to play, continued to play that marvelous song as she dropped to her knees. Mental exhaustion sweeping over her as she hit the grass. The dragon though soon perched itself upon something that soon followed it up from the ocean surface. The tower of blue crystal being clutched within its talons as its green eyes narrowed as it watched her. "Hikari...find her...find me...save us...come home..." The dragon spoke in a mental voice that filled her mind, and yet she couldn't force them away. "Kari...Kari..." Suddenly everything was spinning out of control as she collapsed along the ground. Her full body feeling the full weight of the exhaustion that had pressed itself against her. Her head rose slowly as the hoot of a owl floated into her room through the partially cracked open window of her bed room. The light of the moon filling into the place and along the blue and silver quilt that was laid atop of her small form. She pushed herself up so her emerald green hues shifted along to look up at the great white snowy owl that stood upon the branch outside her window. "Strange...don't see those type of birds here in New York." She whispered as she stood there looking to the grand bird before shaking her head to herself and plopping right back into her bed to sleep the rest of the night away. Soon the screech of her alarm woke her up. The repetitive annoying beep that rang into her ears through her sleep. Eyes passed upwards to look out her window to look and see that snow white owl was gone. She shoke her head to herself then before getting up, and getting ready for the day. It was near Ten A.M. when she got downstairs. Dressed in a white see through button up business shirt that was over top a blue top. Her camera strap slung over her shoulder as she glided along. Her blue boot like shoes silently hitting against the floor as she walked along. Her chocolate brown hair dancing down a single inch below her shoulder. She was heading straight for Central Park obviously, and to a specific area. She got into the small area. The scent of the trees filling the air and tingling upon her senses. Her eyes passed over her small group of friends within this little area and she took a seat upon a bench next to one of them. "Hey guys, whats going on?" She chirped then in that soft melodic voice. ---------- Alright here's the scoop. The whole things begins in this spot in NYC's Central Park. The friends are all gathered until a messenger (an npc) shows up and tells them about some grand quest to this world called Tellspeth. The thing goes like this, the realm is in Chaos...this high demon lord (anyone can play him) is about looking for this person known as the Song Soveirgn. The Song Soveirgn herself is neither good nor evil and cause so much chaos, and yet save so many lives that she is a tool for both sides. Though no one knows who it is, though obviously it is Kari. The Demon Lord wishes to seduce the girl, though he can't hide the fact he has a deep infatuation already for her. Both sides know it is Kari, but they never say anything directly outright wishing for her to discover on her own. The friends though are brought along to protect her as guardians. Though the friends are able to choose their own sides, either they are good or they are evil. Alright then here is the stuff ye need to submit for the rp...Ye know that character info every rp needs. Name: Age: Gender: Weapon:Max is 3 Element: (Only of these four: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire)I'll allow 2 of each. Appearance: Background: (How they know Hikari/Kari, and all that other stuff...) [b]Name:[/b]Hikari(Kari) [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Weapon:[/b]A glaive made of polished oak for the shaft and a blade made of sharp,unbluntable,unbreakable crystal.And a pair of daggers. [b]Element:[/b]Water [b]Appearance:[/b]Stands at five foot five, weighing a simple one hundred and fifteen pounds.She has emerald green eyes,chocolate brown hair and she loves two things most in life: Photography and Music. She usually wears blue and white or silver colored articals of clothing but most of the time she wears a blue jacket over a white t-shirt with navy blue pants and blue and white nikes.Around her neck is a small 3D teardrop made of silver with the shape of a cherry blossom carved into it and she usually always has her eyes covered by silver,reflective,custom made sunglasses.She always carries the ocarina in her pocket and she always carries a navy blue backpack with numerous things inside. [b]Background:[/b]She was raised in New York, though she was raised by a foster family never knowing of her true origins. She has always felt watched all her life, and is always haunted by a white snow owl. She keeps to herself alot except for within her little circle of friends.[/color] [color=red][b]Rules!!! (1)I want good posting and Frequent posting!!! (2)I expect good grammar and good spelling. (3)Every post must be [u]atleast 6 line long!![/u] (4)No GODMODDING or Controlling other ppl's characters without permission. (5)OBEY THE RULES OF OTAKUBOARDS AND THESE RULES!!![/color][/b] [color=navy]Sign Up and Have Fun!!! ~Ohkami[/color]
  18. [COLOR=darkblue][I]Mizu turned to glare at Malheleco.She muttered some words and encased herself in a bubble.Feuer poked it but it didn't pop.It was hard.She put the mouthpiece to her lips again and continued her song.It was a shield but to annoy Malheleco she didn't make it sound proof even though she could.But of course she made it sound proof for her so she couldn't hear anything outside.She closed her eyes and blew.Malheleco turned to her.He was angry.He tried to fire some blasts at her.They were quite weak since it was day.Mizu just changed a tune.It was a magical song.The bubble shield glowed and the blast bounced off and back towards Malheleco,then she changed back to her original song.She opened one eye and smirked towards the now angry man,but not once stopping her song.She kept her gaze on the man and he was moving his mouth but of course she didn't hear it.She suspected they were curses.Just to annoy him a bit further she played a song that got into anyone's skin.It used the highest notes playable that were very high pitched.It rung out of the bubble and around the deserted area.Feuer just pulled out some ear plugs from somewhere and plugged them in his ears.Malheleco wasn't as handy.He clapped his hands over his ears and stomped towards the girl in the bubble.He knocked on it but it was like the hardest material ever.He blasted at it and tried everything to try to get to her.Mizu laughed on the inside but continued her song. From then she knew herself and Malheleco wouldn't be good friends.But it wasn't exactly her fault.He had threatened her about her music,that she cared for deeply.Especially since the ocarina she plays and carries everywhere belonged to her deceased older sister. When she was younger Mizu would love to listen to her older sister play her beautiful tunes on the ocarina.She always said that one day she would give it to her and she even taught her how to play.When she was killed Mizu was torn and she got her sister's ocarina which she now carries everywhere. A tear rolled down her cheek as she thought back on the memory. 'I miss you so much Hime.'she thought in her head. 'I hope others come soon...'[/I][/COLOR]
  19. [color=navy][b]Name:[/b]Nisha [b]Screen:[/b]Hikari [b]Age:[/b]14 [b]Description:[/b]See attachment [b]Bio:[/b]Hikari has been a mod of Pokemon since it was created.When she heard that there were hackers trying to destroy all the forums she stood up to fight and protect her beloved boards. [b]Forum:[/b]Pokemon [b]Weapons:[/b]Pokemon [u]Rush[/u]-Poochyena [u]Blaze[/u]-Flareon [u]Wave[/u]-Vaporeon [u]Jolt[/u]-Jolteon [u]Amber[/u]-Tropius [u]Midnight[/u]-Umbreon [u]Skye[/u]-Articuno[/color] You didn't get back to my second PM. I have 7 Pokémon.No legendarys.
  20. [COLOR=darkblue][I]A girl walked through the snow and ice of the arctic.She wasn't grasping herself for warmth.Some people would be amazed at how she did it but in fact she wasn't even cold,even though it seemed she was wearing a jacket. She looked left and right through whiteness.It was hard to see with a Snow Storm blowing close to her,blinding her vision.She pulled the hood up to keep the snow out of her chocolate brown hair and grabbed her silver,reflective,custom made sunglasses and put them over her emerald eyes to protect her eyes from the snow.But the sunglasses also had a heat sensing radar and other things.In her vision she could see lots of dark blue,meaning the ice and snow.Then she saw 2 heat sources in the distance and a pull told her to go that way. The girl continued to walk along the ice like it was nothing and soon she arrived.There were 2 men.One was tall and he was standing and she couldn't tell the height of the other because he was sitting on what seemed to be a snow pile.[/I] "Hi!I'm Mizu!!"she said happily. "Hello.I'm Feuer"the boy on the pile of snow said. The last boy looked at her and said."Malheleco" "Great!Nice to meet you Feuer and Malheleco." [I]Mizu sat on a small pile of snow next to her.[/I] "Isn't there anyone else here?"she asked. [I]Feuer shook his head in a negative.Mizu looked around and took off her backpack and opened it.She brought out an ocarina.[Imagine the Ocarina of Time]She placed her fingers in the correct positions and brought the mouthpiece up and blew into it,moving her fingers gently.A beautiful melody came forth and Mizu continued to play to pass the time.She'd play different tunes.Some fast,some slow.Some happy,some sad.It was good to pass time though while waiting for others to arrive.[/I][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=darkblue]Nisha sat in the car.It was silent and awkward. "uh....So.....Did you have fun with Umi-Umi?"Nisha asked trying to break the silence.Alex just shrugged as she continued to look out of the window.Nisha sighed and the rest of the trip was silent. When they arrived at Nisha's house they got out.Nisha thanked Andrew and waved to him as he pulled out of the driveway.They walked to the doorstep and Nisha unlocked the door. "Hi Mom,Hi Dad!!Alex's staying over tonight k?" "Sure Nisha.I'll bring up the foldable bed soon."Sakura replied. Nisha and Alex went upstairs and into Nisha's bedroom.She opened the drawer of Kai and prodded him awake gently. "Hey Kai.Wake up."Nisha called. He stirred and flew out. "What happened?"he asked drowsily. "It was a Clow Card.We didn't get it though."Nisha said. "What?!What card?Who got it?"Kai asked suddenly being fully awake. "It was the Twin Card.No one has it.It's out in the open." "Why didn't you capture it?"Kai asked. "Siaga appeared and she and Alex got into a fight."Nisha said looking at Alex who was looking out of Nisha's window. "oh....We need to catch it soon.If not it can cause a lot of trouble." "I know Kai...But we need to get both parts together." "We'll need to come up with a plan.Don't worry.I'm on it."Kai said. Nisha just nodded and started to talk to Alex,trying to get her to open up.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=darkblue][I]Delles yawned.She was leaned against an outside wall of an inn.It was so boriing and there was nothing to do...She was thinking deeply.She yawned again and stood straight.She reached up,stretching her frame. 'This town is so dull...'she thought to herself. Delles walked away and looked for anything interesting.With any luck she wouldn't bump into her older brother Vinz.He dreamed so much and was obsessed with flying like their father was. As Delles continued to walk through the town something caught her eye.She spotted a shooting range.She smiled slightly and headed over to it.There were small booths with a target on the back wall in front of them.One of the men smiled at her and offered her a gun.Delles just turned away and drew her pistol.She took the safety glasses and ear-muffs from the next man and walked into one of the booths.She aimed and fired 5 quick shots.They all landed in the middle of the bullseye.She faced the men who were quite surprised.[/I] "I want a moving target."she said coldly. [I]The men were shocked but nodded and lead her away into another area.There was no one else inside the room.2 men stayed with her and turned on the machine.Targets started to swing back and forth.Delles took aim and hit it in the middle everytime.Soon she called 'faster' and the man turned up the speed.Delles still kept up and continued to hit the center.[/I] "I want to do the discusses." [I]Now they were more surprised but the second man got out the launcher and shot the disks.Delles aimed and shatter the disks.Soon they were out of disks so she left the shooting range,looking for something else interesting.[/I][/color] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorry if it's a bit bad...I've been having writer's block lately.
  23. [COLOR=darkblue]I don't think many people know the anime Vandread so don't worry.It doesn't have much to do with the anime. The Reaper is still around and is continuing its harvest of machines.(The Reaper is a large machine that sucks up robots and machines and is the main enemy.) Hibiki,Dita,Meia,Jura and all of the others have died and there is a need of new Vanguard and Dread pilots.Some new men and women have decided to take the chance and are headed to Nirvana[The Good Mothership] for interviews. Vanguards and Dreads have powers to join together to make a better machine called a VanDread. [b]Good Machines: [img]http://www.geocities.com/vandreadstages/char/nirvana.jpg[/img] Nirvana [img]http://www.geocities.com/vandreadstages/char/ban.jpg[/img] Vanguard/99 type Bangata Bokugeki-ki [img]http://www.geocities.com/vandreadstages/char/dread.jpg[/img] Dread/Dread Ryousankata [img]http://www.geocities.com/vandreadstages/char/topping.jpg[/img] Delivery Ship Bad Machines: [img]http://www.geocities.com/vandreadstages/char/karitori.jpg[/img] The Reaper/Karitori [img]http://www.geocities.com/vandreadstages/char/cube.jpg[/img] Cube Robots(They appear as cubes before unfolding into robots) [img]http://www.geocities.com/vandreadstages/char/piroshiki.jpg[/img] Cube Gateways/Piroshiki Kata(They drop the Cube Robots to their destinations.) Okay.I'll need quite a few people to play roles. Firstly we'll need about 6 people for good pilots. [img]http://www.geocities.com/vandreadstages/char/hibban.jpg[/img] This is the Vanguard I will be pilotting.Called Van. I need 2 more Vanguard pilots.You can choose what colour. The other 3 will be Dread Pilots.These are your choices.The choice will end up in the skills the Dread has and what your combination will be. [img]http://www.geocities.com/vandreadstages/char/ditadread.jpg[/img] -Offence=Dread Dita [img]http://www.geocities.com/vandreadstages/char/meiadread.jpg[/img] -Speed=Dread Meia [img]http://www.geocities.com/vandreadstages/char/juradread.jpg[/img] -Defense=Dread Jura The VanDreads(United Machines): [img]http://www.geocities.com/vandreadstages/char/vandita.jpg[/img] -Vandread Dita [img]http://www.geocities.com/vandreadstages/char/vanmeia.jpg[/img] -Vandread Meia [img]http://www.geocities.com/vandreadstages/char/vanjura.jpg[/img] -Vandread Jura Then we need a [u]Doctor,Pilot for Nirvana,Technical Person-Good with Computers and stuff,Delivery Person and "The Reaper"(We don't know who it is.Just that he/she exists)[/u] For Signing Up you need: Name: Age: Gender:Tarak(Male)/Mejale(Female) Appearance: Bio:We haven't passed interview yet but we will.So we'll start the RP at all of us at the interviews. Machine: Type:Vanguard/Dread/Other-If so name what.eg Nirvana/Delivery/Reaper (Only if Dread Pilot)Dread Type:M/D/J (Only if Dread Pilot)Dread Skill:Offence/Speed/Defense (Only if Pilotting Vandread/Vanguard)Vandread Type:M/D/J(Both Dread owner and Vanguard owner should have the same one.One Vandread Unity per person.) Appearance:Use the Pic I Provided Here's Mine: Name:[/b]Nisha Toki [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Gender:[/b]Mejale [b]Appearance:[/b]Nisha has shoulder length chocolate brown hair and vibrant emerald eyes.She always wears a blue jacket open with a white t-shirt inside,navy blue pants and blue and white joggers. [b]Bio:[/b]Nisha has always had an interest in Vanguard and Dread pilots.She was born on the mothership Nervana and even had the chance of meeting Hibiki,Dita,Meia,Jura and some others.They taught her about what it was like to pilot the machines.From when she was younger she dreamed of becoming a Vanguard pilot like Hibiki. Nisha was walking around one day and saw the ads for places as new places on Nirvana.Nisha grinned and ran through the ship to get to the area where they were taking interviews.She grabbed a form and filled it in.She handed it in to register lady and took a seat and watied. [b]Machine:[/b] [b]Type:[/b]Vanguard [b]Vandread Type:[/b]Vandread D [b]Appearance:Mine is SP Van Sign Up and Have Fun!!! ~Ohkami[/color] EDIT:I've just noticed the pictures don't work so go [URL=http://www.geocities.com/vandreadstages/mecha.html#dit]Here[/URL] for the pics. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PM ME!![/b]
  24. Sakura


    No.You don't just post anywhere.For RPGs you have to join in a Recruitment Section.If you are accepted,when the maker decides to start it then you can post. Please don't spam though. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=darkblue]Kayley sat in Iris.She leapt around.She lashed at Koga and paused before striking again.She continued before Koga lashed out with a surprise attack and Kayley had to do a backflip to land properly. They continued like that for a long time before stopping.Someone turned off the simulator.They both walked out and parked at the bays before getting out.They were sweating. "Good spar Koga."Kayley said shaking his hand. He nodded and then they left for the showers.On the way they noticed that Nina was at the controls.Kayley waved at her.She was drinking one of the four cans of cola she had.She waved back at Kayley.Kayley and Koga continued and saw Dr Tao in the hall and the vending machine was in pieces with cola cans everywhere. "Nina?"she asked. He nodded and sighed.Kayley bent down and took a few cans before continuing the journey to the showers.[/COLOR]
  25. [color=navy][b]Name:[/b]Nisha Toki [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Role:[/b]Positive [b]Appearance:[/b]Nisha has shoulder length chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes.She always wears a blue jacket over a white t-shirt that has a water and ice symbol on the front,navy blue pants and blue and white nikes. [b]Attitude:[/b]Nisha is the cool headed one from her power of water and ice.She's calm and keeps her head in tough times.She's friendly and people like her.She's a bit of an optimist and always tries to look for the good.She thinks about things before rushing into anything and is the opposite of Fire. [b]Country:[/b]Japan [b]Bio:[/b]Nisha has lived in Japan all of her life.She has a father,mother and an older brother.Her brother taught her how to fight and she carries a small dagger with a blade made of sharp,unbreakable,unluntable crystal and the hilt is made of silver.She has a bit of magic strangely enough.She is able to control water and make it do her will.Her mtoher trained her when she found out.She can breathe underwater for a long time without taking breaths.She could even live underwater without any air. [b]Digivice/element:[/b]Baby Blue/Water and Ice [b]Digimon:[/b] [b]Rookie:[/b]Renamon [b]Champion:[/b]Kyuubimon [b]Ultimate:[/b]Taomon [b]Mega:[/b]Sakuyamon Priestess Mode [b]Bio Merge:[/b]Sakuyamon[/color]
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