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[COLOR=darkblue][B]Name:[/b]Mizu [b]Language of name:[/b]Japanese [b]Appearance:[/b]Mizu has shoulder length chocolate brown hair,emerald eyes.She always wears a blue jacket over a white t-shirt that has a water symbol on the front,navy blue pants and blue and white nikes. [b]Personality:[/b]Mizu is the cool headed one from her power of water.She's calm and keeps her head in tough times.She's friendly and people like her.She's a bit of an optimist and always tries to look for the good. [b]Source:[/b]Water [b]Abilities from source:[/b]Mizu can throw and control water in any form or way they are.Even if it's rain.She's never hot or cold.She stays at a medium temperature.Mizu can stay underwater without air without any problem.She could even live underwater if she wanted without breathing oxygen.She can slightly cool thing off and put out fires but Snow mainly cools things down.[/COLOR]
[b]Name:[/b]Delles [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Appearance:[/b][IMG]http://jokopoko.250free.com/cyhryl-1.jpg[/IMG] [b]Personality:[/b]Delles is quite cold to people that are new to her.She only shows her caring side to those she's close to and cares about.She can be friendly at times,depending on her mood.She's tough and likes to stand up for herself and doesn't take things laying down.If she ever sees someone in trouble she will help no matter who it is. [b]Chief Skill:[/b]Armed Combat and MechaMagic [b]Weapons:[/b]Pistol and some MechaMagic [b]Alligence:[/b]TechnoMagi [b]Biography:[/b]Delles doesn't like her brother.He's obsessed with flying like their father did.She'd rather go to a shooting range and practise her aim or go to a secluded area to practise her MechaMagic.She's always looking for someone to fight with so she can practise her Armed combat. Delles dislikes staying in one place for a long time and is usually never found staying still at one place for more than a few days. She really thinks that her brother doesn't deserve his role as Second in Command and she's trying very hard to beat him and take his place.
[B]OOC:[/B]Ok guys I'm back.Looks like nothing happened while I was gone. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=darkblue]Nisha sat in her room boredly.There was nothing to do.She complained to Kai about it,even though he was asleep on the table.Then she had an idea. She gathered some items and materials and set to work.It took her a few hours to do. Finally she woke the wolf. "What is it Nisha?I was having an exellent dream..."he yawned. Nisha opened a large drawer next to her bed.It was her biggest drawer on her bedside table.Inside was a bed with blankets and pillows,a cupboard,a table and chair,a small light and other small necessities. "Oh thanks!!!"he screamed happily before he flew in and fell asleep again.Nisha smiled and slid it closed quietly. Then she felt something....It was a strange presence.It was quite far....close to the...Aquatic Zoo!!! ["Alex!!"]she called quickly. ["what is it Nisha?"]she asked calmly. ["Do you feel that!!Sense for it!!"] ["I do now!!Is it...."] ["A Clow Card!!!"] ["Meet me here."] ["Right!I'll take the Fly Card.Seeya soon."] Nisha quickly picked up her phone and speed dialed Yoshimi.She explained quickly and told her she was on her way to pick her up so not to call anyone else. Nisha was there quickly and they took off to the Aquatic Zoo.[/COLOR] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Arika and I both know what the card is so don't take any guesses at it in case you're wrong.[/B]
[COLOR=darkblue]Kayley yawned as she sat on a bench.It was 11:55pm.She was waiting for midnight to arrive.The bench she was sitting on was under a lone cherry blossom tree in a cemetary.Lots of spirits were wandering around.A spirit sat next to the girl.It was a winding dragon. "Is it almost time yet Dragoon?"Kayley asked the dragon. "Almost...."he replied in a deep voice. Then there was a flash and a knight looking figure with half of his armour white and half black appeared from a grave.Kayley stood. "At last...."Kayley said quietly as she walked towards him.Dragoon flew next to her. "Sir Nate!"she addressed.The knight turned towards her. "Kayley,my lady what do you need?"he said. "Nate.I wish to train with you again."she said yawning. "But of course.Anything you wish my lady." Kayley thanked him in a curtsy even though she hated doing so.He replied with a flourished bow.They went to a secluded area and they started with meditation and spiritual training.Dragoon joined them in everything.[/COLOR]
[color=navy][b]Name:[/b]Nisha Toki [b]Age:[/b]Just turned 16 [b]Appearance:[/b]See attachment [b]Bio:[/b]One of Nisha's great,great,great,great,great,great,great....Grandfather's was murdered by Master Kakashi a long time ago then Nisha heard on the news that surviving henchmen had gone on a killing spree and she discovered her older brother who she was very close to was killed as well.Nisha was upset and decided to get revenge and stop their killing. [b]Weapon:[/b]A pair of daggers with blades made of sharp,unbreakable,unbluntable crystal and hilts made of silver and a glaive with a blade made of the same crystal and it has a shaft made of polished oak and the bottom is capped with silver. [b]Dragon:[/b]Water,called Tsunami.She calls it Tsu. [b]Dragon Attacks:[/b]I'll post it when I get back.[/color]
[COLOR=darkblue]Nisha looked to the side and saw Harru. "Hey Harru!Nothing really.Why?"she said smiling "Just wondering."he replied. Nisha skated to his wall and leaned against it. "Do you think it's strange that no..."Nisha looked around."Clow Cards have been around lately?"she asked quietly. "Yeah.It is kind of suspicious..."Harru said thinking. They continued to talk for a long time until Nisha decided it was time to go. "If ya need me call me on my cell."Nisha called blading away. "I will!!Cya Nisha!!"he called and waved. Nisha continued her journey down the street and into her house. "Mom,Dad I'm home!"Nisha called before running up to her room.[/COLOR] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]OOC:[/B][B]I'm going away from October 2nd to October 4th.I leave my character in the hands of [I][U]Arika[/U][/I].BUT anyone can use it as long as it is good.I bid you farewell for 3 days. ~Ja!![/b]
[COLOR=darkblue]Nisha had finished her essay and decided to go for a blade.She grabbed a backpack with the Clow Cards and Kai inside and ran out of her bedroom and down the stairs. "Hey Mom I'm going out!!"she called before strapping on her blades and going out the door. She bladed down the streets. "It's ok Kai you can come out." The small wolf flew out of the bag and flew beside Nisha's right shoulder.Nisha sighed happily as the cool wind whipped at her clothes and hair. ["Hey Alex!Where are ya?"]she called happily. ["Hey Nish!I'm at the Aquatic Zoo.Cool eh?"] ["What for?How'd ya get there?"] ["You die when you hear this.Andrew let me drive his EVO VII!!"] ["Seriously?!His pride and joy?!"] ["Yeah!!I was so surprised!"] ["What was the special occassion?"] ["It's my 15th today."] ["Oh man!!I forgot!!I didn't get ya anything.Happy 15th Alex."] ["Thanks.Don't worry.I forgot too!!Anyways I gotta go."] ["Ok.Have fun and tell me all about it later."] ["I'll call if I need ya.Cya."]and they ended the conversation. "Let's go home Kai,Alex will call if she needs me." Nisha put her heels together and she turned around.She pushed off and bladed home.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Nisha had watched the fight.And watched as Garm revived Dango.herself and Aeris watched with wonder as the claws that Garm had revealed lit up with flames and then turned blue and disappeared. "Wow..That was cool...."Nisha said in awe. "I'd better get home or my parents will get worried.Cya tomorrow Aeris.If ya need me send air mail!!"Nisha said before walking home. Aeris chuckled at the joke.Because they aalways sent messages to each other through the wind or air.She waved at Nisha. Nisha continued to walk towards her house until she arrived.She opened the door with her key.She quickly and quietly closed the door before running upstairs and into her bedroom.She locked the door and dumped her bag before flopping onto the bed.She got up and walked to the window,inviting breezes into the room to cool her down.They rushed in softly and blew around her,caressing her gently.Nisha sighed happily.It was so cool.She flicked her hand out and the wind lessened slightly.She got her bag and decided to start on some homework.[/color]
[COLOR=darkblue][b]Name:[/b]Eowen Elessedil [b]Age:[/b]20 [b]Race:[/b]Full Elf [b]Description:[/b]See Meteora's pic.The girl. [b]Bio:[/b]She's the granddaughter of the King of Elves and she's travelling with Shea [b]Weapon:[/b]Shea.Because he's her protector.[/color]
[COLOR=darkblue]Nisha had just finished helping her mother and father for the day and she was headed for her usual place. She muttered a spell and wings that looked like fairy wings sprouted from her back.She crouched and pushed off,the wings flapped and she was airborne.She cast another spell and the winds picked up and she directed them to blow her to the Monks' libraries.She always went to visit there.The ancient books held exellent spells. "Hi Shin.How are you?"Nisha said to the monk standing at the door. "Ah not too bad Nisha."he replied. All of the monks knew Nisha because she usually came to the libraries everyday. "That's good.Well I'm off to the normal section." "Ok.Jaka's there." "Great.Ok cya!" Nisha walked in and headed to the section where all of the ancient spell books were. "Hi Jaka!!"she greeted when she saw him. "Nisha!Hi!"he said back.They were the same age. "What are you doing??"Nisha asked him. "what?Oh I'm just putting some books back on the shelves." Nisha looked at the ground.Dozens and dozens of books were littered on the ground. "That's some?"Nisha scoffed.Jaka just shrugged. "Let me help.Accio"she called and the books flew off the ground and onto the shelves. "Great!Thansk Nisha." "No problem."she said. "Accio Mystical Spells!!"she called and the book came flying down from the tallest shelf.She opened it and flipped through a few pages.She'd stop now and again to read a spell then keep going.Then she found something she was looking for.There were 2 spells.One was a create a summon spell and he other was summon a summon spell.She read through them and since she had good memory it was in her head. She continued to flip through before looking at the clock and seeing it was late she got up and massaged the cramps in her legs before sending the book back up and leaving saying goodbye to the monks she passed. Outside she called her flight spell and flew home.She had decided she would try the summoning spells tomorrow.[/color] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]OOC:[/b]Where are we meeting?I missed the AIM chat so....Is it Ma?Uriith?If so when do we meet?
I haven't seen it but I know all about it. I've seen a lot of screenshots and they're good. I like Cream,Tails and Amy from the series.Sonic's ok. I agree with Hack Helba.I hate how he's Dr. Eggman.Robotnic was way better. For Rockstar.I never knew there was a movie..... Sonic X is about Sonic and Co.Shadow used the Chaos Emerald to do a Chatic Warp thing.They were sent into the human world and Sonic almost drowned in a pool but the owner's grandson Chris saved him.So they're in the Real World trying to find the Chaos Emeralds.
[COLOR=darkblue]Nisha had decided to just go home after school so she got her rollerblades and just bladed home quickly.She was still thinking about the dream. She arrived home and flopped onto her bed.She put her hand into her pocket and looked at her Clow Cards.She had Windy,Fly and Fight.She still needed more until she could get her reward from the mysterious stranger. Nisha got up and grabbed her bag.Deciding to do her homework.She first started on her english essay on "Do you Believe in Magic?".She started to write quickly and after an hour she got up to stretch and get something to eat before returning to her essay.Kai was sitting on the table.He was lying down.Nisha had brought some desert.Kai lifted his nose and sniffed and opened his eyes.He noticed the desert in her hand and started to drool. "Here you go.You're just like Kero."Nisha laughed putting the bowl and spoon in front of his. Then she continued to write.[/color] ------------------------------------------------------------------ [b]No Clow Cards!!![/b]
[COLOR=darkblue]Nisha looked over at Harru and smiled. "Yeah...I'm ok....Thanks."Nisha said quietly before getting her things for class.She was still sweating.It was from the dream and the rush to school. Mr Maka began his lessons.It started with english then maths.Then it was recess.All of the memories in the dream continued to flash through her own head.All the times she had neglected her past best friend. She decided to talk to Yoshimi about it.She was talking to Mia. "Sorry Mia but can I speak to Yoshimi alone please?" She nodded and left.Nisha looked Yoshimi in the eyes. "Why didn't you ever tell me I was neglecting you?" Yoshimi gasped."How did you know...?" "A dream....The real memories flashed by.You wanted to talk to me but I was always talking to someone else.THen you'd run away crying."Nisha told her. "I didn't want you to think I was a crybaby or anything." "I would never say anything like that.You know me better than that." "I know.....I forgot I guess...."Yoshimi said quietly. "Next time you want to talk to me then just tell me.Or if I'm neglecting you or anything,remember." Then the bell rang so they headed back inside.[/color]
What do you mean w/o the original character. All the characters are mostly still there.Just some new people have arrived. Now people you must answer my question. Would you join a RP about Vandread? Even if you're not an RP person please just give your views on the matter. Thanks!
[COLOR=darkblue]Nisha was talking to Aeris outside sitting under a tree.Nisha liked being able to talk to another kind person that had a link with her through the winds of the Zodiacs. Selenay broke up with the rest of the group and headed towards the two other girls.When Nisha and Aeris saw her getting close they greeted her. "Hi Selenay.So where are we going?"Nisha asked standing.She helped Aeris up too and looked at Selenay. "Ah yeah...We're going to my house.The rest have gone ahead." Nisha and Aeris nodded and they started to walk towards the school gate.They were talking because Wind and Water were close because they both flowed so freely.[/color] ------------------------------------------------------------ [b]OOC:[/b]Sorry if it's a bit short or anything.
[color=navy][b]Name:[/b]Nisha Toki [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Appearance:[/b]See attachment [b]Bio:[/b]Nisha first learnt about her powers when she was young.She had been splashing in her bath and she waved her arms and the water flew in those directions.Her mother put her into training and she learned to control her magic fully and learned new spells and stuff.Now she's older she plays with water,making them into shapes and statues.Her mother gets upset at her because it always leaves a wet patch where it was. [b]Element:[/b]Water [b]Weapon:[/b]A sword with a blade made of sharp,unbreakable,unbluntable crystal and a hilt made of silver with dents for hand positions for different attacks and techniques. [b]Secondary weapon:[/b]Pair of Daggers [b]Defensive:[/b]Bubble Shield [b]Special abilities:[/b] Control over Rain and water etc. Holy Water-Heals whoever she wants to Flood-Water appears from no where and floods the areas but she summons air bubbles to surround the people she wants. Water Dragon-Summons a dragon made of water. Blue Waterspout-Throws water.[/color]
[COLOR=darkblue]===Still in the Dream=== Yoshimi stood menacingly.She was shouting insults and words of hurt at the other girl standing there.A small blue wolf floated around the second girl's head.In the girl's hand was a staff with a bird head on top. "I hate you Nisha!!!"screamed Yoshimi. Nisha was shaking.The things that the fake Yoshimi was saying was getting to her emotionally.She looked at Yoshimi.They had been best friends. "Yoshimi!!Stop taking her form you fake!!"Nisha screamed loudly.She continued to repeat her words,shouting and screaming. Then the fake Yoshimi faded away and a memory flashed through the Lasin Shrine.The figures were in front of her. They were from a view of third person.All the times Nisha talked to Alex.Then it focused in on Yoshimi who was always in the background.She was crying.It switched.More memories flashed past of Nisha talking to Alex and each time Yoshimi cried as she tried to talk to her.Tears started to pool in Nisha's eyes.Nisha had never realised like when Yoshimi had told her about leaving her and Mia out of the Card Captures.Nisha wiped at her eyes but more tears flowed.Nisha shouted into the darkness. "STOP IT!!!STOP IT NOW!!!"she cried loudly.The memories stopped and the original mysterious stranger appeared. "Well done Nisha...You have passed...." ====END OF DREAM==== Nisha woke to the annoying beeping of her alarm clock.She hit the button and cried out as she looked at the time.She was going to be late again!!She quickly changed and grabbed her backpack after Kai had gotten in.She ran downstairs to grab her breakfast before strapping her blades on and rushing out of the house. She skated as fast as she could before she arrived at school just in time before Mr Maka walked in.[/color]
[COLOR=darkblue]Name-Nisha Toki Age-16 Gender-Female Sign-Libra-Air-Venus Weapon-Venus Trident of Air Abilities-Various Air and Water spells.Can control winds and create whirlwinds,tornadoes,cyclones etc.She's very acrobatic and quick like a blowing wind. Features-See attachment Persona-Kind and caring she makes friends very easily.Like a calm breeze she can keep a level head in bad times and can calm everyone down.She likes to help people and she has an exellent memory. Bio-Nisha likes to make new friends.When she was born she was born on the first day of Libra.The scales of her sign keep her balanced in any rough times.She was the only person who tried to make friends with Euri after everyone started to be afraid of her.[/color]
[color=navy][b]Name:[/b]Nisha Toki [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Attitude:[/b]Kind,caring,compassionate,likes to help others,friendly,does anything she can when helping a friend or family.She knows when it's time to be serious. [b]Bio:[/b]Nisha's a pretty popular girl.She has lots of friends but one day the monsters started to arrive.She set to helping to defeat them.She grabbed a knife and started to help other people.Then one day she got a message from someone called Jing.It said to meet him and some other people at the "Center of the Earth".At first Nisha thought it was a joke but then something inside of her said that it was real so she decided to give it a chance and set out for the "Center of the Earth". [b]Nickname:[/b]Nisha/Nish-Pronounced Neesh [b]HTUFTW:[/b]Knife [b]Description:[/b][URL=http://images.deviantart.com/large/designs/deviantid/my_dev_id_XD.jpg]Shilin[/URL][/color]
Yes.You are quite correct Phoenix. There is a sequel called Second Stage. I can't believe your library has it.How cool. I've only seen it from my brother's friend's cds of it. I've seen First Stage and a bit of Second Stage I do admit that it's a bit strange.But it is interesting... So would anyone want to join an RP about it.Without the original characters though.
[B]OOC:[/B]Ok.I mean it.NO MORE CLOW CARDS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION.No one had permission from me to release a card.Sorry if I'm being harsh but I have reasons.Thankyou. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=darkblue]"That was a close one Harru." "I know....It might have caused more damage." Nisha reached into her pocket and gave Harru a phone. "They're from Yoshimi's mother so we can keep in contact when someone sees a card."Nisha said. She bladed to Alex and gave her one too.Evean and Mia had gone with Yoshimi so she couldn't give them theirs and Shukuchi left already.Nisha tucked the card into her pocket and looked at her watch.It was late so she said a quick goodbye to Alex and Harru before blading home. She walked through the door and stumbled up to bed.She changed and snuggled in the warmth of the blankets. ===DREAM!!=== Nisha was at the Lasin Shrine again.This time Kai was with her,floating around her head.There was a mysterious stranger again standing far off. "Nisha...You have not captured 10 cards yet.However....Today shall be your first training session."he said before disappearing and a strange cloaked figure appeared. "Who are you!!"Nisha called out. The figure pulled his hood back and Nisha gasped.It was Yoshimi. "Yoshimi?"Nisha said turning weak. "How could you Nisha?We were so close and now you've given me up for Alex?!Is that all I am to you?!Just a friend you can dump if you find a better one?!"Yoshimi said,her voice got louder and louder.Nisha shook her head and said some jumbled words. Nisha remembered this was supposed to be training. "O key of Clow! Power of Magic! Power of Light! Surrender the Wand! The Force Ignite! RELEASE!!!"Nisha chanted and her staff appeared in her right hand. "This is a test isn't it Kai?" "Yes.You must over come this strongly."[/color] -------------------------------------------------------- [b]OOC:[/b]No one can talk to Nisha at the moment.
[color=navy]Nisha sat in her room still bored.Suddenly the door opened again and Chris walked in. "Hey you!"he called addressing her. "Go get me a steak from the butcher.Don't dare take more than an hour or face the consequences.And you are to use your own money." Nisha just stood and walked out the door and down the stairs before going out the front door and down the street.On the ground in front of her was a small royal blue pebble on the ground.She bent down to pick it up and pictures of a White Tiger with snowflake markings speckled on his body.She jumped back into herself and put it into her pocket before running to the butcer and buying the steak.She checked her watch and saw she had 5 minutes to get home.She quickly ran home and gave it to Chris before heading to her room and once again being locked in.[/color]
[color=navy][b]Name:[/b]Nisha Strife [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Weapon:[/b]A sword with a blade made of pure,sharp,unbreakable,unbluntable crystal and a hilt made of silver with dents for hand positions for different attacks and movements.It sits in a sheath made of silver on her back.She also carries a pair of daggers in smaller sheaths on her belt.They're made exactly like the sword without the dents. [b]Magic:[/b]Curaga,Blizzaga,Firaga,Thundaga,Life [b]Summon:[/b]Knights of The Round [b]Description:[/b]See attachment [b]Bio:[/b]Nisha's is Cloud's daughter.When she was young her father told her of his adventures and when she was a bit older Cloud introduced her to the gang and Avalanche members.As she grew older she became better friends with Cloud's friends and about two or three years ago they gave her the weapons she carries for a birthday gift.From then on she always carried them with her.Then last year on her birthday Cloud gave her a special materia he owned.It was a summon.He called it Knights of The Round and he told her that the power was great. Then they heard the announcement about the One-Winged Angel.They were with the group and they all got up and ran out the door.Nisha followed with her backpack full of supplies,Potions,Phoenix Downs,Ethers etc. despite the protest from her father.She was as stubborn as him and now she's travelling with them going on her own adventure with her father and friends.[/color] [b]OOC:[/b]I just based it on Cloud because he would have been the closest to the story. And everything I have put down has been oked by Meteora so don't say stuff like "You're not allowed KOTR".
Oh ok.... Well it's about some people.There's colonies and the males and females are seperate.The females are called Mejale and males are called Tarak.They don't like each other.The main character is a male named Hibiki.The second main character's a female called Dita who always calls Hibiki Alien-San.Because she's never seen a male before.Hibiki was taken by the females in a ship along with two other males.Bart.He's kind of sick minded and soon becomes the Pilot of the ship that the females overtook,the named it Nirvana.And Duerro.He's a doctor.Hibiki pilots a mecha called a Bangata.It's called SP Van but he addresses it as Partner.The females pilot ship like mechas called Dreads.Hibiki's bangata has a special power to join with a dread to become a better robot but the girl always lands on his lap or he's on her lap.The main Dread pilots are Dita,Meia and Jura. There's a lot more to the story too but I can't explain it.I think it's a really good anime.I hope that's clear....If not PM me or something.
[COLOR=darkblue]Nisha was sitting at her table.She yawned and rubbed her eyes.She looked down and noticed pages and pages of homework completed.She didn't know she had done so much.Suddenly her phone on the table started to ring and vibrate.Nisha just sat there,she was dreaming and soon she noticed the phone ringing.She snapped out of it and quickly answered. "Sorry...Hello?"Nisha said to the caller. "Nisha!!Come to the Park!!It's a Clow Card!!"Yoshimi cried from the other side. "Hang on.What is it.Do you know?" "It's the Fight Card.It's possessed Mia and Evean and I are fighting it."Yoshimi replied.Nisha could hear terror in her voice. "Ok.I'll be right there with Alex.Bye."Nisha said as she hung up. ["Alex!Can you hear me?"]Nisha said through their link. ["Yeah.What's wrong?"]Alex said. ["There's a Clow Card.Get to the Park ASAP.It's possessed Mia."] At Alex's side she dropped her pacer as soon as she heard the word Clow Card.When she heard it was possessing Mia she stood. ["I'll be there!!Move it!!"]Alex said as they both left their rooms and put on their Blades. ["Sure thing.I'm already ahead of ya."]Nisha said. Nisha called to her mother and told her before blading out the door and towards the park.As she bladed she chanted. "O Key of Clow!! Power of Magic!! Power of Light!! Surrender the Wand!! The Force Ignite!! RELEASE!!!" Her staff appeared in her right hand and she soon saw Mia,Yoshimi and Evean.She looked to the other side of the park and saw Alex coming from that way. Nisha stopped next to Yoshimi who was holding her cheek. "are you ok Yoshimi?"Nisha said crouching. She just nodded and she was staring away from Nisha.Nisha turned to what she was looking at and saw Evean and Mia.Mia's eyes were lifeless.Alex arrived next to Nisha. "So what's the details?"she asked. "Mia's possessed.Can't hurt her,she hurt Yoshimi,Evean's keeping her busy."Nisha listed out shortly. "We gotta do something..."Yoshimi said quietly. "I know Yoshimi...I know..."Nisha said looking as Evean was dodging attacks and blocking them.[/COLOR]